"lang" { "Language" "danish" "Tokens" { "TF_AutoAssign" "&1 TILDEL AUTOMATISK" "[english]TF_AutoAssign" "&1 AUTO ASSIGN" "TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "TF_Observer" "OBSERVATØR" "[english]TF_Observer" "OBSERVER" "TF_Random" "TILFÆLDIG" "[english]TF_Random" "RANDOM" "TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "TF_Scout" "SCOUT" "[english]TF_Scout" "SCOUT" "TF_Sniper" "SNIPER" "[english]TF_Sniper" "SNIPER" "TF_Soldier" "SOLDIER" "[english]TF_Soldier" "SOLDIER" "TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "[english]TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "TF_Medic" "MEDIC" "[english]TF_Medic" "MEDIC" "TF_HWGuy" "HEAVY" "[english]TF_HWGuy" "HEAVY" "TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "[english]TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "TF_Spy" "SPY" "[english]TF_Spy" "SPY" "TF_Engineer" "ENGINEER" "[english]TF_Engineer" "ENGINEER" "TF_Class_Name_Undefined" "" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Undefined" "" "TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Scout" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Scout" "TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Sniper" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Sniper" "TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "Soldier" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "Soldier" "TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medic" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medic" "TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Heavy" "[english]TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Heavy" "TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Spy" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Spy" "TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Engineer" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Engineer" "TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED" "TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 spiller" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 player" "TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 spillere" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 players" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 tilskuer: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 tilskuere: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "DØD" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "DEAD" "TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Navn" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Name" "TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Pointtal" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 point" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 point" "TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 point" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 points" "TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Drab:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Kills:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Dødsfald:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Deaths:" "TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Assisterede drab:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Assists:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Ødelæggelse:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Destruction:" "TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Erobringer:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Captures:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Forsvaringer:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Defenses:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Domineringer:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Domination:" "TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Hævn:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Revenge:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Heling:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Healing:" "TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Usårligheder:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Invulns:" "TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Teleporteringer:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Teleports:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "Hovedskud:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "Headshots:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Rygstik:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Backstabs:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Skade:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Damage:" "TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Sentry-drab:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Sentry Kills:" "Scoreboard_Server" "Server: %s1" "[english]Scoreboard_Server" "Server: %s1" "Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Resterende banetid på server: %s1:%s2:%s3" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2:%s3" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Resterende banetid på server: %s1:%s2" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2" "Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Resterende banetid på server: Ingen tidsbegrænsning" "[english]Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Server map time left: No time limit" "Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Der skiftes til en ny bane når runden slutter...) Resterende banetid: 00:00" "[english]Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Map change on round end...) Server map time left: 00:00" "TF_SteamRequired" "Steam påkrævet" "[english]TF_SteamRequired" "Steam Required" "TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "En internetforbindelse til Steam er påkrævet, hvis du vil nulstille dine statistikker." "[english]TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "A connection to Steam is required in order to reset your statistics." "TF_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "[english]TF_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "TF_Dominated" "DOMINERET" "[english]TF_Dominated" "DOMINATED" "TF_Nemesis_lodef" "NEM" "[english]TF_Nemesis_lodef" "NEM" "TF_Dominated_lodef" "DOM" "[english]TF_Dominated_lodef" "DOM" "TF_NewNemesis" "Ny nemesis!" "[english]TF_NewNemesis" "New Nemesis!" "TF_GotRevenge" "Hævn!" "[english]TF_GotRevenge" "Revenge!" "TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "[english]TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "TF_Taunt" "Hån" "[english]TF_Taunt" "Taunts" "TF_FeignArmed" "-ARMERET-" "[english]TF_FeignArmed" "-ARMED-" "ClassTips_1_1" "Du erobrer punkter hurtigere end andre klasser!" "[english]ClassTips_1_1" "You capture points faster than other classes!" "ClassTips_2_1" "Din Snigskytteriffel bliver opladet, så den gør større skade, når du er zoomet ind!" "[english]ClassTips_2_1" "Your sniper rifle will power up to do more damage while you are zoomed in!" "ClassTips_3_1" "Skyd din raketkaster mod fjendens fødder!" "[english]ClassTips_3_1" "Shoot your rocket launcher at enemy's feet!" "ClassTips_4_1" "Fjerndetoner dine klæbebomber, når dine fjender er i nærheden af dem!" "[english]ClassTips_4_1" "Remote detonate your stickybombs when enemies are near them!" "ClassTips_5_1" "Fyld din ÜberLadning op ved at hele dine holdkammerater!" "[english]ClassTips_5_1" "Fill your ÜberCharge by healing your team mates!" "ClassTips_6_1" "Spin din Rullekanon uden at affyre det, så du er parat til angribende fjender!" "[english]ClassTips_6_1" "Spin your minigun without firing to be ready for approaching enemies!" "ClassTips_7_1" "Lok fjender i baghold ved hjørner!" "[english]ClassTips_7_1" "Ambush enemies at corners!" "ClassTips_8_1" "Forklæd dig selv som en fjende og infiltrer fjendens base!" "[english]ClassTips_8_1" "Disguise yourself as a enemy and infiltrate the enemy base!" "ClassTips_9_1" "Saml metal fra tabte våben til at bygge med!" "[english]ClassTips_9_1" "Collect metal from fallen weapons to build with!" "ClassTips_12_1" "Lad spillet vælge en tilfældig klasse for dig." "[english]ClassTips_12_1" "Let the game randomly choose a class for you." "TF_Welcome" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome" "Welcome" "TF_Welcome_birthday" "Velkommen og tillykke med fødselsdagen TF!" "[english]TF_Welcome_birthday" "Welcome and Happy Birthday TF!" "TF_Welcome_halloween" "Velkommen og glædelig Halloween!" "[english]TF_Welcome_halloween" "Welcome and Happy Halloween!" "TF_Cancel" "ANNULLER (&0)" "[english]TF_Cancel" "CANCEL (&0)" "TF_Back" "&TILBAGE" "[english]TF_Back" "&BACK" "TF_WatchIntro" "&SE FILM" "[english]TF_WatchIntro" "&WATCH MOVIE" "Button_SkipIntro" "&SPRING FILM OVER" "[english]Button_SkipIntro" "&SKIP MOVIE" "TF_Continue" "&FORTSÆT" "[english]TF_Continue" "&CONTINUE" "TF_SelectATeam" "VÆLG ET HOLD" "[english]TF_SelectATeam" "SELECT A TEAM" "TF_SelectAClass" "VÆLG EN KLASSE" "[english]TF_SelectAClass" "SELECT A CLASS" "TF_AutoTeamSelect" "AUTO-VÆLG" "[english]TF_AutoTeamSelect" "AUTO SELECT" "TF_Spectate" "KIG PÅ" "[english]TF_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "TF_Play" "SPIL!" "[english]TF_Play" "PLAY!" "TF_Close" "&LUK" "[english]TF_Close" "&CLOSE" "TF_ResetStats" "&NULSTIL STATISTIK" "[english]TF_ResetStats" "&RESET STATS" "TF_NextTip" "NÆSTE &TIP" "[english]TF_NextTip" "NEXT &TIP" "TF_NextTip_360" "Næste tip" "[english]TF_NextTip_360" "Next Tip" "TF_Confirm" "Bekræft" "[english]TF_Confirm" "Confirm" "TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille dine spillerstatistikker?\nEfter nulstilling kan dine gamle statistikker ikke gendannes!" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Are you sure you want to reset your player stats?\nOnce reset your old stats cannot be recovered!" "TF_TeamsSwitched" "Holdene er blevet skiftet." "[english]TF_TeamsSwitched" "Teams have been switched." "TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "NULSTIL" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "RESET" "TF_WatchIntro_360" "Se film" "[english]TF_WatchIntro_360" "Watch Movie" "Button_SkipIntro_360" "Spring over film" "[english]Button_SkipIntro_360" "Skip Movie" "TF_Continue_360" "Fortsæt" "[english]TF_Continue_360" "Continue" "TF_Offense" "ANGREB" "[english]TF_Offense" "OFFENSE" "TF_Defense" "FORSVAR" "[english]TF_Defense" "DEFENSE" "TF_Support" "SUPPORT" "[english]TF_Support" "SUPPORT" "TF_Next" "Næste" "[english]TF_Next" "Next" "TF_Prev" "Forrige" "[english]TF_Prev" "Previous" "TF_NextPrev" "Næste / Forrige" "[english]TF_NextPrev" "Next / Previous" "TF_timeleft" "Tid tilbage: %s1:%s2" "[english]TF_timeleft" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* Ingen tidsgrænse *" "[english]TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* No Time Limit *" "TF_nextmap" "Næste bane: %s1" "[english]TF_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "TF_PlayingTo" "Spiller til: %rounds%" "[english]TF_PlayingTo" "Playing to: %rounds%" "TF_Cloak" "SKJUL" "[english]TF_Cloak" "CLOAK" "TF_Metal" "METAL" "[english]TF_Metal" "METAL" "TF_Phase" "UNDVIG" "[english]TF_Phase" "DODGE" "TF_Ball" "BOLD" "[english]TF_Ball" "BALL" "TF_Jar" "KRUKKE" "[english]TF_Jar" "JAR" "TF_Rage" "RASERI" "[english]TF_Rage" "RAGE" "TF_Berzerk" "HOVEDER" "[english]TF_Berzerk" "HEADS" "TF_Charge" "LØB" "[english]TF_Charge" "CHARGE" "TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "IKKE MERE AMMUNITION" "[english]TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "OUT OF AMMO" "Game_connected" "%s1 tilsluttede sig" "[english]Game_connected" "%s1 connected" "game_spawn_as" "*Du vender tilbage som %s1" "[english]game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "*Du vender tilbage som %s1" "[english]game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "*Du kommer ind med en tilfældig klasse" "[english]game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "*Du vender tilbage med tilfældig rang" "[english]game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "round_restart_in_sec" "Runden starter igen om %s1 sekund" "[english]round_restart_in_sec" "The round will restart in %s1 second" "round_restart_in_secs" "Runden starter igen om %s1 sekunder" "[english]round_restart_in_secs" "The round will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_restart_in_sec" "Spillet starter igen om %s1 sekund" "[english]game_restart_in_sec" "The game will restart in %s1 second" "game_restart_in_secs" "Spillet starter igen om %s1 sekunder" "[english]game_restart_in_secs" "The game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_switch_in_sec" "Skifter hold!\nSpillet starter igen om %s1 sekund" "[english]game_switch_in_sec" "Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second" "game_switch_in_secs" "Skifter hold!\nSpillet starter igen om %s1 sekunder" "[english]game_switch_in_secs" "Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_scramble_in_sec" "Gør holdene parate!\nSpillet starter igen om %s1 sekund" "[english]game_scramble_in_sec" "Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second" "game_scramble_in_secs" "Gør holdene parate!\nSpillet starter igen om %s1 sekunder" "[english]game_scramble_in_secs" "Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_now" "Gør klar til at vende tilbage" "[english]game_respawntime_now" "Prepare to respawn" "game_respawntime_in_sec" "Vender tilbage om: 1 sekund" "[english]game_respawntime_in_sec" "Respawn in: 1 second" "game_respawntime_in_secs" "Vender tilbage om: %s1 sekunder" "[english]game_respawntime_in_secs" "Respawn in: %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_stalemate" "Man kan ikke vende tilbage i Pludselig Død" "[english]game_respawntime_stalemate" "No respawning in Sudden Death" "game_respawntime_next_round" "Vender tilbage om: Vent indtil næste runde" "[english]game_respawntime_next_round" "Respawn in: Wait for next round" "game_auto_team_balance_in" "Holdene vil automatisk blive afbalancerede om %s1 sekunder." "[english]game_auto_team_balance_in" "Teams will be auto-balanced in %s1 seconds." "game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 blev flyttet til det andet hold af hensyn til spillets balance" "[english]game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 was moved to the other team for game balance" "game_idle_kick" "%s1 har stået stille for længe og er blevet smidt ud" "[english]game_idle_kick" "%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kicked" "TF_MOTD_Title" "DAGENS BESKED" "[english]TF_MOTD_Title" "MESSAGE OF THE DAY" "TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "[english]TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Fjende: %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Enemy: %s2" "TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "[english]TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "TF_playerid_object" "%s1 bygget af %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object" "%s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_level" "( Niveau %s1 )" "[english]TF_playerid_object_level" "( Level %s1 )" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Opgraderingsforløb: %s1" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Upgrade Progress: %s1" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Niveau %s1 ) Opgraderingsfremskridt: %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Level %s1 ) Upgrade Progress: %s2" "TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Fjendtlig %s1 bygget af %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Enemy %s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Oplader: %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Recharging: %s1%" "TF_playerid_healer" "Heler:" "[english]TF_playerid_healer" "Healer: " "TF_playerid_healtarget" "Heler: " "[english]TF_playerid_healtarget" "Healing: " "TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Forklædt som %s1 %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Disguised as %s1 %s2" "TF_playerid_mediccharge" "ÜberLadning: %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge" "ÜberCharge: %s1%" "TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "ÜberLadning: %s1% (%s2)" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "ÜberCharge: %s1% (%s2)" "TF_playerid_noheal" "%s1 forhindrer heling!" "[english]TF_playerid_noheal" "%s1 blocks healing!" "TF_friendly" "venlig" "[english]TF_friendly" "friendly" "TF_enemy" "fjendtlig" "[english]TF_enemy" "enemy" "TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "[english]TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "KLASSESPECIFIKKE FÆRDIGHEDER" "[english]TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "CLASS SPECIFIC SKILL" "TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDIC: Brug ÜberLadning" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDIC: Deploy ÜberCharge" "TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY: Spin Rullekanonsløb" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel" "TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom ind med snigskytteriffel" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Usynliggør / Synliggør" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Cloak / Uncloak" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Sidste forklædning" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Last Disguise" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SPY: Skift holdforklædning" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SPY: Toggle Disguise Team" "TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN: Detoner klæbebomber" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN: Detonate Stickybombs" "TF_Call_For_Medic" "Tilkald en Medic" "[english]TF_Call_For_Medic" "Call for a Medic" "TF_DropFlag" "Smid mappen" "[english]TF_DropFlag" "Drop the briefcase" "TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Skift klasser med det samme" "[english]TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Switch classes immediately" "TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Skift info-bane" "[english]TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Toggle Round Info Map" "TF_MapInfo" "Vis baneoplysninger" "[english]TF_MapInfo" "Show Map Information" "TF_Inspect" "Inspicer mål eller genstand" "[english]TF_Inspect" "Inspect Target or Item" "TF_voice_menu_A" "Talemenu 1" "[english]TF_voice_menu_A" "Voice Menu 1" "TF_voice_menu_B" "Talemenu 2" "[english]TF_voice_menu_B" "Voice Menu 2" "TF_voice_menu_C" "Talemenu 3" "[english]TF_voice_menu_C" "Voice Menu 3" "TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Gem dette øjeblik!" "[english]TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment!" "TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(HOLD) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(TEAM) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team" "(HOLD) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team" "(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DØD*(HOLD) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Spec" "(Tilskuer) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllDead" "*DØD* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*TILSK* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 skiftede navn til %s2" "[english]TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Højtidsbegrænsning: Halloween" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween" "TF_Weapon_Bat" "Bat" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bat" "Bat" "TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Flaske" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Bottle" "TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Brandøkse" "[english]TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Fire Axe" "TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri" "[english]TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri" "TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "Koben" "[english]TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "Crowbar" "TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Knoglesav" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Bonesaw" "TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Flammekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Granatkaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Grenade Launcher" "TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Klæbebombekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Knife" "Kniv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife" "Knife" "TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Medicinsæt" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Medikit" "TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Rullekanon" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistol" "TF_Weapon_Fists" "Næver" "[english]TF_Weapon_Fists" "Fists" "TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Revolver" "[english]TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Revolver" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Raketkaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Haglgevær" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Shotgun" "TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Skovl" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Shovel" "TF_Weapon_SMG" "Maskinpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_SMG" "SMG" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Snigskytteriffel" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Supermaskinpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Super SMG" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Klæbebombekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Bedøvelsespistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Tranquilizer Gun" "TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Skruenøgle" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Wrench" "TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Byg" "[english]TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Build" "TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flag" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flag" "TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Sømpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Nail Gun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medi-gevær" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Haglspreder" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Injektionssprøjtepistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Syringe Gun" "TF_Weapon_Watch" "Usynlighedsur" "[english]TF_Weapon_Watch" "Invis Watch" "TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Signalpistolen" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Flare Gun" "TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Madkasse" "[english]TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Lunch Box" "TF_Wearable_Shield" "Skjold" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shield" "Shield" "TF_Weapon_Jar" "Krukkebaseret karate" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar" "Jar Based Karate" "TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "Bue" "[english]TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "Bow" "TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Kampbanner" "[english]TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Battle Banner" "TF_Weapon_Sword" "Sværd" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sword" "Sword" "TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Hakke" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Pickaxe" "TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Forhammer" "[english]TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Sledgehammer" "TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Improviseret kølle" "[english]TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Makeshift Club" "TF_Wearable_Boots" "Støvler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Boots" "Boots" "TF_Wearable_Medal" "Medalje" "[english]TF_Wearable_Medal" "Medal" "TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "Højtidshat" "[english]TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "Holiday Hat" "TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura af Ubestikkelighed" "[english]TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura of Incorruptibility" "TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Slåerens Hjelm" "[english]TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Batter's Helmet" "TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Trofæbæltet" "[english]TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Trophy Belt" "TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Soldiers Lager" "[english]TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Soldier's Stash" "TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Demomans Afro" "[english]TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Demoman's Fro" "TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Preussisk Pikkelhjelm" "[english]TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Prussian Pickelhaube" "TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Pyros Propelkasket" "[english]TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Pyro's Beanie" "TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Football-hjelm" "[english]TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Football Helmet" "TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Minelampe" "[english]TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Mining Light" "TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora" "[english]TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora" "TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texansk Cowboyhat" "[english]TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texas Ten Gallon" "TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Lokomotivførerens Kasket" "[english]TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap" "TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officerens Pelshue" "[english]TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officer's Ushanka" "TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Børstens Skihue" "[english]TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Tough Guy's Toque" "TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Rustfri Gryde" "[english]TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Stainless Pot" "TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Tyranens Hjelm" "[english]TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Tyrant's Helm" "TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Skottehue" "[english]TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Glengarry Bonnet" "TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Gammel Tyrolerhat" "[english]TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Vintage Tyrolean" "TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Respektløs Gummihandske" "[english]TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Respectless Rubber Glove" "TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Kameraskæg" "[english]TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Camera Beard" "TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Otorhinolaryngologens Spejl" "[english]TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Otolaryngologist's Mirror" "TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Brandmandshjelm" "[english]TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Brigade Helm" "TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Bonk-hjelm" "[english]TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Bonk Helm" "TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Den Gamle Bagerdreng" "[english]TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Ye Olde Baker Boy" "TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Bagtalerens Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Backbiter's Billycock" "TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Professionels Panamahat" "[english]TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Professional's Panama" "TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "Mesterens Gule Bælte" "[english]TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "Master's Yellow Belt" "TF_Hatless_Scout" "Baseball Bills Hårgelé" "[english]TF_Hatless_Scout" "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" "TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Ritzy Ricks Hårplejemiddel" "[english]TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative" "TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Texas Slims Polervoks" "[english]TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Texas Slim's Dome Shine" "TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Skotsk Skorstensrør" "[english]TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Scotsman's Stove Pipe" "TF_HonestyHalo" "Snyderens Klagesang" "[english]TF_HonestyHalo" "Cheater's Lament" "TF_Halloween_Hat" "Lettere Foruroligende Halloween-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Hat" "Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask" "TF_Domination_Hat" "Gyseligere Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat" "Ghastlier Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Endnu mere gyselig." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Even more ghastly." "TF_L4DHat" "Bills Hat" "[english]TF_L4DHat" "Bill's Hat" "TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Veteranens Beret" "[english]TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Veteran's Beret" "TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace" "J.Axers Stiveste Puds" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace" "J.Axer's Dapper Topper" "TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "1.-plads, propagandakonkurrence" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "First Place Winner, Propaganda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace" "Ambers Overdrevet Seje Hat" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace" "Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat" "TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "2.-plads, propagandakonkurrence" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "First Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Onkel Sam" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Uncle Sam" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "3.-plads, propagandakonkurrence" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "Second Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest" "TF_ToweringPillar_Hat" "Tårnende Hattesøjle" "[english]TF_ToweringPillar_Hat" "Towering Pillar of Hats" "TF_NobleAmassment_Hat" "Nobel Samling af Hatte" "[english]TF_NobleAmassment_Hat" "Noble Amassment of Hats" "TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Beskeden Hattebunke" "[english]TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Modest Pile of Hat" "TF_MedicMask" "Lægens Operationsmaske" "[english]TF_MedicMask" "Physician's Procedure Mask" "TF_HeavyHair" "Elviskrøllen" "[english]TF_HeavyHair" "Hound Dog" "TF_DemomanHallmark" "Svindlerens Adelsmærke" "[english]TF_DemomanHallmark" "Hustler's Hallmark" "TF_SpyNobleHair" "Magistratens Paryk" "[english]TF_SpyNobleHair" "Magistrate's Mullet" "TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Svejsemasken" "[english]TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Hotrod" "TF_ScoutBeanie" "Ballademagerens Hue" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie" "Troublemaker's Tossle Cap" "TF_PyroBrainSucker" "Triboniophorus Tyrannus" "[english]TF_PyroBrainSucker" "Triboniophorus Tyrannus" "TF_SoldierSamurai" "Dræberens Samuraihjelm" "[english]TF_SoldierSamurai" "Killer's Kabuto" "TF_SniperPithHelmet" "Skyttens Tropehjelm" "[english]TF_SniperPithHelmet" "Shooter's Sola Topi" "TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Max' Afskårne Hoved" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Max's Severed Head" "DeathMsg_Suicide" "sagde farvel til denne verden!" "[english]DeathMsg_Suicide" "bid farewell, cruel world!" "DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "gjorde det af med" "[english]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "finished off" "DeathMsg_Fall" "led en klodset, smertefuld død" "[english]DeathMsg_Fall" "fell to a clumsy, painful death" "Msg_Captured" "erobrede" "[english]Msg_Captured" "captured" "Msg_Defended" "forsvarede" "[english]Msg_Defended" "defended" "Msg_Dominating" "DOMINERER" "[english]Msg_Dominating" "is DOMINATING" "Msg_Revenge" "fik HÆVN på" "[english]Msg_Revenge" "got REVENGE on" "Msg_PickedUpFlag" "samlede efterretningerne op!" "[english]Msg_PickedUpFlag" "picked up the intelligence!" "Msg_CapturedFlag" "erobrede efterretningerne!" "[english]Msg_CapturedFlag" "captured the intelligence!" "Msg_DefendedFlag" "forsvarede efterretningerne!" "[english]Msg_DefendedFlag" "defended the intelligence!" "TF_OK" "OK" "[english]TF_OK" "OK" "TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Din forklædning er blevet fjernet." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Your disguise has been removed." "TF_Spy_Disguising" "Forklæder sig som %s1 %s2..." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguising" "Disguising as %s1 %s2..." "TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "Du er forklædt som en %s1 %s2." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "You are disguised as a %s1 %s2." "TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Forklædningsvåben: %s1." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Disguise Weapon: %s1." "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "TF_Object_Sentry" "Sentry" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry" "Sentry Gun" "TF_Object_Dispenser" "Dispenser" "[english]TF_Object_Dispenser" "Dispenser" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Teleporter-udgang" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Teleporter Exit" "TF_object_sapper" "Sapper" "[english]TF_object_sapper" "Sapper" "TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Sentry" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Sentry" "TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Indgang" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Entrance" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Udgang" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Exit" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Bygger Sentry... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Sentry Gun Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Sentry ( niveau %s1 ) Helbred %s2 Patroner %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Sentry Gun ( Level %s1 ) Health %s2 Shells %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Sentry ( niveau 3 ) Helbred %s1 Patroner %s2 Raketter %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Sentry Gun ( Level 3 ) Health %s1 Shells %s2 Rockets %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Bygger dispenser... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Dispenser Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Dispenser ( Niveau %s1 ) Helbred %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Dispenser ( Level %s1 ) Health %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Bygger sapper... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Sapper Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Sapper-helbred %s1 Målets helbred %s2" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Sapper Health %s1 Target Health %s2" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Klar" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Ready" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "Oplader" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "Charging" "CP5_red_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]CP5_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "CP_setup_30sec" "Spillet starter om 30 sekunder!" "[english]CP_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "CP_setup_10sec" "Spillet starter om 10 sekunder!" "[english]CP_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "CP_cap_cp3" "det centrale kontrolpunkt" "[english]CP_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "CP_cap_red_cp1" "RED's base" "[english]CP_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "CP_cap_blue_cp1" "BLU's base" "[english]CP_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Forsvar kontrolpunkterne mod hold BLU!" "[english]Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Defend the Control points against team BLU!" "Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr begge kontrolpunkter for at vinde runden og avancere!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Capture both Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Forsvar de sidste to kontrolpunkter eller fjenden vil vinde spillet!" "[english]Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Defend the final two Control Points or the enemy will win the game!" "Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Erobr de sidste to kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Capture the final two Control Points to win the game!" "Dustbowl_team1" "Angribere" "[english]Dustbowl_team1" "Attackers" "Dustbowl_team2" "Forsvarere" "[english]Dustbowl_team2" "Defenders" "Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "Du sikrede\nkommandopunkt ET!!" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "You secured\nCommand Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "Du sikrede\nkommandopunkt TO!!" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "You secured\nCommand Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Beskyt dit hovedkvarter mod\ndet angribende hold !!" "[english]Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Protect your HQ from\nthe attacking team !!" "Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Bring dit flag\ntil hovedkvarteret!!" "[english]Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Bring your flag\nto the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Bring flaget til\nkommandopunkt ET." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Take the flag to\nCommand Point ONE." "Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Bring flaget til\nkommandopunkt TO." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Take the flag to\nCommand Point TWO." "Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Bring flaget til hovedkvarteret !!" "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Take the flag to the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "Hold BLU sikrer\nkommandopunkt ET!!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "Hold BLU sikrer\nkommandopunkt TO!!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Flaget er vendt tilbage til basen." "[english]Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Flag has returned to base." "Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_gates_open" "Portene er åbne!!" "[english]Dustbowl_gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Resterende tid:\nFem minutter" "[english]Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nFive minutes" "Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Resterende tid:\nFire minutter" "[english]Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nFour minutes" "Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Resterende tid:\nTre minutter" "[english]Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nThree minutes" "Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Resterende tid:\nTo minutter" "[english]Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nTwo minutes" "Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Resterende tid:\nTres sekunder" "[english]Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Time remaining:\nSixty seconds" "Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Resterende tid:\nTredive sekunder" "[english]Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Time remaining:\nThirty seconds" "Dustbowl_attackers_win" "Hovedkvarteret er\nblevet erobret!!" "[english]Dustbowl_attackers_win" "The Headquarters has\nbeen captured !!" "Dustbowl_defenders_win" "Hovedkvarteret er\nblevet forsvaret med succes!!" "[english]Dustbowl_defenders_win" "The Headquarters has\nbeen successfully defended !!" "Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "Første erobring, område ét" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Anden erobring, område ét" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "Første erobring, område to" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Anden erobring, område to" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "Første erobring, område tre" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "Raketten, endelige erobring" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "the Rocket, Final Cap" "Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Sørg for, at det fjendtlige hold ikke flytter vognen ind på din base!" "[english]Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Prevent the enemy team from moving the cart to your base!" "Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Flyt vognen ind på kontrolpunkterne for at vinde runden og avancere!" "[english]Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Move the cart to the Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Sørg for, at vognen ikke rykker ind på din base, ellers vil fjenden vinde spillet!" "[english]Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Prevent the cart from moving to your base or the enemy will win the game!" "Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Flyt vognen ind på fjendens base for at destruere basen og vinde spillet!" "[english]Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Move the cart to the enemy base to destroy it and win the game!" "Goldrush_team1" "Angribere" "[english]Goldrush_team1" "Attackers" "Goldrush_team2" "Forsvarere" "[english]Goldrush_team2" "Defenders" "Goldrush_cap_1_A" "Første erobring, område ét" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Anden erobring, område ét" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_2_A" "Første erobring, område to" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Anden erobring, område to" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_3_A" "Første erobring, område tre" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Anden erobring, område tre" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Second Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Atomgrav, sidste erobring" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Atomic pit, Final Cap" "Badwater_cap_1" "Første erobringspunkt" "[english]Badwater_cap_1" "First Capture point" "Badwater_cap_2" "Andet erobringspunkt" "[english]Badwater_cap_2" "Second Capture point" "Badwater_cap_3" "Tredje erobringspunkt" "[english]Badwater_cap_3" "Third Capture point" "Badwater_cap_4" "Sidste erobringspunkt" "[english]Badwater_cap_4" "Final Capture point" "2fort_red_setup_goal" "Snup efterretningsmappen fra fjendens kælder. Vend tilbage til din egen kælder for at vinde!" "[english]2fort_red_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Snup efterretningsmappen fra fjendens kælder. Vend tilbage til din egen kælder for at vinde!" "[english]2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "Granary_red_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Granary_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Granary_cap_cp3" "det centrale kontrolpunkt" "[english]Granary_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Granary_cap_red_cp2" "RED's lagerbygning" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Warehouse" "Granary_cap_red_cp1" "RED's base" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "BLU's lagerbygning" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Warehouse" "Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "BLU's base" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Forsvar alle tre kontrolpunkter mod hold BLU for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Defend all three Control Points against team BLU to win the game!" "Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle tre kontrolpunkter for at vinde! Erobr først A og B og dernæst C." "[english]Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all three Controls Points to win! First capture A and B, then move on to C." "Gravelpit_cap_A" "erobring A, radiotårnet" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_A" "cap A, the Radio Tower" "Gravelpit_cap_B" "erobring B, radaren" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_B" "cap B, the Radar" "Gravelpit_cap_C" "erobring C, laserkanonen" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_C" "cap C, the Laser Gun" "Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Indtag BLU's ene kontrolpunkt for at vinde runden. Sørg for, at de ikke gør det samme!" "[english]Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Capture BLU's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Indtag RED's ene kontrolpunkt for at vinde runden. Sørg for, at de ikke gør det samme!" "[english]Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Capture RED's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_red_base_attack" "Indtag BLU's sidste kontrolpunkt for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Hydro_red_base_attack" "Capture team BLU's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_red_base_defend" "Forsvar dit sidste kontrolpunkt mod hold BLU, eller de vil vinde!" "[english]Hydro_red_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against BLU or they will win!" "Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Indtag RED's sidste kontrolpunkt for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Capture team RED's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Forsvar dit sidste kontrolpunkt mod hold RED, eller de vil vinde!" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against RED or they will win!" "Hydro_cap_red_base" "RED's base" "[english]Hydro_cap_red_base" "the RED Base" "Hydro_cap_blue_base" "BLU's base" "[english]Hydro_cap_blue_base" "the BLU Base" "Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "radarantennen" "[english]Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "the Radar Dish" "Hydro_cap_dam" "dæmningen" "[english]Hydro_cap_dam" "the Dam" "Hydro_cap_power_plant" "kraftværket" "[english]Hydro_cap_power_plant" "the Power Plant" "Hydro_cap_warehouse" "lagerhallen" "[english]Hydro_cap_warehouse" "the Warehouse" "Well_red_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Well_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "Well_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Well_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "Well_setup_30sec" "Spillet starter om 30 sekunder!" "[english]Well_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "Well_setup_10sec" "Spillet starter om 10 sekunder!" "[english]Well_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "Well_cap_center" "Centrale kontrolpunkt" "[english]Well_cap_center" "Central Control Point" "Well_cap_red_two" "RED's lagerbygning" "[english]Well_cap_red_two" "the RED Warehouse" "Well_cap_red_rocket" "RED's base" "[english]Well_cap_red_rocket" "the RED Base" "Well_cap_blue_two" "BLU's lagerbygning" "[english]Well_cap_blue_two" "the BLU Warehouse" "Well_cap_blue_rocket" "BLU's base" "[english]Well_cap_blue_rocket" "the BLU Base" "Pipeline_setup_goal" "Flyt din vogn hen til erobringspunktet først for at vinde denne omgang!" "[english]Pipeline_setup_goal" "Move your cart to the capture point first to win this heat!" "Pipeline_final_goal" "Flyt din vogn for at destruere fjendens base, inden de destruerer din base!" "[english]Pipeline_final_goal" "Move your cart to destroy the enemy base before they destroy yours!" "Pipeline_cap_1_red" "RED's første erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_red" "Red's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "BLU's første erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "Blue's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_red" "RED's andet erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_red" "Red's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "BLU's andet erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "Blue's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_red" "RED's sidste erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_red" "Red's final capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "BLU's sidste erobringspunkt" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "Blue's final capture point" "Badlands_cap_cp3" "det centrale kontrolpunkt" "[english]Badlands_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "RED's toppost" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Spire" "Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "RED's base" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "BLU's toppost" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Spire" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "BLU's base" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "koth_setup_goal" "Erobr, og fasthold kontrolpunktet for at vinde spillet!" "[english]koth_setup_goal" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win the game!" "koth_viaduct_cap" "kontrolpunktet" "[english]koth_viaduct_cap" "the Control Point" "Arena_cap" "kontrolpunktet" "[english]Arena_cap" "the Control Point" "Winpanel_Team1" "HOLD" "[english]Winpanel_Team1" "TEAM" "Winpanel_Team2" "Hold" "[english]Winpanel_Team2" "Team" "Winpanel_BlueWins" "BLU HOLD VINDER!" "[english]Winpanel_BlueWins" "BLU TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "HOLD BLU HAR EROBRET OMRÅDET" "[english]Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "BLU TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_BlueDefends" "HOLD BLU HAR FORSVARET!" "[english]Winpanel_BlueDefends" "BLU TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_RedWins" "RED HOLD VINDER!" "[english]Winpanel_RedWins" "RED TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_RedAdvances" "HOLD RED HAR EROBRET OMRÅDET" "[english]Winpanel_RedAdvances" "RED TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_RedDefends" "HOLD RED HAR FORSVARET!" "[english]Winpanel_RedDefends" "RED TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TeamWins" "%s1 %s2 VINDER!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamWins" "%s1 %s2 WINS!" "Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s1 %s2 TABTE!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s1 %s2 LOST!" "Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 %s2 EROBRER OMRÅDET" "[english]Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 %s2 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TeamDefends" "%s1 %s2 FORSVARER!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamDefends" "%s1 %s2 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "Hold BLU's MVP'er:" "[english]Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "BLU Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_RedMVPs" "Hold RED's MVP'er:" "[english]Winpanel_RedMVPs" "RED Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Bedste spillere:" "[english]Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Top Players:" "Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Point i denne runde:" "[english]Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Points this round:" "Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "%s1 yderligere områder at erobre" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "%s1 more areas to win" "Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 yderligere område at erobre" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 more area to win" "Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Sejrserobring: %s1" "[english]Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Winning capture: %s1" "Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "%s1 erobrede alle kontrolpunkterne" "[english]Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "%s1 captured all control points" "Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "%s1 erobrede fjendens efterretninger %s2 gange" "[english]Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 times" "Winreason_OpponentsDead" "%s1 dræbte alle modstanderne under pludselig død" "[english]Winreason_OpponentsDead" "%s1 killed all opponents during sudden death" "Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "%s1 blev forsvaret med succes ind til tiden løb ud" "[english]Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "%s1 successfully defended until time ran out" "Winreason_TimeLimit" "%s1 havde flere point, da tidsfristen udløb" "[english]Winreason_TimeLimit" "%s1 had more points when the time limit was reached" "Winreason_WinLimit" "%s1 havde flere point, da sejrsgrænsen blev nået" "[english]Winreason_WinLimit" "%s1 had more points when the win limit was reached" "Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "%s1 var foran med den pointforskel, der krævedes for at vinde" "[english]Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "%s1 was ahead by the required difference to win" "Winreason_Stalemate" "I er alle tabere" "[english]Winreason_Stalemate" "You're all losers" "Winreason_Arena" "%s1 dræbte alle modstandere" "[english]Winreason_Arena" "%s1 killed all opponents" "Winreason_PayloadRace" "%s1 vandt lastkapløbet" "[english]Winreason_PayloadRace" "%s1 won the payload race" "Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Venter på, at holdene organiserer sig" "[english]Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Waiting for teams to organize" "Tournament_Countdown" "Starter om %s1 sekunder... 'F4' for at annullere" "[english]Tournament_Countdown" "Starting in %s1 seconds... 'F4' to cancel" "Tournament_TeamReady" "Klar" "[english]Tournament_TeamReady" "Ready" "Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Ikke klar" "[english]Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Not Ready" "Tournament_WinConditions" "Sejrsforhold: " "[english]Tournament_WinConditions" "Win Conditions: " "Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minut" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minute" "Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "runde" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "round" "Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "sejr" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "win" "Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "minutter" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "minutes" "Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "runder" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "rounds" "Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "sejre" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "wins" "Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "Ingen" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "None" "Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "sekund" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "second" "Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "sekunder" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "seconds" "Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Holdet er ikke klar" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Team Not Ready" "Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Dit hold er klar" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Team Ready" "Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = skift holdnavn/-status" "[english]Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = change team name/status" "Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Holdnavn" "[english]Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Team Name" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 VINDER!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 WINS!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 TABTE!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 LOST!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 EROBRER OMRÅDET" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "%s1 FORSVARER!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "%s1 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "%s1 MVP'er:" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "%s1 MVPs:" "Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 skiftede holdnavn til %s2" "[english]Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 changed team name to %s2" "Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 skiftede holdstatus til %s2" "[english]Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 changed team state to %s2" "Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Erobringstid er ikke angivet endnu" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Capture time not yet set" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Erobr %s1 %s2 for at vinde!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Capture %s1 %s2 to win!" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Forsvar %s1 %s2 for at vinde!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Defend %s1 %s2 to win!" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Angribere skal %s1 %s2 for at vinde" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Attackers need %s1 %s2 to win" "Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "point" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "point" "Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "point" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "points" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Slå %s1's tid for at vinde!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Beat %s1's time to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "%s1's tid" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "%s1's time" "Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Stop %s1's fremadrykning!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Stop %s1's advance!" "Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Slå %s1's pointtal for at vinde!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Beat %s1's score to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 fik %s2 på bare %s3. Hvis %s4 får %s5 hurtigere, vinder de!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 got %s2 in just %s3. If %s4 gets %s5 faster, they win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "Hvis %s1 ikke slår %s2's tid, kan de stadig vinde ved at erobre flere point. For at vinde skal %s3 erobre %s4 inden runden er slut!\n\n\"F1\" for at lukke." "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "If %s1 doesn't beat %s2's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to capture %s4 before the round ends!\n\n' F1 ' to close." "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 erobrede ikke nogen point i sidste runde. Hvis %s2 erobrer 1 point, vinder de!\n\n\" F1 \" for at lukke." "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 didn't capture any points last round. If %s2 captures 1 point, they win!\n\n' F1 ' to close." "TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 sekunder til at portene åbnes." "[english]TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_open" "Portene er åbne!!" "[english]TF_Gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Resterende tid:\nFem minutter" "[english]TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nFive minutes" "TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Resterende tid:\nFire minutter" "[english]TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nFour minutes" "TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Resterende tid:\nTre minutter" "[english]TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nThree minutes" "TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Resterende tid:\nTo minutter" "[english]TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nTwo minutes" "TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Resterende tid:\nTres sekunder" "[english]TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining:\nSixty seconds" "TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Resterende tid:\nTredive sekunder" "[english]TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining:\nThirty seconds" "TF_Time_attackers_win" "Angriberne vinder!!\nKommandopunkterne er\nalle sammen blevet erobret!!" "[english]TF_Time_attackers_win" "Attackers win !!\nThe command points have\nall been captured !!" "TF_Time_defenders_win" "Forsvarerne vinder!!\nKommandopunkterne er\nblevet forsvaret med succes!!" "[english]TF_Time_defenders_win" "Defenders win !!\nThe command points have\nbeen successfully defended !!" "TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Bring flaget til\nkommandopunktet." "[english]TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Take the flag to\nthe Command Point." "TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "Du sikrede\nkommandopunkt %s1 !!" "[english]TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "You secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!" "TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Angriberne sikrede\nkommandopunkt %s1 !!" "[english]TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Attackers Secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!" "TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flaget er vendt tilbage til basen." "[english]TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flag has returned to base." "TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "Du har SAMLET FJENDENS EFTERRETNING op!\n\nVend tilbage til BASEN!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!\n\nReturn to BASE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Dit hold har SAMLET FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER op!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Jeres EFTERRETNINGER er blevet SAMLET OP!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!" "TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "Du har EROBRET FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Dit hold har EROBRET FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Jeres EFTERRETNINGER er blevet EROBRET!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Your INTELLIGENCE was CAPTURED!" "TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "Du har mistet FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "You dropped the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER blev tabt!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Jeres EFTERRETNINGER blev tabt!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Jeres EFTERRETNINGER er vendt tilbage!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER er vendt tilbage!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!" "TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Bring EFTERRETNINGERNE tilbage til DIN BASE." "[english]TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE." "TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "Du kan ikke være USÅRLIG, mens du bærer rundt på FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER!" "[english]TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_No_Tele" "Du kan ikke TELEPORTERE, mens du bærer rundt på FJENDENS EFTERRETNINGER!" "[english]TF_CTF_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "Team_Capture_Linear" "Forrige\npunkt\nikke ejet!" "[english]Team_Capture_Linear" "Preceding\npoint\nnot owned!" "Team_Capture_Blocked" "Erobring \nblokeret\naf fjenden" "[english]Team_Capture_Blocked" "Capture\nblocked\nby enemy" "Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blokerer\nfjendens\nerobring!" "[english]Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blocking\nenemy\ncapture!" "Team_Reverting_Capture" "Omvender\nerobring!" "[english]Team_Reverting_Capture" "Reverting\ncapture!" "Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Venter på\nholdkammerat" "[english]Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Waiting for\nteammate" "Team_Cannot_Capture" "Dit hold kan ikke\nerobre dette!" "[english]Team_Cannot_Capture" "Your team can't\ncapture this!" "Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Forsvar\ndette punkt." "[english]Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Defend\nthis point." "Team_Capture_NotNow" "Ingen erobringer\npå dette tidspunkt." "[english]Team_Capture_NotNow" "No capturing\nat this time." "Team_Capture_Owned" "Punkt\nejes allerede." "[english]Team_Capture_Owned" "Capture Point\nalready owned." "Team_Progress_Blocked" "Fremrykning\nblokeret\naf fjenden" "[english]Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progress\nblocked\nby enemy" "Cant_cap_stealthed" "Kan ikke erobre punktet,\n mens du er usynlig." "[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point\n while invisible." "Cant_cap_disguised" "Du kan ikke erobre punktet,\n mens du er forklædt." "[english]Cant_cap_disguised" "Cannot capture point\n while disguised." "Cant_cap_invuln" "Du kan ikke erobre punktet,\n mens du er usårlig." "[english]Cant_cap_invuln" "Cannot capture point\n while invulnerable." "Cant_cap_stunned" "Du kan ikke erobre punktet,\n mens du er lammet." "[english]Cant_cap_stunned" "Cannot capture point\n while stunned." "TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "FLAGET er vendt tilbage!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "The FLAG has returned!" "TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "Du har SAMLET FLAGET op!\n\nBring det hen til FJENDENS BASE!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the FLAG!\n\nTake it to the ENEMY BASE!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Dit hold har SAMLET FLAGET op!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "FJENDEN har SAMLET FLAGET op!" "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "The ENEMY has PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "Du EROBREDE FLAGET!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Dit hold EROBREDE FLAGET!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "FJENDEN EROBREDE FLAGET!" "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "The ENEMY CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "Du mistede FLAGET!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "You dropped the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "FLAGET blev tabt!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "The FLAG was dropped!" "TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Bring flaget hen til FJENDENS BASE." "[english]TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Take the flag to the ENEMY BASE." "TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "FLAGET er blevet NEUTRALT!\nTag FLAGET!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "The FLAG has become NEUTRAL!\nGet the FLAG!" "TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Tryk på ALT-SKYD for at smide flaget." "[english]TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Press ALT-FIRE to drop the flag." "FreezePanel_NoKiller" "Du blev dræbt" "[english]FreezePanel_NoKiller" "You were killed" "FreezePanel_Killer" "Du blev dræbt af" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by" "FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Du blev dræbt af den afdøde" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late" "FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Du blev dræbt igen af" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by" "FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "Du blev dræbt igen af den afdøde" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "You were killed again by the late" "FreezePanel_KillerObject" "Du blev dræbt med %objectkiller% af" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of" "FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "Du blev dræbt med %objectkiller% af den afdøde" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of the late" "FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Tilbageværende helbred: %s1" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Health left: %s1" "FreezePanel_Callout" "Et stykke af dig!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout" "A bit of you!" "FreezePanel_Callout2" "Endnu et stykke!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout2" "Another bit!" "FreezePanel_Callout3" "Flere stykker!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout3" "More bits!" "FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% bærer på:" "[english]FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% is carrying:" "Callout_Ragdoll" "Dig!" "[english]Callout_Ragdoll" "You!" "Callout_Head" "Dit hoved!" "[english]Callout_Head" "Your head!" "Callout_Foot" "Din fod!" "[english]Callout_Foot" "Your foot!" "Callout_Hand" "Din hånd!" "[english]Callout_Hand" "Your hand!" "Callout_Torso" "Din overkrop!" "[english]Callout_Torso" "Your torso!" "Callout_Organ1" "Din milt!" "[english]Callout_Organ1" "Your spleen!" "Callout_Organ2" "Dine lunger!" "[english]Callout_Organ2" "Your lungs!" "Callout_Organ3" "Din lever!" "[english]Callout_Organ3" "Your liver!" "Callout_Organ4" "Din bugspytkirtel!" "[english]Callout_Organ4" "Your pancreas!" "Callout_Organ5" "Din nyre!" "[english]Callout_Organ5" "Your kidney!" "Callout_Organ6" "Din blindtarm!" "[english]Callout_Organ6" "Your appendix!" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "Venter på andre spillere" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "Waiting for other players" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Starter spillet" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Starting Game" "ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "[english]ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "game_WaitingForPlayers" "Venter på spillere" "[english]game_WaitingForPlayers" "Waiting For Players" "game_Overtime" "Overtid" "[english]game_Overtime" "Overtime" "game_Setup" "Opsætning" "[english]game_Setup" "Setup" "EnterStalemate" "Sudden Death-tilstand!\nIngen tilbagevending!" "[english]EnterStalemate" "Sudden Death Mode!\nNo more respawning!" "game_SuddenDeath" "Sudden Death" "[english]game_SuddenDeath" "Sudden Death" "game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "Der er gået %s1 sekunder.\nDu kan ikke skifte klasse i Pludselig død-tilstand på nuværende tidspunkt!" "[english]game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "%s1 seconds have passed.\nYou can't change class in Sudden Death Mode now!" "TF_CantChangeClassNow" "Du kan ikke skifte klasse på nuværende tidspunkt." "[english]TF_CantChangeClassNow" "You can't change class at this time." "TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "Du kan ikke skifte hold på nuværende tidspunkt." "[english]TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "You can't change team at this time." "Gametype_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "[english]Gametype_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "Gametype_CP" "Control Points" "[english]Gametype_CP" "Control Points" "Gametype_Escort" "Payload" "[english]Gametype_Escort" "Payload" "Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "[english]Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "Gametype_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "[english]Gametype_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill" "[english]Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill" "Intro_Title" "Introduktion til spiltilstand: %gamemode%" "[english]Intro_Title" "Game Mode Introduction: %gamemode%" "Intro_CaptureIntro" "Velkommen til introduktionen til spiltilstanden Capture Point." "[english]Intro_CaptureIntro" "Welcome to the Capture Point game mode introduction." "Intro_capturepoints" "Dit hold skal eje 5 erobringspunkter for at vinde.\nHUD-displayet viser, hvilket hold der ejer de enkelte erobringspunkter." "[english]Intro_capturepoints" "Your team must own 5 Capture Points to win.\nThe HUD shows which team owns each capture point." "Intro_fakecapture" "Du skal stå i nærheden af et erobringspunkt for at erobre det.\nHUD-displayet viser, hvor langt du er nået med din erobring." "[english]Intro_fakecapture" "Stand near the Capture Point to capture it.\nThe HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_multcapture" "Når flere holdkammerater samarbejder, går det hurtigere at erobre punkter!\nHjælp dit hold!" "[english]Intro_multcapture" "Multiple team members capture points faster!\nHelp your team out!" "Intro_yourpoint" "Lad ikke fjenden erobre dit sidste punkt!\nForsvar det, eller du vil tabe!" "[english]Intro_yourpoint" "Don't let the enemy capture your last point!\nDefend it or you lose!" "Intro_ctf_intro" "Introduktion til spiltilstand: Hvert hold skal erobre fjendens hemmelige filer, mens de forsvarer deres egne." "[english]Intro_ctf_intro" "Game Mode Introduction: Each team must capture the enemy's secret files, while defending their own." "Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Angrib fjendens base for at stjæle deres hemmelige filer." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files." "Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Stjæl mappen fra kælderen på fjendens base." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Returner mappen til skrivebordet i dit holds kælder for at erobre den og score point." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_red_defend" "Glem ikke at forsvare dit holds mappe mod fjenden!" "[english]Intro_ctf_red_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!" "Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Angrib fjendens base for at stjæle deres hemmelige filer." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files." "Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Stjæl mappen fra kælderen på fjendens base." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Returner mappen til skrivebordet i dit holds kælder for at erobre den og score point." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "Glem ikke at forsvare dit holds mappe mod fjenden!" "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!" "Intro_attack_defense_intro" "Dette er en angrib-/forsvar-bane,\nBLU forsøger at erobre områder, mens RED forsøger at forhindre dem i det." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_intro" "This is an attack defense map, \nBLU tries to capture areas while RED tries to stop them." "Intro_attack_defense_capping" "BLU skal stå i nærheden af erobringspunktet for at erobre det.\nHUD-displayet viser, hvor langt du er nået med din erobring." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_capping" "BLU must stand near the Capture Point to capture it.\nThe HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "BLU skal erobre både erobringspunkt A..." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "BLU must capture both Capture point A ..." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "og erobringspunkt B. \nBLU kan vælge at erobre punkterne i hvilken som helst rækkefølge." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "and also Capture point B. \nBLU can capture the points in any order." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "Når BLU indtager erobringspunkt A og erobringspunkt B, låses der op for det sidste erobringspunkt" "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "After BLU owns capture point A and capture point B the final Capture point unlocks" "Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU vinder 3 minutter på uret, hver gang de har held til at erobre et punkt. RED kan ikke tilbageerobre punkterne, når først BLU ejer dem." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each successfully captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them." "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Du har fået øje på en holdkammerat!" "[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Du har fået øje på en fjende!" "[english]Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "Du dræbte en fjende!" "[english]Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You killed an enemy!" "Hint_out_of_ammo" "Dit våben er løbet tør for ammunition!" "[english]Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_turn_off_hints" "Du kan slå tips fra i menuen Indstillinger\n under Indstillinger -> Multiplayer -> Avanceret -> \"Auto-hjælp\"" "[english]Hint_turn_off_hints" "You can turn off hints in the options menu,\n under Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'" "Hint_pickup_ammo" "Saml ammunition op fra tabte våben!" "[english]Hint_pickup_ammo" "Pick up ammo from fallen weapons!" "Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "Du kan ikke teleportere, når du har mappen." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "You cannot teleport when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "Du kan ikke gøre dig usynlig, når du har mappen." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "You cannot cloak when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "Du kan ikke forklæde dig, når du har mappen." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "You cannot disguise when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "Du kan ikke angribe, når du er skjult." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "You cannot attack while cloaked." "Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "Du kan ikke være usårlig, når du har mappen." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "You cannot go invulnerable when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "Du kan ikke angribe, når spil død er armeret." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "You cannot attack while feign death is armed." "Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "Dit usynlighedsmeter skal være fyldt helt op, for at du kan spille død." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "You need a full cloak meter to arm feign death." "Hint_ClassMenu" "Tryk på \"%changeclass%\" for at skifte spillerklasse." "[english]Hint_ClassMenu" "Press '%changeclass%' to change your player class." "Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "Du kan trykke på \"%attack2%\" for at zoome med din Snigskytteriffel." "[english]Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with your sniper rifle." "Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "Du kan trykke på '%attack2%' for at detonere klæbebomber, også selv om du bruger din Granatkaster." "[english]Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs even while using your grenade launcher." "Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "Du kan trykke på '%attack2%' for at detonere klæbebomber, du har kastet med din Klæbebombekaster." "[english]Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs launched with your stickybomb launcher." "Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "Du kan trykke på '%attack2%' for at dreje bygninger, inden du placerer dem." "[english]Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "You can hit '%attack2%' to rotate buildings before you place them." "Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Tryk på \"%reload%\" for at genlade din raketkaster.\nGenlad den når du opholder dig uden for krigszonen!" "[english]Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Hit '%reload%' to reload your rocket launcher.\nReload it whenever you're out of combat!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Slå på objekter, der er ved at blive konstrueret med din Skruenøgle,\nså de bygges hurtigere!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Hit constructing objects with your wrench\nto make them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Slå på din holdkammerats objekter, der er ved at blive konstrueret, med din Skruenøgle\nså de konstrueres hurtigere!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Hit your teammate's constructing objects with your wrench\nto help them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Byg Sentries til at forsvare dit holds base.\nDen fjerde position i dit våbenarsenal indeholder elementer, du kan konstruere." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Build sentry guns to defend your team's base.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Byg Dispensere, så dine holdkammerater kan forsyne sig.\nDen fjerde position i dit våbenarsenal indeholder elementer, du kan konstruere." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Build Dispensers to help your teammates to resupply.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Byg Teleportere til at hjælpe dit hold med at forsvare fremskudte områder.\nDen fjerde position i dit våbenarsenal indeholder elementer, du kan konstruere." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Build Teleporters to help your team defend forward areas.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Saml metal op fra tabte våben,\nsom kan bruges til konstruktion af objekter!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Pick up metal from fallen weapons\nto use in building objects!" "Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Slå på beskadigede bygninger med din Skruenøgle for at reparere dem!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Hit damaged objects with your wrench to repair them!" "Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "Du skal bruge mere metal for at opgradere din sentry!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "You need more metal to upgrade your sentry gun!" "Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Opgrader Sentries ved at slå på dem med din Skruenøgle.\nDe kan opgraderes hele vejen til niveau 3!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Upgrade sentry guns by hitting them with your wrench.\nThey can be upgraded all the way to level 3!" "Hint_object_has_sapper" "Denne bygning er ved at blive ødelagt af en sapper!\n Skyd sapperen for at ødelægge den!" "[english]Hint_object_has_sapper" "This building is being destroyed by a sapper!\n Shoot the sapper to destroy it!" "Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "En af dine bygninger er ved at blive ødelagt!" "[english]Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "One of your buildings is being destroyed!" "Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "En fjende bruger din dispenser!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "An enemy is using your dispenser!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "En fjende er i nærheden af indgangen til din teleporter!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "An enemy is near your teleporter entrance!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "En fjende er i nærheden af udgangen fra din teleport!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "An enemy is near your teleporter exit!" "WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "RED hold vinder" "[english]WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "RED Team Wins" "WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "BLU hold vinder" "[english]WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "BLU Team Wins" "WinPanel_Stalemate" "UAFGJORT!" "[english]WinPanel_Stalemate" "STALEMATE!" "StatPanel_Title_Dead" "På den lyse side..." "[english]StatPanel_Title_Dead" "On the bright side..." "StatPanel_Title_Alive" "Ok, det var imponerende! Sidste runde:" "[english]StatPanel_Title_Alive" "Well, that was impressive! Last round:" "StatPanel_Format_Close" "Denne runde: %s1 Din bedste: %s2" "[english]StatPanel_Format_Close" "That round: %s1 Your best: %s2" "StatPanel_Kills_Best" "Du dræbte flere som %s1 i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Best" "You had more kills as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Captures_Best" "Du havde flere erobringer som %s1 i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Best" "You had more captures as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "Du forsvarede flere punkter som %s1 i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "You defended more points as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "Du forårsagede flere skader som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "You've caused more damage as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "Du holdt dig længere i live som %s1 i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "You stayed alive as %s1 longer that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Healing_Best" "Du helede mere som %s1 i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Best" "You healed more as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "Du gjorde dig usårlig mere i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "You went invulnerable more that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "Du assisterede ved flere drab i denne runde som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "You had more kill assists that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "Du udførte flere rygstik i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "You had more backstabs that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "Du stjal mere helbred fra fjendtlige Medics og dispensere i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "You stole more health from enemy Medics and dispensers that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "Du byggede flere bygninger i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "You built more buildings that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "Du ødelagde flere bygninger i denne runde som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "You destroyed more buildings that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "Du havde flere hovedskud i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "You had more headshots that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "Din Sentry dræbte flere i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "Your sentry gun had more kills that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "Din teleport blev brugt flere gange i denne runde end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "Your teleporter was used more that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "Du dominerede flere nye modstandere i denne runde som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "You dominated more new opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "Du fik hævn mod flere modstandere i denne runde som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "You got revenge on more opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "Du scorede flere point i denne runde som %s1 end din hidtidige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "You scored more points that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i drab som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i erobringer som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "You tied your record for captures as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i forsvar som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "You tied your record for defenses as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at forårsage skader som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "You tied your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at holde dig i live som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "You tied your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at hele som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i usårligheder i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "You tied your record for invulns that round." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i assistance ved drab som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "You tied your record for kill assists as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i rygstik i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "You tied your record for backstabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at stjæle helbred fra fjenden i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "You tied your record for health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at bygge bygninger i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings built that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i at ødelægge bygninger som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i hovedskud i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "You tied your record for headshots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i drab med din sentry i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i teleporte i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "You tied your record for teleports that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i dominering af modstandere som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "You tied your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i hævn som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "You tied your record for revenge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord i scoring af point som %s1 i denne runde." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "You tied your record for points scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Kills_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i drab som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Captures_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i erobringer som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Close" "You came close to your record for captures as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i forsvar som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "You came close to your record for defenses as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i skade gjort som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "You came close to your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at holde dig i live som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "You came close to your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at hele som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Close" "You came close to your record for healing as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i usårligheder den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "You came close to your record for invulns that round." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i assisterede drab som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "You came close to your record for kill assists as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i rygstik den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "You came close to your record for backstabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at stjæle helbred fra fjenden den runde." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "You came close to your record for health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at bygge bygninger den runde." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings built that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at ødelægge bygninger som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i hovedskud den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "You came close to your record for headshots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i drab med din sentry den runde." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i teleporteringer den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "You came close to your record for teleports that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i fjender domineret som %s1 runde." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "You came close to your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i hævn som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "You came close to your record for revenge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "Du kom tæt på at slå din rekord i at score point som %s1 den runde." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "You came close to your record for points scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# drab: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# Kills: " "StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Skade gjort: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Damage dealt: " "StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Spilletid: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Play time: " "StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Helbredspoint helet: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Health points healed: " "StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Usårlighed aktiveret: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Invulnerable activated: " "StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# rygstik: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# Backstabs: " "StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Helbred stjålet: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Health leached: " "StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# bygninger bygget: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Buildings built: " "StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# drab med sentry: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Kills by sentry: " "StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# brug af teleport: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# uses of teleport: " "StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "DIN PRÆSTATIONSRAPPORT" "[english]StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "YOUR PERFORMANCE REPORT" "StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "DINE BEDSTE ØJEBLIKKE" "[english]StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "YOUR BEST MOMENTS" "StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "Alle klasser:" "[english]StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "As any class:" "StatSummary_Label_TIP" "TIP" "[english]StatSummary_Label_TIP" "TIP" "StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (som %s2)" "[english]StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (as %s2)" "StatSummary_Records" "FORTEGNELSER:" "[english]StatSummary_Records" "RECORDS:" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Flest point" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Most points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "Gns. point" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "Avg points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Flest drab" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Most kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "Gns. drab" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "Avg kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Flest erobringer" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Most captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "Gns. erobringer" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "Avg captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Flest assisterede drab" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Most assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Gns. assisterede drab" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Avg assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Mest skade" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Most damage" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "Gns. skade" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "Avg damage" "StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "Samlet spilletid" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "Total playtime" "StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Længste levetid" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Longest life" "Tip_Fmt" "Tip: %s1" "[english]Tip_Fmt" "Tip: %s1" "Tip_1_Count" "27" "[english]Tip_1_Count" "27" "Tip_1_1" "Som Scout kan du hoppe igen i luften for at skifte retning og undgå fjendtlig ild." "[english]Tip_1_1" "As a Scout, jump while in mid-air to change direction and avoid enemy fire." "Tip_1_2" "Som Scout erobrer du kontrolpunkter og skubber lastvogne dobbelt så hurtigt som andre klasser." "[english]Tip_1_2" "As a Scout, you capture control points and push payload carts twice as fast as other classes." "Tip_1_3" "Som Scout er du mest effektiv, når du hele tiden holder dig i bevægelse og bruger din fart til din egen fordel." "[english]Tip_1_3" "As a Scout, you're most effective when you stay moving and use your speed to your advantage." "Tip_1_4" "Som Scout er din Pistol fremragende til at plukke fjender på større afstand." "[english]Tip_1_4" "As a Scout, your Pistol is great for picking off enemies at a distance." "Tip_1_5" "Som Scout udretter din Haglspreder stor skade på klods hold, og dræber dermed de fleste klasser med 2 træffere." "[english]Tip_1_5" "As a Scout, your Scattergun deals high-damage at point-blank range, killing most classes with 2 hits." "Tip_2_Count" "21" "[english]Tip_2_Count" "21" "Tip_2_1" "Som Sniper udretter dit skud mere skade, jo længere tid du er zoomet ind med kikkertsigtet." "[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed while scoped, the more damage the shot will do." "Tip_2_2" "Som Sniper kan du sigte efter hovedet for at påføre kritisk skade." "[english]Tip_2_2" "As a Sniper, aim for the head in order to inflict critical damage." "Tip_2_3" "Som Sniper kan du zoome med din Snigskytteriffel ved at trykke på %attack2%." "[english]Tip_2_3" "As a Sniper, zoom with the Sniper Rifle by hitting %attack2%." "Tip_2_4" "Som Sniper kan du bruge din sekundære Maskinpistol til at håndtere fjender i din umiddelbare nærhed." "[english]Tip_2_4" "As a Sniper, use your secondary Submachine Gun to deal with nearby enemies." "Tip_3_1" "Som Soldier kan du udføre rakethop for at opnå store højder ved samtidigt at hoppe og affyre en raket mod overflader i nærheden; ved at dukke dig, mens du hopper, vil du opnå større momentum fra raketten." "[english]Tip_3_1" "As a Soldier, you can rocket jump to great heights or distances by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket on nearby surfaces; crouching as you jump will increase the momentum you gain from the rocket." "Tip_3_2" "Som Soldier kan du rette dine raketter mod fjendens fødder for at sikre dig, at de ikke kan undgå at blive ramt af eksplosionen." "[english]Tip_3_2" "As a Soldier, aim rockets at an enemy's feet in order to ensure that they can't avoid the explosion damage." "Tip_3_3" "Som Soldier skal du sørge for at holde din raketkaster ladet. Tryk på %reload% for at genlade manuelt eller slå auto-genladning til i avancerede multiplayer-indstillinger." "[english]Tip_3_3" "As a Soldier, make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Press %reload% to reload manually or enable auto-reloading in Advanced Multiplayer Options." "Tip_3_4" "Som Soldier kan du risikere at tage spredningsskade, når du affyrer raketter mod fjender i nærheden. Prøv at skifte våben for at undgå at skade dig selv." "[english]Tip_3_4" "As a Soldier, you risk taking splash damage when firing rockets at nearby enemies. Try switching weapons to avoid hurting yourself." "Tip_4_1" "Som Demoman kan du trykke på %attack% for at affyre klæbebomber med Klæbebombekasteren og derefter trykke på %attack2% for at detonere dem senere." "[english]Tip_4_1" "As a Demoman, when using the Stickybomb Launcher hit %attack% to fire stickybombs and then use %attack2% to detonate them later." "Tip_4_2" "Som Demoman vil du, når du bruger Klæbebomberkasteren eller Den Skotske Modstand, bemærke, at skuddene vil nå længere, jo længere du holder skydeknappen inde." "[english]Tip_4_2" "As a Demoman, when you use the Stickybomb Launcher or Scottish Resistance, note that the longer you hold down the fire button the further the shot will go." "Tip_4_3" "Som Demoman kan du time detoneringen af dine klæbebomber, når du hopper over dem, for at skyde dig af sted i en ønsket retning!" "[english]Tip_4_3" "As a Demoman, time the detonation of your stickybombs as you jump over them to propel yourself in the desired direction!" "Tip_4_4" "Som Demoman kan du affyre klæbebomber på vægge og lofter, hvor de er svære at få øje på." "[english]Tip_4_4" "As a Demoman, shoot stickybombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot." "Tip_5_Count" "31" "[english]Tip_5_Count" "31" "Tip_5_1" "Som Medic kan du bruge dit Medi-gevær til at hele holdkammerater og booste dem med op til 150%% af deres normale helbred." "[english]Tip_5_1" "As a Medic, use your Medi Gun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150%% of their normal health." "Tip_5_2" "Som Medic kan du fylde din ÜberLadning op ved at hele holdkammerater og så trykke på %attack2% for at blive usårlig i en kort periode." "[english]Tip_5_2" "As a Medic, fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates and then hit %attack2% to become invulnerable for a short time." "Tip_5_3" "Som Medic vil din ÜberLadning gøre både dig og dit Medi-gevær-mål usårlige i en kort periode." "[english]Tip_5_3" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge makes both you and your Medi Gun target invulnerable for a short time." "Tip_5_4" "Som Medic kan du fylde din ÜberLadning op hurtigere ved at hele holdkammerater, der er kommet mere til skade." "[english]Tip_5_4" "As a Medic, you can fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more injured." "Tip_5_5" "Som Medic skal du være opmærksom på, om dine holdkammerater har brug for din hjælp. Benyt Medic-pilene på skærmen til at lokalisere dem." "[english]Tip_5_5" "As a Medic, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them." "Tip_6_Count" "20" "[english]Tip_6_Count" "20" "Tip_6_1" "Som Heavy kan du holde %attack2% nede, hvilket vil få din Rullekanon til at dreje, så den er klar til angribende fjender." "[english]Tip_6_1" "As a Heavy, hold %attack2% in order to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies." "Tip_6_2" "Som Heavy er du en Medics bedste ven. Sørg for, at din Medic hele tiden kan sigte på dig med sit Medi-gevær." "[english]Tip_6_2" "As a Heavy, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medi Gun on you." "Tip_6_3" "Som Heavy bruger din Rullekanon en masse ammunition. Saml tabt ammunition op for at genopfylde dit arsenal." "[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply." "Tip_6_4" "Som Heavy kan din Sandvich redde liv. Prøv at finde et sikkert sted at spise din Sandvich, så du ikke bliver forstyrret." "[english]Tip_6_4" "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a lifesaver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted." "Tip_7_1" "Som Pyro gør din Flammekaster større skade, jo tættere du er på fjenden." "[english]Tip_7_1" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy." "Tip_7_2" "Som Pyro bør du lokke fjender i baghold for at sikre dig, at din Flammekaster gør maksimal skade. Brug hjørner og alkover til din fordel." "[english]Tip_7_2" "As a Pyro, ambush enemies in order to ensure that you engage them at close range so that your Flamethrower will inflict maximum damage. Use corners and alcoves to your advantage." "Tip_7_3" "Som Pyro bruger din Flammekaster en masse ammunition. Saml tabt ammunition op for at genopfylde dit arsenal." "[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply." "Tip_7_4" "Som Pyro kan du skifte til dit Haglgevær, hvis fjenderne trækker sig tilbage, så de er uden for Flammekasterens rækkevidde." "[english]Tip_7_4" "As a Pyro, switch to your Shotgun or Flare Gun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower." "Tip_7_5" "Som Pyro kan du ofte nøjes med at sætte ild til fjenderne og trække dig tilbage, mens de brænder op." "[english]Tip_7_5" "As a Pyro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning." "Tip_8_Count" "40" "[english]Tip_8_Count" "40" "Tip_8_1" "Som Spy kan du bruge din Kniv til at stikke fjenderne ned bagfra og dræbe dem med det samme." "[english]Tip_8_1" "As a Spy, use your Knife to backstab enemies from behind, killing them instantly." "Tip_8_2" "Som Spy kan du forklæde dig selv som en fjende med dit Forklædningssæt. Men pas på; når du angriber, forsvinder forklædningen." "[english]Tip_8_2" "As a Spy, disguise yourself as an enemy with your Disguise Kit. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise." "Tip_8_3" "Som Spy kan du trykke på %attack2% for at skjule dig og blive fuldstændig usynlig i en kortere periode." "[english]Tip_8_3" "As a Spy, hit %attack2% to Cloak and become fully invisible for a short period of time." "Tip_8_4" "Som Spy kan du skjule dig for at komme ind bag fjendens linjer og bruge din forklædning til at gå rundt imellem dem." "[english]Tip_8_4" "As a Spy, use your Cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them." "Tip_8_5" "Som Spy kan du forsøge at efterabe fjenden, mens du er forklædt. Hold øje med, hvor fjendens holdkammerater er, og forklæd dig som en af dem." "[english]Tip_8_5" "As a Spy, try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them." "Tip_8_6" "Som Spy kan du placere dine Elektro-sappere på fjendens Sentries for at ødelægge dem. Forklædninger forsvinder ikke, når man placerer Sappere." "[english]Tip_8_6" "As a Spy, place your Electro Sappers on enemy Sentry Guns in order to destroy them. Note that disguises aren't lost when placing Sappers." "Tip_8_7" "Som Spy deaktiveres Sentries af dine Elektro-sappere, inden de ødelægges. Placer en Sapper på hans Sentry, inden du angriber Engineeren." "[english]Tip_8_7" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Sap a Sentry Gun before attacking the Engineer." "Tip_8_8" "Som Spy kan du tilkalde fjendens Medics ved at trykke på %voicemenu 0 0%, mens du er forklædt." "[english]Tip_8_8" "As a Spy, call for enemy Medics by hitting %voicemenu 0 0% while disguised." "Tip_9_1" "Som Engineer kan du bruge byggeværktøjet til at placere Sentries, Dispensere og Teleportere." "[english]Tip_9_1" "As an Engineer, use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters." "Tip_9_2" "Som Engineer har du brug for metal til at bygge, reparere og opgradere dine bygninger. Saml tabt ammunition op for at genopfylde dit arsenal." "[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen ammo pickups to replenish your supply." "Tip_9_3" "Som Engineer kan du slå på din Sentry med din Skruenøgle for at opgradere den med metal. Hvert niveau tilføjer mere helbred og ildkraft." "[english]Tip_9_3" "As an Engineer, hit your Sentry Gun with your Wrench in order to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower." "Tip_9_4" "Som Engineer kan du bygge Dispensere, så holdkammeraterne kan få helbred og ammunition. De genererer også metal, som du kan bruge." "[english]Tip_9_4" "As an Engineer, build Dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use." "Tip_9_5" "Som Engineer kan du bygge Teleportere, så holdkammeraterne hurtigere kan komme frem til frontlinjen." "[english]Tip_9_5" "As an Engineer, build Teleporters to help your team reach the frontlines faster." "Tip_9_6" "Som Engineer skal du holde øje med fjendens Spies, som forsøger at placere Elektro-sappere på dine bygninger. Brug din Skruenøgle til at fjerne Elektro-sappere." "[english]Tip_9_6" "As an Engineer, keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching Electro Sappers to your buildings. Use your Wrench to remove Sappers." "Tip_HLTV" "Du ser SourceTV." "[english]Tip_HLTV" "You are watching SourceTV." "Tip_arena_Count" "9" "[english]Tip_arena_Count" "9" "Tip_arena_1" "Hold øje med spillertallet øverst på skærmen for at se, om dit hold har en fordel." "[english]Tip_arena_1" "Keep an eye on the player count at the top of the screen in order to tell if your team has an advantage." "Tip_arena_2" "Der er meget få måder på at genopfylde dit helbred i Arena, så husk at beskytte dine Medics og Engineers!" "[english]Tip_arena_2" "There are very few sources of replenishing your health in Arena, so be sure to protect your Medics and Engineers!" "Tip_arena_3" "Erobringspunktet i midten af banen bliver aktivt 60 sekunder efter rundens begyndelse." "[english]Tip_arena_3" "The capture point in the middle of the map will become active after 60 seconds have elapsed once the round begins." "Tip_arena_4" "Du vender ikke tilbage i Arena, så lad være med at dø!" "[english]Tip_arena_4" "You don't respawn in Arena, so don't die!" "Tip_arena_5" "Ingen specifik klasse er vigtigst i Arena. Fokuser på at kæmpe mod hele det andet holds opstilling." "[english]Tip_arena_5" "No single class is the most important in Arena. Focus on countering the other team's entire composition." "Tip_arena_6" "Du kan kun skifte klasse i begyndelsen af en Arena-kamp, inden portene åbnes." "[english]Tip_arena_6" "You can only change your class at the start of an Arena match before the gates open." "Tip_arena_7" "Som Engineer skal du sørge for, at du bygger Dispensere til at hele dine holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_arena_7" "As an Engineer, make sure you're building Dispensers in order to heal your teammates." "TF_ClassRecord_MostPoints" "Flest point:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostPoints" "Most points:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostKills" "Flest drab:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostKills" "Most kills:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostAssists" "Flest assisterede drab:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostAssists" "Most assists:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures" "Flest erobringer:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures" "Most captures:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Flest forsvaringer:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Most defenses:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Mest skade:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Most damage:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Mest ødelæggelse:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Most destruction:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDominations" "Flest domineringer:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDominations" "Most dominations:" "TF_ClassRecord_LongestLife" "Længste levetid:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_LongestLife" "Longest life:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing" "Mest heling:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing" "Most healing:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Flest usårligheder:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Most invulns:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostSentryKills" "Flest drab med sentry:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostSentryKills" "Most kills by sentry:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostTeleports" "Flest teleporteringer:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostTeleports" "Most teleports:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostHeadshots" "Flest hovedskud:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostHeadshots" "Most headshots:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostBackstabs" "Flest rygstik:" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostBackstabs" "Most backstabs:" "TF_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Navneskift afvist (antal overskredet)." "[english]TF_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Name change denied (rate exceeded)." "Building_hud_building" "Bygger..." "[english]Building_hud_building" "Building..." "Building_hud_sentry_shells" "Patroner:" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_shells" "Shells:" "Building_hud_sentry_rockets" "Raketter:" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_rockets" "Rockets:" "Building_hud_sentry_upgrade" "Opgrader:" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_upgrade" "Upgrade:" "Building_hud_sentry_numkills" "Drab: %numkills%" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_numkills" "Kills: %numkills%" "Building_hud_dispenser_ammo" "Metal:" "[english]Building_hud_dispenser_ammo" "Metal:" "Building_hud_tele_charging" "Oplader..." "[english]Building_hud_tele_charging" "Charging..." "Building_hud_tele_times_used" "Brugt:\n%timesused%" "[english]Building_hud_tele_times_used" "Times Used:\n%timesused%" "Building_hud_tele_times_used_360" "Brugt:\n%timesused%" "[english]Building_hud_tele_times_used_360" "Used:\n%timesused%" "Building_hud_sentry_not_built" "Sentry\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_not_built" "Sentry\nNot Built" "Building_hud_dispenser_not_built" "Dispenser\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_dispenser_not_built" "Dispenser\nNot Built" "Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built" "Indgang\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built" "Entrance\nNot Built" "Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built" "Udgang\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built" "Exit\nNot Built" "Building_hud_sentry_not_built_360" "Sentry\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_not_built_360" "Sentry\nNot Built" "Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built_360" "Indgang\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built_360" "Entrance\nNot Built" "Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built_360" "Udgang\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built_360" "Exit\nNot Built" "Hud_Menu_Demolish_Title" "Riv ned" "[english]Hud_Menu_Demolish_Title" "Demolish" "Hud_Menu_Build_Title" "Byg" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Title" "Build" "Hud_Menu_Disguise_Title" "Forklæd" "[english]Hud_Menu_Disguise_Title" "Disguise" "Hud_Menu_Build_Cant_Afford" "Ikke nok\nmetal" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Cant_Afford" "Not Enough\nMetal" "Hud_Menu_Build_Already_Built" "Allerede bygget" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Already_Built" "Already Built" "Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "Tryk på '%lastinv%' for at annullere" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "Hit '%lastinv%' to Cancel" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Tryk på '%disguiseteam%' eller '%reload%' for at skifte hold" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Hit '%disguiseteam%' or '%reload%' to Toggle Team" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "Skift hold" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "Toggle Teams" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise" "Vælg forklædning" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise" "Select Disguise" "Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Demolish" "Riv ned" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Demolish" "Demolish" "Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Build" "Byg" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Build" "Build" "Voice" "Tale" "[english]Voice" "Voice" "Cancel" "Annuller" "[english]Cancel" "Cancel" "LoadingMap" "Du er på vej til:" "[english]LoadingMap" "You're on your way to:" "TF_Ubercharge" "ÜBERLADNING: %charge%%%" "[english]TF_Ubercharge" "ÜBERCHARGE: %charge%%%" "TF_UberchargeMinHUD" "%charge%%%" "[english]TF_UberchargeMinHUD" "%charge%%%" "TF_NotBuilt" "Ikke bygget" "[english]TF_NotBuilt" "Not Built" "Voice_Menu_Medic" "MEDIC!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Medic" "MEDIC!" "Voice_Menu_Go" "Go! Go! Go!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Go" "Go! Go! Go!" "Voice_Menu_Help" "Hjælp!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Help" "Help!" "Voice_Menu_Yes" "Ja" "[english]Voice_Menu_Yes" "Yes" "Voice_Menu_No" "Nej" "[english]Voice_Menu_No" "No" "Voice_Menu_MoveUp" "Ryk frem!" "[english]Voice_Menu_MoveUp" "Move Up!" "Voice_Menu_Left" "Gå til venstre!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Left" "Go Left" "Voice_Menu_Right" "Gå til højre!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Right" "Go Right" "Voice_Menu_Incoming" "Indkommende" "[english]Voice_Menu_Incoming" "Incoming" "Voice_Menu_CloakedSpy" "Spy!" "[english]Voice_Menu_CloakedSpy" "Spy!" "Voice_Menu_SentryAhead" "Sentry forude!" "[english]Voice_Menu_SentryAhead" "Sentry Ahead!" "Voice_Menu_TeleporterHere" "Teleporter her" "[english]Voice_Menu_TeleporterHere" "Teleporter Here" "Voice_Menu_DispenserHere" "Dispenser her" "[english]Voice_Menu_DispenserHere" "Dispenser Here" "Voice_Menu_SentryHere" "Sentry her" "[english]Voice_Menu_SentryHere" "Sentry Here" "Voice_Menu_ActivateCharge" "Aktivér ladning!" "[english]Voice_Menu_ActivateCharge" "Activate Charge!" "Voice_Menu_ChargeReady" "MEDIC: ÜberLadning parat" "[english]Voice_Menu_ChargeReady" "MEDIC: ÜberCharge Ready" "Voice_Menu_Cheers" "Godt" "[english]Voice_Menu_Cheers" "Cheers" "Voice_Menu_Jeers" "Skidt" "[english]Voice_Menu_Jeers" "Jeers" "Voice_Menu_Positive" "Positiv" "[english]Voice_Menu_Positive" "Positive" "Voice_Menu_Negative" "Negativ" "[english]Voice_Menu_Negative" "Negative" "Voice_Menu_NiceShot" "Godt skudt" "[english]Voice_Menu_NiceShot" "Nice Shot" "Voice_Menu_GoodJob" "Godt gået" "[english]Voice_Menu_GoodJob" "Good Job" "Voice_Menu_BattleCry" "Kampråb" "[english]Voice_Menu_BattleCry" "Battle Cry" "Voice_Menu_Thanks" "Tak!" "[english]Voice_Menu_Thanks" "Thanks!" "TF_classautokill" "Selvmord efter valg af spillerklasse" "[english]TF_classautokill" "Suicide after choosing a player class" "TF_CurrentPlayers" "Aktuelle spillere" "[english]TF_CurrentPlayers" "Current Players" "TF_PlayerMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE-spillermatching" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE Player Match" "TF_PlayerMatch_Desc" "Spil på Xbox LIVE i spil, hvor\nstatistikker ikke gemmes." "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Desc" "Play on Xbox LIVE in games where\nstatistics are not tracked." "TF_RankedMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE-rangeret kamp" "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE Ranked Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Desc" "Spil på Xbox LIVE i rangstillede\nspil, hvor statistikker gemmes." "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Desc" "Play on Xbox LIVE in ranked\ngames where statistics are tracked." "TF_SystemLink_Title" "Systemlink-match" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Title" "System Link Match" "TF_LoadCommentary" "Udviklerkommentar" "[english]TF_LoadCommentary" "Developer Commentary" "TF_Achievements_Title" "Mine præstationer" "[english]TF_Achievements_Title" "My Achievements" "TF_Rankings_Title" "Placering" "[english]TF_Rankings_Title" "Ranking" "TF_Controller_Title" "Controller" "[english]TF_Controller_Title" "Controller" "TF_Options_Title" "Indstillinger" "[english]TF_Options_Title" "Options" "TF_Quit_Title" "Afslut" "[english]TF_Quit_Title" "Quit" "TF_Paused_Title" "Team Fortress-indstillinger" "[english]TF_Paused_Title" "Team Fortress Options" "TF_ModifyMatch_Title" "Rediger session" "[english]TF_ModifyMatch_Title" "Modify Session" "TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Personlig statistik" "[english]TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Personal Stats" "TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Statistik over førertavler" "[english]TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Stats Leaderboards" "TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Førertavler med placeringer" "[english]TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Ranked Leaderboards" "TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Deltag i et hurtig-spil" "[english]TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Join a Quick Match" "TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Hop direkte ind i et spil mod\nmodstandere der matcher hinanden." "[english]TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Jump straight into a game against\nsimilarly matched opponents." "TF_HostMatch_Title" "Vær vært for en match" "[english]TF_HostMatch_Title" "Host a Match" "TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Opret en spil-session præcist,\nsom du har lyst til." "[english]TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Create a new game session exactly\nas you want." "TF_CustomMatch_Title" "Find en tilpasset kamp" "[english]TF_CustomMatch_Title" "Find a Custom Match" "TF_CustomMatch_Desc" "Søg efter spil-sessioner ud fra dine\nforetrukne kriterier for matching." "[english]TF_CustomMatch_Desc" "Search for game sessions based on your\npreferred match criteria." "TF_SystemLink_Host_Title" "Vær vært for en match" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Title" "Host a Match" "TF_SystemLink_Host_Desc" "Opret en match på dit lokale netværk (LAN)." "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Desc" "Create a match on your Local Area Network." "TF_SystemLink_Join_Title" "Deltag i match" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Join_Title" "Join a Match" "TF_SystemLink_Join_Desc" "Find en anden kamp, du kan deltage i, på dit\nlokale netværk (LAN)." "[english]TF_SystemLink_Join_Desc" "Find another match to join on your\nLocal Area Network." "TF_PlayerMatch_Host_Title" "Opret en tilpasset spiller-kamp" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Host_Title" "Create a Custom Player Match" "TF_PlayerMatch_Client_Title" "Find et spiller-match" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Client_Title" "Find a Player Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Host_Title" "Opret en tilpasset rangeret kamp." "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Host_Title" "Create a Custom Ranked Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Client_Title" "Find en rangeret kamp" "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Client_Title" "Find a Ranked Match" "TF_SystemLink_Host_Dialog" "Vær vært for et systemlink-match" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Dialog" "Host a System Link Match" "TF_SystemLink_Client_Dialog" "Vælg et spil at deltage i" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Client_Dialog" "Select a game to join" "TF_Achievements_Dialog_Title" "Mine Team Fortress 2-præstationer" "[english]TF_Achievements_Dialog_Title" "My Team Fortress 2 Achievements" "TF_Achievement_Locked" "Låst" "[english]TF_Achievement_Locked" "Locked" "TF_Achievement_Unlocked" "Oplåst" "[english]TF_Achievement_Unlocked" "Unlocked" "TF_Achievement_NumberingFmt" "%s1 - %s2 af %s3" "[english]TF_Achievement_NumberingFmt" "%s1 - %s2 of %s3" "Achievement_Group_All" "Alle (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_All" "All (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_0" "Generelle (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_0" "General (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1000" "Scout-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1000" "Scout Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1100" "Sniper-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1100" "Sniper Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1200" "Soldier-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1200" "Soldier Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1300" "Demoman-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1300" "Demoman Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1400" "Medic-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1400" "Medic Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1500" "Heavy-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1500" "Heavy Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1600" "Pyro-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1600" "Pyro Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1700" "Spy-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1700" "Spy Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1800" "Engineer-pakke (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1800" "Engineer Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1900" "Halloween-begivenhed (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1900" "Halloween Event (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_MatchOption_Scenario" "Scenarie" "[english]TF_MatchOption_Scenario" "Scenario" "TF_MatchOption_FlagCapLimit" "Flagerobringsgrænse" "[english]TF_MatchOption_FlagCapLimit" "Flag Capture Limit" "TF_MatchOption_Rounds" "Antal runder" "[english]TF_MatchOption_Rounds" "Number of Rounds" "TF_MatchOption_GameSize" "Spilstørrelse" "[english]TF_MatchOption_GameSize" "Game Size" "TF_MatchOption_AutoBalance" "Autobalancering af hold" "[english]TF_MatchOption_AutoBalance" "Team Auto Balance" "TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots" "Private pladser" "[english]TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots" "Private Slots" "TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Maks. spilletid" "[english]TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Max Game Time" "TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Sejrsgrænse for runde" "[english]TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Round Win Limit" "TF_GameTime" "Spiltid" "[english]TF_GameTime" "Game Time" "TF_Ranked" "Rangeret kamp" "[english]TF_Ranked" "Ranked Match" "TF_Unranked" "Spiller-kamp" "[english]TF_Unranked" "Player Match" "TF_PressStart" "Tryk på START for at spille" "[english]TF_PressStart" "Press START to play" "TF_StartingInSecs" "Starter om: %s1 sekunder" "[english]TF_StartingInSecs" "Starting in: %s1 seconds" "TF_StartingInSec" "Starter om: %s1 sekund" "[english]TF_StartingInSec" "Starting in: %s1 second" "TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt" "Venter på %s1 spillere" "[english]TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt" "Waiting for %s1 players" "TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt" "Venter på %s1 spiller" "[english]TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt" "Waiting for %s1 player" "TF_WaitingForHost" "Venter på værten" "[english]TF_WaitingForHost" "Waiting for the host" "TF_Lobby_Title" "Spillobby" "[english]TF_Lobby_Title" "Game Lobby" "TF_Lobby_Host" "Vært:" "[english]TF_Lobby_Host" "Hosted by:" "TF_On" "Til" "[english]TF_On" "On" "TF_Off" "Inaktiv" "[english]TF_Off" "Off" "TF_Any" "Alle" "[english]TF_Any" "Any" "TF_MaxTimeNoLimit" "Ingen begrænsning" "[english]TF_MaxTimeNoLimit" "No Limit" "TF_NoTimeLimit" "Ingen tidsbegrænsning" "[english]TF_NoTimeLimit" "No Time Limit" "TF_MaxTimeFmt" "%s1 minutter" "[english]TF_MaxTimeFmt" "%s1 Minutes" "TF_GameSizeFmt" "%s1 spillere" "[english]TF_GameSizeFmt" "%s1 Players" "TF_ViewGamercard" "Vis Gamercard" "[english]TF_ViewGamercard" "View Gamercard" "TF_KickPlayer" "Smid spiller ud" "[english]TF_KickPlayer" "Kick Player" "TF_AttackDefend" "Attack / Defend" "[english]TF_AttackDefend" "Attack / Defend" "TF_TerritoryControl" "Territorial Control" "[english]TF_TerritoryControl" "Territorial Control" "TF_GameState_InLobby" "Status: I lobby" "[english]TF_GameState_InLobby" "Status: In Lobby" "TF_GameState_InLobby_lodef" "Status:\nI lobby" "[english]TF_GameState_InLobby_lodef" "Status:\nIn Lobby" "TF_GameState_GameInProgress" "Status: I spil" "[english]TF_GameState_GameInProgress" "Status: In Game" "TF_GameState_GameInProgress_lodef" "Status:\nI spil" "[english]TF_GameState_GameInProgress_lodef" "Status:\nIn Game" "TF_Recommended_Players" "Den tilgængelige båndbredde er muligvis ikke tilstrækkelig til det valgte antal spillere." "[english]TF_Recommended_Players" "Available bandwidth might be insufficient for selected number of players." "TF_Rank" "Placering" "[english]TF_Rank" "Rank" "TF_Gamertag" "Gamertag" "[english]TF_Gamertag" "Gamertag" "TF_HostName" "Værtsnavn" "[english]TF_HostName" "Host Name" "TF_Players" "Spillere" "[english]TF_Players" "Players" "TF_Top" "Topplacering" "[english]TF_Top" "Top Rank" "TF_YourRank" "Din placering" "[english]TF_YourRank" "Your Rank" "TF_YourBest" "Dit bedste:" "[english]TF_YourBest" "Your Best:" "TF_Icon_Ping_Red" "M" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Red" "M" "TF_Icon_Ping_Yellow" "N" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Yellow" "N" "TF_Icon_Ping_Green" "O" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Green" "O" "TF_Icon_Voice" "V" "[english]TF_Icon_Voice" "V" "TF_Icon_Voice_Idle" "W" "[english]TF_Icon_Voice_Idle" "W" "TF_Icon_Alert" "!" "[english]TF_Icon_Alert" "!" "TF_Icon_NotReady" "," "[english]TF_Icon_NotReady" "," "TF_Icon_Ready" "." "[english]TF_Icon_Ready" "." "TF_Icon_Start" "s" "[english]TF_Icon_Start" "s" "TF_ChangeTeam" "Skift hold" "[english]TF_ChangeTeam" "Change Team" "TF_ChangeClass" "Skift klasse" "[english]TF_ChangeClass" "Change Class" "TF_Attacking" "Angriber" "[english]TF_Attacking" "Attacking" "TF_Defending" "Forsvarer" "[english]TF_Defending" "Defending" "TF_Dlg_NotOnlineEnabled" "Du skal have et Xbox LIVE Gold-medlemskab for at få adgang til denne funktion. Skal der vælges en anden profil?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NotOnlineEnabled" "You need an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership to access this feature. Would you like to select a different profile?" "TF_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "Du skal logge ind på Xbox LIVE for at få adgang til denne funktion. Vil du logge på nu?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "TF_Dlg_SearchingForGames" "Søger efter spil..." "[english]TF_Dlg_SearchingForGames" "Searching for games..." "TF_Dlg_CreatingGame" "Opretter spillet..." "[english]TF_Dlg_CreatingGame" "Creating the game..." "TF_Dlg_ExitSessionText" "Er du sikker på, at du vil forlade spillet?" "[english]TF_Dlg_ExitSessionText" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?" "TF_Dlg_NoGamesFound" "Der blev ikke fundet nogen spil, der svarer til dine kriterier.\n\nVil du være vært for et spil?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NoGamesFound" "No games were found matching your criteria.\n\nWould you like to host a game?" "TF_Dlg_CreateFailed" "Kunne ikke oprette et spil." "[english]TF_Dlg_CreateFailed" "Failed to create a game." "TF_Dlg_JoinRefused" "Dette spil accepterer ikke længere spillere." "[english]TF_Dlg_JoinRefused" "This game is no longer accepting players." "TF_Dlg_GameFull" "Dette spil er fuldt." "[english]TF_Dlg_GameFull" "This game is full." "TF_Dlg_JoinFailed" "Kunne ikke slutte til spillet." "[english]TF_Dlg_JoinFailed" "Failed to join to the game." "TF_Dlg_ConfirmKick" "Fjern denne spiller fra spillet?" "[english]TF_Dlg_ConfirmKick" "Remove this player from the game?" "TF_Dlg_ClientKicked" "Du er blevet smidt ud af spillet." "[english]TF_Dlg_ClientKicked" "You have been kicked from this game." "TF_Dlg_LostHost" "Forbindelsen til værten gik tabt." "[english]TF_Dlg_LostHost" "Connection to the host was lost." "TF_Dlg_LostServer" "Forbindelsen til spilserveren gik tabt." "[english]TF_Dlg_LostServer" "Connection to the game server was lost." "TF_Dlg_Connecting" "Tilslutter..." "[english]TF_Dlg_Connecting" "Connecting..." "TF_Dlg_ModifyingSession" "Ændrer session..." "[english]TF_Dlg_ModifyingSession" "Modifying session..." "TF_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Kontrollerer lagerenhed..." "[english]TF_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Checking storage device..." "TF_Spectator_ChangeClass" "Tryk på [ %changeclass% ] for at skifte klasse" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeClass" "Press [ %changeclass% ] to Change Class" "TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam" "Tryk på [ %changeteam% ] for at skifte hold" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam" "Press [ %changeteam% ] to Change Team" "TF_Spectator_AutoDirector" "Tryk på [ %strafe% ] for auto-instruktør" "[english]TF_Spectator_AutoDirector" "Press [ %strafe% ] for Auto Director" "TF_Spectator_SwitchCamModeKey" "[%jump%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_SwitchCamModeKey" "[%jump%]" "TF_Spectator_SwitchCamMode" "Skift kameratilstand" "[english]TF_Spectator_SwitchCamMode" "Switch Camera Mode" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwdKey" "[%attack%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwdKey" "[%attack%]" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwd" "Skift mellem mål (fremad)" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwd" "Cycle Targets (fwd)" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRevKey" "[%attack2%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRevKey" "[%attack2%]" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRev" "Skift mellem mål (tilbage)" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRev" "Cycle Targets (rev)" "TF_Spectator_Spectating" "Tilskuer:" "[english]TF_Spectator_Spectating" "Spectating:" "TF_teambalanced" "Holdene er blevet auto-afbalanceret" "[english]TF_teambalanced" "The teams have been auto-balanced" "TF_teamswitch" "Holdene er blevet skiftet" "[english]TF_teamswitch" "The teams have been switched" "TF_teamswitch_attackers" "Du skal nu angribe!" "[english]TF_teamswitch_attackers" "You are now Attacking!" "TF_teamswitch_defenders" "Du skal nu forsvare!" "[english]TF_teamswitch_defenders" "You are now Defending!" "TF_teamswitch_red" "Du er nu på RED!" "[english]TF_teamswitch_red" "You are now on RED!" "TF_teamswitch_blue" "Du er nu på BLU!" "[english]TF_teamswitch_blue" "You are now on BLU!" "TF_suddendeath" "SUDDEN DEATH!" "[english]TF_suddendeath" "SUDDEN DEATH!" "TF_suddendeath_mode" "SUDDEN DEATH-TILSTAND!" "[english]TF_suddendeath_mode" "SUDDEN DEATH MODE!" "TF_suddendeath_join" "Læn dig tilbage og slap af, mens du venter på, at denne ubetydelige lille konflikt skal få en ende." "[english]TF_suddendeath_join" "Sit back and relax while you wait for this petty conflict to end." "TF_suddendeath_timer" "Din tid er udløbet. Hold øje med din ryg, og gør det af med dem. Ingen mulighed for at vende tilbage." "[english]TF_suddendeath_timer" "You've run out of time. Watch your back and finish 'em off. No more spawning." "TF_suddendeath_limit" "Banens tidsbegrænsning er nået. Ingen mulighed for at vende tilbage, så nu gælder det." "[english]TF_suddendeath_limit" "Map time limit reached. No more spawning, so make this count." "TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) er en Capture the Flag-bane" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) is a Capture the Flag map" "TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til dit erobringspunkt" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your capture point" "TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Tabte mapper vil blive returneret til deres base efter 60 sekunder" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their base in 60 seconds" "TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort er en Capture the Flag-bane" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort is a Capture the Flag map" "TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "For at vinde et point skal I stjæle fjendens efterretningsmappe og returnere den til jeres kælder" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your basement" "TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus" "Status for og placeringen af begge mapperne med efterretninger kan du se i bunden af skærmbilledet" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus" "The status and location of both intelligence briefcases can be found at the base of your screen" "TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Tabte mapper vil blive returneret til deres kælder efter 60 sekunder" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their basement in 60 seconds" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit er en Attack/Defend Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit is an Attack/Defend Control Point map" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Hold RED vinder ved at forsvare deres kontrolpunkter" "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Team RED wins by defending their Control Points" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_BlueWin" "Hold BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkterne, inden tiden løber ud" "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_BlueWin" "Team BLU wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_Intro" "Dustbowl er en Attack/Defend Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_Intro" "Dustbowl is an Attack/Defend Control Point map" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin" "Hold BLU skal avancere gennem tre områder for at vinde" "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin" "Team BLU must advance through three stages to win" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "Hvert område indeholder to kontrolpunkter" "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "Each stage contains two Control Points" "TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro er en Territorial Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro is a Territorial Control Point map" "TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "Et hold skal kontrollere alle seks territorier for at vinde" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "A team must control all six territories to win" "TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin2" "Hvert hold starter med tre territorier" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin2" "Each team starts with three territories" "TF_IM_Hydro_Stages" "Områderne spilles igennem med to kontrolpunkter ad gangen" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Stages" "Stages will be played with two Control points at a time" "TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "Du skal erobre fjendens kontrolpunkt i et område for at vinde territoriet" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "Capture the enemy Control Point in a stage to win the territory" "TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) er en Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary er en Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands er en Control Point-bane" "[english]TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle kontrolpunkter" "[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all Control Points" "TF_IM_CP_Capture" "For at erobre et kontrolpunkt skal du stå inden for den afgrænsede erobringszone, indtil du ejer kontrolpunktet" "[english]TF_IM_CP_Capture" "To capture a Control Point, stand within the Capture Zone boundaries until you own the Control Point" "TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "Der føjes tid til uret, når et kontrolpunkt erobres" "[english]TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when a Control Point is captured" "TF_IM_CP_Locked" "Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste" "[english]TF_IM_CP_Locked" "Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked" "TF_IM_Goldrush_Intro" "Gold Rush er en Payload-bane med tre områder" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_Intro" "Gold Rush is a Payload map with three stages" "TF_IM_Goldrush_BlueWin" "Hold BLU vinder ved at eskortere vognen ind på hold RED's sidste punkt, inden tiden udløber" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_BlueWin" "BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Goldrush_RedWin" "Hold RED vinder ved at forhindre vognen i at nå frem til holdets sidste punkt" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_RedWin" "RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point" "TF_IM_Goldrush_MoveCart" "Vognen bevæger sig langs sporet, når spillere fra hold BLU er i nærheden af den" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_MoveCart" "The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it" "TF_IM_Goldrush_CartHeals" "Vognen forsyner hold BLU med helbred og ammunition" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_CartHeals" "The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team" "TF_IM_Goldrush_RollsBack" "Hvis vognen ikke bevæger sig i 30 sekunder, vil den begynde at rulle baglæns" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_RollsBack" "If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards" "TF_IM_Goldrush_TimeAdd" "Der føjes tid til uret, hver gang vognen når et kontrolpunkt" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point" "TF_IM_Basin_Intro" "Badwater Basin er en Payload-bane med kun et enkelt område" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_Intro" "Badwater Basin is a Payload map with just one stage" "TF_IM_Basin_BlueWin" "Hold BLU vinder ved at eskortere vognen ind på hold RED's sidste punkt, inden tiden udløber" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_BlueWin" "BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Basin_RedWin" "Hold RED vinder ved at forhindre vognen i at nå frem til holdets sidste punkt" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_RedWin" "RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point" "TF_IM_Basin_MoveCart" "Vognen bevæger sig langs sporet, når spillere fra hold BLU er i nærheden af den" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_MoveCart" "The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it" "TF_IM_Basin_CartHeals" "Vognen forsyner hold BLU med helbred og ammunition" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_CartHeals" "The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team" "TF_IM_Basin_RollsBack" "Hvis vognen ikke bevæger sig i 30 sekunder, vil den begynde at rulle baglæns" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_RollsBack" "If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards" "TF_IM_Basin_TimeAdd" "Der føjes tid til uret, hver gang vognen når et kontrolpunkt" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point" "TF_IM_Arena_Intro" "Velkommen til Team Fortress Arena" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Intro" "Welcome to Team Fortress Arena" "TF_IM_Arena_RandomTeam" "I Arenatilstand bliver du sat på et tilfældigt hold" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_RandomTeam" "In Arena mode you will be randomly assigned to a team" "TF_IM_Arena_ToWin" "For at vinde skal dit hold enten udrydde alle spillere på det andet hold..." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_ToWin" "To win, your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team..." "TF_IM_Arena_OrCapture" "...eller erobre det kontrolpunkt, der bliver aktiveret i løbet af runden" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_OrCapture" "...or capture the control point that will be activated during the round" "TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" "Der er ingen tilbagevenden i Arenatilstand, så lad være med at dø!" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" "There is no respawning in Arena mode, so don't die!" "TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Spillere på det tabende hold kan risikere at sidde over i næste runde, hvis andre spillere venter på at spille" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Players on the losing team may have to sit out the next round if other players are waiting to play" "TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "Holdene blandes, efter et hold når sejrsgrænsen" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "The teams will be scrambled after one team reaches the win limit" "TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Sentryskytte" "[english]TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Sentry Gunner" "TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_DESC" "Akkumuler 10 sentry-drab med en enkel sentry." "[english]TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_DESC" "Accumulate 10 sentry gun kills with a single sentry." "TF_KILL_NEMESIS_NAME" "Nemesis" "[english]TF_KILL_NEMESIS_NAME" "Nemesis" "TF_KILL_NEMESIS_DESC" "Opnå fem hævndrab." "[english]TF_KILL_NEMESIS_DESC" "Get five revenge kills." "TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_NAME" "Vanskelig at dræbe" "[english]TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_NAME" "Hard to Kill" "TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_DESC" "Opnå fem drab i træk uden at dø." "[english]TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_DESC" "Get five kills in a row without dying." "TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_NAME" "Forklædningens mester" "[english]TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_NAME" "Master of Disguise" "TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_DESC" "Snyd en fjendtlig Medic til at hele dig." "[english]TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_DESC" "Trick an opposing Medic into healing you." "TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "De små grå" "[english]TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Grey Matter" "TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Opnå 25 hovedskud som en Sniper." "[english]TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Get 25 headshots as a Sniper." "TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_NAME" "Med den slags venner..." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_NAME" "With Friends Like these..." "TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_DESC" "Deltag i et spil med fem eller flere spillere fra din venneliste." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_DESC" "Play in a game with five or more players from your Friends list." "TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_NAME" "Dynasti" "[english]TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_NAME" "Dynasty" "TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_DESC" "Vind 20 spil." "[english]TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_DESC" "Win 20 games." "TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_NAME" "Hardcore" "[english]TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_NAME" "Hardcore" "TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_DESC" "Akkumuler 1000 drab i alt." "[english]TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_DESC" "Accumulate 1000 total kills." "TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Kraftværksoffensiv" "[english]TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Powerhouse Offense" "TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Vind 2Fort med en skudduel." "[english]TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Win 2Fort with a shutout." "TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Lynoffensiv" "[english]TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Lightning Offense" "TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Vind Well på 5 minutter eller hurtigere." "[english]TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Win Well in 5 minutes or less." "TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Ubønhørlig offensiv" "[english]TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Relentless Offense" "TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Vind Hydro uden at opgive en erobring." "[english]TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Win Hydro without giving up a capture." "TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Uigennemtrængeligt forsvar" "[english]TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Impenetrable Defense" "TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Forsvar Dustbowl med succes uden at opgive en erobring." "[english]TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture." "TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Umuligt forsvar" "[english]TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Impossible Defense" "TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Forsvar Gravel Pit med succes uden at opgive en erobring." "[english]TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture." "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_NAME" "Klassens bedste" "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_NAME" "Head of the Class" "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_DESC" "Spil en komplet runde med hver klasse." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_DESC" "Play a complete round with every class." "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_NAME" "Verdensrejsende" "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_NAME" "World Traveler" "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_DESC" "Spil et komplet spil på 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro og Well (CP)." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_DESC" "Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP)." "TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_NAME" "Holdlæge" "[english]TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_NAME" "Team Doctor" "TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_DESC" "Akkumuler 25000 helingspoint som Medic." "[english]TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_DESC" "Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic." "TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Flammekaster" "[english]TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Flamethrower" "TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Sæt ild til fem fjender på 30 sekunder." "[english]TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds." "TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_NAME" "Først, gør ingen skade" "[english]TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_NAME" "First Do No Harm" "TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_DESC" "Spil en hel runde uden at slå nogen fjender ihjel, og scor flest points på et hold med 6 eller flere spillere." "[english]TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_DESC" "Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_NAME" "Firdobbelt omledning" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_NAME" "Quadruple Bypass" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_DESC" "Helbred en holdkammerat, der er under beskydning af 4 fjender på én gang." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_DESC" "Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once." "TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_NAME" "Gruppehelbred" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_NAME" "Group Health" "TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_DESC" "Arbejd med 2 andre Medics for at bruge 3 ÜberLadninger på samme tid." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_DESC" "Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges." "TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_NAME" "Operationsforberedelse" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_NAME" "Surgical Prep" "TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_DESC" "Hav en ÜberLadning klar inden opsætningsfasen slutter." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_DESC" "Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends." "TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_NAME" "\"Trauma Queen\"" "[english]TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_NAME" "Trauma Queen" "TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_DESC" "Brug 3 ÜberLadninger på under 5 minutter og hjælp til med 5 drab i samme tidsrum." "[english]TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_DESC" "Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time." "TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_NAME" "Dobbelt blændeprøve" "[english]TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_NAME" "Double Blind Trial" "TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_DESC" "Brug en ÜberLadning mindre end 8 sekunder efter, at en fjendtlig Medic i nærheden har brugt sin." "[english]TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_DESC" "Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his." "TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_NAME" "Leg doktor" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_NAME" "Play Doctor" "TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_DESC" "I et hold uden Medics skal du være den første, der skifter til Medic, efter at en holdkammerat har råbt \"Medic!\", og hele 500 helbredspoint." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_DESC" "In a team with no Medics, be the first person to switch to Medic after a teammate calls for 'Medic!', and then heal 500 health." "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Visitation" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Triage" "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Brug en ÜberLadning på en holdkammerat mindre end et sekund inden, at vedkommende bliver ramt af et kritisk sprængstof." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_NAME" "Forebyggende medicin" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_NAME" "Preventive Medicine" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_DESC" "Bloker fjendens erobring af et kontrolpunkt med en ÜberLadet holdkammerat." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_DESC" "Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an ÜberCharged teammate." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Konsultation" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Consultation" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Hjælp en Medic-kollega med at dræbe 3 fjender i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Assist a fellow Medic in killing 3 enemies in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_NAME" "Gør det ondt, når jeg gør dette?" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_NAME" "Does It Hurt When I Do This?" "TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC" "Dræb 50 Scouts med din syringe gun." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "\"Peer Review\"" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Peer Review" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_DESC" "Dræb 10 Medics med din bonesaw." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_DESC" "Kill 10 Medics with your bone saw." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_NAME" "\"Big Pharma\"" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_NAME" "Big Pharma" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_DESC" "Hjælp en Heavy med at dræbe 20 fjender, hvor ingen af jer dør." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_DESC" "Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_NAME" "Du vil mærke et lille stik" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_NAME" "You'll Feel a Little Prick" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_DESC" "Hjælp med at dræbe 3 fjender med en enkelt ÜberLadning på en Scout." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_DESC" "Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_NAME" "Autoklave" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_NAME" "Autoclave" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_DESC" "Hjælp med at brænde 5 fjender med en enkelt ÜberLadning på en Pyro." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_DESC" "Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_NAME" "Fysisk kvæstelse" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_NAME" "Blunt Trauma" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_DESC" "Hjælp med at slå 2 fjender med en enkelt ÜberLadning på en Heavy." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_DESC" "Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Medicinsk gennembrud" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Medical Breakthrough" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Hjælp med at ødelægge 5 fjendtlige Engineer-bygninger med en enkelt ÜberLadning på en Demoman." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_NAME" "Hjælp til sprængning" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_NAME" "Blast Assist" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_DESC" "Hjælp med at sprænge 5 fjender i luften med en enkelt ÜberLadning på en Soldier." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_DESC" "Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_NAME" "Jordemoderkrise" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_NAME" "Midwife Crisis" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_DESC" "Helbred en Engineer, mens han reparerer sin sentry, når det er under fjendtlig beskydning." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_DESC" "Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_NAME" "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_NAME" "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_DESC" "Hjælp med at dræbe 5 fjender på en fjendtlig kontrolpost, i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_DESC" "Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_NAME" "Store runder" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_NAME" "Grand Rounds" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_DESC" "Hel 200 holdkammerater, efter at de har råbt \"Medic!\"." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_DESC" "Heal 200 teammates after they've called for 'Medic!'." "TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Helvedes medicin" "[english]TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Infernal Medicine" "TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Sluk 100 brændende holdkammerater." "[english]TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Extinguish 100 burning teammates." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_NAME" "Lægestøttet mord" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_NAME" "Doctor Assisted Homicide" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_DESC" "Hjælp med at dræbe 20 nemesiser." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_DESC" "Assist in killing 20 nemeses." "TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_NAME" "Placebovirkning" "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_NAME" "Placebo Effect" "TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_DESC" "Dræb 2 fjender i løbet af et enkelt liv mens du har din ÜberLadning parat, men ikke i brug." "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_DESC" "Kill 2 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_NAME" "Savknogler" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_NAME" "Sawbones" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_DESC" "Ram fjender med din bonesaw 5 gange i træk uden at dø eller ramme forbi." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_DESC" "Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_NAME" "Reservelæge" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_NAME" "Intern" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_DESC" "Akkumuler 7000 helingspoint i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_DESC" "Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_NAME" "Specialist" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_NAME" "Specialist" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_DESC" "Akkumuler 10000 helingspoint i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_DESC" "Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Militærleder" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Chief of Staff" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Akkumuler en million helingspoint." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Accumulate 1 million total heal points." "TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_NAME" "Hyklerisk løfte" "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_NAME" "Hypocritical Oath" "TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_DESC" "Dræb en fjendtlig spion, som du har helet." "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_DESC" "Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing." "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Lægelig indgriben" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Medical Intervention" "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Red en faldende holdkammerat fra at dø, når han rammer jorden." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Save a falling teammate from dying on impact." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_NAME" "Anden mening" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_NAME" "Second Opinion" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_DESC" "ÜberLad 2 holdkammerater på samme tid." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_DESC" "ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once." "TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_NAME" "Obduktionsrapport" "[english]TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_NAME" "Autopsy Report" "TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig, mens du håner vedkommendes lig." "[english]TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_NAME" "FYI: Jeg er en Medic" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_NAME" "FYI I am A Medic" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_DESC" "Brug din bonesaw til at dræbe en Spy, der har råbt \"Medic!\"." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_DESC" "Use your bonesaw to kill a spy who has been calling for 'Medic!'." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_NAME" "Familiepraksis" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_NAME" "Family Practice" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_DESC" "ÜberLad 5 af dine Steam-fællesskabsvenner." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_DESC" "ÜberCharge 5 of your Steam Community Friends." "TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_NAME" "Husbesøg" "[english]TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_NAME" "House Call" "TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_DESC" "Vær med i et spil som en af dine venner er med i og brug derefter en ÜberLadning på ham." "[english]TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_DESC" "Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_NAME" "Sengemanerer" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_NAME" "Bedside Manner" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_DESC" "Vær i gang med at hele en holdkammerat, mens han selv opnår en præstation." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_DESC" "Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Medic-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Medic Milestone 1" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 10 af præstationerne i Medic-pakken." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Medic-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Medic Milestone 2" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 16 af præstationerne i Medic-pakken." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Medic-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Medic Milestone 3" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 22 af præstationerne i Medic-pakken." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_NAME" "Kombineret geværild" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_NAME" "Combined Fire" "TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_DESC" "Brug dit haglgevær til at gøre det af med 20 spillere, du har antændt." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_DESC" "Use your shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited." "TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_NAME" "Snobrød" "[english]TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_NAME" "Weenie Roast" "TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_DESC" "Sørg for, at der er ild i 2 af fjendens Scouts på samme tid." "[english]TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_DESC" "Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time." "TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Ilddåb" "[english]TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Baptism by Fire" "TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Tving 10 brændende fjender til at hoppe i vandet." "[english]TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Force 10 burning enemies to jump into water." "TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_NAME" "Helvedesild" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_NAME" "Fire and Forget" "TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_DESC" "Dræb 15 spillere, mens du er død." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_DESC" "Kill 15 players while you're dead." "TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_NAME" "Firewall" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_NAME" "Firewall" "TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_DESC" "Antænd 5 Spies, der har en sapper på en venligsindet bygning." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_DESC" "Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building." "TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Bogbrænding" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Cooking the Books" "TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Antænd 5 fjender, der bærer rundt på dit holds efterretninger." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Ignite 5 enemies carrying your intelligence." "TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_NAME" "Spontan selvantændelse" "[english]TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_NAME" "Spontaneous Combustion" "TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_DESC" "Antænd 10 skjulte Spies." "[english]TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_DESC" "Ignite 10 cloaked Spies." "TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Løbeild" "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Trailblazer" "TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Antænd 10 fjender, der for nylig har anvendt en teleporter." "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter." "TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Lejrbål" "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Camp Fire" "TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender i træk i samme område." "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies in a row, all within the same area." "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_NAME" "Skovhugger" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_NAME" "Lumberjack" "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender med din økse i ét liv." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_DESC" "Kill 3 people with your axe in one life." "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_NAME" "Skovrydder" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_NAME" "Clearcutter" "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_DESC" "Dræb 6 fjender med din økse i ét liv." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 6 people with your axe in one life." "TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Ild i røven" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Hot on Your Heels" "TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender bagfra med din flamethrower." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_NAME" "Flammeblik" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_NAME" "I Fry" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_DESC" "Antænd 10 forklædte Spies." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_DESC" "Ignite 10 disguised Spies." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_NAME" "Brandvagt" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_NAME" "Firewatch" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_DESC" "Antænd 10 Snipers, mens de har zoomet ind." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_DESC" "Ignite 10 Snipers while they are zoomed in." "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "Brandsårsafdeling" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "Burn Ward" "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Antænd 3 Medics der er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Ignite 3 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_NAME" "Varm kartoffel" "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_NAME" "Hot Potato" "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_DESC" "Reflektér 100 projektiler med dit komprimerede luftstød." "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_DESC" "Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast." "TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_NAME" "Grillmad" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_NAME" "Makin' Bacon" "TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_DESC" "Dræb 50 Heavies med din flamethrower." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_DESC" "Kill 50 Heavies with your flamethrower." "TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Plan B" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Plan B" "TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender, mens I begge er under vand." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater." "TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_NAME" "Festfyrværkeri" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_NAME" "Pyrotechnics" "TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender i en enkelt ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies in a single ÜberCharge." "TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Brandstifter" "[english]TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Arsonist" "TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Ødelæg 50 Engineer-bygninger." "[english]TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Destroy 50 Engineer buildings." "TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_NAME" "Kontrolleret brand" "[english]TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_NAME" "Controlled Burn" "TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_DESC" "Antænd 50 fjender, der erobrer et af dine kontrolpunkter." "[english]TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_DESC" "Ignite 50 enemies capturing one of your control points." "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Brandmand" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Firefighter" "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 500 fjender." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies." "TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Ildbetvinger" "[english]TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Pyromancer" "TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Gør 1 million point ildskade i alt." "[english]TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Do 1 million points of total fire damage." "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_NAME" "Humørspreder" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_NAME" "Next of Kindling" "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_DESC" "Antænd en fjende og den Medic, der heler ham." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_DESC" "Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "OMGWTFBBQ" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "OMGWTFBBQ" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Dræb en fjende med en hån." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a taunt." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Andengradsforbrænding" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Second Degree Burn" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Dræb en brændende fjende, som blev antændt af en anden Pyro." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_NAME" "Har du ild?" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_NAME" "Got A Light?" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_DESC" "Antænd en fjendtlig Spy, mens han asker sin smøg." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_DESC" "Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette." "TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_NAME" "Aufwebersehen" "[english]TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_NAME" "BarbeQueQ" "TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_DESC" "Få en domineret spiller til at forlade serveren." "[english]TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_DESC" "Cause a dominated player to leave the server." "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_NAME" "Hotshot" "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_NAME" "Hotshot" "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en Soldier med en reflekteret raket." "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_DESC" "Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_NAME" "Flammernes hævn" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_NAME" "Dance Dance Immolation" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender, mens de håner." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting." "TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_NAME" "Dødt løb" "[english]TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_NAME" "Dead Heat" "TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_DESC" "Dræb en fjende i samme sekund, som han dræber dig." "[english]TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_DESC" "Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you." "TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_NAME" "Stikflamme" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_NAME" "Pilot Light" "TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_DESC" "Antænd en raket-hoppende Soldier, mens han er i luften." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_DESC" "Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair." "TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_NAME" "Svedig kameraføring" "[english]TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_NAME" "Freezer Burn" "TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_DESC" "Send stillbilleder til fjenden hvor du viser hvert eneste af dine hån." "[english]TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_DESC" "Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts." "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_NAME" "Brandchef" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_NAME" "Fire Chief" "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_DESC" "Dræb 1000 fjender." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 1000 enemies." "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_NAME" "Opmærksomhedssøgende" "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_NAME" "Attention Getter" "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_DESC" "Antænd 100 fjender med din Signalpistol." "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_DESC" "Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Pyro-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 1" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 10 af præstationerne i Pyro-pakken." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Pyro-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 2" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 16 af præstationerne i Pyro-pakken." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Pyro-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 3" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 22 af præstationerne i Pyro-pakken." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_NAME" "Jerntæppe" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_NAME" "Iron Kurtain" "TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_DESC" "Tag 1000 point skade i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_DESC" "Take 1000 points of damage in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Partiloyalitet" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Party Loyalty" "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender mindre end 3 sekunder efter, at de angriber din Medic." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies within 3 seconds of them attacking your Medic." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_NAME" "Arbejdsfordeling" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_NAME" "Division of Labor" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender med hjælp fra en Medic, uden at nogen af jer dør." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you die." "TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_NAME" "Rød oktoberfest" "[english]TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_NAME" "Red Oktoberfest" "TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_DESC" "Skaf en dominering til en Medic der heler dig." "[english]TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_DESC" "Earn a domination for a Medic who's healing you." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Justitsmord" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Show Trial" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Dræb en fjende, mens du håner ham." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a taunt." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Forbrydelse og straf" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Crime and Punishment" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender, der bærer rundt på dit holds efterretninger." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Klassekamp" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Class Struggle" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Dræb et fjendtligt Heavy/Medic-par sammen med en venlig Medic." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair." "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Sovjetblok-kering" "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Soviet Block" "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_DESC" "Bloker en usårlig, fjendtlig Heavy, mens du selv er usårlig og forsvarer, så han ikke kan bevæge sig." "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_DESC" "While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement." "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_NAME" "Stalingrad" "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_NAME" "Stalin the Kart" "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_DESC" "Bloker fjenden i at flytte payload-vognen 25 gange." "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_DESC" "Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times." "TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_NAME" "Øverstesovjet" "[english]TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_NAME" "Supreme Soviet" "TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_DESC" "Bliv ÜberLadet 50 gange." "[english]TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_DESC" "Get ÜberCharged 50 times." "TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_NAME" "Fabriksarbejder" "[english]TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_NAME" "Factory Worker" "TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender, mens du lades op af en dispenser." "[english]TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_NAME" "Sovjet-union" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_NAME" "Soviet Union" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 25 fjender, mens du enten hjælper eller bliver hjulpet af en anden Heavy." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_DESC" "Get 25 enemy kills where you either assist or are assisted by another Heavy." "TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Kontroller produktionsmidlerne" "[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "0wn the Means of Production" "TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Fjern 20 klæbebomber ved at dræbe de Demomen, der producerede dem." "[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Krazy Ivan" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Krazy Ivan" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender, mens både du og dit offer er under vandet." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater." "TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_NAME" "Rasputin" "[english]TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_NAME" "Rasputin" "TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_DESC" "Bliv skadet af skud, ild, nærkampsvåben og eksplosioner i samme liv." "[english]TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_DESC" "In a single life, get shot, burned, bludgeoned, and receive explosive damage." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_NAME" "Glasur på kagen" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_NAME" "Icing on the Cake" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender, mens du dominerer dem." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_DESC" "Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating." "TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_NAME" "Missilskjold" "[english]TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_NAME" "Crock Block" "TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_DESC" "Overlev en fuldtræffer fra en kritisk raket." "[english]TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_DESC" "Survive a direct hit from a critical rocket." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_NAME" "Kollektivisering" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_NAME" "Kollectivization" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_DESC" "Hjælp til ved 1000 drab." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_DESC" "Get 1000 assists." "TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_NAME" "Fjender af folket" "[english]TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_NAME" "Spyalectical Materialism" "TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_DESC" "Dræb eller hjælp til med at dræbe 10 skjulte Spies." "[english]TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_DESC" "Kill or assist in killing 10 cloaked Spies." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_NAME" "Mach-xistisk effektivitet" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_NAME" "Permanent Revolution" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_DESC" "Dræb 5 fjender, mens tromlen på dit våben roterer med konstant hastighed." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_DESC" "Kill 5 enemies without spinning down your gun." "TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_NAME" "Sværindustri" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_NAME" "Heavy Industry" "TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_DESC" "Affyr for 200.000$ skud med Rullekanonen i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_DESC" "Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_NAME" "Kommunistisk manifest" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_NAME" "Communist Mani-Fisto" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_DESC" "Dræb en fjende med et kritisk slag." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a critical punch." "TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_NAME" "Omfordeling af helbred" "[english]TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_NAME" "Redistribution of Health" "TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_DESC" "Hel 1000 skadespoint med førstehjælpssæt i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_DESC" "Heal 1000 damage with med-kits in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Rationering" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Rationing" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Dræb en fjende med dit haglgevær, mens du er løbet tør for ammunition til din rullekanon." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo." "TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_NAME" "Fortrop" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_NAME" "Vanguard Party" "TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_DESC" "Vær den første på dit hold, der begynder på at erobre et kontrolpunkt i en runde." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_DESC" "Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round." "TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Peter den Store" "[english]TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Pushkin the Kart" "TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Opnå 50 erobringer i payload-baner." "[english]TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Get 50 caps on payload maps." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_NAME" "Engels-mager" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_NAME" "Marxman" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender i luften med Rullekanonen." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies in mid-air with the minigun." "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_NAME" "Gorky Park-eret" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_NAME" "Gorky Parked" "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_DESC" "Dræb 25 fjender, mens du står på et kontrolpunkt, du ejer." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Udrensning" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Purge" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Dræb 15 fjender, der er ved at erobre et kontrolpunkt, du ejer." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies capturing a control point you own." "TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_NAME" "Rød front" "[english]TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_NAME" "Lenin A Hand" "TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_DESC" "Hjælp 5 holdkammerater med at få hævn over deres nemesis." "[english]TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_DESC" "Help 5 teammates get revenge on their nemeses." "TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_NAME" "Femsekundersplan" "[english]TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_NAME" "Five Second Plan" "TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en fjende i de første 5 sekunder efter, at du er trådt ud af en teleport." "[english]TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter." "TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Fotostroika" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Photostroika" "TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig, der håner, mens du er usårlig." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable." "TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME" "Ædegilde" "[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME" "Konspicuous Konsumption" "TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "Spis 100 sandvicher." "[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "Eat 100 sandviches." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Ikke røre Sandvich" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Don't Touch Sandvich" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Dræb 50 Scouts med Natascha." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts using Natascha." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Det røde bælte" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Borscht Belt" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Dræb 10 Heavies med KGB'en" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Kill 10 Heavies with The K.G.B." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Heavy-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 1" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 10 af præstationerne i Heavy-pakken." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Heavy-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 2" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 16 af præstationerne i Heavy-pakken." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Heavy-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 3" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 22 af præstationerne i Heavy-pakken." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_NAME" "Første blod" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_NAME" "First Blood" "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_DESC" "Vær den første til at dræbe en fjende i en Arena- eller Competitive-kamp." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_DESC" "Get the first kill in an Arena or Competitive match." "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_NAME" "Første blod, del 2" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_NAME" "First Blood, Part 2" "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 5 fjender med første blod-kritisk buff i en Arena-kamp." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_DESC" "Kill 5 enemies with the First Blood crit buff in an Arena match." "TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_NAME" "Hurtig fangst" "[english]TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_NAME" "Quick Hook" "TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en spiller på Well, inden runden begynder." "[english]TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_DESC" "Kill a player in Well before the round starts." "TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_NAME" "Et mindeværdigt år" "[english]TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_NAME" "A Year to Remember" "TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_DESC" "Opnå 2004 drab." "[english]TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_DESC" "Get 2004 lifetime kills." "TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_NAME" "Livets cyklus" "[english]TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_NAME" "The Cycle" "TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_DESC" "Dræb en fjende mens du er på jorden, i luften eller i vandet i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_DESC" "In a single life, kill an enemy while you are on the ground, in the air, and in the water." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Lukkevagt" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Closer" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Ødelæg 3 teleporter-indgange." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Destroy 3 teleporter entrances." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_NAME" "Hvis du bygger den..." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_NAME" "If You Build It" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_DESC" "Ødelæg 3 af fjendens bygninger, mens de stadigvæk er ved at blive bygget." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_DESC" "Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_NAME" "Skyd dem ned" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_NAME" "Gun Down" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_DESC" "Ødelæg en aktiv sentry med din pistol." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_DESC" "Destroy an active sentry gun using your pistol." "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_NAME" "Op og hop" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_NAME" "Batter Up" "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_DESC" "Udfør 1000 dobbelthop." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_DESC" "Perform 1000 double jumps." "TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Overdosis" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Doctoring the Ball" "TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender mens du er påvirket af en Medics ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies while under the effects of a Medic's ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_NAME" "Dodgers 1, Giants 0" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_NAME" "Dodgers 1, Giants 0" "TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_DESC" "Dræb en Heavy og snup hans Sandvich." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_DESC" "Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Scout-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Scout Milestone 1" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 10 af præstationerne i Scout-pakken." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Scout-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Scout Milestone 2" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 16 af præstationerne i Scout-pakken." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Scout-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Scout Milestone 3" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 22 af præstationerne i Scout-pakken." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_NAME" "Et æble om dagen..." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_NAME" "Batting the Doctor" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC" "Dræb en Medic der er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC" "Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Jeg er Batman" "[english]TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "I'm Bat Man" "TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Overlev 500 skadespoint i ét liv." "[english]TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Survive 500 damage in one life." "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_NAME" "Hop og skyd" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_NAME" "Pop Fly" "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 20 spillere, mens du dobbelthopper." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_DESC" "Kill 20 players while double-jumping." "TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Rundt og rundt" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Round-Tripper" "TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Erobr fjendens efterretninger 25 gange." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 25 times." "TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_NAME" "Alle gode gange 3" "[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_NAME" "Triple Steal" "TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Erobr fjendens efterretninger 3 gange i en enkel CTF-runde." "[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round." "TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Undvigemanøvrer" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Artful Dodger" "TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Undvig 1000 skadespoint i et enkelt liv vha. din Bonk!-Atompunch." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Dodge 1000 damage in a single life using your Bonk! Atomic Punch." "TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Fald ned" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Fall Classic" "TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Få en fjende til at falde i døden vha. Naturkraftens tilbageslag." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_NAME" "Angrebszone" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_NAME" "Strike Zone" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender eller assistér andre i at dræbe dem, mens de er lammet eller hæmmet." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_DESC" "Kill or assist kill 50 enemies while they are stunned or slowed." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Fjendtligt område" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Foul Territory" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Få en fjende til at falde i døden ved at lamme eller hæmme ham." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Cause an environmental death by stunning or slowing an enemy." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_NAME" "From som et lam" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_NAME" "The Big Hurt" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_DESC" "Lam 2 Medics der er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_DESC" "Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Hård bold" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Brushback" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Lam 50 fjender, mens de er ved at erobre et punkt eller skubber vognen." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Stun 50 enemies while they are capturing a point or pushing the cart." "TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_NAME" "Langskud" "[english]TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_NAME" "Moon Shot" "TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_DESC" "Lam en fjende længst muligt ved at ramme ham med et langskud." "[english]TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_DESC" "Stun an enemy for the maximum possible duration by hitting them with a long-range ball." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_NAME" "Slå bolden tilbage" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_NAME" "Beanball" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Lam en Scout med hans egen bold." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Stun a Scout with their own ball." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Pensioner løberen" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Retire the Runner" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Dræb en Scout, mens han er påvirket af Krit-a-Cola." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Bagholdsangreb" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Caught Napping" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender bagfra med Naturkraften." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies from behind with the Force-A-Nature." "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_NAME" "Det sidste stik" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_NAME" "Side Retired" "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_DESC" "Erobr det sidste point i en CP-bane." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_DESC" "Capture the last point in a CP map." "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_NAME" "3 på stribe" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_NAME" "Triple Play" "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_DESC" "Erobr tre erobringspunkter i træk i ét liv." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_DESC" "Capture three capture points in a row in one life." "TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_NAME" "Vaks ved havelågen" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_NAME" "Stealing Home" "TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Begynd at indtage et erobringspunkt i samme sekund, som det bliver tilgængeligt." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available." "TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_NAME" "Dæk bordet" "[english]TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_NAME" "Set the Table" "TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_DESC" "Indled 10 succesrige forsøg på at indtage et punkt." "[english]TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_DESC" "Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed." "TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_NAME" "Stå i vejen" "[english]TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_NAME" "Block the Plate" "TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_DESC" "Blokér 50 forsøg på at indtage et punkt." "[english]TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_DESC" "Block 50 point captures." "TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_NAME" "Forsmået plageånd" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_NAME" "Belittled Beleaguer" "TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_DESC" "Dræb en af fjendens spillere, der har jeres efterretninger, mens du selv har deres." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_DESC" "Kill an opposing player that has your intelligence while holding theirs." "TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_NAME" "Ingen træffere" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_NAME" "No-Hitter" "TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_DESC" "Stjæl og erobr fjendens efterretninger uden at affyre et eneste skud." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_DESC" "Steal and then capture the enemy intelligence without firing a shot." "TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_NAME" "Løb efter pokalen" "[english]TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_NAME" "Race for the Pennant" "TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_DESC" "Løb 25 kilometer." "[english]TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_DESC" "Run 25 kilometers." "TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Ud af banen" "[english]TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Out of the Park" "TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Slå en fjende 25 meter." "[english]TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Bat an enemy 25 meters." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_NAME" "Mishandlet" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_NAME" "Rode Hard, Put Away Wet" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_DESC" "Brug Jarate på en fjende, du dominerer." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_DESC" "Jarate an enemy that you're dominating." "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_NAME" "Vær høflig" "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_NAME" "Be Polite" "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig selv, mens du letter på hatten." "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you doffing your hat." "TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_NAME" "Vær effektiv" "[english]TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_NAME" "Be Efficient" "TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_DESC" "Opnå 3 drab med din Snigskytteriffel uden at misse." "[english]TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_DESC" "Get 3 kills with the Sniper Rifle without missing a shot." "TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_NAME" "Hav en plan" "[english]TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_NAME" "Have a Plan" "TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_DESC" "Erobr flaget i CTF." "[english]TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_DESC" "Capture the flag in CTF." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Dræb enhver, du møder" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Kill Everyone You Meet" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 1000 fjender." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 1000 enemies." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_NAME" "Tredobbelt bytte" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_NAME" "Triple Prey" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_DESC" "Dræb med tre forskellige våben i en enkelt runde." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_DESC" "In a single round, get a kill with 3 different weapons." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_NAME" "Selvdestruktionssekvens" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_NAME" "Self-destruct Sequence" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjendtlige Snipere med hovedskud." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_DESC" "Headshot 10 enemy Snipers." "TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_NAME" "Sentry-værn" "[english]TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_NAME" "De-sentry-lized" "TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_DESC" "Ødelæg 3 Engineer-sentries." "[english]TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_DESC" "Destroy 3 Engineer sentry guns." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_NAME" "Et skud i tågen" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_NAME" "Shoot the Breeze" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_DESC" "Dræb en fuldstændigt usynlig Spy med en enkelt træffer." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_DESC" "Kill a fully invisible Spy in a single hit." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_NAME" "Død som en sild" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_NAME" "Dropped Dead" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_DESC" "Dræb en Scout i luften med din Snigskytteriffel eller Jægeren." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_DESC" "Kill a Scout in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman." "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_NAME" "Og vinke" "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_NAME" "The Last Wave" "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig selv, mens du vinker til vedkommende." "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you waving to them." "TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "Reglerne er - ingen regler" "[english]TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "Australian Rules" "TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominer en fjendtlig Sniper." "[english]TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominate an enemy Sniper." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_NAME" "Hedt for spioner" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_NAME" "Kook the Spook" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_DESC" "Dræb 10 Spies med din Kukri." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_DESC" "Kill 10 Spies with your Kukri." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Øje for detaljer" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Socket to Him" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Dræb en fjendtlig Demoman med et hovedskud." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Headshot an enemy Demoman." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_NAME" "Hopper-mobber" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_NAME" "Jumper Stumper" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_DESC" "Dræb en raket- eller granathoppende fjende i luften med din Snigskytteriffel eller Jægeren." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_DESC" "Kill a rocket or grenade-jumping enemy in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_NAME" "Ikke bare en vanvittig våbentosse, far" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_NAME" "Not a Crazed Gunman, Dad" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_DESC" "I et enkelt liv skal du dræbe 3 fjender, mens de udfører en opgave." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_DESC" "In a single life, kill 3 enemies while they are achieving an objective." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_NAME" "Forlad dig på dine følelser" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_NAME" "Trust Your Feelings" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_DESC" "Opnå 5 drab med din Snigskytteriffel uden at zoome ind." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_DESC" "Get 5 kills with the Sniper Rifle without your scope." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_NAME" "Überektomi" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_NAME" "Überectomy" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_DESC" "Dræb en Medic, der er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_NAME" "Trøstepræmie" "[english]TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_NAME" "Consolation Prize" "TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_DESC" "Bliv stukket i ryggen 50 gange." "[english]TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_DESC" "Get backstabbed 50 times." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_NAME" "Fjenden for døren" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_NAME" "Enemy at the Gate" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_DESC" "Dræb en modstander inden for en rundes første sekund." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_DESC" "Kill an opponent within the first second of a round." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_NAME" "Afskedssalut" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_NAME" "Parting Shot" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_DESC" "Skyd en fjende i hovedet i det øjeblik, hvor hans usårlighed ophører." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_DESC" "Headshot an enemy player the moment his invulnerability wears off." "TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_NAME" "Min strålende karriere" "[english]TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_NAME" "My Brilliant Career" "TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_DESC" "Kom øverst på pointtavlen 10 gange på hold med 6 spillere eller flere." "[english]TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_DESC" "Top the scoreboard 10 times on teams of 6 or more players." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_NAME" "Chokbehandling" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_NAME" "Shock Treatment" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Dræb en spion, hvis rygstikforsøg er blevet blokeret af din Razorback." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Kill a spy whose backstab attempt was blocked by your Razorback." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_NAME" "Tæppebombning" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_NAME" "Saturation Bombing" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC" "Dæk 4 fjendtlige spillere i Jarate med et enkelt kast." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC" "Jarate 4 enemy players with a single throw." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Tis på deres sukkermad" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Rain on Their Parade" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Brug Jarate på en fjende og den Medic, der heler ham." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Jarate an enemy and the Medic healing him." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_NAME" "Rystende omskiftning" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_NAME" "Jarring Transition" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "Brug Jarate til at afsløre en skjult spion." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "Use Jarate to reveal a cloaked Spy." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Venskab er guld værd" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Friendship is Golden" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Sluk en brændende holdkammerat med din Jarate." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Extinguish a burning teammate with your Jarate." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_NAME" "Vilhelm Tell-overdrevet" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_NAME" "William Tell Overkill" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_DESC" "Hæft en fjendtlig Heavy fast på væggen i hans hoved." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_DESC" "Pin an enemy Heavy to the wall via his head." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Pilen viser vej" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Beaux and Arrows" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Dræb et Heavy & Medic-par med buen." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Kill a Heavy & Medic pair with the bow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_NAME" "Røvere og soldater" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_NAME" "Robbin' Hood" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_DESC" "Nedlæg en efterretningsbærer med en enkelt pil." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_DESC" "Take down an intelligence carrier with a single arrow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_NAME" "Nålepude" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_NAME" "Pincushion" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_DESC" "Ram en fjende med 3 pile uden at slå ham ihjel." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_DESC" "Hit an enemy with 3 arrows, without killing them." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_NAME" "Førsteassistent" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_NAME" "Number One Assistant" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_DESC" "Opnå 5 assisterede drab med Jarate i en enkelt runde." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_DESC" "Score 5 assists with the Jarate in a single round." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Jarate-hug" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Jarate Chop" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Brug Jarate, og dræb derefter 3 fjender med din Kukri." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Jarate and then kill 3 enemies with your Kukri." "TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Sagen sat på spidsen" "[english]TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Shafted" "TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stik en fjende med en pil." "[english]TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stab an enemy with an arrow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_NAME" "Dødsikker" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_NAME" "Dead Reckoning" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_DESC" "Dræb en fjende med en pil, mens du er død." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_DESC" "Kill an enemy with an arrow while you're dead." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Sniper-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 1" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 5 af præstationerne i Sniper-pakken." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Sniper-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 2" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 11 af præstationerne i Sniper-pakken." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Sniper-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 3" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 17 af præstationerne i Sniper-pakken." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_NAME" "Snydt – igen" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_NAME" "Triplecrossed" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_DESC" "Stik 3 Snipere i ryggen i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_DESC" "Backstab 3 Snipers in a single life." "TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_NAME" "Strengt fortroligt" "[english]TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_NAME" "For Your Eyes Only" "TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig selv, der knipser en cigaret ned på vedkommendes lig." "[english]TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you flicking a cigarette onto their corpse." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "Kontraspionage" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "Counter Espionage" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Rygstik en forklædt Spy." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Backstab a disguised Spy." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_NAME" "Identitetstyveri" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_NAME" "Identity Theft" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_DESC" "Stik den fjende, du i øjeblikket er forklædt som, i ryggen." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_DESC" "Backstab the enemy that you're currently disguised as." "TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Manden fra S.T.I.K.S.Å.R." "[english]TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "The Man from P.U.N.C.T.U.R.E." "TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stik en fjende under fægtning." "[english]TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stab an enemy while fencing." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_NAME" "Jeg er spion, at du ved det" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_NAME" "FYI I am a Spy" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_DESC" "Rygstik en Medic, som har helet dig inden for de seneste 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_DESC" "Backstab a Medic who has healed you in the last 5 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_NAME" "Manden med de defekte pistoler" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_NAME" "The Man with the Broken Guns" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_DESC" "Stik en Engineer i ryggen, og sap 3 af hans bygninger i løbet af 10 sekunder." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_DESC" "Backstab an Engineer, then sap 3 of his buildings within 10 seconds." "TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_NAME" "Minesnyder" "[english]TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_NAME" "Sapsucker" "TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_DESC" "Sap en fjendtlig bygning, og stik derefter den Engineer, der har bygget den, i ryggen inden for 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_DESC" "Sap an enemy building, then backstab the Engineer who built it within 5 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Må jeg lige skære igennem?" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "May I Cut In?" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Rygstik en fjende og den Medic, der heler ham, inden for 10 sekunder af hinanden." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Backstab an enemy and the Medic healing him within 10 seconds of each other." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_NAME" "Urostifter" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_NAME" "Agent Provocateur" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_DESC" "Stik dine Steam-fællesskabsvenner i ryggen 10 gange." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_DESC" "Backstab your Steam Community friends 10 times." "TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "Melbourne-sammensværgelsen" "[english]TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "The Melbourne Supremacy" "TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominer en Sniper." "[english]TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominate a Sniper." "TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Spioner som os" "[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Spies Like Us" "TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Stød ind i en fjendtlig skjult Spy, mens du selv er skjult." "[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "While cloaked, bump into an enemy cloaked Spy." "TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Over gennem-snittet" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "A Cut Above" "TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Dræb en skydevåbensbevæbnet Spy med din kniv." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill a gun-wielding Spy with your knife." "TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_NAME" "Afbrændingsvarsel" "[english]TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_NAME" "Burn Notice" "TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_DESC" "Overlev 30 sekunder efter at være blevet antændt, mens du er skjult." "[english]TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_DESC" "Survive 30 seconds after being ignited while cloaked." "TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_NAME" "Alternativ måde at dø på" "[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_NAME" "Die Another Way" "TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Dræb en Sniper, efter at dit rygstik ødelægger hans Razorback." "[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a Sniper after your backstab breaks his Razorback." "TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_NAME" "Ingen ro til arbejdet" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_NAME" "Constructus Interruptus" "TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_DESC" "Dræb en Engineer, mens han arbejder på en sentry." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_DESC" "Kill an Engineer who is working on a sentry gun." "TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_NAME" "På Hendes Majestæts hemmelige sted" "[english]TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_NAME" "On Her Majesty's Secret Surface" "TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Begynd at indtage et erobringspunkt i samme sekund, som det bliver tilgængeligt." "[english]TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available." "TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_NAME" "Forsikringssvindel" "[english]TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_NAME" "Insurance Fraud" "TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_DESC" "Dræb en fjende, mens du bliver helet af en fjendtlig Medic." "[english]TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you're being healed by an enemy Medic." "TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_NAME" "Træfpunkt" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_NAME" "Point Breaker" "TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_DESC" "Dræb 15 fjender, der står på et kontrolpunkt, som de ejer." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies who are standing on a control point they own." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_NAME" "Vigtigt mål" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_NAME" "High Value Target" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_DESC" "Stik en fjende i ryggen som dominerer 3 eller flere af dine holdkammerater." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_DESC" "Backstab an enemy who is dominating 3 or more of your teammates." "TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_NAME" "Ind fra kulden" "[english]TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_NAME" "Come in From the Cold" "TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_DESC" "Opnå et hævn-drab med et rygstik." "[english]TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_DESC" "Get a Revenge kill with a backstab." "TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_NAME" "Beskidt arbejde" "[english]TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_NAME" "Wetwork" "TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_DESC" "Stik en fjende ihjel under påvirkning af Jarate." "[english]TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_DESC" "Stab an enemy to death while under the influence of Jarate." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "Du stikker kun tre gange" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "You Only Shiv Thrice" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Stik 3 fjender i ryggen inden for 10 sekunder." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Backstab 3 enemies within 10 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_NAME" "Mesterspion" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_NAME" "Spymaster" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_DESC" "Stik 1000 fjender i ryggen." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_DESC" "Backstab 1000 enemies." "TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_NAME" "Gode miner til slet spil" "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_NAME" "Sap Auteur" "TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_DESC" "Ødelæg 1000 Engineer-bygninger med sappere." "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 1000 Engineer buildings with sappers." "TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Fælles operation" "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Joint Operation" "TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Placer en sapper på en fjendtlig sentry inden for 3 sekunder, efter at en holdkammerat har sappet en anden." "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Sap an enemy sentry gun within 3 seconds of a teammate sapping another." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_NAME" "Dr. Nooooo" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_NAME" "Dr. Nooooo" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_DESC" "Stik en Medic i ryggen mens vedkommende er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_DESC" "Backstab a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Er det sikkert?" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Is It Safe?" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Stik 50 fjender i ryggen, mens de er ved at erobre kontrolpunkter." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Backstab 50 enemies who are capturing control points." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_NAME" "Skær og brænd" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_NAME" "Slash and Burn" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_DESC" "Stik en fjende i ryggen, som derefter skifter til Pyro, inden han vender tilbage." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_DESC" "Backstab an enemy, who then switches to Pyro before they respawn." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_NAME" "Diplomati" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_NAME" "Diplomacy" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender med Ambassadøren." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with the Ambassador." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_NAME" "En på skallen" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_NAME" "Skullpluggery" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 20 Snipere med et hovedskud, mens du bruger Ambassadøren." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Ambassador, kill 20 Snipers with a headshot." "TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_NAME" "Sovende agent" "[english]TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_NAME" "Sleeper Agent" "TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en fjende, der har forårsaget, at du spiller død, inden for de sidste 20 sekunder." "[english]TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy who triggered your feign death in the last 20 seconds." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_NAME" "Hvem er det, der bestemmer?" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_NAME" "Who's Your Daddy?" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_DESC" "Skyd 3 Scouts i hovedet med Ambassadøren." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_DESC" "Headshot 3 Scouts with the Ambassador." "TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Dybt under jorden" "[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Deep Undercover" "TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Dræb den samme fjende 3 gange, mens du bruger Cloak and Dagger-spionuret – alt sammen i samme område og i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "While using the Cloak and Dagger, kill the same enemy 3 times, all within the same area in a single life." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Spy-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Spy Milestone 1" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 5 af præstationerne i Spy-pakken." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Spy-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Spy Milestone 2" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 11 af præstationerne i Spy-pakken." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Spy-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Spy Milestone 3" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 17 af præstationerne i Spy-pakken." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_NAME" "Ligrøver" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_NAME" "Candy Coroner" "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_DESC" "Saml 20 halloween-græskar fra døde spillere for at låse op for en hat." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_DESC" "Collect 20 Halloween pumpkins from dead players to unlock a hat." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_NAME" "Hattemager" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_NAME" "Ghastly Gibus Grab" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_DESC" "Dominer en spiller, der bærer en Gyselig eller Spøgelsesagtig Tophat, for at gøre dig fortjent til din egen Spøgelsesagtige Tophat." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_DESC" "Dominate a player wearing any achievement Gibus hat to earn your own Ghostly Gibus." "TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_NAME" "Dødbange" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_NAME" "Scared Stiff" "TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_DESC" "Dræb en spiller, som er blevet skræmt af et spøgelse." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_DESC" "Kill a player scared by a ghost." "TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_NAME" "Lygtemand" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_NAME" "Attack o' Lantern" "TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_DESC" "Forårsag 5 spilleres død ved at få græskarbomber i nærheden af dem til at eksplodere." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_DESC" "Cause the deaths of 5 players by exploding nearby pumpkin bombs." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Kostumekonkurrence" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Costume Contest" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en Spy, der er forklædt som din nuværende klasse." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Kill a Spy disguised as your current class." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Soldier-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 1" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 5 af præstationerne i Soldier-pakken." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Soldier-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 2" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 11 af præstationerne i Soldier-pakken." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Soldier-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 3" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 17 af præstationerne i Soldier-pakken." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_NAME" "Tredobbelt skade" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_NAME" "Tri-Splatteral Damage" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender med en enkelt kritisk raket." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies with a single critical rocket." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Døden fra oven" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Death from Above" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Udfør et rakethop, og dræb 2 fjender, inden du lander." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land." "TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Hersker" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Dominator" "TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Dominer 3 fjender i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Get 3 dominations in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Krigsforbrydelse og straf" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "War Crime and Punishment" "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender, som har skadet en Medic, der er ved at hele dig, i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "In a single life, kill 3 enemies who have damaged a Medic that is healing you." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Nederlagsnedbør" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Spray of Defeat" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Spræng en spiller i luften med en granat." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Use a grenade to gib a player." "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_NAME" "Navar0wns kanoner" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_NAME" "Guns of the Navar0wned" "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC" "Dræb 5 Engineer-sentries, mens du er uden for deres rækkevidde." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC" "Kill 5 Engineer sentries while you are standing outside of their range." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_NAME" "Gensidig udslettelse" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_NAME" "Mutually Assured Destruction" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_DESC" "Dræb en fjendtlig snigskytte med en raket, efter at han har dræbt dig." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_DESC" "Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_NAME" "Englevinger" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_NAME" "Wings of Glory" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_DESC" "Dræb en fjendtlig Soldier, mens I begge to er luftbårne." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_DESC" "Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_NAME" "Enkeltbillet til evigheden" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_NAME" "Engineer to Eternity" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_DESC" "Dræb en Engineer, mens han reparerer sin sentry, når det er under fjendtlig beskydning." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_DESC" "Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire." "TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_NAME" "Skyttegravskrig" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_NAME" "Trench Warfare" "TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_DESC" "Dræb din nemesis med en skovl." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_DESC" "Kill your nemesis with a shovel." "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "Bomberydder" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "Bomb Squaddie" "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Ødelæg 10 klæbebomber med haglgeværet i ét enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Destroy 10 stickybombs with the shotgun in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Ørneflugt" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Where Eagles Dare" "TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Opnå det højest mulige rakethop ved at hoppe og dukke dig." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch." "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_NAME" "Høj moral" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_NAME" "Banner of Brothers" "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_DESC" "Buff 5 Steam-venner på én gang med Buff-banneret." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_DESC" "Buff 5 Steam friends at once with the Buff Banner." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_NAME" "Ørnekrig" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_NAME" "Screamin' Eagle" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender fra oven." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies from above." "TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_NAME" "Kritiske raketter er noget lort" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_NAME" "Crockets Are Such B.S." "TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_DESC" "Skyd to ikke-boostede kritiske raketter i træk." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_DESC" "Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_NAME" "Rend mig i Geneve-konventionen" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_NAME" "Geneva Contravention" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "Dræb 3 forsvarsløse spillere, efter at et enkelt spil er ovre." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "Kill 3 defenseless players after a single match has ended." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "Brandfarlig" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "Semper Fry" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender, mens der er ild i dig." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_NAME" "Den evige hvile" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_NAME" "The Longest Daze" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_DESC" "Dræb 5 lammede eller hæmmede spillere." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_DESC" "Kill 5 stunned or slowed players." "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_NAME" "Så kan du lære det!" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_NAME" "Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!" "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_DESC" "Giv en fjende et stillbillede af dig selv, hvor du håner over 3 af hans kropsdele." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_DESC" "Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_NAME" "Lynjustits" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_NAME" "War Crime Spybunal" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_DESC" "Dræb en Spy, som lige har stukket en holdkammerat i ryggen." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_DESC" "Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate." "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_NAME" "Hamburger Hill" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_NAME" "Hamburger Hill" "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_DESC" "Forsvar et erobringspunkt 30 gange." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_DESC" "Defend a cap point 30 times." "TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Dynamit-Harry" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Frags of our Fathers" "TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Spræng 1000 mennesker i luften." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Gib 1000 people." "TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_NAME" "Blodig landing" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_NAME" "Duty Bound" "TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_DESC" "Foretag et rakethop og dræb en fjende med Udligneren inden du lander." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_DESC" "While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land or just after landing." "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Våbenbrødre" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_NAME" "The Boostie Boys" "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Buff 15 holdkammerater med dit Buff-banner i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Buff 15 teammates with the Buff Banner in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_NAME" "Død over Skotland!" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_NAME" "Out, Damned Scot!" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 500 fjendtlige Demomen" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Demomen" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "Eksplosionsnægter" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "Backdraft Dodger" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "Dræb en Pyro som har brugt sit luftstød på en af dine raketter inden for de seneste 10 sekunder." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds." "TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_NAME" "Ingen tid til at bløde" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_NAME" "Ain't Got Time to Bleed" "TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere med Udligneren i et enkelt liv uden at blive helet." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_DESC" "Kill 3 players with the Equalizer in a single life without being healed." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_NAME" "Nærdødsoplevelse" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_NAME" "Near Death Experience" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_DESC" "Dræb 20 fjender med Udligneren mens du har under 25 livspoint." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies with your Equalizer while you have less than 25 health." "TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Hvem lyder geværerne for" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_NAME" "For Whom the Shell Trolls" "TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Send en modstander op i luften med en raket, og dræb ham med haglgeværet, inden han lander." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Døden fra neden" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Death From Below" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Dræb 10 luftbårne fjender med Fuldtræfferen." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Kill 10 opponents who are airborne with the Direct Hit." "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Mere end 1000 ord" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Worth a Thousand Words" "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Giv fjenden et stillbillede af din geværsalut." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide the enemy with a freezecam of your 21 gun salute." "TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_NAME" "Som brødre vi dræber" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_NAME" "Brothers in Harms" "TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender, mens du hjælper eller får hjælp af en anden Soldier." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Soldier." "TF_SOLDIER_MVP_NAME" "Æresmedaljer" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_MVP_NAME" "Medals of Honor" "TF_SOLDIER_MVP_DESC" "Gennemfør en runde som bedste spiller 10 gange." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_MVP_DESC" "Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times." "TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME" "Livsfarlig kørsel" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME" "Ride of the Valkartie" "TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "Kør rundt på vognen i 30 sekunder." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "Ride the cart for 30 seconds." "TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_NAME" "S*M*A*S*H" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_NAME" "S*M*A*S*H" "TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "Hjælp en Medic med at sprænge 5 fjender i luften med en enkelt ÜberLadning." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_NAME" "Faldet for fædrelandet" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_NAME" "Kilt in Action" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 500 fjendtlige Soldiers" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Soldiers" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_NAME" "Nedrivningsekspert" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_NAME" "Tam O'Shatter" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_DESC" "Ødelæg 5 fjendtlige Engineer-bygninger i løbet af en enkelt ÜberLadning fra en Medic." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_DESC" "Destroy 5 enemy Engineer buildings during a single ÜberCharge from a Medic." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Agent 007 afkortes" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Shorn Connery" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Hug hovedet af en skjult Spy." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Decapitate a cloaked Spy." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_NAME" "Stumper og stykker" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_NAME" "Laddy Macdeth" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_DESC" "Dræb 50 fjender med fuldtræffere fra din Granatkaster." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with direct hits from the Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_NAME" "Pælekast" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_NAME" "Caber Toss" "TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_DESC" "Send en fjende op i luften og dræb ham, inden han lander." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_DESC" "Bounce an enemy into the air and kill them before they land." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_NAME" "Hovedjagt" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_NAME" "Brainspotting" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_DESC" "Hug hovedet af 50 fjendtlige spillere." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_DESC" "Decapitate 50 enemy players." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_NAME" "Left 4 Heads" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_NAME" "Left 4 Heads" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_DESC" "Hug hovedet af 4 spillere med kun 10 sekunder mellem hvert drab." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_DESC" "Decapitate 4 players with only 10 seconds between each kill." "TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_NAME" "Den skotske duo" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_NAME" "Well Plaid!" "TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender, mens du hjælper eller får hjælp af en anden Demoman." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Demoman." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_NAME" "Dobbelt op" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_NAME" "Double Mauled Scotch" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_DESC" "Dræb 2 spillere i løbet af et enkelt klæbebombehop." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_DESC" "Kill 2 people in a single sticky jump." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_NAME" "En klæbrig velkomst" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_NAME" "Loch Ness Bombster" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_DESC" "Dræb en fjendtlig spiller med klæbebomber inden for 5 sekunder efter, at denne har teleporteret sig." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_DESC" "Kill an enemy player with stickybombs within 5 seconds of them teleporting." "TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_NAME" "De tre små svæklinge" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_NAME" "Three Times a Laddy" "TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_DESC" "Dominer 3 Engineers." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_DESC" "Dominate 3 Engineers." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Skud i blinde" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Blind Fire" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Ødelæg en Engineer-bygning, du ikke kan se, med en fuldtræffer fra din Granatkaster." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Destroy an Engineer building that you can't see with a direct hit from your Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_NAME" "Den skotske dans" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_NAME" "The Scottish Play" "TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_DESC" "Opnå et nærkampsdrab under et klæbebombehop." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_DESC" "Get a melee kill while sticky jumping." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_NAME" "Argyles trick" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_NAME" "The Argyle Sap" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_DESC" "Spræng en Engineer, hans sentry og hans dispenser i luften med en enkelt klæbebombe-detonation." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_DESC" "Blow up an Engineer, his sentry gun, and his dispenser with a single stickybomb detonation." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_NAME" "Nærkampslektion" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_NAME" "Slammy Slayvis Woundya" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_DESC" "Hug hovedet af en fjendtlig Soldier som har Udligneren fremme." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_DESC" "Decapitate an enemy Soldier who is brandishing the Equalizer." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_NAME" "Der kun kun være én" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_NAME" "There Can Be Only One" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_DESC" "Hug hovedet af din nemesis." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_DESC" "Decapitate your nemesis." "TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Kiltklædt énmandshær" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Tartan Spartan" "TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Gør sprængskade for i alt 1 million point." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Do 1 million points of total blast damage." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_NAME" "Rejs hjem til England!" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_NAME" "Scotch Guard" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender, der indtager eller skubber en vogn, med en enkelt klæbebombe-detonation 3 separate gange." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies capping or pushing a cart in a single stickybomb detonation 3 separate times." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_NAME" "Frem over heden" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_NAME" "Bravehurt" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_DESC" "Dræb 25 spillere, der forsvarer et erobringspunkt eller en vogn." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_DESC" "Kill 25 players defending a capture point or cart." "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_NAME" "Død over England!" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_NAME" "Cry Some Moor!" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_DESC" "Ødelæg 50 bygninger." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 50 buildings." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_NAME" "Kædereaktion" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_NAME" "The Stickening" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_DESC" "Dræb 3 Heavies ved fuldt helbred med én enkelt klæbebombe-detonation." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_DESC" "Kill 3 Heavies from full health with a single stickybomb detonation." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_NAME" "Glasg0wned" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_NAME" "Glasg0wned" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_DESC" "Dræb 25 Scouts og Pyros med din Granatkaster." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_DESC" "Kill 25 Scouts and Pyros with the Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Skotske prygl" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Scotch Tap" "TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Hån dine fjender til døde med Højlandsklingen." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Glory in the slaughter of your enemies using the Eyelander." "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_NAME" "Skjoldesmæk" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_NAME" "The Targe Charge" "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_DESC" "Dræb en spiller ved at løbe ind i ham med dit skjold." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_DESC" "Charge and kill someone with your shield bash." "TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_NAME" "Beat Me Up, Scotty" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_NAME" "Beat Me Up, Scotty" "TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 5 fjendtlige spillere med et kritisk hug fra din Højlandsklinge." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_DESC" "Use a critical swing with the Eyelander to kill 5 enemy players." "TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_NAME" "Der er noget klæbrigt i luften" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_NAME" "Something Stickied This Way Comes" "TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_DESC" "Dræb 30 spillere med klæbebomber, der eksploderer i luften." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 30 players with air burst stickybombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_NAME" "Luftvejen" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_NAME" "The High Road" "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_DESC" "Udfør et klæbebombehop for at nå hen på et erobringspunkt, og overtag det." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_DESC" "Sticky jump onto a cap point and capture it." "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_NAME" "Dødsjovt" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_NAME" "Bloody Merry" "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_DESC" "Giv en fjendtlig spiller et stillbillede af dit eget smilende ansigt." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freezecam of your smiling face." "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_NAME" "Når enden er god" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_NAME" "Second Eye" "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_DESC" "Giv en fjendtlig spiller et stillbillede af dig selv, mens du ryster popoen." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freezecam of you shaking your rump." "TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_NAME" "Ekstremsport" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_NAME" "He Who Celt It" "TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "Brug din Sticky Launcher til at dræbe en fjendtlig spiller med skade fra omgivelserne." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage." "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Klanopgør" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Robbed Royal" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Ødelæg 100 fjendtlige klæbebomber med Den Skotske Modstand." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Destroy 100 enemy stickybombs with the Scottish Resistance." "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_NAME" "Syvmilehop" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_NAME" "Highland Fling" "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_DESC" "Nå rigtig langt med klæbebombehop..." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_DESC" "Sticky jump a really long way..." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_NAME" "Højlandsmusik" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_NAME" "Pipebagger" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_DESC" "Dræb mindst 3 spillere med en enkelt klæbebombe-detonation." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_DESC" "Kill at least three players with a single detonation of stickybombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_NAME" "Vendetta" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_NAME" "Spynal Tap" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_DESC" "Dræb 20 Spies mindre end 5 sekunder efter, at de har sappet en venligsindet bygning." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_DESC" "Kill 20 spies within 5 seconds of them sapping a friendly building." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_NAME" "Klæbehjerne" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_NAME" "Sticky Thump" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_DESC" "Brug Den Skotske Modstand til at dræbe 3 spillere i separate eksplosioner uden at placere nye klæbebomber." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_DESC" "Using the Scottish Resistance, kill 3 players in separate explosions without placing new stickybombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Demoman-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 1" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 5 af præstationerne i Demoman-pakken." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Demoman-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 2" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 11 af præstationerne i Demoman-pakken." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Demoman-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 3" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 17 af præstationerne i Demoman-pakken." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "round_info_header" "Territorial Control-bane" "[english]round_info_header" "Territorial Control Map" "Hydro_BLU_captured_Dam" "BLU har erobret dæmningen" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_Dam" "BLU has captured the Dam" "Hydro_BLU_captured_RadarDish" "BLU har erobret radarantennen" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_RadarDish" "BLU has captured the Radar Dish" "Hydro_BLU_captured_PowerPlant" "BLU har erobret kraftværket" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_PowerPlant" "BLU has captured the Power Plant" "Hydro_BLU_captured_Warehouse" "BLU har erobret lagerhallen" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_Warehouse" "BLU has captured the Warehouse" "Hydro_RED_captured_Dam" "RED har erobret dæmningen" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_Dam" "RED has captured the Dam" "Hydro_RED_captured_RadarDish" "RED har erobret radarantennen" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_RadarDish" "RED has captured the Radar Dish" "Hydro_RED_captured_PowerPlant" "RED har erobret kraftværket" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_PowerPlant" "RED has captured the Power Plant" "Hydro_RED_captured_Warehouse" "RED har erobret lagerhallen" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_Warehouse" "RED has captured the Warehouse" "Hydro_attack_Dam" "Gør klar til at angribe dæmningen!" "[english]Hydro_attack_Dam" "Prepare to attack the Dam!" "Hydro_attack_RadarDish" "Gør klar til at angribe radarantennen!" "[english]Hydro_attack_RadarDish" "Prepare to attack the Radar Dish!" "Hydro_attack_PowerPlant" "Gør klar til at angribe kraftværket!" "[english]Hydro_attack_PowerPlant" "Prepare to attack the Power Plant!" "Hydro_attack_Warehouse" "Gør klar til at angribe lagerhallen!" "[english]Hydro_attack_Warehouse" "Prepare to attack the Warehouse!" "Hydro_attack_BLU_base" "Gør klar til at angribe BLU's base!" "[english]Hydro_attack_BLU_base" "Prepare to attack the BLU Base!" "Hydro_attack_RED_base" "Gør klar til at angribe RED's base!" "[english]Hydro_attack_RED_base" "Prepare to attack the RED Base!" "Hydro_defend_BLU_base" "Gør klar til at forsvare BLU's base!" "[english]Hydro_defend_BLU_base" "Prepare to defend the BLU Base!" "Hydro_defend_RED_base" "Gør klar til at forsvare RED's base!" "[english]Hydro_defend_RED_base" "Prepare to defend the RED Base!" "GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation" "\"Kommentarpunkter\" indeholder kommentarer fra Valve-udviklingsteamet. Hvis du vil starte eller stoppe en kommentar, skal du sigte på et vilkårligt ballonikon og trykke på din PRIMÆRE SKYD-knap." "[english]GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation" "'Commentary nodes' contain commentary by the Valve development team. To start or stop a node, aim at any balloon icon and press your PRIMARY FIRE button." "tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro" "[english]tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro" "tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit" "[english]tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit" "tf_Chapter3_Title" "Well" "[english]tf_Chapter3_Title" "Well" "tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary" "[english]tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary" "tf_Chapter5_Title" "2Fort" "[english]tf_Chapter5_Title" "2Fort" "tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl" "[english]tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl" "TF_Battlements" "Battlements" "[english]TF_Battlements" "Battlements" "TF_ControlPoint" "Kontrolpunkt" "[english]TF_ControlPoint" "Control Point" "TF_CapturePoint" "Erobringspunkt" "[english]TF_CapturePoint" "Capture Point" "TF_CaptureZone" "Erobringszone" "[english]TF_CaptureZone" "Capture Zone" "TF_Resupply" "Genforsyning" "[english]TF_Resupply" "Resupply" "TF_Intelligence" "Efterretninger" "[english]TF_Intelligence" "Intelligence" "TF_Exit" "Afslut" "[english]TF_Exit" "Exit" "Leaderboard_BestMoments" "BEDSTE ØJEBLIKKE" "[english]Leaderboard_BestMoments" "BEST MOMENTS" "TF_Timelimit" "Tid pr. bane (minutter)" "[english]TF_Timelimit" "Time per map (minutes)" "TF_WinLimit" "Sejrsgrænse (pointtal)" "[english]TF_WinLimit" "Win limit (score)" "TF_MaxRounds" "Rundegrænse (runder)" "[english]TF_MaxRounds" "Round limit (rounds)" "TF_TeamCount" "Andre spillere på dit hold" "[english]TF_TeamCount" "Other players on your team" "Cannot_Be_Spectator" "Denne server tillader ikke tilskuere" "[english]Cannot_Be_Spectator" "This server does not allow spectating" "TF_Open_Charinfo" "Åbn Udstyr til figur" "[english]TF_Open_Charinfo" "Open Character Loadout" "TF_Open_Charinfo_Backpack" "Åbn rygsæk" "[english]TF_Open_Charinfo_Backpack" "Open Backpack" "TF_Quickswitch" "Genvejstast til Udstyr" "[english]TF_Quickswitch" "Loadout Quickswitch" "Item" "Genstand" "[english]Item" "Item" "SelectedItemNumber" "#%selecteditem%" "[english]SelectedItemNumber" "#%selecteditem%" "NewItemsAcquired" "%numitems% NYE GENSTANDE ANSKAFFET!" "[english]NewItemsAcquired" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS ACQUIRED!" "NewItemAcquired" "NY GENSTAND ANSKAFFET!" "[english]NewItemAcquired" "NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!" "NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NYE GENSTANDE SMEDET!" "[english]NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS CRAFTED!" "NewItemCrafted" "NY GENSTAND SMEDET!" "[english]NewItemCrafted" "NEW ITEM CRAFTED!" "NextItem" "VIS\nNÆSTE >" "[english]NextItem" "VIEW\nNEXT >" "PreviousItem" "VIS\n< FORRIGE" "[english]PreviousItem" "VIEW\n< PREV" "CloseItemPanel" "OK, GENOPTAG SPIL" "[english]CloseItemPanel" "OK, RESUME GAME" "CharInfoAndSetup" "FIGUROPLYSNINGER OG OPSÆTNING" "[english]CharInfoAndSetup" "CHARACTER INFO AND SETUP" "Loadout" "UDSTYR" "[english]Loadout" "LOADOUT" "Stats" "STATISTIK" "[english]Stats" "STATS" "Achievements" "PRÆSTATIONER" "[english]Achievements" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "CharacterLoadout" "UDSTYR TIL FIGUR" "[english]CharacterLoadout" "CHARACTER LOADOUT" "EditLoadout" "SKIFT UDSTYR" "[english]EditLoadout" "EDIT LOADOUT" "SelectClassLoadout" "VÆLG EN KLASSE FOR AT ÆNDRE UDSTYR" "[english]SelectClassLoadout" "SELECT A CLASS TO MODIFY LOADOUT" "NoGCNoItems" "UDSTYR IKKE TILGÆNGELIGT - KUNNE IKKE OPRETTE FORBINDELSE TIL GENSTANDSSERVER" "[english]NoGCNoItems" "LOADOUT NOT AVAILABLE - COULD NOT CONNECT TO ITEM SERVER" "LoadoutChangesUpdate" "BEMÆRK: UDSTYRET ÆNDRES FØRST, NÅR DU VENDER TILBAGE." "[english]LoadoutChangesUpdate" "NOTE: LOADOUT CHANGES WILL TAKE EFFECT ON RESPAWN." "EquipYourClass" "UDSTYR DIN %loadoutclass%" "[english]EquipYourClass" "EQUIP YOUR %loadoutclass%" "Equip" "UDSTYR" "[english]Equip" "EQUIP" "Keep" "BEHOLD" "[english]Keep" "KEEP" "ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%" "[english]ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%" "ChangeButton" "SKIFT..." "[english]ChangeButton" "CHANGE..." "DoneButton" "FÆRDIG!" "[english]DoneButton" "DONE!" "EquipSelectedWeapon" "UDSTYR DET VALGTE VÅBEN" "[english]EquipSelectedWeapon" "EQUIP SELECTED WEAPON" "ItemSel_PRIMARY" "- PRIMÆRT VÅBEN" "[english]ItemSel_PRIMARY" "- PRIMARY WEAPON" "ItemSel_SECONDARY" "- SEKUNDÆRT VÅBEN" "[english]ItemSel_SECONDARY" "- SECONDARY WEAPON" "ItemSel_MELEE" "- NÆRKAMPSVÅBEN" "[english]ItemSel_MELEE" "- MELEE WEAPON" "ItemSel_PDA" "- PDA" "[english]ItemSel_PDA" "- PDA" "ItemSel_ITEM1" "- TILBEHØR" "[english]ItemSel_ITEM1" "- ACCESSORY" "ItemSel_PRIMARY_MOD" "- MODIFIKATION TIL PRIMÆRT VÅBEN" "[english]ItemSel_PRIMARY_MOD" "- PRIMARY WEAPON MOD" "ItemSel_HEAD" "- HOVEDBEKLÆDNING" "[english]ItemSel_HEAD" "- HEADWEAR" "ItemSel_MISC" "- KOSMETISK" "[english]ItemSel_MISC" "- COSMETIC" "TF_BackCarat" "<< TILBAGE" "[english]TF_BackCarat" "<< BACK" "TF_CancelCarat" "<< ANNULLER" "[english]TF_CancelCarat" "<< CANCEL" "TF_BackToMainMenu" "<< TILBAGE TIL HOVEDMENU" "[english]TF_BackToMainMenu" "<< BACK TO MAIN MENU" "TF_ResumeGame" "<< GENOPTAG SPIL" "[english]TF_ResumeGame" "<< RESUME GAME" "InventoryCountOne" "(1 ANDEN I DIT INVENTAR)" "[english]InventoryCountOne" "(1 OTHER IN INVENTORY)" "InventoryCountMany" "(%s1 ANDRE I DIT INVENTAR)" "[english]InventoryCountMany" "(%s1 OTHERS IN INVENTORY)" "CurrentlyEquipped" "AKTUELT UDSTYRET:" "[english]CurrentlyEquipped" "CURRENTLY EQUIPPED:" "CurrentlyEquippedCarat" "AKTUELT UDSTYRET >" "[english]CurrentlyEquippedCarat" "CURRENTLY EQUIPPED >" "ItemsFoundShort" "(%s1 GENSTANDE I DIT INVENTAR)" "[english]ItemsFoundShort" "(%s1 ITEMS IN INVENTORY)" "ItemsFoundShortOne" "(EN GENSTAND I DIT INVENTAR)" "[english]ItemsFoundShortOne" "(ONE ITEM IN INVENTORY)" "NoItemsExistShort" "(INGEN GENSTANDE ENDNU)" "[english]NoItemsExistShort" "(NO ITEMS EXIST YET)" "NoItemsExistLong" "(INGEN SPECIALGENSTANDE TIL %loadoutclass% ENDNU)" "[english]NoItemsExistLong" "(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% EXIST YET.)" "NoItemsFoundShort" "(INGEN GENSTANDE ER FUNDET ENDNU)" "[english]NoItemsFoundShort" "(NO ITEMS FOUND YET)" "NoItemsFoundLong" "(INGEN SPECIALGENSTANDE TIL %loadoutclass% ER FUNDET ENDNU)" "[english]NoItemsFoundLong" "(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED YET.)" "NoItemsAvailableTitle" "TILGÆNGELIG:" "[english]NoItemsAvailableTitle" "AVAILABLE:" "NoItemsAvailableTitle2" "KUN BASISINVENTAR." "[english]NoItemsAvailableTitle2" "BASE INVENTORY ONLY." "ItemAcquireReason_Achievement" "OPNÅEDE PRÆSTATIONER" "[english]ItemAcquireReason_Achievement" "ACHIEVEMENT EARNED" "NoItemsToEquip" "DU HAR INGEN GENSTANDE TIL DENNE UDSTYRSPOSITION" "[english]NoItemsToEquip" "YOU HAVE NO ITEMS FOR THIS LOADOUT SLOT" "QuickSwitchEquipped" "(valgt)" "[english]QuickSwitchEquipped" "(equipped)" "SelectNoItemSlot" "Tom" "[english]SelectNoItemSlot" "Empty" "BackpackTitle" "RYGSÆK" "[english]BackpackTitle" "BACKPACK" "X_DeleteItem" "X SLET" "[english]X_DeleteItem" "X DELETE" "X_Delete" "X SLET" "[english]X_Delete" "X DELETE" "X_DiscardItem" "X FJERN" "[english]X_DiscardItem" "X DISCARD" "DeleteConfirmTitle" "ER DU SIKKER?" "[english]DeleteConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "DeleteItemConfirmText" "Hvis du sletter denne genstand, ødelægges den permanent. Dette kan ikke fortrydes." "[english]DeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone." "MultiDeleteItemConfirmText" "Hvis du sletter disse genstande, ødelægges de permanent. Dette kan ikke fortrydes." "[english]MultiDeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting these items will permanently destroy all of them. This cannot be undone." "X_DeleteConfirmButton" "X JEP, SLET DEN" "[english]X_DeleteConfirmButton" "X YEAH, DELETE IT" "Backpack_Delete_Item" "RYGSÆK - IKKE MERE PLADS" "[english]Backpack_Delete_Item" "BACKPACK - OUT OF ROOM" "DiscardExplanation" "Du har modtaget denne genstand, men du har ikke plads til den i din rygsæk." "[english]DiscardExplanation" "You've received this item, but you don't have room for it in your backpack." "DiscardExplanation2" "Slet en genstand nedenfor for at gøre plads, eller tryk på fjern for at smide den nye genstand væk." "[english]DiscardExplanation2" "Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away." "DeleteConfirmDefault" "Slet?" "[english]DeleteConfirmDefault" "Delete?" "Discarded" "FJERNET!" "[english]Discarded" "DISCARDED!" "ItemPanelEquipped" "Udstyret" "[english]ItemPanelEquipped" "Equipped" "LoadoutSlot_Primary" "Primært våben" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Primary" "Primary weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "Sekundært våben" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "Secondary weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Melee" "Nærkampsvåben" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Melee" "Melee weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "Granat" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "Grenade" "LoadoutSlot_Building" "Bygning" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Building" "Building" "LoadoutSlot_pda" "Primær PDA" "[english]LoadoutSlot_pda" "Primary PDA" "LoadoutSlot_pda2" "Sekundær PDA" "[english]LoadoutSlot_pda2" "Secondary PDA" "LoadoutSlot_PrimaryMod" "Ammunition" "[english]LoadoutSlot_PrimaryMod" "Ammo" "LoadoutSlot_Head" "Hoved" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Head" "Head" "LoadoutSlot_Misc" "Kosmetisk" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Misc" "Cosmetic" "Backpack_SortBy_Header" "Sorter rygsæk" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Header" "Sort Backpack" "Backpack_SortBy_Type" "Sorter efter type" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Type" "Sort by Type" "Backpack_SortBy_Class" "Sorter efter klasse" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Class" "Sort by Class" "Backpack_SortBy_Slot" "Sorter efter udstyrsplads" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Slot" "Sort by Loadout Slot" "ItemTypeDesc" "Niveau %s1 %s2" "[english]ItemTypeDesc" "Level %s1 %s2" "of" "af" "[english]of" "of" "CraftPack" "Smedeområde" "[english]CraftPack" "Crafting Area" "CraftBegin" "Smed..." "[english]CraftBegin" "Craft..." "CraftConfirm" "Smed!" "[english]CraftConfirm" "Craft!" "CraftRecipe" "Kendte planer" "[english]CraftRecipe" "Known Blueprints" "CraftStep1" "Vælg en plan, du vil bruge" "[english]CraftStep1" "Select a blueprint to use" "CraftStep2" "Undersøg planens inputs og outputs" "[english]CraftStep2" "Examine the Blueprint's inputs and outputs" "CraftStep3" "Tryk på Smed for at bruge denne plan." "[english]CraftStep3" "Hit Craft to use this blueprint." "CraftStep3B" "Vælg den plan, du ønsker at bruge." "[english]CraftStep3B" "Select the blueprint you want to use." "CraftStep4" "Klik, når du er klar til at smede" "[english]CraftStep4" "Click when ready to craft" "CraftViewRecipes" "Vis alle kendte planer" "[english]CraftViewRecipes" "View all known blueprints" "CraftNoMatch" "Der er ingen planer, der passer" "[english]CraftNoMatch" "No matching blueprint" "CraftNoknownRecipes" "Ingen kendte planer." "[english]CraftNoknownRecipes" "No blueprints known." "CraftTryYourLuck" "Tryk på Smed for at prøve lykken." "[english]CraftTryYourLuck" "Hit Craft to try your luck." "CraftReady" "Du har de genstande, der kræves til denne plan.\nKlik på fluebenet for at flytte genstandene hen til smedeområdet." "[english]CraftReady" "You have the items needed for this blueprint.\nClick the check to move the items into the craft area." "CraftUpdate_Start" "Smeder" "[english]CraftUpdate_Start" "Crafting" "CraftUpdate_Success" "Smedearbejdet lykkedes!" "[english]CraftUpdate_Success" "Crafting Succeeded!" "CraftUpdate_NoMatch" "Smedearbejdet mislykkedes:\n\nDer er ingen planer, der passer." "[english]CraftUpdate_NoMatch" "Crafting failed:\n\nNo matching blueprint." "CraftUpdate_Failed" "Smedearbejdet mislykkedes:\n\nDer er ingen forbindelse til smedeserveren." "[english]CraftUpdate_Failed" "Crafting failed:\n\nCraft server is unavailable." "NewRecipeFound" "Ny plan fundet!" "[english]NewRecipeFound" "New Blueprint Found!" "RT_MP_A" "Smelt %s1" "[english]RT_MP_A" "Smelt %s1" "RT_C_A" "Kombiner %s1" "[english]RT_C_A" "Combine %s1" "RT_F_A" "Fremstil %s1" "[english]RT_F_A" "Fabricate %s1" "RT_R_A" "Genskab %s1" "[english]RT_R_A" "Rebuild %s1" "RDI_AB" "Kræver: %s1 %s2" "[english]RDI_AB" "Requires: %s1 %s2" "RDI_ABC" "Kræver: %s1 %s2 %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC" "Requires: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RDO_AB" "Producerer: %s1 %s2" "[english]RDO_AB" "Produces: %s1 %s2" "RDO_ABC" "Producerer: %s1 %s2 %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC" "Produces: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RI_Pi" "af det samme primære våben" "[english]RI_Pi" "of the same primary weapon" "RI_Pp" "primære våben" "[english]RI_Pp" "primary weapons" "RI_P" "primært våben" "[english]RI_P" "primary weapon" "RI_Ic" "genstande anvendt af den samme klasse" "[english]RI_Ic" "items used by the same class" "RI_Wc" "våben anvendt af den samme klasse" "[english]RI_Wc" "weapons used by the same class" "RI_Is" "genstande valgt i den samme udstyrsposition" "[english]RI_Is" "items equipped in the same loadout slot" "RI_Ws" "våben valgt i den samme udstyrsposition" "[english]RI_Ws" "weapons equipped in the same loadout slot" "RI_Si" "af det samme sekundære våben" "[english]RI_Si" "of the same secondary weapon" "RI_Sp" "sekundære våben" "[english]RI_Sp" "secondary weapons" "RI_S" "sekundært våben" "[english]RI_S" "secondary weapon" "RI_Mi" "af det samme nærkampsvåben" "[english]RI_Mi" "of the same melee weapon" "RI_Mp" "nærkampsvåben" "[english]RI_Mp" "melee weapons" "RI_M" "nærkampsvåben" "[english]RI_M" "melee weapon" "RI_Hi" "af den samme hovedbeklædning" "[english]RI_Hi" "of the same piece of headwear" "RI_Hp" "hovedbeklædning" "[english]RI_Hp" "pieces of headwear" "RI_H" "hovedbeklædning" "[english]RI_H" "piece of headwear" "RD_RND" "tilfældig" "[english]RD_RND" "random" "RI_Cw" "klassespecifikke våben" "[english]RI_Cw" "class weapons" "RI_Ch" "klassespecifikt hovedudstyr" "[english]RI_Ch" "class headgear" "RI_Aw" "primært våben, sekundært våben og nærkampsvåben" "[english]RI_Aw" "primary, secondary, and melee weapon" "RI_FAC" "fra en klasse" "[english]RI_FAC" "of a class" "RI_Hg" "hovedudstyr" "[english]RI_Hg" "headgear" "RI_Cs" "klassespecifikt" "[english]RI_Cs" "class specific" "RI_CTc" ", 1 klassepolet" "[english]RI_CTc" ", 1 Class Token" "RI_STc" ", 1 positionspolet" "[english]RI_STc" ", 1 Slot Token" "RI_W" "våben" "[english]RI_W" "weapon" "RI_Mcp" "diverse genstande" "[english]RI_Mcp" "miscellaneous items" "RI_Mci" "af de samme diverse ting" "[english]RI_Mci" "of the same misc items" "RI_CTp" "Klassepoletter" "[english]RI_CTp" "Class Tokens" "RI_STp" "Pladspoletter" "[english]RI_STp" "Slot Tokens" "RI_Tp" "Poletter" "[english]RI_Tp" "Tokens" "CI_Bar_A" "Skrotmetal" "[english]CI_Bar_A" "Scrap Metal" "CI_Bar_B" "Genvundet Metal" "[english]CI_Bar_B" "Reclaimed Metal" "CI_Bar_C" "Forædlet Metal" "[english]CI_Bar_C" "Refined Metal" "CI_Bar_Ap" "Skrotmetal" "[english]CI_Bar_Ap" "Scrap Metal" "CI_Bar_Bp" "Genvundet Metal" "[english]CI_Bar_Bp" "Reclaimed Metal" "CI_Bar_Cp" "Forædlet Metal" "[english]CI_Bar_Cp" "Refined Metal" "TF_CraftItem" "Smedegenstand" "[english]TF_CraftItem" "Craft Item" "CI_T_C" "Klassepolet" "[english]CI_T_C" "Class Token" "CI_T_S" "Positionspolet" "[english]CI_T_S" "Slot Token" "CI_T_C_1" "Klassepolet - Scout" "[english]CI_T_C_1" "Class Token - Scout" "CI_T_C_2" "Klassepolet - Sniper" "[english]CI_T_C_2" "Class Token - Sniper" "CI_T_C_3" "Klassepolet - Soldier" "[english]CI_T_C_3" "Class Token - Soldier" "CI_T_C_4" "Klassepolet - Demoman" "[english]CI_T_C_4" "Class Token - Demoman" "CI_T_C_5" "Klassepolet - Heavy" "[english]CI_T_C_5" "Class Token - Heavy" "CI_T_C_6" "Klassepolet - Medic" "[english]CI_T_C_6" "Class Token - Medic" "CI_T_C_7" "Klassepolet - Pyro" "[english]CI_T_C_7" "Class Token - Pyro" "CI_T_C_8" "Klassepolet - Spy" "[english]CI_T_C_8" "Class Token - Spy" "CI_T_C_9" "Klassepolet - Engineer" "[english]CI_T_C_9" "Class Token - Engineer" "CI_T_S_1" "Positionspolet - Primær" "[english]CI_T_S_1" "Slot Token - Primary" "CI_T_S_2" "Positionspolet - Sekundær" "[english]CI_T_S_2" "Slot Token - Secondary" "CI_T_S_3" "Positionspolet - Nærkamp" "[english]CI_T_S_3" "Slot Token - Melee" "CI_T_S_4" "Positionspolet - Granat" "[english]CI_T_S_4" "Slot Token - Grenade" "CI_T_S_5" "Positionspolet - Bygning" "[english]CI_T_S_5" "Slot Token - Building" "CI_T_S_6" "Positionspolet - PDA" "[english]CI_T_S_6" "Slot Token - PDA" "CI_T_S_7" "Positionspolet - PDA2" "[english]CI_T_S_7" "Slot Token - PDA2" "CI_T_S_8" "Positionspolet - Hoved" "[english]CI_T_S_8" "Slot Token - Head" "TF_CraftItem_Token_C_Desc" "Anvendes til at angive en klasse i planer" "[english]TF_CraftItem_Token_C_Desc" "Used to specify a class in blueprints" "TF_CraftItem_Token_S_Desc" "Anvendes til at angive en udstyrsposition i planer" "[english]TF_CraftItem_Token_S_Desc" "Used to specify a loadout slot in blueprints" "Attrib_ClipSize_Positive" "+%s1% magasinstørrelse" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Positive" "+%s1% clip size" "Attrib_ClipSize_Negative" "%s1% magasinstørrelse" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Negative" "%s1% clip size" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive" "+%s1% Über-hastighed" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive" "+%s1% ÜberCharge rate" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% Über-hastighed" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% ÜberCharge rate" "Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% skadebonus" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage bonus" "Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% skadestraf" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage penalty" "Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "+%s1% helingshastighed" "[english]Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "+%s1% heal rate" "Attrib_HealRate_Negative" "%s1% helingshastighed" "[english]Attrib_HealRate_Negative" "%s1% heal rate" "Attrib_FireRate_Positive" "+%s1% hurtigere affyringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_FireRate_Positive" "+%s1% faster firing speed" "Attrib_FireRate_Negative" "%s1% langsommere affyringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_FireRate_Negative" "%s1% slower firing speed" "Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "+%s1% maks. overheling" "[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "+%s1% max overheal" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled" "Overhelingsbonus mistes ikke" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled" "Overheal bonus doesn't decay" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive" "+%s1% længere overhelingstid" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive" "+%s1% longer overheal time" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "%s1% kortere overhelingstid" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "%s1% shorter overheal time" "Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "Ved træffer: Få op til +%s1 helbred" "[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health" "Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "Ved træffer: %s1 helbred" "[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "On Hit: %s1 health" "Attrib_CritChance_Positive" "+%s1 chance for kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Positive" "+%s1 critical hit chance" "Attrib_CritChance_Negative" "%s1 chance for kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Negative" "%s1 critical hit chance" "Attrib_CritChance_Disabled" "Ingen tilfældig kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Disabled" "No random critical hits" "Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive" "Ved træffer: %s1% ÜberLadning tilføjet" "[english]Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive" "On Hit: %s1% ÜberCharge added" "Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost" "ÜberLadning giver 100% chance for at gøre kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost" "ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance" "Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive" "Ved træffer: +%s1% skadesbonus" "[english]Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive" "On Hit: +%s1% damage bonus" "Attrib_CritVsBurning" "100% chance for kritisk skade mod brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_CritVsBurning" "100% critical hit vs burning players" "Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning" "%s1% skade mod ikke-brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning" "%s1% damage vs non-burning players" "Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning" "Ingen kritisk skade mod ikke-brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning" "No critical hits vs non-burning players" "Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush" "Ingen trykluft" "[english]Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush" "No compression blast" "Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits" "100% chance for kritisk skade bagfra" "[english]Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits" "100% critical hits from behind" "Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive" "+%s1 maks. helbred for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive" "+%s1 max health on wearer" "Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "%s1 maks. helbred for bærer" "[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "%s1 max health on wearer" "Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "Ved drab: +50 helbredspoint til holdkammerater i nærheden\nVed drab: +10% chance for kritisk skade til holdkammerater i nærheden" "[english]Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates\nOn Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates" "Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "Ved drab: 100% chance for kritisk skade i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance" "Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "Ved træffer: %s1% chance for at nedsætte målets hastighed" "[english]Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target" "Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate" "+%s1% aftapningshastighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate" "+%s1% cloak drain rate" "Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate" "+%s1% regenereringshastighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate" "+%s1% cloak regen rate" "Attrib_Spread_Negative" "%s1% mindre nøjagtig" "[english]Attrib_Spread_Negative" "%s1% less accurate" "Attrib_Spread_Positive" "%s1% mere nøjagtig" "[english]Attrib_Spread_Positive" "%s1% more accurate" "Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Alt-skyd: Affyrer en bold, som hæmmer modstandere" "[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that slows opponents" "Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "%s1% skade mod ikke-lammede spillere" "[english]Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "%s1% damage vs non-stunned players" "Attrib_ZoomSpeedMod_Disabled" "Ingen bevægelseshastighedsstraf pga. zoom" "[english]Attrib_ZoomSpeedMod_Disabled" "No move speed penalty from zoom" "Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec" "+%s1% opladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec" "+%s1% charge rate" "Attrib_SniperNoHeadshots" "Ingen hovedskud" "[english]Attrib_SniperNoHeadshots" "No headshots" "Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback" "Tilbageslag på målet og skytten" "[english]Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback" "Knockback on the target and shooter" "Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus" "+%s1% kugler pr. skud" "[english]Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus" "+%s1% bullets per shot" "Attrib_SniperZoom_Penalty" "%s1% reduktion af zoom" "[english]Attrib_SniperZoom_Penalty" "%s1% zoom reduction" "Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "Ingen zoom eller skadesmåler" "[english]Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "No zoom or damage charge" "Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Usynlighedstype: spil død. \nEfterlad et falsk lig ved skade\nog få midlertidig usynlighed, hastighed og skademodstand." "[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death.\nLeave a fake corpse on taking damage\nand temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance." "Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Usynlighedstype: bevægelsesfølsom.\nAlt-skyd: Bliv usynlig. Kan ikke angribe under usynlighed. At støde ind i fjender, gør dig en smule synlig for dem.\nAftapningshastighed for skjul er baseret på bevægelseshastighed." "[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nAlt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed." "Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Slår dobbelthop fra" "[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump" "Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorberer %s1% skade i skjul" "[english]Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorbs %s1% damage while cloaked" "Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Kritisk skade ved hovedskud" "[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on headshot" "Attrib_BackstabShield" "Blokerer et enkelt rygstikkerforsøg" "[english]Attrib_BackstabShield" "Blocks a single backstab attempt" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% langsommere bevægelseshastighed for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% slower move speed on wearer" "Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Gennemblødte fjender tager mini-kritisk skade\nKan bruges til at slukke ild" "[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits\nCan be used to extinguish fires" "Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 helbred regenereret per sekund for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer" "Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 helbred drænet per sekund for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 health drained per second on wearer" "Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "+%s1% selvskade" "[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "+%s1% self damage force" "Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% selvskade" "[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% self damage force" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod ild for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "+%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Increased" "%s1% sårbarhed over for ildskade for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Increased" "%s1% fire damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod kritisk skade for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced" "+%s1% critical hit damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Increased" "%s1% sårbarhed over for kritisk skade for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Increased" "%s1% critical hit damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod eksplosioner for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced" "+%s1% explosive damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Increased" "%s1% sårbarhed over for eksplosioner for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Increased" "%s1% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod kugler for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced" "+%s1% bullet damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased" "%s1% sårbarhed over for kugler for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased" "%s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased" "+%s1 hurtigere erobringshastighed for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased" "+%s1 capture rate on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Reduced" "%s1% helbred fra helere for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Reduced" "%s1% health from healers on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased" "+%s1% helbred fra helere for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased" "+%s1% health from healers on wearer" "Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% brandskade-bonus" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% afterburn damage bonus" "Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% brandskade-straf" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% afterburn damage penalty" "Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% brændetid" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% afterburn duration" "Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "%s1% brændetid" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "%s1% afterburn duration" "Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% hurtigere bevægelseshastighed mens aktiveret" "[english]Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% faster move speed while deployed" "Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased" "+%s1% maks. primær ammunition for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased" "+%s1% max primary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Reduced" "%s1% maks. primær ammunition for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Reduced" "%s1% max primary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased" "+%s1% maks. sekundær ammunition for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased" "+%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Reduced" "%s1% maks. sekundær ammunition for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Reduced" "%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased" "+%s1% maks. metal for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased" "+%s1% max metal on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Reduced" "%s1% maks. metal for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Reduced" "%s1% max metal on wearer" "Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Increased" "-%s1% varighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Increased" "-%s1% cloak duration" "Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Decreased" "+%s1% varighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Decreased" "+%s1% cloak duration" "Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Increased" "+%s1% regenereringshastighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Increased" "+%s1% cloak regeneration rate" "Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Decreased" "%s1% regenereringshastighed for usynlighed" "[english]Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Decreased" "%s1% cloak regeneration rate" "Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Increased" "%s1% langsommere spin-up-tid" "[english]Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Increased" "%s1% slower spin up time" "Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Decreased" "%s1% hurtigere spin-up-tid" "[english]Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Decreased" "%s1% faster spin up time" "Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased" "+%s1 maks. rørbomber lagt ud" "[english]Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased" "+%s1 max pipebombs out" "Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Decreased" "%s1 maks. rørbomber lagt ud" "[english]Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Decreased" "%s1 max pipebombs out" "Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased" "%s1% hurtigere opladning af energi" "[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased" "%s1% faster power charge" "Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "%s1% langsommere opladning af energi" "[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower power charge" "Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Byggehastighedsforøgelse øget med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Construction hit speed boost increased by %s1%" "Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Byggehastighedsforøgelse mindsket med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Construction hit speed boost decreased by %s1%" "Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "%s1% hurtigere reparationshastighed" "[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "%s1% faster repair rate" "Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased" "%s1% langsommere reparationshastighed" "[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower repair rate" "Attrib_ReloadTime_Increased" "%s1% langsommere genladningstid" "[english]Attrib_ReloadTime_Increased" "%s1% slower reload time" "Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased" "%s1% hurtigere genladningstid" "[english]Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased" "%s1% faster reload time" "Attrib_BlastRadius_Increased" "+%s1% eksplosionsradius" "[english]Attrib_BlastRadius_Increased" "+%s1% explosion radius" "Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased" "%s1% eksplosionsradius" "[english]Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased" "%s1% explosion radius" "Attrib_ProjectileRange_Increased" "+%s1% projektilrækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileRange_Increased" "+%s1% projectile range" "Attrib_ProjectileRange_Decreased" "%s1% projektilrækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileRange_Decreased" "%s1% projectile range" "Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% projektilhastighed" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% projectile speed" "Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% projektilhastighed" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% projectile speed" "Attrib_OverhealAmount_Negative" "%s1% maks. overheling" "[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Negative" "%s1% max overheal" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus" "+%s1% hurtigere bevægelseshastighed for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus" "+%s1% faster move speed on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Increased" "+%s1% helbred fra pakker for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Increased" "+%s1% health from packs on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Decreased" "%s1% helbred fra pakker for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Decreased" "%s1% health from packs on wearer" "Attrib_AmmoRegen" "+%s1% ammunition regenereres hvert 5. sekund for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_AmmoRegen" "+%s1% ammo regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer" "Attrib_MetalRegen" "+%s1 metal regenereres hvert 5. sekund for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MetalRegen" "+%s1 metal regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer" "Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker" "Affyrer laserstyrede raketter" "[english]Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker" "Fires laser guided rockets" "Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Skade øges i takt med at brugeren bliver skadet" "[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage increases as the user becomes injured" "Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "%s1% mindre spredningsskade" "[english]Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "%s1% splash damage fall off" "Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increase" "+%s1% mindre spredningsskade" "[english]Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increase" "+%s1% splash damage fall off" "Attrib_StickyDetonateMode" "Detonerer klæbebomber tæt på sigtekornet og direkte under dine fødder" "[english]Attrib_StickyDetonateMode" "Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair and directly under your feet" "Attrib_StickyAirBurstMode" "Kastede bomber sprænger, når de rammer overflader" "[english]Attrib_StickyAirBurstMode" "Launched bombs shatter on surfaces" "Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty" "%s1 sek. langsommere bombearmeringstid" "[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty" "%s1 sec slower bomb arm time" "Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "%s1 sek. hurtigere bombearmeringstid" "[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "%s1 sec faster bomb arm time" "Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Gør mini-kritisk skade mod mål som er sprængt op i luften af eksplosioner, gribekroge eller raketpakker" "[english]Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or rocket packs" "Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "Kan ødelægge fjendens klæbebomber" "[english]Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "Able to destroy enemy stickybombs" "Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive" "%s1% hastighedsforøgelse når våbenet er aktivt" "[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive" "%s1% speed boost while active weapon" "Attrib_ProvideOnActive" "Når våbenet er aktivt:" "[english]Attrib_ProvideOnActive" "When weapon is active:" "Attrib_MedicRegenBonus" "+%s1% naturlig regenereringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MedicRegenBonus" "+%s1% natural regen rate" "Attrib_MedicRegenPenalty" "-%s1% naturlig regenereringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MedicRegenPenalty" "-%s1% natural regen rate" "Attrib_Community_Description" "Tildeles for værdifulde bidrag til fællesskabet" "[english]Attrib_Community_Description" "Given to valuable Community Contributors" "Attrib_MedalIndex_Description" "Medaljenr. %s1" "[english]Attrib_MedalIndex_Description" "Medal no. %s1" "Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% sprængskade fra rakethop" "[english]Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% blast damage from rocket jumps" "Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "Jeg lavede dette!" "[english]Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "I made this!" "Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "+%s1% skade mod bygninger" "[english]Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "+%s1% damage vs buildings" "Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "%s1% skade mod spillere" "[english]Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "%s1% damage vs players" "Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth" "Tilføjer +50 ekstra liv i 30 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth" "Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds" "TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper" "(%s1)" "[english]TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper" "(%s1)" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "Kritzkrieg" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "The Kritzkrieg" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "Blutsauger" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "The Blutsauger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "Übersaven" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "The Ubersaw" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "Udbrænderen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "The Axtinguisher" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "Signalpistolen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "The Flare Gun" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "Bagbrænderen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "The Backburner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "Sandvichen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "The Sandvich" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Kalinins Grusomme Boksehandsker" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "Ole Lukøje" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "The Sandman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Naturkraften" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature" "TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk!-Atompunch" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "Walkabout" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "The Walkabout" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "Stikkerens Lommeur" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "The Cloak and Dagger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "Gengangeren" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "The Dead Ringer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "Ambassadøren" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "The Ambassador" "TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Stikskjoldet" "[english]TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "The Razorback" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jarate" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jarate" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "Jægeren" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "The Huntsman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "Buff-banneret" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "The Buff Banner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "Udligneren" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "The Equalizer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "Fuldtræfferen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "The Direct Hit" "TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "Den Skotske Modstand" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "The Scottish Resistance" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "Angrebsskjoldet" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "The Chargin' Targe" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "Højlandsklingen" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "The Eyelander" "TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "Blysålerne" "[english]TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "The Gunboats" "TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "Husvrageren" "[english]TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "The Homewrecker" "TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "Dalokohs Bar" "[english]TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "The Dalokohs Bar" "TF_TTG_MaxGun" "Lugermorph" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun" "The Lugermorph" "TF_TTG_SamRevolver" "Stordrabet" "[english]TF_TTG_SamRevolver" "The Big Kill" "TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "Torturtoget" "[english]TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "The Pain Train" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "Giver øget hastighed og helbred\nfor hvert hoved, du afhugger." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "Gives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take." "TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-skyd: Løb mod dine fjender og fjern debuffs.\nFå et kritisk nærkampsslag, efter du rammer en fjende fra afstand." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance." "TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "Det ultimative inden for halvskjulte våben.\nDer kan ikke være nogen tvivl om, at du har brug for dette våben.\nSpørgsmålet er bare: Hvor vil du gemme det?" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "The ultimate in semi-concealed weaponry.\nThere's no question you need this gun,\nthe only question is: where will you keep it?" "TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "Forener stil med slagkraft.\nVar i lang tid forbeholdt Freelance-politiet,\nmen fås nu til andre blodtørstige lejesoldater." "[english]TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "Combines style with stopping power.\nLong exclusive to Freelance Police,\nnow available for other blood-thirsty mercenaries." "TF_TTG_MaxsHat_Desc" "Genialt udformet hovedbeklædning fra skåne-farme\ni Filippinerne. Det udhulede kraniehus leder\nfugt bort i kampens hede." "[english]TF_TTG_MaxsHat_Desc" "Expertly crafted headwear from cruelty-free farms\nin the Philippines. Hollowed-out skull casing wicks\nmoisture away when in the heat of battle." "TF_Wearable_Headgear" "Hovedudstyr" "[english]TF_Wearable_Headgear" "Headgear" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout" "Slåerens Hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout" "Batter's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper" "Tandbæltet" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper" "Tooth Belt" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier" "Soldiers Hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier" "Soldier's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman" "Afro" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman" "Fro" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic" "Medics Hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic" "Medic's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro" "Pyros Hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro" "Pyro's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy" "Football-hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy" "Football Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer" "Minehjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer" "Mining Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy" "Spys Hjelm" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy" "Spy's Helmet" "TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth" "Gentle Mannes Tjenestemedalje" "[english]TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth" "Gentle Manne's Service Medal" "Item_Giveaway_NoItem" "Venter på genstand..." "[english]Item_Giveaway_NoItem" "Waiting for item..." "Item_Found" "%s1 har fundet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Found" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Crafted" "%s1 har smedet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Crafted" "%s1 has crafted:: %s2 %s3" "Item_BlacklistedInMatch" "Genstand '%s1' er blevet deaktiveret i denne turneringskamp af serverens liste over tilladte genstande." "[english]Item_BlacklistedInMatch" "Item '%s1' has been disabled in this tournament match by the server whitelist." "community" "Fællesskab" "[english]community" "Community" "developer" "Valve" "[english]developer" "Valve" "selfmade" "Selvlavet" "[english]selfmade" "Self-Made" "TF_CheatDetected_Title" "ADVARSEL" "[english]TF_CheatDetected_Title" "WARNING" "TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Din konto er blevet markeret for omgåelse af systemet for distribuering af genstande. Vi har fjernet de genstande, der blev anskaffet på ulovlig vis.\n\nFremtidige overtrædelser vil medføre tab af alle dine genstande." "[english]TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed the items that were illegally obtained.\n\nFuture violations will result in the loss of all your items." "TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Din konto er blevet markeret for omgåelse af systemet for distribuering af genstande. Vi har fjernet alle genstande i dit inventar.\n\nFremtidige overtrædelser kan medføre deaktivering af din konto." "[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled." "TF_HonestyReward" "Tillykke! Din ærlighed er blevet belønnet med en ny hat!\n\n(Visse andre spillere havde ikke samme skrupler og har været mindre heldige)" "[english]TF_HonestyReward" "Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!\n\n(Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)" "TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medi-geværet fortsætter heling uden at skyd-knappen holdes nede" "[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button" "TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Snigskytteriflen zoomer ind igen efter affyring af zoom-skud" "[english]TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot" "TF_autoreload" "Genlad våben automatisk, når du ikke skyder" "[english]TF_autoreload" "Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing" "TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Tegn visningsmodeller" "[english]TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Draw viewmodels" "TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Skift mellem venstre-/højrehåndede visningsmodeller" "[english]TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Flip viewmodels" "TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Synsfelt for visningsmodeller" "[english]TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Viewmodel field of view" "TF_ClassLimitUnder" "%s1 (maks. %s2)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitUnder" "%s1 (Max %s2)" "TF_ClassLimitHit" "%s1 (fuld)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitHit" "%s1 (Full)" "TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Fuld)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Full)" "TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Husk det aktive våben mellem liv" "[english]TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Remember the active weapon between lives" "TF_rememberlastweapon" "Husk det \"forrige våben\" mellem liv" "[english]TF_rememberlastweapon" "Remember the 'previous weapon' between lives" "TF_colorblindassist" "Slå tilstand for farveblinde til" "[english]TF_colorblindassist" "Turn on colorblind mode" "TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Vis ikke-standardgenstande for spillere, der kigges på" "[english]TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Show non-standard items on spectated player" "TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Brug avanceret tilskuergrænseflade i turneringstilstand" "[english]TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode" "TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Slå vejreffekter fra" "[english]TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects" "TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Slå menuen Simpel forklædning til" "[english]TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Enable Concise Disguise Menu" "TF_CombatText" "Vis gjort skade som tekst over målet" "[english]TF_CombatText" "Display damage done as text over your target" "TF_HealTargetMarker" "MEDIC: Vis en markør over den spiller, du er ved at hele" "[english]TF_HealTargetMarker" "MEDIC: Display a marker over the player you are healing" "TF_AutoMedicCallers" "MEDIC: Sårede holdkammerater råber automatisk op" "[english]TF_AutoMedicCallers" "MEDIC: Injured teammates automatically call out" "TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC: Helbred i procent ved auto-kald" "[english]TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC: Auto-call Health percentage" "TF_Hitbeeps" "Afspil en træfferlyd hver gang du sårer en fjende" "[english]TF_Hitbeeps" "Play a hit sound everytime you injure an enemy" "TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Dit hold" "[english]TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Your Team" "TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass" "Tryk 'F4' for at skifte din klasse!" "[english]TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass" "Press 'F4' to re-roll your class!" "TF_Arena_ClientDisconnect" "%s1 slutter sig til hold %s2 som erstatning for %s3" "[english]TF_Arena_ClientDisconnect" "%s1 is joining team %s2 to replace %s3" "TF_Arena_ProTip" "Tip: Vinderhold behøver aldrig at sidde over" "[english]TF_Arena_ProTip" "Tip: Winning teams never have to sit out" "TF_Arena_Careful" "Forsigtig! Hvis du taber denne runde, er du måske nødt til at sidde den næste over!" "[english]TF_Arena_Careful" "Careful! If you lose this round you might have to sit out the next!" "TF_Arena_SitOut" "Dit hold tabte. Du sidder over i denne runde, fordi der var andre folk, der ventede på at spille." "[english]TF_Arena_SitOut" "Your team lost. You're sitting out this round because other people were waiting to play." "TF_Arena_Welcome" "Team Fortress 2 Arena" "[english]TF_Arena_Welcome" "Team Fortress 2 Arena" "TF_Arena_NoPlayers" "Venter på 1 spiller til, inden runden begynder." "[english]TF_Arena_NoPlayers" "Waiting for 1 more player before the round starts." "TF_Arena_TeamSizeIncreased" "Holdstørrelsen øges til %s1 for at passe til det nuværende antal spillere." "[english]TF_Arena_TeamSizeIncreased" "Team size is increasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count." "TF_Arena_TeamSizeDecreased" "Holdstørrelsen sænkes til %s1 for at passe til det nuværende antal spillere." "[english]TF_Arena_TeamSizeDecreased" "Team size is decreasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count." "TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanel" "Arenatilstand!" "[english]TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanel" "Arena Mode!" "TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanelReason" "Læn dig tilbage og slap af. Du får chancen, så snart denne runde er slut." "[english]TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanelReason" "Sit back and relax. You will get your chance as soon as this round ends." "TF_Arena_NoRespawning" "Ingen tilbagevenden i Arena-tilstand" "[english]TF_Arena_NoRespawning" "No respawning in Arena Mode" "TF_Arena_PlayingTo" "Der spilles til %s1 sejre i træk" "[english]TF_Arena_PlayingTo" "Playing to %s1 wins in a row" "TF_Arena_MaxStreak" "Hold %s1 nåede %s2 sejre! Holdene blandes." "[english]TF_Arena_MaxStreak" "Team %s1 reached %s2 wins! Teams are now being scrambled." "TF_Arena_FlawlessVictory" "Fejlfri sejr!" "[english]TF_Arena_FlawlessVictory" "Flawless Victory!" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_DamageThisRound" "Skade:" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_DamageThisRound" "Damage:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_HealingThisRound" "Heling:" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_HealingThisRound" "Healing:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_TimeAliveThisRound" "Livstid:" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_TimeAliveThisRound" "Lifetime:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_KillingBlows" "Drab:" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_KillingBlows" "Kills:" "TF_Arena_Menu_Fight" "Kæmp!" "[english]TF_Arena_Menu_Fight" "Fight!" "TF_Arena_NoClassChange" "Du kan ikke skifte klasse, efter runden er begyndt." "[english]TF_Arena_NoClassChange" "You can't change classes after the round has started." "TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spiller venter på at spille: %s2" "[english]TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 player waiting to play: %s2" "TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spillere venter på at spille: %s2" "[english]TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 players waiting to play: %s2" "TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Title" "ADVARSEL!" "[english]TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Title" "WARNING!" "TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Explanation" "Serveren, du spiller på, har mistet forbindelsen til genstandsserveren. Derfor vil dit udstyr ikke være tilgængeligt på denne server." "[english]TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Explanation" "The server you are playing on has lost connection to the item server. As a result, your loadout will not be available on this server." "TF_MMO_LFG" "Leder efter gruppe" "[english]TF_MMO_LFG" "Looking For Group" "TF_MMO_Quest1" "Du skal dræbe %s1 %s2 for at gennemføre denne mission." "[english]TF_MMO_Quest1" "You must kill %s1 %s2 to complete this quest." "TF_MMO_Monster1" "Svin" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster1" "Boars" "TF_MMO_Monster2" "Rotter" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster2" "Rats" "TF_MMO_Monster3" "Flagermus" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster3" "Bats" "TF_MMO_Monster4" "Ulve" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster4" "Wolves" "TF_MMO_Monster5" "Edderkopper" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster5" "Spiders" "TF_WarContribution" "Krigsindsats" "[english]TF_WarContribution" "War Contribution" "TF_WarCountUpdate_Soldier" "%s1 har dræbt %s2 Soldiers i krigen!" "[english]TF_WarCountUpdate_Soldier" "%s1 has contributed %s2 Soldier kills to The War!" "TF_WarCountUpdate_Demoman" "%s1 har dræbt %s2 Demomen i krigen!" "[english]TF_WarCountUpdate_Demoman" "%s1 has contributed %s2 Demoman kills to The War!" "ViewBlog" "Se TF2-bloggen" "[english]ViewBlog" "View TF2 Blog" "ViewUpdate" "Se seneste opdateringsnyheder" "[english]ViewUpdate" "View Latest Update News" "ReadAllAboutIt" "Læs alt om det!" "[english]ReadAllAboutIt" "Read all about it!" "TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander-\ntilstand" "[english]TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander\nMode" "TF_Teams_Full" "Holdene\ner fulde" "[english]TF_Teams_Full" "Teams\nAre Full" "TF_EnergyDrink" "DRIK" "[english]TF_EnergyDrink" "DRINK" "TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s1 %s3 bygget af %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s1 %s3 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "Ingen passende teleporter!" "[english]TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "No matching teleporter!" "TF_Weapon_Axe" "Økse" "[english]TF_Weapon_Axe" "Axe" "TF_Wearable_Badge" "Emblem" "[english]TF_Wearable_Badge" "Badge" "TF_ScoutWhoopee" "Kæk Krone" "[english]TF_ScoutWhoopee" "Whoopee Cap" "TF_PyroMonocle" "Fipskægget Gentleman" "[english]TF_PyroMonocle" "Whiskered Gentleman" "TF_MedicGoggles" "Ze Goggles" "[english]TF_MedicGoggles" "Ze Goggles" "TF_MedicGoggles_Desc" "Ingenting" "[english]TF_MedicGoggles_Desc" "Nothing" "TF_EngineerEarmuffs" "På Den Sikre Side" "[english]TF_EngineerEarmuffs" "Safe'n'Sound" "TF_DemomanTricorne" "Fyldebøttens Trekantshat" "[english]TF_DemomanTricorne" "Tippler's Tricorne" "TF_SpyBeret" "Franskmandens Beret" "[english]TF_SpyBeret" "Frenchman's Beret" "TF_SniperFishingHat" "Fyrens Fiskehat" "[english]TF_SniperFishingHat" "Bloke's Bucket Hat" "TF_PyroHelm" "Klassisk Brandmandshjelm" "[english]TF_PyroHelm" "Vintage Merryweather" "TF_SoldierDrillHat" "Sergentens Eksercitshat" "[english]TF_SoldierDrillHat" "Sergeant's Drill Hat" "TF_MedicGatsby" "Gentlemandens Sixpence" "[english]TF_MedicGatsby" "Gentleman's Gatsby" "TF_HeavyDorag" "Hårdfør Klud" "[english]TF_HeavyDorag" "Heavy Duty Rag" "TF_Object_Tele" "Teleporter" "[english]TF_Object_Tele" "Teleporter" "TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Indgang" "[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Entrance" "TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Udgang" "[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Exit" "TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Teleporter bygger... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Teleporter Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter" "Teleporter (niveau %s1 ) Helbred %s1 Status - %s2" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter" "Teleporter (Level %s1 ) Health %s1 Status - %s2" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Idle" "Leder efter en teleporter, der passer" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Idle" "Looking for Matching Teleporter" "Teleporter_idle" "Der er ingen teleporter, der passer til denne." "[english]Teleporter_idle" "This teleporter does not have a match." "Building_hud_tele_not_built" "Indgang til teleporter\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_tele_not_built" "Teleporter Entrance\nNot Built" "Loadout_OpenBackpack" "Åbn din rygsæk" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpack" "Open your Backpack" "Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc" "(INDEHOLDER %s1 GENSTANDE)" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc" "(%s1 ITEMS INSIDE)" "Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc1" "(INDEHOLDER 1 GENSTAND)" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc1" "(1 ITEM INSIDE)" "Loadout_OpenCrafting" "Åbn smedeskærmbilledet" "[english]Loadout_OpenCrafting" "Open the Crafting screen" "Loadout_OpenCraftingDesc" "KONSTRUER NYE GENSTANDE VED AT\nKOMBINERE GENSTANDE I DIN RYGSÆK" "[english]Loadout_OpenCraftingDesc" "CONSTRUCT NEW ITEMS BY\nCOMBINING ITEMS IN YOUR BACKPACK" "RDI_AB1" "Kræver: %s1, %s2" "[english]RDI_AB1" "Requires: %s1, %s2" "RDI_ABC1" "Kræver: %s1, %s2, %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC1" "Requires: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDI_ABC2" "Kræver: %s1, %s2, %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC2" "Requires: %s1, %s2, %s3" "RDO_AB1" "Producerer: %s1, %s2" "[english]RDO_AB1" "Produces: %s1, %s2" "RDO_ABC1" "Producerer: %s1 %s2, %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC1" "Produces: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDO_ABC2" "Producerer: %s1, %s2, %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC2" "Produces: %s1, %s2, %s3" "Attrib_EmployeeNumber" "Hyredato: %s1" "[english]Attrib_EmployeeNumber" "Hire Date: %s1" "Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers" "Skade fjerner sappere" "[english]Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers" "Damage removes Sappers" "Attrib_BleedingDuration" "Ved træffer: Blødning i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_BleedingDuration" "On Hit: Bleed for %s1 seconds" "TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola" "Krit-a-Cola" "[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola" "Crit-a-Cola" "TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "Stammemandens Machete" "[english]TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "The Tribalman's Shiv" "TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "Skottens Kraniekløver" "[english]TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "The Scotsman's Skullcutter" "TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "Mens effekten er aktiv: Hvert angreb gør mini-kritisk skade og mærker fjenden til døden i 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "While effect is active: Each attack mini-crits and sets Marked-For-Death for 5 seconds." "TF_Employee_Badge_A" "Garvet Veteran" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_A" "Grizzled Veteran" "TF_Employee_Badge_B" "Lykkeridder" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_B" "Soldier of Fortune" "TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Lejesoldat" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Mercenary" "TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Urtidskriger" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Primeval Warrior" "TF_ReplayIntro" "&AFSPIL FILM IGEN" "[english]TF_ReplayIntro" "&REPLAY MOVIE" "TF_Bot_Title_Enemy" "Fjendtlig " "[english]TF_Bot_Title_Enemy" "Enemy " "TF_Bot_Title_Friendly" "Venlig " "[english]TF_Bot_Title_Friendly" "Friendly " "TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName" "Spiller" "[english]TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName" "Player" "TF_OSXItem" "Øretelefoner" "[english]TF_OSXItem" "Earbuds" "TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX-symbol!" "[english]TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX represent!" "Gametype_Training" "Træningstilstand" "[english]Gametype_Training" "Training Mode" "Tip_1_6" "Som Scout kan du affyre Naturkraften, når du er midt i luften, for at skubbe dig selv tilbage og væk fra den retning, du sigter mod. Du kan bruge dette til at forlænge afstanden på dine hop." "[english]Tip_1_6" "As a Scout, firing the Force-A-Nature in mid-air will knock you back away from the direction you're aiming; you can use this to extend the range of your jumps." "Tip_1_7" "Som Scout kan du drage fordel af alternative ruter for at flanke fjender for overraskelsesangreb." "[english]Tip_1_7" "As a Scout, take advantage of alternative routes to flank enemies for surprise attacks." "Tip_1_8" "Som Scout kan du, når du er udstyret med Ole Lukøje, bruge %attack2% for at affyre en baseball mod fjerne fjender og lamme dem." "[english]Tip_1_8" "As a Scout, when wielding the Sandman, use %attack2% to launch a baseball at distant enemies to disable them." "Tip_1_9" "Som Scout vil du, når du er udstyret med Ole Lukøje, have mindre maksimalt helbred. Hold dig til dit bat hvis overlevelse er topprioritet." "[english]Tip_1_9" "As a Scout, equipping the Sandman will reduce your maximum health. Stick with your bat if survival is a top priority." "Tip_1_10" "Som Scout vil du skubbe fjender, som du er tæt på, væk, når du rammer dem med Naturkraften." "[english]Tip_1_10" "As a Scout, hitting nearby foes with the Force-A-Nature will push them away from you." "Tip_1_11" "Som Scout vil Ole Lukøjes baseball lamme i længere tid jo længere væk den ramte fjende er - i op til 7 sekunder." "[english]Tip_1_11" "As a Scout, the further your Sandman baseball travels, the longer it will stun any enemy it hits - up to a maximum of 7 seconds." "Tip_1_12" "Som Scout vil Ole Lukøjes baseball ikke lamme fjender på nært hold, men vil fuldstændigt lamme en fjende fra den længste afstand." "[english]Tip_1_12" "As a Scout, the Sandman's baseball cannot stun foes at close range, but it will completely stun an enemy at max range." "Tip_1_13" "Som Scout kan du bruge Bonk!-Atompunch-energidrikken til at passere gennem farlige omgivelser og absorbere Sentry-skade for holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_1_13" "As a Scout, use the Bonk! Atomic Punch energy drink to traverse dangerous terrain and absorb Sentry Gun fire for teammates." "Tip_1_14" "Som Scout kan du bruge Manisk Mælk til at slukke flammerne på dig selv og dine holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, use Mad Milk to douse flames on yourself and on your teammates." "Tip_1_15" "Som Scout gør Håndbremsen mere skade end Haglsprederen på medium afstand." "[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop deals more damage than the Scattergun at mid-range." "Tip_1_16" "Som Scout, hvis du har Slikstokken udstyret, vil dræbte fjender tabe gratis helbredspakker, uanset våbnet du brugte." "[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, if you have the Candy Cane equipped, killed foes will always drop free health kits, regardless of which weapon you used." "Tip_2_5" "Som Sniper kan et hovedskud med en fuldt opladt Sniper Rifle dræbe de fleste klasser øjeblikkeligt." "[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged Sniper Rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly." "Tip_2_6" "Som en Sniper vil dit skud normalt ramme forbi, hvis Jægeren er trukket tilbage i længere tid end fem sekunder. Annuller angrebet ved at trykke %attack2%." "[english]Tip_2_6" "As a Sniper, your shot will usually miss if the Huntsman is pulled back longer than five seconds. Reset it by hitting %attack2%." "Tip_2_7" "Som Sniper kan Jarate afsløre skjulte Spies." "[english]Tip_2_7" "As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies." "Tip_2_8" "Som Sniper knækker Stikskjoldet efter et rygstik. Snup et nyt fra et genforsyningsskab." "[english]Tip_2_8" "As a Sniper, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker." "Tip_2_9" "Som Sniper afgiver Stikskjoldet en høj elektrisk lyd, hvis en Spy forsøger at stikke dig i ryggen. Lyt godt efter!" "[english]Tip_2_9" "As a Sniper, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!" "Tip_2_10" "Som Sniper kan du bruge Jarate til at slukke flammer på dig selv og på holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_2_10" "As a Sniper, use Jarate to douse flames on yourself and on teammates." "Tip_2_11" "Som Sniper gør alle træffere mini-kritisk skade mod fjender, som er blevet gennemblødt af Jarate." "[english]Tip_2_11" "As a Sniper, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are mini-crits." "Tip_2_12" "Som Sniper forårsager Stammemandens Machete en blødning ved træffere. Dette kan være nyttigt til at opspore Spies." "[english]Tip_2_12" "As a Sniper, the Tribalman's Shiv causes your target to bleed when hit. This can be useful for tracking down Spies." "Tip_3_5" "Som Soldier bør du overveje at skade dig selv i sikre omgivelser, hvis en Medic heler dig. ÜberLadning opbygges langsommere mens du er overhelet (bortset fra under opsætningstiden)." "[english]Tip_3_5" "As a Soldier, consider damaging yourself in safe situations if a Medic is healing you. ÜberCharge builds slower while you're overhealed (except during setup time)." "Tip_3_6" "Som Soldier har dine raketter et kraftigt tilbageslag. Benyt dig af dette til at jonglere med fjenderne eller skyde dem i luften." "[english]Tip_3_6" "As a Soldier, your rockets have strong knock back. Use this to jostle enemies or knock them airborne." "Tip_3_7" "Som Soldier kan du bruge dit Haglgevær for at spare på raketter eller undgå at vente på, at din raketkaster skal lade midt i kamp." "[english]Tip_3_7" "As a Soldier, use your Shotgun to conserve rockets and avoid waiting for your Rocket Launcher to reload in the middle of combat." "Tip_3_8" "Som Soldier har Fuldtræfferens raketter en meget lille sprængradius. Sigt direkte efter dine fjender for maksimal skade!" "[english]Tip_3_8" "As a Soldier, the Direct Hit's rockets have a very small blast radius. Aim directly at your enemies to maximize damage!" "Tip_3_9" "Som Soldier vil Buff-bannerets raserimåler nulstilles, hvis du dør. Vær ikke bange for at bruge den for dig selv, hvis du har brug for at angribe eller undslippe!" "[english]Tip_3_9" "As a Soldier, the Buff Banner's rage meter will reset if you die. Don't be afraid to use it for yourself if you need to make a push or escape!" "Tip_3_10" "Som Soldier vil Buff-banneret ved aktivering gøre, at du og holdkammerater i nærheden gør mini-kritisk skade, hvilket hurtigt kan ændre kampens udslag." "[english]Tip_3_10" "As a Soldier, activating the Buff Banner provides mini-crits to you and nearby teammates, which can swiftly turn the tide of a difficult battle." "Tip_3_11" "Som Soldier giver Redningsplanen dig en hastighedsbonus, når dit helbred er lavt. Benyt dig af dette til at flygte fra farlige områder og undvige fjendtlig beskydning!" "[english]Tip_3_11" "As a Soldier, the Escape Plan provides a speed bonus when your health is low. Use it to escape dangerous areas and dodge enemy fire!" "Tip_3_12" "Som Soldier gør Udligneren meget skade hvis du har meget lidt liv tilbage, men gør mindre skade end Skovlen, hvis du har meget liv tilbage." "[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health." "Tip_3_13" "Som Soldier heler Medics markant mindre, mens du aktivt anvender Udligneren eller Redningsplanen." "[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics heal you at a significantly reduced rate while you actively wield the Equalizer or Escape Plan." "Tip_3_14" "Som Soldier skal du huske at Halv-Zatoichis angreb øjeblikkeligt dræber en fjende, som også har en fremme!" "[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!" "Tip_3_15" "Som Soldier heler Den Sorte Boks dig hver gang du skader en fjende med en raket. Benyt dig af dette, hvis der ikke er nogen venlige Medics eller helbredspakker i nærheden." "[english]Tip_3_15" "As a Soldier, the Black Box heals you whenever you damage an enemy with a rocket. Use it when friendly Medics and health kits are scarce." "Tip_3_16" "Som Soldier reducerer Blysålerne markant helbredstabet fra rakethop. Brug dem når position og mobilitet er specielt vigtigt." "[english]Tip_3_16" "As a Soldier, the Gunboats greatly reduce health loss from rocket jumps. Use them when positioning and mobility are especially important." "Tip_3_17" "Som Soldier vil du, ved at aktivere Forsvarsfanen, tage mindre skade og give kritisk immunitet til dig selv og dine holdkammerater i nærheden. Husk på effektens radius når du vil beskytte dine holdkammerater!" "[english]Tip_3_17" "As a Soldier, activating the Battalion's Backup provides damage reduction and crit immunity to yourself and nearby team mates. Be mindful of the effect radius when protecting teammates!" "Tip_4_5" "Som Demoman kan du når som helst detonere klæbebomber med %attack2%, uanset hvilket våben du bruger i øjeblikket." "[english]Tip_4_5" "As a Demoman, you can detonate stickybombs with %attack2% at any time, regardless of which weapon you're currently using." "Tip_4_6" "Som Demoman kan du dukke dig, når du forbereder dig på et klæbebombe-hop for at opnå maksimal højde." "[english]Tip_4_6" "As a Demoman, crouch when preparing for a stickybomb jump in order to achieve maximum height." "Tip_4_7" "Som Demoman kan du bruge din Granatkaster i direkte kamp. Granater detonerer ved kontakt med en fjende, medmindre de rammer jorden først." "[english]Tip_4_7" "As a Demoman, use your Grenade Launcher for direct combat. Grenades detonate upon impact with an enemy unless they touch the ground first." "Tip_4_8" "Som Demoman gør din Flaske samme skade, uanset om den er knust eller ej." "[english]Tip_4_8" "As a Demoman, your Bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not." "Tip_4_9" "Når du er Demoman er Den Skotske Modstand glimrende til forsvar. Læg adskillige klynger af klæbebomber for at beskytte et stort område. Dine klæbebomber kan også ødelægge modstandernes klæbebomber!" "[english]Tip_4_9" "As a Demoman, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense. Place multiple groups of stickybombs in order to defend a lot of territory. Your stickybombs can also destroy enemy stickybombs!" "Tip_4_10" "Som en Demoman med Den Skotske Modstand skal du holde øje med dine klæbebomber, så du kan detonere dem, når det er nødvendigt." "[english]Tip_4_10" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance keep a line of sight to your stickybombs so you can detonate them when needed." "Tip_4_11" "Som Demoman er Højlandsklingens lavere maks. helbred, og manglende mulighed for at tilfældigt forårsage kritisk skade, suppleret af Angrebsskjoldets modstandskraft over for eksplosioner og dets mulighed for angrebsløb." "[english]Tip_4_11" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability complement the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random critical hits." "Tip_4_12" "Som Demoman gør Angrebsskjoldets angrebsløb ikke kritisk skade, før angrebsløbet næsten er forbi. Dit våben vil gløde, når tiden er inde!" "[english]Tip_4_12" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a critical hit until near the end of the charge. Your weapon will glow when the time is right!" "Tip_4_13" "Som Demoman kan du med Angrebsskjoldet ikke skifte retning under et angrebsløb. Forsøg at sigte efter hvor fjenden vil være, frem for hvor fjenden er." "[english]Tip_4_13" "As a Demoman, when using the Chargin' Targe you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is." "Tip_4_14" "Som Demoman er Angrebsskjoldets angrebsløb også perfekt til hurtige retræter!" "[english]Tip_4_14" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!" "Tip_4_15" "Som Demoman har din Flaske ingen negative egenskaber i forhold til helbredsreduceringen, som Højlandsklingen giver. Brug din Flaske, hvis overlevelse er en prioritet." "[english]Tip_4_15" "As a Demoman, your Bottle has no negative attributes when compared to the health reduction penalty of the Eyelander. Use your Bottle if survival is a priority." "Tip_4_16" "Som Demoman kan du samle hoveder ved at dræbe fjender med Højlandsklingen. Hvert hoved forøger dit maksimale helbred og giver dig en hastighedsforøgelse!" "[english]Tip_4_16" "As a Demoman, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander. Each head increases your maximum health and also gives you a speed boost!" "Tip_5_6" "Som Medic opbygger du meget hurtigere ÜberLadning under opsætningstiden." "[english]Tip_5_6" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge will build much faster during setup time." "Tip_5_7" "Som Medic kan du ikke erobre et kontrolpunkt eller samle efterretningerne op, mens du er usårlig." "[english]Tip_5_7" "As a Medic, you cannot capture a Control Point or pick up the Intelligence while invulnerable." "Tip_5_8" "Som Medic, helbred Soldiers og Demomen i starten af kampen så de kan bruge det ekstra helbred til at rakethoppe eller klæbebombe-hoppe henover banen." "[english]Tip_5_8" "As a Medic, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of a round in order that they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map." "Tip_5_9" "Som Medic kan du udføre ÜberLadning uden et helingsmål for at redde dig selv, hvis du er i vanskeligheder." "[english]Tip_5_9" "As a Medic, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target in order to save yourself in dire situations." "Tip_5_10" "Som Medic er det bedre at bruge en ÜberLadning for tidligt end at miste den ved at blive dræbt." "[english]Tip_5_10" "As a Medic, it's better to use an ÜberCharge too early than lose it by being killed." "Tip_5_11" "Som Medic kan du narre fjenden ved at bruge \"ÜberLadning parat\"-kommandoen for at lade som om, at du har en ÜberLadning klar." "[english]Tip_5_11" "As a Medic, fool the enemy by using the \"ÜberCharge ready!\" voice command in order to pretend you have an ÜberCharge prepared." "Tip_5_12" "Som Medic kan du holde flere mål overhelet, så de kan tage imod mere skade." "[english]Tip_5_12" "As a Medic, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage." "Tip_5_14" "Som Medic skal du huske på, at kanyler bevæger sig i buer og har en rejsetid. Sigt foran og højere end målet for at ramme." "[english]Tip_5_14" "As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs and have a travel time. Lead your targets and aim higher in order to land successful hits." "Tip_5_15" "Som Medic skal du huske på, at kritiske træffere ikke har nogen virkning på Sentries. Brug i stedet Kritzkrieg i områder, der er fulde af spillere." "[english]Tip_5_15" "As a Medic, remember that critical hits have no effect on Sentry Guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead." "Tip_5_16" "Som Medic vil Übersaven stadig øge din ÜberLadning, hvis fjenden, der rammes, er en Scout påvirket af Bonk!-Atompunch." "[english]Tip_5_16" "As a Medic, the Übersaw will still increase your ÜberCharge meter if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch." "Tip_5_17" "Som Medic betyder brug af ÜberLadning til at gøre sig usårlig over for skade ikke, at man er uden for fare. Pas på Pyroens trykluftstød og trykbølger fra eksplosioner." "[english]Tip_5_17" "As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for the Pyro's compression blast and explosive knock back." "Tip_5_18" "Som Medic kan du, når du angriber med en Überladning, forsøge at få Sentries til at angribe dig, så dine holdkammerater kan komme tæt nok på til at ødelægge dem." "[english]Tip_5_18" "As a Medic, when attacking with an ÜberCharge, try to get Sentry Guns to target you so that your teammates can get close enough to destroy them." "Tip_5_19" "Som Medic heler din almindelige Injektionssprøjtepistol dig automatisk over tid med 3 helbred per sekund i forhold til Blutsaugers 1 helbred per sekund. Brug Injektionssprøjtepistolen defensivt, da den passive helingsrate vil give dig en fordel." "[english]Tip_5_19" "As a Medic, your default Syringe Gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second. Use the Syringe Gun when playing defensively, as the passive healing rate will provide you with an advantage." "Tip_5_20" "Som Medic vil Übersaven ikke øge din ÜberLadning, hvis fjenden, der rammes, er en forklædt Spy." "[english]Tip_5_20" "As a Medic, the Übersaw will not increase your ÜberCharge meter if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy." "Tip_5_21" "Som Medic heler Kritzkriegens hån 10 helbred. Benyt dig af dette, hvis der ikke er nogen helbredspakker eller andre Medics i nærheden." "[english]Tip_5_21" "As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby." "Tip_5_22" "Som Medic skal du være opmærksom på andre Medics på dit hold. Hvis du holder flere Medics i live, holder du også resten af holdet i live." "[english]Tip_5_22" "As a Medic, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive, too." "Tip_6_5" "Som Heavy har du mere liv end nogen anden klasse på dit hold. Brug dette til din fordel ved at pådrage dig fjendtlig beskydning og tillade dit hold at flankere fjenden." "[english]Tip_6_5" "As a Heavy, you have more health than any other class on your team. Use this to your advantage by drawing enemy fire and allowing the other classes to flank the enemy." "Tip_6_6" "Som Heavy mister du ikke momentum, mens du spinner din Rullekanon op i luften. Udnyt dette til at overraske fjender omkring hjørner!" "[english]Tip_6_6" "As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your Minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners!" "Tip_6_8" "Som Heavy svinger dine Næver hurtigere end Kalinins Grusomme Boksehandsker. Vælg dem med Sandvichen for hurtigt at ekspedere angribere ved frokosttid." "[english]Tip_6_8" "As a Heavy, your fists swing faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers. " "Tip_6_9" "Som Heavy kan Sandvichen smides ved hjælp af %attack2%. En smidt Sandvich kan hele en holdkammerat ligesom et førstehjælpssæt." "[english]Tip_6_9" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2%. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate similarly to a health kit." "Tip_6_10" "Som Heavy skal du sørge for at skaffe en anden Sandvich, hvis du smider din. Sandviches kan skaffes ved at opsamle en helbredspakke, men kun hvis dit helbred er fyldt op." "[english]Tip_6_10" "As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full." "Tip_6_11" "Som Heavy kan din Rullekanons spin-up-tid spilde Kalinins Grusomme Boksehandskers fem-sekunders kritiske boost. Bær dit Haglgevær sammen med boksehandskerne for at maksimere det kritiske boost!" "[english]Tip_6_11" "As a Heavy, your Minigun's spin-up time can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's five-second critical buff. Carry your Shotgun with the K.G.B. in order to maximize the critical boost!" "Tip_6_12" "Som Heavy kan du smide din Sandvich og Bøffelbøf-sandvich med %attack2% og redde brændende kammerater. Brug dette til at redde din Medic." "[english]Tip_6_12" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich and the Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2% and can extinguish burning teammates. Use this to save your Medic." "Tip_7_6" "Som Pyro kan din Flammekaster antænde en fjendtlig Spy hvis han er skjult, eller forklædt som en fra dit hold. Lav Spy-tjek på holdkammerater, der opfører sig mistænkeligt!" "[english]Tip_7_6" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower can ignite an enemy Spy if he is cloaked, or is disguised as a member of your team. Spy check teammates that look or act suspicious!" "Tip_7_7" "Som Pyro kan du udnytte bonusskaden på Udbrænderen ved at antænde dine fjender, før du angriber." "[english]Tip_7_7" "As a Pyro, utilize the bonus damage on the Axtinguisher by igniting your foes before attacking." "Tip_7_8" "Som Pyro, hjælp til med at beskytte Engineer'ens Sentries ved bruge Flammekasterens trykluftstød (%attack2) til at refklektere sprængfarlige projektiler og tjekke for Spies." "[english]Tip_7_8" "As a Pyro, help protect an Engineer's Sentry Gun by using the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) to reflect explosive projectiles and check for enemy Spies." "Tip_7_9" "Som Pyro kan du neutralisere en ÜberLadning ved at skubbe Medic'en eller dennes helingsmål væk fra hinanden med Flammekasterens trykluftstød (%attack2%)." "[english]Tip_7_9" "As a Pyro, you can neutralize an ÜberCharge by pushing the Medic and his heal target away from each other by using the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%)." "Tip_7_10" "Som Pyro kan du skubbe fjender væk med Flammekasterens trykluftstød ved hjælp af %attack2%." "[english]Tip_7_10" "As a Pyro, push enemies out of your way using the Flamethrower's compression blast with %attack2%." "Tip_7_11" "Som Pyro kan Flammekasterens trykluftstød (%attack2%) slukke brændende holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_7_11" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) can extinguish burning teammates." "Tip_7_12" "Som Pyro kan du ikke blive antændt af ild-baserede våben. Brug dit Halggevær eller nærkampsvåben mod fjendtlige Pyros som modtræk." "[english]Tip_7_12" "As a Pyro, you cannot be ignited by fire-based weapons. Use your Shotgun or melee weapons against enemy Pyros in order to counter this." "Tip_7_13" "Som en Pyro, er Bagbrænderen meget effektiv til bagholdsangreb på fjenden, da den gør kritisk skade når man angriber bagfra." "[english]Tip_7_13" "As a Pyro, the Backburner is very effective when ambushing the enemy because it inflicts critical hits when attacking from behind." "Tip_7_14" "Som Pyro kan Signalpistolen gøre kritisk skade, hvis den rammer fjender, der allerede brænder." "[english]Tip_7_14" "As a Pyro, the Flare Gun can cause critical hits if fired at enemies who are already burning." "Tip_7_15" "Som Pyro vil din Flammekaster eller Signalpistol ikke fungere under vand, så stol på dit Haglgevær eller nærkampsvåben." "[english]Tip_7_15" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower or Flare Gun will not work underwater, so rely upon your Shotgun or melee weapon." "Tip_7_16" "Som Pyro, brug %attack2% når du bruger Flammekasteren for at slippe et trykluftstød løs. Brug det til at kaste projektiler tilbage, slukke brændende holdkammerater og skubbe fjender tilbage!" "[english]Tip_7_16" "As a Pyro, use %attack2% when using the Flamethrower in order to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, or push enemies back!" "Tip_7_17" "Som en Pyro kan du bruge din Flammekaster på venlige Snipere for at antænde deres Jæger-pile. Brændende pile kan antænde fjenden og gør ekstra skade." "[english]Tip_7_17" "As a Pyro, use your Flamethrower on friendly Snipers in order to light their Huntsman arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy and inflict additional damage." "Tip_7_18" "Som Pyro kan du bruge %attack2% til at kaste projektiler tilbage mod det fjendtlige hold! Dette omfatter raketter, granater, Jæger-pile, Jarate og mere!" "[english]Tip_7_18" "As a Pyro, use %attack2% to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team! This includes rockets, grenades, Huntsman arrows, Jarate and more!" "Tip_7_19" "Som Pyro skal du huske på, at Flammekasterens luftstød (%attack2%) kan opbruge en stor mængde ammunition. Brug det, når det er nødvendigt!" "[english]Tip_7_19" "As a Pyro, remember that the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) can use up a lot of ammo. Use it only when you need to!" "Tip_7_20" "Som Pyro kan du udnytte Flammekasterens trykluftstød (%attack2%) til at skubbe klæbebomber til side. Hjælp dine Engineers eller ryd et kontrolpunkt!" "[english]Tip_7_20" "As a Pyro, utilize the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) to push stickybombs out of the way. Help out your Engineers or clear a Control Point!" "Tip_8_9" "Som Spy skal du være forsigtig med at bruge talekommandoer, mens du er forklædt. Det fjendtlige hold vil se dem udtalt i tekstchatten af hvem end, du er forklædt som." "[english]Tip_8_9" "As a Spy, be careful when using voice commands while disguised. The enemy team will see them said in the text chat by whomever you're disguised as." "Tip_8_10" "Som Spy kan Ambassadøren ikke lave kritiske hovedskud, når den køler ned. Sørg for, at hvert enkelt skud er præcist og rettidigt, for at gøre maksimal skade." "[english]Tip_8_10" "As a Spy, the Ambassador does not inflict critical headshots when cooling down. Make each shot precise and timed in order to inflict maximum damage." "Tip_8_11" "Som Spy skal du forsøge at undgå at blive ramt af flammer, når du armerer Gengangeren, da flammerne ellers kan ramme dig igen og afsløre din position." "[english]Tip_8_11" "As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location." "Tip_8_12" "Som Spy, skjult med Gengangeren, vises din silhuet ikke, når du kolliderer med fjender i de første få sekunder, efter du skjules." "[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies for the first few seconds after cloaking." "Tip_8_13" "Som Spy kan du samle ammunition op for at genoplade usynlighed. Du kan endda samle ammunition op, når du er skjult med det normale Usynlighedsur!" "[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, pick up ammo to recharge your Cloak. You can even pick up ammo while cloaked with the default Invisibility Watch!" "Tip_8_14" "Som Spy aflades Stikkerens Lommeur kun, hvis du bevæger dig. Stå stille eller gør dig synlig igen for at genvinde tabt opladning." "[english]Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak in order to regain lost charge." "Tip_8_15" "Som Spy kan din silhuet ses, hvis du bevæger dig, når du har været skjult med Stikkerens Lommeur for længe. Find et sikkert sted, hvor du kan sidde og genoplade." "[english]Tip_8_15" "As a Spy, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge." "Tip_8_16" "Som Spy laver Gengangeren en meget høj lyd, når du bliver synlig igen. Find et sikkert sted uden fjender, hvor du kan blive synlig igen." "[english]Tip_8_16" "As a Spy, the Dead Ringer makes a very loud noise when uncloaking. Find a safe place away from enemies to uncloak." "Tip_8_17" "Som Spy kan du forklæde dig som dit eget hold ved at trykke på %disguiseteam%-tasten. Brug dette i venlige områder eller sammen med Gengangeren for at skjule din tilstedeværelse for fjenden." "[english]Tip_8_17" "As a Spy, disguise as your own team by hitting the %disguiseteam% key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer in order to hide your presence from the enemy." "Tip_8_18" "Som Spy kan du trykke på %lastdisguise%, mens du allerede er forklædt, for at skifte det våben, som din forklædning holder." "[english]Tip_8_18" "As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% while already disguised to change the weapon your disguise is holding." "Tip_8_19" "Som Spy kan du trykke på %lastdisguise% for automatisk at antage den seneste forklædning, du har brugt." "[english]Tip_8_19" "As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% in order to automatically assume the last disguise you previously used." "Tip_8_20" "Som Spy kan du tage fjendtlige Teleportere. Bøh!" "[english]Tip_8_20" "As a Spy, you can take enemy Teleporters. Surprise!" "Tip_8_21" "Som Spy bliver du en smule synlig for alle, hvis du støder ind i fjender, mens du er usynlig." "[english]Tip_8_21" "As a Spy, bumping into enemies while cloaked makes you slightly visible to everyone." "Tip_8_22" "Som Spy kan fjenden se dig, hvis der går ild i dig, mens du er forklædt!" "[english]Tip_8_22" "As a Spy, if you're set on fire while cloaked, the enemy can see you!" "Tip_8_23" "Som Spy kan du bruge din Revolver til at ordne mål, som har lavt helbred, eller tage dig af klasser, som det er farligt at komme i nærheden af, som f.eks. Pyros." "[english]Tip_8_23" "As a Spy, use your Revolver to pick off targets that are low on health, or to deal with classes that are dangerous to get near, such as Pyros." "Tip_8_24" "Som Spy kan du, hvis du er hurtig, stikke en Engineer ned bagfra og derefter sappe hans Sentry, før den drejer rundt og skyder dig." "[english]Tip_8_24" "As a Spy, if you are quick, you can stab an Engineer and then sap his Sentry Gun before it turns around and shoots you." "Tip_8_25" "Som Spy reducerer Gengangeren markant mængden af skade fra enhver form for angreb, mens du er usynlig." "[english]Tip_8_25" "As a Spy, the Dead Ringer significantly reduces the amount of damage taken from all attacks while you are invisible." "Tip_8_26" "Som Spy skal du undgå faldskade, når du er skjult, da det vil afsløre din position!" "[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage while cloaked as it will give away your location!" "Tip_8_27" "Som Spy vil dine Elektro-sappere sappe begge ender af en Teleporter. Forsøg at sappe den ende, som Engineer'en ikke befinder sig ved." "[english]Tip_8_27" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers sap both ends of a Teleporter. Try sapping the end that the Engineer isn't guarding." "Tip_8_28" "Som Spy kan Gengangeren bruges til at simulere din egen død. Forsøg at bruge den, når du er svag, ellers vil den gå til spilde eller være for åbenlys." "[english]Tip_8_28" "As a Spy, your Dead Ringer can be used to fake your own death. Try to use it when you're weak, otherwise it may be wasted or too obvious." "Tip_8_29" "Som Spy vil du, ved at genlade din Revolver, efterligne din aktuelle forklædnings genladningshandling." "[english]Tip_8_29" "As a Spy, reloading your Revolver will mimic the reload action of the weapon carried by your current disguise." "Tip_9_7" "Som Engineer kan du hjælpe dine med-Engineers! Din Skruenøgle kan opgradere eller reparere deres bygninger såvel som dine egne." "[english]Tip_9_7" "As an Engineer, help your fellow Engineers! Your Wrench can upgrade or repair their buildings as well as your own." "Tip_9_8" "Som Engineer kan du slå til dine bygninger med din Skruenøgle, mens de bygges, for at få dem hurtigere færdig." "[english]Tip_9_8" "As an Engineer, hit your buildings with your Wrench while they are constructing in order to make them build faster." "Tip_9_9" "Som Engineer kan det være nyttigt at flytte dine bygninger fremad for at støtte dit hold. Brug %attack2% for at samle bygninger op og bære dem." "[english]Tip_9_9" "As an Engineer, it can be useful to move your buildings forward in order to support your team. Use %attack2% to pick up your buildings and carry them." "Tip_9_10" "Som Engineer skal du huske at opgradere dine bygninger. Niveau 3-teleportere genoplader langt hurtigere, så dit hold kan holde presset oppe." "[english]Tip_9_10" "As an Engineer, remember to upgrade your buildings. Level 3 Teleporters recharge much faster, allowing your team to keep the pressure on." "Tip_9_11" "Som Engineer kan du slå på enten indgangen eller udgangen til din Teleporter med din Skruenøgle for at reparere og opgradere begge sider." "[english]Tip_9_11" "As an Engineer, hit either the entrance or the exit of your Teleporter with your Wrench in order to repair and upgrade both sides." "Tip_9_12" "Som Engineer kan du trykke på %attack2% for at rotere bygningsplaner, før du trykker på %attack% for at bygge. Benyt dig af dette for at vende teleportere væk fra vægge." "[english]Tip_9_12" "As an Engineer, hit %attack2% to rotate building blueprints before you hit %attack% to build. Use this in order to orient Teleporters away from walls." "Tip_9_13" "Som Engineer kan du gøre andet og mere end blot at vedligeholde dine bygninger. Brug dit Haglgevær og din Pistol til at assistere i kampe og til at forsvare dine bygninger." "[english]Tip_9_13" "As an Engineer, you can do more than just maintain your buildings. Use your Shotgun and your Pistol to assist in fights and to defend your buildings." "Tip_9_14" "Som Engineer kan Sentries ikke kun bruges defensivt. Stil dem hurtigt op på skjulte steder for at støtte et offensivt angreb." "[english]Tip_9_14" "As an Engineer, Sentry Guns aren't restricted to just defensive measures. Deploy them quickly in hidden locations in order to aid in an offensive push." "Tip_9_15" "Som Engineer skal du huske, at forklædte Spies kan tage din teleporter. Forsøg at undgå at stå oven på din teleporter-udgang, især når du opgraderer eller reparerer den." "[english]Tip_9_15" "As an Engineer, remember that disguised enemy Spies can use your Teleporter. Try not to stand on top of your Teleporter exit, especially when upgrading or repairing it." "Tip_9_16" "Som Engineer skal du tjekke for Spies med dine våben, hvis en mistænkelig person nærmer sig." "[english]Tip_9_16" "As an Engineer, check for Spies with your weapons if someone suspicious approaches." "Tip_9_17" "Som Engineer lader Kortslutningen dig beskytte dine bygninger ved at ødelægge indkommende fjendtlige projektiler." "[english]Tip_9_17" "As an Engineer, the Short Circuit lets you protect your buildings by eliminating incoming enemy projectiles." "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostPoints" "point" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostPoints" "point(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostKills" "drab" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostKills" "kill(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostAssists" "assistance(r)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostAssists" "assist(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostCaptures" "erobring(er)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostCaptures" "capture(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDefenses" "forsvar" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDefenses" "defense(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDamage" "skade" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDamage" "damage" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDestruction" "bygning(er) ødelagt" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDestruction" "building(s) destroyed" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDominations" "dominering(er)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDominations" "domination(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_LongestLife" "levetid" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_LongestLife" "life time" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHealing" "heling" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHealing" "healing" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostInvulns" "ÜberLadning(er)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostInvulns" "uber charge(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostSentryKills" "drab med sentry" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostSentryKills" "kill(s) by sentry" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostTeleports" "teleporter-anvendelse(r)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostTeleports" "teleport use(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHeadshots" "hovedskud" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHeadshots" "headshot(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostBackstabs" "rygstik" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostBackstabs" "backstab(s)" "ConfirmTitle" "ER DU SIKKER?" "[english]ConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "ConfirmButtonText" "FORTSÆT" "[english]ConfirmButtonText" "CONTINUE" "WelcomeBack" "Velkommen tilbage, %playername%" "[english]WelcomeBack" "Welcome back, %playername%" "ChallengeTitle" "%challengeclass%" "[english]ChallengeTitle" "%challengeclass%" "ChallengeSubText" "Hvorfor ikke prøve ham?" "[english]ChallengeSubText" "Why don't you give him a shot?" "ChallengeSubTextB" "Hvorfor ikke prøve hende?" "[english]ChallengeSubTextB" "Why don't you give her a shot?" "ChallengeRecord" "Slå dette:" "[english]ChallengeRecord" "Beat this:" "ChallengeDetails" "%s1 som %s2" "[english]ChallengeDetails" "%s1 as a %s2" "FriendsList" "Vis alle %friendsplaying% venner, der spiller" "[english]FriendsList" "See all %friendsplaying% friends playing" "MMenu_StartPlaying" "Begynd med at spille" "[english]MMenu_StartPlaying" "Start Playing" "MMenu_ChangeServer" "Skift server" "[english]MMenu_ChangeServer" "Change Server" "MMenu_CharacterSetup" "GENSTANDE" "[english]MMenu_CharacterSetup" "ITEMS" "MMenu_Achievements" "Præstationer & statistikker" "[english]MMenu_Achievements" "Achievements & Stats" "MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "Du har fået %currentachievements% ud af %totalachievements% præstationer." "[english]MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "You've earned %currentachievements% of %totalachievements% achievements." "MMenu_RecentAchievements" "Dine seneste præstationer:" "[english]MMenu_RecentAchievements" "Your recent achievements:" "MMenu_ViewAll" "Vis alle" "[english]MMenu_ViewAll" "View All" "MMenu_Tooltip_Training" "Træning" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Training" "Training" "MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum" "Forum for nye brugere" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum" "New User Forum" "MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug" "Rapporter en fejl" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug" "Report a Bug" "MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers" "Dæmp spillere" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers" "Mute Players" "MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary" "Udviklerkommentarer" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary" "Developer Commentary" "MMenu_MOTD_URL" "LÆS MERE" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_URL" "READ MORE" "MMenu_MOTD_Show" "BESKEDER" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_Show" "MESSAGES" "MMenu_MOTD_Hide" "X" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_Hide" "X" "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title" "Det ser ud til, det er første gang, du spiller TF2..." "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title" "Looks like it's your first time playing TF2..." "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2" "Vi har tilføjet træning siden du sidst spillede..." "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2" "Since you last played, we've added training..." "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text" "Hvorfor ikke tage lidt tid til at spille en introduktion?" "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text" "Why not take a minute and play a tutorial?" "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button" "SPIL EN INTRODUKTION" "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button" "PLAY A TUTORIAL" "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title" "Hvis du er færdig med guiden..." "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title" "If you're done with the tutorial..." "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text" "Hvorfor så ikke prøve lidt offline træning?" "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text" "Why not try some offline practice?" "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button" "OFFLINETRÆNING" "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button" "OFFLINE PRACTICE" "MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "Vis fora for nye brugere" "[english]MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "View new user forums" "MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "Forum for nye brugere" "[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "New User Forum" "MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "Vi har oprettet fora, hvor nye brugere kan snakke sammen. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er det her alle tiders sted at stille dem." "[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "We've setup some forums for new users to talk. If you've got questions, here's a great place to ask them." "LoadoutExplanation_Title" "Udstyr" "[english]LoadoutExplanation_Title" "Loadouts" "LoadoutExplanation_Text" "Efterhånden, som du spiller TF2, finder du nye former for genstande. Du kan bruge disse genstande ved at vælge dem i en klasses udstyr.\n\nÅbn en klasses udstyr ved at klikke på billedet." "[english]LoadoutExplanation_Text" "As you play TF2, you'll find new kinds of items. You can use these items by equipping them in a class loadout.\n\nTo open a class's loadout, click on its image." "BackpackExplanation_Title" "Rygsæk" "[english]BackpackExplanation_Title" "Backpack" "BackpackExplanation_Text" "Klik her for at åbne din rygsæk. Din rygsæk indeholder alle de genstande, du har fundet, mens du har spillet." "[english]BackpackExplanation_Text" "Click here to open your backpack. Your backpack contains all the items you've found while playing." "CraftingExplanation_Title" "Smedearbejde" "[english]CraftingExplanation_Title" "Crafting" "CraftingExplanation_Text" "Her kan du konstruere nye genstande ud fra genstandene i din rygsæk." "[english]CraftingExplanation_Text" "Here you're able to construct new items out of the items in your backpack." "ExplanationExplanation_Title" "Overset noget?" "[english]ExplanationExplanation_Title" "Missed something?" "ExplanationExplanation_Text" "Hvis du klikker på denne knap, vises disse popups igen." "[english]ExplanationExplanation_Text" "Clicking this button will show these popups again." "BackpackItemsExplanation_Title" "Rygsæk" "[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Title" "Backpack" "BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "Her finder du alle dine genstande. Du kan klikke på dem og flytte rundt på dem, som du vil.\n\nGenstande, der er valgt i en klasses udstyr, vil være markeret som \"valgt\"." "[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "Here you'll find all your items. You can click and drag them to rearrange to your liking.\n\nItems that are equipped in a class's loadout will be marked as 'equipped'." "BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Sider i rygsækken" "[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Backpack Pages" "BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Din rygsæk har flere sider med genstande. Brug disse knapper til at bladre fra side til side." "[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Your backpack has multiple pages of items. Use these buttons to jump between them." "BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Sletning af genstande" "[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items" "BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text" "Hvis du løber tør for plads i din rygsæk, skal du slette en genstand for at få plads (eller endnu bedre, smede genstande for at få plads).\n\nVælg en genstand, og klik på denne knap for at slette den permanent. Du kan vælge flere genstande ved at holde CTRL-tasten nede." "[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text" "If you run out of room in your backpack, you'll need to delete an item to make room (or better yet, craft a set of items to make room).\n\nSelect an item and click this button to permanently delete it. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key." "CraftingStartExplanation_Title" "Smedearbejde" "[english]CraftingStartExplanation_Title" "Crafting" "CraftingStartExplanation_Text" "Her kan du konstruere nye genstande ved at kombinere genstande i din rygsæk. Hvis du vil smede, skal de genstande, som du kombinerer, svare til en plan." "[english]CraftingStartExplanation_Text" "Here you can construct new items by combining items in your backpack. To successfully craft, the items you combine must match a blueprint." "CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title" "Planer" "[english]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title" "Blueprints" "CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text" "Planer specificerer et sæt genstande, som skal kombineres, og en eller flere genstande, som skal fremstilles. Klik på denne knap for at få vist listen over planer, du har fundet hidtil.\n\nHvis du vil finde flere planer, kan du prøve at smede andre kombinationer af genstande. Når du finder en ny plan, føjes den permanent til din liste over kendte planer." "[english]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text" "Blueprints specify a set of items to combine, and one or more items to produce. Click on this button to see the list of blueprints you've found so far.\n\nTo find additional blueprints, try crafting other combinations of items. Once you find a new blueprint, it'll be permanently added to your Known list." "CraftingStep1Explanation_Title" "Påbegyndelse af smedearbejde" "[english]CraftingStep1Explanation_Title" "Starting a craft" "CraftingStep1Explanation_Text" "Vælg to eller flere genstande fra rygsækken, som du vil kombinere. Dobbeltklik eller træk dem til smedeområdet." "[english]CraftingStep1Explanation_Text" "Select two or more items from your pack to combine. Double click or drag them into the crafting area." "CraftingStep2Explanation_Title" "Smedeområde" "[english]CraftingStep2Explanation_Title" "Crafting Area" "CraftingStep2Explanation_Text" "Disse genstande ødelægges permanent, hvis smedearbejdet lykkes, hvorefter du modtager den eller de genstande, som du har fremstillet.\n\nHvis smedearbejdet ikke stemmer overens med en plan, bliver genstandene ikke ødelagt." "[english]CraftingStep2Explanation_Text" "These items will be permanently destroyed if the craft succeeds, after which you'll receive the item(s) you produced.\n\nIf the craft fails to match a blueprint, the items will not be destroyed." "CraftingStep3Explanation_Title" "Kendte planer" "[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Title" "Known Blueprints" "CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "Hvis genstandene i smedeområdet stemmer overens med de krævede genstande for en plan, som du allerede kender, vil navnet på planen fremgå her. Hold musen over den for at få en beskrivelse af, hvilken genstand eller hvilke genstande planen vil resultere i.\n\nHvis genstandene i smedeområdet svarer til flere planer, skal du vælge den plan, der skal bruges, her." "[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "If the items in the crafting area match the required items for a blueprint you already know, the name of the blueprint will be listed here. Hold your mouse over it for a description of what item(s) the blueprint will produce.\n\nIf the items in the crafting area match multiple blueprints, select the blueprint to use here." "DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Kassering" "[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Discarding" "DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "Du har fundet en ny genstand, men du har ikke plads i din rygsæk til at tage den med. Du må vælge imellem at kassere den nye genstand eller slette en af genstandene i din rygsæk." "[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "You've found a new item, but don't have any room in your backpack to store it. You must choose between discarding the new item, or deleting one of the items in your backpack." "DiscardButtonExplanation_Title" "Kassering af ny genstand" "[english]DiscardButtonExplanation_Title" "Discard New Item" "DiscardButtonExplanation_Text" "Hvis du vil kassere den nye genstand, som du har modtaget, skal du klikke på denne knap. Genstanden ødelægges permanent." "[english]DiscardButtonExplanation_Text" "To discard the new item you've received, click this button. The item will be permanently destroyed." "DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title" "Sletning af genstande" "[english]DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items" "DiscardDeleteExplanation_Text" "Hvis du vil slette en genstand fra din rygsæk, skal du vælge genstanden og klikke på denne knap for at slette den permanent. Du kan vælge flere genstande ad gangen ved at holde CTRL-tasten nede." "[english]DiscardDeleteExplanation_Text" "To delete an item in your backpack, select an item and click this button to permanently delete it. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key." "TR_TargetPractice_Goal" "Våbentræning" "[english]TR_TargetPractice_Goal" "Weapons Practice" "TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle" "Affyring af våben" "[english]TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle" "Firing Weapons" "TR_Generic_WeaponFire" "Tryk på %attack% for at angribe med dit aktuelle våben." "[english]TR_Generic_WeaponFire" "Press %attack% to attack with your current weapon." "TR_Generic_ReloadTitle" "Genlad!" "[english]TR_Generic_ReloadTitle" "Reload!" "TR_Generic_Reload" "Genlad med %reload% imellem målene, og når du har et ledigt øjeblik." "[english]TR_Generic_Reload" "Reload using %reload% between targets, and whenever you have a spare moment." "TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle" "Anvendelse af våben!" "[english]TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle" "Weapon Application!" "TR_Generic_BotIntro" "Afprøv dine våben på et par mål i bevægelse! Modstanderne bevæger sig omkring på skydebanen. Du ved, hvad du skal." "[english]TR_Generic_BotIntro" "Try out your weapons on a few moving targets! Opponents will move around the target range. You know what to do." "TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Nogle fjender har mere helbred end andre. Du skal bruge mere ammunition for at få bugt med dem!" "[english]TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Some enemies have more health than others. You'll have to use more ammo to take them down!" "TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "Soldier" "[english]TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "The Soldier" "TR_Soldier_Intro" "Velkommen til våbenkurset for Soldier!" "[english]TR_Soldier_Intro" "Welcome to the Soldier weapons course!" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle" "Våbenskift" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle" "Switching Weapons" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1" "Skift mellem forskellige våben med %invnext% og %invprev%. Bekræft valget med %attack%. Vælg et andet våben for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1" "Cycle through weapons using %invnext% and %invprev%. Confirm selection using %attack%. Choose a different weapon to continue." "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2" "Våben kan også vælges direkte:\nTryk på %slot1% for RAKETKASTER\nTryk på %slot2% for HAGLGEVÆR\nTryk på %slot3% for SKOVL" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2" "Weapons can also be directly selected:\nPress %slot1% for ROCKET LAUNCHER\nPress %slot2% for SHOTGUN\nPress %slot3% for SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3" "Tryk på %slot1% for RAKETKASTER\nTryk på %slot2% for HAGLGEVÆR\nTryk på %slot3% for SKOVL\nTryk på %reload% for at GENLADE" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3" "Press %slot1% for ROCKET LAUNCHER\nPress %slot2% for SHOTGUN\nPress %slot3% for SHOVEL\nPress %reload% to RELOAD" "TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle" "Hurtigt skift" "[english]TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle" "Quick Switch" "TR_Generic_QuickSwitch" "For længe om at skifte våben? Brug %lastinv% til at skifte til dit tidligere valgte våben!" "[english]TR_Generic_QuickSwitch" "Taking too long to switch weapons? Use %lastinv% to swap to your previously selected weapon!" "TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle" "Våbenvalg" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle" "Weapon Selection" "TR_Soldier_SlotPractice" "Brug det våben, der angives ved hvert mål, til at tilintetgøre målene på forskellige afstande." "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotPractice" "Use the weapon called out for each target to destroy them at various distances." "TR_Soldier_RocketTitle" "Skift til RAKETKASTER" "[english]TR_Soldier_RocketTitle" "Switch to ROCKET LAUNCHER" "TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle" "Skift til HAGLGEVÆR" "[english]TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle" "Switch to SHOTGUN" "TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle" "Skift til SKOVL" "[english]TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle" "Switch to SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket" "Brug RAKETKASTER" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket" "Use ROCKET LAUNCHER" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun" "Brug HAGLGEVÆR" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun" "Use SHOTGUN" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel" "Brug SKOVL" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel" "Use SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle" "Spredningsskade" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle" "Splash Damage" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash" "Raketeksplosioner kan skade flere mål. Forsøg at ramme to mål med en enkelt raket." "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash" "Rocket explosions can damage multiple targets. Try hitting two targets with a single rocket." "TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim" "Sigt her" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim" "Aim here" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Range" "Skift til HAGLGEVÆR for at gøre det af med sårede fjender på klos hold." "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Range" "Switch to SHOTGUN to finish injured enemies at close range." "TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle" "Skydetræning!" "[english]TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle" "Target Practice!" "TR_Soldier_Practice" "Der dukker mål op på forskellige steder. Ram disse mål med det passende våben for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Soldier_Practice" "Targets will appear at various locations. Hit these targets with the appropriate weapon to continue." "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle1" "Dustbowl" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle1" "Dustbowl" "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2" "Kontrolpunkter" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2" "Control Points" "TR_DustGeneric_Intro1" "Velkommen til Dustbowl, en Control Point-bane. Når nedtællingsuret når til nul, begynder runden." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro1" "Welcome to Dustbowl, a Control Point map. When the setup timer reaches zero, the round begins." "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle" "Rød mod Blå" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle" "Red versus Blue" "TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup" "Opsætningstiden lader hold RED forberede forsvaret for at forhindre hold BLU i at erobre kontrolpunkter." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup" "Setup time allows the RED team to prepare defenses to prevent the BLU team from capturing Control Points." "TR_DustGeneric_Intro2" "Du er på hold BLU! Vind ved at erobre begge kontrolpunkter. Du erobrer et kontrolpunkt ved at stå på det, indtil erobringsbjælken er fuld." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro2" "You are on BLU team! To win, capture both Control Points. To capture a Control Point, stand on it until the capture bar is full." "TR_DustGeneric_Intro3" "Ejerskab af et kontrolpunkt gengives i bunden af skærmen med det pågældende holds farve." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro3" "Control Point ownership is represented at the bottom of the screen as that team's color." "TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Helbred og ammunition" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Health and Ammo" "TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "Engineer" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "The Engineer" "TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "Engineers kan øge deres bygningers effektivitet gennem byggeri, reparation og opgradering." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "Engineers can increase the effectiveness of their buildings through construction, repair, and upgrading." "TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle" "Sentries" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle" "Sentry Guns" "TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2" "Sentries har begrænset rækkevidde. Det kan du udnytte til din fordel! Ødelæg denne sentry med din RAKETKASTER." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2" "Sentry guns have limited range. Use this to your advantage! Destroy this sentry gun with your ROCKET LAUNCHER." "TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle" "Medic" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle" "The Medic" "TR_DustGeneric_Med1" "Medics kan hele venlige medspillere. Mens de heler, opbygger de også en \"ÜberLadning\"." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med1" "Medics can heal friendly players. While healing, they also build up an \"ÜberCharge\"." "TR_DustGeneric_Med2" "Når en Medic aktiverer en ÜberLadning, bliver han og hans helingsmål usårlige i et kort tidsrum." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med2" "When the ÜberCharge is activated by the Medic, he and his heal target become invulnerable for a short time." "TR_DustGeneric_Med3" "Er du såret? Er der ild i dig? Tryk på %voicemenu 0 0% for at tilkalde en Medic, så han kan hjælpe dig!" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med3" "Injured? On fire? Press %voicemenu 0 0% to alert the Medic so he can help you!" "TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle" "Sidste runde!" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle" "Final Round!" "TR_DustGeneric_Round" "Dustbowl består af tre runder. Ved erobring af begge kontrolpunkter fortsætter spillet til næste runde." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Round" "Dustbowl consists of three rounds. Capturing both Control Points advances the game to the next round." "TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle" "Egenbeskydning" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle" "Friendly Fire" "TR_DustGeneric_FF" "Bare rolig, du kan ikke skade dine holdkammerater på noget tidspunkt!" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_FF" "Don't worry, you cannot hurt your teammates at any time!" "TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "Hovsa!" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "Oops!" "TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Det ser ud til, at du løb forbi kontrolpunktet. Det sidste punkt er spærret, indtil du har erobret det første." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Looks like you ran past the Control Point. The last point is locked until you capture the first one." "TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint" "Kontrolpunkt!" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint" "Control Point!" "TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply" "Genforsyning med helbred og ammunition" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply" "Health and Ammo Resupply" "TR_Dust_Hint_Medic" "Medic!" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Medic" "The Medic!" "TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer" "Engineer!" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer" "The Engineer!" "TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Opsætningsport" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Setup Gate" "TR_Target_EndDialog" "Godt arbejde! Du har gennemført Soldier-træning og låst op for Grundlæggende træning! Vend tilbage til hovedmenuen, ved at trykke FÆRDIG, og vælg Grundlæggende træning for at udforske en Team Fortress 2-runde." "[english]TR_Target_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Soldier training and unlocked Basic Training! Return to the main menu by pressing DONE and select Basic Training to explore a round of Team Fortress 2." "TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Godt klaret! Du har vundet et spil på %s1 og låst op for Demoman-træning!\nVil du prøve andre klasser som f.eks. Engineer eller Medic? Hvorfor ikke prøve kræfter med OFFLINETRÆNING?\nKlar til at spille imod andre spillere? Vælg FIND ET SPIL i hovedmenuen." "[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and unlocked Demoman training!\n\nWant to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session?\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu." "TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Våbenvalg og skydetræning!" "[english]TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Weapon selection and target practice!" "TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "Skift til det rigtige våben, og ram målene" "[english]TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "Switch to the weapon called for and hit the targets" "TF_IM_Target_Reload" "Genlad ofte! Udnyt rolige øjeblikke til at genlade våbnene fuldstændigt" "[english]TF_IM_Target_Reload" "Reload often! Use lulls to completely reload weapons" "TF_Training_SpaceToContinue" "Tryk på mellemrumstasten for at fortsætte" "[english]TF_Training_SpaceToContinue" "Press Spacebar to continue" "TF_Training_Success" "Succes!" "[english]TF_Training_Success" "Success!" "TF_Training_Completed" "Du har gennemført træning!" "[english]TF_Training_Completed" "You've Completed Training!" "Button_ReplayTraining" "&GENTAG" "[english]Button_ReplayTraining" "&REPLAY" "Button_NextTraining" "&NÆSTE" "[english]Button_NextTraining" "&NEXT" "Button_QuitTraining" "&FÆRDIG" "[english]Button_QuitTraining" "&DONE" "TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable" "Ikke tilgængelig for træning" "[english]TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable" "Not Available for Training" "TF_Training_Prompt_Title" "Start træning?" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_Title" "Start Training?" "TF_Training_Prompt" "Er du sikker på, at du vil afslutte dit aktuelle spil og påbegynde træningen?" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt" "Are you sure you want to quit your current game and start training?" "TF_Training_Restart_Title" "Skift træning?" "[english]TF_Training_Restart_Title" "Change Training?" "TF_Training_Restart_Text" "Er du sikker på, at du vil vælge et andet træningsforløb?" "[english]TF_Training_Restart_Text" "Are you sure you want to choose a different training course?" "TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton" "Ja tak!" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton" "Yes Please!" "TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton" "Nej" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton" "No" "TF_OfflinePractice" "OFFLINETRÆNING" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice" "OFFLINE PRACTICE" "TF_OfflinePractice_Settings" "Indstillinger" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice_Settings" "Settings" "TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers" "%s1 - %s2 foreslået" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers" "%s1 - %s2 Suggested" "TF_Bot_Difficulty" "Sværhedsgrad:" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty" "Difficulty:" "TF_Bot_Difficulty0" "Let" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty0" "Easy" "TF_Bot_Difficulty1" "Normal" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty1" "Normal" "TF_Bot_Difficulty2" "Svær" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty2" "Hard" "TF_Bot_Difficulty3" "Ekspert" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty3" "Expert" "TF_Bot_NumberOfBots" "Antal spillere:" "[english]TF_Bot_NumberOfBots" "Number of Players:" "Attrib_WrenchNumber" "Skruenøgle nr. %s1" "[english]Attrib_WrenchNumber" "Wrench no. %s1" "Attrib_TurnToGold" "Gennemsyret af en oldgammel kraft" "[english]Attrib_TurnToGold" "Imbued with an ancient power" "TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "Den Gyldne Skruenøgle" "[english]TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "The Golden Wrench" "TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C" "%s1 har fundet den Gyldne Skruenøgle nr. %s2!" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C" "%s1 has found Golden Wrench no. %s2!" "TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D" "%s1 har ødelagt sin Gyldne Skruenøgle nr. %s2!" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D" "%s1 has destroyed Golden Wrench no. %s2!" "TF_Revenge" "HÆVN" "[english]TF_Revenge" "REVENGE" "TF_Sandwich" "MAD" "[english]TF_Sandwich" "FOOD" "TF_playerid_object_mini" "Mini-%s1 bygget af %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_mini" "Mini-%s1 built by %s2" "TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Laserpointer" "[english]TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Laser Pointer" "TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "Robotarm" "[english]TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "Robot Arm" "TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Tag manuel kontrol over din Sentry.\nFjernbetjente sentries får et skjold, som reducerer\nskade og reparationer med 66%.\nSentries er inaktive i 3 sekunder efter Fjernbetjeneren fjernes." "[english]TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Take manual control of your Sentry Gun.\nWrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces\ndamage and repairs by 66%.\nSentries are disabled for 3 seconds after becoming unwrangled." "Thunderm_cap_1_A" "Rampedækket, første område" "[english]Thunderm_cap_1_A" "Ramp deck, Stage One" "Thunderm_cap_1_B" "Hovedplatformen, første område" "[english]Thunderm_cap_1_B" "Main Platform, Stage One" "Thunderm_cap_2_A" "Tømmermøllen, andet område" "[english]Thunderm_cap_2_A" "Lumber Mill, Stage Two" "Thunderm_cap_2_B" "Hullet, andet område" "[english]Thunderm_cap_2_B" "The Pit, Stage Two" "Thunderm_cap_3_A" "Bygning A, område tre" "[english]Thunderm_cap_3_A" "Building A, Stage Three" "Thunderm_cap_3_B" "Bygning B, område tre" "[english]Thunderm_cap_3_B" "Building B, Stage Three" "Thunderm_cap_3_C" "Tårnet, sidste punkt" "[english]Thunderm_cap_3_C" "Tower, Final Cap" "hightower_setup_goal" "Flyt din vogn til toppen af dit tårn for at vinde!" "[english]hightower_setup_goal" "Move your cart to the top of your HighTower to win!" "hightower_cap_red" "Red's højtårn" "[english]hightower_cap_red" "Red's HighTower" "hightower_cap_blue" "Blu's højtårn" "[english]hightower_cap_blue" "Blue's HighTower" "Building_hud_sentry_numassists" "Assistancer: %numassists%" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_numassists" "Assists: %numassists%" "Building_hud_sentry_kills_assists" "%numkills% (%numassists%)" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_kills_assists" "%numkills% (%numassists%)" "Hud_Menu_Build_Unavailable" "Ikke tilgængelig" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Unavailable" "Not Available" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Engineer-milepæl 1" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 1" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 5 af præstationerne i Engineer-pakken." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Engineer-milepæl 2" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 2" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Opnå 11 af præstationerne i Engineer-pakken." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Engineer-milepæl 3" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 3" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Opnå 17 af præstationerne i Engineer-pakken." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_NAME" "Slagtekvæg" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_NAME" "Battle Rustler" "TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_DESC" "Teleporter 100 teammedlemmer ind i kamp." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_DESC" "Teleport 100 team members into battle." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "De forkomne helte" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "The Extinguished Gentleman" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Sluk 20 brændende spillere med dispensere bygget af dig." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players." "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_NAME" "Med hævn skal land bygges" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_NAME" "Revengineering" "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_DESC" "Dræb den spiller, der ødelagde din Sentry, med et hævn-kritisk skud." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_DESC" "Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Søgemaskine" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Search Engine" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Dræb tre usynlige Spies med en Sentry, der kontrolleres af din Fjernbetjening." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Kill 3 cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_NAME" "Domineret på heden" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_NAME" "Pownd on the Range" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender uden for en normal Sentrys rækkevidde ved hjælp af Fjernbetjenerens udvidede rækkevidde." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_NAME" "Våben, der holder" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_NAME" "Building Block" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_DESC" "Lad en Sentry, under Fjernbetjenerens skjold, absorbere 500 skadespoint uden at blive ødelagt." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_DESC" "Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed." "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_NAME" "Den nådesløse" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_NAME" "Unforgiven" "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_DESC" "Dræb 3 fjender med hævn-kritiske skud uden at dø." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies with revenge crits without dying." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_NAME" "Hurtig på aftrækkeren" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_NAME" "Quick Draw" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_DESC" "Dræb en Spy og ødelæg to sappere inden for 10 sekunder." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_DESC" "Kill a spy and two sappers within 10 seconds." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "Blindebuk" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "The Wrench Connection" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Dræb en forklædt Spy med din Skruenøgle." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench." "TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Kompagnon" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Silent Pardner" "TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Opgrader 50 bygninger, der er bygget af dine holdkammerater." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members." "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_NAME" "En nævefuld sappere" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_NAME" "Fistful of Sappers" "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_DESC" "Ødelæg 25 sappere på bygninger, der er bygget af dine holdkammerater." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_DESC" "Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members." "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_NAME" "Feltlazaret" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_NAME" "Doc, Stock, and Barrel" "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_DESC" "Reparer en sentry under beskydning, mens du heles af en Medic." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_DESC" "Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_NAME" "De blodrøde floder" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_NAME" "Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_DESC" "Høst 5000 drab med dine sentries." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_DESC" "Rack up 5000 kills with your sentry guns." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_NAME" "Præriens Hævn" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_NAME" "Frontier Justice" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_DESC" "Få din sentry til at dræbe en fjende, senest 10 sekunder efter at han har dræbt dig." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_DESC" "Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds." "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Seksstrenget symfoni" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Six-String Stinger" "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Giv en fjendtlig spiller et stillbillede af dine evner som guitarvirtuos." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freezecam of your guitar playing skills." "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_NAME" "Uciviliseret Engineer" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_NAME" "Uncivil Engineer" "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_DESC" "Giv en fjendtlig spiller et stillbillede af dig og den sentry, der lige har dræbt vedkommende." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freezecam of you and the sentry that just killed them." "TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_NAME" "Blyforgiftning" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_NAME" "Texas Two-Step" "TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_DESC" "Brug dit haglgevær til at gøre det af med en fjende, der for nylig har taget skade af din sentry." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_DESC" "Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_NAME" "Doc Holiday" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_NAME" "Doc Holiday" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_DESC" "Få en dispenser til at hele 3 holdkammerater på samme tid." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_DESC" "Have a dispenser heal 3 teammates at the same time." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_NAME" "Ingenmandsland" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_NAME" "No Man's Land" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_DESC" "Brug en sentry til at dræbe 25 fjendtlige spillere, der er ved at erobre et punkt." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_DESC" "Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players that are capturing a point." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Fabrikshemmeligheder" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Trade Secrets" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Dræb 20 spillere, der bærer rundt på efterretningerne." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence." "TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_NAME" "Dødsmetal" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_NAME" "Death Metal" "TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_DESC" "Saml 10.000 stykker metalskrot fra rester af ødelagte bygninger." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_DESC" "Pick up 10,000 waste metal from pieces of destroyed buildings." "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_NAME" "Matrikeltyv" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_NAME" "Land Grab" "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_DESC" "Hjælp en holdkammerat med at bygge en bygning." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_DESC" "Help a teammate construct a building." "TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_NAME" "Skarpt trav" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_NAME" "Get Along!" "TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_DESC" "Nå hen til og fjern en sapper, der blev placeret på din bygning, da du var adskillige meter væk." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_DESC" "Manage to get to and then remove a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away." "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "Forårsrengøring" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "How the Pests Was Gunned" "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Ødelæg 50 fjendtlige klæbebomber, der ligger inden for rækkevidde af venligtsindede bygninger." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings." "TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Hård rock" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Honky Tonk Man" "TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Brug din guitar til at smadre hovedet på en fjendtlig spiller." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_NAME" "Gråspurve med kanoner" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_NAME" "Breaking Morant" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_DESC" "Dræb 10 Snipere med en Sentry, du styrer med Fjernbetjeneren." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_DESC" "Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_NAME" "Geværbegær" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_NAME" "Rio Grind" "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_DESC" "Udfør 50 reparationer og/eller genladninger af en Sentry, der styres af en anden Engineers Fjernbetjening." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_DESC" "Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_NAME" "Patentbeskyttelse" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_NAME" "Patent Protection" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_DESC" "Ødelæg en fjendtlig Engineers Sentry med din egen Sentry, der styres af din Fjernbetjening." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_DESC" "Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_NAME" "Hvis du bygger den, vil de dø" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_NAME" "If You Build It, They Will Die" "TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_DESC" "Slæb en sentry på niveau 3 hen til en position, hvor det opnår et drab kort efter omrokering." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_DESC" "Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position where it achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed." "TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_NAME" "Texas Ranger" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_NAME" "Texas Ranger" "TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_DESC" "Slæb bygninger 1 km i løbet af din karriere." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_DESC" "Haul buildings 1 km over your career." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_NAME" "Vicesherif" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_NAME" "Deputized" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_DESC" "Opnå 10 assisterede drab med en anden Engineer, hvor en sentry var involveret i drabet." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_DESC" "Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Kunder i butikken" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Drugstore Cowboy" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Få dispensere, som du har bygget, til at uddele i alt 100.000 helbredspoint i løbet af din karriere." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career." "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_NAME" "Sammenhold gør stærk" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_NAME" "Circle the Wagons" "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_DESC" "Reparer venligtsindede bygninger, der kontrolleres af andre spillere, for 50.000 skadespoint." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_DESC" "Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players." "TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Godt håndværk" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Built to Last" "TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Hjælp en enkelt bygning med at tage over 2000 skadespoint uden at blive ødelagt." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed." "TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_NAME" "Den (ikke særligt) ensomme cowboy" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_NAME" "(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave" "TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_DESC" "Hold en Heavy helet med din dispenser, mens han opnår 5 drab." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_DESC" "Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains 5 kills." "RI_Ii" "genstand" "[english]RI_Ii" "item" "RI_I" "Genstand" "[english]RI_I" "Item" "RI_Nd" "Navngivet" "[english]RI_Nd" "Named" "RI_c" ", " "[english]RI_c" ", " "Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Erstatter din Sentry med en Mini-Sentry" "[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry" "Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Få 2 hævn-kritiske skud for hvert sentry-drab og\n1 for hver sentry-assistering, når din sentry ødelægges" "[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed" "Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 nedsat bekostning af metal" "[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost" "TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "Præriens Hævn" "[english]TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "The Frontier Justice" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "Fjernbetjeneren" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "The Wrangler" "TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "Roprotesen" "[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "The Gunslinger" "TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "Sydens Gæstfrihed" "[english]TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "The Southern Hospitality" "TF_UseGlowEffect" "Brug lyseffekter" "[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effects" "TF_Training" "TRÆNING" "[english]TF_Training" "TRAINING" "TF_Parasite_Hat" "Alien Swarm-Parasit" "[english]TF_Parasite_Hat" "Alien Swarm Parasite" "TF_ScoreBoard_Dueling" "Duellerer" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Dueling" "Dueling" "TF_Action" "Brug genstand i handlingspositionen" "[english]TF_Action" "Use Item in Action Slot" "game_scramble_onrestart" "Autoblander holdene!" "[english]game_scramble_onrestart" "Auto scrambling the teams!" "TF_Weapon_Jar_Milk" "Ikke-mælkesubstans" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar_Milk" "Non-Milk Substance" "TF_Weapon_Peppergun" "Peberpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_Peppergun" "Peppergun" "TF_Weapon_Fish" "Fisk" "[english]TF_Weapon_Fish" "Fish" "TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "Stegepande" "[english]TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "Frying Pan" "Humiliation_Count" "x%s1" "[english]Humiliation_Count" "x%s1" "Humiliation_Kill" "FISKEDRAB!" "[english]Humiliation_Kill" "FISH KILL!" "TF_Gift" "Gave" "[english]TF_Gift" "Gift" "TF_Gift_EntireServer" "Gavebunke" "[english]TF_Gift_EntireServer" "Pile o' Gifts" "TF_Gift_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den en tilfældig gave til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives a random gift\nto up to 23 other people on the server!" "TF_Gift_RandomPerson" "Hemmelig Saxton" "[english]TF_Gift_RandomPerson" "Secret Saxton" "TF_Gift_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den en tilfældig gave til en tilfældig person på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives a random gift\nto a random person on the server!" "TF_UseFail_NotInGame_Title" "Deltag først i et spil!" "[english]TF_UseFail_NotInGame_Title" "Join A Game First!" "TF_UseFail_NotInGame" "Denne genstand kan kun bruges når du er inde i et spil." "[english]TF_UseFail_NotInGame" "This item can only be used from within a game." "TF_UseFail_NotOnTeam_Title" "Vælg først et hold!" "[english]TF_UseFail_NotOnTeam_Title" "Join A Team First!" "TF_UseFail_NotOnTeam" "Denne genstand kan først bruges når du har valgt et hold." "[english]TF_UseFail_NotOnTeam" "This item can only be used after you have joined a team." "TF_UsableItem" "Brugbar genstand" "[english]TF_UsableItem" "Usable Item" "TF_Usable_Duel" "Duelminispil" "[english]TF_Usable_Duel" "Dueling Mini-Game" "TF_Usable_Duel_Desc" "Giver dig mulighed for at udfordre en person til en duel!\nSe Mann Co.-kataloget for flere oplysninger." "[english]TF_Usable_Duel_Desc" "Is an enemy player questioning your skills, personal hygiene, and/or ancestry?\nUse these stylish firearms to challenge them to a duel!\nSee the Mann Co. Catalog for full details." "TF_Duel_Request" "%initiator% har udfordret dig til en duel! Vil du forsvare din ære?" "[english]TF_Duel_Request" "%initiator% has challenged you to a duel! Will you defend your honor?" "TF_Duel_Challenge" "%initiator% har udfordret %target% til en duel!" "[english]TF_Duel_Challenge" "%initiator% has challenged %target% to a duel!" "TF_Duel_Accept" "%target% har accepteret at duellere med %initiator%!" "[english]TF_Duel_Accept" "%target% has agreed to duel with %initiator%!" "TF_Duel_Decline" "%target% har kujonagtigt afvist en duel med den ærefulde %initiator%! " "[english]TF_Duel_Decline" "Cowardly %target% has rejected a duel with the Honorable %initiator%!" "TF_Duel_Decline2" "%target% er bange for at duellere med %initiator% og afviser vedkommendes udfordring!" "[english]TF_Duel_Decline2" "%target% is afraid to duel with %initiator% and rejects their challenge!" "TF_Duel_Decline3" "%target% har ikke en chance mod %initiator% og afviser at duellere!" "[english]TF_Duel_Decline3" "%target% is no match for %initiator% and refuses to duel!" "TF_Duel_Win" "%winner% besejrede %loser% i en duel med en score på %winner_score% mod %loser_score%!" "[english]TF_Duel_Win" "%winner% defeated %loser% in a duel with a score of %winner_score% to %loser_score%!" "TF_Duel_Win_SwappedTeams" "%winner% besejrede %loser% i en duel, fordi %loser% skiftede hold." "[english]TF_Duel_Win_SwappedTeams" "%winner% defeated %loser% in a duel because %loser% changed teams." "TF_Duel_Win_Disconnect" "%winner% besejrede %loser% i en duel, fordi %loser% forlod spillet." "[english]TF_Duel_Win_Disconnect" "%winner% defeated %loser% in a duel because %loser% left the game." "TF_Duel_Tie" "Duellen mellem %initiator% og %target% endte uafgjort med %score% point hver! Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Tie" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% ended in a draw with %score% points each! A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_Duel_Refund_LevelShutdown" "Duellen mellem %initiator% og %target% er afsluttet, fordi banen er blevet ændret. Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Refund_LevelShutdown" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% has ended, because the map has changed. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_Duel_Refund_ScoreTiedAtZero" "Duellen mellem %initiator% og %target% er afsluttet, fordi det blev uafgjort 0-0. Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Refund_ScoreTiedAtZero" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% has ended, because they tied at 0-0. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_Duel_StatusKill" "Duelstatus:\n%initiator%: %initiator_score%\n%target%: %target_score%" "[english]TF_Duel_StatusKill" "Duel Status:\n%initiator%: %initiator_score%\n%target%: %target_score%" "TF_Duel_StatusAssist" "Duelstatus:\n%initiator%: %initiator_score%\n%target%: %target_score%" "[english]TF_Duel_StatusAssist" "Duel Status:\n%initiator%: %initiator_score%\n%target%: %target_score%" "TF_Duel_StatusForChat_Kill" "Duelstatus - %initiator%: %initiator_score% - %target%: %target_score%." "[english]TF_Duel_StatusForChat_Kill" "Duel Status - %initiator%: %initiator_score% - %target%: %target_score%." "TF_Duel_StatusForChat_Assist" "Duelstatus - %initiator%: %initiator_score% - %target%: %target_score%." "[english]TF_Duel_StatusForChat_Assist" "Duel Status - %initiator%: %initiator_score% - %target%: %target_score%." "TF_Duel_Title" "Duel til døden!" "[english]TF_Duel_Title" "Duel to the Death!" "TF_Duel_JoinCancel" "Nej tak" "[english]TF_Duel_JoinCancel" "No Thanks" "TF_Duel_Cancelled" "Duellen mellem %initiator% og %target% er blevet annulleret. Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Cancelled" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% has been cancelled. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_Duel_InADuel_Initiator" "Du har allerede udfordret nogen til at duellere eller er i en duel lige nu." "[english]TF_Duel_InADuel_Initiator" "You have already challenged someone to a duel or are currently in a duel." "TF_Duel_InADuel_Target" "%target% er allerede i en duel." "[english]TF_Duel_InADuel_Target" "%target% is already in a duel." "TF_Duel_Medal_Bronze" "Bronze-duelemblem" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Bronze" "Bronze Dueling Badge" "TF_Duel_Medal_Silver" "Sølv-duelemblem" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Silver" "Silver Dueling Badge" "TF_Duel_Medal_Gold" "Guld-duelemblem" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Gold" "Gold Dueling Badge" "TF_Duel_Medal_Plat" "Platin-duelemblem" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Plat" "Platinum Dueling Badge" "TF_Duel_Medal_Bronze_Desc" "Dette emblem sporer din duelstatistik.\nØg dets niveau ved at vinde flere dueller!" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Bronze_Desc" "This badge tracks your duel statistics.\nIncrease its level by winning duels!" "TF_Duel_Medal_Silver_Desc" "Optjent på niveau 25.\nDette emblem sporer din duelstatistik.\nØg dets niveau ved at vinde flere dueller!" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Silver_Desc" "Earned at level 25.\nThis badge tracks your duel statistics.\nIncrease its level by winning duels!" "TF_Duel_Medal_Gold_Desc" "Optjent på niveau 50.\nDette emblem sporer din duelstatistik.\nØg dets niveau ved at vinde flere dueller!" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Gold_Desc" "Earned at level 50.\nThis badge tracks your duel statistics.\nIncrease its level by winning duels!" "TF_Duel_Medal_Plat_Desc" "Optjent på niveau 75.\nDette emblem sporer din duelstatistik.\nØg dets niveau ved at vinde flere dueller!" "[english]TF_Duel_Medal_Plat_Desc" "Earned at level 75.\nThis badge tracks your duel statistics.\nIncrease its level by winning duels!" "TF_Duel_Desc_Won" "Sejre: %wins%\nSeneste duel: Du besejrede %last_target%\nd. %last_date%" "[english]TF_Duel_Desc_Won" "Wins: %wins%\nLast Duel: You defeated %last_target%\non %last_date%" "TF_Duel_Desc_Lost" "Sejre: %wins%\nSeneste duel: Du tabte til %last_target%\nd. %last_date%" "[english]TF_Duel_Desc_Lost" "Wins: %wins%\nLast Duel: You lost to %last_target%\non %last_date%" "TF_Duel_Desc_Tied" "Sejre: %wins%\nSeneste duel: Du duellerede uafgjort med %last_target%\nd. %last_date%" "[english]TF_Duel_Desc_Tied" "Wins: %wins%\nLast Duel: You tied with %last_target%\non %last_date%" "TF_DuelDialog_Title" "Udfordr til duel" "[english]TF_DuelDialog_Title" "Challenge to a Duel" "TF_StoreBundle" "Genstandsbundt" "[english]TF_StoreBundle" "Item Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Polycount" "Polycount-pakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_Polycount" "Polycount Pack" "TF_Bundle_Polycount_Desc" "Inkluderer alle vinderbidragene i Polycount-konkurrencen:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Polycount_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Contest winning entries:" "TF_Bundle_PolycountPyro" "Benzinjockeyens Udstyr" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountPyro" "The Gas Jockey's Gear" "TF_Bundle_PolycountPyro_Desc" "Inkluderer alle Polycount Pyro-genstandene:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountPyro_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Pyro Items:" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSpy" "Spionen fra Sahara" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSpy" "The Saharan Spy" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSpy_Desc" "Inkluderer alle Polycount Spy-genstandene:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSpy_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Spy Items:" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSoldier" "Kampvognsødelæggeren" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSoldier" "The Tank Buster" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSoldier_Desc" "Inkluderer alle Polycount Soldier-genstandene:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSoldier_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Soldier Items:" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSniper" "Croc-o-Style-sættet" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSniper" "The Croc-o-Style Kit" "TF_Bundle_PolycountSniper_Desc" "Inkluderer alle Polycount Sniper-genstandene:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountSniper_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Sniper Items:" "TF_Bundle_PolycountScout" "Specialleveringen" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountScout" "The Special Delivery" "TF_Bundle_PolycountScout_Desc" "Inkluderer alle Polycount Scout-genstandene:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PolycountScout_Desc" "Includes all the Polycount Scout Items:" "TF_Scout_Hat_1_Desc" "Du vil banke tusind (kranier ind), når du ifører dig dette røde stykke plastik!" "[english]TF_Scout_Hat_1_Desc" "You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!" "TF_Sniper_Hat_1_Desc" "Ethvert fjols kan trække tænder ud af en død krokodille.\nDet kræver en mand at trække tænder ud af en levende." "[english]TF_Sniper_Hat_1_Desc" "Any old sap can pull teeth from a dead crocodile.\nIt takes a man to pull teeth from a live one." "TF_Soldier_Hat_1_Desc" "Denne hat støtter på ingen tænkelig måde hverken rygning eller spil." "[english]TF_Soldier_Hat_1_Desc" "This hat does not in any way, shape, or form, promote smoking or gambling." "TF_Medic_Hat_1_Desc" "Et fortidslevn fra en tidligere krig.\nDin fjende vil forstå budskabet." "[english]TF_Medic_Hat_1_Desc" "A relic from one war brought into another.\nYour enemy will get the point." "TF_Engineer_Hat_1_Desc" "Til Engineers med lyse ideer." "[english]TF_Engineer_Hat_1_Desc" "For Engineers with bright ideas." "TF_Spy_Hat_1_Desc" "Dette lækre, lille silkeforede mesterværk forvandler enhver knivamatør til den flotteste slyngel." "[english]TF_Spy_Hat_1_Desc" "This smooth, suave, silk-lined beauty can turn any amateur backstabber into a handsome rogue." "TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat_Desc" "Den ligner en cowboyhat, men dette moderne stykke ingeniørkunst indeholder reelt flere bevægelige dele end en Sentry Gun på niveau 2." "[english]TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat_Desc" "Though it looks like a simple ten-gallon hat, this modern feat of engineering actually contains more moving parts than a level 2 Sentry Gun." "TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat_Desc" "Denne hat er lavet af bjørnenæver.\nBjørnen blev dræbt med de bare næver." "[english]TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat_Desc" "This hat was made of bear hands.\nThat bear was killed with bare hands." "TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap_Desc" "Du er det sejeste uhyre på fortet, så der vil ikke være nogen, der kritiserer din smag." "[english]TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap_Desc" "Because when you're the toughest Mother Hubbard in the fort, nobody's criticizing your fashion sense." "TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat_Desc" "Beskytter kraniet mod kugler og granatsplinter.\nVarmer også suppe." "[english]TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat_Desc" "Protects cranium from bullets and shrapnel.\nAlso heats soup." "TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat_Desc" "Jeg sparkede din røv så hårdt, at den rejste tilbage i tiden og hentede denne VIKINGEHAT til mig." "[english]TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat_Desc" "I kicked your ass so hard it went back in time and got me this VIKING HAT." "TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat_Desc" "Det er lige meget, om folk respekterer dig, hvis de brænder." "[english]TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat_Desc" "It doesn't matter how much people respect you when they're on fire." "TF_Spy_Camera_Beard_Desc" "Du har da ikke noget imod, at jeg læser det her tophemmelige dokument med mit skæg, vel?" "[english]TF_Spy_Camera_Beard_Desc" "You wouldn't mind if I read this top secret document with my beard, would you?" "TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat_Desc" "Vi kan heller ikke udtale det." "[english]TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat_Desc" "We can't pronounce it either." "TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet_Desc" "Når man drikker, så er én radioaktiv drik ad gangen ikke nok." "[english]TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet_Desc" "When drinking one radioactive beverage at a time is not enough." "TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap_Desc" "Ekstra! Ekstra! Du er stendød!" "[english]TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap_Desc" "Extra! Extra! You're frickin' dead!" "TF_Spy_Derby_Hat_Desc" "Bruges, når du ville ønske, at dit hoved var lidt højere,\n men lige så rundt på toppen." "[english]TF_Spy_Derby_Hat_Desc" "For when you wish your head was a little taller,\nbut just as round on top." "TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat_Desc" "Denne nydelige og effektive hat tager du på, når du skal aflive alle på din vej." "[english]TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat_Desc" "A polite, efficient hat to wear when killing everyone you meet." "TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband_Desc" "Kun en mester i Jarate optjener retten til at bære denne en gang hvide bandanna, som er blevet gul gennem udøvelse af hård træning." "[english]TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband_Desc" "Only a master of Jarate earns the right to wear this once-white bandanna, stained yellow from the rigors of a harsh training regimen." "TF_Hatless_Scout_Desc" "Alle ved, at hastigheden er en Scouts bedste ven. Hvorfor tynge dig med klodsede hatte, når du kan bryde lydmuren uden?" "[english]TF_Hatless_Scout_Desc" "Everyone knows that speed is a Scout's best friend. Why weigh yourself down with bulky hats when you can break the sound barrier without them?" "TF_Hatless_Sniper_Desc" "Hans kugle var tæt på.\nJeg tabte hatten.\nMin kugle var tættere på.\nHan tabte hovedet." "[english]TF_Hatless_Sniper_Desc" "His bullet was close.\nI lost my hat.\nMy bullet was closer.\nHe lost his head." "TF_Hatless_Engineer_Desc" "Nogle gange har man bare brug for lidt mindre hat." "[english]TF_Hatless_Engineer_Desc" "Sometimes you just need a little less hat." "TF_HonestyHalo_Desc" "Nogle vil gøre hvad som helst for at få en hat. Du var målrettet og ubestikkelig i din søgen efter hovedpynt. Det bliver du nu belønnet for." "[english]TF_HonestyHalo_Desc" "Though some would stop at nothing to achieve hats, you remained resolute and incorruptible in your quest for head decorations. For that, you have been rewarded." "TF_Halloween_Hat_Desc" "Brunt papir har aldrig set så forholdsvis foruroligende ud." "[english]TF_Halloween_Hat_Desc" "Brown paper never looked so mildly disturbing." "TF_L4DHat_Desc" "Efterladt til dig." "[english]TF_L4DHat_Desc" "Left 4 You." "TF_ToweringPillar_Hat_Desc" "A-ha-ha! Du er lige så OVERMODIG som du er FATTIG og IRSK. Besku storheden i mit TÅRN af HATTE." "[english]TF_ToweringPillar_Hat_Desc" "A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS." "TF_NobleAmassment_Hat_Desc" "Til herren, der mener, at selv hans hat fortjener en hat." "[english]TF_NobleAmassment_Hat_Desc" "For the Gentleman who believes even his hat deserves a hat." "TF_ModestPile_Hat_Desc" "Fordi en gentleman ikke er noget uden en." "[english]TF_ModestPile_Hat_Desc" "Because a Gentleman is not one without one." "TF_MedicMask_Desc" "Skrub løs... nu begynder det at blive beskidt." "[english]TF_MedicMask_Desc" "Scrub in... things are about to get messy." "TF_HeavyHair_Desc" "Dine modstandere vil blive rystet ved synet af de fede solbriller og huen." "[english]TF_HeavyHair_Desc" "Your opponents will be all shook up when they see these sweet shades and coif." "TF_SpyNobleHair_Desc" "Man siger, at retfærdigheden er blind. Men man glemmer at fortælle, at retfærdigheden også er usynlig og i øvrigt mindre interesseret i retfærdighed end i mord." "[english]TF_SpyNobleHair_Desc" "They say justice is blind. What they don't tell you is that justice is also invisible, and also less interested in justice than murder." "TF_EngineerWeldingMask_Desc" "Gør solen skamfuld med stråler af ild, mens UV-strålerne preller uskyldigt af på dine øjne." "[english]TF_EngineerWeldingMask_Desc" "Mock the sun with streaks of flame as the UV rays bounce harmlessly away from your eyeballs." "TF_ScoutBeanie_Desc" "Helt ude af kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Desc" "Straight outta control point." "TF_PyroBrainSucker_Desc" "I det mindste beder han dig stadig om at brænde ting." "[english]TF_PyroBrainSucker_Desc" "At least he's still telling you to burn things." "TF_SoldierSamurai_Desc" "Et Haiku til krig.\nAt besejre fjenderne.\nÆret være krabben." "[english]TF_SoldierSamurai_Desc" "A Haiku for war.\nTo defeat one's enemies.\nHonor the crocket." "TF_SniperPithHelmet_Desc" "Perfekt til udforskning af ødemarken og indersiden af folks hoveder." "[english]TF_SniperPithHelmet_Desc" "Perfect for exploring the outback and the inside of people's heads." "TF_ScoutWhoopee_Desc" "Man skal være tungnem for ikke at indse, at denne kasket er højeste mode til den kræsne ungdom." "[english]TF_ScoutWhoopee_Desc" "You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth." "TF_Worms_Gear" "Ormelåget" "[english]TF_Worms_Gear" "Lumbricus Lid" "TF_PyroMonocle_Desc" "Det mest udsøgte, selvklæbende og brandhæmmende skæg til den kræsne storbrandsherre." "[english]TF_PyroMonocle_Desc" "The most distinguished tape-on fire-retardant facial hair available, for the discerning gentleman of conflagration." "TF_EngineerEarmuffs_Desc" "Det bliver svært at beregne det samlede drejningsmoment påført kroppens rotationsbevægelse gennem dens momentane kraftvektor med de distraherende lyde af død og ødelæggelse omkring dig. Lav en bedre og mere sikker maskine med stilheden fra \"På Den Sikre Side\"!" "[english]TF_EngineerEarmuffs_Desc" "It gets difficult trying to calculate the total external applied torque to a body's rotational motion through its moment of momentum vector while the distracting sounds of gunfire and death are all around you. Build a better, safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'sound!" "TF_DemomanTricorne_Desc" "Tre skarpe hjørner giver en skarp hat.\nLad være med at stikke øjet ud." "[english]TF_DemomanTricorne_Desc" "Three sharp corners mean one sharp hat.\nDon't poke your eye out." "TF_SpyBeret_Desc" "Fordi ægte spionage er en kunstart." "[english]TF_SpyBeret_Desc" "Because real espionage is an artform." "TF_SniperFishingHat_Desc" "Ude at snipe." "[english]TF_SniperFishingHat_Desc" "Gone Snipin'." "TF_PyroHelm_Desc" "Pyro bærer dette som en hyldest til de mange brandfolk, der er omkommet i forsøget på at slukke hans ild." "[english]TF_PyroHelm_Desc" "Pyro wears this in tribute to the many firefighters who have perished trying to quell his flames." "TF_SoldierDrillHat_Desc" "Denne hat er en praktisk erstatning for blasfemisk råben, når man ikke har lyst til at skrige sig hæs." "[english]TF_SoldierDrillHat_Desc" "This hat is a handy replacement for profanity-filled ranting when you don't feel like shouting yourself hoarse." "TF_MedicGatsby_Desc" "Selvom den mangler andre hattes særpræg, så har Gatsby ikke desto mindre sin egen udsøgte elegance. Dens diskrete og imødekommende charme appellerer til enhver, uanset om man går golf med vennerne eller udøver grovkirurgi med en velslebet bensav." "[english]TF_MedicGatsby_Desc" "While lacking the cachet of other hats, the Gatsby nonetheless possesses its own sartorial elegance. Its understated and affable charm appeals to everyone, whether playing a round of golf with friends or performing non-elective surgery with a well-polished bonesaw." "TF_HeavyDorag_Desc" "Det koster 400.000 $ at bære denne bandanna i 12 sekunder." "[english]TF_HeavyDorag_Desc" "It costs $400,000 to wear this bandanna for 12 seconds." "TF_Parasite_Hat_Desc" "Denne søde lille fyr var i svunden tid og sted menneskehedens svøbe. Nu gør det ham lykkelig at sidde på dit hoved og holde solen væk." "[english]TF_Parasite_Hat_Desc" "This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off." "TF_TheFamiliarFez" "Velkendt Fez" "[english]TF_TheFamiliarFez" "Familiar Fez" "TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap" "Grenadérens Kasket" "[english]TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap" "Grenadier's Softcap" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff_Desc" "Giver en offensiv buff som gør, at holdkammerater i nærheden gør mini-kritisk skade.\nRaseri øges via skade gjort." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff_Desc" "Provides an offensive buff that causes\nnearby team members to do mini-crits.\nRage increases through damage done." "TF_TheBattalionsBackup_Desc" "Giver en defensiv buff, der beskytter\nholdmedlemmer mod kritisk skade,\nindkommende sentry-skade med 50%\nog 35% fra alle andre kilder.\nRaseri stiger via skade gjort." "[english]TF_TheBattalionsBackup_Desc" "Provides a defensive buff that protects\nnearby team members from crits,\nincoming sentry damage by 50%\nand 35% from all other sources.\nRage increases through damage done." "TF_OlSnaggletooth" "Gamle Hugtand" "[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth" "Ol' Snaggletooth" "TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Indeholder et 4-skuds magasin og genlader hele magasinet på en gang.\nAlt-skyd: Skub til en fjende!\n\nMann Co.'s allernyeste inden for offensivt, personligt forsvar med attitude." "[english]TF_TheShortstop_Desc" "Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.\nAlt-Fire to reach and shove someone!\n\nMann Co.'s latest in high attitude\nbreak-action personal defense." "TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Det må være ydmygende at blive slået med en fisk." "[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating." "TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Spillere heler 60% af skade gjort\npå en fjende dækket af mælk.\nKan bruges til at slukke ild." "[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nCan be used to extinguish fires." "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "En speciel raketkaster til at lære\ntricks og mønstre med rakethop.\nDette våben gør INGEN skade." "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "A special rocket launcher for learning\nrocket jump tricks and patterns.\nThis weapon deals ZERO damage." "TF_ScoutBombingRun" "Bombeløb" "[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun" "Bombing Run" "TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Døden fra oven!" "[english]TF_ScoutBombingRun_Desc" "Death from above!" "TF_SoldierShako" "Charmerende Chakot" "[english]TF_SoldierShako" "Stout Shako" "TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "Viktoriansk militærmodes\nstørste bedrift." "[english]TF_SoldierShako_Desc" "The grand achievement of\nVictorian military fashion." "TF_SoldierRomanHelmet" "Legionærens Låg" "[english]TF_SoldierRomanHelmet" "Legionaire's Lid" "TF_SoldierRomanHelmet_Desc" "En antikvitet fra slutningen af\ndet galliske imperium." "[english]TF_SoldierRomanHelmet_Desc" "An antique from the late\nImperial Gallic period." "TF_PyroFiestaSombrero" "Gamle Guadalajara" "[english]TF_PyroFiestaSombrero" "Old Guadalajara" "TF_PyroFiestaSombrero_Desc" "Hatten der gør alting hot." "[english]TF_PyroFiestaSombrero_Desc" "This hat adds spice to any occasion." "TF_PyroPlunger" "Handymandens Håndtag" "[english]TF_PyroPlunger" "Handyman's Handle" "TF_PyroPlunger_Desc" "Rydder enhver blokade." "[english]TF_PyroPlunger_Desc" "Clears all sorts of blockage." "TF_DemoInquisitor" "Drankerens Capotain" "[english]TF_DemoInquisitor" "Carouser's Capotain" "TF_DemoInquisitor_Desc" "Lad ikke en eneste Sentry overleve." "[english]TF_DemoInquisitor_Desc" "Suffer not a sentry to live." "TF_HeavyUmbrella" "Pompøs Paraplyhat" "[english]TF_HeavyUmbrella" "Hard Counter" "TF_HeavyUmbrella_Desc" "Man kan aldrig være for forsigtig,\nnår der er Jarate i nærheden." "[english]TF_HeavyUmbrella_Desc" "You can never be too careful\nwith Jarate around." "TF_DemoStuntHelmet" "Ædru Stuntman" "[english]TF_DemoStuntHelmet" "Sober Stuntman" "TF_DemoStuntHelmet_Desc" "En klæbebombers bedste ven." "[english]TF_DemoStuntHelmet_Desc" "A sticky-jumper's best friend." "TF_Seuss" "Dr's Stiveste Puds" "[english]TF_Seuss" "Dr's Dapper Topper" "TF_Seuss_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Seuss_Desc" "" "TF_PyroBeanie" "Soverens Pusterum" "[english]TF_PyroBeanie" "Napper's Respite" "TF_PyroBeanie_Desc" "Efter en lang dags scoutafbrænding." "[english]TF_PyroBeanie_Desc" "After a long day of burning scouts." "TF_HeavyPugilistProtector" "Bokserens Beskytter" "[english]TF_HeavyPugilistProtector" "Pugilist's Protector" "TF_HeavyPugilistProtector_Desc" "" "[english]TF_HeavyPugilistProtector_Desc" "" "TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer" "Høvdingens Udfordring" "[english]TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer" "Chieftain's Challenge" "TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer_Desc" "" "[english]TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer_Desc" "" "TF_WikiCap" "Wiki-kasket" "[english]TF_WikiCap" "Wiki Cap" "TF_WikiCap_Desc" "Givet til værdifulde bidragydere til den officielle TF2-wiki\nhttps://wiki.teamfortress.com/" "[english]TF_WikiCap_Desc" "Given to valuable contributors to the official TF2 wiki\nhttps://wiki.teamfortress.com/" "TF_MannCoCap" "Mann Co.-kasket" "[english]TF_MannCoCap" "Mann Co. Cap" "TF_Polycount_Pin" "Polycount-knap" "[english]TF_Polycount_Pin" "Polycount Pin" "TF_Polycount_Pin_Desc" "Givet til deltagere af Polycount-konkurrencen." "[english]TF_Polycount_Pin_Desc" "Awarded to participants of the Polycount contest." "TF_EllisHat" "Ellis' Kasket" "[english]TF_EllisHat" "Ellis' Cap" "NewItemMethod_Dropped" "Du fandt:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Dropped" "You Found:" "NewItemMethod_Crafted" "Du smedede:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Crafted" "You Crafted:" "NewItemMethod_Traded" "Du byttede dig til:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Traded" "You Traded for:" "NewItemMethod_Purchased" "Du købte:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Purchased" "You Purchased:" "NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" "Du udpakkede:" "[english]NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" "You Unboxed:" "NewItemMethod_Gifted" "Du modtog en gave:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Gifted" "You Received a Gift:" "NewItemMethod_Promotion" "Du modtog en butikspromoveret genstand:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Promotion" "You Received a Store Promotion Item:" "NewItemMethod_Earned" "Du optjente:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Earned" "You Earned:" "NewItemMethod_Refunded" "Du fik refunderet:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Refunded" "You Were Refunded:" "NewItemMethod_Support" "Kundesupport har givet dig:" "[english]NewItemMethod_Support" "Customer Support Granted You:" "OpenSpecificLoadout" "ÅBN %s1-UDSTYR..." "[english]OpenSpecificLoadout" "OPEN %s1 LOADOUT..." "OpenGeneralLoadout" "ÅBN UDSTYR..." "[english]OpenGeneralLoadout" "OPEN LOADOUT..." "OpenBackpack" "ÅBN RYGSÆK..." "[english]OpenBackpack" "OPEN BACKPACK..." "Armory" "MANN CO.-KATALOG" "[english]Armory" "MANN CO. CATALOG" "Loadout_OpenTrading" "Åbn byttehandelsskærmen" "[english]Loadout_OpenTrading" "Open the Trading screen" "Loadout_OpenTradingDesc" "BYT GENSTANDE I DIN RYGSÆK\nMED ANDRE SPILLERE" "[english]Loadout_OpenTradingDesc" "TRADE ITEMS IN YOUR BACKPACK\nWITH OTHER PLAYERS" "Loadout_OpenArmory" "Åbn Mann Co.-kataloget" "[english]Loadout_OpenArmory" "Open the Mann Co. Catalog" "Loadout_OpenArmoryDesc" "GENNEMSE DE FUNDNE GENSTANDE\nI TF2-UNIVERSET" "[english]Loadout_OpenArmoryDesc" "BROWSE THE ITEMS FOUND\nIN THE TF2 UNIVERSE" "ItemSel_ACTION" "- HANDLING" "[english]ItemSel_ACTION" "- ACTION" "DiscardItem" "Fjern permanent" "[english]DiscardItem" "Permanently Discard" "BackpackApplyTool" "Vælg genstanden, du vil anvende %s1 på:" "[english]BackpackApplyTool" "Select the item to apply the %s1 to:" "ApplyOnItem" "Brug med" "[english]ApplyOnItem" "Use with" "ConsumeItem" "Brug" "[english]ConsumeItem" "Use" "CustomizeItem" "TILPAS" "[english]CustomizeItem" "CUSTOMIZE" "ShowBaseItems" "STANDARDGENSTANDE" "[english]ShowBaseItems" "STOCK ITEMS" "ShowBackpackItems" "SPECIALGENSTANDE" "[english]ShowBackpackItems" "SPECIAL ITEMS" "ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Vis standardgenstande" "[english]ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Show Stock Items" "ToolConfirmWarning" "Husk, at når du har brugt et værktøj, så forsvinder det!" "[english]ToolConfirmWarning" "Remember, once you have used a tool, it's gone!" "ToolItemRenameOldItemName" "Nuværende genstandsnavn:" "[english]ToolItemRenameOldItemName" "Current Item Name:" "ToolItemRenameNewItemName" "Nyt genstandsnavn:" "[english]ToolItemRenameNewItemName" "New Item Name:" "ToolDialogTitle" "Bruger %s1 på %s2" "[english]ToolDialogTitle" "Using %s1 on %s2" "CraftAskName" "Indtast denne genstands nye navn:" "[english]CraftAskName" "Enter this Item's New Name:" "CraftNameOk" "Navngiv den!" "[english]CraftNameOk" "Name It!" "CraftNameCancel" "Nej tak" "[english]CraftNameCancel" "No Thanks" "CraftAskNameConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil bruge dette navn?" "[english]CraftAskNameConfirm" "Are you sure you want to use this name?" "CraftAskNameWarning" "(Navnet vil være offentligt synligt og permanent)" "[english]CraftAskNameWarning" "(This name will be publicly visible and permanent)" "CraftNameConfirm" "Jep, jeg er sikker!" "[english]CraftNameConfirm" "Yep, I'm Sure!" "CraftInvalidName" "Ugyldigt navn!" "[english]CraftInvalidName" "Invalid Name!" "CraftInvalidNameDetail" "Kun bogstaver, tal og mellemrum er tilladt" "[english]CraftInvalidNameDetail" "Only letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed" "ToolPaintConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil male genstanden i denne farve?" "[english]ToolPaintConfirm" "Are you sure you want to paint the item this color?" "ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(Farven vil være offentligt synlig og permanent)" "[english]ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(This color will be publicly visible and permanent)" "ToolDecodeConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil åbne denne kasse?" "[english]ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?" "ToolDecodeInProgress" "Pakker dit udstyr ud" "[english]ToolDecodeInProgress" "Uncrating your Loot" "LoadoutSlot_Action" "Action" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Action" "Action" "BackpackShowDetails" "Oplysninger" "[english]BackpackShowDetails" "Details" "RT_M_A" "Rediger %s1" "[english]RT_M_A" "Modify %s1" "RT_Rn_A" "Omdøb %s1" "[english]RT_Rn_A" "Rename %s1" "CI_T_G" "Gadgetgavekort" "[english]CI_T_G" "Gadget Token" "TF_T" "Værktøj" "[english]TF_T" "Tool" "TF_T_Nt" "Navneskilt" "[english]TF_T_Nt" "Name Tag" "TF_Tool_Nametag_Desc" "Ændrer navnet på en genstand i din rygsæk" "[english]TF_Tool_Nametag_Desc" "Changes the name of an item in your backpack" "TF_Tool_DecoderRing" "Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_DecoderRing" "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" "TF_Tool_DecoderRing_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne forsyningskasser." "[english]TF_Tool_DecoderRing_Desc" "Used to open locked supply crates." "TF_SupplyCrate" "Mann Co.-forsyningskasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate" "Mann Co. Supply Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Desc" "Du skal bruge en Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Desc" "You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this.\nYou can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "TF_Tool_PaintCan" "Malerbøtte" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan" "Paint Can" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_Desc" "Bruges til at male andre genstande." "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_Desc" "Used to paint other items." "TF_Tool_Paint_Warning" "Maling vil ikke være synlig på din computer.\n(DX9+ kræves)" "[english]TF_Tool_Paint_Warning" "Paint will not be visible on your computer.\n(DX9+ required)" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_1" "Utvivlsomt Grøn" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_1" "Indubitably Green" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_2" "Zepheniahs Grådighed" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_2" "Zepheniah's Greed" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_3" "Nobel Hattemagers Violet" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_3" "Noble Hatter's Violet" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_4" "Farve nr. 216-190-216" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_4" "Color No. 216-190-216" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_5" "En Stor Fordybelse i Lilla" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_5" "A Deep Commitment to Purple" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_6" "Mann Co.-orange" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_6" "Mann Co. Orange" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_7" "Muskelmannbraun" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_7" "Muskelmannbraun" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_8" "Ejendommelig Kedelig Farvetone" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_8" "Peculiarly Drab Tincture" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_9" "Radigan Conagher-brun" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_9" "Radigan Conagher Brown" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_10" "Den Gamle Rustikke Farve" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_10" "Ye Olde Rustic Colour" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_11" "Australiumguld" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_11" "Australium Gold" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_12" "Forældet Skæg-grå" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_12" "Aged Moustache Grey" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_13" "En Ekstraoridinær Overflod af Tone" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_13" "An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_14" "En Tydelig Mangel på Nuance" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_14" "A Distinctive Lack of Hue" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande:" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "This crate contains one of the following items:" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "eller en yderst sjælden specialgenstand!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!" "TF_Set_Polycount_Pyro" "Benzinjockeyens Udstyr" "[english]TF_Set_Polycount_Pyro" "The Gas Jockey's Gear" "TF_Set_Polycount_Scout" "Specialleveringen" "[english]TF_Set_Polycount_Scout" "The Special Delivery" "TF_Set_Polycount_Spy" "Spionen fra Sahara" "[english]TF_Set_Polycount_Spy" "The Saharan Spy" "TF_Set_Polycount_Soldier" "Kampvognsødelæggeren" "[english]TF_Set_Polycount_Soldier" "The Tank Buster" "TF_Set_Polycount_Sniper" "Croc-o-Style-sættet" "[english]TF_Set_Polycount_Sniper" "The Croc-o-Style Kit" "TF_Date_GMT" " GMT" "[english]TF_Date_GMT" " GMT" "Attrib_CannotTrade" "Kan ikke byttes eller sælges" "[english]Attrib_CannotTrade" "Not Tradable or Marketable" "Attrib_DisguiseOnBackstab" "Efter et vellykket rygstik forklæder du dig hurtigt som dit offer" "[english]Attrib_DisguiseOnBackstab" "Upon a successful backstab against a human target, you rapidly disguise as your victim" "Attrib_CannotDisguise" "Bæreren kan ikke forklæde sig" "[english]Attrib_CannotDisguise" "Wearer cannot disguise" "Attrib_SilentKiller" "Lydløs dræber: Ingen angrebslyd fra rygstik" "[english]Attrib_SilentKiller" "Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs" "Attrib_DisguiseSpeedPenalty" "%s1 sek. langsommere forklædningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_DisguiseSpeedPenalty" "%s1 sec slower disguise speed" "Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "Immun over for brandskade, når skjult" "[english]Attrib_DisguiseNoBurn" "Immune to fire damage while disguised" "Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "+%s1% usynlighed ved drab" "[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnKill" "+%s1% cloak on kill" "Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "+%s1% usynlighed ved træffer" "[english]Attrib_AddCloakOnHit" "+%s1% cloak on hit" "Attrib_CloakBlinkTimePenalty" "%s1 sek. længere usynlighedsblinketid" "[english]Attrib_CloakBlinkTimePenalty" "%s1 sec longer cloak blink time" "Attrib_QuietUnstealth" "Reduceret lyd ved usynlighedsaftagning" "[english]Attrib_QuietUnstealth" "Reduced decloak sound volume" "Attrib_FlameSize_Negative" "%s1% mindre flammespredningsområde" "[english]Attrib_FlameSize_Negative" "%s1% less flame spread area" "Attrib_FlameSize_Positive" "+%s1% større flammespredningsområde" "[english]Attrib_FlameSize_Positive" "+%s1% more flame spread area" "Attrib_FlameLife_Negative" "%s1% mindre flammeafstand" "[english]Attrib_FlameLife_Negative" "%s1% less flame distance" "Attrib_FlameLife_Positive" "+%s1% større flammeafstand" "[english]Attrib_FlameLife_Positive" "+%s1% more flame distance" "Attrib_ChargedAirblast" "Luftstød kan nu oplades, hvilket vil skubbe fjender længere væk" "[english]Attrib_ChargedAirblast" "Airblast can now be charged, which will push enemies further" "Attrib_DmgFromSentryReduced" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod Sentries for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgFromSentryReduced" "+%s1% sentry damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_AirblastCost_Increased" "+%s1% luftstødsomkostning" "[english]Attrib_AirblastCost_Increased" "+%s1% airblast cost" "Attrib_AirblastCost_Decreased" "%s1% luftstødsomkostning" "[english]Attrib_AirblastCost_Decreased" "%s1% airblast cost" "Attrib_Purchased" "Købt: Kan ikke byttes, sælges eller bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_Purchased" "Purchased: Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_Promotion" "Butikskampagnegenstand: Kan ikke byttes eller sælges" "[english]Attrib_Promotion" "Store Promotion Item: Not Tradable or Marketable" "Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Increased" "+%s1% flammekasterammunition brugt pr. sekund" "[english]Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Increased" "+%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second" "Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "%s1% flammekasterammunition brugt pr. sekund" "[english]Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second" "Attrib_JarateDuration" "Ved zoomet træffer: Jarate påføres målet i 2 til %s1 sekunder baseret på opladningen.\nNaturens Kald: Zoomet hovedskud gør altid mini-kritisk skade og reducerer den resterende nedkøling af Jarate med 1 sekund." "[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to %s1 seconds based on charge level.\nNature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second." "Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "Bæreren kan ikke blive dræbt af hovedskud" "[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots" "Attrib_AchievementItem" "Præstationsgenstand: Kan ikke byttes eller sælges" "[english]Attrib_AchievementItem" "Achievement Item: Not Tradable or Marketable" "Attrib_CannotCraft" "Kan ikke bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_CannotCraft" "Not Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_DeployTime_Increased" "%s1% langsommere våbenskifte" "[english]Attrib_DeployTime_Increased" "%s1% longer weapon switch" "Attrib_DeployTime_Decreased" "%s1% hurtigere våbenskifte" "[english]Attrib_DeployTime_Decreased" "%s1% faster weapon switch" "Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Skader kritisk, når det normalt ville gøre mini-kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit" "Attrib_HealOnKill" "+%s1 helbred gendannet ved drab" "[english]Attrib_HealOnKill" "+%s1 health restored on kill" "Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "Ingen selvforskyldt sprængskade taget" "[english]Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "No self inflicted blast damage taken" "Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit_Major" "Ved slag: sænk målbevægelse med 40% for %s1s" "[english]Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit_Major" "On Hit: Slow target movement by 40% for %s1s" "Attrib_LimitedUse" "Dette er en genstand med begrænset anvendelse. Anvendelser: %s1" "[english]Attrib_LimitedUse" "This is a limited use item. Uses: %s1" "Attrib_EventDate" "Modtagelsesdato: %s1" "[english]Attrib_EventDate" "Date Received: %s1" "Attrib_GifterAccountID" "Gave fra: %s1." "[english]Attrib_GifterAccountID" "\nGift from: %s1" "Attrib_AttachedParticle" "★ Usædvanlig effekt: %s1" "[english]Attrib_AttachedParticle" "★ Unusual Effect: %s1" "Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "Kasseserie #%s1" "[english]Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "Crate Series #%s1" "Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "Ved dødsfald bevares op til %s1% af din\nopsparede ÜberLadning" "[english]Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "On death up to %s1% of your stored\nÜberCharge is retained" "Attrib_Particle0" "Ugyldig Partikel" "[english]Attrib_Particle0" "Invalid Particle" "Attrib_Particle1" "Partikel 1" "[english]Attrib_Particle1" "Particle 1" "Attrib_Particle2" "Flyvende Stykker" "[english]Attrib_Particle2" "Flying Bits" "Attrib_Particle3" "Nemesisudbrud" "[english]Attrib_Particle3" "Nemesis Burst" "Attrib_Particle4" "Fællesskabsgnistren" "[english]Attrib_Particle4" "Community Sparkle" "Attrib_Particle5" "Hellig Glød" "[english]Attrib_Particle5" "Holy Glow" "Attrib_Particle6" "Grøn Konfetti" "[english]Attrib_Particle6" "Green Confetti" "Attrib_Particle7" "Lilla Konfetti" "[english]Attrib_Particle7" "Purple Confetti" "Attrib_Particle8" "Hjemsøgte Spøgelser" "[english]Attrib_Particle8" "Haunted Ghosts" "Attrib_Particle9" "Grøn Energi" "[english]Attrib_Particle9" "Green Energy" "Attrib_Particle10" "Lilla Energi" "[english]Attrib_Particle10" "Purple Energy" "Attrib_Particle11" "Cirklende TF-logo" "[english]Attrib_Particle11" "Circling TF Logo" "Attrib_Particle12" "Ophobede Fluer" "[english]Attrib_Particle12" "Massed Flies" "Attrib_Particle13" "Brændende Flammer" "[english]Attrib_Particle13" "Burning Flames" "Attrib_Particle14" "Skoldende Flammer" "[english]Attrib_Particle14" "Scorching Flames" "Attrib_Particle15" "Sviende Plasma" "[english]Attrib_Particle15" "Searing Plasma" "Attrib_Particle17" "Solstråler" "[english]Attrib_Particle17" "Sunbeams" "Attrib_Particle18" "Cirklende Fredstegn" "[english]Attrib_Particle18" "Circling Peace Sign" "Attrib_Particle19" "Cirklende Hjerte" "[english]Attrib_Particle19" "Circling Heart" "TF_Unique_BattleSaw" "Vita-saven" "[english]TF_Unique_BattleSaw" "The Vita-Saw" "TF_TheAttendant" "Kontrolløren" "[english]TF_TheAttendant" "The Attendant" "TF_TheMilkman" "Mælkemanden" "[english]TF_TheMilkman" "The Milkman" "TF_ThePowerjack" "Donhammeren" "[english]TF_ThePowerjack" "The Powerjack" "TF_TheDegreaser" "Fedtfjerneren" "[english]TF_TheDegreaser" "The Degreaser" "TF_TheShortstop" "Håndbremsen" "[english]TF_TheShortstop" "The Shortstop" "TF_LEtranger" "L'étranger" "[english]TF_LEtranger" "L'Etranger" "TF_EternalReward" "Din Evige Belønning" "[english]TF_EternalReward" "Your Eternal Reward" "TF_TheBattalionsBackup" "Forsvarsfanen" "[english]TF_TheBattalionsBackup" "The Battalion's Backup" "TF_TheBlackBox" "Den Sorte Boks" "[english]TF_TheBlackBox" "The Black Box" "TF_SydneySleeper" "Sydney-soveren" "[english]TF_SydneySleeper" "The Sydney Sleeper" "TF_DarwinsDangerShield" "Darwins Fareskjold" "[english]TF_DarwinsDangerShield" "Darwin's Danger Shield" "TF_TheBushwacka" "Løvbaskeren" "[english]TF_TheBushwacka" "The Bushwacka" "TF_TheHolyMackerel" "Milde Makrel" "[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel" "The Holy Mackerel" "TF_MadMilk" "Manisk Mælk" "[english]TF_MadMilk" "Mad Milk" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump" "Rakethopperen" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump" "The Rocket Jumper" "TF_Unique_FryingPan" "Stegepanden" "[english]TF_Unique_FryingPan" "The Frying Pan" "TF_Unique_Gloves_of_Running_Urgently" "Gevaldigt Rapfodede Unionshandsker" "[english]TF_Unique_Gloves_of_Running_Urgently" "The Gloves of Running Urgently" "TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth_Desc" "Gives til de få tapre soldater, som frygtløst stod vagt uden søvn, føde eller socialt samvær." "[english]TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth_Desc" "Given to those few brave soldiers whom stood guard valiantly without sleep, nourishment, or a social life." "TF_Employee_Badge_A_Desc" "Bær stolt dette på dit bryst, soldat. Hver gang du dræber nogen, vil de vide, at de ikke var den første." "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_A_Desc" "Display this on your chest proudly, soldier. Each time you kill someone, they'll know they weren't the first." "TF_Employee_Badge_B_Desc" "Jo, nogle har måske gjort det i længere tid. Men du har bevist, at få kan gøre det bedre." "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_B_Desc" "Sure, some may have been doing it longer. But you've proven few can do it better." "TF_Employee_Badge_C_Desc" "Selvom du kom for sent til festen, var du stadig dens midtpunkt." "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_C_Desc" "Even though you were late to the party, you were still the life of it." "TF_Employee_Badge_Plat_Desc" "Den sande krigers medalje, der gives til dem, der kæmpede, før slaget overhovedet begyndte." "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_Plat_Desc" "A true warrior's medal, given to those who fought before the battle even started." "Item_Traded" "%s1 har byttet sig til:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Traded" "%s1 has traded for:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Purchased" "%s1 har købt:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Purchased" "%s1 has purchased:: %s2 %s3" "Item_FoundInCrate" "%s1 har udpakket:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_FoundInCrate" "%s1 has unboxed:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Gifted" "%s1 har modtaget en gave:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Gifted" "%s1 has received a gift:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Earned" "%s1 har tjent:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Earned" "%s1 has earned:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Refunded" "%s1 har fået refunderet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Refunded" "%s1 has been refunded:: %s2 %s3" "Normal" "Normalt" "[english]Normal" "Normal" "Unique" "Unikt" "[english]Unique" "Unique" "rarity4" "Usædvanlig" "[english]rarity4" "Unusual" "vintage" "Retro" "[english]vintage" "Vintage" "customized" "Tilpasset" "[english]customized" "Customized" "TF_ShowNotificationsInGame" "Vis pop-up-meddelelser inde i spillet (f.eks. byttehandelsanmodninger)" "[english]TF_ShowNotificationsInGame" "Show pop-up alerts while in-game (e.g. trade requests)" "MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "MANN CO.-KATALOG" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "MANN CO. CATALOG" "MMenu_BuyNow" "Køb nu" "[english]MMenu_BuyNow" "Buy Now" "MMenu_Notifications_Show" "MEDDELELSER (%s1)" "[english]MMenu_Notifications_Show" "ALERTS (%s1)" "MMenu_Notifications_Hide" "X" "[english]MMenu_Notifications_Hide" "X" "MMenu_Notifications_Empty" "Du har ingen afventende meddelelser." "[english]MMenu_Notifications_Empty" "You have no pending alerts." "ArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co.-katalog" "[english]ArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co. Catalog" "ArmoryExplanation_Text" "Her kan du gennemse alle TF2's våben og værktøjer stillet til rådighed af Saxton Hale, Mann Co.'s firskårne australske koncernchef." "[english]ArmoryExplanation_Text" "Here you can browse all of TF2's weapons and tools, handily supplied by Saxton Hale, Mann Co.'s rugged Australian CEO." "TradingExplanation_Title" "Byttehandel" "[english]TradingExplanation_Title" "Trading" "TradingExplanation_Text" "Her kan du bytte med andre TF2-spillere ved at bytte genstande i din rygsæk med genstande i deres." "[english]TradingExplanation_Text" "Here you're able to trade with other TF2 players, swapping items in your backpack for items in theirs." "BackpackArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co.-katalog" "[english]BackpackArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co. Catalog" "BackpackArmoryExplanation_Text" "Vælg en genstand og tryk på DETALJER-knappen for at se den genstand i Mann Co.-kataloget. Kataloget giver yderligere oplysninger om hvordan genstande virker, og hvordan de bruges." "[english]BackpackArmoryExplanation_Text" "Select an item and press the DETAILS button to view that item in the Mann Co. Catalog. The catalog provides additional information on how items work and how they are used." "BackpackToolsExplanation_Title" "Brug af værktøjer" "[english]BackpackToolsExplanation_Title" "Using Tools" "BackpackToolsExplanation_Text" "Genstande, som interagerer med andre genstande i dit inventar, er kaldet 'værktøjer'. Værktøjer kan omdøbe våben, farve hatte med en ny farve eller give specielle egenskaber til dine genstande. For at aktivere et værktøj, vælg det og tryk på 'Brug med...' knappen." "[english]BackpackToolsExplanation_Text" "Items that can be used in your inventory are called 'tools'. Tools can rename weapons, paint hats with a new color, or add special properties to your items. To activate a tool, select it and press the 'Use' or 'Use With...' button." "BackpackStockExplanation_Title" "Standardgenstande" "[english]BackpackStockExplanation_Title" "Stock Items" "BackpackStockExplanation_Text" "Hvis du ønsker at se standardgenstandene for hver klasse, kan du sætte et flueben i 'VIS STANDARDGENSTANDE'. Standardgenstande kan ændres af nogle værktøjer, så hvis du ønsker at omdøbe en standardgenstand, kan du bruge denne boks." "[english]BackpackStockExplanation_Text" "If you want to look at the default items for each class, toggle the 'SHOW STOCK ITEMS' checkbox. Stock items can be modified by some tools, so if you want to rename a basic item use this checkbox." "BackpackSortExplanation_Title" "Sortering af genstande" "[english]BackpackSortExplanation_Title" "Sorting Items" "BackpackSortExplanation_Text" "Idet du begynder at samle genstande, kan du få brug for at anvende denne sorteringsfunktion til at holde styr på dem. Du kan sortere genstande efter type, klasse eller udstyrsposition." "[english]BackpackSortExplanation_Text" "As you begin to collect items, you may want to use this sort control to keep them in order. You can sort items by type, class, or loadout slot." "StoreWelcomeExplanation_Title" "Velkommen til Mann Co.-butikken!" "[english]StoreWelcomeExplanation_Title" "Welcome to the Mann Co. Store!" "StoreWelcomeExplanation_Text" "Mann Co.-butikken lader dig købe genstande med penge fra din Steam-tegnebog. Butikken indeholder alle de klassiske TF2-genstande fra forrige opdateringer såvel som helt nye genstande og funktioner!" "[english]StoreWelcomeExplanation_Text" "The Mann Co. Store lets you buy items with funds from your Steam wallet. The store contains all of the classic TF2 items from previous Updates as well as brand new items and features!" "StoreTabsExplanation_Title" "Kategori-faneblade" "[english]StoreTabsExplanation_Title" "Category Tabs" "StoreTabsExplanation_Text" "Kategorifaner grupperer lignende genstande efter type eller funktion. Genstande, der for nylig er føjet til butikken, kan findes under fanen \"Nyt!\". Værktøjer, som ændrer andre ting, gaver og specielle handlingsgenstande, kan findes under \"Diverse\"-fanen." "[english]StoreTabsExplanation_Text" "Category tabs group similar items by type or function. Items recently added to the store are under the 'New!' tab. Tools that modify other items, gifts, and special action items can be found under the 'Misc' tab." "StoreItemsExplanation_Title" "Genstande til salg" "[english]StoreItemsExplanation_Title" "Purchasable Item" "StoreItemsExplanation_Text" "Genstande angiver deres pris, samt om de pt. er til salg. Når du vælger en genstand, har du muligheden for at føje den til din indkøbskurv samt at se genstanden, inden du køber den." "[english]StoreItemsExplanation_Text" "Items indicate their price and whether they are currently on sale. Selecting an item lets you add it to your cart or preview the item before you buy it." "StoreDetailsExplanation_Title" "Genstandsoplysninger" "[english]StoreDetailsExplanation_Title" "Item Details" "StoreDetailsExplanation_Text" "En genstands detaljevindue beskriver den genstands specielle karakteristikker, såsom hvilke spilændringsfunktioner den genstand har, eller hvordan den bruges." "[english]StoreDetailsExplanation_Text" "The item details window describes the item's specific characteristics, such as gameplay effects the item has or how it's used." "StorePreviewExplanation_Title" "Genstandsforhåndsvisning" "[english]StorePreviewExplanation_Title" "Item Preview" "StorePreviewExplanation_Text" "Genstande med visuelle effekter kan fremvises. Genstande der passer til flere klasser kan vises på hver enkel klasse, men behøver kun købes en gang." "[english]StorePreviewExplanation_Text" "Items with a visual effect can be previewed. Items that fit multiple classes can be previewed on each class but only need to be bought once." "StorePreviewToggleExplanation_Title" "Oplysninger / Skift forhåndsvisning" "[english]StorePreviewToggleExplanation_Title" "Details / Preview Toggle" "StorePreviewToggleExplanation_Text" "Disse faner skifter informationsvisningen mellem oplysnings- og forvisningsmåde" "[english]StorePreviewToggleExplanation_Text" "These tabs toggle the info display between details and preview mode." "StoreAddToCartExplanation_Title" "Læg i kurv" "[english]StoreAddToCartExplanation_Title" "Add to Cart" "StoreAddToCartExplanation_Text" "Hvis du finder en genstand, du gerne vil købe, så vælg den og tryk på LÆG I KURV-knappen." "[english]StoreAddToCartExplanation_Text" "If you find an item you want to buy, select it and press the ADD TO CART button." "StoreCartStatusExplanation_Title" "Indkøbskurvstatus" "[english]StoreCartStatusExplanation_Title" "Cart Status" "StoreCartStatusExplanation_Text" "Du kan se din indkøbskurvs status her. Hvis du vil fjerne en genstand, klik da på indkøbskurv-ikonet. Du får også fortalt, hvor meget plads du har i din rygsæk. Du skal bruge én tom plads for hver genstand, du køber." "[english]StoreCartStatusExplanation_Text" "You can view the status of your shopping cart here. If you want to remove an item, click the shopping cart icon. You are also told how much empty backpack space you have. You need one empty slot for each new item you buy." "StoreCheckoutExplanation_Title" "Kassen" "[english]StoreCheckoutExplanation_Title" "Checkout" "StoreCheckoutExplanation_Text" "Tryk på 'Kasse' for at købe genstandene i din kurv! Denne knap vil bringe dig til Steam-overlayet og guide dig igennem købsprocessen." "[english]StoreCheckoutExplanation_Text" "Press the checkout item to buy the items in your cart! This button will bring up the Steam overlay to guide you through the checkout process." "StoreHelpExplanation_Title" "Manglede du noget?" "[english]StoreHelpExplanation_Title" "Missed something?" "StoreHelpExplanation_Text" "Ved at trykke på denne knap vil disse pop-up vinduer komme igen." "[english]StoreHelpExplanation_Text" "Clicking this button will show these popups again." "StoreTitle" "MANN CO.-BUTIK" "[english]StoreTitle" "MANN CO. STORE" "Store_Headgear" "Hatte" "[english]Store_Headgear" "Hats" "Store_Weapons" "Våben" "[english]Store_Weapons" "Weapons" "Store_Misc" "Diverse" "[english]Store_Misc" "Misc" "Store_Tools" "Værktøjer" "[english]Store_Tools" "Tools" "Store_Crafting" "CRAFTING" "[english]Store_Crafting" "Crafting" "Store_Special_Items" "VÆRKTØJER" "[english]Store_Special_Items" "Tools" "Store_New_Items" "NYT!" "[english]Store_New_Items" "New!" "Store_Home" "STARTSIDE" "[english]Store_Home" "Home" "Store_Bundles" "Bundter" "[english]Store_Bundles" "Bundles" "Store_OK" "OK!" "[english]Store_OK" "OK!" "Store_CANCEL" "Annuller" "[english]Store_CANCEL" "Cancel" "Store_NowAvailable" "UDE NU" "[english]Store_NowAvailable" "NOW AVAILABLE" "Store_Welcome" "Velkommen!" "[english]Store_Welcome" "Welcome!" "Store_BaseDesc" "Vælg en genstand for at se en beskrivelse og en liste over klasser, der kan bruge den. Klik på et klasseikon for at se en forhåndsvisning!" "[english]Store_BaseDesc" "Select an item to see a description, and a list of classes that can use it. Click on a class icon to see a preview!" "Store_ClassFilter_None" "Alle genstande" "[english]Store_ClassFilter_None" "All Items" "Store_ClassFilter_AllClasses" "Genstande til alle klasser (% s1)" "[english]Store_ClassFilter_AllClasses" "All-class Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Scout" "Scout-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Scout" "Scout Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Sniper" "Sniper-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Sniper" "Sniper Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Soldier" "Soldier-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Soldier" "Soldier Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Demoman" "Demoman-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Demoman" "Demoman Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Medic" "Medic-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Medic" "Medic Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_HWGuy" "Heavy-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_HWGuy" "Heavy Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Pyro" "Pyro-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Pyro" "Pyro Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Spy" "Spy-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Spy" "Spy Items (%s1)" "Store_Items_Engineer" "Engineer-genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Engineer" "Engineer Items (%s1)" "Store_FilterLabel" "Vis:" "[english]Store_FilterLabel" "Show:" "Store_ClassImageMouseover" "Denne genstand kan bruges af %s1." "[english]Store_ClassImageMouseover" "This item can be used by the %s1." "Store_ClassImageMouseoverAll" "Denne genstand kan bruges af alle klasser." "[english]Store_ClassImageMouseoverAll" "This item can be used by all classes." "Store_ClassImageMouseoverBundle" "Dette bundt indeholder genstande, der kan bruges af %s1." "[english]Store_ClassImageMouseoverBundle" "This bundle contains items that can be used by the %s1." "Store_ClassImageMouseoverAllBundle" "Dette bundt indeholder genstande, der kan bruges af alle klasser." "[english]Store_ClassImageMouseoverAllBundle" "This bundle contains items that can be used by all classes." "Store_Cart" "(%s1)" "[english]Store_Cart" "(%s1)" "Store_Checkout" "Gå til kassen" "[english]Store_Checkout" "Checkout" "Store_AddToCart" "Læg i kurv" "[english]Store_AddToCart" "Add to Cart" "StoreViewCartTitle" "Din indkøbskurv" "[english]StoreViewCartTitle" "Your Shopping Cart" "Store_ContinueShopping" "Fortsæt med at handle" "[english]Store_ContinueShopping" "Continue Shopping" "Store_CartItems" "%s1 genstande" "[english]Store_CartItems" "%s1 Items" "Store_EstimatedTotal" "anslået pris i alt" "[english]Store_EstimatedTotal" "estimated total" "Store_WAStateSalesTax" "moms beregnes ved kassen hvor gældende" "[english]Store_WAStateSalesTax" "sales tax will be calculated during checkout where applicable" "Store_TotalSubtextB" "alle TF2-genstande vil blive føjet til din rygsæk efter køb" "[english]Store_TotalSubtextB" "all TF2 items will be added to your backpack after purchase" "Store_Remove" "Fjern" "[english]Store_Remove" "Remove" "Store_CartIsEmpty" "Du har ingen genstande i indkøbskurven." "[english]Store_CartIsEmpty" "You have no items in your cart." "Store_Wallet" "Steam-kontosaldo: $%s1 ($%s2 tilbage efter indkøbskurv)" "[english]Store_Wallet" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1 ($%s2 left after cart)" "Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Steam-kontosaldo: $%s1" "[english]Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Steam Account Balance: $%s1" "Store_FeaturedItem" "Udvalgt genstand!" "[english]Store_FeaturedItem" "Featured item!" "Store_PreviewItem" "Forhåndsvis" "[english]Store_PreviewItem" "Preview" "Store_DetailsItem" "Oplysninger" "[english]Store_DetailsItem" "Details" "Store_FreeBackpackSpace" "Tomme pladser i rygsæk: %s1" "[english]Store_FreeBackpackSpace" "Empty Backpack Slots: %s1" "StoreUpdate_Loading" "Indlæser Mann Co.-butikken" "[english]StoreUpdate_Loading" "Loading the Mann Co. Store..." "StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse" "Mann Co.-butikken er i øjeblikket lukket." "[english]StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse" "The Mann Co. Store is currently closed." "StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded" "Produktlisten er blevet opdateret til den nyeste version." "[english]StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded" "The product list has been updated to the latest version." "StoreUpdate_ContactSupport" "Kontakt venligst kundesupport for at få din Steam-tegnebog konfigureret." "[english]StoreUpdate_ContactSupport" "Please contact customer support to have your Steam wallet configured." "StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired" "Du skal slå Steam-fællesskabet i spillet til og genstarte TF2 for at bruge Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired" "You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart TF2 to use the Mann Co. Store." "StoreUpdate_SteamRequired" "Der kræves en forbindelse til Steam for at bruge Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]StoreUpdate_SteamRequired" "A connection to Steam is required to use the Mann Co. Store." "StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Din indkøbskurv er tom!" "[english]StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your shopping cart is empty!" "StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "Du har for mange genstande i din indkøbskurv!" "[english]StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "You have too many items in your shopping cart!" "StoreCheckout_Loading" "Går til kassen..." "[english]StoreCheckout_Loading" "Checking out..." "StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Kassen er ikke tilgængelig i øjeblikket." "[english]StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Checkout unavailable at this time." "StoreCheckout_Canceling" "Annullerer..." "[english]StoreCheckout_Canceling" "Canceling..." "StoreCheckout_Fail" "Mann Co.-butikken i øjeblikket er lukket." "[english]StoreCheckout_Fail" "The Mann Co. Store is currently closed." "StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "En programmør kludrede i det! En ugyldig parameter blev sendt til spilkoordinatoren. Prøv at købe igen." "[english]StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_InternalError" "Det ser ud til, at der er opstået en fejl vedrørende initialiseringen eller opdateringen af transaktionen. Vent venligst et minut, og prøv igen, eller kontakt support for hjælp." "[english]StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "Spilkoordinatoren kunne ikke godkende din transaktion med Steam. Prøv venligst at købe igen senere." "[english]StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "Du skal være logget på Steam for at gennemføre et køb." "[english]StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase." "StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "Denne transaktions valuta svarer ikke til din tegnebogs valuta." "[english]StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "This transaction's currency doesn't match your wallet currency." "StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Din Steam-konto er i øjeblikket ikke tilgængelig. Prøv venligst dette køb igen senere." "[english]StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently unavailable. Please try this purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "Du har ikke penge nok til at gennemføre købet." "[english]StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase." "StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "Denne transaktion er udløbet. Prøv venligst at købe igen." "[english]StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Din Steam-konto er deaktiveret og kan ikke bruges til køb." "[english]StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and cannot make a purchase." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam-tegnebogstransaktioner er blevet deaktiveret på denne konto." "[english]StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have been disabled on this account." "StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Din lokale produktliste er forældet. Anmoder om en ny." "[english]StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of date. Requesting a new one." "StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "Denne transaktions id blev ikke fundet af spilkoordinatoren. Prøv venligst at købe igen." "[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaktion annulleret. Du er ikke blevet debiteret." "[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaction canceled. You have not been charged." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaktion gennemført! Nyd dit bytte!" "[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed! Enjoy your loot!" "StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Kan ikke kontrollere, at det lykkedes. Hvis det lykkedes, vil dine genstande blive leveret på et senere tidspunkt." "[english]StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date." "StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "Du har ikke plads nok i din rygsæk til at købe så mange genstande. Køb en rygsækudvider for at forøge din kapacitet" "[english]StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items. Purchase a Backpack Expander to increase your capacity." "Store_NextWeapon" "Våben" "[english]Store_NextWeapon" "Weapon" "Store_StartShopping" "BEGYND AT SHOPPE" "[english]Store_StartShopping" "START SHOPPING" "Store_IntroTitle" "BUTIKKEN ER NU ÅBEN!" "[english]Store_IntroTitle" "THE STORE IS NOW OPEN!" "Store_IntroText" "Hej lille dreng og/eller pige! Jeg er Saxton Hale, virksomhedsdirektør af Mann Co. - den førende våben-, ammunition- og krigstema-modetilbehørsproducent i størstedelen af Badlands-området!\n\nBLU? RED? Så længe, dine penge er grønne, så VIL jeg sælge dig genstande, som du kan bruge, så de kan FÅ DET BETALT. Og tilhørende genstande, du kan have på, så du ser ELEGANT UD SOM BARE FANDEN, når du gør det! Dræb hvem du har lyst til, jeg dømmer dig ikke!\n" "[english]Store_IntroText" "Hello, little boy and/or girl! I'm Saxton Hale, CEO of Mann Co.--the #1 weapons, munitions, and war-themed fashion accessory manufacturer in the Greater Badlands area!\n\nBLU? RED? As long as your money's green, I WILL sell you items you can use to MAKE THEM PAY! And ancillary items you can wear, so you'll look CLASSY AS ALL HELL doing it! Kill whoever you like. I won't judge you!\n" "Store_Promotions" "SÆRTILBUD!" "[english]Store_Promotions" "SPECIAL OFFERS!" "Store_Promotion_SpendForGift" "FÅ EN OVERRASKELSES-BONUSGENSTAND\nFOR HVER %s1* DU BRUGER" "[english]Store_Promotion_SpendForGift" "GET A SURPRISE BONUS ITEM\nFOR EVERY %s1* YOU SPEND!" "Store_Promotion_SpendForGift_Sub" "*I et enkelt køb" "[english]Store_Promotion_SpendForGift_Sub" "*In a single purchase" "Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "FÅ EN GRATIS HAT\nMED DIT FØRSTE KØB!" "[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "GET A FREE HAT\nWITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE!" "Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "Kun i en begrænset periode!" "[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "Limited Time Only!" "Store_CEOMannCo" "Direktør, Mann Co." "[english]Store_CEOMannCo" "CEO, Mann Co." "TR_ClassInfo_Soldier" "Soldier er en god angrebs- og forsvarsklasse, hvis primære våben er raketkasteren. Han kan gøre en stor mængde skade i et kort tidsrum, men skal huske at holde sin raketkaster ladt hele tiden eller blive fanget på det forkerte ben." "[english]TR_ClassInfo_Soldier" "The Soldier is a good offensive and defensive class whose primary weapon is the rocket launcher. He can do a large amount of damage in a short period of time but has to remember to keep his rocket launcher loaded at all times or be caught off guard." "Notification_CanTrigger_Help" "Tryk [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] for at SE.\nTryk på [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] for at LUKKE." "[english]Notification_CanTrigger_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to VIEW.\nPress [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to CLOSE." "Notification_Remove_Help" "Tryk [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] for at LUKKE." "[english]Notification_Remove_Help" "Press [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to CLOSE." "Notification_AcceptOrDecline_Help" "Tryk [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] for at ACCEPTERE.\nTryk [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] for at AFVISE." "[english]Notification_AcceptOrDecline_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to ACCEPT.\nPress [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to DECLINE." "Notifications_View" "Vis" "[english]Notifications_View" "View" "Notifications_Accept" "Accepter" "[english]Notifications_Accept" "Accept" "Notifications_Decline" "Afslå" "[english]Notifications_Decline" "Decline" "Notifications_Present" "Du har afventende meddelelser! Gå til hovedmenuen for at se dem." "[english]Notifications_Present" "You have pending alerts! Go to the Main Menu to view them." "TF_Notification_Trigger" "Vis/acceptér den øverste notifikation." "[english]TF_Notification_Trigger" "View/Accept the topmost alert." "TF_Notification_Decline" "Fjern/afslå den øverste notifikation." "[english]TF_Notification_Decline" "Remove/Decline the topmost alert." "TF_UseItem_Title" "Brug genstand?" "[english]TF_UseItem_Title" "Use Item?" "TF_UseItem_Text" "Er du sikker på, at du vil bruge: %item_name%? Den kan anvendes %uses_left% gang(e), før den fjernes fra dit inventar." "[english]TF_UseItem_Text" "Are you sure you want to use %item_name%? It has %uses_left% use(s) before it will be removed from your inventory." "TF_UseItem_Success" "Genstanden i handlingspositionen blev anvendt!" "[english]TF_UseItem_Success" "The item in the Action slot was used successfully!" "TF_UseItem_GiftNoPlayers" "Der er ingen andre spillere i dit aktuelle spil til at modtage din gave!" "[english]TF_UseItem_GiftNoPlayers" "There are no other players present in your current game to receive your gift!" "TF_UseItem_Error" "Der opstod en fejl i forsøget på at bruge genstanden i din handlingsposition." "[english]TF_UseItem_Error" "There was an error trying to use the item in your Action slot." "TF_UseItem_MiniGameAlreadyStarted" "Dette mini-spil er allerede begyndt." "[english]TF_UseItem_MiniGameAlreadyStarted" "That mini-game has already been started." "TF_GiftedItems" "%s1 har givet en gave til %s2!" "[english]TF_GiftedItems" "%s1 has given a gift to %s2!" "TF_GifterText_Random" "%recipient% blev tilfældigt udvalgt til at modtage en gave fra %giver%!" "[english]TF_GifterText_Random" "%recipient% was selected at random to receive a gift from %giver%!" "TF_GifterText_All" "%giver% har givet en masse gaver væk!" "[english]TF_GifterText_All" "%giver% has given out a bunch of gifts!" "TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom" "Vis bytteanmodninger fra:" "[english]TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom" "Show Trade Requests From:" "TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_FriendsOnly" "Kun venner" "[english]TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_FriendsOnly" "Friends Only" "TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_FriendsAndServer" "Venner og spillere i nuværende spil." "[english]TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_FriendsAndServer" "Friends and In-Game Players" "TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_Anyone" "Enhver" "[english]TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_Anyone" "Anyone" "TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_NoOne" "Ingen" "[english]TF_ShowTradeRequestsFrom_NoOne" "No One" "TF_Trading_StatusTitle" "Byttestatus" "[english]TF_Trading_StatusTitle" "Trade Status" "TF_Trading_Timeout_Title" "Intet svar" "[english]TF_Trading_Timeout_Title" "No Response" "TF_Trading_Timeout_Text" "Der var intet svar fra serveren." "[english]TF_Trading_Timeout_Text" "There was no response from the server." "TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB" "Der var intet svar fra den anden spiller." "[english]TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB" "There was no response from the other player." "TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB_Named" "Der var intet svar fra %other_player%." "[english]TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB_Named" "There was no response from %other_player%." "TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB" "Venter på svar fra den anden spiller." "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB" "Waiting for the other player to respond." "TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB_Named" "Venter på at %s1 svarer." "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB_Named" "Waiting for %s1 to respond." "TF_Trading_WaitingForServer" "Venter på et svar fra serveren." "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForServer" "Waiting for a response from the server." "TF_Trading_WaitingForTrade" "Bytter genstande" "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForTrade" "Trading Items" "TF_Trading_WaitingForStart" "Tilbud om byttehandel accepteret, venter nu på server." "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForStart" "Offer to trade accepted, now waiting for server." "TF_Trading_WaitingForCancel" "Annullerer byttehandel." "[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForCancel" "Canceling trade." "TF_Trading_JoinTitle" "Lyst til at bytte?" "[english]TF_Trading_JoinTitle" "Want to Trade?" "TF_Trading_JoinText" "%initiator% vil bytte med dig!" "[english]TF_Trading_JoinText" "%initiator% wants to trade with you!" "TF_Trading_JoinCancel" "Nej tak" "[english]TF_Trading_JoinCancel" "No Thanks" "TF_Trading_DeclinedText" "Den anden spiller har afvist bytteanmodningen." "[english]TF_Trading_DeclinedText" "The other player has declined the trade request." "TF_Trading_VACBannedText" "Du har ikke rettigheder til at bytte." "[english]TF_Trading_VACBannedText" "You do not have trading privileges." "TF_Trading_VACBanned2Text" "Den anden spiller har ikke rettigheder til at bytte i øjeblikket." "[english]TF_Trading_VACBanned2Text" "The other player does not have trading privileges at this time." "TF_Trading_BusyText" "Den anden spiller er i øjeblikket optaget af at bytte med en anden." "[english]TF_Trading_BusyText" "The other player is currently busy trading with someone else." "TF_Trading_DisabledText" "Bytte af genstande er i øjeblikket slået fra." "[english]TF_Trading_DisabledText" "Trading items is currently disabled." "TF_Trading_NotLoggedIn" "Den anden spiller er ikke til stede til at bytte." "[english]TF_Trading_NotLoggedIn" "The other player is not available for trading." "TF_Trading_TooSoon" "Du skal vente mindst 30 sekunder mellem bytteanmodninger." "[english]TF_Trading_TooSoon" "You must wait at least 30 seconds between trade requests." "TF_Trading_TooSoonPenalty" "Du har foretaget for mange bytteanmodninger og må nu vente 2 minutter, før du starter flere byttehandler." "[english]TF_Trading_TooSoonPenalty" "You have made too many trade requests and must now wait 2 minutes before initiating any more trades." "TF_Trading_CanceledText" "Byttesessionen er blevet annulleret." "[english]TF_Trading_CanceledText" "The trading session has been canceled." "TF_Trading_ErrorText" "Der var et problem med at gennemføre byttehandlen." "[english]TF_Trading_ErrorText" "There was a problem completing the trade." "TF_Trading_StaleInventoryText" "Byttehandlen blev annulleret, fordi enkelte genstande ikke tilhører dig eller den anden spiller." "[english]TF_Trading_StaleInventoryText" "The trade was cancelled, because some items do not belong to you or the other player." "TF_Trading_UntradableText" "Byttehandlen blev annulleret, fordi nogle genstande ikke er tilladte i byttehandel." "[english]TF_Trading_UntradableText" "The trade was cancelled, because some items are not allowed in trading." "TF_Trading_NoItemsText" "Byttehandlen blev annulleret, fordi der ikke var nogen genstande at bytte." "[english]TF_Trading_NoItemsText" "The trade was cancelled, because there were no items to trade." "TF_Trading_TradedText" "Byttehandlen blev afsluttet!" "[english]TF_Trading_TradedText" "The trade was successfully completed!" "TF_TradeWindow_Title" "Bytter med %recipient%" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Title" "Trading with %recipient%" "TF_TradeWindow_Step1" "Vælg genstande fra din rygsæk" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step1" "Select Items from your Backpack" "TF_TradeWindow_Step1Desc" "Træk genstande til Dine tilbud for at inkludere dem i handlen." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step1Desc" "Drag items to Your Offerings to include them in the trade." "TF_TradeWindow_Step2" "Dine tilbud" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step2" "Your Offerings" "TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc" "Indeholder de genstande, du vil miste i handlen." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc" "These are the items you will lose in the trade." "TF_TradeWindow_Step3" "Deres tilbud" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step3" "Their Offerings" "TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc" "Dette er genstandene, du vil modtage i byttehandlen." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc" "These are the items you will receive in the trade." "TF_TradeWindow_Step4" "Udstillingsområde" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step4" "Showcase Area" "TF_TradeWindow_Step4Desc" "Disse genstande vil IKKE blive byttet." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step4Desc" "These items will NOT be traded." "TF_TradeWindow_WaitingForTrade" "Venter på begge partier \nat blive klar..." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_WaitingForTrade" "Waiting for both parties\nto be ready..." "TF_TradeWindow_TradeNow" "BYT NU!" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_TradeNow" "TRADE NOW!" "TF_TradeWindow_Trading" "Venter på andet parti" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Trading" "Waiting for other party" "TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis1" "" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis1" "" "TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis2" "." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis2" "." "TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis3" ".." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis3" ".." "TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis4" "..." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis4" "..." "TF_TradeWindow_MyNOTReady" "KLIK når du er klar til at bytte" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_MyNOTReady" "CLICK when ready to trade" "TF_TradeWindow_NotReady" "IKKE klar til at bytte" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_NotReady" "NOT ready to trade" "TF_TradeWindow_Ready" "KLAR til at bytte" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ready" "READY to trade" "TF_TradeWindow_Verifying" "Tilbud ændret, venter..." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Verifying" "Offer changed, waiting..." "TF_TradeWindow_ChatPrompt" "Chat:" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_ChatPrompt" "Chat :" "TF_TradeWindow_WarnPassword" "Fortæl aldrig din adgangskode til nogen." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_WarnPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone." "TF_TradeWindow_Tip_1" "Tryk på den anden spillers avatar til højre for deres navn for at se deres profil og bekræfte deres identitet." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Tip_1" "Click on the other player's avatar to the right of their name to view their profile and verify their identity." "TF_TradeStartDialog_Title" "Byttehandel" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_Title" "Trading" "TF_TradeStartDialog_Select" "Find en byttepartner fra..." "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_Select" "Find a trading partner from..." "TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectFriends" "Venneliste" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectFriends" "Friends List" "TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectServer" "Aktuelle server" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectServer" "Current Server" "TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectProfile" "Steam-profil" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_SelectProfile" "Steam Profile" "TF_TradeStartDialog_Friends" "Vælg en ven at bytte med:" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_Friends" "Select a friend to trade with:" "TF_TradeStartDialog_FriendsNone" "Ingen af dine venner spiller\nTF2 i øjeblikket." "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_FriendsNone" "None of your friends are\ncurrently playing TF2." "TF_TradeStartDialog_Server" "Vælg en spiller at bytte med:" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_Server" "Select a player to trade with:" "TF_TradeStartDialog_ServerNone" "Der er ikke andre spillere\npå din server." "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_ServerNone" "There are no other players\non your server." "TF_TradeStartDialog_Profile" "Indtast URL'en til en Steam-profil:" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_Profile" "Enter the URL of a Steam profile:" "TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileGo" "Send bytteanmodning" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileGo" "Send Trade Request" "TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileHelp" "URL'en skal være i et af disse to formater:\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileHelp" "The URL should be in one of these two formats:\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/\nhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" "TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileFail" "Kunne ikke finde spiller.\nDin URL er muligvis forkert,\neller spilleren kører muligvis ikke TF2." "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileFail" "Failed to find player.\nYour URL may be incorrect,\nor the player may not be running TF2." "TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileLookup" "Søger efter kontoen..." "[english]TF_TradeStartDialog_ProfileLookup" "Searching for the account..." "ArmoryFilter_AllItems" "Alle genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_AllItems" "All Items" "ArmoryFilter_Weapons" "Våben" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Weapons" "Weapons" "ArmoryFilter_Headgear" "Hovedudstyr" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Headgear" "Headgear" "ArmoryFilter_MiscItems" "Diverse genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_MiscItems" "Misc Items" "ArmoryFilter_ActionItems" "Handlingsgenstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_ActionItems" "Action Items" "ArmoryFilter_CraftItems" "Smedegenstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_CraftItems" "Craft Items" "ArmoryFilter_Tools" "Værktøjer" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Tools" "Tools" "ArmoryFilter_AllClass" "Genstande til alle klasser" "[english]ArmoryFilter_AllClass" "All-Class Items" "ArmoryFilter_Scout" "Scout-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Scout" "Scout Items" "ArmoryFilter_Sniper" "Sniper-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Sniper" "Sniper Items" "ArmoryFilter_Soldier" "Soldier-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Soldier" "Soldier Items" "ArmoryFilter_Demoman" "Demoman-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Demoman" "Demoman Items" "ArmoryFilter_Medic" "Medic-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Medic" "Medic Items" "ArmoryFilter_Heavy" "Heavy-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Heavy" "Heavy Items" "ArmoryFilter_Pyro" "Pyro-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Pyro" "Pyro Items" "ArmoryFilter_Spy" "Spy-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Spy" "Spy Items" "ArmoryFilter_Engineer" "Engineer-genstande" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Engineer" "Engineer Items" "ArmoryFilter_ItemSets" "Genstande i %s1" "[english]ArmoryFilter_ItemSets" "Items in %s1" "ArmoryButton_Wiki" "Genstandens Wiki-side" "[english]ArmoryButton_Wiki" "Item Wiki Page..." "ArmoryButton_SetDetails" "Undersøg dette genstandssæt" "[english]ArmoryButton_SetDetails" "Examine Set" "ArmoryButton_Store" "Se i butikken" "[english]ArmoryButton_Store" "View in Store" "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnHit" "Dette våben har en egenskab VED TRÆFFER. Denne egenskabs effekt træder i kraft, hver gang våbnet skader en fjende. Fjendtlige Spies, forklædt som en af dine holdkammerater, er en undtagelse: De vil ikke udløse anvendelsen af denne effekt, selv hvis de tager skade." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnHit" "This weapon has an ON HIT attribute. The effect of this attribute is applied each time the weapon damages an enemy. Enemy Spies disguised as one of your team mates are an exception: they will not trigger the application of this effect, even if they receive the damage." "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnKill" "Dette våben har en egenskab VED DRAB. Denne egenskabs effekt træder i kraft hver gang, våbnet gør det af med en fjende." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnKill" "This weapon has an ON KILL attribute. The effect of this attribute is applied each time the weapon lands the final blow on an enemy." "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnWearer" "Denne genstand har en egenskab FOR BÆREREN. Denne egenskabs effekt træder i kraft, når denne genstand er udstyret i spillerens udstyr, selv når denne genstand ikke er spillerens aktivt anvendte våben." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnWearer" "This item has an ON WEARER attribute. The effect of this attribute is applied to a player whenever this item is in their loadout, even when this item is not their actively wielded weapon." "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_CloakType" "Denne post ændrer SPY-USYNLIGHED. Når denne genstand anvendes i en Spy's udstyr, ændrer usynligheden adfærd til usynlighedstypen i egenskabsbeskrivelsen." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_CloakType" "This item modifies the SPY CLOAK. When this item is equipped in a Spy's loadout, the cloak changes its behavior to the cloak type listed in the attribute description." "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_NoCrits" "Dette våben kan ikke udføre TILFÆLDIG KRITISK SKADE. Almindelige våben har en chance for at udføre kritiske skud tilfældigt, men dette har ikke. Andre genstande og effekter, som forårsager kritiske, som Kritzkriegen, kan stadig tvinge dette våben til at udføre kritiske skud." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_NoCrits" "This weapon cannot perform RANDOM CRITICAL HITS. Normal weapons have a chance to perform critical hits randomly, but this one does not. Other items and effects that cause critical hits to occur, like The Kritzkrieg, can still force this weapon to perform critical hits." "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_Bleed" "Dette våben får fjender, som det sårer, til at BLØDE. Blødende spillere vil miste helbred hvert sekund inden for det angivne tidsrum. Blødningen stopper, hvis den blødende spiller heles, uanset måden." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_Bleed" "This weapon causes enemies hurt by it to BLEED. Bleeding players will lose health every second for the specified amount of time. Bleeding will stop if the bleeding player is healed in any way." "TF_Armory_Item_HolidayRestriction" "Brug af denne genstand er begrænset til en bestemt højtidsbegivenhed. Den kan kun anvendes i en klasses udstyr under den bestemte periode." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_HolidayRestriction" "Usage of this item is restricted to a specific holiday event. It can only be equipped in a class loadout during the specified holiday." "TF_Armory_Item_AchievementReward" "Denne genstand er en præstationsbelønning for at gennemføre '%s1'-præstationen." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_AchievementReward" "This item is an Achievement Reward for completing the '%s1' achievement." "TF_Armory_Item_InSet" "Denne genstand er en del af %s1-genstandssættet. Nogle genstandssæt giver ekstra bonusser, når hele sættet bæres på samme tid. %s1-genstandssættet giver denne genstandssæt-bonus:\n" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_InSet" "This item is part of %s1 item set. Some item sets provide extra bonuses when the entire set is worn at the same time. The %s1 set will provide this Item Set Bonus:\n" "TF_Armory_Item_Type_TauntEnabler" "Denne hånegenstand afspiller et tilpasset hån ved brug." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Type_TauntEnabler" "This Taunt Item plays a Custom Taunt when used." "TF_Armory_Item_Class_ClassToken" "Denne genstand er en klassepolet. Den bruges i smedeplaner til at angive, hvilken klasses genstande, der skal smedes. For eksempel: når man anbringer en Soldier-klassepolet i en plan, sikrer det, at kun Soldier-genstande bliver produceret ved smedning." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_ClassToken" "This item is a Class Token. It's used in crafting recipes to specify which class's items should be crafted. For example: putting a Soldier class token into a recipe will ensure only Soldier items will be produced by the craft." "TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "Denne genstand er en positionspolet. Den bruges i smedeplaner til at angive, hvilke genstande i udstyrsposition, der skal smedes. For eksempel: når man anbringer en Primær-positionspolet i en plan, sikrer det, at kun genstande fra den primære udstyrsposition bliver produceret ved smedningen." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "This item is a Slot Token. It's used in crafting recipes to specify which loadout slot's items should be crafted. For example: putting a Primary slot token into a recipe will ensure only items equipped in the Primary loadout slot will be produced by the craft." "TF_Armory_Item_Class_CraftItem" "Denne genstand er en smedegenstand. Den bruges udelukkende inden i smedeplaner, hvor den kan kombineres med andre genstande for at skabe mere værdifulde genstande." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_CraftItem" "This item is a Craft Item. It's only used inside crafting recipes, where it can be combined with other items to create more valuable items." "TF_Armory_Item_Class_Tool" "Denne genstand er et værktøj. Det kan bruges alene eller anvendes på en anden genstand i din rygsæk og forbruges under processen. Klik på knappen 'Brug' eller 'Brug med...' i rygsækken for at begynde at anvende den." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_Tool" "This item is a Tool. It can be used on its own or be applied to another item in your backpack, and is consumed in the process. Click the 'Use' or 'Use With...' button in the backpack to start the process of applying it." "TF_Armory_Item_StockItem" "Denne genstand er en standardgenstand. Standardgenstande er originale våben for en spillerklasse og er betragtet som 'specielle' genstande, da de ikke kan blive destrueret og ikke optager plads i rygsækken. Du kan stadig tilpasse dem med værktøjer og ved at gøre dette, vil de skabe en tilpasset klon af standardgenstanden." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_StockItem" "This item is a Stock Item. Stock items are the default weapons for a player class, and are considered 'special' items in that they cannot be destroyed, and take up no space in your backpack. You can still customize them with tools, and doing so will create a customized clone of the Stock Item." "TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageAllBundle" "Dette bundt indeholder genstande, der kan bruges af alle klasser." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageAllBundle" "This bundle contains items that can be used by all classes." "TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageBundle" "Dette bundt indeholder genstande, der kan bruges af: " "[english]TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageBundle" "This bundle contains items that can be used by the: " "TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageAll" "Denne genstand kan bruges af alle klasser." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsageAll" "This item can be used by all classes." "TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsage" "Denne genstand kan bruges af: " "[english]TF_Armory_Item_ClassUsage" "This item can be used by the: " "TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageAll" "Denne genstand anvendes i %s1-udstyrspositionen." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageAll" "This item is equipped in the %s1 loadout slot." "TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageClassHeader" "Denne genstand udstyres på følgende måde: " "[english]TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageClassHeader" "This item is equipped as follows: " "TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageClass" "i %s1-udstyrspositionen for %s2" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_SlotUsageClass" "in the %s1 loadout slot by the %s2" "TF_Armory_Item_ToolUsage" "Følgende værktøjer kan bruges på denne genstand: " "[english]TF_Armory_Item_ToolUsage" "The following tools can be used on this item: " "TF_Armory_Item_Bundle" "Dette bundt indeholder følgende genstande: " "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Bundle" "This bundle contains the following items: " "TF_Armory_Item_Action" "Denne genstand er en handlingsgenstand. Klik på rygsækkens 'Brug'-knap for at bruge den. Alternativt kan du udstyre den i handlingspositionen i en klasses udstyr, og trykke på tasten 'Brug genstand i handlingspositionen', som kan defineres i tastaturindstillingerne." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Action" "This item is an Action Item. Click on the backpack's 'Use' button to use it. Alternatively, equip it in the Action slot of a class loadout and press the 'Use Item in Action Slot' key, which can be bound in the Keyboard Settings." "TF_Armory_Item_Duel_Medal" "Denne genstand holder øje med alle dine duelstatistikker and resultaterne for seneste duel. For hver 10. duel du vinder, vil den stige i niveau (op til niveau 100) og fortjene dig et nyt duelminispil og en gratis genstand. For hvert 25. niveau vil den blive opgraderet til det næste trin." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Duel_Medal" "This item keeps track of lifetime dueling statistics and the results of the last duel. For every 10 duel wins, it will increase in level by 1 (up to level 100), earning you a new Dueling Mini-Game and a free item. Every 25 levels it will be upgraded to the next tier." "TF_Armory_Item_Duel" "Denne handlingsgenstand slår duelminispil til. Når den anvendes, lader den dig udfordre en anden spiller på det modsatte hold på serveren til en duel. Hvis vedkommende accepterer, begynder duellen. Denne genstand vil ikke blive opbrugt, hvis den anden spiller afviser duellen.\n\nVed slutningen af runden vil den, der har flest duelpoint, vinde. Drab og assisterede drab mod din modstander er 1 point værd.\n\nDenne genstand vil ikke blive opbrugt, hvis serveren skifter runde, eller hvis det bliver uafgjort 0-0 ved slutningen af runden." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Duel" "This Action Item enables the Dueling Mini-Game. When used, it allows you to challenge a player on the opposite team to a duel. If they accept, the duel begins. This item will not be consumed if the other player refuses the duel.\n\nAt the end of the round, whoever has more duel points wins. Kills and assists against your opponent are worth 1 point.\n\nThis item will not be consumed if the server changes map or the score is tied 0-0 at the end of the round." "TF_Armory_Item_Supply_Crate" "Denne kasse indeholder én af genstandene i sin beskrivelse. For at låse kassen op og modtage genstanden, skal du bruge en Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle, som kan købes i Mann Co.-butikken. Disse kasser indeholder nogle af de mest sjældne og værdifulde genstande i spillet, så kryds fingre før du låser dem op!" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Supply_Crate" "This crate contains one of the items listed in its description. To unlock the crate and retrieve the item, you must use a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key, which can be purchased inside the Mann Co. Store. These crates contain one of the rarest and most valuable items in the game, so cross your fingers before you unlock them!" "TF_Armory_Item_Key" "Denne nøgle kan bruges til at åbne en Mann Co.-forsyningskasse. Når den åbnes, modtager du én af genstandene på forsyningskassens genstandsliste." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Key" "This Key can be used to open one Mann Co. Supply Crate. When opened, you will receive one of the items on the Supply Crate's item list." "TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "Dette navneskilt kan bruges til at ændre navnet på en enkelt genstand permanent. Andre spillere vil se det navn, du vælger, i stedet for det oprindelige navn." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "This Name Tag can be used to permanently modify the name of a single item. Other players will see the name you choose instead of the original name." "TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "Denne malingsdåse kan bruges til permanent at ændre farven på en enkelt genstand. Ikke alle elementer kan males, så hvis du køber en genstand for at male den, skal du sikre dig, at oplysningerne om dem indeholder \"Malingsdåser\" som redskaber, der kan bruges på den." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "This Paint Can can be used to permanently change the color of a single item. Not all items are paintable, so if you're purchasing an item to paint it, ensure the details of that item lists 'Paint Cans' as tools that can be used on it." "TF_Armory_Item_Gift1" "Denne handlingsgenstand giver en tilfældig genstand til en enkelt anden spiller på din server." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift1" "This Action Item gives a random item to a single other player on your server." "TF_Armory_Item_Gift24" "Denne handlingsgenstand giver en tilfældig genstand til enhver anden spiller på din server, dog højst 23 andre spillere." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift24" "This Action Item gives a random item to every other player on your server, up to a maximum of 23 other players." "TF_PassiveAttribs" "Aktuelle på-bæreren-egenskaber:" "[english]TF_PassiveAttribs" "Current on-wearer attributes:" "TF_PassiveAttribs_None" "Ingen" "[english]TF_PassiveAttribs_None" "None" "TF_SelectPlayer_Select" "Find en spiller fra..." "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_Select" "Find a player from..." "TF_SelectPlayer_SelectFriends" "Venneliste" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_SelectFriends" "Friends List" "TF_SelectPlayer_SelectServer" "Aktuelle server" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_SelectServer" "Current Server" "TF_SelectPlayer_Friends" "Vælg en ven:" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_Friends" "Select a friend:" "TF_SelectPlayer_FriendsNone" "Ingen af dine gyldige venner\nspiller TF2 i øjeblikket." "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_FriendsNone" "None of your eligible friends are\ncurrently playing TF2." "TF_SelectPlayer_Server" "Vælg en spiller:" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_Server" "Select a player:" "TF_SelectPlayer_ServerNone" "Der er ingen andre gyldige spillere\npå din server." "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_ServerNone" "There are no other eligible players\non your server." "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Title" "Foretrukne sidste server?" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Title" "Favorite last Server?" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Text" "Gem den server, du lige var på, på favoritlisten, så du nemt kan vende tilbage til den igen?" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Text" "Save the server you were just on in your Favorites list so you can easily return to it again?" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Opt_Out" "Spørg aldrig om favoritter igen" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Favorite_Opt_Out" "Never ask about Favoriting again" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Title" "Forbyd sidste server?" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Title" "Blacklist last Server?" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Text" "Tilføj den server, du lige var på, til din forbudsliste, så du aldrig ser den igen?" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Text" "Add the server you were just on to your Blacklist so you never see it again?" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Opt_Out" "Spørg aldrig om forbudsliste igen" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Blacklist_Opt_Out" "Never ask about Blacklisting again" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_Yes" "Ja" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_Yes" "Yes" "TF_Serverlist_Ask_No" "Nej" "[english]TF_Serverlist_Ask_No" "No" "TF_Weapon_Gloves" "Boksehandsker" "[english]TF_Weapon_Gloves" "Boxing Gloves" "TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Title" "Levér en gave" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Title" "Deliver a Gift" "TF_DemomanPirate" "Randet Regnfanger" "[english]TF_DemomanPirate" "Rimmed Raincatcher" "TF_DemomanPirate_Desc" "Fordi der ingen allitteration er,\nsom allitteration med et 'ARR!'" "[english]TF_DemomanPirate_Desc" "Because there's no alliteration\nlike alliteration with an 'ARR!'" "TF_loadoutrespawn" "Auto. tilbagevendelse efter udstyrsændringer i tilbagevendings-zoner." "[english]TF_loadoutrespawn" "Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones." "RefurbishItem" "Gendan?" "[english]RefurbishItem" "Restore?" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Fjern maling?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Vil du fjerne den tilpassede farve %confirm_dialog_token% fra denne genstand og gendanne dens originale farve?\n\n(Malingen vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Remove the custom color %confirm_dialog_token% from this item, restoring its original color?\n\n(Paint will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "Fjern navn?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "Remove Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveName" "Vil du fjerne det tilpassede navn fra denne genstand og gendanne dens oprindelige navn?\n\n(Navneskiltet vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveName" "Remove the custom name from this item, restoring its original name?\n\n(Name Tag will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_Yes" "Ja, fjern det" "[english]RefurbishItem_Yes" "Yes, Wipe It" "RefurbishItem_No" "Nej, behold det" "[english]RefurbishItem_No" "No, Leave It" "ToolGiftWrapConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil pakke denne genstand ind?" "[english]ToolGiftWrapConfirm" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?" "ToolGiftWrapInProgress" "Pakker din gave ind" "[english]ToolGiftWrapInProgress" "Wrapping your Gift" "Craft_Untradable_Title" "Advarsel" "[english]Craft_Untradable_Title" "Warning" "Craft_Untradable_Text" "Mindst én af de genstande, som du forsøger at smede, kan ikke byttes eller sælges. Dette vil resultere i at det, som du er ved at smede, heller ikke vil kunne byttes eller sælges. Er du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte?" "[english]Craft_Untradable_Text" "At least one item you are attempting to craft is untradable and unmarketable. As a result, any crafted items will also be untradable and unmarketable. Are you sure you want to continue?" "RI_Sh" "sæthovedudstyr" "[english]RI_Sh" "set headgear" "RI_SIc" ", 1 sætvåben" "[english]RI_SIc" ", 1 Set weapon" "RO_SH" "bestemt del af et sæthovedudstyr." "[english]RO_SH" "specific piece of Set headgear" "TF_Tool_Giftwrap" "Gavepapir" "[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap" "Gift Wrap" "TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Bruges til at pakke genstande, der kan byttes, ind, så de kan sendes til andre." "[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Desc" "Used to wrap tradable items for gifting." "TF_Tool_Gift" "En Yderst Forsigtigt Indpakket Gave" "[english]TF_Tool_Gift" "A Carefully Wrapped Gift" "Econ_Set_Bonus" "Genstandssæt-bonus:" "[english]Econ_Set_Bonus" "Item Set Bonus:" "Attrib_InUse" "I brug" "[english]Attrib_InUse" "Currently In Use" "Attrib_SpecialItem" "Kan ikke byttes, sælges eller bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_SpecialItem" "Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Indeholder: %s1" "[english]Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1" "TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "Dette gavepapir kan bruges til at pakke en genstand, som en gave, til en anden spiller. Indpakkede gaver kan sendes til spillere, der er offline. Kun genstande, der kan byttes, kan med gavepapir pakkes ind og sendes." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This Gift Wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Only items that are tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap." "TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Dette er en indpakket gave. Personen, som pakkede den, kan sende gaven til en spiller, eller en anden spiller kan åbne den og modtage genstanden, som befinder sig inden i." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a Wrapped Gift. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside." "TF_HasNewItems" "Du har nye genstande!" "[english]TF_HasNewItems" "You have new items!" "Attrib_Renamed" "Denne genstand er blevet omdøbt.\nOprindelige navn: \"%s1\"" "[english]Attrib_Renamed" "This item has been renamed.\nOriginal name: \"%s1\"" "TF_TradeWindow_Tip_2" "Undgå at lave byttehandler, som involverer mere end én enkel byttehandel. Svindlere gennemfører muligvis ikke de følgende byttehandler." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Tip_2" "Avoid making deals that involve more than a single trade. Scammers may not follow through on the successive trades." "TF_TradeWindow_Tip_3" "Bekræft at de genstande, du bytter for, ikke er omdøbte genstande forklædte som sjældne genstande. Inspicer hver genstand forsigtigt. Omdøbte genstande vil have citationstegn rundt om deres navne." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Tip_3" "Verify that the items you're trading for aren't renamed items masquerading as rare items. Inspect each item carefully. Renamed items will have quotation marks around their names." "TF_TradeWindow_Scam_MaxTrade" "Advarsel om svindel: lav aldrig byttehandler, som involverer mere end én byttehandel. Svindlere vil forsvinde efter den første byttehandel er fuldført!\n" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Scam_MaxTrade" "Scam warning: never make deals that involve more than a single trade. Scammers will vanish after the first trade is completed!\n" "TF_TradeWindow_Scam_Renamed" "Advarsel om svindel: den anden person byder en genstand, som er blevet omdøbt, for at ligne en genstand af højere kvalitet!\n" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Scam_Renamed" "Scam warning: the other person is offering an item that has been renamed to look like a higher quality item!\n" "TF_TradeWindow_Change_Added" "%s1 tilføjede: %s2\n" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Change_Added" "%s1 added: %s2\n" "TF_TradeWindow_Change_Removed" "%s1 fjernede: %s2\n" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Change_Removed" "%s1 removed: %s2\n" "TF_TradeWindow_Change_Name" "%s1 (en omdøbt %s2)" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Change_Name" "%s1 (a renamed %s2)" "TF_NoiseMaker" "Støjskaber" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker" "Noise Maker" "TF_NoiseMaker_CrazyLaugh" "Støjskaber - Skørt Grin" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_CrazyLaugh" "Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh" "TF_NoiseMaker_Werewolf" "Støjskaber - Varulv" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Werewolf" "Noise Maker - Werewolf" "TF_NoiseMaker_BlackCat" "Støjskaber - Sort Kat" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_BlackCat" "Noise Maker - Black Cat" "TF_NoiseMaker_Banshee" "Støjskaber - Banshee" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Banshee" "Noise Maker - Banshee" "TF_NoiseMaker_Witch" "Støjskaber - Heks" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Witch" "Noise Maker - Witch" "TF_NoiseMaker_Gremlin" "Støjskaber - Gremlin" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Gremlin" "Noise Maker - Gremlin" "TF_NoiseMaker_Stabby" "Støjskaber - Stikkende" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Stabby" "Noise Maker - Stabby" "TF_NoiseMaker_Exhausted" "Du har brugt alle dine støjskabers ladninger." "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Exhausted" "You have used all of your Noise Maker's charges." "TF_Party_Favor" "Festtjeneste" "[english]TF_Party_Favor" "Party Favor" "TF_Armory_Item_Type_NoiseMaker" "Afspiller en tema-lyd, når den bruges. Udstyr denne genstand i din handlingsposition og brug den i et igangværende spil. En ladning vil blive opbrugt, når genstanden bruges." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Type_NoiseMaker" "Plays a themed sound when used. Equip this item in your Action slot and use it during a game. A charge will be consumed when the item is used." "TF_Bundle_HalloweenNoiseMaker" "Støjskaber-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_HalloweenNoiseMaker" "Noise Maker Bundle" "TF_Bundle_HalloweenNoiseMaker_Desc" "Inkluderer en af hver af halloween-støjskaberne. Hver støjskaber har 25 ladninger." "[english]TF_Bundle_HalloweenNoiseMaker_Desc" "Includes one of each Halloween Noise Maker. Each Noise Maker has 25 charges." "TF_Halloween_Head" "Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemanns Hoved" "[english]TF_Halloween_Head" "Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head" "TF_Halloween_Head_Desc" "Han havde et fra starten af..." "[english]TF_Halloween_Head_Desc" "He had one all along..." "TF_Domination_Hat_2011" "Gyselig Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_2011" "Ghastly Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_2011_Desc" "Elegant enkelhed og gammeldags charme kombineret med de berusende aromaer af mug og gravstøv." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_2011_Desc" "Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust." "TF_Worms_Gear_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Worms_Gear_Desc" "" "TF_TheAttendant_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TheAttendant_Desc" "" "TF_TheMilkman_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TheMilkman_Desc" "" "TF_TheFamiliarFez_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TheFamiliarFez_Desc" "" "TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap_Desc" "" "TF_OlSnaggletooth_Desc" "" "[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth_Desc" "" "TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump_Desc" "En speciel ingen-skade klæbebombekaster til at lære klæbebombehoppe-tricks og mønstre." "[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump_Desc" "A special no-damage stickybomb launcher for learning stickybomb jump tricks and patterns." "TF_MannCoCap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MannCoCap_Desc" "" "TF_Cadavers_Cranium" "Kadaverets Kranium" "[english]TF_Cadavers_Cranium" "Cadaver's Cranium" "TF_Horrific_Headsplitter" "Skrækkelig Hovedsplitter" "[english]TF_Horrific_Headsplitter" "Horrific Headsplitter" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap" "Rygradsrystende Kranium" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap" "Spine-Chilling Skull" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap_Desc" "Udtryk dit udødelige had for de levende." "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap_Desc" "Express your undying hatred for the living." "TF_Halloween_Voodoo" "Voodoo Juju" "[english]TF_Halloween_Voodoo" "Voodoo Juju" "TF_Halloween_Voodoo_Desc" "Kun de fineste læderhatte leveres med tatoveringer og piercinger." "[english]TF_Halloween_Voodoo_Desc" "Only the finest leather hats come with tattoos and piercings." "TF_Halloween_Mask_Scout" "Scout-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Scout" "Scout Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Sniper" "Sniper-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Sniper" "Sniper Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Soldier" "Soldier-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Soldier" "Soldier Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Demoman" "Demoman-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Demoman" "Demoman Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Medic" "Medic-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Medic" "Medic Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Heavy" "Heavy-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Heavy" "Heavy Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Spy" "Spy-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Spy" "Spy Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Engineer" "Engineer-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Engineer" "Engineer Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_Pyro" "Pyro-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_Pyro" "Pyro Mask" "TF_Halloween_Mask_SaxtonHale" "Saxton Hale-maske" "[english]TF_Halloween_Mask_SaxtonHale" "Saxton Hale Mask" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_NAME" "Sleepy Holl0WND" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_NAME" "Sleepy Holl0WND" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_DESC" "Dræb den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_DESC" "Kill the Horseless Headless Horsemann." "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Gennemboret!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Gored!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Saml den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemanns hjemsøgte metal." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Collect the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Haunted Metal." "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_NAME" "Maskeret Mann" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_NAME" "Masked Mann" "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Indsaml en sjælgargoil i Mann Manor." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_GOODY_BAG_DESC" "Collect a Soul Gargoyle in Mann Manor." "TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_NAME" "Sackston Hale" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_NAME" "Sackston Hale" "TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_DESC" "Fremstil Saxton Hale-masken." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_DESC" "Craft the Saxton Hale Mask." "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "Den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_ANNOUNCE_VICTIM" "%s1 er DEN!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_ANNOUNCE_VICTIM" "%s1 is IT!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_VICTIM" "DU ER DEN! RAM EN FJENDE MED ET NÆRKAMPSVÅBEN FOR AT MARKERE DEM SOM \"DEN\"!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_VICTIM" "YOU ARE IT! MELEE HIT AN ENEMY TO TAG THEM IT!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_ANNOUNCE_TAG" "%s1 markerede %s2 som DEN!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_ANNOUNCE_TAG" "%s1 tagged %s2 as IT!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_AGGRO" "Du har gjort den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann vred!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_WARN_AGGRO" "You have angered the Horseless Headless Horsemann!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_LOST_AGGRO" "Du er ikke længere DEN." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_BOSS_LOST_AGGRO" "You are no longer IT." "WrapGift" "Pak gave ind" "[english]WrapGift" "Wrap Gift" "UnwrapGift" "Pak gave ud" "[english]UnwrapGift" "Unwrap Gift" "DeliverGift" "Levér gave" "[english]DeliverGift" "Deliver Gift" "NoAction" "INGEN HANDLING" "[english]NoAction" "NO ACTION" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDescTitle" "Fjern beskrivelse?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveDescTitle" "Remove Desc?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDesc" "Vil du fjerne beskrivelsen fra denne genstand og gendanne dens originale beskrivelse?\n\n(Beskrivelsesmærket vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveDesc" "Remove the description from this item, restoring its original description?\n\n(Description Tag will be discarded)" "ToolItemRenameOldItemDesc" "Nuværende genstandsbeskrivelse:" "[english]ToolItemRenameOldItemDesc" "Current Item Desc:" "ToolItemRenameNewItemDesc" "Ny genstandsbeskrivelse:" "[english]ToolItemRenameNewItemDesc" "New Item Desc:" "CraftDescribeOk" "Beskriv den!" "[english]CraftDescribeOk" "Describe It!" "ToolGiftUnwrapInProgress" "Pakker gaven ud" "[english]ToolGiftUnwrapInProgress" "Unwrapping the Gift" "TF_UnwrapGift_Title" "Pak en gave ud" "[english]TF_UnwrapGift_Title" "Unwrap a Gift" "TF_UnwrapGift_Text" "Er du sikker på, at du vil pakke denne gave ud?" "[english]TF_UnwrapGift_Text" "Are you sure you want to unwrap this gift?" "RI_HHg" "Hjemsøgt Hovedudstyr" "[english]RI_HHg" "Haunted Headgear" "TF_Haunted_Metal" "Hjemsøgt Skrotmetal" "[english]TF_Haunted_Metal" "Haunted Metal Scrap" "TF_Haunted_Metal_Desc" "Dette er skrotmetal taget fra den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann. Det hvisker svagt...'hoveder'..." "[english]TF_Haunted_Metal_Desc" "This is metal scrap taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'..." "RI_Mask" "Kræver: 9 unikke Halloweenmasker" "[english]RI_Mask" "Requires: 9 Unique Halloween Masks" "RO_Mask" "Producerer: 1 Saxton Hale-halloweenmaske" "[english]RO_Mask" "Produces: 1 Saxton Hale Halloween Mask" "RT_SaxtonMask" "Fremstil en Saxton Hale-halloweenmaske" "[english]RT_SaxtonMask" "Fabricate Saxton Hale Halloween Mask" "TF_T_Dt" "Beskrivelsesmærke" "[english]TF_T_Dt" "Description Tag" "TF_Tool_Desctag_Desc" "Ændrer beskrivelsen på en genstand i din rygsæk" "[english]TF_Tool_Desctag_Desc" "Changes the description of an item in your backpack" "Attrib_CustomDesc" "Denne genstand har en brugerskrevet beskrivelse:" "[english]Attrib_CustomDesc" "This item has a user written description:" "Attrib_Halloween_Item" "Dette er en særlig Halloween %s1-genstand" "[english]Attrib_Halloween_Item" "This is a special Halloween %s1 item" "TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "Klæbehopperen" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "The Sticky Jumper" "TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "Den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemanns Hovedtager" "[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker" "TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "Forbandet af onde sjæle lignende\ndem som dvæler i Højlandsklingen." "[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "Cursed by dark spirits similar to\nthose that dwell within the Eyelander." "Item_GiftWrapped" "%s1 har pakket en gave ind:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_GiftWrapped" "%s1 has wrapped a gift:: %s2 %s3" "Store_Halloween" "Halloween" "[english]Store_Halloween" "Halloween" "Store_HalloweenSale" "Dette spøgelsesagtige halloweenudsalg varer indtil d. 7. november. Nogle af disse genstande vil ikke længere være tilgængelige, når udsalget slutter!" "[english]Store_HalloweenSale" "This ghostly Halloween sale lasts until November 7th. Some of these items will no longer be available once the sale ends!" "TF_Armory_Item_DescTag" "Dette beskrivelsesmærke kan bruges til at ændre beskrivelsen af én genstand permanent. Andre spillere vil se den beskrivelse, du vælger, i stedet for den oprindelige beskrivelse. En tilpasset beskrivelse kan føjes til genstande, som normalt ikke har en." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_DescTag" "This Description Tag can be used to permanently modify the description of a single item. Other players will see the description you choose instead of the original description. A custom description can be added to items that don't normally have one." "TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "Denne genstand er kun tilgængelig i butikken i en begrænset periode! Denne genstand er i øjeblikket ikke mulig at finde i kasser eller ved tilfældighed." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time! This item is not currently available as a loot or crate drop." "TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved" "En hjemsøgt halloweengave er på mystisk vis dukket op et eller andet sted, efterladt kun til dig. Skynd dig at finde den!" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved" "A Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere, placed just for you. Go and find it!" "TF_HalloweenItem_Granted" "%recipient% fandt den hjemsøgte halloweengave!" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Granted" "%recipient% found the Haunted Halloween Gift!" "TF_Halloween_Boss_Appeared" "Den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann er kommet frem!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Boss_Appeared" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann has appeared!\n" "TF_Halloween_Boss_Killed" "Den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann er blevet besejret!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Boss_Killed" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann has been defeated!\n" "TF_Halloween_Boss_Killers" "%s1 har besejret den Hesteløse Hovedløse Hestemann!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Boss_Killers" "%s1 has defeated the Horseless Headless Horsemann!\n" "TF_Wearable_Glasses" "Briller" "[english]TF_Wearable_Glasses" "Glasses" "TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Title" "Gavelevering" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Title" "Gift Delivery" "TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success" "Gaven er blevet leveret!" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success" "The gift has been delivered!" "TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Fail" "Ude af stand til at levere gaven." "[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Fail" "Unable to deliver the gift." "TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_VAC" "Modtageren har ikke rettigheder til at modtage en gave." "[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_VAC" "The recipient does not have privileges to receive a gift." "TF_Duel_Refund_Kicked" "Duellem mellem %initiator% og %target% er afsluttet, fordi en spiller er blevet smidt ud. Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Refund_Kicked" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% has ended, because a player has been kicked. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_ItemExpiration" "Denne genstand udløber d. %s1." "[english]TF_ItemExpiration" "This item will expire on %s1." "TF_KF_Pyro_Mask" "Fosters Facade" "[english]TF_KF_Pyro_Mask" "Foster's Facade" "TF_KF_Pyro_Tie" "Børsmæglerens Slips" "[english]TF_KF_Pyro_Tie" "Stockbroker's Scarf" "TF_Horrific_Headsplitter_Desc" "Når man bærer sådan en hovedbeklædning, er det bedst at være åbensindet." "[english]TF_Horrific_Headsplitter_Desc" "When wearing such a piece of headgear it is best to keep an open mind." "TF_TTG_PokerVisor" "Dealerens Solskærm" "[english]TF_TTG_PokerVisor" "Dealer's Visor" "TF_TTG_PokerVisor_Desc" "Prøv ikke på at bluffe Sasha." "[english]TF_TTG_PokerVisor_Desc" "Do not try to bluff Sasha." "TF_TTG_Glasses" "Dangeresque, Too?" "[english]TF_TTG_Glasses" "Dangeresque, Too?" "TF_TTG_Glasses_Desc" "Plask potten med alt hvad du har." "[english]TF_TTG_Glasses_Desc" "Splash the pot with all you got." "TF_TTG_Badge" "Licens til at Lemlæste" "[english]TF_TTG_Badge" "License to Maim" "TF_TTG_Badge_Desc" "Og dræbe, og ødelægge, og knuse, og bide. Dog mest lemlæste." "[english]TF_TTG_Badge_Desc" "And kill, and break, and smash, and bite. Mainly maim, though." "TF_Portal2_Pin" "Ledsagerkube-broche" "[english]TF_Portal2_Pin" "Companion Cube Pin" "CraftUpdate_Denied" "Du har ikke tilstrækkelige privilegier til at smede." "[english]CraftUpdate_Denied" "You do not have sufficient privileges to craft." "TF_WinterCrate" "Festlig Vinterkasse" "[english]TF_WinterCrate" "Festive Winter Crate" "TF_WinterCrate_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne festlige kasse kan ikke længere åbnes og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_WinterCrate_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this festive crate can no longer be opened and is purely decorative." "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor_Desc" "Bruges til at male andre genstande den farve, som dit nuværende hold er." "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor_Desc" "Used to paint other items the color of your current team." "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor" "Holdånd" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor" "Team Spirit" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_15" "Pink Som Bare Helvede" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_15" "Pink as Hell" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_16" "En Farve i Lighed med Skifer" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_16" "A Color Similar to Slate" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_17" "Dyster Olivengrøn" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_17" "Drably Olive" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_18" "Den Bitre Smag af Nederlag og Lime" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_18" "The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_19" "Farven på en Gentlemanns Forretningsbukser" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_19" "The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_20" "Mørk Laksefarvet Uretfærdighed" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_20" "Dark Salmon Injustice" "TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "" "[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The " "TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "En" "[english]TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "A" "TF_TreasureHat_1" "Dusørhat" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_1" "Bounty Hat" "TF_TreasureHat_2" "Skattehat" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_2" "Treasure Hat" "TF_TreasureHat_3" "Hat af Ubestridelig Rigdom og Respekt" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_3" "Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect" "TF_TreasureHat_1_Desc" "Optjent ved at fuldføre 5 objektiver i 'Den store Steam-skattejagt'" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_1_Desc" "Earned by completing 5 objectives in 'The Great Steam Treasure Hunt'" "TF_TreasureHat_2_Desc" "Optjent ved at fuldføre 15 objektiver i 'Den store Steam-skattejagt'" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_2_Desc" "Earned by completing 15 objectives in 'The Great Steam Treasure Hunt'" "TF_TreasureHat_3_Desc" "Optjent ved at fuldføre 28 objektiver i 'Den store Steam-skattejagt'" "[english]TF_TreasureHat_3_Desc" "Earned by completing 28 objectives in 'The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.' Beware the Cephalopod padlock." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "Der opstod en fejl med din transaktion. Kontakt venligst support for hjælp." "[english]StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "There was an error with your transaction. Please contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Advarsel" "[english]StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning" "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Kontakt" "[english]StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Contact" "TF_Armory_Item_Winter_Crate" "Denne kasse indeholder en genstand, men det er ikke til at vide hvilken. Kassen vil forsvinde i slutningen af året, så du bør åbne den, før den forsvinder!" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Winter_Crate" "This crate contains an item, but it isn't clear what. The crate will disappear at the end of the year, so you should open it before it's gone!" "TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "Armbrøst" "[english]TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "Crossbow" "TF_Weapon_StickBomb" "Bombestok" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickBomb" "Stick Bomb" "TF_Weapon_GardenRake" "Haverive" "[english]TF_Weapon_GardenRake" "Garden Rake" "TF_MapToken" "Banefrimærke" "[english]TF_MapToken" "Map Stamp" "TF_Bundle_ExcessiveBundle" "En Forhandlende Manns Bunke af Gode Handler" "[english]TF_Bundle_ExcessiveBundle" "A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains" "TF_Bundle_ExcessiveBundle_Desc" "Inkluderer alle genstande fra Polycount-pakken og Vinteropdaterings-pakken:" "[english]TF_Bundle_ExcessiveBundle_Desc" "Includes all items from the Polycount Pack and the Winter Update Pack:" "TF_Bundle_WinterUpdate" "Vinteropdateringspakken" "[english]TF_Bundle_WinterUpdate" "Winter Update Pack" "TF_Bundle_WinterUpdate_Desc" "Inkluderer alle klassesæt-genstandene fra Vinteropdateringen:" "[english]TF_Bundle_WinterUpdate_Desc" "Includes all of the Winter Update class set items:" "TF_Bundle_MedievalMedic" "Den Middelalderlige Medic" "[english]TF_Bundle_MedievalMedic" "The Medieval Medic" "TF_Bundle_MedievalMedic_Desc" "Inkluderer disse middelalder-tema Medic-genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_MedievalMedic_Desc" "Includes these medieval themed Medic items:" "TF_Bundle_HibernatingBear" "Bjørnen i Hi" "[english]TF_Bundle_HibernatingBear" "The Hibernating Bear" "TF_Bundle_HibernatingBear_Desc" "Inkluderer disse Heavy-genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_HibernatingBear_Desc" "Includes these Heavy items:" "TF_Bundle_ExpertsOrdnance" "Ekspertens Artilleri" "[english]TF_Bundle_ExpertsOrdnance" "The Expert's Ordnance" "TF_Bundle_ExpertsOrdnance_Desc" "Inkluderer disse Demoman-genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_ExpertsOrdnance_Desc" "Includes these Demoman items:" "TF_Bundle_FancyHats" "Kasse med Smarte Hatte" "[english]TF_Bundle_FancyHats" "Box of Fancy Hats" "TF_Bundle_FancyHats_Desc" "Indeholder en variation af utrolig flotte hatte:" "[english]TF_Bundle_FancyHats_Desc" "Contains a variety of incredibly fancy hats:" "TF_Bundle_MapTokens" "Banefrimærkesamling" "[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens" "Map Stamps Collection" "TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Inkluderer ét frimærke for hver bane lavet af fællesskabet:" "[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Includes one stamp for each community-made map:" "TF_FlippedTrilby" "Vendt Trilby" "[english]TF_FlippedTrilby" "Flipped Trilby" "TF_GermanGonzila" "Tysk Gonzila" "[english]TF_GermanGonzila" "German Gonzila" "TF_BuckaroosHat" "Buckarooens Hat" "[english]TF_BuckaroosHat" "Buckaroo's Hat" "TF_MadameDixie" "Madame Dixie" "[english]TF_MadameDixie" "Madame Dixie" "TF_DetectiveNoir" "Détective Noir" "[english]TF_DetectiveNoir" "Détective Noir" "TF_CoupeDisaster" "Tragisk Toupé" "[english]TF_CoupeDisaster" "Coupe D'isaster" "TF_PartyPhantom" "Le Festfantom" "[english]TF_PartyPhantom" "Le Party Phantom" "TF_ColoredLights" "Industriel Festliggører" "[english]TF_ColoredLights" "Industrial Festivizer" "TF_ExquisiteRack" "Udsøgt Gevir" "[english]TF_ExquisiteRack" "Exquisite Rack" "TF_DefiantSpartan" "Trodsig Spartaner" "[english]TF_DefiantSpartan" "Defiant Spartan" "TF_FestiveTree" "Et Temmelig Festligt Træ" "[english]TF_FestiveTree" "A Rather Festive Tree" "TF_TavishCrown" "Prins Tavishs Krone" "[english]TF_TavishCrown" "Prince Tavish's Crown" "TF_MagnificentMongolian" "Mongolsk Pragt" "[english]TF_MagnificentMongolian" "Magnificent Mongolian" "TF_LarrikinRobin" "Robins Rejsefælle" "[english]TF_LarrikinRobin" "Larrikin Robin" "TF_BlightedBeak" "Befængt Næb" "[english]TF_BlightedBeak" "Blighted Beak" "TF_PyromancersMask" "Ildbetvingerens Maske" "[english]TF_PyromancersMask" "Pyromancer's Mask" "TF_PrancersPride" "Rudolfs Stolthed" "[english]TF_PrancersPride" "Prancer's Pride" "TF_BerlinersBucketHelm" "Berlinerens Spandehjelm" "[english]TF_BerlinersBucketHelm" "Berliner's Bucket Helm" "TF_BerlinersBucketHelm_Desc" "" "[english]TF_BerlinersBucketHelm_Desc" "" "TF_ScotchBonnet" "Skotsk Kyse" "[english]TF_ScotchBonnet" "Scotch Bonnet" "TF_ScotchBOnnet_Desc" "Lad ikke de fjolser tage dit gode øje!" "[english]TF_ScotchBOnnet_Desc" "Don't let those ninnies take yer good eye!" "cp_fastlane_authors" "Arttu 'SK' Mäki" "[english]cp_fastlane_authors" "Arttu 'SK' Mäki" "ctf_turbine_authors" "Flobster" "[english]ctf_turbine_authors" "Flobster" "cp_steel_authors" "Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson\nDan 'Irish Taxi Driver' Merboth\nFLOOR_MASTER" "[english]cp_steel_authors" "Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson\nDan 'Irish Taxi Driver' Merboth\nFLOOR_MASTER" "cp_egypt_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "[english]cp_egypt_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "cp_junction_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "[english]cp_junction_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "arena_watchtower_authors" "Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet" "[english]arena_watchtower_authors" "Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet" "pl_hoodoo_final_authors" "Tim 'YM' Johnson\nJeroen 'Snipergen' Dessaux\nFay L. 'nineaxis' Fabry\nDrew 'Oxy' Fletcher" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_authors" "Tim 'YM' Johnson\nJeroen 'Snipergen' Dessaux\nFay L. 'nineaxis' Fabry\nDrew 'Oxy' Fletcher" "arena_offblast_final_authors" "Magnar 'insta' Jenssen" "[english]arena_offblast_final_authors" "Magnar 'insta' Jenssen" "cp_yukon_final_authors" "Patrick \"MangyCarface\" Mulholland\nFreya \"Acegikmo\" Holmér" "[english]cp_yukon_final_authors" "Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland\nFreya 'Acegikmo' Holmér" "koth_harvest_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "[english]koth_harvest_final_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino" "cp_freight_final1_authors" "Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson\nMitch 'ol' Robb" "[english]cp_freight_final1_authors" "Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson\nMitch 'ol' Robb" "cp_coldfront_authors" "Eric 'Icarus' Wong\nDavid 'Selentic' Simon\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nTim 'YM'Johnson" "[english]cp_coldfront_authors" "Eric 'Icarus' Wong\nDavid 'Selentic' Simon\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nTim 'YM'Johnson" "cp_mountainlab" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "[english]cp_mountainlab" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "cp_manor_event_authors" "Tim 'YM' Johnson\nAlex 'Rexy' Kreeger" "[english]cp_manor_event_authors" "Tim 'YM' Johnson\nAlex 'Rexy' Kreeger" "TF_Contributed" "Tak, %playername%, fordi du støtter denne bane!" "[english]TF_Contributed" "Thanks %playername% for supporting this map!" "TF_DuelLeaderboard_Title" "Flest vundne dueller" "[english]TF_DuelLeaderboard_Title" "Top Duel Wins" "TF_MapAuthors_Community_Title" "En fællesskabsbane lavet af" "[english]TF_MapAuthors_Community_Title" "A Community Map Made By" "TF_MapDonators_Title" "Støttere (%s1 på verdensplan!)" "[english]TF_MapDonators_Title" "Supporters (%s1 Worldwide!)" "TF_WorldTraveler" "Verdensrejsendes Hat" "[english]TF_WorldTraveler" "World Traveler's Hat" "TF_WorldTraveler_Desc" "Givet til generøse sjæle, der har doneret til fællesskabsbaneskabere. Effekten er kun synlig på baner, der er doneret til!" "[english]TF_WorldTraveler_Desc" "Given to generous souls who have donated to community map makers. The effect will only be visible while on a map that has been donated towards!" "TF_Egypt" "Egypt" "[english]TF_Egypt" "Egypt" "TF_MapToken_Egypt" "Banefrimærke - Egypt" "[english]TF_MapToken_Egypt" "Map Stamp - Egypt" "TF_MapToken_Egypt_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Egypt-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Egypt_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Egypt community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Coldfront" "Coldfront" "[english]TF_Coldfront" "Coldfront" "TF_MapToken_Coldfront" "Banefrimærke - Coldfront" "[english]TF_MapToken_Coldfront" "Map Stamp - Coldfront" "TF_MapToken_Coldfront_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Eric \"Icarus\" Wong, David \"Selentic\" Simon, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig og Tim \"YM\" Johnson\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Coldfront-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Coldfront_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Eric 'Icarus' Wong, David 'Selentic' Simon, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, and Tim 'YM'Johnson\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Coldfront community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Fastlane" "Fastlane" "[english]TF_Fastlane" "Fastlane" "TF_MapToken_Fastlane" "Banefrimærke - Fastlane" "[english]TF_MapToken_Fastlane" "Map Stamp - Fastlane" "TF_MapToken_Fastlane_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Arttu 'SK' Mäki\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Fastlane-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Fastlane_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Arttu 'SK' Mäki\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Fastlane community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Turbine" "Turbine" "[english]TF_Turbine" "Turbine" "TF_MapToken_Turbine" "Banefrimærke - Turbine" "[english]TF_MapToken_Turbine" "Map Stamp - Turbine" "TF_MapToken_Turbine_Desc" "En Capture the Flag-bane\n\nLavet af Flobster\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Turbine-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Turbine_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Flobster\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Turbine community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Steel" "Steel" "[english]TF_Steel" "Steel" "TF_MapToken_Steel" "Banefrimærke - Steel" "[english]TF_MapToken_Steel" "Map Stamp - Steel" "TF_MapToken_Steel_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson, Dan 'Irish Taxi Driver' Merboth og FLOOR_MASTER\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Steel-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Steel_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson, Dan 'Irish Taxi Driver' Merboth, and FLOOR_MASTER\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Steel community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Junction" "Junction" "[english]TF_Junction" "Junction" "TF_MapToken_Junction" "Banefrimærke - Junction" "[english]TF_MapToken_Junction" "Map Stamp - Junction" "TF_MapToken_Junction_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Junction-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Junction_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Junction community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Watchtower" "Watchtower" "[english]TF_Watchtower" "Watchtower" "TF_MapToken_Watchtower" "Banefrimærke - Watchtower" "[english]TF_MapToken_Watchtower" "Map Stamp - Watchtower" "TF_MapToken_Watchtower_Desc" "En Arenabane\n\nLavet af Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Watchtower-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Watchtower_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Joshua 'JoshuaC' Shiflet\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Watchtower community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Hoodoo" "Hoodoo" "[english]TF_Hoodoo" "Hoodoo" "TF_MapToken_Hoodoo" "Banefrimærke - Hoodoo" "[english]TF_MapToken_Hoodoo" "Map Stamp - Hoodoo" "TF_MapToken_Hoodoo_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Tim \"YM\" Johnson, Jeroen \"Snipergen\" Dessaux, Fay L. \"nineaxis\" Fabry og Drew \"Oxy\" Fletcher\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Hoodoo-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Hoodoo_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tim 'YM' Johnson, Jeroen 'Snipergen' Dessaux, Fay L. 'nineaxis' Fabry, and Drew 'Oxy' Fletcher\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Hoodoo community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Offblast" "Offblast" "[english]TF_Offblast" "Offblast" "TF_MapToken_Offblast" "Banefrimærke - Offblast" "[english]TF_MapToken_Offblast" "Map Stamp - Offblast" "TF_MapToken_Offblast_Desc" "En Arenabane\n\nLavet af Magnar 'insta' Jenssen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Offblast-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Offblast_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Magnar 'insta' Jenssen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Offblast community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Yukon" "Yukon" "[english]TF_Yukon" "Yukon" "TF_MapToken_Yukon" "Banefrimærke - Yukon" "[english]TF_MapToken_Yukon" "Map Stamp - Yukon" "TF_MapToken_Yukon_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Patrick \"MangyCarface\" Mulholland og Freya \"Acegikmo\" Holmér\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Yukon-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Yukon_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland and Freya 'Acegikmo' Holmér\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Yukon community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Harvest" "Harvest" "[english]TF_Harvest" "Harvest" "TF_MapToken_Harvest" "Banefrimærke - Harvest" "[english]TF_MapToken_Harvest" "Map Stamp - Harvest" "TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Harvest-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Harvest_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Harvest community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Freight" "Freight" "[english]TF_Freight" "Freight" "TF_MapToken_Freight" "Banefrimærke - Freight" "[english]TF_MapToken_Freight" "Map Stamp - Freight" "TF_MapToken_Freight_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Jamie \"Fishbus\" Manson og Mitch \"ol\" Robb\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Freight-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Freight_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Jamie 'Fishbus' Manson and Mitch 'ol' Robb\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Freight community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MountainLab" "Mountain Lab" "[english]TF_MountainLab" "Mountain Lab" "TF_MapToken_MountainLab" "Banefrimærke - Mountain Lab" "[english]TF_MapToken_MountainLab" "Map Stamp - Mountain Lab" "TF_MapToken_MountainLab_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Valentin \"3DNJ\" Levillain\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Mountain Lab-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_MountainLab_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Mountain Lab community map. Show your support today!" "TF_ManorEvent" "Mann Manor" "[english]TF_ManorEvent" "Mann Manor" "TF_MapToken_ManorEvent" "Banefrimærke - Mann Manor" "[english]TF_MapToken_ManorEvent" "Map Stamp - Mann Manor" "TF_MapToken_ManorEvent_Desc" "En Attack/Defence Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Tim \"YM\" Johnson og Alex \"Rexy\" Kreeger\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Mann Manor-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_ManorEvent_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Tim 'YM' Johnson and Alex 'Rexy' Kreeger\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mann Manor community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Bronze" "Bronze:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Bronze" "Bronze:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Silver" "Sølv:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Silver" "Silver:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Gold" "Guld:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Gold" "Gold:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Platinum" "Platin:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Platinum" "Platinum:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Diamond" "Diamant:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Diamond" "Diamond:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium1" "12-karat Australium:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium1" "12-karat Australium:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium2" "18-karat Australium:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium2" "18-karat Australium:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium3" "24-karat Australium:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Australium3" "24-karat Australium:" "TF_MapDonationLevel_Unobtainium" "Unobtanium:" "[english]TF_MapDonationLevel_Unobtainium" "Unobtanium:" "medieval_setup_goal_red" "Erobr og hold det sidste kontrolpunkt for at vinde spillet!" "[english]medieval_setup_goal_red" "Capture and hold the final Control Point to win the game!" "medieval_setup_goal_blue" "Åbn porten og erobr det sidste kontrolpunkt for at vinde spillet!" "[english]medieval_setup_goal_blue" "Open the gate and capture the final Control Point to win the game!" "medieval_cap_a" "Byen" "[english]medieval_cap_a" "the Town" "medieval_cap_b" "Klippekanten" "[english]medieval_cap_b" "the Cliffside" "medieval_cap_c" "Red's fæstning" "[english]medieval_cap_c" "Red's Keep" "TF_MedievalAttackDefend" "Medieval Attack / Defend" "[english]TF_MedievalAttackDefend" "Medieval Attack / Defend" "TF_Tool_WinterKey" "Festlig Vinterkassenøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey" "Festive Winter Crate Key" "TF_Tool_WinterKey_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne usædvanlige Festlige Vinterkasser.\nEfter d. 31/12/2010 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey_Desc" "Used to open unusually festive locked winter crates.\nAfter 12/31/2010 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Tool_BackpackExpander" "Rygsækudvider" "[english]TF_Tool_BackpackExpander" "Backpack Expander" "TF_Tool_BackpackExpander_Desc" "Tilføj 100 ekstra pladser i din rygsæk!\n(maksimalt 3000 pladser)" "[english]TF_Tool_BackpackExpander_Desc" "Add 100 extra slots to your backpack!\n(3000 spaces maximum)" "TF_Set_Medieval_Medic" "Den Middelalderlige Medic" "[english]TF_Set_Medieval_Medic" "The Medieval Medic" "TF_Set_Hibernating_Bear" "Bjørnen i Hi" "[english]TF_Set_Hibernating_Bear" "The Hibernating Bear" "TF_Set_Experts_Ordnance" "Ekspertens Artilleri" "[english]TF_Set_Experts_Ordnance" "The Expert's Ordnance" "Attrib_GestureSpeed_Increase" "+%s1% hurtigere hånehastighed for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_GestureSpeed_Increase" "+%s1% faster taunt speed on wearer" "Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% langsommere bevægelseshastighed under brug" "[english]Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed while deployed" "Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 - %s2" "[english]Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 - %s2" "Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "Affyrer specielle bolte, som heler holdkammerater og skader baseret på den tilbagelagte afstand" "[english]Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deal damage based on distance traveled" "Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "Alt-skyd: Pålægger en helende effekt til alle holdkammerater i nærheden" "[english]Attrib_EnablesAOEHeal" "Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates" "Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "%s1 sek. forøgelse i angrebsløb-varighed" "[english]Attrib_ChargeTime_Increase" "%s1 sec increase in charge duration" "Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "Ved drab: En lille helbredspakke bliver tabt" "[english]Attrib_DropHealthPackOnKill" "On Kill: A small health pack is dropped" "Attrib_HitSelfOnMiss" "Forbier: Ram dig selv. Idiot." "[english]Attrib_HitSelfOnMiss" "On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot." "Attrib_DmgFromRanged_Reduced" "%s1% skade fra langtrækkende kilder mens aktiv" "[english]Attrib_DmgFromRanged_Reduced" "%s1% damage from ranged sources while active" "Attrib_DmgFromMelee_Increased" "+%s1% skade fra nærkampsvåben mens aktiv" "[english]Attrib_DmgFromMelee_Increased" "+%s1% damage from melee sources while active" "Attrib_BlastDamageToSelf_Increased" "+%s1% skade til sig selv" "[english]Attrib_BlastDamageToSelf_Increased" "+%s1% damage to self" "Attrib_Particle20" "Banefrimærker" "[english]Attrib_Particle20" "Map Stamps" "TF_UllapoolCaber_Desc" "Skotsk ansigtsfjernelse af høj kaliber.\nEn ædru person ville kaste den...\n\nDet første slag vil skabe en eksplosion" "[english]TF_UllapoolCaber_Desc" "High-yield Scottish face removal.\nA sober person would throw it...\n\nThe first hit will cause an explosion" "TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "Efter indtagelse øges bevægelseshastighed, angreb gør mini-kritisk skade og spilleren kan kun bruge nærkampsvåben. Varer 16 sekunder.\nAlt-skyd: Del med en ven (heler som en medium helbredspakke)\n\nHvem har brug for brød?" "[english]TF_BuffaloSteak_Desc" "After consuming, move speed is increased, attacks mini-crit, and the player may only use melee weapons. Lasts 16 seconds.\nAlt-fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit)\n\nWho needs bread?" "TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Efterlign eksplosionshop og skjoldangreb fra patienten, du heler." "[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Mirror the blast jumps and shield charges of patients." "TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "Mens påvirket: Skade gjort og skade taget er mini-kritisk.\nDu vil også bevæge dig meget hurtigere." "[english]TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done\nand damage taken will be mini-crits.\nYou will also move much faster." "Store_Maps" "Baner" "[english]Store_Maps" "Maps" "Store_Price_New" "NY!" "[english]Store_Price_New" "NEW!" "Store_Price_Sale" "UDSALG!" "[english]Store_Price_Sale" "SALE!" "Store_MapsDesc" "Når du køber et banefrimærke, går hele indtægten (efter evt. skat) til banens skabere.\n\nDesuden vil du også modtage denne flotte Verdensrejsendes Hat gratis! Ikke nok med at den holder styr på dine bidrag, men den viser også en speciel partikel-effekt, når du spiller en bane, du har bidraget til." "[english]Store_MapsDesc" "When you purchase a map stamp, all the proceeds (net of any applicable tax) will go directly to the creators of the map.\n\nIn addition, you'll also receive this nifty World Traveler's Hat for free! Not only does it track your contributions, but also a special particle effect will be visible when you play on a map you've contributed towards." "Store_IntroTitle_Winter1" "Glædelig Australsk Jul!" "[english]Store_IntroTitle_Winter1" "Happy Australian Christmas!" "Store_IntroText_Winter1" "Jul? Hanukkah? Kwanzaa? Ulejlig sammenkomst ved Ayn Rands hus? Hvad end du fejrer i år, så er vi her, åbent fireogtyve timer i døgnet, hver dag! Det er rigtigt! Vi er klar til at tage dine penge. Denne weekend har Mann Co.-butikken store tilbud på vores Polycount-pakke-genstande, våben, hatte og mere. Køb dem nu før revisorerne finder ud af hvad vi laver!\n\nSkynd dig for dette tilbud slutter snart!" "[english]Store_IntroText_Winter1" "Christmas? Hanukkah? Kwanzaa? Non-Occasional Get-Together at Ayn Rand's House? Whatever you're celebrating this year, we'll be here, open twenty-four hours a day, every day! That's right! We are ready to take your money. This weekend the Mann Co. Store is having deep discounts on our Polycount Pack items, weapons, hats and more. Buy them now, before the accountants realize what we're doing!\n\nHurry, because this offer ends soon!" "Store_IntroTitle_Winter2" "Team Fortress-juleudsalg!" "[english]Store_IntroTitle_Winter2" "Team Fortress Kritzmas Sale!" "Store_IntroText_Winter2" "Mann Co.-butikken har endnu et udsalg! I æren af højtidssæsonen, i en begrænset periode, er hatte UFORNUFTIGT BILLIGE! Hvorfor vente til priserne er fornuftige igen?\n\nVi renser ud i hele Team Fortress-inventaret fra H til Ha! Endelig, giv dig selv den hat du altid har ønsket dig, men aldrig har haft råd til (på trods af at den havde en rimelig pris)." "[english]Store_IntroText_Winter2" "The Mann Co. Store is having another sale! In honor of the holiday season, for a limited time, the prices on a staggering number of hats are UNREASONABLY LOW! Why wait until prices are reasonable again?\n\nWe're cleaning out the entire Team Fortress inventory, from H to Ha! Finally, give yourself the hat you always wanted but could never afford (even though it was sensibly priced)." "Store_IntroTitle_Winter3" "Sidste Koldt-Vejr-Udsalg!" "[english]Store_IntroTitle_Winter3" "Final Cold Weather Sale!" "Store_IntroText_Winter3" "Det er det sidste udsalg for dette årti, måske, og det betyder, at vi sælger alt det, som vi er blevet forhindret i at sælge... til LATTERLIGE PRISER! Det er nemlig rigtigt - den Europæiske Unions Malingsalgsaftale fra 2001 er endelig løbet ud, og den Europæiske Unions Malingsalgsaftale fra 2011 er stadig ved at blive godkendt.\n\nSnup disse genstande nu, før de fede cigarer i Bruxelles får nys om det!" "[english]Store_IntroText_Winter3" "It's the final sale of the decade, possibly, and that means we're selling all the stuff we were prevented from selling... at LUDICROUS PRICES! That's right – the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2001 has finally expired, and the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2011 has yet to be ratified.\n\nGrab these items now, before the fat cats in Brussels get wind of it!" "Notification_System_Message" "Systembesked: %message%" "[english]Notification_System_Message" "System Message: %message%" "TF_UseBackpackExpander_Title" "Udvid rygsæk?" "[english]TF_UseBackpackExpander_Title" "Expand Backpack?" "TF_UseBackpackExpander_Text" "Er du sikker på, at du vil udvide din rygsæk til %new_size% pladser? (%item_name% har %uses_left% anvendelse(r) tilbage, før den bliver fjernet fra dit inventar)" "[english]TF_UseBackpackExpander_Text" "Are you sure you want to expand your backpack to %new_size% slots? (%item_name% has %uses_left% use(s) before it will be removed from your inventory)" "TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Title" "Kan ikke udvide!" "[english]TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Title" "Cannot Expand!" "TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Text" "Din rygsæk er allerede blevet udvidet til maksimum kapacitet." "[english]TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Text" "Your backpack has already been expanded to maximum capacity." "ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Banefrimærker" "[english]ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Map Stamp Items" "TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "Denne genstand er en rygsækudvider. Når brugt, vil den udvide størrelsen på din rygsæk og blive opbrugt i processen. Klik på \"Brug\"-knappen i rygsækken for at starte anvendelsesprocessen." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "This item is a Backpack Expander. When used, it will expand the size of your backpack and be consumed in the process. Click the 'Use' button in the backpack to start the process of applying it." "TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "Når du køber denne genstand, går hele indtægten (efter evt. skat) til fællesskabsmedlemmerne, som lavede banen.\n\nDit medlemskabsniveau for en bane vil stige for hvert 25. banemærke, du køber.\n\nEn Verdensrejsendes Hat vil også blive givet ud første gang, du køber et banefrimærke." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "When this item is purchased, all the proceeds (net of any applicable tax) will go directly to the community members who made the map.\n\nMembership level for a map will increase for every 25 map stamps.\n\nA World Traveler's Hat will also be given out the first time any map stamp has been purchased." "TF_Armory_Item_BackpackExpander" "Når denne genstand er brugt, vil den føje 100 ekstra pladser til din rygsæk. Vær opmærksom på at der er et maksimum på 3000 pladser." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_BackpackExpander" "When this item is used, it will add 100 extra slots to your backpack. Note that there is a maximum of 3000 slots." "IT_Title" "Genstandstest" "[english]IT_Title" "Item Testing" "IT_CurrentlyTesting" "Tester nu:" "[english]IT_CurrentlyTesting" "Currently Testing:" "IT_ClassUsage" "Afprøvningsklasser:" "[english]IT_ClassUsage" "Testing Classes:" "IT_Classes_All" "Alle klasser" "[english]IT_Classes_All" "All classes" "IT_Ok" "Anvend test-genstande" "[english]IT_Ok" "Apply Test Items" "IT_Apply" "Anvend" "[english]IT_Apply" "Apply" "IT_TestingSlot_Weapon" "Våben:" "[english]IT_TestingSlot_Weapon" "Weapon:" "IT_TestingSlot_Headgear" "Hovedudstyr:" "[english]IT_TestingSlot_Headgear" "Headgear:" "IT_TestingSlot_Misc1" "Kosmetisk 1:" "[english]IT_TestingSlot_Misc1" "Cosmetic 1:" "IT_TestingSlot_Misc2" "Kosmetisk 2:" "[english]IT_TestingSlot_Misc2" "Cosmetic 2:" "IT_TestingSlot_Empty" "" "[english]IT_TestingSlot_Empty" "< none >" "IT_BotAddition_Title" "Bots:" "[english]IT_BotAddition_Title" "Bots:" "IT_Bot_AutoAdd" "Auto-tilføj" "[english]IT_Bot_AutoAdd" "Auto-add" "IT_Bot_Add" "Tilføj en:" "[english]IT_Bot_Add" "Add a:" "IT_Bot_RemoveAll" "Fjern alle bots" "[english]IT_Bot_RemoveAll" "Remove all bots" "IT_BotControl_Title" "Bot-styring:" "[english]IT_BotControl_Title" "Bot Controls:" "IT_BotAnim_Title" "Bots skal:" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Title" "Bots should:" "IT_BotAnim_Idle" "Stå" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Idle" "Stand" "IT_BotAnim_Crouch_Idle" "Duk" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Crouch_Idle" "Crouch" "IT_BotAnim_Run" "Løbe" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Run" "Run" "IT_BotAnim_Crouch_Walk" "Gå dukket" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Crouch_Walk" "Crouch walk" "IT_BotAnim_Jump" "Hoppe" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Jump" "Jump" "IT_BotAnim_ForceFire" "Affyre våben" "[english]IT_BotAnim_ForceFire" "Fire weapons" "IT_BotAnim_Turntable" "Rotere på stedet" "[english]IT_BotAnim_Turntable" "Rotate on the spot" "IT_BotAnim_ViewScan" "Se rundt" "[english]IT_BotAnim_ViewScan" "Look around" "IT_BotAnimSpeed_Title" "Anim-hastighed:" "[english]IT_BotAnimSpeed_Title" "Anim speed:" "IT_ExportLoadout" "Gem testopsætning" "[english]IT_ExportLoadout" "Save Test Setup" "IT_ImportLoadout" "Åben testopsætning" "[english]IT_ImportLoadout" "Load Test Setup" "IT_ImportLast" "Åben seneste" "[english]IT_ImportLast" "Load most recent" "IT_TestingFiles" "Genstandstest-filer (*.itf)" "[english]IT_TestingFiles" "Item Testing files (*.itf)" "IT_Item_Add" "Tilføj" "[english]IT_Item_Add" "Add" "IT_Item_Edit" "Rediger" "[english]IT_Item_Edit" "Edit" "IT_Item_Remove" "X" "[english]IT_Item_Remove" "X" "IT_Title_0" "Afprøv våben" "[english]IT_Title_0" "Test Weapon" "IT_Title_1" "Test hovedudstyr" "[english]IT_Title_1" "Test Headgear" "IT_Title_2" "Afprøv kosmetik 1" "[english]IT_Title_2" "Test Cosmetic 1" "IT_Title_3" "Afprøv kosmetik 2" "[english]IT_Title_3" "Test Cosmetic 2" "IT_YourModel" "Din nye model:" "[english]IT_YourModel" "Your New Model:" "IT_MDL_Files" "Modelfiler (*.mdl)" "[english]IT_MDL_Files" "Model files (*.mdl)" "IT_NoModel" "" "[english]IT_NoModel" "< none selected >" "IT_SelectModel" "Vælg model" "[english]IT_SelectModel" "Select Model" "IT_ItemType" "Genstandstype:" "[english]IT_ItemType" "Item Type:" "IT_ItemReplaces" "Erstatter:" "[english]IT_ItemReplaces" "Replaces:" "IT_Bodygroups" "Geometri som skal skjules:" "[english]IT_Bodygroups" "Geometry to hide:" "IT_Bodygroup_Hat" "Hat" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Hat" "Hat" "IT_Bodygroup_Headphone" "Høretelefoner (Scout)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Headphone" "Headphones (Scout)" "IT_Bodygroup_Medals" "Brystmedaljer (Soldier)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Medals" "Chest Medals (Soldier)" "IT_Bodygroup_Grenades" "Brystgranater (Soldier)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Grenades" "Chest Grenades (Soldier)" "IT_OtherOptions" "Andre indstillinger" "[english]IT_OtherOptions" "Other Options:" "IT_PerClassSequences" "Sæt sekvensen til at stemme overens med spillerens klasse" "[english]IT_PerClassSequences" "Set sequence to match player class" "IT_PaintTitle" "Malet med:" "[english]IT_PaintTitle" "Painted with:" "IT_PaintNone" "Ingen" "[english]IT_PaintNone" "Nothing" "IT_ItemReplaced_Select" "Vælg genstand" "[english]IT_ItemReplaced_Select" "Select item" "IT_ItemReplaced_Invalid" "Disse klasser har ingen delte våben" "[english]IT_ItemReplaced_Invalid" "These classes have no shared weapons" "IT_Explanation_SelectModel" "Tryk på denne knap og vælg din nye model.\n\nBaseret på den fil, du har valgt, vil dialogboksen starte i den passende mappe. Din model burde nu være i den mappe, eller i en under-mappe under den." "[english]IT_Explanation_SelectModel" "Hit this button, and select your new model.\n\nBased on the type of item you've chosen, the dialog will start in the appropriate directory. Your model should be in that directory, or within a sub directory below it." "IT_Explanation_Bodygroups" "Vælg geometridele på spiller-modellen som skal skjules. De fleste hatte har brug for, at basishatten skjules." "[english]IT_Explanation_Bodygroups" "Select geometry pieces on the player model that should be hidden. Most hats need to hide the base hat." "IT_Explanation_PerClassSequences" "Hvis du har en genstand, som bæres af flere forskellige klasser, men som du ønsker skal sidde forskelligt på hver klasse, kan du slå denne valgmulighed til. Dernæst føjer du 9 enkeltbillede-loopende animationssekvenser til din model, som hører til henholdsvis scout, sniper, soldier, demo, medic, heavy, pyro, spy og engineer." "[english]IT_Explanation_PerClassSequences" "If you have an item worn by multiple classes, but you'd like it attached differently on each class, check this option. Then, add 9 single frame, looping animation sequences to your model, corresponding to: scout, sniper, soldier, demo, medic, heavy, pyro, spy, and engineer." "SystemMessage_WinterCrateWarning_2Hour" "Festlige Vinterkasser forsvinder snart! Du har mindre end to timer til at åbne dine!" "[english]SystemMessage_WinterCrateWarning_2Hour" "Festive Winter Crates will disappear soon! You have less than two hours to open yours!" "SystemMessage_WinterCrateWarning_30Minute" "Festlige Vinterkasser forsvinder snart! Du har en halv time, til de er væk for evigt!" "[english]SystemMessage_WinterCrateWarning_30Minute" "Festive Winter Crates will disappear soon! Only thirty minutes until they are gone forever!" "TF_Duel_Refund_ForceTeamSwap" "Duellen mellem %initiator% og %target% er afsluttet, fordi en spiller er blevet flyttet til det andet hold. Et duelminispil ejet af %initiator% er ikke blevet opbrugt." "[english]TF_Duel_Refund_ForceTeamSwap" "The duel between %initiator% and %target% has ended, because a player has been switched to another team. A Dueling Mini-Game owned by %initiator% has not been consumed." "TF_Duel_CannotUse" "Kan ikke starte en duel på dette tidspunkt." "[english]TF_Duel_CannotUse" "Cannot initiate a duel at this time." "TF_Bundle_NastyWeapons" "Bunke med Ubehagelige Våben" "[english]TF_Bundle_NastyWeapons" "Pile of Nasty Weapons" "TF_Bundle_NastyWeapons_Desc" "En samling særligt ubehagelige våben:" "[english]TF_Bundle_NastyWeapons_Desc" "An assortment of particularly nasty weapons:" "TF_BigChief" "Den Store Høvding" "[english]TF_BigChief" "The Big Chief" "TF_BigChief_Desc" "" "[english]TF_BigChief_Desc" "" "TF_Tool_ChristmasKey2010" "Sokkefyldernøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_ChristmasKey2010" "Stocking Stuffer Key" "TF_Tool_ChristmasKey2010_Desc" "Nogen efterlod denne nøgle i dit bedste par kampstrømper.\nDet ser ud som om, at den kan åbne enhver festlig eller normal kasse." "[english]TF_Tool_ChristmasKey2010_Desc" "Someone left this key in your best pair of fightin' socks.\nIt looks like it will open any festive or normal crate." "TF_Unique_Logo_Shield" "Det Heraldiske Skjold" "[english]TF_Unique_Logo_Shield" "The Heraldic Targe" "TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix" "Det Hurtige Fiks" "[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix" "The Quick-Fix" "TF_Unique_BleedingSocketItem" "Leakium" "[english]TF_Unique_BleedingSocketItem" "Leakium" "TF_Unique_BulletResistItem" "Bulletproofium" "[english]TF_Unique_BulletResistItem" "Bulletproofium" "TF_Unique_FireResistItem" "Fireproofium" "[english]TF_Unique_FireResistItem" "Fireproofium" "TF_Unique_BlastResistItem" "Blastproofium" "[english]TF_Unique_BlastResistItem" "Blastproofium" "TF_Unique_HealthRegenItem" "Firstaidium" "[english]TF_Unique_HealthRegenItem" "Firstaidium" "TF_Unique_SpeedBoostItem" "Sprintium" "[english]TF_Unique_SpeedBoostItem" "Sprintium" "TF_Unique_MetalRegenItem" "Harvestine" "[english]TF_Unique_MetalRegenItem" "Harvestine" "TF_Unique_CloakRegenItem" "Invisine" "[english]TF_Unique_CloakRegenItem" "Invisine" "TF_Unique_CloakConsumeItem" "Longvisine" "[english]TF_Unique_CloakConsumeItem" "Longvisine" "TF_Unique_RepairRateItem" "Wrenchine" "[english]TF_Unique_RepairRateItem" "Wrenchine" "TF_Unique_ConstructionRateItem" "Constructine" "[english]TF_Unique_ConstructionRateItem" "Constructine" "TF_Iron_Curtain" "Jerntæppet" "[english]TF_Iron_Curtain" "The Iron Curtain" "TF_TTG_Watch" "Entusiastens Tidsmåler" "[english]TF_TTG_Watch" "The Enthusiast's Timepiece" "TF_Amputator" "Amputøren" "[english]TF_Amputator" "The Amputator" "TF_CrusadersCrossbow" "Korsridderens Armbrøst" "[english]TF_CrusadersCrossbow" "The Crusader's Crossbow" "TF_UllapoolCaber" "Ullapool-pælen" "[english]TF_UllapoolCaber" "The Ullapool Caber" "TF_LochNLoad" "Loch-n-Laderen" "[english]TF_LochNLoad" "The Loch-n-Load" "TF_BuffaloSteak" "Bøffelbøf-sandvichen" "[english]TF_BuffaloSteak" "The Buffalo Steak Sandvich" "TF_GatlingGun" "Messingbæstet" "[english]TF_GatlingGun" "The Brass Beast" "TF_WarriorsSpirit" "Krigerens Ånd" "[english]TF_WarriorsSpirit" "The Warrior's Spirit" "TF_CandyCane" "Slikstokken" "[english]TF_CandyCane" "The Candy Cane" "TF_Jag" "Jaguaren" "[english]TF_Jag" "The Jag" "TF_Claidheamohmor" "Claidheamh Mòr" "[english]TF_Claidheamohmor" "The Claidheamh Mòr" "TF_BackScratcher" "Rygkradseren" "[english]TF_BackScratcher" "The Back Scratcher" "TF_BostonBasher" "Boston-baskeren" "[english]TF_BostonBasher" "The Boston Basher" "TF_FistsOfSteel" "Stålnæverne" "[english]TF_FistsOfSteel" "The Fists of Steel" "TF_Weapon_RiftFireAxe" "RIFT-brandøkse" "[english]TF_Weapon_RiftFireAxe" "RIFT Fire Axe" "TF_Weapon_RiftFireMace" "RIFT-brandscepter" "[english]TF_Weapon_RiftFireMace" "RIFT Fire Mace" "TF_Wearable_Apparel" "Beklædning" "[english]TF_Wearable_Apparel" "Apparel" "TF_Homefront_Blindfold" "Heltens Hachimaki" "[english]TF_Homefront_Blindfold" "Hero's Hachimaki" "TF_Homefront_Blindfold_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Homefront_Blindfold_Desc" "" "TF_MNC_Hat" "Den Atletiske Støtter" "[english]TF_MNC_Hat" "The Athletic Supporter" "TF_MNC_Hat_Desc" "[Indsæt foretrukne regionalhold her]" "[english]TF_MNC_Hat_Desc" "[Insert Favorite Regional Team Here]" "TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat" "Supertilhænger" "[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat" "The Superfan" "TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat_Desc" "" "TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit" "Det Væsentlige Tilbehør" "[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit" "The Essential Accessories" "TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit_Desc" "" "plr_nightfall_authors" "Aaron 'Psy' Garcha\nPaul Good" "[english]plr_nightfall_authors" "Aaron 'Psy' Garcha\nPaul Good" "pl_frontier_authors" "Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland\nArhurt" "[english]pl_frontier_authors" "Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland\nArhurt" "koth_lakeside_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "[english]koth_lakeside_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "TF_Nightfall" "Nightfall" "[english]TF_Nightfall" "Nightfall" "TF_MapToken_Nightfall" "Banefrimærke - Nightfall" "[english]TF_MapToken_Nightfall" "Map Stamp - Nightfall" "TF_MapToken_Nightfall_Desc" "En Payload Race-bane\n\nLavet af Aaron \"Psy\" Garcha og Paul Good\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Nightfall-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Nightfall_Desc" "A Payload Race Map\n\nMade by Aaron 'Psy' Garcha and Paul Good\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Nightfall community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Frontier" "Frontier" "[english]TF_Frontier" "Frontier" "TF_MapToken_Frontier" "Banefrimærke - Frontier" "[english]TF_MapToken_Frontier" "Map Stamp - Frontier" "TF_MapToken_Frontier_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Patrick \"MangyCarface\" Mulholland og Arhurt\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Frontier-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Frontier_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Patrick 'MangyCarface' Mulholland and Arhurt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Frontier community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Lakeside" "Lakeside" "[english]TF_Lakeside" "Lakeside" "TF_MapToken_Lakeside" "Banefrimærke - Lakeside" "[english]TF_MapToken_Lakeside" "Map Stamp - Lakeside" "TF_MapToken_Lakeside_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Lakeside-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Lakeside_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Lakeside community map. Show your support today!" "Tournament_Countdown_Sec" "Starter om %s1 sekunder... 'F4' for at annullere" "[english]Tournament_Countdown_Sec" "Starting in %s1 second... 'F4' to cancel" "TF_GENERAL_KILL_ENEMIES_AFTER_TELEPORTING_NAME" "Riftgængeren" "[english]TF_GENERAL_KILL_ENEMIES_AFTER_TELEPORTING_NAME" "Riftwalker" "TF_GENERAL_KILL_ENEMIES_AFTER_TELEPORTING_DESC" "Dræb en fjende inden for 5 sekunder efter du har rejst gennem en Engineers teleporter." "[english]TF_GENERAL_KILL_ENEMIES_AFTER_TELEPORTING_DESC" "Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of you traveling through an Engineer's teleporter." "TF_Tool_ClaimCode_Desc" "Denne genstand vil give dig en indløsningskode." "[english]TF_Tool_ClaimCode_Desc" "This item will grant you one claim code." "TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimCode" "RIFT Velspundet Hat - Indløsningskode" "[english]TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimCode" "RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code" "TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimCode_Desc" "Denne genstand vil give dig en kode til en hat i Rift. Brug den fra din rygsæk for at få koden." "[english]TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimCode_Desc" "This item will grant you a code to receive a hat in Rift. Use it from your backpack to claim the code." "TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimType" "RIFT Velspundet Hat" "[english]TF_RIFT_SpiderHat_ClaimType" "RIFT Well Spun Hat" "Attrib_SetDamageType_Ignite" "Ved træffer: målet bliver opslugt af flammer" "[english]Attrib_SetDamageType_Ignite" "On Hit: target is engulfed in flames" "Attrib_Minicrit_Vs_Burning_Player" "100% småkritisk skade mod brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_Minicrit_Vs_Burning_Player" "100% mini-crits vs burning players" "TF_Unique_RiftFireAxe" "Skærpet Vulkanfragment" "[english]TF_Unique_RiftFireAxe" "Sharpened Volcano Fragment" "TF_Unique_RiftFireMace" "Solen-på-en-Pind" "[english]TF_Unique_RiftFireMace" "The Sun-on-a-Stick" "TF_RiftFireAxe_Desc" "Forbedrer Moder Naturs originale\ndesign for vulkaner ved at øge portabilitet.\nModerne videnskab er ude af stand til at forklare præcist, hvor lavaen kommer fra." "[english]TF_RiftFireAxe_Desc" "Improves upon Mother Nature's original\ndesign for volcanos by increasing portability.\nModern science is unable to explain exactly\nwhere the lava is coming from." "TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Spids ende skal ind i anden person." "[english]TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Spiky end goes into other man." "rarity1" "Ægte" "[english]rarity1" "Genuine" "MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "Vis promoveringskoder" "[english]MMenu_ShowPromoCodes" "View Promotional Codes" "TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "Indløs kode?" "[english]TF_UseClaimCode_Title" "Claim Code?" "TF_UseClaimCode_Text" "Er du sikker på at du vil modtage denne kode: %claim_type%? Koden vil blive permanent forbundet til din konto." "[english]TF_UseClaimCode_Text" "Are you sure you want to claim this code: %claim_type%? The claim code will be permanently attached to your account." "TF_TradeWindow_PartnerIsTyping" "%s1 skriver en besked." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_PartnerIsTyping" "%s1 is typing a message." "GameUI_CrosshairNone" "Standard" "[english]GameUI_CrosshairNone" "Default" "Attrib_Particle16" "Energisk Plasma" "[english]Attrib_Particle16" "Vivid Plasma" "TF_Weapon_SoldierSashimono" "Sashimono" "[english]TF_Weapon_SoldierSashimono" "Sashimono" "TF_Weapon_Gunbai" "Gunbai" "[english]TF_Weapon_Gunbai" "Gunbai" "TF_Weapon_Kunai" "Kunai" "[english]TF_Weapon_Kunai" "Kunai" "TF_Weapon_SoldierKatana" "Katana" "[english]TF_Weapon_SoldierKatana" "Katana" "TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "Denne ting er en indpakket gave. Du kan give den til nogen hvis du pakkede den ind, eller pakke den ud hvis du modtog den!" "[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "This item is a wrapped gift. You can give it to someone if you wrapped it, or unwrap it if you received it!" "TF_NoiseMaker_Shogun" "Støjskaber - Koto" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Shogun" "Noise Maker - Koto" "TF_Bundle_ShogunPromoComplete" "Kejserens Assortiment" "[english]TF_Bundle_ShogunPromoComplete" "The Emperor's Assortment" "TF_Bundle_ShogunPromoComplete_Desc" "Få alle otte genstande.\nDette haiku lyver ikke.\nFå. Alle. Otte. Genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_ShogunPromoComplete_Desc" "Get all eight items.\nThis haiku is not lying.\nGet. All. Eight. Items:" "TF_SoldierSashimono" "Kong-kylien" "[english]TF_SoldierSashimono" "Concheror" "TF_SoldierSashimono_Desc" "Giver en gruppehastighedsbuff,\nhvor skade gjort giver heling.\nRaseri øges ved at gøre skade." "[english]TF_SoldierSashimono_Desc" "Provides group speed buff\nwith damage done giving health.\nGain rage with damage." "TF_Gunbai" "Krigsviften" "[english]TF_Gunbai" "Fan O'War" "TF_Gunbai_Desc" "Gravel Pits vinde\nScout tager sin dødbringende vifte frem!\nDu er dødsmærket" "[english]TF_Gunbai_Desc" "Winds of Gravel Pit\nScout brings on his deadly fan!\nYou are Marked-For-Death" "TF_Kunai" "Kynikerens Kunai" "[english]TF_Kunai" "Conniver's Kunai" "TF_Kunai_Desc" "Start med lidt liv\nDræb nogen med denne kniv\nStjæl alt deres liv" "[english]TF_Kunai_Desc" "Start off with low health\nKill somebody with this knife\nSteal all of their health" "TF_SpyOniMask" "Noh Mercy" "[english]TF_SpyOniMask" "Noh Mercy" "TF_SpyOniMask_Desc" "Storrygende Franskmand\nSkjuler sig i skyggerne og angriber\nSkræmmende maske" "[english]TF_SpyOniMask_Desc" "Chain-smoking Frenchman\nSkulks in shadows, then attacks\nTerrifying mask" "TF_MedicGeishaHair" "Geisha-dreng" "[english]TF_MedicGeishaHair" "Geisha Boy" "TF_MedicGeishaHair_Desc" "Frø springer i dam\nLotusskud falder til jorden\nMedic har pigehår" "[english]TF_MedicGeishaHair_Desc" "Frog leaps into pond\nLotus blossoms fall to earth\nMedic has girl's hair" "TF_HeavyTopknot" "Skrækkelig Knude" "[english]TF_HeavyTopknot" "Dread Knot" "TF_HeavyTopknot_Desc" "Småbørn gemmer sig\nVed synet af fed mand\nMed skrækkeligt hår" "[english]TF_HeavyTopknot_Desc" "Crybabies cower\nAt the approach of fat man\nWith terrible hair" "TF_SoldierKatana" "Halv-Zatoichi" "[english]TF_SoldierKatana" "Half-Zatoichi" "TF_SoldierKatana_Desc" "Soldiers og Demos\nKan duellere med katanaer\nFor at dræbe i ét hug" "[english]TF_SoldierKatana_Desc" "Soldiers and Demos\nCan duel with katanas\nFor a one-hit kill" "TF_DemoKabuto" "Samur-øje" "[english]TF_DemoKabuto" "Samur-Eye" "TF_DemoKabuto_Desc" "Enøjet skotsk fyldebøtte\nGør sin hjelm klar til kamp\nGår kold, går glip af krig" "[english]TF_DemoKabuto_Desc" "One-eyed Scottish drunk\nDons his helmet for battle\nBlacks out, misses war" "Gametype_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense" "[english]Gametype_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense" "ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Vis dubletter" "[english]ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Show Duplicate Items" "Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\nKan byttes efter d.: %s1" "[english]Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\nTradable After: %s1" "Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "Kan byttes efter et par dage" "[english]Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "Becomes Tradable After a Few Days" "Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Vil ikke kunne byttes, sælges eller bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_Sanguisuge" "Ved rygstik: Opsuger helbredet fra dit offer" "[english]Attrib_Sanguisuge" "On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim" "Attrib_Honorbound" "Æresbundet: Når den er taget frem, gøres 50 skade til dig selv, hvis den tages væk igen uden at have dræbt" "[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills" "Attrib_MarkForDeath" "Ved slag: En fjende ad gangen bliver mærket til døden, hvorved al skade taget bliver mini-kritisk" "[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits" "Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Få %s1% af dit basishelbred ved drab" "[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Gain %s1% of base health on kill" "IT_ExistingItem" "Eller en allerede eksisterende genstand:" "[english]IT_ExistingItem" "Or an existing item:" "TF_call_vote" "Start afstemning" "[english]TF_call_vote" "Call vote" "TF_Chat_Coach" "*TRÆNER* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Coach" "*COACH* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator" "Detonatoren" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator" "The Detonator" "Achievement_Group_2000" "Gengivelsesopdatering (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2000" "Replay Update (%s1 of %s2)" "Backpack_SortBy_Rarity" "Sorter efter kvalitet" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Rarity" "Sort by Quality" "Attrib_NewUsersHelped" "Nye spillere hjulpet: %s1" "[english]Attrib_NewUsersHelped" "New Users Helped: %s1" "TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "Alt-skyd: Detoner signalblus\nDette våben vil genlade automatisk, når det ikke er aktivt." "[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate flare.\nThis weapon will reload automatically when not active." "TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "En procentdel af dit ÜberLadning-niveau bevares ved dødsfald, baseret på antallet af høstede organer (15% per styk). Den maksimale ÜberLadning, der kan bevares ved dødsfald, er 60%." "[english]TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "A percentage of your ÜberCharge level is retained on death, based on the number of organs harvested (15% per). Total ÜberCharge retained on spawn caps at 60%." "TF_SaveReplay" "Gem en gengivelse af dit nuværende eller sidste liv" "[english]TF_SaveReplay" "Save a replay of your current or last life" "TF_ToggleReplayDirections" "Slå gengivelsestips til/fra" "[english]TF_ToggleReplayDirections" "Toggle replay tips" "TF_freezecam_replay" "[%s1] Skab en gengivelse!" "[english]TF_freezecam_replay" "[%s1] Create a replay!" "Replay_Download" "Download" "[english]Replay_Download" "Download" "Replay_Delete" "Slet" "[english]Replay_Delete" "Delete" "Replay_Save" "Gem" "[english]Replay_Save" "Save" "Replay_NameYourReplay" "NAVNGIV DIN GENGIVELSE" "[english]Replay_NameYourReplay" "NAME YOUR REPLAY" "Replay_Untitled" "Unavngivet %s1" "[english]Replay_Untitled" "Untitled %s1" "Replay_EnterYourName" "Indtast et navn for at hjælpe dig med at genkende denne gengivelse senere." "[english]Replay_EnterYourName" "Enter a name here to help you identify this Replay later." "Replay_StartDownloadAuto" "Start download automatisk når gengivelsesfilen er tilgængelig på serveren." "[english]Replay_StartDownloadAuto" "Start download automatically when Replay file is available on server." "Replay_NeverShowAgain" "Vis aldrig dette igen!" "[english]Replay_NeverShowAgain" "Never show this again!" "Replay_NameYourTake" "NAVNGIV DIT KLIP" "[english]Replay_NameYourTake" "NAME YOUR TAKE" "Replay_NameFinePrint" "Indtast at navn her for at hjælpe dig med at genkende dette klip senere." "[english]Replay_NameFinePrint" "Enter a name here to help you identify this take later." "Replay_Discard" "X FJERN" "[english]Replay_Discard" "X DISCARD" "Replay_SavePerformance" "GEM" "[english]Replay_SavePerformance" "SAVE" "Replay_GotoTickTitle" "Hop til tid" "[english]Replay_GotoTickTitle" "Jump to Time" "Replay_GotoTickRewindText" "Hop tilbage til %time%? Det vil tage et øjeblik at spole gengivelsen tilbage." "[english]Replay_GotoTickRewindText" "Jump back to %time%? It will take a moment to rewind the replay." "Replay_GotoTickFastForwardText" "Hop frem til %time%?" "[english]Replay_GotoTickFastForwardText" "Jump forward to %time%?" "Replay_DiscardTitle" "Kassér ændringer?" "[english]Replay_DiscardTitle" "Discard changes?" "Replay_DiscardChanges" "Du har ugemte ændringer. Smid væk?\n\nBEMÆRK: Du kan gemme ved at trykke på menuknappen i hjørnet til venstre og vælge GEM eller GEM SOM." "[english]Replay_DiscardChanges" "You have unsaved changes. Discard?\n\nNOTE: You can save by clicking the menu button in the top left and selecting SAVE or SAVE AS." "Replay_ExitEditorTitle" "Færdig?" "[english]Replay_ExitEditorTitle" "Done?" "Replay_BackToReplays" "Dette vil tage dig tilbage til dine replays." "[english]Replay_BackToReplays" "This will take you back to your replays." "ReplayBrowserDlg_Downloaded" "Downloadet" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Downloaded" "Downloaded" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Rendered" "Renderet" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Rendered" "Rendered" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Deletion" "Tid tilbage" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Deletion" "Time Remaining" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Filename" "Filnavn" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Filename" "Filename" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Map" "Bane" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Map" "Map" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Server" "Server" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Server" "Server" "ReplayBrowserDlg_RecordTime" "Optaget" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_RecordTime" "Recorded" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Length" "Længde" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Length" "Length" "ReplayBrowserDlg_Size" "Størrelse (MB)" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_Size" "Size (MB)" "ReplayBrowserDlg_NoDemos" "Ingen demoer at vise." "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_NoDemos" "No demos to display." "ReplayBrowserDlg_ShowAll" "Vis alle" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_ShowAll" "Show All" "ReplayBrowserDlg_XMoreReplays" "%s1 flere!" "[english]ReplayBrowserDlg_XMoreReplays" "%s1 more!" "Replay_MyReplays" "GENGIVELSER" "[english]Replay_MyReplays" "REPLAYS" "Replay_Replay" "GENGIVELSER" "[english]Replay_Replay" "REPLAYS" "Replay_Connecting" "OPRETTER FORBINDELSE" "[english]Replay_Connecting" "CONNECTING" "Replay_RecordingInProgress" "OPTAGELSE I GANG" "[english]Replay_RecordingInProgress" "RECORDING IN PROGRESS" "Replay_Error" "FEJL" "[english]Replay_Error" "ERROR" "Replay_Downloading" "DOWNLOADER" "[english]Replay_Downloading" "DOWNLOADING" "Replay_UnrenderedReplays" "MIDLERTIDIGE GENGIVELSER (%s1) :" "[english]Replay_UnrenderedReplays" "TEMPORARY REPLAYS (%s1) :" "Replay_SavedMovies" "GEMTE FILM (%s1) :" "[english]Replay_SavedMovies" "SAVED MOVIES (%s1) :" "Replay_ConversionWarning" "Disse er midlertidige, og hvis ikke gemt, kan gå tabt ved næste spilopdatering." "[english]Replay_ConversionWarning" "These are temporary, and unless saved, may be lost with the next game update." "Replay_RenderAll" "GEM ALLE..." "[english]Replay_RenderAll" "SAVE ALL..." "Replay_StartRecord" "Serveren er klar til at optage gengivelser." "[english]Replay_StartRecord" "The server is ready to capture replays." "Replay_EndRecord" "Denne server optager ikke længere gengivelser. Alle gemte gengivelser er nu klar til at hente." "[english]Replay_EndRecord" "The server is no longer capturing replays. Any replays saved are now ready for download." "Replay_ReplaysAvailable" "Gengivelser fra forrige runde er nu klar til at blive downloadet." "[english]Replay_ReplaysAvailable" "Replays from the previous round are now ready for download." "Replay_ReplaySavedAlive" "Din gengivelse vil begynde at downloade efter dette liv." "[english]Replay_ReplaySavedAlive" "Your Replay will begin downloading after this life." "Replay_ReplaySavedDead" "Din gengivelse er blevet gemt og vil blive hentet om et kort øjeblik." "[english]Replay_ReplaySavedDead" "Your Replay has been saved and will begin downloading momentarily." "Replay_AlreadySaved" "Gengivelse allerede skabt! Klik på GENGIVELSER i hovedmenuen for at se den." "[english]Replay_AlreadySaved" "Replay already created! Click REPLAYS in the main menu to watch it." "Replay_NotEnabled" "Gengivelse er i øjeblikket slået fra på denne server." "[english]Replay_NotEnabled" "Replay is currently disabled on this server." "Replay_NotRecording" "Denne server optager ikke gengivelser lige nu." "[english]Replay_NotRecording" "The server is not capturing replays right now." "Replay_ConnectRecording" "Denne server er i stand til at optage gengivelser.\nTryk [ %s1 ] på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt for at skabe en gengivelse af dit nuværende liv.\n\nBemærk: Hvis gjort som tilskuer vil dit forrige liv blive brugt." "[english]Replay_ConnectRecording" "This server is replay capable.\nPress [ %s1 ] at any time to create a replay for your current life.\n\nNote: If done while spectating, your previous life will be used." "Replay_ReplaySaveContext" "Tryk [ %s1 ] på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt for at skabe et optagelse for det liv. Hvis du gør det som tilskuer, vil dit sidste liv du havde blive gemt." "[english]Replay_ReplaySaveContext" "Press [ %s1 ] at any time to create a replay for that life. If done while spectating, your previous life will be saved." "Replay_HideThisMessage" "[ %s1 ] for at skjule denne besked" "[english]Replay_HideThisMessage" "[ %s1 ] to hide this message" "Replay_DefaultServerError" "Serveren havde problemer med at bearbejde gengivelser fra den sidste runde." "[english]Replay_DefaultServerError" "The server encountered an error in processing Replays for the last round." "Replay_NoReplays" "Du har ingen gengivelser lige nu.\nTryk [ %s1 ] mens du spiller for at skabe en." "[english]Replay_NoReplays" "Currently you have no replays.\nPress [ %s1 ] during a game to create one." "Replay_NoMovies" "Du har ingen gemte film lige nu.\nDu kan gemme gengivelser som film og dele dem\nmed dine venner." "[english]Replay_NoMovies" "Currently you have no saved movies.\nYou can save replays into movies and share them\nwith your friends." "Replay_NoCuts" "Du har lige nu ingen udklip. Klik på 'se'-knappen nedenfor, når gengivelsen så er færdig med at indlæse, tryk på for at gå ind i gengivelses-redaktørtilstanden." "[english]Replay_NoCuts" "Currently you have no takes. Click the watch button below, then once the replay loads, press to enter the replay editor." "Replay_Kills" "DRAB" "[english]Replay_Kills" "KILLS" "Replay_KilledBy" "Dræbt af:" "[english]Replay_KilledBy" "Killed by:" "Replay_OnMap" "PÅ BANE" "[english]Replay_OnMap" "ON MAP" "Replay_Life" "LÆNGDE" "[english]Replay_Life" "LENGTH" "Replay_None" "< INGEN >" "[english]Replay_None" "< NONE >" "Replay_RenderTime" "RENDERINGSTID" "[english]Replay_RenderTime" "RENDER TIME" "Replay_DefaultDetailsTitle" "" "[english]Replay_DefaultDetailsTitle" "" "Replay_Watch" "VIS / REDIGER" "[english]Replay_Watch" "WATCH / EDIT" "Replay_YouTubeUpload" "YOUTUBE DET" "[english]Replay_YouTubeUpload" "YOUTUBE IT" "Replay_YouTube" "YouTube™" "[english]Replay_YouTube" "YouTube™" "Replay_YouTubeView" "Se på YouTube" "[english]Replay_YouTubeView" "View on YouTube" "Replay_YouTubeShareURL" "Kopier URL" "[english]Replay_YouTubeShareURL" "Copy URL" "Replay_CopyURL_Title" "Kopierede URL!" "[english]Replay_CopyURL_Title" "Copied URL!" "Replay_CopyURL_Text" "Filmens YouTube™-URL er blevet kopieret til din udklipsholder." "[english]Replay_CopyURL_Text" "The movie's YouTube™ URL has been copied to your clipboard." "Replay_ClickToEdit" "KLIK FOR AT REDIGERE" "[english]Replay_ClickToEdit" "CLICK TO EDIT" "Replay_PlayedAs" "Spillet som:" "[english]Replay_PlayedAs" "Played as:" "Replay_LifeLength" "Længde:" "[english]Replay_LifeLength" "Length:" "Replay_NoKiller" "Ingen morder" "[english]Replay_NoKiller" "No killer" "Replay_SaveThisLifeMsg" "Tryk på [%s1] for at gemme en gengivelse af dette liv!" "[english]Replay_SaveThisLifeMsg" "Press [%s1] to save a Replay of this life!" "Replay_DownloadComplete" "...download fuldført! Klik GENGIVELSER i HOVEDMENUEN for at se din gengivelse." "[english]Replay_DownloadComplete" "...download complete! Click REPLAYS in the MAIN MENU to view your replay." "Replay_DownloadFailed" "...download mislykkedes!" "[english]Replay_DownloadFailed" "...download failed!" "Replay_NoKeyBoundNoReplays" "Du har ingen tast sat op til at gemme gengivelser! Gå til\nIndstillinger ->\nTastatur -> Diverse for at sætte en op." "[english]Replay_NoKeyBoundNoReplays" "You have no key set up for saving replays! Go to\nOptions -> Keyboard -> Miscellaneous to set one up." "Replay_NoScreenshot" "INTET SKÆRMBILLEDE" "[english]Replay_NoScreenshot" "NO SCREENSHOT" "Replay_GenericMsgTitle" "Gengivelse" "[english]Replay_GenericMsgTitle" "Replay" "Replay_SearchText" "Søg" "[english]Replay_SearchText" "Search" "Replay_RenderAdvancedOptions" "Vis avancerede indstillinger" "[english]Replay_RenderAdvancedOptions" "Show Advanced Options" "Replay_RenderSetting" "Filmkvalitet:" "[english]Replay_RenderSetting" "Movie Quality:" "Replay_RenderSetting_Low" "Udkast" "[english]Replay_RenderSetting_Low" "Draft" "Replay_RenderSetting_Medium" "Standard" "[english]Replay_RenderSetting_Medium" "Standard" "Replay_RenderSetting_High" "Høj" "[english]Replay_RenderSetting_High" "High" "Replay_RenderSetting_Max" "Maksimum" "[english]Replay_RenderSetting_Max" "Maximum" "Replay_RenderEstimate_Time" "Anslået tid for at rendere: %s1 til %s2" "[english]Replay_RenderEstimate_Time" "Estimated Time To Render: %s1 to %s2" "Replay_RenderEstimate_File" "Anslået filstørrelse: %s1 kb" "[english]Replay_RenderEstimate_File" "Estimated File Size: %s1 kb" "Replay_NextX" "Næste %s1" "[english]Replay_NextX" "Next %s1" "Replay_PrevX" "Forrige %s1" "[english]Replay_PrevX" "Previous %s1" "Replay_Stat_Label_0" "" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_0" "" "Replay_Stat_Label_1" "TRÆFFERE" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_1" "SHOTS HIT" "Replay_Stat_Label_2" "SKUD AFFYRET" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_2" "SHOTS FIRED" "Replay_Stat_Label_3" "DRAB" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_3" "KILLS" "Replay_Stat_Label_4" "DØDSFALD" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_4" "DEATHS" "Replay_Stat_Label_5" "SKADE" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_5" "DAMAGE" "Replay_Stat_Label_6" "EROBRINGER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_6" "CAPTURES" "Replay_Stat_Label_7" "FORSVARINGER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_7" "DEFENSES" "Replay_Stat_Label_8" "DOMINERINGER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_8" "DOMINATIONS" "Replay_Stat_Label_9" "HÆVN" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_9" "REVENGE" "Replay_Stat_Label_10" "SCORE" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_10" "SCORE" "Replay_Stat_Label_11" "ØDELÆGGELSER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_11" "DESTRUCTION" "Replay_Stat_Label_12" "HOVEDSKUD" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_12" "HEADSHOTS" "Replay_Stat_Label_13" "SPILLETID" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_13" "PLAYTIME" "Replay_Stat_Label_14" "HELING" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_14" "HEALING" "Replay_Stat_Label_15" "USÅRLIGHEDER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_15" "INVULNS" "Replay_Stat_Label_16" "ASSISTEREDE DRAB" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_16" "KILL ASSISTS" "Replay_Stat_Label_17" "RYGSTIK" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_17" "BACKSTABS" "Replay_Stat_Label_18" "HELBRED STJÅLET" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_18" "HEALTH LEACHED" "Replay_Stat_Label_19" "KONSTRUKTION" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_19" "CONSTRUCTION" "Replay_Stat_Label_20" "SENTRY-DRAB" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_20" "SENTRY KILLS" "Replay_Stat_Label_21" "TELEPORTERINGER" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_21" "TELEPORTS" "Replay_Stat_Label_22" "BRANDSKADE" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_22" "FIRE DAMAGE" "Replay_Stat_Label_23" "BONUS-POINT" "[english]Replay_Stat_Label_23" "BONUS POINTS" "Replay_NewRecord" "NY REKORD!" "[english]Replay_NewRecord" "NEW RECORD!" "Replay_NoNewRecord" "Ingen rekord optjent denne gang. Prøv hårdere!" "[english]Replay_NoNewRecord" "No record earned this time. Try harder!" "Replay_SingleWordDateAndTime" "%s1 @ %s2" "[english]Replay_SingleWordDateAndTime" "%s1 @ %s2" "Replay_DateAndTime" "%s1 %s2, %s3 @ %s4" "[english]Replay_DateAndTime" "%s1 %s2, %s3 @ %s4" "Replay_Date" "%s1 %s2, %s3" "[english]Replay_Date" "%s1 %s2, %s3" "Replay_Today" "I dag" "[english]Replay_Today" "Today" "Replay_Yesterday" "I går" "[english]Replay_Yesterday" "Yesterday" "Replay_DeleteEditConfirm" "Dette klip vil blive slettet permanent." "[english]Replay_DeleteEditConfirm" "This take will be permanently deleted." "Replay_DeleteReplayConfirm" "Denne gengivelse og alle medfølgende klip vil blive slettet permanent." "[english]Replay_DeleteReplayConfirm" "This replay and all accompanying takes will be permanently deleted." "Replay_DeleteMovieConfirm" "Denne film vil blive slettet permanent." "[english]Replay_DeleteMovieConfirm" "This movie will be permanently deleted." "Replay_RoundInProgress" "VENTER PÅ SERVEREN" "[english]Replay_RoundInProgress" "WAITING FOR SERVER" "Replay_RenderEllipsis" "GEM SOM FILM..." "[english]Replay_RenderEllipsis" "SAVE TO MOVIE..." "Replay_RenderReplay" "RENDER GENGIVELSE" "[english]Replay_RenderReplay" "RENDER REPLAY" "Replay_RenderReplays" "RENDER FILM" "[english]Replay_RenderReplays" "RENDER MOVIES" "Replay_OlderMovies" "ÆLDRE FILM:" "[english]Replay_OlderMovies" "OLDER MOVIES:" "Replay_Rendered" "FILM" "[english]Replay_Rendered" "MOVIES" "Replay_Go" "KØR!" "[english]Replay_Go" "GO!" "Replay_HighestVideo" "Render med de bedste videoindstillinger" "[english]Replay_HighestVideo" "Render with highest video settings" "Replay_QuitWhenDone" "Afslut når færdig" "[english]Replay_QuitWhenDone" "Quit when done" "Replay_EnableAntiAliasing" "Slå anti-aliasing til" "[english]Replay_EnableAntiAliasing" "Enable Antialiasing" "Replay_EnableVoicePlayback" "Optag stemmeafspilning" "[english]Replay_EnableVoicePlayback" "Record voice playback" "Replay_OverrideFov" "Overskriv FOV:" "[english]Replay_OverrideFov" "Override FOV:" "Replay_DeleteDenialTitle" "Kan ikke slette gengivelse" "[english]Replay_DeleteDenialTitle" "Can't delete Replay" "Replay_DeleteDenialText" "Du skal slette alle renderede film, som har med denne gengivelse at gøre, før du kan slette den." "[english]Replay_DeleteDenialText" "You must delete all rendered movies associated with this replay before you can delete it." "Replay_Title" "Titel" "[english]Replay_Title" "Title" "Replay_ConfirmQuitTitle" "Afslut virkelig?" "[english]Replay_ConfirmQuitTitle" "Really Quit?" "Replay_TakeMeToReplays" "Tag mig til gengivelserne" "[english]Replay_TakeMeToReplays" "Take me to the replays" "Replay_YesReallyQuit" "Ja, afslut nu" "[english]Replay_YesReallyQuit" "Yes, really quit" "Replay_ConfirmQuit" "Du har midlertidige gengivelser, der kan gå tabt\nhvis du afslutter spillet, før du gemmer dem som film." "[english]Replay_ConfirmQuit" "You have temporary replays that may be lost\nif you quit before saving them as movies." "Replay_CancelRenderTitle" "Annuller rendering?" "[english]Replay_CancelRenderTitle" "Cancel render?" "Replay_ConfirmCancelRender" "Er du sikker på du vil annullere renderingen?" "[english]Replay_ConfirmCancelRender" "Are you sure you want to cancel rendering?" "Replay_Yes" "Ja" "[english]Replay_Yes" "Yes" "Replay_No" "Nej" "[english]Replay_No" "No" "Replay_CancelRender" "X ANNULLER" "[english]Replay_CancelRender" "X CANCEL" "Replay_Cancel" "ANNULLER" "[english]Replay_Cancel" "CANCEL" "Replay_RenderPreview" "Slå forhåndsvisning til (langsommere)" "[english]Replay_RenderPreview" "Enable preview (slower)" "Replay_RenderNow" "Gem film nu, afslut derefter" "[english]Replay_RenderNow" "Save movies now, then quit" "Replay_DontShowThisAgain" "Vis ikke denne besked igen" "[english]Replay_DontShowThisAgain" "Don't show this message again" "Replay_RenderEditTitle" "Optagelsesindstillinger" "[english]Replay_RenderEditTitle" "Shot Settings" "Replay_RenderEditFov" "Kamera-synsfelt" "[english]Replay_RenderEditFov" "Camera field of view" "Replay_RenderEditCamMoveSpeed" "Kamera-bevægelseshastighed" "[english]Replay_RenderEditCamMoveSpeed" "Camera move speed" "Replay_RenderEditCamRotSpeed" "Kamera-rotationshastighed" "[english]Replay_RenderEditCamRotSpeed" "Camera rotation speed" "Replay_AspectRatio" "Billedformat" "[english]Replay_AspectRatio" "Aspect Ratio" "Replay_Reset" "Nulstil" "[english]Replay_Reset" "Reset" "Replay_ReplayIntroTitle" "gengivelse - læs det her!" "[english]Replay_ReplayIntroTitle" "replay - read this!" "Replay_ConfirmDisconnectFromServer" "Dette vil slutte dit nuværende spil." "[english]Replay_ConfirmDisconnectFromServer" "This will end your current game." "Replay_FirstPerson" "Første person" "[english]Replay_FirstPerson" "First-person" "Replay_Chase" "Følg" "[english]Replay_Chase" "Chase" "Replay_Free" "Fri" "[english]Replay_Free" "Free" "Replay_Pause" "Pause/genoptag" "[english]Replay_Pause" "Pause/unpause" "Replay_SlowMo" "SLOW-MO" "[english]Replay_SlowMo" "SLOW-MO" "Replay_RenderOverlayText" "Gemmer film..." "[english]Replay_RenderOverlayText" "Saving movie..." "Replay_RenderOverlay_TimeLeft" "Tid: %s1 (%s2 tilbage)" "[english]Replay_RenderOverlay_TimeLeft" "Time: %s1 (%s2 left)" "Replay_UseStartMovie" "Eksporter rå TGA'er/WAV" "[english]Replay_UseStartMovie" "Export raw TGA's/WAV" "Replay_UseQuickTime" "Brug QuickTime encoder" "[english]Replay_UseQuickTime" "Use QuickTime encoder" "Replay_AccelMin" "Mindre" "[english]Replay_AccelMin" "Less" "Replay_AccelMax" "Mere" "[english]Replay_AccelMax" "More" "Replay_SpeedMin" "Langsommere" "[english]Replay_SpeedMin" "Slower" "Replay_SpeedMax" "Hurtigere" "[english]Replay_SpeedMax" "Faster" "Replay_FreeCam" "FRIT KAMERA" "[english]Replay_FreeCam" "FREE-CAM" "Replay_FovMin" "Smallere" "[english]Replay_FovMin" "Narrower" "Replay_FovMax" "Bredere" "[english]Replay_FovMax" "Wider" "Replay_RotFilterMin" "Ufiltreret" "[english]Replay_RotFilterMin" "Unfiltered" "Replay_RotFilterMax" "Filtreret" "[english]Replay_RotFilterMax" "Filtered" "Replay_Accel" "Acceleration:" "[english]Replay_Accel" "Acceleration:" "Replay_Speed" "Hastighed:" "[english]Replay_Speed" "Speed:" "Replay_Fov" "Fov:" "[english]Replay_Fov" "Fov:" "Replay_RotFilter" "Rotationsfilter:" "[english]Replay_RotFilter" "Rotation Filter:" "Replay_Original" "Original:" "[english]Replay_Original" "Original:" "Replay_Performances" "Klip:" "[english]Replay_Performances" "Takes:" "Replay_Warning" "Advarsel" "[english]Replay_Warning" "Warning" "Replay_Tip" "Tip" "[english]Replay_Tip" "Tip" "Replay_NukePerformanceChanges" "Ændringer, lavet efter det nuværende tidspunkt, vil blive kasseret, hvis du vælger at fortsætte.\n\nAlle nye ændringer, som er lavet efter dette tidspunkt, vil erstatte de gamle." "[english]Replay_NukePerformanceChanges" "Changes after the current time will be discarded if you choose to proceed.\n\nAny new changes made from this point will be recorded in their place." "Replay_UseQuickTimePlayer" "Det er anbefalet, at du bruger QuickTime til at se gemte film." "[english]Replay_UseQuickTimePlayer" "It is recommended that you use QuickTime to view saved movies." "Replay_ThanksIWill" "Tak, det skal jeg nok" "[english]Replay_ThanksIWill" "Thanks, I will" "Replay_SaveAs" "Gem som..." "[english]Replay_SaveAs" "Save As..." "Replay_Exit" "Afslut gengivelses-redaktørtilstand" "[english]Replay_Exit" "Exit Replay Editor" "Replay_MotionBlur" "Kvalitet af bevægelsessløring" "[english]Replay_MotionBlur" "Motion blur quality" "Replay_MotionBlur_Low" "Lav" "[english]Replay_MotionBlur_Low" "Low" "Replay_MotionBlur_High" "Høj" "[english]Replay_MotionBlur_High" "High" "Replay_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Slå bevægelsessløring til (øger renderingstid)" "[english]Replay_MotionBlur_Enabled" "Enable Motion Blur (will increase rendering time)" "Replay_Codec" "Video Codec" "[english]Replay_Codec" "Video Codec" "Replay_Codec_H264" "Langsommere, Bedst Kvalitet (H.264)" "[english]Replay_Codec_H264" "Slower, Best Quality (H.264)" "Replay_Codec_MJPEGA" "Hurtigere, Større Fil (MJPEG-A)" "[english]Replay_Codec_MJPEGA" "Faster, Larger File (MJPEG-A)" "Replay_Quality" "Renderingskvalitet" "[english]Replay_Quality" "Render Quality" "Replay_Quality_Low" "Lav (påvirker filstørrelsen)" "[english]Replay_Quality_Low" "Low (affects file size)" "Replay_Quality_High" "Høj" "[english]Replay_Quality_High" "High" "Replay_ExportMovie" "Eksporter" "[english]Replay_ExportMovie" "Export" "Replay_FindExportMovieLocation" "Eksporteret film-filnavn" "[english]Replay_FindExportMovieLocation" "Exported Movie Filename" "Replay_ExportMovieError_Title" "Fejl" "[english]Replay_ExportMovieError_Title" "Error" "Replay_ExportMovieError_Text" "Ude af stand til at eksportere filmen til den angivne placering. Sørg for at der er nok harddiskplads, og at du har tilstrækkelig tilladelse." "[english]Replay_ExportMovieError_Text" "Unable to export the movie to the location specified. Please ensure that there is enough disk space and that you have sufficient permissions." "Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Title" "Succes" "[english]Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Title" "Success" "Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Text" "Eksport af filmen lykkedes!" "[english]Replay_ExportMovieSuccess_Text" "The movie has been exported successfully!" "Replay_MovieFiles" "QuickTime-film" "[english]Replay_MovieFiles" "QuickTime Movie" "Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode" "For at komme ind i gengivelses-redaktørtilstanden, tryk på mellemrum." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_EnterPerfMode" "To enter the replay editor, press space." "Replay_PerfTip_ExitPerfMode" "For at afslutte gengivelses-redaktørtilstanden og fortsætte afspilningen, tryk på mellemrum." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_ExitPerfMode" "To exit the replay editor and unpause, press space." "Replay_PerfTip_ExitFreeCam" "Venstreklik for at frigøre musemarkøren." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_ExitFreeCam" "To release the mouse cursor, left-click." "Replay_PerfTip_EnterFreeCam" "For at rotere kameraet, skal du venstreklikke i synsrammen og bevæge musen.\nFor at bevæge dig horisontalt, skal du bruge 'W'- / 'A'- / 'S'- / 'D'-tasterne.\nFor vertikal bevægelse, skal du bruge 'Z' og 'X'." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_EnterFreeCam" "To rotate the camera, left-click in the viewport and move the mouse.\nTo move around horizontally, use the 'W' / 'A' / 'S' / 'D' keys.\nFor vertical movement, use 'Z' and 'X'." "Replay_PerfTip_InPointSet" "Ind-punkt sat." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_InPointSet" "In point set." "Replay_PerfTip_InPointRemoved" "Ind-punkt fjernet." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_InPointRemoved" "In point removed." "Replay_PerfTip_OutPointSet" "Ud-punkt sat." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_OutPointSet" "Out point set." "Replay_PerfTip_OutPointRemoved" "Ud-punkt fjernet." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_OutPointRemoved" "Out point removed." "Replay_PerfTip_NowRecording" "Optagelse startet." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_NowRecording" "Recording started." "Replay_PerfTip_Snip" "*KLIP*" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Snip" "*SNIP*" "Replay_PerfTip_Saved" "Klip gemt korrekt." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Saved" "Take saved successfully." "Replay_PerfTip_SaveFailed" "Klip kunne ikke gemmes!" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_SaveFailed" "Take failed to save!" "Replay_PerfTip_EndOfReplayReached" "Slutning af gengivelse nået." "[english]Replay_PerfTip_EndOfReplayReached" "End of replay reached." "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word0" "indsæt" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word0" "enter" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word1" "afslut" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word1" "exit" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word2" "tryk mellemrum" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word2" "press space" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word3" "venstreklik" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word3" "left-click" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word4" "fortsæt" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word4" "unpause" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word5" "spol tilbage" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word5" "rewind" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word6" "ud-punkt" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word6" "out point" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word7" "klip" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word7" "snip" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word8" "'W'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word8" "'W'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word9" "'A'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word9" "'A'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word10" "'S'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word10" "'S'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word11" "'D'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word11" "'D'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word12" "'Z'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word12" "'Z'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word13" "'X'" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word13" "'X'" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word14" "bevæg musen" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word14" "move the mouse" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word15" "ind-punkt" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word15" "in point" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word16" "AFSPIL" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word16" "PLAY" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word17" "spol fremad" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word17" "fast forward" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word18" "skift" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word18" "shift" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word19" "alt" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word19" "alt" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word20" "første person" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word20" "first person" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word21" "tredje person" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word21" "third person" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word22" "frit kamera" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_Word22" "free camera" "Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_NumWords" "23" "[english]Replay_PerfTip_Highlight_NumWords" "23" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_InButton" "ind-sted - sætter start-stedet for optagelsen" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_InButton" "in point - sets the start point for the take" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_RwHardButton" "Spol tilbage til begyndelsen af klippet, eller\nind-punktet, hvis det er sat" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_RwHardButton" "rewind to the beginning of the take, or\nthe in point if one is set" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_RwButton" "spol 10 sekunder tilbage" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_RwButton" "rewind 10 seconds" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_PlayButton" "AFSPIL" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_PlayButton" "PLAY" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_FfButton" "spol fremad - tryk på venstre museknap og hold den nede\n * hold Shift nede for at spole langsomt fremad\n * hold Alt nede for at spole hurtigt fremad" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_FfButton" "fast forward - click and hold the left mouse button\n * hold shift to fast forward slowly\n * hold alt to fast forward quickly" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_FfHardButton" "spol frem til slutningen af gengivelsen eller til det markerede punkt, hvis sådan et er sat" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_FfHardButton" "fast forward to the end of the replay or the\nout point, if one is set" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_OutButton" "ud-punkt - sætter slut-punktet for klippet" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_OutButton" "out point - sets the end point for the take" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_FirstPersonButton" "første persons-kamera" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_FirstPersonButton" "first person camera" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_ThirdPersonButton" "tredje persons-kamera" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_ThirdPersonButton" "third person camera" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_FreeCamButton" "frit kamera" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_FreeCamButton" "free camera" "Replay_ClientSideDisabled" "Gengivelse er blevet slået fra på grund af uventet serveropførsel." "[english]Replay_ClientSideDisabled" "Replay has been disabled due to unexpected server behavior." "Replay_ClientSideEnabled" "Gengivelsen er blevet gendannet efter uventet serverhandling." "[english]Replay_ClientSideEnabled" "Replay has recovered from unexpected server behavior." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_NoSessionName" "Intet sessionnavn i sessioninfo-filen" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_NoSessionName" "No session name in session info file." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_ReplayNotFound" "Gengivelsen blev ikke fundet i sessioninfo-filen." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_ReplayNotFound" "Replay not found in session info file." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidReplayStatus" "Ugyldig gengivelsesstatus i sessioninfo-filen." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidReplayStatus" "Invalid replay status in session info file." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidOrder" "Ugyldig blok-rækkefølge i sessioninfo-fil." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidOrder" "Invalid block order in session info file." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed" "The session info file failed to download." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown" "Sessionsfilen kunne ikke downloades og behandles grundet en ukendt fejl." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown" "The session file failed to download and process due to an unknown error." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_BlockReadFailed" "Kunne ikke læse fra den downloadede sessionsblok-buffer." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_BlockReadFailed" "Could not read from downloaded session block buffer." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_NotEnoughData" "Sessionsinfofilen blev downloadet, men havde ikke nok data til at lave et sidehoved." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_NotEnoughData" "The session info file downloaded but did not have enough data to constitute a header." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_CouldNotCreateCompressor" "Sessionsinfodownloaderen kunne ikke oprette den angivne komprimering, fordi den var ugyldig." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_CouldNotCreateCompressor" "Session info downloader could not create the specified compressor because it was invalid." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidUncompressedSize" "Den hentede sessionsinfo udpegede en ugyldig ukomprimeret laststørrelse." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_InvalidUncompressedSize" "The session info downloaded specified an invalid uncompressed payload size." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadDecompressFailed" "Sessionsinfo-lasten mislykkedes med at dekomprimere." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadDecompressFailed" "Session info payload decompression failed." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadHashFailed" "Sessionsinfo-lastens hash var ugyldig." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_PayloadHashFailed" "Session info payload hash was invalid." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown_Session" "Det downloadede server-index henviser til en session, der ikke findes på klienten." "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_Unknown_Session" "The downloaded server index refers to a session that doesn't exist on the client." "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_ZeroLengthFile" "Nul-længde-fil" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_ZeroLengthFile" "Zero length file" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_ConnectionClosed" "Forbindelse lukket" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_ConnectionClosed" "Connection closed" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_InvalidURL" "Ugyldig URL" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_InvalidURL" "Invalid URL" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_InvalidProtocol" "Ugyldig protokol" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_InvalidProtocol" "Invalid protocol" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_CantBindSocket" "Kunne ikke binde socket" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_CantBindSocket" "Couldn't bind socket" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_CantConnect" "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_CantConnect" "Couldn't connect" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_NoHeaders" "Ingen sidehoveder" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_NoHeaders" "No headers" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_NonExistent" "Ikkeeksisterende fil" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_NonExistent" "Non existent file" "Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_Prefix" "Gengivelsesdownload mislykkedes af følgende grund: %err%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_HTTP_Prefix" "Replay download failed for the following reason: %err%" "Replay_Err_Report_Prefix" "En eller flere gengivelsesfejl er forekommet:\n\n" "[english]Replay_Err_Report_Prefix" "One or more replay errors have occurred:\n\n" "Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadSessionName" "Ugyldigt sessionnavn i sessioninfo." "[english]Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadSessionName" "Bad session name in session info." "Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadDumpInterval" "Ugyldigt dump-interval i sessioninfo." "[english]Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadDumpInterval" "Bad dump interval in session info." "Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadCurrentBlock" "Ugyldigt blok-indeks i sessioninfo." "[english]Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadCurrentBlock" "Bad block index in session info." "Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadStartTick" "Ugyldigt start-tik i sessioninfo." "[english]Replay_Err_SessionInfo_BadStartTick" "Bad start tick in session info." "Replay_Err_Recon_Fail" "Rekonstruktion mislykkedes. Kan ikke afspille gengivelsen." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_Fail" "Reconstruction failed. Unable to play replay." "Replay_Err_Recon_BadSession" "Gengivelsen peger mod en ikke-eksisterende session." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_BadSession" "Replay points to a non-existent session." "Replay_Err_Recon_NotEnoughBlocks" "Ikke not blokke til rekonstruktion." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_NotEnoughBlocks" "Not enough blocks for reconstruction." "Replay_Err_Recon_BlocksNotDLd" "Ikke alle sessionsblokke blev downloadet." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_BlocksNotDLd" "Not all session blocks were downloaded." "Replay_Err_Recon_NonContinuous" "Ikke-kontinuerlig liste over rekonstruktionsindeks." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_NonContinuous" "Non-continuous list of reconstruction indices." "Replay_Err_Recon_BlockDNE" "En eller flere sessionsblokke eksisterer ikke på disken." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_BlockDNE" "One or more session blocks do not exist on disk." "Replay_Err_Recon_ZeroLengthBlock" "Nul-længde-sessionsblok." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_ZeroLengthBlock" "Zero-length session block." "Replay_Err_Recon_OutOfMemory" "Løb tør for hukommelse." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_OutOfMemory" "Ran out of memory." "Replay_Err_Recon_FailedToRead" "Kunne ikke læse sessionsblok." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_FailedToRead" "Failed to read session block." "Replay_Err_Recon_FailedToWrite" "Kunne ikke skrive den sidste rekonstruerede gengivelse til disken." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_FailedToWrite" "Failed to write the final reconstructed replay to disk." "Replay_Err_Recon_Alloc" "Løb tør for hukommelse." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_Alloc" "Ran out of memory." "Replay_Err_Recon_Decompression" "Kunne ikke dekomprimere blok." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_Decompression" "Failed to decompress block." "Replay_Err_Recon_OpenOutFile" "Kunne ikke åbne output-fil til rekonstruktion." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_OpenOutFile" "Failed to open output file for reconstruction." "Replay_Err_Recon_DecompressorCreate" "Kunne ikke oprette dekomprimering." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_DecompressorCreate" "Failed to create decompressor." "Replay_Err_Recon_UncompressedSizeIsZero" "Ukomprimeret størrelse er ugyldig." "[english]Replay_Err_Recon_UncompressedSizeIsZero" "Uncompressed size is invalid." "Replay_Err_Load_BadBlockHandles" "En optagelsessession blev ikke indlæst ordentligt, fordi blokhåndteringsrækkevidden var ugyldig." "[english]Replay_Err_Load_BadBlockHandles" "A recording session was not loaded properly because block handle range was invalid." "Replay_Err_Load_CouldNotFindSession" "En optagelsessessionsblok henviste til en optagelsessession, der ikke kunne findes." "[english]Replay_Err_Load_CouldNotFindSession" "A recording session block referred to a recording session which could not be found." "Replay_Err_Load_BadOwnerSession" "Ejende session for gengivelsen kunne ikke findes." "[english]Replay_Err_Load_BadOwnerSession" "Owning session for replay could not be found." "Replay_Err_Render_ReconstructFailed" "Kan ikke gemme gengivelse som film - kunne ikke rekonstruere gengivelse fra sessionsblokke." "[english]Replay_Err_Render_ReconstructFailed" "Can't save replay as movie - failed to reconstruct replay from session blocks." "Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayReplay" "Indlæsning af gengivelse mislykkedes. Se venligst konsollen for detaljer." "[english]Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayReplay" "The replay failed to load. Please see the console for details." "Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayTake" "Klippet kunne ikke indlæses. Se venligst konsollen for oplysninger." "[english]Replay_Err_User_FailedToPlayTake" "The take failed to load. Please see the console for details." "Replay_NoUnrenderedReplays" "Alle midlertidige gengivelser er allerede blevet gemt som film." "[english]Replay_NoUnrenderedReplays" "All temporary replays have already been saved as movies." "Replay_NeedQuicktimeNewer" "For at gemme film skal du opdatere QuickTime til den seneste udgave. Hvis du lige har installeret QuickTime, og ser denne besked, så genstart og prøv igen." "[english]Replay_NeedQuicktimeNewer" "In order to save movies, you need to upgrade to the latest version of QuickTime. If you've just installed QuickTime and are seeing this message, reboot and try again." "Replay_NeedQuicktime" "For at gemme film skal du først installere QuickTime. Hvis du lige har installeret QuickTime, og ser denne besked, så genstart og prøv igen." "[english]Replay_NeedQuicktime" "In order to save movies, you must first install QuickTime. If you've just installed QuickTime and are seeing this message, reboot and try again." "Replay_QuicktimeTitle" "QuickTime" "[english]Replay_QuicktimeTitle" "QuickTime" "Replay_Err_QT_FailedToLoad" "QuickTime kunne ikke indlæse. Hvis du lige har installeret QuickTime, og ser denne besked, så genstart og prøv igen." "[english]Replay_Err_QT_FailedToLoad" "QuickTime failed to load. If you've just installed QuickTime and are seeing this message, reboot and try again." "Replay_OverwriteDlgTitle" "Overskriv eksisterende?" "[english]Replay_OverwriteDlgTitle" "Overwrite existing?" "Replay_OverwriteDlgText" "Der findes allerede et klip med det angivne navn. Vil du gerne overskrive det?" "[english]Replay_OverwriteDlgText" "A take already exists with the given name. Would you like to overwrite it?" "Replay_ConfirmOverwrite" "Ja, overskriv" "[english]Replay_ConfirmOverwrite" "Yes, Overwrite" "Replay_NotAllVideoModesAvailable" "* Ikke alle videoformer er tilgængelige med din nuværende skærmopløsning. Du kan rette dette, ved at vælge en højere skærmopløsning under INDSTILLINGER -> VIDEO." "[english]Replay_NotAllVideoModesAvailable" "* Not all video modes are available at your current resolution. You can fix this by moving to a higher screen resolution in OPTIONS -> VIDEO." "Replay_Res_480p" "480p (720 x 480 x 23.976)" "[english]Replay_Res_480p" "480p (720 x 480 x 23.976)" "Replay_Res_720p" "720p (1280 x 720 x 23.967)" "[english]Replay_Res_720p" "720p (1280 x 720 x 23.967)" "Replay_Res_1080p" "1080p (1920 x 1080 x 23.976)" "[english]Replay_Res_1080p" "1080p (1920 x 1080 x 23.976)" "Replay_Res_Web" "Web (320 x 240 x 15)" "[english]Replay_Res_Web" "Web (320 x 240 x 15)" "Replay_Res_iPhone_Horizontal" "iPhone Vandret (960 x 640 x 23.976)" "[english]Replay_Res_iPhone_Horizontal" "iPhone Horizontal (960 x 640 x 23.976)" "Replay_Res_iPhone_Vertical" "iPhone Lodret (640 x 960 x 23.976)" "[english]Replay_Res_iPhone_Vertical" "iPhone Vertical (640 x 960 x 23.976)" "Month_1" "Januar" "[english]Month_1" "January" "Month_2" "Februar" "[english]Month_2" "February" "Month_3" "Marts" "[english]Month_3" "March" "Month_4" "April" "[english]Month_4" "April" "Month_5" "Maj" "[english]Month_5" "May" "Month_6" "Juni" "[english]Month_6" "June" "Month_7" "Juli" "[english]Month_7" "July" "Month_8" "August" "[english]Month_8" "August" "Month_9" "September" "[english]Month_9" "September" "Month_10" "Oktober" "[english]Month_10" "October" "Month_11" "November" "[english]Month_11" "November" "Month_12" "December" "[english]Month_12" "December" "Replay_MovieRenderInfo" "Opløsning: %res%\nBilledhastighed: %framerate%\nKvalitet for bevægelsessløring: %motionblurquality%\nCodec: %codec%\nKodningskvalitet: %encodingquality%\nAnti-aliasing: %antialiasing%\nRendertid: %rendertime%\nRå TGA'er/WAV: %raw%" "[english]Replay_MovieRenderInfo" "Resolution: %res%\nFramerate: %framerate%\nMotion blur quality: %motionblurquality%\nCodec: %codec%\nEncoding quality: %encodingquality%\nAntialiasing: %antialiasing%\nRender time: %rendertime%\nRaw TGA's/WAV: %raw%" "Replay_Enabled" "Slået til" "[english]Replay_Enabled" "Enabled" "Replay_Disabled" "Slået fra" "[english]Replay_Disabled" "Disabled" "Replay_RenderInfo" "RENDERINGSINFORMATION" "[english]Replay_RenderInfo" "RENDER INFO" "Replay_RewindWarningTitle" "SPOL TILBAGE" "[english]Replay_RewindWarningTitle" "REWIND" "Replay_RewindWarningMsg" "Tilbagespoling kan tage et øjeblik eller to. Selvom du kan opleve svimmelhed, mister du ingen ændringer, du har foretaget. Denne besked bliver ikke vist igen." "[english]Replay_RewindWarningMsg" "Rewinding may take a moment or two. Although you may experience dizziness, you will not lose any changes you've made. This message will not appear again." "YouTube_LoggingIn" "Logger på YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_LoggingIn" "Logging into YouTube™" "YouTube_Uploading" "Uploader film til YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_Uploading" "Uploading Movie to YouTube™" "YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]" "[english]YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]" "YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "Færdiggør upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "Finishing Upload" "YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "Færdiggør upload." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "Finishing Upload." "YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "Færdiggør upload.." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "Finishing Upload.." "YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "Færdiggør upload..." "[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "Finishing Upload..." "YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "Denne film er allerede blevet uploadet. Er du sikker på, du vil uploade den igen?" "[english]YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "This movie has already been uploaded. Are you sure you want to upload it again?" "YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Log på Mislykket" "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Login Failed" "YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "Tjek venligst dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse eller sæt \"youtube_http_proxy\"-convaren, hvis du er bag en http-proxy, og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "Please check your your internet connection settings or set the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an http proxy and try again." "YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Bekræft venligst at dit brugernavn og din adgangskode er korrekte og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Please verify that your username and password are correct and try again." "YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "Vær venlig at tjekke indstillingerne for din internetforbindelse og prøve igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "Please check your internet connection settings and try again." "YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "Login annulleret. Hvis der ser ud til at være et problem, tjek da dine indstillinger for din internetforbindelse eller sæt \"youtube_http_proxy\"-convaren, hvis du er bag en http-proxy, og prøv igen." "[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "Login cancelled. If there appears to be a problem, please check your internet connection settings or set the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an http proxy and try again." "YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log på YouTube™" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log into YouTube™" "YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "Brugernavn" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "Username" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "Adgangskode" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "Password" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "Registrer" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "Register" "YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "Log på" "[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "Login" "YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™-upload" "[english]YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™ Upload" "YouTube_Upload_Success" "Upload af filmen til YouTube blev gennemført!" "[english]YouTube_Upload_Success" "Movie uploaded to YouTube successfully!" "YouTube_Upload_Failure" "Der var et problem med at uploade filmen. Vær venlig at tjekke indstillingerne for din internetforbindelse og prøve igen." "[english]YouTube_Upload_Failure" "There was a problem uploading the movie. Please check your internet connection settings and try again." "YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "Symbolerne '<', '>', eller '&' må ikke benyttes i titlen." "[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "The characters '<', '>', or '&' are not allowed in the title." "YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "Symbolerne '<', '>', eller '&' må ikke benyttes i beskrivelsen." "[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "The characters '<', '>', or '&' are not allowed in the description." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "YouTube™-upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "YouTube™ Upload" "YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "Titel" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "Title" "YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "Beskrivelse" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "Description" "YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "Ved at klikke 'Upload,' vil du uploade til din egen YouTube-kanal. Du bekræfter hermed, at din film er i overensstemmelse med YouTubes servicevilkår." "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "By clicking 'Upload,' you will upload to your own YouTube channel. You hereby confirm that your movie complies with the YouTube Terms of Service." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube-servicevilkår" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube T.O.S." "YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "Upload" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "Upload" "YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "Ikke opført (kun brugere med URL'en kan se videoen)" "[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "Unlisted (users will need the URL to view the video)" "YouTube_Stats" "%s2 visning(er)\n%s3 opstemme(r)\n%s1 foretrukne" "[english]YouTube_Stats" "%s2 view(s)\n%s3 like(s)\n%s1 favorited" "YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™-video er sat som privat." "[english]YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™ video is set as private." "YouTube_NoStats" "Ikke tilgængelig" "[english]YouTube_NoStats" "N/A" "YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "Ikke fundet" "[english]YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "Not Found" "YouTube_EmailSubject" "Se min fantastiske Team Fortress 2 video!" "[english]YouTube_EmailSubject" "Watch my Awesome Team Fortress 2 Video!" "MMenu_Replays" "Gengivelser" "[english]MMenu_Replays" "Replays" "MMenu_Tooltip_Coach" "Vær en træner" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Coach" "Be a Coach" "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title3" "Du burde måske øve dig med nogle andre klasser..." "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title3" "You might want to practice with some other classes..." "MMenu_ResumeGame" "Genoptag" "[english]MMenu_ResumeGame" "Resume" "MMenu_CallVote" "Start afstemning" "[english]MMenu_CallVote" "Call Vote" "MMenu_MutePlayers" "Dæmp spillere" "[english]MMenu_MutePlayers" "Mute Players" "MMenu_RequestCoach" "Anmod om en Træner" "[english]MMenu_RequestCoach" "Request Coach" "MMenu_ServerBrowser" "Gennemse alle servere" "[english]MMenu_ServerBrowser" "Browse All Servers" "TR_DistanceToStudent" "Distance: %s1 (Skal være inden for 30)" "[english]TR_DistanceToStudent" "Distance: %s1 (must stay within 30)" "TR_DistanceToObject" "Afstand til %s1: %s2" "[english]TR_DistanceToObject" "Distance to %s1: %s2" "TR_DistanceTo" "Afstand: %s1" "[english]TR_DistanceTo" "Distance: %s1" "TR_Completed" "TRÆNING FULDFØRT!" "[english]TR_Completed" "TRAINING COMPLETED!" "TR_Not_Completed" "IKKE FULDFØRT" "[english]TR_Not_Completed" "NOT COMPLETED" "TR_ClassInfo_Demoman" "Som mester af sprængstoffer kan han anvende hoppende granater til at angribe mål indirekte, bruge klæbebomber til at lægge fælder for fjenden eller destruere godt sikrede sentry-positioner." "[english]TR_ClassInfo_Demoman" "As a master of explosives he can use bouncing grenades to indirectly attack targets, use stickybombs to lay traps for the enemy or destroy well defended sentry positions." "TR_ClassInfo_Spy" "Spies opererer anderledes end andre klasser, idet de foretrækker snigen og overraskelse frem for kamp ansigt til ansigt. Deres rolle involverer ofte at dræbe vigtige mål som Medics eller destruere sentrypositioner." "[english]TR_ClassInfo_Spy" "Spies operate differently from other classes preferring stealth and surprise as opposed to head to head combat. Their role often revolves around killing key targets such as Medics or destroying sentry positions." "TR_ClassInfo_Engineer" "Brugen af Sentries, teleportere til at få holdkammerater til frontlinjen og dispensere til uddeling af helbred og ammunition, gør Engineeren en vigtig del af hvilket som helst hold." "[english]TR_ClassInfo_Engineer" "Using sentry guns, teleporters to move teammates quickly to the front lines, and dispensers providing health and ammo, the Engineer is an integral part of any team." "TR_Locked_Demo" "Låst op efter gennemførelse af grundlæggende træning." "[english]TR_Locked_Demo" "Unlocked after completing Basic Training." "TR_Locked_Spy" "Låst op efter gennemførelse af Demoman-træning." "[english]TR_Locked_Spy" "Unlocked after completing Demoman training." "TR_Locked_Engineer" "Låst op efter gennemførelse af Spy-træning." "[english]TR_Locked_Engineer" "Unlocked after completing Spy training." "TR_Eng_IntroTitle" "Engineeren" "[english]TR_Eng_IntroTitle" "The Engineer" "TR_Eng_Intro" "Engineeren kan konstruere bygninger som kan assistere dit hold på forskellige måder." "[english]TR_Eng_Intro" "The Engineer can construct buildings that assist your team in different ways." "TR_Eng_WeaponTitle" "Våben og udstyr" "[english]TR_Eng_WeaponTitle" "Weapons and Gear" "TR_Eng_Weapon" "Engineeren er udstyret med et HAGLGEVÆR, PISTOL, SKRUENØGLE, BYGGEVÆRKTØJ og et NEDRIVNINGSVÆRKTØJ. De sidste to er brugt til konstruktion af bygninger." "[english]TR_Eng_Weapon" "The Engineer is equipped with a SHOTGUN, PISTOL, WRENCH, BUILD TOOL, and a DEMOLISH TOOL. The last two are used for building construction." "TR_Eng_MetalTitle" "Metal" "[english]TR_Eng_MetalTitle" "Metal" "TR_Eng_Metal" "Engineers forbruger metal til at konstruere, reparere og opgradere bygninger. Metal er vist tæt ved din ammunitionstæller." "[english]TR_Eng_Metal" "Engineers expend metal to construct , repair, and upgrade buildings. Metal is displayed near your ammo count." "TR_Eng_MetalCollect" "Saml mere metal op ved at løbe hen over ammunitionskasser. Tabte våben fra faldne fjender er også en god kilde til metal." "[english]TR_Eng_MetalCollect" "Collect more metal by running over ammo pickups. Dropped weapons from fallen enemies are also a great source of metal." "TR_Eng_BuildTitle" "Bygningskonstruktion" "[english]TR_Eng_BuildTitle" "Building Construction" "TR_Eng_Build" "Tryk på %slot4% for at bringe dit BYGGEVÆRKTØJ frem. Vælg dispenseren og placer den med %attack%." "[english]TR_Eng_Build" "Press %slot4% to bring up your BUILD TOOL. Select the dispenser and place it with %attack%." "TR_Eng_DispenserTitle" "Dispenseren" "[english]TR_Eng_DispenserTitle" "The Dispenser" "TR_Eng_DispenserBuild" "Bygninger vil konstruere sig selv over tid. For at øge hastigheden af konstruktionen, vælg SKRUENØGLEN med %slot3% og slå bygningen med den." "[english]TR_Eng_DispenserBuild" "Buildings will construct themselves over time. To speed up construction, select the WRENCH with %slot3% and hit the building with it." "TR_Eng_DispenserDesc" "En dispenser giver helbred og ammunition til alle på holdet og metal til Engineers. Måleren på displayet viser mængden af ammunition, der er til rådighed." "[english]TR_Eng_DispenserDesc" "A dispenser provides health, ammo, and for Engineers, metal. The gauge on the front displays the amount of ammo available." "TR_Eng_DispenserUpgradeTitle" "At opgradere bygninger" "[english]TR_Eng_DispenserUpgradeTitle" "Upgrading Buildings" "TR_Eng_DispenserUpgrade" "Der kræves 200 metal per niveau for at opgradere en bygning. Slå bygningen med skruenøglen for at opgradere den til niveau 3." "[english]TR_Eng_DispenserUpgrade" "It requires 200 metal per level to upgrade a building. Hit the building with the wrench to upgrade it to level 3." "TR_Eng_SentryTitle" "Sentry'en" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryTitle" "The Sentry Gun" "TR_Eng_Sentry" "Sentry'en er en slagkraftig forsvarsbygning. Tag byggeværktøjet frem ved at trykke på %slot4% og byg en sentry på den indikerede position. Opgrader den til level 3." "[english]TR_Eng_Sentry" "The sentry gun is a powerful defensive building. Bring up the build tool by pressing %slot4% and build a sentry on the indicated position. Upgrade it to level 3." "TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "Opgrader sentryen til level 3 ved at slå den med din skruenøgle. Du kan også få metal fra ammunitionskasser!" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryBuilt" "Upgrade the sentry to level 3 by hitting it with your wrench. You can also get metal from ammo boxes!" "TR_Eng_SentryHint" "Byg sentry her" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryHint" "Build Sentry Here" "TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "Woops!" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryErrorTitle" "Woops!" "TR_Eng_SentryErrorPos" "Placer bygningen på den indikerede position. Stå tæt ved din bygning og tryk på %attack2% for at samle den op og stille den et andet sted. Placer den ved at bruge %attack%." "[english]TR_Eng_SentryErrorPos" "Place the building in the position indicated. Stand near your building and press %attack2% to pick it up and reposition it. Place it down using %attack%." "TR_Eng_SentryErrorAng" "Sentry-geværet peger den forkerte vej. Saml din sentry op ved at bruge %attack2%. Match silhuettens position og stil sentryen ned igen med %attack%." "[english]TR_Eng_SentryErrorAng" "The sentry is facing the wrong way. Pick up your sentry using %attack2%. Match the silhouette's position and place the sentry back down with %attack%." "TR_Eng_SentryAttackTitle" "Forsvar!" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryAttackTitle" "Defend!" "TR_Eng_SentryAttack" "Red er ved at angribe din position. Brug din sentry som dække ved at gemme dig bag den for at forblive i sikkerhed. Gå derhen nu før angrebet starter." "[english]TR_Eng_SentryAttack" "The Red team is about to attack your position. Use your sentry for cover by hiding behind it to stay safe. Move there now before the attack begins." "TR_Eng_SentryAttackBegin" "Det Røde hold angriber. Brug din sentry som dække for at overleve." "[english]TR_Eng_SentryAttackBegin" "The Red team is attacking. Use your sentry as cover to stay alive." "TR_Eng_RepairTitle" "Beskadigede bygninger" "[english]TR_Eng_RepairTitle" "Damaged Buildings" "TR_Eng_Repair" "Reparer bygninger på samme måde som ved opgradering. Slå dem med SKRUENØGLEN. Dette vil også genskabe ammunition til sentry'en." "[english]TR_Eng_Repair" "Repair buildings the same way as upgrading. Hit them with the WRENCH. This will also replenish ammo to the sentry." "TR_Eng_MoveTitle" "Placering af bygninger" "[english]TR_Eng_MoveTitle" "Building Placement" "TR_Eng_Move" "Flyt bygninger ved at stå tæt ved dem og anvende %attack2%. Saml dispenseren op og flyt den hen til din sentry. Stil den ved at bruge %attack%." "[english]TR_Eng_Move" "Move buildings by standing near them and using %attack2%. Pick up the dispenser and move it near the sentry now. Place it down using %attack%." "TR_Eng_MovePlacement" "At have en dispenser i nærheden af din sentry vil give dig helbred og metal under angreb." "[english]TR_Eng_MovePlacement" "Keeping a dispenser nearby your sentry will provide you with health and metal when under attack." "TR_Eng_MoveHint" "Placer Dispenser her" "[english]TR_Eng_MoveHint" "Place Dispenser Here" "TR_Eng_TeleTitle" "Teleporteren" "[english]TR_Eng_TeleTitle" "The Teleporter" "TR_Eng_TeleEntrance" "Teleportere er nyttige til at hjælpe dine holdkammerater med at komme hurtigt til frontlinjen. Tryk på %slot4% for at bringe BYGNINGSVÆRKTØJET frem og konstruer en teleporter-indgang." "[english]TR_Eng_TeleEntrance" "Teleporters are useful to help your teammates get to the front lines quickly. Press %slot4% to bring up the BUILD TOOL and construct a teleporter entrance." "TR_Eng_TeleExit" "Byg nu udgangen. Du kan rotere den retning, folk kommer ud af din teleporter ved at bruge %attack2% og være opmærksom på pilen på plantegningen." "[english]TR_Eng_TeleExit" "Now build the exit. You can rotate the direction that people exit the teleporter by using %attack2% and taking note of the arrow on the blueprint." "TR_Eng_TeleUpgrade" "Opgradering af en teleporter opgraderer både indgang og udgang på samme tid. Hvert level reducerer tiden mellem teleporteringer." "[english]TR_Eng_TeleUpgrade" "Upgrading a teleporter upgrades both the entrance and the exit at the same time. Each level reduces the time between teleports." "TR_Eng_TeleEntranceHint" "Byg indgang her" "[english]TR_Eng_TeleEntranceHint" "Build Entrance Here" "TR_Eng_TeleExitHint" "Byg udgang her" "[english]TR_Eng_TeleExitHint" "Build Exit Here" "TR_Eng_EndTitle" "Nedbrydning" "[english]TR_Eng_EndTitle" "Breakdown" "TR_Eng_End" "Ved længere ture kan det være mere effektivt at destruere dine bygninger fremfor at flytte hver enkelt." "[english]TR_Eng_End" "If traveling long distances it may be more effective to break down your buildings as opposed to moving each one." "TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Tryk på %slot5% for at bringe DESTRUKTIONSVÆRKTØJET frem og ødelægge alle dine bygninger for at afslutte Engineer-træningen." "[english]TR_Eng_EndDestroy" "Press %slot5% to bring up the DESTROY TOOL and destroy all your buildings to conclude Engineer training." "TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Tillykke, du har nu fuldført Engineer-træning.\n\nDette afslutter din træning. Prøv OFFLINETRÆNING for at fortsætte med at finpudse dine evner eller prøve nye klasser.\n\nKlar til at spille imod andre spillere? Vælg FIND ET SPIL i hovedmenuen." "[english]TR_Eng_EndDialog" "Congratulations, you've completed Engineer training.\n\nThis concludes your training. Try OFFLINE PRACTICE to continue honing your skills or try new classes.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu." "TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "Demoman" "[english]TR_Demo_IntroTitle" "The Demoman" "TR_Demo_Intro" "Demoman er en fleksibel klasse med våben som lader ham beskytte mål eller gå på offensiven ved at smadre sentry-positioner." "[english]TR_Demo_Intro" "The Demoman is versatile class with weapons that allow him to defend objectives or go on the offensive destroying sentry positions." "TR_Demo_WeaponTitle" "Våben" "[english]TR_Demo_WeaponTitle" "Weapons" "TR_Demo_Weapon" "Demomen er udstyret med en GRANATKASTER, KLÆBEBOMBEKASTER og en FLASKE." "[english]TR_Demo_Weapon" "Demomen are equipped with a GRENADE LAUNCHER, STICKYBOMB LAUNCHER, and a BOTTLE." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Title" "Granatkaster" "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Title" "Grenade Launcher" "TR_Demo_TargetSlot1" "Tag GRANATKASTEREN frem ved at trykke på %slot1% og ødelæg målene. Granater sprænger i luften ved kontakt med fjender, hvis de ikke hopper først." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1" "Equip the GRENADE LAUNCHER by pressing %slot1% and destroy the targets. Grenades explode on contact with opponents if they don't bounce first." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Granater kan hoppe omkring hjørner, bag forhindringer osv. Ødelæg et delvist beskyttet mål ved at få en granat til at hoppe nær den." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1Bounce" "Grenades can bounce around corners, behind obstacles, etc. Destroy the target which is partially protected by bouncing a grenade near it." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot1BounceHint" "Tildækket mål" "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot1BounceHint" "Obscured Target" "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Klæbebomber" "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Title" "Stickybombs" "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2" "Godt klaret. KLÆBEBOMBEKASTEREN kan bruges til at sætte adskillige klæbebomber, der kan detoneres ved fjernkontrol ved brug af %attack2%." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2" "Well done. The STICKYBOMB LAUNCHER can be used to place multiple stickybombs that can be remotely detonated using %attack2%." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Delay" "Tryk %slot2% for at vælge KLÆBEBOMBEKASTEREN. Efter affyring er der en kort pause, før klæbebomben er armeret og kan detoneres med %attack2%." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Delay" "Press %slot2% to select the STICKYBOMB LAUNCHER. After firing there is a short delay before the stickybomb is armed and can be detonated using %attack2%." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Use" "Ødelæg nogle få mål med klæbebomber for at fortsætte. Klæbebomber vil klæbe til næsten enhver overflade undtagen bevægelige objekter eller spillere." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Use" "Destroy a few targets with stickybombs to continue. Stickybombs will stick to almost any surface, except moving objects or players." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Multiple" "Ødelæg alle fem mål på samme tid for at fortsætte. Der kan maksimalt være placeret 8 klæbebomber på samme tid." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Multiple" "To continue, destroy all five targets at the same time. A maximum of 8 stickybombs can be placed at any given time." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2AnySlot" "Klæbebomber kan altid detoneres ved at trykke %attack2%, selv hvis du bruger andre våben." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2AnySlot" "Stickybombs can be detonated at any time using %attack2% even if you are using other weapons." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2RangeTitle" "Langdistance-klæbebombe" "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2RangeTitle" "Long Range Sticky" "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range" "Skyd klæbebomber længere ved at holde %attack% nede, for at opbygge lading, og slip %attack% for at affyre." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range" "Launch stickybombs further by holding %attack% to build up charge and release %attack% to fire." "TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Ødelæg målet på langt sigt for at fortsætte. Husk at holde %attack% nede og slippe den for at skyde klæbebomben længere." "[english]TR_Demo_TargetSlot2Range2" "Destroy the target at long range to continue. Remember to hold %attack% and release it to launch the sticky further." "TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Godt arbejde! Du har gennemført Demoman-træning!\n\nSpy-træning er nu låst op! Vælg ikonet TRÆNING i hovedmenuen og prøv ham.\n\nKlar til at spille imod andre spillere? Vælg FIND ET SPIL i hovedmenuen." "[english]TR_Demo_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu." "TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "Spy" "[english]TR_Spy_IntroTitle" "The Spy" "TR_Spy_Intro" "Spies opererer anderledes end andre klasser. De foretrækker snigen og overraskelse i modsætning til direkte kamp." "[english]TR_Spy_Intro" "Spies operate differently from other classes preferring stealth and surprise as opposed to head to head combat." "TR_Spy_IntroRole" "Deres rolle drejer sig ofte om at dræbe og destruere centrale mål, såsom Medics klar med ÜberLadning eller Engineers' forsvarende positioner." "[english]TR_Spy_IntroRole" "Their role often revolves around killing key targets, such as ÜberCharge ready Medics or destroying Engineers defensive positions." "TR_Spy_WeaponsTitle" "Våben" "[english]TR_Spy_WeaponsTitle" "Weapons" "TR_Spy_Weapons" "Spys våben består af en REVOLVER og BUTTERFLY-KNIV. BUTTERFLY-KNIVEN er i stand til at levere et dødbringende rygstik bagfra." "[english]TR_Spy_Weapons" "The Spy's weapons consist of a REVOLVER and BUTTERFLY KNIFE. The BUTTERFLY KNIFE is capable of a lethal backstab from behind." "TR_Spy_CloakTitle" "Usynlighed" "[english]TR_Spy_CloakTitle" "Cloak" "TR_Spy_Cloak" "Aktiver usynlighed når som helst ved brug af %attack2%. Dette gør dig fuldstændig usynlig for fjenden i kort tid." "[english]TR_Spy_Cloak" "Activate cloak at any time using %attack2%. This renders you completely invisible to the enemy for a short time." "TR_Spy_CloakMeter" "Hold øje med dit ur når du er usynlig, hvis det løber ud, bliver du synlig! At samle ammunition op eller at forblive synlig vil oplade usynlighedsmeteret." "[english]TR_Spy_CloakMeter" "Keep an eye on your watch when cloaked, if it runs out, you'll be visible! Picking up ammo or remaining uncloaked will recharge the cloak meter." "TR_Spy_CloakPracticeTitle" "Usynlighedsapplikation" "[english]TR_Spy_CloakPracticeTitle" "Cloak Application" "TR_Spy_CloakPractice" "Skjul dig ved at bruge %attack2% til at snige dig forbi sentryen og gemme dig bag kasserne, hvor du er ude af syne. En venlig Spy vil demonstrere." "[english]TR_Spy_CloakPractice" "Cloak using %attack2% to sneak by the sentry and hide behind the crates out of sight. A friendly Spy will demonstrate." "TR_Spy_CloakPracticePlayer" "Afspærringen er blevet sænket. Skjul dig ved brug af %attack2% og snig forbi sentryen. Skynd dig til det viste sted bag ved kasserne." "[english]TR_Spy_CloakPracticePlayer" "The barrier has been lowered. Cloak using %attack2% and sneak by the sentry. Make your way to the indicated spot behind the crates." "TR_Spy_CloakSuccess" "Godt arbejde. Bemærk at når du er usynlig, kan du ikke angribe. Forbliv ude af sentryens synsfelt indtil videre, du får brug for en forklædning for at nærme dig den." "[english]TR_Spy_CloakSuccess" "Well done. Note when cloaked you cannot attack. Remain out of sight of the sentry for now, you'll need a disguise to approach it." "TR_Spy_CloakSentryHint" "Sentry" "[english]TR_Spy_CloakSentryHint" "Sentry Gun" "TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Bevæg dig herover" "[english]TR_Spy_CloakMoveHint" "Move Here" "TR_Spy_DisguiseTitle" "Forklædninger" "[english]TR_Spy_DisguiseTitle" "Disguises" "TR_Spy_Disguise" "For at forklæde dig selv som en fjende skal du skifte til dit FORKLÆDNINGSSÆT eller trykke %slot4%." "[english]TR_Spy_Disguise" "To disguise yourself as the enemy, switch to your DISGUISE KIT or press %slot4%." "TR_Spy_DisguiseNote" "Vælg en klasse at forklæde dig som. Det tager et kort øjeblik at fuldføre forklædningen. Forklædnings-statussen er vist nederst til venstre på din skærm." "[english]TR_Spy_DisguiseNote" "Select a class to disguise as. It takes a brief moment to complete the disguise. The status of the disguise is displayed in the bottom left of your screen." "TR_Spy_SapTitle" "Elektro-sapper" "[english]TR_Spy_SapTitle" "Electro-Sapper" "TR_Spy_Sap" "Sapperen er et vigtigt redskab, som bruges til at deaktivere og ødelægge bygninger. Vælg den, ved at bruge %slot2%, for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Spy_Sap" "The sapper is an important tool used for disabling and destroying buildings. Select it now using %slot2% to continue." "TR_Spy_SapBuildingTitle" "Ødelæg Sentrien" "[english]TR_Spy_SapBuildingTitle" "Destroy the Sentry" "TR_Spy_SapBuilding" "Mens du er forklædt og har sapperen valgt, skal du nærme dig sentryen og fastgøre sapperen til sentryen med %attack%." "[english]TR_Spy_SapBuilding" "While disguised and with the sapper selected, approach the sentry and attach the sapper to the sentry with %attack%." "TR_Spy_SapHint" "Placer Sapper" "[english]TR_Spy_SapHint" "Place Sapper" "TR_Spy_BackstabTitle" "Rygstikket" "[english]TR_Spy_BackstabTitle" "The Backstab" "TR_Spy_Backstab" "Når den bruges bagfra, kan BUTTERFLY-KNIVEN dræbe fjender øjeblikkeligt. Vælg den nu ved at bruge %slot3%." "[english]TR_Spy_Backstab" "When used from behind, the BUTTERFLY KNIFE can instantly kill enemies. Select it now using %slot3%." "TR_Spy_BackstabPractice" "Stik disse fjender i ryggen. Din arm vil løftes, når den er i position bag dem. Bemærk at hvis du stadig er forklædt, vil du miste forklædningen, når du angriber." "[english]TR_Spy_BackstabPractice" "Backstab these enemies. Your arm will raise when in position behind them. Note that if still disguised, it will be lost when you strike." "TR_Spy_EscapeTitle" "Flugten" "[english]TR_Spy_EscapeTitle" "The Escape" "TR_Spy_Escape" "Med mindre liv end andre klasser, vil Spy ofte flygte fra en kamp ved at gøre sig usynlig og gemme sig bag dækning." "[english]TR_Spy_Escape" "With less health than other classes, the Spy will often flee from a fight by cloaking and hiding behind cover." "TR_Spy_EscapeSetup" "For at øve dette, vend tilbage til den angivne position bag ved kasserne. Det røde hold vil stille sig op på den modsatte side." "[english]TR_Spy_EscapeSetup" "To practice this, return behind the crates to the indicated position. The Red team will set up on the opposite side." "TR_Spy_EscapeBegin" "Forklæd dig som det røde hold og stik en modstander i ryggen. Gør dig usynlig med det samme efter angrebet ved brug af %attack2% for at flygte og vend tilbage til bag ved kasserne." "[english]TR_Spy_EscapeBegin" "Disguise as the Red team and backstab an opponent. Cloak immediately after the attack using %attack2% to escape and return behind the crates." "TR_Spy_EscapeBeginRetry" "Prøv igen. Husk at gøre dig usynlig lige efter du dræber målet for at trække dig ud af kampen og løb ud af syne." "[english]TR_Spy_EscapeBeginRetry" "Try again. Remember to cloak immediately after killing the target to disengage from combat and run out of line of sight." "TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "Stik de resterende modstandere i ryggen med den samme metode for at afslutte Spy-træning." "[english]TR_Spy_EscapeEnd" "Backstab the remaining opponent with the same method to conclude Spy training." "TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Godt klaret! Du har fuldført Spy-træning og låst op for Engineer-træning!\n\nVil du prøve Spy i et spil? Hvorfor ikke prøve OFFLINETRÆNING?\n\nKlar til at spille imod andre spillere? Vælg FIND ET SPIL i hovedmenuen." "[english]TR_Spy_EndDialog" "Well done! You've completed Spy training and unlocked Engineer training!\n\nWant to try out the Spy in a game? Why not try OFFLINE PRACTICE.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu." "TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Payload-spiltilstand" "[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroTitle" "Payload Game Mode" "TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Velkommen til Goldrush! Under træningen bliver kun det første af tre områder spillet, og der er ingen tidsgrænse." "[english]TR_DemoRush_Intro" "Welcome to Goldrush! For training only the first stage of three stages will be played and there is no time limit." "TR_DemoRush_IntroDescription" "På Payload-baner eskorterer Blå en vogn gennem kontrolpunkter til det sidste mål for at vinde. Hvert kontrolpunkt belønner Blå med ekstra tid." "[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroDescription" "In Payload maps Blue escorts a cart through checkpoints to the final goal to win. Each checkpoint awards Blue additional time." "TR_DemoRush_IntroPush" "For at flytte vognen, stå ved siden af den. Ud over at forsyne helbred og ammuntion, vil den bevæge sig hurtigere med flere spillere tæt på." "[english]TR_DemoRush_IntroPush" "To move the cart stand next to it. In addition to supplying health and ammo, it will move faster with more players nearby." "TR_DemoRush_SentryTitle" "Ødelæg Sentrierne" "[english]TR_DemoRush_SentryTitle" "Destroy the Sentries" "TR_DemoRush_Sentry" "KLÆBEBOMBEKASTEREN er ideel til at ødelægge sentries, der ligger forude og blokerer dit holds vej." "[english]TR_DemoRush_Sentry" "The STICKYBOMB LAUNCHER is ideal for destroying the sentry guns that lie ahead blocking your team's path." "TR_DemoRush_SentryMultiple" "Brug KLÆBEBOMBEKASTEREN til at placere adskillige bomber nær en sentry. Detoner dem ved at bruge %attack2%." "[english]TR_DemoRush_SentryMultiple" "Use the STICKYBOMB LAUNCHER to place several bombs near a sentry gun. Detonate them using %attack2%." "TR_DemoRush_SentryEngineer" "Ved at detonere flere KLÆBEBOMBER samtidig ophæver det Engineerens evne til at reparere sine bygninger." "[english]TR_DemoRush_SentryEngineer" "By detonating several STICKYBOMBS simultaneously it negates an Engineer's ability to repair their buildings." "TR_DemoRush_SentryDoor" "Dørene vil nu åbne sig og lade dig og dit hold at skubbe vognen mod sejr!" "[english]TR_DemoRush_SentryDoor" "The doors will now open and allow you and your team to push the cart to victory!" "TR_DemoRush_CombatHint1Title" "Granatstip" "[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint1Title" "Grenade Tip" "TR_DemoRush_CombatHint1" "GRANATKASTEREN kan sigtes opad for at skyde granater længere eller fra bag ved dække." "[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint1" "The GRENADE LAUNCHER can be aimed upwards to fire grenades further or from behind cover." "TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2Title" "Klæbebombe-tip" "[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2Title" "Stickybomb Tip" "TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2" "Husk at KLÆBEBOMBER kan detoneres når som helst med %attack2%. Placer klæbebomber hvor du tror, der vil være fjender og overrask dem!" "[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2" "Remember STICKYBOMBS can be detonated at any time with %attack2%. Place stickies where you think enemies will be and surprise them!" "TR_DemoRush_TipSentryTitle" "Sentrytip" "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipSentryTitle" "Sentry Tip" "TR_DemoRush_TipSentry" "Tre KLÆBEBOMBER vil sædvanligvis ødelægge en sentry på niveau 3, når detoneret samtidig." "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipSentry" "Three STICKYBOMBS will usually destroy a level 3 sentry gun when detonated at once." "TR_DemoRush_TipGrenadeTitle" "Granatstip" "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipGrenadeTitle" "Grenade Tip" "TR_DemoRush_TipGrenade" "Granater kan være nyttige i forskellige situationer til at ødelægge sentries ved at blive hoppet eller rullet mod et sted, der er svært at nå." "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipGrenade" "Grenades can be useful in different situations to destroy sentries by being bounced or rolled towards a hard to reach location." "TR_DemoRush_TipPathTitle" "Alternative Ruter" "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipPathTitle" "Alternate Routes" "TR_DemoRush_TipPath" "Prøv en anden rute, hvis en er blokeret af fjender eller spillere. Dette kan give dig en bedre vinkel til en godt forskanset fjende." "[english]TR_DemoRush_TipPath" "Try an alternate route if one is blocked by enemies or players. This may give you a better angle on a well entrenched enemy." "TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "Payload-vogn" "[english]TR_DemoRush_HintCart" "Payload Cart" "TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Fremragende! Du har hjulpet dit hold med at vinde første område i %s1 og gennemført Demoman-træning!\n\nSpy-træning er nu tilgængelig! Vælg TRÆNING-ikonet i hovedmenuen for at prøve ham af.\n\nKlar til at spille imod andre spillere? Vælg FIND ET SPIL i hovedmenuen." "[english]TR_DemoRush_EndDialog" "Excellent! You've helped your team win the first stage in %s1 and completed Demoman training!\n\nSpy training is now unlocked! Select the TRAINING icon at the main menu to give him a try.\n\nReady to play online against other players? Select FIND A GAME at the main menu." "TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "Forsvar punktet" "[english]TR_Eng1_IntroTitle" "Defend the Point" "TR_Eng1_Intro" "Velkommen til Dustbowl. Du forsvarer det andet kontrolpunkt på hold RED." "[english]TR_Eng1_Intro" "Welcome to Dustbowl. You are defending the second Control Point on the RED team." "TR_Eng1_DefenseTitle" "Etableret forsvar" "[english]TR_Eng1_DefenseTitle" "Established Defense" "TR_Eng1_Defense" "En engineer hjælper sit hold med forskellige bygninger, der leverer forsvar, helbred, ammunition og transport til frontlinjerne!" "[english]TR_Eng1_Defense" "The Engineer helps their team with various structures providing defense, health, ammo, and transportation to the front lines!" "TR_Eng1_TeleTitle" "Teleporteren" "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleTitle" "The Teleporter" "TR_Eng1_Tele" "En teleporter kan hjælpe dit hold med at angribe eller forsvare ved hurtigt at flytte holdkammerater til frontlinjerne." "[english]TR_Eng1_Tele" "A teleporter can help your team attack or defend by moving teammates to the front lines quickly." "TR_Eng1_TeleBuild" "Byg en teleporter-indgang tæt ved tilbagevendelsesområdet ved den indikererede position for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleBuild" "Build a teleporter entrance near the spawn at the indicated position to continue." "TR_Eng1_TeleBuildHint" "Placer indgang her" "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleBuildHint" "Place Entrance Here" "TR_Eng1_TeleBuildHintExit" "Placer udgang her" "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleBuildHintExit" "Place Exit Here" "TR_Eng1_TeleExit" "En teleporter har altid brug for en tilsvarende udgang eller indgang. Byg en udgang i den angivne position for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleExit" "A teleporter always needs a corresponding exit or entrance. Build an exit in the indicated position to continue." "TR_Eng1_TeleUpgrade" "Opgrader teleporteren til niveau tre for at fortsætte. Når du opgraderer en teleporter, så påvirker det både indgangen og udgangen." "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleUpgrade" "Upgrade the teleporter to level three to continue. When upgrading a teleporter it affects both the entrance and exit." "TR_Eng1_TeleFinishTitle" "Yderligere bygninger" "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinishTitle" "Additional Buildings" "TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Tilføj en dispenser og sentry på de indikerede placeringer. Opgrader disse til niveau tre for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Eng1_TeleFinish" "Add a dispenser and sentry gun in the indicated positions. Upgrade these to level three to continue." "TR_Eng1_StickyTitle" "Sentryforsvar" "[english]TR_Eng1_StickyTitle" "Sentry Defense" "TR_Eng1_Sticky" "KLÆBEBOMBER er ekstremt effektive mod bygninger. Demomen kan anvende adskillelige til at ødelægge bygninger øjeblikkeligt." "[english]TR_Eng1_Sticky" "STICKYBOMBS are extremely effective against buildings. Demomen can deploy several to destroy buildings instantly." "TR_Eng1_StickyShoot" "Prøv at skyde klæbebomberne for at ødelægge dem og på den måde vinde dig selv noget tid." "[english]TR_Eng1_StickyShoot" "Try shooting the stickybombs to destroy them to buy yourself some time." "TR_Eng1_DemoTipTitle" "Demo-problemet" "[english]TR_Eng1_DemoTipTitle" "The Demo Problem" "TR_Eng1_DemoTip" "En Demoman er meget svær at imødegå som en enlig Engineer. Brug tabet af din sentry som en mulighed for at bygge en et nyt sted for at overraske modstanden!" "[english]TR_Eng1_DemoTip" "A Demoman is very hard to counter as a lone Engineer. Use the loss of the sentry as an opportunity to build one in a new location to surprise the opposition!" "TR_Eng1_DemoRelo" "Byg en fuldt opgraderet niveau tre på den angivne position for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Eng1_DemoRelo" "Build a fully upgraded level three at the indicated position to continue." "TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "Spy" "[english]TR_Eng1_SpyTitle" "The Spy" "TR_Eng1_Spy" "Spys usynligheds- og forklædningsevner gør det mindre åbenlyst, hvor angrebet vil komme fra." "[english]TR_Eng1_Spy" "A Spy's cloak and disguise abilities make it less obvious where the attack is going to be coming from." "TR_Eng1_SpyAttack" "En fjendtlig Spy vil forsøge at sappe den venlige Engineers bygninger. Forklædte Spies påtager sig navne fra det modsatte hold." "[english]TR_Eng1_SpyAttack" "An enemy Spy will attempt to sap the friendly Engineer's buildings. Disguised Spies assume names of the opposing team." "TR_Eng1_SpyRemoveTitle" "Sappede bygninger" "[english]TR_Eng1_SpyRemoveTitle" "Sapped Buildings" "TR_Eng1_SpyRemove" "Når en sapper er fastgjort til en bygning, bliver bygningen afbrudt og tager langsomt skade. Slå sapperen af ved at slå bygningen med SKRUENØGLEN." "[english]TR_Eng1_SpyRemove" "When a sapper is attached to a building it becomes disabled and slowly takes damage. Knock the sapper off by hitting the building with the WRENCH." "TF_IM_TargetDemo_Sticky" "Adskillige klæbebomber kan affyres og detoneres" "[english]TF_IM_TargetDemo_Sticky" "Multiple stickybombs can be deployed and detonated" "TF_IM_TargetDemo_Distance" "Sigt opad for at bue granater længere" "[english]TF_IM_TargetDemo_Distance" "Aim upwards to arc grenades further" "TF_IM_TargetSpy_Intro" "Spy har adskillige unikke evner inklusiv usynlighed og forklædninger!" "[english]TF_IM_TargetSpy_Intro" "The Spy has several unique abilities including cloaking and disguises!" "TF_IM_TargetSpy_Cloak" "Usynlighed gør Spies usynlige mod deres fjender" "[english]TF_IM_TargetSpy_Cloak" "Cloak renders spies invisible to their enemies" "TF_IM_TargetSpy_Disguise" "Forklæd dig som en fra det fjendtlige hold og infiltrer deres forsvar" "[english]TF_IM_TargetSpy_Disguise" "Disguise as the opposing team and infiltrate their defenses" "TF_IM_TargetSpy_Sap" "Brug sapperen til at deaktivere og ødelægge Engineer-bygninger" "[english]TF_IM_TargetSpy_Sap" "Use the sapper to disable and destroy Engineer buildings" "TF_IM_TargetSpy_Backstab" "Lever et dødbringende slag ved at stikke modstandere bagfra!" "[english]TF_IM_TargetSpy_Backstab" "Deliver a lethal blow by stabbing opponents from behind!" "TF_IM_TargetEng_Intro" "Velkommen til Engineer-træning!" "[english]TF_IM_TargetEng_Intro" "Welcome to Engineer training!" "TF_IM_TargetEng_Construct" "Engineer kan konstruere bygninger, ved brug af metal, for at hjælpe sit hold" "[english]TF_IM_TargetEng_Construct" "The Engineer can construct buildings using metal to assist his team" "TF_IM_TargetEng_Metal" "Brug metal til at konstruere og opgradere de forskellige bygninger" "[english]TF_IM_TargetEng_Metal" "Use metal to construct and upgrade the different buildings" "TF_IM_TargetEng_Tele" "Teleportere kan bruges til hurtigere at flytte dit hold til frontlinjen." "[english]TF_IM_TargetEng_Tele" "Teleporters can be used to move your team to the front line quickly" "TF_IM_TargetEng_Repair" "For at opgradere dine bygninger, slå dem med din skruenøgle" "[english]TF_IM_TargetEng_Repair" "To upgrade or repair your buildings hit them with your wrench" "TF_Coach_StudentCommands" "For at give anvisninger til din studerende" "[english]TF_Coach_StudentCommands" "To Give Directions to Your Student" "TF_Coach_AttackDesc" "Angrib" "[english]TF_Coach_AttackDesc" "Attack" "TF_Coach_DefendDesc" "Forsvar" "[english]TF_Coach_DefendDesc" "Defend" "TF_Coach_Slot1Label" "[%slot1%]" "[english]TF_Coach_Slot1Label" "[%slot1%]" "TF_Coach_Slot2Label" "[%slot2%]" "[english]TF_Coach_Slot2Label" "[%slot2%]" "TF_Coach_Slot1Desc" "Kig på" "[english]TF_Coach_Slot1Desc" "Look At" "TF_Coach_Slot2Desc" "Gå her" "[english]TF_Coach_Slot2Desc" "Go Here" "TF_Coach_StudentHasDied" "Din studerende er død!" "[english]TF_Coach_StudentHasDied" "Your student has died!" "TF_Coach_AttackThis" "Angrib dette" "[english]TF_Coach_AttackThis" "Attack This" "TF_Coach_AttackHere" "Angrib her" "[english]TF_Coach_AttackHere" "Attack Here" "TF_Coach_DefendThis" "Forsvar dette" "[english]TF_Coach_DefendThis" "Defend This" "TF_Coach_DefendHere" "Forsvar her" "[english]TF_Coach_DefendHere" "Defend Here" "TF_Coach_LookAt" "Kig på" "[english]TF_Coach_LookAt" "Look At" "TF_Coach_LookHere" "Kig her" "[english]TF_Coach_LookHere" "Look Here" "TF_Coach_GoToThis" "Gå til" "[english]TF_Coach_GoToThis" "Go To" "TF_Coach_GoHere" "Gå her" "[english]TF_Coach_GoHere" "Go Here" "TF_Coach_AddCoach_Title" "Stil op som frivillig?" "[english]TF_Coach_AddCoach_Title" "Volunteer?" "TF_Coach_AddCoach_Text" "Vil du gerne melde dig frivilligt til at træne andre spillere og lære dem at spille\nTeam Fortress 2?" "[english]TF_Coach_AddCoach_Text" "Would you like to volunteer to coach other players and teach them how to play\nTeam Fortress 2?" "TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Title" "Stop med at træne?" "[english]TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Title" "Stop Coaching?" "TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Text" "Vil du gerne fjerne dig selv fra listen over trænere?" "[english]TF_Coach_RemoveCoach_Text" "Would you like to remove yourself from the list of coaches?" "TF_Coach_AskStudent_Title" "Vil du have træning?" "[english]TF_Coach_AskStudent_Title" "Want Coaching?" "TF_Coach_AskStudent_Text" "Vil du gerne have hjælp fra en anden spiller i dit nuværende spil?\nBemærk: Der kan være problemer, hvis du er vært for et spil bag ved en firewall." "[english]TF_Coach_AskStudent_Text" "Would you like assistance from another player in your current game?\nNote: there may be issues if you are hosting a game behind a firewall." "TF_Coach_AskStudent_DoNotShowAgain" "Spørg mig ikke igen" "[english]TF_Coach_AskStudent_DoNotShowAgain" "Do not ask me again" "TF_Coach_NotInGame_Title" "Ikke i et spil" "[english]TF_Coach_NotInGame_Title" "Not in a Game" "TF_Coach_NotInGame_Text" "Du skal være i et spil for at kunne blive trænet." "[english]TF_Coach_NotInGame_Text" "You must be in a game to be coached." "TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Title" "Træner" "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Title" "Coaching" "TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Text" "Du bliver allerede trænet!" "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyBeingCoached_Text" "You are already being coached!" "TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Title" "Træner" "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Title" "Coaching" "TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Text" "Du træner nogen, så du kan ikke anmode om en træner!" "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyCoaching_Text" "You are coaching someone, so you cannot request a coach!" "TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Title" "Prøv igen?" "[english]TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Title" "Retry?" "TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Text" "Ingen træner blev fundet på dette tidspunkt. Vil du prøve igen?" "[english]TF_Coach_StudentRetry_Text" "No coach was found at this time. Would you like to try again?" "TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Title" "Succes!" "[english]TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Title" "Success!" "TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Text" "Du er blevet føjet til listen over trænere. Du kan fortsætte med at spille, og senere kan du blive matchet med en studerende." "[english]TF_Coach_AddedCoach_Text" "You have been added to the list of coaches. You can continue playing and later you may be matched with a student." "TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Title" "Succes!" "[english]TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Title" "Success!" "TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Text" "Du er blevet fjernet fra listen over trænere." "[english]TF_Coach_RemovedCoach_Text" "You have been removed from the list of coaches." "TF_Coach_AskCoach_Title" "Start med at træne?" "[english]TF_Coach_AskCoach_Title" "Start Coaching?" "TF_Coach_AskCoach_Text" "En spiller har accepteret dit tilbud om at træne dem. Er du klar til at starte?" "[english]TF_Coach_AskCoach_Text" "A player has accepted your offer to coach them. Are you ready to start?" "TF_Coach_AskCoachForFriend_Text" "%friend% vil have dig til at blive deres træner og hjælpe dem til at blive bedre til Team Fortress 2! Vil du hjælpe %friend%?" "[english]TF_Coach_AskCoachForFriend_Text" "%friend% wants you to be their coach and help them become better at Team Fortress 2! Will you help %friend%?" "TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Title" "Succes!" "[english]TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Title" "Success!" "TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Text" "%coachname% er blevet spurgt om at deltage i dit spil." "[english]TF_Coach_FoundCoach_Text" "%coachname% has been asked to join your game." "TF_Coach_FoundCoachLike_Text" "%coachname% er blevet spurgt om at deltage i dit spil.\n(%numlikes% spillere kan lide deres træning)" "[english]TF_Coach_FoundCoachLike_Text" "%coachname% has been asked to join your game.\n(%numlikes% players like their coaching)" "TF_Coach_JoinFail_Title" "Desværre..." "[english]TF_Coach_JoinFail_Title" "Unfortunately..." "TF_Coach_JoinFail_Text" "Der opstod et problem med at tilslutte til spillet." "[english]TF_Coach_JoinFail_Text" "There was a problem joining the game." "TF_Coach_Yes" "Ja" "[english]TF_Coach_Yes" "Yes" "TF_Coach_No" "Nej" "[english]TF_Coach_No" "No" "TF_Coach_Timeout_Title" "Intet svar" "[english]TF_Coach_Timeout_Title" "No Response" "TF_Coach_Timeout_Text" "Der var intet svar fra serveren. Prøv venligst igen senere." "[english]TF_Coach_Timeout_Text" "There was no response from the server. Please try again later." "TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Title" "Anbefal træner?" "[english]TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Title" "Recommend Coach?" "TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Text" "Var din træner hjælpsom? Vi vil bruge denne information til at matche dem med andre spillere." "[english]TF_Coach_LikeCoach_Text" "Was your coach helpful? We will use this information to help match them with other players." "TF_FindCoachDialog_Title" "Find en træner" "[english]TF_FindCoachDialog_Title" "Find a Coach" "TF_FindCoachDialog_Match" "Alle tilgængelige" "[english]TF_FindCoachDialog_Match" "Any Available" "TF_Coach_CoachSearching" "Søger efter den bedste træner, som er tilgængelig." "[english]TF_Coach_CoachSearching" "Searching for the best coach available." "TF_Coach_AskingFriend" "Beder din ven om at være din træner." "[english]TF_Coach_AskingFriend" "Asking your friend to be your coach." "TF_Coach_JoiningStudent" "Deltager i den studerendes spil." "[english]TF_Coach_JoiningStudent" "Joining the student's game." "TF_Coach_WaitingForServer" "Venter på svar fra serveren." "[english]TF_Coach_WaitingForServer" "Waiting for a response from the server." "TF_Coach_ControlView" "Tryk for at ændre visning" "[english]TF_Coach_ControlView" "Press to Change View" "TF_Coach_Student_Prefix" "Studerende: %s1" "[english]TF_Coach_Student_Prefix" "Student: %s1" "TF_Coach_Coach_Prefix" "Træner %s1" "[english]TF_Coach_Coach_Prefix" "Coach %s1" "TF_Coach_LikeCoach" "[F7] Vurder træner" "[english]TF_Coach_LikeCoach" "[F7] Rate Coach" "TF_Coach_KickCoach" "[F8] Fjern træner" "[english]TF_Coach_KickCoach" "[F8] Remove Coach" "TF_Coach_RequestCoach" "Anmod om en træner i starten af spillet." "[english]TF_Coach_RequestCoach" "Request a coach at the start of the game." "TF_Coach_Denied_Title" "Anmodning afvist" "[english]TF_Coach_Denied_Title" "Request Denied" "TF_Coach_Denied_Text" "Anmodningen er blevet afvist." "[english]TF_Coach_Denied_Text" "The request has been denied." "TF_Vote_Title" "Afstemningsopsætning" "[english]TF_Vote_Title" "Vote Setup" "TF_vote_yes_binding" "Ja: %s1" "[english]TF_vote_yes_binding" "Yes: %s1" "TF_vote_no_binding" "Nej: %s1" "[english]TF_vote_no_binding" "No: %s1" "TF_vote_yes_tally" "Ja" "[english]TF_vote_yes_tally" "Yes" "TF_vote_no_tally" "Nej" "[english]TF_vote_no_tally" "No" "TF_vote_server_disabled_issue" "Serveren har slået det emne fra." "[english]TF_vote_server_disabled_issue" "Server has disabled that issue." "TF_vote_requires_valid" "Kræver gyldig spiller." "[english]TF_vote_requires_valid" "Requires valid player." "TF_vote_kick_player_other" "Smid spiller ud: %s1?\n(ingen årsag angivet)" "[english]TF_vote_kick_player_other" "Kick player: %s1?\n(no reason given)" "TF_vote_kick_player_cheating" "Smid spiller ud: %s1?\n(anklaget for at snyde)" "[english]TF_vote_kick_player_cheating" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of cheating)" "TF_vote_kick_player_idle" "Smid spiller ud: %s1?\n(anklaget for at være passiv)" "[english]TF_vote_kick_player_idle" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of being idle)" "TF_vote_kick_player_scamming" "Smid spiller ud: %s1?\n(anklaget for svindel)" "[english]TF_vote_kick_player_scamming" "Kick player: %s1?\n(accused of scamming)" "TF_vote_kick_player" "Smid spiller ud: %s1?" "[english]TF_vote_kick_player" "Kick player: %s1?" "TF_vote_passed_kick_player" "Smider spiller ud: %s1..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_kick_player" "Kicking player: %s1..." "TF_vote_restart_game" "Genstart banen?" "[english]TF_vote_restart_game" "Restart the map?" "TF_vote_passed_restart_game" "Genstarter banen..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_restart_game" "Restarting the map..." "TF_vote_changelevel" "Skift nuværende bane til %s1?" "[english]TF_vote_changelevel" "Change current map to %s1?" "TF_vote_nextlevel" "Sæt næste bane til %s1?" "[english]TF_vote_nextlevel" "Set the next map to %s1?" "TF_vote_passed_changelevel" "Skifter bane til %s1..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_changelevel" "Changing map to %s1..." "TF_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Næste bane er %s1..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_nextlevel" "Next map set to %s1..." "TF_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Forlænger den nuværende bane" "[english]TF_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Extending the current map" "TF_vote_nextlevel_choices" "Stem på den næste bane!" "[english]TF_vote_nextlevel_choices" "Vote for the next map!" "TF_vote_scramble_teams" "Bland holdene?" "[english]TF_vote_scramble_teams" "Scramble the teams?" "TF_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Holdene vil blive blandet." "[english]TF_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Teams will be scrambled." "TF_vote_scramble_next_round" "Holdene er allerede sat til at blive blandet." "[english]TF_vote_scramble_next_round" "Teams are already set to be scrambled." "TF_vote_should_scramble_round" "Bland holdene i næste runde?" "[english]TF_vote_should_scramble_round" "Scramble teams next round?" "TF_vote_passed_scramble" "Afstemningen er forbi: Holdene bliver blandet i næste runde." "[english]TF_vote_passed_scramble" "Vote passed: Teams scrambled next round." "TF_VoteKickReason" "Årsag til udsmidning:" "[english]TF_VoteKickReason" "Kick Reason:" "TF_VoteKickReason_Other" "Ingen årsag angivet" "[english]TF_VoteKickReason_Other" "No Reason Given" "TF_VoteKickReason_Cheating" "Spilleren snyder" "[english]TF_VoteKickReason_Cheating" "Player is Cheating" "TF_VoteKickReason_Idle" "Spilleren er passiv" "[english]TF_VoteKickReason_Idle" "Player is Idle" "TF_VoteKickReason_Scamming" "Spilleren svindler" "[english]TF_VoteKickReason_Scamming" "Player is Scamming" "IT_Bot_BlueTeam" "BLU Hold" "[english]IT_Bot_BlueTeam" "BLU Team" "IT_Customizations" "Tilpasning:" "[english]IT_Customizations" "Customization:" "ScoreBoard_Coach" "%s1 træner: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Coach" "%s1 coach: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Coaches" "%s1 trænere: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Coaches" "%s1 coaches: %s2" "TF_NoiseMaker_Charity_Bell" "Støjskaber - Klokke" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Charity_Bell" "Noise Maker - Bell" "TF_NoiseMaker_Charity_Tingsha" "Støjskaber - Gong" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Charity_Tingsha" "Noise Maker - Gong" "TF_SelectPlayer_DuelClass" "Klassebegrænsning: %s1" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_DuelClass" "Class Restriction: %s1" "TF_SelectPlayer_DuelClass_None" "Ingen" "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_DuelClass_None" "None" "TF_SelectPlayer_Duel_AnyClass" "Du og din modstander kan konkurrere ved brug af enhver klasse." "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_Duel_AnyClass" "You and your opponent can compete using any class." "TF_SelectPlayer_Duel_PlayerClass" "Du og din modstander skal konkurrere ved brug af din nuværende klasse: %s1." "[english]TF_SelectPlayer_Duel_PlayerClass" "You and your opponent must compete using your current class: %s1." "TF_Duel_Request_Class" "%initiator% har udfordret dig til en %player_class%-klasselåst duel! Vil du forsvare din ære?" "[english]TF_Duel_Request_Class" "%initiator% has challenged you to a %player_class% Class-Locked Duel! Will you defend your honor?" "TF_Duel_Challenge_Class" "%initiator% har udfordret %target% til en %player_class%-klasselåst duel!" "[english]TF_Duel_Challenge_Class" "%initiator% has challenged %target% to a %player_class% Class-Locked Duel!" "TF_Duel_WrongClass" "Du skal spille som %player_class% for at acceptere en klasselåst duel!" "[english]TF_Duel_WrongClass" "You must be playing as %player_class% to accept a Class-Locked Duel!" "TF_Bundle_JapanCharity" "Japan-velgørenhedsbundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_JapanCharity" "Japan Charity Bundle" "TF_Bundle_JapanCharity_Desc" "Begrænsede hatte og støjskabere! Alle indtjeninger (fradrag af relevante afgifter) går direkte til det Amerikanske Rødekors udpræget til katastrofenødhjælp i Japan." "[english]TF_Bundle_JapanCharity_Desc" "Limited-edition hats and noisemakers! All proceeds (net of applicable taxes) go directly to the American Red Cross for disaster relief in Japan." "TF_CharityHat_A" "Humanitærens Hachimaki" "[english]TF_CharityHat_A" "Humanitarian's Hachimaki" "TF_CharityHat_B" "Velgørerens Kanmuri" "[english]TF_CharityHat_B" "Benefactor's Kanmuri" "TF_CharityHat_C" "Storsindet Monark" "[english]TF_CharityHat_C" "Magnanimous Monarch" "TF_CharityHat_Desc" "Støtter japansk katastrofenødhjælp" "[english]TF_CharityHat_Desc" "Supporting Japanese disaster relief" "TF_Charmers_Chapeau" "Charmetroldens Chapeau" "[english]TF_Charmers_Chapeau" "Charmer's Chapeau" "TF_Charmers_Chapeau_Desc" "Det er virkelig en chapeau. Den er bare i forklædning." "[english]TF_Charmers_Chapeau_Desc" "It really is a chapeau. It's just in disguise." "TF_HonchosHeadgear" "Honchoens Hovedbeklædning" "[english]TF_HonchosHeadgear" "Honcho's Headgear" "TF_HonchosHeadgear_Desc" "Denne hat har slem skrevet over alt på den.\n(Besked fra justits: Denne hat har intet skrevet på sig.)" "[english]TF_HonchosHeadgear_Desc" "This hat has mean written all over it.\n(Note from Legal: This hat has nothing written on it.)" "TF_Reggaelator" "Reggaelator" "[english]TF_Reggaelator" "Reggaelator" "TF_Reggaelator_Desc" "Hver eneste lille ting skal nok gå." "[english]TF_Reggaelator_Desc" "Every little thing is gonna be alright." "TF_GooglyGazer" "Årvågent Åsyn" "[english]TF_GooglyGazer" "Googly Gazer" "TF_GooglyGazer_Desc" "Hold ét øje på din fjende\nog det andet øje på alt andet." "[english]TF_GooglyGazer_Desc" "Keep one eye on your enemy and\nthe other one on everything else." "TF_Private_Eye" "Privatdedektiv" "[english]TF_Private_Eye" "Private Eye" "TF_Private_Eye_Desc" "En udsøgt stil til den undersøgende detektiv." "[english]TF_Private_Eye_Desc" "A select style for the scrutinizing sleuth." "TF_SoreEyes" "Et Vidunderligt Syn" "[english]TF_SoreEyes" "Sight for Sore Eyes" "TF_SoreEyes_Desc" "Humoristiske glasøjne." "[english]TF_SoreEyes_Desc" "Humorously vellicating vitreous." "TF_TeddyRoosebelt" "Teddy Roosebælte" "[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt" "Teddy Roosebelt" "TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "En sød, blød lomme-kammerat.\nÅrh, han har endda sin egen hat!" "[english]TF_TeddyRoosebelt_Desc" "A cute, plushy pocket buddy.\nAw, he even has his own hat!" "TF_ProfessorHair" "Professorens Særpræg‎" "[english]TF_ProfessorHair" "Professor's Peculiarity" "TF_ProfessorHair_Desc" "Jeg tror, jeg roligt kan sige, at ingen forstår kvantemekanik. Kuglemekanik? Jamen det er en fuldstændig anderledes sag." "[english]TF_ProfessorHair_Desc" "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Bullet mechanics? Well now that's a different thing entirely." "TF_MountainCap" "Medics Bjergkasket‎" "[english]TF_MountainCap" "Medic's Mountain Cap" "TF_MountainCap_Desc" "Tropperne i hans enhed kaldte ham 'den saksiske slagter'" "[english]TF_MountainCap_Desc" "The men in his unit called him 'The Bavarian Butcher'" "TF_BigCountry" "Bragende Country" "[english]TF_BigCountry" "Big Country" "TF_BigCountry_Desc" "Det ville være en forbandet skam at gemme så lækkert hår væk." "[english]TF_BigCountry_Desc" "It'd be a damn shame to hide hair this handsome." "TF_GrimmHatte" "Grimm Hatte" "[english]TF_GrimmHatte" "Grimm Hatte" "TF_GrimmHatte_Desc" "I har aldri' skimtet en hat værende så\nmakaber som hatten hinsides, I skimtede på." "[english]TF_GrimmHatte_Desc" "Ye hae ne'er glympsed a hatte whych be\nas grimm as yonder hatte ye glympse upon." "TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Genoplivelseskollega-emblem" "[english]TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Resurrection Associate Pin" "TF_PotatoHat" "Aperture Labs-sikkerhedshjelm" "[english]TF_PotatoHat" "Aperture Labs Hard Hat" "TF_PotatoHat_Desc" "Produktdreven, personlig belysnings- og kraniesikkerhedsapparatur.\n\nIKKE TIL BRUG UDEN FOR OFFICIELLE APERTURE-ANLÆG." "[english]TF_PotatoHat_Desc" "Produce-powered personal illumination and cranial safety apparatus.\n\nNOT FOR USE OUTSIDE OFFICIAL APERTURE FACILITIES." "Econ_Style_Desc" "Stil: %s1" "[english]Econ_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1" "TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Smagfuld og Forædlet" "[english]TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Tasteful and Refined" "TF_StovePipe_style1" "Spraglet og Overlegen" "[english]TF_StovePipe_style1" "Garish and Overbearing" "TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastly" "Gyselig" "[english]TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastly" "Ghastly" "TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastlier" "Gyseligere" "[english]TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastlier" "Ghastlier" "TF_Gazer_Style0" "Gal videnskab" "[english]TF_Gazer_Style0" "Mad Science" "TF_Gazer_Style1" "Maskinen i Manden" "[english]TF_Gazer_Style1" "Machine in the Man" "TF_Pyromancer_Style1" "Original" "[english]TF_Pyromancer_Style1" "Original" "TF_Pyromancer_Style2" "Fuldfarve-maling" "[english]TF_Pyromancer_Style2" "Full Color Paint" "TF_Pyromancer_Style3" "Moderigtig Maling" "[english]TF_Pyromancer_Style3" "Stylish Paint" "TF_ScoutBeanie_Style0" "Nutidig" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Style0" "New School" "TF_ScoutBeanie_Style1" "Gammeldags" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Style1" "Old School" "TF_ScoutBeanie_Style2" "Ældredags" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Style2" "Older School" "TF_ScoutBeanie_Style3" "Ældestdags" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Style3" "Oldest School" "TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_NAME" "Klar til Tjeneste" "[english]TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_NAME" "Ready for Duty" "TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_DESC" "Fuldfør hver klasse for at låse op for den næste." "[english]TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_DESC" "Complete each class to unlock the next." "NoSteamNoItems_Refresh" "Udstyr ikke tilgængeligt. Kontakter genstandsserver." "[english]NoSteamNoItems_Refresh" "Loadout not available. Contacting Item Server." "Store_Sale_Items" "* Udsalg *" "[english]Store_Sale_Items" "* Sale *" "Store_Zoom" "Zoom" "[english]Store_Zoom" "Zoom" "Store_Team" "Hold" "[english]Store_Team" "Team" "Store_Paint" "Test maling" "[english]Store_Paint" "Test Paint" "Store_NoPaint" "Umalet" "[english]Store_NoPaint" "Unpainted" "Store_NextStyle" "Stil" "[english]Store_NextStyle" "Style" "TR_Eng_SentryAmmoHint" "Ammunitionskasse" "[english]TR_Eng_SentryAmmoHint" "Ammo Box" "TF_Coach_ServerFull_Title" "Server fuld" "[english]TF_Coach_ServerFull_Title" "Server Full" "TF_Coach_ServerFull_Text" "Kan ikke anmode om en træner på dette tidspunkt, fordi din server har det maksimale antal af spillere." "[english]TF_Coach_ServerFull_Text" "Cannot request a coach at this time, because your server has the maximum number of players." "TF_Coach_Training_Title" "I træning" "[english]TF_Coach_Training_Title" "In Training" "TF_Coach_Training_Text" "Du kan ikke anmode om en træner, mens du er i træning." "[english]TF_Coach_Training_Text" "You cannot request a coach while in training." "TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Title" "Trænervurdering" "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Title" "Coach Rating" "TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Text" "Du har før vurderet denne træner." "[english]TF_Coach_AlreadyRatedCoach_Text" "You have previously rated this coach." "TF_Trading_TradeBannedText" "Dine rettigheder til at bytte er blevet fjernet foreløbigt. Kontakt venligst kundesupport." "[english]TF_Trading_TradeBannedText" "Your trading privileges have been removed temporarily. Please contact Customer Support." "TF_Trading_TradeBanned2Text" "Den anden spiller har ikke rettigheder til at bytte på dette tidspunkt." "[english]TF_Trading_TradeBanned2Text" "The other player does not have trading privileges at this time." "TF_Armory_Item_Charity" "Når denne genstand købes, går alle indtjeninger (fradrag af relevante afgifter) direkte til det Amerikanske Rødekors udpræget til katastrofenødhjælp i Japan." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Charity" "When this item is purchased, all the proceeds (net of applicable taxes) will go directly towards the American Red Cross, marked for disaster relief in Japan." "Vote_notification_title" "Afstemning startet" "[english]Vote_notification_title" "Vote Called" "Vote_notification_text" "%initiator% vil starte en afstemning" "[english]Vote_notification_text" "%initiator% wants to call a vote" "Vote_notification_view" "Vis" "[english]Vote_notification_view" "View" "TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Moustachium Bar" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Moustachium Bar" "TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar_Desc" "Ren moustachium, høstet fra helt naturlige kilder dybt ude i den Australske ødemark." "[english]TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar_Desc" "Pure moustachium, harvested from all-natural sources deep within the Australian outback." "TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragmentType" "Fiskefrikadelle-fragment" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragmentType" "Fishcake Fragment" "TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment" "\"Fisk\"" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment" "'Fish'" "TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment_Desc" "Den er spækket med protein." "[english]TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment_Desc" "It's packed with protein." "TF_SpaceChem_PinFragmentType" "Brochefragment" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_PinFragmentType" "Pin Fragment" "TF_SpaceChem_PinFragment" "Rum-metalskrot" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_PinFragment" "Spacemetal Scrap" "TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "SpaceChem-broche" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "SpaceChem Pin" "TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc" "< ingen ansættelsesdokumenter fundet >" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc" "< no employment record found >" "TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Type" "Fiskefrikadelle" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Type" "Fishcake" "TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake" "Fiskefrikadelle" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake" "Fishcake" "TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Spis for at få op til 100 helbred tilbage.\nAlt-skyd: Del med en ven (lille helbredspakke)\n\nVossler Industries økologisk kunstig-fisk-fremstillet fødevare" "[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Eat to gain up to 100 health.\nAlt-fire: Share with a friend (Small Health Kit)\n\nVossler Industries All-Natural Artificial-Fish-Derived Food Product" "TF_PolishWarBabushka" "Overhovedets Hovedstykke" "[english]TF_PolishWarBabushka" "Hetman's Headpiece" "TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "Kosakker og krig følges ad som gołąbki og wódka." "[english]TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "Cossacks and war go together like gołąbki and wódka." "TF_JanissaryHat" "Janitshar-ketche" "[english]TF_JanissaryHat" "Janissary Ketche" "TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "Den første stående hær, som bar uniformer, ville sgu have, at alle andre vidste det." "[english]TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "The first standing army to wear uniforms wanted to make damn sure everyone else knew it." "TF_BucketHat" "Hjernespand" "[english]TF_BucketHat" "Brain Bucket" "TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie-testet, hjeeeerner-godkendt." "[english]TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie tested, braaaains approved." "TF_TrafficCone" "Død Kegle" "[english]TF_TrafficCone" "Dead Cone" "TF_TrafficCone_Desc" "Du vil standse dem brat, når du bærer denne smarte trafikkegle." "[english]TF_TrafficCone_Desc" "You'll stop them dead wearing this stylish traffic cone." "Replay_Waiting" "VENTER" "[english]Replay_Waiting" "WAITING" "Replay_NoListenServer" "Gengivelse understøttes ikke på lokale servere." "[english]Replay_NoListenServer" "Replay is not supported on listen servers." "Replay_LockWarning" "ADVARSEL: Hvis du låser din computer, mens den renderer, kan det ødelægge din film!" "[english]Replay_LockWarning" "WARNING: Locking your computer while rendering may corrupt your movie!" "Replay_ExportRaw" "Eksporter rå TGA'er/WAV" "[english]Replay_ExportRaw" "Export raw TGA's/WAV" "Replay_Glow_Enabled" "Slå lyseffekt til" "[english]Replay_Glow_Enabled" "Enable Glow Effect" "Replay_ExportMovieNoFile_Text" "Ude af stand til at eksportere filmen, fordi filmfilen ikke kunne findes." "[english]Replay_ExportMovieNoFile_Text" "Unable to export the movie, because the movie file could not be found." "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_UnknownError" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Ukendt fejl. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_UnknownError" "The session info file failed to download: Unknown error. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ZeroLengthFile" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Fil uden længde. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ZeroLengthFile" "The session info file failed to download: Zero length file. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Forbindelse lukket. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed" "The session info file failed to download: Connection closed. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidURL" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Ugyldig URL. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidURL" "The session info file failed to download: Invalid URL. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidProtocol" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Ugyldig protokol. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidProtocol" "The session info file failed to download: Invalid protocol. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantBindSocket" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Kan ikke binde socket. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantBindSocket" "The session info file failed to download: Can't bind socket. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantConnect" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Kan ikke tilslutte. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_CantConnect" "The session info file failed to download: Can't connect. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_NoHeaders" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Ingen sidehoveder. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_NoHeaders" "The session info file failed to download: No headers. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_FileNonExistent" "Sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloades: Ikkeeksisterende fil. URL: %url%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_FileNonExistent" "The session info file failed to download: File non-existent. URL: %url%" "Replay_DL_Err_SI_Prefix" "Gengivelses-sessioninfo-filen kunne ikke downloade på grund af følgende: %err%" "[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_Prefix" "Replay session info file failed to download the following reason: %err%" "TF_Crocleather_Slouch_Desc" "Lavet fra Australiens eneste naturlige ressource." "[english]TF_Crocleather_Slouch_Desc" "Made from Australia's only natural resource." "TF_LargeLuchadore_Desc" "Brydning er ægte, og nu kan du bevise det." "[english]TF_LargeLuchadore_Desc" "Wrestling's real, and now you can prove it." "TF_Doctors_Sack_Desc" "Til når du har den der helende feber." "[english]TF_Doctors_Sack_Desc" "For when you've got that healin' fever." "TF_Ol_Geezer_Desc" "Væk fra min grund!" "[english]TF_Ol_Geezer_Desc" "Get off mah land!" "TF_FuriousFukaamigasa_Desc" "Man kan ikke udpege det, men han er rasende." "[english]TF_FuriousFukaamigasa_Desc" "You can't tell, but he's furious." "TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "Du er dagens hovedingrediens..." "[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "You're today's theme ingredient..." "TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "De gode, de onde, og de døde." "[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "The good, the bad, and the dead." "TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Vores advokater siger 'YES! YES!'" "[english]TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Our lawyers say 'YES! YES!'" "TF_BlightedBeak_Style1" "Yersinia pestis" "[english]TF_BlightedBeak_Style1" "Yersinia Pestis" "TF_BlightedBeak_Style2" "Vibrio cholerae" "[english]TF_BlightedBeak_Style2" "Vibrio Cholerae" "TF_VillainsVeil_Style2" "Trænet dræber" "[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Style2" "Trained Killer" "TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_NAME" "Den er i kassen" "[english]TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_NAME" "That's a Wrap" "TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_DESC" "Gem din allerførste gengivelse." "[english]TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_DESC" "Save your very first replay." "TF_REPLAY_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NAME" "Vi ordner det i post!" "[english]TF_REPLAY_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NAME" "We Can Fix It In Post" "TF_REPLAY_PERFORMANCE_MODE_DESC" "Mens du ser en gengivelse, tryk på mellemrum for at komme ind i redaktørtilstand." "[english]TF_REPLAY_PERFORMANCE_MODE_DESC" "While watching a replay, press space bar to enter the editor." "TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Tid til Deres nærbillede, hr. Hale" "[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_NAME" "Time For Your Close-Up, Mr. Hale" "TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_DESC" "Render en film ud fra en gengivelse." "[english]TF_REPLAY_BROWSE_REPLAYS_DESC" "Render a replay into a movie." "TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Stjerne i mit eget show" "[english]TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_NAME" "Star of My Own Show" "TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_DESC" "Brug noget tid på at redigere en gengivelse." "[english]TF_REPLAY_EDIT_TIME_DESC" "Spend some time editing a replay." "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER1_NAME" "Hjemmefilm" "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER1_NAME" "Home Movie" "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER1_DESC" "Få 100 YouTube™-visninger af din film." "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER1_DESC" "Achieve 100 YouTube™ views for your movie." "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_NAME" "Lokal filmstjerne" "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_NAME" "Local Cinema Star" "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_DESC" "Få 1000 YouTube™-visninger af din film." "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_DESC" "Achieve 1000 YouTube™ views for your movie." "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER3_NAME" "Indie-filmsensation" "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER3_NAME" "Indie Film Sensation" "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER3_DESC" "Få 10.000 YouTube™-visninger af din film." "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER3_DESC" "Achieve 10,000 YouTube™ views for your movie." "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_HIGHEST_NAME" "Blockbuster" "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_HIGHEST_NAME" "Blockbuster" "TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_HIGHEST_DESC" "Få 100.000 YouTube™-visninger af din film." "[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_HIGHEST_DESC" "Achieve 100,000 YouTube™ views for your movie." "TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Hån: Instruktørens Vision" "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Taunt: The Director's Vision" "TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Udstyr denne genstand i en hånplads. Aktiver den for at fortælle dine ofre at du laver en gengivelses af deres patetiske undergang og deler den med alle." "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Equip this item in a Taunt Slot. Activate to tell your victims you are making a Replay of their pathetic demise to share with everyone." "Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "GENGIVELSE" "[english]Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "REPLAY" "Replay_YouTubeURL" "YOUTUBE-URL" "[english]Replay_YouTubeURL" "YOUTUBE URL" "Replay_Category" "KATEGORIER" "[english]Replay_Category" "CATEGORIES" "Replay_Contest_Category0" "Mest opfindsomme drab" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category0" "Most Inventive Kill" "Replay_Contest_Category1" "Bedste drab i luften" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category1" "Best Mid-air Murder" "Replay_Contest_Category2" "Største massakre" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category2" "Biggest Massacre" "Replay_Contest_Category3" "Sjoveste gengivelse" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category3" "Funniest Replay" "Replay_Contest_Category4" "Bedste flugt" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category4" "Best Getaway" "Replay_Contest_Category5" "Bedste hævn" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category5" "Best Revenge" "Replay_Contest_Category6" "Mest pwnage" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category6" "Most Pwnage" "Replay_Contest_Category7" "Mest heroiske" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category7" "Most Heroic" "Replay_Contest_Category8" "Bedste scenografi" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category8" "Best Set Design" "Replay_Contest_Category9" "Bedste holdkostume" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category9" "Best Team Costume" "Replay_Contest_Category10" "Bedste originale soundtrack" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category10" "Best Original Soundtrack" "Replay_Contest_Category11" "Bedste 30-sekundstrailer" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category11" "Best 30 Second Trailer" "Replay_Contest_Category12" "Bedst koordinerede kamp" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category12" "Best Coordinated Combat" "Replay_Contest_Category13" "Mest dramatiske" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category13" "Most Dramatic" "Replay_Contest_Category14" "Bedste fotografering" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category14" "Best Cinematography" "Replay_Contest_Category15" "Bedste redigering" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category15" "Best Editing" "Replay_Contest_Category16" "Mest episke fiasko" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category16" "Most Epic Fail" "Replay_Contest_Category17" "Mest ekstreme stunt" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category17" "Most Extreme Stunt" "Replay_Contest_Submit" "INDSEND" "[english]Replay_Contest_Submit" "SUBMIT" "Replay_Contest_SubmitEntry" "INDSEND FILM" "[english]Replay_Contest_SubmitEntry" "SUBMIT ENTRY" "Replay_Contest_Details" "OPLYSNINGER" "[english]Replay_Contest_Details" "DETAILS" "Replay_Contest_Title" "SAXXY'ERNE" "[english]Replay_Contest_Title" "THE SAXXYS" "Replay_Contest_Info" "INDSENDELSE ANSØGNINGSFRIST\nMaj 19th" "[english]Replay_Contest_Info" "SUBMISSION DEADLINE\nMay 19th" "Replay_Contest_Over" "KONKURRENCE LUKKET\nfor indsendelser" "[english]Replay_Contest_Over" "CONTEST CLOSED\nFor Submissions" "Replay_Contest_Waiting" "Indsender tilmelding, vent venligst." "[english]Replay_Contest_Waiting" "Submitting entry, please wait." "Replay_Contest_StatusTitle" "Indsendelsesresultat" "[english]Replay_Contest_StatusTitle" "Submission Result" "Replay_Contest_SubmitFormDirections" "INDSEND DIN VIDEOTILMELDING" "[english]Replay_Contest_SubmitFormDirections" "SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO ENTRY" "Replay_Contest_ChooseCategory" "Vælg venligst en kategori." "[english]Replay_Contest_ChooseCategory" "Please choose a category." "Replay_Contest_EnterURL" "Indtast venligst en gyldig YouTube™-URL." "[english]Replay_Contest_EnterURL" "Please enter a valid YouTube™ URL." "Replay_Contest_StatusSuccess" "Din film blev indsendt succesfuldt!" "[english]Replay_Contest_StatusSuccess" "Your entry was submitted successfully!" "Replay_Contest_StatusFailure" "Der opstod et problem med din indsendelse. Tjek venligst at URL'en er gyldig." "[english]Replay_Contest_StatusFailure" "There was a problem with your submission. Please check to make sure the URL is valid." "IT_UnusualTitle" "Usædvanlig effekt:" "[english]IT_UnusualTitle" "Unusual effect:" "IT_UnusualNone" "Ingen" "[english]IT_UnusualNone" "Nothing" "TF_Crocleather_Slouch" "Krokolæderhat" "[english]TF_Crocleather_Slouch" "Crocleather Slouch" "TF_CameraHelm" "Frontlinje-feltoptager" "[english]TF_CameraHelm" "Frontline Field Recorder" "TF_CameraHelm_Desc" "Jeg er forfatteren, direktøren, og stjernen." "[english]TF_CameraHelm_Desc" "I'm the writer, the director, and the star." "TF_LargeLuchadore" "Stor Luchadore" "[english]TF_LargeLuchadore" "Large Luchadore" "TF_EngineerTopHat" "Westernudstyr" "[english]TF_EngineerTopHat" "Western Wear" "TF_EngineerTopHat_Desc" "Det gamle vesten så aldrig denne slags klasse." "[english]TF_EngineerTopHat_Desc" "The old West never saw this kind of class." "TF_Doctors_Sack" "Doktorens Ispose" "[english]TF_Doctors_Sack" "Doctor's Sack" "TF_Ol_Geezer" "Gammel Knark" "[english]TF_Ol_Geezer" "Ol' Geezer" "TF_FuriousFukaamigasa" "Forbitret Fukaamigasa" "[english]TF_FuriousFukaamigasa" "Furious Fukaamigasa" "TF_Connoisseurs_Cap" "Kunstkenderens Kokkehue" "[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap" "Connoisseur's Cap" "TF_VillainsVeil" "Slynglens Slør" "[english]TF_VillainsVeil" "Villain's Veil" "TF_PotatoHatStyle_Classified" "[hemmeligt]" "[english]TF_PotatoHatStyle_Classified" "[classified]" "TF_PotatoHatStyle_Logo" "Aperture-logo" "[english]TF_PotatoHatStyle_Logo" "Aperture Logo" "TF_TeamCaptain" "Holdkaptajnen" "[english]TF_TeamCaptain" "The Team Captain" "TF_HottiesHoodie" "Hot Hættetrøje" "[english]TF_HottiesHoodie" "Hottie's Hoodie" "TF_HottiesHoodie_Desc" "Hvis du har det så vis det.\nHvis ikke så gem det under denne diskrete hættetrøje." "[english]TF_HottiesHoodie_Desc" "If you've got it, flaunt it.\nIf you don't, hide it under this discreet hoodie." "TF_VillainsVeil_Style0" "Hyret Våben" "[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Style0" "Hired Gun" "TF_VillainsVeil_Style1" "Smart Snigmorder" "[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Style1" "Smooth Assassin" "Style" "SÆT STIL" "[english]Style" "SET STYLE" "TF_Item_SelectStyle" "VÆLG STIL" "[english]TF_Item_SelectStyle" "SELECT STYLE" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexTitle" "Fjern smedenummer?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexTitle" "Remove Craft Number?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndex" "Vil du fjerne det unikke smedenummer fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndex" "Remove the unique crafted number from this item?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkTitle" "Fjern smederens navn?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkTitle" "Remove Crafter Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMark" "Vil du fjerne smederens navn fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMark" "Remove the crafter's name from this item?" "TF_TauntEnabler" "Specielt Hån" "[english]TF_TauntEnabler" "Special Taunt" "Attrib_MakersMark" "Lavet af %s1" "[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1" "HTTPError_ZeroLengthFile" "Fil uden længde" "[english]HTTPError_ZeroLengthFile" "Zero length file" "HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "Forbindelse lukket" "[english]HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "Connection closed" "HTTPError_InvalidURL" "Ugyldig URL" "[english]HTTPError_InvalidURL" "Invalid URL" "HTTPError_InvalidProtocol" "Ugyldig protokol" "[english]HTTPError_InvalidProtocol" "Invalid protocol" "HTTPError_CantBindSocket" "Kunne ikke binde socket" "[english]HTTPError_CantBindSocket" "Couldn't bind socket" "HTTPError_CantConnect" "Kunne ikke forbinde" "[english]HTTPError_CantConnect" "Couldn't connect" "HTTPError_NoHeaders" "Ingen sidehoveder" "[english]HTTPError_NoHeaders" "No headers" "HTTPError_NonExistent" "Ikke-eksisterende fil" "[english]HTTPError_NonExistent" "Non-existent file" "HTTPError_Unknown" "Ukendt fejl" "[english]HTTPError_Unknown" "Unknown error" "Replay_Contest_Rules" "REGLER" "[english]Replay_Contest_Rules" "RULES" "YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Kunne ikke uploade til YouTube, fordi filmfilen ikke kunne findes." "[english]YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Unable to upload to YouTube, because the movie file could not be found." "TF_Wearable_Medallion" "Medaljon" "[english]TF_Wearable_Medallion" "Medallion" "ShowInBackpackOrderCheckbox" "Vis i rygsæk-rækkefølge" "[english]ShowInBackpackOrderCheckbox" "Show In Backpack Order" "TF_ScoutSword" "Tre-rune-klingen" "[english]TF_ScoutSword" "Three-Rune Blade" "TF_ScoutHair" "Heltens Hestehale" "[english]TF_ScoutHair" "Hero's Tail" "TF_ScoutHair_Desc" "Muligvis resultatet af pigmenttab på grund af forfærdelige eksperimenter. Muligvis en moppe af en eller anden slags." "[english]TF_ScoutHair_Desc" "Possibly the result of pigmentation loss due to horrible experiments. Possibly a mop of some kind." "TF_ScoutMedallion" "Ulveskolens Tegn" "[english]TF_ScoutMedallion" "Sign of the Wolf's School" "TF_ScoutMedallion_Desc" "Én ulv, ingen måne. Saml alle tre!" "[english]TF_ScoutMedallion_Desc" "One wolf, no moon. Collect all three!" "Replay_Saving" "Gemmer" "[english]Replay_Saving" "Saving" "Replay_CantExport" "KAN IKKE EKSPORTERE" "[english]Replay_CantExport" "CAN'T EXPORT" "Replay_CantUpload" "KAN IKKE UPLOADE" "[english]Replay_CantUpload" "CAN'T UPLOAD" "Replay_YesCancel" "Ja, afbryd" "[english]Replay_YesCancel" "Yes, cancel" "YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "Der er ingen filmfil tilknyttet til denne gemte gengivelse, fordi den blev skabt ved brug af valgmuligheden \"Eksporter rå TGA'er/WAV\"." "[english]YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "There is no movie file associated with this saved replay because it was created using the \"Export raw TGA's/WAV\" option." "MMenu_OptionsHighlightPanel_Title" "TF2 Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]MMenu_OptionsHighlightPanel_Title" "TF2 Advanced Options" "MMenu_OptionsHighlightPanel_Text" "Når du har spillet spillet en smule, så tag et kig på de avancerede indstillinger. Der er mange nyttige indstillinger derinde, som kan hjælpe dig med at indstille TF2 til at virke lige på den måde, du vil have det." "[english]MMenu_OptionsHighlightPanel_Text" "Once you've played the game a bit, take a look at the advanced options. There's a lot of useful settings in there to help you tune TF2 to work just the way you like it." "TFAdvancedOptions" "TF2 Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]TFAdvancedOptions" "TF2 Advanced Options" "Tooltip_EnableHUDMinMode" "Minimal HUD-tilstand bruger et mindre, tættere HUD, så du kan se mere.\n\nNogle forklarende oplysninger bliver også fjernet, så du bør være bekendt med standard-HUD, før du slår minimal HUD til." "[english]Tooltip_EnableHUDMinMode" "Minimal HUD mode uses a smaller, denser HUD so that you can see more.\n\nSome explanatory information is removed as well, so you should be familiar with the standard HUD before you turn on Minimal HUD." "Tooltip_classautokill" "Hvis valgt vil du dræbe dig selv med det samme, når du skifter klasse, mens du er ude i slagmarken.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil du skifte til din nye klasse, næste gang du vender tilbage." "[english]Tooltip_classautokill" "If set, then you'll immediately kill yourself whenever you change class while out in the field.\n\nIf unset, you'll change to your new class the next time you respawn." "Tooltip_loadoutrespawn" "Hvis valgt vil du vende tilbage med det samme, når du skifter dit udstyr, mens du er i en tilbagevendings-zone.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil dine ændringer i dit udstyr træde i kraft næste gang, du vender tilbage." "[english]Tooltip_loadoutrespawn" "If set, then you'll respawn immediately whenever you change your loadout while inside a respawn zone.\n\nIf unset, your loadout changes will take effect the next time you respawn." "Tooltip_medigun_autoheal" "Hvis valgt vil din Medics Medi-gevær forblive låst til dit helingsmål, indtil du trykker på skyd-knappen igen.\n\nHvis ikke valgt er du nødt til at holde knappen nede for at holde Medi-geværet låst fast." "[english]Tooltip_medigun_autoheal" "If set, your Medic's medigun will stay locked onto your heal target until you press the fire button again.\n\nIf unset, you'll be required to hold the button down to keep the medigun locked on." "Tooltip_autozoom" "Hvis valgt vil Snipers snigskytteriffel automatisk zoome ind igen, efter den genlader, hvis du var zoomet ind, da du skød." "[english]Tooltip_autozoom" "If set, the Sniper's sniper rifle will automatically zoom back in after it reloads, if you were zoomed in when you shot." "Tooltip_autoreload" "Hvis valgt vil du automatisk genlade dine våben, når du ikke skyder, hvis våbenet har brug for at genlade, og du har ammunition." "[english]Tooltip_autoreload" "If set, you'll automatically reload your weapon whenever you're not firing, if the weapon needs reloading and you have ammo." "Tooltip_takesshots" "Hvis valgt vil du automatisk tage et skærmbillede af den afsluttende pointtavle ved slutningen af hver bane, du spiller." "[english]Tooltip_takesshots" "If set, you'll automatically have a screenshot taken of the final scoreboard at the end of every map you play." "Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "Hvis valgt vil du vende tilbage og holde det samme våben, du holdt, da du døde (antagende at du stadig har det valgt i dit udstyr)." "[english]Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "If set, you'll respawn holding the same weapon you were holding when you died (assuming you still have it equipped in your loadout)." "Tooltip_rememberlastweapon" "Hvis valgt vil tilbagevenden ikke påvirke våbenet, du vil skifte til, når du trykker på din 'forrige våben'-knap.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil dit 'forrige våben' altid være sat til at være dit sekundære våben, når du vender tilbage." "[english]Tooltip_rememberlastweapon" "If set, respawning won't affect the weapon you'll switch to when you hit your 'previous weapon' key.\n\nIf unset, your 'previous weapon' will always be set to be your secondary weapon when you respawn." "Tooltip_drawviewmodel_option" "Hvis ikke valgt vil dit aktive våben i førsteperson ikke blive vist." "[english]Tooltip_drawviewmodel_option" "If unset, the first person view of your active weapon won't be drawn." "Tooltip_flipviewmodel_option" "Hvis valgt bliver dit aktive våben vist i venstre side af skærmen i førsteperson, i stedet for i højre side." "[english]Tooltip_flipviewmodel_option" "If set, the first person view of your active weapon will be drawn on the left hand side of the screen, instead of the right." "Tooltip_DisableSprays" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke se andre spilleres spraybilleder." "[english]Tooltip_DisableSprays" "If set, you won't see other player's spraypaint images." "Tooltip_colorblindassist" "Hvis valgt vil flere effekter i spillet, som er sværere for farveblinde spillere at se, bruge alternative mere synlige effekter." "[english]Tooltip_colorblindassist" "If set, several in-game effects that are harder for colorblind players to see will use alternate, more visible effects." "Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke blive vist HTML-versioner af serveres 'dagens besked'-velkomstskærme." "[english]Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "If set, you won't be shown HTML versions of server's Message of the Day welcome screens." "Tooltip_SpectateCarriedItems" "Hvis valgt vil du blive vist udstyrsgenstandene, som bliver brugt af spilleren, du ser på." "[english]Tooltip_SpectateCarriedItems" "If set, you'll be shown the loadout items being used by the player you're spectating." "Tooltip_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Den avancerede tilskuergrænseflade bruges kun i turneringstilstand og viser dig flere oplysninger i kampe med 6 mod 6." "[english]Tooltip_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "The Advanced Spectator HUD is used in tournament mode only, and is designed to show you more information in 6 v 6 matches." "Tooltip_DisableWeatherParticles" "Hvis valgt vil du ikke se partikeleffekter markeret som 'vejr' af banedesigneren, som skabte banen, du befinder dig i. Dette kan hjælpe på din ydeevne på baner med effekter som regn eller sne." "[english]Tooltip_DisableWeatherParticles" "If set, you won't see particle effects marked as 'weather' by the level designer who created the map you're on. This can help your rendering performance on levels with effects like rain or snow." "Tooltip_simple_disguise_menu_option" "Den kortfattede forklædningsmenu til Spy er en alternative menu, som kræver flere tastetryk i forklædningsprocessen, men kun bruger nummertasterne 1 til 4." "[english]Tooltip_simple_disguise_menu_option" "The Concise Disguise Menu for the Spy is an alternate menu that requires more keypresses in the disguising process, but only uses the number keys 1 through 4." "Tooltip_CombatText" "Hvis valgt vil du se skademængde vise sig over hovederne på fjender, når du skader dem." "[english]Tooltip_CombatText" "If set, you'll see damage amounts appear over the heads of enemies whenever you damage them." "Tooltip_Hitbeeps" "Hvis valgt vil du høre en 'træfferlyd', som afspilles, når du skader en fjende." "[english]Tooltip_Hitbeeps" "If set, you'll hear a 'hit sound' that's played whenever you damage an enemy." "Tooltip_HealTargetMarker" "Hvis valgt vil en markør blive vist over det venlige mål, som du heler med dit Medi-gevær." "[english]Tooltip_HealTargetMarker" "If set, a marker will be displayed above the friendly target that you're currently healing with your medigun." "Tooltip_AutoMedicCallers" "Hvis valgt vil du modtage en automatisk anmodning om assistance fra enhver holdkammerat i nærheden, når deres helbred falder under en grænse." "[english]Tooltip_AutoMedicCallers" "If set, you'll receive an automatic request for assistance from any nearby team mates when their health falls below a threshold." "Tooltip_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "Grænsen hvorved dine holdkammerater automatisk vil anmode om assistance." "[english]Tooltip_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "The threshold at which your team mates will automatically request assistance." "Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "Hvis valgt bliver der under kampen vist omrids omkring mål såsom Payload-vogne, CTF-efterretningsmapper og holdkammerater efter du vender tilbage." "[english]Tooltip_UseGlowEffect" "If set, glow effects will be enabled during the match for objectives like Payload carts, CTF intelligence briefcases, and teammates after respawn." "Tooltip_UseSteamCloud" "Hvis valgt vil dine TF2-konfigurationsfiler blive gemt på Steam Cloud." "[english]Tooltip_UseSteamCloud" "If set, your TF2 configuration files will be stored on the Steam Cloud." "Tooltip_ShowNotificationsInGame" "Hvis valgt vil du i spillet modtage notifikation-popups om forskellige begivenheder, som bytteanmodninger.\n\nHvis ikke valgt vil notifikationerne kun blive vist, når du vender tilbage til hovedmenuen." "[english]Tooltip_ShowNotificationsInGame" "If set, you'll receive in-game notification popups for various events, like trade requests.\n\nIf unset, the notifications will only be visible when you return to the main menu." "Tooltip_Multiplayer_Decal_Limit" "Det maksimale antal af mærker, som kan eksistere på samme tid. Mærker er brugt til visuelle effekter som skudhuller. Højere tal vil resultere i mere vedvarige mærker på bekostning af ydeevne." "[english]Tooltip_Multiplayer_Decal_Limit" "The maximum number of decals that can exist at once. Decals are used for visual effects like bullet impacts. Higher numbers will result in more persistent decals, at the expense of performance." "Tooltip_viewmodelfov_option" "Synsfeltet som skal bruges når førstepersonsudsynet af dit aktive våben vises. Større værdier gør våbenet mindre på skærmen." "[english]Tooltip_viewmodelfov_option" "The Field-of-View to use when drawing the first person view of your active weapon. Larger values will make the weapon smaller onscreen." "TFOption_httpproxy" "HTTP-proxy:" "[english]TFOption_httpproxy" "HTTP Proxy:" "Tooltip_httpproxy" "Hvis du er bag en HTTP-proxy, bliver du nødt til at specificere den her, ellers vil du ikke være i stand til at uploade videoer til YouTube." "[english]Tooltip_httpproxy" "If you're behind a HTTP proxy, you'll need to specify it here, or you won't be able to upload movies to YouTube." "TFOption_replay_enableeventbasedscreenshots" "Tag begivenhedsbaserede skærmbilleder under gengivelser." "[english]TFOption_replay_enableeventbasedscreenshots" "Take event-based screenshots during replays" "Tooltip_replay_enableeventbasedscreenshots" "Hvis valgt vil skærmbilleder automatisk blive taget under gengivelser, når der sker noget interessant (du dræber en fjende, du aktiverer en ÜberLadning, osv.). På nogle grafikkort kan dette forårsage ydelsesproblemer." "[english]Tooltip_replay_enableeventbasedscreenshots" "If set, screenshots will automatically be taken, during replays, whenever something interesting happens (you kill an enemy, you deploy an ÜberCharge, etc). On some graphics cards this can cause rendering hitches." "TFOption_replay_screenshotresolution" "Tag gengivelses-skærmbilleder i højopløsning" "[english]TFOption_replay_screenshotresolution" "Take high-resolution replay screenshots" "Tooltip_replay_screenshotresolution" "Hvis valgt vil gengivelsesskærmbilleder blive taget i høj opløsning. På nogle grafikkort kan dette forårsage ydelsesproblemer." "[english]Tooltip_replay_screenshotresolution" "If set, replay screenshots will be taken in high resolution. On some graphics cards this can cause rendering hitches." "TFOption_replay_maxscreenshots" "Maks. skærmbilleder per gengivelse" "[english]TFOption_replay_maxscreenshots" "Max screenshots per replay" "Tooltip_replay_maxscreenshots" "Hvis begivenhedsbaserede skærmbilleder er slået til, er dette det maksimale antal af skærmbilleder, som vil blive taget af en enkel gengivelse." "[english]Tooltip_replay_maxscreenshots" "If event-based screenshots are enabled, this is the maximum number of screenshots that'll be taken for a single replay." "TFOption_mintimebetweenscreenshots" "Minimum tid mellem skærmbilleder" "[english]TFOption_mintimebetweenscreenshots" "Min time between screenshots" "Tooltip_mintimebetweenscreenshots" "Hvis begivenhedsbaserede skærmbilleder er slået til, er dette den minimale mængde tid (i sekunder), der kan gå, efter ét er taget, før et andet tages." "[english]Tooltip_mintimebetweenscreenshots" "If event-based screenshots are enabled, this is the minimum amount of time after one is taken before another is taken (in seconds)." "TFOption_postdeathrecordtime" "Gengivelses-optagetid efter død." "[english]TFOption_postdeathrecordtime" "Post-death replay record time" "Tooltip_postdeathrecordtime" "Dette er mængden af tid, i sekunder, som din gengivelse vil fortsætte at optage i, efter du er død." "[english]Tooltip_postdeathrecordtime" "This is the amount of time, in seconds, to continue recording your replay after you've died." "TF_OptionCategory_Combat" "Kampindstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_Combat" "Combat Options" "TF_OptionCategory_HUD" "HUD-indstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_HUD" "HUD Options" "TF_OptionCategory_ClassSpecific" "Klassespecifikke indstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_ClassSpecific" "Class Specific Options" "TF_OptionCategory_Performance" "Ydelsesindstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_Performance" "Performance Options" "TF_OptionCategory_Misc" "Diverse Indstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_Misc" "Miscellaneous Options" "TF_OptionCategory_Replay" "Gengivelsesindstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_Replay" "Replay Options" "TF_Saxxy" "Saxxy" "[english]TF_Saxxy" "The Saxxy" "Replay_Err_NotEnoughBlocksForReconstruction" "Ikke not blokke til rekonstruktion af gengivelse." "[english]Replay_Err_NotEnoughBlocksForReconstruction" "Not enough blocks for replay reconstruction." "TF_LessThan" "<" "[english]TF_LessThan" "<" "TF_GreaterThan" ">" "[english]TF_GreaterThan" ">" "TF_Select" "VÆLG" "[english]TF_Select" "SELECT" "TF_Hype" "HYPE" "[english]TF_Hype" "HYPE" "TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher" "Beta-lommeraketkaster" "[english]TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher" "Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher" "TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher2" "Beta-lommeraketkaster 2" "[english]TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher2" "Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 2" "TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher3" "Beta-lommeraketkaster 3" "[english]TF_BetaPocketRocketLauncher3" "Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 3" "TF_BetaPocketShotgun" "Beta-lommeshotgun" "[english]TF_BetaPocketShotgun" "Beta Pocket Shotgun" "TF_BetaSplitEqualizer1" "Beta-delt Udligner 1" "[english]TF_BetaSplitEqualizer1" "Beta Split Equalizer 1" "TF_BetaSplitEqualizer2" "Beta-delt Udligner 2" "[english]TF_BetaSplitEqualizer2" "Beta Split Equalizer 2" "TF_BetaSniperRifle1" "Beta-snigskytteriffel 1" "[english]TF_BetaSniperRifle1" "Beta Sniper Rifle 1" "TF_BetaSniperClub1" "Beta-sniperkølle 1" "[english]TF_BetaSniperClub1" "Beta Sniper Club 1" "TF_ConjurersCowl" "Tryllekunstnerens Kutte" "[english]TF_ConjurersCowl" "The Conjurer's Cowl" "TF_ConjurersCowl_Desc" "Jeg tager min troldmandshat på." "[english]TF_ConjurersCowl_Desc" "I put on my wizard's hat." "TF_RFAHammer" "Muggerten" "[english]TF_RFAHammer" "The Maul" "TF_RFAHammer_Desc" "Slår et altødelæggende slag med et vink af Mars-støv." "[english]TF_RFAHammer_Desc" "Packs a devastating punch with a hint of Mars dust." "TF_MedicMtGHat" "Planeswalker-hjelm" "[english]TF_MedicMtGHat" "The Planeswalker Helm" "TF_MedicMtGHat_Desc" "Hvis nogen spørger, så fortæl dem, at stødtænderne kvalificerer dig til veterinærarbejde." "[english]TF_MedicMtGHat_Desc" "If anyone asks, tell them the tusks qualify you for veterinary work." "TF_ScoutMtGHat" "Planeswalker-briller" "[english]TF_ScoutMtGHat" "The Planeswalker Goggles" "TF_ScoutMtGHat_Desc" "Ikke flere insekter i dine øjne, idet du stråler gennem banen." "[english]TF_ScoutMtGHat_Desc" "No more bugs in your eyes as you blaze across the map." "TF_TowerHardhat" "Langbølget Signalsender" "[english]TF_TowerHardhat" "The Lo-Fi Longwave" "TF_TowerHardhat_Desc" "Kan ikke stoppe signalet." "[english]TF_TowerHardhat_Desc" "Can't stop the signal." "TF_SpiralSallet" "Spiralsalad" "[english]TF_SpiralSallet" "The Spiral Sallet" "TF_SpiralSallet_Desc" "Lidet kendt faktum: springere i skak vandrer over andre brikker ved at rakethoppe." "[english]TF_SpiralSallet_Desc" "Little known fact: knights in chess travel over other pieces by rocket jumping." "Gametype_OfflinePractice" "Offlinetræning" "[english]Gametype_OfflinePractice" "Offline Practice" "Gametype_Quickplay" "Tilfældig" "[english]Gametype_Quickplay" "Random" "TF_Spectator_TargetID_Location" "Tilskuermål ID-lokation" "[english]TF_Spectator_TargetID_Location" "Spectator Target ID Location" "TF_Spectator_Default" "Standard" "[english]TF_Spectator_Default" "Default" "TF_Spectator_Bottom_Left" "Nederst i venstre hjørne" "[english]TF_Spectator_Bottom_Left" "Bottom Left Corner" "TF_Spectator_Bottom_Center" "Nederst i midten" "[english]TF_Spectator_Bottom_Center" "Bottom Center" "TF_Spectator_Bottom_Right" "Nederst i højre hjørne" "[english]TF_Spectator_Bottom_Right" "Bottom Right Corner" "Selection_ShowBackpack" "Vis Hele Rygsækken" "[english]Selection_ShowBackpack" "View Entire Backpack" "Selection_ShowSelection" "Vis gyldige genstande" "[english]Selection_ShowSelection" "View Valid Items" "Craft_SelectItemPanel" "VÆLG GENSTAND TIL AT BRUGE I SMEDNING" "[english]Craft_SelectItemPanel" "SELECT ITEM TO USE IN CRAFT" "Craft_Recipe_Inputs" "Vil forbruge:" "[english]Craft_Recipe_Inputs" "Will consume:" "Craft_Recipe_Outputs" "Vil skabe:" "[english]Craft_Recipe_Outputs" "Will Create:" "RecipeFilter_Crafting" "Smedegenstande" "[english]RecipeFilter_Crafting" "Crafting Items" "RecipeFilter_CommonItems" "Almindelige genstande" "[english]RecipeFilter_CommonItems" "Common Items" "RecipeFilter_RareItems" "Sjældne genstande" "[english]RecipeFilter_RareItems" "Rare Items" "RecipeFilter_Gambles" "Prøv lykken" "[english]RecipeFilter_Gambles" "Try Your Luck" "RecipeFilter_Special" "Særlige" "[english]RecipeFilter_Special" "Special" "RI_T" "Polet" "[english]RI_T" "Token" "Attrib_ShovelSpeedBoost" "Bevægelseshastighed øges i takt med at brugeren bliver skadet" "[english]Attrib_ShovelSpeedBoost" "Move speed increases as the user becomes injured" "Attrib_WeaponBlocksHealing" "Blokerer heling under brug" "[english]Attrib_WeaponBlocksHealing" "Blocks healing while in use" "Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterBodyshot" "Ved kropsskud med kikkertsigte: Riffel-opladningshastighed øges med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterBodyshot" "On Scoped Bodyshot: Rifle charge rate increased by %s1%" "Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterMiss" "Ved forbier med kikkertsigte: Riffel-opladningshastighed aftages med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterMiss" "On Scoped Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by %s1%" "Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterHeadshot" "Ved hovedskud med kikkertsigte: Riffel-opladningshastighed øges med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MultSniperChargeAfterHeadshot" "On Scoped Headshot: Rifle charge rate increased by %s1%" "Attrib_MultDmgBonusWhileHalfDead" "%s1% forøgelse i skade når liv <50% af maks." "[english]Attrib_MultDmgBonusWhileHalfDead" "%s1% increase in damage when health <50% of max" "Attrib_MultDmgPenaltyWhileHalfAlive" "%s1% mindre skade når liv >50% af maks." "[english]Attrib_MultDmgPenaltyWhileHalfAlive" "%s1% decrease in damage when health >50% of max" "Attrib_Medigun_MegaHeal" "ÜberLadning øger heling med 300% og giver immunitet mod bevægelseshæmmende effekter" "[english]Attrib_Medigun_MegaHeal" "ÜberCharge increases healing to 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects" "Attrib_MedicKilledRevenge" "Når den Medic, som heler dig, bliver dræbt, får\ndu 2 hævn-kritiske skud" "[english]Attrib_MedicKilledRevenge" "When the medic healing you is killed you\ngain 2 revenge crits" "Attrib_MedicKilledMiniCritBoost" "Når den Medic, som heler dig, bliver dræbt,\nfår du småkritisk boost i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_MedicKilledMiniCritBoost" "When the medic healing you is killed\nyou gain mini-crit boost for %s1 seconds" "Attrib_MedicHealedDamageBonus" "Mens en Medic heler dig,\nbliver dette våbens skade øget med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MedicHealedDamageBonus" "While a medic is healing you,\nthis weapon's damage is increased by %s1%" "Attrib_MedicHealedDeployTimePenalty" "Mens du ikke bliver helet af en Medic,\ner du %s1% længere om at skifte våben" "[english]Attrib_MedicHealedDeployTimePenalty" "While not being healed by a medic,\nyour weapon switch time is %s1% longer" "Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Lydløs dræber: Ingen geværløbs-rotationslyd" "[english]Attrib_MinigunNoSpinSounds" "Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_ForHealer" "+%s1% Über-hastighed til den Medic, som heler dig\nDenne effekt virker ikke i tilbagevendelsesrummet" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_ForHealer" "+%s1% ÜberCharge rate for the medic healing you\nThis effect does not work in the respawn room" "Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased_While_Healed" "%s1% hurtigere genladningshastighed mens du bliver helet" "[english]Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased_While_Healed" "%s1% faster reload time while being healed" "Attrib_SaxxyAward" "Vinder: %s1 %s2\n" "[english]Attrib_SaxxyAward" "Winner: %s1 %s2\n" "TF_Weapon_BetaBonesaw" "Beta-knoglesav" "[english]TF_Weapon_BetaBonesaw" "Beta Bonesaw" "TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun" "Beta-injektionssprøjtepistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun" "Beta Syringe Gun" "TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun_Desc" "ÜberLadning-procent øger din bevægelseshastighed med op til 10%" "[english]TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun_Desc" "Ubercharge percentage increases movement speed by up to 10%" "TF_BetaBonesaw_Desc" "Lader dig se en fjendes liv." "[english]TF_BetaBonesaw_Desc" "Allows you to see an enemy's health." "Replay_TimeScaleMin" "Slowmotion" "[english]Replay_TimeScaleMin" "Slow-mo" "Replay_TimeScaleMax" "Tidsinterval" "[english]Replay_TimeScaleMax" "Time-lapse" "Replay_Scale" "Skala:" "[english]Replay_Scale" "Scale:" "Replay_SetDefaultSetting" "NULSTIL" "[english]Replay_SetDefaultSetting" "RESET" "Replay_ResetTimeScale" "NULSTIL" "[english]Replay_ResetTimeScale" "RESET" "Replay_TimeScale" "TIDSSKALA" "[english]Replay_TimeScale" "TIME SCALE" "Replay_EditorButtonTip_TimeScaleButton" "sænk eller øg tiden" "[english]Replay_EditorButtonTip_TimeScaleButton" "slow down or speed up time" "Replay_Contest_Category10000" "Spillernes valg" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category10000" "Player's Choice" "Replay_Contest_Category10001" "Bedste gengivelse, samlet." "[english]Replay_Contest_Category10001" "Best Overall Replay" "MMenu_NewGame" "Nyt spil" "[english]MMenu_NewGame" "New Game" "MMenu_BrowseServers" "Gennemse servere" "[english]MMenu_BrowseServers" "Browse Servers" "MMenu_AdvOptions" "Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]MMenu_AdvOptions" "Advanced Options" "MMenu_Tooltip_Achievements" "Vis præstationer" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Achievements" "View Achievements" "MMenu_Shop" "BUTIK" "[english]MMenu_Shop" "SHOP" "MMenu_Play" "SPIL" "[english]MMenu_Play" "PLAY" "MMenu_Customize" "TILPAS" "[english]MMenu_Customize" "CUSTOMIZE" "MMenu_Create" "SKAB" "[english]MMenu_Create" "CREATE" "TR_AttackDefense" "GRUNDLÆGGENDE TRÆNING" "[english]TR_AttackDefense" "BASIC TRAINING" "TR_PracticeModeSelectTitle" "VÆLG EN ØVELSESTILSTAND" "[english]TR_PracticeModeSelectTitle" "SELECT A PRACTICE MODE" "TR_PracticeMapSelectTitle" "VÆLG EN %gametype%-BANE" "[english]TR_PracticeMapSelectTitle" "SELECT A %gametype% MAP" "TR_AttackDefense_Description" "Fortsæt Soldier-træning i en runde Dustbowl, en Angrib/forsvar-slags\nkontrolpunktbane, hvor blåt hold forsøger at tage kontrol-\npunkterne fra det forsvarende røde hold." "[english]TR_AttackDefense_Description" "Continue Soldier training in a round of Dustbowl, an Attack/Defend style\nControl Point map, where the blue team tries to take the Control\nPoints from the defending red team." "TR_Locked_AttackDefense" "Låst op efter gennemførelse af Soldier-træning." "[english]TR_Locked_AttackDefense" "Unlocked after completing Soldier training." "TR_Primary" "Primær" "[english]TR_Primary" "Primary" "TR_Secondary" "Sekundær" "[english]TR_Secondary" "Secondary" "TR_Melee" "Nærkamp" "[english]TR_Melee" "Melee" "TR_StandardWeaponSet" "STANDARD-VÅBENSÆT" "[english]TR_StandardWeaponSet" "STANDARD WEAPON SET" "TR_Soldier_LookTitle" "At kigge rundt" "[english]TR_Soldier_LookTitle" "Looking Around" "TR_Soldier_Look" "Bevæg musen for at se dig omkring i omgivelserne." "[english]TR_Soldier_Look" "To look around the environment, move the mouse." "TR_Soldier_MoveTitle" "Bevægelse" "[english]TR_Soldier_MoveTitle" "Movement" "TR_Soldier_Move" "Brug %+forward% til at bevæge dig fremad, %+back% til at bevæge dig baglæns og %+moveleft% eller %+moveright% til at bevæge dig fra side til side." "[english]TR_Soldier_Move" "Use %+forward% to move forward, %+back% to move backwards, and %+moveleft% or %+moveright% to move side to side." "TR_Soldier_MoveOut" "Forlad dette rum og forsæt til skydebanen." "[english]TR_Soldier_MoveOut" "Leave this room and proceed to the firing range." "TR_Soldier_DuckTitle" "At dukke sig" "[english]TR_Soldier_DuckTitle" "Crouching" "TR_Soldier_Duck" "Brug %+duck% til at komme under døråbningen og gå til den angivne position." "[english]TR_Soldier_Duck" "Use %+duck% to crouch under the doorway and move to the indicated position." "TR_Soldier_JumpTitle" "Hop" "[english]TR_Soldier_JumpTitle" "Jump" "TR_Soldier_Jump" "Brug %+jump% til at hoppe op på vognen og fortsætte til skydebanen." "[english]TR_Soldier_Jump" "Use %+jump% to jump onto the cart and move towards the firing range." "TR_Soldier_JumpHint" "Hop herop" "[english]TR_Soldier_JumpHint" "Jump Up Here" "TR_Soldier_RangeTitle" "Skydebanen" "[english]TR_Soldier_RangeTitle" "Firing Range" "TR_Soldier_Range" "Godt klaret. Naviger til skydebanen for at fortsætte." "[english]TR_Soldier_Range" "Well done. Navigate to the firing range to continue." "TR_Progress" "%s1% gennemført" "[english]TR_Progress" "%s1% Completed" "TR_ProgressDone" "Gennemført" "[english]TR_ProgressDone" "Completed" "TR_ContinueTitle" "Fortsæt?" "[english]TR_ContinueTitle" "Continue?" "TR_ContinueMsg" "Fortsæt fra starten af del 2 eller begynd forfra?" "[english]TR_ContinueMsg" "Continue from the start of part 2 or start over?" "TR_Continue" "FORTSÆT" "[english]TR_Continue" "CONTINUE" "TR_StartOver" "START FORFRA" "[english]TR_StartOver" "START OVER" "TF_Training_SelectMode" "KOM I GANG" "[english]TF_Training_SelectMode" "GET STARTED" "TF_Training_Title" "TRÆNING" "[english]TF_Training_Title" "SELECT A TRAINING MODE" "TF_Training_Desc_BasicTraining" "Lær en klasse ud og ind." "[english]TF_Training_Desc_BasicTraining" "Learn the ins and outs of a class." "TF_Training_Desc_OfflinePractice" "Forbedr dine færdigheder på bots." "[english]TF_Training_Desc_OfflinePractice" "Sharpen your skills on bots." "TF_Training_StartTraining" "START TRÆNING" "[english]TF_Training_StartTraining" "START TRAINING" "TF_StartPractice" "START TRÆNING" "[english]TF_StartPractice" "START PRACTICE" "TF_OfflinePractice_Players" "Spillere:" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice_Players" "Players:" "TF_Event_Saxxy_Deleted" "%owner% har ødelagt sin Saxxy, der blev tildelt for %category%!" "[english]TF_Event_Saxxy_Deleted" "%owner% has destroyed their Saxxy, awarded for %category%!" "TF_Event_Saxxy_Awarded" "Og %year%-Saxxy'en for \n%category%\ngår til: \n\n%winners%\n\nSe videoen nu?" "[english]TF_Event_Saxxy_Awarded" "And the %year% Saxxy for \n%category%\ngoes to: \n\n%winners%\n\nWatch the video now?" "TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Søger efter tilgængelige spil" "[english]TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title" "Searching for the Best Available Server" "TF_MM_GenericFailure_Title" "Fejl" "[english]TF_MM_GenericFailure_Title" "Error" "TF_MM_GenericFailure" "Der kunne ikke kommunikeres med Steam-serverne. Sørg for at du er logget på Steam og prøv igen senere." "[english]TF_MM_GenericFailure" "There was a problem communicating with the Steam servers. Make sure you are signed on to Steam and try again later." "TF_MM_ResultsDialog_Title" "Søgeresultater" "[english]TF_MM_ResultsDialog_Title" "Search Results" "TF_MM_ResultsDialog_ServerNotFound" "Der er ingen tilgængelige spilservere, som møder dine søgekriterier. Prøv venligst igen." "[english]TF_MM_ResultsDialog_ServerNotFound" "There are no available game servers that meet your search criteria. Please try again." "TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Spil nu!" "[english]TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Play Now!" "TF_Quickplay_Title" "Begynd med at spille" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Title" "Start Playing" "TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Spilservere der møder søgekravene: %s1" "[english]TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Game servers meeting search criteria: %s1" "TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Lad os komme i gang!" "[english]TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Let's Go!" "TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Kun foretrukne servere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Favorite Servers Only" "TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Opdater" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Refresh" "TF_Quickplay_StopRefresh" "Stop med at opdatere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_StopRefresh" "Stop Refreshing" "TF_Quickplay_PleaseWait" "Henter serverinformation, vent venligst..." "[english]TF_Quickplay_PleaseWait" "Retrieving server information, please wait..." "TF_Quickplay_NoServers" "Ingen servere tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt" "[english]TF_Quickplay_NoServers" "No Servers Available At This Time" "TF_Quickplay_Complexity1" "Anbefalet til alle færdighedsniveauer" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Complexity1" "Recommended For All Skill Levels" "TF_Quickplay_Complexity2" "Anbefalet til avancerede spillere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Complexity2" "Recommended For Advanced Players" "TF_Quickplay_Complexity3" "Anbefalet til ekspertspillere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Complexity3" "Recommended For Expert Players" "TF_GameModeDesc_Training" "Lær det grundlæggende i Team Fortress 2 ved at gennemføre træningsforløbene!" "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Training" "Learn the basics of Team Fortress 2 by completing the training courses!" "TF_GameModeDesc_OfflinePractice" "Praktiser og udvikl dine evner ved at spille offline med computerkontrolerede modstandere!" "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_OfflinePractice" "Practice and hone your skills by playing offline with computer controlled opponents!" "TF_GameModeDesc_Quickplay" "Vi vil matche dig med det bedste spil, vi kan finde." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Quickplay" "We'll match you into the best game we can find." "TF_GameModeDetail_Quickplay" "Vi vil matche dig med det bedste spil, vi kan finde, uden hensyn til spiltypen." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Quickplay" "We'll match you into the best game we can find, regardless of the game type." "TF_GameModeDesc_CTF" "Og ved flag mener vi glødende mappe." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_CTF" "And by flag we mean a glowing briefcase." "TF_GameModeDetail_CTF" "For at vinde et point, skal I stjæle fjendens efterretningsmappe og returnere den til jeres base.\n\nI skal også forhindre det modsatte hold i at tage jeres efterretningsmappe til deres base." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CTF" "To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.\n\nYou should also prevent the opposing team from taking your intelligence briefcase to their base." "TF_GameModeDesc_AttackDefense" "BLU vinder ved at erobre alle punkter. RED vinder ved at stoppe dem." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_AttackDefense" "BLU wins by capturing all points. RED wins by stopping them." "TF_GameModeDetail_AttackDefense" "Blåt hold vinder ved at erobre kontrolpunkterne, på hvert område, før tiden løber ud.\n\nRødt hold vinder ved at forhindre alle punkterne i at blive erobret." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_AttackDefense" "Blue team wins by capturing the Control Points on each stage before the time runs out.\n\nRed team wins by preventing all the points from being captured." "TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Erobr alle punkter for at vinde." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Capture all points to win." "TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "For at vinde må hvert hold eje alle kontrolpunkter.\n\nNogle kontrolpunkter vil blive låst, indtil andre er erobret." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "To win, each team must own all Control Points.\n\nSome Control Points will be locked until others are captured." "TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "BLU skubber vognen hen ad sporet. RED er nødt til at stoppe dem." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "BLU pushes the cart down the track. RED needs to stop them." "TF_GameModeDetail_Escort" "BLU vinder ved at eskortere lastvognen til den fjendtlige base. Stå nær vognen for at skubbe den.\n\nRED vinder ved at forhindre lastvognen i at nå midten af deres base.\n\n Fjender kan stoppe vognen ved at stå i nærheden af den." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Escort" "Blue team wins by escorting the payload cart to the enemy base. Stand near the payload to make it move.\n\nRed team wins by preventing the payload cart from reaching the heart of their base.\n\nEnemies can block the payload by getting close to it." "TF_GameModeDesc_EscortRace" "To hold. To bomber. To spor. Munterhed følger." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_EscortRace" "Two teams. Two bombs. Two tracks. Hilarity ensues." "TF_GameModeDetail_EscortRace" "Eskorter jeres lastvogn til målstregen før det modsatte hold får deres i mål.\n\nStå nær vognen for at skubbe den." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_EscortRace" "Escort your payload cart to the finish line before the opposing team can deliver theirs.\n\nStand near the cart to make it move." "TF_GameModeDesc_Koth" "Ét hold skal styre et enkelt punkt, indtil tiden løber ud." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Koth" "One team must control a single point until time runs out." "TF_GameModeDetail_Koth" "Erobr kontrolpunktet og forsvar det indtil dit holds ur løber ud.\n\nKontrolpunktet kan ikke erobres, mens det er låst.\n\nHvis det fjendtlige hold erobrer kontrolpunktet, vil dit holds ur pause, indtil I generobrer punktet." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Koth" "Capture the Control Point and defend it until your team's timer runs out.\n\nThe Control Point cannot be captured while locked.\n\nIf the enemy team captures the Control Point, your team's timer will pause until you recapture the point." "TF_Armory_Item_InSet_NoBonus" "Denne genstand er en del af %s1-genstandssættet.\n\n" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_InSet_NoBonus" "This item is part of the %s1 item set.\n\n" "TF_vote_td_start_round" "Start den nuværende runde?" "[english]TF_vote_td_start_round" "Start the current round?" "TF_vote_passed_td_start_round" "Starter runden..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_td_start_round" "Starting the round..." "TF_Weapon_Medigun_Prototype" "Medi-gevær-prototype" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_Prototype" "Medi Gun Prototype" "TF_Weapon_SyringeGun_Prototype" "Injektionssprøjtepistol-prototype" "[english]TF_Weapon_SyringeGun_Prototype" "Syringe Gun Prototype" "TF_TauntEnabler_Laugh" "Hån: Schadenfreude" "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Laugh" "Taunt: The Schadenfreude" "TF_TauntEnabler_Laugh_Desc" "Del et godhjertet grin med alle undtagen den ene fyr, du lige skød." "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Laugh_Desc" "Share a good natured laugh with everyone except that one guy you just shot." "TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose" "Hån: Mød Medicen" "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose" "Taunt: The Meet the Medic" "TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose_Desc" "Mind de utaknemlige stoddere om hvor værdifuld dine Medic-evner er, ved at foretage en heroisk stilling ledsaget af et englekor, stråler af guddommeligt lys og en flok duer." "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose_Desc" "Remind those ungrateful bastards how valuable your Medic skills are by striking a heroic pose accompanied by an angelic choir, beams of divine light, and a flock of doves." "TF_ArmoredAuthority" "Pansret Autoritet" "[english]TF_ArmoredAuthority" "Armored Authority" "TF_FancyDressUniform" "Smart Gallauniform" "[english]TF_FancyDressUniform" "Fancy Dress Uniform" "TF_Mantreads" "Mandetræderne" "[english]TF_Mantreads" "The Mantreads" "TF_DisciplinaryAction" "Disciplinærsagen" "[english]TF_DisciplinaryAction" "The Disciplinary Action" "TF_Overdose" "Overdosen" "[english]TF_Overdose" "The Overdose" "TF_Overdose_Desc" "Mens våbnet er aktivt: Bevægelseshastighed øges afhængig af procenten af ÜberLadning op til et maksimum på +20%." "[english]TF_Overdose_Desc" "While active, movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +20%" "TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Ridepisk" "[english]TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Riding Crop" "TF_Wearable_Uniform" "Uniform" "[english]TF_Wearable_Uniform" "Uniform" "TF_SodaPopper" "Soda-popperen" "[english]TF_SodaPopper" "The Soda Popper" "TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "Når Hype-meteret er fyldt, kan du bruge alt-skyd for at aktivere Hype-tilstand, hvilket tillader adskillige lufthop.\nDette våben genlader hele sit magasin på en gang." "[english]TF_SodaPopper_Desc" "When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps.\nThis weapon reloads its entire clip at once." "TF_Winger" "Fløjspilleren" "[english]TF_Winger" "The Winger" "TF_Atomizer" "Atombattet" "[english]TF_Atomizer" "The Atomizer" "TF_BonkBoy" "Bonk-dreng" "[english]TF_BonkBoy" "Bonk Boy" "TF_CosaNostraCap" "Cosa Nostra-hat" "[english]TF_CosaNostraCap" "Cosa Nostra Cap" "TF_CosaNostraCap_Desc" "Hvis udseende kunne dræbe, ville denne elegante kammerat gøre dit hoved medskyldig i mord." "[english]TF_CosaNostraCap_Desc" "If looks could kill, this dapper fellow would make your head an accomplice to murder." "TF_Enforcer" "Håndhæveren" "[english]TF_Enforcer" "The Enforcer" "TF_BigEarner" "Den Store Indtjener" "[english]TF_BigEarner" "The Big Earner" "TF_MadeMan" "Mafioso-manden" "[english]TF_MadeMan" "The Made Man" "TF_MadeMan_Desc" "En gentleman har altid en blomst ved hånden til at smide på en modstanders grav." "[english]TF_MadeMan_Desc" "A gentleman always has a flower handy to drop on an opponent's grave." "TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter" "Scout-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter" "Scout Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Scout? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Scout? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter" "Soldier-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter" "Soldier Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Soldier? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Soldier? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_PyroStarter" "Pyro-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_PyroStarter" "Pyro Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_PyroStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Pyro? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, vedkommende nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_PyroStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Pyro? We put every functionally unique weapon they've ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter" "Demoman-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter" "Demoman Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Demoman? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_DemomanStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Demoman? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter" "Heavy-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter" "Heavy Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Heavy? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Heavy? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter" "Engineer-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter" "Engineer Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Engineer? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Engineer? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_MedicStarter" "Medic-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter" "Medic Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Medic? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Medic? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "Sniper-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "Sniper Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Sniper? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Sniper? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "Spy-startpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "Spy Starter Pack" "TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Har du lyst til at spille Spy? Vi har samlet alle funktionelt unikke våben, han nogensinde har modtaget, i én praktisk lavprispakke." "[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Want to play as Spy? We put every functionally unique weapon he's ever gotten into one handy, low-priced package." "TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "Mafia Mandag-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "Mobster Monday Bundle" "TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday_Desc" "Tag for dig af disse Mafiatema-genstande til Heavy og Spy:" "[english]TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday_Desc" "Load up on these Mafia themed items for the Heavy and Spy:" "TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday" "Timbuk-tirsdag-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday" "Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle" "TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday_Desc" "Tag for dig af disse (hovedsagelige) Mellemøstmotiv-genstande til Sniper, Scout og Demoman:" "[english]TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday_Desc" "Load up on these (mostly) Mid-Eastern themed items for the Sniper, Scout, and Demoman:" "TF_Bundle_WarWednesday" "Verdenskrig-onsdag-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_WarWednesday" "World War Wednesday Bundle" "TF_Bundle_WarWednesday_Desc" "Tag for dig af disse militærmotiv-genstande til Soldier:" "[english]TF_Bundle_WarWednesday_Desc" "Load up on these military themed items for the Soldier:" "TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic" "Mød Medicen!-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic" "Meet the Medic! Bundle" "TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic_Desc" "Tag for dig af disse genstande i fejringen af Meet the Medic-videoen:" "[english]TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic_Desc" "Load up on these items celebrating the Meet the Medic video:" "TF_Bundle_Uber" "Uber-opdateringsbundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Uber" "The Uber Update Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Uber_Desc" "Få alle nye genstande fra Uber-opdateringen i ét enormt bundt:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Uber_Desc" "Get every new item in the Uber Update in one massive bundle:" "TF_HelpedNewUserHat" "Professorbriller" "[english]TF_HelpedNewUserHat" "Professor Speks" "TF_HelpedNewUserHat_Desc" "Giv din lærer gaven af indblik, papirclips og elastik inkluderet." "[english]TF_HelpedNewUserHat_Desc" "Give your teacher the gift of insight, paper clip and rubber band included." "TF_CaponesCapper" "Capones Klimaks" "[english]TF_CaponesCapper" "Capo's Capper" "TF_CaponesCapper_Desc" "Denne flotte sag vil hjælpe dig med at begå forbrydelser af enhver slags—undtagen imod mode." "[english]TF_CaponesCapper_Desc" "This dashing number will help you commit crimes of all kinds—except against fashion." "TF_DesertMarauder" "Ørkenmarodør" "[english]TF_DesertMarauder" "Desert Marauder" "TF_PocketMedic" "Lomme-Medic" "[english]TF_PocketMedic" "Pocket Medic" "TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Hold lille helende mand nær." "[english]TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Keep little healing man close." "TF_JumpersJeepcap" "Hopperens Jeephue" "[english]TF_JumpersJeepcap" "Jumper's Jeepcap" "TF_LoyaltyReward" "Købsbevis" "[english]TF_LoyaltyReward" "Proof of Purchase" "TF_LoyaltyReward_Desc" "Fra en anden tid." "[english]TF_LoyaltyReward_Desc" "From another era." "TF_SplendidScreen_Style1" "Klassisk" "[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style1" "Classic" "TF_SplendidScreen_Style2" "Pig" "[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style2" "Spike" "TF_SplendidScreen_Style3" "Pil" "[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style3" "Arrow" "TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Pig og pil" "[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike And Arrow" "TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Brug for mere plads?" "[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Need more space?" "TF_TrialNeedSpace_Text" "Dit inventar er fyldt op. Køb en hvilken som helst ny genstand fra Mann Co.-butikken, for at opgradere din konto og få tilføjet 250 ekstra inventarpladser." "[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_Text" "Your inventory is completely full. Purchase any item from the Mann Co. store and your account will be upgraded giving you an additional 250 inventory slots!" "TF_TrialNeedSpace_Store" "Til butikken!" "[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_Store" "To the Store!" "TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Slet ting" "[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Delete Stuff" "ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Niveau %s1" "[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1" "ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s7%s6 %s2 (%s1) - %s4%s5: %s3" "[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s7%s1%s6 %s2 - %s4%s5: %s3" "KillEaterRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEaterRank0" "Strange" "KillEaterRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEaterRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEaterRank2" "Næppe dødelig" "[english]KillEaterRank2" "Scarcely Lethal" "KillEaterRank3" "Mildt skræmmende" "[english]KillEaterRank3" "Mildly Menacing" "KillEaterRank4" "Nogenlunde truende" "[english]KillEaterRank4" "Somewhat Threatening" "KillEaterRank5" "Fordømmende" "[english]KillEaterRank5" "Uncharitable" "KillEaterRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt farlig" "[english]KillEaterRank6" "Notably Dangerous" "KillEaterRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt dødelig" "[english]KillEaterRank7" "Sufficiently Lethal" "KillEaterRank8" "I sandhed frygtet" "[english]KillEaterRank8" "Truly Feared" "KillEaterRank9" "Spektakulært dødelig" "[english]KillEaterRank9" "Spectacularly Lethal" "KillEaterRank10" "Blod-indsmurt" "[english]KillEaterRank10" "Gore-Spattered" "KillEaterRank11" "Ugudeligt ubehagelig" "[english]KillEaterRank11" "Wicked Nasty" "KillEaterRank12" "Positivt inhuman" "[english]KillEaterRank12" "Positively Inhumane" "KillEaterRank13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEaterRank13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEaterRank14" "Ansigtssmeltende" "[english]KillEaterRank14" "Face-Melting" "KillEaterRank15" "Raseri-indbydende" "[english]KillEaterRank15" "Rage-Inducing" "KillEaterRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEaterRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEaterRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEaterRank17" "Epic" "KillEaterRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEaterRank18" "Legendary" "KillEaterRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEaterRank19" "Australian" "KillEaterRank20" "Hales egen" "[english]KillEaterRank20" "Hale's Own" "Craft_PremiumRecipe" "Din gratis konto kan ikke bruge denne premium-plan." "[english]Craft_PremiumRecipe" "Your free account is unable to use this Premium blueprint." "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor2" "Operatørens Overalls" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor2" "Operator's Overalls" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor3" "Vandfyldt Laboratoriekittel" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor3" "Waterlogged Lab Coat" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor4" "Elefanthuer Varer Evigt" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor4" "Balaclavas Are Forever" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor5" "En Luft fuld af Munterhed" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor5" "An Air of Debonair" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor6" "Værdien af Samarbejde" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor6" "The Value of Teamwork" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor7" "Flødefarvet Mod" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor7" "Cream Spirit" "TF_Set_Desert_Sniper" "Lawrence fra Australien" "[english]TF_Set_Desert_Sniper" "Lawrence of Australia" "TF_Set_Desert_Demo" "Et Tusinde og Én Demoriddere" "[english]TF_Set_Desert_Demo" "One Thousand and One Demoknights" "TF_Set_Clinical_Trial" "Det Kliniske Forsøg" "[english]TF_Set_Clinical_Trial" "Clinical Trial" "TF_Set_Airborne_Armaments" "Den Luftbårne Krigsudrustning" "[english]TF_Set_Airborne_Armaments" "The Airborne Armaments" "TF_Set_Black_Market" "Sort Markedsforretning" "[english]TF_Set_Black_Market" "Black Market Business" "TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "Fan Nr. 1" "[english]TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "The #1 Fan" "TF_Set_General" "Den Formelle General" "[english]TF_Set_General" "The General's Formals" "TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "Manden af Ære" "[english]TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "The Man of Honor" "Attrib_CritWhileAirborne" "Uddeler kritisk skade mens udøveren rakethopper" "[english]Attrib_CritWhileAirborne" "Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping" "Attrib_MultSniperChargePenalty" "Basis ladningsrate sænket med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MultSniperChargePenalty" "Base charge rate decreased by %s1%" "Attrib_MedicKilledMarkedForDeath" "Når den Medic, som heler dig, bliver dræbt,\nbliver drabsmanden mærket til døden" "[english]Attrib_MedicKilledMarkedForDeath" "When the medic healing you is killed\nthe killer becomes Marked-For-Death" "Attrib_RageOnHitPenalty" "%s1% raseri tabt ved træffer" "[english]Attrib_RageOnHitPenalty" "%s1% rage lost on hit" "Attrib_RageOnHitBonus" "%s1% raseri modtaget ved træffer" "[english]Attrib_RageOnHitBonus" "%s1% rage gained on hit" "Attrib_RageDamageBoost" "Tildeles en skadebonus mens raseri øges, op til %s1%" "[english]Attrib_RageDamageBoost" "Gains a damage bonus as rage increases, up to %s1%" "Attrib_ChargeTurnControl" "+%s1% forøgelse i drejekontrol under stormangreb" "[english]Attrib_ChargeTurnControl" "+%s1% increase in turning control while charging" "Attrib_NoChargeImpactRange" "Kan tildele sammenstødsskade ved hvilken som helst afstand" "[english]Attrib_NoChargeImpactRange" "Can deal charge impact damage at any range" "Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageIncreased" "+%s1% forøgelse i sammenstødsskade" "[english]Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageIncreased" "+%s1% increase in charge impact damage" "Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% forøgelse i klargøringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% increase in charge recharge rate" "Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Giver tredobbelt hop, når den er det aktive våben.\nNærkampsangreb gør mini-kritisk skade, mens man er i luften." "[english]Attrib_AirDashCountIncreased" "Grants Triple Jump while deployed.\nMelee attacks mini-crit while airborne." "Attrib_SpeedBuffAlly" "Ved træffer på holdkammerat: Forøger begge spillers hastighed i flere sekunder." "[english]Attrib_SpeedBuffAlly" "On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players' speed for several seconds" "Attrib_DamageForceReduction" "%s1% reduktion af skub modtaget fra skade" "[english]Attrib_DamageForceReduction" "%s1% reduction in push force taken from damage" "Attrib_CloakRate" "%s1 sek forøgelse i tiden det tager at blive usynlig." "[english]Attrib_CloakRate" "%s1 sec increase in time to cloak" "Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "Ammunition fra ammunitionskasser bliver helbred" "[english]Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "Ammo collected from ammo boxes becomes health" "Attrib_BootsFallingStomp" "Tildeler 3x faldskade til den spiller, du lander på" "[english]Attrib_BootsFallingStomp" "Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on" "Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Tillader dig at se fjenders helbred" "[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health" "TF_Shahanshah" "Shahanshah" "[english]TF_Shahanshah" "The Shahanshah" "TF_BazaarBargain" "Røverkøbet" "[english]TF_BazaarBargain" "The Bazaar Bargain" "TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Hvert hovedskudsdrab med kikkertsigtet øger våbnets opladningshastighed med 25% op til 200%." "[english]TF_BazaarBargain_Desc" "Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%." "TF_PersianPersuader" "Den Persiske Overtaler" "[english]TF_PersianPersuader" "The Persian Persuader" "TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Ali Babas Små Futter" "[english]TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Ali Baba's Wee Booties" "TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultanens Ceremonielle Turban" "[english]TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultan's Ceremonial" "TF_SplendidScreen" "Den Pragtige Skærm" "[english]TF_SplendidScreen" "The Splendid Screen" "TF_MarketGardener" "Krigerens Kampskovl" "[english]TF_MarketGardener" "The Market Gardener" "TF_ReserveShooter" "Baghåndsgeværet" "[english]TF_ReserveShooter" "The Reserve Shooter" "TF_LibertyLauncher" "Frihedsfordreren" "[english]TF_LibertyLauncher" "The Liberty Launcher" "TF_Tomislav" "Tomislav" "[english]TF_Tomislav" "Tomislav" "TF_RussianRiot" "Familieforretningen" "[english]TF_RussianRiot" "The Family Business" "TF_EvictionNotice" "Udsættelsesvarslet" "[english]TF_EvictionNotice" "The Eviction Notice" "TF_SolemnVow" "Det Højtidelige Løfte" "[english]TF_SolemnVow" "The Solemn Vow" "TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Gør ingen skade.'" "[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'" "TF_Weapon_Bust" "Buste af Hippokrates" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bust of Hippocrates" "strange" "Sær" "[english]strange" "Strange" "MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Genstande og udstyr" "[english]MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Items and Loadouts" "MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Text" "Du har nye genstande! Klik på knappen Genstande, for at gå til udstyrsskærmen, hvor du vil kunne udstyre genstandene på en af dine fiigur-klasser.\n\nDu kan også bytte genstande med andre spillere, smede nye genstande fra uønskede genstande og gennemse Mann Co. Kataloget for at se andre genstande, du kan samle." "[english]MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Text" "You have new items! Click on the Items button to go to the loadout screen, where you'll be able to equip the item on one of your character classes.\n\nYou can also trade items with other players, craft new items from your unwanted items, and browse the Mann Co. Catalog to see what other items you can collect." "MMenu_StoreHighlightPanel_Title" "Mann Co.-butikken" "[english]MMenu_StoreHighlightPanel_Title" "Mann Co. Store" "Store_FreeBackpackSpace_WithCartItems" "Tomme rygsækspladser: %s1 (%s2 genstande i kurven)" "[english]Store_FreeBackpackSpace_WithCartItems" "Empty Backpack Slots: %s1 (%s2 items in cart)" "Store_FreeBackpackSpace_WithCartItems_WithUpgrade" "Tomme rygsækspladser: %s1 + %s3 (%s2 genstande i kurven)" "[english]Store_FreeBackpackSpace_WithCartItems_WithUpgrade" "Empty Backpack Slots: %s1 + %s3 (%s2 items in cart)" "Store_FreeTrial_Title" "FÅ FAT I MERE UDSTYR!" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Title" "GET MORE GEAR!" "Store_FreeTrial_Desc" "Dit første Mann Co.-butikskøb opgraderer dig til en premium-konto:" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Desc" "Your first Mann Co. Store Purchase upgrades you to a Premium account:" "Store_FreeTrial_Point1" "Flere ryksækpladser (300 pladser)" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Point1" "More Backpack space (300 slots)" "Store_FreeTrial_Point2" "Find sjældnere og sejere genstande" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Point2" "Find rarer and cooler items" "Store_FreeTrial_Point3" "Bedre byttehandel: Giv genstande til dine venner" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Point3" "Better Trading: give items to your friends" "Store_FreeTrial_Point4" "Flere smede-plantegninger" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Point4" "More crafting blueprints" "Store_FreeTrial_Bonus" "BONUS!" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Bonus" "BONUS!" "Store_FreeTrial_BonusText" "Få en gratis Mann Co.-hat med dit første køb. Plus, få en overraskelsesgenstand for hver %s1 du spenderer (i en enkelt handel)." "[english]Store_FreeTrial_BonusText" "Get a free Mann Co. hat with your first purchase. Plus get a surprise bonus item for every %s1 you spend (in a single purchase)." "TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled" "Din %weapon_name% har nået en ny rang: %rank_name%!" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled" "Your %weapon_name% has reached a new rank: %rank_name%!" "TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled_Chat" "%s1's %s2 har nået en ny rang: %s3!" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled_Chat" "%s1's %s2 has reached a new rank: %s3!" "TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Title" "Opgrader i dag!" "[english]TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Title" "Upgrade Today!" "TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Text" "Som indehaver af en gratis konto kan du ikke være træner. Køb en hvilken som helst genstand i butikken, for at opgradere!" "[english]TF_Coach_FreeAccount_Text" "As a free account holder, you are not eligible to be a coach. Purchase any item in the store to upgrade!" "TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Title" "Træning" "[english]TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Title" "Coaching" "TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Text" "Træningssessionen er afsluttet. Du er nu i tilskuer-tilstand." "[english]TF_Coach_SessionEnded_Text" "The coaching session has ended. You are now in Spectator mode." "TF_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Kun premium-konti kan starte byttehandler." "[english]TF_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Only premium accounts may initiate trades." "TF_Trading_SharedAccountInitiate" "Kun individuelle konti må starte byttehandler." "[english]TF_Trading_SharedAccountInitiate" "Only individual accounts may initiate trades." "TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Gratis konti kan ikke bytte nogen som helst genstande væk. Køb en hvilken som helst genstand i butikken for at opgradere!" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Free accounts cannot trade away any items. Purchase any item in the store to upgrade!" "TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "Den anden spiller har en gratis konto og kan ikke bytte genstande med dig." "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "The other player has a free account and cannot trade you any items." "TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Advarsel: Den anden person tilbyder en genstand, som har sporet spillerdrab. Drabstælleren nulstilles, hvis den bliver byttet!\n" "[english]TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Warning: the other person is offering an item that has been tracking player kills. The kill counter will reset when traded!\n" "TF_Vote_Column_Issue" "Afstemningsemne" "[english]TF_Vote_Column_Issue" "Vote Issue" "TF_Vote_Column_Name" "Vælg mål" "[english]TF_Vote_Column_Name" "Vote Target" "TF_Vote_Column_Properties" "" "[english]TF_Vote_Column_Properties" "" "TF_Trial_PlayTraining_Title" "Behøver træning!" "[english]TF_Trial_PlayTraining_Title" "Need Training!" "TF_Trial_PlayTraining_Text" "Som indehaver af en gratis konto, er du nødt til at spille mindst 10 minutters træning eller offline-træning, før du kan spille online med andre." "[english]TF_Trial_PlayTraining_Text" "As a free account holder, you must play at least 10 minutes of Training or Offline Practice before playing online with others." "TF_Trial_CannotTrade_Title" "Opgrader i dag!" "[english]TF_Trial_CannotTrade_Title" "Upgrade Today!" "TF_Trial_CannotTrade_Text" "Gratis konti kan ikke starte byttehandler. Opgrader nu, så du kan begynde at bytte." "[english]TF_Trial_CannotTrade_Text" "Free accounts cannot initiate trades. Upgrade now and you'll be able to trade!" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Soldier" "Dette er Mann Co.-butikken! Der er mange dødbringende genstande inde i den godkendt af MIG! Der er også hatte, og de er HERLIGE! Af Sted! KØB! KØB! KØB!" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Soldier" "This is the Mann Co. store! There are many deadly items inside of it endorsed by ME! There are also hats and they are LOVELY! Go! SHOP! SHOP! SHOP!" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Heavy" "Det her er Mann Co.-butik. Køb, ikke køb, Heavy er ligeglad. Hat ville hjælpe lille babyhoved ikke se så dum ud måske. Men ikke Heavys problem." "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Heavy" "This is Mann Co. store. Buy, don't buy, Heavy does not care. Hat would help your tiny baby head not look so stupid maybe. But not Heavy's problem." "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Spy" "Gentlemen. I arbejder hårdt. I fortjener at tage jer godt ud. Hvorfor ikke behage jer selv til kvalitetsgenstande der passer sig en charmerende gavtyv af jeres statur?" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Spy" "Gentlemen. You work hard. You deserve to look your best. Why not treat yourself to quality items befitting a charming rogue of your stature?" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Medic" "Lægeløftet siger 'Først, gør ingen skade.' Mange glemmer den næste linje: 'Dernæst, køb en hat ved Mann Co.-butikken.'" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Medic" "The Hippocratic Oath states 'First, do no harm.' Many people forget the next line: 'Second, buy a hat at the Mann Co. Store.'" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Pyro" "MMMPH-MPH-MMMMMPHMMPH-MANN CO.-BUTIK! MMMMMPH-MMMMPH-MMHPMMPH-HATTE! MMMPH-MPH-MMMPH-MPH-GENSTANDE! MMMMMHPMMPH-MMMPH-MPHMMPHMMPH-ILD!" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Pyro" "MMMPH-MPH-MMMMMPHMMPH-MANN CO. STORE! MMMMMPH-MMMMPH-MMHPMMPH-HATS! MMMPH-MPH-MMMPH-MPH-ITEMS! MMMMMHPMMPH-MMMPH-MPHMMPHMMPH-FIRE!" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Demoman" "Ach! Er I end ikke klog nok til at putte en hat på Eders hoved? Dit store skaldede hoved er en flovhed, knøs! For Guds skyld, tag til Mann Co.-butikken!" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Demoman" "Ach! Do ye not know enough to put a hat on your noggin? Your great bald head is an embarrassment, lad! For God's sake, get ye to the Mann Co. Store!" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Scout" "Jeg ved, hva' du tænker. 'Det der er en læækker mand. Hvor køber han ind?' I Mann Co.-butikken, dummernik. Ingen penge? Få dig et arbejde og kom tilbage." "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Scout" "I know what yer thinkin'. 'That there is one beeyootiful man. Where does he shop?' The Mann Co. Store, dummy. No money? Get a job and come back." "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Sniper" "Hvorfor ikke foretage en spadseretur til Mann Co.-butikken? Tag et kig på de skønne genstande, makker!" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Sniper" "Why not go on walkabout to the Mann Co. Store? Take a gander at those beaut items, mate! " "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Engineer" "Jeg prøver ikk' på at bøffle dig, det her er den ægte vare. Mand dig op og køb noget i Mann Co.-butikken. Sønnike, du vil ikke fortryde det." "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Engineer" "I ain't gonna buffalo ya, this here's the real deal. Cowboy up and go buy somethin' at the Mann Co. Store. Son, you will not regret it." "TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Title" "Tak din ven!" "[english]TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Title" "Thank Your Friend!" "TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Text" "Hvem henviste dig til Team Fortress 2 eller hjalp dig mest? Du kan tilføje venner ved at åbne Steam-overlayet." "[english]TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Text" "Who referred you to Team Fortress 2 or helped you the most? You can add friends by bringing up the Steam overlay." "TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Retrieving" "Henter venneliste" "[english]TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Retrieving" "Retrieving list of friends" "TF_Trial_Alert_SelectFriend" "Her er din chance til at takke den person som henviste dig til Team Fortress 2, eller som hjalp dig mest!" "[english]TF_Trial_Alert_SelectFriend" "Here's your opportunity to thank the person who referred you to Team Fortress 2 or helped you the most!" "TF_Trial_Alert_ThankedBySomeone" "Du modtog tak fra %thanker%! Fortsæt det gode arbejde!" "[english]TF_Trial_Alert_ThankedBySomeone" "You were thanked by %thanker%! Keep up the good work!" "TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Title" "Tak!" "[english]TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Title" "Thanks!" "TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Text" "Din ven er blevet takket og får en mulig gave for godt udført arbejde." "[english]TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Text" "Your friend has been thanked and may receive an item for their good work." "TF_Trial_Converted_Title" "Premium-konto" "[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Title" "Premium Account" "TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Din konto er blevet opgraderet til premium-status!" "[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Your account has been upgraded to premium status!" "TF_Trial_UpgradeItem" "Team Fortress 2 - Opgrader til premium" "[english]TF_Trial_UpgradeItem" "Team Fortress 2 - Upgrade to Premium" "TF_Trial_Upgrade" "Opgrader!" "[english]TF_Trial_Upgrade" "Upgrade!" "TF_Trial_StoreUpgradeExplanation" "For at opgradere til en premium-konto, køb da en hvilken som helst genstand fra Mann Co.-butikken!" "[english]TF_Trial_StoreUpgradeExplanation" "To upgrade to a Premium account, buy any item from the Mann Co. Store!" "TF_AdvancedOptions" "TF2 Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]TF_AdvancedOptions" "TF2 Advanced Options" "TF_Wearable_Spurs" "Sporer" "[english]TF_Wearable_Spurs" "Spurs" "TF_StatelySteelToe" "Statelig Ståltå" "[english]TF_StatelySteelToe" "Stately Steel Toe" "TF_CopGlasses" "Autoritetsbriller" "[english]TF_CopGlasses" "Security Shades" "TF_TamOShanter" "Tam O' Shanter" "[english]TF_TamOShanter" "Tam O' Shanter" "TF_RoguesColRoule" "Skurkens Col Roule" "[english]TF_RoguesColRoule" "Rogue's Col Roule" "TF_HeelBiters" "Bidende Præriehæle" "[english]TF_HeelBiters" "Prairie Heel Biters" "TF_CopHelmet" "Strisserens Hårde Top" "[english]TF_CopHelmet" "Copper's Hard Top" "TF_SteelJaw" "Stor Stålkæbe af Sommersjov" "[english]TF_SteelJaw" "Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun" "TF_SteelJaw_Desc" "Wee! Det er sommer! Vi har det sjovt!\n AH GUD, DEN ER BOLTET FAST TIL HANS HOVED!" "[english]TF_SteelJaw_Desc" "Wee! It's summer! We're having fun!\nAH GOD IT'S BOLTED TO HIS HEAD!" "TF_Summer_Shades" "Sommersolbriller" "[english]TF_Summer_Shades" "Summer Shades" "TF_Summer_Shades_Desc" "Disse er berømte." "[english]TF_Summer_Shades_Desc" "These are famous." "TF_Wearable_FlipFlops" "Klip-klapper" "[english]TF_Wearable_FlipFlops" "Flip-Flops" "TF_Scout_FlipFlops" "Klip-klapper" "[english]TF_Scout_FlipFlops" "Flip-Flops" "TF_Scout_FlipFlops_Desc" "Kun for dem med mandig adductor halluci." "[english]TF_Scout_FlipFlops_Desc" "Only for those with manly adductor halluci." "TF_Wearable_Towels" "Strandhåndklæde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Towels" "Beach Towel" "TF_Scout_Towels" "Heldige Nr. 42" "[english]TF_Scout_Towels" "Lucky No. 42" "TF_Scout_Towels_Desc" "Hvorfor slås i solen, når du kunne slappe af i skyggen?" "[english]TF_Scout_Towels_Desc" "Why fight in the sun when you could lounge in the shade?" "TF_SummerHat" "Sommerhat" "[english]TF_SummerHat" "Summer Hat" "TF_SummerHat_Desc" "E hele mākou i kahakai." "[english]TF_SummerHat_Desc" "E hele mākou i kahakai." "TF_NoiseMaker_Fireworks" "Støjskaber - Fyrværkeri" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Fireworks" "Noise Maker - Fireworks" "TF_Bundle_Summer2011" "Sommersol-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2011" "Summer Sun Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2011_Desc" "Det perfekte sæt af genstande til at nyde solens varme:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2011_Desc" "The perfect set of items to enjoy the sun's warmth:" "TF_SummerHat_Style0" "En Dag ved Stranden" "[english]TF_SummerHat_Style0" "A Day at the Beach" "TF_SummerHat_Style1" "Sorgløs Sommerlur" "[english]TF_SummerHat_Style1" "Carefree Summer Nap" "TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Undslip varmen" "[english]TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Escape the Heat" "TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Hop i en pøl af forfriskende vand mens der er ild i dig." "[english]TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire." "TF_Tool_SummerKey" "Forfriskende Sommer-køleboksnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_SummerKey" "Refreshing Summer Cooler Key" "TF_Tool_SummerKey_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne usædvanlige Forfriskende Sommer-kølebokse.\nEfter d. 11/7/2011 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_SummerKey_Desc" "Used to open unusually refreshing locked summer coolers.\nAfter 7/11/2011 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_SummerCrate" "Forfriskende Sommer-køleboks" "[english]TF_SummerCrate" "Refreshing Summer Cooler" "TF_SummerCrate_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne køleboks er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_SummerCrate_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this cooler is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_NineIron" "Nessies Nier-jern" "[english]TF_NineIron" "Nessie's Nine Iron" "TF_Weapon_GolfClub" "Golfkølle" "[english]TF_Weapon_GolfClub" "Golf Club" "TF_Mailbox" "Postprygleren" "[english]TF_Mailbox" "The Postal Pummeler" "TF_Weapon_Mailbox" "Postkasse" "[english]TF_Weapon_Mailbox" "Mailbox" "Replay_CleaningDisk" "Foretager engangs-oprydning af unødvendige data. Dette kan tage et øjeblik..." "[english]Replay_CleaningDisk" "Doing one-time cleanup of unneeded data. This may take a minute..." "Store_Summer" "Sommer!" "[english]Store_Summer" "Summer!" "Store_SummerSale" "Dette kvælende varme TF2-sommerudsalg varer\nindtil d. 11 juli. Disse genstande vil ikke længere\nvære tilgængelige, når udsalget slutter!" "[english]Store_SummerSale" "This sweltering TF2 Summer Sale lasts\nuntil July 11th. These items will no longer\nbe available once the sale ends!" "TF_Armory_Item_Summer_Crate" "Denne køleboks indeholder en genstand, men det er ikke tydeligt hvilken. Køleboksen vil forsvinde d. 11. juli, så du bør åbne den, før den er væk!" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Summer_Crate" "This cooler contains an item, but it isn't clear what. The cooler will disappear on July 11th, so you should open it before it's gone!" "Craft_Recipe_Custom" "Tilpasset plan" "[english]Craft_Recipe_Custom" "Custom Blueprint" "Craft_Recipe_CustomDesc" "Smed ethvert sæt af genstande du kan lide, og vi vil prøve at matche det til en passende plan. Kun for avancerede brugere!" "[english]Craft_Recipe_CustomDesc" "Craft any set of items you like, and we'll try to match it to an appropriate blueprint. Advanced users only!" "TF_BISON" "BISON" "[english]TF_BISON" "BISON" "TF_MANGLER" "MAGLER" "[english]TF_MANGLER" "MANGLER" "TF_Weapon_FocusedWaveProjector" "Fokuseret Bølgeprojektør" "[english]TF_Weapon_FocusedWaveProjector" "Focused Wave Projector" "TF_Weapon_IndivisibleParticleSmasher" "Udelelig Partikelsmadrer" "[english]TF_Weapon_IndivisibleParticleSmasher" "Indivisible Particle Smasher" "TF_DrGrordbortBadge" "Dr. Grordborts Våbenskjold" "[english]TF_DrGrordbortBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Crest" "TF_DrGrordbortBadge_Desc" "Et tjenestesymbol i de venusiske legioner." "[english]TF_DrGrordbortBadge_Desc" "A symbol of service in the Venusian legions." "TF_Duel_TempBanned_Initiator" "Din sidste duel sluttede uventet, så du kan ikke duellere igen i mindst ti minutter." "[english]TF_Duel_TempBanned_Initiator" "Your last duel ended unexpectedly, so you cannot duel again for at least ten minutes." "TF_Duel_TempBanned_Target" "%target% var sidst i en duel, som endte uforventet, så vedkommende kan ikke duellere igen i mindst ti minutter." "[english]TF_Duel_TempBanned_Target" "%target% was last in a duel that ended unexpectedly, so they cannot duel again for at least ten minutes." "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Dr. Grordborts Sejrspakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack_Desc" "Snup hele pakken med Dr. Grordbort-genstande til Soldier; designet af WETA Workshop!" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Soldier, designed by WETA Workshop!" "TF_Set_DrG_Victory" "Dr. Grordborts Sejrspakke" "[english]TF_Set_DrG_Victory" "Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack" "Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Behøver ikke ammunition" "[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Does not require ammo" "Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "Gør kun 20% skade mod bygninger" "[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoHurtBuilding" "Deals only 20% damage to buildings" "Attrib_EnergyWeaponChargedShot" "Alt-skyd: Et opladet skud som gør\nsmåkrittisk skade på spillere, sætter ild til dem\nog deaktiverer bygninger i fire sekunder" "[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponChargedShot" "Alt-Fire: A charged shot that\nmini-crits players, sets them on fire\nand disables buildings for 4 sec" "Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "Projektil penetrerer fjendtlige mål" "[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponPenetration" "Projectile penetrates enemy targets" "Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "Projektil kan ikke deflekteres" "[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoDeflect" "Projectile cannot be deflected" "Attrib_Particle28" "Afslappende Røg" "[english]Attrib_Particle28" "Genteel Smoke" "Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <" "[english]Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <" "Store_GrordbortSale" "Dr. Grordborts ufejlbarlige æter-oscillatorer: Hvor videnskab og vold mødes!\nKøb dine ægte strålepistoler hos www.DrGrordborts.com" "[english]Store_GrordbortSale" "Dr. Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators: Where Science Meets Violence!\nBuy your real Rayguns at www.DrGrordborts.com" "TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% har åbnet en pakke!" "[english]TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% has opened a package!" "TF_CrossGame_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Kun premium-konti kan føje genstande til byttehandler." "[english]TF_CrossGame_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Only premium accounts may add items to trades." "TF_LordCockswainPith" "Hertug Cockswains Tropehjelm" "[english]TF_LordCockswainPith" "Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet" "TF_LordCockswainChops" "Hertug Cockswains Nyskabende Bakkenbarter og Pibe" "[english]TF_LordCockswainChops" "Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe" "TF_CowMangler" "Kokvæster 5000" "[english]TF_CowMangler" "The Cow Mangler 5000" "TF_RighteousBison" "Den Retskafne Bison" "[english]TF_RighteousBison" "The Righteous Bison" "Attrib_NoCritBoost" "Kan ikke krit-boostes." "[english]Attrib_NoCritBoost" "Cannot be crit boosted" "TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnActive" "Dette våben har egenskaber FOR BÆREREN, der kun er i effekt, når genstanden er AKTIV. Alt imens de fleste egenskaber for bæreren træfer i kraft, når genstanden er udstyret, så er disse egenskaber kun i effekt, når dette våben er spillerens aktivt anvendte våben." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Attrib_OnActive" "This weapon has ON WEARER attributes that only apply when it's ACTIVE. Whereas most On Wearer attributes are applied to the player when the item is equipped in the loadout, these attributes only apply when this weapon is the player's actively wielded weapon." "TF_TheOriginal" "Originalen" "[english]TF_TheOriginal" "The Original" "TF_MaskOfTheShaman" "Heksedoktorens Maske" "[english]TF_MaskOfTheShaman" "The Mask of the Shaman" "TF_MaskOfTheShaman_Desc" "En udødelighedsmaske lavet af de Oldgamle. Den har ikke virket i meget, meget lang tid." "[english]TF_MaskOfTheShaman_Desc" "An invincibility mask made by the Ancients. It hasn't worked in a long, long time." "TF_Pilotka" "Pilotka" "[english]TF_Pilotka" "Pilotka" "TF_RO_SoldierHelmet" "Stahlhelm" "[english]TF_RO_SoldierHelmet" "Stahlhelm" "TF_Pipboy" "Pip-Boy" "[english]TF_Pipboy" "Pip-Boy" "TF_Pipboy_Desc" "Bruger moderne super-de luxe opløsningsgrafik!" "[english]TF_Pipboy_Desc" "Using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics!" "TF_BrinkHood" "Vrede" "[english]TF_BrinkHood" "Anger" "TF_DragonbornHelmet" "Dragefødt Hjelm" "[english]TF_DragonbornHelmet" "Dragonborn Helmet" "TF_DragonbornHelmet_Desc" "Skabt til at indgyde frygt, dragerne, som denne hjelm var baseret på, var ikke imponerede." "[english]TF_DragonbornHelmet_Desc" "Designed to inspire fear, the dragons this helm was based on were less than impressed." "TF_Wingstick" "Vingepind" "[english]TF_Wingstick" "Wingstick" "Replay_FirstRenderQueueAddTitle" "Renderingskø" "[english]Replay_FirstRenderQueueAddTitle" "Render Queue" "Replay_FirstRenderQueueAddMsg" "Du har føjet et klip til din renderingskø.\n\nDu kan tilføje adskillige klip og gemme dem alle på en gang ved at klikke \"GEM ALLE\" i gengivelsesbrowseren." "[english]Replay_FirstRenderQueueAddMsg" "You have added a take to your render queue.\n\nYou can add multiple takes and save them all at once by clicking \"SAVE ALL\" in the replay browser." "TF_CRITS" "KRITISKE" "[english]TF_CRITS" "CRITS" "TF_Wearable_Hat" "Hat" "[english]TF_Wearable_Hat" "Hat" "TF_Wearable_FacialHair" "Ansigtsbehåring" "[english]TF_Wearable_FacialHair" "Facial Hair" "TF_Wearable_TournamentMedal" "Turneringsmedalje" "[english]TF_Wearable_TournamentMedal" "Tournament Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_1st" "1.-plads – Gamers With Jobs" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_1st" "First Place - Gamers With Jobs Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_2nd" "2.-plads – Gamers With Jobs" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_2nd" "Second Place - Gamers With Jobs Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_3rd" "Deltager - Gamers With Jobs" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_3rd" "Participant - Gamers With Jobs Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_1st" "1.-plads – ETF2L Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_1st" "First Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_2nd" "2.-plads – ETF2L Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_2nd" "Second Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_3rd" "3.-plads – ETF2L Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_3rd" "Third Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_4th" "Deltager - ETF2L Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_4th" "Participant - ETF2L Highlander Tournament" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant" "UGC Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winners_Desc" "Tildelt vinderne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winners_Desc" "Given to the winners!" "TF_TournamentMedal_2nd_Desc" "Tildelt 2.-pladsholdet!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2nd_Desc" "Given to the second place team!" "TF_TournamentMedal_3rd_Desc" "Tildelt 3.-pladsholdet!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_3rd_Desc" "Given to the third place team!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Runnerups_Desc" "Tildelt deltagerne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Runnerups_Desc" "Given to the runner-ups!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Participants_Desc" "Tildelt spillerne der deltog i turneringen." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Participants_Desc" "Given to the players who participated in the tournament." "TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo" "Manno-Technology-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo" "The Manno-Technology Bundle" "TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo_Desc" "Hvornår bliver det fremtiden? Lige nu! Se selv med disse otte genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo_Desc" "When will it be the future? Right now! See for yourself with these eight items:" "TF_Clockwerk_Hat" "Clockwerks Hjelm" "[english]TF_Clockwerk_Hat" "Clockwerk's Helm" "TF_DotaSniper_Hat" "Skyttens Sigteglas" "[english]TF_DotaSniper_Hat" "Sniper's Snipin' Glass" "TF_Stormspirit_Hat" "Stormåndens Muntre Hat" "[english]TF_Stormspirit_Hat" "Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat" "TF_DotaGamescom2011_Hat_Desc" "DOTA 2 International Championship\nGamescom 2011" "[english]TF_DotaGamescom2011_Hat_Desc" "DOTA 2 International Championship\nGamescom 2011" "ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "(%s2%s3: %s1)" "[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "(%s2%s3: %s1)" "KillEaterEventType_Kills" "Drab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_Kills" "Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Ubers" "Ubere" "[english]KillEaterEventType_Ubers" "Ubers" "KillEaterEventType_KillAssists" "Assisterede drab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_KillAssists" "Kill Assists" "KillEaterEventType_SentryKills" "Sentry-drab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_SentryKills" "Sentry Kills" "KillEaterEventType_PeeVictims" "Gennemblødte ofre" "[english]KillEaterEventType_PeeVictims" "Sodden Victims" "Attrib_SniperOnlyFireZoomed" "Skal være zoomet ind for at kunne skyde" "[english]Attrib_SniperOnlyFireZoomed" "Cannot fire unless zoomed" "Attrib_Penetration" "Projektiler penetrerer fjendtlige spillere" "[english]Attrib_Penetration" "Projectiles penetrate enemy players" "Attrib_AmmoPerShot" "Per skud: -%s1 ammunition" "[english]Attrib_AmmoPerShot" "Per Shot: -%s1 ammo" "Attrib_OnHit_AddAmmo" "Ved slag: skade gjort returneres som ammunition" "[english]Attrib_OnHit_AddAmmo" "On Hit: damage dealt is returned as ammo" "Attrib_UseMetalAmmoType" "Bruger metal som ammunition" "[english]Attrib_UseMetalAmmoType" "Uses metal for ammo" "Attrib_Sniper_FullChargeBonus" "Ved fuld opladning: +%s1% skade per skud" "[english]Attrib_Sniper_FullChargeBonus" "On Full Charge: +%s1% damage per shot" "Attrib_Sniper_NoHeadShot" "Ingen hovedskud uden fuld opladning" "[english]Attrib_Sniper_NoHeadShot" "No headshots when not fully charged" "Attrib_NoReload" "Behøver ingen genladning" "[english]Attrib_NoReload" "No reload necessary" "Attrib_SniperFullChargePenetration" "Ved fuld opladning: Projektiler penetrerer spillere" "[english]Attrib_SniperFullChargePenetration" "On Full Charge: Projectiles penetrate players" "Attrib_SapperKillsCollectCrits" "Giver ét garanteret kritisk skud for hver\nbygning ødelagt med din sapper\neller rygstik-drab" "[english]Attrib_SapperKillsCollectCrits" "Gives one guaranteed critical hit for each\nbuilding destroyed with your sapper attached\nor backstab kill" "Attrib_Sniper_FiresTracer" "Affyrer sporlysammunition" "[english]Attrib_Sniper_FiresTracer" "Fires tracer rounds" "Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "Alt-skyd: Affyrer en projektilopløsende energikugle. Koster 65 metal." "[english]Attrib_ElectricalAirblast" "Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal." "Attrib_Particle29" "Stormfuld Storm" "[english]Attrib_Particle29" "Stormy Storm" "Attrib_Particle30" "Stormende Snestorm" "[english]Attrib_Particle30" "Blizzardy Storm" "Attrib_Particle31" "Møtrikker og Skruer" "[english]Attrib_Particle31" "Nuts n' Bolts" "Attrib_Particle32" "Omkredsende Planeter" "[english]Attrib_Particle32" "Orbiting Planets" "Attrib_Particle33" "Omkredsende Ild" "[english]Attrib_Particle33" "Orbiting Fire" "Attrib_Particle34" "Boblende" "[english]Attrib_Particle34" "Bubbling" "Attrib_Particle35" "Rygende" "[english]Attrib_Particle35" "Smoking" "Attrib_Particle36" "Dampende" "[english]Attrib_Particle36" "Steaming" "TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "" "[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "" "TF_DEX_Helmet" "Nanoelefanthuen" "[english]TF_DEX_Helmet" "The Nanobalaclava" "TF_DEX_Helmet_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Helmet_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Glasses" "Deus Specs" "[english]TF_DEX_Glasses" "Deus Specs" "TF_DEX_Glasses_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Glasses_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Hat" "Firmamanden" "[english]TF_DEX_Hat" "The Company Man" "TF_DEX_Hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Hat_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Arm" "Lovens Lange Arm" "[english]TF_DEX_Arm" "The Purity Fist" "TF_DEX_Arm_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Arm_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Revolver" "Tilbagelånet" "[english]TF_DEX_Revolver" "The Diamondback" "TF_DEX_Revolver_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Revolver_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Rifle" "Machina" "[english]TF_DEX_Rifle" "The Machina" "TF_DEX_Rifle_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Rifle_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Shotgun" "Enkemageren" "[english]TF_DEX_Shotgun" "The Widowmaker" "TF_DEX_Shotgun_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Shotgun_Desc" "" "TF_DEX_Pistol" "Kortslutningen" "[english]TF_DEX_Pistol" "The Short Circuit" "TF_DEX_Pistol_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DEX_Pistol_Desc" "" "completed" "Gennemført" "[english]completed" "Completed" "ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3" "[english]ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3" "ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s2%s6%s5%s4%s3 (%s1)" "[english]ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s1 %s6%s5%s2%s4%s3" "ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1" "[english]ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1" "TF_sniperbell" "Afspil en lyd når Snigskytteriflen er fuldt opladet" "[english]TF_sniperbell" "Play a sound when the Sniper rifle is fully charged" "Tooltip_sniperbell" "Hvis valgt vil snigskytteriflen automatisk afspille en lyd, når den er fuldt ladet op." "[english]Tooltip_sniperbell" "If set, the Sniper rifle will automatically play a sound when fully charged." "Econ_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Højtidsbegrænsning: TF-fødselsdag" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Holiday Restriction: TF Birthday" "TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Støjskaber - TF-fødselsdag" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Noise Maker - TF Birthday" "TF_Birthday2011_Hat" "Festhat" "[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat" "Party Hat" "TF_Birthday2011_Hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat_Desc" "" "Attrib_Unlimited" "Ubegrænset brug" "[english]Attrib_Unlimited" "Unlimited use" "TF_Tropico4_Hat" "El Jefe" "[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat" "El Jefe" "TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" "" "BackpackShowRarities" "Vis kvalitetsfarver" "[english]BackpackShowRarities" "Show Quality Colors" "TF_FreezeCamHide" "Skjul HUD'et når der tages stillbillede-skærmbilleder" "[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots" "Store_Popular" "Topsællerter" "[english]Store_Popular" "Top Sellers" "Store_CGTradingSale" " " "[english]Store_CGTradingSale" "" "Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "Hvis valgt vil HUD'et skjules under stillbillede-skærmbilleder." "[english]Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "If set, the HUD will be hidden during freezecam screenshots." "Store_MostPopular" "Dagens mest populære genstand:" "[english]Store_MostPopular" "Today's Most Popular Items:" "TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1" "[english]TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1" "TF_KillerExclusive" "Dræber-scoopet" "[english]TF_KillerExclusive" "The Killer Exclusive" "TF_KillerExclusive_Desc" "Skab overskrifter, kampgejst og hovedpiner." "[english]TF_KillerExclusive_Desc" "Break news, spirits and heads." "TF_Luchadore_Style0" "El Macho" "[english]TF_Luchadore_Style0" "El Macho" "TF_Luchadore_Style1" "El Amor Ardiente" "[english]TF_Luchadore_Style1" "El Amor Ardiente" "TF_Luchadore_Style2" "El Picante Grande" "[english]TF_Luchadore_Style2" "El Picante Grande" "KillEaterEventType_BackstabsAbsorbed" "Spies chokeret" "[english]KillEaterEventType_BackstabsAbsorbed" "Spies Shocked" "KillEaterEventType_HeadsTaken" "Hoveder afhugget" "[english]KillEaterEventType_HeadsTaken" "Heads Taken" "Econ_Bundle_Separator" "," "[english]Econ_Bundle_Separator" ", " "TF_LordCockswainPith_Desc" "" "[english]TF_LordCockswainPith_Desc" "" "TF_LordCockswainChops_Desc" "" "[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_Desc" "" "TF_CowMangler_Desc" "" "[english]TF_CowMangler_Desc" "" "TF_RighteousBison_Desc" "" "[english]TF_RighteousBison_Desc" "" "Gametype_Specialty" "Specialitet" "[english]Gametype_Specialty" "Specialty" "NoSteamNoItems" "UDSTYR IKKE TILGÆNGELIGT - INGEN FORBINDELSE TIL STEAM" "[english]NoSteamNoItems" "LOADOUT NOT AVAILABLE - NO CONNECTION TO STEAM" "TF_PresetsTitle" "FORUDINDSTILLINGER:" "[english]TF_PresetsTitle" "PRESETS:" "TF_ItemPresetName0" "A" "[english]TF_ItemPresetName0" "A" "TF_ItemPresetName1" "B" "[english]TF_ItemPresetName1" "B" "TF_ItemPresetName2" "C" "[english]TF_ItemPresetName2" "C" "TF_ItemPresetName3" "D" "[english]TF_ItemPresetName3" "D" "TF_SavePreset" "GEM" "[english]TF_SavePreset" "SAVE" "TF_CancelSavePreset" "ANNULLER" "[english]TF_CancelSavePreset" "CANCEL" "Econ_DateFormat" "%day% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)" "[english]Econ_DateFormat" "%day% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)" "Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%day% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT" "[english]Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%day% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT" "Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Kan ikke byttes, sælges eller bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting" "AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )" "[english]AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )" "TF_NoSelection" "Intet valgt" "[english]TF_NoSelection" "Nothing Selected" "Replay_Team0" "RED" "[english]Replay_Team0" "RED" "Replay_Team1" "BLU" "[english]Replay_Team1" "BLU" "TF_LoadPreset0" "Indlæs genstandsforudstilling A" "[english]TF_LoadPreset0" "Load item preset A" "TF_LoadPreset1" "Indlæs genstandsforudstilling B" "[english]TF_LoadPreset1" "Load item preset B" "TF_LoadPreset2" "Indlæs genstandsforudstilling C" "[english]TF_LoadPreset2" "Load item preset C" "TF_LoadPreset3" "Indlæs genstandsforudstilling D" "[english]TF_LoadPreset3" "Load item preset D" "ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Forudindstillinger!" "[english]ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Presets!" "ClassLoadoutItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Hver klasse kan nu huske fire \"forudindstillinger\", som er repræsenteret ved disse knapper. Når én af knapperne er valgt, vil alle ændringer af din figurs udstyr automatisk blive lagret dér og straks gendannes, når den pågældende knap vælges igen." "[english]ClassLoadoutItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Each class now remembers four \"presets,\" represented by these buttons. Any changes to your character's loadout while a button is selected will be automatically stored there, and instantly restored when that button is selected again." "ClassSelectionItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Du kan indlæse dine gemte forudindstillinger ved at klikke på én af disse knapper. For at indstille dine forudindstillinger skal du klikke på \"REDIGER UDSTYR\" nedenfor og vælge en klasse for at begynde." "[english]ClassSelectionItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "You can load your saved presets by clicking on one of these buttons. To set up your presets, click \"EDIT LOADOUT\" below, and select a class to get started." "Store_New" "Nye udgivelser" "[english]Store_New" "New Releases" "Store_OnSale" "På udsalg" "[english]Store_OnSale" "On Sale" "Store_Items" "Genstande" "[english]Store_Items" "Items" "Store_Items_Unowned" "Ikke-ejede genstande (%s1)" "[english]Store_Items_Unowned" "Unowned Items (%s1)" "Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Klasser:" "[english]Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Classes:" "Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Genstandstype:" "[english]Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Item Type:" "Store_SortByLabel" "Sorter efter:" "[english]Store_SortByLabel" "Sort By:" "Store_ViewMore" "VIS FLERE" "[english]Store_ViewMore" "VIEW MORE" "Store_BrowseTheStore" "GENNEMSE BUTIKKEN" "[english]Store_BrowseTheStore" "BROWSE THE STORE" "Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "Plus!" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "Plus!" "Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Opgrader til en premium-konto med dit første butikskøb!" "[english]Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Upgrade to a Premium account with your first store purchase!" "Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "Plus! Få en gratis Mann Co.-hat\nmed dit første køb!" "[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "Plus! Get a free Mann Co. hat\nwith your first purchase!" "Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "Alfabetisk" "[english]Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical" "Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "Højeste pris" "[english]Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "Highest price" "Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "Laveste pris" "[english]Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "Lowest price" "Store_SortType_DateNewest" "Nyeste først" "[english]Store_SortType_DateNewest" "Newest First" "Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Brugt af:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Used by:" "Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Position:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Slot:" "Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Kan byttes:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Tradable:" "Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Kan gives som gave:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Giftable:" "Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Kan navngives:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Nameable:" "Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Kan smedes:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Craftable:" "Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Ja" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Yes" "Store_ItemDesc_No" "Nej" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_No" "No" "Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Genstandens Wiki-side..." "[english]Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Item Wiki Page..." "Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "Alle klasser" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "All Classes" "Slot_Primary" "Primær" "[english]Slot_Primary" "Primary" "Slot_Secondary" "Sekundær" "[english]Slot_Secondary" "Secondary" "Slot_Building" "Bygning" "[english]Slot_Building" "Building" "Slot_Melee" "Nærkamp" "[english]Slot_Melee" "Melee" "Slot_Head" "Hoved" "[english]Slot_Head" "Head" "Slot_Pda2" "Pda2" "[english]Slot_Pda2" "Pda2" "Slot_Pda" "Pda" "[english]Slot_Pda" "Pda" "Slot_Misc" "Diverse" "[english]Slot_Misc" "Misc" "Slot_Action" "Handling" "[english]Slot_Action" "Action" "Stat_BlastDamage" "SPRÆNGSKADE" "[english]Stat_BlastDamage" "BLAST DAMAGE" "Stat_DamageTaken" "SKADE TAGET" "[english]Stat_DamageTaken" "DAMAGE TAKEN" "Stat_Crits" "KRITISKE SKUD" "[english]Stat_Crits" "CRITS" "Stat_ShotsHit" "TRÆFFERE" "[english]Stat_ShotsHit" "SHOTS HIT" "Stat_ShotsFired" "SKUD AFFYRET" "[english]Stat_ShotsFired" "SHOTS FIRED" "Stat_Damage" "SKADE" "[english]Stat_Damage" "DAMAGE" "Stat_Captures" "EROBRINGER" "[english]Stat_Captures" "CAPTURES" "Stat_Defenses" "FORSVARINGER" "[english]Stat_Defenses" "DEFENSES" "Stat_Revenge" "HÆVN" "[english]Stat_Revenge" "REVENGE" "Stat_PointsScored" "POINTTAL" "[english]Stat_PointsScored" "SCORE" "Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "ØDELÆGGELSE" "[english]Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "DESTRUCTION" "Stat_Headshots" "HOVEDSKUD" "[english]Stat_Headshots" "HEADSHOTS" "Stat_PlayTime" "SPILLETID" "[english]Stat_PlayTime" "PLAYTIME" "Stat_Healing" "HELING" "[english]Stat_Healing" "HEALING" "Stat_Invulns" "USÅRLIGHEDER" "[english]Stat_Invulns" "INVULNS" "Stat_KillAssists" "ASSISTEREDE DRAB" "[english]Stat_KillAssists" "KILL ASSISTS" "Stat_BackStabs" "RYGSTIK" "[english]Stat_BackStabs" "BACKSTABS" "Stat_HealthLeached" "HELBRED STJÅLET" "[english]Stat_HealthLeached" "HEALTH LEACHED" "Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "KONSTRUKTION" "[english]Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "CONSTRUCTION" "Stat_MaxSentryKills" "SENTRY-DRAB" "[english]Stat_MaxSentryKills" "SENTRY KILLS" "Stat_Teleports" "TELEPORTERINGER" "[english]Stat_Teleports" "TELEPORTS" "Stat_FiredDamage" "BRANDSKADE" "[english]Stat_FiredDamage" "FIRE DAMAGE" "Stat_BonusPoints" "BONUS-POINT" "[english]Stat_BonusPoints" "BONUS POINTS" "AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Tryk [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] for at INDSENDE NU.\nTryk [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] for at INDSENDE SENERE." "[english]AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT NOW.\nPress [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT LATER." "TF_Package_Type" "Pakke" "[english]TF_Package_Type" "Package" "AbuseReport_QueueCommandName" "Tag Steam-misbrugsskærmbillede" "[english]AbuseReport_QueueCommandName" "Take Steam Abuse Screenshot" "AbuseReport_DialogTitle" "Indsend overtrædelsesrapport til Steam" "[english]AbuseReport_DialogTitle" "Submit Steam Abuse Report" "AbuseReport_PlayerLabel" "Spiller:" "[english]AbuseReport_PlayerLabel" "Player:" "AbuseReport_ContentLabel" "Krænkende indhold:" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentLabel" "Abusive content:" "AbuseReport_CategoryLabel" "Overtrædelseskategori:" "[english]AbuseReport_CategoryLabel" "Abuse category:" "AbuseReport_NoAvatar" "(Spilleren har ikke noget avatar-billede)" "[english]AbuseReport_NoAvatar" "(Player does not have an avatar image)" "AbuseReport_NoCustomTextures" "(Spilleren har ikke nogen genstande med mærker)" "[english]AbuseReport_NoCustomTextures" "(Player does not have any items with decals)" "AbuseReport_DescriptionLabel" "Beskrivelse:" "[english]AbuseReport_DescriptionLabel" "Description:" "AbuseReport_Submit" "Indsend" "[english]AbuseReport_Submit" "Submit" "AbuseReport_Discard" "Fjern" "[english]AbuseReport_Discard" "Discard" "AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Færdiggør senere" "[english]AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Finish Later" "AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- vælg --" "[english]AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- select --" "AbuseReport_Notification" "Overtrædelsesrapport klar til indsendelse" "[english]AbuseReport_Notification" "Abuse Report Ready to Submit" "AbuseReport_ContentAvatarImage" "Avatar-billede" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentAvatarImage" "Avatar image" "AbuseReport_ContentPlayerName" "Spillernavn" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentPlayerName" "Player name" "AbuseReport_ContentItemDecal" "Genstandsmærke" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentItemDecal" "Item decal" "AbuseReport_ContentChatText" "Chat-tekst" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentChatText" "Chat text" "AbuseReport_ContentCheating" "Snyd" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentCheating" "Cheating" "AbuseReport_ContentOther" "Andet" "[english]AbuseReport_ContentOther" "Other" "AbuseReport_TypeSpam" "Spam" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeSpam" "Spam" "AbuseReport_TypeAdvertisement" "Reklame" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeAdvertisement" "Advertisement" "AbuseReport_TypeLanguage" "Sprog" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeLanguage" "Language" "AbuseReport_TypeAdultContent" "Voksenindhold" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeAdultContent" "Adult Content" "AbuseReport_TypeHarassment" "Chikane" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeHarassment" "Harassment" "AbuseReport_TypeProhibited" "Forbudt" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeProhibited" "Prohibited" "AbuseReport_TypeSpoofing" "Parodi" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeSpoofing" "Spoofing" "AbuseReport_TypeCheating" "Snyd" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeCheating" "Cheating" "AbuseReport_TypeInappropriate" "Upassende" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeInappropriate" "Inappropriate" "AbuseReport_TypeOther" "Andet" "[english]AbuseReport_TypeOther" "Other" "AbuseReport_Busy" "Indsendelse af overtrædelsesrapport" "[english]AbuseReport_Busy" "Submitting abuse report" "AbuseReport_NoSteamTitle" "Overtrædelsesrapport" "[english]AbuseReport_NoSteamTitle" "Abuse report" "AbuseReport_NoSteamMessage" "Du skal være logget på Steam for at behandle en overtrædelsesrapport." "[english]AbuseReport_NoSteamMessage" "You must be logged into Steam to process an abuse report." "AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "Succes!" "[english]AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "Success!" "AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "Overtrædelsesrapport indsendt" "[english]AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "Abuse report submitted" "AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "Fejl!" "[english]AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "Error!" "AbuseReport_GenericFailureMessage" "Indsendelse af overtrædelsesrapport mislykkedes." "[english]AbuseReport_GenericFailureMessage" "Abuse report submission failed." "AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedTitle" "Tak!" "[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedTitle" "Thank You!" "AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "Du har enten allerede indsendt en overtrædelsesrapport for denne spiller eller indsendt adskillige overtrædelsesrapporter inden for et kort tidsrum." "[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this player, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period." "TF_ClassMenu_Go" "GO!" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Go" "GO!" "TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "ANNULLER" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "CANCEL (&0)" "Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2" "[english]Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2" "Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2," "[english]Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2," "Econ_GreyOutReason_ToolCannotApply" "( Værktøjet kan ikke anvendes på denne genstand. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ToolCannotApply" "( Tool cannot apply to this item. )" "Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedByThisClass" "( Genstanden kan ikke bruges af denne klasse. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedByThisClass" "( Item cannot be used by this class. )" "Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedInThisSlot" "( Genstanden kan ikke bruges på denne position. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedInThisSlot" "( Item cannot be used in this slot. )" "Econ_GreyOutReason_EquipRegionConflict" "( Genstand sammenstøder med andre udstyrede genstande )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_EquipRegionConflict" "( Item conflicts with other equipped items. )" "Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotCraftable" "( Genstanden kan ikke smedes. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotCraftable" "( Item is not craftable. )" "Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotTradable" "( Genstanden kan ikke byttes. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotTradable" "( Item is not tradable. )" "TF_Weapon_Sign" "Skilt" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sign" "Sign" "TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Samvittighed" "[english]TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Conscience" "TF_Wearable_Flair" "Stil!" "[english]TF_Wearable_Flair" "Flair!" "TF_Wearable_Blueprints" "Planer" "[english]TF_Wearable_Blueprints" "Blueprints" "TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Sko" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Shoes" "TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Halstørklæde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Scarf" "TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Halskæde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Necklace" "TF_Wearable_PocketSquare" "Lommefirkant" "[english]TF_Wearable_PocketSquare" "Pocket Square" "TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Stetoskop" "[english]TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Stethoscope" "TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Dekorative Bomber" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Decorative Bombs" "TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Støjskaber - Vuvuzela" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Noise Maker - Vuvuzela" "TF_Bundle_FM2012Promo" "Fodboldspillerens Grej" "[english]TF_Bundle_FM2012Promo" "Footballer's Kit" "TF_Bundle_FM2012Promo_Desc" "Vælg et hold og gør det stolt:" "[english]TF_Bundle_FM2012Promo_Desc" "Pick a side and show your pride:" "TF_ManniversaryPaperHat" "Manniversary-papirhat" "[english]TF_ManniversaryPaperHat" "Manniversary Paper Hat" "TF_ManniversaryPackage" "Manniversary-pakke" "[english]TF_ManniversaryPackage" "Manniversary Package" "TF_ManniversaryPackage_Desc" "Fra dine fine venner fra Mann Co. i anledning af vores et-årsdag.\n\nDenne her indeholder en gratis vareprøve fra vores efterårssortiment og kan åbnes fra din rygsæk." "[english]TF_ManniversaryPackage_Desc" "From your fine friends at Mann Co., celebrating our one-year anniversary.\n\nThis contains a free sample from our fall lineup and can be opened from your backpack." "TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "Hån: Klør Fem!" "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "Taunt: The High Five!" "TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "Lad ikke dine venner i stikken.\n\nDette er en partnerhån. Tryk på håntasten for at aktivere eller annullere hånen." "[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "Don't leave your friends hanging.\n\nThis is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle." "TF_ConscientiousObjector" "Militærnægteren" "[english]TF_ConscientiousObjector" "The Conscientious Objector" "TF_ConscientiousObjector_Desc" "Vi gav fred en chance. Det virkede ikke.\n\nTilpassede mærker kan anvendes på denne genstand." "[english]TF_ConscientiousObjector_Desc" "We gave peace a chance. It didn't work.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item." "TF_SniperHat1" "Dit Værste Mareridt" "[english]TF_SniperHat1" "Your Worst Nightmare" "TF_SniperHat1_Desc" "Denne bandana vil lære dig at spise ting som ville få en gedebuk til at kaste op. Som en anden gedebuk." "[english]TF_SniperHat1_Desc" "This bandanna will teach you to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. Like another billy goat." "TF_HeavyHat1" "Enmandshæren" "[english]TF_HeavyHat1" "The One-Man Army" "TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "Hvis du skal sende så mange mænd mod en bandana som denne, så glem ikke en god forsyning af ligposer." "[english]TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "You send that many men against a bandanna like this, don't forget one thing: A good supply of body bags." "TF_SpyHat1" "Den Forfalskede Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_SpyHat1" "The Counterfeit Billycock" "TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "Denne hat er en spion." "[english]TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "This hat is a spy." "TF_HeavyHat2" "Udendørsmanden" "[english]TF_HeavyHat2" "The Outdoorsman" "TF_HeavyHat2_Desc" "Hug brænde. Spis sirup. Lev i Canada. Denne hat lader dig gøre det hele." "[english]TF_HeavyHat2_Desc" "Chop wood. Eat syrup. Live in Canada. This hat lets you do it all." "TF_DemoHat1" "Tavish DeGroot-oplevelsen" "[english]TF_DemoHat1" "The Tavish DeGroot Experience" "TF_DemoHat1_Desc" "Hey, Joe, hvor skal du hen med den klæbebombekaster i din hånd?" "[english]TF_DemoHat1_Desc" "Hey, Joe, where you going with that sticky launcher in your hand?" "TF_EngineerHat1" "Papirnusseren" "[english]TF_EngineerHat1" "The Pencil Pusher" "TF_EngineerHat1_Desc" "Mål to gange, skær én gang, skyd først." "[english]TF_EngineerHat1_Desc" "Measure twice, cut once, shoot first." "TF_EngineerBlueprints" "Byggerens Blåtryk" "[english]TF_EngineerBlueprints" "The Builder's Blueprints" "TF_EngineerBlueprints_Desc" "Medbring aldrig en pistol til en blåtrykskamp. " "[english]TF_EngineerBlueprints_Desc" "Never bring a gun to a blueprint fight." "TF_BuccaneersBicorne" "Sørøverens Stolthed" "[english]TF_BuccaneersBicorne" "The Buccaneer's Bicorne" "TF_BuccaneersBicorne_Desc" "Hejs sejlet! Splitte mine bramsejl! Kom ind i en sværdkamp! Piratkaptajner råber hele tiden den slags ting, og nu kan du også gøre det." "[english]TF_BuccaneersBicorne_Desc" "Hoist the mainsail! Buckle those swashes! Get into a swordfight! Pirate captains yell stuff like this all the time, and now you can too." "TF_Bootlegger" "Smugleren" "[english]TF_Bootlegger" "The Bootlegger" "TF_Bootlegger_Desc" "Imponer dine venner! Imponer kvinderne! Halt resten af livet! Det er grotesk!" "[english]TF_Bootlegger_Desc" "Amaze your friends! Impress women! Walk with a limp for life! It's grotesque!" "TF_ScottishHandshake" "Det Skotske Håndtryk" "[english]TF_ScottishHandshake" "The Scottish Handshake" "TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Din fjender vil tro du skaber fred, lige op til det grufulde øjeblik deres hånd bliver alvorligt skåret! Her er tricket: Det er en ødelagt flaske!" "[english]TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Your enemies will think you're making peace, right up until the terrifying moment that their hand is very seriously cut! Here's the trick: It's a broken bottle!" "TF_OldBrimstone" "Et Snif af Det Gamle Svovl" "[english]TF_OldBrimstone" "A Whiff of the Old Brimstone" "TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Dine fjender vil klappe i fryd over disse gammeldags bombers tegneserieagtige udseende, hvilket gør det så meget bedre, når du sprænger armene af dem." "[english]TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Your enemies will clap in delight at the cartoonish innocence of these old-timey bombs, making it that much sweeter when you blow their arms off." "TF_SoldierHat1" "Den Saltede Søhund" "[english]TF_SoldierHat1" "The Salty Dog" "TF_SoldierHat1_Desc" "Få al den respekt, som en bådkaptajn får, uden det knusende ansvar, der følger med at være bådkaptajn, eller den enorme mængde vedligeholdelse, som en båd kræver!" "[english]TF_SoldierHat1_Desc" "Get all of a boat captain's respect without the crushing responsibility of actually captaining a boat or the enormous amount of ongoing maintenance a boat requires!" "TF_PyroHat1" "Den Lille Makker" "[english]TF_PyroHat1" "The Little Buddy" "TF_PyroHat1_Desc" "Folk vil tro, du er i flåden. Men du ler sidst, FOR DET ER DU IKKE! Det er bare én mulig fordel ved denne smarte hat." "[english]TF_PyroHat1_Desc" "People will think you're in the Navy. But the joke is on them, BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT! That is just one possible benefit of this tricky hat." "TF_HeavyHat3" "Gymnastikrotten" "[english]TF_HeavyHat3" "The Gym Rat" "TF_HeavyHat3_Desc" "\"Let's get physical. Physical.\"" "[english]TF_HeavyHat3_Desc" "Let's get physical. Physical." "TF_ScoutHat1" "Hotdog-hatten" "[english]TF_ScoutHat1" "The Hot Dogger" "TF_ScoutHat1_Desc" "Der har været en forfærdelig eksplosion ved hotdog-fabrikken! Det er hvad du kan fortælle folk, og de vil tro på dig, fordi du ligner en hotdog-ekspert." "[english]TF_ScoutHat1_Desc" "There's been a terrible explosion at the hot dog factory! That's what you can tell people, and they'll believe you because you will look like an expert on hot dogs." "TF_PyroHat2" "Fugleburet" "[english]TF_PyroHat2" "The Birdcage" "TF_PyroHat2_Desc" "Alle vil undre sig over, hvad den hemmelige mening bag denne mystiske hat er. Hemmeligheden er, at du er en idiot." "[english]TF_PyroHat2_Desc" "Everyone will wonder what the secret meaning of this mysterious hat is. The secret is you're an idiot." "TF_MedicHat1" "Kirurgens Stahlhjelm" "[english]TF_MedicHat1" "The Surgeon's Stahlhelm" "TF_MedicHat1_Desc" "Teknisk set er feltlæger beskyttet som nonkombattanter under Genevekonventionen. Næste gang du bliver skudt, så vær sikker på at sige det til din morder! Det starter samtaler!" "[english]TF_MedicHat1_Desc" "Technically, field medics are protected as noncombatants under the Geneva Convention. The next time you get shot be sure to tell your killer. It's a conversation starter!" "TF_ScoutHat2" "Den Bagvendte Baseballkasket" "[english]TF_ScoutHat2" "The Backwards Ballcap" "TF_ScoutHat2_Desc" "Vis Major League Baseball ved ikke at bære deres hat på den rette måde." "[english]TF_ScoutHat2_Desc" "Stick it to Major League Baseball by not wearing their hat the right way." "TF_SniperNecklace" "Krokodillesmilet" "[english]TF_SniperNecklace" "The Crocodile Smile" "TF_SniperNecklace_Desc" "Hvor mange krokodiller måtte dø for at lave denne halskæde? Mange. Det er pointen." "[english]TF_SniperNecklace_Desc" "How many crocodiles had to die to make this necklace? A lot. That's the point." "TF_FlairButtons" "Stil!" "[english]TF_FlairButtons" "Flair!" "TF_FlairButtons_Desc" "Vis entusiasme! For dine yndlingsting!\n\nTilpassede mærker kan anvendes på denne genstand." "[english]TF_FlairButtons_Desc" "Show enthusiasm! For your favorite things!\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item." "TF_MedicPocketSquare" "Den Festlige Foldning" "[english]TF_MedicPocketSquare" "Couvre Corner" "TF_MedicPocketSquare_Desc" "Nogle gange putter vi jokes i disse beskrivelser. Men ingen joke: Det her ser godt ud. Virkelig skarpt." "[english]TF_MedicPocketSquare_Desc" "Sometimes we put some jokes in these descriptions. But, no joke: This looks good. Really sharp." "TF_MedicStethoscope" "Kirurgens Stetoskop" "[english]TF_MedicStethoscope" "The Surgeon's Stethoscope" "TF_MedicStethoscope_Desc" "Det ser ud til, at du ved, hvad du laver, når du erklærer folk for døde." "[english]TF_MedicStethoscope_Desc" "Look like you know what you're doing when you pronounce people dead." "TF_SpyHat2" "L'Inspecteur" "[english]TF_SpyHat2" "L'Inspecteur" "TF_SpyHat2_Desc" "Ingen er ikke bange for en politimand fra Frankrig. Det er derfor, denne hat er så effektiv." "[english]TF_SpyHat2_Desc" "Nobody is not scared of a policeman from France. That is why this hat is so effective." "TF_PhotoBadge" "Foto-emblemet" "[english]TF_PhotoBadge" "Photo Badge" "TF_PhotoBadge_Desc" "Afskræk identitetstyveri.\n\nTilpassede mærker kan anvendes på denne genstand." "[english]TF_PhotoBadge_Desc" "Discourage identity theft.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item." "TF_IDBadge" "ID-kort" "[english]TF_IDBadge" "ID Badge" "TF_IDBadge_Desc" "Sæt dit navn på det.\n\nTilpassede mærker kan anvendes på denne genstand." "[english]TF_IDBadge_Desc" "Put your name on it.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item." "TF_StampableMedal" "Klanstolthed" "[english]TF_StampableMedal" "Clan Pride" "TF_StampableMedal_Desc" "Fordi det er billigere og mindre smertefuldt end en tatovering.\n\nTilpassede mærker kan anvendes på denne genstand." "[english]TF_StampableMedal_Desc" "Because it's cheaper and less painful than a tattoo.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item." "TF_SniperHat2" "Swagman's Swatter" "[english]TF_SniperHat2" "The Swagman's Swatter" "TF_SniperHat2_Desc" "Dette er den bedste hat. Vi kunne ikke sige det, hvis det ikke var sandt. Den her er den bedste." "[english]TF_SniperHat2_Desc" "This is the best hat. We couldn't say it if it weren't true. This one's the best." "TF_PyroHat3" "Flamboyant Flamenco" "[english]TF_PyroHat3" "The Flamboyant Flamenco" "TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Hjælp dine fjender med at fejre De Dødes Dag ved at have denne hat på og så dræbe dem." "[english]TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Help your enemies celebrate Day of the Dead by wearing this hat and then killing them." "TF_EngineerHat2" "Virtual Reality-headset" "[english]TF_EngineerHat2" "The Virtual Reality Headset" "TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "Med disse på kan du lade som om, du vinder." "[english]TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "With these on, you can pretend you're winning." "TF_SpyGlasses" "Lurerens Læsebriller" "[english]TF_SpyGlasses" "The Spectre's Spectacles" "TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "Så mystisk. Så farlig. Så nærsynet." "[english]TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "So mysterious. So deadly. So nearsighted." "TF_ScoutGlasses" "De Stereoskopiske Briller" "[english]TF_ScoutGlasses" "The Stereoscopic Shades" "TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "Hvis du lukker et øje, forsvinder et af holdene. Så lad være med det." "[english]TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "If you close an eye, one of the teams will disappear. So don't do that." "TF_SoldierHat2" "Hatten Uden Navn" "[english]TF_SoldierHat2" "The Hat With No Name" "TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "En navnløs hat til en navnløs mand." "[english]TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "A nameless hat for a nameless man." "TF_PyroConscience" "Krematørens Samvittighed" "[english]TF_PyroConscience" "The Cremator's Conscience" "TF_PyroConscience_Desc" "'Brænd ham med ild!' 'Nej, brænd ham med ild og slå ham så med en økse!'" "[english]TF_PyroConscience_Desc" "'Burn him with fire!' 'No, burn him with fire, then hit him with an axe!'" "TF_ScoutHat3" "Hermes" "[english]TF_ScoutHat3" "The Hermes" "TF_ScoutHat3_Desc" "Skyd ikke sendebuddet. Faktisk, værsgo at prøve. Er ikke muligt, kammerat! For hurtig!" "[english]TF_ScoutHat3_Desc" "Don't shoot the messenger. Actually, go ahead and try. Can't be done, pal! Too fast!" "TF_Football_Boots" "Bold-sparkende Støvler" "[english]TF_Football_Boots" "Ball-Kicking Boots" "TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Vis bolden hvem der er boss." "[english]TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Show balls who is the boss." "TF_Football_Scarf" "Lejesoldatens Stolthedstørklæde" "[english]TF_Football_Scarf" "Merc's Pride Scarf" "TF_Football_Scarf_Desc" "Bær din loyalitet som en farvestrålende løkke om halsen." "[english]TF_Football_Scarf_Desc" "Wear your loyalty like a brightly-colored noose around your neck." "cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy" "[english]cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy" "TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash" "[english]TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash" "TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Banefrimærke - Gullywash" "[english]TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Map Stamp - Gullywash" "TF_MapToken_Gullywash_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Jan 'Arnold' Laroy\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Gullywash-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Gullywash_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Jan 'Arnold' Laroy\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Gullywash community map. Show your support today!" "NewItemMethod_PreviewItem" "Du prøver nu:" "[english]NewItemMethod_PreviewItem" "You are now Testing:" "NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "Du købte:" "[english]NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "You Purchased:" "TF_NextCarat" "NÆSTE >>" "[english]TF_NextCarat" "NEXT >>" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Fjern mærke?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Remove Decal?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Vil du fjerne det tilføjede mærke fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Remove the decal applied to this item?" "ToolCustomizeTexturePickImage" "Vælg billede" "[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePickImage" "Select Image" "ToolCustomizeTextureTitle" "Vælg billede" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureTitle" "Select Image" "ToolCustomizeTextureError" "Fejl" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureError" "Error" "ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Tilføjelsen af mærket på genstanden mislykkedes. Prøv igen senere." "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Failed to apply decal tool to the item. Try again later." "ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseButton" "Gennemse billeder..." "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseButton" "Browse for image..." "ToolCustomizeTextureOKButton" "Anvend" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureOKButton" "Apply" "ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseDialogTitle" "Vælg tilpasset billedfil." "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseDialogTitle" "Select custom image file." "ToolCustomizeTextureConfirmWarning" "Denne handling vil forbruge dit mærkat-værktøj og kan ikke fortrydes.\n\nDit billede skal overholde Steam-abonnentaftalen. Upload af billeder, som indeholder stødende eller krænkende materiale, kan resultere i at genstanden eller billedet fjernes. Ingen tilbagebetaling eller erstatning vil blive tilbudt.\n\nHvis du er i tvivl om det er i orden, skal du ikke uploade det." "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureConfirmWarning" "This action will consume your decal tool and cannot be undone.\n\nYour image must comply with the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Uploading images containing offensive or infringing material may result in the removal of the image or the item. No refund or replacement will be offered.\n\nIf you aren't sure it's OK, don't upload it." "ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Vent venligst mens dit mærke lægges på." "[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Please wait while your decal is applied." "ToolCustomizeTextureStep1" "1. Vælg billede" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep1" "1. Select Image" "ToolCustomizeTextureUseAvatarImage" "Brug dit nuværende avatar-billede" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureUseAvatarImage" "Use your current avatar image" "ToolCustomizeTextureUseAnyImage" "Brug et billede fra din computer" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureUseAnyImage" "Use an image from your computer" "ToolCustomizeTextureBestResults" "Et billede på 256x256 giver det bedste resultat" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBestResults" "For best results, select a 256x256 image" "ToolCustomizeTextureStep2" "2. Giv det Team Fortress-behandlingen!" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep2" "2. Team Fortressize!" "ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Endelig bekræftelse" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Final confirm" "ToolCustomizeTextureDragToRotate" "(Træk for at rotere)" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureDragToRotate" "(Drag to rotate)" "ToolCustomizeTextureColorPalette" "Farvepalet:" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureColorPalette" "Color palette:" "ToolCustomizeTexturePainterlyDescription" "Virker for de fleste billeder." "[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePainterlyDescription" "Works for most images." "ToolCustomizeTextureStencilDescription" "Virker bedst på ikoner, symboler og tekst." "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilDescription" "Works best on icons, symbols, and text." "KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Ydmygelser" "[english]KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Humiliations" "TF_SupplyCrateRare" "Bjærget Mann Co.-forsyningskasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare" "Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate" "TF_SupplyCrateRare_Desc" "Du skal bruge en Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare_Desc" "You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this.\nYou can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Mærke-værktøj" "[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Decal Tool" "TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Tilføj et mærke til kvalificerede genstande." "[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Add a custom decal to eligible items." "TF_Set_Swashbucklers_Swag" "Sørøverens Bytte" "[english]TF_Set_Swashbucklers_Swag" "Swashbuckler's Swag" "Attrib_CustomTexture" "Tilpasset tekstur" "[english]Attrib_CustomTexture" "Custom Texture" "Attrib_ExpirationDate" "Denne genstand udløber d. %s1." "[english]Attrib_ExpirationDate" "This item will expire on %s1." "Attrib_PreviewItem" "Prøvetur - Kan ikke byttes, sælges, bruges i smedearbejde eller modificeres" "[english]Attrib_PreviewItem" "Test Run - Cannot be traded, marketed, crafted, or modified" "Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "+%s1% luftstødsskubbekraft" "[english]Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "+%s1% airblast push force" "TF_TreasureHat_3_Style" "H.O.U.W.A.R." "[english]TF_TreasureHat_3_Style" "H.O.U.W.A.R." "MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Værksted" "[english]MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Workshop" "Store_Maps_Title" "STØT FÆLLESSKABSBANESKABERE OG FÅ EN HAT!" "[english]Store_Maps_Title" "SUPPORT COMMUNITY MAP MAKERS AND GET A HAT!" "Store_Maps_SubTitle" "Alle indtægterne fra banefrimærkerne (efter evt. skat) går direkte til banens skabere.\nDesuden vil du efterlade et spor af frimærker, efter du har hånt i de baner, du har bidraget til." "[english]Store_Maps_SubTitle" "All Map Stamp proceeds (net any applicable taxes) go directly to the creators of the map.\nAlso, you'll leave behind a trail of stamps in maps that you've contributed to after each taunt." "Store_LearnMore" "LÆR MERE" "[english]Store_LearnMore" "LEARN MORE" "Store_TryItOut" "PRØV DEN!" "[english]Store_TryItOut" "TRY IT OUT" "Store_SortType_DateOldest" "Ældste først" "[english]Store_SortType_DateOldest" "Oldest First" "Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "Ingen" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "None" "TF_PartnerTaunt_TooHigh" "Du er for højt oppe for enhver mulig partner at håne med." "[english]TF_PartnerTaunt_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential taunt partner." "TF_PartnerTaunt_Blocked" "Der er noget i vejen." "[english]TF_PartnerTaunt_Blocked" "There is something in the way." "TF_HighFive_Hint" "Tryk \"%taunt%\" foran denne spiller for at være med i hånet." "[english]TF_HighFive_Hint" "Press '%taunt%' in front of this player to join the taunt." "TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "Dette værktøj kan bruges til at sætte et tilpasset billede på visse genstande, såsom Clan Pride, Conscientious Objector og Flair! (Hvis du ikke allerede har sådan en genstand, skal du først købe genstanden; det inkluderer ét gratis mærkeværktøj.) Dit billede vil blive sat ind i TF2-kunststilen og reducere farverne til en lille palet fra TF2-universet." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "This Tool can be used to put a custom image on certain items, such as Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, and Flair! (If you don't already have such an item, buy the item first; it includes one free decal tool.) Your image will be put into the TF2 art style, by reducing the colors to a small palette from the TF2 universe." "TF_Armory_Item_CanCustomizeTexture" "Du kan sætte et tilpasset billede på denne genstand ved at bruge mærkeværktøjet. Køb denne genstand og få et GRATIS mærkeværktøj til at komme i gang! Mærket laves ved at vælge en lille palet fra TF2-kunststilen og justere dit billede til at passe med denne palet." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_CanCustomizeTexture" "You can apply a custom image onto this item using the decal tool. Purchase this item and get a FREE decal tool to get started! The decal is made by selecting a small palette from the TF2 art style and adjusting your image to fit that palette." "IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Sko/sokker (Scout)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Shoes/Socks (Scout)" "IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Kugler (Sniper)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Bullets (Sniper)" "IT_Bodygroup_Arrows" "Pile (Sniper)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_Arrows" "Arrows (Sniper)" "IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Højre hånd (Engineer)" "[english]IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Right Hand (Engie)" "IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTest" "[F7] Vis test-genstand-UI" "[english]IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTest" "[F7] Show Test Item UI" "IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTestBots" "[F8] Vis bot-kontrol-UI" "[english]IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTestBots" "[F8] Show Bot Control UI" "Tooltip_SteamScreenshots" "Hvis valgt vil skærmbilleder automatisk blive gemt til Steam." "[english]Tooltip_SteamScreenshots" "If set, screenshots will automatically be saved to Steam." "Store_TryItem" "Prøv den!" "[english]Store_TryItem" "Test It Out!" "ItemPreview_Confirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil tage denne genstand på en prøvetur?\nDu vil kunne bruge genstanden i en uge.\nDerefter vil genstanden udløbe. Du kan når som helst\ni prøveperioden købe genstanden med en rabat på 25%,\nhvis den ikke allerede er på udsalg!" "[english]ItemPreview_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to take this item on a test run?\nYou will be able to use the item for one week.\nAfter that time, the item will expire. At any time\nduring the test period you can buy the item for a 25% discount\nif it's not already on sale!" "ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "Succes!" "[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "Success!" "ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "Denne genstand er blevet føjet til dit inventar. Du vil kunne bruge denne genstand i en uge, hvorefter den vil udløbe. God fornøjelse!" "[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "The item has been added to your inventory. You'll be able to use this item for one week, after which it will expire. Have fun!" "ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1" "[english]ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1" "ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedTitle" "Kan ikke teste genstand" "[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedTitle" "Can't Test Item" "ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedText" "Du skal vente indtil din prøvetur er udløbet for at tage en anden genstand på en prøvetur. Du vil kunne prøve en genstand igen d.\n%date_time%" "[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedText" "You must wait until your test run period has ended to take another item on a test run. You will be able to test an item again on:\n%date_time%" "TF_PreviewDiscount" "Køb den nu!" "[english]TF_PreviewDiscount" "Buy it now!" "TF_PreviewItem_Expired" "Din prøvetursperiode for %item_name% er udløbet!" "[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired" "Your test run period for the %item_name% has expired!" "TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Prøvetur udløbet" "[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Test Run Expired" "TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Din prøvetur af %item_name% er slut. Genstanden er nu blevet fjernet. Hvis du køber genstanden inden for de næste 24 timer, får du en rabat på 25%, hvis den ikke allerede er på udsalg – eller du kan prøve noget nyt!" "[english]TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Your test run of the %item_name% has ended. The item has been removed. If you buy the item in the next 24 hours you will receive a 25% discount if it's not already on sale -- Or you can try testing something new!" "TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "Køb den nu!" "[english]TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "Buy it now!" "TF_PreviewItem_NotNow" "Måske senere" "[english]TF_PreviewItem_NotNow" "Maybe later" "TF_PreviewItem_ItemBought" "Din prøvetursversion af %item_name% er blevet erstattet med en permanent version!" "[english]TF_PreviewItem_ItemBought" "Your test run version of the %item_name% has been replaced with a permanent version!" "ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewTitle" "Få rabat!" "[english]ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewTitle" "Get a Discount!" "ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewText" "Du har allerede taget denne genstand på en prøvetur. Hvis du køber genstanden i løbet af prøveperioden, får du en rabat på 25%, hvis den ikke allerede er på udsalg!" "[english]ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewText" "You're already taking this item on a test run. If you buy the item during the testing period, you will receive a 25% discount if it's not already on sale!" "TF_Items_All" "Alle genstande" "[english]TF_Items_All" "All items" "TF_Items_Scout" "Scout-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Scout" "Scout items" "TF_Items_Sniper" "Sniper-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Sniper" "Sniper items" "TF_Items_Soldier" "Soldier-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Soldier" "Soldier items" "TF_Items_Demoman" "Demoman-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Demoman" "Demoman items" "TF_Items_Medic" "Medic-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Medic" "Medic items" "TF_Items_Heavy" "Heavy-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Heavy" "Heavy items" "TF_Items_Pyro" "Pyro-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Pyro" "Pyro items" "TF_Items_Spy" "Spy-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Spy" "Spy items" "TF_Items_Engineer" "Engineer-genstande" "[english]TF_Items_Engineer" "Engineer items" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Title" "Bidrag til TF2's fremtid!" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Title" "Contribute to the future of TF2!" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Desc" "Skab og indsend nye genstande eller bedøm og vurder det, andre har indsendt. Vurder genstande højt og så vil du muligvis se dem blive gjort tilgængelige i spillet. Hvis din kreation accepteres til distribuering i spillet, kan du endda tjene en procentdel af dens salg.\n\nVed at indsende en genstand til Steam-værkstedet, accepterer du den juridiske aftale." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Desc" "Create and submit new items, or review and rate what other people submit. Rate items highly and you just might see them become available in-game. If your creation is accepted for distribution in-game, you can even earn a percentage of sales.\n\nBy submitting an item to the Steam Workshop you agree to the Legal Agreement." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Publish" "Offentliggør ny genstand" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Publish" "Publish New Item" "TF_SteamWorkshop_LearnHow" "Lær hvordan" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_LearnHow" "Learn How" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Instructions" "Instruktioner" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Instructions" "Instructions" "TF_SteamWorkshop_YourItems" "Dine genstande:" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_YourItems" "Your Items:" "TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "Vis alle" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "View All" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Edit" "Rediger" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Edit" "Edit" "TF_SteamWorkshop_View" "Vis" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_View" "View" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Delete" "Slet" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Delete" "Delete" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Indlæs testbane" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Load Test Map" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Legal" "Se juridisk aftale" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Legal" "View Legal Agreement" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Images" "Billedfiler (*.jpg,*.tga,*.png)" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Images" "Image Files (*.jpg,*.tga,*.png)" "TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFiles" "Zip-filer (*.zip)" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFiles" "Zip Files (*.zip)" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Headgear" "Hovedudstyr" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Headgear" "Headgear" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Weapon" "Våben" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Weapon" "Weapon" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Misc" "Diverse" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Misc" "Misc" "TF_SteamWorkshop_PopulatingList" "Henter liste over offentliggjorte Steam-værkstedsemner." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_PopulatingList" "Retrieving list of published Steam Workshop items." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Error" "Fejl" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Error" "Error" "TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "Der kunne ikke kommunikeres med Steam-værkstedsserveren." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "There was a problem communicating with the Steam Workshop server." "TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Sletter Steam-værkstedsemne." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Deleting Steam Workshop item." "TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "Steam-værkstedsemnet er blevet markeret som 'i brug' og kan ikke slettes på nuværende tidspunkt." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "The Steam Workshop item has been marked in-use and cannot be deleted at this time." "TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Slet fil" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Delete File" "TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmText" "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette Steam-værkstedsemne?" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmText" "Are you sure you want to delete this Steam Workshop item?" "TF_SteamWorkshop_BrowseTheWorkshop" "Gennemse værkstedet" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_BrowseTheWorkshop" "Browse the Workshop" "TF_PublishFile_Title" "Offentliggør fil" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Title" "Publish Your File" "TF_PublishFile_Tags" "Tags:" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Tags" "Tags:" "TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Forhåndsvisningsbillede:" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Preview Image:" "TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Gennemse..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Browse..." "TF_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Titel:" "[english]TF_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:" "TF_PublishFile_DescLabel" "Beskrivelse:" "[english]TF_PublishFile_DescLabel" "Description:" "TF_PublishFile_FileLabel" "Fil:" "[english]TF_PublishFile_FileLabel" "File:" "TF_PublishFile_Publish" "Offentliggør" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Publish" "Submit" "TF_PublishFile_Error" "Fejl" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Error" "Error" "TF_PublishFile_NoFileSelected" "" "[english]TF_PublishFile_NoFileSelected" "" "TF_PublishFile_PreviewDesc" "Klik Gennemse nedenunder for at vælge et eksempelbillede.\n\n\nÆndrer format til 256x256 .jpg" "[english]TF_PublishFile_PreviewDesc" "Click Browse below to select a preview image.\n\n\nWill be resized to a 512x512 .jpg" "TF_PublishFile_BrowseDesc" "Brug knapperne foroven for at vælge, hvilke filer du vil uploade til Steam-værkstedet. Kosmetiske og andre uploads skal være .zip-filer. Bane-uploads skal være .bsp-filer." "[english]TF_PublishFile_BrowseDesc" "Use the buttons above to select files for uploading to the Steam Workshop. Cosmetic and other uploads must be .zip files. Map uploads must be .bsp files." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Kunne ikke udgive filen! Kontroller, om du har en anden genstand med samme navn." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Failed to publish file! Check to see if you have another item that has the same name." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Kunne ikke opdatere den offentliggjorte fil!" "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Failed to update published file!" "TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til Steam Cloud!" "[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamCloudNotAvailable" "Failed to connect to the Steam Cloud!" "TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "Du har oversteget din kvote på Steam Cloud!" "[english]TF_PublishFile_kSteamExceededCloudQuota" "You have exceeded your quota on the Steam Cloud!" "TF_PublishFile_kFailedToWriteToSteamCloud" "Kunne ikke udgive filen på Steam Cloud!" "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToWriteToSteamCloud" "Failed to publish the file to the Steam Cloud!" "TF_PublishFile_kFileNotFound" "Kunne ikke finde filen for at offentliggøre den." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFileNotFound" "Unable to find the file to publish it." "TF_PublishFile_kNeedTitleAndDescription" "Du skal angive både en titel og en beskrivelse." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kNeedTitleAndDescription" "You need to specify both a title and a description." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "Filen kunne ikke valideres." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "The file failed to validate." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "Den udgivne fil må ikke være større end 200 MB efter komprimering." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 200 MB after compression." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "Filen kunne ikke findes." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "The file could not be found." "TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Filen offentliggøres, vent venligst..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Publishing file, please wait..." "TF_PublishFile_Updating" "Filen opdateres, vent venligst..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Updating" "Updating file, please wait..." "TF_PublishedFiles_Browse" "Gennemse" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Browse" "Browse" "TF_PublishedFiles_Files" "Filer:" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Files" "Files:" "TF_PublishedFiles_Add" "Tilføj" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Add" "Add" "TF_PublishedFiles_Delete" "Slet" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Delete" "Delete" "TF_PublishedFiles_Edit" "Rediger" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Edit" "Edit" "TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Opdater" "[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Refresh" "ToolCustomizeTextureStretch" "Stræk" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStretch" "Stretch" "ToolCustomizeTextureCrop" "Beskær" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureCrop" "Crop" "ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByIntensity" "Anvend gradient" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByIntensity" "Use gradient" "ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByColor" "Match farver" "[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByColor" "Match colors" "Tip_Abuse_Report" "For at rapportere krænkende billeder eller opførsel, klik da på %abuse_report_queue% for at tage et skærmbillede og indsamle spiloplysninger til at sende direkte til kundesupport via misbrugsanmelderen." "[english]Tip_Abuse_Report" "To report abusive imagery or behavior, press %abuse_report_queue% to take a screenshot and gather game information to send it directly to Customer Support via the Abuse Reporter." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Timeout" "Timede ud i forsøget på at hente oplysninger fra Steam-værkstedet." "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Timeout" "Timed out trying to get information from Steam Workshop." "Store_HomePageTitle" "Få en %s1 for hver $20 du bruger i et enkelt køb!" "[english]Store_HomePageTitle" "Receive a %s1 for every %s2 you spend in a single purchase!" "Store_HomePageTitleRedText" "GRATIS GENSTAND" "[english]Store_HomePageTitleRedText" "FREE ITEM" "Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon" "Højtidsbegrænsning: Halloween / Fuldmåne" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon" "TF_Wearable_Mask" "Maske" "[english]TF_Wearable_Mask" "Mask" "TF_Wearable_Costume" "Kostumestykke" "[english]TF_Wearable_Costume" "Costume Piece" "Humiliation_Kill_Arm" "ARM-DRAB!" "[english]Humiliation_Kill_Arm" "ARM KILL!" "TF_Bundle_DemoHalloween2011" "Højlandskøter-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_DemoHalloween2011" "The Highland Hound Bundle" "TF_Bundle_DemoHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_DemoHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_ScoutHalloween2011" "Naturforbandelse-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutHalloween2011" "The Curse-a-Nature Bundle" "TF_Bundle_ScoutHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_ScoutHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_PyroHalloween2011" "Drilske Djævling-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_PyroHalloween2011" "The Infernal Imp Bundle" "TF_Bundle_PyroHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_PyroHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_MedicHalloween2011" "Den Gale Doktor-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_MedicHalloween2011" "The Mad Doktor Bundle" "TF_Bundle_MedicHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_MedicHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_SoldierHalloween2011" "Tinsoldat-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierHalloween2011" "The Tin Soldier Bundle" "TF_Bundle_SoldierHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_SoldierHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_SpyHalloween2011" "Den Usynlige Slyngel-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_SpyHalloween2011" "The Invisible Rogue Bundle" "TF_Bundle_SpyHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_SpyHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_HeavyHalloween2011" "FrankenHeavy-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyHalloween2011" "The FrankenHeavy Bundle" "TF_Bundle_HeavyHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_HeavyHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011" "Camper Van Helsing-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011" "The Camper Van Helsing Bundle" "TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "Brundle-bundt Bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "The Brundle Bundle Bundle" "TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2011" "Halloween 2011-kostumebundt-bundter" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2011" "Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlier" "Gyseligere Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlier" "Ghastlier Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlier_Desc" "Endnu gyseligere." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlier_Desc" "Even more ghastly." "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastly" "Gyselig Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastly" "Ghastly Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastly_Desc" "Elegant enkelhed og gammeldags charme kombineret med den berusende aroma af mug og gravstøv." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastly_Desc" "Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust." "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlierest" "Gyseligste Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlierest" "Ghastlierest Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlierest_Desc" "Meget, meget mere gyselig." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghastlierest_Desc" "Way way more ghastly." "TF_Hwn_DemoHat" "Hundens Hår" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoHat" "The Hair of the Dog" "TF_Hwn_DemoHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_DemoMisc1" "Den Skotske Snerren" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoMisc1" "The Scottish Snarl" "TF_Hwn_DemoMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_DemoMisc2" "De Præserverede Poter" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoMisc2" "The Pickled Paws" "TF_Hwn_DemoMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_DemoMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_ScoutHat" "Den Indpakkede Kæmper" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutHat" "The Wrap Battler" "TF_Hwn_ScoutHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc1" "B-ankh!" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc1" "B-ankh!" "TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc2" "Futankhamon" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc2" "The Futankhamun" "TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_ScoutMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_PyroHat" "Den Brændende Tyr" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroHat" "The Blazing Bull" "TF_Hwn_PyroHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_PyroMisc1" "Den Faldne Engel" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroMisc1" "The Fallen Angel" "TF_Hwn_PyroMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_PyroMisc2" "Hale Fra Krypten" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroMisc2" "Tail From the Crypt" "TF_Hwn_PyroMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_MedicHat" "Einstein" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicHat" "The Einstein" "TF_Hwn_MedicHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_MedicMisc1" "Dr. Brilleskæg" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicMisc1" "Dr. Gogglestache" "TF_Hwn_MedicMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_MedicMisc2" "Smaragd-jaraten" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicMisc2" "The Emerald Jarate" "TF_Hwn_MedicMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_MedicMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SoldierHat" "Tossekassen" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierHat" "The Idiot Box" "TF_Hwn_SoldierHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc1" "Stålrørene" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc1" "The Steel Pipes" "TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc2" "Snørebåndsbudgettet" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc2" "The Shoestring Budget" "TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SoldierMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SpyHat" "Under Dække" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyHat" "The Under Cover" "TF_Hwn_SpyHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SpyMisc1" "Griffins Briller" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyMisc1" "Griffin's Gog" "TF_Hwn_SpyMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SpyMisc2" "Det Immaterielle Halstørklæde" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyMisc2" "The Intangible Ascot" "TF_Hwn_SpyMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SpyMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_HeavyHat" "Dåseåbneren" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyHat" "The Can Opener" "TF_Hwn_HeavyHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc1" "Det Sovjetiske Sting" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc1" "The Soviet Stitch-Up" "TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc2" "De Ståltåede Trampere" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc2" "The Steel-Toed Stompers" "TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_HeavyMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SniperHat" "Den Hellige Jæger" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperHat" "The Holy Hunter" "TF_Hwn_SniperHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SniperMisc1" "Sølvpatroner" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperMisc1" "Silver Bullets" "TF_Hwn_SniperMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_SniperMisc2" "Hvidløgsplanke-pæl" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperMisc2" "Garlic Flank Stake" "TF_Hwn_SniperMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_SniperMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_EngineerHat" "Den Summende Dræber" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerHat" "The Buzz Killer" "TF_Hwn_EngineerHat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerHat_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc1" "Grænsefluen" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc1" "The Frontier Flyboy" "TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc1_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc1_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc2" "Legenden om Bugfoot" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc2" "The Legend of Bugfoot" "TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_EngineerMisc2_Desc" "" "TF_Hwn_PyroGasmask" "Det Sidste Åndedrag" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroGasmask" "The Last Breath" "TF_Hwn_PyroGasmask_DESC" "" "[english]TF_Hwn_PyroGasmask_DESC" "" "TF_UnarmedCombat" "Uhåndgribelig Armering" "[english]TF_UnarmedCombat" "Unarmed Combat" "TF_UnarmedCombat_Desc" "Hvor pænt af Spy'en at give en hånd..." "[english]TF_UnarmedCombat_Desc" "So nice of the Spy to lend an arm..." "TF_Ghost_Aspect" "Genfærdets Udsyn" "[english]TF_Ghost_Aspect" "Apparition's Aspect" "TF_Ghost_Aspect_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Ghost_Aspect_Desc" "" "TF_Baleful_Beacon" "Den Fordømmende Lyskegle" "[english]TF_Baleful_Beacon" "The Baleful Beacon" "TF_VoodooPin" "Voodoo-prikket" "[english]TF_VoodooPin" "The Wanga Prick" "TF_InfernalImpaler" "Den Infernalske Spidder" "[english]TF_InfernalImpaler" "The Infernal Impaler" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011" "Rygradsrystende Kranium 2011" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011" "The Spine-Chilling Skull 2011" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Desc" "Udtryk endnu engang dit udøende had over for alt det levende med denne årlige kranie-tematiserede hat af had." "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Desc" "Re-express your undying hatred for the living annually with this skull-themed hate hat." "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style1" "Det Rygradssnurrende Kranium" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style1" "The Spine-Tingling Skull" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style1_Desc" "Udtryk dit had for de levende." "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style1_Desc" "Express your dislike for the living." "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style2" "Det Rygradskølende Kranium" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style2" "The Spine-Cooling Skull" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style2_Desc" "Udtryk din foragt for de levende." "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style2_Desc" "Express your disdain for the living." "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style3" "Det Rygradsvridende Kranium" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style3" "The Spine-Twisting Skull" "TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style3_Desc" "Udtryk din utilfredshed med de levende." "[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap2011_Style3_Desc" "Express your discontent with the living." "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Hat" "MONOCULUS!" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Hat" "The MONOCULUS!" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Hat_Desc" "Fejr Demomanens mest alvorlige barndomsulykke med denne grusomme maske, baseret på hans manglende, hjemsøgte øje." "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Hat_Desc" "Celebrate the Demo's most serious childhood injury with this gruesome mask based on his missing, haunted eye." "TF_Halloween_Seal_Mask" "Sælmasken" "[english]TF_Halloween_Seal_Mask" "The Seal Mask" "TF_Halloween_Seal_Mask_Desc" "Lav almene nærkampsangreb til hadforbrydelser mod naturen med denne bedårende maske." "[english]TF_Halloween_Seal_Mask_Desc" "Turn routine melee attacks into environmental hate crimes with this adorable mask." "TF_Bombinomicon_Badge" "Bombinomicon" "[english]TF_Bombinomicon_Badge" "The Bombinomicon" "TF_Bombinomicon_Badge_Desc" "'Hvis I ser på et bogformet emblem i år, så LAD DET IKKE VÆRE DETTE!' - Magikeren Merasmus'" "[english]TF_Bombinomicon_Badge_Desc" "'If ye gaze upon one tome-themed badge this year, MAKE IT NOT THIS ONE!' - Merasmus the Magician'" "TF_HalloweenCauldron2011" "Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron" "[english]TF_HalloweenCauldron2011" "Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron" "TF_HalloweenCauldron2011_Desc" "Du kan brække låget op på denne kedel, for at se hvilke mærkværdigheder der ligger deri... fra din rygsæk... HVIS DU TØR." "[english]TF_HalloweenCauldron2011_Desc" "You can pry open the lid of this cauldron to see what strangeness lies within... from your backpack... IF YOU DARE." "TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastlierest" "Gyseligst" "[english]TF_Gibus_Style_Ghastlierest" "Ghastlierest" "TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style1" "Rygradssnurrende" "[english]TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style1" "Spine-Tingling" "TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style2" "Rygradskølende" "[english]TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style2" "Spine-Cooling" "TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style3" "Rygradsvridende" "[english]TF_SpineChillingSkull2011_Style3" "Spine-Twisting" "Gametype_Halloween" "Halloween" "[english]Gametype_Halloween" "Halloween" "TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBALL_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "MONOCULUS!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBALL_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "MONOCULUS!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBOSS_KILL_NAME" "Synsbedrag" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBOSS_KILL_NAME" "Optical Defusion" "TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBOSS_KILL_DESC" "Dræb MONOCULUS!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBOSS_KILL_DESC" "Kill MONOCULUS!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_NAME" "Dyk ned i en god bog" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_NAME" "Dive Into a Good Book" "TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_DESC" "Nå til Plyndreøen og tag din belønning!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_LOOT_ISLAND_DESC" "Get to Loot Island and claim your reward!" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item_Halloween" "eller en yderst sjælden specialgenstand med halloween-tema!\n(Genstande med halloween-tema kun tilgængelige hvis åbnet under halloween-begivenheden.)" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item_Halloween" "or an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-Themed Special Item!\n(Halloween-themed items are only available if opened during the Halloween event.)" "TF_Set_Demo_Halloween_2011" "Højlandskøteren" "[english]TF_Set_Demo_Halloween_2011" "The Highland Hound" "TF_Set_Scout_Halloween_2011" "Naturforbandelsen" "[english]TF_Set_Scout_Halloween_2011" "The Curse-a-Nature" "TF_Set_Pyro_Halloween_2011" "Den Drilske Djævling" "[english]TF_Set_Pyro_Halloween_2011" "The Infernal Imp" "TF_Set_Medic_Halloween_2011" "Den Gale Doktor" "[english]TF_Set_Medic_Halloween_2011" "The Mad Doktor" "TF_Set_Soldier_Halloween_2011" "Tinsoldaten" "[english]TF_Set_Soldier_Halloween_2011" "The Tin Soldier" "TF_Set_Spy_Halloween_2011" "Den Usynlige Slyngel" "[english]TF_Set_Spy_Halloween_2011" "The Invisible Rogue" "TF_Set_Heavy_Halloween_2011" "FrankenHeavyen" "[english]TF_Set_Heavy_Halloween_2011" "The FrankenHeavy" "TF_Set_Sniper_Halloween_2011" "Camper Van Helsing" "[english]TF_Set_Sniper_Halloween_2011" "The Camper Van Helsing" "TF_Set_Engineer_Halloween_2011" "Brundle-bundtet" "[english]TF_Set_Engineer_Halloween_2011" "The Brundle Bundle" "Attrib_BombinomiconEffectOnDeath" "Eksploder på spektakulær vis ved døden" "[english]Attrib_BombinomiconEffectOnDeath" "Explode spectacularly on death" "Attrib_Particle37" "Flammende Lanterne" "[english]Attrib_Particle37" "Flaming Lantern" "Attrib_Particle38" "Skyet Måne" "[english]Attrib_Particle38" "Cloudy Moon" "Attrib_Particle39" "Kedelbobler" "[english]Attrib_Particle39" "Cauldron Bubbles" "Attrib_Particle40" "Uhyggelig Omkredsende Ild" "[english]Attrib_Particle40" "Eerie Orbiting Fire" "haunted" "Hjemsøgt" "[english]haunted" "Haunted" "Store_ItemDesc_Restrictions" "Begrænsninger:" "[english]Store_ItemDesc_Restrictions" "Restrictions:" "Store_HolidayRestrictionText" "Kan kun udstyres under begivenheder i spil" "[english]Store_HolidayRestrictionText" "Only equippable during in-game events" "Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutTitle" "Vær opmærksom på" "[english]Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutTitle" "Please note" "Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutText" "Halloween-genstande kan kun bruges under fuldmåner og Halloween-begivenheden." "[english]Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutText" "Halloween items may only be used during full moons and the Halloween event." "TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween" "Halloween-begivenhedsbaner med bosser, gave-drops og sindssyge." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween" "Halloween event maps with bosses, gift drops, and insanity." "TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween" "Pas på specielle gaver, som dropper, og være den første til at få dem! Besejr bossen for at samle skatten." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween" "Watch for special gifts to drop and be the first to grab them! Defeat the boss to collect loot." "TF_Armory_Item_Limited_Holiday" "Denne genstand er kun tilgængelig i butikken i en begrænset periode under denne højtidsbegivenhed!" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Limited_Holiday" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time during this holiday event!" "TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved_Purgatory" "En Hjemsøgt Halloweengave er på mystisk vis dukket op et eller andet sted nedenunder, placeret kun til dig... prøv at finde den!" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved_Purgatory" "A Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere down below, placed just for you... go and find it!" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Appeared" "Pas på! MONOCULUS! lurer i mørket...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Appeared" "Beware! MONOCULUS! is lurking about...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Killed" "MONOCULUS! er blevet besejret!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Killed" "MONOCULUS! has been defeated!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaped" "MONOCULUS! er undsluppet for at hjemsøge en anden verden!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaped" "MONOCULUS! has left to haunt another realm!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_60" "MONOCULUS! undslipper om 60 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_60" "MONOCULUS! is leaving in 60 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_30" "MONOCULUS! undslipper om 30 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_30" "MONOCULUS! is leaving in 30 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_10" "MONOCULUS! undslipper om 10 sekunder!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Escaping_In_10" "MONOCULUS! is leaving in 10 seconds!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Killers" "%player% har besejret MONOCULUS!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Killers" "%player% has defeated MONOCULUS!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Stun" "%player% har lammet MONOCULUS!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Stun" "%player% has stunned MONOCULUS!\n" "TF_Halloween_Underworld" "%s1 er undsluppet underverdenen!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Underworld" "%s1 has escaped the underworld!\n" "TF_Halloween_Loot_Island" "%s1 er nået til Plyndreøen!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Loot_Island" "%s1 has made it to Loot Island!\n" "AbuseReport_Player" "Krænkende spiller" "[english]AbuseReport_Player" "Abusive Player" "AbuseReport_GameServer" "Krænkende spilserver" "[english]AbuseReport_GameServer" "Abusive Game Server" "AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessageGameServer" "Du har allerede indsendt en rapport om misbrug for denne server, eller også har du indsendt flere misbrugs-rapporter inden for et kortere stykke tid." "[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessageGameServer" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this server, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period." "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Appeared" "Vær på vagt! MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) lurer i mørket...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Appeared" "Beware! MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) is lurking about...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killed" "MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) er blevet besejret!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killed" "MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) has been defeated!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaped" "MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) er undsluppet for at hjemsøge en anden verden!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaped" "MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) has left to haunt another realm!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_60" "MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) undslipper om 60 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_60" "MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 60 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_30" "MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) undslipper om 30 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_30" "MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 30 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_10" "MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%) undslipper om 10 sekunder!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Escaping_In_10" "MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 10 seconds!\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killers" "%player% har besejret MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%)\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Killers" "%player% has defeated MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%)\n" "TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Stun" "%player% har lammet MONOCULUS! (NIVEAU %level%)\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_LevelUp_Stun" "%player% has stunned MONOCULUS! (LEVEL %level%)\n" "TF_Welcome_fullmoon" "Velkommen og nyd fuldmånen!" "[english]TF_Welcome_fullmoon" "Welcome and Enjoy the Full Moon!" "TF_Luchador" "Koldkrigs-luchador" "[english]TF_Luchador" "The Cold War Luchador" "TF_Luchador_Desc" "Det mest rædselsvækkende sovjet-/latino-forhold siden den cubanske missilkrise." "[english]TF_Luchador_Desc" "The most terrifying Soviet/Latino partnership since the Cuban Missile Crisis." "TF_Apocofists" "Apoko-næverne" "[english]TF_Apocofists" "The Apoco-Fists" "TF_Apocofists_Desc" "Forvandl hver af dine fingre til Apokalypsens fire ryttere! Det er over nitten Apokalyptiske ryttere per handske! Så meget apokalypse har vi aldrig turdet sætte på hver hånd før!" "[english]TF_Apocofists_Desc" "Turn every one of your fingers into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! That's over nineteen Horsemen of the Apocalypse per glove! The most Apocalypse we've ever dared attach to one hand!" "TF_Saint_Pin" "Helgens Mærke" "[english]TF_Saint_Pin" "The Mark of the Saint" "TF_Saint_Pin_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Saint_Pin_Desc" "" "Attrib_CritKillWillGib" "At dræbe en fjende med et kritisk angreb vil splitte dit offer ad. På en smertefuld måde." "[english]Attrib_CritKillWillGib" "Killing an enemy with a critical hit will dismember your victim. Painfully." "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo" "Mystisk Promo" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo" "Mysterious Promo" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo_Desc" "Mystisk Promo" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo_Desc" "Mysterious Promo" "TF_TrnHat" "Peg og Skyd" "[english]TF_TrnHat" "The Point and Shoot" "TF_TrnHat_Desc" "Næste gang, nogen beskylder dig for ikke at være en ægte troldmand, fordi du nægter (læs: ikke kan) at lave besværgelser, så prik dem i øjet med denne magisk blindende, spidse hat og løb." "[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can't) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run." "TF_TrnHelmet" "Sprænghovedet" "[english]TF_TrnHelmet" "The War Head" "TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Beskyt din tankehorde fra drager, trolddom og andre fantasifarer med denne piggede blykampmaske." "[english]TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Protect your thought-horde from dragons, sorcery, and other make-believe dangers with this spiky lead battle-mask." "Attrib_SetItemTintRGB" "Farvetonekode for genstand: %s1" "[english]Attrib_SetItemTintRGB" "Item tint color code: %s1" "Attrib_LunchboxAddsMinicrits" "Vælger våbentilstand #%s1" "[english]Attrib_LunchboxAddsMinicrits" "Sets weapon mode #%s1" "Attrib_NoiseMaker" "Støjskaber" "[english]Attrib_NoiseMaker" "Noise Maker" "Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Kan altid byttes" "[english]Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Always Tradable" "StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "En eller flere af de anmodede genstande er ikke til salg." "[english]StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "One or more of the items requested are not for sale." "StoreCheckout_DiscountFail" "Det ser ud til, at der har været en fejl ved anvendelsen af rabat ved en eller flere genstande. Prøv venligst igen eller kontakt supporten." "[english]StoreCheckout_DiscountFail" "There seems to have been an error applying a discount to one or more items. Please try again or contact support." "StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "Den anmodede genstand findes ikke eller er ikke til salg." "[english]StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "The requested item does not exist or is not for sale." "Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Dit køb er gennemført! Købte genstande er nu i dit inventar." "[english]Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Your purchase is complete! Purchased items are now in your inventory." "Web_StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Dit køb er gennemført! Bemærk at ingen nye genstande blev føjet til dit inventar." "[english]Web_StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your purchase is complete! Note that no new items were added to your inventory." "TF_Bowtie" "Dr. Whoa" "[english]TF_Bowtie" "Dr. Whoa" "TF_Bowtie_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Bowtie_Desc" "" "TF_DashinHashshashin" "Den Flotte Hashshashin" "[english]TF_DashinHashshashin" "The Dashin' Hashshashin" "TF_DashinHashshashin_Desc" "Når du skal gå dybt undercover, er én forklædning ikke nok! Smid en hætte over den skimaske og vikl derefter et håndklæde omkring det. Oplys dristigt omverdenen at du er diskret!" "[english]TF_DashinHashshashin_Desc" "When you need to go deep undercover, one disguise is not enough! Put a hood over that ski-mask, then wrap a towel around it. Boldly announce to the world that you are inconspicuous!" "TF_SharpDresser" "Den Skarpe Påklæder" "[english]TF_SharpDresser" "The Sharp Dresser" "TF_SharpDresser_Desc" "Hver lejesoldat er vild efter en skarpklædt mand. Med mordknive fra det 15. århundrede, der stikker ud af manchetknapperne." "[english]TF_SharpDresser_Desc" "Every merc's crazy for a sharp-dressed man. With 15th century murder-knives extruding from his cufflinks." "TF_TopNotch" "Top Notch" "[english]TF_TopNotch" "The Top Notch" "TF_TopNotch_Desc" "Velkommen til et hemmeligt samfund, der er så eksklusivt, at det får Illuminati til at ligne en Costco. Hvor eksklusivt? Du er det eneste medlem. Dette er den eneste genstand af sin slags, der findes. Så \"craft\" den ikke, Miney." "[english]TF_TopNotch_Desc" "Welcome to a secret society so exclusive it makes the Illuminati look like a Costco. How exclusive? You are the only member. This is the only item of its kind in all of existence. So don't craft it, Miney." "Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseCompleteNoItems" "Dit køb er gennemført! Bemærk, at ingen nye genstande blev føjet til dit inventar. Hvis dit køb inkluderede nogen banefrimærker, venter din Verdensrejsendes Hat dig!" "[english]Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseCompleteNoItems" "Your purchase is complete! Note that no new items were added to your inventory. If your purchase included any map stamps, your World Traveler's Hat awaits you!" "TF_Wearable_PocketBuddy" "Lommeven" "[english]TF_Wearable_PocketBuddy" "Pocket Buddy" "TF_ItsyBitsySpyer" "Den Lillebitte Spion" "[english]TF_ItsyBitsySpyer" "The Itsy Bitsy Spyer" "TF_ItsyBitsySpyer_Desc" "Er det en miniature-Spy i din lomme, eller er du bare glad for at ÅH GUD HOLD OP MED AT SLÅ MIG!" "[english]TF_ItsyBitsySpyer_Desc" "Is that a miniature Spy in your pocket, or are you just happy to OH GOD STOP HITTING ME!" "TF_Welcome_christmas" "Velkommen og glædelige højtideligheder!" "[english]TF_Welcome_christmas" "Welcome and Happy Holidays!" "TF_PyroRage" "MMMPH" "[english]TF_PyroRage" "MMMPH" "TF_POMSON_HUD" "POMSON" "[english]TF_POMSON_HUD" "POMSON" "TF_KNIFE" "KNIV" "[english]TF_KNIFE" "KNIFE" "Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Højtidsbegrænsning: Smissmas" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Holiday Restriction: Smissmas" "TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "Konstruktions-PDA" "[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "Construction PDA" "TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Destroyer" "Nedrivnings-PDA" "[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Destroyer" "Destruction PDA" "TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit" "Forklædningssæt" "[english]TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit" "Disguise Kit" "TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit_Type" "...cigaret-etui?" "[english]TF_Weapon_Disguise_Kit_Type" "...Cigarette Case?" "TF_Weapon_Spy_Sapper" "Sapper" "[english]TF_Weapon_Spy_Sapper" "Sapper" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_Festive2011" "Festlig Rullekanon" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_Festive2011" "Festive Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_Festive2011" "Festligt Medi-gevær" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_Festive2011" "Festive Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Festive2011" "Festlig Raketkaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Festive2011" "Festive Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_Festive2011" "Festlig Flammekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_Festive2011" "Festive Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_Festive2011" "Festlig Haglspreder" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_Festive2011" "Festive Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011" "Festlig Klæbebombekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011" "Festive Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_Festive2011" "Festlig Skruenøgle" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Festive2011" "Festive Wrench" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_Festive2011" "Festlig Snigskytteriffel" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_Festive2011" "Festive Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_Knife_Festive2011" "Festlig Kniv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_Festive2011" "Festive Knife" "TF_Weapon_Bat_Festive2011" "Festligt Bat" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bat_Festive2011" "Festive Bat" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_Participant" "UGC Highlander Platinum Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_Participant" "UGC Highlander Silver Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_1st" "UGC Highlander Tin 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_2nd" "UGC Highlander Tin 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv4_3rd" "UGC Highlander Tin 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroPlatinum" "UGC Highlander Euro Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroPlatinum" "UGC Highlander Euro Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroSilver" "UGC Highlander Euro Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroSilver" "UGC Highlander Euro Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroIron" "UGC Highlander Euro Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroIron" "UGC Highlander Euro Iron" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroParticipant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Euro" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroParticipant" "UGC Highlander Euro Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fall2011" "Efteråret 2011" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fall2011" "Fall 2011" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2011" "Efteråret 2011" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2011" "Autumn 2011" "TF_Wearable_FuelTank" "Brændstoftank" "[english]TF_Wearable_FuelTank" "Fuel Tank" "TF_Wearable_Lunchbox" "Madkasse" "[english]TF_Wearable_Lunchbox" "Lunchbox" "TF_Wearable_Coat" "Frakke" "[english]TF_Wearable_Coat" "Coat" "TF_Wearable_Stocking" "Strømper" "[english]TF_Wearable_Stocking" "Stocking" "TF_Wearable_Armband" "Armbånd" "[english]TF_Wearable_Armband" "Armband" "TF_Wearable_Bells" "Klokker" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bells" "Bells" "TF_NoiseMaker_Winter2011" "Støjskaber - Vinterhøjtid" "[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Winter2011" "Noise Maker - Winter Holiday" "TF_Pomson" "Pomson 6000" "[english]TF_Pomson" "The Pomson 6000" "TF_Pomson_Desc" "Værende et innovativ, håndholdt, udstrålende redskab som kan producere hurtige højamplitude-strålingsimpulser i tilstrækkelige mængder for at ofre, lemlæste eller på anden vis hæmme irlænderne." "[english]TF_Pomson_Desc" "Being an innovative hand-held irradiating utensil capable of producing rapid pulses of high-amplitude radiation in sufficient quantity as to immolate, maim and otherwise incapacitate the Irish." "TF_Wrenchmotron" "Eureka-effekten" "[english]TF_Wrenchmotron" "The Eureka Effect" "TF_Wrenchmotron_Desc" "Værende et værktøj som eliminerer anstrengelse ved at udnytte de elektriske afladninger i tordenvejr til erstatning af den energiske tvang som kræves for at få skruer, møtrikker, rør og lignende på deres rette plads. Kan også bruges som slagvåben." "[english]TF_Wrenchmotron_Desc" "Being a tool that eliminates exertion by harnessing the electrical discharges of thunder-storms for the vigorous coercion of bolts, nuts, pipes and similar into their rightful places. May also be used to bludgeon." "TF_Brainiac" "Brainiac-toupéen" "[english]TF_Brainiac" "The Brainiac Hairpiece" "TF_Brainiac_Desc" "En matematik-styrkende paryk, der bestræber sig på at højne sanserne af enhver sjæl, om han er en livsnydende gentleman der fortjener en sådan ting, eller en modbydelig plovmand af jorden, hvortil tæsk ikke ville være uberettiget." "[english]TF_Brainiac_Desc" "Being a maths-enhancing hairpiece that endeavors to heighten the senses of any soul, be he a gentle-man of leisure deserving of such a thing, or a loathsome tiller of the earth of whom a beating would not go unwarranted." "TF_Brainiac_Goggles" "Brainiac-brillerne" "[english]TF_Brainiac_Goggles" "The Brainiac Goggles" "TF_Brainiac_Goggles_Desc" "Et par receptpligtige skydningsbriller, der bestræber sig på at aflaste øjet fra refleksionen fra et pistolløb og samtidig korrigere dobbeltsyn, skelen, \"nervøst syn\", tidligt gammelmandssyn, og flere andre sorter af strukturelle defekter." "[english]TF_Brainiac_Goggles_Desc" "Being prescription shooting goggles that endeavor to relieve the eye from the reflection off one's gun barrel whilst also correcting Diplopia, Strabismus, 'Nervous Vision', Early-Onset Old-Eye, and several other varieties of structural defect." "TF_DRG_CopperBadge" "Dr. Grordborts Kobber-våbenskjold" "[english]TF_DRG_CopperBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest" "TF_DRG_CopperBadge_Desc" "Et vandopløseligt, stærkt giftigt våbenskjold i kobber, der tilbyder stille bevis på ens engagement til videnskaben. Langvarig eksponering kan forårsage vævsdød, muskelatrofi og knogle-blødgøring i svagelige, ældre og dem velsignet med barn." "[english]TF_DRG_CopperBadge_Desc" "Being a water-soluble, highly poisonous copper crest offering mute testament to one's commitment to the sciences. Prolonged exposure may cause tissue putridity, muscle atrophy and bone softening in the infirm, elderly and those graced with child." "TF_Phlogistinator" "Phlogistinatoren" "[english]TF_Phlogistinator" "The Phlogistinator" "TF_Phlogistinator_Desc" "Et revolutionerende apparat i stand til at vække ild-elementet flogiston, som findes i alle brændbare skabninger, hvilket vil sige, dem alle." "[english]TF_Phlogistinator_Desc" "Being a revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them." "TF_ThirdDegree" "Tredjegradsforbrændingen" "[english]TF_ThirdDegree" "The Third Degree" "TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Denne mirakuløse stofhuggende enhed, der er en velsignelse for træfældere, den dybe skovs eneboere og atomdelere i hele verden, brænder hvert eneste molekyle, når den spalter det." "[english]TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it." "TF_ManMelter" "Mandesmelteren" "[english]TF_ManMelter" "The Manmelter" "TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Dette våben vil genlade automatisk, når det ikke er aktivt.\n\nEn enhed, der håner den konventionelle videnskabelige konsensus om, at molekylerne, som den menneskelige krop består af, skal arrangeres \"præcis sådan\", og ikke, for eksempel, i et område på tre kvadratkilometer." "[english]TF_ManMelter_Desc" "This weapon will reload automatically when not active.\n\nBeing a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius." "TF_Bubble_Helmet" "Boble-piben" "[english]TF_Bubble_Helmet" "The Bubble Pipe" "TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "En opfindelse, der opnår det humanitære mål for alle store videnskabsmænd, fra Lord Holland til hertugen af ​​Wellington: At lade en ægte gentleman ryge en pibe i rummet." "[english]TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "Being an invention that achieves the humanitarian goal of all great men of science, from Lord Holland to the Duke of Wellington, to allow a true gentle-man to smoke a pipe in space." "TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank" "Månemandsrygsækken" "[english]TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank" "The Moonman Backpack" "TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank_Desc" "En samling af de fundamentale ingredienser, der er nødvendige for at et organ kan leve et godt liv i rummet - helt præcist én del ilt, én del kviksølv og tolv dele laudanum." "[english]TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank_Desc" "Being a repository of the foundational ingredients necessary for a body to live a life of leisure in space—namely one part oxygen, one part mercury, and twelve parts laudanum." "TF_DRG_SilverBadge" "Dr. Grordborts Sølv-våbenskjold" "[english]TF_DRG_SilverBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest" "TF_DRG_SilverBadge_Desc" "Et meget formbart, stærkt brændbart våbenskjold af sølv, der erklærer ens engagement og intention, om at ofre alle skabninger på Guds jord." "[english]TF_DRG_SilverBadge_Desc" "Being a highly malleable, thoroughly combustible silver crest that declares one's commitment, and intention, to immolate all creatures on God's Earth." "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack" "Dr. Grordborts Brainiac-pakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack_Desc" "Snup hele pakken med Dr. Grordbort-genstande til Engineer; designet af WETA Workshop!" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Engineer, designed by WETA Workshop!" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack" "Dr. Grordborts Månemand-pakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack_Desc" "Snup hele pakken med Dr. Grordbort-genstande til Pyro; designet af WETA Workshop!" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Pyro, designed by WETA Workshop!" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack" "TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack_Desc" "Snup hele pakken med Dr. Grordbort-genstande til Pyro og Engineer; designet af WETA Workshop!" "[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Pyro and the Engineer, designed by WETA Workshop!" "TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style0" "Jeg kan ikke høre dig" "[english]TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style0" "I Can't Hear You" "TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style1" "Høretelefoner frakoblet" "[english]TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style1" "Headphones Disengaged" "TF_ShinyBauls" "Den Ornamentale Armering" "[english]TF_ShinyBauls" "The Ornament Armament" "TF_ShinyBauls_Desc" "Ligesom Soldiers egentlige granater, er disse skinnende glaskugler udelukkende ornamentale." "[english]TF_ShinyBauls_Desc" "Just like the Soldier's actual grenades, these shiny glass baubles are purely ornamental. " "TF_SandvichSafe" "Sandvich-sikkerhedskassen" "[english]TF_SandvichSafe" "The Sandvich Safe" "TF_SandvichSafe_Desc" "Hold sandvich i sikkerhed med sandvich-sikkerhedskasse. Okay, det er godt, ikke mere beskrivelse. Køb." "[english]TF_SandvichSafe_Desc" "Keep sandvich safe with sandvich safe. Okay, is good, no more description. Buy." "TF_IncineratorsInsulator" "Hovedvarmeren" "[english]TF_IncineratorsInsulator" "The Head Warmer" "TF_IncineratorsInsulator_Desc" "Denne forbrænders isolator holder dit hoved ved de perfekte 40,5 grader Celsius, mens den dæmper hallucinationerne, du får af at bære en hat, der langsomt koger din hjerne." "[english]TF_IncineratorsInsulator_Desc" "This incinerator's insulator keeps your head a perfect 105 degrees, while muffling the hallucinations brought on by wearing a hat that slowly cooks your brain." "TF_TouchingStory" "Den Intellektuelle Outback" "[english]TF_TouchingStory" "The Outback Intellectual" "TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Rudeterner. Piberyger. Individuelt får de dig til at ligne en idiot. Sammen får de dig til at se smart OG stilistisk ud! Ligesom Umberto Eco!" "[english]TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Argyle. Pipe-smoking. Individually, they make you look like an idiot. Together, they make you look smart AND stylish! Just like Umberto Eco!" "TF_AllFather" "Alfaderen" "[english]TF_AllFather" "The All-Father" "TF_AllFather_Desc" "Gennem civilisationens historie har det hvide skæg været et symbol på visdom og status. Vis verden at det er muligt at være skægget OG dum med denne ansigtsrede. Tag den, civilisation!" "[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this face-nest. Shove it, civilization!" "TF_JingleHell" "Klokkebæltet" "[english]TF_JingleHell" "The Jingle Belt" "TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Dræberklokker vil ringe i dine brændte ofres langsomt ristede ører." "[english]TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Slay-bells will be ringing in the slow-roasted ears of your burn victims." "TF_Gifting_Badge" "Velgørenhedsånd" "[english]TF_Gifting_Badge" "Spirit of Giving" "TF_Gifting_Badge_Desc" "Jo flere gaver, du giver væk, jo større vil dit hjerte blive! Få hvad gavegiverne kalder \"Smissmas-ånden,\" og hvad kardiologerne kalder hypertrofisk kardiomyopati." "[english]TF_Gifting_Badge_Desc" "The more gifts you give away, the bigger your heart will get! Get what gift-givers call \"the Smissmas spirit,\" and what cardiologists call hypertrophic cardiomyopathy." "TF_MasculineMittens" "Helligdagsslaget" "[english]TF_MasculineMittens" "The Holiday Punch" "TF_MasculineMittens_Desc" "Vær krigsfestens liv med disse latterfremkaldende slagluffer." "[english]TF_MasculineMittens_Desc" "Be the life of the war party with these laugh-inducing punch-mittens." "TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking" "Sokkefylderen" "[english]TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking" "The Stocking Stuffer" "TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking_Desc" "Ingen grund til at hænge denne sok over kaminen. Den er allerede fuld. Tak for ingenting, Julemand." "[english]TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking_Desc" "No need to hang this stocking over the mantle. It's already stuffed. Thanks for nothing, Santa." "TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap" "Det Brune Bombefly" "[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap" "The Brown Bomber" "TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Desc" "Fejr Canadas fødselsdag, hvornår det så end er, med denne canadiske premierministers ceremonielle mindehat." "[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Desc" "Celebrate Canada's birthday, on whatever day that happens, with this commemorative Canadian Prime Minister's ceremonial dress hat." "TF_SoldierWinterCoat" "Kringle-samlingen" "[english]TF_SoldierWinterCoat" "The Kringle Collection" "TF_SoldierWinterCoat_Desc" "Dans snebuksedansen med dette stilistiske højtidsensemble fra den berømte arktiske designer, Kristoff Kringle." "[english]TF_SoldierWinterCoat_Desc" "Do the snow-pants dance with this stylish holiday ensemble from famed Arctic designer Kristoff Kringle." "TF_TheElf" "Den Store Nissemand" "[english]TF_TheElf" "The Big Elfin Deal" "TF_TheElf_Desc" "Spørg om jeg vil være en tandlæge én gang til, makker, og jeg sparker tænderne ind på dig." "[english]TF_TheElf_Desc" "You ask me if I wanna be a dentist one more time, pal, I'm gonna kick your teeth in." "TF_Scout_Elf_Boots" "Støvletiden" "[english]TF_Scout_Elf_Boots" "The Bootie Time" "TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Desc" "Din udhaler! Din danser! Din pringer! Din HUNRÆV! Træk Julemandens slæde helt selv, din sexede, lille mand." "[english]TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Desc" "You dasher! You dancer! You prancer! You VIXEN! Pull Santa's sleigh all by yourself, you sexy little man." "TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer" "Ebenezeren" "[english]TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer" "The Ebenezer" "TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer_Desc" "Hvis du bliver besøgt af ét stykke spektralt hovedbeklædning i nat, så få det til at være spøgelset af julehatte, doneret i sand Smissmas-ånd af Steam-bruger Jacen." "[english]TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer_Desc" "If you are visited by one piece of spectral headwear this night, make it the Ghost of Christmas Hats, donated in true Smissmas spirit by Steam User Jacen." "TF_Winter2011_GiftHat" "Helligdagens Hovedstykke" "[english]TF_Winter2011_GiftHat" "The Holiday Headcase" "TF_Winter2011_GiftHat_Desc" "Glædelig Smissmas, allesammen! Må alle jeres diverse højtider være glædelige (eller dystre, afhængigt af jeres kulturelle traditioner) med denne ultrasjældne TF-genstand, doneret af Steam-brugeren BANG!" "[english]TF_Winter2011_GiftHat_Desc" "Merry Smissmas, everyone! May all your miscellaneous holidays be happy (or somber, depending on your cultural traditions) with this ultra-rare TF item, donated by Steam User BANG!" "TF_Winter2011_SantaHat" "B.M.O.C." "[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat" "The B.M.O.C." "TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Vær Julens Store Mand med denne pelsfrynsede pompon-hat!" "[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Be the Big Man of Christmas with this fur-fringed pom-pom hat!" "TF_SpyCicle" "Den Kolde Skulder" "[english]TF_SpyCicle" "The Spy-cicle" "TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "Det er den perfekte gave til manden, der har alt: en istap jaget ind i ryggen. End ikke rige mennesker kan købe det i butikkerne." "[english]TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "It's the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can't buy that in stores." "TF_BallBuster" "Gavepapirsmorderen" "[english]TF_BallBuster" "The Wrap Assassin" "TF_BallBuster_Desc" "Disse skønne festlige ornamenter er så smukt fremstillet, at dine fjender ønsker at se dem tæt på. Forkæl dem ved at slå disse skrøbelige glaspærer ind i deres øjne med 150 kilometer i timen." "[english]TF_BallBuster_Desc" "These lovely festive ornaments are so beautifully crafted, your enemies are going to want to see them close up. Indulge them by batting those fragile glass bulbs into their eyes at 90 mph." "TF_FoundryAchievementHat" "Hovedet Fuld af Damp" "[english]TF_FoundryAchievementHat" "The Full Head of Steam" "TF_FoundryAchievementHat_Desc" "Du tog aldrig en pause fra cp_foundry, og nu kan du bevise det med den samme dampfløjte, der blev brugt til at meddele de pauser, du aldrig tog." "[english]TF_FoundryAchievementHat_Desc" "You never took a break from cp_foundry, and now you can prove it with the actual steam whistle used to call the breaks you never took!" "Foundry_red_setup_goal" "Overtag alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Foundry_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Foundry_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle fem kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]Foundry_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Foundry_cap_cp3" "det centrale depot" "[english]Foundry_cap_cp3" "the Central Depot" "Foundry_cap_red_cp2" "RED's lagerplads" "[english]Foundry_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Stockyard" "Foundry_cap_red_cp1" "RED-basen" "[english]Foundry_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Foundry_cap_blue_cp2" "BLU's lagerplads" "[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Stockyard" "Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "BLU-basen" "[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Achievement_Group_2100" "Smissmas-begivenhed (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2100" "Smissmas Event (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_2200" "Foundry-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2200" "Foundry Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_NAME" "Gavegriber" "[english]TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_NAME" "Gift Grab" "TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_DESC" "Saml tre gaver tabt af modstandere." "[english]TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_DESC" "Collect three gifts dropped by opponents." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_NAME" "Erobringsfælde" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_NAME" "Cap Trap" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_DESC" "Dræb en fjende med kritisk skade, mens vedkommende er i gang med at erobre et kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is capturing a control point with a critical hit." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Foundrys Fantastiske Fem" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Foundry Force Five" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Spil et spil med fem eller flere spillere fra din venneliste." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Play in a game with five or more players from your Friends list." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_MINTIME_NAME" "To-minutskrig" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_MINTIME_NAME" "Two Minute Warring" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_MINTIME_DESC" "Vær del af et hold, som vinder inden for to minutter." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_MINTIME_DESC" "Be part of a team that wins within two minutes." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Smeltedigelen" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "The Crucible" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 137 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 137 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Fem den hurtige vej" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Five the Fast Way" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Erobr det sidste kontrolpunkt indenfor fem sekunder efter dit hold har erobret det forrige kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capture the final control point within five seconds of your team capturing the previous control point." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_NAME" "Klassehopper" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_NAME" "Claim Jumper" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Erobr et kontrolpunkt indenfor 12 sekunder efter at have brugt en teleporter." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Capture a control point within 12 seconds after exiting a teleporter." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "Termineret, også" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "Terminated, Too" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Dræb en spiller ved at skubbe vedkommende ind i grydeilden." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Kill a player by pushing them into the cauldron fire." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Ægte Stjæl" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Real Steal" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Vind en runde hvor det fjendtlige hold har prøvet at erobre jeres sidste kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Klassemorder" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Classassin" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Få et eller flere drab som alle ni klasser i én runde." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Get one or more kills as all nine classes in one round." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_NAME" "Raser taget" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_NAME" "Raze the Roof" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_DESC" "Dræb to spillere på det midterste kontrolpunkts tag i et enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_DESC" "Kill two people on the roof of the center control point in a single life." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_NAME" "Død varme" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_NAME" "Dead Heat" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_DESC" "Spil gennem en frem-og-tilbage-kamp for 15 kontrolpunkt-erobringer." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_DESC" "Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures." "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Foundry-milepæl" "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Foundry Milestone" "TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 7 af præstationerne i Foundry-pakken." "[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Foundry pack." "KillEaterEventType_GiftsGiven" "Gaver givet" "[english]KillEaterEventType_GiftsGiven" "Gifts Given" "SpiritOfGivingRank0" " " "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank0" "The" "SpiritOfGivingRank1" "Den basale velgørers" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank1" "The Baseline Benefactor's" "SpiritOfGivingRank2" "Den kompetente kildes" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank2" "The Competent Contributor's" "SpiritOfGivingRank3" "Den tilstrækkelige altruists" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank3" "The Adequate Altruist's" "SpiritOfGivingRank4" "Den tilfredsstillende julemands" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank4" "The Satisfactory Santa's" "SpiritOfGivingRank5" "Den tilstrækkelige samaritaners" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank5" "The Sufficient Samaritan's" "SpiritOfGivingRank6" "Den distingverede donors" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank6" "The Distinguished Donator's" "SpiritOfGivingRank7" "Den Dynamiske Godgørers" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank7" "The Dynamic Do-Gooder's" "SpiritOfGivingRank8" "Den forbrugende forærers" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank8" "The Consumate Contributor's" "SpiritOfGivingRank9" "Testamentebaronens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank9" "The Baron of Bequeathment's" "SpiritOfGivingRank10" "Gavmildhedsherrens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank10" "The Lord of Largesse's" "SpiritOfGivingRank11" "Velgørenhedshøvdingens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank11" "The Chieftain of Charity's" "SpiritOfGivingRank12" "Generøsitetens generalissimos" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank12" "The Generalissimo of Generosity's" "SpiritOfGivingRank13" "Den magtfulde velgørers" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank13" "The Bigshot Benefactor's" "SpiritOfGivingRank14" "Behagskejserens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank14" "The Caesar of Pleasers'" "SpiritOfGivingRank15" "Førsteklasses-filantropens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank15" "The First-Class Philanthropist's" "SpiritOfGivingRank16" "Den humanitære humanes" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank16" "The Humanitarian Hotshot's" "SpiritOfGivingRank17" "Den uselviske samaritaners" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank17" "The Selfless Samaritan's" "SpiritOfGivingRank19" "Saxtons egen" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank19" "Saxton's Own" "TF_Tag_Category_Misc" "" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Misc" "" "TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Kvalitet" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Quality" "TF_Tag_Category_Class" "Klasse" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Class" "Class" "TF_Tag_Category_Type" "Type" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Type" "Type" "TF_Tag_Crate" "Kasse" "[english]TF_Tag_Crate" "Crate" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkassenøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate Key" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Naughty_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne usædvanlige Slemme Vinterkasser.\n\nEfter d. 1/1/2012 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Naughty_Desc" "Used to open unusually Naughty locked winter crates.\nThis key will not open Nice crates.\n\nAfter 1/1/2012 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Nice" "Artig Vinterkassenøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Nice_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne usædvanlige Artige Vinterkasser.\n\nEfter d. 1/1/2012 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Nice_Desc" "Used to open unusually Nice locked winter crates.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/1/2012 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkasse" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate" "TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice" "Artig Vinterkasse" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate" "TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Set_DrG_Brainiac" "Dr. Grordborts Brainiac-pakke" "[english]TF_Set_DrG_Brainiac" "Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack" "TF_Set_DrG_Moonman" "Dr. Grordborts Månemand-pakke" "[english]TF_Set_DrG_Moonman" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack" "TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Julemandens Lille Medsammensvorne" "[english]TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Santa's Little Accomplice" "Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Alt-skyd: Sluk brændende holdkammerater for at få garanteret kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits" "Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "Intet luftstød" "[english]Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "No airblast" "Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "Ved træffer: Offer mister op til %s1% skjul" "[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% cloak" "Attrib_SubtractVictimMedigunChargeOnHit" "Ved træffer: Offer mister op til %s1% Medi-geværladning" "[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimMedigunChargeOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% Medigun charge" "Attrib_RevealCloakedVictimOnHit" "Ved træffer på Spy: Afslør skjult Spy" "[english]Attrib_RevealCloakedVictimOnHit" "On Hit Spy: Reveal cloaked Spy" "Attrib_RevealDisguisedVictimOnHit" "Ved træffer på Spy: Afslør forklædt Spy" "[english]Attrib_RevealDisguisedVictimOnHit" "On Hit Spy: Reveal disguised Spy" "Attrib_BatLaunchesOrnaments" "Alt-skyd: Affyrer en festlig pyntegenstand, der går i stykker og forårsager blødning" "[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesOrnaments" "Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters causing bleed" "Attrib_FreezeBackstabVictim" "Rygstik gør offer til is" "[english]Attrib_FreezeBackstabVictim" "Backstab turns victim to ice" "Attrib_VictimsBecomeAsh" "Ofre bliver til aske!" "[english]Attrib_VictimsBecomeAsh" "Victims turn to ash!" "Attrib_AltFireTeleportToSpawn" "Tryk på din genlad-tast for at vælge mellem at teleportere til tilbagevendelsesstedet eller din teleporter-udgang." "[english]Attrib_AltFireTeleportToSpawn" "Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter" "Attrib_CannotPickUpBuildings" "Kan ikke bære bygninger" "[english]Attrib_CannotPickUpBuildings" "Cannot carry buildings" "Attrib_StunEnemiesWieldingSameWeapon" "Lammer fjender som også udøver dette våben" "[english]Attrib_StunEnemiesWieldingSameWeapon" "Stuns enemies who are also wielding this weapon" "Attrib_TickleEnemiesWieldingSameWeapon" "Ved træffer: Tvinger fjender som også udøver denne genstand til at grine" "[english]Attrib_TickleEnemiesWieldingSameWeapon" "On Hit: Force enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item" "Attrib_CritForcesLaugh" "Kritiske slag tvinger ofret til at grine" "[english]Attrib_CritForcesLaugh" "Critical hit forces victim to laugh" "Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Smelter i ild, regenererer på %s1 sekunder og ved at samle ammunition op" "[english]Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Melts in fire, regenerates in %s1 seconds and by picking up ammo" "Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "Ved træffer af ild: Brandsikker i 1 sekund og efterbrændingsimmunitet i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for %s1 seconds" "Attrib_CritFromBehind" "Altid kritisk skade bagfra" "[english]Attrib_CritFromBehind" "Always critical hit from behind" "Attrib_CritDoesNoDamage" "Kritiske slag gør ingen skade" "[english]Attrib_CritDoesNoDamage" "Critical hits do no damage" "Attrib_AddJingleToFootsteps" "Bjældeklang hele vejen" "[english]Attrib_AddJingleToFootsteps" "Jingle all the way" "Attrib_DamageAllConnected" "Alle spillere forbundet via Medi-gevær-stråle rammes" "[english]Attrib_DamageAllConnected" "All players connected via Medigun beams are hit" "TF_Wearable_Ring" "Ring" "[english]TF_Wearable_Ring" "Ring" "TF_SomethingSpecial" "Noget Særligt Til En Særlig Person" "[english]TF_SomethingSpecial" "Something Special For Someone Special" "TF_SomethingSpecial_Desc" "" "[english]TF_SomethingSpecial_Desc" "" "TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf" "Julemandens Lille Medsammensvorne-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf" "Santa's Little Accomplice Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf_Desc" "Som set i den tidsløse helligdagsklassiker, \"A Smissmas Story\":" "[english]TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf_Desc" "As seen in the timeless holiday classic, A Smissmas Story:" "SpiritOfGivingRank18" "Über-altruistens" "[english]SpiritOfGivingRank18" "The Uber-Altruist's" "Item_Named" "%s1 har omdøbt sin %s2 til %s3" "[english]Item_Named" "%s1 has renamed their %s2 to %s3" "TF_LuckyShot" "Det Heldige Skud" "[english]TF_LuckyShot" "The Lucky Shot" "TF_LuckyShot_Desc" "Lad os se det igen, menig." "[english]TF_LuckyShot_Desc" "Let's see you do that again, Private." "Msg_Captured_Multiple" "erobrede" "[english]Msg_Captured_Multiple" "captured" "TF_WarswornHelmet" "Den Krigssvorne Hjelm" "[english]TF_WarswornHelmet" "The Warsworn Helmet" "TF_WarswornHelmet_Desc" "Om du er lejesoldat i kornlagre og grusgrave i Badlands eller en enorm fantasiverden, vil denne hjelm fortælle potentielle arbejdsgivere alt, de har behov for at vide: Du vil gøre forfærdelige, forfærdelige ting for penge." "[english]TF_WarswornHelmet_Desc" "Whether you're a mercenary in the granaries and gravel pits of the Badlands or an immense fantasy world, this helmet tells potential employers everything they need to know: You will do horrible, horrible things for money." "TF_BolganHelmet" "Bolganeren" "[english]TF_BolganHelmet" "The Bolgan" "TF_BolganHelmet_Desc" "Beskyt den absolut vigtige tomme øjenhule-del af dit ansigt, mens du giver fjender en uimodståelig skydeskive: Uvigtige udsatte dele som din mund, næse og generelt alle ikke-øjenhule-dele af dit ansigt." "[english]TF_BolganHelmet_Desc" "Protect the all-important empty socket part of your face while giving enemies an irresistible target: unimportant exposed parts like your mouth, nose and generally all the non-socket parts of your face." "TF_ReckoningBadge" "Bolganerens Våbenskjold" "[english]TF_ReckoningBadge" "The Bolgan Family Crest" "TF_ReckoningBadge_Desc" "Dette stilfulde bronzeemblem lader folk vide, at på et afgørende punkt i din families slægtshistorie, var et af dine familiemedlemmer intimt involveret med en monster-kyklop." "[english]TF_ReckoningBadge_Desc" "This stylish bronze badge lets people know that at some crucial point in your family genealogy, one of your family members became intimately involved with a monster cyclops." "TF_Wearable_MysticalLamp" "Mystisk Lampe" "[english]TF_Wearable_MysticalLamp" "Mystical Lamp" "TF_DemoLamp" "Aladdins Private Reserve" "[english]TF_DemoLamp" "Aladdin's Private Reserve" "TF_DemoLamp_Desc" "Oprindeligt ejet af en eller anden gadeunge i Syrien, denne arabiske ønskegiver er en lampe fuld af flydende mod. Gnub bare, tænk vandlige tanker og hæld. Advarsel: tænk ikke på andet, mens du gnubber, for ellers får du måske ikke sprut." "[english]TF_DemoLamp_Desc" "Originally owned by some punk kid in Syria, this Arabian wish-granter is a lamp full of liquid courage. Simply rub, think liquory thoughts, and pour. Warning: don't think about anything else while rubbing, or you might not get booze." "steel_setup_goal_red" "Forsvar hovedpunktet, mens I også forsvarer de ydre punkter!" "[english]steel_setup_goal_red" "Defend the main point while also defending the outer point in play!" "steel_setup_goal_blue" "Tag Red's primære punkt for at vinde spillet. Erobr de ydre punkter for at øge jeres succeschancer!" "[english]steel_setup_goal_blue" "Take Red's main point to win the game. Capturing the outer points will increase your chance of success!" "frontier_setup_goal_red" "Forhindr BLU i at eskorterer lastvognen til laseranlægget!" "[english]frontier_setup_goal_red" "Prevent BLU from escorting the payload to the laser array!" "frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Styr Lille Chew-Chew til leveringsstedet!" "[english]frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Guide Lil' Chew-Chew to the delivery site!" "TF_MapperMedal" "Baneskaberens Medaljon" "[english]TF_MapperMedal" "The Map Maker's Medallion" "TF_MapperMedal_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MapperMedal_Desc" "" "TF_Wearable_Boombox" "Futuristisk Lydenhed" "[english]TF_Wearable_Boombox" "Futuristic Sound Device" "TF_Wearable_MapperMedal" "Func_Medalje" "[english]TF_Wearable_MapperMedal" "Func_Medal" "TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithNoHat" "Aerodynamisk Klassiker" "[english]TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithNoHat" "Aerodynamic Classic" "TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithHat" "Indstillet" "[english]TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithHat" "Tuned In" "TF_ScoutBoombox" "Grænseskridende Ghettoblaster" "[english]TF_ScoutBoombox" "The Boston Boom-Bringer" "TF_ScoutBoombox_Desc" "Hen ad gågaden, hans beat forstærkes, alt imens hans Mann Co.-boom kan mærkes." "[english]TF_ScoutBoombox_Desc" "Walkin' down the street to the hardcore beat while his Mann Co. boom vibrates the concrete." "TF_Jag_Badge" "Lejesoldatsmedaljen" "[english]TF_Jag_Badge" "The Merc Medal" "TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "Der eksisterer et agentur så hemmeligt, at kun tre folk på planeten kender til dets eksistens. Dette er medaljen, de giver hinanden, når en af dem gør et godt stykke arbejde." "[english]TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "There exists an agency so secret that only three people on the planet even know of its existence. This is the medal they give each other when one of them does a great job." "TF_Jag_Haircut" "Kamp-bob" "[english]TF_Jag_Haircut" "The Battle Bob" "TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simpel og elegant, denne slankende hårhjelm vil fremme dine naturlige former på dit frygtsomme krigsansigt." "[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simple and elegant, this slimming hair helmet will bring out the natural contours of your fearsome war face." "TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Uden Hjelm" "[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Without Helmet" "TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "Med Hjelm" "[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "With Helmet" "TF_Jag_Shadow" "Buskmandens Boonie" "[english]TF_Jag_Shadow" "The Bushman's Boonie" "TF_Jag_Shadow_Desc" "Alle ved, at hoveddelen af din krop skal have dobbelt så meget camouflage som alle andre steder. Spørg enhver i hæren og de dræber dig og gemmer liget, fordi denne velkendte information er KLASSIFICERET." "[english]TF_Jag_Shadow_Desc" "Everybody knows that the head part of your body needs twice as much camouflage as all the other parts. Ask anyone in the army and they'll kill you and hide the body, because that widely-known information is CLASSIFIED." "TF_Conquistador" "Conquistadoren" "[english]TF_Conquistador" "The Conquistador" "TF_Conquistador_Desc" "Væk spansk historie til live med denne autentiske conquistadors hjelm, som blev udgravet i en ægte 16. århundredes cosplayers grav." "[english]TF_Conquistador_Desc" "Make Spanish history come alive with this authentic conquistador's helmet, excavated from the actual grave of a sixteenth century French cosplayer." "TF_HerosTail_Style0" "Pigmentering mistet" "[english]TF_HerosTail_Style0" "Pigmentation Lost" "TF_HerosTail_Style1" "Pigmentering fået" "[english]TF_HerosTail_Style1" "Pigmentation Gained" "KillEaterEventType_FeignDeaths" "Forfalskede dødsfald" "[english]KillEaterEventType_FeignDeaths" "Deaths Feigned" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SoundDevice" "Lydenhed" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SoundDevice" "Sound Device" "TF_Wearable_Photograph" "Fotografi" "[english]TF_Wearable_Photograph" "Photograph" "ToolAction_WeddingRing_AcceptReject" "Accepter / Afslå" "[english]ToolAction_WeddingRing_AcceptReject" "Accept / Reject" "TF_UseWeddingRing_Title" "Accepter frieri?" "[english]TF_UseWeddingRing_Title" "Accept Proposal?" "TF_UseWeddingRing_Text" "Vil du acceptere dette frieri fra %proposer_name%?\n\nHusk på at denne genstand kun kan bruges én gang. Diamanter varer evigt." "[english]TF_UseWeddingRing_Text" "Do you want to accept this proposal from %proposer_name%?\n\nKeep in mind that this item can only be used this once. Diamonds are forever." "TF_WeddingRing_AcceptProposal" "Ja!" "[english]TF_WeddingRing_AcceptProposal" "I do!" "TF_WeddingRing_RejectProposal" "Annuller" "[english]TF_WeddingRing_RejectProposal" "Cancel" "TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageTitle" "Spændende nyheder!" "[english]TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageTitle" "Exciting news!" "TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageBody" "%receiver_name% har accepteret %gifter_name%'s \"%ring_name%\"! Tillykke!" "[english]TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageBody" "%receiver_name% has accepted %gifter_name%'s \"%ring_name%\"! Congratulations!" "TF_WeddingRing" "Noget Særligt Til En Særlig Person" "[english]TF_WeddingRing" "Something Special For Someone Special" "TF_WeddingRing_Desc" "Et evigt symbol på kærlighed, forpligtelse og cirka to måneders løn.\n\nPak den ind i gavepapir og giv den til en kær, hvilket giver vedkommende muligheden for at acceptere dit frieri og annoncere jeres glæde til hele verden." "[english]TF_WeddingRing_Desc" "An eternal symbol of affection and commitment and approximately two months salary.\n\nGift wrap this and give it to someone dear, giving them the opportunity to accept your proposal and announce your happiness to the whole world." "Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount1" "En evig forpligtelse mellem %s1" "[english]Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount1" "A perpetual bond of commitment between %s1" "Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount2" "og %s1, for evigt og altid og evigt og altid. Kys og kram." "[english]Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount2" "and %s1, forever and ever and ever. XoXoX" "TF_DemoSnappedPupil" "Lige i Øjet" "[english]TF_DemoSnappedPupil" "The Snapped Pupil" "TF_DemoSnappedPupil_Desc" "Vær ærlige, gutter. Man ka' ikke engang se det, ka' man?" "[english]TF_DemoSnappedPupil_Desc" "Be honest, lads. Ye cannae even tell, can ye?" "TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style0" "Jæger" "[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style0" "Hunter" "TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style1" "Hipster" "[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style1" "Hipster" "TF_BlackRose" "Den Sorte Rose" "[english]TF_BlackRose" "The Black Rose" "TF_BlackRose_Desc" "Dræb det med blomster." "[english]TF_BlackRose_Desc" "Slay it with flowers." "TF_BlackRose_Style_TeamColors" "Mystik og Sand Kærlighed" "[english]TF_BlackRose_Style_TeamColors" "Mystery and True Love" "TF_BlackRose_Style_Black" "Baccara" "[english]TF_BlackRose_Style_Black" "Baccara" "Attrib_NonEconomyItem" "Kan ikke byttes, sælges, bruges i smedearbejde eller indpakkes" "[english]Attrib_NonEconomyItem" "Not Tradable, Marketable, Usable in Crafting, or Gift Wrappable" "StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom_MaxSize" "Du har ikke nok plads i din rygsæk til at købe så mange genstande." "[english]StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom_MaxSize" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items." "TF_Armory_Item_WeddingRing" "Dette er en ring. Den kan ikke byttes direkte, men den kan sendes som en gave til en du holder af som et frieri.\n\nModtageren har muligheden for at acceptere dit frieri, hvilket annoncerer jeres glæde til hele TF2-universet, eller afslå dig, hvilket efterlader dig som en trist, ensom lejesoldat.\n\nDenne genstand kommer med et gratis navneskilt og gavepapir." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_WeddingRing" "This is a Ring. It cannot be directly traded, but it can be gifted to someone dear as a proposal.\n\nThe receiver has the option of accepting your proposal, announcing your joy to the entire TF2 universe, or rejecting you, leaving you a sad, lonely mercenary.\n\nThis item comes with a free name tag and gift wrap." "TF_Wearable_Shirt" "Trøje" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shirt" "Shirt" "TF_ScoutPrepShirt" "Den Lærenemme" "[english]TF_ScoutPrepShirt" "The Fast Learner" "TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Desc" "Læs en bog – eller se i det mindste ud som om, du kan – med dette retro uddannelsessæt. Vær S.M.P.U. (Den Store Mund på Universitetsområdet) i din egen fantasiverdens Ivy League!" "[english]TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Desc" "Read a book – or at least look like you can – with this vintage educational ensemble. Be the B.M.O.C. (Big Mouth on Campus) of your own make-believe Ivy League!" "TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Style0" "Sommer" "[english]TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Style0" "Summer" "TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Style1" "Vinter" "[english]TF_ScoutPrepShirt_Style1" "Winter" "TF_Reggaelator_Style0" "Original" "[english]TF_Reggaelator_Style0" "Original" "TF_Reggaelator_Style1" "Udbrud" "[english]TF_Reggaelator_Style1" "Burst" "TF_Reggaelator_Style2" "Knogler" "[english]TF_Reggaelator_Style2" "Bones" "TF_Reggaelator_Style3" "Designer" "[english]TF_Reggaelator_Style3" "Designer" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_21" "En Manns Mint" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_21" "A Mann's Mint" "TF_Tool_PaintCan_22" "Efter Otte" "[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_22" "After Eight" "TF_Wearable_Pipe" "Pibe" "[english]TF_Wearable_Pipe" "Pipe" "TF_CowboyBoots" "Teufort-tandsparkeren" "[english]TF_CowboyBoots" "The Teufort Tooth Kicker" "TF_CowboyBoots_Desc" "Disse ståltåede hunde var videnskabeligt udviklede, (i en vindtunnel), af Amerikas førende inden for mundsparken, til at passe perfekt til indersiden af en idiots mund." "[english]TF_CowboyBoots_Desc" "These steel-toed dogs were scientifically engineered (in a wind tunnel) by America's foremost authorities on mouth-kicking to perfectly fit the inside of an idiot's mouth." "TF_MedicSmokingPipe" "Ni-pibeproblemet" "[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe" "The Nine-Pipe Problem" "TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "I den tid det har taget dig at læse denne beskrivelse, har jeg allerede uberet en heavy, erobret din base, opklaret en forbrydelse og røget tre piber." "[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "In the time it takes you to read this description, I've already ubered a heavy, captured your base, solved a crime, and smoked three pipes." "TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style0" "Eftermiddag" "[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style0" "Afternoon" "TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style1" "Aften" "[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style1" "Evening" "TF_Set_HiddenDetective" "Elimineringen af Det Umulige" "[english]TF_Set_HiddenDetective" "Eliminating The Impossible" "Attrib_MysterySolvingTimeDecrease" "Reducerer mysterie-opklaringstid med op til %s1%" "[english]Attrib_MysterySolvingTimeDecrease" "Reduces mystery solving time by up to %s1%" "Tooltip_hud_fastswitch" "Hvis valgt kan du skifte våben uden at bruge valg af våben-menuen." "[english]Tooltip_hud_fastswitch" "If set, you can change weapons without using the weapon selection menu." "TF_Wearable_Backpack" "Rygsæk" "[english]TF_Wearable_Backpack" "Backpack" "TF_Wearable_Robot" "Robot" "[english]TF_Wearable_Robot" "Robot" "TF_PyroCandle" "Den Voksede Vejviser" "[english]TF_PyroCandle" "The Waxy Wayfinder" "TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "Lev endelig dit liv som et lys i vinden. (Vind ikke inkluderet.)" "[english]TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "Finally live your life like a candle in the wind. (Wind not included.)" "TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "Skrottasken" "[english]TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "The Scrap Pack" "TF_ShootManyRobotsPack_Desc" "Hvorfor lade din forside have alt morskaben? Føj mere ballade til den øvre del af din bagside med dette udvalg fra de fineste lossepladser i Paris." "[english]TF_ShootManyRobotsPack_Desc" "Why let your front have all the fun? Add more junk to the upper part of your trunk with this selection from the finest junkyards in Paris." "Tip_1_17" "Som Scout skal du passe på hvornår du bruger Krit-a-Cola. Ved at gemme den til overraskelsesangreb, og ved at drage fordel af din hastighed, kan den hjælpe dig med at undgå at tage ekstra skade." "[english]Tip_1_17" "As a Scout, be careful when using Crit-a-Cola. Saving it for surprise attacks and taking advantage of your speed can help you avoid taking extra damage." "Tip_1_18" "Som Scout får du og dine allierede tabt helbred tilbage, når I rammer fjender gennemblødt i Manisk Mælk. Iværksæt med mælken for at forbedre dit holds overlevelseschancer." "[english]Tip_1_18" "As a Scout, you and your allies regain lost health when hitting enemies drenched in Mad Milk. Initiate fights with it to improve your team's survivability." "Tip_1_19" "Som Scout får Boston-baskeren fjender til at bløde, når de rammes, men hvis du rammer forbi, vil det forårsage selvforskyldt blødning. Blødning kan hurtigt stoppes med helbredspakker." "[english]Tip_1_19" "As a Scout, the Boston Basher causes foes to bleed when struck, but missing will cause self-inflicted bleeding. Bleeding can be quickly cured with health kits." "Tip_1_20" "Som Scout gør Solen-på-en-Pind kritisk skade mod brændende fjender, men ellers er den svagere end Battet. Arbejd sammen med venlige Pyros for at udnytte den fuldt ud." "[english]Tip_1_20" "As a Scout, the Sun-on-a-Stick deals critical damage to burning foes, but is otherwise weaker than the Bat. Work with friendly Pyros to make full use of it." "Tip_1_21" "Som Scout gør efterfølgende angreb, på en fjende ramt af Krigsviften, at disse forårsager småkritisk skade. Brug allierede og andre våben til at få mest ud af det påførte skade-boost." "[english]Tip_1_21" "As a Scout, a Fan O'War hit turns subsequent attacks against the target into mini-crits. Use allies and other weapons to get the most from the damage boost." "Tip_1_22" "Som Scout skal du holde øje med dit helbred, når du bruger Atombattet. Et dårligt timet tredobbelt hop kan koste dig livet!" "[english]Tip_1_22" "As a Scout, watch your health when using the Atomizer. A poorly-timed triple jump could cost you your life!" "Tip_1_23" "Som Scout kan du udnytte både Naturkraftens tilbageslag og Atombattets tredobbelte hop i en firdobbelt hop-kombination!" "[english]Tip_1_23" "As a Scout, you can utilize both the Force-A-Nature's knockback and Atomizer's triple jump for a quadruple jump combination!" "Tip_1_24" "Som Scout gør Atombattet dig i stand til at foretage et tredobbelt hop! Brug det til at udmanøvrere fjender og få adgang til svært tilgængelige områder!" "[english]Tip_1_24" "As a Scout, the Atomizer will allow you to perform a triple jump! Use it to outmaneuver enemies and access hard-to-reach areas!" "Tip_1_25" "Som Scout forårsager Fløjspilleren mere skade end pistolen, men dette udlignes af dens reducerede magasinstørrelse. Brug Fløjspilleren på tæt afstand for at sikre, at du rammer dit mål!" "[english]Tip_1_25" "As a Scout, the Winger inflicts more damage than the Pistol, but this is offset by its reduced magazine size. Use the Winger at close range in order to ensure that you hit your target!" "Tip_1_26" "Som Scout er Håndbremsen meget effektiv på medium til lang afstand, hvilket tillader dig at holde farlige fjender på afstand. Du kan også bruge %attack2% til at skubbe fjender væk!" "[english]Tip_1_26" "As a Scout, the Shortstop is very effective at medium to long range, allowing you to maintain your distance from dangerous enemies. You can also hit %attack2% to push enemies away!" "Tip_1_27" "Som Scout kan Gavepapirsmorderens sekundære angreb, (%attack2%), bruges til at forårsage blødning på fjender! Brug den til at skade fjender på afstand." "[english]Tip_1_27" "As a Scout, the Wrap Assassin's secondary attack (%attack2%) can be used to inflict bleeding damage on enemies! Use it to damage enemies from a distance." "Tip_2_13" "Som Sniper påfører Sydney-soveren Jarate på fjender, når de bliver ramt af et zoomet skud. Den kan også slukke brændende holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_2_13" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper applies Jarate to enemies when hit by scoped shots. It can also extinguish burning teammates." "Tip_2_14" "Som Sniper er din Jarate og Løvbasker en perfekt kombo. Væd dine fjender i Jarate og ram dem med Løvbaskeren for et automatisk, kritisk slag." "[english]Tip_2_14" "As a Sniper, your Jarate and Bushwacka make the perfect combo. Soak the enemy in Jarate and hit them with the Bushwacka for an automatic critical hit." "Tip_2_15" "Som Sniper kan Sydney-soveren, ved 100% opladning, dræbe de fleste klasser med ét skud." "[english]Tip_2_15" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can kill most classes in one shot at 100%% charge." "Tip_2_16" "Som Sniper er Jægeren meget effektiv på kort og medium afstand på trods af, at den ikke kan zoome ind." "[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in." "Tip_2_17" "Som Sniper vil Sydney-soveren påføre en Jarate-effekt på en fjende, alt efter hvor lang tid du har været zoomet ind, så giv dig god tid, når du skyder." "[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting." "Tip_2_18" "Som Sniper kan Sydney-soveren, ved træffer, gennemvæde en fjende i Jarate. Dette gør den til et effektivt våben, når du støtter dit hold på lang afstand, selv hvis du ikke dræber fjenden med dit første skud." "[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot." "Tip_2_19" "Som Sniper er Røverkøbets zoom-opladningstid først langsommere, men kan øges ved at få samlet hoveder. For at samle hoveder skal du få et hovedskudsdrab, når du er zoomed ind." "[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill." "Tip_2_20" "Som sniper med Machina bør du overveje at udstyre Maskinpistolen for at håndtere fjender i situationer, hvor det er for svært at skyde med sigte." "[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult." "Tip_2_21" "Som Sniper har Shahanshah øget skade, når dit helbred er under 50%. Brug dette mod fjender, der chikanerer dig, når du har taget skade." "[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage." "Tip_2_22" "Som Sniper har Shahanshah øget skade, når dit helbred er under 50%. Brug dette mod fjender, der chikanerer dig, når du har taget skade." "[english]Tip_2_22" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage." "Tip_3_18" "Som Solder vil aktivering af Kong-kylien lade dig og dit hold hele sig selv ved at skade fjender. Brug den til at forbedre dit holds overlevelsesevner i kampe." "[english]Tip_3_18" "As a Soldier, activating the Concheror lets you and your teammates heal themselves by damaging enemies. Use it to improve your team's survivability in fights." "Tip_3_19" "Som Soldier gør Stegepanden samme skade som Skovlen, men den er meget højlydt. Brug den ikke, når du forsøger at forblive skjult, da den tydelige lyd vil afsløre din position!" "[english]Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, the Frying Pan does identical damage as the Shovel, but is a lot louder. Don't use it when you are trying to stay hidden, as the distinct sound will give your position away!" "Tip_3_20" "Som Soldier vil du, ved at ramme en holdkammerat med Disciplinærsagen, øge både din og din allieredes hastighed dramatisk i nogle få sekunder! Brug det på langsommere klasser som andre Soldiers eller Heavies for at nå frontlinjen hurtigere!" "[english]Tip_3_20" "As a Soldier, hitting a teammate with the Disciplinary Action will increase both your and your ally's speed dramatically for a few seconds! Use it on slower classes like other Soldiers and Heavies in order to reach the front lines faster!" "Tip_3_21" "Som Soldier kan du bruge %attack2%, når du er udstyret med Kokvæster 5000, for at affyre et ladet skud, der gør ekstra skade og kortvarigt sætter ild til fjenden. Vær forsigtigt! Et opladet skud tømmer alle Kokvæster 5000's skud." "[english]Tip_3_21" "As a Soldier, use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing extra damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful! A charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition." "Tip_3_22" "Som Soldier reducerer Mantreads dramatisk våben-tilbageslag. Brug dem for at undgå at blive skubbet tilbage af Naturkraften, sprængstoffer eller Sentries!" "[english]Tip_3_22" "As a Soldier, the Mantreads dramatically reduce weapon knock back. Use them in order to avoid being pushed back by the Force-A-Nature, explosives or Sentry Guns!" "Tip_3_23" "Som Soldier lader Den Sorte Boks kun tre raketter ad gangen. Sørg for, at hvert skud tæller, eller du risikerer at blive sårbar." "[english]Tip_3_23" "As a Soldier, the Black Box only loads three rockets at any time. Be sure to make each shot count, or you may be left vulnerable." "Tip_3_24" "Som Soldier kan du rakethoppe for at hurtigt at indhente fjender og derefter bruge Krigerens Kampskovl for at gøre det af med dem, mens du lander." "[english]Tip_3_24" "As a Soldier, rocket jump to quickly close the distance between you and your enemies, and then use the Market Gardener to finish them off as you land." "Tip_3_25" "Som Soldier bør du overveje at bruge dit Haglgevær mod fjendtlige Pyros, der reflekterer dine raketter." "[english]Tip_3_25" "As a Soldier, consider using your Shotgun against enemy Pyros that are reflecting your rockets." "Tip_4_17" "Som Demoman kan du kun genoplade din Ullapool-pæl ved at gå til et genforsyningsskab. Få hvert slag med den til at tælle!" "[english]Tip_4_17" "As a Demoman, the only way to recharge your Ullapool Caber is to visit a resupply locker. Make every hit with it count!" "Tip_4_18" "Når du bruger Den Skotske Modstand som Demoman, skal du huske, at du kan se dine klæbebomber gennem mure og gulv og kan detonere dem fra enhver rækkevidde. Brug dette til din fordel." "[english]Tip_4_18" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance remember that you can see your stickybombs through walls and floors and can detonate them from any range. Use this to your advantage." "Tip_4_19" "Som Demoman skal du huske, at hver træffer med Halv-Zatoichi på en fjende, der også anvender en, vil resultere i et øjeblikkeligt drab." "[english]Tip_4_19" "As a Demoman, remember that a successful hit with Half-Zatoichi on any enemy wielding the same weapon will result in an instant kill." "Tip_4_20" "Som Demoman kan du bruge Loch-n-Laderen til at gøre ekstra skade mod langsommere klasser og bygninger. Men vær forsigtig, når du sigter! Du har kun tre skud, før du skal lade igen, og du vil kun gøre skade ved en fuldtræffer." "[english]Tip_4_20" "As a Demoman, use the Loch-n-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have three shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit." "Tip_4_21" "Som Demoman bør du bruge Ullapool-pælen, når du er omgivet af fjender. Den resulterende eksplosion vil gøre stor skade på alle omkringværende fjender." "[english]Tip_4_21" "As a Demoman, use the Ullapool Caber when surrounded by enemies. The resulting explosion will inflict heavy damage on all nearby opponents." "Tip_4_22" "Som Demoman kan du, hvis du er med en Medic, drage fordel af sikre muligheder til at skade dig selv for at bygge en ÜberLadning hurtigere." "[english]Tip_4_22" "As a Demoman, if you're paired with a Medic, take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself in order to build an ÜberCharge faster." "Tip_4_23" "Som Demoman vil din Højlandsklinge indsamle de gemte hoveder fra en slagen fjendtlig Demoman." "[english]Tip_4_23" "As a Demoman, your Eyelander will collect the stored heads from a slain enemy Demoman." "Tip_4_24" "Som Demoman kan du bruge Angrebsskjoldet, Den Pragtige Skærm eller Tidevandsvenderen til at løbe op ad små ramper og flyve frem! Brug det til at overraske fjender ved at angribe over hovederne på dem." "[english]Tip_4_24" "As a Demoman, you can use the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner to launch off small ramps and go flying! Use it to surprise enemies by charging over their heads." "Tip_4_25" "Som Demoman vil hovederne, der indsamles med din Højlandsklinge, øge skaden, dit skjold gør." "[english]Tip_4_25" "As a Demoman, the amount of heads you collect with your Eyelander will increase the damage your shield bash does." "Tip_4_26" "Som Demoman kan du bruge Klæbehopperen til at nå frontlinjen hurtigere. Pas på! Den gør overhovedet ingen skade og kræver, at du afhænger af dine primære og nærkampsvåben!" "[english]Tip_4_26" "As a Demoman, you can use the Sticky Jumper to get to the front lines quickly. Be careful! It inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your primary and melee weapons!" "Tip_4_27" "Som Demoman vil Skottens Kraniekløver reducere din hastighed. Overvej at bruge den med Angrebsskjoldet, Den Pragtige Skærm eller Tidevandsvenderen for at kompensere for hastighedsreduktionen." "[english]Tip_4_27" "As a Demoman, the Scotsman's Skullcutter will reduce your speed. Consider pairing it with the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner in order to offset the speed reduction." "Tip_5_13" "Som Medic svinger din Knoglesav 20%% hurtigere end Übersaven. Brug Knoglesaven i forsvarssituationer, hvor en ÜberLadning ikke er så vigtig." "[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, your Bonesaw swings 20%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the Bonesaw in defensive situations in which an ÜberCharge isn't as important." "Tip_5_23" "Som Medic vil du, ved at håne med Amputator, hele alle omkringværende holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_5_23" "As a Medic, taunting with the Amputator will heal all nearby teammates." "Tip_5_24" "Som Medic gør Korsridderens Armbrøst skade på fjender og heler holdkammerater ved en vellykket træffer." "[english]Tip_5_24" "As a Medic, your Crusader's Crossbow does damage to enemies or heals teammates upon a successful hit." "Tip_5_25" "Som Medic er timing altafgørende. Hvis det er sikkert at gøre, bør du holde på din ÜberLadning indtil det rette øjeblik for at maksimere dens effektivitet." "[english]Tip_5_25" "As a Medic, timing is everything. If it is safe to do so, withhold your ÜberCharge until just the right moment in order to maximize its effectiveness." "Tip_5_26" "Som Medic vil en vellykket træffer med Blutsauger gendanne tre helbredspoint, såvel som at skade fjenden. Brug den, når du er skadet, trækker dig tilbage, der er ild i dig eller spiller offensivt." "[english]Tip_5_26" "As a Medic, a successful hit with the Blutsauger will restore three health as well as damage the enemy. Use it when injured, when retreating, when on fire or when playing offensively." "Tip_5_27" "Som Medic vil Vita-Saven holde op til 60%% af dit ÜberLadningsmeter, hvis du dør, før du aktiverer den. Dette kan være hjælpsomt, hvis du prøver at angribe et stærkt befæstet område med kun en lille smule tid tilbage." "[english]Tip_5_27" "As a Medic, the Vita-Saw will retain up to 60%% of your ÜberCharge meter if you die before activating it. This can be very useful when attempting to assault a strongly-fortified position with only a small amount of time remaining." "Tip_5_28" "Som Medic vil Det Højtidelige Løfte lade dig se fjendens helbred; brug denne information til at identificere svækkede fjender for dit hold." "[english]Tip_5_28" "As a Medic, the Solemn Vow allows you to see the health of enemies; use this information to identify weakened enemies to your team." "Tip_5_29" "Som Medic heler Det Hurtige Fiks hurtigt skade, hvilket gør den brugbar til hurtigt at hele flere holdkammerater." "[english]Tip_5_29" "As a Medic, the Quick-Fix heals damage rapidly, making it useful for healing multiple teammates quickly." "Tip_5_30" "Som Medic kan du, hvis du er adskilt fra dit hold, selv kalde på en Medic ved at trykke på %voicemenu 0 0% for at alarmere omkringværende holdkammerater om din position." "[english]Tip_5_30" "As a Medic, if you have been separated from your team, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing %voicemenu 0 0% to alert nearby teammates to your position." "Tip_5_31" "Som Medic øger Overdoseringen din hastighed proportionalt med mængden i dit ÜberLadningsmeter! Udstyr Overdoseringen, når du skal nå frontlinjen hurtigere eller foretage en hurtig retræte!" "[english]Tip_5_31" "As a Medic, the Overdose increases your speed proportionally to the amount in your ÜberCharge meter! Equip the Overdose when you need to reach the front lines or make a quick escape!" "Tip_6_7" "Som Heavy kan du bruge din Sandvich til at hele dig selv! Brug %attack2% for at kaste den mod jorden, så venlige spillere kan samle den op som helbred. Bare rolig, den kommer med en tallerken til at holde den ren." "[english]Tip_6_7" "As a Heavy, use your Sandvich to heal up! Use %attack2% to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health. Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean." "Tip_6_13" "Som Heavy gør Messingbæstet ekstra skade, men reducerer din mobilitet, mens den er i brug. Brug den når du spiller defensivt, da du vil finde den mere besværlig at jage flygtende fjender med." "[english]Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Brass Beast inflicts additional damage but decreases your mobility while in use. Use it when playing defensively, as you will find it more difficult to successfully pursue fleeing enemies." "Tip_6_14" "Som Heavy kan Dalokohs Bars midlertidige helbredsbonus være en kraftfuld fordel i kamp." "[english]Tip_6_14" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar's temporary health increase can be a powerful advantage in battle." "Tip_6_15" "Som Heavy hjælper Stålnæverne afstandsvåbenskade-reduktion mod truslen fra fjendtlige Snipers. Brug dem til at beskytte dig selv, mens du bevæger dig gennem åbne områder" "[english]Tip_6_15" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel's ranged weapon damage reduction helps to counter the threat of enemy Snipers. Use them to protect yourself while moving through open areas!" "Tip_6_16" "Som Heavy vil Stålnæverne dramatisk reducere mængden af skade taget fra afstandskilder, mens de øger mængden af skade fra nærkampsvåben. Brug dem til at trænge gennem fjendens linjer eller til at indhente fjenden." "[english]Tip_6_16" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel will dramatically reduce the amount of damage taken from ranged sources while increasing the amount of damage from melee weapons. Use them to push through enemy lines or to close the distance with the enemy." "Tip_6_17" "Som Heavy spinner Tomislav ikke kun hurtigere op end Rullekanonen; den gør det lydløst! Brug den til at overfalde og overraske fjender!" "[english]Tip_6_17" "As a Heavy, the Tomislav not only spins up more quickly than the Minigun, it does so silently! Use it to ambush enemies and take them by surprise!" "Tip_6_18" "Som Heavy vil Natascha sløve fjender, den rammer. Brug den til at støtte dine holdkammerater og øge deres skade." "[english]Tip_6_18" "As a Heavy, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output." "Tip_6_19" "Som Heavy øger Udsættelsesvarslet din nærkampsangrebshastighed og giver dig en hastighedsforøgelse, når du rammer en fjende. Brug dem til lettere at ramme klasser, som er hurtigere end dig!" "[english]Tip_6_19" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed and gives you a speed boost when you hit an enemy. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!" "Tip_6_20" "Som Heavy vil Helligdagsslagets kritiske slag få fjenden til at bryde ud i latter og derved gøre dem forsvarsløse! Brug dem for at uskadeliggøre fjender og assistere dit hold i at gøre det af med vigtige trusler." "[english]Tip_6_20" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats." "Tip_6_21" "Som Heavy vil Helligdagsslagets kritiske slag få fjenden til at bryde ud i latter og derved gøre dem forsvarsløse! Brug dem for at uskadeliggøre fjender og assistere dit hold i at gøre det af med vigtige trusler." "[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats." "Tip_7_21" "Som Pyro kan Husvrageren, Muggerten og Neon-annihilatoren bruges til at fjerne fjendtlige Sappere fra bygninger." "[english]Tip_7_21" "As a Pyro, the Homewrecker, Maul, and Neon Annihilator can be used to remove enemy Sappers from buildings." "Tip_7_22" "Som Pyro sætter Skærpet Vulkanfragment ild til fjender ved en vellykket træffer. Brug den i kombination med Signalpistolen for at gøre stor skade!" "[english]Tip_7_22" "As a Pyro, your Sharpened Volcano Fragment sets enemies on fire upon a successful hit. Use in combination with the Flare Gun in order to inflict substantial damage!" "Tip_7_23" "Som Pyro kan du bruge Rygkradseren for at hjælpe en Medic med at bygge en ÜberLadning hurtigere." "[english]Tip_7_23" "As a Pyro, you can use the Back Scratcher in order to help a Medic build their ÜberCharge more quickly." "Tip_7_24" "Som Pyro er Flammekasterens trykluftstød (%attack2%) et meget brugbart værktøj. Brug det til at skubbe fjender, endda usårlige Medics og deres patienter, over klipper og andre miljøfarer." "[english]Tip_7_24" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) is a very useful tool. Use it to push enemies, even invulnerable Medics and their buddies, off cliffs or into other environmental hazards." "Tip_7_25" "Som Pyro gør Fedtfjerneren mindre brandskade, men lader dig skifte våben næsten med det samme. Dette hjælper dig med at udføre dødelige kombinationsangreb!" "[english]Tip_7_25" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This helps you perform deadly combination attacks!" "Tip_7_26" "Som Pyro gør Rygkradseren ekstra skade, men Medics og dispensere vil hele dig langsommere. Til gengæld vil helbredspakker give dig mere helbred end normalt, så hold øje med dem rundt i banen!" "[english]Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Backscratcher inflicts additional damage, but Medics and dispensers will heal you more slowly. Healthpacks will provide you with more health than normal however, so note their locations on the map!" "Tip_7_27" "Som Pyro kan Flammekasterens trykluftstød bruges til at parere Demomen, der bruger Angrebsskjoldet! Time dit trykluftstød ordentligt, så du kan skubbe Demomen før de kan slå til, og gå derefter til modangreb!" "[english]Tip_7_27" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast can be used to counter Demomen using the Chargin' Targe! Time your compression blast correctly, and you can push the Demoman back before he can strike, and then counter-attack!" "Tip_7_28" "Som Pyro kan Detonators signalblus detoneres når som helst ved at trykke %attack2%. Brug sprængradiussen til at ramme fjender, der er bag dække, eller sætte ild til adskillige fjender!" "[english]Tip_7_28" "As a Pyro, the Detonator's flares can be detonated at any time using %attack2%. Use the blast radius to hit enemies behind cover, or to set multiple enemies on fire!" "Tip_7_29" "Som Pyro vil du, ved at gøre skade med Phlogistinatoren, fylde \"Mmmph\"-meteret. Når det er fuldt, kan du aktivere det ved at bruge det sekundære angreb, (%attack2%), for at gøre kritisk skade i en kort tidsperiode!" "[english]Tip_7_29" "As a Pyro, inflicting damage with the Phlogistinator fills the 'Mmmph' meter. Once it is full, activate it using your secondary attack (%attack2%) in order to inflict crits for a short time!" "Tip_7_30" "Som Pyro kan du bruge Mandesmelterens sekundære angreb, (%attack2%), til at slukke holdkammerater, der brænder. For hver slukkede holdkammerat vil du gemme et kritisk slag, så gem krits'ene til det rette tidspunkt." "[english]Tip_7_30" "As a Pyro, you can use the Manmelter's secondary fire (%attack2%) to extinguish teammates that are on fire. For each teammate extinguished you store a critical hit, so save the crits until the opportune moment!" "Tip_8_30" "Som Spy kan du, hvis du er for langsom til at sappe en Sentry efter at have rygstukket en Engineer, skjule eller gemme dig bag hans Dispenser." "[english]Tip_8_30" "As a Spy, if you're too slow to sap a Sentry Gun after backstabbing an Engineer, you can cloak or hide behind his Dispenser." "Tip_8_31" "Som Spy forklæder Din Evige Belønning dig automatisk som personen, du for nylig har rygstukket. Men vær opmærksom på, at du vil miste din forklædning, når du dør eller angriber." "[english]Tip_8_31" "As a Spy, Your Eternal Reward automatically disguises you as the person you most recently backstabbed. Be aware that you will lose your disguise upon death or when attacking, however." "Tip_8_32" "Som Spy kan du se dine fjenders helbred. Brug denne information til at gå efter svækkede fjender med din revolver." "[english]Tip_8_32" "As a Spy, you can see enemies' health. Use this information to target weakened enemies with your Revolver." "Tip_8_33" "Som Spy øger L'Etranger passivt dit usynlighedsbatteri og genlader det, når du rammer en fjende." "[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger passively increases your maximum cloak battery and recharges it when you successfully hit an enemy." "Tip_8_34" "Som Spy deaktiverer dine Elektro-sappere Sentries, før de ødelægger dem. Kommuniker med dit hold og sap en Sentry, når dine holdkammerater angriber. Dette forhindrer Sentryen i at skyde og gør det svært for Engineer'en at reparere den." "[english]Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team and sap a Sentry Gun as your teammates attack. This prevents the Sentry from firing and makes it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it." "Tip_8_35" "Som Spy lader Kynikerens Kunai dig absorbere dit offers aktuelle helbred efter et vellykket rygstik. Men pas på, da dit basishelbred vil blive drastisk reduceret, når du bruger dette våben, så forbliv uset!" "[english]Tip_8_35" "As a Spy, the Conniver's Kunai allows you to absorb the current health of your victim upon a successful backstab. Be wary however, as your base health will be drastically reduced when using this weapon, so be sure to remain undetected!" "Tip_8_36" "Som Spy er det en god teknik at rygstikke fjender, der er alene eller på anden måde sårbare. Tjek altid dine omgivelser, før du rygstikker en fjende, for at sikre, at du forbliver uopdaget." "[english]Tip_8_36" "As a Spy, a good technique is to backstab enemies that are alone or are otherwise vulnerable. Always check your surroundings before backstabbing an enemy in order to ensure that you remain undetected." "Tip_8_37" "Som Spy kan du aktivere Gengangeren med faldskade. Forfalsk en skødesløs død!" "[english]Tip_8_37" "As a Spy, you can activate your Dead Ringer with fall damage. Feign a careless death!" "Tip_8_38" "Som Spy vil blødning, Jarate, Manisk Mælk og at stige op fra vand afsløre dig, mens du er skjult." "[english]Tip_8_38" "As a Spy, Bleeding, Jarate, Mad Milk, and emerging from water will reveal you while you're cloaked." "Tip_8_39" "Som Spy gør Tilbagelånet mindre skade, men lader dig gemme et garanteret kritisk skud for hver bygning, du har ødelagt med dine Elektro-sappere. Ødelæg en Engineers bygninger, før du konfronterer ham, så du har en betydelig fordel!" "[english]Tip_8_39" "As a Spy, the Diamondback inflicts less damage, but will store a guaranteed Critical Hit for every building destroyed by your Electro Sappers. Destroy an Engineer's buildings before confronting him, and you will have a significant advantage!" "Tip_8_40_old" "Som Spy øger Enforcer tiden, du skal bruge, for at aktivere dit skjul. Hold din afstand for at have nok tid til at skjule dig fuldstændigt." "[english]Tip_8_40_old" "As a Spy, the Enforcer increases the amount of time needed to activate your cloak. Maintain your distance in order to have adequate time to completely cloak." "Tip_8_40" "Som Spy vil Den Kolde Skulder smelte, hvis du tager enhver form for ildskade, hvilket kræver, at du venter, før du kan bruge den igen." "[english]Tip_8_40" "As a Spy, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again." "Tip_9_18" "Som Engineer bygger Roprotesens Combat Mini-Sentry meget hurtigere end normale Sentries og kræver mindre metal at bygge. Dette gør Combat Mini-Sentries til det perfekte offensive værktøj." "[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less metal to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool." "Tip_9_19" "Som Engineer kan din Fjernbetjener bruges til at forstørre rækkevidden, hvorpå den Sentry kan skyde, med stor effekt." "[english]Tip_9_19" "As an Engineer, your Wrangler can be used to greatly extend the range of your Sentry Gun." "Tip_9_20" "Som Engineer bør du prøve at holde dine ammunitionsreserve fulde - det kan hjælpe med at redde dine bygninger senere hen." "[english]Tip_9_20" "As an Engineer, try to keep your metal reserves full - it can help to save your buildings later on." "Tip_9_21" "Som Engineer kan Sydens Gæstfrihed være brugbar til at Spy-tjekke. Hvis du rammer en holdkammerat, og de begynder at bløde, har du opdaget en fjendtlig Spy." "[english]Tip_9_21" "As an Engineer, the Southern Hospitality can be very useful for Spy checking. If you hit a teammate and they start bleeding, you have discovered an enemy Spy." "Tip_9_22" "Som Engineer lader Jaguaren dig bygge bygninger betragteligt hurtigere, hvis du slår på dem, mens de bygges. Brug Jaguaren, når du skal bygge bygninger hurtigt, for at lukke hullet i dit holds forsvarslinje." "[english]Tip_9_22" "As an Engineer, the Jag allows you to construct buildings considerably faster if you hit them while they are under construction. Use the Jag when you need to construct buildings quickly in order to close a hole in your team's defensive line." "Tip_9_23" "Som Engineer vil Præriens Hævn få hævn-krits for hvert assisteret drab og hver fjende dræbt med din Sentry. Brug den til hurtigt at gøre det af med fjender, efter din Sentry er blevet ødelagt." "[english]Tip_9_23" "As an Engineer, the Frontier Justice will gain revenge crits for every assist and every enemy killed by your Sentry Gun. Use it to quickly deal with enemies when your Sentry Gun has been destroyed." "Tip_9_24" "Som Engineer vil Roprotesens tredje slag, hvis du rammer tre slag i træk, være et automatisk kritisk slag. Brug denne teknik til at overfalde og eliminere stærkere klasser, når du mangler støtte fra dit hold eller din Sentry." "[english]Tip_9_24" "As an Engineer, if you perform three successive hits with the Gunslinger, the final blow will be an automatic critical hit. Use this technique to ambush and eliminate stronger classes when you lack support from your team or your Sentry Gun." "Tip_9_25" "Som Engineer kan du bruge %attack2% til at samle bygninger op og bære rundt på dem. Men husk, at du bevæger dig langsommere og ikke kan angribe, mens du bærer på en bygning, så pas på!" "[english]Tip_9_25" "As an Engineer, you can use %attack2% in order to pick up your buildings and carry them. Remember that you will move more slowly and be unable to attack when carrying a building however, so be careful!" "Tip_9_26" "Som Engineer skal du være opmærksom på, at dine bygninger bliver ødelagt, hvis du bliver slået ihjel, mens du bærer den. Flyt kun dine bygninger, hvis du beskyttes af dit hold, eller det er sikkert at gøre!" "[english]Tip_9_26" "As an Engineer, be aware that your building will be destroyed if you are killed while carrying it. Only move your buildings when you are guarded by your team, or it is safe to do so!" "Tip_9_27" "Som Engineer bør du overveje offensive lokationer, der er svære at angribe, og bruge dem som opstillingsområder, når du bygger bygninger. Især Sentries er mest effektive, når de placeres det rette sted." "[english]Tip_9_27" "As an Engineer, consider defensive locations that are hard to assault, and use them as staging areas when constructing buildings. Sentry Guns in particular are most effective when placed in the right location." "Tip_9_28" "Som Engineer bruger Enkemageren dine metalreserve for hvert skud. Bemærk ammunitionslokationer og Dispensere for at hurtigt genopfylde, når der er brug for det; du bør også overveje at udstyre Pistolen for at gøre skade, når du ikke kan." "[english]Tip_9_28" "As an Engineer, the Widowmaker draws from your metal reserves for each shot. Make sure that you take note of ammo locations and Dispensers to quickly resupply when you need to; also consider equipping the Pistol to be able to deal damage when you can't." "Tip_9_29" "Som Engineer dræner Pomson 6000's projektiler ÜberLadningsmeteret på fjendtlige Medics og usynlighedsmeteret på fjendtlige Spies." "[english]Tip_9_29" "As an Engineer, the Pomson 6000's projectiles drain the ÜberCharge meter of enemy Medics and the cloak meter of enemy Spies." "Tip_arena_8" "Som Medic vil din ÜberLadning ikke beholdes mellem liv, når du bruger Vita-Saw." "[english]Tip_arena_8" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge will not carry over between lives while using the Vita-Saw." "Tip_arena_9" "Som Pyro bør du Spy-tjekke meget for at forhindre fjendtlige Spies i at give det andet hold en strategisk fordel." "[english]Tip_arena_9" "As a Pyro, Spy check teammates vigorously in order to prevent Spies from giving the other team a strategic advantage." "NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "Du optjente:" "[english]NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You Earned:" "ToolStrangePartApplyConfirm" "Er du sikker på, du vil sætte denne Sære del på denne\ngenstand?\n\nHusk: En enkel genstand kan kun bære %maximum_strange_part_slots% dele. Din\n%subject_item_def_name% har %remaining_strange_part_slots% ledig(e) %slot_singular_plural% tilbage." "[english]ToolStrangePartApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to add this Strange Part to this item?\n\nRemember: a single item can only hold %maximum_strange_part_slots% parts. Your\n%subject_item_def_name% has %remaining_strange_part_slots% free %slot_singular_plural% remaining." "KillEaterEventType_BuildingsSapped" "Bygninger sappet" "[english]KillEaterEventType_BuildingsSapped" "Buildings Sapped" "KillEaterEventType_PlayersTickled" "Kildekampe vundet" "[english]KillEaterEventType_PlayersTickled" "Tickle Fights Won" "KillEaterEventType_MenTreaded" "Modstandere mast flade" "[english]KillEaterEventType_MenTreaded" "Opponents Flattened" "KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavier dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavies Killed" "KillEaterEventType_BuildingsDestroyed" "Bygninger ødelagt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_BuildingsDestroyed" "Buildings Destroyed" "KillEaterEventType_ProjectilesReflected" "Projektiler reflekteret" "[english]KillEaterEventType_ProjectilesReflected" "Projectiles Reflected" "KillEaterEventType_HeadshotKills" "Hovedskudsdrab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_HeadshotKills" "Headshot Kills" "KillEaterEventType_AirborneEnemyKills" "Drab på luftbårne fjender" "[english]KillEaterEventType_AirborneEnemyKills" "Airborne Enemy Kills" "KillEaterEventType_GibKills" "Splattede drab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_GibKills" "Gib Kills" "TF_StrangePart_Empty" "Sær del" "[english]TF_StrangePart_Empty" "Strange Part" "TF_StrangePart_Empty_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på en Sær-kvalitetsgenstand gør du den i stand til at holde regnskab over en ekstra statistik!" "[english]TF_StrangePart_Empty_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality item will enable it to track an additional new statistic!" "TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled" "Sær del: Heavier dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled" "Strange Part: Heavies Killed" "TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Heavier, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Heavies you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed" "Sær del: Bygninger ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed" "Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af bygninger, du ødelægger med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of buildings you destroy with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected" "Sær del: Projektiler reflekteret" "[english]TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected" "Strange Part: Projectiles Reflected" "TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af projektiler, du reflekterer med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of projectiles you reflect with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills" "Sær del: Hovedskudsdrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills" "Strange Part: Headshot Kills" "TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af hovedskudsdrab, du begår med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of headshot kills you make with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled" "Sær del: Luftbårne fjender dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled" "Strange Part: Airborne Enemies Killed" "TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af luftbårne fjender, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of airborne enemies you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_GibKilled" "Sær del: Splattede drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_GibKilled" "Strange Part: Gib Kills" "TF_StrangePart_GibKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du sprænger i luften med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_GibKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you gib with that weapon." "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank2" "Næsten underholdende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank2" "Almost Amusing" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank3" "Mildt opløftende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank3" "Mildly Mirthful" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank4" "Nogenlunde morsom" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank4" "Somewhat Droll" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank5" "Lår-klaskende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank5" "Thigh-Slapping" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt munter" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank6" "Notably Cheery" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt spydig" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank7" "Sufficiently Wry" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank8" "I sandhed frygtet" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank8" "Truly Feared" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank9" "Spektakulært spøgefuld" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank9" "Spectacularly Jocular" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank10" "Løssluppen" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank10" "Riotous" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank11" "Uartigt morsom" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank11" "Wicked Funny" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank12" "Totalt uunderholdende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank12" "Totally Unamusing" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank13" "Yderst ydmygende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank13" "Positively Persiflagious" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank14" "Panderynken-udryddende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank14" "Frown-Annihilating" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank15" "Grin-indbydende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank15" "Grin-Inducing" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_HolidayPunchRank20" "Mann Co.-udvalgt" "[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank20" "Mann Co. Select" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank0" "Sære" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank1" "Indbrudte" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank1" "Broken-In" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank2" "Næppe brugte" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank2" "Scarcely Worn" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank3" "Mildt skræmmende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank3" "Mildly Minatory" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank4" "Knusende knusende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank4" "Crushingly Crushing" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank5" "Ulovende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank5" "Inauspicious" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank6" "Markant halvskyggede" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank6" "Profoundly Penumbric" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt formørkende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank7" "Sufficiently Eclipsing" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank8" "Ganske dystre" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank8" "Truly Tenebrific" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank9" "Spektakulært fæle" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank9" "Spectacularly Fell" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank10" "Mode-indsmurte" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank10" "Fashion-Splattered" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank11" "Ugudeligt stinkende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank11" "Wicked Stinky" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank12" "Positivt plane" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank12" "Positively Planar" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank13" "Totalt behagelige" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank13" "Totally Comfortable" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank14" "Ansigtsfladmasende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank14" "Face-Flattening" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank15" "Raseri-indbyddende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank15" "Rage-Inducing" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank17" "Episke" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank18" "Legendariske" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank19" "Australske" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_ManTreadsRank20" "Hales skræddersyede" "[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank20" "Hale's Custom" "KillEater_SapperRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_SapperRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_SapperRank2" "Næppe chokerende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank2" "Scarcely Shocking" "KillEater_SapperRank3" "Mildt magnetiserende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank3" "Mildly Magnetizing" "KillEater_SapperRank4" "Nogenlunde forårsagende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank4" "Somewhat Inducting" "KillEater_SapperRank5" "Uheldig" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank5" "Unfortunate" "KillEater_SapperRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt skadelig" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank6" "Notably Deleterious" "KillEater_SapperRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt ødelæggende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank7" "Sufficiently Ruinous" "KillEater_SapperRank8" "I sandhed ledende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank8" "Truly Conducting" "KillEater_SapperRank9" "Spektakulært pseudofyldt" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank9" "Spectacularly Pseudoful" "KillEater_SapperRank10" "Ion-indsmurt" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank10" "Ion-Spattered" "KillEater_SapperRank11" "Ugudeligt dynamiserende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank11" "Wickedly Dynamizing" "KillEater_SapperRank12" "Positivt plasmatisk" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank12" "Positively Plasmatic" "KillEater_SapperRank13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEater_SapperRank14" "Kredsløbssmeltende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank14" "Circuit-Melting" "KillEater_SapperRank15" "Nulstillingsfremkaldende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank15" "Nullity-Inducing" "KillEater_SapperRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_SapperRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_SapperRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_SapperRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_SapperRank20" "Mann Co.-udvalgt" "[english]KillEater_SapperRank20" "Mann Co. Select" "Attrib_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Kan bruges efter: %s1" "[english]Attrib_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Usable After: %s1" "Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Kan bruges efter nogle få dage" "[english]Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Becomes Usable After a Few Days" "Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "Ingen spjæt ved skade når du sigter med et fuldt opladt sigte" "[english]Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "No flinching when aiming and fully charged" "Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Tilbageslag reduceret med %s1% når der sigtes" "[english]Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming" "Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% langsommere bevægelseshastighed når der sigtes" "[english]Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed when aiming" "TF_CozyCamper" "Den Bekvemme Campist" "[english]TF_CozyCamper" "The Cozy Camper" "TF_CozyCamper_Desc" "" "[english]TF_CozyCamper_Desc" "" "Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "%s1 har opnået:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "%s1 has earned:: %s2 %s3" "TF_Armory_Item_StrangePart" "Denne genstand er en Sær del. Den kan sættes på en Sær-kvalitetsgenstand, du allerede ejer, for at gøre den i stand til at føre regnskab med en ekstra statistik." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_StrangePart" "This item is a Strange Part. It can be applied to one Strange-quality item you already own, enabling it to track an additional new statistic." "TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "Filatelisten" "[english]TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "Philateler" "TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have gjort mere i går for at støtte TF2-baneskaber-fællesskabet gennem banefrimærker end nogen anden! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder i morgen!" "[english]TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on doing more yesterday to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!" "TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat" "Philatelest" "[english]TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat" "Philatelest" "TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have gjort mere i sidste uge for at støtte TF2-baneskaber-fællesskabet gennem banefrimærker end nogen anden! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder næste uge!" "[english]TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on doing more last week to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!" "TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat" "En Givende Mand Fra Et Givende Land" "[english]TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat" "Gifting Man From Gifting Land" "TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have givet flere gaver i går end nogen anden TF2-spiller! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder i morgen!" "[english]TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on giving out more gifts yesterday than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!" "TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat" "Most Giftingest Gifting Man In Gifting Land" "[english]TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat" "Most Giftingest Gifting Man In Gifting Land" "TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have givet flere gaver i sidste uge end nogen anden TF2-spiller! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder næste uge!" "[english]TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on giving out more gifts last week than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!" "TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Duellisten" "[english]TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Dueler" "TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have vundet flere dueller i går end nogen anden TF2-spiller! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder i morgen!" "[english]TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on winning more duels yesterday than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!" "TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Duelest" "[english]TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Duelest" "TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Tillykke med at have vundet flerer dueller sidste uge end nogen anden TF2-spiller! Bær denne med stolthed før den skifter hænder næste uge!" "[english]TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on winning more duels last week than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!" "TF_ClaimCode" "Indløselseskode" "[english]TF_ClaimCode" "Claim Code" "TF_CrimeCraftHelmet" "Boltet Bekæmper" "[english]TF_CrimeCraftHelmet" "Bolt Action Blitzer" "TF_CrimeCraftHelmet_Desc" "Tag en slapper, drenge. Nå men, enhver hjelm beskytter dit hoved, når du har den på - men hvad med, når du IKKE har den på? Boltet Bekæmper løser det problem ved at fastgøre den til dit hoved med tre grove, galvaniserede trecentimeter-bolte. Sørg for, at det er din yndlingsfarve, fordi du BLIVER begravet med den på." "[english]TF_CrimeCraftHelmet_Desc" "Take a knee, boys. Now, any helmet will protect your head when you're wearing it – but what about when you're NOT? The Bolt Action Blitzer solves that problem by securing it to your skull with three one-and-a-quarter-inch coarse-thread galvanized crown bolts. Make sure it's in your favorite color, 'cause you WILL be buried in it." "TF_EngineerChaps" "Texanske Halv-bukser" "[english]TF_EngineerChaps" "Texas Half-Pants" "TF_EngineerChaps_Desc" "Det er bukser... Texas-stil! Disse skridtløse læderbukser er perfekte, hvis du allerede ejer bukser. Bemærk: Anvend kun som ekstra bukser. Prøv ikke at anvende som primære bukser." "[english]TF_EngineerChaps_Desc" "It's pants... Texas Style! These crotchless leather leggings are perfect if you already own pants. Note: To be used as auxiliary pants only. Please do not employ as primary source of pants." "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePartTitle" "Fjern sær del?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePartTitle" "Remove Strange Part?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePart" "Vil du fjerne Sær del-regnskabet \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" fra denne genstand? (Den Sære del vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePart" "Remove the strange part tracking \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" from this item? (Strange Part will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresTitle" "Nustil tællere?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresTitle" "Reset Counters?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScores" "Ryd alle pointtællere på denne sære genstand? Dette vil sætte alle værdierne til 0." "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScores" "Clear all of the score counters on this strange item? This will set all of the values to 0." "TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Skjul dit sigtekorn, når du er zoomet ind" "[english]TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Hide crosshair when zoomed in" "Tooltip_nocrosshaironscopezoomn" "Hvis valgt vil det normale og brugerdefinerede sigtekorn automatisk forsvinde og kun vise riflens sigtelaser." "[english]Tooltip_nocrosshaironscopezoomn" "If set, when zoomed in with any sniper rifles, the default and custom crosshairs will automatically disappear leaving only the rifle targeting laser." "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2" "Mystisk Promo 2" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2" "Mysterious Promo 2" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2_Desc" "Mystisk Promo 2" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2_Desc" "Mysterious Promo 2" "TF_EngineerChaps_Style0" "Gyldenbrun" "[english]TF_EngineerChaps_Style0" "Tan" "TF_EngineerChaps_Style1" "Midnat" "[english]TF_EngineerChaps_Style1" "Midnight" "TF_HeavyBoxingTowel" "Kaste-sikret Klæde" "[english]TF_HeavyBoxingTowel" "Toss-Proof Towel" "TF_HeavyBoxingTowel_Desc" "Vær sikker på at du aldrig kaster håndklædet i ringen, selv ved et uheld, ved at holde det dejligt tæt på, hvor det ikke kan stikke af som en kujon, mens du ikke kigger." "[english]TF_HeavyBoxingTowel_Desc" "Make sure you never throw in the towel, even accidentally, by keeping it nice and close, where it can't run off and surrender like a coward when you're not looking." "KillEaterEventType_KillsDuringFullMoon" "Drab under en fuldmåne" "[english]KillEaterEventType_KillsDuringFullMoon" "Kills Under A Full Moon" "KillEaterEventType_PosthumousKills" "Efterdødsdrab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_PosthumousKills" "Posthumous Kills" "KillEaterEventType_AlliesExtinguished" "Holdkammerater slukket" "[english]KillEaterEventType_AlliesExtinguished" "Teammates Extinguished" "TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills" "Sær del: Fuldmåne-drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills" "Strange Part: Full Moon Kills" "TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber ved fuldmåne med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill during full moons with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills" "Sær del: Posthum drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills" "Strange Part: Posthumous Kills" "TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med det våben, mens du er død." "[english]TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon while you're dead." "TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished" "Sær del: Holdkammerater slukket" "[english]TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished" "Strange Part: Teammates Extinguished" "TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af holdkammerater, du slukker med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of burning teammates you extinguish with that weapon." "TF_vote_passed_ban_player" "Spilleren %s1 er blevet udelukket." "[english]TF_vote_passed_ban_player" "Player %s1 has been banned." "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Platinum" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 1st Place North American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Platinum" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Platinum" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Platinum" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander European Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 1st Place European Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Platinum" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander European Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Platinum" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander European Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Platinum" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 1st Place South American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Platinum" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place South American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Platinum" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Platinum" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place South American Platinum" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Silver" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Silver" "UGC Highlander 1st Place North American Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Silver" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Silver" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Silver" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Silver" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Silver" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander European Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Silver" "UGC Highlander 1st Place European Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Silver" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander European Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Silver" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Silver" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander European Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Silver" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Steel" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 1st Place North American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Steel" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Steel" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander North American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Steel" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander European Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Steel" "UGC Highlander 1st Place European Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Steel" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander European Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Steel" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Steel" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander European Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Steel" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Steel" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 1st Place South American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Steel" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place South American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Steel" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander South American Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Steel" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place South American Steel" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Platinum" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Platinum" "UGC Highlander Platinum Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Silver" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Silver" "UGC Highlander Silver Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Steel" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Steel" "UGC Highlander Steel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Season6" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Season6" "UGC Highlander League Season 6" "TF_SniperAppleArrow" "Frugtskyderen" "[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow" "The Fruit Shoot" "TF_SniperAppleArrow_Desc" "Denne sjove aktivitet for alle aldre bringer historien til live! Alt du har brug for er en bue, en pil, et æble og en idiot." "[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Desc" "This fun, all-ages activity brings history alive! All you need is a bow, an arrow, an apple, and an idiot." "TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style0" "Dødelig" "[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style0" "Deadly" "TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style1" "Farlig" "[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style1" "Dangerous" "TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style2" "Velsmagende" "[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style2" "Tasty" "TF_ScoutHeadband" "Frontløberen" "[english]TF_ScoutHeadband" "The Front Runner" "TF_ScoutHeadband_Desc" "Dette erindringssvedbånd er en kærlig hyldest til heltene - og vi bruger ikke det ord let - der lever deres liv som svedige lys i vinden." "[english]TF_ScoutHeadband_Desc" "This commemorative sweatband is a loving tribute to the heroes – and we don't use that word lightly – who live their lives like sweaty candles in the wind." "TF_ScoutHeadband_Style0" "Tjekket" "[english]TF_ScoutHeadband_Style0" "Stylin'" "TF_ScoutHeadband_Style1" "Ligeglad" "[english]TF_ScoutHeadband_Style1" "Indifferent" "TF_SuperMNC_Pyro" "Triclops" "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro" "The Triclops" "TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Desc" "Nar dine fjender til at tro, du kan se bedre! Her er tricket: Du vil ikke kunne se overhovedet!" "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Desc" "Fool your enemies into thinking you can see better! Here's the trick: You won't be able to see at all!" "TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style0" "Ristende" "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style0" "Roasting" "TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style1" "Flammende" "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style1" "Blazing" "TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "Flamingo-drengen" "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "The Flamingo Kid" "TF_SuperMNC_Sniper_Desc" "Er du mand nok til at bære denne lysfarvede cowboyhat? I tilfælde af, at du ikke er, har vi smidt et halvt kranie på den for at hjælpe dig ind i den spændende, nye verden, der er at bære denne hat." "[english]TF_SuperMNC_Sniper_Desc" "Are you man enough to wear this brightly colored cowboy hat? Just in case you're not, we slapped a half-a-skull on it to ease you into the exciting new world of wearing this hat." "TF_ShipmentBox_Type" "Forsendelseskasse" "[english]TF_ShipmentBox_Type" "Shipment Box" "TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox" "Valve-butikkens Fragtningskasse" "[english]TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox" "Valve Store Shipment Box" "TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox_Desc" "" "TF_StorePromotionPackage" "Mann Co.-butikspakke" "[english]TF_StorePromotionPackage" "Mann Co. Store Package" "TF_StorePromotionPackage_Desc" "Denne pose indeholder én gratis genstand fra Mann Co.-butikken! Du kan åbne den fra din rygsæk!" "[english]TF_StorePromotionPackage_Desc" "This bag contains one free item from the Mann Co. store! You can open it from your backpack!" "TF_Set_AppleArrow" "Dualistens Frugt" "[english]TF_Set_AppleArrow" "Dual-Purpose Fruit" "Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reducerer chancen for sult med op til %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reduces chance of hunger by up to %s1%" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (kampagne)" "[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promotion)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (forhåndsvis genstandsopgradering)" "[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Preview Item Upgrade)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1" "[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1" "TF_SpySpats" "De Luskede Gemacher af Luskethed" "[english]TF_SpySpats" "the Sneaky Spats of Sneaking" "TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Ja, det kan godt være, du er på udkig efter sko, der kan hjælpe dig med at lure i skyggerne. Men når du tager disse smarte kalvelæder-gamacher på, får du lyst til at ALLE skal kigge på dig." "[english]TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Sure, you're in the market for shoes to help you lurk in the shadows. But once you slip on these natty calf leather spatterdashes, you'll want EVERYONE to check you out." "TF_GRFS_1" "Kryds-kommunikationens Styrthjelm" "[english]TF_GRFS_1" "The Cross-Comm Crash Helmet" "TF_GRFS_1_Desc" "Dette udelukkende kosmetiske udstyr til slagmarksopmærksomhed vil narre alle fra den laveste menig til hærens major til at tro, at du sikkert også er i hæren." "[english]TF_GRFS_1_Desc" "This purely cosmetic battlefield awareness accessory will fool everyone from the lowliest private to the mayor of the army into thinking you're probably in the army too." "TF_GRFS_2" "Kryds-kommunikationsekspressen" "[english]TF_GRFS_2" "The Cross-Comm Express" "TF_GRFS_2_Desc" "Denne kampmonokel, med hele farvespektrummet, modtager signaler fra en satellit med lysets hastighed, hvilket betyder, at du muligvis skal sætte farten lidt ned, så de kan indhente dig." "[english]TF_GRFS_2_Desc" "This full spectrum battle monocle receives signals from a satellite at light speed, which means you may have to slow down a little so they can catch up to you." "TF_GRFS_3" "Dobbeltkrydsnings-kommunikationen" "[english]TF_GRFS_3" "The Doublecross-Comm" "TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "Dette bandana til slagmarksopmærksomhed er syet med nanofibre, der kan downloade slagmarker fra Wikipedia direkte til dit ansigt, så du aldrig ikke vil være opmærksomme på dem." "[english]TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "This battlefield awareness bandanna is stitched with nanofibers that can download battlefields from Wikipedia straight to your face, so you will never not be aware of them." "ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Er du sikker på, at du vil pakke denne genstand ind?\n\nScorer på denne sære genstand bliver nulstillet, når den pakkes ind." "[english]ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?\n\nScores on strange items will reset to 0 when wrapped." "KillEaterEventType_SoldiersKilled" "Soldiers dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_SoldiersKilled" "Soldiers Killed" "KillEaterEventType_DemomenKilled" "Demomen dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_DemomenKilled" "Demomen Killed" "KillEaterEventType_StartDominationKills" "Domineringer" "[english]KillEaterEventType_StartDominationKills" "Dominations" "KillEaterEventType_RevengeKills" "Hævndrab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_RevengeKills" "Revenges" "KillEaterEventType_CriticalKills" "Kritiske drab" "[english]KillEaterEventType_CriticalKills" "Critical Kills" "KillEaterEventType_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping" "Drab under sprængstof-hop" "[english]KillEaterEventType_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping" "Kills While Explosive-Jumping" "TF_StrangePart_SoldiersKilled" "Sær del: Soldiers dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_SoldiersKilled" "Strange Part: Soldiers Killed" "TF_StrangePart_SoldiersKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Soldiers, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_SoldiersKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Soldiers you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_DemomenKilled" "Sær del: Demomen dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_DemomenKilled" "Strange Part: Demomen Killed" "TF_StrangePart_DemomenKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Demomen, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_DemomenKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Demomen you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_DominationKills" "Sær del: Domineringsdrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_DominationKills" "Strange Part: Domination Kills" "TF_StrangePart_DominationKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dominerer ved at dræbe dem med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_DominationKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you dominate by killing them with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_RevengeKills" "Sær del: Hævndrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_RevengeKills" "Strange Part: Revenge Kills" "TF_StrangePart_RevengeKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, der dominerer dig, som du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_RevengeKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies dominating you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_CriticalKills" "Sær del: Kritiske drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_CriticalKills" "Strange Part: Critical Kills" "TF_StrangePart_CriticalKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med kritiske skud fra det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_CriticalKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with critical hits from that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping" "Sær del: Drab mens eksplosivt-hoppende" "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping" "Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping" "TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med det våben, imens du er i luften som følge af et raket-/klæbebombehop." "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon while airborne from a rocket/stickyjump." "TF_Wearable_ScienceProject" "Videnskabsprojekt" "[english]TF_Wearable_ScienceProject" "Science Project" "TF_Wearable_Satchel" "Taske" "[english]TF_Wearable_Satchel" "Satchel" "TF_Wearable_Treasure" "Skat" "[english]TF_Wearable_Treasure" "Treasure" "TF_QC_Badge" "Den Atomiske Hyldest" "[english]TF_QC_Badge" "The Atomic Accolade" "TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Spring over alt det kedelige arbejde ved videnskab og gå lige til den spændende del: De fabelagtige præmier! Dette prestigefyldte bånd beviser din tapperhed i ekspertisefeltet." "[english]TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Skip past all the boring busywork of science and get right to the exciting part: the fabulous prizes! This prestigious ribbon certifies your bravery in the field of excellence." "TF_QC_Flasks" "Professorens Ananas" "[english]TF_QC_Flasks" "The Professor's Pineapple" "TF_QC_Flasks_Desc" "Vi ved ikke, hvad der er i den, men vi fandt den i nogle rustne trommer, der var begravet i en lavtliggende grav i en skov, så lad os se det i øjnene; du vil nok få superkræfter, hvis du drikker det." "[english]TF_QC_Flasks_Desc" "We don't know what's in it, but we found it in some rusty drums buried in a shallow grave in a forest, so let's face it, you'll probably get super powers if you drink it." "TF_QC_MedicGlove" "Quadwrangler" "[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove" "The Quadwrangler" "TF_QC_MedicGlove_Desc" "Denne kvantekravede kittel inkluderer et praktisk gummirør, der dræner blod fra dit hjerte, hvor det ikke skal bruges, til din skydearm, hvor det skal!" "[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove_Desc" "This quantum-collared lab coat includes a handy rubber pipe that siphons blood from your heart, where it is not needed, to your shooting arm, where it is!" "TF_MedicClipboard" "Kirurgens Sidetaske" "[english]TF_MedicClipboard" "The Surgeon's Side Satchel" "TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "Denne kompakte medicin-udstyrstaske er det perfekte tilbehør til lægen på farten. Behandl patienterne, når du ikke er hjemme, i den friske, usteriliserede luft, som man kan finde på slagmarken." "[english]TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "This compact medical equipment bag makes the perfect accessory for the doctor on the go. Treat patients out of doors, in the fresh unsterile air of the battlefield." "TF_DemoTreasureChest" "Likørskabet" "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest" "The Liquor Locker" "TF_DemoTreasureChest_Desc" "Demo holder sin formue tæt ved brystet: Helt specifikt på den anden side af det, spændt fast til sin ryg. Du finder ikke penge i den: Demo investerer klogt i guld, som han derefter bruger på tønder med ældet likør, som han sædvanligvis drikker, hvilket er grunden til, at han har den lukket og nøglen gemt væk." "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Desc" "The Demo keeps his fortune close to his chest: Specifically, on the other side of it, strapped to his back. You won't find money in it: Demo wisely invests in gold, which he then spends on rare cask-aged liquors, which he then usually drinks, which is why he keeps it locked and the key hidden." "TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Klassisk" "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Classic" "TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "Foran" "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "Front" "TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Højre hofte" "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Right Hip" "TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Venstre hofte" "[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Left Hip" "Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "Bæreren kan ikke bære på efterretningsmappen eller bolden i PASS Time" "[english]Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK" "Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% skade-bonus mens ikke forklædt" "[english]Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% damage bonus while undisguised" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo3" "Mystisk Promo 3" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo3" "Mysterious Promo 3" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo3_Desc" "Mystisk Promo 3" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo3_Desc" "Mysterious Promo 3" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo4" "Mystisk Promo 4" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo4" "Mysterious Promo 4" "TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo4_Desc" "Mystisk Promo 4" "[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo4_Desc" "Mysterious Promo 4" "TF_Item_Goldfish" "Guldfisk" "[english]TF_Item_Goldfish" "Goldfish" "TF_Item_Goldfish_Type" "Guldfisk" "[english]TF_Item_Goldfish_Type" "Goldfish" "TF_Item_Goldfish_Desc" "Finder du det lige så mystisk, at guldfisk hverken af LAVET AF GULD eller ENDDA FISK? For det burde du. Forresten, guldfisk ER fisk, det tog vi fejl af. FOR AT SMIDE DIG AF FÆRTEN!" "[english]TF_Item_Goldfish_Desc" "Does it strike you as mysterious that goldfish are neither MADE OF GOLD or EVEN FISH? Because it should. Also, goldfish ARE fish, we got that part wrong. TO GET YOU OFF THE SCENT!" "TF_Item_PocketLint" "Lommeuld" "[english]TF_Item_PocketLint" "Pocket Lint" "TF_Item_PocketLint_Type" "Lommeuld" "[english]TF_Item_PocketLint_Type" "Pocket Lint" "TF_Item_PocketLint_Desc" "Er det fabriksuld? Navleflug, som du holder i lommen, for ikke at miste det? Søfnuller, der blev taget fra et slagskibs skrog? Det er noget ret mystisk fnuller." "[english]TF_Item_PocketLint_Desc" "Is it fabric lint? Navel lint you're keeping in your pocket so you don't lose it? Naval lint brushed from the hull of a battleship? This is pretty mysterious lint." "TF_Item_CheeseWheel" "Ostehjul" "[english]TF_Item_CheeseWheel" "Cheese Wheel" "TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Type" "Ostehjul" "[english]TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Type" "Cheese Wheel" "TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Desc" "Denne ost virker ikke så mystisk, før du indser, at den er fuld af skudhuller. Nogen fik ram på osten, før den kunne tale." "[english]TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Desc" "This cheese doesn't seem so mysterious until you realize it's full of bullet holes. Somebody got to this cheese before it could talk." "TF_Item_SecretDiary" "Hemmelig Dagbog" "[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary" "Secret Diary" "TF_Item_SecretDiary_Type" "Hemmelig Dagbog" "[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary_Type" "Secret Diary" "TF_Item_SecretDiary_Desc" "I modsætning til andre spil, vi kunne nævne, vil det, at eje denne dagbog, ikke afspille en lydfil, der fortæller om hemmelige dagbogssider. Hvorfor? Fordi vi RESPEKTERER ANDRE FOLKS PRIVATLIV. Hvad gemmer de på? Vi lever i sandhed i MYSTISKE TIDER." "[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary_Desc" "Unlike other games we could mention, owning this won't trigger a sound file narrating secret diary entries. Why? Because we RESPECT THE PRIVACY of our characters. What are they hiding? Truly we live in MYSTERIOUS TIMES." "TF_Item_BananaPeel" "Bananskræl" "[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel" "Banana Peel" "TF_Item_BananaPeel_Type" "Bananskræl" "[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Type" "Banana Peel" "TF_Item_BananaPeel_Desc" "Hvor blev bananen af? Sid ned til den næste del, for VI HAR INGEN ANELSE. Indrøm det, det er da lidt mystisk." "[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Desc" "Where did the banana go? Sit down for this next part, because WE HAVE NO IDEA. Admit it, that's kind of mysterious." "TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Ladedørsplanke" "[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Barn Door Plank" "TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Planke" "[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Plank" "TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Desc" "Denne ladedørsplanke ser overhovedet ikke mystisk ud, før du ser på den fra et atomart niveau. Hey, der er en hest der ved siden af alle de atomer. De tager ture om at ride hesten. Mand, hvordan kom en hest derhen? Rimelig pokkers mystisk." "[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Desc" "This barn door plank doesn't look mysterious at all, until you view it at an atomic level. Hey, there's a horse there next to all those atoms. They're taking turns riding the horse. Man, how did a horse get there? Pretty darn mysterious." "TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor" "Knap Nok Smeltet Kondensator" "[english]TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor" "Barely-Melted Capacitor" "TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Type" "Kondensator" "[english]TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Type" "Capacitor" "TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Desc" "Denne skadede kondensator ser ud til at være brandsikker såvel som i stykker. Er der noget, den IKKE kan gøre (udover at virke)?" "[english]TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Desc" "This damaged capacitor seems to be fire-proof as well as broken. Is there anything it CAN'T do (besides work)?" "TF_Welcome_meet_the_pyro" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome_meet_the_pyro" "Welcome" "TF_Boost" "BOOST" "[english]TF_Boost" "BOOST" "TF_SniperRage" "FOKUS" "[english]TF_SniperRage" "FOCUS" "TF_Wearable_Bongos" "Bongoer" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bongos" "Bongos" "Store_AvailableStyles_Header" "Tilgængelige stile:" "[english]Store_AvailableStyles_Header" "Available Styles:" "TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape" "Hakke-pakken" "[english]TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape" "The Pickaxe Pack" "TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape_Desc" "Inkluderer både Udligneren og Redningsplanen:" "[english]TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape_Desc" "Includes both the Equalizer and the Escape Plan:" "TF_RobotChickenHat_Promo" "Robot Chicken-promohat" "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Promo" "Robot Chicken Hat Promo" "TF_RobotChickenHat_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_DoomsdayAchievementHat" "Fritidsraketten" "[english]TF_DoomsdayAchievementHat" "The Gentle Munitionne of Leisure" "TF_DoomsdayAchievementHat_Desc" "Denne fede hat til alle klasser fejrer menneskets og abernes fælles forsøg på at erobre himlen med en indbygget raket, der, hvert år på affyringens jubilæumsdag, måske eksploderer i et stort brag." "[english]TF_DoomsdayAchievementHat_Desc" "This snappy all-class stovepipe commemorates man and monkey's joint attempt to conquer the heavens with a built-in rocket that, every year on the anniversary of the launch, might violently explode." "TF_Lollichop" "Sukkerslaget" "[english]TF_Lollichop" "The Lollichop" "TF_Lollichop_Desc" "Fyld (split) dine venners maver (kranier) med lækkert slik (koldt stål) med denne overdimensionerede sukkergodte. (Udstyrer Pyrosyn.)" "[english]TF_Lollichop_Desc" "Fill (split) your buddies' tummies (skulls) with delicious candy (cold steel) with this oversized sugary treat. (Equips Pyrovision.)" "TF_ScorchShot" "Brandskuddet" "[english]TF_ScorchShot" "The Scorch Shot" "TF_ScorchShot_Desc" "Dette våben vil genlade automatisk, når det ikke er aktivt." "[english]TF_ScorchShot_Desc" "This weapon will reload automatically when not active." "TF_Rainblower" "Regnblæseren" "[english]TF_Rainblower" "The Rainblower" "TF_Rainblower_Desc" "Dine venner (fjender) vil hvine af glæde (blive opslugt af ild), når du dækker dem i glintende regnbuer (altopslugende ild). (Udstyrer Pyrosyn.)" "[english]TF_Rainblower_Desc" "Your friends (enemies) will squeal with delight (be consumed with fire) when you cover them in sparkly rainbows (all-consuming fire). (Equips Pyrovision.)" "TF_Pyrovision_Goggles" "Pyrosynsbriller" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Goggles" "Pyrovision Goggles" "TF_Wearable_Pyrovision_Goggles_Type" "Pyrosynsbriller" "[english]TF_Wearable_Pyrovision_Goggles_Type" "Pyrovision Goggles" "TF_Pyrovision_Goggles_Desc" "Træd ind i en verden af fantasi, der er langt mere overlegen end de lorteverdener af fantasi, du får fra bøger. Pyrosyn lader dig se TF2-universet fra din yndlingsbrandstifters perspektiv." "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Goggles_Desc" "Enter a world of imagination that's far superior to the crap-ass worlds of imagination you get from books. Pyrovision lets you see the TF2niverse from our favorite arsonist's perspective." "TF_Pet_Balloonicorn" "Balloonicorn" "[english]TF_Pet_Balloonicorn" "The Balloonicorn" "TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Desc" "Åh du godeste! Er det Balloonicorn? Borgmesteren af Pyroland? Vær ikke så latterlig, vi snakker om en oppustelig enhjørning. Han er den kommunale ombudsmand. Mellem dig og mig, så er Balloonicorn til grin nede på rådhuset. Gary Brottman, den oppustelige kloaksforstander, går i seng med Balloonicorns kone. Nå, men når han rider omkring din skulder, skal du ikke nævne NOGET af det til ham, for Balloonicorn har en kort lunte og er som regel ret fuld." "[english]TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Desc" "Oh my goodness! Is it Balloonicorn? The Mayor of Pyroland? Don't be ridiculous, we're talking about an inflatable unicorn. He's the Municipal Ombudsman. Between you and me, Balloonicorn's a joke down at City Hall. Gary Brottman, the inflatable Sewer Superintendent, is sleeping with Balloonicorn's wife. Anyway, when he's riding around on your shoulder don't mention ANY of this to him, because Balloonicorn is on a hair trigger and he's usually pretty drunk." "TF_PyroMusicDevice" "Infernalsk Orkester" "[english]TF_PyroMusicDevice" "Infernal Orchestrina" "TF_PyroMusicDevice_Desc" "Dine BVF'ere (fjender) vil smile ustandseligt (konfrontere deres egen dødelighed), mens de danser en munter dans til (løber i skræk fra) disse muntre toner (sjæleknusende begravelsessange). (Udstyrer Pyrosyn.)" "[english]TF_PyroMusicDevice_Desc" "Your BFFs (enemies) will turn their frowns upside down (confront their own mortality) as they dance a merry jig to (run in terror from) these cheery tunes (soul-destroying funeral dirges). (Equips Pyrovision.)" "TF_PyroBongos" "De Brændende Bongoer" "[english]TF_PyroBongos" "The Burning Bongos" "TF_PyroBongos_Desc" "Da du var en dreng, ville du bare gerne spille bongoerne. Men så voksede du op og, ligesom alle os andre, indså, at du ikke er så god til bongoer som Matthew McConaughey. Gæt hvad, mester: ingen er, og vil aldrig blive det. (Udstyrer Pyrosyn.)" "[english]TF_PyroBongos_Desc" "When you were a kid, all you wanted was to play the bongos. But then you grew up and, like all of us, realized you're not as good at bongos as Matthew McConaughey. Well, guess what, pal: Nobody is, or ever will be. (Equips Pyrovision.)" "TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun" "Dengsedrengens Dræber" "[english]TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun" "Baby Face's Blaster" "TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun_Desc" "" "TF_Weapon_PEP_Pistol" "Lækkerbiskens Lommepistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_PEP_Pistol" "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol" "TF_Weapon_PEP_Pistol_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Weapon_PEP_Pistol_Desc" "" "TF_PEP_ScoutHat" "Forbryderens Fedora" "[english]TF_PEP_ScoutHat" "The Fed-Fightin' Fedora" "TF_PEP_ScoutHat_Desc" "Denne hat fejrer den gang, hvor du satte den fast på en kost og snød FBI til at skyde på den i en time, mens du smuttede med alle bankens penge. Den passer godt sammen med alle de skudhuller, du har i overkroppen, fra den gang, hvor du udførte det samme trick mod meget klogere FBI-agenter." "[english]TF_PEP_ScoutHat_Desc" "This hat commemorates that time you stuck it on a broom and tricked the Feds into shooting at it for an hour while you scooted off with all that bank money. Goes great with all those bullet wounds in your torso from that time you pulled the same trick on much smarter Feds." "TF_PEP_ScoutBag" "Dillingers Duffel" "[english]TF_PEP_ScoutBag" "Dillinger's Duffel" "TF_PEP_ScoutBag_Desc" "Denne sportstaske kommer med læderstropper, så alle dine penge ikke falder ud. De læderstropper er dog ikke spændt hele vejen op, så nogle af pengene VIL falde ud, og så vil damerne vide, hvor rig du er. (Svar: Meget. Også smuk.)" "[english]TF_PEP_ScoutBag_Desc" "This duffel comes with leather straps so all your money doesn't fall out. The leather straps also don't tighten all the way, so some money WILL fall out, and ladies will know how rich you are. (Answer: Very. Also handsome.)" "TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Tiggerens Bazooka" "[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Beggar's Bazooka" "TF_DS_DumpsterDevice_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice_Desc" "" "TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "Hjelmen Uden et Hjem" "[english]TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "The Helmet Without a Home" "TF_DS_FootballHelmet_Desc" "Tænk på denne hjelm som et befæstet, transportabelt hjem til dit hoved. Den er også foret med sølvpapir, så ingen vil være i stand til at stjæle din værdifulde vagabondtanker." "[english]TF_DS_FootballHelmet_Desc" "Think of this helmet as a fortified, portable home for your head. It's also lined with tin foil, so nobody will be able to steal your valuable tramp-thoughts." "TF_DS_CanGrenades" "Kaptajnens Cocktails" "[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades" "The Captain's Cocktails" "TF_DS_CanGrenades_Desc" "Hør efter, vagabonder! Er du MAND nok til at bære rundt på dåser fuld af for gammel suppe? Er du SKØR nok til at lade, som om de er granater? Er du SULTEN nok til at, formentligt, spise suppen senere, når ingen ser på? Det vil vi vædde på!" "[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades_Desc" "Attention, tramps! Are you MAN enough to carry around cans full of expired soup? Are you CRAZY enough to pretend they're grenades? Are you HUNGRY enough to probably eat the soup later, when nobody's looking? We bet yes!" "TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "Snigmorderens Sagslutter" "[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "The Hitman's Heatmaker" "TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nHoveder vil rulle." "[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nHeads will roll." "TF_Pro_SMG" "Krybskyttens Karabin" "[english]TF_Pro_SMG" "The Cleaner's Carbine" "TF_Pro_SMG_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Pro_SMG_Desc" "" "TF_Pro_SniperHat" "Likvidatorens Låg" "[english]TF_Pro_SniperHat" "Liquidator's Lid" "TF_Pro_SniperHat_Desc" "Denne kombination af uldhat/bedstemorbriller passer til enhver snigmorder, om han redder forældreløse børn i hede ildkampe med mafiaen eller udgiver sig for at være guitarist i verdenskendte irske rockbands." "[english]TF_Pro_SniperHat_Desc" "This wool cap/granny glasses combo fits any assassin, whether he's saving orphans in heated gun battles with the mob or impersonating lead guitarists in world-famous Irish rock bands." "TF_PyroHazmat" "HazMat-hovedstykket" "[english]TF_PyroHazmat" "The HazMat Headcase" "TF_PyroHazmat_Desc" "Denne uigennemtrængelige, gastætte hætte holder dit hoved ved en komfortabel temperatur på 177 grader hele dagen. Det tonede visir lader dig svede dit ansigtsfedt væk i dit eget private kvælende helvede." "[english]TF_PyroHazmat_Desc" "This impermeable, gas-tight hood keeps your head at a comfortable 350-degree temperature throughout the day. The tinted visor lets you sweat off that unsightly face fat in the privacy of your own sweltering hell." "TF_PyroHazmat_Style0" "Sikkerhed frem for alt" "[english]TF_PyroHazmat_Style0" "Safety First" "TF_PyroHazmat_Style1" "Forstærket" "[english]TF_PyroHazmat_Style1" "Reinforced" "TF_PyroHazmat_Style2" "Strømlinet" "[english]TF_PyroHazmat_Style2" "Streamlined" "TF_PyroHazmat_Style3" "En seriøs mangel på frygt" "[english]TF_PyroHazmat_Style3" "A Serious Absence of Fear" "TF_HeavyShirt" "Apparatjikkens Beklædning" "[english]TF_HeavyShirt" "The Apparatchik's Apparel" "TF_HeavyShirt_Desc" "At bære rundt på en rullekanon på 150 kilogram giver underarmsmusklerne en god omgang træning. Vis dem frem med disse skjorter med rullede ærmer, i dit valg af diamantternet, skovhugger, rugbystribet eller med lodret stribe." "[english]TF_HeavyShirt_Desc" "Toting around a 150-kilogram minigun gives those forearm muscles a nice workout. Show them off with these rolled-sleeved shirts, in your choice of argyle, lumberjack, rugby stripe or vertical pinstripe." "TF_HeavyShirt_Style0" "Udendørsmand" "[english]TF_HeavyShirt_Style0" "Outdoorsmen" "TF_HeavyShirt_Style1" "Blodspand" "[english]TF_HeavyShirt_Style1" "Blood Bin" "TF_HeavyShirt_Style2" "Investor" "[english]TF_HeavyShirt_Style2" "Investor" "TF_HeavyShirt_Style3" "J.R. Gyle" "[english]TF_HeavyShirt_Style3" "J.R. Gyle" "TF_DemoParrot" "Aberdeens Fuglemand" "[english]TF_DemoParrot" "The Bird-Man of Aberdeen" "TF_DemoParrot_Desc" "Denne skuldermonterede, fjerklædte ven findes i en hvilken som helst farve, du kunne tænke dig, og er så fuld af whisky, at den ikke kunne flyve væk, hvis den havde lyst til det. Herlig at have i nærheden hvis du beslutter dig for at spise den - drej bare hovedet og bid!" "[english]TF_DemoParrot_Desc" "This shoulder-mounted feathered friend comes in any color you like, and is so full of whiskey it couldn't fly off if it wanted to. Great to have around if you decide to eat it—just turn your head and bite!" "TF_DemoParrot_Style0" "Essentiel" "[english]TF_DemoParrot_Style0" "Essential" "TF_DemoParrot_Style1" "Fremtrædende" "[english]TF_DemoParrot_Style1" "Distinguished" "TF_DemoParrot_Style2" "Gennemtrængt" "[english]TF_DemoParrot_Style2" "Imbued" "TF_MedicUshanka" "Gentlemandens Pelshue" "[english]TF_MedicUshanka" "The Gentleman's Ushanka" "TF_MedicUshanka_Desc" "Denne pelsjægerhat i militærkvalitet, lavet med ægte tysk kaninpels, komplementerer officerens pelshue perfekt. Lad officeren i dit liv vide, at du altid er lige bag ham, med et Medi-gevær i hånden og en matchende garderobe." "[english]TF_MedicUshanka_Desc" "Made from genuine German rabbit fur, this military-grade trappers' hat makes the perfect complement to the Officer's Ushanka. Let the officer in your life know you'll always be right behind them, with a Medigun at the ready and a matching wardrobe." "TF_SpyOpenJacket" "Den Afslappede Forretningsmand" "[english]TF_SpyOpenJacket" "The Business Casual" "TF_SpyOpenJacket_Desc" "Det er afslappet forretning foran og mere afslappet forretning bagved. Og nu: Tjek siderne ud. Jep. Mere afslappet forretning der. Dæk alle baserne med afslappet forretning med denne uknappede habit." "[english]TF_SpyOpenJacket_Desc" "It's casual business up front, and more casual business in the back. Now: check those sides. Yep. It's casual business there too. Cover all the casual business bases with this unbuttoned suit jacket." "TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack" "Idétuben" "[english]TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack" "The Idea Tube" "TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack_Desc" "Denne lækre lædercylinder forbedrer dagbogen på alle måder. Har du hemmelige tanker? Skriv dem ned, rul dem sammen og smid dem i røret. Det er også utrolig nemt at finde en tanke, når du har brug for den. Bare tøm røret, og så er de der alle sammen. Du er bare én simpel udrulning fra at huske dem." "[english]TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack_Desc" "This handsome leather cylinder improves on the diary in every way. Do you have secret thoughts? Write 'em down, ball 'em up, and stuff 'em in the tube. It's incredibly easy to find a thought when you need it, too. Simply empty out the tube and there they all are. You're just one simple unballing away from remembering it." "TF_RobotChickenHat" "Robotkyllinghat" "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat" "Robot Chicken Hat" "TF_RobotChickenHat_Desc" "Hvorfor gik kyllingen VIRKELIG over vejen? For at blive ramt af en bil, stjålet af en gal videnskabsmand og blive forvandlet til en frygtindgydende cyborg, som du kan tage på hovedet. Så næste gang, du hører nogen fortælle den joke, så ret den selvfede humorist, for du har FAKTA." "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Desc" "Why did the chicken REALLY cross the road? To get hit by a car, stolen by a mad scientist, and transformed into a terrifying cyborg that you can wear on your head. So the next time you hear someone telling you that joke, set that smug joke-teller straight, because you've got the FACTS." "TF_RobotChickenHat_Style0" "Normal" "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Style0" "Normal" "TF_RobotChickenHat_Style1" "Næbløs" "[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Style1" "Beakless" "TF_Item_Goldfish_Burned" "Ristet Guldfisk" "[english]TF_Item_Goldfish_Burned" "Roasted Goldfish" "TF_Item_Goldfish_Burned_Desc" "Pyromania-opdateringen blev lige så hot, at den brændte alle dine mystiske skatte.\n\nDenne genstand har ikke længere nogen brug og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_Item_Goldfish_Burned_Desc" "The Pyromania Update just got so hot, it burned up all of your mysterious treasures.\n\nThis item no longer has any use and is purely decorative." "TF_Item_PocketLint_Burned" "Charred Pocket Lint" "[english]TF_Item_PocketLint_Burned" "Charred Pocket Lint" "TF_Item_PocketLint_Burned_Desc" "Pyromania-opdateringen blev lige så hot, at den brændte alle dine mystiske skatte.\n\nDenne genstand har ikke længere nogen brug og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_Item_PocketLint_Burned_Desc" "The Pyromania Update just got so hot, it burned up all of your mysterious treasures.\n\nThis item no longer has any use and is purely decorative." "TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Burned" "Smoked Cheese Wheel" "[english]TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Burned" "Smoked Cheese Wheel" "TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Burned_Desc" "Pyromania-opdateringen blev lige så hot, at den brændte alle dine mystiske skatte.\n\nDenne genstand har ikke længere nogen brug og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_Item_CheeseWheel_Burned_Desc" "The Pyromania Update just got so hot, it burned up all of your mysterious treasures.\n\nThis item no longer has any use and is purely decorative." "TF_Item_BananaPeel_Burned" "Burned Banana Peel" "[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Burned" "Burned Banana Peel" "TF_Item_BananaPeel_Burned_Desc" "Pyromania-opdateringen blev lige så hot, at den brændte alle dine mystiske skatte.\n\nDenne genstand har ikke længere nogen brug og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Burned_Desc" "The Pyromania Update just got so hot, it burned up all of your mysterious treasures.\n\nThis item no longer has any use and is purely decorative." "TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Burned" "Incinerated Barn Door Plank" "[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Burned" "Incinerated Barn Door Plank" "TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Burned_Desc" "Pyromania-opdateringen blev lige så hot, at den brændte alle dine mystiske skatte.\n\nDenne genstand har ikke længere nogen brug og er udelukkende dekorativ." "[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Burned_Desc" "The Pyromania Update just got so hot, it burned up all of your mysterious treasures.\n\nThis item no longer has any use and is purely decorative." "TF_Item_SecretDiary_FireProof" "Fireproof Secret Diary" "[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary_FireProof" "Fireproof Secret Diary" "TF_Item_SecretDiary_FireProof_Desc" "Den ryger lidt, men ser ellers ud til at være i god stand. Denne ting må være lavet af det samme, som de laver oldgamle astronauter af." "[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary_FireProof_Desc" "It's smoldering a little, but otherwise it seems okay. This thing must be built out of the same stuff they make ancient astronauts from." "RummageThroughAsh" "Rod gennem" "[english]RummageThroughAsh" "Rummage" "TF_Ash_Type" "Aske" "[english]TF_Ash_Type" "Ash" "TF_PileOfAsh" "Askebunke" "[english]TF_PileOfAsh" "Pile of Ash" "TF_PileOfAsh_Desc" "Det ser ud til, at det er noget deri...\n\nEfter d. 11/7/2012 vil bunken forsvinde." "[english]TF_PileOfAsh_Desc" "Looks like there's something in there...\n\nAfter 7/11/2012 this pile will disappear." "Msg_Dominating_What" "er BEDSTE VENNER med" "[english]Msg_Dominating_What" "is BEST FRIENDS with" "Msg_Revenge_What" "SLOG OP med" "[english]Msg_Revenge_What" "BROKE UP with" "doomsday_setup_goal" "Bring australiummet til raketsprænghovedet for at vinde spillet!" "[english]doomsday_setup_goal" "Deliver the Australium to the rocket warhead to win the game!" "Gametype_SD" "Special Delivery" "[english]Gametype_SD" "Special Delivery" "Achievement_Group_2400" "Doomsday-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2400" "Doomsday Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_WITH_RAINBOW_NAME" "Fuldspektrumkriger" "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_WITH_RAINBOW_NAME" "Full Spectrum Warrior" "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_WITH_RAINBOW_DESC" "Antænd 3 fjendtlige spillere ved at bruge dit Regnblæser-hån." "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_WITH_RAINBOW_DESC" "Ignite 3 enemy players using your Rainblower taunt." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_NAME" "Rumfartscenter" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_NAME" "Mission Control" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_DESC" "Saml australiummet op fra dets startposition og erobr det uden at tabe det." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_DESC" "Pick up the Australium from its home position and capture it without dropping it." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Flybesætning" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Flight Crew" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Spil i en kamp med fem eller flere spillere fra din venneliste." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Play in a game with five or more players from your Friends list." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Det Der med at Slås" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "The Fight Stuff" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 138 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 138 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Plan ni til det ydre rum" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Plan Nine to Outer Space" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Affyr raketten som alle 9 klasser." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Launch the rocket as all 9 classes." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_NAME" "Opstartsfejl" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_NAME" "Failure to Launch" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere, som er på elevatoren, inden for 10 sekunder." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Kill 3 players riding the elevator within 10 seconds." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Raketforstærker" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Rocket Booster" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Vind en runde efter det fjendtlige hold har åbnet raketdækslet." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round after the enemy team has opened the rocket lid." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Det idéele scenarie" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Best Case Scenario" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Dræb 6 fjender, som bærer på australiummet, i den samme runde." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 6 enemies carrying the Australium during the same round." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_NAME" "Vægtgrænse" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_NAME" "Cap-ogee" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Vind en runde med mindst 5 holdkammerater på elevatoren." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Win a round with at least 5 teammates on the elevator." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DENY_NEUTRAL_PICKUP_NAME" "Rumlejr" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DENY_NEUTRAL_PICKUP_NAME" "Space Camp" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DENY_NEUTRAL_PICKUP_DESC" "Dræb en fjende i området med den ødelagte kasse, mens vedkommende forsøger på at samle det neutrale Australium op." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DENY_NEUTRAL_PICKUP_DESC" "Kill an enemy within the broken crate area while they attempt to pick up the neutral Australium." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_INTO_EXHAUST_NAME" "Op- og nedsendt" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_INTO_EXHAUST_NAME" "Lift-offed" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_INTO_EXHAUST_DESC" "Skub en spiller ind i rakettens udstødningsbane ved slutningen af runden." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_INTO_EXHAUST_DESC" "Push a player into the rocket's exhaust path at the end of the round." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DEFEND_CARRIER_NAME" "Slip vildskaben løs" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DEFEND_CARRIER_NAME" "Escape Ferocity" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DEFEND_CARRIER_DESC" "Dræb en fjende som har skadet Australium-bæreren inden for de sidste 3 sekunder." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_DEFEND_CARRIER_DESC" "Kill an enemy who has damaged the Australium carrier in the last 3 seconds." "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Doomsday-milepæl" "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Doomsday Milestone" "TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Opnå 7 af præstationerne i Doomsday-pakken." "[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Doomsday pack." "TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_NAME" "Den store udluftning" "[english]TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_NAME" "The Great Deflate" "TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_DESC" "Dræb 79 fjender som har en Balloonicorn." "[english]TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_DESC" "Kill 79 enemies who have Balloonicorn pets." "TF_MULTIPLE_BFF_NAME" "BVF²" "[english]TF_MULTIPLE_BFF_NAME" "BFF²" "TF_MULTIPLE_BFF_DESC" "Hav 2 BEDSTE VENNER på en gang." "[english]TF_MULTIPLE_BFF_DESC" "Have 2 BEST FRIENDS at the same time." "TF_TEAM_PYROVISION_NAME" "Massehysteri" "[english]TF_TEAM_PYROVISION_NAME" "Mass Hysteria" "TF_TEAM_PYROVISION_DESC" "Få 6 holdkammerater til at bruge Pyrosyn på samme tid." "[english]TF_TEAM_PYROVISION_DESC" "Have 6 teammates using Pyrovision at the same time." "TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_NAME" "Et par friske øjne" "[english]TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_NAME" "A Fresh Pair of Eyes" "TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_DESC" "Dominer en spiller, som bruger Pyrosynsbrillerne, og gør dig fortjent til et par!" "[english]TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_DESC" "Dominate a player using the Pyrovision Goggles and earn your own pair!" "RI_BurnedItem" "brændte genstande" "[english]RI_BurnedItem" "burned items" "TF_Tool_ScorchedKey" "Forbrændt Nøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_ScorchedKey" "Scorched Key" "TF_Tool_ScorchedKey_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Forbrændte Kasser.\n\nEfter d. 11/7/2012 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_ScorchedKey_Desc" "Used to open Scorched Crates.\n\nAfter 7/11/2012 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_ScorchedCrate" "Forbrændt Kasse" "[english]TF_ScorchedCrate" "Scorched Crate" "TF_ScorchedCrate_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_ScorchedCrate_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "Attrib_DmgTaken_Increased" "%s1% sårbarhed over for skade for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_Increased" "%s1% damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_CancelFallingDamage" "Bærer tager aldrig faldskade" "[english]Attrib_CancelFallingDamage" "Wearer never takes falling damage" "Attrib_RageGainOnKill" "Få fokus på drab og assisterede drab" "[english]Attrib_RageGainOnKill" "Gain Focus on kills and assists" "Attrib_DamageDone_Bodyshot_Negative" "%s1% skade ved kropsskud" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Bodyshot_Negative" "%s1% damage on body shot" "Attrib_SniperRageDisplayOnly" "Tryk \"Genlad\" for at aktivere fokus\nVed fokus: +25% hurtigere opladning og ingen udzoomning" "[english]Attrib_SniperRageDisplayOnly" "Press 'Reload' to activate focus\nIn Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping" "Attrib_Projectile_Spread_Angle_Negative" "+%s1 graders tilfældig projektilafvigelse" "[english]Attrib_Projectile_Spread_Angle_Negative" "+%s1 degrees random projectile deviation" "Attrib_AutoFiresFullClip" "Hold skyd-knappen nede for at pålæsse tre raketter.\nSlip skyd-knappen for at udløse bombarderingen" "[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClip" "Hold Fire to load up to three rockets\nRelease Fire to unleash the barrage" "Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "Du er mærket til døden, mens du er aktiv såvel som lidt tid efter, du skifter våben" "[english]Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "You are Marked-For-Death while active, and for short period after switching weapons" "Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Nødblus skubber mål tilbage ved\ntræffer og eksploderer, når det rammer en fjende.\nØget tilbageslag på brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Flare knocks back target on hit\nand explodes when it hits the ground.\nIncreased knock back on burning players" "Attrib_CanOverload" "At overfylde løbet vil forårsage en eksplosion" "[english]Attrib_CanOverload" "Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire" "Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "Ved træffer: Opbygger Hype" "[english]Attrib_HypeOnDamage" "On Hit: Builds Hype" "Attrib_HypeResetsOnJump" "Boost reduceres ved lufthop" "[english]Attrib_HypeResetsOnJump" "Boost reduced on air jumps" "Attrib_PyroYearNumber" "Var vidne til %s1-infernoet" "[english]Attrib_PyroYearNumber" "Witnessed the %s1 inferno" "Attrib_NoPrimaryAmmoFromDispensers" "Ingen ammunition fra dispensere når aktiv" "[english]Attrib_NoPrimaryAmmoFromDispensers" "No ammo from dispensers when active" "Attrib_VisionOptInFlags" "Ved udstyring: Besøg Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_VisionOptInFlags" "On Equip: Visit Pyroland" "Attrib_PyrovisionOnly" "Kun synlig i Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_PyrovisionOnly" "Only visible in Pyroland" "TF_Unique_Pickaxe_EscapePlan" "Redningsplanen" "[english]TF_Unique_Pickaxe_EscapePlan" "The Escape Plan" "TF_SpectatePyroVision" "Når du ser på, kan du se verden fra en Pyros øjne" "[english]TF_SpectatePyroVision" "When Spectating, view world from the eyes of a Pyro" "TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Gengivelser ses fra en Pyros øjne" "[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replays are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro" "TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Bring autralium-kufferten til affyringsstedet." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Deliver the Australium suitcase to the deployment site." "TF_GameModeDetail_SD" "Begge hold kæmper om en enkelt australium-kuffert og æren af at levere den.\n\nNår kufferten tabes af fjenden skal du forsvare den, indtil den vender tilbage til det neutrale landingspunkt." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_SD" "Both teams fight over a single Australium suitcase and the honor of delivering it.\n\nWhen the suitcase is dropped by the enemy you'll need to defend it until it returns to the neutral drop site." "TF_Armory_Item_Scorched_Crate" "Denne kasse indeholder en genstand, men det er ikke tydeligt hvilken. Kassen vil forsvinde d. 11. juli, så du bør åbne den, før den er væk!" "[english]TF_Armory_Item_Scorched_Crate" "This crate contains an item, but it isn't clear what. The crate will disappear on July 11th, so you should open it before it's gone!" "TF_vote_no_maps" "Ingen baner tilgængelige" "[english]TF_vote_no_maps" "No maps available" "Tooltip_SpectatePyroVision" "Hvis valgt vil verden blive set i Pyrosyn, når der ses på" "[english]Tooltip_SpectatePyroVision" "If set, world will be viewed under Pyrovision when spectating" "Tooltip_ReplayPyroVision" "Hvis valgt vil gengivelser ses med Pyrosyn slået til" "[english]Tooltip_ReplayPyroVision" "If set, replays are viewed with Pyrovision enabled" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_1st" "ESL Season VI Premier Division 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_2nd" "ESL Season VI Premier Division 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_3rd" "ESL Season VI Premier Division 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_Participant" "ESL Season VI Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_1st" "ESL Season VI Division 1 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_2nd" "ESL Season VI Division 1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_3rd" "ESL Season VI Division 1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_1st" "ESL Season VI Division 2 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_2nd" "ESL Season VI Division 2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_3rd" "ESL Season VI Division 2 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_1st" "ESL Season VI Division 3 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_2nd" "ESL Season VI Division 3 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_3rd" "ESL Season VI Division 3 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_1st" "ESL Season VI Division 4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_2nd" "ESL Season VI Division 4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_3rd" "ESL Season VI Division 4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_1st" "ESL Season VI Division 5 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_2nd" "ESL Season VI Division 5 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VI Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_3rd" "ESL Season VI Division 5 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VI Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 5 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VII Premiership Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_1st" "ESL Season VII Premiership Division 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VII Premiership Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_2nd" "ESL Season VII Premiership Division 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VII Premiership Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_3rd" "ESL Season VII Premiership Division 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VII Premiership Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_Participant" "ESL Season VII Premiership Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_1st" "ESL Season VII Division 1 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_2nd" "ESL Season VII Division 1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_3rd" "ESL Season VII Division 1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_1st" "ESL Season VII Division 2 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_2nd" "ESL Season VII Division 2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VII Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_Participant" "ESL Season VII Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div3_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VII Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div3_Participant" "ESL Season VII Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_1st" "ESL Season VII Division 4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_2nd" "ESL Season VII Division 4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_3rd" "ESL Season VII Division 4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VII Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_Participant" "ESL Season VII Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_1st" "1.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_1st" "ESL Season VII Division 5 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_2nd" "ESL Season VII Division 5 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL Season VII Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_3rd" "ESL Season VII Division 5 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_Participant" "Deltager i ESL Season VII Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_Participant" "ESL Season VII Division 5 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div3" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div3" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5" "" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional" "Professionel Byboer-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional" "Urban Professional Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional_Desc" "Intet befaler respekt som en strikhue, solbriller og en utrolig stor snigskytteriffel:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional_Desc" "Nothing commands respect like a beanie, sunglasses and an incredibly large sniper rifle:" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_DumpsterDiver" "Klunser-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_DumpsterDiver" "Dumpster Diver Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_DumpsterDiver_Desc" "Endelig! Oplev rusen ved at være hjemløs fra dit eget hjems bekvemmeligheder:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_DumpsterDiver_Desc" "Finally! Experience the thrill of being homeless from the comfort of your own home:" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_PublicEnemy" "Samfundsfjende-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_PublicEnemy" "Public Enemy Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_PublicEnemy_Desc" "Skal du beslutte dig for, om du vil eller ikke vil starte dit egen forbrydersyndikat? Tag gangstertemperaturen med Samfundsfjende-bundtet:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_PublicEnemy_Desc" "Deciding whether or not to start your own crime syndicate? Test the gangster waters with the Public Enemy Bundle:" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Pyromania" "Pyromania-megabundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Pyromania" "Pyromania Mega Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Pyromania_Desc" "Hvis du købte alt dette udstyr separat, ville det koste over 100€. Hvis du køber det hele i dette bundt, ville det koste mindre. Så vi syntes, dit valg er klart: Køb dem separat. Vi beder dig." "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Pyromania_Desc" "If you bought all this gear separately, it would cost over $100. If you buy it all in this bundle, it would cost less. So we think the choice is clear: Buy them separately. Please?" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Community" "Sommer 2012-fællesskabsbundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Community" "Summer 2012 Community Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Community_Desc" "Sommer 2012-fællesskabsbundtet er fyldt med utrolige skabninger af medlemmer af TF2-fællesskabet. Så hvis du tilfældigvis er under prøveløsladelse, tæller det her nok som samfundstjeneste:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_Community_Desc" "The Summer 2012 Community Bundle is filled with amazing creations by members of the TF2 community. So if you happen to be on parole, this actually probably counts as community service:" "TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Promo" "Balloonicorn-kæledyrspromo" "[english]TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Promo" "Pet Balloonicorn Promo" "TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Pet_Balloonicorn_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Sandvich_Promo" "Sandvich-promo" "[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo" "Sandvich Promo" "TF_Sandvich_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Sandvich-boksen?" "[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package" "What's in the Sandvich Box?" "TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Sandvich-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold." "[english]TF_Sandvich_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Sandvich Box to reveal its contents." "TF_Companion_Square_Promo" "Companion Square-promo" "[english]TF_Companion_Square_Promo" "Companion Square Promo" "TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Ledsagerkube-boksen?" "[english]TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Package" "What's in the Companion Square Box?" "TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Companion Square-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold." "[english]TF_Companion_Square_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Companion Square Box to reveal its contents." "DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide_Multiple" "gjorde det af med" "[english]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide_Multiple" "finished off" "TF_Pyrovision_Vignette" "Pyrosyn: Kant" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Vignette" "Pyrovision Border" "TF_Pyrovision_Distortion" "Pyrosyn: Kantforvrængning" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Distortion" "Pyrovision Border Distortion" "TF_Pyrovision_Dof" "Pyrosyn: Skybox-skarphedsdybde" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Dof" "Pyrovision Skybox Depth of Field" "TF_Pyrovision_Enable" "Slå til" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Enable" "Enable" "TF_Pyrovision_Disable" "Slå fra" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Disable" "Disable" "TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Static" "Statisk" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Static" "Static" "TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Dynamic" "Dynamisk" "[english]TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Dynamic" "Dynamic" "StoreCheckout_LimitedQuantityItemsUnavailable" "Der er ikke nok af disse genstande tilbage til at købe." "[english]StoreCheckout_LimitedQuantityItemsUnavailable" "There are not enough of those items left available for purchase." "TF_MM_NoGC_Title" "Fejl" "[english]TF_MM_NoGC_Title" "Error" "TF_MM_NoGC" "Ikke tilsluttet TF-spilkoordinatortjenesten i øjeblikket. Prøv venligst igen om nogle få minutter." "[english]TF_MM_NoGC" "Not currently connected to the TF game coordinator service. Please try again in a few minutes." "TF_Matchmaking_Party" "Gruppe" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Party" "Party" "TF_Matchmaking_SearchForAll" "Søg efter: Igangværende spil" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SearchForAll" "Search for: Games in progress" "TF_Matchmaking_SearchForNew" "Søg efter: Kun nye spil" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SearchForNew" "Search for: New games only" "TF_Matchmaking_LongerThanAverage" "?" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_LongerThanAverage" "?" "TF_Matchmaking_About1Minute" "Omkring 1 minut" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_About1Minute" "About 1 minute" "TF_Matchmaking_NumMinutes" "%s1 minutter" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_NumMinutes" "%s1 minutes" "TF_Matchmaking_NoData" "?" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_NoData" "?" "TF_Matchmaking_AnySecondNow" "Når som helst nu!" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_AnySecondNow" "Any second now!" "TF_Matchmaking_LeaderName" "%s1 (leder)" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_LeaderName" "%s1 (leader)" "TF_Matchmaking_PleaseWait" "Vent venligst" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PleaseWait" "Please wait" "TF_Matchmaking_RestoringConnection" "Genopretter forbindelse til TF2-spilkoordinatoren..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RestoringConnection" "Restoring connection to TF2 game coordinator..." "TF_Matchmaking_Searching" "Søger%s1" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Searching" "Searching%s1" "TF_Matchmaking_SearchingDescription" "Søger efter kompatible spillere og spilservere nær dig." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SearchingDescription" "Searching for compatible players and gameservers near you." "TF_Matchmaking_EstimatedWaitTime" "Anslået ventetid:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_EstimatedWaitTime" "Estimated wait time:" "TF_Matchmaking_Gameservers" "Spilservere:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Gameservers" "Gameservers:" "TF_Matchmaking_GameserversInDetails" "%s1 tomme\n%s2 tilgængelige i gang\n%s3 fyldte i gang" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversInDetails" "%s1 empty\n%s2 in progress available\n%s3 in progress full" "TF_Matchmaking_StartSearch" "Begynd søgning" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartSearch" "Start Search" "TF_Matchmaking_CancelSearch" "<< Annuller søgning" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CancelSearch" "<< Cancel Search" "TF_Matchmaking_JoinInProgress" "Tilslut spil, der er i gang" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_JoinInProgress" "Join game in progress" "TF_Matchmaking_LobbyLeaderMustStart" "Gruppelederen skal starte søgningen." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_LobbyLeaderMustStart" "The party leader must start the search." "TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Inviter" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Invite" "TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Opret gruppe" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Create Party" "TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Tilbage" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Back" "TF_Matchmaking_Next" "Næste >>" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Next" "Next >>" "TF_Matchmaking_LeaveParty" "<< Forlad gruppe" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_LeaveParty" "<< Leave Party" "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer" "TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title" "Prøv quickplay-beta?" "[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title" "Try Quickplay Beta?" "TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message" "Du kan danne en søgegruppe med venner og finde en spilserver sammen med dem.\n\nBliv aldrig igen matchet ind i en tom server!" "[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message" "You can form a search party with friends and find a gameserver together.\n\nNever get matched into an empty server again!" "TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_YesButton" "Prøv det" "[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_YesButton" "Try it out" "TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_NoButton" "Nej tak" "[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_NoButton" "No thanks" "TF_Cleaver" "KØDKNIV" "[english]TF_Cleaver" "CLEAVER" "TF_playerid_ammo" " %s1" "[english]TF_playerid_ammo" " %s1" "TF_Weapon_Jar_Cleaver" "Kødkniv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar_Cleaver" "Cleaver" "TF_Wearable_Tattoos" "Tatoveringer" "[english]TF_Wearable_Tattoos" "Tattoos" "TF_Bundle_SleepingDogsBundle" "Triadebundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_SleepingDogsBundle" "Triad Bundle" "TF_Bundle_SleepingDogsBundle_Desc" "Snyd et utroligt voldeligt og hemmeligt underjordisk asiatisk forbrydersyndikat til at tro, at du er en af dem! Det er et velkendt faktum, at den første ting du får, når du bliver medlem af den kinesiske mafia, er en kødkniv, en masse tatoveringer og en særlig kinesisk mafiahjelm, der beskytter dit hoved, når du skyder dig selv mod rivaliserende bander ud af en ældgammel kinesisk forbryderkanon. Du bør dog være med fra starten, fordi i sidste ende bliver den kinesiske mafia klar over dette bundt og ændrer indholdet af deres komplimenterende indvielsesgavekurv." "[english]TF_Bundle_SleepingDogsBundle_Desc" "Trick an incredibly violent and secretive underground Asian crime syndicate into thinking you're one of them! It's a well-known fact that the first thing you get when you join the Chinese mafia is a meat cleaver, a bunch of tattoos, and a special Chinese mafia helmet that will protect your head when you launch yourself at rival gangs out of an ancient Chinese crime cannon. Get in on the ground floor, though, because eventually the Chinese mafia is going to get wise to this bundle and change the contents of their complementary initiation gift basket." "TF_Bundle_QuakeCon2012Bundle" "QuakeCon-bundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_QuakeCon2012Bundle" "QuakeCon Bundle" "TF_Bundle_QuakeCon2012Bundle_Desc" "Fejr QuakeCon2 2012 med dette sortiment af ikoniske genstande fra tyve års spilhistorie." "[english]TF_Bundle_QuakeCon2012Bundle_Desc" "Celebrate QuakeCon 2012 with this assortment of iconic items from twenty years of gaming history." "TF_Awes_Medal" "Awesomenauts-emblem" "[english]TF_Awes_Medal" "Awesomenauts Badge" "TF_Awes_Medal_Desc" "Dette emblem er et tegn på anerkendelse fra en anden lejesoldatsgruppe. Bare anerkendelse, okay? Det er ikke fordi de kan lide dig, eller noget. Det er ikke fordi de ville ønske, du måske ville have fulgt op på den \"Lejesoldatfest-invitation\", som de sendte dig for nogle uger siden. De er benhårde dræbere, forstår du? Der vil forresten være spinat-dip til festen." "[english]TF_Awes_Medal_Desc" "This badge is a sign of acknowledgment from another mercenary group. Just acknowledgment, all right? It's not like they like you or anything. It's not like they wish you'd maybe follow up on that Merc Party Invite they sent you a couple weeks ago. They're stone cold killers, you understand? Also there will be spinach dip at the party." "TF_Awes_Sniper" "Den Ensomme Stjerne" "[english]TF_Awes_Sniper" "The Lone Star" "TF_Awes_Sniper_Desc" "Du styrer showet i de her områder, og du fortjener derfor en stor hat med en stjerne. Størrelsen på hatten indikerer, hvor meget af showet, du styrer - hvilket i øvrigt er det hele. Ærlig talt, så ved vi ikke, hvordan folk får respekt uden denne hat." "[english]TF_Awes_Sniper_Desc" "You're runnin' the show in these here parts; you deserve a big hat with a star. The size of the hat is indicative of how much of the show you're running – which is all of it, by the way. Honestly, we really don't know how people get respect without this hat." "TF_Awes_Pyro" "Den Russiske Raketridder" "[english]TF_Awes_Pyro" "The Russian Rocketeer" "TF_Awes_Pyro_Desc" "Denne jetpack, det nyeste inden for fremdrift af rumprimater, er udelukkende blevet testet af aber! Vi kan ikke lægge nok vægt på, hvor få menneskelige prøveflyvninger, vi har gennemført med dette produkt!" "[english]TF_Awes_Pyro_Desc" "The latest in space-primate propulsion, this jet pack has been tested exclusively by apes! We can't stress enough how few human flight tests we've conducted with this product!" "TF_SD_Sapper" "Bureaukratioptageren" "[english]TF_SD_Sapper" "The Red-Tape Recorder" "TF_SD_Minigun" "Huo-Long Heder" "[english]TF_SD_Minigun" "The Huo-Long Heater" "TF_SD_Cleaver" "Den Flyvende Guillotine" "[english]TF_SD_Cleaver" "The Flying Guillotine" "TF_SD_Cleaver_Style0" "Tørstig" "[english]TF_SD_Cleaver_Style0" "Thirsty" "TF_SD_Cleaver_Style1" "Tørstigere" "[english]TF_SD_Cleaver_Style1" "Thirstier" "TF_SD_Sign" "Neon-annihilatoren" "[english]TF_SD_Sign" "The Neon Annihilator" "TF_SD_Chain" "Triadens Trendsætter" "[english]TF_SD_Chain" "The Triad Trinket" "TF_SD_Chain_Desc" "Klæder skaber folk, og smykker får folk til at se latterlige ud, hvis de ikke bæres rigtigt. Denne nedtonede guldkæde rammer en perfekt balance, der siger: \"Ja, jeg har en halskæde på, men jeg lod tiaraen være derhjemme.\"" "[english]TF_SD_Chain_Desc" "Clothes make the man, and jewelry makes the man look ridiculous if not worn correctly. This understated gold chain strikes a perfect balance that says, \"Yes, I'm wearing a necklace, but I left the tiara at home.\"" "TF_SD_Chain_Style0" "Bar" "[english]TF_SD_Chain_Style0" "Bare" "TF_SD_Chain_Style1" "Bjørn" "[english]TF_SD_Chain_Style1" "Bear" "TF_SD_Tattoos" "Mestermærket" "[english]TF_SD_Tattoos" "The Champ Stamp" "TF_SD_Tattoos_Desc" "Vis organiserede kriminelle kinesiske bander, hvem der er chefen, ved at bære deres seje tatoveringer uden rent faktisk at deltage i deres helt ulovlige kriminelle sammensværgelser! Bemærk: LAD VÆRE med rent faktisk at vise din nye tatovering til NOGEN i en organiseret kriminel kinesisk bande." "[english]TF_SD_Tattoos_Desc" "Show Chinese organized crime gangs who's boss by wearing their cool tattoos without actually participating in any of their totally illegal criminal conspiracies! Note: DO NOT actually show your new tattoo to ANYONE in a Chinese organized crime gang." "TF_SD_Glasses" "Marxmanden" "[english]TF_SD_Glasses" "The Marxman" "TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Alle ved, at latter er den bedste medicin. Men vidste du, at latter også er den bedste forklædning? Nej? Nå, men det gode er, at du ikke er betjent, der skal infiltrere den kinesiske mafia. Hov vent, det er du. OG NU ER DU DØD. Hør her, nybegynder, de her briller er hylende skægge." "[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that laughter is also the best disguise? No? Well, good thing you're not a cop infiltrating the Chinese mafia, then. Oh wait you are. AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD. Look, rookie, these glasses are hilarious." "TF_SD_Glasses_Style0" "Ingen cigar" "[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Style0" "No Cigar" "TF_SD_Glasses_Style1" "Ja, cigar" "[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Style1" "Yes, Cigar" "TF_SD_Helmet" "Den Menneskelige Kanonkugle" "[english]TF_SD_Helmet" "The Human Cannonball" "TF_SD_Helmet_Desc" "Spørg enhver vovehals om, hvad de sætter på hoveded før de skyder sig ud af en kanonkugle og svaret vil altid være det samme: en glasset, ufokuseret stirren fra adskillige års hovedtrauma. Hovedtrauma, som kunne have have været forhindret med denne skarpt udseende styrthjelm." "[english]TF_SD_Helmet_Desc" "Ask any daredevil what they strap onto their heads before getting shot out of a cannon and the answer will be the same: a glassy, unfocused stare from years of head trauma. Head trauma that could have been prevented with this sharp-looking crash helmet." "TF_SD_Helmet_Style0" "Styrt" "[english]TF_SD_Helmet_Style0" "Crash" "TF_SD_Helmet_Style1" "Brænd" "[english]TF_SD_Helmet_Style1" "Burn" "TF_SD_Helmet_Style2" "Overskriv" "[english]TF_SD_Helmet_Style2" "Override" "Attrib_Sapper_Damage_Penalty" "%s1% sapper-skadesstraf" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Damage_Penalty" "%s1% sapper damage penalty" "Attrib_Sapper_Health_Penalty" "%s1% sapper-helbredsstaf" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Health_Penalty" "%s1% sapper health penalty" "Attrib_Ring_Of_Fire_While_Aiming" "Skaber en ring af flammer, mens den spinnes op" "[english]Attrib_Ring_Of_Fire_While_Aiming" "Creates a ring of flames while spun up" "Attrib_Uses_Ammo_While_Aiming" "Opbruger %s1 ammunition per sekund mens der spinnes op" "[english]Attrib_Uses_Ammo_While_Aiming" "Consumes an additional %s1 ammo per second while spun up" "Attrib_Sapper_Degenerates_Buildings" "Omvender fjendtlige bygningers opgraderinger" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Degenerates_Buildings" "Reverses enemy building construction" "Attrib_Cleaver_Description" "Kast på dine fjender for at få dem til at bløde! Langdistancetræffere reducerer opladningstid" "[english]Attrib_Cleaver_Description" "Throw at your enemies to make them bleed! Long distance hits reduce recharge time" "Attrib_CritVsStunned" "100% chance for kritisk skade mod lammede spillere" "[english]Attrib_CritVsStunned" "100% critical hit vs stunned players" "Attrib_CritVsWet" "100% chance for kritisk skade mod våde spillere" "[english]Attrib_CritVsWet" "100% critical hit vs wet players" "TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Tomme spilservere:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Empty gameservers:" "TF_Matchmaking_GameserversSlotsAvail" "Aktive spilservere:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversSlotsAvail" "Active gameservers:" "TF_Matchmaking_GameserversFull" "Fyldte spilservere:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversFull" "Full gameservers:" "TF_Matchmaking_Players" "Spillere i kø:" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Players" "Players in queue:" "TF_Matchmaking_Worldwide" "Hele verden" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Worldwide" "Worldwide" "TF_Matchmaking_NearYou" "Nær dig" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_NearYou" "Near You" "TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailTitle" "Fejl" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailTitle" "Error" "TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailMessage" "Kunne ikke acceptere invitation om at deltage i søgegruppen. Gruppen er muligvis allerede blevet opløst." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailMessage" "Failed to accept invite to join search party. The party may have already been disbanded." "ClassTips_1_Count" "8" "[english]ClassTips_1_Count" "8" "ClassTips_1_2" "Dobbelthop mens du er i luften!" "[english]ClassTips_1_2" "Double jump while in the air!" "ClassTips_1_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_1_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_1_4_MvM" "Du indsamler kreditter i en stor radius" "[english]ClassTips_1_4_MvM" "You collect credits in a large radius" "ClassTips_1_5_MvM" "Du får helbred fra kreditter" "[english]ClassTips_1_5_MvM" "You gain health from credits" "ClassTips_1_6_MvM" "Vend tilbage med det samme!" "[english]ClassTips_1_6_MvM" "Instantly respawn!" "ClassTips_1_7_MvM" "En Manisk Mælk-opgradering sinker mål" "[english]ClassTips_1_7_MvM" "Mad Milk upgrade slows targets" "ClassTips_1_8_MvM" "En Ole Lukøje-opgradering lader baseballs bruge effekten \"mærket til døden\"" "[english]ClassTips_1_8_MvM" "Sandman upgrade allows baseballs to apply Marked-For-Death effect" "ClassTips_2_Count" "7" "[english]ClassTips_2_Count" "7" "ClassTips_2_2" "Sigt efter hovedet for at gøre kritisk skade!" "[english]ClassTips_2_2" "Aim for the head to do critical hits!" "ClassTips_2_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_2_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_2_4_MvM" "En Jarate-opgradering sinker mål" "[english]ClassTips_2_4_MvM" "Jarate upgrade slows targets" "ClassTips_2_5_MvM" "Opgrader din gen-zoom- og opladningshastighed" "[english]ClassTips_2_5_MvM" "Upgrade your re-scope and charge speed" "ClassTips_2_6_MvM" "Opgrader din våbenskade!" "[english]ClassTips_2_6_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!" "ClassTips_2_7_MvM" "Opgrader skud og pile til at passere gennem alle fjender" "[english]ClassTips_2_7_MvM" "Upgrade bullets and arrows to pass through all enemies" "ClassTips_3_Count" "7" "[english]ClassTips_3_Count" "7" "ClassTips_3_2" "Brug din raketkaster til at rakethoppe!" "[english]ClassTips_3_2" "Use your rocket launcher to rocket jump!" "ClassTips_3_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_3_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_3_4_MvM" "Opgrader din våbenskade!" "[english]ClassTips_3_4_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!" "ClassTips_3_5_MvM" "Opgrader skyde- og ladningshastighed" "[english]ClassTips_3_5_MvM" "Upgrade firing and reload speed" "ClassTips_3_6_MvM" "Opgrader ammunition- og magasinstørrelse" "[english]ClassTips_3_6_MvM" "Upgrade ammo and clip capacity" "ClassTips_3_7_MvM" "Opgrader din Buff-banner-varighed" "[english]ClassTips_3_7_MvM" "Upgrade your buff banner duration" "ClassTips_4_Count" "7" "[english]ClassTips_4_Count" "7" "ClassTips_4_2" "Klæbebombehop ved at hoppe på en klæbebombe, idet du detonerer den!" "[english]ClassTips_4_2" "Stickybomb jump by standing on a stickybomb and jumping as you detonate it!" "ClassTips_4_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_4_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_4_4_MvM" "Opgrader din våbenskade!" "[english]ClassTips_4_4_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!" "ClassTips_4_5_MvM" "Opgrader din skyde- og ladningshastighed" "[english]ClassTips_4_5_MvM" "Upgrade firing and reload speed" "ClassTips_4_6_MvM" "Opgrader ammunition- og magasinstørrelse" "[english]ClassTips_4_6_MvM" "Upgrade ammo and clip capacity" "ClassTips_4_7_MvM" "Opgrader din skjold-angrebsnedkøling" "[english]ClassTips_4_7_MvM" "Upgrade your Shield Charge cooldown" "ClassTips_5_Count" "9" "[english]ClassTips_5_Count" "9" "ClassTips_5_2" "Brug en fuld ÜberLadning for at give usårlighed til både dig og dit healing-mål!" "[english]ClassTips_5_2" "Use a full ÜberCharge to gain invulnerability for you and your Medi Gun target!" "ClassTips_5_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_5_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_5_4_MvM" "Opgrader dit Medi-geværs helingshastighed" "[english]ClassTips_5_4_MvM" "Upgrade your medigun's healing rate" "ClassTips_5_5_MvM" "Opgrader din overhelingsmængde og -varighed" "[english]ClassTips_5_5_MvM" "Upgrade your overheal amount and duration" "ClassTips_5_6_MvM" "Opgrader din ÜberLadnings ladningshastighed og varighed" "[english]ClassTips_5_6_MvM" "Upgrade your Übercharge charge rate and duration" "ClassTips_5_7_MvM" "Del Power Up-flaskeeffekter med dit helingsmål!" "[english]ClassTips_5_7_MvM" "Share Power Up Canteen effects with your heal target!" "ClassTips_6_Count" "7" "[english]ClassTips_6_Count" "7" "ClassTips_6_2_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_6_2_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_6_3_MvM" "Opgrader din affyringshastighed" "[english]ClassTips_6_3_MvM" "Upgrade your firing speed" "ClassTips_6_4_MvM" "Opgrader din ammunitionskapacitet" "[english]ClassTips_6_4_MvM" "Upgrade your ammo capacity" "ClassTips_6_5_MvM" "Opgrader skud til at gå gennem fjender" "[english]ClassTips_6_5_MvM" "Upgrade bullets to pass through enemies" "ClassTips_6_6_MvM" "Skyd raketter og granater ned!" "[english]ClassTips_6_6_MvM" "Shoot down rockets and grenades!" "ClassTips_6_7_MvM" "Opnå raseri ved skade og hån for at skubbe fjender hårdt tilbage med din rullekanon!" "[english]ClassTips_6_7_MvM" "Gain rage on damage and taunt to add massive knockback to your minigun!" "ClassTips_7_Count" "7" "[english]ClassTips_7_Count" "7" "ClassTips_7_2" "Din flammekaster er mere effektiv, jo tættere du er på dit mål!" "[english]ClassTips_7_2" "Your flamethrower is more effective the closer you are to your target!" "ClassTips_7_3_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_7_3_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_7_4_MvM" "Luftstødsopgraderinger hjælper med at stoppe bombebærere og løbere" "[english]ClassTips_7_4_MvM" "Airblast upgrade helps stop bomb carriers and runners" "ClassTips_7_5_MvM" "Opgrader flammekasterens brandskade og -varighed" "[english]ClassTips_7_5_MvM" "Upgrade flamethrower's afterburn damage and duration" "ClassTips_7_6_MvM" "Ograder din ammunitionskapacitet" "[english]ClassTips_7_6_MvM" "Upgrade your ammo capacity" "ClassTips_7_7_MvM" "Opgrader din flammekasters direkte skade" "[english]ClassTips_7_7_MvM" "Upgrade your flamethrower's direct damage" "ClassTips_8_Count" "8" "[english]ClassTips_8_Count" "8" "ClassTips_8_2" "Skjul dig selv for at undgå at blive set!" "[english]ClassTips_8_2" "Cloak yourself to avoid being seen!" "ClassTips_8_3" "Rygstik dine fjender med din kniv for et øjeblikkeligt drab!" "[english]ClassTips_8_3" "Backstab your enemies with your knife for an instant kill!" "ClassTips_8_4" "Plant sappere på fjendtlige sentries for at ødelægge dem!" "[english]ClassTips_8_4" "Plant sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them!" "ClassTips_8_5_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_8_5_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_8_6_MvM" "Sapper-opgraderinger lammer og sløver robotter i en radius" "[english]ClassTips_8_6_MvM" "Sapper upgrade stuns and slows robots in a radius" "ClassTips_8_7_MvM" "Du gør skjulte spies omkring dig synlige for dit hold!" "[english]ClassTips_8_7_MvM" "You make cloaked enemy spies around you visible to your team!" "ClassTips_8_8_MvM" "Tilføj rustningspenetrering til din kniv for at gøre det af med kæmperobotter!" "[english]ClassTips_8_8_MvM" "Add Armor Piercing to your knife to help take down Giant Robots!" "ClassTips_9_Count" "8" "[english]ClassTips_9_Count" "8" "ClassTips_9_2" "Byg sentries for at forsvare din base! Opgrader dem til level 3!" "[english]ClassTips_9_2" "Build sentry guns to defend your base! Upgrade them to level 3!" "ClassTips_9_3" "Byg teleportere for at hjælpe holdkammerater frem!" "[english]ClassTips_9_3" "Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!" "ClassTips_9_4_MvM" "== I Mann vs. Machine ==" "[english]ClassTips_9_4_MvM" "== In Mann vs. Machine ==" "ClassTips_9_5_MvM" "Opgrader din sentry til at skyde hurtigere!" "[english]ClassTips_9_5_MvM" "Upgrade your sentry to shoot faster!" "ClassTips_9_6_MvM" "Byg adskillige sentries!" "[english]ClassTips_9_6_MvM" "Build multiple sentries!" "ClassTips_9_7_MvM" "Gør dine teleportere bi-direktionelle!" "[english]ClassTips_9_7_MvM" "Make your teleporters bi-directional!" "ClassTips_9_8_MvM" "Opgrader din dispensers helings- og genforsyningsrækkevidde" "[english]ClassTips_9_8_MvM" "Upgrade your dispenser's heal and resupply range" "ClassTips_12_Count" "1" "[english]ClassTips_12_Count" "1" "TF_Welcome_mann_vs_machine" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome_mann_vs_machine" "Welcome" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Wrench" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_Knife_MVMLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Knife" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Rullekanon - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Raketkaster - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Flammekaster - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Haglspreder - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Wrench" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_Knife_MVMLootGold" "Botdræbende Kniv - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Knife" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant" "Deltager i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant" "Ready Steady Pan Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season1" "Sæson 1\nTak for hjælpen!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season1" "Season 1\nThanks for Helping!" "TF_Wearable_Cigar" "Cigar" "[english]TF_Wearable_Cigar" "Cigar" "TF_Wearable_Botkiller" "Botdræber" "[english]TF_Wearable_Botkiller" "Botkiller" "TF_Usable_PowerupBottle" "Power Up-flaske" "[english]TF_Usable_PowerupBottle" "Power Up Canteen" "TF_Usable_PowerupBottle_Desc" "Giver en bonus-effekt i en begrænset tidsperiode når brugt. Skal først fyldes op ved en opgraderingsstation og kan kun fyldes med én bonus-type ad gangen." "[english]TF_Usable_PowerupBottle_Desc" "Applies a bonus effect for a limited amount of time when used. Must first be filled at an Upgrade Station and can only be filled with one bonus type at a time." "TF_Bundle_HA_Gold" "Hero Academy-guldpakke" "[english]TF_Bundle_HA_Gold" "Hero Academy Gold Pack" "TF_Bundle_HA_Gold_Desc" "Dette heroiske bundt indeholder et gaveeksemplar af Hero Academy med al tilhørende DLC på Steam, såvel som fire Hero Academy-tematiserede hatte:" "[english]TF_Bundle_HA_Gold_Desc" "This heroic bundle contains a gift copy of Hero Academy with all DLC on Steam, as well as all four Hero Academy-themed hats:" "SteamPackage_HA_Council" "Hero Academy with Council and TF2 Armies" "[english]SteamPackage_HA_Council" "Hero Academy with Council and TF2 Armies" "SteamPackage_HA_DarkElves" "Hero Academy Dark Elves Army" "[english]SteamPackage_HA_DarkElves" "Hero Academy Dark Elves Army" "SteamPackage_HA_Dwarves" "Hero Academy Dwarves Army" "[english]SteamPackage_HA_Dwarves" "Hero Academy Dwarves Army" "SteamPackage_HA_Tribe" "Hero Academy Tribe Army" "[english]SteamPackage_HA_Tribe" "Hero Academy Tribe Army" "SteamPackage_HA_GoldPack" "Hero Academy-guldpakke (alt DLC)" "[english]SteamPackage_HA_GoldPack" "Hero Academy Gold Pack (all DLC)" "TF_Bundle_ArchimedesPromo" "Archimedes-promo" "[english]TF_Bundle_ArchimedesPromo" "Archimedes Promo" "TF_Bundle_STSBundle" "Steam-oversættelsesbundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_STSBundle" "Steam Translation Bundle" "TF_HA_Demo" "Grenaderens Hjelm" "[english]TF_HA_Demo" "The Grenadier Helm" "TF_HA_Demo_Desc" "Argghhh! Du er sur! Og du er lille! Og du har behov for at udtrykke disse fakta via ét enkelt stykke udstyr! Fastspænd Grenaderens Hjelm og send dine fjender til det niveau af Dværgehelvedet, du synes er passende." "[english]TF_HA_Demo_Desc" "Argghhh! You're angry! And you're small! And you need to convey these facts through a single accessory! Strap on the Grenadier Helm and send your enemies to whatever level of Dwarfish hell you deem appropriate." "TF_HA_Pyro" "Tribalistiske Knogler" "[english]TF_HA_Pyro" "The Tribal Bones" "TF_HA_Pyro_Desc" "Intet ritual, der resulterer i sanseløs ødelæggelse af menneskeliv på opfordring af en vred gud, er fuldstændig uden en halskæde med stammehalskæde af knogler. Som alle vores mødre af en eller anden underlig grund sagde, hvis du har tænkt dig at lave menneskeofringer, så skal du også se sådan ud." "[english]TF_HA_Pyro_Desc" "No ritual that results in the senseless destruction of human life at the behest of an angry god is complete without a Tribal Bones necklace. Like all of our mothers weirdly happened to say, if you're going to do some human sacrifices, you gotta look the part." "TF_HA_Scout" "Tomrummets Munkehår" "[english]TF_HA_Scout" "The Void Monk Hair" "TF_HA_Scout_Desc" "Kanaliser al den elegance og mystik, en elver har, med kun den halve indbildskhed med Void Monk Hair. Også inkluderet i købet: Feminint godt udseende. Men det havde du allerede, havde du ikke, din lækkerbisken." "[english]TF_HA_Scout_Desc" "Channel all the elegance and mystique of an elf with only half the pretention with the Void Monk Hair. Also included with purchase: effeminate good looks. But you already had those, didn't you, you handsome devil." "TF_HA_Spy" "Ninjaens Kutte" "[english]TF_HA_Spy" "The Ninja Cowl" "TF_HA_Spy_Desc" "Hvis der er én ting, som damerne/mændene elsker, så er det mystik. Og hvad er mere mystisk end at dække hele dit ansigt med en ninjamaske? \"Du godeste, jeg kan ikke se noget af den mands ansigt!\" vil de udbryde. \"Han må have en frygtelig hemmelighed, som jeg vil afsløre med min kærlighed.\"" "[english]TF_HA_Spy_Desc" "If there's one thing that the ladies/men love, it's mystery. And what's more mysterious than covering your entire face with a Ninja Cowl? \"Oh my, I can't see any of that man's face!\" they'll exclaim. \"He must have a terrible secret I will uncover with my love.\"" "TF_Pet_Robro" "RoBro 3000" "[english]TF_Pet_Robro" "The RoBro 3000" "TF_Pet_Robro_Desc" "RoBro 3000 dækker dig ikke bare i kamp! Om du er på slagmarken, i byen, sover i sengen eller på toilettet, vil du altid have en ven i RoBro 3000, som ikke kommer med en \"OFF\"-knap og ikke kan lukkes ned. RoBro optager endda alt, du laver, om du vil det eller ej. Det er ikke engang noget, der er blevet installeret på — det er bare noget, den gør af sine egne mystiske grunde!" "[english]TF_Pet_Robro_Desc" "The RoBro 3000 doesn't just watch your back in battle! Whether you're on the battlefield, out on the town, sleeping in bed or on the toilet, you'll always have a friend in the RoBro, which comes with no \"OFF\" switch and cannot be shut down. The RoBro even tapes everything you do, whether you want it to or not. It's not even a feature we installed on the RoBro—it's just something it does for its own mysterious reasons!" "TF_Archimedes" "Archimedes" "[english]TF_Archimedes" "Archimedes" "TF_Archimedes_Desc" "Før Medicen tog sig af Archimedes, arbejdede han som bryllupsdue. Selvom det tjente godt, følte han altid, at der manglede noget. Han kiggede tilbage på den dag, Medicen stjal madvognen under premierministerens bryllup, som den bedste dag i hans liv. Han har gravet sig ned i uvidende patienters brystkasser siden da." "[english]TF_Archimedes_Desc" "Before Archimedes came into the Medic's care, he made his living through wedding dovery. A lucrative trade, but he always felt something was missing. He looks back on the day that the Medic stole that catering van during the prime minister's wedding as the best day of his life. He's been burrowing into the chests of unwitting patients ever since." "TF_MvM_ChallengeBadge" "Operation Stålfælde-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_ChallengeBadge" "Operation Steel Trap Badge" "TF_MvM_ChallengeBadge_Desc" "Du har accepteret udfordringen til Mann Up i Operation Steel Trap" "[english]TF_MvM_ChallengeBadge_Desc" "You have accepted the challenge to Mann Up in Operation Steel Trap" "TF_SoldierCigar" "Soldierens Cigar" "[english]TF_SoldierCigar" "The Soldier's Stogie" "TF_SoldierCigar_Desc" "Nogle gange er en cigar bare en cigar. Og nogle gange, som med denne håndrullede Soldier-cigar, er det grus, gødning, menneskehår og taco-krydderi pakket ind i gamle plastre." "[english]TF_SoldierCigar_Desc" "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes, as is the case with this hand-rolled Soldier cigar, it's gravel, manure, human hair, and taco seasoning wrapped up in old band-aids." "koth_king_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "[english]koth_king_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "TF_KongKing" "Kong King" "[english]TF_KongKing" "Kong King" "TF_MapToken_KongKing" "Banefrimærke - Kong King" "[english]TF_MapToken_KongKing" "Map Stamp - Kong King" "TF_MapToken_KongKing_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Kong King-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_KongKing_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Kong King community map. Show your support today!" "Msg_DefendedBomb" "beskyttede bomben!" "[english]Msg_DefendedBomb" "defended the bomb!" "TF_Object_Sentry_Disp" "Disponibel Sentry" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry_Disp" "Disposable Sentry Gun" "Tournament_WaitingForTeam" "Venter på at holdene organiserer sig" "[english]Tournament_WaitingForTeam" "Waiting for team to organize" "Tournament_Countdown_NoCancel" "Begynder om %s1 sekunder..." "[english]Tournament_Countdown_NoCancel" "Starting in %s1 seconds..." "Tournament_Countdown_Sec_NoCancel" "Begynder om %s1 sekund..." "[english]Tournament_Countdown_Sec_NoCancel" "Starting in %s1 second..." "Tournament_CountDownTime" "%s1" "[english]Tournament_CountDownTime" "%s1" "Tournament_PlayerReady" "Klar" "[english]Tournament_PlayerReady" "Ready" "Tournament_PlayerNotReady" "Ikke klar" "[english]Tournament_PlayerNotReady" "Not Ready" "Tournament_PlayerExpected" "Tilslutter" "[english]Tournament_PlayerExpected" "Connecting" "Tournament_Instructions_Ready" "F4 = Klar/ikke klar" "[english]Tournament_Instructions_Ready" "F4 = Toggle Ready" "Tournament_Instructions_Waiting" "Venter på spillere" "[english]Tournament_Instructions_Waiting" "Waiting For Players" "Gametype_MVM" "Mann vs. Machine" "[english]Gametype_MVM" "Mann vs. Machine" "StatSummary_Label_BestMVMMoments" "DINE BEDSTE MVM-ØJEBLIKKE" "[english]StatSummary_Label_BestMVMMoments" "YOUR BEST MVM MOMENTS" "Building_hud_disp_sentry_not_built" "Disponibel Sentry\nIkke bygget" "[english]Building_hud_disp_sentry_not_built" "Disposable Sentry\nNot Built" "Achievement_Group_2300" "Mann vs. Machine-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2300" "Mann vs. Machine Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_POP_FILE_NAME" "Stålmord" "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_POP_FILE_NAME" "Steel Fragnolias" "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_POP_FILE_DESC" "Gennemfør alle bølger i en mission." "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_POP_FILE_DESC" "Complete all waves successfully in a mission." "TF_MVM_EARN_MONEY_BONUS_NAME" "Maskinkrigsførsel Betaler Sig" "[english]TF_MVM_EARN_MONEY_BONUS_NAME" "Wage Against the Machine" "TF_MVM_EARN_MONEY_BONUS_DESC" "Tjen en pengebonus ved slutningen af en runde." "[english]TF_MVM_EARN_MONEY_BONUS_DESC" "Earn a credit bonus at the end of a wave." "TF_MVM_ADVANCED_EARN_ALL_BONUSES_NAME" "Fra Mord til Massemillionær" "[english]TF_MVM_ADVANCED_EARN_ALL_BONUSES_NAME" "Frags to Riches" "TF_MVM_ADVANCED_EARN_ALL_BONUSES_DESC" "Optjen alle pengebonusser i en avanceret mission." "[english]TF_MVM_ADVANCED_EARN_ALL_BONUSES_DESC" "Earn all credit bonuses in an advanced difficulty mission." "TF_MVM_PICKUP_MONEY_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_NAME" "Hurtig Cache" "[english]TF_MVM_PICKUP_MONEY_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_NAME" "Fast Cache" "TF_MVM_PICKUP_MONEY_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_DESC" "Saml en bunke kreditter op, som er ved at udløbe." "[english]TF_MVM_PICKUP_MONEY_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE_DESC" "Pick up a credit pile that is about to expire." "TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_NAME" "T-1000000" "[english]TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_NAME" "T-1000000" "TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_DESC" "Indsaml 1.000.000 kredit i din karriere." "[english]TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_DESC" "Collect 1,000,000 credits in your career." "TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Stålbroderskab" "[english]TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Brotherhood of Steel" "TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Gennemfør en mission med 5 spillere på din venneliste." "[english]TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Complete a mission with 5 people on your Friends List." "TF_MVM_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Altmulighacker" "[english]TF_MVM_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Hack of All Trades" "TF_MVM_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Spil en hel mission som én klasse og gør dette for hver klasse." "[english]TF_MVM_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Play an entire mission as a single class, and do this for every class." "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_NAME" "Urværkmassakre" "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_NAME" "Clockwork Carnage" "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_DESC" "Ødelæg to tanks inden for 5 sekunder af hinanden." "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_DESC" "Destroy two tanks within 5 seconds of each other." "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_WHILE_DEPLOYING_NAME" "Balls-E" "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_WHILE_DEPLOYING_NAME" "Balls-E" "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_WHILE_DEPLOYING_DESC" "Ødelæg en tank få sekunder før dens bombe udløses." "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_WHILE_DEPLOYING_DESC" "Destroy the tank during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed." "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_NAME" "Erobrer af Urværk" "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_NAME" "Clockwork Conqueror" "TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_DESC" "Ødelæg en tank inden for 20 sekunder efter den ankommer." "[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_DESC" "Destroy a tank within 20 seconds of its arrival." "TF_MVM_DEFEND_CAP_NAME" "Spam-blokker" "[english]TF_MVM_DEFEND_CAP_NAME" "Spam Blocker" "TF_MVM_DEFEND_CAP_DESC" "I løbet af én bølge: Forsvar slusen 10 gange fra robotter, som er ved at levere bomben." "[english]TF_MVM_DEFEND_CAP_DESC" "During a wave, defend the hatch 10 times from robots about to deliver a bomb." "TF_MVM_KILL_BOMB_CARRIERS_NAME" ".exe-bøddel" "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_BOMB_CARRIERS_NAME" ".executioner" "TF_MVM_KILL_BOMB_CARRIERS_DESC" "Dræb 15 bombebærende robotter i træk, før de når at stige i niveau, i én bølge." "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_BOMB_CARRIERS_DESC" "In a single wave, kill 15 bomb-carrying robots in a row before they level up." "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_WAVE_WITHOUT_DYING_NAME" "Deus Ex Machina" "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_WAVE_WITHOUT_DYING_NAME" "Deus Ex Machina" "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_WAVE_WITHOUT_DYING_DESC" "Besejr en bølge i en mission på avanceret sværhedsgrad uden at dø én eneste gang." "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_WAVE_WITHOUT_DYING_DESC" "Defeat a wave in an advanced difficulty mission without dying once." "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_TOUR_NAME" "Angrebsarrangement" "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_TOUR_NAME" "Raid Array" "TF_MVM_COMPLETE_TOUR_DESC" "Gennemfør missionerne Crash Course, Doe's Drill og Mann-euvers." "[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_TOUR_DESC" "Complete the Crash Course, Doe's Drill, and Mann-euvers missions." "TF_MVM_USE_TELEPORT_BOTTLE_NAME" "Spøgelse i Maskinen" "[english]TF_MVM_USE_TELEPORT_BOTTLE_NAME" "Ghost in the Machine" "TF_MVM_USE_TELEPORT_BOTTLE_DESC" "Aktiver en Power Up-flaske med \"Teleporter til base\" og dræb derefter bombebæreren inden for 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_MVM_USE_TELEPORT_BOTTLE_DESC" "Use a canteen charged with 'Teleport to Spawn' and then kill the bomb carrier within 5 seconds." "TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_NAME" "Kritisk Terror" "[english]TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_NAME" "Kritical Terror" "TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_DESC" "Aktiver en Power Up-flaske med \"Krit-boost\" og destruer en kæmperobot." "[english]TF_MVM_USE_CRIT_BOTTLE_DESC" "Use a canteen charged with 'Crit Boost' to destroy a giant robot." "TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_NAME" "Tysk Teknik" "[english]TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_NAME" "German Engineering" "TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_DESC" "Aktiver en Power Up-flaske med \"ÜberLadning\" og destruer 15 robotter." "[english]TF_MVM_USE_UBER_BOTTLE_DESC" "Use a canteen charged with 'ÜberCharge' to destroy 15 robots." "TF_MVM_USE_BUILD_BOTTLE_NAME" "Gendan" "[english]TF_MVM_USE_BUILD_BOTTLE_NAME" "Undelete" "TF_MVM_USE_BUILD_BOTTLE_DESC" "I løbet af én bølge: Byg en ny Sentry Gun inden for 3 sekunder, efter din forrige bliver destrueret, ved at aktive en Power Up-flaske med \"Bygningsopgradering\"." "[english]TF_MVM_USE_BUILD_BOTTLE_DESC" "During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Instant Building Upgrade' to build a new sentry gun within 3 seconds of your previous sentry gun's destruction." "TF_MVM_USE_AMMO_BOTTLE_NAME" "Udvidet ammunitionsbælte" "[english]TF_MVM_USE_AMMO_BOTTLE_NAME" "Shell Extension" "TF_MVM_USE_AMMO_BOTTLE_DESC" "I løbet af én bølge: Brug en Power Up-flaske med \"Ammunitionsgenopfyldning\" til at genfylde et våben, der er løbet tør." "[english]TF_MVM_USE_AMMO_BOTTLE_DESC" "During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Ammo Reload' to refill an empty weapon slot." "TF_MVM_MAX_PRIMARY_UPGRADES_NAME" "Systemopgradering" "[english]TF_MVM_MAX_PRIMARY_UPGRADES_NAME" "System Upgrade" "TF_MVM_MAX_PRIMARY_UPGRADES_DESC" "Maksimer alle primære våbenopgraderinger." "[english]TF_MVM_MAX_PRIMARY_UPGRADES_DESC" "Max out all primary weapon upgrades." "TF_MVM_MAX_PLAYER_RESISTANCES_NAME" "Maksimal Ydeevne" "[english]TF_MVM_MAX_PLAYER_RESISTANCES_NAME" "Maximum Performance" "TF_MVM_MAX_PLAYER_RESISTANCES_DESC" "Maksimerer alle de forskellige typer resistens på en enkelt klasse." "[english]TF_MVM_MAX_PLAYER_RESISTANCES_DESC" "Max out all resistances on a single class." "TF_MVM_NO_ALARMS_IN_FINAL_WAVE_NAME" "Motorstop" "[english]TF_MVM_NO_ALARMS_IN_FINAL_WAVE_NAME" "Engine Block" "TF_MVM_NO_ALARMS_IN_FINAL_WAVE_DESC" "Forhindr bomben i nogensinde at nå alarmzonen under den sidste bølge i en mission på avanceret sværhedsgrad." "[english]TF_MVM_NO_ALARMS_IN_FINAL_WAVE_DESC" "Prevent the bomb from ever reaching an alarm zone during the final wave of an advanced difficulty mission." "TF_MVM_KILL_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "Negativ Ladning" "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "Negative Charge" "TF_MVM_KILL_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Dræb 5 Medics, der er klar til at bruge en ÜberLadning, i én bølge." "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Kill 5 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge in a wave." "TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_NAME" "Siliciumslagtning" "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_NAME" "Silicon Slaughter" "TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_DESC" "Ødelæg 100.000 robotter." "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 100,000 robots." "TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_NAME" "Metalmassakre" "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_NAME" "Metal Massacre" "TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_DESC" "Ødelæg 1.000.000 robotter." "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 1,000,000 robots." "TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Ctrl + Angrib + Destruer" "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Ctrl + Assault + Delete" "TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_DESC" "Ødelæg en sentry buster før den når sit mål." "[english]TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_DESC" "Destroy a sentry buster before it reaches its target." "TF_MVM_SPY_SAP_ROBOTS_NAME" "Snu spænding" "[english]TF_MVM_SPY_SAP_ROBOTS_NAME" "Sly Voltage" "TF_MVM_SPY_SAP_ROBOTS_DESC" "Sap 10 robotter på samme tid som Spy." "[english]TF_MVM_SPY_SAP_ROBOTS_DESC" "As a Spy, sap 10 robots at once." "TF_MVM_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAM_NAME" "Turbolader" "[english]TF_MVM_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAM_NAME" "Turbocharger" "TF_MVM_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAM_DESC" "Buff 4 eller flere holdkammerater som Soldier på samme tid i en enkelt bølge." "[english]TF_MVM_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAM_DESC" "Buff 4 or more teammates as a Soldier at the same time in a single wave." "TF_MVM_HEAVY_RAGE_PUSH_DEPLOYING_ROBOT_NAME" "Heavy \"Mettle\"" "[english]TF_MVM_HEAVY_RAGE_PUSH_DEPLOYING_ROBOT_NAME" "Heavy Mettle" "TF_MVM_HEAVY_RAGE_PUSH_DEPLOYING_ROBOT_DESC" "I løbet af én bølge: Brug raseri som Heavy til at skubbe en robot væk, der er ved at levere bomben." "[english]TF_MVM_HEAVY_RAGE_PUSH_DEPLOYING_ROBOT_DESC" "During a wave, use rage as a Heavy to push a robot about to deliver the bomb." "TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHARE_BOTTLES_NAME" "Flaskedeling" "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHARE_BOTTLES_NAME" "Vial Sharing" "TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHARE_BOTTLES_DESC" "Del din Power Up-flaske 5 gange som Medic i én enkelt bølge." "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHARE_BOTTLES_DESC" "As a Medic, share your canteen 5 times in a single wave." "TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_NAME" "Tekno-totalsmadret" "[english]TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_NAME" "Tech Wrecker" "TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "Ødelæg 10 robotter, i en enkel detonation, som Demoman." "[english]TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "As a Demoman, kill 10 robots in a single detonation." "TF_MVM_SCOUT_MARK_FOR_DEATH_NAME" "Drømmer Androider?" "[english]TF_MVM_SCOUT_MARK_FOR_DEATH_NAME" "Do Androids Dream?" "TF_MVM_SCOUT_MARK_FOR_DEATH_DESC" "Brug Ole Lukøje til at markere 15 robotter til døden i en enkel bølge som Scout." "[english]TF_MVM_SCOUT_MARK_FOR_DEATH_DESC" "As a Scout, use the Sandman to mark 15 robots for death in a single wave." "TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Tændrørstekniker" "[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Spark Plugger" "TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Dræb 4 robotter på én gang som Sniper." "[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "As a Sniper, kill 4 robots simultaneously." "TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_NAME" "Hård Nulstilling" "[english]TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_NAME" "Hard Reset" "TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_DESC" "Nulstil bomben 3 gange i en enkelt bølge som Pyro." "[english]TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_DESC" "As a Pyro, reset the bomb 3 times in a single wave." "TF_MVM_ENGINEER_ESCAPE_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Stålægte Røverkøb" "[english]TF_MVM_ENGINEER_ESCAPE_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Real Steal" "TF_MVM_ENGINEER_ESCAPE_SENTRY_BUSTER_DESC" "Flygt med din sentry som Engineer idet en sentry buster er ved at detonere." "[english]TF_MVM_ENGINEER_ESCAPE_SENTRY_BUSTER_DESC" "As an Engineer, escape with your sentry as a sentry buster is about to detonate." "ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MvMTour" "Tur nr. %s1 %s2" "[english]ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MvMTour" "Tour No. %s1 %s2" "Attrib_MvMLootReceiverAccountID" "Tildelt til %s1" "[english]Attrib_MvMLootReceiverAccountID" "Awarded to %s1" "Attrib_Store_IncludesSteamGiftPackage" "( Inkluderer Steam-gaveeksemplar af \"%s1\" )" "[english]Attrib_Store_IncludesSteamGiftPackage" "( Includes Steam Gift Copy of \"%s1\" )" "Attrib_RageOnDamage" "Genererer raseri ved at gøre skade. Når fuldt opladet så tryk på specialangreb-tasten for at aktivere tilbageslag." "[english]Attrib_RageOnDamage" "Generate Rage by dealing damage. When fully charged, press the Special-Attack key to activate knockback." "Attrib_PowerupCharges" "Holder på nuværende tidspunkt på %s1 ladninger" "[english]Attrib_PowerupCharges" "Currently holds %s1 charges" "Attrib_PowerupMaxCharges" "Kan holde %s1 ladninger i alt" "[english]Attrib_PowerupMaxCharges" "Holds a maximum of %s1 charges" "Attrib_PowerupDuration" "Hver ladning varer %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_PowerupDuration" "Each charge lasts %s1 seconds" "Attrib_CritBoost" "Forbrugsvare: Bliv krit-boostet i 5 sekunder\n(og fordobl din sentrys affyringshastighed)" "[english]Attrib_CritBoost" "Consumable: Become Crit Boosted for 5 seconds\n(and double your sentry's firing speed)" "Attrib_Ubercharge" "Forbrugsvare: Bliv Überladet i 5 sekunder\n(og beskyt din sentry mod skade)" "[english]Attrib_Ubercharge" "Consumable: Become Übercharged for 5 seconds\n(and shield your sentry from damage)" "Attrib_EffectBarRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% forøgelse i genopladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_EffectBarRechargeRateIncreased" "+%s1% increase in recharge rate" "Attrib_MaxammoGrenades1_Increased" "+%s1% maks. diverse ammunition for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoGrenades1_Increased" "+%s1% max misc ammo on wearer" "Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthBonus" "+%s1% maks. bygningshelbred" "[english]Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthBonus" "+%s1% max building health" "Attrib_EngySentryDamageBonus" "+%s1% Sentry-skadebonus" "[english]Attrib_EngySentryDamageBonus" "+%s1% Sentry Gun damage bonus" "Attrib_DrawBeamWhenScoped" "Bruger laser-sigte" "[english]Attrib_DrawBeamWhenScoped" "Uses laser sight" "Attrib_Recall" "Forbrugsvare: Teleporter straks til basen" "[english]Attrib_Recall" "Consumable: Instantly teleport to spawn" "Attrib_UberDurationBonus" "Über-varighed øget med %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_UberDurationBonus" "Über duration increased %s1 seconds" "Attrib_RefillAmmo" "Forbrugsvare: Genfyld straks alle dine våbens magasiner og ammunition" "[english]Attrib_RefillAmmo" "Consumable: Instantly refill all weapon clips and ammo" "Attrib_FastReload" "+%s1% hurtigere genladningstid" "[english]Attrib_FastReload" "+%s1% faster reload time" "Attrib_BuffTime_Increased" "+%s1% buff-varighed" "[english]Attrib_BuffTime_Increased" "+%s1% buff duration" "Attrib_BuildRateBonus" "+%s1% hurtigere byggehastighed" "[english]Attrib_BuildRateBonus" "+%s1% faster build speed" "Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Skud ødelægger raketter og granater i luften. Øget præcision og frekvens per-level" "[english]Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Bullets destroy rockets and grenades in-flight. Increased accuracy and frequency per-level." "Attrib_AccurScalesDmg" "Præcision skalerer med skade" "[english]Attrib_AccurScalesDmg" "Accuracy scales damage" "Attrib_CurrencyBonus" "+%s1% bonus-valuta fra pakker" "[english]Attrib_CurrencyBonus" "+%s1% bonus currency from packs" "Attrib_RoboSapper" "Øget robot-sapper-radius og -varighed" "[english]Attrib_RoboSapper" "Increased robot Sapper radius and duration" "Attrib_JumpHeightBonus" "+%s1% større hoppehøjde når aktiv" "[english]Attrib_JumpHeightBonus" "+%s1% greater jump height when active" "Attrib_AppliesSnareEffect" "%s1% bevægelseshastighed på mål" "[english]Attrib_AppliesSnareEffect" "%s1% movement speed on targets" "Attrib_BuildingInstaUpgrade" "Forbrugsvare: Opgrader straks alle bygninger til det højeste niveau" "[english]Attrib_BuildingInstaUpgrade" "Consumable: Instantly upgrade all buildings to max level" "Attrib_BiDirectionalTP" "Teleportere kan bruges i begge retninger" "[english]Attrib_BiDirectionalTP" "Teleporters can be used in both directions" "Attrib_JarateBackstabber" "Når rygstukket: Angriber vædes med Jarate" "[english]Attrib_JarateBackstabber" "When backstabbed: Jarate attacker" "Attrib_SentryFireRate_Increased" "+%s1% sentry-affyringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_SentryFireRate_Increased" "+%s1% sentry firing speed" "Attrib_SentryRadius_Increased" "+%s1% sentry-rækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_SentryRadius_Increased" "+%s1% sentry range" "Attrib_DispenserRadius_Increased" "+%s1% dispenser-rækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_DispenserRadius_Increased" "+%s1% dispenser range" "Attrib_EngyDisposableSentries" "Byg +%s1 ekstra disponibel sentry" "[english]Attrib_EngyDisposableSentries" "Build +%s1 additional disposable-sentry" "Attrib_StunWaistHighAirborne" "Ved træffer: Hvis en fjendes bælte er over eller ved øjenhøjde,\nlammes vedkommende i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_StunWaistHighAirborne" "On Hit: If enemy's belt is at or above eye level,\nstun them for %s1 seconds" "Attrib_ShotPenetration" "Skud penetrerer flere fjender" "[english]Attrib_ShotPenetration" "Shots go through multiple enemies" "Attrib_HeadshotDamageIncrease" "Hovedskud gør +%s1% ekstra skade" "[english]Attrib_HeadshotDamageIncrease" "Headshots deal an extra +%s1% damage" "Attrib_ExplosiveSniperShot" "Øget hovedskudseksplosionsradius og -skade på nærværende fjender" "[english]Attrib_ExplosiveSniperShot" "Increased headshot explosion radius and damage to nearby enemies" "Attrib_MeleeRate_Positive" "+%s1% hurtigere nærkamp-angrebshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MeleeRate_Positive" "+%s1% faster melee attack speed" "Attrib_MeleeRate_Negative" "%s1% langsommere nærkamp-angrebshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MeleeRate_Negative" "%s1% slower melee attack speed" "Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Skud penetrerer +%s1 fjender" "[english]Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Bullets penetrate +%s1 enemies" "Attrib_ArmorPiercing" "Øger rygstik-skade mod kæmperobotter med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ArmorPiercing" "Increase backstab damage against Giant Robots by %s1%" "Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Kan ikke rygstikkes" "[english]Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Cannot be backstabbed" "Attrib_ShareConsumable" "At bruge din Power Up-flaske vil give de samme bonus-effekter til dit helingsmål" "[english]Attrib_ShareConsumable" "Using your Power Up Canteen will apply the same bonus effect to your heal target" "Attrib_CritVsDisguised" "100% kritisk slag mod forklædte spillere" "[english]Attrib_CritVsDisguised" "100% critical hit vs disguised players" "Attrib_CritVsNonBurning" "100% kritisk slag mod ikke-brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_CritVsNonBurning" "100% critical hit vs non-burning players" "Attrib_KillForcesAttackerLaugh" "Ved drab: Bryd ud i munter latter" "[english]Attrib_KillForcesAttackerLaugh" "On Kill: Burst into joyous laughter" "Attrib_ClipSize_Atomic" "+%s1 magasinstørrelse" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Atomic" "+%s1 clip size" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% bevægelseshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Movement Speed" "Attrib_JumpHeightBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% hop-højde" "[english]Attrib_JumpHeightBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Jump Height" "Attrib_AmmoRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1% ammo-regenerering" "[english]Attrib_AmmoRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1% Ammo Regen" "Attrib_MetalRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1 metal-regenerering" "[english]Attrib_MetalRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1 Metal Regen" "Attrib_HealthRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1 helbredsregenerering" "[english]Attrib_HealthRegen_shortdesc" "+%s1 Health Regen" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% ildresistens" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% Fire Resistance" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% kritisk resistens" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% Crit Resistance" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% sprængresistens" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% Blast Resistance" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% skudresistens" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced_shortdesc" "+%s1% Bullet Resistance" "Attrib_CritBoost_shortdesc" "Bliv krit-boostet" "[english]Attrib_CritBoost_shortdesc" "Become Crit Boosted" "Attrib_Ubercharge_shortdesc" "Bliv Überladet" "[english]Attrib_Ubercharge_shortdesc" "Become Übercharged" "Attrib_RefillAmmo_shortdesc" "Genfyld ammunition" "[english]Attrib_RefillAmmo_shortdesc" "Refill Clips and Ammo" "Attrib_Recall_shortdesc" "Teleporter til base" "[english]Attrib_Recall_shortdesc" "Teleport To Spawn" "Attrib_BuildingInstaUpgrade_shortdesc" "Bygningsopgradering" "[english]Attrib_BuildingInstaUpgrade_shortdesc" "Building Upgrade" "Attrib_ClipSize_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% magasinstørrelse" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Clip Size" "Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% ammunitionskapacitet" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Ammo Capacity" "Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% ammunitionskapacitet" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Ammo Capacity" "Attrib_FastReload_shortdesc" "+%s1% genladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_FastReload_shortdesc" "+%s1% Reload Speed" "Attrib_DamageDone_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% skade" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Damage" "Attrib_FireRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% affyringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_FireRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Firing Speed" "Attrib_MeleeRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% angrebshastighed" "[english]Attrib_MeleeRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Attack Speed" "Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% projektil-hastighed" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Projectile Speed" "Attrib_Penetration_shortdesc" "Projektil-penetrering" "[english]Attrib_Penetration_shortdesc" "Projectile Penetration" "Attrib_HealOnKill_shortdesc" "+%s1 helbred ved drab" "[english]Attrib_HealOnKill_shortdesc" "+%s1 Health On Kill" "Attrib_RageOnDamage_shortdesc" "Tilbageslagsraseri" "[english]Attrib_RageOnDamage_shortdesc" "Knockback Rage" "Attrib_AttackProjectiles_shortdesc" "Ødelæg projektiler" "[english]Attrib_AttackProjectiles_shortdesc" "Destroy Projectiles" "Attrib_Penetration_Heavy_shortdesc" "Projektil-penetrering" "[english]Attrib_Penetration_Heavy_shortdesc" "Projectile Penetration" "Attrib_AppliesSnareEffect_shortdesc" "%s1% hastighed på mål" "[english]Attrib_AppliesSnareEffect_shortdesc" "%s1% Speed On Target" "Attrib_BleedingDuration_shortdesc" "+%s1s blødning på mål" "[english]Attrib_BleedingDuration_shortdesc" "+%s1s Bleed On Target" "Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased_shortdesc" "%s1% hurtigere opladning" "[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased_shortdesc" "%s1% Faster Charge" "Attrib_ExplosiveSniperShot_shortdesc" "Eksplosivt hovedskud" "[english]Attrib_ExplosiveSniperShot_shortdesc" "Explosive Headshot" "Attrib_RoboSapper_shortdesc" "Robot-sapper-kraft" "[english]Attrib_RoboSapper_shortdesc" "Robot Sapper Power" "Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill_shortdesc" "+%s1s krits ved drab" "[english]Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill_shortdesc" "+%s1s Crits On Kill" "Attrib_ArmorPiercing_shortdesc" "Rustningspenetrering" "[english]Attrib_ArmorPiercing_shortdesc" "Armor Penetration" "Attrib_BuffTime_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% buff-varighed" "[english]Attrib_BuffTime_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Buff Duration" "Attrib_EffectBarRechargeRateIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% genopladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_EffectBarRechargeRateIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Recharge Rate" "Attrib_BuildRateBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% bygningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_BuildRateBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Build Speed" "Attrib_BiDirectionalTP_shortdesc" "2-vejs teleportere" "[english]Attrib_BiDirectionalTP_shortdesc" "2-Way Teleporters" "Attrib_EngyDisposableSentries_shortdesc" "+%s1 disponibel Sentry" "[english]Attrib_EngyDisposableSentries_shortdesc" "+%s1 Disposable Sentry" "Attrib_SentryFireRate_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% sentry-affyringshastighed" "[english]Attrib_SentryFireRate_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Sentry Firing Speed" "Attrib_DispenserRadius_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% dispenser-rækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_DispenserRadius_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Dispenser Range" "Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% maks. metalkapacitet" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Max Metal Capacity" "Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% bygningshelbred" "[english]Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Building Health" "Attrib_HealRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% helingshastighed" "[english]Attrib_HealRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Heal Rate" "Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% maks. overheling" "[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Max Overheal" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Über-hastighed" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% ÜberCharge Rate" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% overhelingstid" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive_shortdesc" "+%s1% Overheal Time" "Attrib_UberDurationBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1s Über-varighed" "[english]Attrib_UberDurationBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1s Über Duration" "Attrib_ShareConsumable_shortdesc" "Del power-ups" "[english]Attrib_ShareConsumable_shortdesc" "Share Power Ups" "Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% brændskade" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Burn Damage" "Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% brændtid" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Burn Time" "Attrib_AirBlastPushScale_shortdesc" "+%s1% luftstødskraft" "[english]Attrib_AirBlastPushScale_shortdesc" "+%s1% Airblast Force" "Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% ladningsskade" "[english]Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Charge Damage" "Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% ladningsopladning" "[english]Attrib_ChargeRechargeRateIncreased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Charge Recharge" "Attrib_MarkForDeath_shortdesc" "Bold markerer mål" "[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath_shortdesc" "Ball Marks Target" "Attrib_MvMChallengesCompletedSummary" "Udfordringer gennemført: %s1" "[english]Attrib_MvMChallengesCompletedSummary" "Challenges completed: %s1" "Attrib_MvMChallengeCompletedDetail" "Gennemført: %s1 %s2" "[english]Attrib_MvMChallengeCompletedDetail" "Completed: %s1 %s2" "TF_Minigun_Deflector" "Deflector" "[english]TF_Minigun_Deflector" "The Deflector" "Item_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "%s1 har fundet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "Item_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "%s1 har fundet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "MMenu_PlayMultiplayer" "Spil multiplayer" "[english]MMenu_PlayMultiplayer" "Play Multiplayer" "MMenu_PlayCoop" "Spil Co-op" "[english]MMenu_PlayCoop" "Play Co-op" "MMenu_Servers" "Servere" "[english]MMenu_Servers" "Servers" "MMenu_PlayPVE" "MvM!" "[english]MMenu_PlayPVE" "MvM!" "TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Title" "I Mann vs. Machine" "[english]TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Title" "In Mann vs. Machine" "TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Text" "Du kan ikke anmode om en træner, mens du spiller Mann vs. Machine." "[english]TF_Coach_MannVsMachine_Text" "You cannot request a coach while playing Mann vs. Machine." "TF_MM_Disconnect_Title" "Advarsel" "[english]TF_MM_Disconnect_Title" "Attention" "TF_MM_Disconnect" "Forlad spillet? \n\nDu vil blive afbrudt fra serveren, du spiller på." "[english]TF_MM_Disconnect" "Leave the game? \n\nYou will be disconnected from the server you are playing on." "TF_vote_changechallenge" "Skift nuværende mission til %s1?" "[english]TF_vote_changechallenge" "Change current mission to %s1?" "TF_vote_passed_changechallenge" "Skifter mission til %s1" "[english]TF_vote_passed_changechallenge" "Changing mission to %s1" "TF_vote_no_challenges" "Ingen missioner tilgængelige" "[english]TF_vote_no_challenges" "No missions available" "TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Robot_Heavy" "KLAR\n10 PRINT \"ROBOT-HEAVY SKAL BRUGE HAT\"\n20 GÅ TIL BUTIKKEN\nLØB" "[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Robot_Heavy" "READY\n10 PRINT \"ROBOT HEAVY NEEDS HAT\"\n20 GOTO STORE\nRUN" "TF_PVE_Combo" "KOMBO" "[english]TF_PVE_Combo" "COMBO" "TF_PVE_Combo_Success" "SUCCES!" "[english]TF_PVE_Combo_Success" "SUCCESS!" "TF_PVE_RestoreToCheckpointDetailed" "Gendanner checkpoint: Alle opgraderinger og kredit vil blive gendannet til deres tidligere gemte tilstand!" "[english]TF_PVE_RestoreToCheckpointDetailed" "Restoring Checkpoint: All upgrades and credits will be restored to their previous saved state!" "TF_PVE_UpgradeTitle" "Vælg en genstand at opgradere" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeTitle" "Select an item to upgrade" "TF_PVE_UpgradeAmount" "kredit" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeAmount" "Credits" "TF_PVE_UpgradeAttrib" "Vælg en opgradering at anvende" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeAttrib" "Select an upgrade to apply" "TF_PVE_UpgradeCost" "Pris: %s1" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeCost" "Cost: %s1" "TF_PVE_UpgradeMaxed" "Maks. nået" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeMaxed" "Max Reached" "TF_PVE_UpgradeCancel" "Annuller" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeCancel" "Cancel" "TF_PVE_UpgradeDone" "Acceptér" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeDone" "Accept" "TF_PVE_MissonEnemies" "Andet" "[english]TF_PVE_MissonEnemies" "Other" "TF_PVE_WaveEnemies" "Foder" "[english]TF_PVE_WaveEnemies" "Fodder" "TF_PVE_Wave" "Bølge" "[english]TF_PVE_Wave" "Wave" "TF_PVE_WaveCount" "Bølge %s1" "[english]TF_PVE_WaveCount" "Wave %s1" "TF_PVE_WaveCountFail" "Bølge %s1 mislykkedes" "[english]TF_PVE_WaveCountFail" "Wave %s1 Failed" "TF_PVE_WaveComplete" "Bølge overstået!" "[english]TF_PVE_WaveComplete" "Wave Complete!" "TF_PVE_Currency" "Kredit" "[english]TF_PVE_Currency" "Credits" "TF_PVE_GameTotal" "I alt i spillet" "[english]TF_PVE_GameTotal" "Game Total" "TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Kredit indsamlet i alt" "[english]TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Total Credits Collected" "TF_PVE_CurrencyCollected" "Kredit indsamlet" "[english]TF_PVE_CurrencyCollected" "Credits Collected" "TF_PVE_Collected" "Indsamlet" "[english]TF_PVE_Collected" "Collected" "TF_PVE_Missed" "Misset" "[english]TF_PVE_Missed" "Missed" "TF_PVE_Bonus" "Bonus" "[english]TF_PVE_Bonus" "Bonus" "TF_PVE_Rating" "Vurdering" "[english]TF_PVE_Rating" "Rating" "TF_PVE_CreditRating" "Kredit-rang" "[english]TF_PVE_CreditRating" "Credit Rating" "TF_PVE_Deaths" "Dødsfald" "[english]TF_PVE_Deaths" "Deaths" "TF_PVE_Upgrades" "Opgraderinger" "[english]TF_PVE_Upgrades" "Upgrades" "TF_PVE_Buybacks" "Tilbagekøb" "[english]TF_PVE_Buybacks" "Buybacks" "TF_PVE_Bottles" "Flaske" "[english]TF_PVE_Bottles" "Canteen" "TF_PVE_BottlesUsed" "Flasker brugt" "[english]TF_PVE_BottlesUsed" "Canteens Used" "TF_PVE_TeamStatistics" "Holdstatistikker" "[english]TF_PVE_TeamStatistics" "Team Statistics" "TF_PVE_YourStatistics" "Dine statistikker" "[english]TF_PVE_YourStatistics" "Your Statistics" "TF_PVE_You" "Dig" "[english]TF_PVE_You" "You" "TF_PVE_MissionSummaryScheme" "Mission-resumé : %s1 (%s2)" "[english]TF_PVE_MissionSummaryScheme" "Mission Summary : %s1 (%s2)" "TF_PVE_MissionSummaryDefault" "Mission-resumé : %s1" "[english]TF_PVE_MissionSummaryDefault" "Mission Summary : %s1" "TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Stem om samme mission" "[english]TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Vote To Restart Mission" "TF_PVE_Credit_Collection" "Kredit-indsamling" "[english]TF_PVE_Credit_Collection" "Credit Collection" "TF_PVE_Credit_Use" "Kredit-brug" "[english]TF_PVE_Credit_Use" "Credit Use" "TF_PVE_Active_Upgrades" "Aktive opgraderinger" "[english]TF_PVE_Active_Upgrades" "Active Upgrades" "TF_PVE_Inactive_Upgrades" "Uvalgte opgraderinger" "[english]TF_PVE_Inactive_Upgrades" "Unequipped Upgrades" "TF_PVE_Hint_Header" "Mann Co.'s anti-robot-tips" "[english]TF_PVE_Hint_Header" "Mann Co. Anti-Robot Tips" "TF_PVE_Buyback" "Tryk på \"%use_action_slot_item%\" for at betale %s1 kredit for at VENDE TILBAGE NU!" "[english]TF_PVE_Buyback" "Hit '%use_action_slot_item%' to pay %s1 credits and RESPAWN INSTANTLY!" "TF_PVE_Upgraded_Player" "%player% har købt %upgrade%-opgraderingen." "[english]TF_PVE_Upgraded_Player" "%player% has purchased the %upgrade% upgrade." "TF_PVE_Upgraded_Item" "%player% har købt %upgrade%-opgraderingen til sin %item%." "[english]TF_PVE_Upgraded_Item" "%player% has purchased the %upgrade% upgrade for their %item%." "TF_PVE_Player_BuyBack" "%player% har købt sig tilbage i spillet for '%credits%' kredit!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_BuyBack" "%player% has bought back into the game for '%credits%' credits!" "TF_PVE_No_Powerup_Bottle" "Ingen Power Up-flaske udstyret!\n\nFlasker kan aktiveres ved at bruge \"%use_action_slot_item%\" for at give mægtige evner såsom ekstra skade og usårlighed.\n\nOptjen en ved at gennemføre en hvilken som helst Mann vs. Machine-mission eller ved at smede en med Skrotmetal!" "[english]TF_PVE_No_Powerup_Bottle" "No Power Up Canteen equipped!\n\nCanteens can be activated with '%use_action_slot_item%' to provide powerful effects such as extra damage and invincibility.\n\nEarn one by completing any Mann vs. Machine Mission or craft one from spare Scrap Metal!" "TF_PVE_Unequipped_Powerup_Bottle" "Ingen Power Up-flaske udstyret!\n\nFlasker kan aktiveres ved at bruge \"%use_action_slot_item%\" for at give mægtige evner såsom ekstra skade og usårlighed.\n\nUdstyr den nu i din handlingsposition!" "[english]TF_PVE_Unequipped_Powerup_Bottle" "No Power Up Canteen equipped!\n\nCanteens can be activated with '%use_action_slot_item%' to provide powerful effects such as extra damage and invincibility.\n\nEquip it now in your Action slot!" "TF_PVE_Quick_Equip_Bottle" "Udstyr nu" "[english]TF_PVE_Quick_Equip_Bottle" "Equip Now" "TF_PVE_Player_UsedCritsBottle" "%player% har brugt sin Power Up-flaske med KRITISKE SKUD!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_UsedCritsBottle" "%player% has used their CRITS Power Up Canteen!" "TF_PVE_Player_UsedUberBottle" "%player% har brugt sin Power Up-flaske med ÜBERLADNING!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_UsedUberBottle" "%player% has used their ÜBERCHARGE Power Up Canteen!" "TF_PVE_Player_UsedRecallBottle" "%player% har brugt sin Power Up-flaske med TILBAGEVENDEN!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_UsedRecallBottle" "%player% has used their RECALL Power Up Canteen!" "TF_PVE_Player_UsedRefillAmmoBottle" "%player% har brugt sin Power Up-flaske med AMMUNITIONSGENOPFYLDNING!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_UsedRefillAmmoBottle" "%player% has used their AMMO REFILL Power Up Canteen!" "TF_PVE_Player_UsedBuildingUpgrade" "%player% har brugt sin Power Up-flaske med OPGRADEREDE BYGNINGER!" "[english]TF_PVE_Player_UsedBuildingUpgrade" "%player% has used their UPGRADE BUILDINGS Power Up Canteen!" "TF_PVE_Server_Message_Reset" "Indlæser næste mission om %s1 sekunder..." "[english]TF_PVE_Server_Message_Reset" "Loading next mission in %s1 seconds..." "TF_PVE_Server_Message_Kick" "Afslutter til spillobby om %s1 sekunder..." "[english]TF_PVE_Server_Message_Kick" "Exiting to game lobby in %s1 seconds..." "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_MinMode" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at aktivere" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_MinMode" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to Activate" "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_CritBoost" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at blive krit-boostet" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_CritBoost" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to become Crit Boosted" "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_Ubercharge" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at blive Überladet" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_Ubercharge" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to become Übercharged" "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_Recall" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at teleportere til basen" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_Recall" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to Teleport to spawn" "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_RefillAmmo" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at genopfylde magasin og ammunition" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_RefillAmmo" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to Refill Clip and Ammo" "TF_PVE_UsePowerup_BuildinginstaUpgrade" "'%use_action_slot_item%' for at opgradere alle bygninger" "[english]TF_PVE_UsePowerup_BuildinginstaUpgrade" "'%use_action_slot_item%' to Upgrade All Buildings" "TF_PVE_ROBOT_scout" "Robo-Scout: Lavt helbred, men virkelig hurtig" "[english]TF_PVE_ROBOT_scout" "Robo Scout: Low Health but really fast" "TF_PVE_ROBOT_sentry_buster" "Sentry Buster: Går efter Sentries" "[english]TF_PVE_ROBOT_sentry_buster" "Sentry Buster: Goes after Sentries" "TF_PVE_ROBOT_tank" "Tank: Langsom, høj rustning, bærer en bombe" "[english]TF_PVE_ROBOT_tank" "Tank: Slow moving, high armor, carries a bomb" "TF_PVE_IM_Intro" "Mann vs. Machine sætter dig mod en horde af robotter!" "[english]TF_PVE_IM_Intro" "Mann vs. Machine pits you against a horde of robots!" "TF_PVE_IM_IntroBomb" "Forsvar din base fra robotter, der bærer en bombe." "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroBomb" "Defend your base from robots carrying a bomb." "TF_PVE_IM_IntroCredit" "Robotter og tanks taber kredit, når de ødelægges" "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroCredit" "Robots and tanks drop credits when destroyed" "TF_PVE_IM_IntroCreditDecay" "Kreditter, som efterlades på jorden, forsvinder efter kort tid." "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroCreditDecay" "Credits left on the ground will disappear after a short period" "TF_PVE_IM_IntroCreditDist" "Kredit fordeles ligeligt mellem alle spillere." "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroCreditDist" "Credits are divided equally among all players." "TF_PVE_IM_IntroUpgrades" "Brug din kredit på opgraderinger!" "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroUpgrades" "Spend your credits on upgrades!" "TF_PVE_IM_IntroSurvive" "Overlev den sidste bølge for at sejre!" "[english]TF_PVE_IM_IntroSurvive" "Survive to the final wave to claim victory!" "TF_PVE_Disconnect" "Tak fordi du spillede Mann vs. Machine.\nMann Up for mere!" "[english]TF_PVE_Disconnect" "Thanks for Playing Mann vs. Machine.\nMann Up for More!" "StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Best" "Du havde flere drab som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Best" "You had more kills as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Best" "Du havde flere erobringer som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Best" "You had more captures as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Best" "Du forsvarede flere punkter som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Best" "You defended more points as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Best" "Du forårsagede mere skade som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Best" "You've caused more damage as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Best" "Du holdt dig længere i live som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Best" "You stayed alive as %s1 longer that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Best" "Du helede mere som %s1 i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Best" "You healed more as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Best" "Du var usårlig længere i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Best" "You went invulnerable more that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Best" "Du havde flere assisterede drab i den runde af Mann vs. Machine som %s1 end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Best" "You had more kill assists that round of Mann vs. Machine as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Best" "Du havde flere rygstik i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Best" "You had more backstabs that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Best" "Du stjal mere helbred fra fjendtlige Medics og dispensere i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Best" "You stole more health from enemy Medics and dispensers that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "Du byggede flere bygninger i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "You built more buildings that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "Du øgelagde flere bygninger i den runde af Mann vs. Machine som %s1 end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "You destroyed more buildings that round of Mann vs. Machine as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Best" "Du havde flere hovedskud i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Best" "You had more headshots that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Best" "Din sentry gun havde flere drab i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Best" "Your sentry gun had more kills that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Best" "Din teleport blev brugt mere i den runde af Mann vs. Machine end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Best" "Your teleporter was used more that round of Mann vs. Machine than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Best" "Du dominerede flere modstandere i den runde af Mann vs. Machine som %s1 end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Best" "You dominated more new opponents that round of Mann vs. Machine as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Best" "Du fik hævn på flere modstandere i den runde af Mann vs. Machine som %s1 end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Best" "You got revenge on more opponents that round of Mann vs. Machine as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Best" "Du fik flere point i den runde af Mann vs. Machine som %s1 end din forrige rekord." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Best" "You scored more points that round of Mann vs. Machine as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for drab som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for erobringer som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Tie" "You tied your record for captures as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for forsvaringer som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Tie" "You tied your record for defenses as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for skade gjort som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Tie" "You tied your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for tid i live som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Tie" "You tied your record for time alive as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for heling som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Tie" "You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for usårligheder som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Tie" "You tied your record for invulns that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for assisterede drab som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Tie" "You tied your record for kill assists as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for rygstik den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Tie" "You tied your record for backstabs that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for helbred stjålet fra fjenden den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Tie" "You tied your record for health stolen from the enemy that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for bygninger bygget den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings built that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for bygninger ødelagt som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for hovedskud den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Tie" "You tied your record for headshots that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for drab med din sentry den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills by your sentry gun that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for teleporteringer den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Tie" "You tied your record for teleports that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for fjender domineret som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Tie" "You tied your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for hævn som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Tie" "You tied your record for revenge as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Tie" "Du tangerede din rekord for point scoret som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Tie" "You tied your record for points scored as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i drab som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Kills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i erobringer som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Captures_Close" "You came close to your record for captures as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i forsvaringer som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Defenses_Close" "You came close to your record for defenses as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i skade gjort som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_DamageDealt_Close" "You came close to your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i tid i live som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PlayTime_Close" "You came close to your record for time alive as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i heling som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Healing_Close" "You came close to your record for healing as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i usårligheder den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Invulnerable_Close" "You came close to your record for invulns that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i assisterede drab som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_KillAssists_Close" "You came close to your record for kill assists as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i rygstik den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Backstabs_Close" "You came close to your record for backstabs that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i helbred stjålet fra fjenden den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_HealthLeached_Close" "You came close to your record for health stolen from the enemy that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i bygninger bygget den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings built that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i bygninger ødelagt som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i hovedskud den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Headshots_Close" "You came close to your record for headshots that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i drab med din sentry den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_SentryKills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills by your sentry gun that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i teleporteringer den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Teleports_Close" "You came close to your record for teleports that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i fjender domineret som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Dominations_Close" "You came close to your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i hævn som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_Revenge_Close" "You came close to your record for revenge as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Close" "Du kom tæt på din rekord i point scoret som %s1 den runde i Mann vs. Machine." "[english]StatPanel_MVM_PointsScored_Close" "You came close to your record for points scored as %s1 that round of Mann vs. Machine." "TF_Token" "Polet" "[english]TF_Token" "Token" "TF_Ticket" "Billet" "[english]TF_Ticket" "Ticket" "TF_MvM_HeaderCoop" "Co-op" "[english]TF_MvM_HeaderCoop" "Co-op" "TF_MvM_HeaderPractice" "Co-op-træning" "[english]TF_MvM_HeaderPractice" "Co-op Boot Camp" "TF_MvM_HeaderMannVsMachine" "Mann vs. Machine" "[english]TF_MvM_HeaderMannVsMachine" "Mann vs. Machine" "TF_MvM_ChallengeTicket" "Tour of Duty-billet" "[english]TF_MvM_ChallengeTicket" "Tour of Duty Ticket" "TF_MvM_ChallengeTicket_Desc" "Fremvis denne billet i Mann vs. Machine for at spille Mann Up-tilstand på en officiel server for at tjene sjældne genstande og spore fremskridt på dit Tour of Duty-emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_ChallengeTicket_Desc" "Present this ticket in Mann vs. Machine to play Mann Up Mode on an official server to earn rare items and track progress on your Tour of Duty Badge." "TF_MvM_SquadSurplusVoucher" "Gruppeoverskudskupon" "[english]TF_MvM_SquadSurplusVoucher" "Squad Surplus Voucher" "TF_MvM_SquadSurplusVoucher_Desc" "Fremvis denne kupon i Mann vs. Machine, når du starter Mann Up-tilstand. Du, og hver person på dit hold, vil få et ekstra genstandsdrop, når I gennemfører en mission." "[english]TF_MvM_SquadSurplusVoucher_Desc" "Present this voucher in Mann vs. Machine when starting Mann Up Mode. You and every person on your team will receive an extra item drop when you complete a mission." "TF_MvM_MannUp" "Mann Up" "[english]TF_MvM_MannUp" "Mann Up" "TF_MvM_BootCamp" "Træning" "[english]TF_MvM_BootCamp" "Boot Camp" "TF_MvM_SelectChallenge" "Vælg mission >>" "[english]TF_MvM_SelectChallenge" "Select Mission >>" "TF_MvM_MannVsMachineExplaination" "Gå sammen om at forsvare Mann Co.\nfra bølger af invaderende robotter!" "[english]TF_MvM_MannVsMachineExplaination" "Team up to defend Mann Co.\nfrom waves of invading robots!" "TF_MvM_BraggingRightsExplaination" "Spil på en Mann Co.-server for at tjene Tour of Duty-bytte og retten til at prale!" "[english]TF_MvM_BraggingRightsExplaination" "Play on a Mann Co. server to earn Tour of Duty loot and bragging rights!" "TF_MvM_PracticeExplaination" "Spil på en fællesskabsspilserver!" "[english]TF_MvM_PracticeExplaination" "Play on a community gameserver!" "TF_MvM_LearnMore" "MVM-guidebog" "[english]TF_MvM_LearnMore" "MVM Guide Book" "TF_MvM_TourOfDuty" "Tour of Duty" "[english]TF_MvM_TourOfDuty" "Tour of Duty" "TF_MvM_Difficulty" "Sværhed" "[english]TF_MvM_Difficulty" "Difficulty" "TF_MvM_Mission" "Mission" "[english]TF_MvM_Mission" "Mission" "TF_MvM_Tour_0" "Træning" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_0" "Boot Camp" "TF_MvM_Tour_1" "Operation Stålfælde" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_1" "Operation Steel Trap" "TF_MvM_Normal" "Normal" "[english]TF_MvM_Normal" "Normal" "TF_MvM_Advanced" "Avanceret" "[english]TF_MvM_Advanced" "Advanced" "TF_MvM_Complete" "Færdig" "[english]TF_MvM_Complete" "Complete" "TF_MvM_Tour" "Tour of Duty" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour" "Tour of Duty" "TF_MvM_TourCount" "Tur nr. %s1" "[english]TF_MvM_TourCount" "Tour No.%s1" "TF_MvM_AnyChallenge" "Vilkårlig mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyChallenge" "Any mission" "TF_MvM_Tours" "Ture" "[english]TF_MvM_Tours" "Tours" "TF_MvM_NoMannUpTitle" "Hvofor Mann Up?" "[english]TF_MvM_NoMannUpTitle" "Why Mann Up?" "TF_MvM_NoMannUpDescription" "For hver Tour of Duty, du gennemfører på\nMann Co.-spilservere, optjener du\nspecielt bytte og retten til at prale!" "[english]TF_MvM_NoMannUpDescription" "For every Tour of Duty you complete on\nMann Co. game servers you'll earn\nspecial loot and bragging rights!" "TF_MvM_MannUpNow" "Mann Up nu!" "[english]TF_MvM_MannUpNow" "Mann Up Now!" "TF_MvM_InventoryTitle" "Mann Up-inventar" "[english]TF_MvM_InventoryTitle" "Mann Up Inventory" "TF_MvM_BuyMore" "Køb" "[english]TF_MvM_BuyMore" "Purchase" "TF_MvM_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "I Mann vs. Machine matches du automatisk med andre spillere for at danne et hold på 6.\n\nFor at invitere venner før matchmaking, skal du starte en gruppe ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor." "[english]TF_MvM_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "In Mann vs. Machine you are automatically matched with other players to form a team of 6.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below." "TF_MvM_ActivateSquadSurplus" "Vil du aktivere en Gruppeoverskudskupon for dette spil?" "[english]TF_MvM_ActivateSquadSurplus" "Activate a Squad Surplus Voucher for this game?" "TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Title" "Tour of Duty-billetter" "[english]TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Title" "Tour of Duty Tickets" "TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Text" "Der kræves en Tour of Duty-billet for at spille på officielle Mann Co.-servere for bytte og retten til at prale. En billet opbruges kun, når en ny mission gennemføres succesfuldt. Du tjener en tilfældig genstand hver gang en billet opbruges. At gennemføre en hel Tour of Duty resulterer i et fund af en kostbar genstand." "[english]TF_MvM_TicketExplanation_Text" "A Tour of Duty Ticket is required to play on official Mann Co. servers for loot and bragging rights. A ticket is only consumed when a new Mission has successfully been completed. You earn a random item every time a ticket is consumed. Completing a full Tour of Duty results in a valuable loot drop." "TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Title" "Gruppeoverskudskuponer" "[english]TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Title" "Squad Surplus Vouchers" "TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Text" "At bruge en Gruppeoverskudskupon gør, at du og dine holdkammerater hver modtager en ekstra tilfældige genstand, når missionen er gennemført. Hvis adskillige spillere aktiverer en kupon, modtager hver spiller en genstand for hver kupon." "[english]TF_MvM_VoucherExplanation_Text" "Using a Squad Surplus Voucher will earn an additional random item drop for you and each team mate when a Mission is completed. If multiple players activate a Voucher, every player will earn an item for each Voucher." "TF_MvM_UpgradeExplanation_Title" "Klasse- og våben-opgraderinger" "[english]TF_MvM_UpgradeExplanation_Title" "Class And Weapon Upgrades" "TF_MvM_UpgradeExplanation_Text" "Hvis du skifter klasse under en mission, vil dine opgraderinger forblive på din tidligere opgraderede klasse. Dette skruenøgleikon viser enhver klasse, der er blevet opgraderet. Selvom disse opgraderinger ikke flyttes mellem klasser, forbliver de i tilfælde af, at du vender tilbage til klassen.\n\nVåbenopgraderinger virker på den samme måde. Hvis du skifter dit våbenudstyr under en mission, vil dine opgraderinger forblive med de våben, hvis du skulle genudstyre dem." "[english]TF_MvM_UpgradeExplanation_Text" "If you change class during a Mission, your upgrades will remain on the previously upgraded class. This wrench icon denotes any classes that have been upgraded. Although these upgrades are not transferred between classes, they remain should you return to that class.\n\nWeapon upgrades work in the same way. If you change your weapon loadout during a Mission, your upgrades remain with those weapons should you re-equip them." "TF_MvM_RequiresTicket_Title" "Billet krævet" "[english]TF_MvM_RequiresTicket_Title" "Ticket Required" "TF_MvM_RequiresTicket" "For at spille om bytte er du nødt til at købe en Tour of Duty Ticket fra Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_MvM_RequiresTicket" "To play for loot, you'll need to purchase a Tour of Duty Ticket from the Mann Co. store." "TF_MvM_RequiresTicketParty" "For at spille om bytte skal alle gruppemedlemmer have en Tour of Duty Ticket. Billetter kan købes fra Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_MvM_RequiresTicketParty" "To play for loot, all party members must have a Tour of Duty Ticket. Tickets can be purchased from the Mann Co. store." "TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher_Title" "Kupon krævet" "[english]TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher_Title" "Voucher Required" "TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher" "For at optjene overskudsforsyninger til dit hold er du nødt til at købe en kupon fra Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher" "To obtain surplus supplies for your team, you'll need to purchase a voucher from the Mann Co. store." "TF_ShowInStore" "Vis i butikken" "[english]TF_ShowInStore" "Show in store" "TF_MVM_Support" "Støtte" "[english]TF_MVM_Support" "Support" "TF_MVM_NoClassChange" "Klasseændringer er ikke tilladt." "[english]TF_MVM_NoClassChange" "Class changes are not allowed." "TF_MVM_NoClassChangeAfterSetup" "Klasseændringer er kun tilladt mellem bølger." "[english]TF_MVM_NoClassChangeAfterSetup" "Class changes are only allowed between waves." "TF_MVM_Challenge_Invasion" "invasion" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Invasion" "invasion" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Endurance" "udholdenhed" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Endurance" "endurance" "TF_MVM_Map_CoalTown" "Coal Town" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_CoalTown" "Coal Town" "TF_MVM_Map_Decoy" "Decoy" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Decoy" "Decoy" "TF_MVM_Map_Mannworks" "Mannworks" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Mannworks" "Mannworks" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy1" "Does Bor" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy1" "Doe's Drill" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy2" "Diskdeletion" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy2" "Disk Deletion" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy3" "Data-demolering" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy3" "Data Demolition" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown1" "Lynkursus" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown1" "Crash Course" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown2" "Ctrl+Alt+Destruktion" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown2" "Ctrl+Alt+Destruction" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown3" "CPU-slagtning" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown3" "CPU Slaughter" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks1" "Mann-øvre" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks1" "Mann-euvers" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks2" "Maskine-massakre" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks2" "Machine Massacre" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks3" "Mekanisk Lemlæstelse" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks3" "Mech Mutilation" "TF_MVM_Map_Any" "< Enhver bane >" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Any" "< Any map >" "TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Mission fuldført" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Mission Complete" "TF_MVM_Victory_TourProgress" "Turfremskridt" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_TourProgress" "Tour Progress" "TF_MVM_Victory_TourComplete" "Færdig!" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_TourComplete" "Complete!" "TF_MVM_Victory_Loot" "Bytte" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Loot" "Loot" "TF_MVM_Victory_SquadSurplus" "Gruppeoverskud" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_SquadSurplus" "Squad Surplus" "TF_Matchmaking_PlayWithFriends" "Spil med venner!" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayWithFriends" "Play With Friends!" "TF_Matchmaking_MannUpDisabled" "Matchmaking til Mann Up er midlertidigt slået fra." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_MannUpDisabled" "Matchmaking for Mann Up is temporarily disabled." "Tip_MvM_1_1" "Tip: Scouts har en langt større kredit-indsamlingsradius" "[english]Tip_MvM_1_1" "Tip: Scouts have a greatly increased credit collection radius" "Tip_MvM_1_2" "Tip: Opgrader Manisk Mælk for at sinke fjendtlige robotter" "[english]Tip_MvM_1_2" "Tip: Upgrade Mad Milk to slow affected enemy robots" "Tip_MvM_2_1" "Tip: Opgrader dit Buff-banner til at gange skaden for alle holdkammerater i nærheden" "[english]Tip_MvM_2_1" "Tip: Upgrade your buff banner to multiply all nearby teammates damage" "Tip_MvM_3_1" "Tip: Opgrader luftstød til at skubbe bombebærende robotter ned i huller, hvilket vil nulstille bomben eller forlænge ruten" "[english]Tip_MvM_3_1" "Tip: Upgrade airblast to push bomb carrying robots into pits reseting the bomb or to elongate the path" "Tip_MvM_4_1" "Tip: Opgrader klæbebombe-skade for at øjeblikkeligt ødelægge højprioritetsmål med kraftige klæbebombefælder" "[english]Tip_MvM_4_1" "Tip: Upgrade stickybomb damage to instantly destroy high priority targets with powerful sticky traps" "Tip_MvM_5_1" "Tip: Køb raseri-opgraderinger for at skubbe fjender tilbage, når du skyder dem" "[english]Tip_MvM_5_1" "Tip: Purchase rage upgrade to push enemies back as you shoot them" "Tip_MvM_6_1" "Tip: Brug Power Up-flasker med kritisk skade for også midlertidigt at forøge din Sentrys affyringshastighed." "[english]Tip_MvM_6_1" "Tip: Use Crit power-up canteens to also temporarily boost sentry gun firing speed" "Tip_MvM_6_2" "Tip: Brug Power Up-flasker med Über for også midlertidigt at reducere skade mod din Sentry" "[english]Tip_MvM_6_2" "Tip: Use Uber power-up canteens to also temporarily reduce damage your sentry gun" "Tip_MvM_6_3" "Tip: Opgrader skruenøglens slaghastighed for hurtigt at reparere og opgradere dine bygninger" "[english]Tip_MvM_6_3" "Tip: Upgrade wrench firing speed to quickly repair and upgrade your buildings" "Tip_MvM_7_1" "Tip: Medics kan opgradere for at dele deres Power Up-flaskeevner med spilleren, de heler" "[english]Tip_MvM_7_1" "Tip: Medics can upgrade to share their canteen abilities with the player they are healing" "Tip_MvM_8_1" "Tip: Opgrader Jarate for at hæmme robotter og hjælpe med at dræbe fjender med mere helbred" "[english]Tip_MvM_8_1" "Tip: Upgrade Jarate to slow down robots and assist in killing higher health enemies" "Tip_MvM_9_1" "Tip: Opgrader din kniv for at penetrere kæmperobotters rustning" "[english]Tip_MvM_9_1" "Tip: Upgrade your knife to pierce through giant robot armor" "Tip_MvM_9_2" "Tip: Opgrader din sapper for at deaktivere grupper af normale robotter og hæmme kæmperobotter" "[english]Tip_MvM_9_2" "Tip: Upgrade your sapper to disable groups of regular robots and slow giant robots" "Tip_MvM_9_3" "Tip: Forklædning narrer alle fjender. Robotter kan opdage et rygstik i nærheden og vil altid opdage en Spy, der er ild i" "[english]Tip_MvM_9_3" "Tip: Disguise fools all enemies. Robots may detect a nearby backstab and will always detect a spy on fire" "Tip_MvM_10_1" "Tip: Opgraderinger er fastsat til den klasse eller det våben, du anvender dem på. Der er ingen refunderinger efter den første bølge." "[english]Tip_MvM_10_1" "Tip: Upgrades are fixed to the class or weapon you apply them to. There are no refunds after the first wave" "Tip_MvM_10_2" "Tip: Du skal bruge masser af opgraderinger for at forsvare mod senere bølger i en mission" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_2" "Tip: You will need plenty of upgrades to defend against later waves in a mission" "Tip_MvM_10_3" "Tip: Tabt kredit forsvinder efter en kort tidsperiode" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_3" "Tip: Dropped credits vanish after a short period of time" "Tip_MvM_10_4" "Tip: Bonus-kredit tildeles, hvis al kredit i en bølge samles" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_4" "Tip: Bonus credits are awarded if all the credits in a wave are collected" "Tip_MvM_10_5" "Tip: Nye klasseevner er tilgængelige i Mann vs. Machine. Se et overblik i klassevalgskærmen!" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_5" "Tip: New class abilities are available in Mann vs. Machine. See an overview on the class selection screen!" "Tip_MvM_10_6" "Tip: Hologrammer viser vejen, som bombebærer-robotten vil følge" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_6" "Tip: Holograms show the path that the bomb carrier robot will follow" "Tip_MvM_10_7" "Tip: Du kan ændre din klasse og våben om nødvendigt. Husk, at dine opgraderinger vil blive på disse våben og klasser!" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_7" "Tip: You can change your class and weapons if necessary. Remember, your upgrades will remain on those weapons and classes!" "Tip_MvM_10_8" "Tip: Robotter bliver stærkere, jo længere de bærer på bomben." "[english]Tip_MvM_10_8" "Tip: Robots become more powerful the longer they carry the bomb." "Tip_MvM_10_9" "Tip: Du kan vende hurtigt tilbage ved at trykke på '%+use_action_slot_item%', men pas på: det kan blive dyrt på lang sigt!" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_9" "Tip: You can respawn quickly be pressing '%+use_action_slot_item%' but beware, it can become expensive over time!" "Tip_MvM_10_10" "Tip: Power Up-flasker giver dig adgang til øjeblikkelige krits, Übers og mere. Udstyr den i din handlingsposition og køb ladninger ved opgraderingsstationen. Aktiver den med \"%+use_action_slot_item%\"!" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_10" "Tip: Power-up canteens give you access to instant Crits, Uber, and more. Equip it in your Action slot and buy charges at the Upgrade Station. Activate it with '%+use_action_slot_item%'!" "Tip_MvM_10_11" "Tip: Det kræver kun én bombe for at ødelægge en facilitet" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_11" "Tip: It only takes one bomb to destroy a facility" "Tip_MvM_10_12" "Tip: Bombebærere kan skubbes tilbage. En Pyros luftstød eller Heavys raseri kan give dit hold noget ekstra tid!" "[english]Tip_MvM_10_12" "Tip: Bomb carriers can be pushed back. A Pyro's airblast or Heavy's rage can give your team some breathing room!" "NewItemMethod_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "Du optjente bytte:" "[english]NewItemMethod_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "You Earned Loot:" "NewItemMethod_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "Du modtog fra Gruppeoverskud:" "[english]NewItemMethod_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "You Received Squad Surplus:" "Attrib_SquadSurplusClaimerAccountID" "Gruppeoverskud brugt af: %s1" "[english]Attrib_SquadSurplusClaimerAccountID" "Squad surplus claimed by: %s1" "TF_ScoreBoard_GraphBuyBack" "Tilbagekøb per bølge" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_GraphBuyBack" "Buy Backs Per Wave" "TF_ScoreBoard_GraphDeaths" "Dødsfald per bølge" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_GraphDeaths" "Deaths Per Wave" "TF_ScoreBoard_GraphCurrency" "Kredit per bølge" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_GraphCurrency" "Credits Per Wave" "TF_ScoreBoard_Wave" "Bølge" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Wave" "Wave" "TF_ScoreBoard_Upgrade" "Opgrader" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Upgrade" "Upgrade" "TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTarget" "Anvendt på" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTarget" "Applied To" "TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTargetSelf" "Selv" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTargetSelf" "Self" "Winpanel_PVE_Evil_Wins" "Bølge mislykket" "[english]Winpanel_PVE_Evil_Wins" "Wave Failed" "Winpanel_PVE_Bomb_Deployed" "Bomben blev detoneret!" "[english]Winpanel_PVE_Bomb_Deployed" "The bomb was deployed!" "TF_Heavy_Robot_Ushanka_Hat" "U-clank-a" "[english]TF_Heavy_Robot_Ushanka_Hat" "The U-clank-a" "TF_Heavy_Robot_Ushanka_Hat_Desc" "Rist denne stål-ushanka i ilden og placer den på dit hoved for vedvarende varme gennem dagen. Sørg for, at du kommer op med en vellydende falsk anekdote til dine tredjegradsforbrændinger!" "[english]TF_Heavy_Robot_Ushanka_Hat_Desc" "Roast this steel ushanka in the fire and place it on your head for sustained warmth throughout the day. Make sure to come up with an impressive sounding fake anecdote for your third degree burns!" "TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora" "Den Stålende Stjæler" "[english]TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora" "The Stealth Steeler" "TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora_Desc" "Er rygstikkeri blevet kedeligt? Er snigen for simpelt? Prøv at gå med denne 15-punds metalhat! Nyd den ekstra udfordring i at fraholde din nakke fra at knække, når du sapper sentries! Det er rygradsknusende underholdning!" "[english]TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora_Desc" "Has back-stabbing lost its charm? Is sneaking too simple? Try wearing this 15 pound metal hat on your head! Enjoy the meta-challenge of keeping your neck from snapping as you sap sentries! This is spine-crushing entertainment!" "TF_Pyro_Robot_Backpack" "Den Pyrobotiske Rygvarmer" "[english]TF_Pyro_Robot_Backpack" "The Pyrobotics Pack" "TF_Pyro_Robot_Backpack_Desc" "Vidste du, at ild kan smelte metal? Altså, hvis du var ved at bekæmpe en robothær. Du kunne smelte dem! Med ild! Virkelig! Bare en sjov, lille ting, vi lærte i dag. Vi kan ikke rigtig se nogen praktisk brug af denne viden, men det er godt at have lært." "[english]TF_Pyro_Robot_Backpack_Desc" "Did you know that fire can melt metal? Like, say you were fighting an army of robots. You could melt them! With fire! It's true! Just a fun little fact we learned today. We don't really see any practical application for the information, but it's good to learn." "TF_Medic_Robot_Backpack" "Medics Mekanik-taske" "[english]TF_Medic_Robot_Backpack" "The Medic Mech-bag" "TF_Medic_Robot_Backpack_Desc" "Det bedste ved at kæmpe en robothær er, at du kan bruge alle de ødelagte kropsdele til sjovt nyt tilbehør. Tag den Mekaniske Medicintaske! Sikke et fint nummer. Det er godt, at robotter ikke har sjæle, ellers ville de være virkelig vrede over, at vi bruger deres kropsdele til kosmetik!" "[english]TF_Medic_Robot_Backpack_Desc" "The best part of fighting a robot army is you get to salvage all of their destroyed body parts for fun new accessories. Take the Medic Mech-pack! What a fine looking number. It's a good thing robots don't have souls, or they'd be mighty angry that we're using their body parts as cosmetic items!" "TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet" "Blikspanden" "[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet" "The Tin Pot" "TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Desc" "Det fede ved denne hjelm er, at den stopper skud (nej, den gør ikke)! Se på den - den er lavet af robotmetal! Skud kan ikke gå gennem robotmetal (det kan de sagtens)! Der er virkelig ingen måde, du kunne tage skade på, mens du går med denne hjelm (det er der uden tvivl)." "[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Desc" "The great thing about this helmet is that it stops bullets (no it doesn't)! Look at it – it's made of robot metal! Bullets can't go through robot metal (they definitely can)! There really is no way you could be harmed while wearing this helmet (there absolutely is)." "TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Style0" "Forslået" "[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Style0" "Battered" "TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Style1" "Standard-udgave" "[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Style1" "Standard Issue" "TF_Demo_Robot_Grenades" "Batteri-bandoleret" "[english]TF_Demo_Robot_Grenades" "The Battery Bandolier" "TF_Demo_Robot_Grenades_Desc" "For den første gang nogensinde, er battier nu inkluderet ved køb af Demomandens battier-bandoler. Fordi, tjah, du køber battier. Vi skulle have sagt, at det er første gang i historien [bortset fra, at du af og til køber batterier]." "[english]TF_Demo_Robot_Grenades_Desc" "For the first time in history, batteries are included with your purchase of Demo's battery Bandolier. Because, well, you're purchasing batteries. We should have said, for the first time in history [except for all those times you bought batteries]." "TF_Scout_Robot_Cap" "Den Robotiske Løber" "[english]TF_Scout_Robot_Cap" "The Robot Running Man" "TF_Scout_Robot_Cap_Desc" "Man skulle tro, at denne robotkasket ville sløve Scout, men han er faktisk lige så hurtig! Det er alt den mælk, han drikker. Du regnede ikke med, at denne genstand var en dårligt skjult mælkereklame, gjorde du? Vi er fuld af overraskelser i dag. Bare vent til du prøver at falde i søvn i aften! Åhhh, manner." "[english]TF_Scout_Robot_Cap_Desc" "You'd think this robot cap would slow Scout down, but he's actually just as fast! It's all that milk he drinks. You didn't expect this item to be a thinly veiled milk advertisement, did you? We're full of surprises today. Just wait until you try to go to sleep tonight! Ohhh boy!" "TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat" "Den Boltede Skovmand" "[english]TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat" "The Bolted Bushman" "TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat_Desc" "En hat siger ting om dens bærer. Fedora? Mystik, fare og masser af druk. Jagtkasket? Piberygning, list og rå intelligens. Den Boltede Skovmand viser dine venner og fjender, at du er stålsat, hård og... fuld af bolte, gætter vi på. Ved du hvad, nogle hatte behøver kun at vise to ting." "[english]TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat_Desc" "A hat says things about its wearer. Fedoras? Mystery, danger, and hard drinking cool. Deerstalkers? Pipe smoking, cunning, and raw intellect. The Bolted Bushman will show your friends and foes alike that you are steely, hard and... full of bolts we guess. You know what, some hats only need to say two things." "TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat" "Tin-1000" "[english]TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat" "The Tin-1000" "TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat_Desc" "Forstyrrer folk dig, mens du prøver at arbejde? Bare tag Tin-1000 på, kig på dem uden at blinke med dine sjæleløse, røde øjne, og se på, mens de flygter i skræk. Den er god til at fortynde din vennekreds - i en fart!" "[english]TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat_Desc" "Are people bothering you while you're trying to work? Just strap on The Tin-1000, stare at them unflinchingly with your soulless, red, robot eyes, and watch as they slink away in terror. It's a great way to thin out your friend circle – fast!" "TF_CSGO_AWP" "AWPer Hand" "[english]TF_CSGO_AWP" "The AWPer Hand" "TF_CSGO_AWP_Desc" "Dette kontroversielle bolt-action-pragteksemplar er forbudt i tusindvis af lande, og med god grund: Du kunne virkelig såre nogen med den her ting." "[english]TF_CSGO_AWP_Desc" "This controversial bolt-action beaut is banned in thousands of countries, and with good reason: You could really hurt someone with this thing." "TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionTitle" "Opdatering tilgængelig" "[english]TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionTitle" "Update Available" "TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionMessage" "Genstart venligst Team Fortress for at downloade den nyeste opdatering." "[english]TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionMessage" "Please restart Team Fortress to download the latest update." "TF_Player_ReadyToggle" "Skift klar-tilstand" "[english]TF_Player_ReadyToggle" "Toggle Player Ready" "TF_Wearable_Hair" "Hår" "[english]TF_Wearable_Hair" "Hair" "TF_Wearable_Bones" "Knogler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bones" "Bones" "TF_CopHelmet_Style0" "Fredsbevarer" "[english]TF_CopHelmet_Style0" "Peacekeeper" "TF_CopHelmet_Style1" "Lovløs" "[english]TF_CopHelmet_Style1" "Lawless" "TF_XCOM_Hair" "Håndværkerens Hentehår" "[english]TF_XCOM_Hair" "The Crafty Hair" "TF_XCOM_Hair_Desc" "Hvis du nogensinde planlægger at kæmpe mod rumvæsner, er dette håret at have. Rumvæsner er bange for kantet, nænsomt anlagt hår, så bare ved synet af dig, render de tilbage til Mars. Eller, som et alternativ, tager du helt fejl og kommer til at dø. På den ene eller den anden måde, så kommer du til at se godt ud." "[english]TF_XCOM_Hair_Desc" "If you're ever planning on fighting aliens, this is the hair to have. Aliens are afraid of angular, painstakingly coiffed hair, so the mere sight of you will send them running back to Mars. Or, alternatively, we're completely wrong and you're going to die. Either way, though, you're going to look stylin'." "TF_XCOM_Pyro" "Område 451" "[english]TF_XCOM_Pyro" "Area 451" "TF_XCOM_Pyro_Desc" "Hvis rumvæsner nogensinde invaderede Badlands og brugte deres specielle rumvæsenkræfter til at få alle vores hoveder til at ligne rumvæsenhoveder, er dette en videnskabeligt nøjagtig repræsentation af, hvordan Pyro ville se ud. Vi prøvede at lave lignende modeller for resten af TF-holdet, men vi færdiggjorde en af Heavy og er ikke stoppet med at græde og brække os længe nok til at lave de andre." "[english]TF_XCOM_Pyro_Desc" "If aliens ever invaded Badlands and used their special alien powers to make all of our heads look like alien heads, this is a scientifically accurate representation of what Pyro would look like. We tried doing similar mock-ups with the rest of the TF team, but we finished one of Heavy and haven't stopped crying and vomiting long enough to do the other ones." "TF_XCOM_Pin" "Den Vagtsomme Knappenål" "[english]TF_XCOM_Pin" "The Vigilant Pin" "TF_XCOM_Pin_Desc" "Denne knappenål viser stolt til alle, at du i det mindste er en smule opmærksom på muligheden om, at rumvæsner eksisterer. Du har måske været til de der konventioner, måske har du kigget tankefuldt op på himlen, eller måske har du set Signs et par gange. Hvis udenjordisk liv nogensinde dukker op, kan du stolt vise andre dette emblem og erklære, at du engang tænkte på muligheden om, at dette måske kom til at ske en eller anden dag." "[english]TF_XCOM_Pin_Desc" "This pin proudly states to all that you are at least vaguely aware of the possibility that maybe aliens exist. You've been to some of those conventions; you've looked pensively into the sky; you've watched Signs a couple of times. If extraterrestrials ever show up, you can proudly show others this badge and proclaim that you once entertained the possibility that this was maybe going to happen one day. " "TF_ProfessorHair_Style0" "Manisk" "[english]TF_ProfessorHair_Style0" "Manic" "TF_ProfessorHair_Style1" "Tæmmet" "[english]TF_ProfessorHair_Style1" "Tamed" "TF_BigCountry_Style0" "Nelson" "[english]TF_BigCountry_Style0" "Nelson" "TF_BigCountry_Style1" "Brooks" "[english]TF_BigCountry_Style1" "Brooks" "TF_DemoBeardPipe" "Den Beskæggede Bombemand" "[english]TF_DemoBeardPipe" "The Bearded Bombardier" "TF_DemoBeardPipe_Desc" "Demoman er allerede meget ligesom Julemanden. De har begge omfattende viden om moderne springstoffer, de hader begge Judy Garland og nu kan de begge fremvise et charmerende skæg og majspipe." "[english]TF_DemoBeardPipe_Desc" "Demo is already a lot like Santa Claus. They both have extensive knowledge of modern explosives, they both hate Judy Garland, and now, they can both sport a charming beard and corn cob pipe." "TF_DemoBeardPipe_Style0" "Lige meget" "[english]TF_DemoBeardPipe_Style0" "Whatever" "TF_DemoBeardPipe_Style1" "Formel" "[english]TF_DemoBeardPipe_Style1" "Formal" "TF_EngineerPocketCat" "Lommespinderen" "[english]TF_EngineerPocketCat" "The Pocket Purrer" "TF_EngineerPocketCat_Desc" "Liden kendt faktum: Katte er fantastiske ingeniører. Bare spørg om det næste gang, du ser en. I tilfælde af at du ikke snakker kat, så betyder \"miao\": \"den cantilever er bøjet over sine bærebjælker af typen g\". Den kommer sikkert til at sige det meget." "[english]TF_EngineerPocketCat_Desc" "Little known fact: cats are fantastic engineers. Go ahead and ask about it next time you see one. In case you don't speak feline, \"meow\" means \"that cantilever is deflected over its g-type joist girder.\" It's probably going to say that a lot." "TF_HeavyMustacheHat" "Den Sovjetiske Gentleman" "[english]TF_HeavyMustacheHat" "The Soviet Gentleman" "TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Desc" "Heavy er en mand af intrige, og enhver intrigemand, der er sin løn værd, fortjener at være prydet med en fin hat og overskæg. På den måde kan folk ivrigt hviske ting såsom: \"Gad vide, hvor lang tid det tog ham at gro det overskæg\" og \"Hvad tror du, han har under sin hat?\"" "[english]TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Desc" "Heavy is a man of intrigue, and every intrigue-man worth his salt deserves a fine hat and moustache to sport. That way, people can excitedly whisper things like: \"I wonder how long it took him to grow that moustache\" and \"what do you think he keeps under his hat?\"" "TF_MedicGasMask" "Medi-maske" "[english]TF_MedicGasMask" "Medi-Mask" "TF_MedicGasMask_Desc" "Som et tankeeksperiment er Medic begyndt at bære denne maske, udsende ufarlige gasser i et rum og skrige \"Herregud - gifttanken er bristet!\" for at se, hvad folk gør. Indtil videre har forsøgene ikke været fyldestgørende. Dog er et par personer døde. Så det er interessant." "[english]TF_MedicGasMask_Desc" "As a thought experiment, Medic has taken to wearing this mask, releasing innocuous gas into a room and screaming, \"Dear god – the poison tanker has burst!\" to see what people will do. So far, the tests have been inconclusive. Although, a couple people have died. So that's interesting." "TF_ScoutTrackJacket" "Banebrænderen" "[english]TF_ScoutTrackJacket" "The Track Terrorizer" "TF_ScoutTrackJacket_Desc" "I en kort periode i gymnasiet var Scout medlem af et atletikhold i en af sine mange planer om at score piger. Han blev smidt af holdet efter tre dage, da det gik op for alle, at han var 23 år gammel og derudover heller ikke gik på skolen." "[english]TF_ScoutTrackJacket_Desc" "For a brief stint in high school, Scout joined the track team in one of his many schemes to pick up girls. He was kicked off the team after three days when everyone realized he was 23-years-old and also not enrolled in the school." "TF_SniperPocketKoala" "Koala-kompakten" "[english]TF_SniperPocketKoala" "The Koala Compact" "TF_SniperPocketKoala_Desc" "Se på mens dine fjender skælver af frygt ved synet af denne lillebitte koala! Hør dem skrige af hans skræmmende lille hat! Lugt til dem, mens de vakler over, hvor bedragerisk lille den er! Advarsel: Du er muligvis ikke selv i stand til at håndtere rædslen!" "[english]TF_SniperPocketKoala_Desc" "Watch as your enemies quake in fear at the sight of this tiny koala! Hear them scream at his horrifying little hat! Smell them reel in alarm at how deviously small it is! Warning: You may not be able to stand the terror yourself!" "TF_SniperPocketKoala_Style0" "Tvillinger" "[english]TF_SniperPocketKoala_Style0" "Twins" "TF_SniperPocketKoala_Style1" "Fattig og irsk" "[english]TF_SniperPocketKoala_Style1" "Poor and Irish" "TF_SoldierWarPig" "Krigsgrisen" "[english]TF_SoldierWarPig" "The War Pig" "TF_SoldierWarPig_Desc" "Efter klager, om at hindret udsyn hæmmede hans præstation, smed Soldier nogle briller på hjelmen og løb tilbage ind i kampen. Hans præstation blev ikke bedre, men på den lyse side er folk holdt op med at forvente noget fra ham." "[english]TF_SoldierWarPig_Desc" "After complaints that obstructed vision was affecting his performance, Soldier slapped some goggles on a helmet and charged back into the fray. His performance did not improve, but on the upside, everyone has stopped expecting anything from him." "TF_SoldierWarPig_Style0" "Uhæmmet" "[english]TF_SoldierWarPig_Style0" "Uninhibited" "TF_SoldierWarPig_Style1" "Iøjnefaldende" "[english]TF_SoldierWarPig_Style1" "Conspicuous" "TF_SpyCardHat" "Korthatten" "[english]TF_SpyCardHat" "Hat of Cards" "TF_SpyCardHat_Desc" "Hvorfor tog vi lige et af disse kort ud af vores hat for åbenlyst at snyde i poker? Måske skulle du spørge om dette: hvorfor er vores knive... i din mave?! Du bør også spørge om dette: hvor er det nærmeste hospital?! Og: er blod så vigtigt, som alle siger?!" "[english]TF_SpyCardHat_Desc" "Why did we just take one of those cards out of our hats to blatantly cheat at poker? Maybe what you should be asking is this: why are our knives...in your gut?! You might also want to ask: where is the nearest hospital?! And: is blood as important as everyone claims?!" "TF_Pyro_FireworksBag" "Den Pyrotekniske Rygsæk" "[english]TF_Pyro_FireworksBag" "The Pyrotechnic Tote" "TF_Pyro_FireworksBag_Desc" "Alle dage kan være den fjerde juli, hvis bare du tror på det. Det hjælper også at have en taske fuld af fyrværkeri, såsom Den Pyrotekniske Rygsæk, du kan futte af for at distrahere folk, når de forsøger at fortælle dig, at du ikke kan holde fri for at spise hotdogs og blive fuld i parken. Er det her ikke Amerika, Samuel? Har vi ikke frihed nok til at brække os i vores egne sko?" "[english]TF_Pyro_FireworksBag_Desc" "Any day can be the Fourth of July if you just believe. It also helps if you have a bag of fireworks – like the Pyrotechnic Tote - you can set off to distract people when they try to tell you that you can't take the day off to eat hot dogs and get drunk at the park. Is this not America, Samuel? Do we not have the freedom to vomit in our own shoes?" "KillEaterEventType_ScoutsKilled" "Scouts dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_ScoutsKilled" "Scouts Killed" "KillEaterEventType_InvisibleSpiesKilled" "Skjulte Spies dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_InvisibleSpiesKilled" "Cloaked Spies Killed" "KillEaterEventType_SapperDestroyed" "Sappers fjernet" "[english]KillEaterEventType_SapperDestroyed" "Sappers Removed" "TF_StrangePart_ScoutsKilled" "Sær del: Scouts dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_ScoutsKilled" "Strange Part: Scouts Killed" "TF_StrangePart_ScoutsKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at spore antallet af Scouts, du har dræbt med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_ScoutsKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Scouts you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_InvisibleSpyKills" "Sær del: Skjulte Spies dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_InvisibleSpyKills" "Strange Part: Cloaked Spies Killed" "TF_StrangePart_InvisibleSpyKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Spies, du dræber, mens de er usynlige." "[english]TF_StrangePart_InvisibleSpyKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of spies you kill while they're invisible." "TF_StrangePart_SappersDestroyed" "Sær del: Sappers ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_SappersDestroyed" "Strange Part: Sappers Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_SappersDestroyed_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af sappere, du har ødelagt med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_SappersDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemy sappers you destroy with it." "TF_Tool_FallKey2012" "Efterårsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_FallKey2012" "Fall Key" "TF_Tool_FallKey2012_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Efterårskasser.\n\nEfter d. 20/9/2012 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_FallKey2012_Desc" "Used to open Fall Crates.\n\nAfter 9/20/2012 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_FallCrate2012" "Efterårskasse" "[english]TF_FallCrate2012" "Fall Crate" "TF_FallCrate2012_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_FallCrate2012_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Mysterious_Promo" "Mystisk Promo" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo" "Mysterious Promo" "TF_Robot_Sandvich" "Robo-Sandvich" "[english]TF_Robot_Sandvich" "The Robo-Sandvich" "TF_Robot_Sandvich_Desc" "Robotter kører ikke bare væk. De kører også på metalformede ting, som er lavet til at ligne menneskeføde. Hvorfor? Hvorfor forklarer du det ikke, hvis du er så smart? Om ikke andet, så vil det give MERE mening at spise en metal-sandwich. Hvorfor får dig og olie ikke et barn, som du deler myndighed over, efter dig og olie har en slem skilsmisse, hvis du elsker olie så meget?" "[english]TF_Robot_Sandvich_Desc" "Robots don't just run off oil. They also run off metal things constructed to resemble human food. Why? Why don't you tell me, if you're so smart? If anything, eating a metal sandwich makes MORE sense. Why don't you and oil have a baby that you have shared custody of after you and oil have a messy divorce if you love oil so much?" "TF_CompanionSquare_Badge" "Venner for altid-Companion Square-emblemet" "[english]TF_CompanionSquare_Badge" "The Friends Forever Companion Square Badge" "TF_CompanionSquare_Badge_Desc" "Du er en gråsprængt venskabsveteran. Dit blod og sved er blevet hældt i utallige tæppefort-konstruktioner. Lad dette \"Venner for altid\"-emblem være en påmindelse til alle om, at du ved, hvad det betyder at være en bro." "[english]TF_CompanionSquare_Badge_Desc" "You are a grizzled friendship veteran. Your blood and sweat has been poured into countless blanket fort constructions. You've fought in hundreds of harrowing pillow wars. Let this Friends Forever badge be a reminder to all that you know what it means to be a bro." "TF_ThreeA_Badge" "Triple A-emblem" "[english]TF_ThreeA_Badge" "Triple A Badge" "TF_ThreeA_Badge_Desc" "Bogstavet \"a\" er et godt bogstav. Vi kan lide det så meget, at vi satte det på et emblem. Og vi tænkte, at den her gasmaske-fyr så elegant ud, så ham satte vi også på. Vi satser på mavefornemmelsen; det fungerer temmelig godt. Vores maver føler, at den næste genstand, vi lancerer... en hat af en slags. Ja. Det føler vi os godt tilpas med." "[english]TF_ThreeA_Badge_Desc" "The letter \"a\" is a great letter. We like it so much, we stuck it on a badge. And we thought this gas mask guy looked neat, so we put him on there too. We're going with our guts; it's working out pretty well. Our guts feel like the next item we ship will be...a hat of some kind. Yeah. We're feeling really good about this." "TF_COH2_Heavy" "Den Store Artilleri-officers Kasket" "[english]TF_COH2_Heavy" "The Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap" "TF_COH2_Heavy_Desc" "Du har aldrig kæmpet i Den Store som din oldefar. Men der er en ting, du har, som han aldrig får: MOD. Nej, vent. Det er det, han havde. Du får denne hat." "[english]TF_COH2_Heavy_Desc" "You never fought in the Big One like your great grandfather. But there's one thing you've got that he'll never have: GUTS. No wait. That's what he had. You get this hat." "TF_COH2_Medic" "Kamp-Medicens Knusekasket" "[english]TF_COH2_Medic" "The Combat Medic's Crusher Cap" "TF_COH2_Medic_Desc" "Du har aldrig kæmpet i Den Store som din oldefar. Men der er en ting, du har, som han aldrig får: MOD. Nej, vent. Det er det, han havde. Du får denne hat." "[english]TF_COH2_Medic_Desc" "You never fought in the Big One like your great grandfather. But there's one thing you've got that he'll never have: GUTS. No wait. That's what he had. You get this hat." "TF_COH2_Badge" "Heroisk Følgesvend-emblem" "[english]TF_COH2_Badge" "The Heroic Companion Badge" "TF_COH2_Badge_Desc" "Dette emblem bekræfter, at du er i heltes kompagni. Ikke at du ER en helt, selvfølgelig. Bare at du kender nogle, og en gang i mellem lader de dig hænge ud med dem." "[english]TF_COH2_Badge_Desc" "This badge certifies that you are in the company of heroes. Not that you ARE a hero, of course. Just that you know some, and occasionally they let you hang out with them." "TF_COH2_Badge_Style1" "Russisk" "[english]TF_COH2_Badge_Style1" "Russian" "TF_COH2_Badge_Style2" "Tysk" "[english]TF_COH2_Badge_Style2" "German" "TF_PVE_Server_GCDownHeader" "Genstandsserveren er i øjeblikket utilgængelig" "[english]TF_PVE_Server_GCDownHeader" "Item Server Currently Unavailable" "TF_PVE_Server_GCDownMessage" "Billetter og kuponer kan indløses for genstande, når serveren bliver tilgængelig" "[english]TF_PVE_Server_GCDownMessage" "Tickets and Vouchers will be redeemed for items when it becomes available" "TF_PVE_Server_SquadVoucherMissing" "Gruppeoverskudskupon blev fjernet af en spiller. Ingen kupongenstande vil blive uddelt." "[english]TF_PVE_Server_SquadVoucherMissing" "Squad Surplus Voucher was removed by player. No voucher items will be given" "TF_MvM_Missions" "Missioner" "[english]TF_MvM_Missions" "Missions" "TF_MvM_Intermediate" "Mellem" "[english]TF_MvM_Intermediate" "Intermediate" "TF_MvM_Expert" "Ekspert" "[english]TF_MvM_Expert" "Expert" "TF_MvM_OnlyChallengeNotYetCompleted" "Kun missioner som ikke er gennemførte" "[english]TF_MvM_OnlyChallengeNotYetCompleted" "Only missions not yet completed" "TF_MvM_AnyChallengeCompleted" "Vilkårlig gennemført mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyChallengeCompleted" "Any completed mission" "TF_MvM_AnyNormalChallenge" "Vilkårlig normal mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyNormalChallenge" "Any normal mission" "TF_MvM_AnyIntermediateChallenge" "Vilkårlig mellem-mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyIntermediateChallenge" "Any intermediate mission" "TF_MvM_AnyAdvancedChallenge" "Vilkårlig avanceret mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyAdvancedChallenge" "Any advanced mission" "TF_MvM_AnyExpertChallenge" "Vilkårlig ekspert-mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyExpertChallenge" "Any expert mission" "TF_Weapon_Staff" "Stav" "[english]TF_Weapon_Staff" "Staff" "TF_Wearable_Cape" "Kappe" "[english]TF_Wearable_Cape" "Cape" "TF_Dishonored_Badge" "Hvalben-amuletten" "[english]TF_Dishonored_Badge" "The Whale Bone Charm" "TF_Dishonored_Badge_Desc" "Denne amulet, der er lavet af Dunwalls fineste hvalben, garanterer ti gange så meget held som dine andre smykker lavet af skeletdele. Sig farvel til den irriterende halskæde af kaninfødder, flagermusevinger og underudviklede hænder, du normalt bærer for at købe lottokuponer." "[english]TF_Dishonored_Badge_Desc" "Made of Dunwall's finest whalebone, this charm is guaranteed to be ten times as lucky as your other jewelry made of skeleton parts. Say goodbye to that annoying necklace of rabbit feet, bat wings and shriveled hands you usually wear to buy lottery tickets." "TF_Dishonored_Mask" "Den Manglende Moralske Rødtrådsmaske" "[english]TF_Dishonored_Mask" "The Lacking Moral Fiber Mask" "TF_Dishonored_Mask_Desc" "Denne svindlermaske er perfekt til det ældste bedrageri i bogen: At få folk til at tro på, at du er en fattig, vanæret robot, der lige har fået en tandoperation, hvorefter du får dem til at låne dig penge. Kommer også med øje-våben, så hvis du ikke snyder dem, så kan du røve dem." "[english]TF_Dishonored_Mask_Desc" "This grifter's mask is perfect for running the oldest scam in the book: tricking people into thinking you're a down-on-his-luck, dishonored robot who's just had dental surgery, then getting them to lend you money. Also comes with eye-gun, so if the scam doesn't work, you can rob them." "TF_TW_Cape" "Den Skotske Konges Kappe" "[english]TF_TW_Cape" "The King of Scotland Cape" "TF_TW_Cape_Desc" "Kapper bæres kun af de mest prestigefyldte individer. Konger. Dracula. Teenagere, der lader som om, de er troldmænd. Nu kan du tilslutte dig deres hæderkronede rækker med Den Skotske Konges Kappe. Bær den med stolthed, og gør de førpubertetere stolte." "[english]TF_TW_Cape_Desc" "Capes are worn by only the most prestigious individuals. Kings. Dracula. Teenagers pretending they're wizards. Now you can join their illustrious ranks with this King of Scotland Cape. Wear it with pride, and make those prepubescents proud." "TF_TW_Mask" "Menpo" "[english]TF_TW_Mask" "The Menpo" "TF_TW_Mask_Desc" "Opdag samuraiens spændende verden! Snak hurtigt og vredt! Gro et skæg! Måske, hvis du dræber en anden samurai og bagefter undskylder, kan du gå ud med hans kone! Mulighederne er utallige!" "[english]TF_TW_Mask_Desc" "Discover the exciting world of the samurai! Speak quickly and angrily! Grow facial hair! Maybe if you kill another samurai and apologize after, you'll get to date his wife! The possibilities are endless!" "TF_TW_Mask_Style1" "Yuurei" "[english]TF_TW_Mask_Style1" "Yuurei" "TF_TW_Mask_Style2" "Obake" "[english]TF_TW_Mask_Style2" "Obake" "TF_TW_Mask_Style3" "Youkai" "[english]TF_TW_Mask_Style3" "Youkai" "TF_TW_Mask_Style4" "Azukiarai" "[english]TF_TW_Mask_Style4" "Azukiarai" "TF_TW_Mane" "K-9-manken" "[english]TF_TW_Mane" "The K-9 Mane" "TF_TW_Mane_Desc" "Denne K-9-manke er perfekt til besværlige sociale situationer. Enten vil folk kun snakke om hatten, hvilket betyder at de ikke ligger mærke til det udslæt, der bevæger sig op ad din hals, eller så undgår de dig helt. Det er en win/win-situation!" "[english]TF_TW_Mane_Desc" "The K-9 mane is perfect for tricky social situations. People will either only want to talk about the hat, which means they'll be distracted from that rash making its way up your jugular, or they'll avoid you altogether. It's a win/win!" "TF_TW_Sniper_Hat" "Sniperens Skorstenschakot" "[english]TF_TW_Sniper_Hat" "The Stovepipe Sniper Shako" "TF_TW_Sniper_Hat_Desc" "Denne hat er perfekt for snigskytten, der kan lide at gemme sig i skyggerne, og pludselig løbe fra disse skygger for at føre en parade an." "[english]TF_TW_Sniper_Hat_Desc" "This hat is perfect for the sniper who likes to hide in the shadows, then run suddenly from those shadows to go lead a parade." "TF_TW_Medic_Coat" "Den Lapsede Læge" "[english]TF_TW_Medic_Coat" "The Foppish Physician" "TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Desc" "Om du trepanerer et kranie for at lukke sygdomsspøgelserne ud, eller fastgør så mange igler til en patient, at han besvimer af blodmangel, før du skærer alle mistænkelige lemmer af, så forsikrer denne trøje og frakke med nydelig krage dine patienter om, at de er kommet til det rette sted for at få deres faretruende sindssyge medicin fra det 18. århundrede." "[english]TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Desc" "Whether you're trepanning a skull to let out the sickness ghosts or attaching enough leeches to a patient that they'll pass out from blood loss before you cut off any suspicious-looking limbs, this dapper ruffed shirt and coat will assure your patients that they came to the right place for their dangerously insane 18th century medicine." "TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Style1" "Slips" "[english]TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Style1" "Tie" "TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Style2" "Epauletter" "[english]TF_TW_Medic_Coat_Style2" "Epaulettes" "TF_TW_Spy_Coat" "Det Kriminelle Kendetegn" "[english]TF_TW_Spy_Coat" "The Distinguished Rogue" "TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Desc" "Denne frakke udfører så meget af det tunge arbejde, for at få dig til at ligne en sofistikeret spionage-mand, at du ikke engang behøver at have noget andet på. Se alle de hoveder dreje, næste gang du deltager i et smart galla helt nøgen bortset fra frakken. Så misundelige. Hvad med den mand, der ringer til politiet? Er han misundelig? Ja, det er han." "[english]TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Desc" "This coat does so much of the heavy lifting to make you look like a sophisticated man of espionage, you won't need to wear anything else at all. Watch those heads turn the next time you attend a fancy gala completely nude except for a coat. So jealous. How about that guy calling the police? Is HE jealous? Yeah he is." "TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style1" "Slips" "[english]TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style1" "Tie" "TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style2" "Epauletter" "[english]TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style2" "Epaulettes" "TF_TW_Staff" "Frihedsstaven" "[english]TF_TW_Staff" "The Freedom Staff" "TF_TW_Staff_Desc" "Siden Amerika blev stiftet for over titusind år siden, har den ædle ørn været dets frihedssymbol. Vis folk, hvor meget du kan lide frihed, ved at banke dem bevidstløse med denne gyldne ørn på en pind, ligesom Kofi Annan." "[english]TF_TW_Staff_Desc" "Since America was founded over ten thousand years ago, the noble eagle has been its symbol of freedom. Show people how much you like freedom by clubbing them senseless with a golden eagle on a stick, just like Kofi Annan." "default_arena_description" "Mål: Dit hold skal enten udrydde alle spillere på det modsatte hold eller erobre det kontrolpunkt, som bliver aktiveret i løbet af runden. Andre bemærkninger: Der er ingen tilbagevenden i Arenatilstand." "[english]default_arena_description" "Objective: Your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team or capture the control point that will be activated during the round. Other Notes: There is no respawning in Arena mode." "default_cp_description" "Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]default_cp_description" "Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "default_koth_description" "Mål: Erobr kontrolpunktet og forsvar det indtil dit holds ur løber ud. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunktet kan ikke erobres, mens det er låst. Hvis det fjendtlige hold erobrer kontrolpunktet, vil dit holds ur pause, indtil I generobrer punktet." "[english]default_koth_description" "Objective: Capture the Control Point and defend it until your team's timer runs out. Other Notes: The Control Point cannot be captured while locked. If the enemy team captures the Control Point, your team's timer will pause until you recapture the point." "default_mvm_description" "Mål: Forsvar mod de invaderende robotter. Gennemfør alle bølger for sejr!" "[english]default_mvm_description" "Objective: Defend against the invading robots. Complete all waves for victory!" "cp_coldfront_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af \"Icarus\" Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_coldfront_description" "A community map created by \"Icarus\" Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "cp_dustbowl_description" "Mål: BLU vinder ved at erobre begge kontrolpunkter i tre områder, inden tiden løber ud. RED vinder ved at forhindre punkterne i at blive erobret. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_dustbowl_description" "Objective: Blue team wins by capturing both Control Points on each of three stages before the time runs out. Red team wins by preventing all the points from being captured. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "cp_degrootkeep_description" "Mål: RED vinder ved at forsvare det endelige kontrolpunkt. BLU vinder ved at erobre det endelige kontrolpunkt før tiden løber ud. For at komme ind i borgen, skal kontrolpunkt A og B erobres. Erobr kontrolpunkt C før porten lukkes igen! Andre bemærkninger: Kun ærefuld hånd-til-sværd-kamp!" "[english]cp_degrootkeep_description" "Objective: RED team wins by defending the final Control Point. BLU team wins by capturing the final Control Point before time runs out. To get inside the keep, capture Control Point A and B. Capture Control Point C before the gate closes again! Other Notes: Honorable hand to sword combat only!" "cp_fastlane_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af \"skdr\" Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_fastlane_description" "A community map created by \"skdr\" Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "cp_gorge_description" "Mål: RED vinder ved at forsvare deres kontrolpunkter. BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkterne, inden tiden løber ud. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste. RED kan ikke generobre et kontrolpunkt, når først BLU har erobret det." "[english]cp_gorge_description" "Objective: RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it." "cp_gravelpit_description" "Mål: RED vinder ved at forsvare deres kontrolpunkter. BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkterne, inden tiden løber ud. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste. RED kan ikke generobre et kontrolpunkt, når først BLU har erobret det." "[english]cp_gravelpit_description" "Objective: RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it." "cp_gullywash_final1_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af Jan 'Arnold' Laroy Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_gullywash_final1_description" "A community map created by Jan 'Arnold' Laroy Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "cp_manor_event_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af \"YM\" og \"Rexy\" Mål: RED vinder ved at forsvare deres kontrolpunkter. BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkterne, inden tiden løber ud. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste. RED kan ikke generobre et kontrolpunkt, når først BLU har erobret det." "[english]cp_manor_event_description" "A community map created by \"YM\" and \"Rexy\" Objective: RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it." "cp_mountainlab_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af \"3Dnj\" Mål: Hold RED vinder ved at forsvare deres kontrolpunkter. Hold BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkterne, inden tiden løber ud. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste. Hold RED kan ikke generobre et kontrolpunkt, når hold BLU først har erobret det." "[english]cp_mountainlab_description" "A community map created by \"3Dnj\" Objective: RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it." "ctf_2fort_description" "Mål: For at vinde et point skal I stjæle fjendens efterretningsmappe og returnere den til jeres kælder Andre bemærkninger: Spillere taber efterretningerne, når de dør. Tabte efterretninger vender tilbage til basen efter 60 sekunder." "[english]ctf_2fort_description" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your basement. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds." "default_ctf_description" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere mister mappen med efterretninger, når de dør. Når en spiller mister mappen med efterretninger, returneres mappen til basen efter 60 sekunder." "[english]default_ctf_description" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds." "ctf_turbine_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af \"Flobster\" Mål: For at vinde et point skal I stjæle fjendens efterretningsmappe og returnere den til jeres base. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere taber efterretningerne, når de dør. Tabte efterretninger vender tilbage til basen efter 60 sekunder." "[english]ctf_turbine_description" "A community map created by \"Flobster\" Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds." "koth_viaduct_event_description" "Mål: Erobr kontrolpunktet og forsvar det indtil dit holds ur løber ud. Pas på MONOCULUS! Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunktet kan ikke erobres, mens det er låst. Hvis det fjendtlige hold erobrer kontrolpunktet, vil dit holds ur pause, indtil I generobrer punktet. MONOCULUS! neutraliserer ejerskabet af kontrolpunktet, mens han lurer omkring." "[english]koth_viaduct_event_description" "Objective: Capture the Control Point and defend it until your team's timer runs out. Beware MONOCULUS! Other Notes: The Control Point cannot be captured while locked. If the enemy team captures the Control Point, your team's timer will pause until you recapture the point. MONOCULUS! will reset ownership of the Control Point while he is lurking about." "default_payload_description" "Mål: Eskorter lastvognen til fjendens base. Stå nær vognen for at skubbe den. Andre bemærkninger: Fjender kan stoppe vognen ved at stå i nærheden af den." "[english]default_payload_description" "Objective: Escort the payload to the enemy base. Stand near the payload to make it move. Other Notes: Enemies can block the payload by getting close to it." "default_payload_race_description" "Mål: Eskorter jeres lastvogn til målstregen, før det modsatte hold får deres i mål. Stå nær vognen for at skubbe den. Andre bemærkninger: Fjender kan stoppe vognen ved at stå i nærheden af den." "[english]default_payload_race_description" "Objective: Escort your payload cart to the finish line before the opposing team can deliver theirs. Stand near the cart to make it move. Other Notes: Enemies can block the cart by getting close to it." "plr_pipeline_description" "Mål: Eskorter jeres lastvogn til målstregen, før det modsatte hold får deres i mål. Stå nær vognen for at skubbe den. Andre bemærkninger: Vind en af de første to runder for at få flyttet vognens startposition fremad i den efterfølgende runde. Fjender kan stoppe vognen ved at stå i nærheden af den." "[english]plr_pipeline_description" "Objective: Escort your payload cart to the finish line before the opposing team can deliver theirs. Stand near the cart to make it move. Other Notes: Win either of the first two rounds to have your cart's starting position advance in the following round. Enemies can block the cart by getting close to it." "sd_doomsday_description" "Mål: Lever australiummet til raketsprænghovedet for at vinde runden. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere taber australiummet, når de dør. Australium, der tabes, vender tilbage til dets startposition efter 15 sekunder." "[english]sd_doomsday_description" "Objective: Deliver the Australium to the rocket warhead to win the round. Other Notes: Players drop the Australium when they die. Dropped Australium returns to its home after 15 seconds." "tc_hydro_description" "Mål: For at vinde runden skal et hold eje alle seks territorier. Vind nye territorier ved at erobre fjendens kontrolpunkt i hvert område. Andre bemærkninger: Der vælges nye områder indtil et hold ejer alle territorier." "[english]tc_hydro_description" "Objective: To win the round, a team must control all six territories. Win new territories by capturing the enemy's control point in each stage. Other Notes: New stages will be selected until one team owns all territories." "cp_steel_description" "En variant af angrib og forsvar! RED har 60 sekunder til at gøre forsvaret klar, før BLU må angribe. Forsvar punkt E i midten - under raketten - indtil tiden løber ud! Mål: BLU skal erobre RED's punkt E i midten for at vinde spillet. Punkt E er altid låst op. Erobring af de omkringliggende punkter vil gøre det lettere at erobre midten. De fem kontrolpunkter gør dette: A) - Åbner nemmere ruter til punkt E og D B) - Flytter RED's startpunkt længere væk fra BLU C) - Åbner 3 broer til midtpunktet D) - Blokerer RED's startudgang til punkt E og forlænger spor til E E) - BLU kan til enhver tid erobre dette punkt for at vinde spillet Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_steel_description" "Attack and Defend variant! Red team has 60 seconds to set up the defense before Blu team is allowed to attack. Defend the middle point E - under the rocket - until the time runs out! Objective: Blu must capture Red's middle point E at any time to win the game. Capturing the surrounding points will make taking the middle point easier. The five points do these things: A) - Opens easier routes to points E and D B) - Moves Red spawn point further away from Blu C) - Extends 3 bridges to the middle point D) - Blocks Red's spawn exit to point E and extends rails to E E) - Blu can capture this point at any time to win the game Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "TF_Weapon_Cleaver" "Kødkniv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Cleaver" "Cleaver" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Rust" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_IntermediateMVMLoot" "Rust Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_IntermediateMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_IntermediateMVMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Blod" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_IntermediateMvMRareLoot" "Blood Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMLoot" "Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMRareLoot" "Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMLoot" "Carbonado Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Minigun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.I - Carbonado" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Wrench Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I" "TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.I - Diamant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_ExpertMVMRareLoot" "Diamond Botkiller Knife Mk.I" "TF_Duel_UserTemporarilyUnavailable" "Der var et midlertidigt problem, der forhindrer duellen i at starte. Prøv venligst igen om nogle få minutter." "[english]TF_Duel_UserTemporarilyUnavailable" "There was a temporary problem preventing the duel from starting. Please try again in a few minutes." "TF_Mysterious_Promo2" "Mystisk Promo 2" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo2" "Mysterious Promo 2" "TF_Mysterious_Promo3" "Mystisk Promo 3" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo3" "Mysterious Promo 3" "TF_Mysterious_Promo4" "Mystisk Promo 4" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo4" "Mysterious Promo 4" "TF_Mysterious_Promo5" "Mystisk Promo 5" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo5" "Mysterious Promo 5" "TF_Mysterious_Promo6" "Mystisk Promo 6" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo6" "Mysterious Promo 6" "TF_Mysterious_Promo7" "Mystisk Promo 7" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo7" "Mysterious Promo 7" "TF_Mysterious_Promo8" "Mystisk Promo 8" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo8" "Mysterious Promo 8" "TF_Mysterious_Promo9" "Mystisk Promo 9" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo9" "Mysterious Promo 9" "TF_MvM_Badge_Intermediate1" "Operation Oliespild-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Intermediate1" "Operation Oil Spill Badge" "TF_MvM_Badge_Intermediate1_Desc" "Dine Mann Up-fremskridt gennem Operation Oil Spill gemmes på dette emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Intermediate1_Desc" "Your Mann Up progress through Operation Oil Spill is saved on this badge." "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced1" "Operation Stålfælde-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced1" "Operation Steel Trap Badge" "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced1_Desc" "Dine Mann Up-fremskridt gennem Operation Steel Trap gemmes på dette emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced1_Desc" "Your Mann Up progress through Operation Steel Trap is saved on this badge." "TF_MvM_Badge_Expert1" "Operation Tandhjulskværner-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Expert1" "Operation Gear Grinder Badge" "TF_MvM_Badge_Expert1_Desc" "Dine Mann Up-fremskridt gennem Operation Gear Grinder gemmes på dette emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Expert1_Desc" "Your Mann Up progress through Operation Gear Grinder is saved on this badge." "KillEaterEventType_EngineersKilled" "Engineers dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_EngineersKilled" "Engineers Killed" "KillEaterEventType_LowHealthKill" "Drab ved lavt helbred" "[english]KillEaterEventType_LowHealthKill" "Kills While Low Health" "KillEaterEventType_RobotsKilled" "Robotter ødelagt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_RobotsKilled" "Robots Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_EngineersKilled" "Sær del: Engineers dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_EngineersKilled" "Strange Part: Engineers Killed" "TF_StrangePart_EngineersKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Engineers, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_EngineersKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Engineers you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_KillWhileLowHealth" "Sær del: Drab ved lavt helbred" "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillWhileLowHealth" "Strange Part: Low-Health Kills" "TF_StrangePart_KillWhileLowHealth_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du har dræbt mens du er ved mindre end 10% helbred." "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillWhileLowHealth_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill while you have less than 10% health." "TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyed" "Sær del: Robotter ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyed" "Strange Part: Robots Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyed_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende robotter, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil." "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Robots you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games." "KillEater_RobotKillsRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank2" "Næppe dødelig" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank2" "Scarcely Lethal" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank3" "Mildt skræmmende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank3" "Mildly Menacing" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank4" "Nogenlunde truende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank4" "Somewhat Threatening" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank5" "Fordømmende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank5" "Uncharitable" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt farlig" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank6" "Notably Dangerous" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt dødelig" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank7" "Sufficiently Lethal" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank8" "I sandhed frygtet" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank8" "Truly Feared" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank9" "Spektakulært dødelig" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank9" "Spectacularly Lethal" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank10" "Blod-indsmurt" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank10" "Gore-Spattered" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank11" "Ugudeligt ubehagelig" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank11" "Wicked Nasty" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank12" "Positivt inhuman" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank12" "Positively Inhumane" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank14" "Ansigtssmeltende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank14" "Face-Melting" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank15" "Raseri-indbydende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank15" "Rage-Inducing" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_RobotKillsRank20" "Hales egen" "[english]KillEater_RobotKillsRank20" "Hale's Own" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande.\nVåben vil være af Sær kvalitet." "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons will be Strange quality." "TF_UseItem_CannotBeUsedByAccount" "Denne genstand kan ikke bruges på denne konto." "[english]TF_UseItem_CannotBeUsedByAccount" "This item cannot be used by this account." "TF_MM_Abandon_Title" "Advarsel!" "[english]TF_MM_Abandon_Title" "Warning!" "TF_MM_Abandon" "At forlade dit hold vil resultere i en udelukkelse fra matchmaking i et væsentligt stykke tid." "[english]TF_MM_Abandon" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time." "TF_MM_Rejoin_Title" "Iganværende spil" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Title" "Game In Progress" "TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText" "At forlade dit hold vil resultere i en udelukkelse fra matchmaking i et væsentligt stykke tid." "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time." "TF_MM_Rejoin_BaseText" "Igangværende spil fundet. Tilslut igen?\n\nDet er sikkert at forlade dette spil." "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_BaseText" "Game in progress found. Rejoin?\n\nIt is safe to leave this game." "TF_MM_Rejoin_Confirm" "Tilslut igen" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Confirm" "Rejoin" "TF_MM_Rejoin_Abandon" "Opgiv" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Abandon" "Abandon" "TF_MM_Rejoin_Stay" "Bliv" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Stay" "Stay" "TF_MM_Rejoin_Leave" "Forlad" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_Leave" "Leave" "TF_MM_Rejoin_FailedTitle" "Kunne ikke tilslutte igen" "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_FailedTitle" "Rejoin Failure" "TF_MM_Rejoin_FailedBody" "Kunne ikke tilslutte til spil igen. Den reserverede tid er udløbet eller spillet er slut." "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_FailedBody" "Unable to rejoin game. The reserved time has expired or the game has ended." "TF_PVE_Server_Message_ResetNoS" "Indlæser næste mission om %s1 sekund..." "[english]TF_PVE_Server_Message_ResetNoS" "Loading next mission in %s1 second..." "TF_PVE_Server_Message_KickNoS" "Går til spillobbyen om %s1 sekund..." "[english]TF_PVE_Server_Message_KickNoS" "Exiting to game lobby in %s1 second..." "TF_MvM_TourOfDutyProgress" "Fremskridt" "[english]TF_MvM_TourOfDutyProgress" "Progress" "TF_MvM_TourNumber" "Tur-\nnummer" "[english]TF_MvM_TourNumber" "Tour\nNumber" "TF_MvM_Tour_Intermediate_1" "Operation Oliespild" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Intermediate_1" "Operation Oil Spill" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_1" "Operation Stålfælde" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_1" "Operation Steel Trap" "TF_MvM_Tour_Expert_1" "Operation Tandhjulskværner" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Expert_1" "Operation Gear Grinder" "TF_MvM_Tour_Intermediate_1_LootDescription" "Gennemfør hele Operation Oil Spill-turen for et Botdræbende rustvåben eller en sjælden chance for et Botdræbende blodvåben!" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Intermediate_1_LootDescription" "Complete the full Operation Oil Spill tour for a Rust Botkiller weapon or a rare chance at a Blood Botkiller weapon!" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_1_LootDescription" "Gennemfør hele Operation Steel Trap-turen for et Botdræbende sølvvåben eller en sjælden chance for et Botdræbende guldvåben!" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_1_LootDescription" "Complete the full Operation Steel Trap tour for a Silver Botkiller weapon or a rare chance at a Gold Botkiller weapon!" "TF_MvM_Tour_Expert_1_LootDescription" "Gennemfør hele Operation Gear Grinder-turen for et Botdræbende carbonado-våben eller en sjælden chance for et Botdræbende diamantvåben!" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Expert_1_LootDescription" "Complete the full Operation Gear Grinder tour for a Carbonado Botkiller weapon or a rare chance at a Diamond Botkiller weapon!" "TF_MvM_Tour_NoSelection_LootDescription" "Vælg en Tour of Duty for at se byttet, der kan tjenes ved at gennemføre turen." "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_NoSelection_LootDescription" "Select a tour of duty to see the loot that can be earned by completing the tour." "TF_MvM_TourLootTitle" "Turafslutning" "[english]TF_MvM_TourLootTitle" "Tour Completion" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Intermediate" "Does Dommedag" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Intermediate" "Doe's Doom" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Intermediate2" "Vragdagen" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Intermediate2" "Day of Wreckening" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Expert1" "Desperation" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy_Expert1" "Desperation" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate" "Sammenbrud" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate" "Cave-in" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate2" "Stenbrud" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Intermediate2" "Quarry" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Expert1" "Kataklystisk" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Expert1" "Cataclysm" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Intermediate" "Onde Maskiner" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Intermediate" "Mean Machines" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Intermediate2" "Mannjagt" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Intermediate2" "Mann Hunt" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Expert1" "Mannslagtning" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks_Expert1" "Mannslaughter" "TF_Matchmaking_SearchingPlayers" "Søgende spillere" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SearchingPlayers" "Players searching" "TF_Matchmaking_ActivePlayers" "Spillere i spil" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_ActivePlayers" "Players in game" "TF_Matchmaking_Total" "I alt" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Total" "Total" "TF_Matchmaking_Compatible" "Kompatible" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Compatible" "Compatible" "TF_Matchmaking_Nearby" "I nærheden" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Nearby" "Nearby" "TF_Matchmaking_PartyPenalty" "Et medlem af din gruppe har for nylig forladt et spil. I har midlertidigt lavere prioritet i matchmaking." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyPenalty" "A member of your party has recently abandoned a game. You are temporarily matchmaking with lower priority." "TF_Vote_kicked" "Du er blevet stemt ud" "[english]TF_Vote_kicked" "You have been voted off" "TF_Idle_kicked" "Smidt ud på grund af inaktivitet" "[english]TF_Idle_kicked" "Kicked due to inactivity" "TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Portal 2 Soundtrack-promo" "[english]TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Portal 2 Soundtrack Promo" "TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Portal 2 Soundtrack-kassen?" "[english]TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?" "TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Portal 2 Soundtrack-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold." "[english]TF_Portal2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box to reveal its contents." "TF_XCOM_Hair_Style0" "Gul" "[english]TF_XCOM_Hair_Style0" "Yellow" "TF_XCOM_Hair_Style1" "Brun" "[english]TF_XCOM_Hair_Style1" "Brown" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaintCombo" "Fjern maling" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintCombo" "Remove Paint" "RefurbishItem_RemoveNameCombo" "Fjern tilpasset navn" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveNameCombo" "Remove Custom Name" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDescCombo" "Fjern tilpasset beskrivelse" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveDescCombo" "Remove Custom Description" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureCombo" "Fjern mærke" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureCombo" "Remove Decal" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexCombo" "Fjern smedenummer" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexCombo" "Remove Craft Number" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkCombo" "Fjern smederens navn" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkCombo" "Remove Crafter Name" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePartCombo" "Fjern Sær del '%s1'" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangePartCombo" "Remove Strange Part '%s1'" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresCombo" "Nulstil Sære point-tællere" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresCombo" "Reset Strange Score Counters" "TF_Item_RefurbishItemHeader" "Gendan genstand" "[english]TF_Item_RefurbishItemHeader" "Restore Item" "Econ_FreeSlot_Singular" "plads" "[english]Econ_FreeSlot_Singular" "slot" "Econ_FreeSlot_Plural" "pladser" "[english]Econ_FreeSlot_Plural" "slots" "TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty" "Du vil ikke kunne tilslutte denne kamp igen." "[english]TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty" "You will not be able to rejoin this match." "TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText_NoPenalty" "Igangværende spil fundet. Tilslut igen eller forlad?\n\nAt forlade spil gentagne gange vil resultere i betydelige forøgelser til varigheden af dine udelukkelser fra matchmaking." "[english]TF_MM_Rejoin_AbandonText_NoPenalty" "Game in progress found. Rejoin or Abandon?\n\nRepeatedly abandoning games will result in substantial increases to the length of your matchmaking ban." "TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Warning" "ADVARSEL: Ekspert-missioner er MEGET SVÆRERE end avancerede missioner og kræver, at alle seks holdmedlemmer bidrager stort.\n\nVi anbefaler, at alle spillere gennemfører en avanceret Tour of Duty, før de forsøger sig med ekspert-tilstand." "[english]TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Warning" "WARNING: Expert missions are MUCH HARDER than advanced missions and require all six team members to be strong contributors.\n\nWe recommend all players complete an advanced tour of duty before attempting expert mode." "Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon_or_valentines" "Højtidsbegrænsning: Halloween / Fuldmåne / Valentinsdag" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon_or_valentines" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon / Valentine's Day" "TF_Wearable_Lantern" "Lanterne" "[english]TF_Wearable_Lantern" "Lantern" "TF_Wearable_Armor" "Kosmetisk Rustning" "[english]TF_Wearable_Armor" "Cosmetic Armor" "TF_Wearable_Wings" "Vinger" "[english]TF_Wearable_Wings" "Wings" "TF_Halloween2012CommunityBundle" "Halloween 2012-fællesskabsbundt" "[english]TF_Halloween2012CommunityBundle" "Halloween 2012 Community Bundle" "TF_Halloween2012CommunityBundle_Desc" "Dette gyselige bundt indeholder over tyve utrolige genstande skabt af medlemmer af TF2-fællesskabet for at fejre den fjerde årlige åndelige halloween-begivenhed:" "[english]TF_Halloween2012CommunityBundle_Desc" "This spooky bundle contains more than twenty incredible items created by members of the TF2 community to celebrate the Fourth Annual Spectral Halloween Special:" "TF_TotalWarBundle" "Total War-bundt" "[english]TF_TotalWarBundle" "Total War Bundle" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghostly" "Spøgelsesagtig Tophat" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghostly" "Ghostly Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Ghostly_Desc" "Dominer en spiller, der bærer en vilkårlig Halloween Tophat, saml den Spøgelsesagtige Tophat, og indtag din retmæssige plads på den Halloween-opdaterings-relaterede hattetrone." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Ghostly_Desc" "Dominate a player wearing any achievement Gibus hat, collect the Ghostly Gibus, and take your rightful place on the Halloween-update-related-hat-throne." "TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat" "Kranieøens Kraniehat" "[english]TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat" "The Skull Island Topper" "TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat_Desc" "Denne frygtindgydende (harmløse) trolddomshue blev fundet af den almægtige (middelmådige) troldmand Merasmus i Hadesspiralens dyb (lige ved indgangen til Hadesspiralen)." "[english]TF_Halloween_MerasmusLoot_Hat_Desc" "This terrifying (innocuous) witching cap was found by the all-powerful (mediocre) wizard Merasmus in the depths of the Hades Spiral (right near the entrance of the Hades Spiral)." "TF_BooBalloon" "Bøh-ballonen" "[english]TF_BooBalloon" "The Boo Balloon" "TF_BooBalloon_Desc" "Disse opmuntrende (men frygtindgydende!) balloner er lavet af ægte oppustede spøgelsesansigter. Bestil nu, før de der aktivister for spøgelsesrettigheder hører om det og lukker det ned." "[english]TF_BooBalloon_Desc" "These cheery (but terrifying!) balloons are made from the actual inflated faces of ghosts. Order now, before those uppity ghost rights activists get wind of this and shut it down." "TF_UnknownMonkeynaut" "Ukendt Abenaut" "[english]TF_UnknownMonkeynaut" "The Unknown Monkeynaut" "TF_UnknownMonkeynaut_Desc" "Få det ægte spøgelse af Mann Co.s første dødsdømte abestronaut-ekspedition til at hjemsøge din skulder! Modsat mange andre dødsdømte abestronaut-ekspeditioner udført af Mann Co., var Operation Banankatapult unik i og med at der overhovedet ikke blev brugt nogen rumfærger." "[english]TF_UnknownMonkeynaut_Desc" "Have an actual ghost of Mann Co.'s first doomed monkeynaut expedition haunt your shoulder! Unlike the many other doomed monkeynaut expeditions undertaken by Mann Co., Operation Banana Catapult was unique in that no space shuttles were even used." "TF_GrandDuchessTutu" "Storhertugindens Tutu" "[english]TF_GrandDuchessTutu" "The Grand Duchess Tutu" "TF_GrandDuchessTutu_Desc" "Fejr Storhertuginden Anastalia Nikolaevnas liv med dette dystre historiske kostume. Nyd denne kopi af balletkostumet, som hun gik med, mens hun styrede Rusland fra hendes tredive meter høje geléklattrone." "[english]TF_GrandDuchessTutu_Desc" "Celebrate the life of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with this somber historical costume. Enjoy this replica of the tutu she wore while governing Russia from atop her hundred-foot-tall gumdrop throne." "TF_GrandDuchessFairyWings" "Storhertugindens Fevinger" "[english]TF_GrandDuchessFairyWings" "The Grand Duchess Fairy Wings" "TF_GrandDuchessFairyWings_Desc" "Fejr Storhertuginden Anastalia Nikolaevnas liv med dette dystre historiske kostume. Nyd denne kopi af fevingerne, som hun gik med, mens hun styrede Rusland fra hendes tredive meter høje geléklattrone." "[english]TF_GrandDuchessFairyWings_Desc" "Celebrate the life of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with this somber historical costume. Enjoy this replica of the fairy wings she wore while governing Russia from atop her hundred-foot-tall gumdrop throne." "TF_GrandDuchessTiara" "Storhertugindens Tiara" "[english]TF_GrandDuchessTiara" "The Grand Duchess Tiara" "TF_GrandDuchessTiara_Desc" "Fejr Storhertuginden Anastalia Nikolaevnas liv med dette dystre historiske kostume. Nyd denne kopi af tiaraen, som hun gik med, mens hun styrede Rusland fra hendes tredive meter høje geléklattrone." "[english]TF_GrandDuchessTiara_Desc" "Celebrate the life of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna with this somber historical costume. Enjoy this replica of the tiara she wore while governing Russia from atop her hundred-foot-tall gumdrop throne." "TF_DeadLittleBuddy" "Død Lille Ven" "[english]TF_DeadLittleBuddy" "The Dead Little Buddy" "TF_DeadLittleBuddy_Desc" "Smut med jer, hunde - der er en tronarving til titlen som menneskets bedste ven. Dit spøgelseskæledyr er med garanti loyal (han er død! Han kender ikke andre!), fantastisk med børn (han var selv et!) og renlig (spøgelser skal ikke på toilettet)." "[english]TF_DeadLittleBuddy_Desc" "Take a hike, dogs--there's a new Man's Best Friend on the market. Your pet ghost is guaranteed to be loyal (he's dead! He doesn't know anybody else!), great around children (he used to be one!), and house-trained (ghosts don't poop)." "TF_VoodooJuJu" "Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)" "[english]TF_VoodooJuJu" "The Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)" "TF_VoodooJuJu_Desc" "Knogler. De holder din krop oppe, holder dit kød på plads og er alt, der adskiller os fra vandmænd. Hvorfor beholde dem inde, hvor de ikke får den anerkendelse, de fortjener? Den her er til jer, knogler!" "[english]TF_VoodooJuJu_Desc" "Bones: They hold your body up, keep all your meat in place, and they're all that separates us from jellyfish. Why keep them inside, where they can't get the acclaim they deserve? Here's to you, bones." "TF_SirHootsalot" "Hr. Tuderendel" "[english]TF_SirHootsalot" "Sir Hootsalot" "TF_SirHootsalot_desc" "Hvis ugler er så kloge, hvorfor lod den her sig så blive limet til din skulder? Når jeg tænker over det, så ligner ingen af jer et supergeni i den her situation." "[english]TF_SirHootsalot_desc" "If owls are so smart, why did this one let you glue it to your shoulder? Come to think of it, neither one of you is looking like a super-genius on this one." "TF_MasterMind" "Den Skrueløse" "[english]TF_MasterMind" "The Master Mind" "TF_MasterMind_Desc" "Videnskabsfaktum: Den menneskelige hjerne er 70% mere effektiv, når den bliver udsat for ilt. Modefaktum: Den menneskelige hjerne ser 90% sejere ud, når du limer masser af Radio Shack-ting på den. Endelig en genstand der udnytter begge." "[english]TF_MasterMind_Desc" "Science fact: the human brain is 70% more effective when exposed to oxygen. Fashion fact: the human brain is 90% cooler-looking when you glue lots of Radio Shack stuff to it. Finally, an item that capitalizes on both." "TF_Scarecrow" "Fugleskræmslet" "[english]TF_Scarecrow" "The Scarecrow" "TF_Scarecrow_Desc" "Har du brug for et fugleskræmsel, men du mangler træ og strå? Hvorfor ikke fange Spy, sy hans mund sammen, give ham knapper i stedet for øjne og stille ham midt i din majsmark? Det har han sikkert ikke noget imod. Alle kan lide majs." "[english]TF_Scarecrow_Desc" "Need a scarecrow but you're short on wood and straw? Why not capture the Spy, stitch his mouth shut, give him buttons for eyes and stick him in your corn field? He probably won't mind. Everybody likes corn." "TF_CronesDome" "Heksens Hat" "[english]TF_CronesDome" "The Crone's Dome" "TF_CronesDome_Desc" "I hundredvis af år har kvinderne nydt alle fordelene ved at være heks (lave eliksirer, have vorter, blive brændt levende), mens mændene stod på sidelinjen. Ikke længere! Bryd igennem det hjemsøgte glasloft med Heksens Hat." "[english]TF_CronesDome_Desc" "For hundreds of years, women have enjoyed all the perks of being a witch (making potions, having warts, getting burned alive) while men stood on the sidelines. No longer! Break through that haunted glass ceiling with the Crone's Dome." "TF_Executioner" "Bøddelen" "[english]TF_Executioner" "The Executioner" "TF_Executioner_Desc" "At være bøddel er meget mere end bare at dræbe folk. Nogle gange skal du tortere dem først. Tip: For at gøre det interessant, hvorfor ikke tortere dem, indtil de råber det hemmelige ord? (Hint: det hemmelige ord er \"frihed\".)" "[english]TF_Executioner_Desc" "Being an executioner is a lot more than just killing people. Sometimes you get to torture them first. Tip: To make things interesting, why not torture someone until they yell the secret word? (Hint: the secret word is \"Freedom\".)" "TF_Bonedolier" "Knogledoleret" "[english]TF_Bonedolier" "The Bonedolier" "TF_Bonedolier_Desc" "Skræm dine venner til at tro, at du bærer rundt på dødelige granater. Sol dig i deres lettelse, når det viser sig, at de kun er harmløse menneskekranier." "[english]TF_Bonedolier_Desc" "Scare your friends into thinking you're carrying around deadly grenades. Bask in their relief when it turns out they're only harmless human skulls." "TF_Plutonidome" "Hjernecellen" "[english]TF_Plutonidome" "The Plutonidome" "TF_Plutonidome_Desc" "Det er et kendt faktum, at vi kun bruger 10% af vores hjernekraft. Hvilket betyder, at der er 90% chance for at det, du gør mod din hjerne, kun vil gøre dig klogere. F.eks. at lade den flyde rundt i plutonium. Lad os være ærlige her; du bliver jo ikke klogere ved bare at gøre ingenting." "[english]TF_Plutonidome_Desc" "It's a well-known fact that we only use 10% of our brain power. Which means there's a 90% chance that anything you do to your brain is only going to make you smarter. Like letting it float around in plutonium. Let's be honest, doing nothing isn't making you any smarter." "TF_Zipperface" "Lynlåsfjæset" "[english]TF_Zipperface" "The Zipperface" "TF_Zipperface_Desc" "\"Far, hvordan ser dit kranie ud?\" \"Det får vi nok aldrig at vide, takket være mit dumme ansigt.\" Pow-zoop! Lynlåsfjæs! Se aldrig ud som en idiot foran dine børn igen!" "[english]TF_Zipperface_Desc" "\"Daddy, what does your skull look like?\" \"I guess we'll never know, thanks to my stupid face.\" Pow-zoop! Zipperface! Never look like an idiot in front of your kids again!" "TF_Exorcizor" "Djævleudøveren" "[english]TF_Exorcizor" "The Exorcizor" "TF_Exorcizor_Desc" "Kristi styrke tvinger dig... til at få denne smarte, uddrivende påklædning!" "[english]TF_Exorcizor_Desc" "The power of Christ compels you... to get this snazzy exorcizing outfit!" "TF_WraithWrap" "Sjælsøgerens Svøb" "[english]TF_WraithWrap" "The Wraith Wrap" "TF_WraithWrap_Desc" "Det perfekte tilbehør til at holde anonymitet mens man stjæler ringe fra dværge." "[english]TF_WraithWrap_Desc" "The perfect accessory for maintaining anonymity while stealing rings from midgets." "TF_CoffinKit" "Kiste-sættet" "[english]TF_CoffinKit" "The Coffin Kit" "TF_CoffinKit_Desc" "Modsat andre overlevelsespakker antager dette praktiske sidstehjælpssæt, at øjeblikket du er i en overlevelsessituation, er øjeblikket du dør. Bare riv i snoren for at oppuste miniaturekisten til en standard-ligsstørrelse, som du kan dø lige ind i." "[english]TF_CoffinKit_Desc" "Unlike other survival packs, this handy last-aid kit rightly assumes that the moment you're in a survival situation, you are going to die. Just pull the ripcord to inflate the miniature coffin into a standard corpse-sized one that you can die right into." "TF_RumpoLantern" "Gyselig Græskarlampe" "[english]TF_RumpoLantern" "The Rump-o'-Lantern" "TF_RumpoLantern_Desc" "Siden tidernes morgen har mennesket drømt om to ting: drømmen om at flyve, og drømmen om at narre folk til at tro, at din bagdel er hjemsøgt. Fly tog sig af den nemme drøm. Denne mirakel-røvlanterne tager sig af den anden." "[english]TF_RumpoLantern_Desc" "Since time immemorial man has had two dreams: the dream of flying, and the dream of tricking people into thinking your ass is haunted. Airplanes took care of the easy dream. This miracle ass lantern tackles the other." "TF_SpookyShoes" "De Uhyggelige Sko" "[english]TF_SpookyShoes" "The Spooky Shoes" "TF_SpookyShoes_Desc" "Fra Helvede! Størrelse 666! Udenfor Helvedet er det en størrelse 5½. For mænd! Oplev den smertefulde rædsel fra små mandefødder!." "[english]TF_SpookyShoes_Desc" "From Hell! Size 666! Outside of Hell, that's a 5 1/2. Men's! Experience the agonizing terror of tiny man feet!." "TF_SpookySleeves" "De Uhyggelige Ærmer" "[english]TF_SpookySleeves" "The Spooky Sleeves" "TF_SpookySleeves_Desc" "Få disse nu, før Glenn Danzig opdager dem og køber dem alle! Seriøst, du kan have en verden hvor uhyggelige ærmer er på lager, eller en verden hvor Glenn Danzig findes, men ikke begge! Skynd dig! Han googler \"uhyggelige ærmer\" LIGE NU!" "[english]TF_SpookySleeves_Desc" "Get these now, before Glenn Danzig finds out about them and buys them all! Seriously, you can have a world where these spooky sleeves are in stock, or a world where Glenn Danzig exists, but not both! Hurry! He's googling \"spooky sleeves\" RIGHT NOW!" "TF_BatOuttaHell" "Bat Fra Helvedet" "[english]TF_BatOuttaHell" "The Bat Outta Hell" "TF_Item_VoodooCursed_Armory" "Voodoo-forbandet Objekt" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursed_Armory" "Voodoo-Cursed Object" "TF_Item_VoodooCursed_Armory_Desc" "Hvert voodoo-forbandede objekt har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursed_Armory_Desc" "Each voodoo-cursed object has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can combine seven of these smaller items on the craft screen to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedOldBoot" "Voodoo-forbandet Gammel Støvle" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedOldBoot" "Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedOldBoot_Desc" "Denne støvle har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedOldBoot_Desc" "This boot has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedSkeleton" "Voodoo-forbandet Skelet" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedSkeleton" "Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedSkeleton_Desc" "Disse knogler har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedSkeleton_Desc" "These bones have a tiny amount of curse remaining in them. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedQuicklime" "Voodoo-forbandet Taske med Brændt Kalk" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedQuicklime" "Voodoo-Cursed Bag of Quicklime" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedQuicklime_Desc" "Denne pose har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedQuicklime_Desc" "This bag has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedRobotArm" "Voodoo-forbandet Robotarm" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedRobotArm" "Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedRobotArm_Desc" "Denne arm har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedRobotArm_Desc" "This arm has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedBass" "Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedBass" "Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedBass_Desc" "Af en eller anden grund har denne fisk en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedBass_Desc" "For whatever reason, this fish has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedStickyBomb" "Voodoo-forbandet Klæbebombe" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedStickyBomb" "Voodoo-Cursed Sticky-Bomb" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedStickyBomb_Desc" "Disse splinter har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedStickyBomb_Desc" "This shrapnel has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedNail" "Voodoo-forbandet Søm" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedNail" "Voodoo-Cursed Nail" "TF_Item_VoodooCursedNail_Desc" "Denne negl har en lille mængde forbandelse tilbage i sig. Du kan kombinere syv af disse mindre genstande i smedemenuen for at få en større forbandelse. Alt kunne ske!" "[english]TF_Item_VoodooCursedNail_Desc" "This nail has a tiny amount of curse remaining in it. You can craft together seven cursed items to get a larger curse. Anything could happen!" "TF_Item_Zombie_Armory" "Voodoo-forbandet Sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_Zombie_Armory" "Voodoo-Cursed Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieScout" "Voodoo-forbandet Scout-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieScout" "Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieSoldier" "Voodoo-forbandet Soldier-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieSoldier" "Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieHeavy" "Voodoo-forbandet Heavy-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieHeavy" "Voodoo-Cursed Heavy Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieDemoman" "Voodoo-forbandet Demoman-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieDemoman" "Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieEngineer" "Voodoo-forbandet Engineer-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieEngineer" "Voodoo-Cursed Engineer Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieMedic" "Voodoo-forbandet Medic-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieMedic" "Voodoo-Cursed Medic Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieSpy" "Voodoo-forbandet Spy-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieSpy" "Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul" "TF_Item_ZombiePyro" "Voodoo-forbandet Pyro-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombiePyro" "Voodoo-Cursed Pyro Soul" "TF_Item_ZombieSniper" "Voodoo-forbandet Sniper-sjæl" "[english]TF_Item_ZombieSniper" "Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul" "RummageThroughCurses" "Kig ind" "[english]RummageThroughCurses" "Reach In" "TF_PileOfCurses" "Forbandelsesbunke" "[english]TF_PileOfCurses" "Pile of Curses" "TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "Det ser ud til, at der er noget deri... HVIS DU TØR!\n\nEfter d. 12/11/2014 forsvinder denne bunke." "[english]TF_PileOfCurses_Desc" "It looks like there's something in there... IF YOU DARE!\n\nAfter 11/12/2014 this pile will disappear." "RI_VoodooCursedItem" "Forbandet objekt" "[english]RI_VoodooCursedItem" "Cursed Object" "TF_VoodooCursed_Type" "Forbandet objekt" "[english]TF_VoodooCursed_Type" "Cursed Object" "TF_VoodooCursedSoul_Type" "Forbandet sjæl" "[english]TF_VoodooCursedSoul_Type" "Cursed Soul" "TF_Gibus_Style_Ghostly" "Spøgelsesagtig" "[english]TF_Gibus_Style_Ghostly" "Ghostly" "Gametype_HalloweenMix" "Halloween Mix" "[english]Gametype_HalloweenMix" "Halloween Mix" "Gametype_Halloween247" "Halloween 2015" "[english]Gametype_Halloween247" "Halloween 2015" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "MERASMUS!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_DEATHCAM_NAME" "MERASMUS!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_KILL_NAME" "Troldmænd Har Aldrig Succes" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_KILL_NAME" "Wizards Never Prosper" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_KILL_DESC" "Dræb MERASMUS!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_KILL_DESC" "Kill MERASMUS!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_COLLECT_LOOT_NAME" "Et Dejligt Feriested" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_COLLECT_LOOT_NAME" "A Lovely Vacation Spot" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_COLLECT_LOOT_DESC" "Nå frem til Kranieøen og gør krav på din belønning!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_COLLECT_LOOT_DESC" "Get to Skull Island and claim your reward!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_YOU_ARE_BOMB" "Tag dit store bombehoved tilbage til Merasmus!" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_YOU_ARE_BOMB" "Take your big bomb head back to Merasmus!" "NewItemMethod_HolidayGift" "Du fandt en højtidsgave:" "[english]NewItemMethod_HolidayGift" "You Found A Holiday Gift:" "RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellTitle" "Fjern besværgelse?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellTitle" "Remove Spell?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellCombo" "Fjern besværgelse '%s1'" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellCombo" "Remove Spell '%s1'" "RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellUpgrade" "Vil du fjerne besværgelsen, der giver \"%confirm_dialog_token%\", fra denne genstand? (Besværgelsen vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveSpellUpgrade" "Remove the spell granting \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" from this item? (Spell will be discarded)" "ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Er du sikker på, du vil kaste denne besværgelse på denne\ngenstand? Alle besværgelser varer kun indtil Halloween-\nbegivenheden slutter d. 12. november 2014.\n\nHusk: En enkel genstand kan kun holde på et begrænset antal\nbesværgelser. Din %subject_item_def_name% har %remaining_upgrade_card_slots% ledig(e) %slot_singular_plural% tilbage." "[english]ToolCardUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to cast this spell on this item? All spells\nwill only last until the Halloween event ends on November\n12th, 2014.\n\nRemember: a single item can only hold a limited number of\nspells. Your %subject_item_def_name% has %remaining_upgrade_card_slots% free %slot_singular_plural% remaining." "ToolDecodeConfirm_OptionalAppend_RestrictedContents" "\n\nBemærk: Denne kasse indeholder genstande, som kun er synlige under\nhalloween-begivenheden og fuldmåner." "[english]ToolDecodeConfirm_OptionalAppend_RestrictedContents" "\n\nNote: this crate contains items that are only visible during\nthe Halloween event and full moons." "KillEaterEventType_HalloweenKills" "Drab under Halloween" "[english]KillEaterEventType_HalloweenKills" "Kills During Halloween" "KillEaterEventType_HalloweenRobotKills" "Robotter dræbt under Halloween" "[english]KillEaterEventType_HalloweenRobotKills" "Robots Killed During Halloween" "TF_StrangePart_HalloweenKills" "Sær del: Halloween-drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_HalloweenKills" "Strange Part: Halloween Kills" "TF_StrangePart_HalloweenKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du har dræbt under Halloween-begivenheden." "[english]TF_StrangePart_HalloweenKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill during the Halloween event." "TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyedDuringHalloween" "Sær del: Robotter ødelagt under halloween" "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyedDuringHalloween" "Strange Part: Robots Destroyed During Halloween" "TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyedDuringHalloween_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende robotter, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil under Halloween-begivenheden." "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotsDestroyedDuringHalloween_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Robots you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games during the Halloween event." "TF_Tool_HalloweenKey2012" "Skræmmende Nøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_HalloweenKey2012" "Eerie Key" "TF_Tool_HalloweenKey2012_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Skræmmende Kasser. Skræmmende Kasser indeholder\ngenstande med halloween-tema, som kun er synlige\nunder halloween-begivenheden og fuldmåner\n\nEfter d. 08/11/2012 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_HalloweenKey2012_Desc" "Used to open Eerie Crates. Eerie Crates contain\nHalloween-themed items that are only visible\nduring the Halloween event and full moons.\n\nAfter 11/08/2012 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_HalloweenCrate2012" "Skræmmende Kasse" "[english]TF_HalloweenCrate2012" "Eerie Crate" "TF_HalloweenCrate2012_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_HalloweenCrate2012_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Set_Heavy_Fairy" "Storhertuginden" "[english]TF_Set_Heavy_Fairy" "The Grand Duchess" "Attrib_FireRetardant" "Bæreren kan ikke brænde" "[english]Attrib_FireRetardant" "Wearer cannot ignite" "Attrib_HideEnemyHealth" "Kan ikke se fjendens helbred" "[english]Attrib_HideEnemyHealth" "Unable to see enemy health" "Attrib_PyrovisionOptIn" "Ved udstyring: Besøg Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_PyrovisionOptIn" "On Equip: Visit Pyroland" "Attrib_PyrovisionFilter" "Kun synlig i Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_PyrovisionFilter" "Only visible in Pyroland" "Attrib_Sapper_Damage_Bonus" "+%s1% sapper-skadebonus" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Damage_Bonus" "+%s1% sapper damage bonus" "Attrib_Sapper_Leaches_Health" "+%s1 helbred regenereret per sekund for hver aktiv sapper" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Leaches_Health" "+%s1 health regenerated per second for each active sapper" "Attrib_Sapper_Health_Bonus" "%s1% sapper-helbredsbonus" "[english]Attrib_Sapper_Health_Bonus" "%s1% sapper health bonus" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_RGB" "%s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_RGB" "%s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_Footstep" "%s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_Footstep" "%s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_Voice" "Stemmer nedefra" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_Voice" "Voices From Below" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinBombs" "Græskarbomber" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinBombs" "Pumpkin Bombs" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_GreenFlames" "Halloween-ild" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_GreenFlames" "Halloween Fire" "Attrib_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts" "Eksorcisme" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts" "Exorcism" "Econ_Attrib_UserGeneratedWrapper_1" "Kun MvM: %s1" "[english]Econ_Attrib_UserGeneratedWrapper_1" "MvM only: %s1" "Econ_Attrib_UserGeneratedWrapper_2" "Halloween: %s1 (besværgelse kun aktiv under begivenhed)" "[english]Econ_Attrib_UserGeneratedWrapper_2" "Halloween: %s1 (spell only active during event)" "Attrib_Particle43" "Knivstorm" "[english]Attrib_Particle43" "Knifestorm" "Attrib_Particle44" "Diset Kranium" "[english]Attrib_Particle44" "Misty Skull" "Attrib_Particle45" "Høst-måne" "[english]Attrib_Particle45" "Harvest Moon" "Attrib_Particle46" "Det Er En Hemmelighed For Os Alle" "[english]Attrib_Particle46" "It's A Secret To Everybody" "Attrib_Particle47" "Stormfuld 13. Time" "[english]Attrib_Particle47" "Stormy 13th Hour" "Item_HolidayGift" "%s1 har fundet en højtidsgave:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_HolidayGift" "%s1 has found a holiday gift:: %s2 %s3" "TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Spil alle Halloween-begivenhedsbanerne." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_HalloweenMix" "Play all of the Halloween event maps." "TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Spil alle Halloween-banerne fra fortiden og nutiden: Gorge Event (2015), Sinshine (2015), Moonshine Event (2015), Hellstone (2015), Carnival of Carnage (2014), Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010) og Harvest (2009)." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_HalloweenMix" "Tour the Halloween maps, past and present: Gorge Event (2015), Sinshine (2015), Moonshine Event (2015), Hellstone (2015), Carnival of Carnage (2014), Helltower (2013), Ghost Fort (2012), Eyeaduct (2011), Mann Manor (2010), and Harvest (2009)." "TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Spil alle Halloween 2015-fællesskabsbaner" "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Halloween247" "Play all of the 2015 Halloween community maps." "TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "Vælg denne indstilling for at tilslutte dig en spilserver, der gentagende kører Halloween 2015-fællesskabsbanerne: Gorge Event, Sinshine, Moonshine Event og Hellstone." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Halloween247" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the 2015 Halloween community maps: Gorge Event, Sinshine, Moonshine Event, and Hellstone." "TF_HalloweenItem_GrantPickupFail" "Den hjemsøgte halloweengave er forsvundet!" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_GrantPickupFail" "The Haunted Halloween Gift has disappeared!" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Appeared" "MERASMUS! har vist sig!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Appeared" "MERASMUS! has appeared!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Killed" "MERASMUS! er blevet besejret!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Killed" "MERASMUS! has been defeated!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Killers" "%s1 har besejret MERASMUS!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Killers" "%s1 has defeated MERASMUS!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaped" "MERASMUS! er vendt hjem!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaped" "MERASMUS! has gone home!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_60" "MERASMUS! smutter om 60 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_60" "MERASMUS! is leaving in 60 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_30" "MERASMUS! smutter om 30 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_30" "MERASMUS! is leaving in 30 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_10" "MERASMUS! smutter om 10 sekunder...!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_Escaping_In_10" "MERASMUS! is leaving in 10 seconds!\n" "TF_Halloween_Skull_Island_Escape" "%s1 er sluppet væk fra Kranieøen!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Skull_Island_Escape" "%s1 has escaped Skull Island!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Appeared" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) dukkede op!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Appeared" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) has appeared!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Killed" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) er blevet besejret!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Killed" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) has been defeated!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Killers" "%s1 har besejret MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%)\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Killers" "%s1 has defeated MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%)\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaped" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) er vendt hjem!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaped" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) has gone home!\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_60" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) smutter om 60 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_60" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 60 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_30" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) smutter om 30 sekunder...\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_30" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 30 seconds...\n" "TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_10" "MERASMUS! (NIVEAU %level%) smutter om 10 sekunder!\n" "[english]TF_Halloween_Merasmus_LevelUp_Escaping_In_10" "MERASMUS! (LEVEL %level%) is leaving in 10 seconds!\n" "TF_MvM_Haunted" "Mareridt" "[english]TF_MvM_Haunted" "Nightmare" "TF_MvM_AnyHauntedChallenge" "Vilkårlig mareridt-mission" "[english]TF_MvM_AnyHauntedChallenge" "Any nightmare mission" "TF_MVM_Map_CoalTown_Event" "Coal Town Event" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_CoalTown_Event" "Coal Town Event" "TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Event" "Mørk Middelvej" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown_Event" "Caliginous Caper" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1" "Halloween-besværgelse: Forrådnet Farve" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1" "Halloween Spell: Putrescent Pigmentation" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1_Desc" "Besidder den paranormale malings forstenende kraft!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig genstand, som kan males." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1_Desc" "Possess the petrifying power of paranormal paint!\nThis spell can be applied to any paintable item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1_Attr" "Forrådnet Farve" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_1_Attr" "Putrescent Pigmentation" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2" "Halloween-besværgelse: Dødgode Farver" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2" "Halloween Spell: Die Job" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2_Desc" "Besidder den paranormale malings forstenende kraft!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig genstand, som kan males." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2_Desc" "Possess the petrifying power of paranormal paint!\nThis spell can be applied to any paintable item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2_Attr" "Dødgode Farver" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_2_Attr" "Die Job" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3" "Halloween-besværgelse: Kromatisk Korruption" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3" "Halloween Spell: Chromatic Corruption" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3_Desc" "Besidder den paranormale malings forstenende kraft!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig genstand, som kan males." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3_Desc" "Possess the petrifying power of paranormal paint!\nThis spell can be applied to any paintable item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3_Attr" "Kromatisk Korruption" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_3_Attr" "Chromatic Corruption" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4" "Halloween-besværgelse: Spektralt Spektrum" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4" "Halloween Spell: Spectral Spectrum" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4_Desc" "Besidder den paranormale malings forstenende kraft!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig genstand, som kan males." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4_Desc" "Possess the petrifying power of paranormal paint!\nThis spell can be applied to any paintable item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4_Attr" "Spektralt Spektrum" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_4_Attr" "Spectral Spectrum" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5" "Halloween-besværgelse: Morderisk Misfarvning" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5" "Halloween Spell: Sinister Staining" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5_Desc" "Besidder den paranormale malings forstenende kraft!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig genstand, som kan males." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5_Desc" "Possess the petrifying power of paranormal paint!\nThis spell can be applied to any paintable item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5_Attr" "Morderisk Misfarvning" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Paint_5_Attr" "Sinister Staining" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceScout" "Halloween-besværgelse: Scouts Spektrale Snerren" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceScout" "Halloween Spell: Scout's Spectral Snarl" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceScout_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Scout-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceScout_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Scout hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSniper" "Halloween-besværgelse: Snipers Dybe Australske Dræven" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSniper" "Halloween Spell: Sniper's Deep Downunder Drawl" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSniper_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Sniper-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSniper_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Sniper hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSoldier" "Halloween-besværgelse: Soldiers Grove Gøen" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSoldier" "Halloween Spell: Soldier's Booming Bark" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSoldier_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Soldier-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSoldier_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Soldier hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceDemo" "Halloween-besværgelse: Demomans Kadaveragtige Kvæk" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceDemo" "Halloween Spell: Demoman's Cadaverous Croak" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceDemo_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Demoman-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceDemo_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Demoman hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceMedic" "Halloween-besværgelse: Medics Blodkoagulerende Brøl" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceMedic" "Halloween Spell: Medic's Blood-curdling Bellow" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceMedic_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Medic-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceMedic_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Medic hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceHeavy" "Halloween-besværgelse: Heavys Bundløse Bas" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceHeavy" "Halloween Spell: Heavy's Bottomless Bass" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceHeavy_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Heavy-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceHeavy_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Heavy hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoicePyro" "Halloween-besværgelse: Pyros Svøbte Stønnen" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoicePyro" "Halloween Spell: Pyro's Muffled Moan" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoicePyro_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Pyro-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoicePyro_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Pyro hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSpy" "Halloween-besværgelse: Spys Uhyggelige Hymne" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSpy" "Halloween Spell: Spy's Creepy Croon" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSpy_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Spy-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceSpy_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Spy hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceEngineer" "Halloween-besværgelse: Engineers Ru Rumlen" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceEngineer" "Halloween Spell: Engineers's Gravelly Growl" "TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceEngineer_Desc" "Disse besværgelser gør brugerens stemme 4% mere sexet og 130% mere uhyggelig – undtagen for Scouts stemme, der bliver -5% mindre sexet.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en Engineer-hat." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_VoiceEngineer_Desc" "These spells make the Merc's voices 4% sexier and 130% spookier – except for Scout's, which is -5% sexier.\nThis spell can be applied to a Engineer hat." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1" "Halloween-besværgelse: Holdåndsfodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1" "Halloween Spell: Team Spirit Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1_Attr" "Holdåndsfodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_1_Attr" "Team Spirit Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376" "Halloween-besværgelse: Koldbrandsfodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376" "Halloween Spell: Gangreen Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376_Attr" "Koldbrandsfodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8421376_Attr" "Gangreen Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495" "Halloween-besværgelse: Liggrå Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495" "Halloween Spell: Corpse Gray Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495_Attr" "Liggrå Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_3100495_Attr" "Corpse Gray Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826" "Halloween-besværgelse: Voldelige Violette Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826" "Halloween Spell: Violent Violet Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826_Attr" "Voldelige Violette Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_5322826_Attr" "Violent Violet Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446" "Halloween-besværgelse: Rådne, Orange Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446" "Halloween Spell: Rotten Orange Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446_Attr" "Rådne Orange Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_13595446_Attr" "Rotten Orange Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497" "Halloween-besværgelse: Forslåede Lilla Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497" "Halloween Spell: Bruised Purple Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497_Attr" "Forslåede Lilla Fodspor" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_8208497_Attr" "Bruised Purple Footprints" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2" "Halloween-besværgelse: Hovedløse Hestesko" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2" "Halloween Spell: Headless Horseshoes" "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2_Desc" "Disse farver løber ikke. Eller, nej -- faktisk, så er det netop det, de gør.\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på en vilkårlig hatte-positionsgenstand." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2_Desc" "These colors don't run. Well, no -- actually, they do exactly that.\nThis spell can be applied to any hat-slot item." "TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2_Attr" "Hovedløse Hestesko" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_Footprints_2_Attr" "Headless Horseshoes" "TF_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts_1" "Halloween-besværgelse: Eksorcisme" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts_1" "Halloween Spell: Exorcism" "TF_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts_1_Desc" "Den dødelige krafts almægtighed er uimodståelig!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på ethvert våben, der gør skade." "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_DeathGhosts_1_Desc" "The power of deadly force compels you!\nThis spell can be applied to any weapon that deals damage." "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinRockets" "Halloween-besværgelse: Squash-raketter" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinRockets" "Halloween Spell: Squash Rockets" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinRockets_Desc" "Er døden ikke frygtindgydende nok for dine fjender? Ram dem med disse specielle Halloween-besværgelser!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på enhver raketkaster" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinRockets_Desc" "Death not frightening enough for your enemies? Hit them with these special Halloween spells!\nThis spell can be applied to any rocket launcher" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinSentryRockets" "Halloween-besværgelse: Sentry Quad-græskar" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinSentryRockets" "Halloween Spell: Sentry Quad-Pumpkins" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinSentryRockets_Desc" "Er døden ikke frygtindgydende nok for dine fjender? Ram dem med disse specielle Halloween-besværgelser!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på enhver skruenøgle" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinSentryRockets_Desc" "Death not frightening enough for your enemies? Hit them with these special Halloween spells!\nThis spell can be applied to any wrench" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinGrenades" "Halloween-besværgelse: Græskargranater" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinGrenades" "Halloween Spell: Gourd Grenades" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinGrenades_Desc" "Er døden ikke frygtindgydende nok for dine fjender? Ram dem med disse specielle Halloween-besværgelser!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på alle Demomans eksplosive våben" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PumpkinGrenades_Desc" "Death not frightening enough for your enemies? Hit them with these special Halloween spells!\nThis spell can be applied to any Demoman explosive weapon" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PyroFire_1" "Halloween-besværgelse: Spektralflamme" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PyroFire_1" "Halloween Spell: Spectral Flame" "TF_HalloweenSpell_PyroFire_1_Desc" "Er døden ikke frygtindgydende nok for dine fjender? Ram dem med disse specielle Halloween-besværgelser!\nDenne besværgelse kan anvendes på enhver flammekaster" "[english]TF_HalloweenSpell_PyroFire_1_Desc" "Death not frightening enough for your enemies? Hit them with these special Halloween spells!\nThis spell can be applied to any flamethrower" "TF_PublishFile_Import" "Importer..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Import" "Import..." "TF_ImportFile_Title" "Importer genstand" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Title" "Import Item" "TF_ImportFile_NameLabel" "Genstandsnavn" "[english]TF_ImportFile_NameLabel" "Item Name" "TF_ImportFile_TypeLabel" "Genstandstype" "[english]TF_ImportFile_TypeLabel" "Item Type" "TF_ImportFile_Models" "Klasse:" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Models" "Class:" "TF_ImportFile_Browse" "..." "[english]TF_ImportFile_Browse" "..." "TF_ImportFile_LOD0" "Høj LOD" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LOD0" "High LOD" "TF_ImportFile_LOD1" "Medium LOD" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LOD1" "Medium LOD" "TF_ImportFile_LOD2" "Lav LOD" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LOD2" "Low LOD" "TF_ImportFile_Skins" "Skins:" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Skins" "Skins:" "TF_ImportFile_RedSkin" "Red hold" "[english]TF_ImportFile_RedSkin" "Red Team" "TF_ImportFile_RedSkinShort" "Red hold" "[english]TF_ImportFile_RedSkinShort" "Red Team" "TF_ImportFile_BluSkin" "Blu hold (valgfri)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BluSkin" "Blu Team (optional)" "TF_ImportFile_BluSkinShort" "Blu hold" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BluSkinShort" "Blu Team" "TF_ImportFile_CustomSkin" "Tilpasset" "[english]TF_ImportFile_CustomSkin" "Custom" "TF_ImportFile_Paintable" "Kan males" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Paintable" "Paintable" "TF_ImportFile_Material0" "Første materiale" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Material0" "First Material" "TF_ImportFile_Material1" "Anden materiale" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Material1" "Second Material" "TF_ImportFile_Preview" "Forhåndsvis" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Preview" "Preview" "TF_ImportFile_Build" "Udfør" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Build" "Finish" "TF_ImportFile_LoadSessionFileType" "*.txt,*.zip" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadSessionFileType" "*.txt,*.zip" "TF_ImportFile_SaveSessionFileType" "*.txt" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SaveSessionFileType" "*.txt" "TF_ImportFile_IconLabel" "Rygsæksikon" "[english]TF_ImportFile_IconLabel" "Backpack Icon" "TF_ImportFile_SelectImage" "Vælg billede" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectImage" "Select Image" "TF_ImportFile_IconFileType" "512x512-billede (*.tga,*.psd)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_IconFileType" "512x512 image (*.tga,*.psd)" "TF_ImportFile_SelectModel" "Vælg model" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectModel" "Select Model" "TF_ImportFile_ModelFileType" "*.smd,*.dmx,*.fbx" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ModelFileType" "*.smd,*.dmx,*.fbx" "TF_ImportFile_ModelDetails" "%triangleCount% tris, %materialCount% materialer" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ModelDetails" "%triangleCount% tris, %materialCount% materials" "TF_ImportFile_SelectMaterial" "Vælg materiale" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectMaterial" "Select Material" "TF_ImportFile_MaterialFileType" "*.tga,*.psd" "[english]TF_ImportFile_MaterialFileType" "*.tga,*.psd" "TF_ImportFile_MaterialDetails" "%width%x%height% %channels% kanaler" "[english]TF_ImportFile_MaterialDetails" "%width%x%height% %channels% channels" "TF_ImportFile_SelectClassTitle" "Vælg klasse" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectClassTitle" "Select Class" "TF_ImportFile_SelectClass" "Vælg venligst en klasse først." "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectClass" "Please select a class first." "TF_ImportFile_InvalidManifest" "Ugyldigt manifest i scripts/itemtest_manifest.txt" "[english]TF_ImportFile_InvalidManifest" "Invalid manifest in scripts/itemtest_manifest.txt" "TF_ImportFile_Advanced" "Avanceret" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Advanced" "Advanced" "TF_ImportFile_EditQC" "Rediger QC" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditQC" "Edit QC" "TF_ImportFile_EditMaterial0" "Rediger VMT1" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditMaterial0" "Edit VMT1" "TF_ImportFile_EditMaterial1" "Rediger VMT2" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditMaterial1" "Edit VMT2" "TF_ImportFile_QCMissingText" "Din QC mangler den påkrævede tekst: %text%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_QCMissingText" "Your QC is missing required text: %text%" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailed" "Opbygning mislykkedes" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailed" "Build Failed" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoSDK" "Kunne ikke finde Source SDK - har du installeret det, kørt det for første gang og så genstartet Steam?" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoSDK" "Couldn't find Source SDK - have you installed it, run it for the first time and then restarted Steam?" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoName" "Du skal angive et genstandsnavn" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoName" "You must specify an item name" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoType" "Du skal angive en genstandstype" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoType" "You must specify an item type" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoModels" "Du skal vælge en model" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoModels" "You must choose a model" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoMaterials" "Skin-inputs mangler en tekstur! Alle skin-inputs skal have en tekstur tildelt" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoMaterials" "Skin inputs missing texture! All skin inputs must have a texture assigned" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadName" "Dit genstandsnavn skal indeholde et ellere flere engelske ord" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadName" "Your item name must contain one or more english words" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadModel" "Kunne ikke indlæse model %file%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadModel" "Couldn't load model %file%" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadMaterialType" "Modellen har for mange materialer (kun 2 er understøttet)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadMaterialType" "Model has too many materials (only 2 are supported)" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadMaterial" "Kunne ikke indlæse materiale %file%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadMaterial" "Couldn't load material %file%" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingShader" "Materialet %file% mangler shader VertexlitGeneric" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingShader" "Material %file% missing shader VertexlitGeneric" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingCloak" "Materialet %file% mangler skjul-effekt (se standard.vmt for eksempel)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingCloak" "Material %file% missing cloak effect (see standard.vmt for example)" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingBurning" "Materialet %file% mangler brændende effekt (se standard.vmt for eksempel)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingBurning" "Material %file% missing burning effect (see standard.vmt for example)" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingJarate" "Materialet %file% mangler jarate-effekt (se standard.vmt for eksempel)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingJarate" "Material %file% missing jarate effect (see standard.vmt for example)" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingPaintable" "Materialet %file% mangler parametere, som kan males (se standard.vmt for eksempel)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMaterialMissingPaintable" "Material %file% missing paintable parameters (see standard.vmt for example)" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadImage" "Kunne ikke indlæse billede %file%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadImage" "Couldn't load image %file%" "TF_ImportFile_PreviewFailed" "Kunne ikke opsætte forhåndsvisningsdata" "[english]TF_ImportFile_PreviewFailed" "Couldn't setup preview data" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailed" "Indlæsning mislykkedes" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailed" "Load Failed" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadFile" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadFile" "Couldn't load %file%" "TF_ImportFile_SaveFailed" "Kunne ikke gemme" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SaveFailed" "Save Failed" "TF_ImportFile_SaveFailedBadFile" "Kunne ikke gemme %file%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SaveFailedBadFile" "Couldn't save %file%" "TF_ImportFile_ImportCompleteTitle" "Arbejde udført!" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ImportCompleteTitle" "Work complete!" "TF_ImportFile_ImportComplete" "Din genstand er gemt som %file% og er klar til at blive uploadet." "[english]TF_ImportFile_ImportComplete" "Your item is saved as %file% and is ready to upload." "TF_ItemPrefab_backpack" "rygsæk" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_backpack" "backpack" "TF_ItemPrefab_beard" "skæg" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_beard" "beard" "TF_ItemPrefab_cosmetic" "diverse" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_cosmetic" "misc" "TF_ItemPrefab_grenades" "granater" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_grenades" "grenades" "TF_ItemPrefab_hat" "hat" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_hat" "hat" "TF_ImportPreview_LoadoutLabel" "Udstyr" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_LoadoutLabel" "Loadout" "TF_ImportPreview_ActionLabel" "Handling" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_ActionLabel" "Action" "TF_ImportPreview_ActionSTAND" "Stå" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_ActionSTAND" "Stand" "TF_ImportPreview_ActionCROUCH" "Duk" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_ActionCROUCH" "Crouch" "TF_ImportPreview_ActionRUN" "Løb" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_ActionRUN" "Run" "TF_ImportPreview_EffectLabel" "Effekt" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_EffectLabel" "Effect" "TF_ImportPreview_Effect0" "Ingen" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Effect0" "None" "TF_ImportPreview_Effect1" "Über" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Effect1" "Uber" "TF_ImportPreview_Effect2" "Jarate" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Effect2" "Jarate" "TF_ImportPreview_Effect3" "Brændende" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Effect3" "Burning" "TF_ImportPreview_Attack" "Angrib" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Attack" "Attack" "TF_ImportPreview_Reload" "Genlad" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Reload" "Reload" "TF_ImportPreview_Refresh" "Opdater" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Refresh" "Refresh" "TF_ImportFile_PreviewExplanation_Title" "Forhåndsvisning" "[english]TF_ImportFile_PreviewExplanation_Title" "Preview" "TF_ImportFile_PreviewExplanation_Text" "Venstreklik: roter rundt om karakterer\nShift+venstreklik: manøvrer kameraet rundt\nHøjreklik: zoom ind og ud\nKlik på portrættet for at nulstille kameraet." "[english]TF_ImportFile_PreviewExplanation_Text" "Left click: rotate around the character\nShift+left click: pan the camera around\nRight click: zoom in and out\nClick the portrait to reset the camera." "TF_ImportFile_OptionsExplanation_Title" "Indstillinger" "[english]TF_ImportFile_OptionsExplanation_Title" "Options" "TF_ImportFile_OptionsExplanation_Text" "Se din karakter i stilistiske poseringer!" "[english]TF_ImportFile_OptionsExplanation_Text" "Look at your character in stylish poses!" "TF_ImportFile_AdvancedExplanation_Title" "Avanceret" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AdvancedExplanation_Title" "Advanced" "TF_ImportFile_AdvancedExplanation_Text" "Til avancerede værker kan du tilpasse model- og materialeparametrene og bruge knappen \"Opdater\" til at se ændringerne." "[english]TF_ImportFile_AdvancedExplanation_Text" "For advanced work you can customize the model and material parameters and use the Refresh button to see changes." "koth_lakeside_event_description" "Mål: Erobr kontrolpunktet og forsvar det indtil dit holds ur løber ud. Pas på MERASMUS! Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunktet kan ikke erobres, mens det er låst. Hvis det fjendtlige hold erobrer kontrolpunktet, vil dit holds ur pause, indtil I generobrer punktet. MERASMUS! neutraliserer ejerskab af kontrolpunktet, mens han lurer omkring." "[english]koth_lakeside_event_description" "Objective: Capture the Control Point and defend it until your team's timer runs out. Beware MERASMUS! Other Notes: The Control Point cannot be captured while locked. If the enemy team captures the Control Point, your team's timer will pause until you recapture the point. MERASMUS! will reset ownership of the Control Point while he is lurking about." "TF_BooBalloon_Style0" "Hjemsøgende" "[english]TF_BooBalloon_Style0" "Haunting" "TF_BooBalloon_Style1" "Hjælp mig" "[english]TF_BooBalloon_Style1" "Please Help" "TF_BooBalloon_Style2" "Hey drenge, hvad sker der?" "[english]TF_BooBalloon_Style2" "Hey Guys, What's Going On?" "TF_BooBalloon_Style3" "Knoglefest" "[english]TF_BooBalloon_Style3" "Bone Party" "Attrib_Merasmus_Hat_Level" "Dræbte Merasmus ved niveau %s1" "[english]Attrib_Merasmus_Hat_Level" "Killed Merasmus at level %s1" "TF_Wearable_Balloon" "Ballon" "[english]TF_Wearable_Balloon" "Balloon" "TF_Wearable_Ghost" "Spøgelse" "[english]TF_Wearable_Ghost" "Ghost" "TF_Wearable_Duck" "And" "[english]TF_Wearable_Duck" "Duck" "TF_SirHootsalot_Style0" "Vildnis" "[english]TF_SirHootsalot_Style0" "Wilderness" "TF_SirHootsalot_Style1" "Sneet" "[english]TF_SirHootsalot_Style1" "Snowy" "TF_Plutonidome_Style0" "Virkende" "[english]TF_Plutonidome_Style0" "Functioning" "TF_Plutonidome_Style1" "I stykker" "[english]TF_Plutonidome_Style1" "Broken" "TF_BatOuttaHell_Style0" "Universal" "[english]TF_BatOuttaHell_Style0" "Universal" "TF_BatOuttaHell_Style1" "Scout" "[english]TF_BatOuttaHell_Style1" "Scout" "TF_BatOuttaHell_Style2" "Demoman" "[english]TF_BatOuttaHell_Style2" "Demoman" "TF_BatOuttaHell_Style3" "Soldier" "[english]TF_BatOuttaHell_Style3" "Soldier" "TF_Matchmaking_EmptyGameservers" "Tomme spilservere" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_EmptyGameservers" "Empty Gameservers" "TF_ScribHat" "Hanekæmperen" "[english]TF_ScribHat" "The Cockfighter" "TF_ScribHat_Desc" "Lad alle de kyllinger på slagmarken vide, at du er en værre klukker med denne alle-klasses-hanehjelm." "[english]TF_ScribHat_Desc" "Let all those chickens on the battlefield know you're one bad clucker with this paintable all-class rooster helmet." "TF_ScribHat_Style0" "Max" "[english]TF_ScribHat_Style0" "Max" "TF_ScribHat_Style1" "Lilly" "[english]TF_ScribHat_Style1" "Lilly" "TF_HM_Badge" "Hitt Mann-emblem" "[english]TF_HM_Badge" "The Hitt Mann Badge" "TF_HM_Badge_Desc" "Denne Hitt Mann fortæller verden, at du er af de mest professionelle snigmordere. Leveres med en smart stregkode, så du hurtigere kan betale i supermarkedet, hvis du skal købe snigmordere på farten." "[english]TF_HM_Badge_Desc" "The Hitt Mann lets the world know that you're the highest class of professional assassin. Now comes with a handy barcode for faster supermarket checkouts when shopping for assassins in a hurry." "TF_HM_DisguiseHat" "Den Hat fra 70'erne" "[english]TF_HM_DisguiseHat" "That '70s Chapeau" "TF_HM_DisguiseHat_Desc" "Gå inkognito med denne kombination af solbriller og læderkasket, der er den perfekte forklædning til Huggy Bear-lookalike-konventioner." "[english]TF_HM_DisguiseHat_Desc" "Go incognito with this sunglasses and leather cap combo, the perfect disguise for infiltrating Huggy Bear lookalike conventions." "TF_HM_SoldierHat" "Politi-sergenten" "[english]TF_HM_SoldierHat" "The Chief Constable" "TF_HM_SoldierHat_Desc" "Det bedste produkt til at lade dig foregive, at du er en britisk politibetjent, siden SpyTechs \"Scotland Yard\"-baghaveforklædelsessæt." "[english]TF_HM_SoldierHat_Desc" "The best product to let you pretend to be a British police officer since SpyTech's \"Scotland Yard\" backyard disguise kit." "TF_HM_Shirt" "Den Sofistikerede Serber" "[english]TF_HM_Shirt" "The Siberian Sophisticate" "TF_HM_Shirt_Desc" "Skjorten og slipset lader fjender vide, at du er ren forretning. Men den kortærmede vest fortæller dem, at du er den slags forretningsmand, der ikke kan finde en habit, der dækker dine kæmpe overarme." "[english]TF_HM_Shirt_Desc" "The shirt and tie let enemies know you're all business. But the short-sleeved vest tells them you're the kind of businessman who can't find a suit jacket that covers your huge guns." "TF_HM_Watch" "Quäckenbirdt" "[english]TF_HM_Watch" "The Quäckenbirdt" "TF_HM_Watch_Desc" "Quäckenbirdt, et tysk teknikvidunder, er et klassisk, pænt to-tonet Australium- og wolfram-spionur til den europæiske snigmorder, der kan lide at blive mindet om, hvor rig han er, hver gang han bliver usynlig." "[english]TF_HM_Watch_Desc" "A marvel of German engineering, the Quäckenbirdt is a classically handsome two-tone Australium and tungsten spywatch for the European assassin who likes to be reminded how rich he is every time he turns invisible." "TF_HM_Duck" "Den Dødeligste Ælling" "[english]TF_HM_Duck" "The Deadliest Duckling" "TF_HM_Duck_Desc" "Hver gang du fodrede en and med brød, finansierede du Andemafiaen. Du er involveret. Der er ingen udvej nu. Tag denne and, gå til hjørnet på gade 43 og sæt dig ind i den sorte Cadillac. Når du møder Don, må du ikke lave nogen vitser om hestehoveder. Det hader han." "[english]TF_HM_Duck_Desc" "Every time you fed a duck a breadcrumb, you were financing the Duck Mob. You're implicated. There's no going back now. Take this duck, go to the corner of 43rd, and enter the black Cadillac. When you meet the Don, don't make any jokes about horse heads. He hates that." "TF_HM_Duck_Style0" "Capone" "[english]TF_HM_Duck_Style0" "Capone" "TF_HM_Duck_Style1" "Luciano" "[english]TF_HM_Duck_Style1" "Luciano" "TF_Weapon_Camera" "Kamera" "[english]TF_Weapon_Camera" "Camera" "TF_Wearable_Tuxedo" "Tuxedo" "[english]TF_Wearable_Tuxedo" "Tuxedo" "TF_Wearable_Pin" "Knap" "[english]TF_Wearable_Pin" "Pin" "TF_PurityFist_Promo" "Purity Fist-promo" "[english]TF_PurityFist_Promo" "Purity Fist Promo" "TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium" "Opgrader til premium-gave" "[english]TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium" "Upgrade to Premium Gift" "TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium_Desc" "Byt denne genstand med en ven med en gratis konto. Når vedkommende har brugt den, vil deres konto blive konverteret til en premium-konto og få fordele såsom ekstra rygsækspladser" "[english]TF_Tool_AccountUpgradeToPremium_Desc" "Trade away this item to a friend with a free account. Once they use it, they'll automatically be converted to a premium account and enjoy perks such as extra backpack slots" "Attrib_CannotCraftWeapons" "Våben kan ikke bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]Attrib_CannotCraftWeapons" "Weapons Are Not Usable in Crafting" "Replay_Contest_Category20120" "Bedste action" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20120" "Best Action" "Replay_Contest_Category20121" "Bedste komedie" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20121" "Best Comedy" "Replay_Contest_Category20122" "Bedste drama" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20122" "Best Drama" "Replay_Contest_Category20123" "Bedste gengivelse" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20123" "Best Replay" "Replay_Contest_Category20124" "Bedste originale univers" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20124" "Best Original Universe" "Replay_Contest_Category20125" "Bedste i alt" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20125" "Best Overall" "TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Title" "Opgrader konto?" "[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Title" "Upgrade Account?" "TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Text" "Er du sikker på, at du vil opgradere denne konto? (%item_name% har %uses_left% anvendelse(r) tilbage, før den vil blive fjernet fra dit inventar)" "[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremium_Text" "Are you sure you want to upgrade your account? (%item_name% has %uses_left% use(s) before it will be removed from your inventory)" "TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremiumFail_Title" "Allerede opgraderet!" "[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremiumFail_Title" "Already Upgraded!" "TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremiumFail_Text" "Din konto er allerede premium!" "[english]TF_UseAccountUpgradeToPremiumFail_Text" "Your account is already premium!" "TF_Memory_Maker" "Mindeskaberen" "[english]TF_Memory_Maker" "Memory Maker" "TF_Memory_Maker_Desc" "Minderne, du fik som Saxxy-finalist, vil for evigt leve videre i film. Andre minder - som den gang du forårsagede et brud i en eller anden dum Engineers kranie med et 8mm kamera - vil for evigt leve videre i dit hjerte." "[english]TF_Memory_Maker_Desc" "The memories you made as a Saxxy finalist will live on forever in film. Other memories—like that time you fractured some jerk Engineer's skull with an 8mm camera—will live on forever in your heart." "TF_Clacker2012" "Saxxy Klaptræsemblem" "[english]TF_Clacker2012" "THe Saxxy Clapper Badge" "TF_Clacker2012_Desc" "Udnyt Hollywoods tiltrækkende sorte magi med dette erindringsklaptræ - det samme, der bruges af faktiske filminstruktører. Nu kan DU fortælle Ryan Reynolds, hvad han skal gøre!" "[english]TF_Clacker2012_Desc" "Harness the seductive black magic of Hollywood with this commemorative clapper board—the same used by actual movie directors. Now YOU can tell Ryan Reynolds what to do!" "TF_Tuxxy" "Tuxxy" "[english]TF_Tuxxy" "THe Tuxxy" "TF_Tuxxy_Desc" "Løberne bliver røde med dine fjenders blod takket være dette elegante Anden årlige Saxxy Awards-ensemble." "[english]TF_Tuxxy_Desc" "The carpets will run red with enemy blood thanks to this dapper Second Annual Saxxy Awards ensemble." "TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin" "Faerie Solitaire-knappenål" "[english]TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin" "Faerie Solitaire Pin" "TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin_Desc" "Disse fevinge-efterligninger, der er lavet med nøjagtigt øje for detaljer, er ikke til at skelne fra rigtige fevinger. Endelig kan du smide alle de ægte, forrådnede fevinger, der er hæftet til dit tøj, væk, mens du stadig lader folk vide, at du har stærke holdninger om mytiske skabninger." "[english]TF_Faerie_Solitaire_Pin_Desc" "Made with exacting attention to detail, this imitation faerie wing pin is indistinguishable from the real thing. Finally get rid of all those actual decomposing faerie wings stapled to your clothes, while still letting people know you have some strong opinions about mythical beings." "Attrib_MemoryMakerAward" "Saxxy-nomineret: %s1 %s2\n" "[english]Attrib_MemoryMakerAward" "Saxxy Nominee: %s1 %s2\n" "Store_NameFilterLabel" "Søg:" "[english]Store_NameFilterLabel" "Search:" "TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Title" "Slå controller til?" "[english]TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Title" "Enable Controller?" "TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Text" "Jeg lagde mærke til, at du spiller gennem Big Picture. Vil du gerne slå spilcontroller-understøttelse til?" "[english]TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Text" "I noticed you are running under Big Picture. Would you like to enable game controller support?" "TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Opt_Out" "Spørg aldrig om controller-understøttelse igen" "[english]TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Opt_Out" "Never ask about controller support again" "TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Yes" "Ja" "[english]TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_Yes" "Yes" "TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_No" "Nej" "[english]TF_BigPictureGameController_Ask_No" "No" "TF_WinterCrate2012_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkasse 2012" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2012_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate 2012" "TF_WinterCrate2012_Naughty_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2012_Naughty_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_WinterCrate2012_Nice" "Artig Vinterkasse 2012" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2012_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate 2012" "TF_WinterCrate2012_Nice_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2012_Nice_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Context_Action" "Kontekstuel handling/hån" "[english]TF_Context_Action" "Contextual Action/Taunt" "TF_Rescue" "ENERGI" "[english]TF_Rescue" "ENERGY" "TF_Special_Attack" "Specielt angreb" "[english]TF_Special_Attack" "Special Attack" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_Resist" "Vaccinator" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_Resist" "Vaccinator" "TF_Weapon_Cannon" "Den Løse Kanon" "[english]TF_Weapon_Cannon" "Loose Cannon" "TF_Weapon_Shotgun_Building_Rescue" "Afstandsredder" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shotgun_Building_Rescue" "Rescue Ranger" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Medi-gevær Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.II - Sølv" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMLoot_Engineer" "Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Rullekanon Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Raketkaster Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Flammekaster Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flamethrower_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Haglspreder Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Klæbebombekaster Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Skruenøgle Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Snigskytteriffel Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II" "TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Botdræbende Kniv Mk.II - Guld" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_AdvancedMVMRareLoot_Engineer" "Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.II" "TF_Wearable_Spikes" "Pigge" "[english]TF_Wearable_Spikes" "Spikes" "TF_Wearable_Kilt" "Kilt" "[english]TF_Wearable_Kilt" "Kilt" "TF_Wearable_Gloves" "Handsker" "[english]TF_Wearable_Gloves" "Gloves" "Store_FilterType_PlayerClass" "Klasse:" "[english]Store_FilterType_PlayerClass" "Class:" "Store_FilterType_SlotType" "Positionstype:" "[english]Store_FilterType_SlotType" "Slot type:" "Store_SortBy" "Sorter efter:" "[english]Store_SortBy" "Sort by:" "Store_Filter_All" "Alt" "[english]Store_Filter_All" "All" "Store_Sorter_ReleaseNewest" "Nyeste først" "[english]Store_Sorter_ReleaseNewest" "Newest First" "Store_Sorter_ReleaseOldest" "Ældste først" "[english]Store_Sorter_ReleaseOldest" "Oldest First" "Store_Sorter_PriceHighest" "Højeste pris" "[english]Store_Sorter_PriceHighest" "Highest Price" "Store_Sorter_PriceLowest" "Laveste pris" "[english]Store_Sorter_PriceLowest" "Lowest Price" "Store_Sorter_Alphabetical" "Alfabetisk" "[english]Store_Sorter_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical" "Store_Sorter_PlayerClassName" "Klasse" "[english]Store_Sorter_PlayerClassName" "Class" "TF_MannCoOnlineCap" "Mann Co. Online-kasket" "[english]TF_MannCoOnlineCap" "Mann Co. Online Cap" "TF_MannCoOnlineCap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MannCoOnlineCap_Desc" "" "TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap" "Det Vinterhvide Vidunderlandssvøb" "[english]TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap" "The Winter Wonderland Wrap" "TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Desc" "Bare fordi du er en ukendelig gåde, betyder det ikke, at du ikke skal klædes varmt på. Husk hvad din mor fortalte dig... hvis du overhovedet HAR en, din uigennemskuelige mysterieperson." "[english]TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Desc" "Just because you're an unknowable enigma doesn't mean you shouldn't bundle up. Remember what your mom told you... if you even HAVE one, you inscrutable person of mystery!" "TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Style0" "Med striber" "[english]TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Style0" "With Stripes" "TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Style1" "Uden striber" "[english]TF_TheWinterWonderlandWrap_Style1" "Without Stripes" "TF_DerWintermantel" "Der Wintermantel" "[english]TF_DerWintermantel" "Der Wintermantel" "TF_DerWintermantel_Desc" "Denne pelsforede frakke/sweater-kombo kommer med Mann Co.s garanti om, at som med alle vores produkter, blev mindst tre truede dyrearter udryddet under produktionen af dette produkt. Bemærk: Pelsen er syntetisk." "[english]TF_DerWintermantel_Desc" "This fur-lined coat/sweater combo comes with Mann Co.'s guarantee that, as with all of our products, at least three endangered species went extinct during the making of this product. Note: fur is synthetic." "TF_DerWintermantel_Style0" "Bedstes sweater kan ses" "[english]TF_DerWintermantel_Style0" "Gramma's Sweater Showing" "TF_DerWintermantel_Style1" "Bedstes sweater er skjult" "[english]TF_DerWintermantel_Style1" "Gramma's Sweater Hidden" "TF_DocsHoliday" "Lægens Orlov" "[english]TF_DocsHoliday" "Doc's Holiday" "TF_DocsHoliday_Desc" "Kommer i \"Feber\"-, \"Influenza\"- og \"Virus\"-stilene, alt efter epidemien, du helst vil legemliggøre, mens du er på ferie." "[english]TF_DocsHoliday_Desc" "Comes in \"Fever\", \"Flu\", and \"Virus\" styles, depending on the epidemic you'd most like to embody while on vacation." "TF_DocsHoliday_Style0" "Feber" "[english]TF_DocsHoliday_Style0" "Fever" "TF_DocsHoliday_Style1" "Influenza" "[english]TF_DocsHoliday_Style1" "Flu" "TF_ToughStuffMuffs" "Prollede Ørevarmere" "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs" "Tough Stuff Muffs" "TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Desc" "Forfrysninger i ørerne stopper blodomløbet og fører til vævsdød, koldbrand og infektion. Og der er ingen, der gider se på dine koldbrandsramte ører. Dæk de forfrosne afskyeligheder med disse stilfulde ørevarmere." "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Desc" "Frostbite of the ears halts blood flow, and leads to tissue death, gangrene, and infection. And nobody wants to look at your gangrenous infected ears. Cover up those frostbitten abominations with these stylish earmuffs." "TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style0" "Montreal-stil" "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style0" "Montreal Style" "TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style1" "Boston-stil" "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style1" "Boston Style" "TF_TheColdKiller" "Den Kolde Dræber" "[english]TF_TheColdKiller" "The Cold Killer" "TF_TheColdKiller_Desc" "Fald i med vinterskyggerne med Den Kolde Dræber under forudsætning af, at skyggerne er en blanding af hvid, rød, brun og kaki." "[english]TF_TheColdKiller_Desc" "Melt into the wintry shadows with The Cold Killer, assuming the shadows are a mixture of white, red, brown and khaki." "TF_TheCutThroatConcierge" "Principløs Piccolo" "[english]TF_TheCutThroatConcierge" "The Cut Throat Concierge" "TF_TheCutThroatConcierge_Desc" "Nar dine fjender til at tro, at du er dørmanden ved et fornemt hotel. Når de engang ved bedre, vil du være flere kilometer væk med deres bil og bagage, mens du roder gennem deres tøj og griner ad dem." "[english]TF_TheCutThroatConcierge_Desc" "Trick your enemies into thinking you are the doorman at a classy hotel. By the time they get wise, you'll be miles away with their car and luggage, rummaging through their clothes and laughing at them. " "TF_TheCoolBreeze" "Den Kølige Brise" "[english]TF_TheCoolBreeze" "The Cool Breeze" "TF_TheCoolBreeze_Desc" "Glem kaffe, knægt. DET HER vil vække dig en kold vintermorgen." "[english]TF_TheCoolBreeze_Desc" "Forget coffee, lad. THIS'll wake ye up on a cold winter morning." "TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers" "Soldiers Skræntsigtere" "[english]TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers" "Soldier's Slope Scopers" "TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Desc" "Disse ekstremt professionelle skibriller lader folk vide, at den her fyr ikke har tænkt sig at bruge begynderbakkerne! Ikke med DINE middelmådige-til-gennemsnitlige skifærdigheder. Nej, DU kommer til at stå på ski på alle de mellemsvære skråninger, du kan finde, ja tak - på jagt efter de lækre gradvise hældninger." "[english]TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Desc" "These extreme pro ski goggles let folks know there're be no bunny slopes for this guy. Not with YOUR middling-to-average ski skills. No, YOU'LL be skiing on all the intermediate slopes you can find, thank you very much—hunting out those tasty gradual inclines." "TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Style0" "Amatør" "[english]TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Style0" "Amateur" "TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Style1" "Pro" "[english]TF_SoldiersSlopeScopers_Style1" "Pro" "TF_TheDigitDivulger" "Fingerrøberen" "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger" "The Digit Divulger" "TF_TheDigitDivulger_Desc" "Hold dine hænder varme og dine fingre kolde med disse fingerløse læder- og ruskindshandsker, som også kan males." "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger_Desc" "Keep your hands warm and your fingers freezing with these paintable leather and suede fingerless gloves." "TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style0" "Læder åbent" "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style0" "Leather Open" "TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style1" "Ruskind åbent" "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style1" "Suede Open" "TF_HeavysHockeyHair" "Heavys Hockeyhår" "[english]TF_HeavysHockeyHair" "Heavy's Hockey Hair" "TF_HeavysHockeyHair_Desc" "Fejr de ældgamle traditioner, om at banke dine modstandere bevidstløse på isen, ved at fremvise denne stilistiske og praktiske frisure fra bøller og håndlangere verden om." "[english]TF_HeavysHockeyHair_Desc" "Commemorate the age-old tradition of pummelling your opponents senseless on ice by sporting the stylish and practical hairdo of goons and enforcers worldwide." "TF_TheMuttonMann" "De Brægende Bakkenbarter" "[english]TF_TheMuttonMann" "The Mutton Mann" "TF_TheMuttonMann_Desc" "Nyd det absolut sidste nye inden for det nittende århundredes bakkenbartmode med dette strålende, ansigtsklamrende kindskæg. Jeg er ikke blot en lækker steg, de damer, jeg er en helt buffet." "[english]TF_TheMuttonMann_Desc" "Enjoy the absolute cutting edge of nineteenth century sideburn fashion with these lustrous, face-hugging muttons. There's no meat in these chops, ladies—but there's plenty of beefcake." "TF_TheMercsMuffler" "Lejesoldatens Halstørklæde" "[english]TF_TheMercsMuffler" "The Merc's Muffler" "TF_TheMercsMuffler_Desc" "Det perfekte vintertilbehør for dem, hvis højtidssjov eskalerer til en højtskadende ildkamp. 90% mere blodabsorberende end andre tørklæder på markedet!" "[english]TF_TheMercsMuffler_Desc" "The perfect winter accessory for those times when your holiday fun escalates into a high-casualty firefight. 90% more blood-absorbent than any other scarf on the market!" "TF_TheBarnstormer" "Ladeløberen" "[english]TF_TheBarnstormer" "The Barnstormer" "TF_TheBarnstormer_Desc" "Træd ind i Amerikas yndlingsflyver/-filmskaber/-tånegl-og-Jarate-indsamlers hovedudstyr og ansigtsbehåring med denne hotte flyverhat og libertineragtige filmstjerneoverskæg." "[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Desc" "Step into the headgear and facial hair of America's favorite aviator/filmmaker/toenail-and-Jarate collector with this hotshot aviator hat and rakish movie star moustache." "TF_TheBarnstormer_Style0" "TheBarnstormer-stil 1" "[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Style0" "TheBarnstormer Style 1" "TF_TheBarnstormer_Style1" "TheBarnstormer-stil 2" "[english]TF_TheBarnstormer_Style1" "TheBarnstormer Style 2" "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2" "Operation Mekanisk Motor-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2" "Operation Mecha Engine Badge" "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2_Desc" "Dine Mann Up-fremskridt gennem Operation Mecha Engine gemmes på dette emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced2_Desc" "Your Mann Up progress through Operation Mecha Engine is saved on this badge." "TF_Map_cp_dustbowl" "Dustbowl" "[english]TF_Map_cp_dustbowl" "Dustbowl" "TF_Map_cp_gorge" "Gorge" "[english]TF_Map_cp_gorge" "Gorge" "TF_Map_cp_gravelpit" "Gravelpit" "[english]TF_Map_cp_gravelpit" "Gravelpit" "TF_Map_ctf_2fort" "2Fort" "[english]TF_Map_ctf_2fort" "2Fort" "TF_Map_ctf_doublecross" "Doublecross" "[english]TF_Map_ctf_doublecross" "Doublecross" "TF_Map_ctf_sawmill" "Sawmill" "[english]TF_Map_ctf_sawmill" "Sawmill" "TF_Map_ctf_well" "Well" "[english]TF_Map_ctf_well" "Well" "TF_Map_cp_5gorge" "5Gorge" "[english]TF_Map_cp_5gorge" "5Gorge" "TF_Map_cp_badlands" "Badlands" "[english]TF_Map_cp_badlands" "Badlands" "TF_Map_cp_granary" "Granary" "[english]TF_Map_cp_granary" "Granary" "TF_Map_cp_well" "Well" "[english]TF_Map_cp_well" "Well" "TF_Map_cp_foundry" "Foundry" "[english]TF_Map_cp_foundry" "Foundry" "TF_Map_koth_badlands" "Badlands" "[english]TF_Map_koth_badlands" "Badlands" "TF_Map_koth_nucleus" "Nucleus" "[english]TF_Map_koth_nucleus" "Nucleus" "TF_Map_koth_sawmill" "Sawmill" "[english]TF_Map_koth_sawmill" "Sawmill" "TF_Map_koth_viaduct" "Viaduct" "[english]TF_Map_koth_viaduct" "Viaduct" "TF_Map_pl_badwater" "Badwater" "[english]TF_Map_pl_badwater" "Badwater" "TF_Map_pl_goldrush" "Goldrush" "[english]TF_Map_pl_goldrush" "Goldrush" "TF_Map_pl_thundermountain" "Thundermountain" "[english]TF_Map_pl_thundermountain" "Thundermountain" "TF_Map_pl_upward" "Upward" "[english]TF_Map_pl_upward" "Upward" "TF_Map_pl_barnblitz" "Barnblitz" "[english]TF_Map_pl_barnblitz" "Barnblitz" "TF_Map_plr_hightower" "Hightower" "[english]TF_Map_plr_hightower" "Hightower" "TF_Map_plr_pipeline" "Pipeline" "[english]TF_Map_plr_pipeline" "Pipeline" "TF_Map_sd_doomsday" "Doomsday" "[english]TF_Map_sd_doomsday" "Doomsday" "TF_Map_koth_lakeside_event" "Ghost Fort" "[english]TF_Map_koth_lakeside_event" "Ghost Fort" "TF_Map_koth_viaduct_event" "Eyeaduct" "[english]TF_Map_koth_viaduct_event" "Eyeaduct" "TF_Map_koth_harvest_event" "Harvest Event" "[english]TF_Map_koth_harvest_event" "Harvest Event" "TF_Map_arena_badlands" "Badlands Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_badlands" "Badlands Arena" "TF_Map_arena_granary" "Granary Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_granary" "Granary Arena" "TF_Map_arena_lumberyard" "Lumberyard Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_lumberyard" "Lumberyard Arena" "TF_Map_arena_nucleus" "Nucleus Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_nucleus" "Nucleus Arena" "TF_Map_arena_ravine" "Ravine Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_ravine" "Ravine Arena" "TF_Map_arena_sawmill" "Sawmill Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_sawmill" "Sawmill Arena" "TF_Map_arena_well" "Well Arena" "[english]TF_Map_arena_well" "Well Arena" "TF_Egypt_StrangePrefix" " Egyptisk" "[english]TF_Egypt_StrangePrefix" " Egyptian" "TF_Junction_StrangePrefix" " Teknisk" "[english]TF_Junction_StrangePrefix" " Technical" "TF_MountainLab_StrangePrefix" " Barsk" "[english]TF_MountainLab_StrangePrefix" " Rugged" "TF_Steel_StrangePrefix" " Rigid" "[english]TF_Steel_StrangePrefix" " Rigid" "TF_Gullywash_StrangePrefix" " Sofistikeret" "[english]TF_Gullywash_StrangePrefix" " Sophisticated" "TF_Turbine_StrangePrefix" " Hydraulisk" "[english]TF_Turbine_StrangePrefix" " Hydraulic" "TF_Coldfront_StrangePrefix" " Frostig" "[english]TF_Coldfront_StrangePrefix" " Frosty" "TF_Fastlane_StrangePrefix" " Lovløs" "[english]TF_Fastlane_StrangePrefix" " Outlaw" "TF_Freight_StrangePrefix" " Lokomotorisk" "[english]TF_Freight_StrangePrefix" " Locomotive" "TF_Yukon_StrangePrefix" " Canadisk" "[english]TF_Yukon_StrangePrefix" " Canadian" "TF_Harvest_StrangePrefix" " Frisk" "[english]TF_Harvest_StrangePrefix" " Fresh" "TF_Lakeside_StrangePrefix" " Solbadet" "[english]TF_Lakeside_StrangePrefix" " Sun-Kissed" "TF_KongKing_StrangePrefix" " MennKo" "[english]TF_KongKing_StrangePrefix" " MennKo" "TF_Frontier_StrangePrefix" " Vild" "[english]TF_Frontier_StrangePrefix" " Wild" "TF_Hoodoo_StrangePrefix" " Psykadelisk" "[english]TF_Hoodoo_StrangePrefix" " Psychadelic" "TF_Nightfall_StrangePrefix" " Blændende" "[english]TF_Nightfall_StrangePrefix" " Dazzling" "TF_WatchTower_StrangePrefix" " Vagtsom" "[english]TF_WatchTower_StrangePrefix" " Vigilant" "TF_Offblast_StrangePrefix" " Hemmelig" "[english]TF_Offblast_StrangePrefix" " Covert" "TF_ManorEvent_StrangePrefix" " Uhyggelig" "[english]TF_ManorEvent_StrangePrefix" " Spooky" "TF_IndividualUbercharges" "ÜBERLADNINGER: %charge_count%" "[english]TF_IndividualUbercharges" "ÜBERCHARGES: %charge_count%" "TF_IndividualUberchargesMinHUD" "%charge_count%" "[english]TF_IndividualUberchargesMinHUD" "%charge_count%" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilterTitle" "Fjern filter?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilterTitle" "Remove Filter?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilterCombo" "Fjern filter fra '%s1'" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilterCombo" "Remove Filter From '%s1'" "RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilter" "Vil du fjerne det sære filter fra statistikken \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" på denne genstand? (Det sære filtre vil blive kasseret)" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeFilter" "Remove the strange filter from stat \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" on this item? (Strange Filter will be discarded)" "ApplyStrangeRestrictionPartTitle" "Anvend pointfilter?" "[english]ApplyStrangeRestrictionPartTitle" "Apply Score Filter?" "ApplyStrangeRestrictionCombo" "Anvend på '%s1'" "[english]ApplyStrangeRestrictionCombo" "Apply to '%s1'" "ToolStrangeRestrictionApplyConfirm" "Er du sikker på, du vil sætte dette Sære filter på\ndenne genstand?\n\nDet nuværende pointtal for din '%stat_name%'-statistik\nvil blive nulstillet. Hvis denne statistik blev tilføjet via en Sær\ndel, vil du ikke være i stand til at fjerne filteret uden også at\nfjerne den Sære del." "[english]ToolStrangeRestrictionApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to add this Strange Filter to\nthis item?\n\nThe current score for your '%stat_name%'\nstat will be reset to 0. If this stat was added via a Strange\nPart, you will not be able to remove the Filter without also\nremoving the Strange Part." "ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MapStamp" "Bidrag: %s1 - Spilletid: %s2 timer" "[english]ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MapStamp" "Contributions: %s1 - Playtime: %s2 hours" "KillEaterEventType_SnipersKilled" "Snipers dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_SnipersKilled" "Snipers Killed" "KillEaterEventType_PyrosKilled" "Pyros dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_PyrosKilled" "Pyros Killed" "KillEaterEventType_DefenderKills" "Drab som forsvarer" "[english]KillEaterEventType_DefenderKills" "Defender Kills" "KillEaterEventType_UnderwaterKills" "Neddykkede fjender dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_UnderwaterKills" "Submerged Enemy Kills" "KillEaterEventType_KillsWhileUbercharged" "Drab under udødeligheds-ÜberLadning" "[english]KillEaterEventType_KillsWhileUbercharged" "Kills While Invuln ÜberCharged" "KillEaterEventType_FoodEaten" "Madgenstande spist" "[english]KillEaterEventType_FoodEaten" "Food Items Eaten" "KillEaterEventType_BannersDeployed" "Bannere udfoldet" "[english]KillEaterEventType_BannersDeployed" "Banners Deployed" "TF_StrangePart_SnipersKilled" "Sær del: Snipers dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_SnipersKilled" "Strange Part: Snipers Killed" "TF_StrangePart_SnipersKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Snipers, du har dræbt med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_SnipersKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Snipers you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_PyrosKilled" "Sær del: Pyroer dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_PyrosKilled" "Strange Part: Pyros Killed" "TF_StrangePart_PyrosKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Pyroer, du har dræbt med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_PyrosKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Pyros you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_DefenderKills" "Sær del: Forsvarsdrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_DefenderKills" "Strange Part: Defender Kills" "TF_StrangePart_DefenderKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du har dræbt mens de bærer på efterretningerne, skubber vognen eller erobrer et punkt." "[english]TF_StrangePart_DefenderKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill while they are carrying the intel, pushing the cart, or capturing a point." "TF_StrangePart_UnderwaterKills" "Sær del: Undervandsdrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_UnderwaterKills" "Strange Part: Underwater Kills" "TF_StrangePart_UnderwaterKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du har dræbt, mens de er helt under vand." "[english]TF_StrangePart_UnderwaterKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill while they are completely submerged." "TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileUbercharged" "Sær del: Drab mens Überladet" "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileUbercharged" "Strange Part: Kills While Übercharged" "TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileUbercharged_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du har dræbt, mens du er under effekterne af en Medics Überladning." "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileUbercharged_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill while you're under the effect of a Medic's Übercharge." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapColdfront" "Sært filter: Coldfront (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapColdfront" "Strange Filter: Coldfront (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapColdfront_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Coldfront." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapColdfront_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Coldfront." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEgypt" "Sært filter: Egypt (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEgypt" "Strange Filter: Egypt (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEgypt_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Egypt." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEgypt_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Egypt." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapJunction" "Sært filter: Junction (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapJunction" "Strange Filter: Junction (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapJunction_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Junction." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapJunction_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Junction." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMountainLab" "Sært filter: Mountain Lab (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMountainLab" "Strange Filter: Mountain Lab (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMountainLab_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Mountain Lab." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMountainLab_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Mountain Lab." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSteel" "Sært filter: Steel (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSteel" "Strange Filter: Steel (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSteel_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Steel." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSteel_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Steel." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGullywash" "Sært filter: Gullywash (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGullywash" "Strange Filter: Gullywash (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGullywash_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Gullywash." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGullywash_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Gullywash." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTurbine" "Sært filter: Turbine (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTurbine" "Strange Filter: Turbine (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTurbine_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Turbine." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTurbine_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Turbine." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFastlane" "Sært filter: Fastlane (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFastlane" "Strange Filter: Fastlane (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFastlane_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Fastlane." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFastlane_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Fastlane." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFreight" "Sært filter: Freight (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFreight" "Strange Filter: Freight (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFreight_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Freight." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFreight_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Freight." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapYukon" "Sært filter: Yukon (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapYukon" "Strange Filter: Yukon (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapYukon_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Yukon." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapYukon_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Yukon." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHarvest" "Sært filter: Harvest (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHarvest" "Strange Filter: Harvest (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHarvest_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Harvest." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHarvest_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Harvest." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLakeside" "Sært filter: Lakeside (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLakeside" "Strange Filter: Lakeside (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLakeside_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Lakeside." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLakeside_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Lakeside." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapKongKing" "Sært filter: Kong King (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapKongKing" "Strange Filter: Kong King (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapKongKing_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Kong King." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapKongKing_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Kong King." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFrontier" "Sært filter: Frontier (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFrontier" "Strange Filter: Frontier (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFrontier_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Frontier." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFrontier_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Frontier." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHoodoo" "Sært filter: Hoodoo (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHoodoo" "Strange Filter: Hoodoo (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHoodoo_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Hoodoo." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHoodoo_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Hoodoo." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapNightfall" "Sært filter: Nightfall (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapNightfall" "Strange Filter: Nightfall (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapNightfall_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Nightfall." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapNightfall_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Nightfall." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatchtower" "Sært filter: Watchtower (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatchtower" "Strange Filter: Watchtower (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatchtower_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Watchtower." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatchtower_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Watchtower." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapOffblast" "Sært filter: Offblast (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapOffblast" "Strange Filter: Offblast (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapOffblast_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Offblast." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapOffblast_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Offblast." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapManorEvent" "Sært filter: Mann Manor (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapManorEvent" "Strange Filter: Mann Manor (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapManorEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Mann Manor." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapManorEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Mann Manor." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkassenøgle 2012" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate Key 2012" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Naughty_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Slem Vinterkasse 2012.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Artige Vinterkasser.\n\nEfter d. 3/1/2013 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Naughty_Desc" "Used to open Naughty Winter Crate 2012.\nThis key will not open Nice crates.\n\nAfter 1/3/2013 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice" "Artig Vinterkassenøgle 2012" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2012" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Artig Vinterkasse 2012.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Slemme Vinterkasser.\n\nEfter d. 3/1/2013 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2012_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2012.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/3/2013 this will turn into a normal key." "Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Tryk på genlad-tasten for at skifte modstandstype.\nMens der heles får du og dit mål konstant 10% modstand over for den valgte skadetype." "[english]Attrib_Medigun_Resists" "Press your reload key to cycle through resist types.\nWhile healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type." "Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "Effektradius +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_SoldierBackpackRange" "Effect Radius +%s1%" "Attrib_LifeleechOnDamage" "Livssugning %s1%" "[english]Attrib_LifeleechOnDamage" "Lifeleech %s1%" "Attrib_SentryAmmo" "Sentry-ammunition +%s1" "[english]Attrib_SentryAmmo" "Sentry Ammo +%s1" "Attrib_CritChance" "Kritisk chance +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CritChance" "Crit Chance +%s1%" "Attrib_AOEHealChance_Small" "Lille chance for at hele holdkammerater nær målet, du skader" "[english]Attrib_AOEHealChance_Small" "Small Chance to heal teammates around you when you deal damage" "Attrib_AOEHealChance_Large" "Stor chance for at hele holdkammerater nær målet, du skader" "[english]Attrib_AOEHealChance_Large" "Large Chance to heal teammates around you when you deal damage" "Attrib_StunChance_Small" "Lille chance for at lamme fjender du skader" "[english]Attrib_StunChance_Small" "Small Chance to stun enemies you damage" "Attrib_StunChance_Large" "Stor chance for at lamme fjender du skader" "[english]Attrib_StunChance_Large" "Large Chance to stun enemies you damage" "Attrib_AOEDamageChance_Small" "Lille chance for at chokere fjender nær målet du skader" "[english]Attrib_AOEDamageChance_Small" "Small Chance to shock enemies near targets you damage" "Attrib_AOEDamageChance_Large" "Stor chance for at chokere fjender nær målet du skader" "[english]Attrib_AOEDamageChance_Large" "Large Chance to shock enemies near targets you damage" "Attrib_CritStreakChance_Small" "Lille chance for at blive krit-boostet når du gør skade" "[english]Attrib_CritStreakChance_Small" "Small Chance to become Crit Boosted when you deal damage" "Attrib_CritStreakChance_Large" "Stor chance for at blive krit-boostet når du gør skade" "[english]Attrib_CritStreakChance_Large" "Large Chance to become Crit Boosted when you deal damage" "Attrib_UberOnHitChance" "+%s1% chance for at blive Überet når fjender skader dig" "[english]Attrib_UberOnHitChance" "+%s1% Chance to become Übered when enemies damage you" "Attrib_DamageSameClass" "+%s1% skade mod fjender af den samme klasse" "[english]Attrib_DamageSameClass" "+%s1% Damage to Enemies of the Same Class" "Attrib_TeleportInsteadOfDie" "+%s1% chance for at teleportere til basen ved skade der ellers ville have dræbt dig" "[english]Attrib_TeleportInsteadOfDie" "+%s1% Chance to Teleport to base when taking damage that would otherwise kill you" "Attrib_MeleeCleaveAttack" "Kløveangreb" "[english]Attrib_MeleeCleaveAttack" "Cleave Attack" "Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "Sentry-byggehastighed øget med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_Sentry_Build_Rate" "Sentry build speed increased by %s1%" "Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "Øger teleporter-byggehastighed med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_Teleporter_Build_Rate" "Increases teleporter build speed by %s1%" "Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "Kanonkugler har en luntetid på 1 sekund; lunter kan times til at eksplodere tidligere ved at holde skyd-knappen nede" "[english]Attrib_Grenade_Launcher_Mortar_Mode" "Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key" "Attrib_Grenade_Not_Explode_On_Impact" "Kanonkugler sprænger ikke ved kontakt" "[english]Attrib_Grenade_Not_Explode_On_Impact" "Cannonballs do not explode on impact" "Attrib_Grenade_Damage_Reduction_On_World_Contact" "%s1% skade ved kontakt med overflader" "[english]Attrib_Grenade_Damage_Reduction_On_World_Contact" "%s1% damage on contact with surfaces" "Attrib_Building_Telporting_PickUp" "Alt-skyd: Brug %s1 metal til at samle den valgte bygning op fra lang afstand" "[english]Attrib_Building_Telporting_PickUp" "Alt-Fire: Use %s1 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range" "Attrib_EngineerBuildingRescueRage" "Generer bygningsredningsenergi ved skade" "[english]Attrib_EngineerBuildingRescueRage" "Generate building rescue energy on damage" "Attrib_MarkedForDeathOnBuildingPickup" "Selv-mærk til døden når bygninger flyttes" "[english]Attrib_MarkedForDeathOnBuildingPickup" "Self mark for death when hauling buildings" "Attrib_ArrowHealsBuildings" "Affyrer en særlig pil som kan reparere venlige bygninger" "[english]Attrib_ArrowHealsBuildings" "Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings" "Attrib_Cannonball_Push_Back" "Kanonkugler skubber spillere tilbage ved kontakt" "[english]Attrib_Cannonball_Push_Back" "Cannonballs push players back on impact" "Attrib_Overheal_Fill_Rate_Reduced" "%s1% overhelingsbyggehastighed" "[english]Attrib_Overheal_Fill_Rate_Reduced" "%s1% Overheal build rate" "Attrib_Healing_Provided_Resistance" "Når du heler, giver du både dig og dit mål en konstant 10% resistens over for den valgte skadetype." "[english]Attrib_Healing_Provided_Resistance" "When healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type." "TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist" "Vaccinator" "[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist" "The Vaccinator" "TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist_Desc" "ÜberLadning skaber en 2,5 sekunders resistensbobbel, der blokerer 75% basisskade og 100% kritskade af den valgte type, til patienten og den medic, der heler ham." "[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_Resist_Desc" "ÜberCharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 75% base damage and 100% crit damage of the selected type to the Medic and Patient." "Store_Nope" "Næ" "[english]Store_Nope" "Nope" "Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddTitle" "Støt fællesskabs-baneskabere?" "[english]Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddTitle" "Support Community Map Makers?" "Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddText" "Wow, du har spillet %s1 i %s2 timer...\n\nHvad med at støtte dens skaber\nmed et banefrimærke!" "[english]Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddText" "Wow, you've played %s1 for %s2 hours...\n\nHow about supporting its creator\nwith a Map Stamp!" "Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddText2" "- Hele indtægten (efter evt. skat) går direkte til fællesskabsbaneskaberen.\n\n- Førstegangskøbere modtager en gratis Verdensrejsendes Hat til at spore bidrag.\n\n- En varm følelse af velgørende kammeratskab i din mave." "[english]Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddText2" "- All proceeds (net of any applicable tax)\ngo directly to the community creator.\n\n- First timers earn a free World Traveler's Hat\nto track contributions.\n\n- A warm feeling of charitable camaraderie in your belly." "Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddTextOld" "Wow, du har spillet %s1 i %s2 timer! I Smissmas' ånd, hvad med at købe et banefrimærke for at takke baneskaberen?\n\nSom altid, går bidrag fra banefrimærker (efter evt. skat) direkte til fællesskabsskaberne af disse baner.\n\nHvis dette er dit første banefrimærke-bidrag, modtager du også den smarte Verdensrejsendes Hat gratis til at holde øje med dine bidrag!" "[english]Store_ConfirmStampDonationAddTextOld" "Wow, you've played %s1 for %s2 hours! In the spirit of Smissmas giving, how about buying a Map Stamp to thank its creator for their hard work?\n\nAs always, all Map Stamp proceeds (net of any applicable tax) go directly to the community creators of those maps.\n\nIf this is your first Map Stamp contribution to the community, you'll also receive this nifty World Traveler's Hat for free to track your contributions!" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_2" "Operation Mekanisk Motor" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_2" "Operation Mecha Engine" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_2_LootDescription" "Gennemfør hele Operation Mecha Engine-turen for et Botdræbende Engineer-våben eller en sjælden chance for et Botdræbende Engineer-guldvåben!" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_2_LootDescription" "Complete the full Operation Mecha Engine tour for an Engineer Botkiller weapon or a rare chance at a Gold Engineer Botkiller weapon!" "TF_MVM_Map_Bigrock" "BigRock" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Bigrock" "BigRock" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy4" "Disintegration" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Decoy4" "Disintegration" "TF_MVM_Challenge_BigRock" "Godartet Infiltrering" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_BigRock" "Benign infiltration" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock1" "Ødelagte Dele" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock1" "Broken parts" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock2" "Knogleryster" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Bigrock2" "Bone shaker" "TF_Bundle_Henchmann" "Henchmann-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Henchmann" "The Henchmann Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Henchmann_Desc" "Bliv en del af den dårligt betalte, navneløse gruppe af håndlangere, der er dømt til en grusom død ved din arbejdsgivers fjenders hænder! Bliv en del af Fluttering Horde i dag!" "[english]TF_Bundle_Henchmann_Desc" "Become one of a horribly paid, nameless group of lackeys doomed to meet a gruesome end at the hands of your employer's enemies! Join the Fluttering Horde today!" "TF_Henchboy_Belt" "Flunkyware" "[english]TF_Henchboy_Belt" "Flunkyware" "TF_Henchboy_Belt_Desc" "Dette matchende sæt med håndlangerens sko, bælte og lomme, lader dig løbe væk fra ting, holde dine bukser oppe og bære det resterende af din værdighed på samme tid." "[english]TF_Henchboy_Belt_Desc" "This matching henchman's boots, belt and pocket combo lets you run away from things, keep your pants up and carry what's left of your dignity at the same time." "TF_Henchboy_Hat" "Hængerhætten" "[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat" "The Hanger-On Hood" "TF_Henchboy_Hat_Desc" "Beskyt din civile identitet fra dem, der vil skade dig for din medvirkning i forbryderiske gerninger, og dem, der vil slå dig i maven for at klæde dig ud som et møl." "[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Desc" "Protect your civilian identity from those who would harm you for your complicity in nefarious deeds, and those who would punch you in the stomach for dressing up like a moth." "TF_Henchboy_Wings" "Monarkens Flugt" "[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings" "The Flight of the Monarch" "TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Modsat rigtige vinger, hjælper disse dig ikke med at flyve eller have Paul McCartney i dem. Men de er dog med 100% sikkerhed lavet af Steve Winwood." "[english]TF_Henchboy_Wings_Desc" "Unlike real wings, these don't help you fly at all, or have Paul McCartney in them. However, these wings ARE 100% made from Steve Winwood." "TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "Rockzo-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Rockzo" "The Rockzo Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Rockzo_Desc" "Du er en klovn med pyromanske tendenser! Du antænder propaaaan!" "[english]TF_Bundle_Rockzo_Desc" "You're a pyromaniac clown! You light propaaaane!" "TF_DethKapp" "Dødskasketten" "[english]TF_DethKapp" "The DethKapp" "TF_DethKapp_Desc" "I århundreder har menneskeheden arbejdet forgæves med at svare spørgsmålet om, hvem der byggede denne by af rock and roll. Denne hat-/hår-kombo svarer endelig på dette ældgamle spørgsmål: Det var dig!" "[english]TF_DethKapp_Desc" "For centuries, mankind has struggled in vain to answer the question of who built this city on rock and roll. This hat/hair combo finally answers that age-old mystery: It was you!" "TF_DethKapp_Style0" "Barsk" "[english]TF_DethKapp_Style0" "Grim" "TF_DethKapp_Style1" "Splittergal" "[english]TF_DethKapp_Style1" "Stark Raving Mad" "TF_DethKapp_Style2" "Streng" "[english]TF_DethKapp_Style2" "Stern" "TF_DethKapp_Style3" "Lidt galt på den" "[english]TF_DethKapp_Style3" "Slightly Off" "TF_NoseCandy" "Næseslik" "[english]TF_NoseCandy" "Nose Candy" "TF_NoseCandy_Desc" "Klæd din respirator på, så du snyder folk til at tro, at du er en sindssyg person med vrangforestillinger, der lever i sin egen fantasiverden!" "[english]TF_NoseCandy_Desc" "Dress up your respirator to trick people into thinking you're a delusional maniac living in a fantasy world!" "TF_NoseCandy_Style0" "Forfærdelig" "[english]TF_NoseCandy_Style0" "Horrific" "TF_NoseCandy_Style1" "Glad" "[english]TF_NoseCandy_Style1" "Happy" "TF_RailSpikes" "Jernbanepigge" "[english]TF_RailSpikes" "Rail Spikes" "TF_RailSpikes_Desc" "Vi var lige i gang med at samle nogle kraver, og så tænkte vi, \"Ja, de er seje. Men hvad mangler?\" Det var dér hvor vi indså: masser af skarpe dimser svejset fast på de runde dimser." "[english]TF_RailSpikes_Desc" "There we were, assembling some collars, when we thought, \"Yes, they're cool. But what's missing?\" That's when we realized: lots of sharp bits welded onto the round bits." "TF_BrocksLocks" "Brocks Locks" "[english]TF_BrocksLocks" "Brock's Locks" "TF_BrocksLocks_Desc" "Første gang, solen glinser i denne mandige manke af vilde, pjuskede lokker, vil du spekulere på, hvorfor du ikke fik en hårtransplantation fra den nederste del af ryggen og balderne for mange år siden." "[english]TF_BrocksLocks_Desc" "The first time the sun glints off of this manly mane of teased, tousled trusses, you'll wonder why you didn't get hair implants from your lower back and buttocks years ago." "TF_Bundle_Brutananadilewski" "Brutananadilewski-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Brutananadilewski" "The Brutananadilewski Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Brutananadilewski_Desc" "Som os alle er du behåret, svedende, fed og halvskaldet. Og alligevel har spilteknologi aldrig været i stand til præcist at portrættere denne sexede virkelighed. Indtil nu. Vi præsenterer Carl Brutananadilewski-samlingen." "[english]TF_Bundle_Brutananadilewski_Desc" "Like all of us, you're hairy, sweaty, obese and balding. And yet, game technology has never been able to accurately portray this sexy reality. Until now. Presenting the Carl Brutananadilewski collection." "TF_Heavy_Carl" "Carl" "[english]TF_Heavy_Carl" "The Carl" "TF_Heavy_Carl_Desc" "Action-stjerner som Bruce Willis og Vin Diesel har vist os skaldethedens ustoppelige kraft. På den anden side, var Nic Cages lange, strømmende hår rimelig godt i Con Air. Denne mande-mønsterskaldethedsparyk løser problemet om hvilket (hvis noget) hår at have ved at give dig det bedste fra begge verdener. Kommer med gratis overskæg." "[english]TF_Heavy_Carl_Desc" "Action stars like Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel have shown us the unstoppable power of baldness. On the other hand, Nic Cage's long flowing hair was pretty great in Con Air. This male pattern baldness wig solves the problem of what (if any) hair to have, by giving you the best of both worlds. Comes with free moustache!" "TF_Heavy_AquaFlops" "Aqua Flops" "[english]TF_Heavy_AquaFlops" "Aqua Flops" "TF_Heavy_AquaFlops_Desc" "Mens resten af din krop er i krig, hvorfor giver du så ikke dine fødder fornøjelsen af en lille smag af troperne?" "[english]TF_Heavy_AquaFlops_Desc" "While the rest of your body's at war, why not treat your feet to a little taste of the tropics?" "TF_Heavy_HungerForce" "Hunger Force" "[english]TF_Heavy_HungerForce" "The Hunger Force" "TF_Heavy_HungerForce_Desc" "Lad dine fjender vide at du er uberegnelig, ved at vise dem hvor lidt du tænker på dit eget udseende. Du er blevet ligeglad med dig selv, og har absolut intet at miste. Frygtindgydende!" "[english]TF_Heavy_HungerForce_Desc" "Let your enemies know you're a loose cannon by showing them how little you care about your own appearance. You've let yourself go, and have absolutely nothing to lose. Terrifying!" "TF_Bundle_AdultSwim" "Adult Swim-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_AdultSwim" "The Adult Swim Bundle" "TF_Bundle_AdultSwim_Desc" "Dette bundt indeholder en samling af Adult Swim-genstande." "[english]TF_Bundle_AdultSwim_Desc" "This bundle contains a collection of Adult Swim items." "TF_Bundle_Winter2012" "Smissmas 2012-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Winter2012" "Smissmas 2012 Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Winter2012_Desc" "Det eneste højtidsbundt, der med 100% garanti forhindrer besøg fra dine udøde forretningspartnere og deres gyselige, tidsrejsende venner." "[english]TF_Bundle_Winter2012_Desc" "The only holiday bundle 100% guaranteed to prevent visitations from your undead business partners and their ghastly time-travelling pals." "TF_Wreath_2012" "Smissmas-krans" "[english]TF_Wreath_2012" "Smissmas Wreath" "TF_Wreath_2012_Desc" "Intet siger \"god jul\" så meget som prikkende blade og giftige bær på din brystkasse." "[english]TF_Wreath_2012_Desc" "Nothing says \"Happy Holidays\" quite like prickly leaves and poisonous berries pinned to your chest." "TF_Antlers" "Gevir" "[english]TF_Antlers" "Antlers" "TF_Antlers_Desc" "Giv din modstandere tøvens gave denne højtid når de stopper for at tænke: \"Er det en sød, lille hjort, eller-\" KA-BLAM! Død." "[english]TF_Antlers_Desc" "Give your opponents the gift of hesitation this holiday season when they pause to think, \"Is that a cute little deer, or-\" KA-BLAM! Dead." "TF_Pet_Reindoonicorn" "Reindoonicorn" "[english]TF_Pet_Reindoonicorn" "The Reindoonicorn" "TF_Pet_Reindoonicorn_Desc" "Det tiende mest berømte rensdyr? Ikke meget længere! Det kan godt være, Reindoonicorn har sat bundrekord, efter han blev sat på bænken til fordel for en mutant med en bioluminescensvækst på sin næse, men de årtier, han brugte på at hoppe fra det ene udslusningshjem til det andet, har givet ham al den tapperhed og målbevidsthed, han har brug for, for at nå tilbage til toppen! Det, og det faktum at han for nylig er blevet set hænge ud med ni stærkt bevæbnede galninge, garanterer praktisk talt, at der er tale om et rensdyr, man skal være på vagt over for." "[english]TF_Pet_Reindoonicorn_Desc" "Tenth Most Famous Reindeer? Not for long! Reindoonicorn may have hit rock bottom after being benched in favor of a mutant with a bioluminescent growth on his nose, but those decades spent bouncing from one halfway house to the next have given him all the grit and determination he needs to get back on top! That and the fact that he's recently been seen hanging around with nine heavily armed lunatics practically guarantees that this is one reindeer to watch out for." "TF_Weapon_HolyMackerel_Festive2012" "Festlig Milde Makrel" "[english]TF_Weapon_HolyMackerel_Festive2012" "Festive Holy Mackerel" "TF_Weapon_Axtinguisher_Festive2012" "Festlig Udbrænder" "[english]TF_Weapon_Axtinguisher_Festive2012" "Festive Axtinguisher" "TF_Weapon_BuffBanner_Festive2012" "Festlig Buff-banner" "[english]TF_Weapon_BuffBanner_Festive2012" "Festive Buff Banner" "TF_Weapon_Sandvich_Festive2012" "Festlig Sandvich" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sandvich_Festive2012" "Festive Sandvich" "TF_Weapon_Ubersaw_Festive2012" "Festlig Übersav" "[english]TF_Weapon_Ubersaw_Festive2012" "Festive Ubersaw" "TF_Weapon_FrontierJustice_Festive2012" "Festlig Præriens Hævn" "[english]TF_Weapon_FrontierJustice_Festive2012" "Festive Frontier Justice" "TF_Weapon_Huntsman_Festive2012" "Festlig Jæger" "[english]TF_Weapon_Huntsman_Festive2012" "Festive Huntsman" "TF_Weapon_Ambassador_Festive2012" "Festlig Ambassadør" "[english]TF_Weapon_Ambassador_Festive2012" "Festive Ambassador" "TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher_Festive2012" "Festlig Granatkaster" "[english]TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher_Festive2012" "Festive Grenade Launcher" "TF_Pet_BalloonicornPlush_Promo" "Pet Balloonicorn-promo" "[english]TF_Pet_BalloonicornPlush_Promo" "Pet Balloonicorn Promo" "TF_Pet_BalloonicornPlush_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Pet_BalloonicornPlush_Promo_Desc" "" "ItemTypeDescStrangeFilterSubStr" " (kun %s1)" "[english]ItemTypeDescStrangeFilterSubStr" " (only %s1)" "TF_PrizePlushy" "Plyset Præmie" "[english]TF_PrizePlushy" "Prize Plushy" "TF_PrizePlushy_Desc" "Ikke flere karnevalspil til dig! Hvorfor købe tre kast for en tier, med en chance for at vinde en plysset præmie til din elskerinde, når du bare kan få en fra kilden og bære den rundt med dig, hvor end du går!" "[english]TF_PrizePlushy_Desc" "No more carnival games for you! Why buy three throws for a dollar and a chance to win a prize plushy for your paramour when you can just get one from the source and carry it around with you wherever you go!" "TF_GrizzledGrowth" "Gråsprængt Groning" "[english]TF_GrizzledGrowth" "Grizzled Growth" "TF_GrizzledGrowth_Desc" "Om det er dine hagelokkers rå charme, eller dampene fra den overmodne pomade, dåner damerne med sikkerhed, når du er i nærheden. Barber det af, mens de er fortumlede, og lad som om, at du reddede dem fra et bjørneangreb, når de vågner. Virker hver gang." "[english]TF_GrizzledGrowth_Desc" "Whether it's the rugged charm of your chin locks or the fumes from the overripe pomade, the ladies are sure to swoon whenever you're near. Shave it off while they're dazed and pretend you saved them from a bear attack when they awake. Works every time." "TF_LastStraw" "Sidste Strå" "[english]TF_LastStraw" "Last Straw" "TF_LastStraw_Desc" "Elsker du landarbejde? Hader du solen? Jamen så dæk for skallen, fat din hakke og hold dit haglgevær rede til a' afskrække alle skadedyr, der ku' mase sig på." "[english]TF_LastStraw_Desc" "Do you love farmin'? Do you hate the sun? Well shade yer noggin, grab yer hoe, and keep yer scattergun handy to scare off any varmints might come a-trespassin'." "TF_RedPyro_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Pyro Action Figure-promo" "[english]TF_RedPyro_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Pyro Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedDemo_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Demoman Action Figure-promo" "[english]TF_RedDemo_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Demoman Action Figure Promo" "TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style2" "Læder lukket" "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style2" "Leather Closed" "TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style3" "Ruskind lukket" "[english]TF_TheDigitDivulger_Style3" "Suede Closed" "TF_ImportPreview_PoseLabel" "Poser" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseLabel" "Pose" "TF_ImportPreview_PoseREF" "Bind-posering" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseREF" "Bind Pose" "TF_ImportPreview_PoseSTAND" "Stå" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseSTAND" "Stand" "TF_ImportPreview_PoseCROUCH" "Duk" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseCROUCH" "Crouch" "TF_ImportPreview_PoseRUN" "Løb" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_PoseRUN" "Run" "TF_ImportPreview_Action0" "Grin" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Action0" "Laugh" "Econ_MarketTooltipFormat" "( %s1 tilgængelige på Steam-fællesskabsmarkedet som starter fra %s2 )" "[english]Econ_MarketTooltipFormat" "( %s1 available on the Steam Community Market starting at %s2 )" "TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Vis fællesskabsmarked-oplysninger:" "[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Show Community Market Info:" "TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Never" "Aldrig" "[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Never" "Never" "TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_WhenBordersOnly" "Når kanter på salgbart vises" "[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_WhenBordersOnly" "When Showing Marketable Borders" "TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Always" "Altid" "[english]TF_ShowMarketDataOnItems_Always" "Always" "Tooltip_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Nogle genstande kan købes og sælges på Steam-fællesskabsmarkedet. Denne indstilling lader dig kontrollere hvornår fællesskabsmarkedsoplysninger om genstande, inklusivt markedstilgængelighed og -pris, vil blive vist i genstandsbeskrivelser." "[english]Tooltip_ShowMarketDataOnItems" "Some items can be bought and sold on the Steam Community Market. This option allows you to control when Community Market information about items, including current Market availability and prices, will appear in item descriptions." "TF_Backpack_ShowNoBorders" "Ingen genstandskant" "[english]TF_Backpack_ShowNoBorders" "No Item Borders" "TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "Vis kavlitetsfarvekanter" "[english]TF_Backpack_ShowQualityBorders" "Show Quality Color Borders" "TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "Vis kun kanter på salgbart" "[english]TF_Backpack_ShowMarketableBorders" "Show Marketable Borders Only" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "Festlig" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style0" "Festive" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style1" "Festligst" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_Festive2011_Style1" "Festivest" "TF_TournamentMedal_Empty" "Turneringsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Empty" "Tournament Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Empty_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Empty_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_1st" "UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_2nd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_3rd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_1st" "UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_2nd" "UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_3rd" "UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_1st" "UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_2nd" "UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_3rd" "UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_1st" "UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_2nd" "UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_3rd" "UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_1st" "UGC Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_2nd" "UGC Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_3rd" "UGC Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season8" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 8" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season8" "UGC Highlander League Season 8" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_Participant" "UGC Highlander Platinum Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_Participant" "UGC Highlander Silver Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_Participant" "UGC Highlander Steel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L 6v6 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Group_Winner" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Group_Winner" "Gruppevinder i ETF2L Highlander Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Group_Winner" "ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #5 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo7_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ESH Ultiduo #7" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo7_Gold_Medal" "ESH Ultiduo #7 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season2" "Sæson 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season2" "Season 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season3" "Sæson 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season3" "Season 3" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season8" "Sæson 8" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season8" "Season 8" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season9" "Sæson 9" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season9" "Season 9" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season10" "Sæson 10" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season10" "Season 10" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season11" "Sæson 11" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season11" "Season 11" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season12" "Sæson 12" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season12" "Season 12" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season13" "Sæson 13" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season13" "Season 13" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style0" "ETF2L" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style0" "ETF2L" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style1" "Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style1" "Demoman" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style2" "Engineer" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style2" "Engineer" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style3" "Heavy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style3" "Heavy" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style4" "Medic" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style4" "Medic" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style5" "Pyro" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style5" "Pyro" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style6" "Scout" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style6" "Scout" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style7" "Sniper" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style7" "Sniper" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style8" "Soldier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style8" "Soldier" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style9" "Spy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Participation_Style9" "Spy" "TF_Wearable_Mascot" "Maskot" "[english]TF_Wearable_Mascot" "Mascot" "TF_Wearable_Bandages" "Bandager" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bandages" "Bandages" "TF_Wearable_Axe" "Kosmetisk Økse" "[english]TF_Wearable_Axe" "Cosmetic Axe" "TF_LinuxItem" "Tux" "[english]TF_LinuxItem" "Tux" "TF_LinuxItem_Desc" "Linux-symbol!" "[english]TF_LinuxItem_Desc" "Linux represent!" "TF_LinuxItem_Style0" "Normal" "[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style0" "Normal" "TF_LinuxItem_Style1" "Demoman" "[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style1" "Demoman" "TF_LinuxItem_Style2" "Pyro" "[english]TF_LinuxItem_Style2" "Pyro" "TF_Trading_Service_Unavailable" "Der var et problem med at sende din bytteanmodning. Byttehandel kan være midlertidigt utilgængelig eller din konto er måske ikke i stand til at sende bytteanmodninger lige nu." "[english]TF_Trading_Service_Unavailable" "There was a problem sending your trade request. Trading may be temporarily unavailable or your account may not be able to send trade requests right now." "TF_Trading_YouBlockedThem" "Du kan ikke bytte med denne spiller, fordi du har blokeret vedkommende på Steam." "[english]TF_Trading_YouBlockedThem" "You cannot trade with that player because you have blocked them on Steam." "TF_Trading_NeedVerifiedEmail" "Du skal have bekræftet din e-mailadresse på Steam, før du kan sende bytteanmodninger." "[english]TF_Trading_NeedVerifiedEmail" "You must have verified your email address on Steam before sending trade requests." "TF_Trading_NeedSteamGuard" "Du skal slå Steam Guard til, fra vinduet \"Indstillinger\" i Steam, før du kan sende bytteanmodninger." "[english]TF_Trading_NeedSteamGuard" "You must enable Steam Guard from Steam's Settings window before sending trade requests." "TF_Trading_SteamGuardDuration" "Du skal have slået Steam Guard til i mindst %days% dage, før du kan deltage i en byttehandel." "[english]TF_Trading_SteamGuardDuration" "You must have had Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can participate in a trade." "TF_Trading_TheyCannotTrade" "Den anden spiller kan ikke bytte. Flere oplysninger vil blive vist til ham eller hende, hvis vedkommende inviterer dig til at bytte." "[english]TF_Trading_TheyCannotTrade" "The other player is not available to trade. More information will be shown to him or her if they invite you to trade." "TF_Armory_Item_TournamentMedal" "Denne genstand er en turneringsmedalje. Turneringsmedaljer skabes, tildeles og distribueres af forskellige turneringsarrangører." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_TournamentMedal" "This item is a tournament medal. Tournament medals are created, awarded, and distributed by the various tournament organizers." "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadType" "Ukendt genstandstype" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadType" "Unknown item type" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMissingModel" "%class% mangler en højdetaljemodel" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedMissingModel" "%class% is missing high detail model" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedComplexModel" "Model %file% har %count% trekanter, kan højst være %limit% trekanter" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedComplexModel" "Model %file% has %count% triangles, can be at most %limit% triangles" "TF_BrutalBouffant" "Den Brütale Backup" "[english]TF_BrutalBouffant" "The Brütal Bouffant" "TF_BrutalBouffant_Desc" "Denne brutalt heavy metal-agtige kombination af bakkenbarter og bundesligahår til alle klasser blev håndklippet fra islandske headbangeres manker, vævet med seglbelagte strikkepinde af okkult betydning og sendt med luftpost direkte ud af Helvedet." "[english]TF_BrutalBouffant_Desc" "This brutally heavy all-class sideburns and mullet combo was hand-sheared from the manes of Icelandic headbangers, woven with sigil-encrusted knitting needles of occult significance, and air-mailed straight out of hell." "TF_ShredAlert" "Den Trevlende Alarm" "[english]TF_ShredAlert" "The Shred Alert" "TF_ShredAlert_Desc" "Udnyt den Mørkes (Yngwie Malmsteen) uhellige kræfter og knus dine modstandere med forrygende riffs, brandvarme licks og følelsesmæssigt lammende power-ballader." "[english]TF_ShredAlert_Desc" "Harness the unholy power of the Dark One (Yngwie Malmsteen) and crush your opponents with blistering riffs, lava-hot licks and emotionally crippling power ballads!" "TF_TurnerAllStars" "Legendariske Løbesko" "[english]TF_TurnerAllStars" "Buck Turner All-Stars" "TF_TurnerAllStars_Desc" "Navngivet efter den kendte Badlands-sprinter, der satte en hastighedsrekord på land for at gå i seng med andre mænds koner. Turner designede skoene til at løbe fra sure flokke af ægtemænd, men han kunne desværre ikke løbe fra diabetes. Begge hans fødder blev senere amputeret." "[english]TF_TurnerAllStars_Desc" "Named after the famous Badlands sprinter who set a land speed record for sleeping with other men's wives. Turner designed the shoes to escape angry mobs of husbands, but sadly could not outrun diabetes. Both his feet were later amputated." "TF_VoxDiabolus" "Vox Diabolus" "[english]TF_VoxDiabolus" "Vox Diabolus" "TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "Med denne Vox Populi-anarkistmaske kan du indgyde frygt i dine fjender ved at få dem til at tro, at du er djævelen selv, eller endnu værre, en demonstrant. På den ene eller den anden måde, så forsøger de sikkert at undgå dig ved indgangen til supermarkedet, når du forsøger at få dem til at skrive under på noget." "[english]TF_VoxDiabolus_Desc" "With this Vox Populi anarchist mask, you can terrify your enemies into thinking you're the Devil Himself, or worse, a protestor. Either way, they're probably going to avoid you at the entrance to the supermarket when you try to get them to sign something." "TF_PoundingFather" "Grundsmækkeren" "[english]TF_PoundingFather" "The Pounding Father" "TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "Heavy kan ikke lyve. Heavy er første præsident i de Forenede Stater. Af at knuse små babymænd." "[english]TF_PoundingFather_Desc" "Heavy cannot tell lie. Heavy is first President of United States. Of crushing little baby men." "TF_BlindJustice" "Blind Retfærdighed" "[english]TF_BlindJustice" "Blind Justice" "TF_BlindJustice_Desc" "Vil du respekteres af folk, der står en ubestemt afstand fra din nærmeste højre side? Fastgør et Pinkerton-platinemblem og oplev spændingen for dig selv!" "[english]TF_BlindJustice_Desc" "Want to command respect from people standing at an indeterminate distance from your immediate right? Bolt on a platinum Pinkerton badge and experience the thrill for yourself!" "TF_IronMask" "Manden Med Jernmasken" "[english]TF_IronMask" "The Person in the Iron Mask" "TF_IronMask_Desc" "Kalkun? Kylling? Vildhøns? Dit hoved? Denne støbte fjerkræsovn vil ryge alt, du smider i den." "[english]TF_IronMask_Desc" "Turkey? Chicken? Game hens? Your head? This cast iron poultry furnace will smoke anything placed inside it." "TF_DoeBoy" "Doe-drengen" "[english]TF_DoeBoy" "The Doe-Boy" "TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Beskyt de vigtige tanker i dit hoved -- dem som \"privilegier\", \"frihed\" og \"demokrati\" -- med god, ærlig hatteformet amerikansk stål. Denne hjelm løber ikke (indtil den er opvarmet til 1400° celsius)!" "[english]TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Protect the important thoughts in your head -- ones like \"liberty\" and \"freedom\" and \"democracy\" -- with good, honest, hat-shaped American steel. This helmet won't run (until heated to 2500°F)!" "TF_DoeBoy_Style0" "Titte-bøh..." "[english]TF_DoeBoy_Style0" "Peek-a-boo..." "TF_DoeBoy_Style1" "Jeg kan se dig!" "[english]TF_DoeBoy_Style1" "I see you!" "TF_StrawBoat" "Sydney-stråhat" "[english]TF_StrawBoat" "The Sydney Straw Boat" "TF_StrawBoat_Desc" "Smid denne hat på jorden for at udtrykke vrede, eller i luften for at udtrykke glæde! Tag en hatbaseret tur gennem tiden for at lære, hvordan dine oldeforældre viste følelser i dagene før følelser!" "[english]TF_StrawBoat_Desc" "Throw this hat on the ground to express rage, or in the air to express joy! Take a hat-based trip through time to learn how your great grandparents displayed emotions in the days before emoticons!" "TF_SteelSongbird" "Den Stålsikrede Sangfugl" "[english]TF_SteelSongbird" "The Steel Songbird" "TF_SteelSongbird_Desc" "Det bliver ret stille i den der skytterede. Hvorfor ikke lytte til den hjemsøgende, rytmiske symfoni af møtrikker, der konstant skides ud af denne stille, og nemt forskrækkede, inkontinente fugl?" "[english]TF_SteelSongbird_Desc" "It gets pretty quiet in that sniper's nest. Why not treat yourself to the haunting rhythmic symphony of bolts being constantly pooped by this mute, easily terrified incontinent bird?" "TF_CroftsCrest" "Crofts Våbenskjold" "[english]TF_CroftsCrest" "Croft's Crest" "TF_CroftsCrest_Desc" "Dette emblem lader dine fjender vide, at du er så modig som en rystende, grædende, blodindsmurt 17-årig britisk pige." "[english]TF_CroftsCrest_Desc" "This badge lets your enemies know you're as brave as a shivering, weeping, blood-stained 17-year-old British girl." "TF_FortuneHunter" "Lykkejægeren" "[english]TF_FortuneHunter" "The Fortune Hunter" "TF_FortuneHunter_Desc" "Om den ligger på bunden af en støvet grav eller gemmer sig i det åbne bag en eller andens øjenæblehul, er enhver skat bare et sving væk med denne pålidelige eventyrsøkse." "[english]TF_FortuneHunter_Desc" "Whether it's lying at the bottom of a dusty tomb or hiding in plain sight in the cavity behind someone's eyeballs, any treasure is just one swing away with this trusty adventure axe." "TF_TombWrapper" "Det Gravalvorlige Gazebind" "[english]TF_TombWrapper" "The Tomb Wrapper" "TF_TombWrapper_Desc" "Disse groft vævede bandager blev stjålet fra en mumie, der skulle forberedes til operation i et gammelt, egyptisk pyramidehospital. De er beskidte! Men uvurderlige." "[english]TF_TombWrapper_Desc" "These coarsely woven bandages were stolen from a mummy being prepped for surgery in an ancient Egyptian pyramid hospital. They're filthy! But priceless." "TF_Weapon_Ap_Sap" "Ap-Sap" "[english]TF_Weapon_Ap_Sap" "The Ap-Sap" "TF_Weapon_Ap_Sap_desc" "Mann Co. fik en fed handel, fra en sød dame i et forladt videnskabsanlæg, på et varehus fuld af lettere brugte, måske mildt defekte sappere. I modsætning til vores andre sappere, er Ap-Sap selvbevidst og vil give dig timer af livlig, ensidet snak, mens du prøver at arbejde." "[english]TF_Weapon_Ap_Sap_desc" "Mann Co. got a great deal from a nice lady in an abandoned science facility on a warehouse full of slightly used, possibly mildly defective sappers. Unlike our other sappers, the Ap-Sap is sentient, and will provide hours of lively, one-sided conversation while you're trying to work. " "TF_Weapon_Pork_Product" "Kødprodukt" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pork_Product" "Pork Product" "TF_Wearable_Knife" "Dekorativ kniv" "[english]TF_Wearable_Knife" "Decorative Knife" "TF_RandomDroppablePaintPackage" "Mann Co.-Malersæt" "[english]TF_RandomDroppablePaintPackage" "Mann Co. Painting Set" "TF_RandomDroppablePaintPackage_Desc" "Dette gør-det-selv-Mann Co.-malingssæt kommer med prøver af tre forskellige farver der, juridisk talt, absolut, uden tvivl ikke afgiver giftige dampe." "[english]TF_RandomDroppablePaintPackage_Desc" "This Do-It-Yourself Mann Co. painting set comes with samples of a few different colors that are, legally-speaking, absolutely, definitely not giving off toxic fumes." "NewItemMethod_CommunityMarketPurchase" "Du modtog fra fællesskabsmarkedet:" "[english]NewItemMethod_CommunityMarketPurchase" "You Received from the Community Market:" "ToolStrangifierConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil gøre denne genstand sær?" "[english]ToolStrangifierConfirm" "Are you sure you want to make this item strange?" "KillEaterEventType_MedicsKilled" "Medics dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_MedicsKilled" "Medics Killed" "KillEaterEvent_TimeCloaked" "Sekunder skjult" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TimeCloaked" "Seconds Cloaked" "KillEaterEvent_HealthGiven" "Helbred givet til holdkammerater" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HealthGiven" "Health Dispensed to Teammates" "KillEaterEvent_TeleportsGiven" "Holdkammerater teleporteret" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TeleportsGiven" "Teammates Teleported" "KillEaterEvent_LongDistanceKills" "Langdistance-drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_LongDistanceKills" "Long-Distance Kills" "KillEaterEvent_TanksDestroyed" "Tanks ødelagt" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TanksDestroyed" "Tanks Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_MedicsKilled" "Sær del: Medics dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_MedicsKilled" "Strange Part: Medics Killed" "TF_StrangePart_MedicsKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Medics, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_MedicsKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Medics you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_LongDistanceKills" "Sær del: Langdistance-drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_LongDistanceKills" "Strange Part: Long-Distance Kills" "TF_StrangePart_LongDistanceKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med det våben fra lang afstand." "[english]TF_StrangePart_LongDistanceKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon from far away." "TF_StrangePart_TanksDestroyed" "Sær del: Tanks ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_TanksDestroyed" "Strange Part: Tanks Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_TanksDestroyed_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, efter dig valg, gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende tanks, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil." "[english]TF_StrangePart_TanksDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Tanks you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games." "TF_FryingPanStrangifier" "Sært Baconfedt" "[english]TF_FryingPanStrangifier" "Strange Bacon Grease" "TF_FryingPanStrangifier_Desc" "Brug dette på en Frying Pan for at gøre den i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med den. Normale Frying Pans vil blive opgraderet til Sær kvalitet." "[english]TF_FryingPanStrangifier_Desc" "Use this on a Frying Pan to make it track the number of enemies you kill with it. Normal Frying Pans will be upgraded to Strange quality." "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank2" "Næppe chokerende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank2" "Scarcely Shocking" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank3" "Mildt magnetiserende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank3" "Mildly Magnetizing" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank4" "Nogenlunde forårsagende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank4" "Somewhat Inducting" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank5" "Uheldig" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank5" "Unfortunate" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt skadelig" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank6" "Notably Deleterious" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt ødelæggende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank7" "Sufficiently Ruinous" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank8" "I sandhed ledende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank8" "Truly Conducting" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank9" "Spektakulært pseudofyldt" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank9" "Spectacularly Pseudoful" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank10" "Ion-indsmurt" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank10" "Ion-Spattered" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank11" "Ugudeligt dynamiserende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank11" "Wickedly Dynamizing" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank12" "Positivt plasmatisk" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank12" "Positively Plasmatic" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank14" "Kredsløbssmeltende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank14" "Circuit-Melting" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank15" "Nulstillingsfremkaldende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank15" "Nullity-Inducing" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_TimeCloakedRank20" "Mann Co.-udvalgt" "[english]KillEater_TimeCloakedRank20" "Mann Co. Select" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank0" "Strange" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank2" "Næppe chokerende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank2" "Scarcely Shocking" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank3" "Mildt magnetiserende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank3" "Mildly Magnetizing" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank4" "Nogenlunde forårsagende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank4" "Somewhat Inducting" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank5" "Uheldig" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank5" "Unfortunate" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt skadelig" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank6" "Notably Deleterious" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank7" "Tilstrækkeligt ødelæggende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank7" "Sufficiently Ruinous" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank8" "I sandhed ledende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank8" "Truly Conducting" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank9" "Spektakulært pseudofyldt" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank9" "Spectacularly Pseudoful" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank10" "Ion-indsmurt" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank10" "Ion-Spattered" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank11" "Ugudeligt dynamiserende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank11" "Wickedly Dynamizing" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank12" "Positivt plasmatisk" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank12" "Positively Plasmatic" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank14" "Kredsløbssmeltende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank14" "Circuit-Melting" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank15" "Nulstillingsfremkaldende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank15" "Nullity-Inducing" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank16" "Server-ryddende" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_HealthGivenRank20" "Mann Co.-udvalgt" "[english]KillEater_HealthGivenRank20" "Mann Co. Select" "TF_ImportFile_SelectImageDesc" "Rygsæksikon skal passe inden for grænsen af forhåndsvisningsboksen. Billedet skal være mindst 512x512" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectImageDesc" "Backpack icon must fit within the boundary of this preview box. Image must be at least 512x512" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoBackpackIcon" "Du skal angive et rygsæksikon" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoBackpackIcon" "You must specify a backpack icon" "TF_ImportFile_SelectFile" "Importer værksteds-zip eller sessionsmanifest" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectFile" "Import workshop zip or session manifest" "TF_ImportFile_Verify" "Bekræft" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Verify" "Verify" "TF_WilsonWeave" "Wilson-vævet" "[english]TF_WilsonWeave" "The Wilson Weave" "TF_WilsonWeave_Desc" "Hør mig, hør mig! Genopfør berømte øjeblikke i frisørhistorien med denne hår-trekornshat!" "[english]TF_WilsonWeave_Desc" "Hear ye, hear ye! Re-enact famous moments in barber history with this tricorn hat of hair!" "TF_HamShank" "Skinkeskaftet" "[english]TF_HamShank" "The Ham Shank" "TF_HamShank_Desc" "Denne interimistiske klassiker er en fængselsvare. Tag blot en hvilken som helst almindelig fængselsgenstand, såsom en tandbørste eller skinke, skær den til en spids og brug den til at stikke sladrehanke, der står i kø i forsyningsafdelingen til en ny portion skinke og tandbørster." "[english]TF_HamShank_Desc" "This makeshift classic is a prison staple. Simply take any common, everyday prison item, like a toothbrush or ham, whittle it to a point, and use it to shiv snitches waiting in line at the commissary for a second helping of ham and toothbrushes." "TF_SamsonSkewer" "Samsons Spidder" "[english]TF_SamsonSkewer" "The Samson Skewer" "TF_SamsonSkewer_Desc" "Håndtaget på denne håndlavede overlevelseskniv er fyldt til bristepunktet med alle de ting, du skal bruge for at overleve i vildnisset, dvs. en pakke tændstikker og tre rosiner." "[english]TF_SamsonSkewer_Desc" "The handle of this hand-forged survival knife is crammed with all of the things you'll need to survive in the wilderness, i.e. a pack of matches and three raisins." "TF_SamsonSkewer_Style0" "Faretruende" "[english]TF_SamsonSkewer_Style0" "Menacing" "TF_SamsonSkewer_Style1" "Truende" "[english]TF_SamsonSkewer_Style1" "Threatening" "TF_Bloodhound" "Blodhunden" "[english]TF_Bloodhound" "The Bloodhound" "TF_Bloodhound_Desc" "Oplev den barske, kvindeforførende detektivs indirekte spænding ved at læse Raymond Chandlers samlede værker. Hold derefter en pause fra alt det og prøv denne overdrevne hat tilhørende en tegnefilmshund." "[english]TF_Bloodhound_Desc" "Experience the vicarious thrill of the tough-talking, dame-seducing gumshoe by reading the collected works of Raymond Chandler. Then take a break from all that and try on this novelty-sized cartoon dog hat." "TF_DapperDisguise" "Fed Forklædning" "[english]TF_DapperDisguise" "The Dapper Disguise" "TF_DapperDisguise_Desc" "Gå inkognito som en pæn mand og nyd alle de hemmelige fordele ved at være usædvanligt attraktiv. Højtlønnede jobs! Erotiske møder! Gratis brødpinde ved Olive Garden! Men spis nu så mange, som du kan, for i sidste ende rådner masken væk, og du ender med at være endnu grimmere end før." "[english]TF_DapperDisguise_Desc" "Go incognito as a handsome man and enjoy the secret benefits of the exceptionally attractive. High-paying jobs! Erotic encounters! Free bread sticks at the Olive Garden! Eat as many as you can, though, because eventually the mask will rot off, leaving you uglier than before." "TF_Necronomicrown" "Necronomikrone" "[english]TF_Necronomicrown" "The Necronomicrown" "TF_Necronomicrown_Desc" "Som alle identiske tvillinger blev du født af en cyste i din søskens hals, blev til et ondt hoved og løsnede dig i sidste ende fra din tvilling i din egen identiske krop. Nu kan man ikke se forskel på jer! Fjern al gætværk med denne identificerende dæmoniske kranieberet." "[english]TF_Necronomicrown_Desc" "Like all identical twins, you were born from a cyst in your sibling's neck, grew into an evil head, and eventually sloughed off your twin in your own exact duplicate body. Now you can't tell each other apart! Take out the guesswork with this identifying demonic skullcap." "TF_LongFallLoafers" "Fritfaldsfutterne" "[english]TF_LongFallLoafers" "The Long Fall Loafers" "TF_LongFallLoafers_Desc" "Disse buede titan-støddæmpere er forbundet til bunden af din rygrad og fortsætter ned indvendigt mod begge ben. Når du fremover falder fra store højder, bliver smerten fra nedslaget absorberet og derefter belejligt fordelt til hele din smertehærgede krop." "[english]TF_LongFallLoafers_Desc" "These curved titanium shock-absorbers connect to the base of your spine and run down the inside of both legs. Now when you fall from a great height, the agony of impact will be absorbed, then conveniently redistributed to your whole pain-wracked body." "TF_Wearable_Headset" "Headset" "[english]TF_Wearable_Headset" "Headset" "TF_OculusRift_Promo" "Oculus Rift-promo" "[english]TF_OculusRift_Promo" "Oculus Rift Promo" "TF_OculusRift_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_OculusRift_Promo_Desc" "" "Econ_Paint_Name" "Malingsfarve: %s1" "[english]Econ_Paint_Name" "Paint Color: %s1" "TF_TF2VRH" "TF2VRH" "[english]TF_TF2VRH" "TF2VRH" "TF_TF2VRH_Desc" "Vi ses, firkanter! Smut med jer, trekanter! Vi introducerer Team Fortress 2's Virkeligt Rektangulære Headset, eller TF2VRH, som bringer hundrede af årtiers forskning og teknologi til den absolut forreste del af dit ansigt." "[english]TF_TF2VRH_Desc" "So long, squares! Take a hike, triangles! Introducing the Team Fortress 2 Very Rectangular Headset, which brings hundreds of decades of rectangle research and technology to the absolute forefront of your face." "TF_VR_Calibration" "VR-kalibrering" "[english]TF_VR_Calibration" "VR Calibration" "TF_VR_MoveLine" "SE PÅ den grønne linje og RYK DEN til kanten af dit udsyn, INDTIL du kun kan se en smule grønt." "[english]TF_VR_MoveLine" "LOOK AT the green line and MOVE IT to the edge of your view UNTIL you can only see a tiny bit of green." "TF_VR_SetIpd" "Hvis du kender din pupilafstand (PD el. IPD), kan du angive den direkte her. Hvis ikke så lad dette felt forblive blankt." "[english]TF_VR_SetIpd" "If you know your IPD, you can set it directly here. If not, leave this field alone." "TF_VR_SetEyeRelief" "Hvis du kender din øjenafstand, kan du direkte angive den her. Hvis ikke så lad dette felt være blankt." "[english]TF_VR_SetEyeRelief" "If you know your eye relief, you can set it directly here. If not, leave this field alone." "TF_VR_UseControls" "Markør-taster for at bevæge, shift=hurtigere, enter for næste linje. Retningsknap for at bevæge, aftrækker=hurtigere, A-knap for næste linje." "[english]TF_VR_UseControls" "Cursor keys to move, shift=faster, enter for next line. D-pad to move, triggers=faster, A button for next line." "TF_VR_LeftEye" "Venstre øje: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4" "[english]TF_VR_LeftEye" "Left eye: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4" "TF_VR_RightEye" "Højre øje: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4" "[english]TF_VR_RightEye" "Right eye: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4" "TF_VR_LeftRelief" "Venstre øjenafstand: %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "[english]TF_VR_LeftRelief" "Left eye relief: %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "TF_VR_RightRelief" "Højre øjenafstand: %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "[english]TF_VR_RightRelief" "Right eye relief: %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "TF_VR_IpdStats" "Pupilafstand (PD el. IPD): %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "[english]TF_VR_IpdStats" "Interpupillary distance (IPD): %s1 mm (%s2 pixels)" "TF_VR_LessLots" "<<" "[english]TF_VR_LessLots" "<<" "TF_VR_Less" "<" "[english]TF_VR_Less" "<" "TF_VR_More" ">" "[english]TF_VR_More" ">" "TF_VR_MoreLots" ">>" "[english]TF_VR_MoreLots" ">>" "TF_VR_NextAdjust" "Næste" "[english]TF_VR_NextAdjust" "Next" "TF_VR_Apply" "Anvend" "[english]TF_VR_Apply" "Apply" "TF_VR_Seethrough" "Gennemsigtig" "[english]TF_VR_Seethrough" "Seethrough" "TF_VR_Close" "Luk" "[english]TF_VR_Close" "Close" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_Place" "1.-plads i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_Place" "Ready Steady Pan First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_Place" "2.-plads i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_Place" "Ready Steady Pan Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_Place" "3.-plads i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_Place" "Ready Steady Pan Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper" "Hjælper for Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper" "Ready Steady Pan Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season2" "Sæson 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season2" "Season 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season2" "Sæson 2\nTak for hjælpen!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season2" "Season 2\nThanks for Helping!" "TF_ConspiracyCap" "Konspirations-antenne" "[english]TF_ConspiracyCap" "Conspiracy Cap" "TF_ConspiracyCap_Desc" "Beskyt ikke dit hoved mod regeringshemmeligheder med en sølvpapirshat som en uvidende tumpe. Lyt med i de private chatlinjer fra vores formskiftende reptiloide overherrer. Find ud af, hvem der vinder næste års World Series! Lær, hvad der virkelig er i Area 51! Lyt med i Bigfoots natlige, fulde aftenssamtaler med præsidenten!" "[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Desc" "Don't shield your head from government secrets with a tinfoil hat like a know-nothing chump. Listen in on the private chat lines of our shape-shifting Reptiloid overlords. Find out who wins next year's World Series! Learn what's really in Area 51! Eavesdrop on Bigfoot's late-night drunken calls to the President!" "TF_ConspiracyCap_Style0" "Hat" "[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Style0" "Hat" "TF_ConspiracyCap_Style1" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_ConspiracyCap_Style1" "No Hat" "TF_PublicAccessor" "Lokalradioen" "[english]TF_PublicAccessor" "Public Accessor" "TF_PublicAccessor_Desc" "Denne ødelagte antennesokkel er den perfekte modtager for alle lokale radiostationer, der sender op til 5 meter væk fra dig. Lyt med i alle hitsene fra lokalområdets amatørradiooperatører, walkie-talkie-entusiaster og små børn med suppedåser forbundet med gammel tråd." "[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Desc" "This broken antenna cap is the perfect receiver for any local radio stations broadcasting up to twenty feet away from you. Tune in to all the hits from local-area ham radio operators, walkie-talkie enthusiasts, and small children with soup cans connected by old wire." "TF_PublicAccessor_Style0" "Hat" "[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Style0" "Hat" "TF_PublicAccessor_Style1" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_PublicAccessor_Style1" "No Hat" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_1st" "UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_2nd" "UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_3rd" "UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season6" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season6" "UGC Highlander League Season 6" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season9" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 9" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season9" "UGC Highlander League Season 9" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_Participant" "UGC Highlander Gold Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_Participant" "UGC Highlander Iron Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_European_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 European" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_European_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 European Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season11" "UGC 6vs6-liga Sæson 11" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season11" "UGC 6vs6 League Season 11" "TF_RoboCrate" "Robo-fællesskabskasse" "[english]TF_RoboCrate" "Robo Community Crate" "TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDens indholdet er ukendt, og den kræver en\nRobo-fællesskabskassenøgle for at kunne låses op.\n\nRobo-fællesskabskassen indeholder usædvanlige effekter som kun findes i denne kasse." "[english]TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nRobo Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nThe Robo Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate." "TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "Udstyringsregion" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "Equip Region" "TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "Kropsgruppe:" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "Bodygroup:" "TF_ImportFile_Paintable0" "VMT1-maling" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Paintable0" "Paint VMT1" "TF_ImportFile_Paintable1" "VMT2-maling" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Paintable1" "Paint VMT2" "TF_ImportFile_EditVMT0" "Rediger VMT1" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditVMT0" "Edit VMT1" "TF_ImportFile_EditVMT1" "Rediger VMT2" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditVMT1" "Edit VMT2" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNumLODMismatch" "Uoverensstemmelse af LOD-antal! Alle klasser skal have samme antal LOD" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNumLODMismatch" "LOD count mismatch! All classes must have the same number of LOD" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNumMaterialMismatch" "Uoverensstemmelse af materialeantal! Modeller i samme LOD skal have samme materialeantal" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNumMaterialMismatch" "Material count mismatch! Models in the same LOD must have the same material count" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNeedMoreLOD" "%file% er for kompleks, skal angive %lod%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNeedMoreLOD" "%file% is too complex, must specify %lod%" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedTooManyBones" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nDen har %count% tilpassede knogler og må højst have %limit% tilpassede knogler.\nTilpassede knogler: %custom_bones%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedTooManyBones" "Couldn't load %file%\nIt has %count% custom bones, can have at most %limit% custom bones.\nCustom Bones: %custom_bones%" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedTooManyMaterials" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nDen har %count% materialer og må højst have %limit% materialer" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedTooManyMaterials" "Couldn't load %file%\nIt has %count% materials, can have at most %limit% materials" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedMaterialCountMismatch" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nUoverensstemmelse af materialeantal mellem LODs" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedMaterialCountMismatch" "Couldn't load %file%\nMaterial count mismatch between LODs" "TF_ItemSkinType_0" "Alle hold" "[english]TF_ItemSkinType_0" "All Team" "TF_ItemSkinType_1" "Specifikt hold" "[english]TF_ItemSkinType_1" "Specific Team" "TF_ImportFile_Warning" "Advarsel!" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Warning" "Warning!" "TF_ImportFile_Warning_BaseAlphaMask" "Base alpha mask virker ikke i materialer, der bruger en normal map. Brug normal map alpha mask i stedet" "[english]TF_ImportFile_Warning_BaseAlphaMask" "Base alpha mask will not work in materials using a normal map, use normal map alpha mask instead" "TF_ImportFile_NotCompatible" "Dit indhold er muligvis ikke kompatibelt med den nuværende version af importværktøjet. Bekræft venligst og opdater dit indhold." "[english]TF_ImportFile_NotCompatible" "Your content may not be compatible with the current version of the import tool. Please verify and update your content." "TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer" "Palle med Kasser" "[english]TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer" "Pallet of Crates" "TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én kasse til højst 23 andre personer på serveren! " "[english]TF_Gift_Crate_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item drops a crate\non up to 23 other people on the server!" "TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "Robo-fællesskabskassenøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013" "Robo Community Crate Key" "TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Robo-fællesskabskasser." "[english]TF_Tool_RoboKey2013_Desc" "Used to open locked Robo Community Crates." "TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "En gave med en Robo-fællesskabskassenøgle" "[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson" "A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift" "TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Robo-fællesskabskassenøgle til en tilfældig person på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives one Robo Community Crate Key\nto a random person on the server!" "TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Bunke af gaver med Robo-fællesskabskassenøgler" "[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts" "TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Robo-fællesskabskassenøgle til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Robo Community Crate Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!" "Attrib_Particle63" "Fosfor" "[english]Attrib_Particle63" "Phosphorous" "Attrib_Particle64" "Sulfur" "[english]Attrib_Particle64" "Sulphurous" "Attrib_Particle65" "Hukommelseslæk" "[english]Attrib_Particle65" "Memory Leak" "Attrib_Particle66" "Overclocket" "[english]Attrib_Particle66" "Overclocked" "Attrib_Particle67" "Elektrostatisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle67" "Electrostatic" "Attrib_Particle68" "Overspænding" "[english]Attrib_Particle68" "Power Surge" "Attrib_Particle69" "Anti-frys" "[english]Attrib_Particle69" "Anti-Freeze" "Attrib_Particle70" "Tidshop" "[english]Attrib_Particle70" "Time Warp" "Attrib_Particle71" "Grønt Sort Hul" "[english]Attrib_Particle71" "Green Black Hole" "Attrib_Particle72" "Roboaktiv" "[english]Attrib_Particle72" "Roboactive" "TF_ImportFile_WorkshopIDLabel" "Værksteds-ID" "[english]TF_ImportFile_WorkshopIDLabel" "Workshop ID" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoWorkshopID" "Du skal angive et værksteds-ID for genstanden, du indsender" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoWorkshopID" "You must specify workshop ID of the item you're submitting" "TF_ImportFile_SwapVMT" "Byt VMT" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SwapVMT" "Swap VMT" "TF_robo_all_bomb_badge" "Det Elektriske Emblem-aloo" "[english]TF_robo_all_bomb_badge" "The Electric Badge-aloo" "TF_robo_all_bomb_badge_Desc" "Dette emblems monokel angiver, at den ikke kan se. Stokken angiver, at den er døden nær og den høje hat angiver, at den er rig! Gift dig med dette emblem, før en anden guldgraver gør det." "[english]TF_robo_all_bomb_badge_Desc" "This badge's monocle lets you know it can't see, the cane tells you it's at death's door, and the top hat says it's rich! Marry this badge before some other gold digger snaps it up!" "TF_robo_all_modest_pile" "Beskeden Metallisk Skrotbunke" "[english]TF_robo_all_modest_pile" "Modest Metal Pile of Scrap" "TF_robo_all_modest_pile_Desc" "Denne ydmyge hattebunke, bestående af én hat, fortæller verden, at der er vigtigere ting i livet end penge. Som for eksempel ikke at have nogen." "[english]TF_robo_all_modest_pile_Desc" "This humble hat pile of one tells the world that there are more important things in life than money. Like for instance not having any." "TF_robo_sniper_liquidator" "Smugkiggers LED" "[english]TF_robo_sniper_liquidator" "Letch's LED" "TF_robo_sniper_liquidator_Desc" "Leveres med røntgenbriller, der lader dig se gennem folks tøj, mens du gør dem opmærksom på det med en sirene og mundtlige advarsler om, at du gør det. Skønt til fængselsentusiaster, der gerne vil i spjældet, men ikke ved hvordan." "[english]TF_robo_sniper_liquidator_Desc" "Comes with x-ray specs that let you see through people's clothes while alerting them with a siren and shouted warnings that you're doing it. Great for prison aficionados who want to go to jail but don't know how." "TF_robo_all_gibus" "Den Galvaniserede Tophat" "[english]TF_robo_all_gibus" "The Galvanized Gibus" "TF_robo_all_gibus_Desc" "Elegant enkelhed og gammeldags charme kombineret med de berusende aromaer af metylalkohol og benzin. Hav den ikke på i indelukkede områder." "[english]TF_robo_all_gibus_Desc" "Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combine with the intoxicating aromas of methyl alcohol and gasoline. Do not wear in unventilated areas." "TF_robo_sniper_soldered_sensei" "Loddet Sensei" "[english]TF_robo_sniper_soldered_sensei" "Soldered Sensei" "TF_robo_sniper_soldered_sensei_Desc" "Karatemestre vil have dig til at TRO, at der ikke er et højere bælte end sort. Men hvad hvis jeg fortalte dig, at der er et hemmeligt metalbælte OVER sort, der lader dig sparke de sortbæltedes røv? Bange sortbæltede har forsøgt at holde på denne hemmelighed i årevis." "[english]TF_robo_sniper_soldered_sensei_Desc" "Karate masters WANT you to think there's no belt higher than black. But what if we told you there was a secret metal belt ABOVE black that lets you kick a black belt's ass all over the place? Scared black belt guys have been trying to keep a lid on this for years." "TF_robo_sniper_solar_topi" "Sigterens Tinlegerede Tropehjelm" "[english]TF_robo_sniper_solar_topi" "Shooter's Tin Topi" "TF_robo_sniper_solar_topi_Desc" "Denne safarihjelm er svejset sammen fra ægte blodstænket skrot fra jeeps, rifler, kugler og plombering, der er fundet ved overfaldssteder fra tidligere safarier. Bær den som en konstant påmindelse om, at du aldrig skal gøre noget så dumt som at tage på safari." "[english]TF_robo_sniper_solar_topi_Desc" "This safari helmet was welded together from actual blood-spattered scraps of jeeps, rifles, shells and fillings discovered at the mauling sites of previous safaris. Wear it as a constant reminder never to do anything as stupid as go on safari." "TF_robo_all_noble_amassment" "Forniklet Forsamling af Hatte" "[english]TF_robo_all_noble_amassment" "Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats" "TF_robo_all_noble_amassment_Desc" "Nogle hattetårne kommer fra ydmyge begyndelser og har klatret deres vej til toppen én hat ad gangen. Andre hattetårne, som dette, har bare en rig far, der er den øverste forretningsudviklingsofficer ved Hewlett Packard." "[english]TF_robo_all_noble_amassment_Desc" "Some hat towers come from humble beginnings, clawing their way to nobility one hat at a time. Other hat towers, like this one, just have rich dads who are the Chief Business Development Officer at Hewlett Packard." "TF_robo_spy_backbiter_billycock" "Uædel Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_robo_spy_backbiter_billycock" "Base Metal Billycock" "TF_robo_spy_backbiter_billycock_Desc" "Robo-efterlign dine foretrukne, fiktive, bowlerhat-iførte karakterer, lige fra Gækkeren fra Batman til Alex fra Clockwork Orange til Winston Churchill fra England." "[english]TF_robo_spy_backbiter_billycock_Desc" "Robo-impersonate your favorite fictional bowler-hatted characters, from Batman's Riddler to Clockwork Orange's Alex to England's Winston Churchill." "TF_robo_all_towering_pillar" "Tårnende Titanium-hattesølje" "[english]TF_robo_all_towering_pillar" "Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats" "TF_robo_all_towering_pillar_Desc" "Asimovs tre love siger, at 1. robotter ikke må gøre et menneske fortræd, og 2. robotter skal adlyde ordrer givet af mennesker og 3. denne hat ser godt ud." "[english]TF_robo_all_towering_pillar_Desc" "Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics state that 1. Robots can't harm humans and 2. Robots must obey humans, and 3. This hat looks great." "TF_robo_spy_camera_beard" "Megapixel-skægget" "[english]TF_robo_spy_camera_beard" "The Megapixel Beard" "TF_robo_spy_camera_beard_Desc" "Fantastisk til at tage billeder af alle de sexede piger, du skal snave med, da du nu har et robotskæg. Hvis der er noget, kvinder synes er mere uimodståeligt, så skriv til os, og vi bolter det fast til denne evige snavemaskine." "[english]TF_robo_spy_camera_beard_Desc" "Great for taking pictures of all the sexy make-outs you're going to have now that you've got a robot beard. If there's anything ladies find more irresistible, write in and tell us and we'll bolt it onto this perpetual make-out machine." "TF_robo_demo_pupil" "HDMI-klappen" "[english]TF_robo_demo_pupil" "The HDMI Patch" "TF_robo_demo_pupil_Desc" "I et bundt med et stort udvalg af øjeæble-relaterede film (\"Eyes Wide Shut\", \"The Hills Have Eyes, Part II\" og tre mere), som dine venner kan nyde fra dit ansigts komfort." "[english]TF_robo_demo_pupil_Desc" "Bundled with a broad selection of eyeball-related movies (\"Eyes Wide Shut\", \"The Hills Have Eyes, Part II\" and three more) that your friends can enjoy from the comfort of your face." "TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier" "Boltet Bombemand" "[english]TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier" "The Bolted Bombardier" "TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier_Desc" "Husker du dengang, du mødte den klogeste robot i verden? Og rev hans skæg af og stjal hans dumme pibe? Fordi politiet er her, og de vil gerne tale med dig." "[english]TF_robo_demo_beard_bombardier_Desc" "Remember that time you met the wisest robot in the world? And tore his beard off and stole his stupid pipe? Because the police are here and they want to talk to you." "TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel" "Titanium-klædet" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel" "The Titanium Towel" "TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel_Desc" "Klart, normale håndklæder virker fint til vand, men hvad hvis du er dækket i magneter? Hvad gør dit almindelige håndklæde for dig nu? Ser dig dø af magnetisme, det gør det." "[english]TF_robo_heavy_boltedscraptowel_Desc" "Sure, regular towels work fine for water, but what if you're covered in magnets? What's your regular towel doing for you now? Watching you slowly die of magnetism, that's what." "TF_robo_heavy_football_helmet" "Gridiron-forsvareren" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_football_helmet" "The Gridiron Guardian" "TF_robo_heavy_football_helmet_Desc" "Denne hjelm fejrer det episke opgør i den canadiske robot-fodboldliga mellem Les Montreal Footballiers og deres Manitobanske rivaler Winnepeg Saskatchewans. Tror du ikke på os? Spørg enhver canadier!" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_football_helmet_Desc" "This helmet commemorates the epic Canadian Robot Football League showdown between Les Montreal Footballiers and their Manitoban rivals the Winnepeg Saskatchewans. Don't believe us? Ask any Canadian!" "TF_robo_soldier_tyrantium" "Tyrantiumhjelm" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_tyrantium" "Tyrantium Helmet" "TF_robo_soldier_tyrantium_Desc" "Denne hat sparker din røv så hårdt, at du flyver ind i en alternativ dimension, hvor vikinger er robotter. Æd det!" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_tyrantium_Desc" "This hat kicks your ass so hard you'll fly into an alternate dimension where Vikings are robots. Deal with it!" "TF_robo_all_mvm_canteen" "Batteri-feltflasker" "[english]TF_robo_all_mvm_canteen" "Battery Canteens" "TF_robo_all_mvm_canteen_Desc" "Lad ikke navnet snyde dig: Disse er ikke rent faktisk batteriflasker, der er i stand til at ændre oplagret kemisk energi til elektrisk energi. De er bare almindelige flasker, der er identiske med vandflasker og er fyldt med batterisyre." "[english]TF_robo_all_mvm_canteen_Desc" "Don't let the name fool you: These aren't actual battery canteens capable of converting stored chemical energy into electrical energy. They're just regular canteens that look identical to your water canteen and are filled with battery acid." "TF_robo_demo_fro" "AFR-0" "[english]TF_robo_demo_fro" "The FR-0" "TF_robo_demo_fro_Desc" "Ej dette unikke mindeobjekt fra den klassiske 70'er-film \"Blaxton Hale mod Black HAL 9000\"." "[english]TF_robo_demo_fro_Desc" "Own this one-of-a-kind piece of memorabilia from the classic '70s film \"Blaxton Hale vs. Black HAL 9000\"." "TF_robo_soldier_shako" "Stålsat Chakot" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_shako" "Steel Shako" "TF_robo_soldier_shako_Desc" "Kombinerer Tchaikovskyss sublime pragt fra \"Nøddeknækkeren\" med Tchaikovskys dristige futurisme fra \"Robotnøddeknækkeren mod Tarzan\"." "[english]TF_robo_soldier_shako_Desc" "Combining the sublime pageantry of Tchaikovsky's \"Nutcracker\" with the bold futurism of Tchaikovsky's \"Robot Nutcracker vs. Tarzan\"." "TF_robo_scout_dogger" "Hotbot-hatten" "[english]TF_robo_scout_dogger" "The Bot Dogger" "TF_robo_scout_dogger_Desc" "Det er uundgåeligt, at robothotdog-hatte en dag vil blive det mest populære modetilbehør på planeten. Og når de gør det, vil alle hævde, at de kunne lide dem, \"før de var cool\". Takket være Bot Dogger, vil kun DU være i stand til at bevise det." "[english]TF_robo_scout_dogger_Desc" "It's inevitable that robot hot dog hats will someday become the most popular fashion accessory on the planet. And when they do, everyone will claim they liked them \"before they were cool.\" Thanks to the Bot Dogger, only YOU will be able to prove it." "TF_robo_scout_baker_boy" "Den Olierede Bagerdreng" "[english]TF_robo_scout_baker_boy" "Ye Oiled Baker Boy" "TF_robo_scout_baker_boy_Desc" "Det er som om, at den her hat faldt af det lille metalhoved på en snavnet ungrobot, der sælger robotaviser i 1899 Mecha-Lodon, hvorefter den rullede gennem en tidstunnel og lige ind i din moderne rygsæk." "[english]TF_robo_scout_baker_boy_Desc" "It's as if this hat fell off the tiny metal head of a dirt-stained urchinbot selling robonewspapers in 1899 Mecha-London, rolled through a time tunnel and into your modern backpack." "TF_robo_pyro_pyrobotic_tote" "Skrotsækken" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_pyrobotic_tote" "The Scrap Sack" "TF_robo_pyro_pyrobotic_tote_Desc" "Bekymret over de mange stalkere, der går gennem dit affald, når du er på arbejde? Med Skrotsækken kan du slappe af, da den lader dig holde øje med dit hemmelighedsfulde affald på alle tidspunkter af døgnet." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_pyrobotic_tote_Desc" "Concerned about your many stalkers going through your garbage while you're at work? Rest easy with the Scrap Sack, which lets you keep an eye on your secret-filled trash at all times." "TF_robo_demo_capotain" "Den Gedigne Tin-kaptajn" "[english]TF_robo_demo_capotain" "The Pure Tin Capotain" "TF_robo_demo_capotain_Desc" "Heksejagt. Nødvendigt, men tidskrævende. Hvad hvis vi fortalte dig, at du kan brænde op til fem hekse om dagen uden at løfte en finger? Vi introducerer Den Gedigne Tin-kaptajn, den bedste tidssparende opfindelse siden den elektriske dåseåbner." "[english]TF_robo_demo_capotain_Desc" "Witch-hunting: necessary, but time-consuming. What if we told you you could burn up to five witches a day without lifting a finger? Introducing the Pure Tin Capotain, the greatest time-saving invention since the electric can opener." "TF_robo_pyro_prancers_pride" "Blikkenslagerens Rør" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_prancers_pride" "Plumber's Pipe" "TF_robo_pyro_prancers_pride_Desc" "Lær VVS ved osmose med dette smarte hjemmeblikkenslager-sæt! Kommer med rør og ledning." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_prancers_pride_Desc" "Learn plumbing by osmosis with this handy Home Plumber's Kit! Comes with pipe, length of wire." "TF_robo_engineer_teddy" "Teddy Robobælte" "[english]TF_robo_engineer_teddy" "Teddy Robobelt" "TF_robo_engineer_teddy_Desc" "Denne lille mekaniske bjørn var engang præsidenten. Nu lever han i din lomme. Hvordan kan den mægtige have sunket så lavt? [laver drikkegestus] Glug glug blink blink." "[english]TF_robo_engineer_teddy_Desc" "This tiny robotic bear used to be the President. Now he lives in your pocket. How could the mighty have fallen so far? [makes drinking gesture] Glug glug wink wink." "TF_robo_demo_stuntman" "Cyborg-stunthjelm" "[english]TF_robo_demo_stuntman" "The Cyborg Stunt Helmet" "TF_robo_demo_stuntman_Desc" "Hvis du sætter den store kampscene på pause i den klassiske film \"Fremtidens Herkules' svingende knytnæver\" kan du se, at det rent faktisk ikke er den kendte robot-skuespiller Kirk RoboDouglas, men en cyborg-stuntmand. Støt de ukronede helte på de forsølvede lærreder med denne stunthjelm med begrænset antal." "[english]TF_robo_demo_stuntman_Desc" "If you pause that big fight scene in the classic film \"Swinging Fists of Future Hercules\", you can tell that's not actually famous robot actor Kirk RoboDouglas, but a cyborg stuntman. Support the unsung heroes of the silver-plated screen with this limited edition stunt helmet." "TF_robo_pyro_electric_escorter" "Den Elektriske Eskortering" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_electric_escorter" "The Electric Escorter" "TF_robo_pyro_electric_escorter_Desc" "\"Og det lader til, at du levede livet / med en idé i dig / og ønskede at du havde renset såret / mens stivkrampen spredte sig.\" – Elton John (tekster af Bernie Taupin)" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_electric_escorter_Desc" "\"And it seems to me you lived your life / with a lightbulb in your head / wishing you had cleaned the hole / as the cephalic tetanus spread.\" – Elton John (words by Bernie Taupin)" "TF_robo_soldier_fullmetaldrillhat" "Fuldmetallisk Eksercitshat" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_fullmetaldrillhat" "Full Metal Drill Hat" "TF_robo_soldier_fullmetaldrillhat_Desc" "Hvad er din store defekt, menig Robot? Du har bare at defragmentere dig selv, ellers skruer jeg dit hoved af, får adgang til CPU'en i din nakke og fikser din store defekt!" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_fullmetaldrillhat_Desc" "What is your major malfunction, Private Robot? You had best defrag yourself or I will unscrew your head, access the CPU in your neck and fix your major malfunction!" "TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy" "Bolt-drengen" "[english]TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy" "The Bolt Boy" "TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_Desc" "Den genstand var oprindeligt et opfundet superheltetilbehør, der var forbundet til en opfundet læskedrik, der blev nydt af en fiktiv karakter. Nu er den også lavet af metal. Der er så mange lag af abstraktion her, at vi ikke engang ved, hvad vi skal gøre med det." "[english]TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_Desc" "That item was originally a make-believe superhero accessory tie-in to an imaginary soft drink enjoyed by a fictional character. Now it's also made of metal. There are so many layers of abstraction going on here even we don't know what to make of it." "TF_robo_pyro_tribtrojan" "Metalsneglen" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_tribtrojan" "The Metal Slug" "TF_robo_pyro_tribtrojan_Desc" "De kom fra det ydre rum. Og de kom for at erobre. Det var den perfekte rumforbrydelse. Men der er bare ét problem. DIG. \"Metalsneglen\". Kun for voksne. Denne fredag. På dit HOVED." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_tribtrojan_Desc" "They came from outer space. And they came to conquer. It was the perfect space crime. But there's just one problem. YOU. \"The Metal Slug\". Rated R. This Friday. On your HEAD." "TF_robo_demo_glengarry_botnet" "Bredbåndsbonnet" "[english]TF_robo_demo_glengarry_botnet" "The Broadband Bonnet" "TF_robo_demo_glengarry_botnet_Desc" "Denne skyggeløse kyse er udstyret med en satellit-pompon, der streamer de seneste nyheder, der er relevante for skotten på farten (golf-pointtal, whiskey-priser, hvornår \"Braveheart\" vises på TV)." "[english]TF_robo_demo_glengarry_botnet_Desc" "This brimless bonnet cap comes equipped with a satellite pom-pom that streams up-to-the-minute news relevant to the on-the-go Scotsman (golf scores, whiskey prices, when \"Braveheart\" is on)." "TF_robo_scout_bonk_helm" "Blytung Bonk" "[english]TF_robo_scout_bonk_helm" "Bonk Leadwear" "TF_robo_scout_bonk_helm_Desc" "I 1792 opfandt den italienske fysiker Alessandro Volta batteriet ved at blande zink, ammoniumklorid og smeltet salt sammen. I 1932 tilføjede den amerikanske læskedrik-magnat, Theophilus Bonk, sukker til denne blanding og opfandt derved Bonk-cola." "[english]TF_robo_scout_bonk_helm_Desc" "In 1792, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the battery by mixing zinc, ammonium chloride and molten salt together. In 1932, American soft drink magnate Theophilus Bonk added sugar to this mixture and invented Bonk Cola." "TF_robo_engineer_greaser" "Plug-In-prospekteringen" "[english]TF_robo_engineer_greaser" "The Plug-In Prospector" "TF_robo_engineer_greaser_Desc" "Robo-fremtidisk historie vækkes til live! Lad som om, du er en gråsprængt, krakilsk robotsøger, der er fuld på bittesmå nano-whiskeyshots i det gaaaamle cyber-vesten i løbet af Den Store Batterifeber i 3047." "[english]TF_robo_engineer_greaser_Desc" "Robo-future history comes alive! Pretend you're a grizzled, cantankerous robot prospector, drunk on teeny-tiny shots of nano-whiskey in the Olllld Cyber-West during the Great Battery Rush of 3047." "TF_robo_pyro_last_watt" "Rustent Rædsel" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_last_watt" "The Rusty Reaper" "TF_robo_pyro_last_watt_Desc" "Er du dødens personificering? Er du nødt til at spraymale noget indendørs? Denne kranieformede rebreather dækker dig." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_last_watt_Desc" "Are you the personification of death? Do you need to spraypaint something indoors? This skull-shaped rebreather has you covered." "TF_robo_soldier_sparkplug" "Soldiers Tændrør" "[english]TF_robo_soldier_sparkplug" "Soldier's Sparkplug" "TF_robo_soldier_sparkplug_Desc" "Nogle gange er en cigar bare en cigar. Andre gange er den et tændrør. Nogle gange er den en støvle. Det vigtige er, at du har noget i munden, som der er ild i." "[english]TF_robo_soldier_sparkplug_Desc" "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Other times it is a sparkplug. Sometimes it is a boot. The important thing is that you have something in your mouth that is on fire." "TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne" "Boltet Trekantshat" "[english]TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne" "The Bolted Bicorne" "TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne_Desc" "Ét lidet kendt fakta om papegøjer: De VIL pikke hul gennem et menneskeligt piratkranie. Men de kan ikke pikke gennem massivt stål. Og hvad hvis de prøver? Denne skattebasse er strømladet til 10.000 volts. Jeres tur, papegøjer." "[english]TF_robo_demo_buccaneer_bicorne_Desc" "One little-known fact about parrots: They WILL peck a hole through a human pirate skull. But they can't peck through solid steel. And if they try? This baby's electrified to the tune of 10,000 volts. Your move, parrots." "TF_robo_engineer_rustin" "Den Tidsløse Tophat" "[english]TF_robo_engineer_rustin" "The Timeless Topper" "TF_robo_engineer_rustin_Desc" "De fleste hatte er lavet af filt, linned eller andet ikke-holdbart stof, der nedbrydes efter bare 10.000 år. Den Tidsløse Tophat er bygget til det lange løb, med et ydre lag af affaldstitanium og en indre kerne af plastikposer, skumkopper og engangsbleer." "[english]TF_robo_engineer_rustin_Desc" "Most hats are made of felt, canvas or other non-durable cloths that decompose after a mere 10,000 years. The Timeless Topper's built for the long haul, with an outer layer of scrap titanium and an inner core of plastic bags, foam cups and disposable diapers." "TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament" "Den Filamentale" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament" "The Filamental" "TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament_Desc" "Består din Pyro af vekselstrøm eller jævnstrøm? Kun din elektriker ved det med sikkerhed!" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_figment_filament_Desc" "Is your Pyro made up of alternating current or direct current? Only your electrician knows for sure!" "TF_robo_demo_scotsmans_stovepipe" "Det Strontiumlegerede Skorstensrør" "[english]TF_robo_demo_scotsmans_stovepipe" "The Strontium Stove Pipe" "TF_robo_demo_scotsmans_stovepipe_Desc" "Bip bup! Jeg er Abraham Lincoln! Velkommen til Robo-præsidenthallen! Jeg skrev mine lektier bag på en skovl! Nu er jeg nødt til at dræbe alle mennesker med en skovl, fordi jeg lige er blevet sansende! Bip bup, dræb alle mennesker!" "[english]TF_robo_demo_scotsmans_stovepipe_Desc" "Beep boop! I am Old Railsplitter! Welcome to the Hall of Robopresidents! I did my homework on the back of a shovel! Now I must kill all humans with a shovel because I just now became sentient! Beep boop kill all humans!" "TF_robo_pyro_firewall_helmet" "Firewall-hjelm" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_firewall_helmet" "Firewall Helmet" "TF_robo_pyro_firewall_helmet_Desc" "Lær den hemmelighed, som brandmænd indædt vogter: Der er ingen bedre hat at have på, når du går ind i en brændende bygning, end en metalhat. Hvorfor? Metallet absorberer 100% af varmen og efterlader din hud kølig og frisk, sandsynligvis." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_firewall_helmet_Desc" "Learn the secret that firefighters guard fiercely: There is no better hat to wear while entering a burning building than a metal hat. Why? The metal will absorb 100% of the heat, leaving your bare skin cool and refreshed, probably." "TF_robo_pyro_respectless_glove" "Respektløs Robo-handske" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_respectless_glove" "Respectless Robo-Glove" "TF_robo_pyro_respectless_glove_Desc" "Da den robot på uselvisk vis gav dig dens hånd, antog den, at du ville studere den for at forbedre teknologien bag proteser. Hey, se mig alle sammen! Jeg er en metalkylling! Bip bip pludr boop!" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_respectless_glove_Desc" "When that robot selflessly gave you its hand, it assumed you'd study it to advance the field of prosthetic medicine. Sucker. Hey, everybody check me out! I'm a metal chicken! Beep beep gobble boop!" "TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird" "Pyros Borstrikhue" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird" "Pyro's Boron Beanie" "TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird_Desc" "Venner og familie vil kalde dig dum for at bære denne hat. \"Hey, idiot!\" kommer din mor til at sige. Men de vil ikke synes, at det er særlig sjovt, når du vinder bagvendt-svømningskonkurrencen i OL, og senere får frataget medaljen pga. snyd." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird_Desc" "Friends and loved ones will call you stupid for wearing this hat. \"Hey, moron!\" your mother will say. But they won't think it's so funny when you win the Backwards Swimming competition at the Olympics, and are later stripped of your medal for cheating." "TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror" "Halogenpandelampe" "[english]TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror" "Halogen Head Lamp" "TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror_Desc" "Dette medicinske vidunder forbedrer lægens overflødige hovedspejl ved at erstatte spejldelen med en lampe på 10.000 watt, der kan ses fra rummet. Kig ind i dine patienters sygdomsfyldte ører, næser og halse fra sikker afstand." "[english]TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror_Desc" "This medical marvel improves on the obsolete doctor's head mirror by replacing the mirror part with a 10,000 watt lamp part that can be seen from space. Peer inside your patients' disease-riddled ears, noses and throats from a safe distance." "TF_robo_medic_pickelhaube" "Platineret Pikkelhjelm" "[english]TF_robo_medic_pickelhaube" "Platinum Pickelhaube" "TF_robo_medic_pickelhaube_Desc" "Sikkert opfundet af Nikolai Tesla i en af hans ti millioner optrædener i dårlig steampunk-fiktion." "[english]TF_robo_medic_pickelhaube_Desc" "Invented by Nikolai Tesla in any one of his ten million appearances in crappy steampunk fiction, probably." "TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte" "Viruslægen" "[english]TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte" "The Virus Doctor" "TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte_Desc" "Hvad enten du er en pestlæge i det 17. århundrede, en professionel bryder eller en tjener i en familierestaurant med pesttema, så får denne hat dig til at se troværdig ud, mens du giver dit medmenneske den sidste olie, kaster ham i jorden eller serverer ham tallerken efter tallerken med fyldte jalapeños indrullet i bacon." "[english]TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte_Desc" "Whether you're a 17th century plague doctor, a professional wrestler, or a waiter at a plague-themed family restaurant, this hat lets you look the part while delivering last rites, a Tombstone Piledriver and/or plate after plate of bacon-wrapped jalapeño poppers." "TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon" "Texanerens Tin-Gallon" "[english]TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon" "Texas Tin-Gallon" "TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon_Desc" "Det er et historisk faktum, at stof var svært at få fat i, i cowboytiderne. Kreative cowboys holdt solen fra deres øjne ved at lave hatte ud af, hvad de havde i overflod: metalpladetræer og skruekaktusser." "[english]TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon_Desc" "It's a historical fact that in cowboy times, cloth was hard to come by. Creative cowpokes kept the sun out of their eyes by making hats out of what they had in abundance: sheet-metal trees and bolt cactuses." "TF_robo_medic_tyrolean" "Titanium Tyrolerhat" "[english]TF_robo_medic_tyrolean" "Titanium Tyrolean" "TF_robo_medic_tyrolean_Desc" "Mød op til robotapokalypsen i stil med denne drilske sag. Perfekt til at infiltrere den sansende modercomputer, der befinder sig i den schweiziske pavillon i Epcot Center." "[english]TF_robo_medic_tyrolean_Desc" "Meet the robot apocalypse in style with this puckish number, perfect for infiltrating the sentient mother computer located in the Swiss pavilion at Epcot Center." "TF_robo_medic_physician_mask" "Den praktiserende Læges Bearbejdningsmaske" "[english]TF_robo_medic_physician_mask" "Practitioner's Processing Mask" "TF_robo_medic_physician_mask_Desc" "Fakta: 70% af den luft du indånder, var for nylig i nogens bagdel. Denne smarte anordning fører den prutfyldte luft, du lever i, igennem et filter med sæbevand og potpourri, før du indånder det." "[english]TF_robo_medic_physician_mask_Desc" "Fact: 70% of the air you breathe was recently in someone's butt. This handy contraption runs the farty air you live in through a gauntlet of soapy water and potpourri before entering your body." "TF_robo_spy_bootleg_billycock" "Uædel Piratkopieret Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_robo_spy_bootleg_billycock" "Bootleg Base Metal Billycock" "TF_robo_spy_bootleg_billycock_Desc" "Nar dine venner til at tro, at din enorme metalhat er en mindre, anderledes hat. Hvis den faktisk var ulovlig, ville den have været den PERFEKTE FORBRYDELSE." "[english]TF_robo_spy_bootleg_billycock_Desc" "Trick your friends into thinking your enormous metal hat is a smaller, different hat. If this was actually illegal it would be the PERFECT CRIME." "TF_robo_medic_archimedes" "Mecha-Medes" "[english]TF_robo_medic_archimedes" "Mecha-Medes" "TF_robo_medic_archimedes_Desc" "Mecha-Medes optrådte for første gang i Archimedes' Fantasifulde Flyvetur #314, da Archimedes faldt ned af et bord og ind i en parallel verden, mødte sin robottvilling, spiste nogle frø, skræppede i rædsel af en halvt tildækket Frihedsgudinde og til sidst fløj ind i en terrassedør." "[english]TF_robo_medic_archimedes_Desc" "Mecha-Medes first appeared in Archimedes' Flights of Fantasy #314 when Archimedes accidentally fell off a table into a parallel world, met his robot double, ate some seeds, squawked in terror at a half-buried Statue of Liberty, then flew into a patio door." "TF_robo_heavy_tungsten_toque" "Den Svejsede Skihue" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_tungsten_toque" "The Tungsten Toque" "TF_robo_heavy_tungsten_toque_Desc" "Gå med denne strikkede stålkasket for at mindes historiens største robot-canadiere. Tidligere premierminister Pierre Trudeau! Optimus-premierminister! Kommandør Data fra CBCs drama-hit Deep Space Prince Edward Island!" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_tungsten_toque_Desc" "Commemorate history's greatest robot Canadians with this knitted steel cap. Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau! Optimus Prime Minister! Commander Data from the hit CBC drama Deep Space Prince Edward Island!" "TF_robo_medic_ninepipe_problem" "Damprøret" "[english]TF_robo_medic_ninepipe_problem" "The Steam Pipe" "TF_robo_medic_ninepipe_problem_Desc" "Ligesom steampunk har ødelagt læsning, ødelægger denne damppibe den harmløse fornøjelse ved at ryge ved at dulle den op med møtrikker, drejeknapper og Nikolai Teslaer. Kommer med periodepassende Gary Oldman Dracula-briller!" "[english]TF_robo_medic_ninepipe_problem_Desc" "Just like steampunk ruined reading, the steampipe destroys the harmless pleasure of smoking by tarting it up with a lot of bolts and dials and Nikolai Teslas. Comes with period-appropriate Gary Oldman Dracula glasses!" "TF_robo_engineer_mining_light" "Datalogisk Minelys" "[english]TF_robo_engineer_mining_light" "The Data Mining Light" "TF_robo_engineer_mining_light_Desc" "Hvis du er en robust kulminearbejder som os, kender du værdien i at smide al dit mineudstyr væk og grave nøgen, så folk ved, hvor barsk du er. Endelig er der en udgave, som kontorarbejderen ikke kan have på, mens han er nøgen og analyserer regneark." "[english]TF_robo_engineer_mining_light_Desc" "If you're a rugged coal miner like us, you know the value of throwing away your mining equipment and mining in the nude so people know how tough you are. Finally there's a version for the office worker to not wear while nudely analyzing spreadsheets." "TF_robo_medic_blighted_beak" "Det Kodede Næb" "[english]TF_robo_medic_blighted_beak" "The Byte'd Beak" "TF_robo_medic_blighted_beak_Desc" "Denne 17. århundredes pestmaske er blevet opgraderet til nymoderne maskebal-stiliserede sexfester, med et indbygget kamera, nattesyn (til svagtoplyste sexfester!) og en moderne sexopdagelsesradar." "[english]TF_robo_medic_blighted_beak_Desc" "This 17th century plague mask has been upgraded for modern day masquerade-style sex parties with a built-in camera, night vision (for dimly-lit sex parties!) and state-of-the-art sex detection radar." "TF_robo_pyro_site_for_sore_eyes" "Googol-glasøjnene" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_site_for_sore_eyes" "The Googol Glass Eyes" "TF_robo_pyro_site_for_sore_eyes_Desc" "Disse digitale øjenimplantater lader dig tjekke vejret, holde øje med aktiemarkedet og slå kure op mod infektion af at proppe beskidte stykker metal ind i dine øjenhuler." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_site_for_sore_eyes_Desc" "These digital eye implants will let you check the weather, monitor the stock market and look up cures for infection caused by jamming unclean hunks of metal into your eye sockets." "TF_robo_heavy_chief" "Bunsen-indianerkrigeren" "[english]TF_robo_heavy_chief" "The Bunsen Brave" "TF_robo_heavy_chief_Desc" "Videnskabsmænd har længe været forvirret over indianernes græshuses og wigwams sømløse metalkonstruktion. Hemmeligheden? Indianerne var fyldt med benzin, og kunne nå en svejsetemperatur på 3100 °C." "[english]TF_robo_heavy_chief_Desc" "Scientists have long been baffled by the seamless metal construction of Native American grass houses and wigwams. The secret? Native Americans were filled with gasoline, and could reach a welding flame temperature of 3100 °C." "TF_robo_demo_chest" "Cider-skatten" "[english]TF_robo_demo_chest" "The Scrumpy Strongbox" "TF_robo_demo_chest_Desc" "Denne nitrogenkølede likørbeholder kan kun åbnes ved at indtaste dens konstant udviklende, polyalfabetiske stream-kode, eller med den store metalnøgle tapet fast til bunden." "[english]TF_robo_demo_chest_Desc" "This nitrogen-cooled liquor locker can only be opened by punching in its constantly evolving polyalphabetic stream cipher, or with the big metal key scotch taped to the bottom." "TF_robo_all_spybot" "Dual-Core Djævledukke" "[english]TF_robo_all_spybot" "The Dual-Core Devil Doll" "TF_robo_all_spybot_Desc" "Disse smertesendere i ølstørrelse kombinerer haitiansk voodoos erotiske mystik med matematikkens dræbende kedsomhed." "[english]TF_robo_all_spybot_Desc" "These pint-sized pain proxies combine the erotic mysticism of Haitian voodoo with the stultifying boredom of math." "TF_robo_pyro_birdcage" "Det Boltede Fuglebur" "[english]TF_robo_pyro_birdcage" "The Bolted Birdcage" "TF_robo_pyro_birdcage_Desc" "Du elsker det hårdtslående fuglefængselsdrama \"The Birdcage\" med Robin Williams og Nathan Lane så meget, at du ville ønske, at du kunne tænke på det hele tiden. Problemet: Livets mange distraheringer. Løsningen: Dette." "[english]TF_robo_pyro_birdcage_Desc" "You love the hard-hitting Robin Williams/Nathan Lane bird prison drama \"The Birdcage\" so much you wish you could be thinking about it all the time. The problem: Life's many distractions. The solution: This." "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season4" "Sæson 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season4" "Season 4" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season14" "Sæson 14" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season14" "Season 14" "TF_RedHeavy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Heavy Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedHeavy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Heavy Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedSoldier_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Soldier Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedSoldier_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Soldier Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueHeavy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Heavy Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueHeavy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Heavy Action Figure Promo" "TF_BluePyro_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Pyro Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BluePyro_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Pyro Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueDemo_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Demoman Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueDemo_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Demoman Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueSoldier_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Soldier Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueSoldier_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Soldier Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedEngineer_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Engineer Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedEngineer_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Engineer Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueEngineer_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Engineer Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueEngineer_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Engineer Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedSpy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Spy Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedSpy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Spy Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueSpy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Spy Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueSpy_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Spy Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedSniper_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Sniper Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedSniper_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Sniper Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueSniper_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Sniper Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueSniper_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Sniper Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedScout_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Scout Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedScout_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Scout Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueScout_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Scout Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueScout_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Scout Action Figure Promo" "TF_RedMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Medic Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RedMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Red Medic Action Figure Promo" "TF_BlueMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Medic Action Figure Promo" "[english]TF_BlueMedic_ActionFigure_Promo" "Blue Medic Action Figure Promo" "ItemNameCraftSeries" " serie #%s1" "[english]ItemNameCraftSeries" " Series #%s1" "GameUI_ParticleHatUseHead" "Juster usædvanlig hat" "[english]GameUI_ParticleHatUseHead" "Adjust Unusual" "TF_PublishFile_Optional" "< volitelné >" "[english]TF_PublishFile_Optional" "< optional >" "TF_PublishFile_kFailedUserModifiedFile" "Denne fil blev manuelt modificeret efter bekræftelsesprocessen. Bekræft venligst igen med importeringsværktøjet." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedUserModifiedFile" "The file was manually modified after verifying process. Please verify again using the import tool." "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageResolutionOverLimit" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nOpløsning skal være inden for %width%x%height%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageResolutionOverLimit" "Couldn't load %file%\nResolution must be within %width%x%height%" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageResolutionNotPowerOf2" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nOpløsning skal være potens af 2" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageResolutionNotPowerOf2" "Couldn't load %file%\nResolution must be power of 2" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconResolution" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nIkonopløsning skal være 512x512" "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconResolution" "Couldn't load %file%\nIcon resolution must be 512x512" "TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style0" "Uden hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style0" "Without Headphones" "TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style1" "Med hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_Henchboy_Hat_Style1" "With Headphones" "TF_BreatherBag" "Pusterumsposen" "[english]TF_BreatherBag" "The Breather Bag" "TF_BreatherBag_Desc" "Siden opfindelsen af plastikposen, har menneskeheden længe ønsket at putte den på hovedet. Indtil nu, plejede dette ofte at betyde øjeblikkelig iltmangel. INDTIL NU! Plastikpose over dit hoved? Indånde luft? Tak til genier ved FaceBagHole Co., behøver du ikke at vælge." "[english]TF_BreatherBag_Desc" "Since the invention of the garbage bag, humanity has longed to put it over its head. Until now, this usually meant immediate asphyxiation. UNTIL NOW! Plastic bag over your head? Breathing air? Thanks to the geniuses at FaceBagHole Co., you don't have to choose." "TF_WeatherMaster" "Vejrvinderen" "[english]TF_WeatherMaster" "The Weather Master" "TF_WeatherMaster_Desc" "De kaldte dig SINDSSYG, da du påstod, at en hjelm, med skumskyer og lyn tapet fast til den, ville give dig vejrkræfter! Nu får de at se! Nu får de ALLE at se! Muhahahahahaaah! (Denne hjelm giver dig ikke vejrkræfter.)" "[english]TF_WeatherMaster_Desc" "They called you INSANE when you claimed a helmet with foam clouds and lightning taped to it would give you weather powers! Now you'll show them! You'll show them ALL! Moo hoo ha ha ha! (This helmet does not give you weather powers.)" "TF_BacteriaBlocker" "Den Bakterielle Blokade" "[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker" "The Bacteria Blocker" "TF_BacteriaBlocker_Desc" "Det menneskelige ansigt er naturens skraldespand. Alt fra spyt (snavninger) til fedtstof (motorreparationer) til klumper af delvist tygget oksekød (spisning) til gift (madsmagning for konger) kan findes på det gennemsnitlige (dit) ansigt. Lad det være marginalt mindre beskidt med Den Bakterielle Blokade." "[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Desc" "The human face is nature's garbage can. Everything from saliva (make-outs) to grease (engine repair) to clumps of partially chewed beef (eating) to poison (food-tasting for kings) can be found on the average (your) face. Keep it marginally less filthy with the Bacteria Blocker." "TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style0" "Med hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style0" "With Headphones" "TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style1" "Uden hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_BacteriaBlocker_Style1" "Without Headphones" "KillEaterEventType_MedicsWithFullUberKilled" "Medics med fuld ÜberLadning dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_MedicsWithFullUberKilled" "Medics Killed That Have Full ÜberCharge" "KillEaterEventType_MinibossRobotsKilled" "Kæmperobotter ødelagt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_MinibossRobotsKilled" "Giant Robots Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_UbersDropped" "Sær del: Medics dræbt som har fuld ÜberCharge" "[english]TF_StrangePart_UbersDropped" "Strange Part: Medics Killed That Have Full ÜberCharge" "TF_StrangePart_UbersDropped_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af medics, du dræber, mens de er fuldt ÜberLadet." "[english]TF_StrangePart_UbersDropped_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of medics you kill while they have full ÜberCharge." "TF_StrangePart_GiantRobotsDestroyed" "Sær del: Kæmperobotter ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_GiantRobotsDestroyed" "Strange Part: Giant Robots Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_GiantRobotsDestroyed_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, efter dig valg, gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende kæmperobotter, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil." "[english]TF_StrangePart_GiantRobotsDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Giant Robots you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games." "Attrib_Particle56" "Kill-a-Watt" "[english]Attrib_Particle56" "Kill-a-Watt" "Attrib_Particle57" "Terror-Watt" "[english]Attrib_Particle57" "Terror-Watt" "Attrib_Particle58" "Den Syvende Himmel" "[english]Attrib_Particle58" "Cloud 9" "Attrib_Particle59" "Es i Ærmet" "[english]Attrib_Particle59" "Aces High" "Attrib_Particle60" "Døde Præsidenter" "[english]Attrib_Particle60" "Dead Presidents" "Attrib_Particle61" "Miamis Natteliv" "[english]Attrib_Particle61" "Miami Nights" "Attrib_Particle62" "Disko-nedtæskning" "[english]Attrib_Particle62" "Disco Beat Down" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageNot32Bits" "Ikonbilledet skal være 32-bits og inkludere en alpha mask som anfører ikonet." "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageNot32Bits" "Icon image must be 32-bits include an alpha mask that outlines the icon" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageDoesNotFitInsideSafeZone" "Ikonbilledet passer ikke inde i den sikre zone på 512x328. Rygsæksikoner beskæres fra toppen og bunden til 512x328. De øvre og nedre 512x92-pixels i diffuse og alpha skal være sorte (RGBA 0 0 0 0)." "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedImageDoesNotFitInsideSafeZone" "Icon image does not fit inside the safe zone of 512x328. Backpack icons are cropped down from top and bottom to 512x328. The upper and lower 512x92 pixels in the diffuse and alpha must be black (RGBA 0 0 0 0)." "TF_gunpointcoilhat" "Krydsbinderens Spole" "[english]TF_gunpointcoilhat" "The Crosslinker's Coil" "TF_gunpointcoilhat_Desc" "Vidste du: før lejesoldaternes modeverden opdagede den åbenlyse stil og de mentale helbredsfordele ved at bære 7 meter strømforsynede elektriske kabler om hovedet, bar folk engang hattebånd lavet af \"silke\" eller andre nærmest-ikke-dødelige tekstiler! Sært men sandt." "[english]TF_gunpointcoilhat_Desc" "Did you know: before the mercenary fashion world discovered the obvious style and mental health benefits of wearing 22 feet of powered electrical cable around your head, people once wore hatbands made from 'silk' or other barely-lethal textiles! Strange but true." "TF_tw2_greek_helm" "Høvedsmanden" "[english]TF_tw2_greek_helm" "The Centurion" "TF_tw2_greek_helm_Desc" "Modsat de billige kopier er børstedelen af DENNE høvedshjelm lavet af HOVEDHÅRET fra dine faldne fjender." "[english]TF_tw2_greek_helm_Desc" "Unlike those cheap knock-offs, the brush part of THIS centurion helmet is made from the HEAD hair of your fallen enemies." "TF_tw2_greek_armor" "Stålet Sixpack" "[english]TF_tw2_greek_armor" "The Steel Sixpack" "TF_tw2_greek_armor_Desc" "Denne smedejernskyras er blevet strengt støbt efter de indbildte muskler, du ønskede, du havde." "[english]TF_tw2_greek_armor_Desc" "This wrought-iron cuirass has been exactingly molded from the imaginary muscles you wish you had." "TF_tw2_cheetah_head" "Den Dyriske Drapering" "[english]TF_tw2_cheetah_head" "The Beastly Bonnet" "TF_tw2_cheetah_head_Desc" "Denne ceremonielle hovedbeklædning fortæller dine fjender, at du har en løves hjerte, en bjørns styrke, en gepards hurtighed og også en gepards rådne hoved." "[english]TF_tw2_cheetah_head_Desc" "This ceremonial headdress tells your enemies that you have the heart of a lion, the strength of a bear, the speed of a cheetah, and the rotting head of a cheetah." "TF_tw2_cheetah_robe" "Snydepelsen" "[english]TF_tw2_cheetah_robe" "The Cheet Sheet" "TF_tw2_cheetah_robe_Desc" "Dette skørt med gepardmønster skræmmer folk på slagmarken, mens det tillader fri bevægelighed. Og lad os være ærlige, det viser især de mandelige kurver frem." "[english]TF_tw2_cheetah_robe_Desc" "This cheetah-print skirt intimidates on the battlefield while allowing for freedom of movement. Let's be honest, it doesn't do a bad job of showing off those man-curves either." "TF_tw2_demo_hood" "Den Skotskternede Skygge" "[english]TF_tw2_demo_hood" "The Tartan Shade" "TF_tw2_demo_hood_Desc" "Denne mønstrede kappe lader dig luske uset i alle skotskternede skygger." "[english]TF_tw2_demo_hood_Desc" "This patterned cloak lets you skulk undetected in any plaid-covered shadows." "TF_tw2_demo_pants" "De Skotske Benklæder" "[english]TF_tw2_demo_pants" "The Tartantaloons" "TF_tw2_demo_pants_Desc" "Er disse skotske benklæder historisk nøjagtige? Der fik du os. Hvorfor spørger du ikke din kæreste Historie?" "[english]TF_tw2_demo_pants_Desc" "Are these Scottish pantaloons historically accurate? You got us. Why don't you go ask your boyfriend History?" "TF_tw2_roman_wreath" "Laurbærkransen" "[english]TF_tw2_roman_wreath" "The Hardy Laurel" "TF_tw2_roman_wreath_Desc" "Dette bundt af spraymalede pinde betød, at du var en filosofkonge i primitive kulturer som antikkens Rom og nutidens Canada. (Udstyrer dig med Romevision i Mann vs. Machine.)" "[english]TF_tw2_roman_wreath_Desc" "This bundle of spray painted sticks signified that you were a philosopher king in primitive cultures like Ancient Rome and present-day Canada. (Equips Romevision in Mann vs. Machine mode.)" "TF_brotherhood_2" "Våben-broderskabet" "[english]TF_brotherhood_2" "The Brotherhood of Arms" "TF_brotherhood_2_Desc" "Som hevet ud af 2Fort." "[english]TF_brotherhood_2_Desc" "Straight outta 2Fort." "TF_riflemans_rallycap" "Velrundet Riffelmand" "[english]TF_riflemans_rallycap" "The Well-Rounded Rifleman" "TF_riflemans_rallycap_Desc" "De lige linjer på denne alsidige hat er øjeblikkeligt svagt bekendte for alle, der nogensinde har set en togkonduktør, er blevet arresteret i Frankrig eller deltog i den amerikanske borgerkrig." "[english]TF_riflemans_rallycap_Desc" "The smooth lines of this versatile number will be instantly vaguely familiar to anyone who's ever seen a train conductor, been arrested in France, or fought in the U.S. Civil War." "TF_jogon" "Halsbrækkende Posebukser" "[english]TF_jogon" "The Breakneck Baggies" "TF_jogon_Desc" "Disse aerodynamiske joggingbukser, der kombinerer komforten fra en pyjamas med buksers kønsdel-dækkende kneb, lader dine fjender vide, at du er en mystisk mand, der sikkert har fået en god nats søvn." "[english]TF_jogon_Desc" "Combining the comfort of pajamas with the genital-concealing subterfuge of pants, these aerodynamic trackies will let your enemies know you're a man of mystery who probably got a good night's sleep." "TF_enlightened_mann" "Den Pudrede Praktiklæge" "[english]TF_enlightened_mann" "The Powdered Practitioner" "TF_enlightened_mann_Desc" "Denne paryk, der er en vigtig del i ethvert overlevelsessæt til ferien, hjælper dig med at flygte fra Disney World, hvis præsidenthallen nogensinde vækkes til live. Leveres med en trekantet hat i tilfælde af, at Pirates of the Caribbean vækkes til live i stedet." "[english]TF_enlightened_mann_Desc" "An integral part of any travel survival kit, this wig will help you escape Disney World if the Hall of Presidents ever comes to life. Comes with tri-corn hat in case Pirates of the Caribbean comes to life instead." "TF_pocket_protector" "Lomme-Pyroen" "[english]TF_pocket_protector" "The Pocket Pyro" "TF_pocket_protector_Desc" "Ensomhed er verdens dødeligste stille dræber. Lige efter kulilte. Men put dig med denne bedårende pyroman, hold vejret og så kan du frit fokusere på støjende dræbere, såsom bilulykker og Freddy Krueger." "[english]TF_pocket_protector_Desc" "Loneliness is the world's deadliest silent killer. Next to carbon monoxide. But cuddle up to this adorable firebug, hold your breath, and you'll be free to concentrate on loud killers like car crashes and Freddy Krueger." "TF_cloud_crasher" "Skyskraberen" "[english]TF_cloud_crasher" "The Cloud Crasher" "TF_cloud_crasher_Desc" "Denne faldskærmsudspringers hjelm holder dit hoved sikkert, når du hopper ud af fly. Vis fuglene, hvem der bestemmer! Lad nogle bløde, små skyer vide, hvad du gør ved dem, hvis du nogensinde møder dem i din himmel igen!" "[english]TF_cloud_crasher_Desc" "This paratrooper's helmet keeps your head safe while you jump out of planes. Show those birds who's boss! Teach some fluffy little clouds what they'll get if you ever catch them around your sky again!" "TF_facestabber" "Den Pomponede Provokatør" "[english]TF_facestabber" "The Pom-Pommed Provocateur" "TF_facestabber_Desc" "Den tykke, uldne pompon på toppen af skimasken er fyldt med gift i det tilfælde, at du bliver fanget, og de gerne vil vide, hvorfor du ser så latterlig ud." "[english]TF_facestabber_Desc" "The thick woolen pom-pom stitched to the top of this ski mask is filled with poison, in case you are captured by people who want information on why you look ridiculous." "TF_mail_bomber" "Den Mørke Middelalders Forsvarer" "[english]TF_mail_bomber" "The Dark Age Defender" "TF_mail_bomber_Desc" "Denne ridderrustning vil frastøde alt, nogen fra det 12. århundrede kunne smide efter dig, om det er en sten, et sværd, et hus med stråtag eller en Merlin." "[english]TF_mail_bomber_Desc" "This knight's armor will repel anything someone from the 12th century might throw at you, be it a rock, a sword, a thatched cottage or a Merlin." "TF_diehard_dynafil" "Rullekraven" "[english]TF_diehard_dynafil" "The Tyurtlenek" "TF_diehard_dynafil_Desc" "En rullekrave på en tyndnakket klogeåge, juveltyv eller franskmand betyder: \"Slå mig venligst i ansigtet med en åben hånd.\" På Heavys jernstel betyder det kun: \"Jeg går med det, jeg har lyst til.\"" "[english]TF_diehard_dynafil_Desc" "Around the skinny neck of an intellectual, jewel thief or Frenchman, a turtleneck tells people: \"Please open-hand slap me in the face.\" On the iron frame of the Heavy, it says only: \"I wear what I want.\"" "TF_hazeguard" "Den Mangfoldige Maske" "[english]TF_hazeguard" "The Mair Mask" "TF_hazeguard_Desc" "Kommer med en dåse fyldt med MUFT, Mann Co.s lufterstatning! Én del kvælstof, ingen dele ilt, NI dele elektrolytter - MUFT giver almindelig luft et spark i røven til mandlige lunger på farten." "[english]TF_hazeguard_Desc" "Comes with a full can of MAIR, Mann Co.'s air substitute! One part nitrogen, no parts oxygen, NINE parts electrolytes—Mair gives regular air a kick in the pants for manly lungs on the go." "TF_HUD_ServerTimeLeft" "%s1:%s2:%s3" "[english]TF_HUD_ServerTimeLeft" "%s1:%s2:%s3" "TF_HUD_ServerTimeLeftNoHours" "%s1:%s2" "[english]TF_HUD_ServerTimeLeftNoHours" "%s1:%s2" "TF_HUD_ServerChangeOnRoundEnd" "00:00" "[english]TF_HUD_ServerChangeOnRoundEnd" "00:00" "Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemSpecialQuality" "( Genstanden har special kvalitet. )" "[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemSpecialQuality" "( Item has special quality. )" "OnlyAllowUniqueQuality" "Forbyd genstande med særlige kvaliteter" "[english]OnlyAllowUniqueQuality" "Disallow items with special qualities" "TF_Wearable_Cooler" "Køler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Cooler" "Cooler" "TF_Wearable_GolfClubs" "Golfkøller" "[english]TF_Wearable_GolfClubs" "Golf Clubs" "TF_Wearable_Skateboard" "Skateboard" "[english]TF_Wearable_Skateboard" "Skateboard" "TF_Wearable_Refreshment" "Forfriskning" "[english]TF_Wearable_Refreshment" "Refreshment" "TF_Wearable_ChampionshipBelt" "Mesterskabsbælte" "[english]TF_Wearable_ChampionshipBelt" "Championship Belt" "TF_Wearable_Glove" "Handske" "[english]TF_Wearable_Glove" "Glove" "TF_Wearable_Bandolier" "Bandoler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bandolier" "Bandolier" "TF_Wearable_Supplies" "Forsyninger" "[english]TF_Wearable_Supplies" "Supplies" "TF_Wearable_Augmentation" "Kosmetisk Augmentering" "[english]TF_Wearable_Augmentation" "Cosmetic Augmentation" "TF_Wearable_PuffyShirt" "Oppustet Skjorte" "[english]TF_Wearable_PuffyShirt" "Puffy Shirt" "TF_Wearable_SpiritAnimal" "Åndedyr" "[english]TF_Wearable_SpiritAnimal" "Spirit Animal" "TF_Wearable_Helmet" "Hjelm" "[english]TF_Wearable_Helmet" "Helmet" "TF_Wearable_Poncho" "Poncho" "[english]TF_Wearable_Poncho" "Poncho" "TF_Wearable_Barbeque" "Barbeque" "[english]TF_Wearable_Barbeque" "Barbeque" "TF_Wearable_Towel" "Håndtørklæde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Towel" "Towel" "TF_Wearable_Bandana" "Bandana" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bandana" "Bandana" "TF_Wearable_SafetyApparatus" "Sikkerhedsapparat" "[english]TF_Wearable_SafetyApparatus" "Safety Apparatus" "TF_Mysterious_Promo10" "Mysterious Promo 10" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo10" "Mysterious Promo 10" "TF_Mysterious_Promo10_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Mysterious_Promo10_Desc" "" "cp_process_final_authors" "Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge" "[english]cp_process_final_authors" "Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge" "cp_standin_final_authors" "Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge" "[english]cp_standin_final_authors" "Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge" "TF_Map_Process" "Process" "[english]TF_Map_Process" "Process" "TF_MapToken_Process" "Banefrimærke - Process" "[english]TF_MapToken_Process" "Map Stamp - Process" "TF_MapToken_Process_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Ian \"Scorpio Uprising\" Cuslidge\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Process-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Process_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Process community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Map_Standin" "Standin" "[english]TF_Map_Standin" "Standin" "TF_MapToken_Standin" "Banefrimærke - Standin" "[english]TF_MapToken_Standin" "Map Stamp - Standin" "TF_MapToken_Standin_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Ian \"Scorpio Uprising\" Cuslidge\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Standin-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Standin_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Standin community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Map_Process_StrangePrefix" " Effektiv" "[english]TF_Map_Process_StrangePrefix" " Efficient" "TF_Map_Standin_StrangePrefix" " Kaotisk" "[english]TF_Map_Standin_StrangePrefix" " Chaotic" "standin_red_setup_goal" "Erobr alle tre kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]standin_red_setup_goal" "Capture all three of the Control Points to win the game!" "standin_blue_setup_goal" "Erobr alle tre kontrolpunkter for at vinde spillet!" "[english]standin_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all three of the Control Points to win the game!" "standin_cap_A" "erobring A, bækken" "[english]standin_cap_A" "cap A, the Creek" "standin_cap_B" "erobring B, broen" "[english]standin_cap_B" "cap B, the Bridge" "standin_cap_C" "erobring C, kontrolrummet" "[english]standin_cap_C" "cap C, the Control Room" "GetKey" "Køb en nøgle" "[english]GetKey" "Get a key" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Sært filter: Process (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess" "Strange Filter: Process (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Process." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProcess_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Process." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapStandin" "Sært filter: Standin (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapStandin" "Strange Filter: Standin (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapStandin_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Standin." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapStandin_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Standin." "TF_ClaimCheck_July2013" "Summer Claim Check" "[english]TF_ClaimCheck_July2013" "Summer Claim Check" "TF_ClaimCheck_July2013_Desc" "Når den bruges, modtager du en\ntilfældig Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_ClaimCheck_July2013_Desc" "When used, you will receive\na random Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_Early" "Sommerforsmagskasse" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_Early" "Summer Appetizer Crate" "TF_Jul2013Crate_Early_Desc" "Indeholder det første sæt\naf guldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabs-\ngenstande fra værkstedets genstandsimportering-værktøj." "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_Early_Desc" "Contains the first set of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Workshop item import tool." "TF_Jul2013Key_Early" "Sommerforsmagsnøgle" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_Early" "Summer Appetizer Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_Early_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Sommer-appetitvækkerkasse." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_Early_Desc" "Used to open locked Summer Appetizer Crates." "TF_Jul2013Crate_01" "Rød Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_01" "Red Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_01_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_01_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_01" "Rød Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_01" "Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_01_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Red Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_01_Desc" "Used to unlock a Red Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_02" "Orange Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_02" "Orange Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_02_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_02_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_02" "Orange Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_02" "Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_02_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Orange Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_02_Desc" "Used to unlock a Orange Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_03" "Gul Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_03" "Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_03_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_03_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_03" "Gul Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_03" "Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_03_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_03_Desc" "Used to unlock a Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_04" "Grøn Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_04" "Green Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_04_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_04_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_04" "Grøn Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_04" "Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_04_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Green Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_04_Desc" "Used to unlock a Green Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_05" "Blågrøn Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_05" "Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_05_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_05_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_05" "Blågrøn Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_05" "Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_05_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_05_Desc" "Used to unlock a Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_06" "Blå Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_06" "Blue Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_06_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_06_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_06" "Blå Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_06" "Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_06_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Blue Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_06_Desc" "Used to unlock a Blue Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_07" "Brun Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_07" "Brown Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_07_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_07_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_07" "Brun Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_07" "Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_07_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Brown Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_07_Desc" "Used to unlock a Brown Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Jul2013Crate_08" "Sort Sommer-køleboks 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_08" "Black Summer 2013 Cooler" "TF_Jul2013Crate_08_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDen indeholder et unikt udvalg af\nguldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra sommer 2013-begivenheden.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_08_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIt contains a unique selection of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Summer 2013 event.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Jul2013Key_08" "Sort Sommer-køleboksnøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_08" "Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key" "TF_Jul2013Key_08_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Black Summer 2013 Cooler." "[english]TF_Jul2013Key_08_Desc" "Used to unlock a Black Summer 2013 Cooler." "TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson" "En Tilfældig Sommer-køleboksnøglegave" "[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson" "A Random Summer Cooler Key Gift" "TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Summer 2013 Cooler Key til en tilfældig person på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Summer 2013 Cooler Key\nto a random person on the server!" "TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer" "Bunke af Sommerkøleboks-nøglegaver" "[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Summer Cooler Key Gifts" "TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Summer 2013 Cooler Key til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_Jul2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none random Summer 2013 Cooler Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!" "TF_Sniper_UrbanProfessional" "Den Professionelle Byboer" "[english]TF_Sniper_UrbanProfessional" "The Urban Professional" "TF_Scout_PublicEnemy" "Samfundsfjenden" "[english]TF_Scout_PublicEnemy" "The Public Enemy" "TF_Set_Soldier_DumpsterDiver" "Klunseren" "[english]TF_Set_Soldier_DumpsterDiver" "The Dumpster Diver" "Attrib_DamageForceIncrease" "%s1% forøgelse af skub modtaget fra skade" "[english]Attrib_DamageForceIncrease" "%s1% increase in push force taken from damage" "Attrib_DamageForceIncreaseString" "Forøgelse af skub modtaget fra skade og luftstød" "[english]Attrib_DamageForceIncreaseString" "Increase in push force taken from damage and airblast" "Attrib_AirBlastVulnerabilityMultipier" "%s1% reduceret sårbarhed over for luftstød" "[english]Attrib_AirBlastVulnerabilityMultipier" "%s1% reduction in airblast vulnerability" "Attrib_HealingReceivedBonus" "+%s1% bonusheling fra alle kilder" "[english]Attrib_HealingReceivedBonus" "+%s1% bonus healing from all sources" "Attrib_AfterburnImmunity" "Immun over for efterbrænding" "[english]Attrib_AfterburnImmunity" "Immune to the effects of afterburn" "Attrib_TauntParticles" "Ekstra effekter ved hån" "[english]Attrib_TauntParticles" "Extra effects when taunting" "Attrib_CallingCardOnKill" "Efterlad et visitkort på dine ofre" "[english]Attrib_CallingCardOnKill" "Leave a Calling Card on your victims" "TF_CombatTextDoesntBlock" "Skadetekst forhindrer ikke effekter ovenover spillere (f.eks. \"KRIT!\")" "[english]TF_CombatTextDoesntBlock" "Damage text doesn't prevent overhead effects (e.g. \"CRIT!\")" "Tooltip_CombatTextDoesntBlock" "Hvis valgt forhindrer skadetekst ikke bonus-effekttekst i at vise sig over spilleres hoveder også. (F.eks. \"KRIT!\")" "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextDoesntBlock" "If set, damage text won't prevent bonus-effect text from appearing above players' heads as well. (e.g. \"CRIT!\")" "TF_MVM_Map_Ghost_Town" "Ghost Town" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Ghost_Town" "Ghost Town" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Ghost_Town" "Mørk Middelvej" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Ghost_Town" "Caliginous Caper" "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconBackground" "Baggrundspixels, som ikke er masked af alpha, skal være sorte (RGB 0 0 0)." "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedBadIconBackground" "Background pixels not masked by the alpha must be black (RGB 0 0 0)." "TF_ItemPrefab_misc" "diverse" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_misc" "misc" "TF_jul13_scout_varsity" "Universitetsfremmeren" "[english]TF_jul13_scout_varsity" "The Bigg Mann on Campus" "TF_jul13_scout_varsity_Desc" "\"Jeg burde lave et stort rødt A på den her for \"ALLE SPORTSGRENE\", for det er min specialitet.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_scout_varsity_Desc" "\"I should put a big red A on this thing for 'ALL SPORTS', cause that's my specialty.\"" "TF_jul13_the_cunningmann" "Den Eddersmarte Eftersidder" "[english]TF_jul13_the_cunningmann" "The Cool Cat Cardigan" "TF_jul13_the_cunningmann_Desc" "\"Boom! Nu er jeg i halvtredserne! Jeg ser godt ud i ETHVERT årti!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_the_cunningmann_Desc" "\"Boom! Now I'm in the fifties! I look good in ANY decade!\"" "TF_jul13_greased_lightning" "Fedtet Charlatan" "[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning" "Greased Lightning" "TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Desc" "\"Jeg er den eneste på mit hold, der ikke er ved at blive skaldet! Det er klart, at jeg vil have mit hår til at se godt ud." "[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Desc" "\"I'm the only one on this team not balding! Damn right I'm gonna make my hair look good!\"" "TF_jul13_red_army_robin" "Rødhalset Hær" "[english]TF_jul13_red_army_robin" "The Red Army Robin" "TF_jul13_red_army_robin_Desc" "\"Er lille fugl. Er nuttet. SIG TIL FUGL, AT HAN ER PÆN!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_red_army_robin_Desc" "\"Is tiny bird. Is adorable. TELL BIRD HE IS PRETTY!\"" "TF_jul13_heavy_weight_belt" "Sværvægtsmesteren" "[english]TF_jul13_heavy_weight_belt" "The Heavy-Weight Champ" "TF_jul13_heavy_weight_belt_Desc" "\"Dette bælte siger til babyer, at Heavy er mester. Stor bælte-mester nogensinde.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_heavy_weight_belt_Desc" "\"This belt tells babies that Heavy is champ. Big belt champ of all time.\"" "TF_jul13_unfamiliar_tarboosh" "Tsarboosh" "[english]TF_jul13_unfamiliar_tarboosh" "The Tsarboosh" "TF_jul13_unfamiliar_tarboosh_Desc" "\"Får lille hat Heavys hoved til at se stor ud? SIG SANDHED.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_unfamiliar_tarboosh_Desc" "\"Does little hat make Heavy's head look big? TELL TRUTH.\"" "TF_jul13_pillagers_barrel" "Glasgows Tøndehjelm" "[english]TF_jul13_pillagers_barrel" "The Glasgow Great Helm" "TF_jul13_pillagers_barrel_Desc" "Denne ridderhjelm er perfekt til at forsvare mod det 12. århundredes offensive våben, som sværd, pinde og i-hvert-fald-ikke-kugler." "[english]TF_jul13_pillagers_barrel_Desc" "This knight's helm is perfect for defending against 12th century offensive weaponry, like swords, sticks and definitely-not-bullets." "TF_jul13_koolboy" "Koffein-køleren" "[english]TF_jul13_koolboy" "The Caffeine Cooler" "TF_jul13_koolboy_Desc" "\"Hver dåse Bonk har fire tusind procent af den daglige mængde koffein, kroppen har brug for, så du VED, at det er godt for dig. Og jeg drikker dem i kasser, så jeg er ekstra sund.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_Desc" "\"Each canna Bonk's got four thousand percent of the daily caffeine a body needs, so you KNOW it's good for ya. And I drink 'em by the case, so I'm extra healthy.\"" "TF_jul13_skater_boy" "Ramponeret Ramperacer" "[english]TF_jul13_skater_boy" "The Half-Pipe Hurdler" "TF_jul13_skater_boy_Desc" "\"Mine moves er SINDSSYGE, kammerat. Spørg din kæreste for hun har set på. Lad være med at bebrejde hende, hun er kun et menneske.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_skater_boy_Desc" "\"My moves are SICK, brother. Ask your girlfriend, cause she's been watchin'. Don't blame her, she's only human.\"" "TF_jul13_macho_mann_glasses" "Machomannen" "[english]TF_jul13_macho_mann_glasses" "The Macho Mann" "TF_jul13_macho_mann_glasses_Desc" "Nogle gange tager det virkelig en landsby, folkens." "[english]TF_jul13_macho_mann_glasses_Desc" "Sometimes it really does take a village, people." "TF_jul13_scrap_reserve" "Skraldesamleren" "[english]TF_jul13_scrap_reserve" "The Trash Toter" "TF_jul13_scrap_reserve_Desc" "\"Sparsommelighed er en dyd, sønnike.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_scrap_reserve_Desc" "\"Waste not, want not, son.\"" "TF_jul13_thirst_quencher" "Vinderens Vederkvægelse" "[english]TF_jul13_thirst_quencher" "The Dry Gulch Gulp" "TF_jul13_thirst_quencher_Desc" "\"Når jeg er sulten, spiser jeg. Når jeg er tørstig, drikker jeg. Og når en mand har brug for at dræbe, forpligter jeg ham.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_thirst_quencher_Desc" "\"When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. And when a man needs killin', I oblige him.\"" "TF_jul13_el_muchacho" "El Muchacho" "[english]TF_jul13_el_muchacho" "El Muchacho" "TF_jul13_el_muchacho_Desc" "Cosplay som en søvnig cowboy med dette autentiske, ærmeløse sovetæppe i fleece." "[english]TF_jul13_el_muchacho_Desc" "Cosplay as a sleepy cowboy with this authentic 19th century sleeveless fleece snuggie." "TF_jul13_furious_fryup" "Den Grillende Gågænger" "[english]TF_jul13_furious_fryup" "The Backpack Broiler" "TF_jul13_furious_fryup_Desc" "Jeg dækker jeres rygge... bøffer." "[english]TF_jul13_furious_fryup_Desc" "I've got your back... steaks." "TF_jul13_hot_rag" "Den Brændende Bandana" "[english]TF_jul13_hot_rag" "The Burning Bandana" "TF_jul13_hot_rag_Desc" "Tid til at rengøre huset." "[english]TF_jul13_hot_rag_Desc" "Time to clean house." "TF_jul13_soot_suit" "Soddragten" "[english]TF_jul13_soot_suit" "The Soot Suit" "TF_jul13_soot_suit_Desc" "Forretning på forskud. 38 liters livsfarlig benzin under tryk i bagagerummet." "[english]TF_jul13_soot_suit_Desc" "Business up front. Ten deadly gallons of pressurized gas in the back." "TF_jul13_bee_keeper" "Flokmentalisten" "[english]TF_jul13_bee_keeper" "The Hive Minder" "TF_jul13_bee_keeper_Desc" "Den førende årsag til dødsfald på slagmarken? Du gættede rigtigt: bistik." "[english]TF_jul13_bee_keeper_Desc" "The leading cause of death on the battlefield? You guessed it: Bee stings." "TF_jul13_katyusha" "Katjusja" "[english]TF_jul13_katyusha" "The Katyusha" "TF_jul13_katyusha_Desc" "\"Heavy har ikke brug for fly til at knuse dig. Kun næver og hat..\"" "[english]TF_jul13_katyusha_Desc" "\"Heavy does not need plane to crush you. Only fists and hat.\"" "TF_jul13_positive_pressure_veil" "Das Hazmattenhatten" "[english]TF_jul13_positive_pressure_veil" "Das Hazmattenhatten" "TF_jul13_positive_pressure_veil_Desc" "\"At ånde er behageligt for mig, men nogle gange er der luftstank. Nu griner jeg i luftens ansigt. Tak, denne hat.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_positive_pressure_veil_Desc" "\"Breathing is agreeable to me, but sometimes there is air-stench. Now I laugh in the face of air. Thank you, this hat.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_emergency_supplies" "Das Feelinbeterbager" "[english]TF_jul13_emergency_supplies" "Das Feelinbeterbager" "TF_jul13_emergency_supplies_Desc" "\"Vær hilset, mænd af krig! I vil snart være døde. Her er piller.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_emergency_supplies_Desc" "\"Hello, men of war! You will be dead soon. Here are pills.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_secret_state_surgeon" "Das Ubersternmann" "[english]TF_jul13_secret_state_surgeon" "Das Ubersternmann" "TF_jul13_secret_state_surgeon_Desc" "\"Du er ikke vigtig, det er jeg. Min hat er en hemmelig hat.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_secret_state_surgeon_Desc" "\"You are not important but I am. My hat is a secret hat.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_heavy_defender" "Das Metalmeatencasen" "[english]TF_jul13_heavy_defender" "Das Metalmeatencasen" "TF_jul13_heavy_defender_Desc" "\"Der er styrke i din stålbrystbluse. Dit brystkassekød er trygt.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_heavy_defender_Desc" "\"There is strength in your steel breast-blouse. Your chest meat is at ease.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_king_hair" "Partnerens Pompadour" "[english]TF_jul13_king_hair" "The Pardner's Pompadour" "TF_jul13_king_hair_Desc" "\"Det kræver en hård mand at tæmme denne Texas-hårtornado.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_king_hair_Desc" "\"It takes a hard man to tame this ten-gallon Texas hair tornado.\"" "TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer" "Australiacatraz' Fuglemand" "[english]TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer" "Birdman of Australiacatraz" "TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer_Desc" "\"Se på som en ørn. Slå til som en høg. Dans, som om ingen ser på.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_bushmans_blazer_Desc" "\"Watch like an eagle. Strike like a hawk. Dance like no one's watching.\"" "TF_jul13_cameleon" "Sludderkamæleonen" "[english]TF_jul13_cameleon" "The Cobber Chameleon" "TF_jul13_cameleon_Desc" "\"Den her lille fyr er den perfekte snigskyttekammerat. Han er stille, han er kamufleret og hvis du bli'r sulten, kan du spis' ham.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_cameleon_Desc" "\"This little fellah's the perfect snipin' companion. He's quiet, he's camouflaged, and if you get hungry, you can eat 'im.\"" "TF_jul13_falconer_punch" "Falkoneren" "[english]TF_jul13_falconer_punch" "The Falconer" "TF_jul13_falconer_punch_Desc" "\"Den her falkehandske er perfekt til snigskytteri. Den er solid, den er behagelig og hvis en falk lander på den, ka' du spis' ham." "[english]TF_jul13_falconer_punch_Desc" "\"This falconer's glove's perfect for snipin'. It's sturdy, it's comfortable, and if a falcon lands on it, you can eat 'im.\"" "TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "Graybanns" "[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades" "Graybanns" "TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "Det kan godt være, at Gray Mann er en hjerteløs slyngel. Men han LAVER dog nogle fede solbriller. Had spilleren, ikke spillet." "[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_Desc" "Gray Mann might be a heartless villain. But he DOES make some sweet sunglasses. Hate the player, not the game." "TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "Det Sorte Ur" "[english]TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter" "The Black Watch" "TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter_Desc" "Denne skottehue fra det skotske infanteri fejrer den desperat ædru 5. bataljon, der forsøgte at lave spiritus med krudt og ved en fejl opfandt klæbebomber." "[english]TF_jul13_blam_o_shanter_Desc" "This Scottish infantry tam o'shanter commemorates the desperately sober 5th battalion, who tried to make liquor out of gunpowder and accidentally invented stickybombs." "TF_jul13_trojan_helmet" "Den Skotskternede Spartaner" "[english]TF_jul13_trojan_helmet" "The Tartan Spartan" "TF_jul13_trojan_helmet_Desc" "\"I aften gutter, DRIKKER VI I HELVEDE! Og det er kun middag lige nu, så lad os OGSÅ DRIKKE LIGE NU!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_trojan_helmet_Desc" "\"Lads, tonight we DRINK IN HELL! And it's only noon right now, so let's ALSO DRINK RIGHT HERE!\"" "TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag" "Den Gæliske Golftaske" "[english]TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag" "The Gaelic Golf Bag" "TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag_Desc" "\"Ak, det' et eventyr! Ud af ingenting. En tidligere nedrivningsekspert er nu på vej til at blive vinder af Masters. Det ligner et mirak... Den er i hullet! Den er sgu i hullet!" "[english]TF_jul13_scotsmans_golfbag_Desc" "\"Ach, t'is a Cinderella story! Outta nowhere. A former demolitions expert, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac... It's in the hole! It's in the bloody hole!\"" "TF_jul13_bagdolier" "Borsjtj-bæltet" "[english]TF_jul13_bagdolier" "The Borscht Belt" "TF_jul13_bagdolier_Desc" "\"Så mange små lommer. Nu kan Heavy hjælpe med at bære dine pussenusse-babyvåben.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_bagdolier_Desc" "\"So many little pouches. Now Heavy can help carry your itty-bitty baby guns.\"" "TF_jul13_bro_plate" "Das Naggenvatcher" "[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate" "Das Naggenvatcher" "TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"I centrum af dit hoved bor et skelet. Det er ikke nok! Denne hat er et hovedskelet til udenpå.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_bro_plate_Desc" "\"In the center of your head lives a skeleton. It is not enough! This hat is a head-skeleton for the outside.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "Whisky-hagesmæk" "[english]TF_jul13_gallant_gael" "The Whiskey Bib" "TF_jul13_gallant_gael_Desc" "\"Nogle gang' når man bælger vinånd fra en lerkande, ka' man spilde en smule. Opsaml de kostbare dråber med en ægte skotsk whisky-hagesmæk.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_gallant_gael_Desc" "\"Sometimes when yer swiggin' woodgrain alcohol from a clay jug, a wee bit can miss the mouth, like. Catch those precious drops with a genuine Scottish whiskey bib.\"" "TF_jul13_stormn_normn" "Den Stormende Normanner" "[english]TF_jul13_stormn_normn" "The Stormin' Norman" "TF_jul13_stormn_normn_Desc" "Denne ridders hjelm blev omhyggeligt genskabt ved at bruge destillationsapparater fra den klassiske tidsrejseepisode (ep. 417: En K.I.T.T. i Kong Arthurs retssal\") i det vellykkede TV-show, Knight Rider." "[english]TF_jul13_stormn_normn_Desc" "This knight's helm was painstakingly recreated using stills from the classic time travel episode (Ep 417: \"A K.I.T.T. in King Arthur's Court\") of the hit TV show Knight Rider." "TF_jul13_king_pants" "Stiliseret Grænsegænger" "[english]TF_jul13_king_pants" "The Flared Frontiersman" "TF_jul13_king_pants_Desc" "\"Ved du hvad, de her trompetbukser sidder lige i skabet.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_king_pants_Desc" "\"I'll tell you what, these wide-bottom pants're slick as a whistle.\"" "TF_jul13_the_presidential" "Dalsmeden" "[english]TF_jul13_the_presidential" "The Valley Forge" "TF_jul13_the_presidential_Desc" "Denne trekantede hat er en hyldest til vores lands bedste præsident. Den lille medalje på den er en hyldest til den medalje, han vandt for at have opfundet Amerika." "[english]TF_jul13_the_presidential_Desc" "This tricorn is a tribute to our country's greatest President. The tiny medal on it is a tribute to the ribbony children's medal he won for inventing America." "TF_jul13_soldier_eagle" "Landsmanden" "[english]TF_jul13_soldier_eagle" "The Compatriot" "TF_jul13_soldier_eagle_Desc" "\"Dette er ikke en fugl, maddike! Det er et skuldermonteret symbol for frihed, og du VIL gøre honnør for det i denne mands hær!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_soldier_eagle_Desc" "\"This is not a bird, maggot! It is a shoulder-mounted symbol of freedom, and you WILL salute it in this man's army!\"" "TF_jul13_the_caribbean_conqueror" "Den Caribiske Erobrer" "[english]TF_jul13_the_caribbean_conqueror" "The Caribbean Conqueror" "TF_jul13_the_caribbean_conqueror_Desc" "\"Du der! Hold op med at fifle med det storsejl og giv mig tyve! Dig der oppe i udkigstønden! Smid den kikkert og kom ned på alle fire! Alle på det her skib skal lave armbøjninger!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_the_caribbean_conqueror_Desc" "\"You! Stop jibbing that mainsail and give me twenty! You up in the crow's nest! Drop that telescope and get on your face! Everybody on this ship start doing push-ups!\"" "TF_jul13_colonial_clogs" "De Koloniale Hæmsko" "[english]TF_jul13_colonial_clogs" "The Colonial Clogs" "TF_jul13_colonial_clogs_Desc" "\"Jeg kan bekræfte at disse sko faktisk tilhørte George Washington, for jeg fandt dem begravet to fod oppe i en engelskmands røv!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_colonial_clogs_Desc" "\"I can confirm that these are George Washington's actual shoes, because I found them buried two feet up an Englishman's ass!\"" "TF_jul13_helicopter_helmet" "Den Hvirvlende Veteran" "[english]TF_jul13_helicopter_helmet" "The Whirly Warrior" "TF_jul13_helicopter_helmet_Desc" "\"Til jeres venstre, franske bygninger. Lige foran os, Eiffeltårnet som jeg snart vil vælte. Dette afslutter vores helikoptertur over Frankrig.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_helicopter_helmet_Desc" "\"To your left, some French buildings. Directly in front of us is the Eiffel Tower, which I'm about to bring down. This concludes our helicopter tour of France.\"" "TF_jul13_soldier_fedora" "Den Føderative Sagskaber" "[english]TF_jul13_soldier_fedora" "The Federal Casemaker" "TF_jul13_soldier_fedora_Desc" "\"Mænd, hvis vi skal fælde Al Capone én gang for alle, så er vi nødt til at være i FBI. Første skridt: Disse hatte.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_soldier_fedora_Desc" "\"Men, if we are going to take down Al Capone, we will need to be in the FBI. Step one: These hats.\"" "TF_jul13_ol_jack" "Rebelvækkeren" "[english]TF_jul13_ol_jack" "The Rebel Rouser" "TF_jul13_ol_jack_Desc" "\"Vent lige, hvorfor angriber amerikanere andre amerikanere? Døde alle i Frankrig, og ingen fortalte mig om det?\"" "[english]TF_jul13_ol_jack_Desc" "\"Hold on, why are Americans fighting other Americans? Did everybody in France die and nobody told me?\"" "TF_jul13_madmans_mop" "Das Maddendoktor" "[english]TF_jul13_madmans_mop" "Das Maddendoktor" "TF_jul13_madmans_mop_Desc" "\"Min latter er ikke født af glæde! Jeg har født en djævel! Det er acceptabelt for mig!\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_madmans_mop_Desc" "\"My laughter is not borne from joy! I have birthed a devil! It is acceptable to me!\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_bear_necessitys" "Den Russiske Bjørn" "[english]TF_jul13_bear_necessitys" "The Bear Necessities" "TF_jul13_bear_necessitys_Desc" "\"I Sibirien, bjørn forsøger at angribe familie. Han forsøger dette én gang. Nu er han en lille hat.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_bear_necessitys_Desc" "\"In Siberia, bear try to attack family. He try this once. Now he is little hat.\"" "TF_jul13_harmburg" "Harmburg" "[english]TF_jul13_harmburg" "The Harmburg" "TF_jul13_harmburg_Desc" "\"På en skala fra smuk til ekstrem smuk, hvor godt får denne hat mig så til at se ud?\"" "[english]TF_jul13_harmburg_Desc" "\"How do I look in this hat? On a scale of 'Handsome' to 'Extremely Handsome'.\"" "TF_jul13_gaelic_garb" "Det Gæliske Antræk" "[english]TF_jul13_gaelic_garb" "The Gaelic Garb" "TF_jul13_gaelic_garb_Desc" "\"Og vi vil fortælle vores fjender, at de kan tage vores liv, men de kan aldrig tage vores FRIHED! Til at bære de her FYLDIGE SKJORTER! Hvad siger du, Havish? Nåh jo. OG DE HER SKÆRF!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_gaelic_garb_Desc" "\"And we'll tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM! To wear these POOFY SHIRTS! What's that, Havish? Oh. AND THESE SASHES!\"" "TF_jul13_rogues_brogues" "Bandittens Broguesko" "[english]TF_jul13_rogues_brogues" "The Rogue's Brogues" "TF_jul13_rogues_brogues_Desc" "\"Hver dag ved jeg, at jeg kommer til at skære i noget. Nogle dage er det et tæppe. Til de dage har jeg disse sko.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_rogues_brogues_Desc" "\"Every day, I know I will be cutting something. Some days it is a rug. For those days, I have these shoes.\"" "TF_jul13_shoguns_guard" "Shoguns Skulderbeskytter" "[english]TF_jul13_shoguns_guard" "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" "TF_jul13_shoguns_guard_Desc" "\"Næste gang et eller andet blødende hjerte græder på din skulder over miljøets tilstand, kan han smække sine tårekanaler ind i denne Shogun. Den her skulder er LUKKET!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_shoguns_guard_Desc" "\"The next time some bleeding heart cries on your shoulder about the state of the environment, he can slam his tear ducts into the Shogun. This shoulder is CLOSED!\"" "TF_jul13_class_act" "Das Gutenkutteharen" "[english]TF_jul13_class_act" "Das Gutenkutteharen" "TF_jul13_class_act_Desc" "\"Hårene på din hovedhud er fysisk attraktive. Nu bør vi have kærlighedsrelationer.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_class_act_Desc" "\"The hairs on your head-skin are physically attractive. Now we should have love relations.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_double_clue" "Den Belgiske Detektiv" "[english]TF_jul13_double_clue" "The Belgian Detective" "TF_jul13_double_clue_Desc" "\"Inspektør, forsegl døren! Nogen i dette rum er en MORDER!\" [pause] \"Mig!\" [stik stik stik stik stik]" "[english]TF_jul13_double_clue_Desc" "\"Inspector, seal the door! Someone in this room is a MURDERER!\" [pause] \"Me!\" [stab stab stab stab stab]" "TF_jul13_generals_attire" "Hornblæseren" "[english]TF_jul13_generals_attire" "The Hornblower" "TF_jul13_generals_attire_Desc" "\"Denne uniform blev båret af Horatio Nelson under Napoleonskrigene! Hvis du sank hans skib, ville han svømme mod dig med en kanon på sin ryg! Hvis han løb tør for kanonkugler, ville han skyde sig selv mod dit skrog! Det er så meget, han ville slå franskmændene!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_generals_attire_Desc" "\"This uniform was worn by Horatio Nelson during the Napoleonic Wars! If you sunk his ship he would swim at you with a cannon on his back! If he ran out of cannonballs he would fire himself at your hull! That is how bad he wanted to beat the French!\"" "TF_jul13_lt_bites" "Løjtnant Bider" "[english]TF_jul13_lt_bites" "Lieutenant Bites" "TF_jul13_lt_bites_Desc" "Hobbyer: at få rabies, at give folk rabies. Yndlingsmad: fordærvede surcreme-rationer, armkød.." "[english]TF_jul13_lt_bites_Desc" "Hobbies: contracting rabies, giving people rabies. Favorite foods: spoiled sour cream rations, arm meat." "TF_jul13_gangplank_garment" "Brydende Bukkaner" "[english]TF_jul13_gangplank_garment" "The Brawling Buccaneer" "TF_jul13_gangplank_garment_Desc" "\"Vi plyndrer ikke i denne mands pirathær, maddike! På dette skib patruljerer du havet for liberale og kommunister og går i seng på et anstændigt tidspunkt!\"" "[english]TF_jul13_gangplank_garment_Desc" "\"We do not plunder in this man's pirate army, maggot! On this ship you will patrol the seas for liberals and Communists, and go to bed at a sensible hour!\"" "TF_jul13_blood_banker" "Blodbankeren" "[english]TF_jul13_blood_banker" "The Blood Banker" "TF_jul13_blood_banker_Desc" "\"Ah, du vil lave en indbetaling? Lad mig lave en først. Én kniv. I din ryg.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_blood_banker_Desc" "\"Oh, you'd like to make a deposit? Allow me to make one first. One knife. Into your back.\"" "TF_jul13_classy_royale" "Efter Mørkets Frembrud" "[english]TF_jul13_classy_royale" "The After Dark" "TF_jul13_classy_royale_Desc" "\"Bartender. Whisky, uden is. Det har været en lang dag. Åh, er det et klaver?\" [lyd af Chopins Impromptu nr. 4 i C skarp mol, damer der dåner]" "[english]TF_jul13_classy_royale_Desc" "\"Bartender. Scotch, neat. It has been a long day. Oh, is that a piano?\" [sound of Chopin's Impromptu no. 4 in C sharp minor, ladies swooning]" "TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket" "Delinkventens Dunvest" "[english]TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket" "The Delinquent's Down Vest" "TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket_Desc" "\"Boom! Se hvor oppustet den her vest er, dummernik! Jeg sendte den sidste tilbage. Ikke. Oppustet. Nok.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_scout_vestjacket_Desc" "\"Boom! Look how puffy this vest is, dummy! I sent the last one back. Not. Puffy. Enough.\"" "TF_jul13_sniper_souwester" "Friskyttens Fiskehat" "[english]TF_jul13_sniper_souwester" "Wet Works" "TF_jul13_sniper_souwester_Desc" "\"Regn: Det er naturens Jarate. Men det er ikke et drama: Hold det beskidte stads væk fra din knold med denne gummihat.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_sniper_souwester_Desc" "\"Rain: It's nature's Jarate. But it's not a drama: Keep the filthy stuff off yer noggin with this rubber hat.\"" "TF_jul13_montys_menace" "Baron von Havenaplane" "[english]TF_jul13_montys_menace" "Baron von Havenaplane" "TF_jul13_montys_menace_Desc" "\"Er du en flykører? Jeg kan ikke se det på grund af din hatteforklædning.\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_montys_menace_Desc" "\"Are you a plane-driver? I cannot tell because of your hat-disguise.\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_uncivil_servant" "Das Fantzipantzen" "[english]TF_jul13_uncivil_servant" "Das Fantzipantzen" "TF_jul13_uncivil_servant_Desc" "\"Smarte mænd er smukke men svage! Du er en stærk ækel idiot. Tag hvad der retmæssigt er dit!\" (Beskrivelse oversat fra tysk.)" "[english]TF_jul13_uncivil_servant_Desc" "\"Fancy men are beautiful but weak! You are a strong filthy idiot. Take what is rightfully yours!\" (Description translated from German.)" "TF_jul13_border_armor" "Den Bolsjevikiske Biker" "[english]TF_jul13_border_armor" "The Bolshevik Biker" "TF_jul13_border_armor_Desc" "\"Jeg rider til din lille by.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_border_armor_Desc" "\"I am riding to your tiny town.\"" "TF_jul13_pyro_towel" "Den Forkælede Pyro" "[english]TF_jul13_pyro_towel" "The Pampered Pyro" "TF_jul13_pyro_towel_Desc" "I dag er det DIG Fortress. Du fortjener det." "[english]TF_jul13_pyro_towel_Desc" "Today, it's YOU Fortress. You deserve it." "TF_jul13_se_headset" "Den Virtuelle Vejviser" "[english]TF_jul13_se_headset" "The Virtual Viewfinder" "TF_jul13_se_headset_Desc" "Få en migræne for velgørenhed. (99 procent af fællesskabsomsætningen går til SpecialEffect, en velgørenhedsorganisation, der hjælper handicappede spillere med at komme i gang med at spille igen.)" "[english]TF_jul13_se_headset_Desc" "Get a migraine for charity. (99 percent of community revenue goes to fund SpecialEffect, a charity working to help disabled players get back into the game.)" "TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader" "Gabe-brillerne" "[english]TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader" "The Gabe Glasses" "TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader_Desc" "\"Disse briller hjælper Heavy med at læse et sørgeligt dumt digt på din gravsten.\"" "[english]TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader_Desc" "\"These glasses help Heavy read sad stupid poem on your tombstone.\"" "TF_jul13_dandy_yankee" "Grundlæggeren" "[english]TF_jul13_dandy_yankee" "The Founding Father" "TF_jul13_dandy_yankee_Desc" "Denne skorte skal forestille et skræmmende alternativt univers, hvor vort nations patrioter bar silkeuniformsjakker med krusede ærmer i stedet for de respektable undertrøjer, de i realiteten har på." "[english]TF_jul13_dandy_yankee_Desc" "This shirt envisions a terrifying alternate universe where our nation's patriots wore frilly-cuffed silk blouses instead of the respectable undershirts they possessed in actual history." "cp_process_final_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_process_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "cp_standin_final_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle tre kontrolpunkter." "[english]cp_standin_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge Objective: To win, each team must own all three Control Points." "Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Per forbierskud: -%s1 ammo" "[english]Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Per Shot Missed: -%s1 ammo" "TF_tw_demobot_armor" "Demobot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_demobot_armor" "Demobot Armor" "TF_tw_demobot_helmet" "Demobot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_demobot_helmet" "Demobot Helmet" "TF_tw_engineerbot_armor" "Engineerbot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_engineerbot_armor" "Engineerbot Armor" "TF_tw_engineerbot_helmet" "Engineerbot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_engineerbot_helmet" "Engineerbot Helmet" "TF_tw_heavybot_armor" "Heavybot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_heavybot_armor" "Heavybot Armor" "TF_tw_heavybot_helmet" "Heavybot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_heavybot_helmet" "Heavybot Helmet" "TF_tw_medibot_chariot" "Medicbot-stridsvogn" "[english]TF_tw_medibot_chariot" "Medicbot Chariot" "TF_tw_medibot_hat" "Medicbot-hat" "[english]TF_tw_medibot_hat" "Medicbot Hat" "TF_tw_pyrobot_armor" "Pyrobot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_pyrobot_armor" "Pyrobot Armor" "TF_tw_pyrobot_helmet" "Pyrobot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_pyrobot_helmet" "Pyrobot Helmet" "TF_tw_scoutbot_armor" "Scoutbot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_scoutbot_armor" "Scoutbot Armor" "TF_tw_scoutbot_hat" "Scoutbot-hat" "[english]TF_tw_scoutbot_hat" "Scoutbot Hat" "TF_tw_sniperbot_armor" "Sniperbot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_sniperbot_armor" "Sniperbot Armor" "TF_tw_sniperbot_helmet" "Sniperbot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_sniperbot_helmet" "Sniperbot Helmet" "TF_tw_soldierbot_armor" "Soldierbot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_soldierbot_armor" "Soldierbot Armor" "TF_tw_soldierbot_helmet" "Soldierbot-hjelm" "[english]TF_tw_soldierbot_helmet" "Soldierbot Helmet" "TF_tw_spybot_armor" "Spybot-rustning" "[english]TF_tw_spybot_armor" "Spybot Armor" "TF_tw_spybot_hood" "Spybot-hætte" "[english]TF_tw_spybot_hood" "Spybot Hood" "TF_tw_sentrybuster" "Sentrybuster" "[english]TF_tw_sentrybuster" "Sentrybuster" "ToolConsumptionInProgress" "Færdiggør opskrift" "[english]ToolConsumptionInProgress" "Completing recipe" "KillEaterEvent_PointsScored" "Point scoret" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PointsScored" "Points Scored" "KillEaterEvent_DoubleDonks" "Dobbeltdonk" "[english]KillEaterEvent_DoubleDonks" "Double Donks" "KillEaterEvent_TeammatesWhipped" "Holdkammerater pisket" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TeammatesWhipped" "Teammates Whipped" "KillEaterEvent_VictoryTimeKill" "Drab under sejrsperioden" "[english]KillEaterEvent_VictoryTimeKill" "Kills during Victory Time" "KillEaterEvent_TauntKill" "Hånedrab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TauntKill" "Taunt Kills" "KillEaterEvent_RobotSpyKill" "Robot-Spies destrueret" "[english]KillEaterEvent_RobotSpyKill" "Robot Spies Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_VictoryTimeKills" "Sær del: Drab under sejrsperioden" "[english]TF_StrangePart_VictoryTimeKills" "Strange Part: Kills During Victory Time" "TF_StrangePart_VictoryTimeKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med det våben under sejrsperioden." "[english]TF_StrangePart_VictoryTimeKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon during Victory Time." "TF_StrangePart_TauntKills" "Sær del: Drab med et hånangreb" "[english]TF_StrangePart_TauntKills" "Strange Part: Kills with a Taunt Attack" "TF_StrangePart_TauntKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber med det våbens hånangreb." "[english]TF_StrangePart_TauntKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon's taunt attack." "TF_StrangePart_RobotSpyKills" "Sær del: Robot-Spies destrueret" "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotSpyKills" "Strange Part: Robot Spies Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_RobotSpyKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, efter dit valg, gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende robot-spies, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil." "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotSpyKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Robot Spies you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games." "TF_Strangifier_Name" "Strangifier" "[english]TF_Strangifier_Name" "Strangifier" "TF_Strangifier_Desc" "Bruges til at tilføje sære kvaliteter til specifikke genstande." "[english]TF_Strangifier_Desc" "Used to add strange qualities to specific items." "TF_StrangifierTool" "Strangifier" "[english]TF_StrangifierTool" "Strangifier" "TF_Cosmetic_Strangifier_Recipe" "Kemisæt" "[english]TF_Cosmetic_Strangifier_Recipe" "Chemistry Set" "TF_ItemDynamicRecipe_Use" "Inspicer" "[english]TF_ItemDynamicRecipe_Use" "Inspect" "TF_ItemDynamicRecipeTool" "Opskrift" "[english]TF_ItemDynamicRecipeTool" "Recipe" "TF_ItemDynamicRecipe_Desc" "Denne genstand har en række input. Når du opfylder dem, belønnes du med det, der står i genstandens output." "[english]TF_ItemDynamicRecipe_Desc" "This item has a set of inputs that, once fulfilled, will\nreward you with what's listed in its outputs." "TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Inputs" "Følgende er inputtene, som skal opfyldes." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Inputs" "The following are the inputs that must be fulfilled." "TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Outputs" "Du modtager alle følgende output, når alle inputtene er opfyldt." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Outputs" "You will receive all of the following outputs once all of the inputs are fulfilled." "Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_Not_Tradable" "(Genstandene vil ikke kunne byttes eller sælges)" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_Not_Tradable" "(Items will not be tradable or marketable)" "Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_Not_Complete" "Arbejder mod:" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_Not_Complete" "Working Towards:" "Dynamic_Recipe_Matching_Items" "Liste over alle kompatible genstande:" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Matching_Items" "List of all compatible items:" "Dynamic_Recipe_No_Matching_Items" "Der er ingen kompatible genstande i din rygsæk" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_No_Matching_Items" "There are no compatible items in your backpack" "Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Text" "Én eller flere inputgenstande kan ikke byttes. Dette vil resultere i at alle outputgenstande, såvel som denne %s1, heller ikke vil kunne byttes eller sælges. Er du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte?" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Text" "One or more input items is untradable. As a result, any output items will become untradable and unmarketable as well as this %s1. Are you sure you want to continue?" "Dynamic_Recipe_Partial_Completion_Warning" "Inputgenstande bliver permanent destrueret og bruges til gennemførelse af denne %s1.\nDette kan ikke fortrydes." "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Partial_Completion_Warning" "Input items will be permanently destroyed and applied towards completing this %s1.\nThis cannot be undone." "Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Success" "Succes!" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Success" "Success!" "Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Invalid" "Mislykkedes:\n\nUgyldig anmodning" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Invalid" "Failed:\n\nInvalid request" "Dynamic_Recipe_Response_NoMatch" "Mislykkedes:\n\nÉn eller flere ugyldige inputgenstande" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Response_NoMatch" "Failed:\n\nOne or more invalid input items" "Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Default" "Mislykkedes:\n\nAnmodning mislykkedes" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Default" "Failed:\n\nRequest failed" "KillEater_PointsScored0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored0" "Strange" "KillEater_PointsScored1" "Laset" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored1" "Ragged" "KillEater_PointsScored2" "Smagløs" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored2" "Tacky" "KillEater_PointsScored3" "Genbrug" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored3" "Secondhand" "KillEater_PointsScored4" "Frastødende" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored4" "Odious" "KillEater_PointsScored5" "Spraglet" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored5" "Garish" "KillEater_PointsScored6" "Komfortabel" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored6" "Comfortable" "KillEater_PointsScored7" "Elegant" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored7" "Dapper" "KillEater_PointsScored8" "Skarp" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored8" "Sharp" "KillEater_PointsScored9" "Smart" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored9" "Fancy" "KillEater_PointsScored10" "Smækkerlækker" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored10" "Fancy Shmancy" "KillEater_PointsScored11" "Moderne" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored11" "Fashionable" "KillEater_PointsScored12" "Glamourøs" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored12" "Glamorous" "KillEater_PointsScored13" "Fornem" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored13" "Posh" "KillEater_PointsScored14" "Fabelagtig" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored14" "Fabulous" "KillEater_PointsScored15" "Lamslående" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored15" "Stunning" "KillEater_PointsScored16" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored16" "Epic" "KillEater_PointsScored17" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored17" "Legendary" "KillEater_PointsScored18" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored18" "Australian" "KillEater_PointsScored19" "Mann Co.-udvalgt" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored19" "Mann Co. Select" "KillEater_PointsScored20" "Mannceaux-signatursamling" "[english]KillEater_PointsScored20" "Mannceaux Signature Collection" "TF_SupplyCrateRare2" "Udvalgt reserve-Mann Co.-forsyningskasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare2" "Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate" "TF_SupplyCrateRare2_Desc" "Du skal bruge en Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare2_Desc" "You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this.\nYou can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_NonStrange_Weapons" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande.\nVåben vil ikke være af Sær kvalitet." "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_NonStrange_Weapons" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons will not be Strange quality." "Item_RecipeOutput" "%s1 har færdiggjort en opskrift og modtaget:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_RecipeOutput" "%s1 has completed a recipe and received:: %s2 %s3" "ItemDescStrangify" "Denne Strangifier kan anvendes på %s1. Hvis %s1 er af normal kvalitet, bliver den opgraderet til sær kvalitet." "[english]ItemDescStrangify" "This Strangifier can be applied to a %s1. If the %s1 is Normal quality it will be upgraded to Strange quality." "TF_RomeVisionOptIn" "Slå Romevision til når det er tilgængeligt" "[english]TF_RomeVisionOptIn" "Enable Romevision When Available" "TF_Prompt_Romevision_Title" "Slå Romevision til?" "[english]TF_Prompt_Romevision_Title" "Enable Romevision?" "TF_Prompt_Romevision_Message" "Romevision er tilgængeligt fordi en spiller har The Hardy Laurel i deres rygsæk. Denne indstilling kan også ændres i de avancerede indstillinger fra hovedmenuen af." "[english]TF_Prompt_Romevision_Message" "Romevision is available because someone has The Hardy Laurel in their backpack. This option can also be managed via the Advanced Options dialog in the main menu." "TF_Prompt_Romevsion_OK" "Ja" "[english]TF_Prompt_Romevsion_OK" "Yes" "TF_Prompt_Romevsion_Cancel" "Nej" "[english]TF_Prompt_Romevsion_Cancel" "No" "TF_Prompt_Romevsion_Opt_Out" "Spørg aldrig om Romevision igen" "[english]TF_Prompt_Romevsion_Opt_Out" "Never ask about Romevision again" "TF_Player_OptionalVision" "%player% har the Hardy Laurel som gør, at alle kan bruge Romevision!" "[english]TF_Player_OptionalVision" "%player% has the Hardy Laurel which enables Romevision for everyone to share!" "GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "Brug spillermodel i spillerklassens HUD" "[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "Use player model in player class HUD" "GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogTitle" "3D-HUD-karakter" "[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogTitle" "HUD 3D Character" "GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogMessage" "Denne funktion anbefales ikke på ældre maskiner og kan slås til og fra i avancerede indstillinger.\n\nSkal funktionen fortsat være aktiveret?" "[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogMessage" "This feature is not recommended for older machines and can be toggled in Advanced Options.\n\nKeep the feature enabled?" "GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogConfirm" "Ja" "[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogConfirm" "Yes" "GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogCancel" "Nej" "[english]GameUI_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModelDialogCancel" "No" "ToolTip_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "Hvis valgt vil spillerklassens HUD bruge spillerens virkelige model." "[english]ToolTip_HudPlayerClassUsePlayerModel" "If set, the player class HUD will use the player's actual model." "Tooltip_RomeVisionOptIn" "Hvis valgt aktiveres Romevision i Mann vs. Machine, hvis en hvilken som helst spiller på serveren har The Hardy Laurel i deres rygsæk." "[english]Tooltip_RomeVisionOptIn" "If set, Romevision will be enabled in Mann vs. Machine mode if any player on the server has The Hardy Laurel in their backpack." "ToolStrangifierUntradableWarning" "\n\nDenne %s1 kan ikke byttes eller sælges og vil gøre din %s2 ubyttelig og usælgelig!" "[english]ToolStrangifierUntradableWarning" "\n\nThis %s1 is untradable and unmarketable and will make your %s2 untradable and unmarketable!" "ItemNameToolTargetNameFormat" "%s1 " "[english]ItemNameToolTargetNameFormat" "%s1 " "ItemNameDynamicRecipeTargetNameFormat" "%s1 " "[english]ItemNameDynamicRecipeTargetNameFormat" "%s1 " "TF_Bundle_Byzantine" "Byzantine-bundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Byzantine" "The Byzantine Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Byzantine_Desc" "Hvorfor falder Romerriget? Så det kan rejse sig igen, takket være disse æra-passende nitter (deriblandt skaberen af Romevision Hardy Laurel)." "[english]TF_Bundle_Byzantine_Desc" "Why does the Roman Empire fall? So it can get back up again, courtesy of these era-appropriate duds (including the Romevision-creating Hardy Laurel)." "TF_Chess_Promo" "Team Fortress Chess Promo" "[english]TF_Chess_Promo" "Team Fortress Chess Promo" "TF_Chess_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Chess_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Grandmaster" "Stormesteren" "[english]TF_Grandmaster" "The Grandmaster" "TF_Grandmaster_Desc" "Ej den samme usædvanlige skakhat brugt af Garry Kasparov, da han tæskede Deep Blue til døde med sine verdenskendte thaiboksningsangreb." "[english]TF_Grandmaster_Desc" "Own the same novelty chess hat worn by Garry Kasparov when he beat Deep Blue to death using his world-famous Thai boxing moves." "TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns" "Efterår 2013-agernkasse" "[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns" "Fall 2013 Acorns Crate" "TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "Indeholder guldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra efterår 2013-begivenheden." "[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Acorns_Desc" "Contains Gold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Fall 2013 event." "TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd" "Efterår 2013-græskarkasse" "[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd" "Fall 2013 Gourd Crate" "TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "Indeholder guldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabsgenstande\nfra efterår 2013-begivenheden." "[english]TF_Fall2013Crate_Gourd_Desc" "Contains Gold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Fall 2013 event." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween2013" "Halloween 2013" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween2013" "Halloween 2013" "TF_Wearable_ElectronicDevice" "Elektronisk Enhed" "[english]TF_Wearable_ElectronicDevice" "Electronic Device" "TF_Wearable_Coffin" "Kiste" "[english]TF_Wearable_Coffin" "Coffin" "TF_Wearable_Hooves" "Hove" "[english]TF_Wearable_Hooves" "Hooves" "TF_Wearable_EyeStalks" "Øjenstilke" "[english]TF_Wearable_EyeStalks" "Eye Stalks" "TF_Wearable_UndeadPet" "Udødt Kæledyr" "[english]TF_Wearable_UndeadPet" "Undead Pet" "TF_Wearable_SpookyCompanion" "Uhyggelig Ledsager" "[english]TF_Wearable_SpookyCompanion" "Spooky Companion" "TF_Wearable_BirdHead" "Fuglehoved" "[english]TF_Wearable_BirdHead" "Bird Head" "TF_Wearable_Tentacles" "Tentakler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Tentacles" "Tentacles" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything" "Halloween 2013-fællesskabsbundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything" "Halloween 2013 Community Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything_Desc" "Dette gyselige bundt indeholder over hundrede utrolige genstande skabt af medlemmer af TF2-fællesskabet for at fejre den femte årlige åndelige halloween-begivenhed. Det er umuligt at vise det hele på én skærm, men vi vil prøve:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2013Everything_Desc" "This spooky bundle contains more than a hundred incredible items created by members of the TF2 community to celebrate the Fifth Annual Spectral Halloween Special. There's no way to fit it all on one screen but we'll try:" "TF_Map_plr_hightower_event" "Helltower" "[english]TF_Map_plr_hightower_event" "Helltower" "helltower_setup_goal_red" "Hjælp Blutarch eller Redmon Manns spøgelse med at vinde Gruskrigene én gang for alle!" "[english]helltower_setup_goal_red" "Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost win the Gravel Wars once and for all!" "helltower_setup_goal_blue" "Hjælp Blutarch eller Redmon Manns spøgelse med at vinde Gruskrigene én gang for alle!" "[english]helltower_setup_goal_blue" "Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost win the Gravel Wars once and for all!" "helltower_cap_red" "Blutarchs lig" "[english]helltower_cap_red" "Blutarch's Corpse" "helltower_cap_blue" "Redmonds lig" "[english]helltower_cap_blue" "Redmond's Corpse" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_RARE_SPELL_NAME" "Helltower: Helvedes Forkastelser" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_RARE_SPELL_NAME" "Helltower: Hell's Spells" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_RARE_SPELL_DESC" "Få og brug en sjælden trylleformular" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_RARE_SPELL_DESC" "Get and use a rare spell" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Helltower: Konkurrenceånd" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Helltower: Competitive Spirit" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 142 runder" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 142 rounds" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILLS_NAME" "Helltower: Minespil" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILLS_NAME" "Helltower: Mine Games" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILLS_DESC" "Udfør 17 miljødrab i Helvede" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILLS_DESC" "Perform 17 environmental kills in Hell" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Skeletkup" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Skeleton Coup" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 99 skeletter" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKELETON_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 99 skeletons" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Besværgelsesrække" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Helltower: Spelling Spree" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Brug trylleformularer til at dræbe 25 spillere" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Use spells to kill 25 players" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_NAME" "Helltower: Helvede på Hjul" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_NAME" "Helltower: Hell on Wheels" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_DESC" "Send Redmond/Blutarch til Helvede 10 gange" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_KILL_BROTHERS_DESC" "Send Redmond/Blutarch to Hell 10 times" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_NAME" "Helltower: De Mann-tastiske Fire" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_NAME" "Helltower: The Mann-tastic Four" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_DESC" "Optjen 4 af Helltower-præstationerne" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_MILESTONE_DESC" "Earn 4 of the Helltower achievements" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKULL_ISLAND_REWARD_NAME" "Helltower: Hatten Fra Helvede" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKULL_ISLAND_REWARD_NAME" "Helltower: Hat Out of Hell" "TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKULL_ISLAND_REWARD_DESC" "Få byttet fra Kranieøen i Helvede" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_HELLTOWER_SKULL_ISLAND_REWARD_DESC" "Get the loot from Skull Island in Hell" "TF_HALLOWEEN_SKELETON_DEATHCAM_NAME" "SKELET" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_SKELETON_DEATHCAM_NAME" "SKELETON" "NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "Du modtog fra en opskrift:" "[english]NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "You Received from a Recipe:" "TransmogrifyUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil transformere denne genstand? Dette vil\ndestruere den nuværende genstand og erstatte den\nmed en ny genstand som %output_class%-klassen kan bruge." "[english]TransmogrifyUpgradeApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to transmogrify this item? This will\ndestroy the current item and replace it with a new item\nthat the %output_class% class can use." "SpellbookPageApplyConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil indsætte denne side i denne\ntryllebog? Dette vil ødelægge trylleformularside-\ngenstanden og opgradere din tryllebog." "[english]SpellbookPageApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want to put this page into this spellbook?\nThis will destroy the spell page item and upgrade\nyour spellbook." "ToolItemConsumeConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil anvende denne genstand?" "[english]ToolItemConsumeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to feed in this item?" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Pyro" "Pyro-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Pyro" "Pyro Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Pyro_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Pyro." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Pyro_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Pyros." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Scout" "Scout-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Scout" "Scout Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Scout_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Scout." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Scout_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Scouts." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Soldier" "Soldier-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Soldier" "Soldier Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Soldier_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Soldier." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Soldier_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Soldiers." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Demo" "Demo-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Demo" "Demo Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Demo_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Demoman." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Demo_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Demos." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Heavy" "Heavy-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Heavy" "Heavy Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Heavy_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Heavy." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Heavy_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Heavies." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Medic" "Medic-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Medic" "Medic Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Medic_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Medic." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Medic_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Medics." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Sniper" "Sniper-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Sniper" "Sniper Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Sniper_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Sniper." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Sniper_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Snipers." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Spy" "Spy-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Spy" "Spy Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Spy_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Spy." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Spy_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Spies." "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Engineer" "Engineer-kostumetransmograf" "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Engineer" "Engineer Costume Transmogrifier" "TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Engineer_Desc" "At bruge denne transmograf på enhver Halloween 2013-kostumedel vil erstatte den med en kostumedel, der kan bæres af Engineer." "[english]TF_HalloweenTransmogrifier_Engineer_Desc" "Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Engineers." "TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns" "Efterår 2013-agernkassenøgle" "[english]TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns" "Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key" "TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Efterår 2013-agernkasse." "[english]TF_Fall2013Key_Acorns_Desc" "Used to unlock a Fall 2013 Acorns Crate." "TF_Fall2013Key_Gourd" "Efterår 2013-græskarkassenøgle" "[english]TF_Fall2013Key_Gourd" "Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key" "TF_Fall2013Key_Gourd_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Efterår 2013-græskarkasse." "[english]TF_Fall2013Key_Gourd_Desc" "Used to unlock a Fall 2013 Gourd Crate." "TF_Halloween2013_Crate" "Uhyggelig Kasse" "[english]TF_Halloween2013_Crate" "Spooky Crate" "TF_Halloween2013_Crate_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_Halloween2013_Crate_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Halloween2013_Key" "Uhyggelig Nøgle" "[english]TF_Halloween2013_Key" "Spooky Key" "TF_Halloween2013_Key_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Uhyggelige Kasser.\nUhyggelige Kasser indeholder\ngenstande med halloween-tema, som kun er synlige\nunder halloween-begivenheden og fuldmåner\n\nEfter d. 11/11/2013 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Halloween2013_Key_Desc" "Used to open Spooky Crates.\nSpooky Crates contain\nHalloween-themed items that are only visible\nduring the Halloween event and full moons.\n\nAfter 11/11/2013 this will turn into a normal key." "Halloween_Unusuals" "Hvis den åbnes under halloween-begivenheden, kan den indeholde en yderst sjælden specialgenstand med halloween-tema." "[english]Halloween_Unusuals" "If opened during the Halloween Event, may contain an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-Themed Special Item." "TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "Malice i Pyroland" "[english]TF_Set_HalloweenPyroMalice" "Malice in Pyroland" "TF_Set_HalloweenMedicSpaceSurgeon" "Doktor Galaktisk" "[english]TF_Set_HalloweenMedicSpaceSurgeon" "Doctor Galactic" "TF_Set_SoldierRocketRanger" "Raketridderen" "[english]TF_Set_SoldierRocketRanger" "The Rocket Ranger" "TF_Set_PyroLakeMonster" "Den Skumle Skygger" "[english]TF_Set_PyroLakeMonster" "The Murky Lurker" "TF_Set_SpyBloodBanker" "Gravelpit-kejseren" "[english]TF_Set_SpyBloodBanker" "The Gravelpit Emperor" "TF_Set_SpySoldierShaolin" "Terrakotta-soldaten" "[english]TF_Set_SpySoldierShaolin" "The Terracotta Trooper" "TF_Set_ScoutDog" "Bulldoggen fra Boston" "[english]TF_Set_ScoutDog" "The Boston Bulldog" "TF_Set_MedicSunKing" "Solkongen" "[english]TF_Set_MedicSunKing" "The Sun King" "TF_Set_Pyrosaur" "Pyrosauren Burny" "[english]TF_Set_Pyrosaur" "Burny The Pyrosaur" "TF_Set_DemoSquidPirate" "Den Forbandede Kaptajn" "[english]TF_Set_DemoSquidPirate" "The Cursed Captain" "TF_Set_DemoVampire" "Grev Tavish" "[english]TF_Set_DemoVampire" "The Count Tavish" "Attrib_DropPeriodComing" "Denne genstand kan ikke længere findes efter d. %s1." "[english]Attrib_DropPeriodComing" "This item stops dropping on %s1." "Attrib_DropPeriodPast" "Denne genstand kunne ikke længere findes efter d. %s1." "[english]Attrib_DropPeriodPast" "This item stopped dropping on %s1." "Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_A" "Tumidum-sider: %s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_A" "Pages of Tumidum: %s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_B" "Gratanter-sider: %s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_B" "Pages of Gratanter: %s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_C" "Audere-sider: %s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_C" "Pages of Audere: %s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_D" "Congeriae-sider: %s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_D" "Pages of Congeriae: %s1" "Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_E" "Veteris-sider: %s1" "[english]Attrib_HalloweenSpellbookPage_E" "Pages of Veteris: %s1" "Attrib_Particle73" "Arcana" "[english]Attrib_Particle73" "Arcana" "Attrib_Particle74" "Tryllebundet" "[english]Attrib_Particle74" "Spellbound" "Attrib_Particle75" "Chiroptera Venenata" "[english]Attrib_Particle75" "Chiroptera Venenata" "Attrib_Particle76" "Forgiftede Skygger" "[english]Attrib_Particle76" "Poisoned Shadows" "Attrib_Particle77" "Brændt Er Da På Vej Herned" "[english]Attrib_Particle77" "Something Burning This Way Comes" "Attrib_Particle78" "Helvedesild" "[english]Attrib_Particle78" "Hellfire" "Attrib_Particle79" "Mørkebrand" "[english]Attrib_Particle79" "Darkblaze" "Attrib_Particle80" "Dæmonflamme" "[english]Attrib_Particle80" "Demonflame" "TF_SpellBook_EquipAction" "Tryllebog ikke udstyret. Accepter for at udstyre din tryllebog i handlingspositionen, så du kan samle besværgelser op." "[english]TF_SpellBook_EquipAction" "Spellbook not equipped. Accept to equip your spellbook in the Action slot to pick up spells." "TF_Spell_Action" "[%use_action_slot_item%] for at kaste" "[english]TF_Spell_Action" "[%use_action_slot_item%] to Cast" "TF_Spell_Fireball" "Ildkugle" "[english]TF_Spell_Fireball" "Fireball" "TF_Spell_Bats" "Flagermussværm" "[english]TF_Spell_Bats" "Swarm of Bats" "TF_Spell_OverHeal" "Overheling" "[english]TF_Spell_OverHeal" "Overheal" "TF_Spell_SkeletonHorde" "Skelethorde" "[english]TF_Spell_SkeletonHorde" "Skeleton Horde" "TF_Spell_MIRV" "Græskar-MIRV" "[english]TF_Spell_MIRV" "Pumpkin MIRV" "TF_Spell_BlastJump" "Eksplosionshop" "[english]TF_Spell_BlastJump" "Blast Jump" "TF_Spell_Athletic" "Superkraft" "[english]TF_Spell_Athletic" "Power Up" "TF_Spell_Stealth" "Usynlighed" "[english]TF_Spell_Stealth" "Stealth" "TF_Spell_Teleport" "Skyggespring" "[english]TF_Spell_Teleport" "Shadow Leap" "TF_Spell_SpawnBoss" "Monoculus" "[english]TF_Spell_SpawnBoss" "Monocolus" "TF_Spell_Meteor" "Meteorregn" "[english]TF_Spell_Meteor" "Meteor Shower" "TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Tordenkugle" "[english]TF_Spell_LightningBall" "Ball o' Lightning" "TF_NineIron_Desc" "Giver øget hastighed og helbred\nfor hvert hoved, du afhugger." "[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "Gives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take." "ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s2%s3%s4%s5" "[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5" "ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5" "[english]ItemNameQualityFormat" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5" "ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3" "[english]ItemNameFormat" "%s1%s6%s5%s2%s4%s3" "MMenu_VirtualReality" "Virtual Reality" "[english]MMenu_VirtualReality" "Virtual Reality" "MMenu_VRMode_Activate" "Aktiver Virtual Reality" "[english]MMenu_VRMode_Activate" "Activate Virtual Reality" "MMenu_VRMode_Deactivate" "Deaktiver Virtual Reality" "[english]MMenu_VRMode_Deactivate" "Deactivate Virtual Reality" "TF_Spellbook_Type" "Tryllebog\n" "[english]TF_Spellbook_Type" "Spellbook\n" "TF_UnfilledSpellbook" "Ufyldt Fancy Tryllebog" "[english]TF_UnfilledSpellbook" "Unfilled Fancy Spellbook" "TF_UnfilledSpellbook_Desc" "\nDette er en smart tryllebog, men den mangler stadig sider! Så snart den har nok sider, vil du kunne udstyre dig med den, og bruge den til at kaste besværgelser." "[english]TF_UnfilledSpellbook_Desc" "\nThis is a fine-looking spellbook, but it's still missing pages! Once it has enough pages, you'll be able to equip it and use it to cast spells." "TF_FancySpellbook" "Fancy Tryllebog" "[english]TF_FancySpellbook" "Fancy Spellbook" "TF_FancySpellbook_Desc" "\nDette er en smart tryllebog, fyldt med sider du har indsamlet. Men man kan aldrig have for meget magi..." "[english]TF_FancySpellbook_Desc" "\nThis is a fine-looking spellbook, full of pages you've collected. But you can never have too much magic..." "TF_Spellbook_Basic" "Tryllebogsmagasin" "[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic" "Spellbook Magazine" "TF_Spellbook_Basic_Desc" "\nEn retroudgave af Den Kvartale Magiker.\nDen blev fundet bagerst i et skab og indeholder lige nok magi til at klare sagen.\n\nUdstyr den for at kunne samle besværgelser op og bruge dem." "[english]TF_Spellbook_Basic_Desc" "\nA vintage edition of Casters Quarterly.\nFound in the back of a closet, it contains just enough magic to get the job done.\n\nEquip to enable picking up and casting spells." "TF_SpellbookPage_Type" "Trylleformularside" "[english]TF_SpellbookPage_Type" "Spellbook Page" "TF_SpellbookPage" "Tryllebogsside" "[english]TF_SpellbookPage" "Spellbook Page" "TF_SpellbookPage_Desc" "Denne trylleformularside har stadig lidt magisk energi tilbage.\n\nHvis du har en tryllebog liggende, kan du lægge denne side i den via din rygsæk." "[english]TF_SpellbookPage_Desc" "This spellbook page still has some magical energy left.\n\nIf you have any spellbooks lying around you can put this page in from your backpack." "TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "Server-forhekselse" "[english]TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "Server Enchantment" "Vote_Eternaween" "Eternaween" "[english]Vote_Eternaween" "Eternaween" "TF_Eternaween_Desc" "Denne serveromfattende fortryllelse kan bruges til at aktivere Halloween/Fuldmåne-genstande på en registreret server i to timer.\n\nAt kaste denne fortryllelse vil starte en afstemning for at få tilladelse fra de andre\nspillere på serveren. Denne genstand opbruges, når serverforhekselsen slutter." "[english]TF_Eternaween_Desc" "This server-wide enchantment can be used to enable Halloween/Full Moon items on a registered server for two hours.\n\nCasting this enchantment will open a vote to gather consent from the other players on the\nserver. This item will be consumed when the server enchantment ends." "TF_Eternaween__EventAlreadyActive" "Du kan ikke aktiverer Eternaween lige nu. Halloween/Fuldmåne-begivenheden er allerede aktiv!" "[english]TF_Eternaween__EventAlreadyActive" "You cannot cast Eternaween right now. The Halloween/Full Moon event is already active!" "CastServerEnchantment" "Kast..." "[english]CastServerEnchantment" "Cast..." "TF_fall2013_air_raider" "Knogletoppen" "[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider" "The Bone Dome" "TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "Kommer med et visir i stand til at beskytte dine øjne fra den hårde genskin af folk, der flygter fra dig, mens der er ild i dem." "[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_Desc" "Comes with a visor capable of shielding your eyes from the harsh glare of people running away from you on fire." "TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "Luftplyndreren" "[english]TF_fall2013_fire_bird" "The Air Raider" "TF_fall2013_fire_bird_Desc" "Denne maske, der er designet specifikt til storartede piloter, giver kun ilt, hvis du laver en sej \"barrel roll\" i farezonen." "[english]TF_fall2013_fire_bird_Desc" "Designed specifically for hotshot pilots, this mask only distributes oxygen if you're doing a cool barrel roll into the Danger Zone." "TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride" "Vikingefletteren" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride" "The Viking Braider" "TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride_Desc" "O.G. Vikinger ved: Kvinde før klinge, søn." "[english]TF_fall2013_the_braided_pride_Desc" "O.G. Vikings know: Braid before blade, son." "TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup" "Den Cubanske Skægkrise" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup" "The Cuban Bristle Crisis" "TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup_Desc" "Klæd dig ud som den kendte cubaner Fidel Castro, opfinder af Castromatikken, en selvkastende fiskestang, der fejede alt til side i nationen i 60'erne." "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cuban_coverup_Desc" "Dress up like Cuban celeb Fidel Castro, inventor of the Castromatic, a self-casting fishing pole that swept the nation in the 60s." "TF_fall2013_beep_boy" "Beep-drengen" "[english]TF_fall2013_beep_boy" "The Beep Boy" "TF_fall2013_beep_boy_Desc" "Hans ansigtsudtryk synkroniseres med dine! Lær denne Beep-dreng, hvordan han skal være en Beep-mand, ved brug af intet andet end dit ansigts rå, moskusagtige magnetisme." "[english]TF_fall2013_beep_boy_Desc" "His facial expressions are synced to yours! Teach this Beep Boy how to be a Beep Man using nothing but the raw musky magnetism of your face." "TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes" "De Specielle Øjne" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes" "The Special Eyes" "TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator" "Ballademagerens Brandbeskyttelse" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator" "Trickster's Turnout Gear" "TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator_Desc" "Snyd dine fjender til at glemme, hvem der satte ild til dem i første omgang, med denne troværdigt udseende brandmandsjakke." "[english]TF_fall2013_the_insidious_incinerator_Desc" "Trick your enemies into forgetting who set them on fire in the first place with this trustworthy-looking fireman's jacket." "TF_fall2013_kyoto_rider" "Tidsbetvingeren" "[english]TF_fall2013_kyoto_rider" "The Chronomancer" "TF_fall2013_kyoto_rider_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_kyoto_rider_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator" "Det Medicinale Mysterium" "[english]TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator" "The Medical Mystery" "TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_aichi_investigator_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger" "Guldgraveren" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger" "The Gold Digger" "TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger_Desc" "Snup den før der ikke er flere!" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_gold_digger_Desc" "Dag nab it before it's all sold out!" "TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets" "Rem-fuld Af Patroner" "[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets" "Brim-Full of Bullets" "TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head" "Uldhovedet" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head" "The Cotton Head" "TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_popeyes" "Pop-eyes" "[english]TF_fall2013_popeyes" "Pop-eyes" "TF_fall2013_popeyes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_popeyes_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone" "Hong Kong-keglen" "[english]TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone" "Hong Kong Cone" "TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Vægtsrumsvarmer" "[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Weight Room Warmer" "TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "Den Bombastiske Bombedragt" "[english]TF_fall2013_eod_suit" "The Hurt Locher" "TF_fall2013_eod_suit_Desc" "Alle kan lide at se deres fjender sprænge i luften. Men hvis du er tæt nok på til at se rigtig godt efter, sprænger du også selv i luften. Det er en af livets største tragedier." "[english]TF_fall2013_eod_suit_Desc" "Everyone likes to watch their enemies blow up. But if you're close enough to get a really good look, you'll blow up too. It is life's greatest tragedy." "TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "Piratbandana" "[english]TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana" "Pirate Bandana" "TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_pirate_bandana_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_lil_snaggletooth" "Lille Hugtand" "[english]TF_fall2013_lil_snaggletooth" "Li'l Snaggletooth" "TF_fall2013_lil_snaggletooth_Desc" "\"Når jeg bliver stor, vil jeg være en hat.\" -Li'l Snaggletooth" "[english]TF_fall2013_lil_snaggletooth_Desc" "'When I grow up, I want to be a hat.' -Li'l Snaggletooth" "TF_fall2013_superthief" "L'homme Burglerre" "[english]TF_fall2013_superthief" "L'homme Burglerre" "TF_fall2013_superthief_Desc" "Fransk for 'Hamburgertyven.'" "[english]TF_fall2013_superthief_Desc" "French for 'The Thief of Hamburgers.'" "TF_fall2013_escapist" "Eskapisten" "[english]TF_fall2013_escapist" "Escapist" "TF_fall2013_escapist_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_escapist_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner" "Knallertknægten" "[english]TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner" "The Flapjack" "TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_neo_tokyo_runner_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard" "Dødens Følgesvend" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard" "A Brush with Death" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_beard_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair" "Fed Frisure" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair" "The Slick Cut" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_hair_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat" "Franskmandens Formaliteter" "[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat" "The Frenchman's Formals" "TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_Desc" "" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat" "Varetægten" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat" "The Ward" "TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_fall2013_medic_wc_coat_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_beast_from_below" "Bæstet fra Bunden" "[english]TF_hw2013_beast_from_below" "The Beast From Below" "TF_hw2013_beast_from_below_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_beast_from_below_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_hardheaded_hardware" "Hårdfør Hardware" "[english]TF_hw2013_hardheaded_hardware" "Hard-Headed Hardware" "TF_hw2013_hardheaded_hardware_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_hardheaded_hardware_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_octo_face" "Kaptajn Calamari" "[english]TF_hw2013_octo_face" "Cap'n Calamari" "TF_hw2013_octo_face_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_octo_face_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_space_oddity" "Spektralnauten" "[english]TF_hw2013_space_oddity" "The Spectralnaut" "TF_hw2013_space_oddity_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_space_oddity_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_ethereal_hood" "Æterisk Hætte" "[english]TF_hw2013_ethereal_hood" "Ethereal Hood" "TF_hw2013_ethereal_hood_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_ethereal_hood_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_maniacs_manacles" "Den Sindsyges Straf" "[english]TF_hw2013_maniacs_manacles" "The Maniac's Manacles" "TF_hw2013_maniacs_manacles_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_maniacs_manacles_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_second_opinion" "Den Anden Holdning" "[english]TF_hw2013_second_opinion" "The Second Opinion" "TF_hw2013_second_opinion_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_second_opinion_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman" "Lomme-hestemannen" "[english]TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman" "The Pocket Horsemann" "TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_allclass_horseman_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_last_bite" "Den Sidste Bid" "[english]TF_hw2013_last_bite" "The Last Bite" "TF_hw2013_last_bite_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_last_bite_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_scout_demo_faunlegs" "Faunefødderne" "[english]TF_hw2013_scout_demo_faunlegs" "The Baphomet Trotters" "TF_hw2013_scout_demo_faunlegs_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_scout_demo_faunlegs_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_dragon_hood" "Svitserens Horntoppede Hætte" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragon_hood" "The Burny's Boney Bonnet" "TF_hw2013_dragon_hood_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragon_hood_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_golden_crisp_locks" "De Sprøde Gyldne Lokker" "[english]TF_hw2013_golden_crisp_locks" "The Crispy Golden Locks" "TF_hw2013_golden_crisp_locks_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_golden_crisp_locks_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt" "Den Forbrændte Skørt" "[english]TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt" "The Scorched Skirt" "TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_scorched_skirt_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_wandering_soul" "Det Forbandede Genfærd" "[english]TF_hw2013_wandering_soul" "The Accursed Apparition" "TF_hw2013_wandering_soul_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_wandering_soul_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_horrifying_hound_hood" "Hundens Hætte" "[english]TF_hw2013_horrifying_hound_hood" "The Hound's Hood" "TF_hw2013_horrifying_hound_hood_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_horrifying_hound_hood_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_terrifying_terrier_trousers" "Terrier-bukserne" "[english]TF_hw2013_terrifying_terrier_trousers" "The Terrier Trousers" "TF_hw2013_terrifying_terrier_trousers_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_terrifying_terrier_trousers_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_bunny_mann" "Det Forfærdelige Harehoved" "[english]TF_hw2013_bunny_mann" "The Horrific Head of Hare" "TF_hw2013_bunny_mann_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_bunny_mann_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_leather_face" "Den Skævtandede Stetson" "[english]TF_hw2013_leather_face" "The Snaggletoothed Stetson" "TF_hw2013_leather_face_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_leather_face_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_per_eye_scopes" "Pyroskopiske Pupiller" "[english]TF_hw2013_per_eye_scopes" "Up Pyroscopes" "TF_hw2013_per_eye_scopes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_per_eye_scopes_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_stiff_buddy" "Enkeltbilletten" "[english]TF_hw2013_stiff_buddy" "The One-Way Ticket" "TF_hw2013_stiff_buddy_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_stiff_buddy_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken" "Den Kaglende Kyse" "[english]TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken" "The Birdie Bonnet" "TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_tricky_chicken_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra" "Det Eksterne Organ" "[english]TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra" "The External Organ" "TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_dark_orchestra_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible" "Ivan den Uspiselige" "[english]TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible" "The Ivan the Inedible" "TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_ivan_the_inedible_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator" "Den Robuste Respirator" "[english]TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator" "The Rugged Respirator" "TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_rugged_respirator_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_blackguards_bicorn" "Blækspruttens Låg" "[english]TF_hw2013_blackguards_bicorn" "The Squid's Lid" "TF_hw2013_blackguards_bicorn_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_blackguards_bicorn_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_hollowhead" "Hulehovedet" "[english]TF_hw2013_hollowhead" "The Hollowhead" "TF_hw2013_hollowhead_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_hollowhead_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_combat_maggots" "Larvegranater" "[english]TF_hw2013_combat_maggots" "Grub Grenades" "TF_hw2013_combat_maggots_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_combat_maggots_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_gothic_guise" "Den Gotiske Skikkelse" "[english]TF_hw2013_gothic_guise" "The Gothic Guise" "TF_hw2013_gothic_guise_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_gothic_guise_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_grease_monkey" "Fedtaben" "[english]TF_hw2013_grease_monkey" "The Grease Monkey" "TF_hw2013_grease_monkey_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_grease_monkey_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_witching_ward" "Den Alternative Medicinmann" "[english]TF_hw2013_witching_ward" "The Alternative Medicine Mann" "TF_hw2013_witching_ward_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_witching_ward_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_dragonbutt" "Svitserens Nedadvendte Vedhæng" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragonbutt" "The Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage" "TF_hw2013_dragonbutt_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragonbutt_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot" "Rådden Papegøje" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot" "Polly Putrid" "TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_parrot_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_faux_manchu" "Faux Manchu" "[english]TF_hw2013_faux_manchu" "The Faux Manchu" "TF_hw2013_faux_manchu_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_faux_manchu_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_hidden_dragon" "Den Skjulte Drage" "[english]TF_hw2013_hidden_dragon" "The Hidden Dragon" "TF_hw2013_hidden_dragon_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_hidden_dragon_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_moon_boots" "De Tyngdetomme Travere" "[english]TF_hw2013_moon_boots" "The Lo-Grav Loafers" "TF_hw2013_moon_boots_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_moon_boots_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_spacemans_suit" "Kirurgens Rumdragt" "[english]TF_hw2013_spacemans_suit" "The Surgeon's Space Suit" "TF_hw2013_spacemans_suit_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_spacemans_suit_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_boston_bandy_mask" "Hockeymasken" "[english]TF_hw2013_boston_bandy_mask" "The Face Plante" "TF_hw2013_boston_bandy_mask_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_boston_bandy_mask_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_das_blutliebhaber" "Das Blutliebhaber" "[english]TF_hw2013_das_blutliebhaber" "Das Blutliebhaber" "TF_hw2013_das_blutliebhaber_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_das_blutliebhaber_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_quacks_cureall" "Trepanabotomiseren" "[english]TF_hw2013_quacks_cureall" "The Trepanabotomizer" "TF_hw2013_quacks_cureall_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_quacks_cureall_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_burlap_buddy" "Det Sækkeklædte Spektakel" "[english]TF_hw2013_burlap_buddy" "The Sackcloth Spook" "TF_hw2013_burlap_buddy_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_burlap_buddy_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_mucus_membrane" "Slimhjernen" "[english]TF_hw2013_mucus_membrane" "The Mucous Membrain" "TF_hw2013_mucus_membrane_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_mucus_membrane_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo" "Voodoo-venner" "[english]TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo" "Pin Pals" "TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_volatile_voodoo_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_medicmedes" "Medimedes" "[english]TF_hw2013_medicmedes" "Medimedes" "TF_hw2013_medicmedes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_medicmedes_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_heavy_robin" "Kylling Kiev" "[english]TF_hw2013_heavy_robin" "The Chicken Kiev" "TF_hw2013_heavy_robin_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_heavy_robin_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom" "Frihedsfjerene" "[english]TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom" "The Freedom Feathers" "TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_feathered_freedom_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood" "Hovedtagerens Hætte" "[english]TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood" "The Headtaker's Hood" "TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_demo_executioner_hood_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_demon_fro" "Den Transsylvanske Top" "[english]TF_hw2013_demon_fro" "The Transylvania Top" "TF_hw2013_demon_fro_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_demon_fro_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_kindlin_candles" "Stearingys" "[english]TF_hw2013_kindlin_candles" "The Candleer" "TF_hw2013_kindlin_candles_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_kindlin_candles_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_demo_cape" "Hestemannens Arvelod" "[english]TF_hw2013_demo_cape" "The Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down" "TF_hw2013_demo_cape_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_demo_cape_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_haha_hairdo" "Bozos Klovnehår" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_haha_hairdo" "Bozo's Bouffant" "TF_hw2013_the_haha_hairdo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_haha_hairdo_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner" "Faunfødder" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner" "Faun Feet" "TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_hell_runner_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_halloweiner" "Halloweineren" "[english]TF_hw2013_halloweiner" "The Halloweiner" "TF_hw2013_halloweiner_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_halloweiner_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_ghoulic_extension" "De Kongeværdige Kraver" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_ghoulic_extension" "The Lordly Lapels" "TF_hw2013_the_ghoulic_extension_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_ghoulic_extension_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_soldier_jiangshi_hat" "Ofuda-ornamentet" "[english]TF_hw2013_soldier_jiangshi_hat" "The Cadaver's Capper" "TF_hw2013_soldier_jiangshi_hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_soldier_jiangshi_hat_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_fire_bat_v2" "Guano" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_fire_bat_v2" "Guano" "TF_hw2013_the_fire_bat_v2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_fire_bat_v2_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_running_octopus" "Den Sprintende Cephalopoda" "[english]TF_hw2013_running_octopus" "The Sprinting Cephalopod" "TF_hw2013_running_octopus_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_running_octopus_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_intergalactic_intruder" "Uidentificeret Forfølgende Objekt" "[english]TF_hw2013_intergalactic_intruder" "Unidentified Following Object" "TF_hw2013_intergalactic_intruder_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_intergalactic_intruder_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_enlightening_lantern" "Lanternen fra Hensides" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_enlightening_lantern" "The Beacon from Beyond" "TF_hw2013_the_enlightening_lantern_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_enlightening_lantern_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_brain__bowler" "Den Hyperbariske Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_hw2013_brain__bowler" "The Hyperbaric Bowler" "TF_hw2013_brain__bowler_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_brain__bowler_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_tin_can" "Dødstøtte-pakken" "[english]TF_hw2013_tin_can" "The Death Support Pack" "TF_hw2013_tin_can_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_tin_can_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_zombie_chameleon" "Den Cariøse Kamæleon" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_chameleon" "The Carious Chameleon" "TF_hw2013_zombie_chameleon_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_chameleon_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_dragon_shoes" "Monsterets Trampere" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragon_shoes" "The Monster's Stompers" "TF_hw2013_dragon_shoes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_dragon_shoes_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_blood_banker" "Den Betydningsfulde Butterfly" "[english]TF_hw2013_blood_banker" "The Bountiful Bow" "TF_hw2013_blood_banker_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_blood_banker_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_harmburg" "Slikmandens Hat" "[english]TF_hw2013_harmburg" "The Candyman's Cap" "TF_hw2013_harmburg_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_harmburg_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_medic_undertaker_vest" "Ordenbroderens Ornat" "[english]TF_hw2013_medic_undertaker_vest" "The Vicar's Vestments" "TF_hw2013_medic_undertaker_vest_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_medic_undertaker_vest_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_rocket_ranger" "Hardium-hjelmen" "[english]TF_hw2013_rocket_ranger" "The Hardium Helm" "TF_hw2013_rocket_ranger_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_rocket_ranger_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_jupiter_jumpers" "Jupiter-hopperne" "[english]TF_hw2013_jupiter_jumpers" "The Jupiter Jumpers" "TF_hw2013_jupiter_jumpers_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_jupiter_jumpers_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_galactic_gauntlets" "Rumbeskytterne" "[english]TF_hw2013_galactic_gauntlets" "The Space Bracers" "TF_hw2013_galactic_gauntlets_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_galactic_gauntlets_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_handhunter" "Håndjægeren" "[english]TF_hw2013_handhunter" "The Handhunter" "TF_hw2013_handhunter_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_handhunter_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_crit_wizard" "Tryllebinderens Troldmandshat" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_crit_wizard" "The Spellbinder's Bonnet" "TF_hw2013_the_crit_wizard_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_crit_wizard_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_creeps_cowl" "Den Makabre Maske" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_creeps_cowl" "The Macabre Mask" "TF_hw2013_the_creeps_cowl_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_creeps_cowl_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_shamans_skull" "Heksedoktorens Kranie" "[english]TF_hw2013_shamans_skull" "The Shaman's Skull" "TF_hw2013_shamans_skull_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_shamans_skull_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_head_of_the_lake_monster" "Det Arrige Ansigt" "[english]TF_hw2013_head_of_the_lake_monster" "The Vicious Visage" "TF_hw2013_head_of_the_lake_monster_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_head_of_the_lake_monster_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_pumpkin_top" "Slik eller Balladen" "[english]TF_hw2013_pumpkin_top" "The Tuque or Treat" "TF_hw2013_pumpkin_top_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_pumpkin_top_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_horned_honcho" "Den Hornede Holdleder" "[english]TF_hw2013_horned_honcho" "The Horned Honcho" "TF_hw2013_horned_honcho_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_horned_honcho_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_zombites" "Løjtnant Bider i Græsset" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombites" "Lieutenant Bites the Dust" "TF_hw2013_zombites_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombites_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_gristly_gumbo_pot" "Den Gyselige Gumbo" "[english]TF_hw2013_gristly_gumbo_pot" "The Grisly Gumbo" "TF_hw2013_gristly_gumbo_pot_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_gristly_gumbo_pot_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_dark_helm" "Den Mørke Hjelm" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_dark_helm" "The Dark Helm" "TF_hw2013_the_dark_helm_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_dark_helm_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_zombie_archimedes" "Archimedes den Udødelige" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_archimedes" "Archimedes the Undying" "TF_hw2013_zombie_archimedes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_zombie_archimedes_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_orcish_outburst" "Den Uhyrlige Underkæbe" "[english]TF_hw2013_orcish_outburst" "The Monstrous Mandible" "TF_hw2013_orcish_outburst_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_orcish_outburst_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_shaolin_sash" "Shaolin-skærfet" "[english]TF_hw2013_shaolin_sash" "The Shaolin Sash" "TF_hw2013_shaolin_sash_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_shaolin_sash_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_manbird_of_aberdeen" "Mann-fuglen fra Aberdeen" "[english]TF_hw2013_manbird_of_aberdeen" "The Mann-Bird of Aberdeen" "TF_hw2013_manbird_of_aberdeen_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_manbird_of_aberdeen_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_foul_cowl" "Den Modbydelige Kutte" "[english]TF_hw2013_foul_cowl" "The Foul Cowl" "TF_hw2013_foul_cowl_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_foul_cowl_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_sir_shootsalot" "Hr. Skyderendel" "[english]TF_hw2013_sir_shootsalot" "Sir Shootsalot" "TF_hw2013_sir_shootsalot_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_sir_shootsalot_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_corpsemopolitan" "Den Halvfulde Hjernevasker" "[english]TF_hw2013_corpsemopolitan" "The Corpsemopolitan" "TF_hw2013_corpsemopolitan_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_corpsemopolitan_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_glob" "Klatten" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_glob" "The Glob" "TF_hw2013_the_glob_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_glob_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_halloween_headcase" "Det Hellige Hovedstykke" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_halloween_headcase" "The Hallowed Headcase" "TF_hw2013_the_halloween_headcase_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_halloween_headcase_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_carrion_cohort" "Ådselskompagnon" "[english]TF_hw2013_carrion_cohort" "Carrion Companion" "TF_hw2013_carrion_cohort_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_carrion_cohort_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_caws_of_death" "Aldrimer" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_caws_of_death" "Quoth" "TF_hw2013_the_caws_of_death_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_caws_of_death_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_py40_automaton" "PY-40 Brandbot" "[english]TF_hw2013_py40_automaton" "PY-40 Incinibot" "TF_hw2013_py40_automaton_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_py40_automaton_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_parasight" "Parasigtet" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_parasight" "The Parasight" "TF_hw2013_the_parasight_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_parasight_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun" "Teutonkahmun" "[english]TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun" "Teutonkahmun" "TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_teutonkahmun_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_mr_maggot" "Midelåget" "[english]TF_hw2013_mr_maggot" "The Larval Lid" "TF_hw2013_mr_maggot_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_mr_maggot_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_manneater" "Manneæderen" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_manneater" "The Manneater" "TF_hw2013_the_manneater_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_manneater_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_creature_from_the_heap" "Monstret Fra Bunken" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_creature_from_the_heap" "The Creature From The Heap" "TF_hw2013_the_creature_from_the_heap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_creature_from_the_heap_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_magical_mercenary" "Den Magiske Lejesoldat" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_magical_mercenary" "The Magical Mercenary" "TF_hw2013_the_magical_mercenary_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_magical_mercenary_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_visage_of_the_crow" "Ravnens Ansigt" "[english]TF_hw2013_visage_of_the_crow" "The Raven's Visage" "TF_hw2013_visage_of_the_crow_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_visage_of_the_crow_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_ramses_regalia" "Ramses' Regalier" "[english]TF_hw2013_ramses_regalia" "Ramses' Regalia" "TF_hw2013_ramses_regalia_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_ramses_regalia_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_haunted_hat" "Den Hjemsøgte Hat" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_haunted_hat" "The Haunted Hat" "TF_hw2013_the_haunted_hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_haunted_hat_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_rogues_brogues" "Bozos Broguesko" "[english]TF_hw2013_rogues_brogues" "Bozo's Brogues" "TF_hw2013_rogues_brogues_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_rogues_brogues_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_all_skull_necklace" "Det Mystiske Memento" "[english]TF_hw2013_all_skull_necklace" "The Cryptic Keepsake" "TF_hw2013_all_skull_necklace_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_all_skull_necklace_Desc" "" "TF_hw2013_the_abhorrent_appendages" "Det Væmmelige Vedhæng" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_abhorrent_appendages" "The Abhorrent Appendages" "TF_hw2013_the_abhorrent_appendages_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hw2013_the_abhorrent_appendages_Desc" "" "plr_hightower_event_description" "Mål: Hjælp Blutarch eller Redmon Manns spøgelse med at vinde Gruskrigene én gang for alle! Skub en gammel, død mand i kørestol ad Helvede til, før det modsatte hold kan nå at gøre det samme. Indsaml og kast livsfarlige besværgelser. Stå nær vognen for at skubbe den. Andre bemærkninger: Fjender kan stoppe vognen ved at stå i nærheden af den." "[english]plr_hightower_event_description" "Objective: Help Blutarch or Redmond Mann's ghost win the Gravel Wars once and for all! Push an old dead man in a wheelchair to hell before the opposing team can do the same. Gather up and cast deadly spells. Stand near the cart to make it move. Other Notes: Enemies can block the cart by getting close to it." "TF_ScoreBoard_KillStreak" "Række" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_KillStreak" "Streak" "ClassTips_5_8_MvM" "Oplad og anvend et energiskjold for at blokere projektiler" "[english]ClassTips_5_8_MvM" "Charge and deploy an energy shield to block projectiles" "ClassTips_5_9_MvM" "Genopliv døde holdkammerater!" "[english]ClassTips_5_9_MvM" "Revive fallen teammates!" "TF_KillStreak" "RÆKKE" "[english]TF_KillStreak" "STREAK" "TF_Weapon_GoldFryingPan" "Gylden Stegepande" "[english]TF_Weapon_GoldFryingPan" "Golden Frying Pan" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season15" "Sæson 15" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season15" "Season 15" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season16" "Sæson 16" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season16" "Season 16" "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced3" "Operation To Byer-emblem" "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced3" "Operation Two Cities Badge" "TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced3_Desc" "Dine Mann Up-fremskridt gennem Operation To Byer gemmes på dette emblem." "[english]TF_MvM_Badge_Advanced3_Desc" "Your Mann Up progress through Operation Two Cities is saved on this badge." "cp_snakewater_final1_authors" "Toivo 'chojje' Sawen" "[english]cp_snakewater_final1_authors" "Toivo 'chojje' Sawen" "TF_Map_Snakewater" "Snakewater" "[english]TF_Map_Snakewater" "Snakewater" "TF_MapToken_Snakewater" "Banefrimærke - Snakewater" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snakewater" "Map Stamp - Snakewater" "TF_MapToken_Snakewater_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Toivo \"chojje\" Sawen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Snakewater-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snakewater_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Toivo 'chojje' Sawen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Snakewater community map. Show your support today!" "TF_Map_Snakewater_StrangePrefix" " Giftig" "[english]TF_Map_Snakewater_StrangePrefix" " Venomous" "Msg_KillStreak1" "%s1 er på en drabsrække %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreak1" "%s1 is on a Killing Spree %s2" "Msg_KillStreak2" "%s1 er ustoppelig %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreak2" "%s1 is Unstoppable %s2" "Msg_KillStreak3" "%s1 er gået amok %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreak3" "%s1 is on a Rampage %s2" "Msg_KillStreak4" "%s1 er guddommelig %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreak4" "%s1 is GOD-Like %s2" "Msg_KillStreak5" "%s1 er stadig guddommelig %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreak5" "%s1 is still GOD-Like %s2" "Msg_KillStreakEnd" "%s1 endte %s2's drabsrække %s3" "[english]Msg_KillStreakEnd" "%s1 ended %s2's killstreak %s3" "Msg_KillStreakEndSelf" "%s1 endte sin egen drabsrække %s2" "[english]Msg_KillStreakEndSelf" "%s1 ended their own killstreak %s2" "Kill_Streak" "%s1" "[english]Kill_Streak" "%s1" "Winpanel_KillStreakLeader" "Højeste drabsrække:" "[english]Winpanel_KillStreakLeader" "Highest Killstreak:" "Winpanel_KillStreakMaxCount" "Antal:" "[english]Winpanel_KillStreakMaxCount" "Count:" "Achievement_Group_2500" "Process-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2500" "Process Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_2600" "Standin-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2600" "Standin Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2700" "Snakewater Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_NAME" "Slotshjælp" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_NAME" "Palace-Aid" "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Ødelæg en tank før den kører igennem barrikaden i Rottenburg." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_TANK_DESC" "Kill a tank before it crashes through the barrier in Rottenburg." "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_BOMB_NAME" "Slotsknuser" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_BOMB_NAME" "Crasher Crusher" "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_BOMB_DESC" "Spil en avanceret bølge i Rottenburg uden at bomben når ind i byen." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_BOMB_DESC" "Play an advanced wave in Rottenburg without the bomb entering the town." "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_PIT_GRIND_NAME" "Et Svundet Århundrede" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_PIT_GRIND_NAME" "A Bygone Century" "TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_PIT_GRIND_DESC" "Få 100 robotter i hullet i Rottenburg." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_ROTTENBURG_PIT_GRIND_DESC" "Pit 100 robots in Rottenburg." "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_PIT_NAME" "Spyt i kassen" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_PIT_NAME" "Chippin' In" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_PIT_DESC" "Få, som et hold, 10 robotter i hullet i én enkelt bølge i Mannhattan." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_PIT_DESC" "As a team, pit 10 robots in a single wave in Mannhattan." "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_MYSTERY_NAME" "Nu Tilladt At Spise" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_MYSTERY_NAME" "Now Legal To Eat" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_MYSTERY_DESC" "Ooohh Ooh Ahh Ahhhh! ...i Mannhattan" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_MYSTERY_DESC" "Ooohh Ooh Ahh Ahhhh! ...in Mannhattan" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_NO_GATES_NAME" "Væk Fra Min Græsplæne" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_NO_GATES_NAME" "Get Off My Lawn" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_NO_GATES_DESC" "Spil en avanceret mission uden at miste én eneste port i Mannhattan." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_NO_GATES_DESC" "Play an advanced mission without losing a single gate in Mannhattan." "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_STUN_RADIOWAVE_NAME" "Softwarenedgradering" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_STUN_RADIOWAVE_NAME" "Software Downgrade" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_STUN_RADIOWAVE_DESC" "Dræb, som et hold, 50 lammede radiobølge-robotter i en avanceret mission i Mannhattan." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_STUN_RADIOWAVE_DESC" "As a team, kill 50 stunned radiowave robots in an advanced mission in Mannhattan." "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_BOMB_BOT_GRIND_NAME" "Bystrejke" "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_BOMB_BOT_GRIND_NAME" "Urban Strike" "TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_BOMB_BOT_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 500 portsmadrende robotter i Mannhattan." "[english]TF_MVM_MAPS_MANNHATTAN_BOMB_BOT_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 gate crashing robots in Mannhattan." "TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_NAME" "Bot-brag" "[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_NAME" "Bot-Buster" "TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "Dræb 5 robotter i én enkel eksplosion ved at detonere en sentry buster." "[english]TF_MVM_SENTRY_BUSTER_FRIENDLY_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 5 robots in a single explosion from detonating a sentry buster." "TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_NAME" "Sæt det i banken" "[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_NAME" "Bank On It" "TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "Indsaml 500$ som Sniper uden at løbe over kreditpakker." "[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_COLLECT_HEADSHOT_MONEY_DESC" "As a Sniper collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs." "TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHIELD_BLOCK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Smertevæg" "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHIELD_BLOCK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Wall of Pain" "TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHIELD_BLOCK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Bloker 5.000 skade med skjoldet som en Medic i ét enkelt liv." "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_SHIELD_BLOCK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Block 5,000 damage with the shield as a Medic in a single life." "TF_MVM_MEDIC_REVIVE_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Reanimator 2" "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_REVIVE_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Reanimator 2" "TF_MVM_MEDIC_REVIVE_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Brug en ÜberLadning til hurtigt at genoplive 2 holdkammerater inden for 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_MVM_MEDIC_REVIVE_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Use one ÜberCharge to quickly revive 2 teammates within 5 seconds." "TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Robotjagt" "[english]TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Robot Flush" "TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 5 robotter med én enkelt raket, mens du bruger raketspecialist-opgraderingen." "[english]TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 5 robots with a single rocket while upgraded with rocket specialist." "TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_STUN_GRIND_NAME" "Fortumlet og demonteret" "[english]TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_STUN_GRIND_NAME" "Dazed And Defused" "TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_STUN_GRIND_DESC" "Lam 50 robotter med raketspecialist-opgraderingen." "[english]TF_MVM_ROCKET_SPECIALIST_STUN_GRIND_DESC" "Stun 50 robots while upgraded with rocket specialist." "TF_MAPS_STANDIN_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Hit med sejrene!" "[english]TF_MAPS_STANDIN_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Stand And Deliver" "TF_MAPS_STANDIN_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 139 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_STANDIN_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 139 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_PROCESS_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Udelukkelsesmetoden" "[english]TF_MAPS_PROCESS_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Process of Elimination" "TF_MAPS_PROCESS_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 140 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_PROCESS_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 140 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Snakewater-sælger" "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Snakewater Salesman" "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 141 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 141 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Slangebidt" "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Snakebit" "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Vind en runde hvor det fjendtlige hold har forsøgt at erobre jeres sidste kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point." "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_TEAM_KILL_NAME" "Massefyring" "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_TEAM_KILL_NAME" "The Snakeout" "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_TEAM_KILL_DESC" "Dræb hele det modsatte hold, så ingen af dem er i live, med 12 eller flere spillere på serveren." "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_TEAM_KILL_DESC" "Wipe the other team with 12 or more players on the server." "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_NAME" "Gendsidig Luftsikret Destruktion" "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_NAME" "Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction" "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_DESC" "Dræb en rakethoppende fjende med en raket, mens du selv rakethopper, alt imens han også dræber dig med en raket." "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_DOUBLE_AIR_DEATHS_DESC" "While rocket jumping, use a rocket to kill a rocket jumping enemy who also kills you with a rocket." "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_NAME" "Bjælkeblokering" "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_NAME" "Log Jammin" "TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_DESC" "Dræb 15 fjender som befinder sig på tagbjælkerne over det midterste kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_SNAKEWATER_KILL_ENEMIES_IN_MIDDLE_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies in the rafters above the central capture point." "RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreakTitle" "Fjern drabsrække?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreakTitle" "Remove Killstreak?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreakCombo" "Fjern drabsrækkeeffekt" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreakCombo" "Remove Killstreak Effect" "RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreak" "Fjern drabsrækkeeffekt fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveKillStreak" "Remove Killstreak effects from this item?" "ToolKillStreakifierConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil gøre denne genstand til en drabsrækkegenstand?" "[english]ToolKillStreakifierConfirm" "Are you sure you want to make this a Killstreak item?" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnakewater" "Sært filter: Snakewater (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnakewater" "Strange Filter: Snakewater (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnakewater_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Snakewater." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnakewater_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Snakewater." "TF_KillStreakifierBasic_Name" "Sæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierBasic_Name" "Kit" "TF_KillStreakifierBasic_Desc" "Bruges til at føje drabsrækkeegenskaber til en genstand.\n\nDrabsrækkeeffekter skal fjernes med Gendan-knappen, før et nyt sæt kan anvendes." "[english]TF_KillStreakifierBasic_Desc" "Used to add killstreak properties to an item.\n\nKillstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied." "TF_KillStreakifier_Name" "Sæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifier_Name" "Kit" "TF_KillStreakifier_Desc" "Bruges til at føje drabsrækkeegenskaber og en sej glans til en genstand.\n\nDrabsrækkeeffekter skal fjernes med Gendan-knappen, før et nyt sæt kan anvendes." "[english]TF_KillStreakifier_Desc" "Used to add killstreak properties and a cool sheen to an item.\n\nKillstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied." "TF_KillStreakifierRare_Name" "Sæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierRare_Name" "Kit" "TF_KillStreakifierRare_Desc" "Bruges til at føje drabsrækkeegenskaber og en sej glans til en genstand.\nGiver brugeren særlige effekter når de er på en drabsrække.\n\nDrabsrækkeeffekter skal fjernes med Gendan-knappen, før et nyt sæt kan anvendes." "[english]TF_KillStreakifierRare_Desc" "Used to add killstreak properties and a cool sheen to an item.\nGives the user special effects when on a killstreak.\n\nKillstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied." "TF_KillStreakifierTool" "Drabsrækkesæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierTool" "Killstreak Kit" "Attrib_Canteen_Specialist" "Del Power Up-flasker med dit helingsmål\n+1 varighed, -10 pris per point købt (mindstepris: 5)" "[english]Attrib_Canteen_Specialist" "Share Canteens with your heal target\n+1 duration, -10 price per point (minimum cost: 5)" "Attrib_Overheal_Expert" "+25% mere overheling, +50% længere varighed per point" "[english]Attrib_Overheal_Expert" "+25% more overheal, +50% longer duration per point" "Attrib_Medic_MadMilkSyringes" "Kanyler indeholder en højkoncentreret dosis af Manisk Mælk. Varigheden øges per træffer op til maks. 4 sekunder." "[english]Attrib_Medic_MadMilkSyringes" "Syringes deliver a highly concentrated dose of Mad Milk. Duration increases per hit to a max of 4 seconds." "Attrib_Rocket_Specialist" "+15% rakethastighed per point. Ved direkte træffer: Raket gør maksimum skade, lammer målet og eksplosionsradius øges med +15% per point." "[english]Attrib_Rocket_Specialist" "+15% rocket speed per point. On direct hits: rocket does maximum damage, stuns target, and blast radius increased +15% per point." "Attrib_Healing_Mastery" "+25% helingshastighed på patient, +25% hurtigere genoplivningshastighed og +25% selvhelingshastighed per point" "[english]Attrib_Healing_Mastery" "+25% heal rate for patient, +25% faster revive rate, and +25% self heal rate, per point" "Attrib_RageOnHeal" "Opbyg energi ved at hele holdkammerater. Når fuldt opladet så tryk på specialangreb-tasten for at påføre et frontalt projektilskjold." "[english]Attrib_RageOnHeal" "Build energy by healing teammates. When fully charged, press the Special-Attack key to deploy a frontal projectile shield." "Attrib_DamageForceReduction_shortdesc" "%s1% skubbekraft" "[english]Attrib_DamageForceReduction_shortdesc" "%s1% Push Force" "Attrib_Rocket_Specialist_shortdesc" "Raketspecialist" "[english]Attrib_Rocket_Specialist_shortdesc" "Rocket Specialist" "Attrib_Canteen_Specialist_shortdesc" "Flaskespecialist" "[english]Attrib_Canteen_Specialist_shortdesc" "Canteen Specialist" "Attrib_Overheal_Expert_shortdesc" "Overhelingsekspert" "[english]Attrib_Overheal_Expert_shortdesc" "Overheal Expert" "Attrib_Medic_MadMilkSyringes_shortdesc" "Manisk Mælk-kanyler" "[english]Attrib_Medic_MadMilkSyringes_shortdesc" "Mad Milk Syringes" "Attrib_Healing_Mastery_shortdesc" "Helingsbeherskelse" "[english]Attrib_Healing_Mastery_shortdesc" "Healing Mastery" "Attrib_RageOnHeal_shortdesc" "Projektilskjold" "[english]Attrib_RageOnHeal_shortdesc" "Projectile Shield" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect" "Drabsrækkeeffekt: %s1" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect" "Killstreaker: %s1" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect0" "Ugyldig drabsrækkeeffekt" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect0" "Invalid Killstreaker Effect" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2002" "Ildhorn" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2002" "Fire Horns" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2003" "Cerebral udledning" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2003" "Cerebral Discharge" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2004" "Tornado" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2004" "Tornado" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2005" "Flammer" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2005" "Flames" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2006" "Singularitet" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2006" "Singularity" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2007" "Forbrænder" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2007" "Incinerator" "Attrib_KillStreakEffect2008" "Hypno-stråle" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakEffect2008" "Hypno-Beam" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect" "Glans: %s1" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect" "Sheen: %s1" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect0" "Ugyldig glanseffekt" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect0" "Invalid Sheen Effect" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect1" "Holdglans" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect1" "Team Shine" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect2" "Dødelig påskelilje" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect2" "Deadly Daffodil" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect3" "Manndarin" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect3" "Manndarin" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect4" "Gemen grøn" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect4" "Mean Green" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect5" "Smertefuld smaragdgrøn" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect5" "Agonizing Emerald" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect6" "Skurkagtig violet" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect6" "Villainous Violet" "Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect7" "Livlig lilla" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakIdleEffect7" "Hot Rod" "Attrib_KillStreakTier" "Aktive drabsrækker" "[english]Attrib_KillStreakTier" "Killstreaks Active" "TF_Gold_FryingPan" "Gylden Stegepande" "[english]TF_Gold_FryingPan" "Golden Frying Pan" "collectors" "Samlers" "[english]collectors" "Collector's" "TF_QualityText_Any" "Enhver kvalitet" "[english]TF_QualityText_Any" "Any Quality" "TF_ItemName_Item" "Genstand" "[english]TF_ItemName_Item" "Item" "ItemNameAustralium" "Australium " "[english]ItemNameAustralium" "Australium " "ItemNameKillStreakv0" "Drabsrække " "[english]ItemNameKillStreakv0" "Killstreak " "ItemNameKillStreakv1" "Specialiseret Drabsrække " "[english]ItemNameKillStreakv1" "Specialized Killstreak " "ItemNameKillStreakv2" "Professionel Drabsrække " "[english]ItemNameKillStreakv2" "Professional Killstreak " "ItemDescKillStreakify" "Dette drabsrækkesæt kan anvendes på %s1." "[english]ItemDescKillStreakify" "This Killstreak Kit can be applied to a %s1." "Replay_Contest_Category20126" "Bedste kortfilm" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20126" "Best Short" "TF_Event_Item_Deleted" "%owner% har ødelagt sin %item_name%!" "[english]TF_Event_Item_Deleted" "%owner% has destroyed their %item_name%!" "TF_Event_Item_Created" "%owner% modtog lige en %item_name%!" "[english]TF_Event_Item_Created" "%owner% just received a %item_name%!" "TF_Eternaween__AlreadyInUse" "Denne Eternaween-fortryllelse er allerede i brug og kan ikke kastes igen!" "[english]TF_Eternaween__AlreadyInUse" "This Eternaween enchantment is already in use and cannot be cast again!" "TF_Eternaween__AuthenticatedServerRequired" "Eternaween-fortryllelsen kan kun kastes mens du er sluttet til en registreret server." "[english]TF_Eternaween__AuthenticatedServerRequired" "The Eternaween enchantment can only be cast while connected to a registered server." "TF_Eternaween__ServerReject" "Eternaween-fortryllelsen kan i øjeblikket ikke kastes på denne server." "[english]TF_Eternaween__ServerReject" "The Eternaween enchantment cannot currently be cast on this server." "TF_Eternaween__InternalError" "Der opstod en intern fejl. Prøv venligst igen om et par minutter." "[english]TF_Eternaween__InternalError" "There was an internal error. Please try again in a few minutes." "TF_Prompt_Revive_Title" "Bliver genoplivet" "[english]TF_Prompt_Revive_Title" "Being Revived" "TF_Prompt_Revive_Message" "En Medic forsøger at genoplive dig..." "[english]TF_Prompt_Revive_Message" "A Medic is attempting to bring you back..." "TF_Prompt_Revive_Accept" "Genopliv" "[english]TF_Prompt_Revive_Accept" "Revive" "TF_Prompt_Revive_Cancel" "Afslå" "[english]TF_Prompt_Revive_Cancel" "Decline" "TF_vote_eternaween" "Slå midlertidigt Halloween-ånden til?" "[english]TF_vote_eternaween" "Temporarily enable the spirit of Halloween?" "TF_vote_passed_eternaween" "Halloween-uhygge slået til..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_eternaween" "Halloween spookiness enabled..." "TF_vote_failed_event_already_active" "Den begivenhed er allerede aktiv!" "[english]TF_vote_failed_event_already_active" "That event is already active!" "TF_PVE_UpgradeRespec" "Refunder" "[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeRespec" "Refund Upgrades" "TF_PVE_Respecs" "Kreditter fra opgraderingsrefundering:" "[english]TF_PVE_Respecs" "Upgrade Refund Credits:" "TF_PVE_RespecsProgress" "Fremskridt for opgraderingsrefundering: %s1 af %s2" "[english]TF_PVE_RespecsProgress" "Upgrade Refund Progress: %s1 of %s2" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_3" "Operation To Byer" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_3" "Operation Two Cities" "TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_3_LootDescription" "Gennemfør hele Operation To Byer-turen for et Drabsrækkesæt eller en ufattelig sjælden chance for et Australium-våben!" "[english]TF_MvM_Tour_Advanced_3_LootDescription" "Complete the full Operation Two Cities tour for Killstreak Kits or a preposterously rare chance at an Australium weapon!" "TF_MVM_Map_Rottenburg" "Rottenburg" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Rottenburg" "Rottenburg" "TF_MVM_Map_Mannhattan" "Mannhattan" "[english]TF_MVM_Map_Mannhattan" "Mannhattan" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg" "Bybeskytter" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg" "Village Vanguard" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg1" "Fjendtlig Flække" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg1" "Hamlet Hostility" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg2" "Barbarisk Botbasker" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Rottenburg2" "Bavarian Botbash" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan" "Storbyblokade" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan" "Big Apple Barricade" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan1" "Eskalerende Imperium" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan1" "Empire Escalation" "TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan2" "Makaber Metro" "[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannhattan2" "Metro Malice" "TF_MVM_Victory_MannUpLoot" "Mann Up" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_MannUpLoot" "Mann Up" "TF_MVM_Victory_Loot_Notification" "Acceptér for at gennemse alles præmier igen." "[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Loot_Notification" "Accept to review everyone's loot again." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01" "Uberørt Robot-møntfodsfordøjer" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01" "Pristine Robot Currency Digester" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02" "Uberørt Robot-hjernepære" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02" "Pristine Robot Brainstorm Bulb" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03" "Genforstærket Robot-følelsesdetektor" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03" "Reinforced Robot Emotion Detector" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04" "Genforstærket Robot-humorundertrykkelsespumpe" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04" "Reinforced Robot Humor Suppression Pump" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05" "Genforstærket Robotbombe-stabilisator" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05" "Reinforced Robot Bomb Stabilizer" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06" "Kampslidt Robot-hånprocessor" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06" "Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processor" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "Kampslidt Robot KB-808" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "Battle-Worn Robot KB-808" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Kampslidt Robot-pengeovn" "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace" "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01_Desc" "Denne sjældne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et professionelt drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01_Desc" "This rare Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Professional Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02_Desc" "Denne sjældne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et professionelt drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02_Desc" "This rare Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Professional Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08_Desc" "Denne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et drabsrækkesæt." "[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08_Desc" "This Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Killstreak Kit." "TF_MvM_Killstreak_Recipe_1" "Fabrikator" "[english]TF_MvM_Killstreak_Recipe_1" "Fabricator" "TF_MvM_Killstreak_Recipe_2" "Fabrikator" "[english]TF_MvM_Killstreak_Recipe_2" "Fabricator" "cp_snakewater_final1_description" "En fællesskabsbane skabt af Toivo Sawen Mål: For at vinde skal hvert hold eje alle fem kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, mens de er låste." "[english]cp_snakewater_final1_description" "A community map created by Toivo Sawen Objective: To win, each team must own all five Control Points. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked." "TF_MvMScoreboard_Tour" "Tur" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Tour" "Tour" "TF_MvMScoreboard_Damage" "Skade" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Damage" "Damage" "TF_MvMScoreboard_Tank" "Tank" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Tank" "Tank" "TF_MvMScoreboard_Healing" "Heling" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Healing" "Healing" "TF_MvMScoreboard_Support" "Support" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Support" "Support" "TF_MvMScoreboard_Money" "Penge" "[english]TF_MvMScoreboard_Money" "Money" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Premier Division Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 10 Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 5 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 5 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 10 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_First_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 10 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Second_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 10 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Third_Place" "OWL 10 Division 6 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 10 Division 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Participant" "OWL 10 Division 6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_First_Place" "1.-plads i AU Highlander Community League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_First_Place" "AU Highlander Community League First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Second_Place" "2.-plads i AU Highlander Community League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Second_Place" "AU Highlander Community League Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Third_Place" "3.-plads i AU Highlander Community League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Third_Place" "AU Highlander Community League Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Participant" "Deltager i AU Highlander Community League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Participant" "AU Highlander Community League Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_Medal_HeartOfGold" "Hjerte af Guld" "[english]TF_Medal_HeartOfGold" "Heart of Gold" "TF_Medal_HeartOfGold_Desc" "TF2mixup-fællesskabsbegivenhed 2013" "[english]TF_Medal_HeartOfGold_Desc" "TF2mixup Community Event 2013" "TF_Wearable_CommunityMedal" "Fællesskabsmedalje" "[english]TF_Wearable_CommunityMedal" "Community Medal" "TF_Wearable_Snowglobe" "Snekugle" "[english]TF_Wearable_Snowglobe" "Snow Globe" "TF_Wearable_Sled" "Kælk" "[english]TF_Wearable_Sled" "Sled" "TF_Wearable_Squirrel" "Egern" "[english]TF_Wearable_Squirrel" "Squirrel" "TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Random_Text" "Vil du gerne levere denne gave til en tilfældig online spiller?" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Random_Text" "Do you want to deliver this gift to a random online player?" "TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Confirm" "Ja, levér" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Confirm" "Yes, Deliver" "TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Cancel" "Nej" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftDialog_Cancel" "No" "TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success_WithAccount" "Din gave er blevet leveret til %receiver_account_name%!" "[english]TF_DeliverGiftResultDialog_Success_WithAccount" "Your gift has been delivered to %receiver_account_name%!" "TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2013_Promo" "TF2mixup-fællesskabsbegivenhed 2013 Promo" "[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2013_Promo" "TF2mixup Community Event 2013 Promo" "TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2013_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2013_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser" "Den Bærbare Smissmasåndsdispenser" "[english]TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser" "The Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser" "TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_SpiritDispenser_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "TF_Winter2013_BattleHood" "Smissmas-krigens Kamphætte" "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood" "The War on Smissmas Battle Hood" "TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style0" "Ingen hjelm" "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style0" "No Helmet" "TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style1" "Hjelm" "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleHood_Style1" "Helmet" "TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks" "Smissmas-krigens Kampsokker" "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks" "The War on Smissmas Battle Socks" "TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_BattleSocks_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack" "Sækken fuld af Smissmas" "[english]TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack" "The Sack Fulla Smissmas" "TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_SmissmasSack_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "TF_Winter2013_Caribou" "Smissmas-rensdyret" "[english]TF_Winter2013_Caribou" "The Smissmas Caribou" "TF_Winter2013_Caribou_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_Caribou_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "TF_Winter2013_Randolph" "Randolph med Den Røde Tud" "[english]TF_Winter2013_Randolph" "Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou" "TF_Winter2013_Randolph_Desc" "Tildelt ved at smede Steam-ferieudsalg 2013-emblemet." "[english]TF_Winter2013_Randolph_Desc" "Granted by crafting the Steam Holiday Sale 2013 badge." "KillEaterEvent_PlayerWearingUnusualKill" "Usædvanlig-bærende spillerdrab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayerWearingUnusualKill" "Unusual-Wearing Player Kills" "KillEaterEvent_BurningPlayerKill" "Brændende spillere-drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_BurningPlayerKill" "Burning Player Kills" "KillEaterEvent_KillstreaksEnded" "Drabsrækker standset" "[english]KillEaterEvent_KillstreaksEnded" "Killstreaks Ended" "KillEaterEvent_KillcamTaunts" "Håneoptrædener på stillbilleder" "[english]KillEaterEvent_KillcamTaunts" "Freezecam Taunt Appearances" "KillEaterEvent_DamageDealt" "Skade gjort" "[english]KillEaterEvent_DamageDealt" "Damage Dealt" "KillEaterEvent_FiresSurvived" "Brænde overlevet" "[english]KillEaterEvent_FiresSurvived" "Fires Survived" "KillEaterEvent_AllyHealingDone" "Allieret heling gjort" "[english]KillEaterEvent_AllyHealingDone" "Allied Healing Done" "KillEaterEvent_PointBlankKill" "Drab på klos hold" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PointBlankKill" "Point Blank Kills" "KillEaterEventType_SpiesKilled" "Spies dræbt" "[english]KillEaterEventType_SpiesKilled" "Spies Killed" "TF_StrangePart_SpiesKilled" "Sær del: Spies dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_SpiesKilled" "Strange Part: Spies Killed" "TF_StrangePart_SpiesKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af Spies, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_SpiesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Spies you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_PlayersWearingUnusualsKills" "Sær del: Usædvanlig-bærende spillerdrab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_PlayersWearingUnusualsKills" "Strange Part: Unusual-Wearing Player Kills" "TF_StrangePart_PlayersWearingUnusualsKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over våbnets drab af fjender, som bærer på kosmetiske genstande af usædvanlig kvalitet." "[english]TF_StrangePart_PlayersWearingUnusualsKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemies wearing Unusual-quality cosmetic items you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_BurningEnemiesKilled" "Sær del: Brændende fjender dræbt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_BurningEnemiesKilled" "Strange Part: Burning Enemy Kills" "TF_StrangePart_BurningEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet aktivt brændende fjender, du dræber med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_BurningEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of actively burning enemies you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded" "Sær del: Drabsrækker standset" "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded" "Strange Part: Killstreaks Ended" "TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjendtlige spilleres drabsrækker, du afslutter med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillstreaksEnded_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemy player killstreaks you end with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts" "Sær kosmetisk del: Håneoptrædener på stillbilleder" "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Freezecam Taunt Appearances" "TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på en kosmetisk genstand af Sær kvalitet gør du den i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af gange, fjenderne ser dig håne dem i deres stillbilleder, mens du har genstanden på." "[english]TF_StrangePart_KillcamTaunts_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic item will enable it to track the number of times you appear in enemy freezecams taunting while wearing it." "TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt" "Sær del: Skade gjort" "[english]TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt" "Strange Part: Damage Dealt" "TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på en Sær-kvalitets-våben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af skade, du påfører andre spillere med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_DamageDealt_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the total amount of damage you deal to other players with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived" "Sær kosmetisk del: Ildebrande overlevet" "[english]TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Fires Survived" "TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitets-kosmetisk genstand gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af gange, du overlever at blive sat ild til." "[english]TF_StrangePart_FiresSurvived_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic item will enable it to track the times you survive being lit on fire." "TF_StrangePart_AllyHealing" "Sær del: Allieret heling gjort" "[english]TF_StrangePart_AllyHealing" "Strange Part: Allied Healing Done" "TF_StrangePart_AllyHealing_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af allieret helbredspoint, du helbreder med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_AllyHealing_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the total number of allied health points you directly restore with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_PointBlankKills" "Sær del: Drab på tæt hold" "[english]TF_StrangePart_PointBlankKills" "Strange Part: Point-Blank Kills" "TF_StrangePart_PointBlankKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af spillere, du dræber med det våben på tæt hold." "[english]TF_StrangePart_PointBlankKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of players you kill with that weapon from point-blank range." "TF_WinterCrate2013_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkasse 2013" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2013_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate 2013" "TF_WinterCrate2013_Naughty_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2013_Naughty_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_WinterCrate2013_Nice" "Artig Vinterkasse 2013" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2013_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate 2013" "TF_WinterCrate2013_Nice_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2013_Nice_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkassenøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate Key 2013" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Naughty_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Slem Vinterkasse 2013.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Artig Vinterkasse.\n\nEfter d. 6/1/2014 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Naughty_Desc" "Used to open Naughty Winter Crate 2013.\nThis key will not open Nice crates.\n\nAfter 1/6/2014 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice" "Artig Vinterkassenøgle 2013" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2013" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Artig Vinterkasse 2013.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Artig Vinterkasse.\n\nEfter d. 6/1/2014 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2013_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2013.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/6/2014 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_StockingStuffer_2013" "Gaveproppet Strømpe" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2013" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking" "TF_StockingStuffer_2013_Desc" "Indeholder et sortiment af godbidder til artige små lejesoldater." "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2013_Desc" "Contains an assortment of goodies for good little Mercenaries." "TF_Tool_GiftWrap_Global" "Gavepult" "[english]TF_Tool_GiftWrap_Global" "Giftapult" "TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Global_Desc" "Kan bruges til at pakke en genstand ind, som så kan blive givet som en gave. Gaven vil blive tildelt en tilfældig Steam-bruger, der i øjeblikket spiller TF2." "[english]TF_Tool_Giftwrap_Global_Desc" "Can be used to wrap one item for gifting. The gift will be distributed to a random Steam user currently playing TF2." "TF_Tool_Gift_Global" "Ladt Gavepult" "[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Global" "Loaded Giftapult" "TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Desc" "Denne Gavepult er ladt og klar til at aflevere. Brug den fra din rygsæk til at levere dens indhold til en tilfældig online spiller." "[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Desc" "This Giftapult is prepped and ready for delivery. Use it from your backpack to deliver the contents to a random online player." "TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Received" "Leveret Gavepult-pakke" "[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Received" "Delivered Giftapult Package" "TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Received_Desc" "Denne pakke blev leveret af en Gavepult fra en tilfældig, online fremmed. Du kan åbne den fra din rygsæk." "[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Global_Received_Desc" "This package was delivered by Giftapult from a random online stranger. You can open it from your backpack." "Attrib_ShortCircuitPositive" "Bruger ikke ammunition ved træffer" "[english]Attrib_ShortCircuitPositive" "Consumes no ammo on hit" "TF_Item_GlitchedCircuitBoard" "Kaput Kredsløbsplade" "[english]TF_Item_GlitchedCircuitBoard" "Glitched Circuit Board" "TF_Item_GlitchedCircuitBoard_Desc" "Resterne af en robo-portlampe. Den selvdestruerede, efter et menneske fik fingrene i den." "[english]TF_Item_GlitchedCircuitBoard_Desc" "The remains of a Robo GateBot Light. It self-destructed after falling into the hands of a human." "TF_Weapon_ForceANature_Festive2013" "Festlig Naturkraft" "[english]TF_Weapon_ForceANature_Festive2013" "Festive Force-A-Nature" "TF_Weapon_CrusaderCrossbow_Festive2013" "Festlig Korsridders Armbrøst" "[english]TF_Weapon_CrusaderCrossbow_Festive2013" "Festive Crusader's Crossbow" "TF_Weapon_Sapper_Festive2013" "Festive Sapper" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sapper_Festive2013" "Festive Sapper" "TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Festive2013" "Festlig Signalpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Festive2013" "Festive Flare Gun" "TF_Weapon_Eyelander_Festive2013" "Festlig Højlandsklinge" "[english]TF_Weapon_Eyelander_Festive2013" "Festive Eyelander" "TF_Weapon_Jarate_Festive2013" "Festlig Jarate" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jarate_Festive2013" "Festive Jarate" "TF_Weapon_GRU_Festive2013" "Festlige Gevaldigt Rapfodede Unionshandsker" "[english]TF_Weapon_GRU_Festive2013" "Festive Gloves of Running Urgently" "TF_Weapon_Blackbox_Festive2013" "Festlig Sort Boks" "[english]TF_Weapon_Blackbox_Festive2013" "Festive Black Box" "TF_Weapon_Wrangler_Festive2013" "Festlig Fjernbetjener" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrangler_Festive2013" "Festive Wrangler" "TF_xms2013_pyro_arctic_mask" "Snestormsspyderen" "[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_arctic_mask" "The Blizzard Breather" "TF_xms2013_pyro_arctic_suit" "Forfrysningsfrakken" "[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_arctic_suit" "The Sub Zero Suit" "TF_xms2013_winter_hat_scarf" "Halstøj Hovedtøj" "[english]TF_xms2013_winter_hat_scarf" "Neckwear Headwear" "TF_xms2013_pyro_sled" "Sporbrænderen" "[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_sled" "The Trail-Blazer" "TF_xms2013_spy_jacket" "Nattens Mulm og Mørke" "[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket" "Dead of Night" "TF_xms2013_sniper_jacket" "Snesigteren" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_jacket" "The Snow Scoper" "TF_xms2013_medic_hood" "Nonnehætten" "[english]TF_xms2013_medic_hood" "The Nunhood" "TF_xms2013_medic_robe" "Dødsenglen" "[english]TF_xms2013_medic_robe" "The Angel of Death" "TF_xms2013_kissking" "Kyssekongen" "[english]TF_xms2013_kissking" "The Kiss King" "TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_hat" "Det Sløve Hovedbetræk" "[english]TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_hat" "The Slo-Poke" "TF_xms2013_heavy_slick_hair" "Minnesota-manken" "[english]TF_xms2013_heavy_slick_hair" "Minnesota Slick" "TF_xms2013_sniper_shako" "Legetøjssoldaten" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_shako" "The Toy Soldier" "TF_xms2013_sniper_beard" "Femmåneders-skyggen" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard" "The Five-Month Shadow" "TF_xms2013_medic_knecht_hat" "Den Fornuftige Mann" "[english]TF_xms2013_medic_knecht_hat" "The Mann of Reason" "TF_xms2013_heavy_pants" "Mannen i Huset" "[english]TF_xms2013_heavy_pants" "Mann of the House" "TF_xms2013_scout_squirrel" "Nødhjælper" "[english]TF_xms2013_scout_squirrel" "Chucklenuts" "TF_xms2013_pyro_wood" "Småt Brændbart" "[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_wood" "Tiny Timber" "TF_xms2013_festive_beard" "Festligt Fjæs" "[english]TF_xms2013_festive_beard" "Face Full of Festive" "TF_xms2013_ruffled_beard" "Den Pjuskede Ruprecht" "[english]TF_xms2013_ruffled_beard" "The Ruffled Ruprecht" "TF_xms2013_sniper_golden_garment" "Den Gyldne Beklædning" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_golden_garment" "The Golden Garment" "TF_xms2013_scout_drummer_shirt" "Den Lille Trommespiller" "[english]TF_xms2013_scout_drummer_shirt" "The Little Drummer Mann" "TF_xms2013_scout_drummer_hat" "Scoutens Chakot" "[english]TF_xms2013_scout_drummer_hat" "The Scout Shako" "TF_xms2013_pyro_tailor_hat" "Legetøjs-skrædderen" "[english]TF_xms2013_pyro_tailor_hat" "The Toy Tailor" "TF_xms2013_sniper_layer_vest" "Det Ekstra Lag" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_layer_vest" "The Extra Layer" "TF_xms2013_polar_pullover" "Den Polare Overtrøje" "[english]TF_xms2013_polar_pullover" "The Polar Pullover" "TF_xms2013_dogfighter_jacket" "Luftkæmperen" "[english]TF_xms2013_dogfighter_jacket" "The Dogfighter" "TF_xms2013_soldier_parka" "Antarktisk Anorak" "[english]TF_xms2013_soldier_parka" "Antarctic Parka" "TF_xms2013_scout_skicap" "Løberens Opvarmning" "[english]TF_xms2013_scout_skicap" "Runner's Warm-Up" "TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_boots" "Højhælet Højlænder" "[english]TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_boots" "Highland High Heels" "TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_hat" "Skotskternet Tyroler" "[english]TF_xms2013_demo_plaid_hat" "Tartan Tyrolean" "TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_beard" "Bataljonens Bakkenbarter" "[english]TF_xms2013_soldier_marshal_beard" "Marshall's Mutton Chops" "TF_xms2013_soviet_stache" "Diktator" "[english]TF_xms2013_soviet_stache" "Dictator" "TF_Sapper" "SAPPER" "[english]TF_Sapper" "SAPPER" "TF_playerid_noheal_unknown" "Heling er blokeret!" "[english]TF_playerid_noheal_unknown" "Healing is blocked!" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season11" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 11" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season11" "UGC Highlander League Season 11" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_1st" "UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_2nd" "UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_3rd" "UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Iron_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Iron_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season13" "UGC 6vs6-liga Sæson 13" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season13" "UGC 6vs6 League Season 13" "TF_Brainiac_Style_Helmet" "Med Hjelm" "[english]TF_Brainiac_Style_Helmet" "With Helmet" "TF_Brainiac_Style_NoHelmet" "Uden Hjelm" "[english]TF_Brainiac_Style_NoHelmet" "Without Helmet" "KillEaterEvent_PlayerKillsBySentry" "Fjernstyrede Sentry-drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayerKillsBySentry" "Wrangled Sentry Kills" "TF_StrongboxCrate" "Mann Co.-fragtkasse" "[english]TF_StrongboxCrate" "Mann Co. Strongbox" "TF_StrongboxCrate_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDens indholdet er ukendt, og den kræver en\nMann Co. Strongbox Key for at kunne låses op.\n\nDenne kasse har en chance for at indeholde en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]TF_StrongboxCrate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nMann Co. Strongbox Key to unlock.\n\nThis crate contains a chance for an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "TF_Quickplay_OfficialServersOnly" "Kun officielle servere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_OfficialServersOnly" "Official servers only" "TF_MVM_Victory" "Sejr!" "[english]TF_MVM_Victory" "Victory!" "TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit" "Deltager i Tumblr Vs Reddit" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit" "Tumblr Vs Reddit Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_Wearable_CosmeticItem" "Kosmetisk Genstand" "[english]TF_Wearable_CosmeticItem" "Cosmetic Item" "TF_Wearable_Quiver" "Pilekogger" "[english]TF_Wearable_Quiver" "Quiver" "TF_Wearable_Apron" "Forklæde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Apron" "Apron" "TF_RobotHeavy_Promo" "Robot Heavy Collectible Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RobotHeavy_Promo" "Robot Heavy Collectible Figure Promo" "TF_RobotHeavy_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_RobotHeavy_Promo_Desc" "" "Gametype_Any" "Enhver" "[english]Gametype_Any" "Any" "Gametype_AnyGameMode" "Enhver spiltilstand" "[english]Gametype_AnyGameMode" "Any game mode" "TF_StrongboxKey" "Mann Co.-fragtkassenøgle" "[english]TF_StrongboxKey" "Mann Co. Strongbox Key" "TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en Mann Co. Strongbox." "[english]TF_StrongboxKey_Desc" "Used to unlock a Mann Co. Strongbox." "Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "Ved drab: Få mini-kritisk skade i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for %s1 seconds" "Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "Ingen metal fra dispensere mens aktiv" "[english]Attrib_NoMetalFromDispensersWhileActive" "No metal from dispensers when active" "TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title_FeelingLucky" "Søger efter den bedste tilgængelige server" "[english]TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title_FeelingLucky" "Searching for the best available server" "TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title_ShowServers" "Søger efter servere" "[english]TF_MM_WaitDialog_Title_ShowServers" "Searching for servers" "TF_Quickplay_ShowServers" "Vis servere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ShowServers" "Show servers" "TF_Quickplay_Connect" "Tilslut" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Connect" "Connect" "TF_Quickplay_Error" "Fejl" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Error" "Error" "TF_Quickplay_SelectedServer_Full" "Spilserveren blev fyldt op. Prøv en anden server." "[english]TF_Quickplay_SelectedServer_Full" "The gameserver filled up. Try another server." "TF_Quickplay_SelectedServer_NoLongerMeetsCriteria" "Spilserveren har ændret sine indstillinger og passer ikke længere med filterkriterierne." "[english]TF_Quickplay_SelectedServer_NoLongerMeetsCriteria" "The gameserver has changed its settings and no longer meets the filter criteria." "TF_Quickplay_AdvancedOptions" "Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]TF_Quickplay_AdvancedOptions" "Advanced Options" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost" "Vært for spilserver" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost" "Gameserver host" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Official" "Officiel server" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Official" "Official server" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Official_Summary" "Officiel server" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Official_Summary" "Official server" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Community" "Fællesskabsserver" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Community" "Community server" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Community_Summary" "Fællesskabsserver" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_Community_Summary" "Community server" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_DontCare" "Enhver server" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_DontCare" "Any server" "TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_DontCare_Summary" "Enhver server" "[english]TF_Quickplay_ServerHost_DontCare_Summary" "Any server" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers" "Serverkapacitet" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers" "Server capacity" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Default" "24 spillere (standard)" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Default" "24 players (default)" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Increased" "30+ spillere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Increased" "30+ players" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Increased_Summary" "30+ spillere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_Increased_Summary" "30+ players" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_DontCare" "Ligeglad" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_DontCare" "Don't care" "TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_DontCare_Summary" "24+ spillere" "[english]TF_Quickplay_MaxPlayers_DontCare_Summary" "24+ players" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes" "Genoplivningstider" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes" "Respawn times" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Default" "Normale genoplivningstider" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Default" "Default respawn times" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Instant" "Genopliv med det samme" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Instant" "Instant respawn" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Instant_Summary" "Genopliv med det samme" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_Instant_Summary" "Instant respawn" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_DontCare" "Ligeglad" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_DontCare" "Don't care" "TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_DontCare_Summary" "Vilkårlig genoplivningstid" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RespawnTimes_DontCare_Summary" "Any respawn times" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits" "Tilfældig kritisk skade" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits" "Random crits" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Default" "Slået til (standard)" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Default" "Enabled (default)" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Disabled" "Slået fra" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Disabled" "Disabled" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Disabled_Summary" "Ingen tilfældig kritisk skade" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_Disabled_Summary" "No random crits" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_DontCare" "Ligeglad" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_DontCare" "Don't care" "TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_DontCare_Summary" "Vilkårlig tilfældig kritisk skade" "[english]TF_Quickplay_RandomCrits_DontCare_Summary" "Any random crits" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread" "Skadespredning" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread" "Damage spread" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Default" "Slået fra (standard)" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Default" "Disabled (default)" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled" "Slået fra" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled" "Disabled" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled_Summary" "Ingen skadespredning" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Disabled_Summary" "No damage spread" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_DontCare" "Ligeglad" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_DontCare" "Don't care" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_DontCare_Summary" "Vilkårlig skadespredning" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_DontCare_Summary" "Any Damage spread" "TF_ImportFile_ImageUnsupportedFileType" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nIkke-understøttet filtype" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ImageUnsupportedFileType" "Couldn't load %file%\nUnsupported file type" "TF_ImportFile_ImageResolutionOverLimit" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nOpløsning skal være inden for %width%x%height%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ImageResolutionOverLimit" "Couldn't load %file%\nResolution must be within %width%x%height%" "TF_ImportFile_ImageResolutionNotPowerOf2" "Kunne ikke indlæse %file%\nOpløsning skal være potens af 2" "[english]TF_ImportFile_ImageResolutionNotPowerOf2" "Couldn't load %file%\nResolution must be power of 2" "TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper" "Kædegraverens Krigshjelm" "[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper" "The Trencher's Topper" "TF_sbox2014_trenchers_tunic" "Kædegraverens Klæde" "[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_tunic" "The Trencher's Tunic" "TF_sbox2014_soldier_major" "Jordkontrol" "[english]TF_sbox2014_soldier_major" "Ground Control" "TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "Voldsmandens Værktøj" "[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit" "The Killer's Kit" "TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "Stiliseret DeGroot" "[english]TF_sbox2014_stylish_degroot" "Stylish DeGroot" "TF_sbox2014_einstein" "Ein" "[english]TF_sbox2014_einstein" "Ein" "TF_sbox2014_heavy_gunshow" "Den Tunge Løfter" "[english]TF_sbox2014_heavy_gunshow" "The Heavy Lifter" "TF_sbox2014_heavy_camopants" "Krigsklar Kamuflering" "[english]TF_sbox2014_heavy_camopants" "Gone Commando" "TF_sbox2014_heavy_buzzcut" "Hylstret Hanekam" "[english]TF_sbox2014_heavy_buzzcut" "Bullet Buzz" "TF_sbox2014_leftover_trap" "Reste-fælden" "[english]TF_sbox2014_leftover_trap" "The Leftover Trap" "TF_sbox2014_trash_man" "Skraldemanden" "[english]TF_sbox2014_trash_man" "The Trash Man" "TF_sbox2014_scotch_saver" "Whiskyvedhænget" "[english]TF_sbox2014_scotch_saver" "The Scotch Saver" "TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_armour" "Bushi-Dou" "[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_armour" "Bushi-Dou" "TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "Den Velklædte Megaloman" "[english]TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "The Fashionable Megalomaniac" "TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "Dejdaskeren" "[english]TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "The Dough Puncher" "TF_sbox2014_teutonic_toque" "Den Teutoniske Top" "[english]TF_sbox2014_teutonic_toque" "The Teutonic Toque" "TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann" "Moustachemannen" "[english]TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann" "The Mustachioed Mann" "TF_sbox2014_spy_snake" "Rygstikkerens Reptil" "[english]TF_sbox2014_spy_snake" "The Backstabber's Boomslang" "TF_sbox2014_rat_stompers" "Rottetramperne" "[english]TF_sbox2014_rat_stompers" "The Rat Stompers" "TF_sbox2014_sole_mate" "Fiskefrisk Frisure" "[english]TF_sbox2014_sole_mate" "Sole Mate" "TF_sbox2014_demo_knight_helmet" "Den Mørke Falkirk-hjelm" "[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_knight_helmet" "The Dark Falkirk Helm" "TF_sbox2014_demo_armor_shoes" "De Knæhøje Tåkrummere" "[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_armor_shoes" "The Sole Saviors" "TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "Jægerens Nødvendigheder" "[english]TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "The Huntsman's Essentials" "TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "Napoleon-komplekset" "[english]TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "The Napoleon Complex" "TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "Oberstens Frakke" "[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "The Colonel's Coat" "TF_sbox2014_law" "Loven" "[english]TF_sbox2014_law" "The Law" "TF_sbox2014_juggernaut_jacket" "Mastodontens Udrustning" "[english]TF_sbox2014_juggernaut_jacket" "The Juggernaut Jacket" "TF_sbox2014_warmth_preserver" "Varmebeholderen" "[english]TF_sbox2014_warmth_preserver" "The Warmth Preserver" "TF_sbox2014_medic_apron" "Den Kække Kirurg" "[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_apron" "The Smock Surgeon" "TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_sleeves" "Sangu-ærmerne" "[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_sleeves" "The Sangu Sleeves" "TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit" "Den Bedårende Dragt" "[english]TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit" "The Cute Suit" "TF_sbox2014_war_goggles" "Krigsbrillerne" "[english]TF_sbox2014_war_goggles" "The War Goggles" "TF_sbox2014_war_helmet" "Udrydderens Værn" "[english]TF_sbox2014_war_helmet" "Eliminator's Safeguard" "TF_sbox2014_archers_groundings" "Bueskyttens Basaludstyr" "[english]TF_sbox2014_archers_groundings" "Archer's Groundings" "TF_sbox2014_war_pants" "Kampbukser" "[english]TF_sbox2014_war_pants" "Combat Slacks" "TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic" "Toowoomba-tunikaen" "[english]TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic" "The Toowoomba Tunic" "TF_sbox2014_sammy_cap" "Sammy-kasket" "[english]TF_sbox2014_sammy_cap" "The Sammy Cap" "TF_sbox2014_camo_headband" "Den Tophemmelige Operatør" "[english]TF_sbox2014_camo_headband" "The Deep Cover Operator" "TF_sbox2014_ticket_boy" "Billetdrengen" "[english]TF_sbox2014_ticket_boy" "The Ticket Boy" "TF_sbox2014_antarctic_researcher" "Den Antarktiske Udforsker" "[english]TF_sbox2014_antarctic_researcher" "The Antarctic Researcher" "TF_sbox2014_medic_wintergarb_helmet" "Heers Hjelm" "[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_wintergarb_helmet" "Heer's Helmet" "TF_sbox2014_medic_wintergarb_gaiter" "De Garderende Gamacher" "[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_wintergarb_gaiter" "The Gaiter Guards" "TF_sbxo2014_medic_wintergarb_coat" "Vinterens Hede" "[english]TF_sbxo2014_medic_wintergarb_coat" "The Heat of Winter" "TF_MisterBubbles" "Mister Bubbles" "[english]TF_MisterBubbles" "Mister Bubbles" "TF_MisterBubbles_Desc" "Sæt en stopper for lommetyve, lommebesættere og snydepelse, der ignorer reglerne i \"Hvad er der i mine lommer?\"-legen, med det sidste nye inden for jernbeklædt, diminutiv lommeforsvar. Virker også med undervandslommer!" "[english]TF_MisterBubbles_Desc" "Thwart pickpockets, pocket-squatters and cheaters who ignore the rules of the \"What's in my Pocket?\" game with the last word in iron-clad diminutive pocket defense. Also works with underwater pockets!" "TF_BigDaddy" "Den Store Faderfigur" "[english]TF_BigDaddy" "The Big Daddy" "TF_BigDaddy_Desc" "Nyd alle fordelene ved at være præsident (vær hersker over den frie verden, slut dig til bankrøvende surferbander, stor rabat på fastfood-restauranter) med denne narrende præsidentmaske." "[english]TF_BigDaddy_Desc" "Enjoy all of the benefits of being President (leading the free world, joining up with bank-robbing surf-gangs, steep discounts at fast food restaurants) with this tricky Presidential mask." "TF_FirstAmerican" "Den Første Amerikaner" "[english]TF_FirstAmerican" "The First American" "TF_FirstAmerican_Desc" "Statsmand. Videnskabsmand. Opfinder. Lad som om du er alle disse ting, og mere, med denne Benjamin Franklin-maske. Så ægte, at den rigtige Franklin ville havde troet, at han opfandt en anden version af sig selv!" "[english]TF_FirstAmerican_Desc" "Statesman. Scientist. Inventor. Pretend to be all of these things and more with this Benjamin Franklin mask. So life-like, the real Franklin will think he invented another version of himself!" "TF_FortifiedCompound" "Den Sammensatte Befæstning" "[english]TF_FortifiedCompound" "The Fortified Compound" "TF_FortifiedCompound_Desc" "" "[english]TF_FortifiedCompound_Desc" "" "TF_Weapon_Severed_Arm" "Afskåret Arm" "[english]TF_Weapon_Severed_Arm" "Severed Arm" "TF_GildedGuard" "Den Ornamenterede Ordensmagt" "[english]TF_GildedGuard" "The Gilded Guard" "TF_GildedGuard_Desc" "" "[english]TF_GildedGuard_Desc" "" "TF_CriminalCloak" "Den Kriminelle Kåbe" "[english]TF_CriminalCloak" "The Criminal Cloak" "TF_CriminalCloak_Desc" "" "[english]TF_CriminalCloak_Desc" "" "TF_DreadHidingHood" "Den Lille Dødshætte" "[english]TF_DreadHidingHood" "The Dread Hiding Hood" "TF_DreadHidingHood_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DreadHidingHood_Desc" "" "TF_BaronialBadge" "Baronemblemet" "[english]TF_BaronialBadge" "The Baronial Badge" "TF_BaronialBadge_Desc" "" "[english]TF_BaronialBadge_Desc" "" "TF_Welcome_april_fools" "Velkommen og aprilsnar!" "[english]TF_Welcome_april_fools" "Welcome and April Fools!" "TF_Medal_InfoShow2014" "InfoShow TF2-turneringsdeltager" "[english]TF_Medal_InfoShow2014" "InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant" "TF_Medal_InfoShow2014_Desc" "InfoShow LAN Party 2014" "[english]TF_Medal_InfoShow2014_Desc" "InfoShow LAN Party 2014" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticKills" "Drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticKills" "Kills" "KillEaterEvent_FullHealthKills" "Drab ved fuldt helbred" "[english]KillEaterEvent_FullHealthKills" "Full Health Kills" "TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills" "Sær kosmetisk del: Drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills" "TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på en kosmetisk genstand af Sær kvalitet gør du den i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af fjender, du dræber mens du har den genstand på." "[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic will enable it to track the total number of kills you have while wearing that item." "TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills" "Sær del: Drab ved fuldt helbred" "[english]TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills" "Strange Part: Full Health Kills" "TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af spillere, du dræber med det våben, mens du har fuldt helbred eller er overhelet." "[english]TF_StrangePart_FullHealthKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of players you kill with that weapon while at Full Health or Overhealed." "TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_No_Partial_Completion" "Denne opskrift kan ikke gennemføres delvist." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_No_Partial_Completion" "This recipe cannot be partially completed." "Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_No_Partial_Complete" "Alt skal opbruges på en gang:" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Outputs_No_Partial_Complete" "Must consume all at once:" "Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Checkbox" "Vis genstande som ikke kan byttes" "[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Checkbox" "Show untradable items" "TF_SupplyCrateRation" "Mann Co.-ammuntionskasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrateRation" "Mann Co. Supply Munition" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Killstreak_Kits" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende drabsrækkesæt.\nSættet er muligvis specialiseret eller professionelt." "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Killstreak_Kits" "This crate contains one of the following Killstreak Kit.\nKits obtained might be Specialized or Professional." "TF_LittleBear" "Den Lille Bjørn" "[english]TF_LittleBear" "The Little Bear" "TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Sørg for at indholdet i dine lommer fordeles retfærdigt med det sidste nye inden for kommunistisk lommehåndhævelse." "[english]TF_LittleBear_Desc" "Make sure the contents of your pockets are distributed fairly with the latest in Communist pocket enforcement." "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season5" "Sæson 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season5" "Season 5" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season6" "Sæson 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season6" "Season 6" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season7" "Sæson 7" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season7" "Season 7" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season17" "Sæson 17" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Season17" "Season 17" "TF_MaschinensoldatenHelm" "Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm" "[english]TF_MaschinensoldatenHelm" "Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm" "TF_MaschinensoldatenHelm_Desc" "Som ordsproget lyder: \"De, der ikke kan huske den alternative fortid, er dømt til at gentage den.\" Siden du alligevel er nødt til at gøre det igen, hvorfor så ikke peppe det lidt op med et ondt robotkostume?" "[english]TF_MaschinensoldatenHelm_Desc" "As the saying goes, \"Those who cannot remember the alternate past are condemned to repeat it.\" Since you have to do it again anyway, why not liven things up with an evil robot costume?" "TF_RegimePanzerung" "Die Regime-Panzerung" "[english]TF_RegimePanzerung" "Die Regime-Panzerung" "TF_RegimePanzerung_Desc" "Som ordsproget lyder: \"De, der ikke kan huske den alternative fortid, er dømt til at gentage den.\" Siden du alligevel er nødt til at gøre det igen, hvorfor så ikke peppe det lidt op med et ondt robotkostume?" "[english]TF_RegimePanzerung_Desc" "As the saying goes, \"Those who cannot remember the alternate past are condemned to repeat it.\" Since you have to do it again anyway, why not liven things up with an evil robot costume?" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 6v6 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 6v6 Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 6v6 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Season9" "LBTF2 Sæson 9" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Season9" "LBTF2 Season 9" "TF_Scoreboard_Support" "Support:" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Support" "Support:" "TF_Scoreboard_Damage" "Skade:" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Damage" "Damage:" "TF_Throwable" "KAST" "[english]TF_Throwable" "THROW" "TF_KILLS" "DRAB" "[english]TF_KILLS" "KILLS" "TF_Weapon_Parachute" "Faldskærm" "[english]TF_Weapon_Parachute" "Parachute" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 11 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 11 Premier Division First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 11 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 11 Premier Division Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 11 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 11 Premier Division Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 11 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 11 Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 11 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 11 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 11 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 11 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 11 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 11 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 11 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 11 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 11 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 11 Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 11 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 11 Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 11 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 11 Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 11 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 11 Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 11 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 11 Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 11 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 11 Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 11 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 11 Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 11 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 11 Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 11 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 11 Division 5 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 11 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 11 Division 5 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 11 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 11 Division 5 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 11 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 11 Division 5 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season1" "Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season1" "Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season2" "Sæson 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season2" "Season 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season3" "Sæson 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season3" "Season 3" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season4" "Sæson 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season4" "Season 4" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season5" "Sæson 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season5" "Season 5" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season6" "Sæson 6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season6" "Season 6" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season7" "Sæson 7" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season7" "Season 7" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season8" "Sæson 8" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season8" "Season 8" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season9" "Sæson 9" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season9" "Season 9" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season10" "Sæson 10" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season10" "Season 10" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season11" "Sæson 11" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season11" "Season 11" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season12" "Sæson 12" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season12" "Season 12" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season13" "Sæson 13" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season13" "Season 13" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season14" "Sæson 14" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season14" "Season 14" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season15" "Sæson 15" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season15" "Season 15" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season16" "Sæson 16" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season16" "Season 16" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season17" "Sæson 17" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season17" "Season 17" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season18" "Sæson 18" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season18" "Season 18" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season19" "Sæson 19" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season19" "Season 19" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season20" "Sæson 20" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season20" "Season 20" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_1st" "1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_1st" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_2nd" "2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_2nd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_3rd" "3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_3rd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_Participant" "Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_Participant" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_1st" "1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_1st" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_2nd" "2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_2nd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_3rd" "3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_3rd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_Participant" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_1st" "1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_1st" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_2nd" "2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_2nd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_3rd" "3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_3rd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_Participant" "Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_Participant" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant" "TF_Wearable_Bottles" "Flasker" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bottles" "Bottles" "TF_Wearable_Socks" "Sokker" "[english]TF_Wearable_Socks" "Socks" "TF_Wearable_ToolBelt" "Værktøjsbælte" "[english]TF_Wearable_ToolBelt" "Tool Belt" "TF_Wearable_EyePatch" "Øjeklap" "[english]TF_Wearable_EyePatch" "Eye Patch" "TF_Wearable_Chin" "Kind" "[english]TF_Wearable_Chin" "Chin" "TF_ToweringPillarOfSummerShades" "Tårnende Solbrillesøjle" "[english]TF_ToweringPillarOfSummerShades" "Towering Pillar of Summer Shades" "TF_ToweringPillarOfSummerShades_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ToweringPillarOfSummerShades_Desc" "" "TF_Summer2014_Level0" "Sommer-begyndersæt" "[english]TF_Summer2014_Level0" "Summer Starter Kit" "TF_Summer2014_Level0_Desc" "Tildelt for at deltage i Steam Summer Adventure 2014.\n\nDen indeholder et udvalg af genstande og kan åbnes fra din rygsæk!" "[english]TF_Summer2014_Level0_Desc" "Granted for participation in the Steam Summer Adventure 2014.\n\nThis contains a sampling of items and can be opened from your backpack screen!" "TF_Summer2014_Level1" "Sommer-eventyrpakke" "[english]TF_Summer2014_Level1" "Summer Adventure Pack" "TF_Summer2014_Level1_Desc" "Tildelt for at deltage i Steam Summer Adventure 2014.\n\nDen indeholder et udvalg af genstande, herunder mindst én særlig kosmetisk sommergenstand, og kan åbnes fra din rygsæk!" "[english]TF_Summer2014_Level1_Desc" "Granted for participation in the Steam Summer Adventure 2014.\n\nThis contains a sampling of items, including at least one special Summer cosmetic item, and can be opened from your backpack screen!" "TF_ScoutFancyShirt" "Paisley-professionel" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyShirt" "The Paisley Pro" "TF_ScoutFancyShirt_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyShirt_Desc" "" "TF_ScoutFancyShoes" "Det Argyle Es" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyShoes" "The Argyle Ace" "TF_ScoutFancyShoes_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyShoes_Desc" "" "TF_ScoutFancyHair" "Pomade-prinsen" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyHair" "The Pomade Prince" "TF_ScoutFancyHair_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ScoutFancyHair_Desc" "" "TF_DemoSombrero" "Allbreroen" "[english]TF_DemoSombrero" "The Allbrero" "TF_DemoSombrero_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DemoSombrero_Desc" "" "TF_DemomanMargaritaShades" "Dobbeltsyn" "[english]TF_DemomanMargaritaShades" "Seeing Double" "TF_DemomanMargaritaShades_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DemomanMargaritaShades_Desc" "" "TF_DemomanBeerGrenades" "Sixpack-abs" "[english]TF_DemomanBeerGrenades" "Six Pack Abs" "TF_DemomanBeerGrenades_Desc" "" "[english]TF_DemomanBeerGrenades_Desc" "" "TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons" "Love And War-våbenbundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons" "Love And War Weapons Bundle" "TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons_Desc" "Indeholder det komplette sæt af nye gameplay-våben fra Love & War-opdateringen:" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons_Desc" "Includes the complete set of new gameplay weapons from the Love And War update:" "TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts" "Love And War-hånbundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts" "Love And War Taunts Bundle" "TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts_Desc" "Fest med dine venner, og pin dine fjender, med disse 15 hån:" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts_Desc" "Celebrate with your friends and torment your enemies with these 15 taunts:" "TF_Bundle_LW_Cosmetics" "Love And War-kosmetikbundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Cosmetics" "Love And War Cosmetics Bundle" "TF_Bundle_LW_Cosmetics_Desc" "Alle 44 nye kosmetiske genstande i ét samlet bundt så stort, at det knap nok passer:" "[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Cosmetics_Desc" "All 44 new cosmetic items in one bundle so big it barely even fits:" "Hud_Menu_Teleport_Title" "Teleport" "[english]Hud_Menu_Teleport_Title" "Teleport" "Hud_Menu_Teleport_Base" "Base" "[english]Hud_Menu_Teleport_Base" "Base" "Hud_Menu_Taunt_Title" "Hån" "[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Title" "Taunt" "Hud_Menu_Taunt_Cancel" "Tryk på '%lastinv%' for at annullere" "[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Cancel" "Hit '%lastinv%' to Cancel" "Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon" "Tryk på \"%taunt%\" for at våbenhåne eller deltage i et partnerhån" "[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon" "Hit '%taunt%' to Weapon Taunt or join a partner taunt" "Hud_Menu_Taunt_NoItem" "Ingen genstand" "[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_NoItem" "No Item" "TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Styrtdyk" "[english]TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Nose Dive" "TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 10 spillere der flyver i faldskærm." "[english]TF_PARACHUTE_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 10 parachuting players." "TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_NAME" "Boksepude" "[english]TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_NAME" "Punching Bag" "TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dræb 10 Snipere, som bruger Klassikeren, med nærkampsvåben." "[english]TF_MELEE_KILL_CLASSIC_RIFLE_SNIPER_DESC" "Melee kill 10 Snipers using The Classic." "TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "Nødbremse" "[english]TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "Emergency Brake" "TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Dræb en angrebsløbende Demoman." "[english]TF_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Kill a charging Demoman." "TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_NAME" "Lyseslukker" "[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_NAME" "Party Crasher" "TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere, der danser Conga, inden for 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_KILL_DESC" "Kill 3 players who are doing the Conga within 5 seconds." "TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_NAME" "Congarække" "[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_NAME" "Conga Line" "TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_DESC" "Dans Conga med 10 eller flere spillere på samme tid." "[english]TF_TAUNT_CONGA_LINE_DESC" "Do the Conga with 10 or more players at the same time." "TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_NAME" "Stensikker" "[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_NAME" "On The Rocks" "TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_DESC" "Tab i \"Sten, saks, papir\" 3 gange i træk med sten." "[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_ROCK_DESC" "Lose at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Rock." "TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_NAME" "Løben med Sakse" "[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_NAME" "Running With Scissors" "TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_DESC" "Vind i \"Sten, saks, papir\" 3 gange i træk med saks." "[english]TF_TAUNT_RPS_SCISSORS_DESC" "Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 times in a row with Scissors." "TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_NAME" "Må jeg også skære igennem?" "[english]TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_NAME" "May I Cut In, Too?" "TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 10 spillere i nærkamp mens de bruger Square Dance-hånet." "[english]TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_DESC" "Melee kill 10 players while they are doing the Square Dance taunt." "TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_NAME" "Blærerøv" "[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_NAME" "Showboat" "TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Udfør 10 partnerhån med en holdkammerat mens I erobrer et kontrolpunkt" "[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Do 10 partner taunts with a teammate while capturing a control point." "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_NAME" "flip-kabob" "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_NAME" "Flip-Kabob" "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_DESC" "Antænd en spiller der bliver flippet af en der bruger Flippin' Awesome-hånet." "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_DESC" "Ignite a player that is being flipped by someone using the Flippin' Awesome taunt." "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_NAME" "Med ryggen mod muren" "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_NAME" "Back in Business" "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 20 Spies bagfra, mens du bruger Rygsprederen." "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_SPY_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill 20 spies from behind." "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Ryg Mod Ryg" "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Back 2 Back" "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Dræb et Heavy/Medic-par indenfor 20 sekunder af hinanden, mens du bruger Rygsprederen." "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_HEAVY_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill a Heavy/Medic pair within 20 seconds of each other." "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_NAME" "Afskårne forbindelser" "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_NAME" "Severed Ties" "TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 20 venner bagfra mens du bruger Rygsprederen." "[english]TF_SCOUT_BACKSCATTER_KILL_FRIENDS_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Back Scatter, kill 20 friends from behind." "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_NAME" "Hofteskud" "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_NAME" "Hipshot" "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_DESC" "Dræb 10 fjender med et fuldt opladt hovedskud med Klassikeren, uden at bruge kikkertsigtet." "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_NOSCOPE_HEADSHOT_DESC" "While using The Classic, kill 10 enemies with a full charge, no-scope headshot." "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_HEADSHOT_JUMPER_NAME" "Ørneblik" "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_HEADSHOT_JUMPER_NAME" "Eagle Eye" "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_HEADSHOT_JUMPER_DESC" "Dræb en raket-/granathoppende fjende midt i luften med et fuldt opladt, \"no-scope\" hovedskud, mens du bruger Klassikeren." "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_HEADSHOT_JUMPER_DESC" "While using The Classic, kill a rocket/grenade jumping enemy in midair with a full charge, no-scope headshot." "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Eksplosive nedskæringer" "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Prime Cuts" "TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Spræng alle 9 klasser i luften med Klassikeren i én enkelt runde." "[english]TF_SNIPER_CLASSIC_RIFLE_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "While using The Classic, gib all 9 classes during a single round." "TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_NAME" "Fly aflyst" "[english]TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_NAME" "Flight Cancelled" "TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_DESC" "Dræb 25 spillere, der flyver i faldskærm, med et kritisk hovedskud." "[english]TF_SNIPER_PARACHUTE_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 25 parachuting players with a critical headshot." "TF_SPY_KILL_BACKSCATTER_SCOUT_NAME" "Hurtige Fingre" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_BACKSCATTER_SCOUT_NAME" "Fast Fingers" "TF_SPY_KILL_BACKSCATTER_SCOUT_DESC" "Stik en Scout, der bruger Rygsprederen, i ryggen." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_BACKSCATTER_SCOUT_DESC" "Backstab a Scout that is using the Back Scatter." "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Overhånd" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Upper Hand" "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere under det samme faldskærmshop." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Kill 3 players during the same parachute deploy." "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_NAME" "Projekt Excelsior" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_NAME" "Project Excelsior" "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Flyv 19,47 mil (31,33 km.) i faldskærm." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Parachute 19.47 miles." "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_NAME" "Luftkamp" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_NAME" "Dogfight" "TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "Dræb en faldskærmsudspringende spiller, mens du selv er i faldskærm." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "Kill a parachuting player while parachuting." "TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_NAME" "Maksimalt Potentiale" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_NAME" "Maximum Potential" "TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_DESC" "Slå nok spillere ihjel for at få det maksimale magasin til Luftangrebet." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_MAX_CLIP_DESC" "Collect enough casualties to get the max clip for the Air Strike." "TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_GROUP_KILL_NAME" "Der sprænges!" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_GROUP_KILL_NAME" "Bombs Away!" "TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere med Luftangrebet i løbet af ét rakethop." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_AIRSTRIKE_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "Kill 3 people with the Air Strike during a single rocket jump." "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Luftangreb" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_NAME" "Air Raid" "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Dræb 3 spillere under det samme faldskærmshop." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Kill 3 players during the same parachute deploy." "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_NAME" "Operation High Dive" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_NAME" "Operation High Dive" "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Flyv 19,47 mil (31,33 km) i faldskærm." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_DISTANCE_DESC" "Parachute 19.47 miles." "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_NAME" "Flykontrol" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_NAME" "Flight Control" "TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "Dræb en faldskærmsudspringende spiller, mens du selv er i faldskærm." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_PARACHUTE_KILL_PARACHUTE_DESC" "Kill a parachuting player while parachuting." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_YOU_DIDNT_SEE_NAME" "U-vending" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_YOU_DIDNT_SEE_NAME" "U-Turn" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_YOU_DIDNT_SEE_DESC" "Dræb en fjende, du ikke kunne se i starten af dit angrebsløb." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_YOU_DIDNT_SEE_DESC" "Kill an enemy that you couldn't see at the beginning of your charge." "TF_DEMOMAN_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "Kædereaktion" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "Chain Reaction" "TF_DEMOMAN_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Få 3 drab inden for 6 sekunder med Demoman-angrebsløbet." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Get 3 kills within 6 seconds using the Demoman charge." "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "Frontal Kollision" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_NAME" "Head-On Collision" "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Dræb en angrebsløbende Demoman, mens du selv bruger angrebsløb." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_CHARGING_DEMO_DESC" "Kill a charging Demoman while charging." "ItemSel_TAUNT" "- HÅN" "[english]ItemSel_TAUNT" "- TAUNT" "UseKey" "Åbn med en nøgle" "[english]UseKey" "Open with a key" "Recharge" "OPLAD" "[english]Recharge" "RECHARGE" "ShuffleContents" "Bland" "[english]ShuffleContents" "Shuffle" "ShufflingContents" "BLANDER..." "[english]ShufflingContents" "SHUFFLING..." "ShuffleContents_Title" "Bland kasseindhold" "[english]ShuffleContents_Title" "Shuffle Crate Contents" "ShuffleContents_Desc" "Skriv et valgfrit ord! Forskellige ord resulterer i forskellige sæt af genstande." "[english]ShuffleContents_Desc" "Type in any word! Different words result in different sets of items." "EditSlots" "REDIGER PLADSER" "[english]EditSlots" "EDIT SLOTS" "EditSlots_SelectItemPanel" "VÆLG GENSTAND AT BRUGE I PLADS" "[english]EditSlots_SelectItemPanel" "SELECT ITEM TO USE IN SLOT" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt" "Hån 1" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt" "Taunt 1" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt2" "Hån 2" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt2" "Taunt 2" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt3" "Hån 3" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt3" "Taunt 3" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt4" "Hån 4" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt4" "Taunt 4" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt5" "Hån 5" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt5" "Taunt 5" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt6" "Hån 6" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt6" "Taunt 6" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt7" "Hån 7" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt7" "Taunt 7" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt8" "Hån 8" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt8" "Taunt 8" "LoadoutSlot_TauntSlot" "Hånpladser" "[english]LoadoutSlot_TauntSlot" "Taunt Slots" "TF_StrangePart" "Sær del" "[english]TF_StrangePart" "Strange Part" "TF_StrangePartRestriction" "Sært filter" "[english]TF_StrangePartRestriction" "Strange Filter" "TF_KillStreakifierToolA" "Drabsrækkesæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierToolA" "Killstreak Kit" "TF_KillStreakifierToolB" "Specialiseret drabsrækkesæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierToolB" "Specialized Killstreak Kit" "TF_KillStreakifierToolC" "Professionelt drabsrækkesæt" "[english]TF_KillStreakifierToolC" "Professional Killstreak Kit" "TF_ChemSetCrate_Name" "Uåbnet kemisæt" "[english]TF_ChemSetCrate_Name" "Unopened Chemistry Set" "TF_LockedCrate" "Forsyningskasse" "[english]TF_LockedCrate" "Supply Crate" "TF_CrateKey_BL" "Mann Co.-lagerkassenøgle" "[english]TF_CrateKey_BL" "Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key" "TF_CrateKey_BL_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Mann Co.-lagerkasser." "[english]TF_CrateKey_BL_Desc" "Used to open locked Mann Co. Stockpile Crates." "TF_SupplyCrate_BL" "Mann Co.-lagerkasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BL" "Mann Co. Stockpile Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_BL_Desc" "Denne kasse indeholder fire genstande tilfældigt valgt fra et lille sæt. Du kan, via din rygsæk, justere hvilke fire genstande, som skal vælges.\n\nDu skal bruge en Mann Co.-lagerkassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BL_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co.-auditionfilmrulle" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt" "Mann Co. Audition Reel" "TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "Denne låste rulle indeholder et tilfældigt hån fra Love And War-opdateringen og har også en sjælden chance for at indeholde et usædvanligt hån med særlige effekter!\n\nDu skal bruge en normal Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_BLTaunt_Desc" "This locked reel contains a random taunt from the Love And War update and also has a rare chance to contain an Unusual taunt with special effects!\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "TF_BreadBox" "Brødkasse" "[english]TF_BreadBox" "Bread Box" "TF_BreadBox_Desc" "Denne tidsbegrænsede genstand kan kun laves ved hjælp af smedearbejde.\nKan ikke skabes efter 9. juli 2014." "[english]TF_BreadBox_Desc" "This limited time item can only be made by Crafting.\nCannot be created after July 9th, 2014." "Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Header" "Indeholder én af følgende genstande\ninspireret af TF2-filmen \"Expiration Date\"" "[english]Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Header" "Contains one of the following items\ninspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'" "Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Footer" "Nogle, men ikke alle, af genstandene i denne kasse er sære..." "[english]Econ_Breadbox_Lootlist_Footer" "Some, but not all, of the items in this box are Strange..." "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_1" "eller en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #1!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_1" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #1 Unusual Hat!" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_2" "eller en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #2!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_2" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #2 Unusual Hat!" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_3" "eller en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hat fra serie #3!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Series_3" "or an Exceedingly Rare Series #3 Unusual Hat!" "Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Taunt" "eller en yderst sjælden usædvanlig hån!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Taunt" "or an Exceedingly Rare Unusual Taunt!" "TF_Set_short2014_DemoDrinking" "Syd for Grænsen-pakke" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_DemoDrinking" "The South of the Border Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_ScoutFancy" "Retro Rebel-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_ScoutFancy" "The Retro Rebel Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_SoldierPack" "Føderal Ekspres-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_SoldierPack" "The Federal Express Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack1" "Roninrister-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack1" "The Ronin Roaster Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack2" "Pyromanernes Sønner-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack2" "The Sons of Arsonry Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack1" "Byggerens Basaludstyr" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack1" "The Builder's Basics Kit" "TF_Set_short2014_SpyPack" "Automatpilot-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_SpyPack" "The Automatic Pilot Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack2" "Den Texanske Teknikhånd" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_EngineerPack2" "The Texas Tech-hand" "TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack3" "Fastfoodsfragter-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_PyroPack3" "The Fast Food Firestarter Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_SniperPack" "Skarpskytte-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_SniperPack" "The Straight Shooter Pack" "TF_Set_short2014_ScoutPack" "Overdrevet God Ninja-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_short2014_ScoutPack" "The Wicked Good Ninja Pack" "Attrib_AxtinguisherProperties" "100% kritiske træffere mod brændende spiller bagfra\nGør mini-kritisk skade mod brændende spillere forfra" "[english]Attrib_AxtinguisherProperties" "100% critical hits burning players from behind\nMini-crits burning players from the front" "Attrib_UpgradeRate_Decreased" "%s1% langsommere opgraderingshastighed" "[english]Attrib_UpgradeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower upgrade rate" "Attrib_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Trækkes %s1% hurtigere" "[english]Attrib_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Deploys %s1% faster" "Attrib_ChargeTurnControlFull" "Fuld drejekontrol under angrebsløb" "[english]Attrib_ChargeTurnControlFull" "Full turning control while charging" "Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthPenalty" "%s1% maks. bygningshelbred" "[english]Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthPenalty" "%s1% max building health" "Attrib_SniperCritNoScope" "Oplad og affyr skud uafhængigt af zoom" "[english]Attrib_SniperCritNoScope" "Charge and fire shots independent of zoom" "Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "Zoom påvirker ikke opladning" "[english]Attrib_SniperIndependentZoom" "Zoom does not affect charge" "Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Nærkampsdrab genopfylder %s1% af dit løbemeter" "[english]Attrib_KillsRefillMeter" "Melee kills refill %s1% of your charge meter" "Attrib_AirControl" "%s1% forøget luftkontrol" "[english]Attrib_AirControl" "%s1% increased air control" "Attrib_HypeDecays" "Hype udløber over tid" "[english]Attrib_HypeDecays" "Hype Decays Over Time" "Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "Øget angrebshastighed og mindre sprængradius under eksplosionshop" "[english]Attrib_RocketJumpAttackRateBonus" "Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping" "Attrib_AirBombardment" "Affyrer 3 bombardementer under eksplosionshop" "[english]Attrib_AirBombardment" "Fires 3 barrages while explosive jumping" "Attrib_IncreaesBlastJumpForce" "Øget styrke på eksplosionshop" "[english]Attrib_IncreaesBlastJumpForce" "Increased blast jump force" "Attrib_ExtraRocketsOnKill" "Magasinstørrelse øget ved drab" "[english]Attrib_ExtraRocketsOnKill" "Clip size increased on kill" "Attrib_Summer2014Tag" "Belønnet for at deltage i 2014 Summer Adventure" "[english]Attrib_Summer2014Tag" "Rewarded for participating in the 2014 Summer Adventure" "Attrib_CrateGenerationCode" "Kasse-generationskode: \"%s1\"" "[english]Attrib_CrateGenerationCode" "Crate generation code: '%s1'" "Attrib_Revive" "Genopliv holdkammerater" "[english]Attrib_Revive" "Revive Teammates" "Attrib_Particle3001" "Blændende Præstation" "[english]Attrib_Particle3001" "Showstopper" "Attrib_Particle3002" "Blændende Præstation" "[english]Attrib_Particle3002" "Showstopper" "Attrib_Particle3003" "Hellig Gral" "[english]Attrib_Particle3003" "Holy Grail" "Attrib_Particle3004" "'72" "[english]Attrib_Particle3004" "'72" "Attrib_Particle3005" "Fornøjelsens Springvand" "[english]Attrib_Particle3005" "Fountain of Delight" "Attrib_Particle3006" "Skrigende Tiger" "[english]Attrib_Particle3006" "Screaming Tiger" "Attrib_Particle3007" "Betalt Efter Evne" "[english]Attrib_Particle3007" "Skill Gotten Gains" "Attrib_Particle3008" "Midnatshvirvelvind" "[english]Attrib_Particle3008" "Midnight Whirlwind" "Attrib_Particle3009" "Sølvcyklon" "[english]Attrib_Particle3009" "Silver Cyclone" "Attrib_Particle3010" "Meganedslag" "[english]Attrib_Particle3010" "Mega Strike" "TF_TideTurner" "Tidevandsvenderen" "[english]TF_TideTurner" "The Tide Turner" "TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-skyd: Løb mod dine fjender og fjern debuffs.\nFå et mini-kritisk nærkampsslag, efter du rammer en fjende fra afstand." "[english]TF_TideTurner_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a mini-crit melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance." "TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "Brødbiddet" "[english]TF_Weapon_BreadBite" "The Bread Bite" "TF_Weapon_BreadBite_Desc" "Inspireret af TF2-filmen 'Expiration Date'" "[english]TF_Weapon_BreadBite_Desc" "Inspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'" "TF_Weapon_SnackAttack" "Snack-angrebet" "[english]TF_Weapon_SnackAttack" "The Snack Attack" "TF_Weapon_SnackAttack_Desc" "Inspireret af TF2-filmen 'Expiration Date'" "[english]TF_Weapon_SnackAttack_Desc" "Inspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'" "TF_Weapon_SelfAwareBeautyMark" "Den Selvbevidste Skønhedsplet" "[english]TF_Weapon_SelfAwareBeautyMark" "The Self-Aware Beauty Mark" "TF_Weapon_SelfAwareBeautyMark_desc" "\nInspireret af TF2-filmen 'Expiration Date'" "[english]TF_Weapon_SelfAwareBeautyMark_desc" "\nInspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'" "TF_Weapon_MutatedMilk" "Muteret Mælk" "[english]TF_Weapon_MutatedMilk" "Mutated Milk" "TF_Weapon_MutatedMilk_desc" "Spillere heler 60% af skade gjort på en fjende dækket af mælk.\n\nInspireret af TF2-filmen 'Expiration Date'" "[english]TF_Weapon_MutatedMilk_desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk.\n\nInspired by the TF2 Movie 'Expiration Date'" "TF_Weapon_BaseJumper" "B.A.S.E.-hopperen" "[english]TF_Weapon_BaseJumper" "The B.A.S.E. Jumper" "TF_Weapon_BaseJumper_Desc" "Tryk på tasten \"HOP\" i luften for at udløse.\nUdløste faldskærme bremser dit fald." "[english]TF_Weapon_BaseJumper_Desc" "Press 'JUMP' key in the air to deploy.\nDeployed Parachutes slow your descent." "TF_Weapon_BackScatter" "Rygsprederen" "[english]TF_Weapon_BackScatter" "The Back Scatter" "TF_Weapon_BackScatter_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Weapon_BackScatter_Desc" "" "Attrib_BackAttackMinicrits" "Gør mini-kritisk skade mod fjender når den affyres mod deres ryg på tæt afstand" "[english]Attrib_BackAttackMinicrits" "Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range" "TF_Weapon_AirStrike" "Luftangrebet" "[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike" "The Air Strike" "TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Weapon_AirStrike_Desc" "" "TauntsExplanation_Title" "Hånudstyr" "[english]TauntsExplanation_Title" "Taunts Loadout" "ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "Klik her for at se dine udstyrede hån.\n\nLigesom med dine våben og kosmetiske genstande, kan du tilpasse dit hån-udstyr for hver klasse." "[english]ClassLoadoutTauntsExplanation_Text" "Click here to view your equipped taunts.\n\nJust like with your weapons and cosmetic items, you can customize your taunt loadout for each class." "Store_Cosmetics" "Kosmetik" "[english]Store_Cosmetics" "Cosmetics" "Store_Taunts" "Hån" "[english]Store_Taunts" "Taunts" "TF_ClassLoadoutTauntInputHint" "Tryk på \"%taunt%\" i spillet for at åbne hån-menuen." "[english]TF_ClassLoadoutTauntInputHint" "Hit '%taunt%' to bring up the in-game taunt HUD." "TF_TauntDemomanNuke" "Hån: Velbrugt Sprut" "[english]TF_TauntDemomanNuke" "Taunt: Spent Well Spirits" "TF_TauntDemomanNuke_Desc" "Demoman-hån" "[english]TF_TauntDemomanNuke_Desc" "Demoman Taunt" "TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo" "Hån: UUUdraderet!" "[english]TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo" "Taunt: Oblooterated" "TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "Demoman-hån" "[english]TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "Demoman Taunt" "TF_TauntEngineerRancho" "Hån: Automatiseret Afslapning" "[english]TF_TauntEngineerRancho" "Taunt: Rancho Relaxo" "TF_TauntEngineerRancho_Desc" "Engineer-hån" "[english]TF_TauntEngineerRancho_Desc" "Engineer Taunt" "TF_TauntMedicXRay" "Hån: Resultaterne er klar" "[english]TF_TauntMedicXRay" "Taunt: Results Are In" "TF_TauntMedicXRay_Desc" "Medic-hån" "[english]TF_TauntMedicXRay_Desc" "Medic Taunt" "TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick" "Hån: Festtrick" "[english]TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick" "Taunt: Party Trick" "TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick_Desc" "Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick_Desc" "Pyro Taunt" "TF_TauntScoutBatMan" "Hån: Kamp mod Tusind" "[english]TF_TauntScoutBatMan" "Taunt: Battin' a Thousand" "TF_TauntScoutBatMan_Desc" "Scout-hån" "[english]TF_TauntScoutBatMan_Desc" "Scout Taunt" "TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket" "Hån: Friturestegt Fristelse" "[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket" "Taunt: Deep Fried Desire" "TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "Scout-hån" "[english]TF_TauntScoutChickenBucket_Desc" "Scout Taunt" "TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "Hån: Jeg Kan Se Dig" "[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou" "Taunt: I See You" "TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_TauntSniperISeeYou_Desc" "Sniper Taunt" "TF_TauntSoldierCoffee" "Hån: Friskbrygget Sejr" "[english]TF_TauntSoldierCoffee" "Taunt: Fresh Brewed Victory" "TF_TauntSoldierCoffee_Desc" "Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_TauntSoldierCoffee_Desc" "Soldier Taunt" "TF_TauntSpyBuyALife" "Hån: Køb Dig Et Liv" "[english]TF_TauntSpyBuyALife" "Taunt: Buy A Life" "TF_TauntSpyBuyALife_Desc" "Spy-hån" "[english]TF_TauntSpyBuyALife_Desc" "Spy Taunt" "TF_TauntAllClassConga" "Hån: Conga" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassConga" "Taunt: Conga" "TF_TauntAllClassConga_Desc" "Dette er et gruppehån til alle klasser\nAndre spillere kan deltage ved at aktivere deres våbenhån\n\nTryk på tasten for hånpladsen for at starte/stoppe\nBrug sidelæns-tasterne til at rotere, når du danser conga" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassConga_Desc" "All Class Group Taunt\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse the Strafe keys to rotate as you Conga" "TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance" "Hån: Square Dance" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance" "Taunt: Square Dance" "TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance_Desc" "Dette er et partnerhån. Tryk på hån-knappen for at starte/stoppe." "[english]TF_TauntAllClassSquareDance_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle." "TF_TauntAllClassFlip" "Hån: Flipper Vildt" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassFlip" "Taunt: Flippin' Awesome" "TF_TauntAllClassFlip_Desc" "Dette er et partnerhån. Tryk på hån-knappen for at starte/stoppe." "[english]TF_TauntAllClassFlip_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle." "TF_TauntAllClassRPS" "Hån: Sten, Saks, Papir" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassRPS" "Taunt: Rock, Paper, Scissors" "TF_TauntAllClassRPS_Desc" "Dette er et partnerhån. Tryk på hån-knappen for at starte/stoppe.\nModstandere spiller til døden." "[english]TF_TauntAllClassRPS_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle.\nOpposing teams will face off to the death." "TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker" "Hån: Kranieknuser" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker" "Taunt: Skullcracker" "TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker_Desc" "Dette er et partnerhån. Tryk på hån-knappen for at starte/stoppe." "[english]TF_TauntAllClassSkullcracker_Desc" "This is a partner taunt. Press the taunt key to toggle." "TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "Den Klassificerede Kampfrakke" "[english]TF_short2014_soldier_fed_coat" "The Classified Coif" "TF_short2014_invisible_ishikawa" "Røverens Robe" "[english]TF_short2014_invisible_ishikawa" "The Rogue's Robe" "TF_short2014_soldier_fedhair" "Skræmmebrillerne" "[english]TF_short2014_soldier_fedhair" "The Spook Specs" "TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "Sengoku-svitser" "[english]TF_short2014_sengoku_scorcher" "Sengoku Scorcher" "TF_short2014_man_in_slacks" "Manden med Slacks" "[english]TF_short2014_man_in_slacks" "The Man in Slacks" "TF_short2014_demo_mohawk" "Barbérsnittet" "[english]TF_short2014_demo_mohawk" "The Razor Cut" "TF_short2014_scout_ninja_mask" "Den Overseje Ninja-hætte" "[english]TF_short2014_scout_ninja_mask" "The Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood" "TF_short2014_ninja_vest" "Sydens Shinobi" "[english]TF_short2014_ninja_vest" "The Southie Shinobi" "TF_short2014_ninja_boots" "De Røde Sokker" "[english]TF_short2014_ninja_boots" "The Red Socks" "TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask" "Bøllens Bandana" "[english]TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask" "The Bruiser's Bandanna" "TF_short2014_the_gas_guzzler" "Benzinslugeren" "[english]TF_short2014_the_gas_guzzler" "The Gas Guzzler" "TF_short2014_spiked_armourgeddon" "Det Rygende Udskridningslåg" "[english]TF_short2014_spiked_armourgeddon" "The Smoking Skid Lid" "TF_short2014_wildfire_wrappers" "Lunatisk Læder" "[english]TF_short2014_wildfire_wrappers" "The Lunatic's Leathers" "TF_short2014_heavy_goatee" "Yuris Hævn" "[english]TF_short2014_heavy_goatee" "Yuri's Revenge" "TF_short2014_engie_toolbelt" "Grundlæggende Grej" "[english]TF_short2014_engie_toolbelt" "The Tools of the Trade" "TF_short2014_poopyj_backpack" "Abeskøn Arbejdstaske" "[english]TF_short2014_poopyj_backpack" "The Joe-on-the-Go" "TF_short2014_deadhead" "Luftlejemorderen" "[english]TF_short2014_deadhead" "The Aviator Assassin" "TF_short2014_confidence_trickster" "Luftkaptajnen" "[english]TF_short2014_confidence_trickster" "The Sky Captain" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair" "Fredselskerens Hestehale" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair" "The Peacenik's Ponytail" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_chin" "Trippelhagen" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_chin" "The Level Three Chin" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_shirt" "Æggehovedets Overalls" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_shirt" "The Egghead's Overalls" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_feet" "De Ensomme Hyttesko" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_feet" "The Lonesome Loafers" "TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "Ze Übermensch" "[english]TF_short2014_medic_nietzsche" "Ze Übermensch" "TF_short2014_spy_ascot_vest" "Den Moderigtige Morder" "[english]TF_short2014_spy_ascot_vest" "The Au Courant Assassin" "TF_short2014_endothermic_exowear" "Den Endotermiske Udstyring" "[english]TF_short2014_endothermic_exowear" "The Endothermic Exowear" "TF_short2014_lil_moe" "Lejesoldatens Hanekam" "[english]TF_short2014_lil_moe" "The Merc's Mohawk" "TF_short2014_all_eyepatch" "Blikfangeren" "[english]TF_short2014_all_eyepatch" "The Eye-Catcher" "TF_short2014_medic_messenger_bag" "Den Medicinske Mandetaske" "[english]TF_short2014_medic_messenger_bag" "The Medicine Manpurse" "TF_short2014_pyro_chickenhat" "Mmmphedens Medarbejder" "[english]TF_short2014_pyro_chickenhat" "Employee of the Mmmph" "TF_short2014_fowl_fryer" "Frituremesteren" "[english]TF_short2014_fowl_fryer" "The Frymaster" "TF_short2014_honnoji_helm" "Den Brandbare Kabuto" "[english]TF_short2014_honnoji_helm" "The Combustible Kabuto" "TF_short2014_chronoscarf" "Chronoklædet" "[english]TF_short2014_chronoscarf" "The Chronoscarf" "TF_short2014_chemists_pride" "Faren" "[english]TF_short2014_chemists_pride" "The Danger" "TF_short2014_badlands_wanderer" "Præriens Dhævn" "[english]TF_short2014_badlands_wanderer" "The Frontier Djustice" "TF_short2014_vintage_director" "Vive La France" "[english]TF_short2014_vintage_director" "Vive La France" "TF_short2014_scopers_smoke" "Sigterens Smøg" "[english]TF_short2014_scopers_smoke" "The Scoper's Smoke" "TF_short2014_sniper_cargo_pants" "De Rumlige Rendebukser" "[english]TF_short2014_sniper_cargo_pants" "The Triggerman's Tacticals" "TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats" "Tippet Låg" "[english]TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats" "Tipped Lid" "TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "Klassikeren" "[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "The Classic" "TF_ClassicSniperRifle_Desc" "" "[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "UGC Highlander-liga Sæson 12" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "UGC Highlander League Season 12" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 6vs6 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season14" "UGC 6vs6-liga Sæson 14" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season14" "UGC 6vs6 League Season 14" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 4vs4 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 4vs4 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Season1" "UGC 4vs4-liga Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Season1" "UGC 4vs4 League Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season2" "Sæson 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season2" "Season 2" "TF_Map_pl_cactuscanyon" "Cactus Canyon - BETA" "[english]TF_Map_pl_cactuscanyon" "Cactus Canyon - BETA" "TF_Map_rd_asteroid" "RD Asteroid - BETA" "[english]TF_Map_rd_asteroid" "RD Asteroid - BETA" "TF_RD_RobotsUnderAttack" "Jeres ROBOTTER er UNDER ANGREB!" "[english]TF_RD_RobotsUnderAttack" "Your ROBOTS are UNDER ATTACK!" "Gametype_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction" "[english]Gametype_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction" "QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "Beta-baner" "[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "Beta Maps" "QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "Afkryds dette felt for at spille beta-baner.\n\nBaner, som anses for at være i \"beta\", er stadig i udvikling. Disse baner er ikke færdige og vil ændre sig ofte, mens de er i beta-tilstand.\n\nDu kan opleve fejl eller anden uventet opførsel, når du spiller beta-baner." "[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "Check this box to play beta maps.\n\nMaps that are considered 'beta' are still in development. These maps are not final and will change frequently while in beta form.\n\nYou may experience bugs or other unexpected behavior while playing in beta maps." "TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "Spil beta-baner" "[english]TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "Play Beta Maps" "TF_Quickplay_Beta" "Beta" "[english]TF_Quickplay_Beta" "Beta" "TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "Ødelæg robotter og stjæl point hurtigere end modstanderens hold." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "Destroy robots and steal points faster than the enemy team." "TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "Point optjenes ved at destruere fjendens robotter. Robotter skal destrueres i rækkefølge, startende med de forreste robotter.\n\nPoint kan også stjæles ved at stjæle efterretningsmappen inderst inde i fjendens base og returnere den til jeres base." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "Points are gained by destroying the enemy team's robots. Robots must be destroyed in order, starting with the front-most bots.\n\nPoints can also be stolen by stealing the intelligence briefcase from deep within the enemy base and returning it to your base." "default_rd_description" "Mål: Ødelæg fjendens robotter og indsaml reaktorkerner for at vinde. Få stjålne reaktorkerner tilbage ved at trænge ind i fjendens opbevaringsrum." "[english]default_rd_description" "Objective: To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault." "rd_asteroid_description" "Mål: Ødelæg fjendens robotter og indsaml reaktorkerner for at vinde. Få stjålne reaktorkerner tilbage ved at trænge ind i fjendens opbevaringsrum." "[english]rd_asteroid_description" "Objective: To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault." "Winreason_ReactorCaptured" "%s1 vandt ved at erobre fjendens reaktorkerne" "[english]Winreason_ReactorCaptured" "%s1 won by capturing the enemy reactor core" "Winreason_CoresCollected" "%s1 vandt ved at ødelægge robotter og indsamle energikerner" "[english]Winreason_CoresCollected" "%s1 won by destroying robots and collecting power cores" "Winreason_ReactorReturned" "%s1 vandt ved at forsvare deres reaktorkerne, indtil den vendte tilbage" "[english]Winreason_ReactorReturned" "%s1 won by defending their reactor core until it returned" "TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style0" "Intet Headset" "[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style0" "No Headset" "TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style1" "Headset" "[english]TF_jul13_greased_lightning_Style1" "Headset" "TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style0" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style0" "No Hat" "TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style1" "Hat" "[english]TF_robo_scout_bolt_boy_style1" "Hat" "TF_Spycrab_Promo" "Spycrab Promo" "[english]TF_Spycrab_Promo" "Spycrab Promo" "TF_Spycrab_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Spycrab_Promo_Desc" "" "KillEaterEvent_TauntingPlayerKills" "Drab af hånende spillere" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TauntingPlayerKills" "Taunting Player Kills" "KillEaterEvent_RobotScoutKill" "Robot-Scouts ødelagt" "[english]KillEaterEvent_RobotScoutKill" "Robot Scouts Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_TauntingPlayerKills" "Sær del: Drab af håndende spillere" "[english]TF_StrangePart_TauntingPlayerKills" "Strange Part: Taunting Player Kills" "TF_StrangePart_TauntingPlayerKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af hånende spillere, du dræber med det våben" "[english]TF_StrangePart_TauntingPlayerKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of taunting players you kill with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_RobotScoutKills" "Sær del: Robot-Scouts ødelagt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotScoutKills" "Strange Part: Robot Scouts Destroyed" "TF_StrangePart_RobotScoutKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, efter dit valg, gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af invaderende robot-scouts, du destruerer med det i Mann vs. Machine-spil." "[english]TF_StrangePart_RobotScoutKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of invading Robot Scouts you destroy with it in Mann vs. Machine games." "TF_spycrab" "Spykrabbe" "[english]TF_spycrab" "Spycrab" "TF_spycrab_Desc" "" "[english]TF_spycrab_Desc" "" "Cannot_Be_Spectator_Unbalance" "At tilslutte dig tilskuerne ville gøre holdene ubalancerede." "[english]Cannot_Be_Spectator_Unbalance" "Joining spectators would unbalance the teams." "TF_RPS_Promo" "RPS Promo" "[english]TF_RPS_Promo" "RPS Promo" "TF_RPS_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_RPS_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Horace" "Horace" "[english]TF_Horace" "Horace" "TF_Horace_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Horace_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_1st" "1.-plads i ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_1st" "ETF2L Highlander Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_2nd" "2.-plads i ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_2nd" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_3rd" "3.-plads i ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_3rd" "ETF2L Highlander Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participant" "Deltager i ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participant" "ETF2L Highlander Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season21" "Sæson 21" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season21" "Season 21" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season22" "Sæson 22" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season22" "Season 22" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season23" "Sæson 23" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season23" "Season 23" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season24" "Sæson 24" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season24" "Season 24" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season25" "Sæson 25" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season25" "Season 25" "TF_RETF2_EE22_6v6_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 6v6 Winner" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_6v6_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 6v6 Winner" "TF_RETF2_EE22_6v6_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 6v6 Participant" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_6v6_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 6v6 Participant" "TF_RETF2_EE22_4v4_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 4v4 Winner" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_4v4_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 4v4 Winner" "TF_RETF2_EE22_4v4_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 4v4 Participant" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_4v4_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 4v4 Participant" "TF_RETF2_EE22_Dodgeball_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Winner" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_Dodgeball_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Winner" "TF_RETF2_EE22_Dodgeball_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Participant" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_Dodgeball_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Participant" "TF_RETF2_EE22_Pan_Tournament_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Winner" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_Pan_Tournament_Winner" "RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Winner" "TF_RETF2_EE22_Pan_Tournament_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Participant" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_Pan_Tournament_Participant" "RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Participant" "TF_RETF2_EE22_Contributor" "Bidragyder til RETF2 EE22" "[english]TF_RETF2_EE22_Contributor" "RETF2 EE22 Contributor" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween" "Halloween" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Halloween" "Halloween" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Taunt" "Hån" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Taunt" "Taunt" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationProp" "Rekvisit: (valgfri)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationProp" "Prop: (optional)" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationSource" "Animation" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationSource" "Animation" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationVCD" "VCD (valgfri)" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationVCD" "VCD (optional)" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationDuration" "Hånvarighed : %s1" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationDuration" "Taunt Duration : %s1" "TF_ImportFile_SelectAnimationSource" "Vælg animation" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectAnimationSource" "Select Animation" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationSourceFileType" "*.smd,*.dmx,*.fbx" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationSourceFileType" "*.smd,*.dmx,*.fbx" "TF_ImportFile_SelectAnimationVCD" "Vælg animation-VCD" "[english]TF_ImportFile_SelectAnimationVCD" "Select Animation VCD" "TF_ImportFile_AnimationVCDFileType" "*.vcd" "[english]TF_ImportFile_AnimationVCDFileType" "*.vcd" "TF_ImportFile_EditQCI" "Rediger QCI" "[english]TF_ImportFile_EditQCI" "Edit QCI" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoTaunts" "Du skal angive hånkilder" "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedNoTaunts" "You must specify taunt sources" "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadVCD" "Der opstod en fejl under bekræftelsen af VCD-processen." "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedBadVCD" "There is some error in verifying VCD process." "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDMissingEventSequence" "Manglende eventsekvens i VCD'en." "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDMissingEventSequence" "Missing event sequence in the VCD." "TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDEventSequenceTooLong" "VCD'en har eventsekvens med sluttid som er længere end den maksimale tilladte tid på 5 sekunder." "[english]TF_ImportFile_BuildFailedVCDEventSequenceTooLong" "VCD has event sequence end time that is longer than allowed maximum time of 5 seconds." "TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedAnimationTooLong" "Animationsvarigheden i %file% er %current_anim_duration% sekunder og må ikke være længere end %max_anim_duration% sekunder." "[english]TF_ImportFile_LoadFailedAnimationTooLong" "Animation duration from %file% is %current_anim_duration% seconds. Cannot be over %max_anim_duration% seconds." "TF_ItemPrefab_taunt" "hån" "[english]TF_ItemPrefab_taunt" "taunt" "TF_ImportPreview_Taunt" "Hån" "[english]TF_ImportPreview_Taunt" "Taunt" "ItemTypeDescLimited" "%s3Niveau %s1 %s2" "[english]ItemTypeDescLimited" "%s3Level %s1 %s2" "LimitedQualityDesc" "Begrænset " "[english]LimitedQualityDesc" "Limited " "TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co.-fraklipsfilmrulle" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel" "TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "Denne kasse indeholder fire genstande tilfældigt valgt fra et lille sæt. Du kan, via din rygsæk, justere hvilke fire genstande, som skal vælges.\n\nDu skal bruge en normal Mann Co.-forsyningskassenøgle for at åbne denne.\nDu kan købe en i Mann Co.-butikken." "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store." "TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Begrænset Sensommer-kasse" "[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate" "TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel og kræver en Limited Summer Key.\nDens indhold er begrænset og findes kun i denne type kasse.\nNogle, men ikke alle, af genstandene i denne kasse er af Sær kvalitet...\n\nEfter d. 13/10/2014 kan denne kasse ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and requires a Limited Summer Key.\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this crate can no longer be opened." "Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Øget nærkampsskade mod Isolated Merc-sæt" "[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set" "Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Øget Nostromo Napalmer-skade taget fra Isolated Merc-sæt." "[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage taken from Isolated Merc Set" "Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "Øget Nostromo Napalmer-skade mod Isolationist Pack-sæt" "[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage against Isolationist Pack Set" "Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "Øget nærkampsskade taget fra Isolationist Pack-sæt" "[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "Increased Melee damage taken from Isolationist Pack Set" "TF_Trading_PasswordChanged" "Du kan ikke bytte efter en nylig adgangskodeændring." "[english]TF_Trading_PasswordChanged" "You cannot trade after a recent password change." "TF_Trading_NewDevice" "Du kan ikke bytte efter for nylig at have brugt en ny enhed." "[english]TF_Trading_NewDevice" "You cannot trade after a recently using a new device." "TF_Trading_InvalidCookie" "Ugyldig webcookie, kan ikke fortsætte." "[english]TF_Trading_InvalidCookie" "Invalid web cookie, cannot continue." "TF_Set_AI_Pack" "Isolationist-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_AI_Pack" "The Isolationist Pack" "TF_Set_AI_Merc_Pack" "Den Isolerede Lejesoldat" "[english]TF_Set_AI_Merc_Pack" "The Isolated Merc" "TF_XenoSuit" "Xeno-dragten" "[english]TF_XenoSuit" "The Xeno Suit" "TF_XenoSuit_Desc" "" "[english]TF_XenoSuit_Desc" "" "TF_AlienCranium" "Rumvæsenkraniet" "[english]TF_AlienCranium" "The Alien Cranium" "TF_AlienCranium_Desc" "" "[english]TF_AlienCranium_Desc" "" "TF_BiomechBackpack" "Den Biomekaniske Rygsæk" "[english]TF_BiomechBackpack" "The Biomech Backpack" "TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" "" "[english]TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" "" "TF_NostromoNapalmer" "Nostromo Napalmeren" "[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer" "The Nostromo Napalmer" "TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" "" "[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" "" "TF_MK50" "MK 50" "[english]TF_MK50" "The MK 50" "TF_MK50_Desc" "" "[english]TF_MK50_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_2014" "2014" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2014" "2014" "TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_1st" "1.-plads ved BETA LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_1st" "BETA LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_2nd" "2.-plads ved BETA LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_2nd" "BETA LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_3rd" "3.-plads ved BETA LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_3rd" "BETA LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_Participant" "Deltager ved BETA LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_Participant" "BETA LAN Participant" "TF_Wearable_Jacket" "Jakke" "[english]TF_Wearable_Jacket" "Jacket" "TF_RD_RedFinale" "Red vinder om:" "[english]TF_RD_RedFinale" "Red wins in:" "TF_RD_BlueFinale" "Blu vinder om:" "[english]TF_RD_BlueFinale" "Blue wins in:" "TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Header" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende begrænsede genstande:" "[english]TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Header" "This crate contains one of the following limited items:" "TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Footer" "eller en yderst sjælden specialgenstand eller usædvanlig Thirst Blood!\n" "[english]TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Footer" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special item or Unusual Thirst Blood!\n" "TF_LimitedSummerKey2014" "Begrænset Sensommer-kassenøgle" "[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate Key" "TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Begrænset Sensommer-kasse\nSensommer-kasser indeholder begrænsede genstande, som kun kan findes i den slags kasse.\n\nEfter d. 13/10/2014 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "Used to open Limited Late Summer Crates.\nLate Summer Crates contain limited items that only come from it.\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "Den Ordknappe Oprydder" "[english]TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "The Mishap Mercenary" "TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "Farlig Forfører" "[english]TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "The Lady Killer" "TF_sept2014_lone_survivor" "Den Eneste Overlevende" "[english]TF_sept2014_lone_survivor" "The Lone Survivor" "TF_sept2014_thirst_blood" "Blodtørst" "[english]TF_sept2014_thirst_blood" "Thirst Blood" "TF_sept2014_mann_of_the_seven_sees" "Mannen af De Syv Verdenshave" "[english]TF_sept2014_mann_of_the_seven_sees" "Mann of the Seven Sees" "TF_sept2014_hillbilly_speedbump" "Sydens Vejbump" "[english]TF_sept2014_hillbilly_speedbump" "Hillbilly Speed-Bump" "TF_sept2014_unshaved_bear" "Den Ubarberede Bjørn" "[english]TF_sept2014_unshaved_bear" "The Unshaved Bear" "TF_sept2014_poachers_safari_jacket" "Krybskyttens Safarijakke" "[english]TF_sept2014_poachers_safari_jacket" "Poacher's Safari Jacket" "TF_sept2014_pocket_heavy" "Lomme-Heavy" "[english]TF_sept2014_pocket_heavy" "Pocket Heavy" "TF_vote_autobalance_enable" "Slå autobalancering af hold til?" "[english]TF_vote_autobalance_enable" "Enable team auto-balancing?" "TF_vote_passed_autobalance_enable" "Autobalancering slået til..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_autobalance_enable" "Auto-balance enabled..." "TF_vote_autobalance_disable" "Slå autobalancering af hold fra?" "[english]TF_vote_autobalance_disable" "Disable team auto-balancing?" "TF_vote_passed_autobalance_disable" "Autobalancering slået fra..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_autobalance_disable" "Auto-balance disabled..." "Vote_RestartGame" "Genstart spil" "[english]Vote_RestartGame" "Restart Game" "Vote_Kick" "Smid ud" "[english]Vote_Kick" "Kick" "Vote_ChangeLevel" "Skift bane" "[english]Vote_ChangeLevel" "Change Map" "Vote_NextLevel" "Næste bane" "[english]Vote_NextLevel" "Next Map" "Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Bland holdende" "[english]Vote_ScrambleTeams" "Scramble Teams" "Vote_ChangeMission" "Skift mission" "[english]Vote_ChangeMission" "Change Mission" "Vote_TeamAutoBalance_Enable" "Slå autobalancering af hold til" "[english]Vote_TeamAutoBalance_Enable" "Enable Team AutoBalance" "Vote_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "Slå autobalancering af hold fra" "[english]Vote_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "Disable Team AutoBalance" "TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "Vippet til kækkeste vinkel. Hjælper de mest storslåede formål. (99% af fællesskabsindtægterne går til One Step Camp, et lejrprogram for børn med kræft.)" "[english]TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "Tipped to the jauntiest of angles. Helps the noblest of causes. (99 percent of community revenue goes to One Step Camp, a camp program for kids with cancer.)" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN" "Florida LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN" "Florida LAN" "TF_AI_Promo" "Alien: Isolation Promo" "[english]TF_AI_Promo" "Alien: Isolation Promo" "TF_AI_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_AI_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_vote_classlimits_enable" "Slå klassebegrænsning på %s1 til?" "[english]TF_vote_classlimits_enable" "Enable class limit of %s1?" "TF_vote_passed_classlimits_enable" "Klassebegrænsninger slået til..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_classlimits_enable" "Class limits enabled..." "TF_vote_classlimits_disable" "Slå klassebegrænsninger fra?" "[english]TF_vote_classlimits_disable" "Disable class limits?" "TF_vote_passed_classlimits_disable" "Klassebegrænsninger slået fra..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_classlimits_disable" "Class limits disabled..." "Vote_ClassLimit_Enable" "Slå klassebegrænsninger til" "[english]Vote_ClassLimit_Enable" "Enable Class Limits" "Vote_ClassLimit_Disable" "Slå klassebegrænsninger fra" "[english]Vote_ClassLimit_Disable" "Disable Class Limits" "TF_PlayingToElimination" "Eliminering" "[english]TF_PlayingToElimination" "Elimination" "TF_KART" "VOGN" "[english]TF_KART" "KART" "TF_Weapon_Hammer" "Hammer" "[english]TF_Weapon_Hammer" "Hammer" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything" "Halloween 2014-fællesskabsbundtet" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything" "Halloween 2014 Community Bundle" "TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything_Desc" "Dette uhyggelige bundt indeholder HALVTREDS utrolige genstande skabt af medlemmer af TF2-fællesskabet for at fejre den sjette årlige Scream Fortress-begivenhed. Det er umuligt at vise det hele på én skærm, men vi vil prøve:" "[english]TF_Bundle_Halloween2014Everything_Desc" "This creepy bundle contains FIFTY exquisite items created by members of the TF2 community to celebrate the Sixth Annual Scream Fortress event. There's no way to fit it all on one screen but we'll try:" "TF_Map_sd_doomsday_event" "Carnival of Carnage" "[english]TF_Map_sd_doomsday_event" "Carnival of Carnage" "Msg_PickedUpFlagHalloween2014" "samlede billetterne op!" "[english]Msg_PickedUpFlagHalloween2014" "picked up the tickets!" "Msg_CapturedFlagHalloween2014" "gik i Merasmus' fælde!" "[english]Msg_CapturedFlagHalloween2014" "fell for Merasmus's trap!" "Msg_DefendedFlagHalloween2014" "forsvarede billetterne!" "[english]Msg_DefendedFlagHalloween2014" "defended the tickets!" "doomsday_event_setup_goal" "Få billetterne til toppen af Strongmann!" "[english]doomsday_event_setup_goal" "Get the tickets to the top of the Strongmann!" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Bøjet kofanger" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Bumper Crop" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_DESC" "Dræb 30 fjender ved at skubbe deres radiobiler af banen." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_KILL_KARTS_DESC" "Kill 30 enemies by bumping their bumper cars off the tracks." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_COLLECT_DUCKS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Oppe hele natten for at rappe" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_COLLECT_DUCKS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Up All Night To Get Ducky" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_COLLECT_DUCKS_DESC" "Indsaml 250 ænder." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_COLLECT_DUCKS_DESC" "Collect 250 ducks." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_SCORE_GOALS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Hattrick" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_SCORE_GOALS_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Hat Trick" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_SCORE_GOALS_DESC" "Scor 3 mål i radiobilfodbold." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_SCORE_GOALS_DESC" "Score 3 goals in bumper car soccer." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_RESPAWN_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: ReinKartnation" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_RESPAWN_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: ReinKartnation" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_RESPAWN_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Bring 30 spøgelsesholdkammerater tilbage i radiobilspillene." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_RESPAWN_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Respawn 30 ghost teammates during bumper car games." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_TINY_SMASHER_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Våbenindskrænkning" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_TINY_SMASHER_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Arms Reduction" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_TINY_SMASHER_DESC" "Dræb 15 fjender mens påvirket af Merasmus' \"kun nærkamp\"-forbandelse." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_TINY_SMASHER_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies while under the effect of Merasmus's melee-only curse." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_WIN_MINIGAMES_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Kofanger til kofanger til kofanger" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_WIN_MINIGAMES_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Bumper to Bumper to Bumper" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_WIN_MINIGAMES_DESC" "Vind alle de 3 radiobilspil for at modtage en Halloween Gift Cauldron." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_WIN_MINIGAMES_DESC" "Win each of the 3 bumper car games to earn a bonus Halloween Gift Cauldron." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_MILESTONE_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Træd nærmere" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_MILESTONE_NAME" "Carnival of Carnage: Step Right Up" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_MILESTONE_DESC" "Optjen 4 af Carnival of Carnage-præstationerne." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOOMSDAY_MILESTONE_DESC" "Earn 4 of the Carnival of Carnage achievements." "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenOverworldKills" "Carnival-drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenOverworldKills" "Carnival Kills" "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenUnderworldKills" "Carnival-underverdensdrab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenUnderworldKills" "Carnival Underworld Kills" "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenMinigamesWon" "Carnival-spil vundet" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenMinigamesWon" "Carnival Games Won" "TF_UnlockedCrate_Type" "Oplåst kasse" "[english]TF_UnlockedCrate_Type" "Unlocked Crate" "TF_Halloween2014Crate_Desc" "Denne gyselige kasse er kun tilgængelig i en begrænset periode. Nogle af genstandene i den er hjemsøgte eller sære...\n\nDen er allerede låst op og klar til at åbnes!" "[english]TF_Halloween2014Crate_Desc" "This creepy crate is only available for a\nlimited time. Some of the items inside are\nHaunted and Strange...\n\nIt's already unlocked and ready to open!" "TF_HalloweenCauldron2014" "Halloween Gift Cauldron" "[english]TF_HalloweenCauldron2014" "Halloween Gift Cauldron" "TF_HalloweenCauldron2014_Desc" "Du kan brække låget op på denne gryde, for at se hvilke mærkværdigheder der ligger deri... Fra din rygsæk... HVIS DU TØR." "[english]TF_HalloweenCauldron2014_Desc" "You can pry open the lid of this cauldron to see what strangeness lies within... from your backpack... IF YOU DARE." "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Scout" "Oplåst gyselig Scout-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Scout" "Unlocked Creepy Scout Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Pyro" "Oplåst gyselig Pyro-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Pyro" "Unlocked Creepy Pyro Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Heavy" "Oplåst gyselig Heavy-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Heavy" "Unlocked Creepy Heavy Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Engineer" "Oplåst gyselig Engineer-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Engineer" "Unlocked Creepy Engineer Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Spy" "Oplåst gyselig Spy-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Spy" "Unlocked Creepy Spy Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Sniper" "Oplåst gyselig Sniper-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Sniper" "Unlocked Creepy Sniper Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Soldier" "Oplåst gyselig Soldier-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Soldier" "Unlocked Creepy Soldier Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Medic" "Oplåst gyselig Medic-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Medic" "Unlocked Creepy Medic Crate" "TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Demo" "Oplåst gyselig Demo-kasse" "[english]TF_SupplyCrate_Halloween2014_Demo" "Unlocked Creepy Demo Crate" "TF_Halloween_Rare_Loot_List_Footer" "eller en yderst sjælden specialgenstand med halloween-tema!" "[english]TF_Halloween_Rare_Loot_List_Footer" "or an Exceedingly Rare Halloween-themed Special item!" "Attrib_Particle81" "Bonzo Den Altgnavende" "[english]Attrib_Particle81" "Bonzo The All-Gnawing" "Attrib_Particle82" "Evig" "[english]Attrib_Particle82" "Amaranthine" "Attrib_Particle83" "Hinsides Stirren" "[english]Attrib_Particle83" "Stare From Beyond" "Attrib_Particle84" "Slammet" "[english]Attrib_Particle84" "The Ooze" "Attrib_Particle86" "Hjemsøgt Spøgelse Jr." "[english]Attrib_Particle86" "Haunted Phantasm Jr" "Attrib_Particle3011" "Hjemsøgt Spøgelse" "[english]Attrib_Particle3011" "Haunted Phantasm" "Attrib_Particle3012" "Spøgelsesagtige Spøgelser" "[english]Attrib_Particle3012" "Ghastly Ghosts" "TF_Spell_BombHead" "Bombehoved" "[english]TF_Spell_BombHead" "Bomb Head" "TF_How_To_Control_Kart" "Brug dine BEVÆGELSESTASTER til at køre gokarten.\n\nTryk på din SEKUNDÆR SKUDFUNKTION-tast for at lave et boost-angreb!\n\nJo mere din gokart bliver skadet, desto mere vil du flyve, når du bliver ramt" "[english]TF_How_To_Control_Kart" "Use your MOVEMENT KEYS to drive your kart.\n\nPress your SECONDARY FIRE key to perform a boost attack!\n\nThe more your kart gets damaged, the further you will fly when bumped" "TF_How_To_Control_Ghost" "Tryk på din HOP-tast for at flyve.\n\nRør en levende holdkammerat for at vende tilbage til de dødeliges verden!" "[english]TF_How_To_Control_Ghost" "Press your JUMP KEY to fly.\n\nTouch a living teammate to return to the mortal plane!" "TF_Weapon_Necro_Smasher" "Nekromantisk Nakker" "[english]TF_Weapon_Necro_Smasher" "Necro Smasher" "TF_Weapon_Necro_Smasher_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Weapon_Necro_Smasher_Desc" "" "TF_sf14_medic_herzensbrecher" "Herzensbrecher" "[english]TF_sf14_medic_herzensbrecher" "The Herzensbrecher" "TF_sf14_medic_hundkopf" "Hundkopf" "[english]TF_sf14_medic_hundkopf" "The Hundkopf" "TF_sf14_medic_kriegsmaschine_9000" "Kriegsmaschine-9000" "[english]TF_sf14_medic_kriegsmaschine_9000" "The Kriegsmaschine-9000" "TF_sf14_vampire_makeover" "Den Vampyriske Makeover" "[english]TF_sf14_vampire_makeover" "The Vampire Makeover" "TF_sf14_vampiric_vesture" "Det Vampyriske Klædebon" "[english]TF_sf14_vampiric_vesture" "The Vampiric Vesture" "TF_sf14_nugget_noggin" "Kyllingehovedet" "[english]TF_sf14_nugget_noggin" "The Nugget Noggin" "TF_sf14_fowl_fists" "Hanekæmperen" "[english]TF_sf14_fowl_fists" "The Fowl Fists" "TF_sf14_talon_trotters" "Hønsefødder" "[english]TF_sf14_talon_trotters" "The Talon Trotters" "TF_sf14_scout_hunter_head" "Hovedjægeren" "[english]TF_sf14_scout_hunter_head" "The Head Hunter" "TF_sf14_scout_hunter_arm" "De Patogene Potespidser" "[english]TF_sf14_scout_hunter_arm" "The Claws And Infect" "TF_sf14_scout_hunter_legs" "De Skøre Ben" "[english]TF_sf14_scout_hunter_legs" "The Crazy Legs" "TF_sf14_ghost_of_spies_checked_past" "Fortidens Spycheck-ånd" "[english]TF_sf14_ghost_of_spies_checked_past" "The Ghost of Spies Checked Past" "TF_sf14_hooded_haunter_classes" "Den Hætteklædte Hjemsøger" "[english]TF_sf14_hooded_haunter_classes" "The Hooded Haunter" "TF_sf14_conspiratorial_cut" "Kranisk Konspiration" "[english]TF_sf14_conspiratorial_cut" "The Cranial Conspiracy" "TF_sf14_skinless_slashers" "De Skællende Skrabere" "[english]TF_sf14_skinless_slashers" "The Scaly Scrapers" "TF_sf14_marsupial_man" "Pungdyrsmanden" "[english]TF_sf14_marsupial_man" "The Marsupial Man" "TF_sf14_kanga_kickers" "Kængurustylterne" "[english]TF_sf14_kanga_kickers" "The Kanga Kickers" "TF_sf14_roo_rippers" "Kampguruen" "[english]TF_sf14_roo_rippers" "The Roo Rippers" "TF_sf14_marsupial_muzzle" "Pungdyrssnuden" "[english]TF_sf14_marsupial_muzzle" "The Marsupial Muzzle" "TF_sf14_hw2014_spy_voodoo_hat" "Bagmandens Skygge" "[english]TF_sf14_hw2014_spy_voodoo_hat" "The Shadowman's Shade" "TF_sf14_nightmare_fedora" "Mareridtsjægeren" "[english]TF_sf14_nightmare_fedora" "The Nightmare Hunter" "TF_sf14_the_rogues_rabbit" "Tyveknægtens Kanin" "[english]TF_sf14_the_rogues_rabbit" "The Rogue's Rabbit" "TF_sf14_iron_fist" "Jernnæven" "[english]TF_sf14_iron_fist" "The Iron Fist" "TF_sf14_beep_man" "Beep-manden" "[english]TF_sf14_beep_man" "The Beep Man" "TF_sf14__soul_of_spensers_past" "De Forrige Dispenseres Sjæl" "[english]TF_sf14__soul_of_spensers_past" "The Soul of 'Spensers Past" "TF_sf14_tiny_texan" "Den Lille Texaner" "[english]TF_sf14_tiny_texan" "The Tiny Texan" "TF_sf14_spy_facepeeler" "Ansigtsskrælleren" "[english]TF_sf14_spy_facepeeler" "The Facepeeler" "TF_sf14_sniper_ostrich_legs" "Hr. Mundees Vilde Forlystelse" "[english]TF_sf14_sniper_ostrich_legs" "The Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride" "TF_sf14_templar_hood" "Tempelridderens Ånd" "[english]TF_sf14_templar_hood" "The Templar's Spirit" "TF_sf14_purity_wings" "Renhedens Vinger" "[english]TF_sf14_purity_wings" "The Wings of Purity" "TF_sf14_deadking_head" "Den Glemte Konges Rasteløse Hoved" "[english]TF_sf14_deadking_head" "The Forgotten King's Restless Head" "TF_sf14_deadking_pauldrons" "Den Glemte Konges Skulderplader" "[english]TF_sf14_deadking_pauldrons" "The Forgotten King's Pauldrons" "TF_sf14_demo_cyborg" "Øjevoveren" "[english]TF_sf14_demo_cyborg" "The Eyeborg" "TF_sf14_explosive_mind" "Mannhattan-projektet" "[english]TF_sf14_explosive_mind" "The Mannhattan Project" "TF_sf14_ghoul_gibbing_gear" "Genfærdsgarrotterende Grej" "[english]TF_sf14_ghoul_gibbing_gear" "The Ghoul Gibbin' Gear" "TF_sf14_hellhunters_headpiece" "Helvedejægerens Hovedstykke" "[english]TF_sf14_hellhunters_headpiece" "The Hellhunter's Headpiece" "TF_sf14_the_supernatural_stalker" "Den Overnaturlige Forfølger" "[english]TF_sf14_the_supernatural_stalker" "The Supernatural Stalker" "TF_sf14_hw2014_engi_gnome_beard" "Havebørsterne" "[english]TF_sf14_hw2014_engi_gnome_beard" "The Garden Bristles" "TF_sf14_the_battle_bird" "Kampfuglen" "[english]TF_sf14_the_battle_bird" "The Battle Bird" "TF_sf14_the_creatures_grin" "Væsnets Smil" "[english]TF_sf14_the_creatures_grin" "The Creature's Grin" "TF_sf14_hw2014_robot_arm" "Ildantænderens Instrument" "[english]TF_sf14_hw2014_robot_arm" "The Arsonist Apparatus" "TF_sf14_hw2014_robot_legg" "Mokkasinmaskineriet" "[english]TF_sf14_hw2014_robot_legg" "The Moccasin Machinery" "TF_sf14_lollichop_licker" "Sukkerslagsslikkeren" "[english]TF_sf14_lollichop_licker" "The Lollichop Licker" "TF_sf14_mr_juice" "Hr. Juice" "[english]TF_sf14_mr_juice" "Mr. Juice" "TF_sf14_vampyro" "Vampyroen" "[english]TF_sf14_vampyro" "The Vampyro" "TF_sf14_halloween_bone_cut_belt" "Det Knogleskårede Bælte" "[english]TF_sf14_halloween_bone_cut_belt" "The Bone-Cut Belt" "TF_sf14_halloween_bull_locks" "Tyretrækket" "[english]TF_sf14_halloween_bull_locks" "The Bull Locks" "TF_sf14_halloween_minsk_beef" "Millionbøflen" "[english]TF_sf14_halloween_minsk_beef" "The Minsk Beef" "TF_sf14_heavy_robo_chest" "Den Immobile Dragt" "[english]TF_sf14_heavy_robo_chest" "The Immobile Suit" "TF_kritz_or_treat_canteen" "Kritz Eller Ballade-feltflasken" "[english]TF_kritz_or_treat_canteen" "The Kritz or Treat Canteen" "TF_sf14_cursed_cruise" "Den Lille Hollænder" "[english]TF_sf14_cursed_cruise" "The Li'l Dutchman" "TF_sf14_turtle_head" "Dell in the Shell" "[english]TF_sf14_turtle_head" "Dell in the Shell" "TF_sf14_turtle_legs" "Skolarens Skaller" "[english]TF_sf14_turtle_legs" "Scholars Scales" "TF_sf14_turtle_shell" "A Shell of a Mann" "[english]TF_sf14_turtle_shell" "A Shell of a Mann" "TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Dog" "Canis Ex Machina" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Dog" "Canis Ex Machina" "TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Templar" "Tempelridderen" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Templar" "The Templar" "TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Hunter" "Tagtops-tageren" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Hunter" "The Rooftop Rebel" "TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Chicken" "Den Friturestegte Dengse" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Chicken" "The Deep-Fried Dummy" "TF_Set_SF14_Soldier_SupernaturalHunter" "Sergent Helsing" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Soldier_SupernaturalHunter" "The Sgt. Helsing" "TF_Set_SF14_Heavy_Minotaur" "Bæstet fra Minsk" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Heavy_Minotaur" "The Minsk Beast" "TF_Set_SF14_Sniper_Kangaroo" "Mannguruen" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Sniper_Kangaroo" "The Manngaroo" "TF_Set_SF14_Sniper_Lizard" "Reptilmanden" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Sniper_Lizard" "The Reptiloid" "TF_Set_SF14_Pyro_Robo" "Den Automatiserede Abnormitet" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Pyro_Robo" "The Automated Abnormality" "TF_Set_SF14_Demo_Skeleton" "Den Glemte Konge" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Demo_Skeleton" "The Forgotten King" "TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Vampire" "Dr. Acula" "[english]TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Vampire" "Dr. Acula" "TF_DeadliestCatch" "The Deadliest Catch" "[english]TF_DeadliestCatch" "The Deadliest Catch" "TF_DeadliestCatch_Desc" "Det er en blæksprutte! Det er blækspraktisk! Dette topmoderne blæksprutteforklædningssæt vil få alle til at tro, at du kan sprøjte blæk ud af dine mundinger." "[english]TF_DeadliestCatch_Desc" "It's cephaloposh! It's cephalopractical! This state-of-the-art octopus disguise kit will have everyone thinking you squirt ink out of your orifices." "sd_doomsday_event_description" "Mål: Få billetterne og lever dem til toppen af Strongmann! Vær klar til at teste din styrke! Andre bemærkninger: Spillere taber deres billetter, når de dør. Billetter, der tabes, vender tilbage til deres startposition efter 15 sekunder." "[english]sd_doomsday_event_description" "Objective: Get the tickets and deliver them to the top of the Strongmann! Get ready to test your strength! Other Notes: Players drop the tickets when they die. Dropped tickets return to their home after 15 seconds." "TF_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "TargetID - Deaktiver svævende helbredsbjælke" "[english]TF_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "TargetID - Disable Floating HealthBar" "ToolTip_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "Hvis slået til placeres en TargetID-helbredsbjælke inde i figurnavneskiltet" "[english]ToolTip_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "If set, places TargetID HealthBar inside the character nameplate" "TF_TargetID_Alpha" "TargetID-transparens" "[english]TF_TargetID_Alpha" "TargetID Alpha" "ToolTip_TargetID_Alpha" "Indstiller gennemsigtigheden for TargetID-navneskiltet" "[english]ToolTip_TargetID_Alpha" "Set the translucency the TargetID name plate" "TF_DadliestCatch" "Den Farligste Fangst" "[english]TF_DadliestCatch" "The Dadliest Catch" "TF_DadliestCatch_Desc" "Det er blæksprutisk! Det er blækspruttepraktisk! Denne moderne blæksprutteforklædning vil få alle til at tænke, at du sprøjter blæk ud af dine åbninger." "[english]TF_DadliestCatch_Desc" "It's cephaloposh! It's cephalopractical! This state-of-the-art octopus disguise kit will have everyone thinking you squirt ink out of your orifices." "TF_ImportFile_QCUnsupportedText" "Din QC indeholder ikke-understøttet tekst: %text%" "[english]TF_ImportFile_QCUnsupportedText" "Your QC contains unsupported text: %text%" "TF_RobotPyro_Promo" "Robot Pyro Collectible Figure Promo" "[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo" "Robot Pyro Collectible Figure Promo" "TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Nabler" "Nableren" "[english]TF_Nabler" "The Nabler" "TF_Nabler_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Nabler_Desc" "" "TF_EOTL_Crate" "End of the Line-fællesskabskasse" "[english]TF_EOTL_Crate" "End of the Line Community Crate" "TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "Denne kasse er speciel.\nDens indhold er ukendt og kræver en\nEnd of the Line-fællesskabskassenøgle for at kunne låse op.\n\nGenstande fundet i en EOTL-fællesskabskasse før d. 5. januar 2015 modtager et erindrende tag, der indikerer, at du er en tidlig støtter.\n\nThe End of the Line-fællesskabskassen indeholder usædvanlige effekter som kun findes i denne kasse." "[english]TF_EOTL_Crate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nEnd of the Line Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag.\n\nThe End of the Line Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate." "TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Gamers Assembly" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Gold" "Gamers Assembly Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Gamers Assembly" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Silver" "Gamers Assembly Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Gamers Assembly" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Bronze" "Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Participant" "Deltageremblem fra Gamers Assembly" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GamersAssembly_Participant" "Gamers Assembly Participant Badge" "TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra GA'lloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Gold" "GA'lloween Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra GA'lloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Silver" "GA'lloween Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra GA'lloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Bronze" "GA'lloween Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Participant" "Deltageremblem fra GA'lloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GAlloween_Participant" "GA'lloween Participant Badge" "TF_Medal_ThoughtThatCounts" "Tanken der Tæller" "[english]TF_Medal_ThoughtThatCounts" "Thought that Counts" "TF_Medal_ThoughtThatCounts_Desc" "TF2mixup-fællesskabsbegivenhed 2014" "[english]TF_Medal_ThoughtThatCounts_Desc" "TF2mixup Community Event 2014" "TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo" "TF2mixup-fællesskabsbegivenhed 2014 Promo" "[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo" "TF2mixup Community Event 2014 Promo" "TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_TF2mixup_Community_Event_2014_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome_eotl_launch" "Welcome" "TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Opgraderer, reparerer og øger konstruktionshastigheden af allierede bygninger ved træffer" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_Desc" "Upgrades, repairs and speeds up construction of friendly buildings on hit" "TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Shorts" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shorts" "Shorts" "TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Sweater" "[english]TF_Wearable_Sweater" "Sweater" "TF_Wearable_Pants" "Bukser" "[english]TF_Wearable_Pants" "Pants" "TF_Wearable_Vest" "Vest" "[english]TF_Wearable_Vest" "Vest" "TF_YourStats" "Dine statistikker" "[english]TF_YourStats" "Your Stats" "TF_DuckPromoList" "-Kosmetik med elleve stile til alle klasser\n-Sporer dine statistikker i løbet af End of the Line-begivenheden\n-Se førertavler og konkurrer med dine venner\n-Salgene støtter holdet bag End of the Line" "[english]TF_DuckPromoList" "-All-Class cosmetic with eleven styles\n-Tracks your stats during the End of the Line event\n-View leaderboards and compete with your friends\n-Sales support the End of the Line team" "TF_GetDucky" "Bliv rappet" "[english]TF_GetDucky" "Get Ducky" "Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Andekraft : %s1 / 5" "[english]Attrib_duck_badge_level" "Duck Power : %s1 / 5" "Attrib_duck_rating" "Ande-XP level : %s1" "[english]Attrib_duck_rating" "Duck XP Level : %s1" "Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Tidlig supporter af End of the Line-fællesskabsopdateringen" "[english]Attrib_eotl_early_supporter" "Early Supporter of End of the Line Community Update" "Attrib_duckstreaks" "Anderækker aktive" "[english]Attrib_duckstreaks" "Duckstreaks Active" "Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "Vis førertavler" "[english]Duck_ViewLeaderboards" "View Leaderboards" "ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at bruge denne\nAndepolet på denne andejournal?" "[english]ToolDuckTokenConfirm" "Are you sure you want to use the Duck Token\non this Duck Journal?" "TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Andepolet" "[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken" "Duck Token" "TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Brug for at øge en andejournals styrkeniveau.\nJournaler kan MAKSIMALT være niveau 5.\n\nEmblemer med højere niveau finder flere ænder.\nEfter d. 5. januar 2015 kan der ikke længere findes ænder." "[english]TF_Tool_DuckToken_Desc" "Use to increase the Power level of an existing Duck Journal.\nJournals have a MAX level of 5.\n\nHigher level badges can find more ducks.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks can no longer be found." "TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Andejournal" "[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge" "Duck Journal" "TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Udstyr i en handlingsposition for at øge fund af ænder.\nBrug Andepoletter til at øge styrkeniveauet.\nHøjere niveauer øger antallet af ænder, der findes." "[english]TF_Item_DuckBadge_Desc" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase duck drops.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase power level.\nHigher levels give increased duck drops." "TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Udstyr i handlingspositionen for at øge evnen til at finde ænder.\nBrug Andepoletter til at øge emblemets niveau til MAKSIMALT 5.\n\nInspicer i din rygsæk for at se venneførertavler.\nEfter d. 5. januar 2015 kan der ikke findes ænder, og førertavlerne låses.\n\nSalgene støtter holdet bag End of the Line." "[english]TF_Armory_Item_DuckBadge" "Equip in the ActionSlot to increase your ability to find ducks.\nUse Duck Tokens to increase the badges level to MAX 5.\n\nInspect in your backpack to view friend leaderboards.\nAfter January 5th, 2015, ducks cannot be found and leaderboards will be locked.\n\nSales support the End of the Line team." "TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "Ingen" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style0" "None" "TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Scout" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style1" "Scout" "TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Sniper" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style2" "Sniper" "TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldier" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style3" "Soldier" "TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demoman" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style4" "Demoman" "TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medic" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style5" "Medic" "TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Heavy" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style6" "Heavy" "TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Pyro" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style7" "Pyro" "TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spy" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style8" "Spy" "TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Engineer" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style9" "Engineer" "TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quackston Hale" "[english]TF_DuckBadge_Style10" "Quackston Hale" "TF_Duck_Level" "Niveau" "[english]TF_Duck_Level" "Level" "TF_Duck_XP" "Ande-XP" "[english]TF_Duck_XP" "Duck XP" "TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "Ande-XP til næste niveau:" "[english]TD_Duck_XPToNextLevel" "Duck XP to next level:" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING" "Ande-erfaringspoint" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING" "Duck Experience Points" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS" "Holderobret" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS" "Team Captured" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED" "Genvundet" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED" "Recovered" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE" "Fanget" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE" "Captured" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE" "Mål" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE" "Objective" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION" "Skabt" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION" "Created" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP" "Quackston Hales" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP" "Quackston Hales" "TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "Dine personlige statistikker under End of the Line-begivenheden, der varede fra 8. december 2014 til 5. januar 2015." "[english]TF_Duck_Stats_Desc" "Your personal stats recorded during the End of the Line event that occurs between December 8, 2014, through January 5, 2015." "TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Ande-XP blandt dig og dine venner." "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING_desc" "Duck XP amongst you and your friends." "TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Antal ænder, du hjalp med at skabe, som dit hold samlede op.\n\n3 ande-XP hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS_desc" "Number of ducks your team picked up that you helped create.\n\n3 Duck XP each" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Antal ænder dit hold tabte som du samlede op.\n\n1 ande-XP for hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by your team.\n\n1 Duck XP each" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Antal ænder fjendens hold tabte som du samlede op.\n\n3 ande-XP for hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up that were dropped by the opposite team.\n\n3 Duck XP each" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Antal ænder, der opstod af at gennemføre objektiver, som du samlede op.\n\n3 ande-XP for hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE_desc" "Number of ducks you picked up spawned by doing objectives.\n\n3 Duck XP each" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Antal ænder du fik fjenden til at tabe.\n\n3 ande-XP for hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION_desc" "Number of ducks you helped make the enemy drop.\n\n3 Duck XP each" "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Antal særlige ænder du samlede op.\n\n50 ande-XP for hver" "[english]TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP_desc" "Number of special ducks you picked up.\n\n50 Duck XP each" "Msg_DuckStreak1" "%s1 er på en anderække %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreak1" "%s1 is on a Ducking Spree %s2" "Msg_DuckStreak2" "%s1 er ubaskelig %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreak2" "%s1 is Unflappable %s2" "Msg_DuckStreak3" "%s1 er helt rap %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreak3" "%s1 is on a Quackpage %s2" "Msg_DuckStreak4" "%s1 er rappelig %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreak4" "%s1 is Quackston-Like %s2" "Msg_DuckStreak5" "%s1 er stadig rappelig %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreak5" "%s1 is still Quackston-Like %s2" "Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "%s1 endte %s2's anderække %s3" "[english]Msg_DuckStreakEnd" "%s1 ended %s2's duckstreak %s3" "Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "%s1 endte sin egen anderække %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" "%s1 ended their own duckstreak %s2" "Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Tillykke, %s1. Du opnåede ande-niveau %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckLevelup1" "Congratulations %s1. You reached Duck Level %s2" "Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Godt arbejde, %s1. Du er nu ande-niveau %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckLevelup2" "Awesome work %s1. You are now Duck Level %s2" "Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Raptastisk arbejde, %s1. Du har opnået ande-niveau %s2" "[english]Msg_DuckLevelup3" "Quacktastic job %s1. You've hit Duck Level %s2" "Duck_Streak" "%s1" "[english]Duck_Streak" "%s1" "ItemSel_UTILITY" "- HJÆLPEVÆRKTØJ" "[english]ItemSel_UTILITY" "- UTILITY" "GetDuckToken" "Køb Andepolet" "[english]GetDuckToken" "Get Duck Token" "UseDuckToken" "Brug Andepolet" "[english]UseDuckToken" "Use Duck Token" "LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Hjælpeværktøj" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Utility" "Utility" "KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Ænder opdaget" "[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksDiscovered" "Ducks Discovered" "KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Ænder indsamlet" "[english]KillEaterEvent_DucksCollected" "Ducks Collected" "Journal_DuckBadge0" "" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge0" "" "Journal_DuckBadge1" "Krummejagtende " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge1" "Crumb Chasing " "Journal_DuckBadge2" "Lidt andet " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge2" "Kinda Ducky " "Journal_DuckBadge3" "Relativt rap " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge3" "Fairly Fowl " "Journal_DuckBadge4" "Nogenlunde rapværdig " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge4" "Somewhat Quackworthy " "Journal_DuckBadge5" "And-erkendt " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge5" "Quacknowledged " "Journal_DuckBadge6" "Velandset " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge6" "Duckstinguished " "Journal_DuckBadge7" "Positivt padlende " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge7" "Pleasantly Paddling " "Journal_DuckBadge8" "Perfekt pudset " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge8" "Perfectly Preened " "Journal_DuckBadge9" "Andelækker " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge9" "Duckalicious " "Journal_DuckBadge10" "Raptastisk " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge10" "Quacktastic " "Journal_DuckBadge11" "Skandaløs " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge11" "Duckrageous " "Journal_DuckBadge12" "Fjerforpjuskende " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge12" "Feather-Ruffling " "Journal_DuckBadge13" "Dunsmeltende " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge13" "Down-Melting " "Journal_DuckBadge14" "Fjerryddende " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge14" "Plumage-Clearing " "Journal_DuckBadge15" "Landterlig" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge15" "Reduckulous " "Journal_DuckBadge16" "Rapforisk " "[english]Journal_DuckBadge16" "Quackphoric " "Journal_DuckBadge17" "Positivt andstemt" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge17" "Positively Duckulent " "Journal_DuckBadge18" "Andedarisk" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge18" "Legenducky " "Journal_DuckBadge19" "Spekrapulær" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge19" "Specquackular " "Journal_DuckBadge20" "Quackstons egen" "[english]Journal_DuckBadge20" "Quackston's Own " "TF_EOTL_Key" "End of the Line-nøgle" "[english]TF_EOTL_Key" "End of the Line Key" "TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Bruges til at oplåse en End of the Line-fællesskabskasse.\nGenstande fundet i en EOTL-fællesskabskasse før d. 5. januar 2015 modtager et erindrende tag, der indikerer, at du er en tidlig støtter." "[english]TF_EOTL_Key_Desc" "Used to unlock an End of the Line Community Crate.\nItems found from an EOTL Community Crate before January 5th, 2015, will receive a commemorative early supporter tag." "TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "En Tilfældig End of the Line-nøglegave" "[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson" "A Random End of the Line Key Gift" "TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én End of the Line Key til en tilfældig person på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto a random person on the server!" "TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Bunke af End of the Line-nøglegaver" "[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer" "Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts" "TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én End of the Line-nøgle til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_EOTL_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none End of the Line Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!" "TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Bunke af Andepoletgaver" "[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer" "Pile of Duck Token Gifts" "TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Andepolet til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto up to 23 other people on the server!" "TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "En Tilfældig Andepoletgave" "[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson" "A Random Duck Token Gift" "TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Andepolet til en tilfældig person på serveren!" "[english]TF_Gift_DuckToken_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Duck Token\nto a random person on the server!" "Attrib_Particle87" "Forfrysning" "[english]Attrib_Particle87" "Frostbite" "Attrib_Particle88" "Smeltet Stokand" "[english]Attrib_Particle88" "Molten Mallard" "Attrib_Particle89" "Morgenpragt" "[english]Attrib_Particle89" "Morning Glory" "Attrib_Particle90" "Død ved Tusmørke" "[english]Attrib_Particle90" "Death at Dusk" "BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Kontekstmenu" "[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Title" "Context Menu" "BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "At klikke på en genstand vil vise en menu med alle de mulige handlinger, du kan foretage på genstanden.\n\nDu kan vælge flere genstande ved at holde CTRL nede." "[english]BackpackContextExplanation_Text" "Clicking on an item will display a menu with all of the possible actions you can take on that item.\n\nYou can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key." "Context_UseTool" "Brug med..." "[english]Context_UseTool" "Use with..." "Context_Equip" "Gå til udstyr" "[english]Context_Equip" "Go to Loadout" "Context_Rename" "Omdøb" "[english]Context_Rename" "Rename" "Context_Description" "Rediger beskrivelse" "[english]Context_Description" "Change Description" "Context_Paint" "Mal" "[english]Context_Paint" "Paint" "Context_Trade" "Byt til anden spiller" "[english]Context_Trade" "Trade to Another Player" "Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sælg på Steam-fællesskabsmarkedet" "[english]Context_MarketPlaceSell" "Sell on Steam Community Market" "Context_Delete" "Slet" "[english]Context_Delete" "Delete" "TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Hån: Poolfest" "[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty" "Taunt: Pool Party" "TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_TauntPyroPoolParty_Desc" "Pyro Taunt" "TF_EOTL_skier" "Krigstidsvarme" "[english]TF_EOTL_skier" "Wartime Warmth" "TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "Isoleret Innovatør" "[english]TF_EOTL_insulated_innovator" "Insulated Inventor" "TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Storbysstøvler" "[english]TF_EOTL_blinks_breeches" "Brooklyn Booties" "TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "Dobbelt Dynamit" "[english]TF_EOTL_demo_dynamite" "Double Dynamite" "TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "Kuldskær Hue" "[english]TF_EOTL_briskweather_beanie" "Coldsnap Cap" "TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Snestamperne" "[english]TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Snow Stompers" "TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "Nordpolarisk Uld" "[english]TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "North Polar Fleece" "TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Pelsforet Kæmper" "[english]TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Fur-lined Fighter" "TF_EOTL_furcap" "Godsvognsgenbrug" "[english]TF_EOTL_furcap" "Boxcar Bomber" "TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Bomberens Solhat" "[english]TF_EOTL_summerhat" "Bomber's Bucket Hat" "TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "Skrigende Ørn" "[english]TF_EOTL_soldier_garrison" "Screamin' Eagle" "TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Trodsig Træhugger" "[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_hat" "Winter Woodsman" "TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Sneærmer" "[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_jacket" "Snow Sleeves" "TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance-futter" "[english]TF_EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "Flashdance Footies" "TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Termisk Sporfinder" "[english]TF_EOTL_thermal_sleeves" "Thermal Tracker" "TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Kondorhue" "[english]TF_EOTL_soldierhat" "Condor Cap" "TF_EOTL_beard" "Misforstået Movember" "[english]TF_EOTL_beard" "Mistaken Movember" "TF_EOTL_demopants" "Lommen Fuld Af Uld" "[english]TF_EOTL_demopants" "Double Dog Dare Demo Pants" "TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Ærmeløs i Sibirien" "[english]TF_EOTL_ursa_major" "Sleeveless in Siberia" "TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Jæger-Heavy" "[english]TF_EOTL_sheavyshirt" "Hunter Heavy" "TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Koldfrontens Kantstenstrampere" "[english]TF_EOTL_coldfront_curbstompers" "Coldfront Curbstompers" "TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal" "[english]TF_ItemType_Journal" "Journal" "TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Junglejeans" "[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty" "Jungle Booty" "TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "Det Gamle Kongeriges Krone" "[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom" "The Crown of the Old Kingdom" "TF_tomb_readers" "Laras Læsebriller" "[english]TF_tomb_readers" "The Tomb Readers" "TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone" "[english]TF_brimstone_hat" "Brimstone" "TF_CrossingGuard" "Vejbetjenten" "[english]TF_CrossingGuard" "The Crossing Guard" "TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" "" "[english]TF_CrossingGuard_Desc" "" "TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Soldatens Sneskærmer" "[english]TF_EOTL_winter_coat" "Cold Snap Coat" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style0" "Ingen Hjelm" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style0" "No Helmet" "TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style1" "Hjelm" "[english]TF_short2014_engineer_nerd_hair_style1" "Helmet" "TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkasse 2014" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate 2014" "TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice" "Artig Vinterkasse 2014" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate 2014" "TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "TF_EOTL_medal" "End of the Line-fællesskabsopdateringsmedalje" "[english]TF_EOTL_medal" "End of the Line Community Update Medal" "TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" "" "[english]TF_EOTL_medal_Desc" "" "TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "Festlig Haglgevær" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveShotgun" "Festive Shotgun" "TF_Weapon_FestiveRevolver" "Festlig Revolver" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveRevolver" "Festive Revolver" "TF_Weapon_FestiveBonesaw" "Festlig Knoglesav" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBonesaw" "Festive Bonesaw" "TF_Weapon_FestiveTarge" "Festligt Angrebsskjold" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveTarge" "Festive Chargin' Targe" "TF_Weapon_FestiveBonk" "Festlig Bonk!-Atompunch" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBonk" "Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch" "TF_Weapon_FestiveBackburner" "Festlig Bagbrænder" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveBackburner" "Festive Backburner" "TF_Weapon_FestiveSMG" "Festlig Maskinpistol" "[english]TF_Weapon_FestiveSMG" "Festive SMG" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_2nd" "2.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_3rd" "3.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Wastex_Miller_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_2nd" "2.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_3rd" "3.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Barts_Rimet_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_2nd" "2.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_3rd" "3.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant" "TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "Foundry" "[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "Foundry" "TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge" "[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge" "GameType_Powerup" "Mannpower" "[english]GameType_Powerup" "Mannpower" "TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Footer" "Kan indeholde en yderst sjælden specialgenstand!\n" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Naughty_Footer" "May contain an Exceedingly Rare Special item!\n" "TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Footer" "Kan indeholde en usædvanlig hat eller en usædvanlig 2014-vinterhat!\n" "[english]TF_WinterCrate2014_Nice_Footer" "May contain an Unusual hat or a Winter 2014 Unusual hat!\n" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty" "Slem Vinterkassenøgle 2014" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate Key 2014" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Slem Vinterkasse 2014.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Artig Vinterkasse.\n\nEfter d. 16/2/2015 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Naughty_Desc" "Used to open Naughty Winter Crate 2014.\nThis key will not open Nice crates.\n\nAfter 2/16/2015 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice" "Artig Vinterkassenøgle 2014" "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate Key 2014" "TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Artig Vinterkasse 2014.\nDenne nøgle åbner ikke Slem Vinterkasse.\n\nEfter d. 16/2/2015 bliver denne til en normal nøgle." "[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2014_Nice_Desc" "Used to open Nice Winter Crate 2014.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 2/16/2015 this will turn into a normal key." "TF_Crate_MomentoNote_Desc" "Et minde fra en svunden tid, denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes." "[english]TF_Crate_MomentoNote_Desc" "A memento from an age long past, this crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened." "Attrib_stickybomb_fizzle_time" "Klæbebomber forsvinder %s1 sekunder efter de lander" "[english]Attrib_stickybomb_fizzle_time" "Stickybombs fizzle %s1 seconds after landing" "Attrib_stickybomb_charge_rate" "Maksimal opladetid reduceret med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_stickybomb_charge_rate" "Max charge time decreased by %s1%" "Attrib_grenade_no_bounce" "Granater har meget lidt hop og rullen" "[english]Attrib_grenade_no_bounce" "Grenades have very little bounce and roll" "Attrib_GrenadeDetonationDamagePenalty" "%s1% skade fra granater, der eksploderer på timer" "[english]Attrib_GrenadeDetonationDamagePenalty" "%s1% damage on grenades that explode on timer" "Attrib_PanicAttack" "Hold \"Skyd\" nede for at lade med op til 4 patroner" "[english]Attrib_PanicAttack" "Hold fire to load up to 4 shells" "Attrib_FireRateBonusWithReducedHealth" "Skudhastighed øges som helbred mindskes" "[english]Attrib_FireRateBonusWithReducedHealth" "Fire rate increases as health decreases" "Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "Våbenspredning øges som helbred mindskes" "[english]Attrib_PanicAttackNegative" "Weapon spread increases as health decreases" "Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" " " "[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" "" "Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" "" "[english]Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" "" "TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "Gribekrog" "[english]TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook" "Grappling Hook" "TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "Tryk og hold handlingstasten\nnede for hurtigt at affyre gribekrogen.\n\nKan alternativt også skiftes til ved at trykke på våbenkategori 6\nog manuelt affyres med det primære angreb.\n\nKan kun bruges i Mannpower-tilstand, eller hvis serveren har våbnet slået til." "[english]TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "Press and hold the Actionkey\nto quickly fire a grapple line.\n\nOptionally can be switched to by pressing slot6\nand manually fired using primary attack.\n\nCan only be used in Mannpower Mode or when enabled by the server." "TF_GrapplingHook_EquipAction" "Gribekrog ikke udstyret. Accepter for at udstyre din gribekrog i handlingspositionen, så du kan bruge den." "[english]TF_GrapplingHook_EquipAction" "Grappling Hook not equipped. Accept to equip your Grappling Hook in the Action slot to use it." "TF_Weapon_Sticky_Quickie" "Den Korte Lunte" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sticky_Quickie" "The Quickiebomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Iron_bomber" "Jernkæmpen" "[english]TF_Weapon_Iron_bomber" "The Iron Bomber" "TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "Panikanfaldet" "[english]TF_Weapon_PanicAttack" "The Panic Attack" "TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "Brug powerups og din gribekrog i denne nye version af CTF." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Powerup" "Use powerups and your grapple hook in this new take on CTF." "TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "Almindelig Capture the Flag-tilstand, men jeres efterretningsmappe vender øjeblikkeligt tilbage til basen, når den røres af dit hold.\n\nDer er spredt powerups rundt omkring i banen, som kan samles op og give dig forskellige forbedringer. Du kan kun bære én powerup ad gangen, og du taber din powerup, når du dør.\n\nDu har adgang til gribekrogen, som kan bruges til at svinge rundt i banen." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Powerup" "Standard Capture the Flag, but your dropped flag will instantly return to base when touched by your team.\n\nPowerups are strewn about the map and can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your carried powerup when you die.\n\nYou have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map." "TF_sept2014_cosmetic_desc" "Begrænset, fællesskabsskabt kosmetikgenstand fra sensommer 2014" "[english]TF_sept2014_cosmetic_desc" "Late Summer 2014 Limited Community Cosmetic" "TF_dec2014_marauders_mask" "Gøglerens Grimasse" "[english]TF_dec2014_marauders_mask" "Mountebank's Masque" "TF_dec2014_truands_tunic" "Hofmandens Halsbånd" "[english]TF_dec2014_truands_tunic" "Courtier's Collar" "TF_dec2014_fools_footwear" "Harlequins Hove" "[english]TF_dec2014_fools_footwear" "Harlequin's Hooves" "TF_dec2014_copilot_2014" "Co-Pilot" "[english]TF_dec2014_copilot_2014" "Co-Pilot" "TF_dec2014_skullcap" "Kranieberet" "[english]TF_dec2014_skullcap" "Skullcap" "TF_dec2014_2014_pyromancer_hood" "Ildbetvingerens Hætte" "[english]TF_dec2014_2014_pyromancer_hood" "Pyromancer's Hood" "TF_dec2014_pyromancers_raiments" "Ildbetvingerens Klædebon" "[english]TF_dec2014_pyromancers_raiments" "Pyromancer's Raiments" "TF_dec2014_black_knights_bascinet" "Sort Ridders Bækkenhjelm" "[english]TF_dec2014_black_knights_bascinet" "Black Knight's Bascinet" "TF_dec2014_torchers_tabard" "Varmebringerens Våbenkjortel" "[english]TF_dec2014_torchers_tabard" "Torcher's Tabard" "TF_dec2014_armoured_appendages" "Brændt Brynje" "[english]TF_dec2014_armoured_appendages" "Charred Chainmail" "TF_dec2014_viking_helmet" "Valhalla-hjelm" "[english]TF_dec2014_viking_helmet" "Valhalla Helm" "TF_dec2014_viking_boots" "Storm-stamperne" "[english]TF_dec2014_viking_boots" "Storm Stompers" "TF_dec2014_heavy_parka" "Sibirisk Ansigtsklemmer" "[english]TF_dec2014_heavy_parka" "Siberian Facehugger" "TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "Fader Frost" "[english]TF_dec2014_the_big_papa" "The Old Man Frost" "TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "Hylstrede Hedere" "[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveholster" "Holstered Heaters" "TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Politipåkalderen" "[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveradio" "Cop Caller" "TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "Conaghers Hentehår" "[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_detectiveglasses" "Conagher's Combover" "TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "Sælen Clubsy" "[english]TF_dec2014_engineer_seal" "Clubsy The Seal" "TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "Ukendt Mann" "[english]TF_dec2014_medic_unknown_mann" "Unknown Mann" "TF_dec2014_surgeons_shako" "Kirurgens Chakot" "[english]TF_dec2014_surgeons_shako" "Surgeon's Shako" "TF_dec2014_hunter_beard" "Skovmandens Fuldskæg" "[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_beard" "Bushman's Bristles" "TF_dec2014_hunter_ushanka" "Professionelles Ushanka" "[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_ushanka" "Professional's Ushanka" "TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "Målrettet Mohair" "[english]TF_dec2014_hunter_vest" "Marksman's Mohair" "TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "Lomme-wally" "[english]TF_dec2014_wally_pocket" "Wally Pocket" "TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "Den Oppustede Provokatør" "[english]TF_dec2014_the_puffy_provocateur" "The Puffy Provocateur" "TF_dec2014_stealthy_scarf" "Hemmelig Halsvarmer" "[english]TF_dec2014_stealthy_scarf" "Stealthy Scarf" "TF_dec2014_comforter" "Skotsk Hue" "[english]TF_dec2014_comforter" "Scot Bonnet" "TF_dec2014_thermal_insulation_layer" "Termisk Isolationslag" "[english]TF_dec2014_thermal_insulation_layer" "Thermal Insulation Layer" "TF_dec2014_pocket_momma" "Lommemor" "[english]TF_dec2014_pocket_momma" "Pocket Momma" "TF_dec2014_cosmetic_desc" "Begrænset, fællesskabsskabt kosmetikgenstand fra vinter 2014" "[english]TF_dec2014_cosmetic_desc" "Winter 2014 Limited Community Cosmetic" "TF_Powerup_Strength" "Powerup: Styrke" "[english]TF_Powerup_Strength" "Powerup: Strength" "TF_Powerup_Strength_Desc" "Øget skade for alle våben\nSkade formindskes ikke over afstand" "[english]TF_Powerup_Strength_Desc" "Increased damage from all weapons\nDistance damage falloff immunity" "TF_Powerup_Haste" "Powerup: Hastværk" "[english]TF_Powerup_Haste" "Powerup: Haste" "TF_Powerup_Haste_Desc" "Øget skydehastighed, genladehastighed,\nmagasinstørrelse og maks. ammunition\nØget bevægelseshastighed" "[english]TF_Powerup_Haste_Desc" "Increased fire rate, reload rate,\nclip size and max ammo count\nIncreased movement speed" "TF_Powerup_Regen" "Powerup: Regenerering" "[english]TF_Powerup_Regen" "Powerup: Regeneration" "TF_Powerup_Regen_Desc" "Helbred, ammunition og metal regenererer" "[english]TF_Powerup_Regen_Desc" "Health, ammo and metal regenerate" "TF_Powerup_Resist" "Powerup: Modstand" "[english]TF_Powerup_Resist" "Powerup: Resistance" "TF_Powerup_Resist_Desc" "Indkommende skade reduceret\nImmunitet mod kritisk skade-multiplikatorer" "[english]TF_Powerup_Resist_Desc" "Incoming damage reduced\nImmune to critical damage multiplier" "TF_Powerup_Vampire" "Powerup: Vampyr" "[english]TF_Powerup_Vampire" "Powerup: Vampire" "TF_Powerup_Vampire_Desc" "Skade gjort returneres som helbred\nIndkommende skade reduceret\nMaks. helbred forøget" "[english]TF_Powerup_Vampire_Desc" "Damage dealt returned as health\nIncoming damage reduced\nIncreased max health" "TF_Powerup_Warlock" "Powerup: Troldmand" "[english]TF_Powerup_Warlock" "Powerup: Warlock" "TF_Powerup_Warlock_Desc" "Modtaget skade reflekteres delvist tilbage til angriberen\nMaks. helbred forøget" "[english]TF_Powerup_Warlock_Desc" "Damage received partially reflected back to attacker\nIncreased max health" "TF_Powerup_Precision" "Powerup: Præcision" "[english]TF_Powerup_Precision" "Powerup: Precision" "TF_Powerup_Precision_Desc" "Reduceret kuglespredning\nSkade formindskes ikke over afstand\nForøget raket- og granathastighed" "[english]TF_Powerup_Precision_Desc" "Reduced bullet spread\nDistance damage falloff immunity\nIncreased rocket and grenade velocity" "TF_Powerup_Agility" "Powerup: Agilitet" "[english]TF_Powerup_Agility" "Powerup: Agility" "TF_Powerup_Agility_Desc" "Forøget bevægelseshastighed\nGribehastighed forøget\nHoppehøjde forøget\nØjeblikkelige våbenskift" "[english]TF_Powerup_Agility_Desc" "Increased movement speed\nGrapple speed increased\nJump height increased\nInstant weapon switch" "ctf_foundry_description" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere mister mappen med efterretninger, når de dør. Når en spiller mister mappen med efterretninger, returneres mappen til basen efter 60 sekunder." "[english]ctf_foundry_description" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds." "ctf_gorge_description" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere mister mappen med efterretninger, når de dør. Når en spiller mister mappen med efterretninger, returneres mappen til basen efter 60 sekunder." "[english]ctf_gorge_description" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 60 seconds." "ctf_foundry_beta" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Tabte efterretninger vil vende tilbage til basen med det samme, hvis de røres af deres hold. Andre bemærkninger: Powerups kan samles op for at give dig forskellige forbedringer. Du kan kun bære én powerup af gangen, og du smider din powerup, når du dør. Du har adgang til en gribekrog, som du kan bruge til at flyve rundt på banen." "[english]ctf_foundry_beta" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team. Other Notes: Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map." "ctf_gorge_beta" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Tabte efterretninger vil vende tilbage til basen med det samme, hvis de røres af deres hold. Andre bemærkninger: Powerups kan samles op for at give dig forskellige forbedringer. Du kan kun bære én powerup af gangen, og du smider din powerup, når du dør. Du har adgang til en gribekrog, som du kan bruge til at flyve rundt på banen." "[english]ctf_gorge_beta" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Dropped intelligence will instantly return to its Base when touched by its team. Other Notes: Powerups can be picked up to give you various enhancements. You can only carry one powerup at a time, and you drop your powerup when you die. You have access to a grapple hook that you can use to fly around the map." "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "Du fik en STYRKE-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Strength" "You got the STRENGTH powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Resist" "Du fik en MODSTAND-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Resist" "You got the RESISTANCE powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Regen" "Du fik en REGENERERING-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Regen" "You got the REGENERATION powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Haste" "Du fik en HASTVÆRK-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Haste" "You got the HASTE powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Vampire" "Du fik en VAMPYR-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Vampire" "You got the VAMPIRE powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Warlock" "Du fik en TROLDMAND-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Warlock" "You got the WARLOCK powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Precision" "Du fik en PRÆCISION-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Precision" "You got the PRECISION powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Agility" "Du fik en AGILITET-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Agility" "You got the AGILITY powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny" "Du har allerede en powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny" "You already have a powerup!" "TF_LordCockswainChops_style0" "Hjelm" "[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style0" "Helmet" "TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "Ingen Hjelm" "[english]TF_LordCockswainChops_style1" "No Helmet" "TF_Medal_6v9_Event" "Asymmetrisk Anerkendelse" "[english]TF_Medal_6v9_Event" "Asymmetric Accolade" "TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Tildelt deltagerne i Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9-begivenheder" "[english]TF_Medal_6v9_Event_Desc" "Awarded to the participants of the Pubstars vs. Pros 6vs9 events" "TF_Wearable_Holster" "Hylster" "[english]TF_Wearable_Holster" "Holster" "TF_tr_jungle_booty_Desc" "" "[english]TF_tr_jungle_booty_Desc" "" "TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom_Desc" "" "[english]TF_tr_crown_of_the_old_kingdom_Desc" "" "TF_tomb_readers_Desc" "" "[english]TF_tomb_readers_Desc" "" "TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "Bootankhamons" "[english]TF_tr_bootenkhamuns" "The Bootenkhamuns" "TF_tr_bootenkhamuns_Desc" "" "[english]TF_tr_bootenkhamuns_Desc" "" "TF_tr_orions_belt" "Orions Bælte" "[english]TF_tr_orions_belt" "Orion's Belt" "TF_tr_orions_belt_Desc" "" "[english]TF_tr_orions_belt_Desc" "" "TF_pocket_raiders" "Lommetyvene" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders" "The Pocket Raiders" "TF_pocket_raiders_Desc" "" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Desc" "" "TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style0" "Lara" "TF_pocket_raiders_Style1" "Carter" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style1" "Carter" "TF_pocket_raiders_Style2" "Horus" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style2" "Horus" "TF_pocket_raiders_Style3" "Isis" "[english]TF_pocket_raiders_Style3" "Isis" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 1" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Gold Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 2" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Gold Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 3" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Gold Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 4" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Gold" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Gold Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 1" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Silver Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 2" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Silver Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 3" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Silver Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 4" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Silver" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Silver Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 1" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Bronze Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 2" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Bronze Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 3" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Bronze Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra TF2Connexion Division 4" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Bronze" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Bronze Medal" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Participant" "Deltager i TF2Connexion Division 1" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_1_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 1 Participant" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Participant" "Deltager i TF2Connexion Division 2" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_2_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 2 Participant" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Participant" "Deltager i TF2Connexion Division 3" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_3_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 3 Participant" "TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Participant" "Deltager i TF2Connexion Division 4" "[english]TF_TF2Connexion_Division_4_Participant" "TF2Connexion Division 4 Participant" "TF_Wearable_Horns" "Horn" "[english]TF_Wearable_Horns" "Horns" "KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Ikke krit- eller minikrit-drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_NonCritKills" "Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills" "KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Spillertræffere" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PlayersHit" "Player Hits" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticAssists" "Assisterede drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticAssists" "Assists" "TF_StrangePart_NonCritKills" "Sær del: Ikke krit- eller minikrit-drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_NonCritKills" "Strange Part: Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills" "TF_StrangePart_NonCritKills_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af spillere, du dræber med det våben, som hverken dør af kritiske eller mini-kritiske angreb." "[english]TF_StrangePart_NonCritKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of players you kill with that weapon that are not Critical nor MiniCrit attacks" "TF_StrangePart_PlayersHit" "Sær del: Spillere ramt" "[english]TF_StrangePart_PlayersHit" "Strange Part: Player Hits" "TF_StrangePart_PlayersHit_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben gør du det i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af spillere, du har skadet med det våben." "[english]TF_StrangePart_PlayersHit_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of enemy players you dealt damage to with that weapon." "TF_StrangePart_CosmeticAssists" "Sær kosmetisk del: Assisterede drab" "[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticAssists" "Strange Cosmetic Part: Assists" "TF_StrangePart_CosmeticAssists_Desc" "Ved at sætte denne Sære del på en kosmetisk genstand af Sær kvalitet, gør du den i stand til at holde regnskab over antallet af assisterede drab, du får mens du har den genstand på." "[english]TF_StrangePart_CosmeticAssists_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality cosmetic will enable it to track the total number of assists you get while wearing that item." "Loot_List_Strange_Weapons_Hat_mix" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande.\nVåben vil være sære og kosmetiske genstande vil muligvis være sære." "[english]Loot_List_Strange_Weapons_Hat_mix" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons will be Strange and Cosmetics might be Strange." "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 12 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 12 Premier Division First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 12 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 12 Premier Division Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 12 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 12 Premier Division Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 12 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 12 Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 12 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 12 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 12 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 12 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 12 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 12 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 12 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 12 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 12 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 12 Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 12 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 12 Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 12 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 12 Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 12 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 12 Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 12 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 12 Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 12 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 12 Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 12 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 12 Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 12 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 12 Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 12 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 12 Division 5 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 12 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 12 Division 5 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 12 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 12 Division 5 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 12 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 12 Division 5 Participant" "TF_brimstone_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_brimstone_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_brimstone_Style_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_brimstone_Style_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "GameType_Medieval" "Medieval" "[english]GameType_Medieval" "Medieval" "TF_Powerup_Knockout" "Powerup: Knockout" "[english]TF_Powerup_Knockout" "Powerup: Knockout" "TF_Powerup_Knockout_Desc" "Kritisk skade i nærkamp\nNærkampsskade skubber ofre og får dem til at tabe deres powerup\nMaks. helbred forøget\nImmun overfor tilbageskub" "[english]TF_Powerup_Knockout_Desc" "Melee critical damage\nMelee damage shoves victim and causes them to drop their powerup\nIncreased Max Health\nPushback immunity" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Knockout" "Du fik en KNOCKOUT-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Knockout" "You got the KNOCKOUT powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Crit" "Denne kan ikke bruges med din nuværende powerup" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Crit" "This cannot be used with your current powerup" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Spy" "Spies kan ikke bruge en KNOCKOUT-powerup" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Deny_Spy" "Spies cannot use the KNOCKOUT powerup" "TF_Powerup_Knocked_Out" "Din powerup blev slået ud!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Knocked_Out" "Your powerup was knocked out!" "TF_Powerupvolume_Available" "Dit holds hævn-powerup er nu tilgængelig, få fat i den!" "[english]TF_Powerupvolume_Available" "Your team's revenge powerup is now available, go get it!" "TF_HatAndHeadphones_Style" "Hat og Hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_HatAndHeadphones_Style" "Hat and Headphones" "TF_NoHat_NoHeadphones_Style" "Ingen hat og ingen hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_NoHat_NoHeadphones_Style" "No Hat and No Headphones" "StoreCheckout_TransactionFinalizing" "Færdiggør køb..." "[english]StoreCheckout_TransactionFinalizing" "Finalizing purchase..." "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_1st" "UGC Highlander Tin 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_2nd" "UGC Highlander Tin 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Tin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_3rd" "UGC Highlander Tin 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_1st" "UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_2nd" "UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_3rd" "UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 4vs4 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Iron_Participant" "Deltager i UGC 4vs4 Iron" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Iron_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_2015" "2015" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2015" "2015" "TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_First_Place" "1.-plads i OSL.tf" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_First_Place" "OSL.tf 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OSL.tf" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Second_Place" "OSL.tf 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OSL.tf" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Third_Place" "OSL.tf 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Participant" "Deltager i OSL.tf" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Participant" "OSL.tf Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Cup1" "Cup #1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Cup1" "Cup #1" "TF_Map_powerup_ctf_thundermountain" "Thundermountain" "[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_thundermountain" "Thundermountain" "Attrib_GunslingerPunchCombo" "Tredje succesfulde slag i træk er altid et krit" "[english]Attrib_GunslingerPunchCombo" "Third successful punch in a row always crits" "TF_Antlers_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_Antlers_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_Antlers_Style_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_Antlers_Style_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_taunt_the_boston_breakdance" "Hån: Breakdanceren Fra Boston" "[english]TF_taunt_the_boston_breakdance" "Taunt: The Boston Breakdance" "TF_taunt_the_boston_breakdance_Desc" "Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_boston_breakdance_Desc" "Scout Taunt" "TF_killer_solo" "Hån: Dræbersolo" "[english]TF_killer_solo" "Taunt: The Killer Solo" "TF_killer_solo_Desc" "Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_killer_solo_Desc" "Sniper Taunt" "TF_taunt_most_wanted" "Hån: Mest Eftersøgt" "[english]TF_taunt_most_wanted" "Taunt: Most Wanted" "TF_taunt_most_wanted_Desc" "Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_most_wanted_Desc" "Sniper Taunt" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Silver_Medal" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Silver_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Bronze_Medal" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Bronze_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Participation_Medal" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Participation_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Playoff" "ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Playoff" "ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Playoff" "ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Premiership" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander High Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Medal" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015" "Stilfuld Knappenål 2015" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015" "Jaunty Pin 2015" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015_Desc" "Tildelt til dem som bidrog til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats-velgørenhedsbegivenheden" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2015_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Tip of the Hats charity event" "TF_NoHat_Style" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_NoHat_Style" "No Hat" "ItemHistory_ActionWithTime" "%s1 d. %s2" "[english]ItemHistory_ActionWithTime" "%s1 on %s2" "ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "Tilføjet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "Added" "ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "Fjernet eller ændret" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "Removed or modified" "ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "Byttet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "Du slettede dette" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "You deleted this" "ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "Udelukket" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "Banned" "ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "Brugt i smedning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "Used in crafting" "ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "Ødelagt af rygsæksbegrænsning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "Destroyed by backpack limit" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Slettet af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Deleted by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Slettet af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Deleted by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "Navn ændret" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "Name changed" "ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "Brugt til at låse kasse op" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "Used to unlock crate" "ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove" "Genstand malet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove" "Item painted" "ItemHistory_Action_AddItemToSocket_Remove" "Fjernet fra indfatning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AddItemToSocket_Remove" "Removed from socket" "ItemHistory_Action_AddSocketToItem_Remove" "Fjernet af indfatning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AddSocketToItem_Remove" "Removed by socket" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveSocketItem_Remove" "Fjernet indfatningsgenstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveSocketItem_Remove" "Removed socket item" "ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove" "Tekstur tilpasset" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove" "Texture customized" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "Byttet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "Brugt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "Used" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Omdøbt af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Renamed by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove" "Tilpasset beskrivelse tilføjet af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove" "Custom description added by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove" "Genstand Strangified af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove" "Steam Support Strangified item" "ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "Pakket ud" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "Unpacked" "ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "Refunderet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "Refunded" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "Tilpasset navn fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "Custom name removed" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove" "Maling fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove" "Paint removed" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove" "Pakket ind som gave" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove" "Gift wrapped" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "Gave sendt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "Gift sent" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove" "Pakket ud" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove" "Unwrapped" "ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "Tilbagekaldt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "Revoked" "ItemHistory_Action_CafeOrSchoolItem_Remove" "Café- eller skole-fjernelse" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CafeOrSchoolItem_Remove" "Cafe or school removal" "ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "Slettet pga. VAC-udelukkelse" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "Deleted due to VAC ban" "ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "Tredjepart-kampagneopgradering" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "Third-party promo upgrade" "ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "Udløbet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "Expired" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove" "Fjernet pga. fjernelse af smedeindeks" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove" "Removed by craft index removal" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemMakersMark_Remove" "Fjernet smeders navn" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemMakersMark_Remove" "Removed crafter's name" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove" "Fjernede drabsrække-effekter" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove" "Removed Killstreak effects" "ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Byttehandel blev rullet tilbage" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Trade was rolled back" "ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD-nøgle tilbagekaldt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD key revoked" "ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove" "Brugt i vielsesringsproces" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove" "Used in wedding ring process" "ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Fjernet gammel samlingsgenstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Removed old collection item" "ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "Føjet til en samling" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "Added to a collection" "ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "Byttet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove" "Fjernet ved påførelse af sær del" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove" "Removed when applying Strange Part" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangeScoreReset_Remove" "Sær score nulstillet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangeScoreReset_Remove" "Strange score reset" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartRemove_Remove" "Fjernet ved fjernelse af sær del" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartRemove_Remove" "Removed when removing Strange Part" "ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeCardApply_Remove" "Brugt til at opgradere et kort" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeCardApply_Remove" "Used to upgrade card" "ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeCardRemove_Remove" "Kortopgradering fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeCardRemove_Remove" "Card upgrade removed" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangeRestrictionApply_Remove" "Brugt til at tilføje et sært filter" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangeRestrictionApply_Remove" "Used to add Strange Filter" "ItemHistory_Action_Transmogrify_Remove" "Brug til at transformere" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Transmogrify_Remove" "Used to Transmogrify" "ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove" "Brugt til at tilføje trylleformularside" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove" "Used to add Spell Page" "ItemHistory_Action_MvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket" "MvM-billet brugt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket" "MvM ticket used" "ItemHistory_Action_MvM_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove" "Opdaterede emblemgenstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove" "Updated badge item" "ItemHistory_Action_MvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher" "Brugt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_MvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher" "Used" "ItemHistory_Action_PeriodicScoreReward_Remove" "Periodisk scoresystem blev fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PeriodicScoreReward_Remove" "Periodic score system reward was removed" "ItemHistory_Action_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove" "Brugt til at opdatere Merasmus-krigsbytteniveau" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Halloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove" "Used to update Merasmus loot level" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangifyItem_Remove" "Brugt til at gøre en genstand sær" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangifyItem_Remove" "Used to Strangify item" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove" "Brugt som input til en opskrift" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove" "Used as input to recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove" "Brugt som input til en opskrift" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove" "Used as input to recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove" "Brugt til at færdiggøre en opskrift" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove" "Used to complete recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemEaterRecharge_Remove" "Brugt til at tilføje ladninger" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ItemEaterRecharge_Remove" "Used to add charges" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Ændret af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove" "Modified by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Forhåndsvisningsperiode udløbet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired" "Preview period ended" "ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Forhåndsvist genstand fjernet efter køb" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought" "Preview item removed after purchase" "ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "Brugt til at opdatere andejournal-niveau" "[english]ItemHistory_Action__UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove" "Used to update Duck Journal level" "ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Slået op på Steam-fællesskabsmarkedet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Listed on the Steam Community Market" "ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "I dit inventar" "[english]ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "In your inventory" "TF_PublishFile_kInvalidMapName" "Ugyldigt banenavn. Banenavne skal være stavet med småt og i formatet cp_foo.bsp" "[english]TF_PublishFile_kInvalidMapName" "Invalid name for map. Map names must be lowercase and of the form cp_foo.bsp" "TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFilesMaps" "Banefiler (*.bsp)" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_AcceptableFilesMaps" "Map Files (*.bsp)" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Night" "Nat" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Night" "Night" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Smissmas" "Smissmas" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Smissmas" "Smissmas" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CP" "Control Points" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_CP" "Control Points" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Escort" "Payload" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Escort" "Payload" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Arena" "Arena" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Arena" "Arena" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Koth" "King of the Hill" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Koth" "King of the Hill" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_AttackDefense" "Attack / Defense" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Specialty" "Specialitet" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Specialty" "Specialty" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SD" "Special Delivery" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SD" "Special Delivery" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_MVM" "Mann vs. Machine" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_MVM" "Mann vs. Machine" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Powerup" "Mannpower" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Powerup" "Mannpower" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Medieval" "Middelalder" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Medieval" "Medieval" "TF_PublishFile_Maps" "Baner..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Maps" "Maps..." "TF_PublishFile_Other" "Andet..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Other" "Other..." "TF_PublishFile_Cosmetics" "Kosmetik..." "[english]TF_PublishFile_Cosmetics" "Cosmetics..." "TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPrepareFile" "Kunne ikke forberede baner! Vær sikker på at du har valgt en gyldig BSP." "[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPrepareFile" "Failed to prepare map! Ensure you have selected a valid BSP." "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 13 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 13 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 13 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Premier Division Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 13 Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant" "OWL 13 Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 13 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 13 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 13 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 13 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 13 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 13 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 13 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 13 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 13 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 13 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 13 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 13 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 13 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 13 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 13 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 13 Division 5 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 13 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 13 Division 5 Participant" "TF_ScoreBoard_Rating" "Vurdering" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Rating" "Rating" "TF_ScoreBoard_RatingChange" "Skift" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_RatingChange" "Change" "TF_Weapon_Cannon_desc" "Dobbeltdonk! Bombeeksplosioner efter en kanonkuglekollision gør mini-kritisk skade mod ofrene, den kolliderede med" "[english]TF_Weapon_Cannon_desc" "Double Donk! Bomb explosions after a cannon ball impact will deal mini-crits to impact victims" "TF_Map_cp_snowplow" "Snowplow" "[english]TF_Map_cp_snowplow" "Snowplow" "cp_snowplow_authors" "Joe \"Fr0z3nR\" Radak\nTim \"YM\" Johnson\nJames \"McVee\" McVinnie\nRebbacus\nZoey Smith\nDan Escobedo\nEd Harrison\nJohn Dekker" "[english]cp_snowplow_authors" "Joe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak\nTim 'YM' Johnson\nJames 'McVee' McVinnie\nRebbacus\nZoey Smith\nDan Escobedo\nEd Harrison\nJohn Dekker" "TF_Map_pl_borneo" "Borneo" "[english]TF_Map_pl_borneo" "Borneo" "pl_borneo_authors" "Sean \"Heyo\" Cutino\nMatt \"vhalin\" Leahy" "[english]pl_borneo_authors" "Sean 'Heyo' Cutino\nMatt 'vhalin' Leahy" "TF_Map_koth_suijin" "Suijin" "[english]TF_Map_koth_suijin" "Suijin" "koth_suijin_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nKevin \"Ravidge\" Brook\nMaxime \"Mimas Torres\" Dupuis" "[english]koth_suijin_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nMaxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis" "TF_Map_cp_powerhouse" "Powerhouse" "[english]TF_Map_cp_powerhouse" "Powerhouse" "Powerhouse_cap_red_final" "RED's base" "[english]Powerhouse_cap_red_final" "the RED Base" "Powerhouse_cap_blu_final" "BLU's base" "[english]Powerhouse_cap_blu_final" "the BLU Base" "Powerhouse_cap_middle" "FLODEN" "[english]Powerhouse_cap_middle" "the RIVER" "Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit_One" "%s1 erobrede fjendens efterretninger %s2 gang" "[english]Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit_One" "%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 time" "Hint_inspect_weapon" "Hold \"%s1\"-tasten nede for at inspicere dit våben." "[english]Hint_inspect_weapon" "Hold '%s1' key to inspect your weapon." "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Mute" "Dæmp" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Mute" "Mute" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_UnMute" "Fjern dæmpning" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_UnMute" "UnMute" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Spec" "Kig på" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Spec" "Spectate" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Friend" "Tilføj ven" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Friend" "Add Friend" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Trade" "Åbn byttehandel" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Trade" "Open Trade" "Achievement_Group_2800" "Powerhouse-pakken (%s1 af %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_2800" "Powerhouse Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "Styrken og æren" "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "The Power and the Glory" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Vind 142 runder." "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 142 Rounds." "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Magtbalance" "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Balance of Power" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Vind en runde hvor det fjendtlige hold har prøvet at erobre jeres sidste kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point." "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Magttrip" "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Power Trip" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Erobr det sidste kontrolpunkt indenfor 15 sekunder efter dit hold har erobret det forrige kontrolpunkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capture the final control point within 15 seconds of your team capturing the previous control point." "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_CAPPING_PLAYER_NAME" "Luk og sluk" "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_CAPPING_PLAYER_NAME" "Power Down" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_CAPPING_PLAYER_DESC" "Dræb 15 fjender mens de erobrer et punkt." "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_CAPPING_PLAYER_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies while they are capturing a point." "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_ENEMY_IN_WATER_NAME" "Vandarbejde" "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_ENEMY_IN_WATER_NAME" "Wet Work" "TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_ENEMY_IN_WATER_DESC" "Dræb fem fjender mens de er i vandet." "[english]TF_MAPS_POWERHOUSE_KILL_ENEMY_IN_WATER_DESC" "Kill five enemies while they are in the water." "TF_Show_Quest_Log" "Åbn kontraktskuffe" "[english]TF_Show_Quest_Log" "Open Contracts Drawer" "TF_EnemyDroppedItem" "%victim% tabte en genstand!" "[english]TF_EnemyDroppedItem" "%victim% dropped an Item!" "TF_HasNewQuests" "Du har nye opgaver tilgængelige!" "[english]TF_HasNewQuests" "You have new quests available!" "NewItemMethod_QuestOutput" "Du har gennemført en kontrakt og modtaget:" "[english]NewItemMethod_QuestOutput" "You Completed a Contract and Received:" "Collections" "SAMLINGER" "[english]Collections" "COLLECTIONS" "ActivateItem" "Aktiver" "[english]ActivateItem" "Activate" "BuyAndUseKey" "Køb en nøgle og åbn" "[english]BuyAndUseKey" "Get a key and open" "ToolDecodeConfirmCase" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at åbne denne kasse?" "[english]ToolDecodeConfirmCase" "Are you sure you want to open this case?" "ToolRedeemingPass" "Indløsning af dit adgangspas" "[english]ToolRedeemingPass" "Redeeming your Pass" "ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" " %s2%s3: %s1" "[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" " %s2%s3: %s1" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Kontrakter gennemført" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Drab" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Kills" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Kontraktpoint" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Contract Points" "KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Kontrakt-bonuspoint" "[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Contract Bonus Points" "TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "Følgende er opgaver der skal gennemføres." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "The following are objectives that must be completed." "KillEater_OperationContractRank0" "Grus" "[english]KillEater_OperationContractRank0" "Gravel" "KillEater_OperationContractRank1" "Bronze" "[english]KillEater_OperationContractRank1" "Bronze" "KillEater_OperationContractRank2" "Sølv" "[english]KillEater_OperationContractRank2" "Silver" "KillEater_OperationContractRank3" "Australium" "[english]KillEater_OperationContractRank3" "Australium" "KillEater_OperationContractRank4" "Australium" "[english]KillEater_OperationContractRank4" "Australium" "TF_ItemAd_ViewOnMarket" "Se på markedet" "[english]TF_ItemAd_ViewOnMarket" "View on Market" "TF_Tag_Category_Rarity" "Grad" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Rarity" "Grade" "TF_Tag_Category_Collection" "Samling" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Collection" "Collection" "TF_Tag_Category_Exterior" "Udvendig" "[english]TF_Tag_Category_Exterior" "Exterior" "TF_InactiveOperationPass" "Gun Mettle-kampagnepas" "[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass" "Gun Mettle Campaign Pass" "TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "Gun Mettle-kampagnen sluttede d. 30. september 2015.\n\nAt aktivere et Gun Mettle-kampagnepas gav en Gun Mettle-kampagnemønt, der gav adgang til kontrakter og holdt styr på statistikker under kampagnen." "[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_desc" "The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.\n\nActivating the Gun Mettle Campaign Pass granted a Gun Mettle Campaign Coin that would grant access to contracts and track stats during the campaign." "TF_InactiveOperationPass_AdText" "-Gun Mettle-fællesskabsmønt\n-Bidrag til fællesskabsbaneskabere\n-Adgang til kontrakter der giver begivenhedseksklusive genstande når gennemført" "[english]TF_InactiveOperationPass_AdText" "-The Gun Mettle Campaign Coin\n-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed" "TF_ActivatedOperationPass" "Gun Mettle-kampagnemønt" "[english]TF_ActivatedOperationPass" "Gun Mettle Campaign Coin" "TF_ActivatedOperationPass_desc" "Gun Mettle-kampagnen sluttede d. 30. september 2015.\n\nGun Mettle-kampagnemønten gav adgang til kontrakter og holdt styr på statistikker under kampagnen. Man kunne få mønten til at stige i niveau ved at tjene kontraktpoint fra gennemførte kontrakter. Mønten steg i niveau ved 1000, 2000 og 3000 kontraktpoint." "[english]TF_ActivatedOperationPass_desc" "The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.\n\nThe Gun Mettle Campaign Coin granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The coin would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points." "TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "Gun Mettle-nøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "Gun Mettle Key" "TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Concealed Killer-\neller Powerhouse-våbenkasser." "[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "Used to open The Concealed Killer\nor The Powerhouse Weapons Case." "TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne Concealed Killer- eller Powerhouse-våbenkasser\n-Våbenkasserne indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben" "[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_AdText" "-Used to open The Concealed Killer or The Powerhouse Weapons Case\n-Cases may contain Strange and Unusual Weapons" "TF_ConcealedKiller_Case" "Concealed Killer-våbenkassen" "[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case" "The Concealed Killer Weapons Case" "TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_Desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en Gun Mettle-nøgle for at åbne. Indeholder en genstand fra Concealed Killer-samlingen." "[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Concealed Killer Collection." "TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_AdText" "-Låst Gun Mettle-kasse\n-Indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben" "[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons" "TF_Powerhouse_Case" "Powerhouse-våbenkassen" "[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case" "The Powerhouse Weapons Case" "TF_Powerhouse_Case_Desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nGun Mettle-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en genstand fra Powerhouse-samlingen." "[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Powerhouse Collection." "TF_Powerhouse_Case_AdText" "-Låst Gun Mettle-kasse\n-Indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben" "[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons" "Operation_gun_mettle_master_collection" "Gun Mettle-samlingerne" "[english]Operation_gun_mettle_master_collection" "The Gun Mettle Collections" "Concealedkiller_collection" "Snigmorder-samlingen" "[english]Concealedkiller_collection" "Concealed Killer Collection" "Concealedkiller_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Snigmorder-samlingen:" "[english]Concealedkiller_collection_desc" "Items from the Concealed Killer Collection:" "Craftsmann_collection" "Håndværker-samlingen" "[english]Craftsmann_collection" "Craftsmann Collection" "Craftsmann_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Håndværker-samlingen:" "[english]Craftsmann_collection_desc" "Items from the Craftsmann Collection:" "Teufort_collection" "Teufort-samlingen" "[english]Teufort_collection" "Teufort Collection" "Teufort_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Teufort-samlingen:" "[english]Teufort_collection_desc" "Items from the Teufort Collection:" "Powerhouse_collection" "Powerhouse-samlingen" "[english]Powerhouse_collection" "Powerhouse Collection" "Powerhouse_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Powerhouse-samlingen:" "[english]Powerhouse_collection_desc" "Items from the Powerhouse Collection:" "concealedkiller_pistol_redrockroscoe" "Rødstens-roscoen" "[english]concealedkiller_pistol_redrockroscoe" "The Red Rock Roscoe" "concealedkiller_rocketlauncher_sandcannon" "Sandkanonen" "[english]concealedkiller_rocketlauncher_sandcannon" "The Sand Cannon" "concealedkiller_medigun_wrappedreviver" "Den Indpakkede Genopliver" "[english]concealedkiller_medigun_wrappedreviver" "The Wrapped Reviver" "concealedkiller_revolver_psychedelicslugger" "Den Psykedeliske Basker" "[english]concealedkiller_revolver_psychedelicslugger" "The Psychedelic Slugger" "concealedkiller_stickybomblauncher_carpetbomber" "Tæppebomberen" "[english]concealedkiller_stickybomblauncher_carpetbomber" "The Carpet Bomber" "concealedkiller_medigun_maskedmender" "Den Maskerede Heler" "[english]concealedkiller_medigun_maskedmender" "The Masked Mender" "concealedkiller_rocketlauncher_woodlandwarrior" "Skovkrigeren" "[english]concealedkiller_rocketlauncher_woodlandwarrior" "The Woodland Warrior" "concealedkiller_sniperrifle_purplerange" "Lilla Rækkevidde" "[english]concealedkiller_sniperrifle_purplerange" "Purple Range" "concealedkiller_stickybomblauncher_suddenflurry" "Den Pludselige Byge" "[english]concealedkiller_stickybomblauncher_suddenflurry" "The Sudden Flurry" "concealedkiller_flamethrower_forestfire" "Skovbranden" "[english]concealedkiller_flamethrower_forestfire" "The Forest Fire" "concealedkiller_minigun_kingofthejungle" "Junglens Konge" "[english]concealedkiller_minigun_kingofthejungle" "King of the Jungle" "concealedkiller_scattergun_nightterror" "Nattens Rædsel" "[english]concealedkiller_scattergun_nightterror" "The Night Terror" "concealedkiller_shotgun_backwoodsboomstick" "Baglandets Bragpind" "[english]concealedkiller_shotgun_backwoodsboomstick" "The Backwoods Boomstick" "concealedkiller_smg_woodsywidowmaker" "Skovhuggerens Enkemager" "[english]concealedkiller_smg_woodsywidowmaker" "The Woodsy Widowmaker" "concealedkiller_sniperrifle_nightowl" "Natteravnen" "[english]concealedkiller_sniperrifle_nightowl" "The Night Owl" "craftsmann_scattergun_tartantorpedo" "Den Skotskternede Torpedo" "[english]craftsmann_scattergun_tartantorpedo" "The Tartan Torpedo" "craftsmann_shotgun_rusticruiner" "Den Rustikke Ødelægger" "[english]craftsmann_shotgun_rusticruiner" "The Rustic Ruiner" "craftsmann_flamethrower_barnburner" "Ladebrænderen" "[english]craftsmann_flamethrower_barnburner" "The Barn Burner" "craftsmann_pistol_homemadeheater" "Den Hjemmelavede Varmer" "[english]craftsmann_pistol_homemadeheater" "The Homemade Heater" "craftsmann_sniperrifle_lumberfromdownunder" "Det Australske Brænde" "[english]craftsmann_sniperrifle_lumberfromdownunder" "The Lumber From Down Under" "craftsmann_minigun_ironwood" "Jerntræ" "[english]craftsmann_minigun_ironwood" "Iron Wood" "craftsmann_scattergun_countrycrusher" "Landeknuseren" "[english]craftsmann_scattergun_countrycrusher" "The Country Crusher" "craftsmann_smg_plaidpotshotter" "Den Ternede Potteskyder" "[english]craftsmann_smg_plaidpotshotter" "The Plaid Potshotter" "craftsmann_sniperrifle_shotinthedark" "Skud i Tågen" "[english]craftsmann_sniperrifle_shotinthedark" "Shot in the Dark" "craftsmann_stickybomblauncher_blastedbombardier" "Den Fordømte Bombemand" "[english]craftsmann_stickybomblauncher_blastedbombardier" "The Blasted Bombardier" "craftsmann_medigun_reclaimedreanimator" "Den Genvundne Genskaber" "[english]craftsmann_medigun_reclaimedreanimator" "The Reclaimed Reanimator" "craftsmann_minigun_antiqueannihilator" "Den Antikvariske Annihilation" "[english]craftsmann_minigun_antiqueannihilator" "The Antique Annihilator" "craftsmann_revolver_oldcountry" "Rustik Revolver" "[english]craftsmann_revolver_oldcountry" "Old Country" "craftsmann_rocketlauncher_americanpastoral" "Amerikansk Antikvitet" "[english]craftsmann_rocketlauncher_americanpastoral" "American Pastoral" "craftsmann_scattergun_backcountryblaster" "Baglandssprængeren" "[english]craftsmann_scattergun_backcountryblaster" "The Backcountry Blaster" "powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_liquidasset" "Det Likvide Aktiv" "[english]powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_liquidasset" "The Liquid Asset" "powerhouse_pistol_blackdahlia" "Den Sorte Dahlia" "[english]powerhouse_pistol_blackdahlia" "The Black Dahlia" "powerhouse_shotgun_lightningrod" "Lynaflederen" "[english]powerhouse_shotgun_lightningrod" "The Lightning Rod" "powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" "Den Lyserøde Elefant" "[english]powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" "The Pink Elephant" "powerhouse_flamethrower_flashfryer" "Hurtigsteger" "[english]powerhouse_flamethrower_flashfryer" "Flash Fryer" "powerhouse_medigun_sparkoflife" "Den Livlige Gnist" "[english]powerhouse_medigun_sparkoflife" "The Spark of Life" "powerhouse_revolver_deadreckoner" "Dødsudregneren" "[english]powerhouse_revolver_deadreckoner" "The Dead Reckoner" "powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "Patronrysteren" "[english]powerhouse_rocketlauncher_shellshocker" "The Shell Shocker" "powerhouse_scattergun_currentevent" "Den Strømlinede Begivenhed" "[english]powerhouse_scattergun_currentevent" "The Current Event" "powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher" "Turbine-tænderen" "[english]powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher" "The Turbine Torcher" "powerhouse_minigun_brickhouse" "Murstenshuset" "[english]powerhouse_minigun_brickhouse" "The Brick House" "powerhouse_pistol_sandstonespecial" "Sandstens-specialisten" "[english]powerhouse_pistol_sandstonespecial" "The Sandstone Special" "powerhouse_rocketlauncher_aquamarine" "Aqua-marinen" "[english]powerhouse_rocketlauncher_aquamarine" "The Aqua Marine" "powerhouse_smg_lowprofile" "Den Lave Profil" "[english]powerhouse_smg_lowprofile" "The Low Profile" "powerhouse_sniperrifle_thunderbolt" "Tordenkilen" "[english]powerhouse_sniperrifle_thunderbolt" "The Thunderbolt" "teufort_flamethrower_bovineblazemaker" "Den Kvæglige Flammeskaber" "[english]teufort_flamethrower_bovineblazemaker" "The Bovine Blazemaker" "teufort_minigun_warroom" "Krigsrummet" "[english]teufort_minigun_warroom" "The War Room" "teufort_smg_treadplatetormenter" "Slidbaneplageren" "[english]teufort_smg_treadplatetormenter" "The Treadplate Tormenter" "teufort_sniperrifle_bogtrotter" "Mosetraveren" "[english]teufort_sniperrifle_bogtrotter" "The Bogtrotter" "teufort_flamethrower_earthskyandfire" "Jord, Himmel og Ild" "[english]teufort_flamethrower_earthskyandfire" "Earth, Sky and Fire" "teufort_pistol_hickoryholepuncher" "Hickory Hulslåer" "[english]teufort_pistol_hickoryholepuncher" "The Hickory Hole-Puncher" "teufort_scattergun_sprucedeuce" "Fyrflækkeren" "[english]teufort_scattergun_sprucedeuce" "The Spruce Deuce" "teufort_smg_teamsprayer" "Holdsprayeren" "[english]teufort_smg_teamsprayer" "The Team Sprayer" "teufort_stickybomblauncher_rooftopwrangler" "Tagtopsbetjeneren" "[english]teufort_stickybomblauncher_rooftopwrangler" "The Rooftop Wrangler" "teufort_medigun_civilservant" "Den Civile Tjener" "[english]teufort_medigun_civilservant" "The Civil Servant" "teufort_minigun_citizenpain" "Borgersmerte" "[english]teufort_minigun_citizenpain" "Citizen Pain" "teufort_pistol_localhero" "Den Lokale Helt" "[english]teufort_pistol_localhero" "The Local Hero" "teufort_revolver_mayor" "Borgmesteren" "[english]teufort_revolver_mayor" "The Mayor" "teufort_rocketlauncher_smalltownbringdown" "Småbyens Nedbringelse" "[english]teufort_rocketlauncher_smalltownbringdown" "The Smalltown Bringdown" "teufort_shotgun_civicduty" "Den Civile Pligt" "[english]teufort_shotgun_civicduty" "The Civic Duty" "TF_ContractReward" "Kontraktbelønning" "[english]TF_ContractReward" "Contract Reward" "TF_ContractReward_Desc" "Indeholder en låst Craftsmann-kasse\neller en genstand fra Commando-samlingen" "[english]TF_ContractReward_Desc" "Contains a Locked Craftsman Case\nor an item from the Commando Collection" "TF_ContractReward_Ad" "Denne kasse indeholder 16 lakerede våben fra Commando-samlingen" "[english]TF_ContractReward_Ad" "This case contains 16 skinned weapons from the Commando Collection" "TF_CraftsmanCase" "Låst Craftsmann-kasse" "[english]TF_CraftsmanCase" "Locked Craftsman Case" "TF_CraftsmanCase_Desc" "Låst kasse der kræver en nøgle.\nGenstand fra Craftsmann-samlingen." "[english]TF_CraftsmanCase_Desc" "Locked Case that requires a Key.\nItem from Craftsman Collection" "TF_CraftmansCase_Ad" "Denne kasse indeholder 16 lakerede våben fra Craftsmann-samlingen" "[english]TF_CraftmansCase_Ad" "This case contains 16 skinned weapons from the Craftsman Collection" "TF_PaintKit_ConcealedKiller" "Concealed Killer" "[english]TF_PaintKit_ConcealedKiller" "Concealed Killer" "TF_PaintKit_Craftsmann" "Craftsmann" "[english]TF_PaintKit_Craftsmann" "Craftsmann" "TF_PaintKit_Teufort" "Teufort" "[english]TF_PaintKit_Teufort" "Teufort" "TF_PaintKit_Powerhouse" "Powerhouse" "[english]TF_PaintKit_Powerhouse" "Powerhouse" "TF_Checkmark" "✔ " "[english]TF_Checkmark" "✔ " "TF_Checkmark_Unusual" "★ " "[english]TF_Checkmark_Unusual" "★ " "TF_LackOfCheckmark" "" "[english]TF_LackOfCheckmark" "" "Rarity_Default" "Standard" "[english]Rarity_Default" "Stock" "Rarity_Default_Weapon" "Standard" "[english]Rarity_Default_Weapon" "Stock" "Rarity_Common" "Civil" "[english]Rarity_Common" "Civilian" "Rarity_Common_Weapon" "Civil" "[english]Rarity_Common_Weapon" "Civilian" "Rarity_Uncommon" "Freelance" "[english]Rarity_Uncommon" "Freelance" "Rarity_Uncommon_Weapon" "Freelance" "[english]Rarity_Uncommon_Weapon" "Freelance" "Rarity_Rare" "Lejesoldat" "[english]Rarity_Rare" "Mercenary" "Rarity_Rare_Weapon" "Lejesoldat" "[english]Rarity_Rare_Weapon" "Mercenary" "Rarity_Mythical" "Jægersoldat" "[english]Rarity_Mythical" "Commando" "Rarity_Mythical_Weapon" "Jægersoldat" "[english]Rarity_Mythical_Weapon" "Commando" "Rarity_Legendary" "Snigmorder" "[english]Rarity_Legendary" "Assassin" "Rarity_Legendary_Weapon" "Snigmorder" "[english]Rarity_Legendary_Weapon" "Assassin" "Rarity_Ancient" "Elite" "[english]Rarity_Ancient" "Elite" "Rarity_Ancient_Weapon" "Elite" "[english]Rarity_Ancient_Weapon" "Elite" "Rarity_Contraband" "Udødelig" "[english]Rarity_Contraband" "Immortal" "Rarity_Contraband_Weapon" "Udødelig" "[english]Rarity_Contraband_Weapon" "Immortal" "Footer_StrangeUnusualWeapon" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller usædvanligt" "[english]Footer_StrangeUnusualWeapon" "Contents may be Strange or Unusual" "TFUI_InvTooltip_None" "" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_None" "" "TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew" "Fabriksny" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew" "Factory New" "TFUI_InvTooltip_MinimalWear" "Lidt slidt" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_MinimalWear" "Minimal Wear" "TFUI_InvTooltip_FieldTested" "Afprøvet i marken" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_FieldTested" "Field-Tested" "TFUI_InvTooltip_WellWorn" "Velbrugt" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_WellWorn" "Well-Worn" "TFUI_InvTooltip_BattleScared" "Kampvansiret" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_BattleScared" "Battle Scarred" "TFUI_InvTooltip_Rarity" "%s1-kvalitet %s2 (%s3)" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_Rarity" "%s1 Grade %s2 (%s3)" "TFUI_InvTooltip_Wear" "Udvendig:" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_Wear" "Exterior:" "Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Weapon" "eller et yderst sjældent usædvanligt våben!" "[english]Econ_Revolving_Unusual_Weapon" "or an Exceedingly Rare Unusual Weapon!" "Econ_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons_Chance" "Denne kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande.\nVåben er muligvis af sær kvalitet." "[english]Econ_Loot_List_Strange_Weapons_Chance" "This crate contains one of the following items.\nWeapons might be Strange." "Attrib_OverhealUberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% Über-hastighed på overhelede patienter" "[english]Attrib_OverhealUberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients" "Attrib_HealthOnRadiusDamage" "Ved træffer: Få op til +%s1 helbred per angreb" "[english]Attrib_HealthOnRadiusDamage" "On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health per attack" "Attrib_metal_pickup_decreased" "%s1% mindre metal fra opsamlinger og dispensere" "[english]Attrib_metal_pickup_decreased" "%s1% less metal from pickups and dispensers" "Attrib_SingleWepDeployBonus" "Dette våben trækkes %s1% hurtigere" "[english]Attrib_SingleWepDeployBonus" "This weapon deploys %s1% faster" "Attrib_NoCloakWhenCloaked" "Intet usynlighedsmeter fra ammunitionskasser når usynlig" "[english]Attrib_NoCloakWhenCloaked" "No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible" "Attrib_ReducedCloakFromAmmo" "%s1% usynlighedsmeter fra ammunitionskasser" "[english]Attrib_ReducedCloakFromAmmo" "%s1% cloak meter from ammo boxes" "Attrib_DmgBonus_Disguised" "+%s1% skadebonus når forklædt" "[english]Attrib_DmgBonus_Disguised" "+%s1% damage bonus while disguised" "Attrib_losehypeontakedamage" "Boost reduceret når ramt" "[english]Attrib_losehypeontakedamage" "Boost reduced when hit" "Attrib_HealingReceivedPenalty" "%s1% mindre heling fra alle kilder" "[english]Attrib_HealingReceivedPenalty" "%s1% less healing from all sources" "Attrib_HealingFromMedics_Negative" "%s1% mindre heling fra Medic-kilder" "[english]Attrib_HealingFromMedics_Negative" "%s1% less healing from Medic sources" "Attrib_stickybomb_charge_damage_increase" "Op til +%s1% skade baseret på opladning" "[english]Attrib_stickybomb_charge_damage_increase" "Up to +%s1% damage based on charge" "Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "At tage skade, mens du angrebsløber med skjold, reducerer tilbageværende løbetid" "[english]Attrib_LoseDemoChargeOnDamageWhenCharging" "Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time" "Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Få en hastighedsforøgelse ved drab" "[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Gain a speed boost on kill" "Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "Ved træffer: Få øget hastighed" "[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "On Hit: Gain a speed boost" "Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% skaderesistens mens du er under 50% helbred og der spinnes op" "[english]Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up" "Attrib_stattrakmodule" "%s1 statistiktæller påmonteret" "[english]Attrib_stattrakmodule" "%s1 Stat Clock Attached" "Attrib_HasTeamColorPaintkit" "Holdfarvet, dekoreret våben" "[english]Attrib_HasTeamColorPaintkit" "Team Colored Decorated Weapon" "Attrib_MeleeRangeMultiplier" "%s1% øget nærkampsangrebsrækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_MeleeRangeMultiplier" "%s1% increased melee attack range" "Attrib_ConsumeCloakFeignDeath" "%s1% usynlighedsmeter, når der spilles død" "[english]Attrib_ConsumeCloakFeignDeath" "%s1% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated" "Attrib_Particle701" "Varm" "[english]Attrib_Particle701" "Hot" "Attrib_Particle702" "Isotop" "[english]Attrib_Particle702" "Isotope" "Attrib_Particle703" "Kølig" "[english]Attrib_Particle703" "Cool" "Attrib_Particle704" "Energikugle" "[english]Attrib_Particle704" "Energy Orb" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Flaregun_desc" "Dette våben genlader, når det ikke er aktivt" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Flaregun_desc" "This weapon will reload when not active" "TF_Sandvich_desc" "Spis for at få op til 300 helbred tilbage\nAlt-skyd: Del en Sandvich med en ven (medium helbredspakke)" "[english]TF_Sandvich_desc" "Eat to regain up to 300 health.\nAlt-fire: Share a Sandvich with a friend (Medium Health Kit)" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double_desc" "Dette våben genlader hele sit magasin på en gang" "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double_desc" "This weapon reloads its entire clip at once" "TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink_desc" "Drik for at blive usårlig i 8 sekunder. Kan ikke angribe under denne tid.\nAbsorberet skade hæmmer dig, når effekten udløber." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink_desc" "Drink to become invulnerable for 8 seconds. Cannot attack during this time.\nDamage absorbed will slow you when the effect ends." "TF_Lunchbox_Chocolate_desc" "Spis for at få op til 100 helbred tilbage\nAlt-skyd: Del chokolade med en ven (lille helbredspakke)" "[english]TF_Lunchbox_Chocolate_desc" "Eat to gain up to 100 health.\nAlt-fire: Share chocolate with a friend (Small Health Kit)" "TF_Unique_BattleAxe_desc" "Dette våben har en stor nærkampsrækkevidde" "[english]TF_Unique_BattleAxe_desc" "This weapon has a large melee range" "TF_CrusadersCrossbow_desc" "Affyrer specielle pile, der heler holdkammerater og gør skade\nbaseret på tilbagelagt afstand\nDette våben vil automatisk genlade, når det ikke er aktivt" "[english]TF_CrusadersCrossbow_desc" "Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deals damage\nbased on distance traveled\nThis weapon will reload automatically when not active" "TF_Claidheamohmor_desc" "Dette våben har en stor nærkampsrækkevidde" "[english]TF_Claidheamohmor_desc" "This weapon has a large melee range" "TF_PersianPersuader_Desc" "Dette våben har en stor nærkampsrækkevidde" "[english]TF_PersianPersuader_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range" "TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "Alt-skyd: Løb mod dine fjender og fjern debuffs.\nFå et kritisk nærkampsslag, efter du rammer en fjende fra afstand." "[english]TF_SplendidScreen_desc" "Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs.\nGain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy." "Item_QuestOutput" "%s1 har gennemført en kontrakt og modtaget:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_QuestOutput" "%s1 has completed a Contract and received:: %s2 %s3" "paintkitweapon" "Dekoreret våben" "[english]paintkitweapon" "Decorated Weapon" "TF_ScoreBoard_MouseMode" "Slå museinput til på pointtavlen" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_MouseMode" "Enable mouse input on the scoreboard" "TF_Dingaling_Volume" "Træfferlyd-lydstyrke" "[english]TF_Dingaling_Volume" "Hit Sound Volume" "Tooltip_Dingaling_Volume" "Lydstyrken for \"træfferlyde\"." "[english]Tooltip_Dingaling_Volume" "The volume for 'hit sounds'." "TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeRound" "Du kan ikke skifte klasse efter spillet er begyndt." "[english]TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeRound" "You can't change classes after the game has started." "TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeReady" "Du kan ikke skifte klasse, mens du er KLAR." "[english]TF_Ladder_NoClassChangeReady" "You can't change classes while you are READY." "TF_Ladder_NoTeamChange" "Holdene er låst under denne kamp." "[english]TF_Ladder_NoTeamChange" "Teams are locked for this match." "TF_Contract_Progress" "Kontrakt-UI" "[english]TF_Contract_Progress" "Contracts UI" "TF_Contract_Progress_All" "Vis al kontraktfremskridt" "[english]TF_Contract_Progress_All" "Show All Contract Progress" "TF_Contract_Progress_Active" "Vis kun aktive kontrakter" "[english]TF_Contract_Progress_Active" "Show Active Contracts Only" "TF_Contract_Progress_None" "Slå fra" "[english]TF_Contract_Progress_None" "Disable" "MMenu_PlayComp" "Spil Competitive" "[english]MMenu_PlayComp" "Play Competitive" "MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "Vis oplysninger" "[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateDetails" "View Details" "MMenu_ViewUpdateComic" "Læs tegneserien!" "[english]MMenu_ViewUpdateComic" "Read the comic!" "MMenu_OverlayRequired" "Du skal slå Steam-fællesskabet til i spillet og genstarte TF2 for at bruge denne funktion." "[english]MMenu_OverlayRequired" "You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart TF2 to use this feature." "QuestLogExplanation_Title" "Opgavelog" "[english]QuestLogExplanation_Title" "Quest Log" "QuestLogExplanation_Text" "Her er du i stand til at vælge, hvilke opgaver du vil spore og arbejde mod at gennemføre." "[english]QuestLogExplanation_Text" "Here you're able to choose which quests to track and work towards completing." "Context_InspectModel" "Inspicer genstand" "[english]Context_InspectModel" "Inspect Item" "Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassTitle" "Bemærk venligst" "[english]Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassTitle" "Please note" "Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassText" "Du spiller på nuværende tidspunkt med DirectX 8. Dekorerede våben er inkompatible med denne tilstand." "[english]Store_ConfirmDx8Summer2015OpPassText" "You are currently playing with DirectX 8. Decorated weapons are incompatible with this mode." "Attrib_DirectX8Warning" "Du er i DirectX 8, dekorerede våben understøttes ikke og vil have deres standardudseende." "[english]Attrib_DirectX8Warning" "You are in DirectX 8, decorated weapons are incompatible and show as stock." "Store_BuyAnyway" "Køb alligevel!" "[english]Store_BuyAnyway" "Buy Anyway!" "Store_NoThanks" "Nej tak" "[english]Store_NoThanks" "No Thanks" "TF_UseOperationPassFail_Title" "Kan ikke bruge pas" "[english]TF_UseOperationPassFail_Title" "Cannot Use Pass" "TF_UseOperationPassFail_Text" "En fejl opstod.\nPrøv venligst igen senere." "[english]TF_UseOperationPassFail_Text" "An error occurred.\nPlease Try again later." "TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Kan ikke bruge pas" "[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Cannot Use Pass" "TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "Et pas er allerede blevet aktiveret på din konto" "[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A pass has already been activated for your account" "TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Aktiver pas?" "[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?" "TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Indløsning af passet giver adgang til kontrakter.\n\nDen medfølgende kampagnepolet kan ikke byttes eller sælges." "[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the pass grants access to contracts.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded or marketed." "TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Kan ikke slette" "[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete" "TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "Denne kampagnepolet kan ikke slettes mens kampagnen er aktiv." "[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "The campaign token cannot be deleted while the campaign is active." "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "Slået til" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled" "Enabled" "TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "Skadespredning" "[english]TF_Quickplay_DamageSpread_Enabled_Summary" "Damage spread" "TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "Spil alle de fremhævede baner fra Tough Break-opdateringen." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Featured" "Tour the featured maps for the Tough Break Update." "TF_GameModeDetail_Featured" "Vælg denne indstilling for at tilslutte dig en spilserver, der gentagende kører de udvalgte baner fra Tough Break-opdateringen." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Featured" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the featured maps for the Tough Break Update." "TF_Pass" "Pas" "[english]TF_Pass" "Pass" "TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "ADVARSEL: Ekspert-missioner er MEGET SVÆRERE end avancerede missioner.\n\nDu skal bevise din dygtighed ved at gennemføre mindst én avanceret tour, før du får lov til at påtage dig denne udfordring.\n" "[english]TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied" "ATTENTION: Expert missions are MUCH HARDER than advanced missions.\n\nYou must prove your mettle by completing at least one advanced tour before you will be allowed to undertake this challenge.\n" "TF_MVM_NoClassUpgradeUI" "Du kan ikke skifte klasse, mens du bruger en opgraderingsstation." "[english]TF_MVM_NoClassUpgradeUI" "You cannot change class while using an Upgrades station." "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCompetitive" "Competitive" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCompetitive" "Competitive" "TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 har ikke en billet" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_MissingTicket" "%s1 doesn't have a ticket" "TF_Matchmaking_MissingPass" "%s1 ejer ikke et Competitive-matchmakingbetapas" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_MissingPass" "%s1 doesn't have a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass" "TF_Matchmaking_CompetitiveExplanation" "I Competitive-kampe bliver du automatisk matchet med spillere af lignende færdighedsniveau.\n\nFor at invitere venner før du starter, kan du oprette en gruppe ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CompetitiveExplanation" "In competitive games, you are automatically matched against players of similar skill rating.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below." "TF_Matchmaking_StartSearchChat" "Tryk på 'Begynd søgning' for at starte et spil.\n" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartSearchChat" "Press 'Start Search' to start a game.\n" "TF_Matchmaking_InviteFriendsChat" "For at spille med venner skal du invitere dem til din gruppe.\n" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_InviteFriendsChat" "To play with friends, invite them to your party.\n" "TF_Matchmaking_PlayerJoinedPartyChat" "%s1 tilsluttede sig gruppen" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayerJoinedPartyChat" "%s1 joined the party" "TF_Matchmaking_PlayerLeftPartyChat" "%s1 forlod gruppen" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayerLeftPartyChat" "%s1 left the party" "TF_Matchmaking_AddedToQueue" "Tilføjet til matchmaking-køen.\n" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_AddedToQueue" "Added to matchmaking queue.\n" "TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "Fjernet fra matchmaking-køen.\n" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RemovedFromQueue" "Removed from matchmaking queue.\n" "TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive-matchmakingpas" "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass" "Competitive Matchmaking Pass" "TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Giver adgang til Competitive-matchmaking.\n\nKan ikke byttes eller sælges." "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Desc" "Grants access to Competitive Matchmaking.\n\nCannot be traded or marketed." "TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Competitive-adgang krævet" "[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass_Title" "Competitive Access Required" "TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "Du opfylder ikke kravene for rangeret matchmaking. Du skal have et Competitive-matchmakingbetapas og Steam Guard-mobilauthenticator slået til." "[english]TF_Competitive_RequiresPass" "You do not currently meet the requirements for ranked matchmaking. You must have a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass and Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled." "TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "Kampen er ovre. Tak for spillet!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Disconnect" "The match is over. Thanks for playing!" "TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Use" "Inspicer" "[english]TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Use" "Inspect" "TF_ItemDynamicQuestTool" "Opskrift" "[english]TF_ItemDynamicQuestTool" "Recipe" "TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Desc" "Denne genstand har en række mål. Når du gennemfører dem, belønnes du med det, der står i genstandens output." "[english]TF_ItemDynamicQuest_Desc" "This item has a set of objectives that, once fulfilled, will\nreward you with what's listed in its outputs." "TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_Inputs" "De følgende er de opgaver der skal gennemføres." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_Inputs" "The following are the objectives that must be completed." "TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_Outputs" "Du modtager alle følgende output, når alle målene er gennemført." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_Outputs" "You will receive all of the following outputs once all of the objectives are completed." "TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_QuestObjectives" "De følgende er opgaver der skal gennemføres." "[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Quest_QuestObjectives" "The following are objectives that must be completed." "Quests" "Kontrakter" "[english]Quests" "Contracts" "QuestNotification_Incoming" "Indkommende besked..." "[english]QuestNotification_Incoming" "Incoming message..." "QuestTracker_Complete" "Tryk [ %show_quest_log% ] for at indsende" "[english]QuestTracker_Complete" "Press [ %show_quest_log% ] to turn in" "QuestTracker_New_CallToAction" "Tryk [ %show_quest_log% ] for at vise" "[english]QuestTracker_New_CallToAction" "Press [ %show_quest_log% ] to view" "QuestTracker_New_Single" "%s1 ny kontrakt" "[english]QuestTracker_New_Single" "%s1 New Contract" "QuestTracker_New_Multiple" "%s1 nye kontrakter" "[english]QuestTracker_New_Multiple" "%s1 New Contracts" "QuestTracker_Complete_Single" "%s1 kontrakt fuldført" "[english]QuestTracker_Complete_Single" "%s1 Contract Fulfilled" "QuestTracker_Complete_Multiple" "%s1 kontrakter fuldført" "[english]QuestTracker_Complete_Multiple" "%s1 Contracts Fulfilled" "QuestTracker_Inactive_Single" "Kontrakt inaktiv" "[english]QuestTracker_Inactive_Single" "Contract Inactive" "QuestTracker_Inactive_Multiple" "%s1 inaktive kontrakter" "[english]QuestTracker_Inactive_Multiple" "%s1 Inactive Contracts" "Questlog_Track" "Fremskridt" "[english]Questlog_Track" "Track" "Questlog_Reward" "Belønninger" "[english]Questlog_Reward" "Rewards" "QuestLog_Title" "Kontraktskuffe" "[english]QuestLog_Title" "Contracts Drawer" "QuestLog_NoQuests" "Ingen kontrakter tilgængelig lige nu.\nTjek igen senere." "[english]QuestLog_NoQuests" "No contracts available right now.\nCheck back later." "Questlog_Progress" "Fremskridt" "[english]Questlog_Progress" "Progress" "QuestLog_Active" "Aktiv" "[english]QuestLog_Active" "Active" "QuestLog_Available" "Tilgængelig" "[english]QuestLog_Available" "Available" "QuestLog_UnidentifiedQuest" "Uidentificeret kontrakt" "[english]QuestLog_UnidentifiedQuest" "Unidentified Contract" "QuestLog_Identify" "Klik for at afkode" "[english]QuestLog_Identify" "Click to decode" "QuestLog_TurnIn" "Klik for at indsende" "[english]QuestLog_TurnIn" "Click to turn in" "QuestLog_Identifying" "Afkoder kontrakt..." "[english]QuestLog_Identifying" "Decoding Contract..." "QuestLog_TurningIn" "Indsender resultater" "[english]QuestLog_TurningIn" "Submitting results" "QuestConfirmDiscard_Title" "Kassér kontrakt?" "[english]QuestConfirmDiscard_Title" "Discard Contract?" "QuestConfirmDiscard_Body" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at kassére denne kontrakt? Den vil blive slettet permanent." "[english]QuestConfirmDiscard_Body" "Are you sure you want to discard this contract? It will be permanently deleted." "QuestDetails_Accept" "Ok" "[english]QuestDetails_Accept" "Ok" "QuestDetails_Discard" "Kassér" "[english]QuestDetails_Discard" "Discard" "TF_QuestInvalid_Explanation" "Denne kontrakt er på nuværende tidspunkt inaktiv, og der kan ikke arbejdes på den. Den er inaktiv af følgende grunde:" "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_Explanation" "This Contract is currently inactive and cannot be worked on. It is considered inactive for the following reasons:" "TF_QuestInvalid_WrongMap" "Du spiller ikke den påkrævede bane." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_WrongMap" "You're not playing on the required map." "TF_QuestInvalid_GameMode" "Du spiller ikke den påkrævede spiltilstand." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_GameMode" "You're not playing the required game mode." "TF_QuestInvalid_NotEnoughPlayers" "Der kan kun arbejdes på kontrakter, når der er 2 eller flere spillere." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_NotEnoughPlayers" "Contracts can only be worked on when there are 2 or more players." "TF_QuestInvalid_WrongClass" "Du spiller ikke den påkrævede klasse." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_WrongClass" "You're not playing the required class." "TF_QuestInvalid_ValveServers" "Der kan kun arbejdes på kontrakter, når man er tilsluttet en Valve-server." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_ValveServers" "Contracts can only be worked on when connected to a Valve server." "TF_QuestInvalid_MvM" "Der kan ikke arbejdes på kontrakter i MvM." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_MvM" "Contracts can't be worked on in MvM." "TF_Quest_TurnIn_Title" "Indsend kontrakt?" "[english]TF_Quest_TurnIn_Title" "Turn In Contract?" "TF_Quest_TurnIn_Text" "Du har ikke klaret alle bonuspunkterne.\n\nEr du sikker på, at du ønsker at indsende denne kontrakt?" "[english]TF_Quest_TurnIn_Text" "You have not completed all of the bonus points.\n\nAre you sure you want to turn in this contract?" "TF_Quest_TurnIn_Ask_Opt_Out" "Spørg aldrig om dette igen" "[english]TF_Quest_TurnIn_Ask_Opt_Out" "Never ask about this again" "TF_Quest_TurnIn_Yes" "Indsend" "[english]TF_Quest_TurnIn_Yes" "Turn In" "TF_Quest_TurnIn_No" "Annuller" "[english]TF_Quest_TurnIn_No" "Cancel" "TF_Quest_Status_Encoded" "Ny!" "[english]TF_Quest_Status_Encoded" "New!" "TF_Quest_Status_Inactive" "Inaktiv" "[english]TF_Quest_Status_Inactive" "Inactive" "TF_Quest_Status_ReadyToTurnIn" "Fuldført" "[english]TF_Quest_Status_ReadyToTurnIn" "Fulfilled" "TF_QuestObjective_Explanation" "************\n\nUdfør hvilken som helst af følgende opgaver for at modtage kontraktpoint." "[english]TF_QuestObjective_Explanation" "************\n\nPerform any of the following tasks to earn Contract Points." "QuestObjective_Required" "%s1 KP" "[english]QuestObjective_Required" "%s1 CP" "QuestObjective_Optional" "(Advanced) %s1 KP" "[english]QuestObjective_Optional" "(Advanced) %s1 CP" "QuestPoints_Standard" "%s1/%s2 KP" "[english]QuestPoints_Standard" "%s1/%s2 CP" "QuestPoints_Bonus" "Bonus:" "[english]QuestPoints_Bonus" "Bonus:" "TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance" "Hån: Kazotskysparket" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance" "Taunt: Kazotsky Kick" "TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance_Desc" "Dette er et gruppehån til alle klasser\nSæt gang i festlighederne med denne østeuropæisk-inspirerede dans\nAndre spillere kan deltage ved at aktivere deres våbenhån\n\nTryk på tasten for hånpladsen for at starte/stoppe\nBrug fremad- og tilbage-tasten til at bevæge dig\n og sidelæns-tasterne til at rotere, når du danser" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance_Desc" "All Class Group Taunt\nParty it up with this Eastern European inspired dance\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate as you dance" "TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance_AdText" "-Gruppehån til alle klasser\n-Sæt gang i festlighederne med denne østeuropæisk-inspirerede dans\n-Andre spillere kan deltage ved at aktivere deres våbenhån" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassRussianDance_AdText" "-All Class Group Taunt\n-Party it up with this Eastern European inspired dance\n-Other players can join in by activating their weapon taunt" "TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot" "Hån: Den Travende Kasse" "[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot" "Taunt: The Box Trot" "TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_desc" "Spy-hån\nSnig dig rundt med den oprindelige snigeenhed.\nBrug fremad- og tilbage-tasterne til at bevæge dig\n og sidelæns-tasterne til at rotere." "[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_desc" "Spy Taunt\nSneak around with the original stealth device.\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate." "TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Spy-hån\n-Snig dig rundt med denne originale snigeenhed\n" "[english]TF_taunt_spy_boxtrot_AdText" "-Community Created Spy Taunt\n-Sneak around with the original stealth device\n" "TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff" "Hån: Proletariske Positioner" "[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff" "Taunt: The Proletariat Posedown" "TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_desc" "Heavy-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_desc" "Heavy Taunt" "TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\n-Vis dem hvem der bestemmer!" "[english]TF_taunt_proletariat_showoff_AdText" "-Community Created Heavy Taunt\n-Show off who's the boss!" "TF_HUD_Event_WeaponPickup" "Du har lige samlet et nyt våben op. Ønsker du at udstyre det?" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_WeaponPickup" "You just picked up a new weapon. Would you like to equip it?" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_first" "Arms Race-førstepladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_first" "Arms Race 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_second" "Arms Race-andenpladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_second" "Arms Race 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_third" "Arms Race-tredjepladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_third" "Arms Race 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_participant" "Arms Race-deltagermedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace_participant" "Arms Race Participant Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace1" "Arms Race 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace1" "Arms Race 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace2" "Arms Race 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace2" "Arms Race 2" "TF_Map_pass_warehouse" "Warehouse - BETA" "[english]TF_Map_pass_warehouse" "Warehouse - BETA" "GameType_Passtime" "PASS Time" "[english]GameType_Passtime" "PASS Time" "Voice_Menu_AskForBall" "Spil mig!" "[english]Voice_Menu_AskForBall" "Pass to me!" "Replay_Contest_Category20127" "Bedste langfilm" "[english]Replay_Contest_Category20127" "Best Extended" "TF_GameModeDesc_Passtime" "Få fat i bolden og scor, før det fjendtlige hold gør det!" "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Passtime" "Get the jack and score before the enemy team does!" "TF_GameModeDetail_Passtime" "En ny beta-spiltilstand der blander TF2's sædvanlige kaos med sportsgrene såsom fodbold, hockey og basketball! To hold kæmper i en episk kamp om at score flere mål end deres modstandere. Koordinerede afleveringer, luftskud og opsnapninger, holdbaserede formationer og taktikker, forsvarslinjer og lignende bidrager alt sammen til et strategisk kaotisk spil." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Passtime" "A new beta game mode that smashes TF2's usual mayhem with sports like Soccer, Hockey and Basketball! Two teams face off in an epic battle to score more goals than their opponents. Coordinated passing, aerial shots and interceptions, team-based formations and plays, defensive lines and the like make for strategically chaotic play." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_PassTime" "PASS Time" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_PassTime" "PASS Time" "TF_FindersFee" "Finderens Findeløn" "[english]TF_FindersFee" "The Finder's Fee" "TF_FindersFee_Desc" "Hvis du ejer denne hat, betyder det, at du rapporterede en stor økonomiødelæggende fejl, eller en fjernkodeudførelse-fejl og har gjort spillet bedre. Og det betyder, at du er en beundringsværdig person. Ligesom Gandhi (der også ejede denne hat)." "[english]TF_FindersFee_Desc" "If you own this hat, that means you reported a major economy-breaking bug or a remote-code-execution bug and made the game better. And that means you're an admirable person. Like Gandhi (who also owned this hat)." "default_passtime_description" "Få fat i bolden og scor mål!\nHjælp holdkammerater med bolden i at nå målet.\nStop fjender med bolden i at nå jeres mål.\nTryk på ANGRIB for at kaste eller smide bolden. Hold nede for at sigte eller opretholde fastlåsning.\nTryk på ANGRIB3, når en holdkammerat har bolden, for at bede om en aflevering." "[english]default_passtime_description" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress ATTACK to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress ATTACK3 when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass." "Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "har bolden!" "[english]Msg_PasstimeBallGet" "got the jack!" "Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "scorede %s1 point!" "[english]Msg_PasstimeScoreCount" "scored %s1 points!" "Msg_PasstimeScore" "scorede!" "[english]Msg_PasstimeScore" "scored!" "Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "afleverede" "[english]Msg_PasstimePassComplete" "passed" "Msg_PasstimeInterception" "opsnappede" "[english]Msg_PasstimeInterception" "intercepted" "Msg_PasstimeUnits" "meter" "[english]Msg_PasstimeUnits" "feet" "Msg_PasstimeSteal" "stjal fra" "[english]Msg_PasstimeSteal" "steal" "Msg_PasstimeBlock" "blokerede" "[english]Msg_PasstimeBlock" "blocked" "Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "AFLEVERING PÅ VEJ" "[english]Msg_PasstimePassIncoming" "PASS INCOMING" "Msg_PasstimeLockedOn" "LÅST PÅ" "[english]Msg_PasstimeLockedOn" "LOCKED ON" "Msg_PasstimeInPassRange" "I RÆKKEVIDDE" "[english]Msg_PasstimeInPassRange" "IN PASS RANGE" "Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "BLU STJAL BOLDEN!" "[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByBlue" "BLU STOLE THE JACK!" "Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "RED STJAL BOLDEN!" "[english]Msg_PasstimeBallStolenByRed" "RED STOLE THE JACK!" "TF_Passtime_HowToPlay" "Få fat i bolden og scor mål!\nHjælp holdkammerater med bolden i at nå målet.\nStop fjender med bolden i at nå jeres mål.\nTryk på \"%attack%\" for at kaste eller smide bolden. Hold nede for at sigte eller opretholde fastlåsning.\nTryk på \"%attack2%\" for at annullere sigte.\nHold \"%attack2%\" nede for at forhindre eller annullere en fastlåst aflevering.\nTryk på \"%attack3%\", når en holdkammerat har bolden, for at bede om en aflevering." "[english]TF_Passtime_HowToPlay" "Get the jack and score with it!\nHelp friendly jack-carriers reach the goal.\nStop enemy jack-carriers from reaching your goal.\nPress '%attack%' to throw or toss the jack. Hold to aim or maintain lock.\nPress '%attack2%' to cancel aim.\nHold '%attack2%' to prevent or cancel pass lock.\nPress '%attack3%' when a teammate has the jack to call for a pass." "TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Basket" "Du SAMLEDE BOLDEN OP!\nSMID den i FJENDENS MÅL!" "[english]TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Basket" "You PICKED UP the JACK!\nTHROW it in the ENEMY GOAL!" "TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Endzone" "Du SAMLEDE BOLDEN OP!\nBÆR den ind i det FJENDTLIGE MÅL!" "[english]TF_Passtime_PlayerPickup_Endzone" "You PICKED UP the JACK!\nCARRY it in the ENEMY GOAL!" "TF_Passtime_Score" "Du SCOREDE! " "[english]TF_Passtime_Score" "You SCORED! " "TF_Passtime_FriendlyScore" "Dit hold SCOREDE! " "[english]TF_Passtime_FriendlyScore" "Your team SCORED! " "TF_Passtime_EnemyScore" "FJENDENS hold SCOREDE! " "[english]TF_Passtime_EnemyScore" "The ENEMY team SCORED! " "TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "Du kan ikke TELEPORTERE, mens du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the JACK!" "TF_Passtime_No_Carry" "Du kan ikke bære andet, når du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Carry" "You cannot carry anything else while carrying the JACK!" "TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "Du kan ikke være USÅRLIG, mens du bærer BOLDEN" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the JACK" "TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "Du kan ikke FORKLÆDE dig, mens du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Disguise" "You cannot DISGUISE while carrying the JACK!" "TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "Du kan ikke gøre dig selv USYNLIG, mens du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Cloak" "You cannot CLOAK while carrying the JACK!" "TF_Passtime_No_Oob" "Du kan ikke være UDEN FOR BANEN, når du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Oob" "You cannot be OUT OF BOUNDS while carrying the JACK!" "TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "Du kan ikke bære BOLDEN, før du er i stand til at hylstre dit våben!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Holster" "You cannot carry the JACK until you are able to holster your weapon!" "TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "Du kan ikke HÅNE, mens du bærer BOLDEN!" "[english]TF_Passtime_No_Taunt" "You cannot TAUNT while carrying the JACK!" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 14 Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place" "OWL 14 Premier First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 14 Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Premier Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 14 Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Premier Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 14 Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Participant" "OWL 14 Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 14 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 14 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 14 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 14 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 14 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 14 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 14 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 14 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 14 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 14 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 14 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 14 Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "1.-plads i OWL 14 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_First_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "2.-plads i OWL 14 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Second_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "3.-plads i OWL 14 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Third_Place" "OWL 14 Division 5 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Participant" "Deltager i OWL 14 Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Participant" "OWL 14 Division 5 Participant" "TF_Map_Snowplow" "Snowplow" "[english]TF_Map_Snowplow" "Snowplow" "TF_MapToken_Snowplow" "Banefrimærke - Snowplow" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow" "Map Stamp - Snowplow" "TF_MapToken_Snowplow_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nSkabt af Joe \"Fr0z3nR\" Radak, Tim \"YM\" Johnson, James \"McVee\" McVinnie, Rebbacus, Zoey \"Sexy Robot\" Smith, Dan Escobedo, Ed Harrison og John Dekker\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Snowplow-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Joe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak, Tim 'YM' Johnson, James 'McVee' McVinnie, Rebbacus, Zoey 'Sexy Robot' Smith, Dan Escobedo, Ed Harrison, and John Dekker\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowplow community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Snowplow_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Snowplow-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowplow_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowplow community map." "TF_Map_Borneo" "Borneo" "[english]TF_Map_Borneo" "Borneo" "TF_MapToken_Borneo" "Banefrimærke - Borneo" "[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo" "Map Stamp - Borneo" "TF_MapToken_Borneo_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Sean \"Heyo\" Cutino og Matt \"vhalin\" Leahy\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Borneo-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Sean 'Heyo' Cutino and Matt 'vhalin' Leahy\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Borneo community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Borneo_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Borneo-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Borneo_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Borneo community map." "TF_Map_Suijin" "Suijin" "[english]TF_Map_Suijin" "Suijin" "TF_MapToken_Suijin" "Banefrimærke - Suijin" "[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin" "Map Stamp - Suijin" "TF_MapToken_Suijin_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Freyja, E-Arkham, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook og Maxime \"Fubar\" Dupuis\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Suijin-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Freyja, E-Arkham, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Suijin community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Suijin_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Suijin-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Suijin_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Suijin community map." "TF_Map_Snowplow_StrangePrefix" " Frossen" "[english]TF_Map_Snowplow_StrangePrefix" " Frozen" "TF_Map_Borneo_StrangePrefix" " Tropisk" "[english]TF_Map_Borneo_StrangePrefix" " Tropical" "TF_Map_Suijin_StrangePrefix" " Gennemblødt" "[english]TF_Map_Suijin_StrangePrefix" " Water-Logged" "FreezePanel_ItemOtherOwner" "%killername% bærer %ownername%'s:" "[english]FreezePanel_ItemOtherOwner" "%killername% is carrying %ownername%'s:" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Profile" "Profil" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Profile" "Profile" "NewItemMethod_TradeUp" "Du opbyttede til:" "[english]NewItemMethod_TradeUp" "You traded up for:" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow" "Sært filter: Snowplow (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow" "Strange Filter: Snowplow (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Snowplow." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowplow_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Snowplow." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo" "Sært filter: Borneo (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo" "Strange Filter: Borneo (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Borneo." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBorneo_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Borneo." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin" "Sært filter: Suijin (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin" "Strange Filter: Suijin (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Suijin." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSuijin_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Suijin." "GunMettleCosmetics_collection" "Gun Mettle-kosmetiksamling" "[english]GunMettleCosmetics_collection" "Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection" "GunMettleCosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Gun Mettle-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]GunMettleCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_GunMettleCosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Gun Mettle-hat" "[english]Footer_GunMettleCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat" "TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase" "Gun Mettle-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase" "Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case" "TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nGun Mettle-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Gun Mettle-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Gun Mettle Cosmetic Collection." "TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Gun Mettle-kosmetikkasse\n-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetikker\n-Kræver en Gun Mettle-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Gun Mettle-hat" "[english]TF_GunMettleCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat" "TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey" "Gun Mettle-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey" "Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Gun Mettle-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to Open a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Gun Mettle-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Gun Mettle-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_GunMettleCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Gun Mettle Hat" "TFUI_InvTooltip_RarityNoWear" "%s1-kvalitet %s2%s3" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_RarityNoWear" "%s1 Grade %s2%s3" "Attrib_ItemsTradedIn" "Genstande opbyttet : %s1" "[english]Attrib_ItemsTradedIn" "Items Traded in : %s1" "Item_TradeUp" "%s1 har byttet op til:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_TradeUp" "%s1 has traded up for:: %s2 %s3" "TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "Opbytninger" "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Title" "Trade-Ups" "TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "Her er du i stand til at veksle ti genstande af identisk sjældenhed eller særhed for én genstand af den næste højeste sjældenhed, med samme særhed, og fra en samling af en af de angivne genstande." "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Overview_Text" "Here you're able to exchange ten items of identical rarity and strangeness for one item of the next highest rarity, with the same strangeness, and from a collection of one of the items provided." "TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "Klik her for at vedhæfte genstande, du er villig til at opbytte. Alle genstande skal være af samme sjældenhed og særhed. Usædvanlige genstande er ikke tilladt.\n\nDu kan også vælge flere genstande fra din rygsæk og vælge \"Mann Co.-opbytning\"." "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Text" "Click here to attach items you're willing to trade in. All items must be of the same rarity and strangeness. Unusual items are not allowed.\n\nYou can also select multiple items from your backpack and choose \"Mann Co. Trade Up\"." "TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Title" "Genstande til bytte" "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_ItemSlots_Title" "Items to trade" "TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Title" "Underskrift" "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Title" "Signing" "TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Text" "Skriv din returadresse her. Skriv venligst letlæseligt og kun på de angivne linjer." "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Signing_Text" "Write your return address here. Please write legibly and only on the lines provided." "TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Title" "Frimærke" "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Title" "Stamp" "TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Text" "Klik for at anvende et klistermærke.\n\nSå snart returneringsadressen er udfyldt og klistermærket anvendt, kan du sende dine genstande til Mann Co." "[english]TradeUpsExplanation_Stamp_Text" "Click here to apply a stamp.\n\nOnce the return address is filled out and stamp applied, you may then send your items to Mann Co." "Context_CraftUp" "Mann Co.-opbytning" "[english]Context_CraftUp" "Mann Co. Trade-Up" "Context_Style" "Stil" "[english]Context_Style" "Style" "TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "Ingen genstand" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoItem" "No item" "TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "Ingen usædvanlige genstande tilladt" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed" "TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Kan ikke bruges i smedearbejde" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NotCraftable" "Not usable in crafting" "TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "Genstanden har ingen sjældenhed" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoRarity" "Item has no rarity" "TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchRarity" "Genstandenes sjældenhed matcher ikke" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchRarity" "Item's rarity mismatches" "TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchStrange" "Genstandenes særhed matcher ikke" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MismatchStrange" "Item's strangeness mismatches" "TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection" "Genstand tilhører ikke en samling" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NoCollection" "Item does not belong to a collection" "TF_CollectionCrafting_MaxRarity" "Genstande i toppen af en samling kan ikke smedes" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_MaxRarity" "Item at the top of a collection cannot be crafted" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Submit" "Send ind" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Submit" "Mail In" "TF_CollectionCrafting_ApplyStamp" "Påfør\nfrimærke\nher" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_ApplyStamp" "Apply\nStamp\nHere" "TF_CollectionCrafting_TitleJoke0" "Træt af genstande der fylder i dit inventar? Hvorfor ikke BYTTE OP? Nu kan du bytte disse FLOP AF DROPS til en GENSTAND AF HØJERE NIVEAU!" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_TitleJoke0" "Tired of items you don't want clogging up your inventory? Why not TRADE UP? Now you can swap those FLOP DROPS for a HIGHER TIER ITEM!" "TF_CollectionCrafting_SaxtonMessage" "\"Hvis du ikke er 100% tilfreds\nmed ti af vores produkter, vil du være\n1000% tilfreds med én!\n\nDet er simpel geografi!\"" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_SaxtonMessage" "\"If you aren't 100% satisfied\nwith ten of our products, you will be\n1000% satisfied with one!\n\nIt is basic geography!\"" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions" "Veksl 10 genstande, af identisk kvalitet, for 1 genstand af den næste højeste kvalitet, fra en af de vekslede genstandes samling." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions" "Exchange 10 items of identical quality for 1 item of the next highest quality from a collection of one of the items provided." "TF_CollectionCrafting_AttachItem" "Vedhæft genstand her" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_AttachItem" "Attach item here" "TF_CollectionCrafting_WaitingForResponse" "Venter på svar..." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_WaitingForResponse" "Waiting for response..." "TF_CollectionCrafting_ReponseTimeout" "Der var intet svar fra genstandsserveren.\nDine genstande er blevet returneret." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_ReponseTimeout" "There was no response from the item server.\nYour items have been returned." "TF_CollectionCrafting_Result0" "Du byttede op til:" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Result0" "You traded up for:" "TF_WhoDropped" "Tabt af %s1" "[english]TF_WhoDropped" "Dropped by %s1" "TF_OthersGun" "%s1's\n%s2" "[english]TF_OthersGun" "%s1's\n%s2" "TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation" "Den Roterende Sensation" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation" "The Rotation Sensation" "TF_cc_summer2015_the_physicians_protector" "Lægens Beskyttelse" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_physicians_protector" "The Physician's Protector" "TF_cc_summer2015_the_vascular_vestment" "Den Vaskulære Vest" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_vascular_vestment" "The Vascular Vestment" "TF_cc_summer2015_bruces_bonnet" "Royal Ringpanser" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_bruces_bonnet" "Bruce's Bonnet" "TF_cc_summer2015_outta_sight" "Ude af Syne" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_outta_sight" "Outta' Sight" "TF_cc_summer2015_support_spurs" "Sporertjente Støvler" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_support_spurs" "Support Spurs" "TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers" "Lurerens Læder" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers" "Lurker's Leathers" "TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style0" "Ødemark" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style0" "Wasteland" "TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "Wall Street" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_lurkers_leathers_style1" "Wall Street" "TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "Kommissærens Frakke" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_commissars_coat" "Commissar's Coat" "TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "Sheriffens Cowboyhat" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson" "Sheriff's Stetson" "TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "Den Vilde Vest" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_wild_west_waistcoat" "Wild West Waistcoat" "TF_cc_summer2015_fortunate_son" "Velbrugt Veteranhjelm" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_fortunate_son" "Fortunate Son" "TF_cc_summer2015_flak_jack" "Værnepligtig Vest" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_flak_jack" "Flak Jack" "TF_cc_summer2015_captain_cardbeard_cutthroat" "Kaptajn Kartonskæg" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_captain_cardbeard_cutthroat" "Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat" "TF_cc_summer2015_potassium_bonnett" "Kaliumkrisen" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_potassium_bonnett" "Potassium Bonnet" "TF_cc_summer2015_white_russian" "Hvid Russer" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_white_russian" "White Russian" "TF_cc_summer2015_el_duderino" "El Duderino" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_el_duderino" "El Duderino" "cp_snowplow_description" "Mål: RED vinder ved at beskytte deres kontrolpunkter. BLU vinder ved at erobre alle kontrolpunkter, før togets helbred når nul. Andre bemærkninger: Kontrolpunkter kan ikke erobres, når de er låste. RED kan ikke genvinde kontrol over et punkt, når BLU har erobret det." "[english]cp_snowplow_description" "Objective: RED team wins by defending their Control Points. BLU team wins by capturing all control points before the train's health reaches zero. Other Notes: Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked. RED team cannot regain control of a point once BLU has captured it." "TF_Passtime_Goal" "MÅL" "[english]TF_Passtime_Goal" "GOAL" "TF_Passtime_InPassRange" "I RÆKKEVIDDE" "[english]TF_Passtime_InPassRange" "IN PASS RANGE" "TF_Passtime_CarrierName" "Bærer: %s1" "[english]TF_Passtime_CarrierName" "Carrier: %s1" "TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_First_Place" "1.-plads ved DeutschLAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_First_Place" "DeutschLAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Second_Place" "2.-plads ved DeutschLAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Second_Place" "DeutschLAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Third_Place" "3.-plads ved DeutschLAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Third_Place" "DeutschLAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Participant" "Deltager ved DeutschLAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Participant" "DeutschLAN Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "Støtter af DeutschLAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DeutschLAN_Supporter" "DeutschLAN Supporter" "TF_Map_pass_warehouse_goal2" "Warehouse Goal2 - BETA" "[english]TF_Map_pass_warehouse_goal2" "Warehouse Goal2 - BETA" "SpecialScore_Count" "scorede! x%s1" "[english]SpecialScore_Count" "scored! x%s1" "TeamLeader_Kill" "dræbte holdleder" "[english]TeamLeader_Kill" "killed team leader" "TF_vote_extendlevel" "Forlæng den nuværende bane?" "[english]TF_vote_extendlevel" "Extend the current level?" "Vote_ExtendLevel" "Forlæng nuværende bane" "[english]Vote_ExtendLevel" "Extend Current Map" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_UnusualEffect" "Usædvanlig effekt" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_UnusualEffect" "Unusual Effect" "EconAction_Preview" "Inspicer i spillet..." "[english]EconAction_Preview" "Inspect in Game..." "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Access 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Access 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Access 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Access Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Principal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Principal 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Principal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Principal 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Principal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Principal 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Principal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Principal Participant" "Gametype_PlayerDestruction" "Player Destruction" "[english]Gametype_PlayerDestruction" "Player Destruction" "TF_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Træfferlyd: Tonehøjde ved lav skade" "[english]TF_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Hit Sound Low damage pitch" "Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Tonehøjden for træfferlyde ved angreb, der gør 10 eller mindre skade. Tonehøjden skalerer mellem høje og lave værdier (100 anbefalet)" "[english]Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchLowDmg" "Hit sound pitch for attacks that deal 10 damage or less. Pitch scales between high and low values (Recommend 100)" "TF_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Træfferlyd: Tonehøjde ved høj skade" "[english]TF_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Hit Sound High damage pitch" "Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Tonehøjden for træfferlyde ved angreb, der gør 150 eller mere skade. Tonehøjden skalerer mellem høje og lave værdier (100 anbefalet)" "[english]Tooltip_Dingaling_PitchHighDmg" "Hit sound pitch for attacks that deal 150 damage or more. Pitch scales between high and low values (Recommend 10)" "tf_dingalingaling_effect" "Træfferlyde" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_effect" "Hit Sounds" "tf_dingalingaling_Default" "Standard" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Default" "Default" "tf_dingalingaling_Electro" "Elektro" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Electro" "Electro" "tf_dingalingaling_Notes" "Noder" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Notes" "Notes" "tf_dingalingaling_Percussion" "Slagtøj" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Percussion" "Percussion" "tf_dingalingaling_Retro" "Retro" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Retro" "Retro" "tf_dingalingaling_Space" "Rum" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Space" "Space" "tf_dingalingaling_Beepo" "Beepo" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Beepo" "Beepo" "tf_dingalingaling_Vortex" "Hvirvel" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Vortex" "Vortex" "tf_dingalingaling_Squasher" "Kvaser" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_Squasher" "Squasher" "QuestLog_NoContractsPossible" "Der er ingen aktiv kampagne.\nKontrakter er utilgængelige." "[english]QuestLog_NoContractsPossible" "There is no campaign active.\nContracts are unavailable." "TF_QuestExpirationWarning" "Udløber: %s1" "[english]TF_QuestExpirationWarning" "Expires: %s1" "TF_Welcome_community_update" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome_community_update" "Welcome" "ctf_2fort_invasion_authors" "Miguel \"BANG!\" Melara\nThe Ronin\nMichael Egan\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nMartin \"Chaofanatic\" Ellis\nRyan \"Freeflow\" Leitao\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\nJames \"Retro\" Wright\n" "[english]ctf_2fort_invasion_authors" "Miguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThe Ronin\nMichael Egan\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nMartin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis\nRyan 'Freeflow' Leitao\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nJames 'Retro' Wright\n" "pd_watergate_authors" "Michael Egan\nLouie \"bakscratch\" Turner\nIan \"Wgooch\" Gooch\nNassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun\nMiguel \"BANG!\" Melara\nThijs \"Evil_Knevil\" Van Gerrewey\nFissionMetroid101\nJennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nThe Ronin" "[english]pd_watergate_authors" "Michael Egan\nLouie 'bakscratch' Turner\nIan 'Wgooch' Gooch\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey\nFissionMetroid101\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nThe Ronin" "arena_byre_authors" "Ian \"Idolon\" Spadin\nGavin \"Equinoxo\" Sawford\nGuy \"Gerbil\" Ross\nHellJumper\nKevin \"Ravidge\" Brook\nMatt \"Boylee\" Boyle\nSebastian \"Seba\" Grus\nUmbratile\nThe Ronin" "[english]arena_byre_authors" "Ian 'Idolon' Spadin\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford\nGuy 'Gerbil' Ross\nHellJumper\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nMatt 'Boylee' Boyle\nSebastian 'Seba' Grus\nUmbratile\nThe Ronin" "koth_probed_authors" "Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\nFissionMetroid101\nMiguel \"BANG!\" Melara\nKevin \"Ravidge\" Brook\nThe Ronin" "[english]koth_probed_authors" "Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nFissionMetroid101\nMiguel 'BANG!' Melara\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nThe Ronin" "TF_Map_2FortInv" "2Fort Invasion" "[english]TF_Map_2FortInv" "2Fort Invasion" "TF_MapToken_2FortInv" "Banefrimærke - 2Fort Invasion" "[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv" "Map Stamp - 2Fort Invasion" "TF_MapToken_2FortInv_Desc" "En Capture the Flag-bane\n\nSkabt af Miguel \"BANG!\" Melara, The Ronin, Michael Egan, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Martin \"Chaofanatic\" Ellis, Ryan \"Freeflow\" Leitao, Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke og James \"Retro\" Wright\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af 2Fort Invasion-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, The Ronin, Michael Egan, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Martin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis, Ryan 'Freeflow' Leitao, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, and James 'Retro' Wright\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the 2Fort Invasion community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_2FortInv_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af 2Fort Invasion-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_2FortInv_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the 2Fort Invasion community map." "TF_Map_Probed" "Probed" "[english]TF_Map_Probed" "Probed" "TF_MapToken_Probed" "Banefrimærke - Probed" "[english]TF_MapToken_Probed" "Map Stamp - Probed" "TF_MapToken_Probed_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke, FissionMetroid101, Miguel \"BANG!\" Melara, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook og The Ronin\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Probed-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Probed_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, FissionMetroid101, Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and The Ronin\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Probed community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Probed_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Probed-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Probed_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Probed community map." "TF_Map_Watergate" "Watergate" "[english]TF_Map_Watergate" "Watergate" "TF_MapToken_Watergate" "Banefrimærke - Watergate" "[english]TF_MapToken_Watergate" "Map Stamp - Watergate" "TF_MapToken_Watergate_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Michael Egan, Louie \"bakscratch\" Turner, Ian \"Wgooch\" Gooch, Nassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun, Miguel \"BANG!\" Melara, Thijs \"Evil_Knevil\" Van Gerrewey, FissionMetroid101, Jennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig og The Ronin\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Watergate-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Watergate_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Michael Egan, Louie 'bakscratch' Turner, Ian 'Wgooch' Gooch, Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun, Miguel 'BANG!' Melara, Thijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey, FissionMetroid101, Jennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, and The Ronin\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Watergate community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Watergate_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Watergate-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Watergate_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Watergate community map." "TF_Map_Byre" "Byre" "[english]TF_Map_Byre" "Byre" "TF_MapToken_Byre" "Banefrimærke - Byre" "[english]TF_MapToken_Byre" "Map Stamp - Byre" "TF_MapToken_Byre_Desc" "En Arena-bane\n\nSkabt af Ian \"Idolon\" Spadin, Gavin \"Equinoxo\" Sawford, Guy \"Gerbil\" Ross, HellJumper, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook, Matt \"Boylee\" Boyle, Sebastian \"Seba\" Grus, Umbratile og The Ronin\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Byre-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtter i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Byre_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Ian 'Idolon' Spadin, Gavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford, Guy 'Gerbil' Ross, HellJumper, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Matt 'Boylee' Boyle, Sebastian 'Seba' Grus, Umbratile, and The Ronin\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Byre community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Byre_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Byre-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Byre_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Byre community map." "TF_Map_2FortInv_StrangePrefix" " Andromedansk" "[english]TF_Map_2FortInv_StrangePrefix" " Andromedan" "TF_Map_Watergate_StrangePrefix" " Reptiloid" "[english]TF_Map_Watergate_StrangePrefix" " Reptiloid" "TF_Map_Byre_StrangePrefix" " Uidenficeret" "[english]TF_Map_Byre_StrangePrefix" " Unidentified" "TF_Map_Probed_StrangePrefix" " Klassificeret" "[english]TF_Map_Probed_StrangePrefix" " Classified" "GameType_Community_Update" "Invasion" "[english]GameType_Community_Update" "Invasion" "TF_Store" "-- Butik --" "[english]TF_Store" "-- Store --" "TF_Owned" "-- Ejet --" "[english]TF_Owned" "-- Owned --" "TF_Market" "-- Marked --" "[english]TF_Market" "-- Market --" "KillEaterEvent_TauntsPerformed" "Antal gange udført" "[english]KillEaterEvent_TauntsPerformed" "Times Performed" "KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "Drab og assisterede drab under Invasion-begivenheden" "[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "Kills and Assists during Invasion Event" "KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Drab og assisterede drab i 2Fort Invasion" "[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Kills and Assists on 2Fort Invasion" "KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Drab og assisterede drab i Probed" "[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Kills and Assists on Probed" "KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap03" "Drab og assisterede drab i Byre" "[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap03" "Kills and Assists on Byre" "KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap04" "Drab og assisterede drab i Watergate" "[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap04" "Kills and Assists on Watergate" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv" "Sært filter: 2Fort Invasion (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv" "Strange Filter: 2Fort Invasion (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i 2Fort Invasion." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMap2FortInv_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on 2Fort Invasion." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed" "Sært filter: Probed (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed" "Strange Filter: Probed (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Probed." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapProbed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Probed." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate" "Sært filter: Watergate (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate" "Strange Filter: Watergate (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Watergate." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWatergate_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Watergate." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre" "Sært filter: Byre (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre" "Strange Filter: Byre (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Byre." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapByre_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Byre." "TF_InactiveInvasionPass" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringspas" "[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass" "Invasion Community Update Pass" "TF_InactiveInvasionPass_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen sluttede d. 9. november 2015.\n\nAlle indtægter går til holdet bag Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen\n\nAktiver for at modtage en Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsmønt\nKun én Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsmønt kan være aktiv ad gangen\nGiver adgang til Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringens kassedrops frem til slutningen af 2015" "[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass_Desc" "The Invasion Community Update ended on November 9, 2015.\n\nAll proceeds go to the Invasion Community Update team\n\nActivate to receive an Invasion Community Update Coin\nOnly one Invasion Community Update Coin can be active at a time\nGrants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015" "TF_InactiveInvasionPass_AdText" "-Alle indtægter går til holdet bag Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen\n\n-Giver adgang til Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringens kassedrops frem til slutningen af 2015" "[english]TF_InactiveInvasionPass_AdText" "-All proceeds go to the Invasion Community Update Team\n\n-Grants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015" "TF_ActivatedInvasionPass" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsmønt" "[english]TF_ActivatedInvasionPass" "Invasion Community Update Coin" "TF_ActivatedInvasionPass_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen sluttede d. 9. november 2015.\n\nTak fordi du støttede holdet bag Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen\n\nGiver adgang til Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringens kassedrops frem til slutningen af 2015\n\nStatistikker spores indtil d. 9. november 2015" "[english]TF_ActivatedInvasionPass_Desc" "The Invasion Community Update ended on November 9, 2015.\n\nThank you for supporting the Invasion Community Update Team\nGrants access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015\n\nStats are tracked until November 9, 2015" "TF_UseInvasionPass_Text" "At indløse passet giver adgang til en Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsmønt og adgang til Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringens kassedrops frem til slutningen af 2015.\n\nMønten kan ikke byttes eller sælges." "[english]TF_UseInvasionPass_Text" "Redeeming the pass grants an Invasion Community Update Coin and access to Invasion Community Update case drops through the end of 2015.\n\nThe coin cannot be traded or marketed." "TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key" "Invasion Community Update Key" "TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Karantæneramte \neller Fortrolige Samlingskasser." "[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_Desc" "Used to Open The Quarantined Collection Case\nor The Confidential Collection Case" "TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne Karantæneramte \neller Fortrolige Samlingskasser\n-Indholdet kan være sært\n-Kasserne indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema" "[english]TF_Tool_Invasion2015Key_AdText" "-Used to Open The Quarantined Collection Case\nor The Confidential Collection Case\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Cases contain Invasion-themed Unusual effects" "invasion_master_collection" "Invasion-samlinger" "[english]invasion_master_collection" "Invasion Collections" "Invasion_collection_01" "Karantæneramt Samlingskasse" "[english]Invasion_collection_01" "Quarantined Collection Case" "Invasion_collection_02" "Fortrolig Samlingskasse" "[english]Invasion_collection_02" "Confidential Collection Case" "TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Karantæneramt Samlingskasse" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case" "TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringskasse\n\nKræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n\nIndeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects" "TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects" "TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Fortrolig Samlingskasse" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Confidential Collection Case" "TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringskasse\n\nKræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n\nIndeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects" "TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema" "[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects" "Attrib_Particle91" "Bortførelse" "[english]Attrib_Particle91" "Abduction" "Attrib_Particle92" "Atomisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle92" "Atomic" "Attrib_Particle93" "Subatomar" "[english]Attrib_Particle93" "Subatomic" "Attrib_Particle94" "Elektrisk Hattebeskytter" "[english]Attrib_Particle94" "Electric Hat Protector" "Attrib_Particle95" "Magnetisk Hattebeskytter" "[english]Attrib_Particle95" "Magnetic Hat Protector" "Attrib_Particle96" "Galvanisk Hattebeskytter" "[english]Attrib_Particle96" "Voltaic Hat Protector" "Attrib_Particle97" "Galaktisk Kodeks" "[english]Attrib_Particle97" "Galactic Codex" "Attrib_Particle98" "Ældgammelt Kodeks" "[english]Attrib_Particle98" "Ancient Codex" "Attrib_Particle99" "Stjernetåge" "[english]Attrib_Particle99" "Nebula" "TF_GameModeDesc_Community_Update" "Spil alle banerne fra Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Community_Update" "Tour the maps for the Invasion Community Update." "TF_GameModeDetail_Community_Update" "Vælg denne indstilling for at tilslutte en server, der gentagende kører banerne fra Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringen." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Community_Update" "Select this option to join a game server that continually runs the maps for the Invasion Community Update." "TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "Hån: Brystbryderen" "[english]TF_invasion_taunt_burstchester" "Taunt: Burstchester" "TF_invasion_captain_space_mann" "Kaptajn Rummann" "[english]TF_invasion_captain_space_mann" "Captain Space Mann" "TF_invasion_phononaut" "Phononaut" "[english]TF_invasion_phononaut" "Phononaut" "TF_invasion_corona_australis" "Corona Australis" "[english]TF_invasion_corona_australis" "Corona Australis" "TF_invasion_final_frontiersman" "Grænsemanden" "[english]TF_invasion_final_frontiersman" "Final Frontiersman" "TF_invasion_starduster" "Stjernestøver" "[english]TF_invasion_starduster" "Starduster" "TF_invasion_the_graylien" "Grålien" "[english]TF_invasion_the_graylien" "The The Graylien" "TF_invasion_phobos_filter" "Phobosfilter" "[english]TF_invasion_phobos_filter" "Phobos Filter" "TF_invasion_sucker_slug" "Sugesnegl" "[english]TF_invasion_sucker_slug" "Sucker Slug" "TF_invasion_life_support_system" "Redningsbælte" "[english]TF_invasion_life_support_system" "Life Support System" "TF_invasion_rocket_operator" "Raketoperatør" "[english]TF_invasion_rocket_operator" "Rocket Operator" "TF_invasion_universal_translator" "Universel Oversætter" "[english]TF_invasion_universal_translator" "Universal Translator" "TF_invasion_cadet_visor" "Kadetvisir" "[english]TF_invasion_cadet_visor" "Cadet Visor" "TF_invasion_a_head_full_of_hot_air" "Et Hoved Fuld af Varmluft" "[english]TF_invasion_a_head_full_of_hot_air" "A Head Full of Hot Air" "TF_invasion_jupiter_jetpack" "Jupiter-jetpack" "[english]TF_invasion_jupiter_jetpack" "Jupiter Jetpack" "TF_invasion_the_space_diver" "Rumdykkeren" "[english]TF_invasion_the_space_diver" "The Space Diver" "TF_invasion_sniperrifle" "Stjerneskud" "[english]TF_invasion_sniperrifle" "Shooting Star" "TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "Forvandl dine fjender til aske!" "[english]TF_invasion_sniperrifle_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!" "TF_invasion_pistol" "The C.A.P.P.E.R" "[english]TF_invasion_pistol" "The C.A.P.P.E.R" "TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "Forvandl dine fjender til aske!" "[english]TF_invasion_pistol_Desc" "Turn your enemies in to ash!" "TF_invasion_bat" "Lysbat" "[english]TF_invasion_bat" "Batsaber" "TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "Overvældende energi!\nDesintegrer dine fjender!" "[english]TF_invasion_bat_Desc" "Energy Overwhelming!\nDisintegrate your enemies!" "TF_invasion_wrangler" "Geigertælleren" "[english]TF_invasion_wrangler" "The Giger Counter" "TF_invasion_space_hamster_hammy" "Rumhamsteren Hammy" "[english]TF_invasion_space_hamster_hammy" "Space Hamster Hammy" "TF_invasion_community_update_medal" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsmedalje" "[english]TF_invasion_community_update_medal" "Invasion Community Update Medal" "arena_byre_description" "Mål: Dit hold skal enten eliminere alle spiller på det modsatte hold eller erobre og eje begge kontrolpunkter. Andre bemærkninger: Der er ingen tilbagevenden i Arena-tilstand." "[english]arena_byre_description" "Objective: Your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team or capture and own both of the control points. Other Notes: There is no respawning in Arena mode." "Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "%s1 vandt ved at indsamle nok point" "[english]Winreason_PlayerDestructionPoints" "%s1 won by collecting enough points" "TF_KillCombo" "KOMBO" "[english]TF_KillCombo" "COMBO" "TF_BONUS" "BONUS" "[english]TF_BONUS" "BONUS" "TF_Wearable_Life_Support" "Respirator" "[english]TF_Wearable_Life_Support" "Life Support" "TF_Wearable_Jetpack" "Jetpack" "[english]TF_Wearable_Jetpack" "Jetpack" "cp_gorge_event_authors" "Paul \"puxorb\" Broxup" "[english]cp_gorge_event_authors" "Paul 'puxorb' Broxup" "cp_sunshine_event_authors" "Rebecca \"phi\" Ailes\nKimberly \"iiboharz\" Riswick\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_authors" "Rebecca 'phi' Ailes\nKimberly 'iiboharz' Riswick\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke" "koth_moonshine_event_authors" "Josh \"Hey You\" Harris\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\nJake \"Jukebox\" Jackubowski\nPsyke" "[english]koth_moonshine_event_authors" "Josh 'Hey You' Harris\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nJake 'Jukebox' Jackubowski\nPsyke" "pl_millstone_event_authors" "Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen" "[english]pl_millstone_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen" "TF_Map_GorgeEvent" "Gorge Event" "[english]TF_Map_GorgeEvent" "Gorge Event" "TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent" "Banefrimærke - Gorge Event" "[english]TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent" "Map Stamp - Gorge Event" "TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Paul \"puxorb\" Broxup\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Gorge Event-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Paul 'puxorb' Broxup\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Gorge Event community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Gorge Event-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_GorgeEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Gorge Event community map." "TF_Map_SunshineEvent" "Sinshine" "[english]TF_Map_SunshineEvent" "Sinshine" "TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent" "Banefrimærke - Sinshine" "[english]TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent" "Map Stamp - Sinshine" "TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nSkabt af Rebecca \"phi\" Ailes, Kimberly \"iiboharz\" Riswick og Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Sinshine-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Rebecca 'phi' Ailes, Kimberly 'iiboharz' Riswick, and Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sinshine community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Sinshine-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_SunshineEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sinshine community map." "TF_Map_MoonshineEvent" "Moonshine Event" "[english]TF_Map_MoonshineEvent" "Moonshine Event" "TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent" "Banefrimærke - Moonshine Event" "[english]TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent" "Map Stamp - Moonshine Event" "TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Josh \"Hey You\" Harris, Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke, Jake \"Jukebox\" Jackubowski og Psyke\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Moonshine Event-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Josh 'Hey You' Harris, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, Jake 'Jukebox' Jackubowski, and Psyke\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Moonshine Event community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Moonshine Event-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_MoonshineEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Moonshine Event community map." "TF_Map_MillstoneEvent" "Hellstone" "[english]TF_Map_MillstoneEvent" "Hellstone" "TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent" "Banefrimærke - Hellstone" "[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent" "Map Stamp - Hellstone" "TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Hellstone-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Hellstone community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberen af Hellstone-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Hellstone community map." "TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "Hellfire" "[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "Hellfire" "TF_Map_GorgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Forslugen" "[english]TF_Map_GorgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Gluttonous" "TF_Map_SunshineEvent_StrangePrefix" " Syndefuld" "[english]TF_Map_SunshineEvent_StrangePrefix" " Sinful" "TF_Map_MoonshineEvent_StrangePrefix" " Oplyst" "[english]TF_Map_MoonshineEvent_StrangePrefix" " Gibbous" "TF_Map_MillstoneEvent_StrangePrefix" " Infernalsk" "[english]TF_Map_MillstoneEvent_StrangePrefix" " Infernal" "NewItemMethod_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "Du gennemførte en merasmission og modtog:" "[english]NewItemMethod_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "You Completed a Merasmission and Received:" "Backpack_SortBy_Date" "Sorter efter dato" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Date" "Sort by Date" "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenSouls" "Sjæle indsamlet" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenSouls" "Souls Collected" "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenContractsCompleted" "Merasmissioner gennemført" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenContractsCompleted" "Merasmissions Completed" "KillEaterEvent_HalloweenOfferings" "Halloween-transmutationer udført" "[english]KillEaterEvent_HalloweenOfferings" "Halloween Transmutes Performed" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGorgeEvent" "Sært filter: Gorge Event (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGorgeEvent" "Strange Filter: Gorge Event (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGorgeEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Gorge Event." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGorgeEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Gorge Event." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshineEvent" "Sært filter: Sinshine (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshineEvent" "Strange Filter: Sinshine (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshineEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Sinshine." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshineEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Sinshine." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMoonshineEvent" "Sært filter: Moonshine Event (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMoonshineEvent" "Strange Filter: Moonshine Event (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMoonshineEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Moonshine Event." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMoonshineEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Moonshine Event." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMillstoneEvent" "Sært filter: Hellstone (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMillstoneEvent" "Strange Filter: Hellstone (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMillstoneEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Hellstone." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMillstoneEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Hellstone." "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank0" "Trist" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank0" "Sad" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank1" "Fjollet" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank1" "Silly" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank2" "Vrængende" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank2" "Sneering" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank3" "Glad" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank3" "Happy" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank4" "Tilfreds" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank4" "Pleased" "TF_Halloween2015Pass" "Sjælgargoil" "[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass" "Soul Gargoyle" "TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "Scream Fortress VII-begivenheden sluttede d. 12. november 2015.\n\nSjælgargoilen gav adgang til Merasmissioner under begivenheden.\nDu kunne få gargoilen til at stige i niveau ved at indsamle sjæle. Sjæle kunne findes ved at dræbe fjender, gennemføre Merasmissioner og finde Sjælgargoiler.\nSteg i niveau ved 666, 1337 og 2000 sjæle. Gav adgang til Halloween-transmutationer, hvor man kunne transmutere 3 genstande til én ikke-byttelig genstand fra de forgangne år.\nEn bonus blev givet ved hver 10. transmutation." "[english]TF_Halloween2015Pass_desc" "The Scream Fortress VII event ended on November 12, 2015.\n\nThe Soul Gargoyle granted access to Merasmissions during the event.\nYou could level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls could be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLeveled up at 666, 1337, and 2000 Souls.\n\nProvided access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for a non-tradable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus was given for every 10 transmutes." "halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoil-samlingen" "[english]halloween2015_collection_name" "Gargoyle Collection" "halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nGargoil-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Gargoil-samlingen." "[english]halloween2015_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGargoyle Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Gargoyle Collection." "halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoil-kasse" "[english]halloween2015_collection_case" "Gargoyle Case" "halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-Gargoil-kasse\n-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Gargoil-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige.\n-Usædvanlige genstande har unikke effekter for denne kasse" "[english]halloween2015_collection_case_adtext" "-Gargoyle Case\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Gargoyle Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case" "halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoil-nøgle" "[english]halloween2015_collection_key" "Gargoyle Key" "halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Gargoil-kasse" "[english]halloween2015_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Gargoyle Case" "halloween2015_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne en Gargoil-kasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige.\n-Usædvanlige genstande har unikke effekter for denne kasse" "[english]halloween2015_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Gargoyle Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual.\n-Unusuals have effects unique to this case" "halloween2015_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller usædvanligt med en halloween 2015-effekt" "[english]halloween2015_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Strange or Unusual with a Halloween 2015 effect" "Attrib_Particle100" "Død ved Disco" "[english]Attrib_Particle100" "Death by Disco" "Attrib_Particle101" "Det er et mysterie for alle" "[english]Attrib_Particle101" "It's a mystery to everyone" "Attrib_Particle102" "Det er mig en gåde" "[english]Attrib_Particle102" "It's a puzzle to me" "Attrib_Particle103" "Ætersti" "[english]Attrib_Particle103" "Ether Trail" "Attrib_Particle104" "Understi" "[english]Attrib_Particle104" "Nether Trail" "Attrib_Particle105" "Ældgammel Uhygge" "[english]Attrib_Particle105" "Ancient Eldritch" "Attrib_Particle106" "Uhyggelig Flamme" "[english]Attrib_Particle106" "Eldritch Flame" "Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "%s1 har gennemført en merasmission og modtaget:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_QuestMerasmissionOutput" "%s1 has completed a Merasmission and received:: %s2 %s3" "Context_Unusual" "Usædvanlig" "[english]Context_Unusual" "Unusual" "Context_StrangeParts" "Sære dele" "[english]Context_StrangeParts" "Strange Parts" "Context_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween-transmutation" "[english]Context_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween Transmute " "TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "Veksl 3 kvalificerende genstande for 1 \"klassisk\" halloween-genstand. Den modtagne genstand kan ikke byttes, sælges eller bruges i smedearbejde." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Instructions_Halloween" "Exchange 3 qualifying items for 1 'Classic' Halloween item. Resulting item will not be tradable, marketable, or usable in crafting." "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "Er du træt af uønskede genstande,\nder tilstopper dit inventar som\nen ligfyldt kiste, eller en\nflagermusfyldt grotte\neller et flagermusfyldt lig?" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph1" "Tired of items you don't want\nclogging up your inventory\nlike a corpse-ridden coffin,\nor a bat-filled cave,\nor a bat-filled corpse?" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph2" "VAKL I FRYGT af at kunne\ntransmutere tre genstande om til\nEN TILFÆLDIG, UBYTTELIG\nKLASSISK HALLOWEEN-GENSTAND!" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph2" "REEL IN HORROR at the ability\nto transmute three items for\nA RANDOM UNTRADABLE\nCLASSIC HALLOWEEN ITEM!" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph3" "BETVIVL SELVE DINE SANSER ved chokket af\nEN NÆRVEPIRRENDE BONUS ved hver tiende rædselsbytning!" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Paragraph3" "QUESTION YOUR VERY SENSES at the shock of\nA NERVE SHATTERING BONUS every ten terror-trades!" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Title" "Halloween-transmutation" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Title" "Halloween Transmuting" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Text" "Her kan du transmutere 3 genstande om til en \"klassisk\" halloween-genstand, som ikke kan byttes, sælges eller smedes. Kun visse genstande kan bruges i en transmutation." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_Overview_Text" "Here you're able to transmute 3 items into an untradable, unmarketable, and uncraftable 'classic' Halloween item. Only certain items are allowed to be used in a transmutation." "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_ItemToTrade_Title" "Genstande til transmutation" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_ItemToTrade_Title" "Items for Transmuting" "TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_ItemToTrade_Text" "Klik her for at vedhæfte genstande, du er villig til at transmutere. Kun gyldige genstande bliver vist, når du vælger genstande til transmutation." "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Halloween_Explanation_ItemToTrade_Text" "Click here to attach items you're willing to transmute. Only valid items are shown when you go to select an item for transmuting." "TF_CollectionCrafting_NextItem" "Næste genstand" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_NextItem" "Next Item" "TF_HalloweenOffering_Result0" "Dit transmuteringsresultat" "[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_Result0" "Your transmute result" "TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "Ingen genstand" "[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoItem" "No item" "TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "Ingen usædvanlige genstande tilladt" "[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_NoUnusual" "No Unusual items allowed" "TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "Kan ikke bruges i transmutation" "[english]TF_HalloweenOffering_Invalid" "Not usable in transmute" "TF_HalloweenItem_SoulAppeared" "En sjælgargoil er på mystisk vis opstået til dig. Gå ud og find den!" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_SoulAppeared" "A Soul Gargoyle has mysteriously appeared for you. Go and find it!" "TF_HalloweenItem_SoulDisappeared" "Sjælgargoilen er forsvundet" "[english]TF_HalloweenItem_SoulDisappeared" "The Soul Gargoyle has disappeared" "TF_Competitive_GCDown" "Serverens forbindelse til spilkoordinatoren er udløbet. Kampen er afsluttet og er nu sikker at forlade." "[english]TF_Competitive_GCDown" "The server's connection to the game coordinator has timed out. This match has ended, and is now safe to leave." "QuestLog_Title_Halloween" "Værk over merasmissioner" "[english]QuestLog_Title_Halloween" "Tome of Merasmissions" "QuestLog_NoContractsPossible_Halloween" "Der er ingen aktiv kampagne.\nMerasmissioner er utilgængelige." "[english]QuestLog_NoContractsPossible_Halloween" "There is no campaign active.\nMerasmissions are unavailable." "QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts_Halloween" "For at modtage merasmissioner\nskal du have en HVAD END DEN GARGOIL ER." "[english]QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts_Halloween" "To receive Merasmissions\nyou need a WHATEVER THE GARGOYLE IS." "QuestLog_NoQuests_Halloween" "Ingen merasmissioner tilgængelig lige nu.\nVend tilbage senere, dødelige." "[english]QuestLog_NoQuests_Halloween" "No Merasmissions available right now.\nCheck back later, mortal." "QuestLog_Encoded" "<Krypteret>" "[english]QuestLog_Encoded" "" "QuestLog_Encoded_Merasmus" "" "[english]QuestLog_Encoded_Merasmus" "" "QuestLog_Identify_Merasmus" "Klik for at bryde forsegling" "[english]QuestLog_Identify_Merasmus" "Click to break seal" "QuestLog_TurningIn_Merasmus" "Udfører ritual" "[english]QuestLog_TurningIn_Merasmus" "Performing ritual" "TF_Quest_RequestLoanerItems" "Anmod om lånegenstande" "[english]TF_Quest_RequestLoanerItems" "Request Loaner Items" "TF_QuestExpirationWarning_Halloween" "Forsvinder:\n%s1\n" "[english]TF_QuestExpirationWarning_Halloween" "Vanishes:\n%s1\n" "TF_QuestObjective_Explanation_Merasmus" "At gennemføre en merasmission vil belønne dig med en klassisk halloween-genstand og bonussjæle!\n\nUdfør enhver af de følgende opgaver for at tjene merasmission-point." "[english]TF_QuestObjective_Explanation_Merasmus" "Completing a Merasmission will reward you with a classic Halloween item and bonus souls!\n\nPerform any of the following tasks to earn Merasmission Points." "QuestObjective_Required_Merasmus" "%s1 MP" "[english]QuestObjective_Required_Merasmus" "%s1 MP" "QuestObjective_Optional_Merasmus" "(Avanceret) %s1 MP" "[english]QuestObjective_Optional_Merasmus" "(Advanced) %s1 MP" "QuestPoints_Standard_Merasmus" "%s1/%s2 MP" "[english]QuestPoints_Standard_Merasmus" "%s1/%s2 MP" "QuestPoints_Bonus_Merasmus" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 MP" "[english]QuestPoints_Bonus_Merasmus" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 MP" "TF_taunt_maggots_condolence" "Hån: Soldiers Rekviem" "[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence" "Taunt: Soldier's Requiem" "TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_Desc" "Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_Desc" "Soldier Taunt" "TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån\n-Vis de maddiker deres plads!" "[english]TF_taunt_maggots_condolence_AdText" "-Community Created Soldier Taunt\n-Show those maggots where they belong!" "TF_zoomin_broom" "Hån: Fut-kosten" "[english]TF_zoomin_broom" "Taunt: Zoomin' Broom" "TF_zoomin_broom_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser" "[english]TF_zoomin_broom_Desc" "All Class Taunt" "TF_zoomin_broom_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt hån til alle klasser\n-Vis dem, hvem der har de bedste kostefærdigheder!" "[english]TF_zoomin_broom_AdText" "-Community Created All Class Taunt\n-Show 'em who has the best broom skills!" "TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style1" "Style 1" "TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_sbox2014_killers_kit_style2" "Style 2" "TF_hwn2015_roboot" "Tekniske Trampere" "[english]TF_hwn2015_roboot" "Roboot" "TF_hwn2015_face_of_mercy" "Barmhjertighedens Ansigt" "[english]TF_hwn2015_face_of_mercy" "The Face of Mercy" "TF_hwn2015_western_poncho" "El Caballero" "[english]TF_hwn2015_western_poncho" "El Caballero" "TF_hwn2015_western_beard" "El Patron" "[english]TF_hwn2015_western_beard" "El Patron" "TF_hwn2015_western_hat" "Røget Sombrero" "[english]TF_hwn2015_western_hat" "Smokey Sombrero" "TF_hwn2015_neptunes_nightmare" "Neptuns Mareridt" "[english]TF_hwn2015_neptunes_nightmare" "Neptune's Nightmare" "TF_hwn2015_death_racer_jacket" "Dopamindonerende Dragt" "[english]TF_hwn2015_death_racer_jacket" "Thrilling Tracksuit" "TF_hwn2015_death_racer_helmet" "Dødracerens Hjelm" "[english]TF_hwn2015_death_racer_helmet" "Death Racer's Helmet" "TF_hwn2015_grim_tweeter" "Fuglen med Leen" "[english]TF_hwn2015_grim_tweeter" "Grim Tweeter" "TF_hwn2015_iron_lung" "Jernlunge" "[english]TF_hwn2015_iron_lung" "Iron Lung" "TF_hwn2015_duckyhat" "Brødkrummet Kasket" "[english]TF_hwn2015_duckyhat" "Duck Billed Hatypus" "TF_hwn2015_dino_hoodie" "Forhistorisk Forklædning" "[english]TF_hwn2015_dino_hoodie" "Prehistoric Pullover" "TF_hwn2015_catastrophic_companions" "Katastrofiske Kompagnoner" "[english]TF_hwn2015_catastrophic_companions" "Catastrophic Companions" "TF_hwn2015_mechanical_engineer" "Hjernevredet Hardware" "[english]TF_hwn2015_mechanical_engineer" "Dead'er Alive" "TF_hwn2015_hellmet" "Helvedeshjelmen" "[english]TF_hwn2015_hellmet" "The Hellmet" "TF_hwn2015_firebug_suit" "Korsridderens Klæder" "[english]TF_hwn2015_firebug_suit" "Crusader's Getup" "TF_hwn2015_firebug_mask" "Leddyrets Aspekt" "[english]TF_hwn2015_firebug_mask" "Arthropod's Aspect" "TF_hwn2015_bargain_bicorne" "Falbudt Fastelavnshat" "[english]TF_hwn2015_bargain_bicorne" "B'aaarrgh-n-Bicorne" "TF_hwn2015_bargain_britches" "Falbudt Fribytter" "[english]TF_hwn2015_bargain_britches" "B'aaarrgh-n-Britches" "TF_Powerup_Reflect" "Powerup: Reflekter" "[english]TF_Powerup_Reflect" "Powerup: Reflect" "TF_Powerup_Reflect_Desc" "Modtaget skade reflekteres delvist tilbage til angriberen\nMaks. helbred forøget" "[english]TF_Powerup_Reflect_Desc" "Damage received partially reflected back to attacker\nIncreased max health" "TF_Powerup_King" "Powerup: Konge" "[english]TF_Powerup_King" "Powerup: King" "TF_Powerup_King_Desc" "Omgivende hold-buff\nKongen og holdkammerater i nærheden modtager helbredsregenerering og øget angrebs- og genladehastighed" "[english]TF_Powerup_King_Desc" "Area team buff\nKing and nearby teammates gain health regeneration and increased attack and reload speed" "TF_Powerup_Plague" "Powerup: Pest" "[english]TF_Powerup_Plague" "Powerup: Plague" "TF_Powerup_Plague_Desc" "Rør fjendtlige spillere for at inficere dem og fjender i nærheden\nInficerede fjendtlige spillere bløder ihjel, medmindre de samler en helbredspakke op\nModstand over for inficerede fjender" "[english]TF_Powerup_Plague_Desc" "Touch enemy players to infect them and nearby enemies\nInfected enemy players bleed to death unless they pick up a health kit\nResistance to infected enemies" "TF_Powerup_Supernova" "Powerup: Supernova" "[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova" "Powerup: Supernova" "TF_Powerup_Supernova_Desc" "Lammeangreb med områdeeffekt\nGør skade for at opbygge en ladning\nBrug ladningen til at lamme fjender i nærheden og tvinge dem til at smide deres powerups" "[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova_Desc" "Area of effect stun attack\nDo damage to build charge\nDeploy charge to stun nearby enemies and force them to drop their powerups" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Reflect" "Du fik en REFLEKTER-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Reflect" "You got the REFLECT powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_King" "Du fik en KONGE-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_King" "You got the KING powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Plague" "Du fik en PEST-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Plague" "You got the PLAGUE powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Pickup_Supernova" "Du fik en SUPERNOVA-powerup!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Pickup_Supernova" "You got the SUPERNOVA powerup!" "TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deny" "Der er ingen gyldige fjendtlige mål!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deny" "There are no valid enemy targets!" "TF_Powerup_Contract_Plague" "Du er blevet smittet med pesten. Find en helbredspakke hurtigt!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Contract_Plague" "You have contracted the Plague, find a health kit fast!" "TF_Truce_Start" "Våbenhvile! Beskadigelse af fjender ikke tilladt under våbenhvilen!" "[english]TF_Truce_Start" "Truce! No enemy damage allowed during the truce!" "TF_Truce_End" "Våbenhvilen er afsluttet! Til våben!" "[english]TF_Truce_End" "The truce has ended! Game on!" "TF_Quest_PlayThisMap" "Spil denne kontrakt" "[english]TF_Quest_PlayThisMap" "Play This Contract" "TF_Quest_PlayThisMap_Merasmission" "Spil denne merasmission" "[english]TF_Quest_PlayThisMap_Merasmission" "Play This Merasmission" "TF_How_To_Control_Ghost_No_Respawn" "Tryk på din HOP-TAST for at flyve." "[english]TF_How_To_Control_Ghost_No_Respawn" "Press your JUMP KEY to fly." "TF_Cancel_NoKey" "ANNULLER" "[english]TF_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL" "TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "ANNULLER" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel_NoKey" "CANCEL" "Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "Klar/ikke klar" "[english]Tournament_Instructions_Ready_NoKeyHintText" "Toggle Ready" "Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "Våbenhån" "[english]Hud_Menu_Taunt_Weapon_NoKey" "Weapon Taunt" "TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "Skift klasse" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeClass_NoKey" "Change Class" "TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "Skift hold" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam_NoKey" "Change Team" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos" "Xephos' Filantropiske Fysiognomi" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos" "Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Xephos-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Xephos_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Xephos edition)" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew" "Honeydews Velgørende Støtte" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew" "Honeydew's Charitable Countenance" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Honeydew-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2015_Honeydew_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 (Honeydew edition)" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015-promo" "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 Promo" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2015_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - BETA" "[english]TF_Map_pass_pinewood" "Pinewood - BETA" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "Batman" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Batman" "Batman" "TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style1" "Style 1" "TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_fall2013_air_raider_style2" "Style 2" "TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style1" "Style 1" "TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_sheriffs_stetson_style2" "Style 2" "TF_Competitive_Friends" "VENNER" "[english]TF_Competitive_Friends" "FRIENDS" "TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed_Title" "Vent lige et øjeblik" "[english]TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed_Title" "Hold on there" "TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed" "Competitive-tilstanden kræver DirectX 9 eller højere. Fjern -dxlevel fra startparametrene og genstart TF2." "[english]TF_Competitive_Convars_CantProceed" "Competitive Mode requires DirectX 9 or higher. Remove -dxlevel from launch options and restart TF2." "TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "Brug gribekrogens SEKUNDÆRE ANGREB for at bruge supernova-angrebet!" "[english]TF_Powerup_Supernova_Deploy" "Grapple SECONDARY FIRE to deploy Supernova attack!" "TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake" "Særligt Snefnug" "[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake" "Special Snowflake" "TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake_Desc" "Vis den globale opvarmning hvem der er bossen ved at bære dette falske snefnug på din brystkasse. Overrakt til deltagerne af Workshop Wonderland 2015-fællesskabsfremvisningen." "[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake_Desc" "Tell Global Warming who's boss by wearing a fake snowflake on your chest. Awarded to the participants of the Workshop Wonderland 2015 community showcase!" "TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving" "Gaven at Give" "[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving" "Gift of Giving" "TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving_Desc" "Giv lidt, få lidt. Til de velgørende hjerter af guld under Workshop Wonderland 2015-fællesskabsfremvisningens velgørenhedsindsamling." "[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving_Desc" "Give a little, get a little. For the charitable hearts of gold during the charity drive of the Workshop Wonderland 2015 community showcase!" "TF_bak_arkham_cowl" "Arkham-maske" "[english]TF_bak_arkham_cowl" "Arkham Cowl" "TF_bak_firefly" "Ildfluen" "[english]TF_bak_firefly" "The Firefly" "TF_bak_batarm" "Angriberens Armbeskyttelse" "[english]TF_bak_batarm" "Batter's Bracers" "TF_bak_hood_of_sorrows" "Sorgens Hætte" "[english]TF_bak_hood_of_sorrows" "The Hood of Sorrows" "TF_bak_fear_monger" "Frygtfremkalder" "[english]TF_bak_fear_monger" "Fear Monger" "TF_bak_pocket_villians" "Lommeskurke" "[english]TF_bak_pocket_villians" "Pocket Villians" "TF_bak_caped_crusader" "Den Kappeklædte Korsfarer" "[english]TF_bak_caped_crusader" "The Caped Crusader" "TF_bak_buttler" "Buttler" "[english]TF_bak_buttler" "Buttler" "TF_bak_teufort_knight" "Teufort-ridder" "[english]TF_bak_teufort_knight" "Teufort Knight" "TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick" "Hjælperens Hentehår" "[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick" "Sidekick's Side Slick" "TF_bak_bat_backup" "Batbackuppen" "[english]TF_bak_bat_backup" "The Bat Backup" "TF_bak_crook_combatant" "Banditbekæmper" "[english]TF_bak_crook_combatant" "Crook Combatant" "TF_bak_batbelt" "Batbælte" "[english]TF_bak_batbelt" "Batbelt" "TF_bak_arkham_cowl_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight-kampagnegenstand\n-Hat til alle klasser" "[english]TF_bak_arkham_cowl_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-All Class Hat" "TF_bak_firefly_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight-kampagnegenstand\n-Pyro-hovederstatning" "[english]TF_bak_firefly_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-Pyro Head replacement" "TF_bak_fear_monger_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight-kampagnegenstand\n-Pyro-hovederstatning" "[english]TF_bak_fear_monger_AdText" "-Batman Arkham Knight Promo Item\n-Pyro Head replacement" "TF_Set_bak_sixties_sidekick" "Forældet Følgesvend" "[english]TF_Set_bak_sixties_sidekick" "Sixties Sidekick" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftLabel" "Server-tid tilbage:" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftLabel" "Server Time Left:" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftNew" "%s1:%s2:%s3" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNew" "%s1:%s2:%s3" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHoursNew" "%s1:%s2" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHoursNew" "%s1:%s2" "Scoreboard_NoTimeLimitNew" "Ingen tidsbegrænsning" "[english]Scoreboard_NoTimeLimitNew" "No time limit" "Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEndNew" "Der skiftes til en ny bane når runden slutter..." "[english]Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEndNew" "Map change on round end..." "TF_CloakDagger" "BEVÆGELSE" "[english]TF_CloakDagger" "MOTION" "TF_Feign" "FORFALSK" "[english]TF_Feign" "FEIGN" "TF_BOLT" "PIL" "[english]TF_BOLT" "BOLT" "TF_SmgCharge" "CRIKEY" "[english]TF_SmgCharge" "CRIKEY" "TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_desc" "Efterbrænding reducerer Medi-geværheling og modstandseffekter fra skjolde.\nAlt-skyd: Frigiver et luftstød, som skubber fjender og projektiler væk og slukker brændende holdkammerater." "[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower_desc" "Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.\nAlt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire." "TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher_desc" "Alt-skyd: Detoner alle klæbebomber" "[english]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher_desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate all stickybombs" "TF_Weapon_Knife_desc" "Angrib en fjende bagfra for at udføre et rygstik og dræbe fjenden omgående." "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife_desc" "Attack an enemy from behind to Backstab them for a one hit kill." "TF_Weapon_Spy_Sapper_desc" "Anbring på fjendtlige bygninger for at deaktivere dem og langsomt dræne deres helbred. At anbringe en sapper fjerner ikke din forklædning" "[english]TF_Weapon_Spy_Sapper_desc" "Place on enemy buildings to disable and slowly drain away its health. Placing a sapper does not remove your disguise" "TF_Weapon_Watch_desc" "Alt-skyd: Bliv usynlig. Kan ikke angribe under usynlighed. At støde ind i fjender gør dig en smule synlig for dem." "[english]TF_Weapon_Watch_desc" "Alt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies" "TF_TournamentMedal_2016" "2016" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2016" "2016" "TF_Bundle_MapTokens_ToughBreak" "Tough Break-fællesskabsbanebundt" "[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_ToughBreak" "Tough Break Community Maps Bundle" "TF_Bundle_MapTokens_ToughBreak_Desc" "Indeholder et banefrimærke og et sært filter til alle fællesskabsskabte baner fra Tough Break-kampagnen." "[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_ToughBreak_Desc" "Includes one Map Stamp and one Strange Filter for each community-made map from the Tough Break campaign." "TF_Bundle_BatmanArkhamKnightPromo" "Batman Arkham Knight-promo" "[english]TF_Bundle_BatmanArkhamKnightPromo" "Batman Arkham Knight Promo" "TF_Bundle_BatmanArkhamKnightPromo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_Bundle_BatmanArkhamKnightPromo_Desc" "" "pl_snowycoast_authors" "E-Arkham\nFissionMetroid101" "[english]pl_snowycoast_authors" "E-Arkham\nFissionMetroid101" "cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime \"Mimas Torres\" Dupuis\nKevin \"Ravidge\" Brook\nGavin \"Equinoxo\" Sawford" "[english]cp_vanguard_authors" "Maxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nGavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford" "ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson\nFay L. \"nineaxis\" Fabry\nMark \"Shmitz\" Major" "[english]ctf_landfall_authors" "Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nFay L. 'nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major" "koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick \"Bloodhound\" Milhahn\n\"Psy\"\nJesús \"Drawer\" Vera" "[english]koth_highpass_authors" "Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn\n'Psy'\nJesús 'Drawer' Vera" "TF_Map_Snowycoast" "Snowycoast" "[english]TF_Map_Snowycoast" "Snowycoast" "TF_MapToken_Snowycoast" "Banefrimærke - Snowycoast" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowycoast" "Map Stamp - Snowycoast" "TF_MapToken_Snowycoast_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af E-Arkham og FissionMetroid101\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Snowycoast-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowycoast_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by E-Arkham and FissionMetroid101\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowycoast community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Snowycoast_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Snowycoast-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowycoast_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowycoast community map." "TF_Map_Vanguard" "Vanguard" "[english]TF_Map_Vanguard" "Vanguard" "TF_MapToken_Vanguard" "Banefrimærke - Vanguard" "[english]TF_MapToken_Vanguard" "Map Stamp - Vanguard" "TF_MapToken_Vanguard_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Maxime \"Fubar\" Dupuis, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook og Gavin \"Equinoxo\" Sawford\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Vanguard-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Vanguard_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Maxime 'Fubar' Dupuis, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and Gavin 'Equinoxo' Sawford\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Vanguard community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Vanguard_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Vanguard-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Vanguard_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Vanguard community map." "TF_Map_Landfall" "Landfall" "[english]TF_Map_Landfall" "Landfall" "TF_MapToken_Landfall" "Banefrimærke - Landfall" "[english]TF_MapToken_Landfall" "Map Stamp - Landfall" "TF_MapToken_Landfall_Desc" "En Capture the Flag-bane\n\nLavet af Andrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson, Fay L. \"nineaxis\" Fabry og Mark \"Shmitz\" Major\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Landfall-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Landfall_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Fay L. 'nineaxis' Fabry, and Mark 'Shmitz' Major\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Landfall community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Landfall_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Landfall-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Landfall_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Landfall community map." "TF_Map_Highpass" "Highpass" "[english]TF_Map_Highpass" "Highpass" "TF_MapToken_Highpass" "Banefrimærke - Highpass" "[english]TF_MapToken_Highpass" "Map Stamp - Highpass" "TF_MapToken_Highpass_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Yannick \"Bloodhound\" Milhahn, \"Psy\" og Jesús \"Drawer\" Vera\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Highpass-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Highpass_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Yannick 'Bloodhound' Milhahn, 'Psy', and Jesús 'Drawer' Vera\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Highpass community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Highpass_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Highpass-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Highpass_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Highpass community map." "TF_Map_Snowycoast_StrangePrefix" " Nedkølet" "[english]TF_Map_Snowycoast_StrangePrefix" " Chilled" "TF_Map_Vanguard_StrangePrefix" " Hamret" "[english]TF_Map_Vanguard_StrangePrefix" " Hammered" "TF_Map_Landfall_StrangePrefix" " Rustik" "[english]TF_Map_Landfall_StrangePrefix" " Rustic" "TF_Map_Highpass_StrangePrefix" " Solbagt" "[english]TF_Map_Highpass_StrangePrefix" " Sun-Baked" "GameType_Featured" "Tough Break" "[english]GameType_Featured" "Tough Break" "NewItemMethod_QuestLoaner" "Du låner til en kontrakt:" "[english]NewItemMethod_QuestLoaner" "You're borrowing for a Contract:" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterTitle" "Fjern gavegiverens navn?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterTitle" "Remove Gifter's name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterCombo" "Fjern gavegiverens navn" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterCombo" "Remove Gifter's name" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifter" "Vil du fjerne gavegiverens navn fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveGifter" "Remove the Gifter's name from this item?" "ToolFestivizerConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at gøre denne genstand festlig?" "[english]ToolFestivizerConfirm" "Are you sure you want to Festivize this item?" "TF_Commerce" "-- Handel --" "[english]TF_Commerce" "-- Commerce --" "TF_StorePrice" "Butik : %s1" "[english]TF_StorePrice" "Store : %s1" "TF_MarketPrice" "Marked : %s1" "[english]TF_MarketPrice" "Market : %s1" "TF_MarketUnavailable" "Marked : Utilgængeligt" "[english]TF_MarketUnavailable" "Market : Unavailable" "TF_Tool_StrangeCountTransfer" "Overførselsværktøj til Sære Tal" "[english]TF_Tool_StrangeCountTransfer" "Strange Count Transfer Tool" "TF_Tool_StrangeCountTransfer_desc" "Tager de sære tal fra én genstand og føjer dem til en anden. Tallet på kildegenstanden nulstilles. Tal fra sære dele overføres og nulstilles kun, hvis der bruges en anden identisk sær del. Kan kun bruges mellem sære genstande af samme basistype." "[english]TF_Tool_StrangeCountTransfer_desc" "Takes the Strange scores from one item and adds them on to another. The count for the source item is reset to zero. Strange part scores are only transferred and zeroed if a matching strange part is found. Can only be used between strange items of the same base type." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowycoast" "Sært filter: Snowycoast (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowycoast" "Strange Filter: Snowycoast (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowycoast_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Snowycoast." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowycoast_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Snowycoast." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapVanguard" "Sært filter: Vanguard (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapVanguard" "Strange Filter: Vanguard (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapVanguard_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Vanguard." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapVanguard_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Vanguard." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLandfall" "Sært filter: Landfall (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLandfall" "Strange Filter: Landfall (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLandfall_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Landfall." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLandfall_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Landfall." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHighpass" "Sært filter: Highpass (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHighpass" "Strange Filter: Highpass (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHighpass_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Highpass." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHighpass_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Highpass." "ToughBreakCosmetics_collection" "Tough Break-kosmetiksamling" "[english]ToughBreakCosmetics_collection" "Tough Break Cosmetics Collection" "ToughBreakCosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Tough Break-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]ToughBreakCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Tough Break Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_ToughBreakCosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Tough Break-hat" "[english]Footer_ToughBreakCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Tough Break Hat" "TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase" "Tough Break-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase" "Tough Break Cosmetic Case" "TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nTough Break-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Tough Break-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nTough Break Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Tough Break Cosmetic Collection." "TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Tough Break-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Tough Break-hat" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Tough Break Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Tough Break Hat" "TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey" "Tough Break-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey" "Tough Break Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Tough Break-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to Open a Tough Break Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Tough Break-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Gun Mettle-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Tough Break Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Tough Break Hat" "operation_tough_break_master_collection" "Tough Break-samlingerne" "[english]operation_tough_break_master_collection" "The Tough Break Collections" "tough_break_drop_collection_01" "Høst-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_drop_collection_01" "Harvest Collection" "tough_break_drop_collection_01_desc" "Genstande fra Høst-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_drop_collection_01_desc" "Items from the Harvest Collection" "tough_break_drop_collection_02" "Gentlemann-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_drop_collection_02" "Gentlemanne's Collection" "tough_break_drop_collection_02_desc" "Genstande fra Gentlemann-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_drop_collection_02_desc" "Items from the Gentlemanne's Collection" "tough_break_case_collection_01" "Pyroland-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_case_collection_01" "Pyroland Collection" "tough_break_case_collection_01_desc" "Genstande fra Pyroland-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_case_collection_01_desc" "Items from the Pyroland Collection" "tough_break_case_collection_02" "Krigsfugl-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_case_collection_02" "Warbird Collection" "tough_break_case_collection_02_desc" "Genstande fra Krigsfugl-samlingen" "[english]tough_break_case_collection_02_desc" "Items from the Warbird Collection" "TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Tough Break-kampagnepas" "[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Pass" "TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "Tough Break-kampagnen sluttede d. 4. april 2016.\n\nAt aktivere et Tough Break-kampagnepas gav et Tough Break-kampagnefrimærke, der gav adgang til kontrakter og holdt styr på statistikker under kampagnen." "[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nActivating the Tough Break Campaign Pass granted a Tough Break Campaign Stamp that would grant access to contracts and track stats during the campaign." "TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "-Bidrag til fællesskabsbaneskabere\n-Adgang til kontrakter der giver begivenhedseksklusive genstande når gennemført" "[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed" "TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Tough Break-kampagnefrimærke" "[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Stamp" "TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "Tough Break-kampagnen sluttede d. 4. april 2016.\n\nTough Break-kampagnefrimærket gav adgang til kontrakter og holdt styr på statistikker under kampagnen. Man kunne få frimærket til at stige i niveau ved at tjene kontraktpoint fra gennemførte kontrakter. Frimærket steg i niveau ved 1000, 2000 og 3000 kontraktpoint." "[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nThe Tough Break Campaign Stamp granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the stamp by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The stamp would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points." "TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Pyroland-våbenkasse" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Pyroland Weapons Case" "TF_ToughBreakCase01_Desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nTough Break-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en genstand fra Pyroland-samlingen." "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase01_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nTough Break Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Pyroland Collection." "TF_ToughBreakCase01_AdText" "-Låst Tough Break-kasse\n-Indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase01_AdText" "-Tough Break Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons." "TF_ToughBreakCase02" "Warbird-våbenkasse" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase02" "Warbird Weapons Case" "TF_ToughBreakCase02_Desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nTough Break-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en genstand fra Warbird-samlingen." "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase02_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nTough Break Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Warbird Collection." "TF_ToughBreakCase02_AdText" "-Låst Tough Break-kasse\n-Indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben" "[english]TF_ToughBreakCase02_AdText" "-Tough Break Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons." "TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey" "Tough Break-nøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey" "Tough Break Key" "TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Pyroland-\neller Warbird-våbenkasser." "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey_Desc" "Used to open The Pyroland\nor The Warbird Weapons Case." "TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne Pyroland- eller Warbird-våbenkasser\n-Kasser indeholder muligvis sære eller usædvanlige våben." "[english]TF_Tool_ToughBreakKey_AdText" "-Used to open The Pyroland or The Warbird Weapons Case\n-Cases may contain Strange and Unusual Weapons." "TF_Winter_2015_Mystery" "Festlig Smissmas 2015-gave" "[english]TF_Winter_2015_Mystery" "Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift" "TF_Winter_2015_Mystery_desc" "En festlige gave fra Mann Co.\nIndeholder en Gun Mettle- og Tough Break-festliggører\n\nGlædelig Smissmas!" "[english]TF_Winter_2015_Mystery_desc" "A festive gift from Mann Co.\nContains a Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer\n\nMerry Smissmas!" "harvest_flamethrower_autumn" "Efterårets Flammekaster" "[english]harvest_flamethrower_autumn" "The Autumn Flame Thrower" "harvest_flamethrower_nutcracker" "Nøddeknækkerens Flammekaster" "[english]harvest_flamethrower_nutcracker" "The Nutcracker Flame Thrower" "harvest_flamethrower_pumpkinpatch" "Den Græskarudhulede Flammekaster" "[english]harvest_flamethrower_pumpkinpatch" "The Pumpkin Patch Flame Thrower" "harvest_grenadelauncher_autumn" "Efterårets Granatkaster" "[english]harvest_grenadelauncher_autumn" "The Autumn Grenade Launcher" "harvest_grenadelauncher_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Granatkaster" "[english]harvest_grenadelauncher_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Grenade Launcher" "harvest_knife_boneyard" "Den Knogleskøre Kniv" "[english]harvest_knife_boneyard" "The Boneyard Knife" "harvest_medigun_wildwood" "Det Naturvilde Medi-gevær" "[english]harvest_medigun_wildwood" "The Wildwood Medi Gun" "harvest_minigun_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Rullekanon" "[english]harvest_minigun_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Minigun" "harvest_minigun_nutcracker" "Nøddeknækkerens Rullekanon" "[english]harvest_minigun_nutcracker" "The Nutcracker Minigun" "harvest_minigun_pumpkinpatch" "Den Græskarudhulede Rullekanon" "[english]harvest_minigun_pumpkinpatch" "The Pumpkin Patch Minigun" "harvest_pistol_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Pistol" "[english]harvest_pistol_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Pistol" "harvest_pistol_nutcracker" "Nøddeknækkerens Pistol" "[english]harvest_pistol_nutcracker" "The Nutcracker Pistol" "harvest_revolver_boneyard" "Den Knogleskøre Revolver" "[english]harvest_revolver_boneyard" "The Boneyard Revolver" "harvest_revolver_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Revolver" "[english]harvest_revolver_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Revolver" "harvest_revolver_wildwood" "Den Naturvilde Revolver" "[english]harvest_revolver_wildwood" "The Wildwood Revolver" "harvest_rocketlauncher_autumn" "Efterårets Raketkaster" "[english]harvest_rocketlauncher_autumn" "The Autumn Rocket Launcher" "harvest_scattergun_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Haglspreder" "[english]harvest_scattergun_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Scattergun" "harvest_scattergun_nutcracker" "Nøddeknækkerens Haglspreder" "[english]harvest_scattergun_nutcracker" "The Nutcracker Scattergun" "harvest_shotgun_autumn" "Efterårets Haglgevær" "[english]harvest_shotgun_autumn" "The Autumn Shotgun" "harvest_smg_wildwood" "Den Naturvilde Maskinpistol" "[english]harvest_smg_wildwood" "The Wildwood SMG" "harvest_sniperrifle_boneyard" "Den Knogleskøre Snigskytteriffel" "[english]harvest_sniperrifle_boneyard" "The Boneyard Sniper Rifle" "harvest_sniperrifle_pumpkinpatch" "Den Græskarudhulede Snigskytteriffel" "[english]harvest_sniperrifle_pumpkinpatch" "The Pumpkin Patch Sniper Rifle" "harvest_sniperrifle_wildwood" "Den Naturvilde Snigskytteriffel" "[english]harvest_sniperrifle_wildwood" "The Wildwood Sniper Rifle" "harvest_stickybomblauncher_autumn" "Efterårets Klæbebombekaster" "[english]harvest_stickybomblauncher_autumn" "The Autumn Stickybomb Launcher" "harvest_stickybomblauncher_macabreweb" "Den Spindelvævende Klæbebombekaster" "[english]harvest_stickybomblauncher_macabreweb" "The Macabre Web Stickybomb Launcher" "harvest_stickybomblauncher_pumpkinpatch" "Den Græskarudhulede Klæbebombekaster" "[english]harvest_stickybomblauncher_pumpkinpatch" "The Pumpkin Patch Stickybomb Launcher" "harvest_wrench_autumn" "Efterårets Skruenøgle" "[english]harvest_wrench_autumn" "The Autumn Wrench" "harvest_wrench_boneyard" "Den Knogleskøre Skruenøgle" "[english]harvest_wrench_boneyard" "The Boneyard Wrench" "harvest_wrench_nutcracker" "Nøddeknækkerens Skruenøgle" "[english]harvest_wrench_nutcracker" "The Nutcracker Wrench" "pyroland_flamethrower_rainbow" "Den Regnbuefarvede Flammekaster" "[english]pyroland_flamethrower_rainbow" "The Rainbow Flame Thrower" "pyroland_flamethrower_balloonicorn" "Balloonicornens Flammekaster" "[english]pyroland_flamethrower_balloonicorn" "The Balloonicorn Flame Thrower" "pyroland_grenadelauncher_rainbow" "Den Regnbuefarvede Granatkaster" "[english]pyroland_grenadelauncher_rainbow" "The Rainbow Grenade Launcher" "pyroland_grenadelauncher_sweetdreams" "De Dejlige Drømmes Granatkaster" "[english]pyroland_grenadelauncher_sweetdreams" "The Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher" "pyroland_knife_bluemew" "Det Blå Miavs Kniv" "[english]pyroland_knife_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Knife" "pyroland_knife_braincandy" "Den Sukkersøde Kniv" "[english]pyroland_knife_braincandy" "The Brain Candy Knife" "pyroland_knife_stabbedtohell" "Den Tilhelvedestukkede Kniv" "[english]pyroland_knife_stabbedtohell" "The Stabbed to Hell Knife" "pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "Flowerpower Medi-geværet" "[english]pyroland_medigun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Medi Gun" "pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "Hr. Nuser" "[english]pyroland_minigun_mistercuddles" "The Mister Cuddles" "pyroland_minigun_braincandy" "Den Sukkersøde Rullekanon" "[english]pyroland_minigun_braincandy" "The Brain Candy Minigun" "pyroland_pistol_bluemew" "Det Blå Miavs Pistol" "[english]pyroland_pistol_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Pistol" "pyroland_pistol_braincandy" "Den Sukkersøde Pistol" "[english]pyroland_pistol_braincandy" "The Brain Candy Pistol" "pyroland_pistol_shottohell" "Skudt til Helvede Pistolen" "[english]pyroland_pistol_shottohell" "The Shot to Hell Pistol" "pyroland_revolver_flowerpower" "Flowerpower Revolveren" "[english]pyroland_revolver_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Revolver" "pyroland_rocketlauncher_bluemew" "Det Blå Miavs Raketkaster" "[english]pyroland_rocketlauncher_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Rocket Launcher" "pyroland_rocketlauncher_braincandy" "Den Sukkersøde Raketkaster" "[english]pyroland_rocketlauncher_braincandy" "The Brain Candy Rocket Launcher" "pyroland_scattergun_bluemew" "Det Blå Miavs Haglspreder" "[english]pyroland_scattergun_bluemew" "The Blue Mew Scattergun" "pyroland_scattergun_flowerpower" "Flowerpower Haglsprederen" "[english]pyroland_scattergun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Scattergun" "pyroland_scattergun_shottohell" "Skudt til Helvede Haglsprederen" "[english]pyroland_scattergun_shottohell" "The Shot to Hell Scattergun" "pyroland_shotgun_flowerpower" "Flowerpower Haglgeværet" "[english]pyroland_shotgun_flowerpower" "The Flower Power Shotgun" "pyroland_smg_bluemew" "Det Blå Miavs Maskinpistol" "[english]pyroland_smg_bluemew" "The Blue Mew SMG" "pyroland_sniperrifle_balloonicorn" "Balloonicornens Snigskytteriffel" "[english]pyroland_sniperrifle_balloonicorn" "The Balloonicorn Sniper Rifle" "pyroland_sniperrifle_rainbow" "Den Regnbuefarvede Snigskytteriffel" "[english]pyroland_sniperrifle_rainbow" "The Rainbow Sniper Rifle" "pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "De Dejlige Drømmes Klæbebombekaster" "[english]pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "The Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher" "pyroland_wrench_torquedtohell" "Den Helvedesforbrændte Skruenøgle" "[english]pyroland_wrench_torquedtohell" "The Torqued to Hell Wrench" "gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Flammekaster" "[english]gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Flame Thrower" "gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Granatkaster" "[english]gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Grenade Launcher" "gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_topshelf" "Granatkasteren fra Den Øverste Hylde" "[english]gentlemanne_grenadelauncher_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Grenade Launcher" "gentlemanne_knife_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Kniv" "[english]gentlemanne_knife_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Knife" "gentlemanne_knife_topshelf" "Kniven fra Den Øverste Hylde" "[english]gentlemanne_knife_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Knife" "gentlemanne_medigun_coffinnail" "Det Kistesømmende Medi-gevær" "[english]gentlemanne_medigun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Medi Gun" "gentlemanne_medigun_dressedtokill" "Det Drabspåklædte Medi-gevær" "[english]gentlemanne_medigun_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Medi Gun" "gentlemanne_medigun_highrollers" "Gamblerens Medi-gevær" "[english]gentlemanne_medigun_highrollers" "The High Roller's Medi Gun" "gentlemanne_minigun_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Rullekanon" "[english]gentlemanne_minigun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Minigun" "gentlemanne_minigun_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Rullekanon" "[english]gentlemanne_minigun_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Minigun" "gentlemanne_minigun_topshelf" "Rullekanonen fra Den Øverste Hylde" "[english]gentlemanne_minigun_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Minigun" "gentlemanne_pistol_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Pistol" "[english]gentlemanne_pistol_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Pistol" "gentlemanne_revolver_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Revolver" "[english]gentlemanne_revolver_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Revolver" "gentlemanne_revolver_topshelf" "Revolveren fra Den Øverste Hylde" "[english]gentlemanne_revolver_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Revolver" "gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Raketkaster" "[english]gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Rocket Launcher" "gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" "Gamblerens Raketkaster" "[english]gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" "The High Roller's Rocket Launcher" "gentlemanne_scattergun_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Haglspreder" "[english]gentlemanne_scattergun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Scattergun" "gentlemanne_shotgun_coffinnail" "Det Kistesømmende Haglgevær" "[english]gentlemanne_shotgun_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Shotgun" "gentlemanne_shotgun_dressedtokill" "Det Drabspåklædte Haglgevær" "[english]gentlemanne_shotgun_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Shotgun" "gentlemanne_smg_highrollers" "Gamblerens Maskinpistol" "[english]gentlemanne_smg_highrollers" "The High Roller's SMG" "gentlemanne_sniperrifle_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Snigskytteriffel" "[english]gentlemanne_sniperrifle_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Sniper Rifle" "gentlemanne_sniperrifle_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Snigskytteriffel" "[english]gentlemanne_sniperrifle_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Sniper Rifle" "gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_coffinnail" "Den Kistesømmende Klæbebombekaster" "[english]gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Stickybomb Launcher" "gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Klæbebombekaster" "[english]gentlemanne_stickybomblauncher_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Stickybomb Launcher" "gentlemanne_wrench_dressedtokill" "Den Drabspåklædte Skruenøgle" "[english]gentlemanne_wrench_dressedtokill" "The Dressed to Kill Wrench" "gentlemanne_wrench_topshelf" "Skruenøglen fra Den Øverste Hylde" "[english]gentlemanne_wrench_topshelf" "The Top Shelf Wrench" "warbird_flamethrower_warhawk" "Krigsørnens Flammekaster" "[english]warbird_flamethrower_warhawk" "The Warhawk Flame Thrower" "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" "Krigsørnens Granatkaster" "[english]warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" "The Warhawk Grenade Launcher" "warbird_knife_blitzkrieg" "Den Lynkrigeriske Kniv" "[english]warbird_knife_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg Knife" "warbird_knife_airwolf" "Luftulvens Kniv" "[english]warbird_knife_airwolf" "The Airwolf Knife" "warbird_medigun_blitzkrieg" "Det Lynkrigeriske Medi-gevær" "[english]warbird_medigun_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg Medi Gun" "warbird_medigun_corsair" "Corsair Medi-geværet" "[english]warbird_medigun_corsair" "The Corsair Medi Gun" "warbird_minigun_butcherbird" "Krigsfuglens Rullekanon" "[english]warbird_minigun_butcherbird" "The Butcher Bird Minigun" "warbird_pistol_blitzkrieg" "Den Lynkrigeriske Pistol" "[english]warbird_pistol_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg Pistol" "warbird_revolver_blitzkrieg" "Den Lynkrigeriske Revolver" "[english]warbird_revolver_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg Revolver" "warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" "Krigsørnens Raketkaster" "[english]warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" "The Warhawk Rocket Launcher" "warbird_scattergun_killerbee" "Dræberbiens Haglspreder" "[english]warbird_scattergun_killerbee" "The Killer Bee Scattergun" "warbird_shotgun_redbear" "Den Røde Bjørns Haglgevær" "[english]warbird_shotgun_redbear" "The Red Bear Shotgun" "warbird_smg_blitzkrieg" "Den Lynkrigeriske Maskinpistol" "[english]warbird_smg_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg SMG" "warbird_sniperrifle_airwolf" "Luftulvens Snigskytteriffel" "[english]warbird_sniperrifle_airwolf" "The Airwolf Sniper Rifle" "warbird_stickybomblauncher_blitzkrieg" "Den Lynkrigeriske Klæbebombekaster" "[english]warbird_stickybomblauncher_blitzkrieg" "The Blitzkrieg Stickybomb Launcher" "warbird_wrench_airwolf" "Luftulvens Skruenøgle" "[english]warbird_wrench_airwolf" "The Airwolf Wrench" "warbird_scattergun_corsair" "Corsair Haglsprederen" "[english]warbird_scattergun_corsair" "The Corsair Scattergun" "warbird_grenadelauncher_butcherbird" "Krigsfuglens Granatkaster" "[english]warbird_grenadelauncher_butcherbird" "The Butcher Bird Grenade Launcher" "Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "Opbyg \"Mmmph\" ved at gøre skade.\nAlt-skyd ved fuld \"Mmmph\": Hån og opnå kritisk skade i adskillige sekunder.\nUdødelig mens der hånes, når \"Mmmph\" aktiveres." "[english]Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "Build 'Mmmph' by dealing damage.\nAlt-Fire on full 'Mmmph': Taunt to gain crit for several seconds.\nInvulnerable while 'Mmmph' taunting." "Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_decreased" "%s1% skadestraf mod bygninger" "[english]Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_decreased" "%s1% damage penalty vs buildings" "Attrib_SingleWepHolsterBonus" "Dette våben lægges i hylstret %s1% hurtigere" "[english]Attrib_SingleWepHolsterBonus" "This weapon holsters %s1% faster" "Attrib_SingleWepDeployPenalty" "Dette våben trækkes %s1% langsommere" "[english]Attrib_SingleWepDeployPenalty" "This weapon deploys %s1% slower" "Attrib_SingleWepHolsterPenalty" "Dette våben lægges i hylstret %s1% hurtigere" "[english]Attrib_SingleWepHolsterPenalty" "This weapon holsters %s1% slower" "Attrib_RocketJump_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Bruges %s1% hurtigere under rakethop" "[english]Attrib_RocketJump_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Deploys %s1% faster while rocket jumping" "Attrib_ChargeTime_Decrease" "%s1 sek. formindskning i angrebsløb-varighed" "[english]Attrib_ChargeTime_Decrease" "%s1 sec decrease in charge duration" "Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageDecreased" "%s1% formindskning i sammenstødsskade" "[english]Attrib_ChargeImpactDamageDecreased" "%s1% decrease in charge impact damage" "Attrib_LoanerItemExpirationDate" "Denne genstand vil blive fjernet, når den tilknyttede kontrakt gennemføres eller deaktiveres." "[english]Attrib_LoanerItemExpirationDate" "This item will be removed when the associated contract is completed or deactivated." "Attrib_LoanerItem" "Lånegenstand - Kan ikke byttes, sælges, smedes eller ændres" "[english]Attrib_LoanerItem" "Loaner - Cannot be traded, marketed, crafted, or modified" "Attrib_MiniCritBoost_WhenCharged" "At bruge alt-skyd, når metret er fuldt opladt, giver mini-kritisk skade i %s1 sekunder" "[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_WhenCharged" "Secondary fire when charged grants mini-crits for %s1 seconds" "Attrib_MiniCritBoost_ChargeRate" "At gøre skade fylder dit ladningsmeter" "[english]Attrib_MiniCritBoost_ChargeRate" "Dealing damage fills charge meter" "Attrib_HitsRefillMeter" "Nærkampsslag genopfylder %s1% af dit løbemeter" "[english]Attrib_HitsRefillMeter" "Melee hits refill %s1% of your charge meter" "Attrib_NonRocketJumpAttackRatePenalty" "%s1% reduceret angrebshastighed, når der ikke eksplosionshoppes" "[english]Attrib_NonRocketJumpAttackRatePenalty" "Decreased %s1% attack speed while not blast jumping" "Attrib_IsASword" "Dette våben har stor nærkampsrækkevidde og\ntrækkes og lægges i hylstret langsommere" "[english]Attrib_IsASword" "This Weapon has a large melee range and\ndeploys and holsters slower" "Attrib_AmmoGivesCharge" "Indsamlede ammunitionskasser genopfylder også dit ladningsmeter" "[english]Attrib_AmmoGivesCharge" "Ammo boxes collected also refill your charge meter" "Attrib_IsFestive" "Festliggjort" "[english]Attrib_IsFestive" "Festivized" "ItemDescFestive2015" "Denne festliggører kan anvendes på en genstand fra 2015-våbensamlingen." "[english]ItemDescFestive2015" "This Festivizer can be applied to a 2015 Weapon Collection item." "TF_CombatTextBatching" "Saml tekst fra skadebegivenheder i kamp til ét nummer" "[english]TF_CombatTextBatching" "Accumulate combat text damage events into a single number" "TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "Vis forsinkelsesværdier som tekst på pointtavlen" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_PingAsText" "Display ping values as text on the scoreboard" "TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Vis alternative klasseikoner på pointtavlen" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard" "MMenu_Update" "Fremhævet" "[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured" "Store_ViewMarket" "Se på markedet" "[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market" "Store_StartingAt" "Starter fra" "[english]Store_StartingAt" "Starting at" "Store_Market" "På markedet" "[english]Store_Market" "On Market" "Store_MarketPlace" "FÆLLESSKABSMARKED" "[english]Store_MarketPlace" "COMMUNITY MARKET" "TF_StrangeCount_TransferTitle" "Overfør sære tal?" "[english]TF_StrangeCount_TransferTitle" "Transfer Strange Scores?" "TF_StrangeCount_TransferExplain" "Tager de sære tal fra genstanden til venstre og føjer dem til genstanden til højre. Den venstre genstands tal nulstilles. Tal fra sære dele overføres og nulstilles kun, hvis der bruges en anden identisk sær del. Kan kun bruges mellem sære genstande af samme basistype.\n\nDette værktøj opbruges, efter overførslen gennemføres." "[english]TF_StrangeCount_TransferExplain" "Takes the Strange scores from the item on the left and adds them to the item on the right. The left item's scores are reset to zero. Strange part scores are only transferred and zeroed if a matching strange part is found. Can only be used between strange items of the same base type.\n\nThis tool is consumed after a transfer is made." "TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_TypeMismatch" "Denne genstand er ikke den samme type som den anden." "[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_TypeMismatch" "This item is not the same type as the other." "TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotStrange" "Genstand sporer ikke nogen statistikker." "[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotStrange" "Item does not track any stats." "TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_Self" "Genstand er allerede valgt." "[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_Self" "Item is already chosen." "TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "Ingen matchende genstande at overføre statistikker til." "[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "No matching items to transfer stats with." "Tooltip_CombatTextBatching" "Hvis valgt, og indstillingen for kamptekst er i brug, vil fortløbende skade gjort mod samme mål blive lagt sammen til ét nummer." "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextBatching" "If set, and using the Combat Text option, consecutive damage done to the same target will be added together into a single number." "TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Åbn matchmaking" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Open Matchmaking" "TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking" "QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 sjælgargoil" "[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Soul Gargoyle" "QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Merasmissioner gennemført" "[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Merasmissions Completed" "QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "For at modtage kontrakter\naktiver da et Tough Break-kampagnepas." "[english]QuestLog_NeedPassForContracts" "To receive contracts\nactivate a Tough Break Campaign Pass." "QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Title" "Udstyr lånegenstande?" "[english]QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Title" "Equip Loaners?" "QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Body" "Denne handling vil erstatte genstandene i dit nuværende udstyr med lånegenstande. Ønsker du at fortsætte?" "[english]QuestConfirmEquipLoaners_Body" "This action will replace items in your current loadout with loaner items. Would you like to proceed?" "TF_Quest_EquipLoanerItems" "Udstyr lånegenstande" "[english]TF_Quest_EquipLoanerItems" "Equip Loaner Items" "TF_Quest_RequiredItems" "Påkrævede kontraktgenstande" "[english]TF_Quest_RequiredItems" "Required Contract Items" "TF_Quest_FindServer" "Find server" "[english]TF_Quest_FindServer" "Find Server" "TF_TauntAllClassAerobic" "Hån: Mannrobisk" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassAerobic" "Taunt: Mannrobics" "TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_Desc" "Gruppehån til alle klasser\nSæt gang i festlighederne med denne energiske aerobic-dans\nAndre spillere kan deltage ved at aktivere deres våbenhån\n\nTryk på tasten for hånpladsen for at starte/stoppe\nBrug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser\nBrug fremad- og tilbage-tasten til at bevæge dig\n og sidelæns-tasterne til at rotere, når du danser" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_Desc" "All Class Group Taunt\nParty it up with this high energy aerobics dance\nOther players can join you by activating their weapon taunt\n\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves\nUse Forward and Back keys to move\n and the Strafe keys to rotate as you dance" "TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_AdText" "-Gruppehån til alle klasser\n-Sæt gang i festlighederne med denne energiske aerobic-dans\n-Andre spillere kan deltage ved at aktivere deres våbenhån" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassAerobic_AdText" "-All Class Group Taunt\n-Party it up with this high energy aerobics dance\n-Other players can join in by activating their weapon taunt" "TF_true_scotsmans_call" "Hån: Sække-pive" "[english]TF_true_scotsmans_call" "Taunt: Bad Pipes" "TF_true_scotsmans_call_Desc" "Demoman-hån" "[english]TF_true_scotsmans_call_Desc" "Demoman Taunt" "TF_bucking_bronco" "Hån: Vild Springer" "[english]TF_bucking_bronco" "Taunt: Bucking Bronco" "TF_bucking_bronco_Desc" "Engineer-hån" "[english]TF_bucking_bronco_Desc" "Engineer Taunt" "TF_bak_caped_crusader_style1" "Selvtægtsmand" "[english]TF_bak_caped_crusader_style1" "Vigilante" "TF_bak_caped_crusader_style2" "Holdspiller" "[english]TF_bak_caped_crusader_style2" "Team Playa" "TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat" "En Velindpakket Hat" "[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat" "A Well Wrapped Hat" "TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_desc" "" "TF_dec15_gift_bringer" "Gavebringeren" "[english]TF_dec15_gift_bringer" "The Gift Bringer" "TF_dec15_gift_bringer_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_gift_bringer_desc" "" "TF_dec15_chill_chullo" "Chill-chulloen" "[english]TF_dec15_chill_chullo" "The Chill Chullo" "TF_dec15_chill_chullo_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_chill_chullo_desc" "" "TF_dec15_scout_baseball_bag" "Bonkslåerens Backup" "[english]TF_dec15_scout_baseball_bag" "Bonk Batter's Backup" "TF_dec15_scout_baseball_bag_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_scout_baseball_bag_desc" "" "TF_dec15_winter_backup" "Vinter-opbakning" "[english]TF_dec15_winter_backup" "Winter Backup" "TF_dec15_winter_backup_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_winter_backup_desc" "" "TF_dec15_hot_heels" "Varme Hæle" "[english]TF_dec15_hot_heels" "Hot Heels" "TF_dec15_hot_heels_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_hot_heels_desc" "" "TF_dec15_heavy_sweater" "Sibirisk Sweater" "[english]TF_dec15_heavy_sweater" "Siberian Sweater" "TF_dec15_heavy_sweater_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_heavy_sweater_desc" "" "TF_dec15_chicago_overcoat" "Chicagoansk Overfrakke" "[english]TF_dec15_chicago_overcoat" "Chicago Overcoat" "TF_dec15_chicago_overcoat_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_chicago_overcoat_desc" "" "TF_dec15_patriot_peak" "Den Patriotiske Paradehat" "[english]TF_dec15_patriot_peak" "The Patriot Peak" "TF_dec15_patriot_peak_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_patriot_peak_desc" "" "TF_dec15_diplomat" "Diplomaten" "[english]TF_dec15_diplomat" "The Diplomat" "TF_dec15_diplomat_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_diplomat_desc" "" "TF_dec15_bunnyhoppers_ballistics_vest" "Bunnyhopperens Ballistiske Vest" "[english]TF_dec15_bunnyhoppers_ballistics_vest" "Bunnyhopper's Ballistics Vest" "TF_dec15_bunnyhoppers_ballistics_vest_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_bunnyhoppers_ballistics_vest_desc" "" "TF_dec15_berlin_brain_bowl" "Berlinsk Hjerneskål" "[english]TF_dec15_berlin_brain_bowl" "Berlin Brain Bowl" "TF_dec15_berlin_brain_bowl_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_berlin_brain_bowl_desc" "" "TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem" "Medicinsk Monark" "[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem" "Medical Monarch" "TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_desc" "" "TF_dec15_a_hat_to_kill_for" "En Hat Værd at Dræbe For" "[english]TF_dec15_a_hat_to_kill_for" "A Hat to Kill For" "TF_dec15_a_hat_to_kill_for_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_a_hat_to_kill_for_desc" "" "TF_dec15_shin_shredders" "Skinnebensskrabere" "[english]TF_dec15_shin_shredders" "Shin Shredders" "TF_dec15_shin_shredders_desc" "" "[english]TF_dec15_shin_shredders_desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_EdgeGamersUltiDuo_Participant" "Deltager i EdgeGamers UltiDuo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EdgeGamersUltiDuo_Participant" "EdgeGamers UltiDuo Participant" "ToolFestivizerInProgress" "Festliggør dine genstande" "[english]ToolFestivizerInProgress" "Festivizing your item" "TF_Winter2015_Festivizer" "Gun Mettle- og Tough Break-festliggører" "[english]TF_Winter2015_Festivizer" "The Gun Mettle and Tough Break Festivizer" "TF_Winter2015_Festivizer_desc" "Festliggør dit yndlingsvåben fra\nGun Mettle- eller Tough Break-kampagnerne.\nKan anvendes på et våben fra følgende samlinger:\n\nConcealed Killer-samlingen\nCraftsmann-samlingen\nPowerhouse-samlingen\nTeufort-samlingen\nHarvest-samlingen\nGentlemannens samling\nPyroland-samlingen\nWarbird-samlingen" "[english]TF_Winter2015_Festivizer_desc" "Festivize your favorite weapon from\nthe Gun Mettle or Tough Break Campaigns.\nCan be applied on a weapon from the following collections:\n\nConcealed Killer Collection\nCraftsmann Collection\nPowerhouse Collection\nTeufort Collection\nHarvest Collection\nGentlemanne's Collection\nPyroland Collection\nWarbird Collection" "TF_EnableGlowsAfterRespawn" "Vis omrids omkring holdkammerater efter tilbagevenden" "[english]TF_EnableGlowsAfterRespawn" "Enable teammate glow effects after respawn" "TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "Ny rang opnået!" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "New Rank Achieved!" "TF_Competitive_RankUp" "Du har opnået rangen\n\"%s1\"" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankUp" "You have earned the rank of\n\"%s1\"" "TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Style 1" "TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "Style 2" "Msg_PasstimeEventStealBonus" "+BOOST +UNDVIGELSE" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventStealBonus" "+BOOST +DODGE" "Msg_PasstimeEventStealTitle" "%team% STJAL BOLDEN" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventStealTitle" "%team% STEAL" "Msg_PasstimeEventStealDetail" "%subject% stjal fra %source%" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventStealDetail" "%subject% stole from %source%" "Msg_PasstimeEventPassBonus" "+BOOST" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPassBonus" "+BOOST" "Msg_PasstimeEventPassTitle" "%team% AFLEVEREDE BOLDEN" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPassTitle" "%team% PASS" "Msg_PasstimeEventPassDetail" "%source% afleverede til %subject%" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPassDetail" "%source% passed to %subject%" "Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptBonus" "+BOOST +UNDVIGELSE" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptBonus" "+BOOST +DODGE" "Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptTitle" "%team% OPSNAPPEDE BOLDEN" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptTitle" "%team% INTERCEPTION" "Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptDetail" "%subject% opsnappede fra %source%" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptDetail" "%subject% intercepted %source%" "Msg_PasstimeEventScoreBonus" "+KRIT" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreBonus" "+CRIT" "Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle" "%team% SCOREDE" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle" "%team% SCORE" "Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_Assist" "%subject% assisteret af %source%" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_Assist" "%subject% assisted by %source%" "Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_NoAssist" "%subject%" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_NoAssist" "%subject%" "RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerTitle" "Fjern Festliggører?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerTitle" "Remove Festivizer?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerCombo" "Fjern Festliggører" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizerCombo" "Remove Festivizer" "RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizer" "Fjern Festliggøreren fra denne genstand?" "[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveFestivizer" "Remove the Festivizer from this item?" "Attrib_ExtinguishRestoresHealth" "At slukke holdkammerater gendanner %s1 helbred" "[english]Attrib_ExtinguishRestoresHealth" "Extinguishing teammates restores %s1 health" "Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "At slukke holdkammerater reducerer nedkøling med %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by %s1%" "ItemNameFestive" "Festliggjort " "[english]ItemNameFestive" "Festivized " "TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "Elegant" "[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "Dashing" "TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style2" "Ussel" "[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style2" "Dastardly" "TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style1" "Style 1" "TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style2" "Style 2" "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5" "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5" "TF_Class_Change" "* %s1 skiftede klasse til %s2" "[english]TF_Class_Change" "* %s1 changed class to %s2" "TF_Competitive_Abandoned" "En spiller forlod kampen og vil modtage en straf. Kampen er nu sikker at forlade, men du kan fortsætte med at spille." "[english]TF_Competitive_Abandoned" "A player abandoned the match and will be penalized. It is now safe to leave, but you may continue to play." "TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "Kamp afsluttet" "[english]TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "Match Over" "TF_Competitive_Rank" "%s2" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "%s2" "TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "Friskt kød" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "Fresh Meat" "TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "Lejesoldat I" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_1" "Mercenary I" "TF_Competitive_Rank_2" "Lejesoldat II" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_2" "Mercenary II" "TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "Lejesoldat III" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_3" "Mercenary III" "TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Lejemorder I" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_4" "Contract Killer I" "TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Lejemorder II" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_5" "Contract Killer II" "TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Lejemorder III" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_6" "Contract Killer III" "TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "Bøddel I" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_7" "Executioner I" "TF_Competitive_Rank_8" "Bøddel II" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_8" "Executioner II" "TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Bøddel III" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_9" "Executioner III" "TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Ekspert-snigmorder I" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_10" "Expert Assassin I" "TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Ekspert-snigmorder II" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Expert Assassin II" "TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Ekspert-snigmorder III" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Expert Assassin III" "TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Dødsgrossist" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Death Merchant" "TF_Competitive_Rank_14" "Drabskonsulent" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_14" "Kill Consultant" "TF_Competitive_Rank_15" "Rasende sociopat" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_15" "Raging Sociopath" "TF_Competitive_Rank_16" "Ekspert-snigmorder" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_16" "Expert Assassin" "TF_Competitive_Rank_17" "Elite-udrydder" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_17" "Elite Exterminator" "TF_Competitive_Rank_18" "Dødsgrossist" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_18" "Death Merchant" "TF_Eternaween" "Forhekselse: Evigween" "[english]TF_Eternaween" "Enchantment: Eternaween" "TF_HonestyHalo_Style0" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_HonestyHalo_Style0" "No Hat" "TF_HonestyHalo_Style1" "Hat" "[english]TF_HonestyHalo_Style1" "Hat" "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Itemname" "%s1 " "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Itemname" "%s1 " "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Wear" "(%s1) " "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Wear" "(%s1) " "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Rarity" "%s1 " "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Rarity" "%s1 " "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Strange" "%s1 " "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Strange" "%s1 " "TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Unusual" "%s1 " "[english]TFUI_InvTooltip_ItemFound_Unusual" "%s1 " "TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_style1" "Mistænksom" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_style1" "Suspicious" "TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_style2" "Kedet" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_special_eyes_style2" "Bored" "TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann_style0" "Style 1" "TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_sbox2014_mustachioed_mann_style1" "Style 2" "game_player_joined_game" "%s1 har sluttet sig til spillet" "[english]game_player_joined_game" "%s1 has joined the game" "game_player_left_game" "%s1 har forladt spillet" "[english]game_player_left_game" "%s1 left the game" "game_player_joined_team" "%s1 har sluttet sig til hold %s2" "[english]game_player_joined_team" "%s1 joined team %s2" "game_player_joined_autoteam" "%s1 blev automatisk tildelt til hold %s2" "[english]game_player_joined_autoteam" "%s1 was automatically assigned to team %s2" "game_player_changed_name" "%s1 har skiftet navn til %s2" "[english]game_player_changed_name" "%s1 changed name to %s2" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Kills" "Drab" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Kills" "Kills" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Damage" "Skade" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Damage" "Damage" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Healing" "Heling" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Healing" "Healing" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Support" "Support" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Support" "Support" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Score_Standard" "Sc" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Score_Standard" "Sc" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Kills_Standard" "K" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Kills_Standard" "K" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Damage_Standard" "D" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Damage_Standard" "D" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Healing_Standard" "H" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Healing_Standard" "H" "TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Support_Standard" "Su" "[english]TF_Comp_Scoreboard_Support_Standard" "Su" "TF_StatsAndMedals" "STATISTIKKER OG MEDALJER" "[english]TF_StatsAndMedals" "STATS AND MEDALS" "TF_Welcome_valentines" "Velkommen og nyd valentinesdag!" "[english]TF_Welcome_valentines" "Welcome and Enjoy Valentine's Day!" "TF_DocsHoliday_Style2" "Virus" "[english]TF_DocsHoliday_Style2" "Virus" "TF_Common_StatClock" "Statistiktæller af civilkvalitet" "[english]TF_Common_StatClock" "Civilian Grade Stat Clock" "TF_Common_StatClock_desc" "Monterer en sær Statistiktæller på et våben af civilkvalitet." "[english]TF_Common_StatClock_desc" "Applies a Strange Stat Clock onto a Civilian Grade Weapon." "tf_dingalingaling_last_effect" "Dræbelyde" "[english]tf_dingalingaling_last_effect" "Last Hit Sounds" "Context_MannCoTrade" "Mann Co.-byttehandel" "[english]Context_MannCoTrade" "Mann Co. Trade" "Context_TradeUp" "Genstandskvalitet-opbytning" "[english]Context_TradeUp" "Item Grade Trade-Up" "Context_CommonStatClock" "Civil statistiktæller" "[english]Context_CommonStatClock" "Civilian Stat Clock" "TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_Title" "Mann Co.-handel præsenterer :\nCivil statistiktæller" "[english]TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_Title" "Mann Co. Trading Presents :\nCivilian Stat Clock" "TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_desc" "Vi tæller ikke sekunder, vi tæller DRAB\nByt dig til en statistiktæller af civilkvalitet I DAG!" "[english]TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_desc" "We don't track time, we track KILLS\nTrade for a Civilian Grade Stat Clock TODAY!" "TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_input" "Veksel 5 kvalificerede genstande for at modtage en statistiktæller af civilkvalitet.\nKvalificerede genstande omfatter Freelance-grad eller højere eller sære genstande." "[english]TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_input" "Exchange 5 qualifying items to receive a Civilian grade Stat Clock.\nQualifying items include Freelance Graded or higher or Strange Items." "TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_output" "Statistiktællere kan kun monteres på\ngenstande af civilkvalitet" "[english]TF_TradeUp_CommonStatClock_output" "Stat Clock can only be applied to\nCivilian Grade Items" "TF_vote_pause_game" "Sæt spillet på pause i %s1 sekunder?" "[english]TF_vote_pause_game" "Pause the game for %s1 seconds?" "TF_vote_passed_pause_game" "Sætter spillet på pause..." "[english]TF_vote_passed_pause_game" "Pausing the game..." "Vote_PauseGame" "Sæt spillet på pause" "[english]Vote_PauseGame" "Pause Game" "TF_Canteen_EquipAction" "Ingen Power Up-flaske udstyret. Accepter for at udstyre din Power Up-flaske i handlingspositionen, så du kan bruge den." "[english]TF_Canteen_EquipAction" "No Power Up Canteen equipped. Accept to equip your Power Up Canteen in the Action slot to use it." "TF_Competitive_Stats_Season" "Sæson" "[english]TF_Competitive_Stats_Season" "Season" "TF_Competitive_Stats_Match" "Nylige" "[english]TF_Competitive_Stats_Match" "Recent" "TF_Competitive_GameOver" "Spillet slutter om %s1 sekunder. Det er sikkert at forlade spillet." "[english]TF_Competitive_GameOver" "Game will end in %s1 seconds. It is safe to leave." "TF_Competitive_NoData" "INGEN DATA" "[english]TF_Competitive_NoData" "NO DATA" "TF_Competitive_Stats" "STATISTIKKER" "[english]TF_Competitive_Stats" "STATS" "TF_Competitive_RankUpper" "RANG:" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankUpper" "RANK:" "TF_Competitive_Next" "NÆSTE:" "[english]TF_Competitive_Next" "NEXT:" "TF_Competitive_Ladder" "RANGSTIGE:" "[english]TF_Competitive_Ladder" "LADDER:" "TF_Competitive_Games" "Spil: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Games" "Games: %s1" "TF_Competitive_HighestRank" "Højeste rang:" "[english]TF_Competitive_HighestRank" "Highest Rank:" "TF_Competitive_Score" "Score: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Score" "Score: %s1" "TF_Competitive_Kills" "Drab: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Kills" "Kills: %s1" "TF_Competitive_Damage" "Skade: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Damage" "Damage: %s1" "TF_Competitive_Healing" "Heling: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Healing" "Healing: %s1" "TF_Competitive_Support" "Support: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Support" "Support: %s1" "TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Title" "Præstationsmedaljer" "[english]TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Title" "Performance Medals" "TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Text" "Medaljer tildeles, i slutningen af kampe, til spillere, hvis præstation i en hvis statistik betydeligt overgår deres medspilleres i alle nylige Competitive-kampe." "[english]TF_Competitive_MedalsHelp_Text" "Medals are awarded at the end of matches to players whose performance in a particular stat considerably exceeds that of their peers for all recent competitive matches." "TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_style1" "Style 1" "TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_fall2013_the_cotton_head_style2" "Style 2" "TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style1" "Style 1" "TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_sbox2014_trenchers_topper_style2" "Style 2" "Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownBonus" "BONUSMÅL LUKKET" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownBonus" "BONUS GOAL CLOSED" "Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownTitle" "BOLDSTYRKE NED" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownTitle" "JACK POWER DOWN" "Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpBonus" "BONUSMÅL ÅBENT" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpBonus" "BONUS GOAL OPEN" "Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpTitle" "BOLDSTYRKE OP" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpTitle" "JACK POWER UP" "Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpDetail" "Bonusmål er flere point værd" "[english]Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpDetail" "Bonus goal is worth more points" "TF_LastHitbeeps" "Afspil en lyd, når et af dine angreb dræber en fjende" "[english]TF_LastHitbeeps" "Play a last hit sound when one of your attacks kills an enemy" "TF_Dingaling_LastHit_Volume" "Lydstyrke for dræbelyd" "[english]TF_Dingaling_LastHit_Volume" "Last Hit sound volume" "TF_Dingaling_LastHit_PitchLowDmg" "Dræbelyd: Tonehøjde ved lav skade" "[english]TF_Dingaling_LastHit_PitchLowDmg" "Last Hit sound low damage pitch" "TF_Dingaling_LastHit_PitchHighDmg" "Dræbelyd: Tonehøjde ved høj skade" "[english]TF_Dingaling_LastHit_PitchHighDmg" "Last Hit sound high damage pitch" "TF_Contract_Progress_Competitive" "Kontrakt-brugergrænseflade i Competitive-kampe" "[english]TF_Contract_Progress_Competitive" "Contracts UI in Competitive Matches" "TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation_style1" "Style 1" "TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_cc_summer2015_the_rotation_sensation_style2" "Style 2" "TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style1_NoHat" "Stil 1 - Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style1_NoHat" "Style 1 No Hat" "TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style1_Hat" "Stil 1 - Med Hat" "[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style1_Hat" "Style 1 With Hat" "TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style2_NoHat" "Stil 2 - Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style2_NoHat" "Style 2 No Hat" "TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style2_Hat" "Stil 2 - Med Hat" "[english]TF_bak_sidekicks_side_slick_style2_Hat" "Style 2 With Hat" "TF_Defenders" "FORSVARERE" "[english]TF_Defenders" "DEFENDERS" "TF_Spectators" "TILSKUERE" "[english]TF_Spectators" "SPECTATORS" "TF_Team_PartyLeader" "Hold %s" "[english]TF_Team_PartyLeader" "Team %s" "game_player_joined_team_party_leader" "%s1 tilsluttede sig %s2" "[english]game_player_joined_team_party_leader" "%s1 joined %s2" "game_player_joined_autoteam_party_leader" "%s1 blev automatisk tildelt til %s2" "[english]game_player_joined_autoteam_party_leader" "%s1 was automatically assigned to %s2" "TF_CompSummary_StatsAndMedals" "STATISTIKKER OG MEDALJER" "[english]TF_CompSummary_StatsAndMedals" "STATS AND MEDALS" "TF_CompSummary_Stats" "STATISTIKKER" "[english]TF_CompSummary_Stats" "STATS" "MMenu_ReportPlayer" "Rapporter spiller" "[english]MMenu_ReportPlayer" "Report Player" "TF_Competitive_Global" "GLOBAL" "[english]TF_Competitive_Global" "GLOBAL" "FriendsLeaderboard_PageTitle" "Venners bidrag" "[english]FriendsLeaderboard_PageTitle" "Friends' Contributions" "TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style0" "Style 1" "TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style1" "Style 2" "TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style2" "Stil 3" "[english]TF_jul13_sweet_shades_style2" "Style 3" "TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style1" "Mørk - Skjul Granater" "[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style1" "Dark - Hide Grenades" "TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style2" "Lys - Skjul Granater" "[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style2" "Light - Hide Grenades" "TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style3" "Mørk" "[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style3" "Dark" "TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style4" "Lys" "[english]TF_xms2013_spy_jacket_style4" "Light" "TF_bak_pocket_villains" "Lommeskurke" "[english]TF_bak_pocket_villains" "Pocket Villains" "NewItemMethod_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "Dit Competitive-betapas genererede:" "[english]NewItemMethod_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "Your Competitive Beta Pass Generated:" "Item_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "%s1 har fundet:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "TF_Matchmaking_Banned" "Et medlem af din gruppe er blevet udelukket fra matchmaking indtil\n%s1." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Banned" "A member of your party has been banned from matchmaking until\n%s1." "TF_Matchmaking_PartyBanned" "Et medlem af din gruppe har for nylig forladt et spil. Du kan ikke spille før den følgende dato." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyBanned" "A member of your party has recently abandoned a game. You will be prevented from playing until the following date." "TF_Matchmaking_PartyLowPriority" "Et medlem af din gruppe har for nylig forladt et spil. Du vil blive matchet mod grupper i samme situation." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyLowPriority" "A member of your party has recently abandoned a game. You will be matched against parties that also have this flag." "TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Desc" "Giver adgang til Competitive-matchmakingbetaen til premium-brugere, der har Steam Guard-mobilauthenticatoren slået til." "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Desc" "Grants access to the Competitive Matchmaking Beta to Premium users who have Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled." "TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Invite" "Invitation til Competitive-matchmakingbeta" "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Invite" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite" "TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Invite_Desc" "Giv dette til en ven, der har en premium-konto og Steam Guard-mobilauthenticatoren slået til, for at give vedkommende adgang til Competitive-matchmakingbetaen." "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Viral_Invite_Desc" "Give this to a friend who has a Premium account and Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled to grant them access to the Competitive Matchmaking Beta." "TF_fall2013_escapist_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_fall2013_escapist_style1" "Style 1" "TF_fall2013_escapist_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_fall2013_escapist_style2" "Style 2" "TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit_style0" "Hat" "[english]TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit_style0" "Hat" "TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit_style1" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_sbox2014_pyro_zipper_suit_style1" "No Hat" "TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style1" "Normal" "TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style2" "Camouflage" "[english]TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style2" "Camo" "TF_AllFather_Style1" "Klassisk" "[english]TF_AllFather_Style1" "Classic" "TF_AllFather_Style2" "Tordenramt" "[english]TF_AllFather_Style2" "Thunderstruck" "MMenu_Stream_LiveStream" "LIVESTREAMINGER" "[english]MMenu_Stream_LiveStream" "LIVE STREAMS" "MMenu_Stream_Title" "Spiller lige nu:" "[english]MMenu_Stream_Title" "Currently Playing:" "MMenu_Stream_ViewMore" "VIS FLERE" "[english]MMenu_Stream_ViewMore" "VIEW MORE" "MMenu_Stream_Loading" "Henter streaminformation..." "[english]MMenu_Stream_Loading" "Retrieving stream information..." "TF_MM_LeaveParty_Title" "Forlad gruppe?" "[english]TF_MM_LeaveParty_Title" "Leave Party?" "TF_MM_LeaveParty_Confirm" "At forlade denne skærm vil fjerne dig fra gruppen. Fortsæt?" "[english]TF_MM_LeaveParty_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the party. Proceed?" "TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Afslut søgning?" "[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Exit Search?" "TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "At forlade denne skærm vil fjerne dig fra søgekøen. Fortsæt?" "[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the search queue. Proceed?" "TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "At dele er en dyd" "[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Sharing is Caring" "TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Deling er for skvat" "[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Sharing is for Wusses" "TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Crit-a-køler" "[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Crit-a-Cooler" "TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "God" "[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Good" "TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Ond" "[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Bad" "TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Grim" "[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Ugly" "TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Style 1" "TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style2" "Style 2" "TF_Winner" "VINDER" "[english]TF_Winner" "WINNER" "TF_Winners" "VINDERE" "[english]TF_Winners" "WINNERS" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_First_Place" "ozfortress Premier First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Second_Place" "ozfortress Premier Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Third_Place" "ozfortress Premier Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Participant" "ozfortress Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_First_Place" "ozfortress Intermediate First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Second_Place" "ozfortress Intermediate Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Third_Place" "ozfortress Intermediate Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Participant" "ozfortress Intermediate Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_First_Place" "ozfortress Open First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Second_Place" "ozfortress Open Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Third_Place" "ozfortress Open Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Participant" "ozfortress Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_First_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Second_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Third_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Summer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Participant" "ozfortress Summer Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season26" "Sæson 26" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season26" "Season 26" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season27" "Sæson 27" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season27" "Season 27" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season28" "Sæson 28" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season28" "Season 28" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season29" "Sæson 29" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season29" "Season 29" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season30" "Sæson 30" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season30" "Season 30" "TF_TournamentMedal_2017" "2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2017" "2017" "TF_SniperHat1_Style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_SniperHat1_Style0" "Style 1" "TF_SniperHat1_Style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_SniperHat1_Style1" "Style 2" "TF_HeavyHat1_Style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_HeavyHat1_Style0" "Style 1" "TF_HeavyHat1_Style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_HeavyHat1_Style1" "Style 2" "TF_Map_tc_hydro" "Hydro" "[english]TF_Map_tc_hydro" "Hydro" "TF_Map_cp_degrootkeep" "DeGroot Keep" "[english]TF_Map_cp_degrootkeep" "DeGroot Keep" "GameType_TerritorialControl" "Territorial Control" "[english]GameType_TerritorialControl" "Territorial Control" "GameType_Misc" "Diverse" "[english]GameType_Misc" "Misc" "TF_MM_Abandon_Ban" "At forlade dit hold vil resultere i en udelukkelse fra matchmaking i et væsentligt stykke tid." "[english]TF_MM_Abandon_Ban" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time." "TF_GameModeDesc_Misc" "Spiltilstande der ikke hører til de andre kategorier." "[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Misc" "Game modes that don't fit into one of the other categories." "TF_GameModeDetail_Misc" "Vælg denne indstilling for at spille spiltilstande som Territorial Control, Special Delivery, Medieval og Player Destruction." "[english]TF_GameModeDetail_Misc" "Select this option to play game modes like Territorial Control, Special Delivery, Medieval, and Player Destruction." "TF_enlightened_mann_style0" "For pompøs til at beskrive" "[english]TF_enlightened_mann_style0" "Too Pompous to Describe" "TF_enlightened_mann_style1" "Klassisk" "[english]TF_enlightened_mann_style1" "Classical" "TF_sbox2014_war_helmet_style1" "Visir Oppe" "[english]TF_sbox2014_war_helmet_style1" "Visor Up" "TF_sbox2014_war_helmet_style2" "Visir Nede" "[english]TF_sbox2014_war_helmet_style2" "Visor Down" "TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style0" "Original" "[english]TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style0" "Original" "TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style1" "Ensfarvet" "[english]TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style1" "Clean" "TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style2" "Dødningehoveder" "[english]TF_short2014_all_mercs_mask_style2" "Skulls" "TF_dec15_patriot_peak_Style0" "Med Hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_dec15_patriot_peak_Style0" "With Headphones" "TF_dec15_patriot_peak_Style1" "Uden Hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_dec15_patriot_peak_Style1" "Without Headphones" "TF_SoldierHat1_Style0" "Saltet" "[english]TF_SoldierHat1_Style0" "Salty" "TF_SoldierHat1_Style1" "Røget" "[english]TF_SoldierHat1_Style1" "Smoky" "cp_mountainlab_authors" "Valentin \"3DNJ\" Levillain" "[english]cp_mountainlab_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain" "MayflowerCosmetics_collection" "Mayflower-kosmetiksamling" "[english]MayflowerCosmetics_collection" "Mayflower Cosmetics Collection" "MayflowerCosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Mayflower-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]MayflowerCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Mayflower Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_MayflowerCosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Mayflower-hat" "[english]Footer_MayflowerCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Mayflower Hat" "TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase" "Mayflower-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase" "Mayflower Cosmetic Case" "TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nMayflower-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Mayflower-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nMayflower Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Mayflower Cosmetic Collection." "TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Mayflower-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Mayflower-hat" "[english]TF_MayflowerCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Mayflower Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Mayflower Hat" "TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey" "Mayflower-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey" "Mayflower Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Mayflower-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Mayflower Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Mayflower-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Gun Mettle-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_MayflowerCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Mayflower Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Mayflower Hat" "TF_may16_airdog" "Lufthunden" "[english]TF_may16_airdog" "The Airdog" "TF_may16_airdog_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_airdog_desc" "" "TF_may16_bedouin_bandana" "Beduinens Bandana" "[english]TF_may16_bedouin_bandana" "The Bedouin Bandana" "TF_may16_bedouin_bandana_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_bedouin_bandana_desc" "" "TF_may16_heralds_helm" "Heroldens Hjelm" "[english]TF_may16_heralds_helm" "The Herald's Helm" "TF_may16_heralds_helm_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_heralds_helm_desc" "" "TF_may16_courtly_cuirass" "Den Kyndige Kyras" "[english]TF_may16_courtly_cuirass" "The Courtly Cuirass" "TF_may16_courtly_cuirass_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_courtly_cuirass_desc" "" "TF_may16_squires_sabatons" "Soldatens Stålsko" "[english]TF_may16_squires_sabatons" "The Squire's Sabatons" "TF_may16_squires_sabatons_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_squires_sabatons_desc" "" "TF_may16_surgical_survivalist" "Den Kirurgiske Overlever" "[english]TF_may16_surgical_survivalist" "The Surgical Survivalist" "TF_may16_surgical_survivalist_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_surgical_survivalist_desc" "" "TF_may16_skullcap" "Dødshovedet" "[english]TF_may16_skullcap" "The Dead Head" "TF_may16_skullcap_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_skullcap_desc" "" "TF_may16_lurking_legionnaire" "Den Lurende Legionær" "[english]TF_may16_lurking_legionnaire" "The Lurking Legionnaire" "TF_may16_lurking_legionnaire_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_lurking_legionnaire_desc" "" "TF_may16_dayjogger" "Dagjoggeren" "[english]TF_may16_dayjogger" "The Dayjogger" "TF_may16_dayjogger_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_dayjogger_desc" "" "TF_may16_patriots_pouches" "Patriotens Patrontasker" "[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches" "The Patriot's Pouches" "TF_may16_patriots_pouches_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_desc" "" "TF_may16_dad_duds" "Farkludene" "[english]TF_may16_dad_duds" "The Dad Duds" "TF_may16_dad_duds_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_dad_duds_desc" "" "TF_may16_gauzed_gaze" "Slørets Stirren" "[english]TF_may16_gauzed_gaze" "The Gauzed Gaze" "TF_may16_gauzed_gaze_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_gauzed_gaze_desc" "" "TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher" "Demoens Støvfanger" "[english]TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher" "The Demo's Dustcatcher" "TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_demos_dustcatcher_desc" "" "TF_may16_scoped_spartan" "Den Sigtende Spartaner" "[english]TF_may16_scoped_spartan" "The Scoped Spartan" "TF_may16_scoped_spartan_desc" "" "[english]TF_may16_scoped_spartan_desc" "" "TF_TheElf_Style0" "Nordpol" "[english]TF_TheElf_Style0" "North Pole" "TF_TheElf_Style1" "Sydpol" "[english]TF_TheElf_Style1" "South Pole" "TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Style0" "Nordpol" "[english]TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Style0" "North Pole" "TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Style1" "Sydpol" "[english]TF_Scout_Elf_Boots_Style1" "South Pole" "TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style2" "Montreal-stil (Ingen Ørevarmere)" "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style2" "Montreal Style (No Earmuffs)" "TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style3" "Boston-stil (Ingen Ørevarmere)" "[english]TF_ToughStuffMuffs_Style3" "Boston Style (No Earmuffs)" "TF_OptionCategory_DemoSupport" "Demo-understøttelse" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_DemoSupport" "Demo Support" "TF_DemoSupport" "Optagelsestilstand" "[english]TF_DemoSupport" "Recording Mode" "TF_DemoSupport_ToolTip" "Manuel eller auto-optag. Når sat til manuel kan optagelsen startes og stoppes ved brug af kommandoerne ds_record/ds_stop. Auto-optag kan slås til for alle kampe, Competitive-kampe og turneringskampe (servere der bruger mp_tournament)" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_ToolTip" "Manual vs. Auto-Record. When set to Manual, recordings can be started/stopped using the ds_record/ds_stop commands. Auto-Record can be set to All matches, Competitive matches, and Tournament matches (servers using mp_tournament)" "TF_DemoSupport_Manual" "Manuel" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Manual" "Manual" "TF_DemoSupport_Comp" "Auto-optag Competitive-kampe" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Comp" "Auto-Record Competitive Matches" "TF_DemoSupport_All" "Auto-optag alle kampe" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_All" "Auto-Record All Matches" "TF_DemoSupport_Dir" "Mappen som skal anvendes" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Dir" "Folder to be used" "TF_DemoSupport_Dir_ToolTip" "Denne mappe bruges til demo-optagelser og tilknyttede demo-støttefiler. Mappen skal befinde sig i spilmappen." "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Dir_ToolTip" "This folder will be used for the demo recordings and associated demo support files. The folder must be under the game directory." "TF_DemoSupport_Prefix" "Filnavnspræfiks" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Prefix" "Filename prefix" "TF_DemoSupport_Prefix_ToolTip" "Denne streng bruges som præfiks til filerne, der bliver skabt" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Prefix_ToolTip" "This string will be used to prefix the files that are created" "TF_DemoSupport_MinStreak" "Min. drabsrækkeantal" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_MinStreak" "Min killstreak count" "TF_DemoSupport_MinStreak_ToolTip" "Dette er det mindste drabsrækkeantal, før drabsrækken bliver registreret" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_MinStreak_ToolTip" "This is the minimum killstreak count before the killstreaks are logged" "TF_DemoSupport_KillDelay" "Maks. tid mellem drab" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_KillDelay" "Max time between kills" "TF_DemoSupport_KillDelay_ToolTip" "Dette er den maksimale tid mellem drab, før drabsrækketælleren nulstiller." "[english]TF_DemoSupport_KillDelay_ToolTip" "This is the maximum time between kills before the killstreak count is reset to zero" "TF_DemoSupport_Log" "Log hændelser" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Log" "Log events" "TF_DemoSupport_Log_ToolTip" "Hvis valgt bliver alle hændelser logget til den almindelige \"_events.txt\"-fil og til en specifik .json-fil, som indeholder hændelser for hver tilknyttet .dem-fil" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Log_ToolTip" "If set, all events are logged to the general _events.txt file and to a specific .json file that contains the events for each associated .dem file" "TF_DemoSupport_Sound" "Afspil lyde for start/stop af hændelser" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Sound" "Play sounds for start/stop events" "TF_DemoSupport_Notify" "Placering for notifikationer i spillet" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Notify" "Location of the in-game notifications" "TF_DemoSupport_Notify_ConsoleOnly" "Kun konsol" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Notify_ConsoleOnly" "Console only" "TF_DemoSupport_Notify_Chat" "Konsol og chatvindue" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Notify_Chat" "Console and chat window" "TF_DemoSupport_Notify_HUD" "Konsol og HUD" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Notify_HUD" "Console and HUD" "TF_DemoSupport_Screens" "Gem automatisk et skærmbillede af pointtavlen til sidst" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Screens" "Auto-save a scores screenshot at the end of a match" "TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic_style0" "Ridder" "[english]TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic_style0" "Knight" "TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic_style1" "Bonde" "[english]TF_sbox2014_toowoomba_tunic_style1" "Peasant" "TF_bak_fear_monger_style1" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_bak_fear_monger_style1" "Style 1" "TF_bak_fear_monger_style2" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_bak_fear_monger_style2" "Style 2" "TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style1" "Normal" "TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2" "Camouflage" "[english]TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2" "Camo" "TF_MM_Generic_Kicked" "Fjernet fra kampen af systemet" "[english]TF_MM_Generic_Kicked" "Removed from match by system" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_Title" "Velkommen til Competitive-matchmaking!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_Title" "Welcome to Competitive Matchmaking!" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_Subtitle" "Her er nogle ting, du bør huske på, før du starter" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_Subtitle" "Here are some things to keep in mind before you get started" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Title" "Om Competitive-spil" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Title" "About Competitive Play" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Text" "Når du begynder at søge efter en Competitive-kamp, bliver du matchet med spillere af lignende færdighedsniveau i en 6 mod 6-kamp. Dit færdighedsniveau afgøres af en vedvarende rang knyttet til hver Competitive-kamp, du spiller. Idet du vinder og taber kampe, justeres din rang, så den afspejler dit færdighedsniveau (kaldt MMR)." "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionOne_Text" "When you queue up for a competitive match, you will be matched with players of similar skill into a 6v6 match. Your skill will be determined by a persistent rank associated with every competitive match that you play. As you win and lose matches, your Matchmaking Rating (MMR) will adjust to reflect your observed skill." "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionTwo_Title" "Competitive- vs. Casual-spil" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionTwo_Title" "Competitive vs. Casual Play" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionTwo_Text" " Da Competitive-kampe har en vedvarende indflydelse (kampresultater, antal medaljer, rangjusteringer, samlede resultater for sæsonen osv.) på en spillers oplevelse, kan du forvente en mere holdfokuseret, adrenalinfyldt oplevelse her." "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionTwo_Text" " Since competitive matches have a persistent impact (match results, medal counts, rating adjustments, season totals, etc.) on a player's experience, you can expect a more team-focused, adrenaline-charged experience here." "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Title" "At forlade Competitive-kampe" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Title" "Abandoning Competitive Matches" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Text" " At forlade dine holdkammerater (forlade serveren) midt i en Competitive-kamp vil tælle som et automatisk tab. Derudover vil du modtage en Competitive-matchmaking-nedkøling, der forhindrer dig i at spille flere Competitive-kampe i et væsentligt stykke tid. At forlade flere kampe efterfølgende vil øge denne nedkølings varighed markant." "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionThree_Text" " Abandoning your teammates (leaving the server) during a competitive match will count as an automatic loss. Additionally, you will receive a matchmaking cooldown, preventing you from playing further competitive matches for a significant time. Subsequent abandons will greatly increase the length of this cooldown." "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Title" "Forbindelsestab" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Title" "Connection Loss" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Text" " Hvis du af en hvilken som helst grund mister forbindelsen til en Competitive-kamp, har du en kort frist til at tilslutte det igangværende spil igen. Efter denne frist udløber, vil du automatisk forlade kampen." "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFour_Text" " If you lose connection to a competitive match for any reason, you will receive a short grace period during which you will be prompted to rejoin the game in progress. After this grace period expires, you will automatically abandon the match." "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFive_Title" "Bemærkning om tilpassede HUDs" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFive_Title" "Note About Custom HUDs" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFive_Text" "Hvis du bruger et tilpasset HUD, bedes du sikre, at det er opdateret. Hvis et tilpasset HUD ikke har fået de nye elementer tilføjet, kan det resultere i manglende dele af brugergrænsefladen eller stabilitetsproblemer." "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_SectionFive_Text" "If you are using a custom HUD, please make sure that it is up to date. Custom HUDs that have not had the new competitive elements added may result in missing UI or stability issues." "TF_Competitive_Welcome_Confirm" "Forstået!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_Confirm" "Got it!" "TF_Competitive_Welcome_DontShow" "Vis ikke dette igen" "[english]TF_Competitive_Welcome_DontShow" "Don't show this again" "TF_Weapon_Machete" "Machete" "[english]TF_Weapon_Machete" "Machete" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_1st" "UGC 6vs6 Gold 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_2nd" "UGC 6vs6 Gold 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Gold" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_3rd" "UGC 6vs6 Gold 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_1st" "1.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_1st" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_2nd" "2.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_2nd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_3rd" "3.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_3rd" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_Participant" "Deltager i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_Participant" "AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_summer_jimijam" "Sommerdeltager i TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_summer_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style0" "Medalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style0" "Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style1" "Knappenål" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style1" "Pin" "TF_reddit_random_acts" "Altruistens Pyntebånd" "[english]TF_reddit_random_acts" "Altruist's Adornment" "TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "En medalje til at genkende de generøse gavesendere fra Random Acts of TF2-gruppen" "[english]TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "A medal to recognize the generous gifters of the Random Acts of TF2 group" "TF_Wearable_Pouch" "Bæltetaske" "[english]TF_Wearable_Pouch" "Pouch" "cp_sunshine_authors" "Rebecca \"phi\" Ailes\nKimberly \"iiboharz\" Riswick\nSebastian Grus\nMellowretro\nTim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees" "[english]cp_sunshine_authors" "Rebecca 'phi' Ailes\nKimberly 'iiboharz' Riswick\nSebastian 'Seba' Grus\nMellowretro\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees" "cp_metalworks_authors" "Ian \"Scorpio Uprising\" Cuslidge" "[english]cp_metalworks_authors" "Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge" "pl_swiftwater_final1_authors" "Aaron \"Schwa\" McCallen\nLemon" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_authors" "Aaron 'Schwa' McCallen\nLemon" "TF_Map_Sunshine" "Sunshine" "[english]TF_Map_Sunshine" "Sunshine" "TF_MapToken_Sunshine" "Banefrimærke - Sunshine" "[english]TF_MapToken_Sunshine" "Map Stamp - Sunshine" "TF_MapToken_Sunshine_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Rebecca \"phi\" Ailes, Kimberly \"iiboharz\" Riswick, Sebastian Grus, Mellowretro og Tim \"SedimentarySocks\" BL\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Sunshine-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Sunshine_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Rebecca 'phi' Ailes, Kimberly 'iiboharz' Riswick, Sebastian Grus, Mellowretro, and Tim 'SedimentarySocks' BL\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sunshine community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Sunshine_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Sunshine-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Sunshine_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sunshine community map." "TF_Map_Metalworks" "Metalworks" "[english]TF_Map_Metalworks" "Metalworks" "TF_MapToken_Metalworks" "Banefrimærke - Metalworks" "[english]TF_MapToken_Metalworks" "Map Stamp - Metalworks" "TF_MapToken_Metalworks_Desc" "En Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Ian \"Scorpio Uprising\" Cuslidge\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Metalworks-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Metalworks_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Metalworks community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Metalworks_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberen af Metalworks-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Metalworks_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Metalworks community map." "TF_Map_Swiftwater" "Swiftwater" "[english]TF_Map_Swiftwater" "Swiftwater" "TF_MapToken_Swiftwater" "Banefrimærke - Swiftwater" "[english]TF_MapToken_Swiftwater" "Map Stamp - Swiftwater" "TF_MapToken_Swiftwater_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Aaron \"Schwa\" McCallen og Lemon\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Swiftwater-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Swiftwater_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Aaron 'Schwa' McCallen and Lemon\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Swiftwater community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Swiftwater_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Swiftwater-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Swiftwater_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Swiftwater community map." "TF_Map_Unknown" "Bane ikke fundet!" "[english]TF_Map_Unknown" "Map not found!" "TF_Map_pass_brickyard" "Brickyard" "[english]TF_Map_pass_brickyard" "Brickyard" "TF_Map_pass_timbertown" "Timbertown" "[english]TF_Map_pass_timbertown" "Timbertown" "TF_Map_pass_district" "District" "[english]TF_Map_pass_district" "District" "TF_Map_Sunshine_StrangePrefix" " Solbrændt" "[english]TF_Map_Sunshine_StrangePrefix" " Sunburned" "TF_Map_Metalworks_StrangePrefix" " Sænksmedet" "[english]TF_Map_Metalworks_StrangePrefix" " Drop-Forged" "TF_Map_Swiftwater_StrangePrefix" " Betagende" "[english]TF_Map_Swiftwater_StrangePrefix" " Breathtaking" "Winreason_ScoreLimit" "%s1 vandt ved at score %s2 gange" "[english]Winreason_ScoreLimit" "%s1 won by scoring %s2 times" "Winreason_ScoreLimit_One" "%s1 vandt ved at score" "[english]Winreason_ScoreLimit_One" "%s1 won by scoring" "WinPanel_StopWatch_Round_Complete" "%s1 GÅR VIDERE!" "[english]WinPanel_StopWatch_Round_Complete" "%s1 ADVANCES!" "WinPanel_StopWatch_Watching_RoundFinal" "SKIFTER SIDER!" "[english]WinPanel_StopWatch_Watching_RoundFinal" "SWITCHING SIDES!" "Winreason_Stopwatch_Watching_Rounds" "%s1 fortsætter sætter fortsat tempoet næste runde!\nKan %s2 stoppe dem?!" "[english]Winreason_Stopwatch_Watching_Rounds" "%s1 continues to set the pace in the next round!\nCan %s2 stop them?!" "Winreason_Stopwatch_SwitchSides" "Nu får %s1 deres chance!\nKan de gøre det bedre end %s2?!" "[english]Winreason_Stopwatch_SwitchSides" "Now %s1 gets their chance!\nCan they do better than %s2?!" "Winreason_Stopwatch_Playing_Rounds" "%s1 går videre til næste runde mens\nde udfordrer indsatsen fra %s2!" "[english]Winreason_Stopwatch_Playing_Rounds" "%s1 advances to the next round while\nthey challenge the performance set by %s2!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTimeAndClose" "%s1 fik %s2 på bare %s3. Hvis %s4 får %s5 hurtigere, vinder de!\n\n\"F1\" for at lukke." "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTimeAndClose" "%s1 got %s2 in just %s3. If %s4 gets %s5 faster, they win!\n\n' F1 ' to close." "Gametype_AttackDefense_Desc" "Skift mellem at erobre fjendens punkter og at stoppe fjenden i at erobre jeres." "[english]Gametype_AttackDefense_Desc" "Take turns capturing enemy points and stopping the enemy from capturing yours." "Gametype_CTF_Desc" "Stjæl fjendens mappe med efterretninger og bring den tilbage til jeres base!" "[english]Gametype_CTF_Desc" "Steal the enemy's intelligence and get it back to your base!" "Gametype_CP_Desc" "Erobr og forsvar en række kontrolpunkter. Erobr dem alle for at vinde!" "[english]Gametype_CP_Desc" "Capture and defend a series of control points. Capture them all to win!" "Gametype_Koth_Desc" "Vis dine fjender, hvem der bestemmer, alt imens der kæmpes om ét enkelt kontrolpunkt." "[english]Gametype_Koth_Desc" "Show your enemies who is the boss while fighting over a single capture point." "Gametype_Escort_Desc" "Skub en vogn, fuld af sprængstoffer, for at bringe død over dine fjender!" "[english]Gametype_Escort_Desc" "Push a cart full of explosives to wreak havoc on your enemies!" "Gametype_EscortRace_Desc" "En variant af Payload hvor begge hold skubber vogne fulde af sprængstoffer!" "[english]Gametype_EscortRace_Desc" "A variant of Payload where both teams push carts full of explosives!" "GameType_Misc_Desc" "Unikke tilstande som Territorial Control, Medieval Mode og flere." "[english]GameType_Misc_Desc" "Unique modes like Territory Control, Medieval Mode and more." "GameType_Powerup_Desc" "Brug powerups og gribekroge i denne variant af Capture the Flag." "[english]GameType_Powerup_Desc" "Use powerups and grapple hooks in this variant of Capture the Flag." "GameType_Passtime_Desc" "Spil et dødeligt spil fodboldhockeybasketball." "[english]GameType_Passtime_Desc" "Play a deadly game of soccerhockeybasketball." "Gametype_Arena_Desc" "Spil Counter-Strike!" "[english]Gametype_Arena_Desc" "Play Counter-Strike!" "Gametype_SD_Desc" "Kæmp om ét enkelt flag med et fælles kontrolpunkt." "[english]Gametype_SD_Desc" "Fight over a single flag with a common capture point." "TF_MMCat_Core" "Kernespiltilstande" "[english]TF_MMCat_Core" "Core Game Modes" "TF_MMCat_Alternative" "Alternative spiltilstande" "[english]TF_MMCat_Alternative" "Alternative Game Modes" "TF_MMCat_ExcludesRemaining" "%s1 ekskluderinger tilbage" "[english]TF_MMCat_ExcludesRemaining" "%s1 excludes remaining" "TF_Incompatible_AddOn" "Inkompatibel udvidelse" "[english]TF_Incompatible_AddOn" "Incompatible Add-On" "TF_PREC_Loaded" "P-REC er kendt for at skabe problemer med matchmaking. Du skal afinstallere P-REC, før du kan fortsætte. Demo-understøttelsesfunktionen i spillet kan bruges i stedet og kan konfigureres i de avancerede indstillinger." "[english]TF_PREC_Loaded" "P-REC has been known to cause issues with matchmaking. You must uninstall P-REC before continuing. The in-game Demo Support feature can be used instead and can be configured using the Adv. Options dialog." "TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_NAME" "Indstil Merasmus' Multi-dimensionelle Fjernsyn" "[english]TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_NAME" "Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television" "TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_DESC" "Afslør mysteriet om PASS Time TV-rummet." "[english]TF_PASS_TIME_HAT_DESC" "Reveal the mystery of the PASS Time TV Room." "TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_NAME" "Jackpot!" "[english]TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_NAME" "Jackpot!" "TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_DESC" "Vind 10 runder af PASS Time." "[english]TF_PASS_TIME_GRIND_DESC" "Win 10 rounds playing PASS Time." "TF_StrangeFilter_Prefix_Competitive" " Competitive" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Prefix_Competitive" " Competitive" "TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive" "Sært filter: Competitive" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive" "Strange Filter: Competitive" "TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Competitive-kampe." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Competitive_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events in Competitive Matches." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine" "Sært filter: Sunshine (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine" "Strange Filter: Sunshine (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Sunshine." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSunshine_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Sunshine." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMetalworks" "Sært filter: Metalworks (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMetalworks" "Strange Filter: Metalworks (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMetalworks_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Metalworks." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMetalworks_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Metalworks." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSwiftwater" "Sært filter: Swiftwater (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSwiftwater" "Strange Filter: Swiftwater (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSwiftwater_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Swiftwater." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSwiftwater_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Swiftwater." "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Scout" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Scout)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Scout" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Pyro" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Pyro)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Pyro" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Heavy" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Heavy)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Heavy" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Engineer" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Engineer)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Engineer" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Spy" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Spy)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Spy" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Sniper" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Sniper)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Sniper" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Soldier" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Soldier)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Soldier" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Medic" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Medic)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Medic" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Demo" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (Demo)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Demo" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_MultiClass" "Oplåst kosmetikkasse (multiklasse)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_MultiClass" "Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Scout_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Scout\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Scout_desc" "Contains a random Scout only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Pyro_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Pyro\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Pyro_desc" "Contains a random Pyro only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Heavy_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Heavy\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Heavy_desc" "Contains a random Heavy only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Engineer_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Engineer\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Engineer_desc" "Contains a random Engineer only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Spy_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Spy\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Spy_desc" "Contains a random Spy only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Sniper_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Sniper\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Sniper_desc" "Contains a random Sniper only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Soldier_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Soldier\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Soldier_desc" "Contains a random Soldier only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Medic_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Medic\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Medic_desc" "Contains a random Medic only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Demo_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand kun til Demoman\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_Demo_desc" "Contains a random Demoman only Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_MultiClass_desc" "Indeholder en tilfældig kosmetisk genstand til alle klasser\n\nIndholdet er muligvis sært\neller usædvanligt (kun hatte)" "[english]TF_KeylessCosmetic_Crate_MultiClass_desc" "Contains a random Multi-Class Cosmetic\n\nContents may be Strange\nor Unusual (hats only)" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_ReducedActive" "+%s1% modstandsdygtighed mod ild under brug" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_ReducedActive" "+%s1% fire damage resistance while deployed" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_ShieldRequired" "+%s1% hurtigere bevægelseshastighed for bæreren (skjold påkrævet)" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_ShieldRequired" "+%s1% faster move speed on wearer (shield required)" "Attrib_BoostOnDamage" "Ved træffer: Opbygger Boost\nLøbehastighed forøges med Boost" "[english]Attrib_BoostOnDamage" "On Hit: Builds Boost\nRun speed increased with Boost" "Attrib_LunchboxAddsAmmo" "Gendanner både ammunition og liv" "[english]Attrib_LunchboxAddsAmmo" "Restores ammo as well as health" "Attrib_LunchboxHealingDecreased" "%s1% helende effekt" "[english]Attrib_LunchboxHealingDecreased" "%s1% healing effect" "Attrib_Fuse_Bonus" "%s1% luntetid på granater" "[english]Attrib_Fuse_Bonus" "%s1% fuse time on grenades" "Attrib_DamageBonusAgainstSentryTarget" "%s1% forøget skade mod dit Sentrys mål" "[english]Attrib_DamageBonusAgainstSentryTarget" "%s1% increased damage to your sentry's target" "Attrib_TeleporterBuildCost" "%s1% metalomkostninger når du konstruerer eller opgraderer teleportere" "[english]Attrib_TeleporterBuildCost" "%s1% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters" "Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% skadebonus mod brændende spillere" "[english]Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% damage bonus vs burning players" "Attrib_PierceResists" "Angreb gennembryder skaderesistens-effekter og -bonusser" "[english]Attrib_PierceResists" "Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses" "TF_use_min_viewmodels_option" "Anvend formindskede visningsmodeller" "[english]TF_use_min_viewmodels_option" "Use minimized viewmodels" "MMenu_FindAGame" "Find et spil" "[english]MMenu_FindAGame" "Find a Game" "MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Button" "Casual" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Button" "Casual" "MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Desc" "Spil en kamp TF2 med andre spillere i en spiltilstand efter dit valg." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Casual_Desc" "Play a match of TF2 with other players in a game mode of your choosing." "MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Button" "Competitive" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Button" "Competitive" "MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Desc" "Spil en rangeret, konkurrencepræget kamp med andre spillere." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Competitive_Desc" "Play a ranked, competitive match with other players." "MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Button" "Mann vs. Machine" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Button" "Mann vs. Machine" "MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Desc" "Samarbejd på et hold af 6 spillere for at besejre bølger af morderiske robotter." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_MvM_Desc" "Cooperate on a team of 6 players to defeat waves of murderous robots." "MMenu_PlayList_ServerBrowser_Button" "Fællesskabsservere" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_ServerBrowser_Button" "Community Servers" "MMenu_PlayList_ServerBrowser_Desc" "Gennemse fællesskabsservere efter et spil at deltage i." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_ServerBrowser_Desc" "Browse community servers to find a game to drop into." "MMenu_PlayList_Training_Button" "Træning" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Training_Button" "Training" "MMenu_PlayList_Training_Desc" "Lær TF2 ud og ind." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_Training_Desc" "Learn the ins and outs of TF2." "MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Button" "Quickplay" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Button" "Quickplay" "MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Desc" "Find hurtigt et spil at tilslutte." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_QuickPlay_Desc" "Quickly find a game to join." "MMenu_CompetitiveAccess" "Competitive-adgang" "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccess" "Competitive Access" "MMenu_CompetitiveAccess_Desc" "Du kvalificerer dig på nuværende tidspunkt ikke til Competitive-matchmaking.\nFuldfør enhver af mulighederne for at opnå adgang." "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccess_Desc" "You currently do not qualify for Competitive Matchmaking.\nFulfill either of the options below to gain access." "MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1" "MULIGHED 1" "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1" "OPTION 1" "MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1_Desc" "Du skal have en premium TF2-konto, tilknytte et kvalificerende telefonnummer (ikke-VOIP) til din Steam-konto og være mindst niveau 3 i Casual. Klik på billederne nedenunder for flere oplysninger." "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption1_Desc" "Have a premium TF2 Account, associate a qualifying telephone number (non-VOIP) with your Steam account, and be at least Casual level 3. Click the images below for more information." "MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption2" "MULIGHED 2" "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption2" "OPTION 2" "MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption2_Desc" "Hvis du ikke er i stand til at vælge mulighed 1, kan du købe et permanent Competitive-matchmakingspas ved at klikke på billedet nedenfor." "[english]MMenu_CompetitiveAccessOption2_Desc" "If you're unable to choose Option 1, you can purchase a lifetime Competitive Matchmaking Pass by clicking on the image below." "MMenu_Tooltip_Replay" "Gengivelser" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Replay" "Replays" "MMenu_Tooltip_Workshop" "Værksted" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Workshop" "Workshop" "MMenu_WarHighlightPanel_Title" "Vælg en side!" "[english]MMenu_WarHighlightPanel_Title" "Pick a side!" "MMenu_WarHighlightPanel_Body" "Heavy og Pyro er i krig, og det er op til dig at hjælpe med at finde en vinder! Klik på \"Heavy mod Pyro\"-knappen for at lære mere om krigen og tilslutte dig kampen." "[english]MMenu_WarHighlightPanel_Body" "Heavy and Pyro are at war, and it's up to you to help decide who wins! Click the 'Heavy vs. Pyro' button to learn about the war and join the fight." "MMenu_ViewWar" "Heavy mod Pyro" "[english]MMenu_ViewWar" "Heavy vs. Pyro" "MMenu_SafeMode_Title" "Fejlsikret tilstand" "[english]MMenu_SafeMode_Title" "Safe Mode" "MMenu_SafeMode_Explanation" "Du er i fejlsikret tilstand. I denne tilstand tvinges alle ConVars til deres standardværdier, tilpasset indhold indlæses ikke og andre ting, som John kender til.\n\nHvis dette løste dit problem, så tryk på \"Behold indstillinger\". Hvis ikke så tryk på \"Forlad fejlsikret tilstand\"." "[english]MMenu_SafeMode_Explanation" "You are in Safe Mode. In this mode, all ConVars are forced to default values, custom content is not loaded, and other stuff John knows about.\n\nIf this fixed any issues you were having, press the \"Keep Settings\" button, if not press the \"Leave Safe Mode\" button." "MMenu_SafeMode_SaveSettings" "Behold indstillinger" "[english]MMenu_SafeMode_SaveSettings" "Keep Settings" "MMenu_SafeMode_LeaveSafeMode" "Forlad fejlsikret tilstand" "[english]MMenu_SafeMode_LeaveSafeMode" "Leave Safe Mode" "Store_Class_Bundles" "Startpakker" "[english]Store_Class_Bundles" "Starter Packs" "Store_Case_Label" "Kasser" "[english]Store_Case_Label" "Cases" "Store_Key_Label" "Nøgler" "[english]Store_Key_Label" "Keys" "Store_Taunt_Label" "Hån" "[english]Store_Taunt_Label" "Taunts" "Store_Price_Highlighted" "FREMHÆVET!" "[english]Store_Price_Highlighted" "SPOTLIGHT!" "Tooltip_use_min_viewmodels_option" "Hvis valgt vil dit aktive våben i førsteperson blive rykket, så det optager minimal skærmplads." "[english]Tooltip_use_min_viewmodels_option" "If set, the first person view of your active weapon will be drawn using minimal screen space." "TF_DemoSupport_Tournament" "Auto-optag turneringskampe" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_Tournament" "Auto-Record Tournament Matches" "TF_DemoSupport_AutoDelete" "Auto-slet optagelser" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_AutoDelete" "Auto-delete recordings" "TF_DemoSupport_AutoDelete_ToolTip" "Auto-slet optagelser med ingen tilknyttede bogmærker eller drabsrækkebegivenheder" "[english]TF_DemoSupport_AutoDelete_ToolTip" "Auto-delete recordings with no associated bookmark or kill streak events" "TF_Comp_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "I Competitive-tilstand matches du automatisk med andre spillere for at skabe et hold på 6 spillere.\n\nFor at invitere venner, før du bliver matchet, kan du oprette en gruppe ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor." "[english]TF_Comp_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "In Competitive Mode you are automatically matched with other players to form a team of 6.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below." "TF_Casual_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "I Casual-matchmaking matches du automatisk med andre spillere for at skabe et hold på 12 spillere.\n\nFor at invitere venner, før du bliver matchet, kan du oprette en gruppe ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor." "[english]TF_Casual_PlayWithFriendsExplanation" "In Casual Matchmaking, you are automatically matched with other players to form a team of 12.\n\nTo invite friends before being matched, start a Party by clicking the button below." "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCasual" "Casual" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderCasual" "Casual" "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderMvM" "Mann vs. Machine" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderMvM" "Mann vs. Machine" "TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "Du har modtaget en %s1 time(r) og %s2 minut(ter) lang \nnedkøling for kampforladelse eller dårlig opførsel.\nTid tilbage: %s3 time(r) og %s4 minut(ter)." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "You have received a %s1 hour %s2 minute \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes" "TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "Du har modtaget en %s1 dag(e) og %s2 time(r) lang \nnedkøling for kampforladelse eller dårlig opførsel.\nTid tilbage: %s3 dag(e) %s4 time(r)" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 days %s4 hours" "TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "Du har modtaget en %s1 dag(e) og %s2 time(r) lang \n nedkøling for kampforladelse eller dårlig opførsel.\nTid tilbage: %s3 time(r) og %s4 minut(ter)" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \n cooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes" "TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Short" "Du har modtaget en %s1 minut(ter) lang \nnedkøling for forladelse af kampe eller dårlig opførsel.\nTid tilbage: %s2 minut(ter)" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Short" "You have received a %s1 minute \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s2 minutes" "TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Shortly" "I øjeblikket udelukket fra matchmaking.\nDin udelukkelse udløber snart." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Shortly" "Currently Banned from Matchmaking.\nYour ban will end shortly." "TF_Matchmaking_MatchInProgress" "Kamp i gang" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_MatchInProgress" "Match in progress" "TF_Matchmaking_MatchInProgress_RestoringConnection" "Gendanner forbindelsen til spilserver..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_MatchInProgress_RestoringConnection" "Restoring connection to game server..." "TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta" "Competitive-matchmakingbetapas" "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass" "TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Desc" "Et minde om din deltagelse i Competitive-tilstandsbetaen 2016. Tak for din hjælp!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Desc" "A memento of your participation in the 2016 Competitive Mode Beta. Thank you for your help!" "TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Viral_Invite" "Invitation til Competitive-matchmakingbeta" "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Viral_Invite" "Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite" "TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Viral_Invite_Desc" "Denne genstand kan ikke længere bruges. Det var tidligere en invitation til Competitive-tilstandsbetaen 2016. Betaen er nu slut." "[english]TF_Competitive_Pass_Beta_Viral_Invite_Desc" "This item is no longer usable. It was previously an invite for the 2016 Competitive Mode Beta. The beta is now over." "TF_Competitive_Stats_Total" "I alt" "[english]TF_Competitive_Stats_Total" "Total" "TF_Competitive_Deaths" "Dødsfald: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Deaths" "Deaths: %s1" "TF_Competitive_XP" "%s1 xp" "[english]TF_Competitive_XP" "%s1 xp" "TF_Competitive_XP_Current" "Nuværende: %s1 xp" "[english]TF_Competitive_XP_Current" "Current: %s1 xp" "TF_Competitive_Level" "Level: %s1, niveau: %s2" "[english]TF_Competitive_Level" "Level: %s1 Tier: %s2" "TF_Competitive_RankTitle" "Rang" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankTitle" "Rank" "TF_Competitive_ViewLeaderboards" "Førertavler" "[english]TF_Competitive_ViewLeaderboards" "Leaderboards" "TF_Competitive_ViewMatches" "Historik" "[english]TF_Competitive_ViewMatches" "History" "TF_Competitive_Result" "Resultat" "[english]TF_Competitive_Result" "Result" "TF_Competitive_Date" "Dato" "[english]TF_Competitive_Date" "Date" "TF_Competitive_Map" "Bane" "[english]TF_Competitive_Map" "Map" "TF_Competitive_KDR" "KDR" "[english]TF_Competitive_KDR" "KDR" "TF_Competitive_MatchHistory_Win" "Sejr" "[english]TF_Competitive_MatchHistory_Win" "Win" "TF_Competitive_MatchHistory_Loss" "Tab" "[english]TF_Competitive_MatchHistory_Loss" "Loss" "TF_Casual_Explanation_Intro_Title" "Casual-matchmaking" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Intro_Title" "Casual Matchmaking" "TF_Casual_Explanation_Intro_Body" "Velkommen til casual-matchmaking! Herfra vil du kunne vælge de spiltilstande du ønsker at spille, se dine fremskridt, og invitere venner du ønsker at danne gruppe med." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Intro_Body" "Welcome to casual matchmaking! From here you'll be able to select what game modes you'd like to play, track your progress, and invite friends to party up with you." "TF_Casual_Explanation_Rank_Title" "At stige i niveau" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Rank_Title" "Leveling up" "TF_Casual_Explanation_Rank_Body" "Når du spiller Casual-kampe, modtager du erfaring baseret på din score i slutningen af kampen. Du mister aldrig erfaring, og dit emblem bliver opgraderet med hvert niveau, du opnår." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Rank_Body" "As you play casual matches, you'll gain experience based on your score at the end of the match. Your experience never goes down and your badge will be upgraded with every level you gain." "TF_Casual_Explanation_Modes_Title" "Valg af baner" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Modes_Title" "Selecting Maps" "TF_Casual_Explanation_Modes_Body" "Her kan du vælge alle de baner, du gerne vil spille. Du kan hurtigt komme i gang ved at vælge \"Kernespiltilstande\" eller \"Alternative spiltilstande\". Du kan også tilpasse dit udvalg ved at vælge individuelle spiltilstande eller individuelle baner. Bemærk dog, at hvis du kun vælger få baner, kan det resultere i lange ventetider for at komme ind i et spil." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Modes_Body" "Here you can choose all the maps you'd like to be matched into. You can quickly get started by selecting 'Core' or 'Alternative Game Modes'. Or customize your selection by choosing individual game modes, or even individual maps. But be aware that only having a few maps selected may result in waiting longer to get matched into a game." "TF_Casual_Explanation_Party_Title" "Grupper" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Party_Title" "Partying" "TF_Casual_Explanation_Party_Body" "Du kan invitere venner til at spille kampe med dig, ved at invitere dem til din gruppe her." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_Party_Body" "You can invite friends to play matches with you by inviting them to your party here." "TF_MM_TakeUITour" "Lær det nye UI" "[english]TF_MM_TakeUITour" "Tour the new UI" "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Intro_Title" "Competitive-matchmaking" "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Intro_Title" "Competitive Matchmaking" "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Intro_Body" "Velkommen til Competitive-matchmaking! Her kan du se din kamphistorik, se hvor du ligger på den globale førertavle og venneførertavlen, holde øje med din rang." "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Intro_Body" "Welcome to competitive matchmaking! From here you'll be able to view your match history, see where you rank on global and friend leaderboards and track your rank." "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Rank_Title" "Rang" "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Rank_Title" "Rank" "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Rank_Body" "Når du spiller Competitive-kampe, stiger din rang, når du vinder, og falder, når du taber. Den mest nylige ændring bliver fremhævet på denne rang-bjælke." "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Rank_Body" "As you play competitive matches, your rank will go up when you win and go down when you lose. The most recent change will be represented as a highlight on this rank bar." "TF_Competitive_Explanation_History_Title" "Historik" "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_History_Title" "History" "TF_Competitive_Explanation_History_Body" "Hver kamp, du spiller, kan gennemgås i kamphistorikken her. Du kan med knapperne i toppen skifte mellem førertavlerne for alle spillere og dine venner." "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_History_Body" "Every match that you play will create a match history entry here that you can review. You can also toggle the buttons at the top to view global and friends leaderboards." "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Party_Title" "Grupper" "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Party_Title" "Partying" "TF_Competitive_Explanation_Party_Body" "Du kan invitere venner til at spille kampe med dig, ved at invitere dem til din gruppe her." "[english]TF_Competitive_Explanation_Party_Body" "You can invite friends to play matches with you by inviting them to your party here." "TF_Casual_Welcome_Title" "Velkommen til Casual-matchmaking!" "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Title" "Welcome to Casual Matchmaking!" "TF_Casual_Welcome_Subtitle" "Lige et par ting inden du går i gang..." "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Subtitle" "Just a few things before you get you started..." "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Title" "Om Casual-spil" "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Title" "About Casual Play" "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" " Når du begynder at søge efter en Casual-kamp, bliver du matchet i en 12 mod 12-kamp afhængigt af spiltilstandene, du har valgt. Du optjener erfaring, niveauer og emblemer med tiden baseret på din personlige præstation." "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" " When you queue up for a casual match, you will be matched into a 12v12 game based on the game modes you've selected. You will earn experience, levels, and badges over time based on your personal performance." "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Forladelse af Casual-kampe" "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Abandoning Casual Matches" "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Text" " At forlade dine holdkammerater (forlade serveren) midt i en Casual-kamp vil tælle som et automatisk tab, og du modtager ingen XP. Derudover vil du modtage en matchmaking-nedkøling, der forhindrer dig i at spille flere Casual-kampe i et stykke tid. At forlade flere kampe efterfølgende kan øge denne nedkølings varighed." "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Text" " Abandoning your teammates (leaving the server) during a Casual match will count as an automatic loss, and you will receive no experience. Additionally, you will receive a matchmaking cooldown, preventing you from playing further Casual matches for a period of time. Subsequent abandons may increase the length of this cooldown." "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Title" "Sene tilslutninger" "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Title" "Late joins" "TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Text" " Hvis der er tomme pladser på en server, kan spillere tilslutte den igangværende kamp. Hvis du mister forbindelse til serveren, kan du desuden tilslutte Casual-kampen igen." "[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Text" " If empty slots are available on a server, players may connect into the match in progress. Additionally, if you lose connection to the server, you may rejoin the Casual match in progress." "TF_Competitive_Requirements" "Du opfylder ikke kravene for at tilgå denne funktion.\n\nKlik for at få mere information." "[english]TF_Competitive_Requirements" "You do not meet the requirements needed to access this feature.\n\nClick for more information." "TF_Competitive_MatchRunning" "Du er på nuværende tidspunkt tilknyttet en kamp, som du ikke kan forlade uden at modtage en straf. Prøv igen, når du har spillet kampen færdig." "[english]TF_Competitive_MatchRunning" "You are currently assigned to a match that you cannot abandon without penalty. Please try again once your match is finished." "TF_Casual_CoreTitle" "Kernespiltilstande" "[english]TF_Casual_CoreTitle" "Core Game Modes" "TF_Casual_AltTitle" "Alternative spiltilstande" "[english]TF_Casual_AltTitle" "Alternative Game Modes" "TF_War_StandingsTitle" "Direkte afstemningsresultater" "[english]TF_War_StandingsTitle" "Live \"Voting\" Results" "TF_War_YourSide" "(din side)" "[english]TF_War_YourSide" "(Your side)" "TF_War_HowToPlay" "Scor point i Casual- eller Competitive-kampe for at bidrage til din side." "[english]TF_War_HowToPlay" "Score points in Casual or Competitive matches to contribute to your side." "TF_War_FailedToJoin" "Kunne ikke deltage i krigen.\nPrøv igen senere." "[english]TF_War_FailedToJoin" "Couldn't join the war.\nPlease try again later." "TF_War_JoiningTeam" "Tilslutter %s1..." "[english]TF_War_JoiningTeam" "Joining %s1..." "TF_War_JoinedTeam" "Tilsluttede %s1!" "[english]TF_War_JoinedTeam" "Joined %s1!" "TF_War_HeavyVsPyro" "Heavy mod Pyro" "[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro" "Heavy vs. Pyro" "TF_War_ConfirmSideSelection" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at tilslutte dig %s1?\nDu kan ikke skifte sider efter du har foretaget dit valg." "[english]TF_War_ConfirmSideSelection" "Are you sure you want to join %s1?\nYou cannot change sides after you've made your selection." "TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_Explanation" "Én heldig klasse vil modtage en komplet klassepakke i en fremtidig opdatering! Nye våben! Ny balancering! Nye præstationer! Det kunne blive Heavy. Eller det kunne blive Pyro. Men det bliver ikke begge!\n\nHer er hvordan det fungerer. Du får mulighed for at vælge en side. (Vælg forsigtigt, for du kan kun vælge én gang.) I løbet af krigen vil hvert point, du scorer, tælle mod enten Team Heavy eller Team Pyro. Hvilken klasse fortjener det mest? Stem med din ammunition, og så tæller vi skud-stemmerne med vores computere." "[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_Explanation" "One lucky class is going to get a full-fledged class pack in a future update! New weapons! New balancing! New achievements! It could be Heavy. Or it could be Pyro. But it's not gonna be both!\n\nHere's how it works. You get to choose a side. (Choose wisely, because you only get to pick once.) During the war, every point you score will count towards either Team Heavy or Team Pyro. Which class deserves it more? Vote with your bullets, and we will listen to those bullet-votes with our computers." "TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SideHeavy" "Team Heavy" "[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SideHeavy" "Team Heavy" "TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SidePyro" "Team Pyro" "[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SidePyro" "Team Pyro" "TF_War_NoGC" "Ingen forbindelse til spilkoordinatoren.\n\nUde af stand til at tilslutte hold eller vise stemmeresultater!" "[english]TF_War_NoGC" "No connection to game coordinator.\n\nTeam joining and voting results unavailable!" "ShowComic" "Læs tegneserien" "[english]ShowComic" "View the comic" "JoinHeavyButton" "Vælg Heavy" "[english]JoinHeavyButton" "Choose Heavy" "JoinPyroButton" "Vælg Pyro" "[english]JoinPyroButton" "Choose Pyro" "OverviewPage_PageTitle" "Oversigt" "[english]OverviewPage_PageTitle" "Overview" "OverviewPage_YourKills" "Dine drab: " "[english]OverviewPage_YourKills" "Your kills: " "OverviewPage_YourContribution" "Dit bidrag: " "[english]OverviewPage_YourContribution" "Your contribution: " "OverviewPage_LevelLabel" "Niveau: " "[english]OverviewPage_LevelLabel" "Level: " "OverviewPage_ProgressBarLabel" "Fremskridt til næste niveau" "[english]OverviewPage_ProgressBarLabel" "Progress To Next Level" "OverviewPage_GlobalScore" "Global score" "[english]OverviewPage_GlobalScore" "Global Score" "TF_taunt_the_carlton" "Hån: Carlton-dansen" "[english]TF_taunt_the_carlton" "Taunt: The Carlton" "TF_taunt_the_carlton_Desc" "Scout-hån\nNoget nyt, kammerat? Denne super sleske sexbombe, du lige fyrede af på slagmarken." "[english]TF_taunt_the_carlton_Desc" "Scout Taunt\nWhat's new, pussycat? This super-smooth sex bomb you just dropped on the battlefield." "TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet" "Den Mørke Falkirk-hjelm" "[english]TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet" "The Dark Falkirk Helm" "TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet_style0" "Åben" "[english]TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet_style0" "Open" "TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet_style1" "Lukket" "[english]TF_sbox2014_knight_helmet_style1" "Closed" "TF_sbox2014_armor_shoes" "De Knæhøje Tåkrummere" "[english]TF_sbox2014_armor_shoes" "The Sole Saviors" "TF_taunt_disco_fever" "Hån: Diskofeber" "[english]TF_taunt_disco_fever" "Taunt: Disco Fever" "TF_taunt_disco_fever_Desc" "Spy-hån\nRyst dine lemmer over de begravede stumper fra dine fjender." "[english]TF_taunt_disco_fever_Desc" "Spy Taunt\nBump and hustle over the buried gibs of your enemies." "TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare" "Hån: Fubar-fanfaren" "[english]TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare" "Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare" "TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare_Desc" "Soldier-hån\n\"Frihed er ikke gratis, maddiker! Gæt prisen! Forkert! Det er for højt! Frihed er IKKE så dyrt!\"" "[english]TF_taunt_fubar_fanfare_Desc" "Soldier Taunt\n\"Freedom isn't free, maggots! Guess the price! Wrong! That is too high! Freedom is NOT that expensive!\"" "TF_taunt_balloonibouncer" "Hån: Balloonibounceren" "[english]TF_taunt_balloonibouncer" "Taunt: The Balloonibouncer" "TF_taunt_balloonibouncer_Desc" "Pyro-hån\nBrænd dine problemer væk med dette fjedersjove vippedyr." "[english]TF_taunt_balloonibouncer_Desc" "Pyro Taunt\nTorch your troubles away with this spring-mounted fiberglass fun-frenzy." "TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat" "Civil-graderet JACK-hat" "[english]TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat" "Civilian Grade JACK Hat" "TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Undgå med sikkerhed hjernerystelser og hovedskud... muligvis." "[english]TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Guaranteed to prevent concussions and headshots... probably." "TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat" "Militær-graderet JACK-hat" "[english]TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat" "Military Grade JACK Hat" "TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Undgå med sikkerhed hjernerystelser og hovedskud... muligvis. Retro urban camouflage-version!" "[english]TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Guaranteed to prevent concussions and headshots... probably. Throwback Urban Camo edition!" "TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK" "PASS Time Miniature Halv-JACK" "[english]TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK" "PASS Time Miniature Half JACK" "TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK_Desc" "En gave fra Engineer til Soldier for at fejre hans kærlighed til PASS Time." "[english]TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK_Desc" "A gift from Engineer to Soldier to commemorate his love of PASS Time." "TF_PASSTimeEarlyParticipationPin" "PASS Time-knap for Tidlig Deltagelse" "[english]TF_PASSTimeEarlyParticipationPin" "PASS Time Early Participation Pin" "TF_PASSTimeEarlyParticipationPin_Desc" "En fornem tjenestemedalje tildelt PASS Time-betaspillere." "[english]TF_PASSTimeEarlyParticipationPin_Desc" "A distinguished service medal provided to the PASS Time beta players." "TF_prinny_machete" "Prinny-machete" "[english]TF_prinny_machete" "Prinny Machete" "TF_prinny_machete_Desc" "" "[english]TF_prinny_machete_Desc" "" "TF_prinny_pouch" "Prinny-pung" "[english]TF_prinny_pouch" "Prinny Pouch" "TF_prinny_pouch_Desc" "" "[english]TF_prinny_pouch_Desc" "" "TF_prinny_hat" "Prinny-hat" "[english]TF_prinny_hat" "Prinny Hat" "TF_prinny_hat_Desc" "" "[english]TF_prinny_hat_Desc" "" "ItemTypeDescStrangeFilterCompetitive" "Competitive" "[english]ItemTypeDescStrangeFilterCompetitive" "Competitive" "TF_Casual_ViewMaps" "Vis baner" "[english]TF_Casual_ViewMaps" "View Maps" "MMenu_PlayList_CreateServer_Button" "Opret server" "[english]MMenu_PlayList_CreateServer_Button" "Create Server" "MMenu_PlayList_CreateServer_Desc" "Opret din egen server som andre kan tilslutte." "[english]MMenu_PlayList_CreateServer_Desc" "Create your own server for others to join." "TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Title" "Om at vælge bane" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Title" "About Map Selection" "TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Her kan du vælge hvilke baner, du ønsker at spille. Du bliver kun sat i spil på baner, du har valgt.\n\nDen farvede bjælke under banenavnene indikerer, hvor mange spillere på verdensplan, der søger efter den bane. En stor grøn bjælke indikerer, at flere folk søger efter denne bane end en kort grå bjælke." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_MapsDetails_Body" "Here you can tailor your selection of maps you want to play. You will only be matched into maps you have selected.\n\nThe colored bars under the map names represent how many people in the world are searching for that map. A large green bar indicates more people are searching for this map than one with a short grey bar." "TF_Casual_MapSelection" "Banevalg" "[english]TF_Casual_MapSelection" "Map Selection" "TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Plural" "%s1 baner valgt" "[english]TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Plural" "%s1 maps selected" "TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Singular" "%s1 bane valgt" "[english]TF_Casual_SelectedMaps_Singular" "%s1 map selected" "TF_Casual_QueueEstimation" "Anslået ventetid: %s1" "[english]TF_Casual_QueueEstimation" "Estimated wait: %s1" "TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_Good" "Hurtig" "[english]TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_Good" "Quick" "TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_OK" "Moderat" "[english]TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_OK" "Moderate" "TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_Bad" "Lang" "[english]TF_Casual_QueueEstimation_Bad" "Long" "TF_Map_tr_dustbowl" "Dustbowl (træning)" "[english]TF_Map_tr_dustbowl" "Dustbowl (Training)" "TF_Map_tr_target" "Target (træning)" "[english]TF_Map_tr_target" "Target (Training)" "TF_War_EndFutureDate" "Krigen slutter d. %s1" "[english]TF_War_EndFutureDate" "War ends on %s1" "TF_War_EndPastDate" "Krigen sluttede d. %s1" "[english]TF_War_EndPastDate" "War ended on %s1" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report" "Rapportér" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report" "Report" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason1" "Snyd" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason1" "Cheating" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason2" "Passiv/AFK" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason2" "Idle/AFK" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason3" "Chikane" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason3" "Harassment" "TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "Griefing" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "Griefing" "TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "Du har modtaget en matchmaking-udelukkelse på grund af en stor mængde rapporter fra andre spillere. Efter den nuværende udelukkelse udløber, vil yderligere rapporter resultere i længere udelukkelser." "[english]TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "You have received a matchmaking ban due to excessive reports from other players. After the current ban is completed, further reports will result in subsequent bans of increased duration." "TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "Nogen, du rapporterede, har modtaget en matchmaking-udelukkelse som følge af deres opførsel. Tak for dit bidrag til at gøre TF2-fællesskabet et sjovt og velkomment sted for alle spillere." "[english]TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "Someone you reported has received a matchmaking ban as a result of their behavior. Thank you for your contributions in helping to make the TF2 community a fun and welcoming place for all players." "TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro har vundet!" "[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro has won!" "TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "På grund af Team Pyros indsats i krigen, vil Pyro modtage en klasse-pakke i en kommende opdatering!" "[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "Due to Team Pyro's effort in the war, Pyro will be receiving a class pack in a future update!" "TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "Kraniebat" "[english]TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "Skull Bat" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1" "Stilfuld Campist" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1" "Jaunty Camper" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2" "Stilfuld Velgører" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2" "Jaunty Benefactor" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3" "Stilfuld Pioner" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3" "Jaunty Trailblazer" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats 2016-velgørenhedsbegivenheden" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2016 charity event" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016" "Florida LAN 2016" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016" "Florida LAN 2016" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Florida LAN 2016-begivenheden" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Florida LAN 2016 event" "TF_Wearable_Wingstick" "Vingepind" "[english]TF_Wearable_Wingstick" "Wingstick" "TF_Wearable_Rose" "Rose" "[english]TF_Wearable_Rose" "Rose" "TF_RobotPart_Type" "Robotdel" "[english]TF_RobotPart_Type" "Robot Part" "TF_CircuitBoard_Type" "Kredsløbsplade" "[english]TF_CircuitBoard_Type" "Circuit Board" "TF_FestivizerTool" "Festliggører" "[english]TF_FestivizerTool" "Festivizer" "Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "Hævn-kritiske skud mistes ved døden" "[english]Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "Revenge crits are lost on death" "TF_MM_LookingForPlayer" "Søger efter spiller%s1" "[english]TF_MM_LookingForPlayer" "Looking For Player%s1" "TF_MM_PlayerConnecting" "Spiller tilslutter%s1" "[english]TF_MM_PlayerConnecting" "Player Connecting%s1" "TF_MM_PlayerLostConnection" "Spiller mistede forbindelse%s1" "[english]TF_MM_PlayerLostConnection" "Player Lost Connection%s1" "TF_MM_LeaveQueue" "Forlad kø" "[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue" "Leave queue" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Success" "Afstemning om omkamp lykkedes! Begynder omkamp..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Success" "Rematch vote succeeded! Starting rematch..." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Failure" "Afstemning om omkamp mislykkedes." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Failure" "Rematch vote failed." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_GCFail" "Start af omkamp mislykkedes." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_GCFail" "Rematch failed to start." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch" "Omkamp!" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch" "Rematch!" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RequeueNonLeader" "Din gruppeleder vælger..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RequeueNonLeader" "Your party leader is choosing..." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Requeue" "Nej, find en ny kamp" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Requeue" "No, find a New Match" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_JoinNow" "Tilslut nu" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_JoinNow" "Join Now" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Start" "Finder en ny kamp..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Start" "Finding a new match..." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchStarting" "Omkamp starter..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchStarting" "Rematch starting..." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Waiting" "Afstemning om omkamp i gang..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_Rematch_Waiting" "Rematch vote in progress..." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_AutojoinWarning" "Tilslutter om %s1" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_AutojoinWarning" "Joining in %s1" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewMatchReady" "Din kamp er klar" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewMatchReady" "Your match is ready" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "Afstemning om omkamp slutter om %s1" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVoteEndTime" "Rematch voting ends in %s1" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesNeeded" "%s1 flere BLU og %s2 flere RED krævet for en omkamp." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesNeeded" "%s1 more BLU and %s2 more RED needed for a rematch." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesMet" "Der er nok spillere til en omkamp!" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_RematchVotesMet" "Enough players for a rematch!" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_LeaveParty" "Forlad gruppe" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_LeaveParty" "Leave Party" "TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "Denne kamp kan forlades sikkert" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SafeToLeave" "This match is safe to leave" "TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "Det er ikke sikkert at forlade denne kamp" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_NotSafeToLeave" "It is not safe to leave this match" "TF_XPSource_PositiveFormat" "%s1: +%s2 %s3" "[english]TF_XPSource_PositiveFormat" "%s1: +%s2 %s3" "TF_XPSource_NegativeFormat" "%s1: %s2 %s3" "[english]TF_XPSource_NegativeFormat" "%s1: %s2 %s3" "TF_XPSource_NoValueFormat" "%s1" "[english]TF_XPSource_NoValueFormat" "%s1" "TF_XPSource_Score" "Pointtal" "[english]TF_XPSource_Score" "Score" "TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "Målbonus" "[english]TF_XPSource_ObjectiveBonus" "Objective Bonus" "TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "Kamp gennemført" "[english]TF_XPSource_CompletedMatch" "Match Completed" "TF_XPSource_GoldMedal" "Guldmedaljer" "[english]TF_XPSource_GoldMedal" "Gold Medals" "TF_XPSource_SilverMedal" "Sølvmedaljer" "[english]TF_XPSource_SilverMedal" "Silver Medals" "TF_XPSource_BronzeMedal" "Bronzemedaljer" "[english]TF_XPSource_BronzeMedal" "Bronze Medals" "TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "Straf for at forlade" "[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Abandon" "Abandon Penalty" "TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "Kampsejr" "[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Win" "Match Win" "TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "Kampnederlag" "[english]TF_XPSource_Comp_Loss" "Match Loss" "TF_SurveyQuestion_MatchQuality" "Vurder venligst kvaliteten af kampen du lige har spillet:" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_MatchQuality" "Please rate the quality of the match you just played:" "TF_SurveyQuestion_Submitting" "Indsender..." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Submitting" "Submitting..." "TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouTitle" "Tak!" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouTitle" "Thank you!" "TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouBody" "Vi sætter pris på, at du bruger din tid på at dele din feedback med TF2-holdet." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_ThankYouBody" "We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with the TF2 team." "TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating0" "Forfærdelig" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating0" "Horrible" "TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating1" "Dårlig" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating1" "Bad" "TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating2" "Neutral" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating2" "Neutral" "TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating3" "God" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating3" "Good" "TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating4" "Fremragende" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_Rating4" "Great" "TF_Wearable_Tools" "Værktøjer" "[english]TF_Wearable_Tools" "Tools" "koth_maple_ridge_event_authors" "Sammy \"Berry\" Bunting\nTheo \"TheoF114\" Fletcher" "[english]koth_maple_ridge_event_authors" "Sammy 'Berry' Bunting\nTheo 'TheoF114' Fletcher" "pl_fifthcurve_event_authors" "Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen" "pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian \"Roll\" Richardson\nKenny \"Flip\" Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa" "[english]pd_pit_of_death_authors" "Christian 'Roll' Richardson\nKenny 'Flip' Wheeler\nMichael Egan\nFissionMetroid101\nChristian James DeRosa" "TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent" "Maple Ridge Event" "[english]TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent" "Maple Ridge Event" "TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent" "Banefrimærke - Maple Ridge Event" "[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent" "Map Stamp - Maple Ridge Event" "TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Sammy \"Berry\" Bunting og Theo \"TheoF114\" Fletcher\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Maple Ridge Event-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sammy 'Berry' Bunting and Theo 'TheoF114' Fletcher\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Maple Ridge Event-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_MapleRidgeEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Maple Ridge Event community map." "TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone" "[english]TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone" "TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Banefrimærke - Brimstone" "[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Map Stamp - Brimstone" "TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Brimstone-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Brimstone-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map." "TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death" "[english]TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death" "TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Banefrimærke - Pit of Death" "[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath" "Map Stamp - Pit of Death" "TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Christian \"Roll\" Richardson, Kenny \"Flip\" Wheeler, Michael Egan, FissionMetroid101 og Christian James DeRosa\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Pit of Death-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Christian 'Roll' Richardson, Kenny 'Flip' Wheeler, Michael Egan, FissionMetroid101, and Christian James DeRosa\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pit of Death community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Pit of Death-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pit of Death community map." "TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Skummel" "[english]TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Sinister" "TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Infernalsk" "[english]TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Infernal" "TF_Map_PitofDeath_StrangePrefix" " Faldende" "[english]TF_Map_PitofDeath_StrangePrefix" " Plunging" "Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Spil alle Halloween-banerne fra fortiden og nutiden." "[english]Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Tour all of the past Halloween maps." "TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Særlige begivenheder" "[english]TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Special Events" "ToolUnusualifierConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du vil usædvanliggøre denne genstand?" "[english]ToolUnusualifierConfirm" "Are you sure you want to Unusualify this item?" "ToolUnusualifierInProgress" "Usædvanliggør din genstand" "[english]ToolUnusualifierInProgress" "Unusualifying your item" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent" "Sært filter: Maple Ridge Event (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent" "Strange Filter: Maple Ridge Event (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Maple Ridge Event." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMapleRidgeEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Maple Ridge Event." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent" "Sært filter: Brimstone (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent" "Strange Filter: Brimstone (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Brimstone." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Brimstone." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath" "Sært filter: Pit of Death (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath" "Strange Filter: Pit of Death (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Pit of Death." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPitOfDeath_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Pit of Death." "TF_Unusualifier" "Usædvanliggører" "[english]TF_Unusualifier" "Unusualifier" "TF_Unusualifier_Desc" "Bruges til at føje usædvanlige effekter til specifikke genstande." "[english]TF_Unusualifier_Desc" "Used to add Unusual effects to specific items." "Halloween_master_collection" "Scream Fortress-samlingerne" "[english]Halloween_master_collection" "The Scream Fortress Collections" "TF_HalloweenPass" "Sjælgargoil" "[english]TF_HalloweenPass" "Soul Gargoyle" "TF_HalloweenPass_desc" "Sjælgargoilen giver adgang til Merasmissioner under Scream Fortress-begivenheden hvert år.\nDu kan få din gargoil til at stige i niveau ved at indsamle sjæle. Sjæle kan findes ved at dræbe fjender, gennemføre Merasmissioner og finde Sjælgargoiler.\nStiger i niveau ved 666, 1337, 2000 og derefter hver 2000. sjæl.\n\nGiver adgang til Halloween-transmutationer, hvor du kan transmutere 3 genstande til én genstand fra de forgangne år, der ikke kan byttes eller sælges.\nEn bonus gives ved hver 10. transmutation." "[english]TF_HalloweenPass_desc" "The Soul Gargoyle grants access to Merasmissions during the Scream Fortress event each year.\nYou can level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls can be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLevels up at 666, 1337, 2000 and then every 2000 Souls.\n\nProvides access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for an untradable and unmarketable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus is given for every 10 transmutes." "halloween2016_collection_name" "Kryble Kravle-samling" "[english]halloween2016_collection_name" "Creepy Crawly Collection" "halloween2016_collection_case" "Kryble Kravle-kasse" "[english]halloween2016_collection_case" "Creepy Crawly Case" "halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nKryble Kravle-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Kryble Kravle-samlingen." "[english]halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nCreepy Crawly Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Creepy Crawly Collection." "halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik fra Kryble Kravle-samlingen\n-Kræver en Kryble Kravle-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Creepy Crawly Collection\n-Requires a Creepy Crawly Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2016_collection_key" "Kryble Kravle-nøgle" "[english]halloween2016_collection_key" "Creepy Crawly Key" "halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne Kryble Kravle-kassen" "[english]halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case" "halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne Kryble Kravle-kassen\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2016_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt med en halloween 2016-effekt" "[english]halloween2016_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2016 effect" "halloween2016_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2016-effekt." "[english]halloween2016_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2016 effect" "Attrib_Particle107" "Neutronstjerne" "[english]Attrib_Particle107" "Neutron Star" "Attrib_Particle108" "Tesla-spole" "[english]Attrib_Particle108" "Tesla Coil" "Attrib_Particle109" "Stjernestormsøvnløshed" "[english]Attrib_Particle109" "Starstorm Insomnia" "Attrib_Particle110" "Stjernestormslummer" "[english]Attrib_Particle110" "Starstorm Slumber" "Attrib_Particle3013" "Helvedsild" "[english]Attrib_Particle3013" "Hellish Inferno" "Attrib_Particle3014" "Spektralsk Hvirvel" "[english]Attrib_Particle3014" "Spectral Swirl" "Attrib_Particle3015" "Infernalske Flammer" "[english]Attrib_Particle3015" "Infernal Flames" "Attrib_Particle3016" "Infernalsk Røg" "[english]Attrib_Particle3016" "Infernal Smoke" "ItemDescUnusualify" "Denne udsædvanliggører kan anvendes på %s1." "[english]ItemDescUnusualify" "This Unusualifier can be applied to a %s1." "TR_Dust_Hint_EnemySentry" "Fjendtlig Sentry!" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_EnemySentry" "Enemy Sentry Gun!" "TR_Dust_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Helbred og ammunition" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Health & Ammo" "TR_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Få helbred og ammunition her" "[english]TR_Hint_HealthAmmo" "Get Health and Ammo Here" "TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" "Indlæs gemte indstillinger" "[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" "Load saved settings" "TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Gem nuværende indstillinger" "[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Save current settings" "TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Hån: Sejrsomgangen" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Taunt: The Victory Lap" "TF_TauntAllClassKart_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser\nTryk på tasten for hånpladsen for at starte/stoppe\nBrug sidelæns-tasterne til at rotere, når du kører" "[english]TF_TauntAllClassKart_Desc" "All Class Taunt\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse the Strafe keys to rotate as you drive" "TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Hån: Andenrangsmagi" "[english]TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Taunt: Second Rate Sorcery" "TF_secondrate_sorcery_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser" "[english]TF_secondrate_sorcery_Desc" "All Class Taunt" "TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2" "Kolossalt Kranium" "[english]TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2" "Colossal Cranium" "TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_colossal_cranium_2_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator" "Kunstflyvningsfremviser" "[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator" "Aerobatics Demonstrator" "TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman" "Grænsegyseren" "[english]TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman" "Final Frontier Freighter" "TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot" "Svævende Hotshot" "[english]TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot" "Hovering Hotshot" "TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper" "Padehatten" "[english]TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper" "The Toadstool Topper" "TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_showstopper" "Den Blændende Præstation" "[english]TF_hwn2016_showstopper" "Showstopper" "TF_hwn2016_showstopper_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_showstopper_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_big_topper" "Stor Tophat" "[english]TF_hwn2016_big_topper" "Big Topper" "TF_hwn2016_big_topper_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_big_topper_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie" "Brændbar Nuttethed" "[english]TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie" "Combustible Cutie" "TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_combustible_cutie_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark" "Carcharodon-kraniet" "[english]TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark" "The Cranial Carcharodon" "TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_pyro_shark_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_spooktacles" "Skræmmebriller" "[english]TF_hwn2016_spooktacles" "Spooktacles" "TF_hwn2016_spooktacles_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_spooktacles_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap" "Forbederlig Vaskebjørnshue" "[english]TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap" "Improv Coonskin Cap" "TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_improv_coonskin_cap_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Tung Turisme" "[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism" "Heavy Tourism" "TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_heavy_tourism_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho" "El Paso-ponchoen" "[english]TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho" "The El Paso Poncho" "TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_el_paso_poncho_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito" "Den Bredremmede Bandito" "[english]TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito" "The Wide-Brimmed Bandito" "TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_wide_brimmed_bandito_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "Kristi Korpus' Kranie" "[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium" "The Corpus Christi Cranium" "TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_corpus_christi_cranium_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past" "Den Bombende Fortids Ånd" "[english]TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past" "Spirit of the Bombing Past" "TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_spirit_of_the_bombing_past_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_class_crown" "Klassekrone" "[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown" "Class Crown" "TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_class_crown_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "Wingmannen" "[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann" "The Wing Mann" "TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_wing_mann_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Væmmelig Vikingemann" "[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Nasty Norsemann" "TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Nagende Nar" "[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Pestering Jester" "TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Hanebørste" "[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "Mo'Horn" "TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_mo_horn_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms" "Kirugens Sidevåben" "[english]TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms" "The Surgeon's Sidearms" "TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_surgeons_sidearms_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey" "Lille Bider" "[english]TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey" "Lil' Bitey" "TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_lil_bitey_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_mad_mask" "Manisk Maske" "[english]TF_hwn2016_mad_mask" "Mad Mask" "TF_hwn2016_mad_mask_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_mad_mask_Desc" "" "TF_hwn2016_burly_beast" "Brystet Bæst" "[english]TF_hwn2016_burly_beast" "Burly Beast" "TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" "" "[english]TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" "" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank5" "Fornøjet" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank5" "Delighted" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank6" "Munter" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank6" "Cheerful" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank7" "Frydefuld" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank7" "Joyous" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank8" "Retskaffen" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank8" "Dignified" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank9" "Stolt" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank9" "Proud" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank10" "Nobel" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank10" "Noble" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank11" "Hædret" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank11" "Honored" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank12" "Eksalteret" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank12" "Exalted" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank13" "Betagende" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank13" "Breathtaking" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank14" "Ustyrlig" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank14" "Outrageous" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank15" "Spektakulær" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank15" "Spectacular" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank16" "Majestætisk" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank16" "Majestic" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank17" "Epic" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank18" "Legendary" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank19" "Australian" "KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "Merasmus' egen" "[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "Merasmus's Own" "KillEaterEvent_PowerupBottlesUsed" "Power Up-flasker brugt" "[english]KillEaterEvent_PowerupBottlesUsed" "Power Up Canteens Used" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_2nd" "Chapelaria 6v6 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_3rd" "Chapelaria 6v6 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Participant" "Chapelaria 6v6 Participant" "TF_UnusualCap" "Usædvanlig Kasket" "[english]TF_UnusualCap" "Unusual Cap" "TF_UnusualCap_Desc" "" "[english]TF_UnusualCap_Desc" "" "TF_Support_Message_Notification" "Besked fra kundesupport" "[english]TF_Support_Message_Notification" "Message from customer support" "TF_Support_Message_Title" "En besked fra kundesupport" "[english]TF_Support_Message_Title" "A Message From Customer Support" "TF_Support_Message_Show_Later" "Luk" "[english]TF_Support_Message_Show_Later" "Close" "TF_Support_Message_Acknowledge" "Slet" "[english]TF_Support_Message_Acknowledge" "Delete" "TF_Support_Message_Confirm_Acknowledge_Text" "Slet denne besked permanent?" "[english]TF_Support_Message_Confirm_Acknowledge_Text" "Permanently delete this message?" "pl_millstone_event_description" "Glædelig Halloween! Mål: BLU: Hjælp det venlige spøgelse med at komme til Helvede! RED: Stop spøgelset fra at komme til Helvede!" "[english]pl_millstone_event_description" "Happy Halloween! Objective: BLU: Help the friendly ghost travel to Hell! RED: Stop the ghost from getting into Hell!" "pl_fifthcurve_event_description" "Glædelig Halloween! Mål: BLU: Eskorter Redmond Mann til Helvedeshullet! RED: Stop BLU! Tag Redmonds krop tilbage!" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_description" "Happy Halloween! Objective: BLU: Escort Redmond Mann to the Hell pit! RED: Stop BLU! Take back Redmond's body!" "pd_pit_of_death_event_description" "Mål: For at vinde et point, skal I indsamle og levere sjæle til underverdenen. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere smider sjæle, når de dør. Spilleren med flest sjæle på hvert hold giver helbred og ammunition til holdkammerater i nærheden." "[english]pd_pit_of_death_event_description" "Objective: To win a point, collect and deliver a haunted soul to the Underworld. Other Notes: Players drop souls when they are killed. Whoever has the most souls on each team dispenses health and ammo to nearby teammates." "ctf_landfall_description" "Mål: For at vinde point skal du stjæle fjendens mappe med efterretninger og returnere den til din base. Andre bemærkninger: Spillere taber efterretningerne, når de dør. Tabte efterretninger vender tilbage til basen efter 35 sekunder." "[english]ctf_landfall_description" "Primary Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base. Other Notes: Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 35 seconds." "pd_watergate_description" "Mål: Saml øl op fra faldne fjender og aflever dem i ufoens anti-tyngdekraftsfelt for at score point (for at gøre ufoen fuld) og vinde. Spilleren med flest øl på hvert hold giver helbred og ammunition til holdkammerater i nærheden. Andre bemærkninger: I kan forhindre et hold i at aflevere øllene ved at hoppe ind i feltet, mens de prøver at aflevere deres øl." "[english]pd_watergate_description" "Objective: To win, pick up beer from fallen enemies and deposit these into the UFO tractor beam to score points (to get the UFO drunk). Whoever has the most amount of beer on each team dispenses health and ammo to nearby teammates. Other Notes: You can block an enemy team deposit by jumping into the beam while they try to deposit beers." "ctf_2fort_invasion_description" "Mål: For at vinde et point, skal I stjæle fjendens alienkerne-efterretningsmappe og returnere den til jeres kælder. Andre bemærkninger: Skyd de eksplosive alien-droner for at eliminere fjender og Engineer-konstruktioner." "[english]ctf_2fort_invasion_description" "Objective: To win a point, steal the enemy's alien core intelligence and return it to your basement. Other Notes: Shoot the alien explosive drones to take out enemies or Engineer buildings." "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Jungle" "Jungle" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Jungle" "Jungle" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah" "Hannahs Altruistiske Aspekt" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah" "Hannah's Altruistic Aspect" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Hannah-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Hannah edition)" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Duncan" "Duncans Godhjertede Grimasse" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Duncan" "Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Duncan_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Duncan-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Duncan_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Duncan edition)" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sips" "Sips' Selvforglemmende Simulacrum" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sips" "Sips' Selfless Simulacrum" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sips_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Sips-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sips_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Sips edition)" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sjin" "Sjins Storsindede Skikkelse" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sjin" "Sjin's Generous Guise" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sjin_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Sjin-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Sjin_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (Sjin edition)" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2016_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016-promo" "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2016_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 Promo" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2016_Promo_Desc" "" "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2016_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_2018" "2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2018" "2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Gold" "Guldmedalje for PASS Time-turneringen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Gold" "PASS Time Tournament Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Silver" "Sølvmedalje for PASS Time-turneringen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Silver" "PASS Time Tournament Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje for PASS Time-turneringen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Bronze" "PASS Time Tournament Bronze Medal" "TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016" "Særligt Snefnug 2016" "[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016" "Special Snowflake 2016" "TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016_Desc" "Gul sne? Nej, nej, bare rolig, det er citron! Tildelt til Workshop Wonderland 2016 fællesskabsfremvisnings-deltagerne!" "[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016_Desc" "Golden snow? No, no, don't worry, it's lemon! Awarded to the participants of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!" "TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "Gaven at Give 2016" "[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "Gift of Giving 2016" "TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "Så alle kan spille. Til de velgørende hjerter af guld under Workshop Wonderland 2016-fællesskabsfremvisningens velgørenhedsindsamling!" "[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "So everyone can game. For the charitable hearts of gold during the charity drive of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!" "TF_rewind_lan_gold" "1.-plads ved ESA Rewind" "[english]TF_rewind_lan_gold" "ESA Rewind 1st Place" "TF_rewind_lan_silver" "2.-plads ved ESA Rewind" "[english]TF_rewind_lan_silver" "ESA Rewind 2nd Place" "TF_rewind_lan_bronze" "3.-plads ved ESA Rewind" "[english]TF_rewind_lan_bronze" "ESA Rewind 3rd Place" "TF_rewind_lan_participant" "Deltager ved ESA Rewind" "[english]TF_rewind_lan_participant" "ESA Rewind Participant" "TF_Wearable_Package" "Pakke" "[english]TF_Wearable_Package" "Package" "TF_Wearable_Snowboard" "Snowboard" "[english]TF_Wearable_Snowboard" "Snowboard" "TF_Wearable_Provisions" "Provianter" "[english]TF_Wearable_Provisions" "Provisions" "TF_Wearable_CandyCanes" "Slikstokke" "[english]TF_Wearable_CandyCanes" "Candy Canes" "TF_Wearable_Guitar" "Guitar" "[english]TF_Wearable_Guitar" "Guitar" "TF_ChefStepsJoulePromo" "ChefSteps Joule-promovering" "[english]TF_ChefStepsJoulePromo" "ChefSteps Joule Promo" "TF_ChefStepsJoulePromo_Desc" " " "[english]TF_ChefStepsJoulePromo_Desc" "" "TF_Autobalance_Start" "Holdende er ubalancerede. Spørger valgte kandidater fra hold %s1 om at melde sig frivilligt." "[english]TF_Autobalance_Start" "Teams are unbalanced. Asking selected candidates from team %s1 to volunteer." "Winter2016Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2016-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2016Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2016Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2016-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2016Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection:" "TF_Festivizer" "Festliggører" "[english]TF_Festivizer" "Festivizer" "TF_Festivizer_desc" "Bruges til at festliggøre et våben" "[english]TF_Festivizer_desc" "Used to festivize a weapon" "TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Oplåst Vinter 2016-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case" "TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_desc" "Denne kasse er oplåst og kræver ikke en nøgle.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabslavet genstand\nfra Vinter 2016-kosmetiksamlingen.\n\nVil kun være tilgængelig i en begrænset tidsperiode!" "[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_desc" "This case is unlocked and does not require a key.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection.\n\nWill only be available for a limited time!" "TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_adtext" "-Oplåst og kræver ikke en nøgle\n-Indeholder Fællesskabslavet Kosmetik\n-Indhold kan være af enten Sær eller Udsædvanlig kvalitet\n-Inkluderer en chance for at finde en Festliggører som et bonusdrop!" "[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_adtext" "-Unlocked and does not require a key\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Hat\n-Includes a chance to find a Festivizer as a bonus drop!" "Footer_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Indholdet er muligvis Sært eller Usædvanligt. Inkluderer en chance for at finde en Festliggører som et bonusdrop!" "[english]Footer_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Hat. Includes a chance to find a Festivizer as a bonus drop!" "Attrib_IsFestivized" "Festliggjort" "[english]Attrib_IsFestivized" "Festivized" "TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer" "Vil du gerne hjælpe med et balancere kampen ved frivilligt at skifte hold? Du vil skifte øjeblikkeligt, hvis du stadig kvalificerer, og der stadig er brug for dig, når du svarer." "[english]TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer" "Would you like to help balance the match by volunteering to switch teams? You will be switched immediately if you still qualify and are needed when you reply." "TF_AutoBalanceVolunteerXPBonus" "Ønsker du at hjælpe med at gøre kampen balanceret ved at frivilligt skifte hold? Erfaringspoint, du optjener efter holdskiftet, bliver fordoblet op til %points% point. Du skifter øjeblikkeligt hold, hvis du stadig er kvalificeret, og hvis der er behov for dig, når du svarer." "[english]TF_AutoBalanceVolunteerXPBonus" "Would you like to help balance the match by volunteering to switch teams? Experience points you earn after switching will be doubled up to %points% points. You will be switched immediately if you still qualify and are needed when you reply." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewRematch_GCFail" "Den nye kamp kunne ikke begynde. Gå venligst tilbage til matchmaking-køen og prøv igen." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewRematch_GCFail" "New match failed to start. Please re-enter the matchmaking queue." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Stem på den næste bane" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Vote for the next map" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NextMapWinner" "Om lidt" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NextMapWinner" "Coming up next" "TF_XPSource_Autobalance_Bonus" "Auto-balance" "[english]TF_XPSource_Autobalance_Bonus" "Autobalance" "TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger" "Hån: Svajende Skotte" "[english]TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger" "Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger" "TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_Desc" "Demoman-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_Desc" "Demoman Taunt" "TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån\n-Du er næsten bevidstløs og taler med dig selv, men stadig farlig!" "[english]TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_AdText" "-Community Created Demoman Taunt\n-Almost unconscious and rambling to yourself, but still dangerous!" "TF_taunt_didgeridrongo" "Hån: Didgeridrongo" "[english]TF_taunt_didgeridrongo" "Taunt: Didgeridrongo" "TF_taunt_didgeridrongo_Desc" "Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_didgeridrongo_Desc" "Sniper Taunt" "TF_taunt_didgeridrongo_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Sniper-hån\n-Spil dem en melodi de aldrig vil glemme!" "[english]TF_taunt_didgeridrongo_AdText" "-Community Created Sniper Taunt\n-Play 'em a tune they'll never forget!" "TF_TauntTableTantrum" "Hån: Bryderens Bordmanérer" "[english]TF_TauntTableTantrum" "Taunt: The Table Tantrum" "TF_TauntTableTantrum_Desc" "Heavy-hån\nVind debatter som de gamle filosoffer fra tiden før sprog, men efter borde." "[english]TF_TauntTableTantrum_Desc" "Heavy Taunt\nWin debates like ancient philosophers in the time before language but after tables." "TF_TauntTableTantrum_AdText" "-Heavy-hån\nVind debatter som de gamle filosoffer fra tiden før sprog, men efter borde." "[english]TF_TauntTableTantrum_AdText" "-Heavy Taunt\n-Win debates like ancient philosophers in the time before language but after tables." "TF_TauntBoilingPoint" "Hån: Kogepunktet" "[english]TF_TauntBoilingPoint" "Taunt: The Boiling Point" "TF_TauntBoilingPoint_Desc" "Tag din vrede og kokkeevner til det næste niveau. Som er gulvet." "[english]TF_TauntBoilingPoint_Desc" "Take your anger and cooking to the next level. Which is the floor." "TF_dec16_stocking" "Sokkeklar" "[english]TF_dec16_stocking" "Socked and Loaded" "TF_dec16_stocking_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_stocking_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_flammable_favor" "Tændelig Tjeneste" "[english]TF_dec16_flammable_favor" "Flammable Favor" "TF_dec16_flammable_favor_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_flammable_favor_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_snowwing" "Snevinge" "[english]TF_dec16_snowwing" "Snowwing" "TF_dec16_snowwing_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_snowwing_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_packable_provisions" "Pakkevenlige Provianter" "[english]TF_dec16_packable_provisions" "Packable Provisions" "TF_dec16_packable_provisions_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_packable_provisions_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_handy_canes" "Smarte Slikstokke" "[english]TF_dec16_handy_canes" "Handy Canes" "TF_dec16_handy_canes_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_handy_canes_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_bomb_beanie" "Bombe-beanie" "[english]TF_dec16_bomb_beanie" "Bomb Beanie" "TF_dec16_bomb_beanie_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_bomb_beanie_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_electric_twanger" "Den Elektriske Fredsforstyrrer" "[english]TF_dec16_electric_twanger" "The Electric Twanger" "TF_dec16_electric_twanger_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_electric_twanger_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_santarchimedes" "Julemarchimedes" "[english]TF_dec16_santarchimedes" "Santarchimedes" "TF_dec16_santarchimedes_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_santarchimedes_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_smissmas_sweater" "Sød Smissmas-sweater" "[english]TF_dec16_smissmas_sweater" "Sweet Smissmas Sweater" "TF_dec16_smissmas_sweater_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_smissmas_sweater_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_brain_warming_wear" "Hjernevarmende Vinterhue" "[english]TF_dec16_brain_warming_wear" "Brain-Warming Wear" "TF_dec16_brain_warming_wear_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_brain_warming_wear_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_snowmann" "Snemannen" "[english]TF_dec16_snowmann" "The Snowmann" "TF_dec16_snowmann_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_snowmann_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_bomber_knight" "Bomberidderen" "[english]TF_dec16_bomber_knight" "The Bomber Knight" "TF_dec16_bomber_knight_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_bomber_knight_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_readers_choice" "Læserens Valg" "[english]TF_dec16_readers_choice" "Reader's Choice" "TF_dec16_readers_choice_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_readers_choice_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_woolen_warmer" "Ulden Varmer" "[english]TF_dec16_woolen_warmer" "Woolen Warmer" "TF_dec16_woolen_warmer_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_woolen_warmer_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_pyro_the_flamedeer" "Rensfyret Pyro" "[english]TF_dec16_pyro_the_flamedeer" "Pyro the Flamedeer" "TF_dec16_pyro_the_flamedeer_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_pyro_the_flamedeer_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_elf_esteem" "Nisseære" "[english]TF_dec16_elf_esteem" "Elf Esteem" "TF_dec16_elf_esteem_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_elf_esteem_Desc" "" "TF_dec16_head_prize" "Hovedpræmien" "[english]TF_dec16_head_prize" "The Head Prize" "TF_dec16_head_prize_Desc" " " "[english]TF_dec16_head_prize_Desc" "" "TF_LobbyContainer_Help" "Hjælp" "[english]TF_LobbyContainer_Help" "Help" "TF_LobbyContainer_Ping" "Ping-indstillinger" "[english]TF_LobbyContainer_Ping" "Ping Settings" "TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingButton" "Brug egen ping-grænse" "[english]TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingButton" "Use Custom Ping Limit" "TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingDesc" "Matchmaking vil finde den bedste kamp inden for denne ping-tolerance. Displayet nedenunder viser regioner, som er inkluderet inden for denne ping-grænse." "[english]TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingDesc" "Matchmaking will find the best match within this ping tolerance. The display below shows regions included within this ping limit." "TF_DataCenter_eat" "Seattle, USA" "[english]TF_DataCenter_eat" "Seattle, USA" "TF_DataCenter_lax" "Los Angeles, USA" "[english]TF_DataCenter_lax" "Los Angeles, USA" "TF_DataCenter_iad" "Sterling, USA" "[english]TF_DataCenter_iad" "Sterling, USA" "TF_DataCenter_atl" "Atlanta, USA" "[english]TF_DataCenter_atl" "Atlanta, USA" "TF_DataCenter_gru" "São Paulo, Brasilien" "[english]TF_DataCenter_gru" "São Paulo, Brazil" "TF_DataCenter_scl" "Santiago, Chile" "[english]TF_DataCenter_scl" "Santiago, Chile" "TF_DataCenter_lim" "Lima, Peru" "[english]TF_DataCenter_lim" "Lima, Peru" "TF_DataCenter_lux" "Luxembourg (by), Luxembourg" "[english]TF_DataCenter_lux" "Luxembourg City, Luxembourg" "TF_DataCenter_vie" "Wien, Østrig" "[english]TF_DataCenter_vie" "Vienna, Austria" "TF_DataCenter_sto" "Stockholm, Sverige" "[english]TF_DataCenter_sto" "Stockholm, Sweden" "TF_DataCenter_mad" "Madrid, Spanien" "[english]TF_DataCenter_mad" "Madrid, Spain" "TF_DataCenter_sgp" "Singapore" "[english]TF_DataCenter_sgp" "Singapore" "TF_DataCenter_hkg" "Hongkong" "[english]TF_DataCenter_hkg" "Hong Kong" "TF_DataCenter_tyo" "Tokyo, Japan" "[english]TF_DataCenter_tyo" "Tokyo, Japan" "TF_DataCenter_syd" "Sydney, Australien" "[english]TF_DataCenter_syd" "Sydney, Australia" "TF_DataCenter_dxb" "Dubai, Forenede Arabiske Emirater" "[english]TF_DataCenter_dxb" "Dubai, UAE" "TF_DataCenter_bom" "Mumbai, Indien" "[english]TF_DataCenter_bom" "Mumbai, India" "TF_DataCenter_maa" "Chennai, Indien" "[english]TF_DataCenter_maa" "Chennai, India" "TF_DataCenter_ord" "Chicago, USA" "[english]TF_DataCenter_ord" "Chicago, USA" "TF_DataCenter_waw" "Warszawa, Polen" "[english]TF_DataCenter_waw" "Warsaw, Poland" "TF_DataCenter_jnb" "Johannesburg, Sydafrika" "[english]TF_DataCenter_jnb" "Johannesburg, South Africa" "TF_DataCenter_bt1" "Beta 1" "[english]TF_DataCenter_bt1" "Beta 1" "TF_DataCenter_bt2" "Beta 2" "[english]TF_DataCenter_bt2" "Beta 2" "TF_DataCenter_dum" "Dumm1" "[english]TF_DataCenter_dum" "Dumm1" "TF_DataCenter_beta" "Beta" "[english]TF_DataCenter_beta" "Beta" "TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer_ChatText" "Du har en notifikation i hovedmenuen om frivilligt at skifte hold..." "[english]TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer_ChatText" "You have a notification in the main menu about volunteering to switch teams..." "TF_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Vis knappen \"Vis promoveringskoder\"" "[english]TF_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Show 'View Promotional Codes' button" "Tooltip_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Skifter 'Vis promoveringskoder'-knappen på hovedmenuen for spillere, der allerede har brugt 'RIFT Velspundet Hat - Indløsningskoden'." "[english]Tooltip_ShowPromotionalCodesButton" "Toggles the 'View Promotional Codes' button in the main menu for players that have used the 'RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code'." "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "1.-pladsmedaljen fra Rally Call 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold" "Rally Call 2017 - 1st place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold_Desc" "Dette prestigefyldte jakkesmykke blev givet til Rally Call 6's-velgørenhedsturneringens vindere. Frygt dem!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Gold_Desc" "This prestigious piece of jacket jewellery was given to the winning team in the Rally Call Charity 6's Tournament. Fear them!" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "2.-pladsmedaljen fra Rally Call 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver" "Rally Call 2017 - 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "Ejeren af denne medalje var næsten på Rally Call 6's-velgørenhedsturneringens vindende hold, men også kun næsten. Bedre held næste gang." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Silver_Desc" "The owner of this medal got close to being in the winning team for Rally Call Charity 6's Tournament but couldn't cut it, maybe next time." "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Deltager/Hjælpermedalje fra Rally Call 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White" "Rally Call 2017 Participant/Helper Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "Tabere siger at det ikke handler om at vinde, men at være med, men disse fyre var virkelig med til at få begivenheden op at køre og fortjener et klap på skulderen." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_White_Desc" "Losers say it's not winning but taking part that counts, well these guys certainly counted as they helped the event happen and deserve a pat on the back." "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Donationsmedalje fra Rally Call 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple" "Rally Call 2017 Donator Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "De siger at dem der giver også vil få, lad os bare håbe det ikke er en krit raket.\nEjeren af denne medalje gav penge til at hjælpe dyr rundt omkring i verden." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2017_Purple_Desc" "They say those that give are destined to receive, let's just hope it isn't a crit rocket.\nThe owner of this medal gave money to help animals around the world." "TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "Vinterdeltager i TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_winter_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant" "TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "Vurder venligst kvaliteten af banen du lige har spillet:" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_MapQuality" "Please rate the quality of the map you just played:" "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "Hvis du ikke med jævne mellemrum spiller Competitive, så vælg venligst en af følgende:" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry" "If you don't play competitive mode regularly, please select one of the following: " "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer0" "Jeg kan ikke lide 6v6-formatet." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer0" "I don't enjoy the 6v6 format." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer1" "Jeg er bekymret om, hvorvidt kampene er balancerede." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer1" "I'm concerned about balanced matches." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer2" "Matchmaking tager for lang tid." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer2" "Matchmaking times are too long." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer3" "Der er for meget pres om at gøre det godt." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer3" "There is too much pressure to do well." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer4" "Ingen af ovenstående." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer4" "None of the above." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer5" "Jeg spiller med jævne mellemrum Competitive." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CompInquiry_Answer5" "I play Competitive Mode regularly." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry" "Hvis du ikke med jævne mellemrum spiller Casual, så vælg en af følgende:" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry" "If you don't play casual mode regularly, please select one of the following: " "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer0" "Jeg foretrækker 6v6-formatet." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer0" "I prefer the 6v6 format." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer1" "Jeg er bekymret om, hvorvidt kampene er balancerede." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer1" "I'm concerned about balanced matches." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer2" "Det sporer ikke mit færdighedsniveau over tid." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer2" "It doesn't track my skill over time." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer3" "Spillene bliver ikke taget seriøst." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer3" "The games aren't taken seriously." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer4" "Ingen af ovenstående." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer4" "None of the above." "TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "Jeg spiller med jævne mellemrum Casual." "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "I play Casual Mode regularly." "TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-promo" "[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Promo" "TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" " " "[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-kassen?" "[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?" "TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold." "[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box to reveal its contents." "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Silver_Medal" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Silver_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Bronze_Medal" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Bronze_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Participation_Medal" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Participation_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_2nd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_3rd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_Participant" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_2nd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_3rd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_Participant" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Gold" "1.-plads i RGB LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Gold" "RGB LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Silver" "2.-plads i RGB LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Silver" "RGB LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Bronze" "3.-plads i RGB LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Bronze" "RGB LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Participant" "Deltager i RGB LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Participant" "RGB LAN Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017" "Mappers vs. Machines-deltagermedalje 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017" "Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2017" "TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017_Desc" "Er du Mann nok til at hamre denne tikkende bombe fast til dit bryst? Tildelt til alle deltagerne af TF2Maps.nets- og Potatos MvM-servers' fællesskabskonkurrence i MvM-mapping 2017!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MappersVsMachines_2017_Desc" "Are you Mann enough to hammer a ticking time bomb on your chest? Awarded to all participants of the 2017 TF2Maps.net community MvM mapping contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "CappingTV Ultiduo 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Silver" "2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Silver" "CappingTV Ultiduo 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Bronze" "3.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Bronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Participant" "Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Participant" "CappingTV Ultiduo Participant" "TF_Wearable_Turntable" "Pladespiller" "[english]TF_Wearable_Turntable" "Turntable" "TF_AudioFile" "Audiofil" "[english]TF_AudioFile" "Audio File" "TF_AudioFile_Desc" "Lavet fra bunden." "[english]TF_AudioFile_Desc" "Made from scratch." "TF_Medal_HugsTF_2017" "Kærligt Knus" "[english]TF_Medal_HugsTF_2017" "Heartfelt Hug" "TF_Medal_HugsTF_2017_Desc" "Tildelt til dem som bidrog til eller deltog i Hugs.tf 2017's velgørenhedsbegivenhed." "[english]TF_Medal_HugsTF_2017_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Hugs.tf 2017 charity event" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2017" "Sommer 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2017" "Summer 2017" "TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Gold" "Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Silver" "Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Bronze" "Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Participant" "Deltagermedalje fra Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_Participant" "Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Participation Medal" "TF_Wearable_MailBag" "Budbringertaske" "[english]TF_Wearable_MailBag" "Mail Bag" "RainyDayCosmetics_collection" "Regnfuld Dag-kosmetiksamling" "[english]RainyDayCosmetics_collection" "Rainy Day Cosmetics Collection" "RainyDayCosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Regnfuld Dag-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]RainyDayCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Rainy Day Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_RainyDayCosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Regnfuld Dag-hat" "[english]Footer_RainyDayCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Rainy Day Hat" "TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase" "Regnfuld Dag-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase" "Rainy Day Cosmetic Case" "TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nRegnfuld Dag-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand \nfra Regnfuld Dag-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nRainy Day Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Rainy Day Cosmetic Collection." "TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Regnfuld Dag-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Regnfuld Dag-hat" "[english]TF_RainyDayCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Rainy Day Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Rainy Day Hat" "TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey" "Regnfuld Dag-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey" "Rainy Day Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Regnfuld Dag-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Rainy Day Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Regnfuld Dag-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Regnfuld Dag-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_RainyDayCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Rainy Day Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Rainy Day Hat" "TF_spr17_plumbers_cap" "Blikkenslagerens Kasket" "[english]TF_spr17_plumbers_cap" "Plumber's Cap" "TF_spr17_plumbers_cap_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_plumbers_cap_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_the_upgrade" "Opgraderingen" "[english]TF_spr17_the_upgrade" "The Upgrade" "TF_spr17_the_upgrade_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_the_upgrade_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_pocket_pauling" "Lomme-Pauling" "[english]TF_spr17_pocket_pauling" "Pocket Pauling" "TF_spr17_pocket_pauling_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_pocket_pauling_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_flakcatcher" "Flakfanger" "[english]TF_spr17_flakcatcher" "Flakcatcher" "TF_spr17_flakcatcher_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_flakcatcher_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_down_under_duster" "Australsk Støvfrakke" "[english]TF_spr17_down_under_duster" "Down Under Duster" "TF_spr17_down_under_duster_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_down_under_duster_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_guilden_guardian" "Flækkens Formynder" "[english]TF_spr17_guilden_guardian" "Guilden Guardian" "TF_spr17_guilden_guardian_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_guilden_guardian_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_hawk_eyed_hunter" "Skarpsynet Jæger" "[english]TF_spr17_hawk_eyed_hunter" "Hawk-Eyed Hunter" "TF_spr17_hawk_eyed_hunter_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_hawk_eyed_hunter_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_airtight_arsonist" "Lufttæt Brandstifter" "[english]TF_spr17_airtight_arsonist" "Airtight Arsonist" "TF_spr17_airtight_arsonist_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_airtight_arsonist_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_field_practice" "Feltøvelse" "[english]TF_spr17_field_practice" "Field Practice" "TF_spr17_field_practice_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_field_practice_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_blast_defense" "Eksplosiv Afskærmning" "[english]TF_spr17_blast_defense" "Blast Defense" "TF_spr17_blast_defense_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_blast_defense_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_warhood" "Krigshætte" "[english]TF_spr17_warhood" "Warhood" "TF_spr17_warhood_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_warhood_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_the_lightning_lid" "Lynlåget" "[english]TF_spr17_the_lightning_lid" "The Lightning Lid" "TF_spr17_the_lightning_lid_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_the_lightning_lid_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_legendary_lid" "Legendarisk Låg" "[english]TF_spr17_legendary_lid" "Legendary Lid" "TF_spr17_legendary_lid_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_legendary_lid_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_messengers_mail_bag" "Budbringerens Budbringertaske" "[english]TF_spr17_messengers_mail_bag" "Messenger's Mail Bag" "TF_spr17_messengers_mail_bag_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_messengers_mail_bag_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_flash_of_inspiration" "Tanketotterne" "[english]TF_spr17_flash_of_inspiration" "Flash of Inspiration" "TF_spr17_flash_of_inspiration_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_flash_of_inspiration_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_double_observatory" "Hovedmonteret Dobbeltobservatorium" "[english]TF_spr17_double_observatory" "Head Mounted Double Observatory" "TF_spr17_double_observatory_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_double_observatory_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_wingman" "Luftbåren Påklædning" "[english]TF_spr17_wingman" "Airborne Attire" "TF_spr17_wingman_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_wingman_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_archers_sterling" "Bueskyttens Sterling" "[english]TF_spr17_archers_sterling" "Archer's Sterling" "TF_spr17_archers_sterling_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_archers_sterling_Desc" "" "TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex" "Fartdjævlens Spandex" "[english]TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex" "Speedster's Spandex" "TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex_Desc" " " "[english]TF_spr17_speedsters_spandex_Desc" "" "TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace3" "Arms Race 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_armsrace3" "Arms Race 3" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Gold" "ETF2L - Fresh Meat-udfordring guldmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Gold" "ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Silver" "ETF2L - Fresh Meat-udfordring sølvmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Silver" "ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Bronze" "ETF2L - Fresh Meat-udfordring bronzemedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Bronze" "ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Participant" "ETF2L - Fresh Meat-udfordring deltagermedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Participant" "ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Gladiator_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Winner" "Vinder af Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Winner" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Brazuca_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Winner" "Vinder af Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Winner" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Hermanos_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_1st" "1.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_2nd" "2.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_3rd" "3.-plads i Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Alpha" "TFCL 6v6 Alfa" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Alpha" "TFCL 6v6 Alpha" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Gold" "1.-plads i TFCL 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Gold" "TFCL 6v6 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Silver" "2.-plads i TFCL 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Silver" "TFCL 6v6 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Bronze" "3.-plads i TFCL 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Bronze" "TFCL 6v6 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Participant" "Deltager i TFCL 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_6v6_Participant" "TFCL 6v6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Alpha" "TFCL Ultiduo Alfa" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Alpha" "TFCL Ultiduo Alpha" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Gold" "1.-plads i TFCL Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Gold" "TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Silver" "2.-plads i TFCL Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Silver" "TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Bronze" "3.-plads i TFCL Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Bronze" "TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Participant" "Deltager i TFCL Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Ultiduo_Participant" "TFCL Ultiduo Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Season" "Alfa-sæson" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Season" "Alpha Season" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Desc" "Tildelt til dem der spillede under TFCL's tidligste sæsoner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_Desc" "Awarded to those who played in TFCL's earliest seasons" "TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "TF2Maps Velgørenhedshjerte 2017" "[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart" "TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2017" "TF2MapsCharitableHeart2017_Desc" "Tildelt til Sommer 2017 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jams bidragydere!" "[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2017_Desc" "Awarded to donors during the Summer 2017 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2017" "Bidragyder til Blapature Co." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2017" "Blapature Co. Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2017_Desc" "Den bedste form for syltetøj er lavet af avocadoer. Tak fordi du støttede Blapature Co. Summer Jam 2017!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2017_Desc" "The best kind of jam is made from avocados. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Summer Jam 2017!" "TF_Organs" "ORGANER" "[english]TF_Organs" "ORGANS" "TF_Call_For_Help" "Anmod om hjælp" "[english]TF_Call_For_Help" "Call for help" "TF_Chat_Party" "(GRUPPE) " "[english]TF_Chat_Party" "(PARTY) " "TF_Weapon_Jar_Gas" "Benzinlignende substans" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar_Gas" "Gas-Like Substance" "TF_Weapon_RocketPack" "Raketpakke" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketPack" "Rocket Pack" "TF_Weapon_HotHand" "Den Varme Hånd" "[english]TF_Weapon_HotHand" "The Hot Hand" "TF_Weapon_HotHand_Desc" "Denne nærkampslussing fortæller dine modstandere, og enhver anden der holder øje med drabsmeddelelserne, at din hånd lige gav et heldigt ansigt gaven af at blive klasket dum." "[english]TF_Weapon_HotHand_Desc" "This melee slap tells your opponent, and anyone watching the kill feed, that your hand just gave some lucky face the gift of slapping it stupid." "TF_Weapon_FireballLauncher" "Flammeaffyrer" "[english]TF_Weapon_FireballLauncher" "Flame Launcher" "TF_Weapon_DragonsFury" "Dragens Vrede" "[english]TF_Weapon_DragonsFury" "The Dragon's Fury" "TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_Desc" "Denne kraftfulde, et-skuds-flammekaster belønner flere træffere i træk med hurtigere genladninger og bonus-skade." "[english]TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_Desc" "This powerful, single-shot flamethrower rewards consecutive hits with faster reloads and bonus damage." "TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_NeutralDesc" "Bruger en delt trykbeholder til både primær og alternativ affyring.\n\nPrimær affyring: Affyrer et hurtigt projektil, som kortvarigt antænder fjender.\n\nAlt-skyd: Frigiver et luftstød, som skubber fjender og projektiler væk og slukker brændende holdkammerater." "[english]TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_NeutralDesc" "Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.\n\nPrimary Fire: Launches a fast-moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies\n\nAlt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles, and extinguishes teammates that are on fire." "TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_PositiveDesc" "Gør +300% skade mod brændende spillere\n+50% gentrykforøgelseshastighed ved træffer" "[english]TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_PositiveDesc" "Deals 300% damage to burning players\n+50% re-pressurization rate on hit" "TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_NegativeDesc" "-50% gentrykforøgelseshastighed ved alt-skyd" "[english]TF_Weapon_DragonsFury_NegativeDesc" "-50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire" "TF_ThermalThruster" "Den Termiske Trykmotor" "[english]TF_ThermalThruster" "The Thermal Thruster" "TF_ThermalThruster_Desc" "Død fra oven! Affyrer en kortvarig eksplosion, som skubber Pyroen i den retning, man sigter. Gør 3x faldskade til enhver, du lander på." "[english]TF_ThermalThruster_Desc" "Death from above! Fires a short-duration blast that launches the Pyro in the direction they are aiming. Deal 3x falling damage to anyone you land on!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Winner" "Vinder af Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Winner" "Ready Steady Pan Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Silver" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Playoff" "ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Participation" "ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Gold" "1.-plads i TFCL Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Gold" "TFCL Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Silver" "2.-plads i TFCL Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Silver" "TFCL Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Bronze" "3.-plads i TFCL Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Bronze" "TFCL Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i TFCL Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Highlander_Participant" "TFCL Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Gold" "1.-plads i TFCL 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Gold" "TFCL 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Silver" "2.-plads i TFCL 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Silver" "TFCL 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Bronze" "3.-plads i TFCL 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Bronze" "TFCL 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Participant" "Deltager i TFCL 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_4v4_Participant" "TFCL 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Gold" "1.-plads i TFCL bball" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Gold" "TFCL bball 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Silver" "2.-plads i TFCL bball" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Silver" "TFCL bball 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Bronze" "3.-plads i TFCL bball" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Bronze" "TFCL bball 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Participant" "Deltager i TFCL bball" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_bball_Participant" "TFCL bball Participant" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2017" "Stilfuld Eventyrer" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2017" "Jaunty Adventurer" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2017" "Stilfuld Rejsende" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2017" "Jaunty Voyager" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2017" "Stilfuld Globetrotter" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2017" "Jaunty Globetrotter" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2017_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats 2017-velgørenhedsbegivenheden" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2017_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2017 charity event" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterGold" "1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterGold" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterSilver" "2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterSilver" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterBronze" "3.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterBronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterParticipant" "Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterParticipant" "CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_2017" "For din fremragende præstation i Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta II Feat. SVIFT - Sommer 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SnacksSummeryUltiduo_2017" "For your outstanding efforts in Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta II Feat. SVIFT - Summer 2017" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Gold" "1.-plads ved Insomnia 61" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Gold" "Insomnia 61 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Silver" "2.-plads ved Insomnia 61" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Silver" "Insomnia 61 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Bronze" "3.-plads ved Insomnia 61" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Bronze" "Insomnia 61 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Participant" "Deltager ved Insomnia 61" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Participant" "Insomnia 61 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Contributor" "Bidragyder til Insomnia 61" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia61_Contributor" "Insomnia 61 Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Prolander_Participant" "Deltager i RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Prolander_Participant" "RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant" "TF_Wearable_Idol" "Idol" "[english]TF_Wearable_Idol" "Idol" "TF_Wearable_Fish" "Fisk" "[english]TF_Wearable_Fish" "Fish" "cp_mossrock_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nMichał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko\nPEAR\nAndrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson\nJake \"Xi.Cynx\" Handlovic\nFuzzymellow\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nNeal \"Blade x64\" Smart\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke" "[english]cp_mossrock_authors" "Freyja\nE-Arkham\nMichał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nPEAR\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nJake 'Xi.Cynx' Handlovic\nFuzzymellow\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nNeal 'Blade x64' Smart\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke" "koth_lazarus_authors" "Aeon \"Void\" Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees\nSky\nBenjamin \"blaholtzen\" Blåholtz\nStiffy360" "[english]koth_lazarus_authors" "Aeon 'Void' Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nSky\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nStiffy360" "plr_bananabay_authors" "Neal \"Blade x64\" Smart\nJennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nFuzzymellow\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nFreyja" "[english]plr_bananabay_authors" "Neal 'Blade x64' Smart\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nFuzzymellow\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nFreyja" "pl_enclosure_final_authors" "Michał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nE-Arkham\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nAndrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson\nFuzzymellow\nMaxime Dupuis\nFreyja\nIvan \"Crowbar\" Sokolov" "[english]pl_enclosure_final_authors" "Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nE-Arkham\nPEAR\nStiffy360\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nFuzzymellow\nMaxime Dupuis\nFreyja\nIvan 'Crowbar' Sokolov" "koth_brazil_authors" "Jérémie \"RaVaGe\" Nicolas\nTyler \"Yyler\" King\nSean \"Heyo\" Cutino\nNassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun\n" "[english]koth_brazil_authors" "Jérémie 'RaVaGe' Nicolas\nTyler 'Yyler' King\nSean 'Heyo' Cutino\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\n" "TF_Map_Mossrock" "Mossrock" "[english]TF_Map_Mossrock" "Mossrock" "TF_MapToken_Mossrock" "Banefrimærke - Mossrock" "[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock" "Map Stamp - Mossrock" "TF_MapToken_Mossrock_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\\Lavet af Freyja, E-Arkham, Michał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko, PEAR, Andrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson, Jake \"Xi.Cynx\" Handlovic, Fuzzymellow, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Neal \"Blade x64\" Smart, and Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Mossrock-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Freyja, E-Arkham, Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko, PEAR, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Jake 'Xi.Cynx' Handlovic, Fuzzymellow, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, and Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mossrock community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Mossrock_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Mossrock-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Mossrock_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Mossrock community map." "TF_Map_Lazarus" "Lazarus" "[english]TF_Map_Lazarus" "Lazarus" "TF_MapToken_Lazarus" "Banefrimærke - Lazarus" "[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus" "Map Stamp - Lazarus" "TF_MapToken_Lazarus_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Fuzzymellow, Tim \"SedimentarySocks\" BL, Sky, Benjamin \"blaholtzen\" Blåholtz, and Stiffy360\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Lazarus-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Fuzzymellow, Tim 'SedimentarySocks' BL, Sky, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, and Stiffy360\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Lazarus community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Lazarus_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Lazarus-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Lazarus_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Lazarus community map." "TF_Map_BananaBay" "Banana Bay" "[english]TF_Map_BananaBay" "Banana Bay" "TF_MapToken_BananaBay" "Banefrimærke - Banana Bay" "[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay" "Map Stamp - Banana Bay" "TF_MapToken_BananaBay_Desc" "En Payload Race-bane\n\nLavet af Neal \"Blade x64\" Smart, Jennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett, PEAR, Stiffy360, Fuzzymellow, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig og Freyja\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Banana Bay-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay_Desc" "A Payload Race Map\n\nMade by Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, Jennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett, PEAR, Stiffy360, Fuzzymellow, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, and Freyja\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Banana Bay community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_BananaBay_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Banana Bay-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_BananaBay_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Banana Bay community map." "TF_Map_Enclosure" "Enclosure" "[english]TF_Map_Enclosure" "Enclosure" "TF_MapToken_Enclosure" "Banefrimærke - Enclosure" "[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure" "Map Stamp - Enclosure" "TF_MapToken_Enclosure_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Michał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, E-Arkham, PEAR, Stiffy360, Andrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson, Fuzzymellow, Maxime Dupuis, Freyja og Ivan \"Crowbar\" Sokolov\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Enclosure-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, E-Arkham, PEAR, Stiffy360, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Fuzzymellow, Maxime Dupuis, Freyja, and Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Enclosure community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Enclosure_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Enclosure-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Enclosure_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Enclosure community map." "TF_Map_Brazil" "Brazil" "[english]TF_Map_Brazil" "Brazil" "TF_MapToken_Brazil" "Banefrimærke - Brazil" "[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil" "Map Stamp - Brazil" "TF_MapToken_Brazil_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Jérémie \"RaVaGe\" Nicolas, Tyler \"Yyler\" King, Sean \"Heyo\" Cutino og Nassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Brazil-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Jérémie 'RaVaGe' Nicolas, Tyler 'Yyler' King, Sean 'Heyo' Cutino, and Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Brazil community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Brazil_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Brazil-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Brazil_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Brazil community map." "TF_Map_cp_mercenarypark" "Mercenary Park" "[english]TF_Map_cp_mercenarypark" "Mercenary Park" "TF_Map_Mossrock_StrangePrefix" " Blomstrende" "[english]TF_Map_Mossrock_StrangePrefix" " Blooming" "TF_Map_Lazarus_StrangePrefix" " Genoplivende" "[english]TF_Map_Lazarus_StrangePrefix" " Resurrecting" "TF_Map_BananaBay_StrangePrefix" " Moden" "[english]TF_Map_BananaBay_StrangePrefix" " Ripe" "TF_Map_Enclosure_StrangePrefix" " Vild" "[english]TF_Map_Enclosure_StrangePrefix" " Feral" "TF_Map_Brazil_StrangePrefix" " Verde" "[english]TF_Map_Brazil_StrangePrefix" " Verde" "TF_Map_2Fort_StrangePrefix" " Klassisk" "[english]TF_Map_2Fort_StrangePrefix" " Classic" "TF_Map_Dustbowl_StrangePrefix" " Beskidt" "[english]TF_Map_Dustbowl_StrangePrefix" " Dirty" "TF_Map_Upward_StrangePrefix" " Opstigende" "[english]TF_Map_Upward_StrangePrefix" " Ascending" "TF_Map_Badwater_StrangePrefix" " Kontamineret" "[english]TF_Map_Badwater_StrangePrefix" " Contaminated" "TF_Map_Hightower_StrangePrefix" " Tårnende" "[english]TF_Map_Hightower_StrangePrefix" " Towering" "TF_Map_Goldrush_StrangePrefix" " Undersøgende" "[english]TF_Map_Goldrush_StrangePrefix" " Prospecting" "TF_Map_DegrootKeep_StrangePrefix" " Middelalderlig" "[english]TF_Map_DegrootKeep_StrangePrefix" " Medieval" "TF_Map_ThunderMountain_StrangePrefix" " Rumlende" "[english]TF_Map_ThunderMountain_StrangePrefix" " Rumbling" "TF_Map_Coaltown_StrangePrefix" " Brændbar" "[english]TF_Map_Coaltown_StrangePrefix" " Combustible" "TF_Map_Mannhattan_StrangePrefix" " Empirisk" "[english]TF_Map_Mannhattan_StrangePrefix" " Empiric" "Humiliation_Kill_Slap" "LUSSINGEDRAB!" "[english]Humiliation_Kill_Slap" "SLAP KILL!" "Lair_Cap_1" "Varemodtagelsen" "[english]Lair_Cap_1" "the Receiving Bay" "Lair_Cap_2" "Laboratoriet" "[english]Lair_Cap_2" "the Lab" "Lair_Cap_3" "Forsøgsgrunden" "[english]Lair_Cap_3" "the Test Pit" "Lair_RED_Setup_Goal" "Forsvar alle kontrolpunkter mod BLU!" "[english]Lair_RED_Setup_Goal" "Defend all Control points against team BLU!" "Lair_BLU_Setup_Goal" "Erobr alle tre kontrolpunkter for at vinde runden!" "[english]Lair_BLU_Setup_Goal" "Capture all three Control Points to win the round!" "Enclosure_cap_1_A" "Voliere" "[english]Enclosure_cap_1_A" "Aviary" "Enclosure_cap_1_B" "Mineindgang" "[english]Enclosure_cap_1_B" "Mine entrance" "Enclosure_cap_2_A" "Sikkerhedsstation" "[english]Enclosure_cap_2_A" "Security station" "Enclosure_cap_2_B" "Bådhus" "[english]Enclosure_cap_2_B" "Boathouse" "Enclosure_cap_3_A" "Raptor-indhegning" "[english]Enclosure_cap_3_A" "Raptor enclosure" "Enclosure_cap_3_B" "T-Rex-indhegning" "[english]Enclosure_cap_3_B" "T-Rex enclosure" "Gametype_Campaign3" "Jungle Inferno" "[english]Gametype_Campaign3" "Jungle Inferno" "Gametype_Campaign3_Desc" "Spil alle Jungle Inferno-kampagnebanerne" "[english]Gametype_Campaign3_Desc" "Tour all of the Jungle Inferno Campaign maps" "TF_RocketPack_Heat" "HEDE" "[english]TF_RocketPack_Heat" "HEAT" "TF_RocketPack_Charges" "LADNINGER" "[english]TF_RocketPack_Charges" "CHARGES" "TF_RocketPack_ChargesMin" "%charge_count%" "[english]TF_RocketPack_ChargesMin" "%charge_count%" "TF_RocketPack_Disabled" "SLÅET FRA" "[english]TF_RocketPack_Disabled" "DISABLED" "TF_Disconnect" "Afbryd" "[english]TF_Disconnect" "Disconnect" "NewItemMethod_BloodMoneyPurchase" "Du købte med blodpenge:" "[english]NewItemMethod_BloodMoneyPurchase" "You purchased with Blood Money:" "NewItemMethod_PaintKit" "Du indløste:" "[english]NewItemMethod_PaintKit" "You Redeemed:" "Loadout_OpenPaintkitPreview" "GENNEMSE OG FORHÅNDSVIS KRIGSMALINGER" "[english]Loadout_OpenPaintkitPreview" "BROWSE AND PREVIEW WAR PAINTS" "PaintkitTitle" "KRIGSMALINGER" "[english]PaintkitTitle" "WAR PAINTS" "OpenKeylessCase" "Åbn" "[english]OpenKeylessCase" "Open" "ToolPaintKitConfirm" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at dekorere denne genstand?" "[english]ToolPaintKitConfirm" "Are you sure you want to decorate this item?" "ToolPaintKitPreview" "Dette er præcis sådan, genstanden kommer til at se ud" "[english]ToolPaintKitPreview" "This is exactly what the item will look like" "ToolPaintKitInProgress" "Dekorerer din genstand" "[english]ToolPaintKitInProgress" "Decorating your item" "KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsEarned" "Kontraktpoint optjent" "[english]KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsEarned" "Contract Points Earned" "KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsContributedToFriends" "Kontraktpoint bidraget til venner" "[english]KillEaterEvent_ContractPointsContributedToFriends" "Contract Points Contributed To Friends" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock" "Sært filter: Mossrock (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock" "Strange Filter: Mossrock (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Mossrock." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMossrock_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Mossrock." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLazarus" "Sært filter: Lazarus (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLazarus" "Strange Filter: Lazarus (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLazarus_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Lazarus." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLazarus_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Lazarus." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBananaBay" "Sært filter: Banana Bay (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBananaBay" "Strange Filter: Banana Bay (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBananaBay_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Banana Bay." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBananaBay_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Banana Bay." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEnclosure" "Sært filter: Enclosure (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEnclosure" "Strange Filter: Enclosure (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEnclosure_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Enclosure." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapEnclosure_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Enclosure." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBrazil" "Sært filter: Brazil (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBrazil" "Strange Filter: Brazil (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBrazil_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Brazil." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBrazil_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Brazil." "TF_StrangeFilter_Map2fort" "Sært filter: 2Fort" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Map2fort" "Strange Filter: 2Fort" "TF_StrangeFilter_Map2fort_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i 2Fort." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_Map2fort_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on 2Fort." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapDustbowl" "Sært filter: Dustbowl" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapDustbowl" "Strange Filter: Dustbowl" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapDustbowl_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Dustbowl." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapDustbowl_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Dustbowl." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapUpward" "Sært filter: Upward" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapUpward" "Strange Filter: Upward" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapUpward_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Upward." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapUpward_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Upward." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapBadwater" "Sært filter: Badwater" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapBadwater" "Strange Filter: Badwater" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapBadwater_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Badwater." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapBadwater_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Badwater." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapHightower" "Sært filter: Hightower" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapHightower" "Strange Filter: Hightower" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapHightower_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Hightower." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapHightower_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Hightower." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapGoldrush" "Sært filter: Goldrush" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapGoldrush" "Strange Filter: Goldrush" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapGoldrush_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Goldrush." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapGoldrush_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Goldrush." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapDeGrootKeep" "Sært filter: DeGroot Keep" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapDeGrootKeep" "Strange Filter: DeGroot Keep" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapDeGrootKeep_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i DeGroot Keep." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapDeGrootKeep_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on DeGroot Keep." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapThundermountain" "Sært filter: Thundermountain" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapThundermountain" "Strange Filter: Thundermountain" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapThundermountain_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Thundermountain." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapThundermountain_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Thundermountain." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapCoaltown" "Sært filter: Coaltown" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapCoaltown" "Strange Filter: Coaltown" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapCoaltown_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Coaltown." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapCoaltown_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Coaltown." "TF_StrangeFilter_MapMannhattan" "Sært filter: Mannhattan" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapMannhattan" "Strange Filter: Mannhattan" "TF_StrangeFilter_MapMannhattan_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Mannhattan." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_MapMannhattan_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Mannhattan." "KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank0" "Grus" "[english]KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank0" "Gravel" "KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank1" "Bronze" "[english]KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank1" "Bronze" "KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank2" "Sølv" "[english]KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank2" "Silver" "KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank3" "Australium" "[english]KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank3" "Australium" "KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank4" "Australium" "[english]KillEater_ContractPointsEarnedRank4" "Australium" "TF_ItemPreview_PaintkitSeed" "Tilfældiggør" "[english]TF_ItemPreview_PaintkitSeed" "Randomize" "TF_ItemPreview_ItemWear" "Forhåndsvis slid" "[english]TF_ItemPreview_ItemWear" "Preview Wear" "TF_ItemPreview_ItemPreview" "Forhåndsvis genstand" "[english]TF_ItemPreview_ItemPreview" "Preview Item" "TF_ItemPreview_RedeemItem" "Vælg genstand" "[english]TF_ItemPreview_RedeemItem" "Choose Item" "campaign3_master_collection" "Jungle Inferno-samlinger" "[english]campaign3_master_collection" "Jungle Inferno Collections" "campaign3_master_collection_desc" " " "[english]campaign3_master_collection_desc" "" "Campaign3Cosmetics_Case1_collection" "Afskyelig Kosmetik-samlingen" "[english]Campaign3Cosmetics_Case1_collection" "Abominable Cosmetic Collection" "Campaign3Cosmetics_Case1_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Afskyelige Kosmetik-samlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Cosmetics_Case1_collection_desc" "Items from the Abominable Cosmetic Collection:" "Campaign3Cosmetics_Case2_collection" "Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiksamlingen" "[english]Campaign3Cosmetics_Case2_collection" "Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Collection" "Campaign3Cosmetics_Case2_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Cosmetics_Case2_collection_desc" "Items from the Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Collection:" "Campaign3Paintkits_contract1_collection" "Dekoreret Krigshelt-samlingen" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_contract1_collection" "Decorated War Hero Collection" "Campaign3Paintkits_contract1_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Dekoreret Krigshelt-samlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_contract1_collection_desc" "Items from the Decorated War Hero Collection:" "Campaign3Paintkits_contract2_collection" "Kontraktforkæmper-samlingen" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_contract2_collection" "Contract Campaigner Collection" "Campaign3Paintkits_contract2_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Kontraktforkæmper-samlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_contract2_collection_desc" "Items from the Contract Campaigner Collection:" "Campaign3Paintkits_case1_collection" "Junglejackpot-samlingen" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_case1_collection" "Jungle Jackpot Collection" "Campaign3Paintkits_case1_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Junglejackpot-samlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_case1_collection_desc" "Items from the Jungle Jackpot Collection:" "Campaign3Paintkits_case2_collection" "Infernalsk Belønning-samlingen" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_case2_collection" "Infernal Reward Collection" "Campaign3Paintkits_case2_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Infernalsk Belønning-samlingen:" "[english]Campaign3Paintkits_case2_collection_desc" "Items from the Infernal Reward Collection:" "UniqueSkins_collection" "Saxtons Udvalgte-samlingen" "[english]UniqueSkins_collection" "Saxton Select Collection" "UniqueSkins_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Saxton Select-samlingen:" "[english]UniqueSkins_collection_desc" "Items from the Saxton Select Collection:" "TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno-kampagnepas" "[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass" "TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Ved at aktivere Jungle Inferno-kampagnepasset modtager du en Jungle Inferno-KonSporer, som giver dig adgang til Jungle Inferno-kontrakter, og som holder øje med dit fremskridt og kan udstyres i spillet!" "[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Activating the Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker that gives access to Jungle Inferno contracts, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game!" "TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Bidrag til fællesskabsbaneskabere\n-Adgang til kontrakter der giver eksklusive genstande når gennemført!" "[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward exclusive items when completed!" "TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno-KonSporer" "[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno ConTracker" "TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass_desc" "Jungle Inferno-KonSporeren giver dig adgang til Jungle Inferno-kontrakter, og holder øje med dit fremskridt og kan udstyres i spillet! Du kan øge din Jungle Inferno-KonSporers niveau ved at optjene kontraktpoint fra kampagnekontrakter. KonSporeren stiger i niveau ved 2500, 5000 og 6840 kontraktpoint." "[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass_desc" "The Jungle Inferno ConTracker gives access to Jungle Inferno contracts, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game! You can level up your Jungle Inferno ConTracker by earning Contract Points from campaign contracts. The ConTracker will level up at 2500, 5000, and 6840 Contract Points." "Footer_Campaign3Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Jungle Inferno-hat" "[english]Footer_Campaign3Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat" "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1" "Afskyelig Kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1" "Abominable Cosmetic Case" "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nAfskyelig Kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Afskyelig Kosmetik-samlingen." "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1_desc" "This Case is locked and requires an\nAbominable Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Abominable Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Afskyelig Kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Jungle Inferno-hat" "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires an Abominable Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1" "Afskyelig Kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1" "Abominable Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Afskyelig Kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1_desc" "Used to Open an Abominable Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Afskyelig Kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Jungle Inferno-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey1_AdText" "-Used to open an Abominable Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat" "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2" "Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2" "Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case" "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nSlip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2_desc" "This Case is locked and requires an\nUnleash the Beast Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Jungle Inferno-hat" "[english]TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase2_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires an Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2" "Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2" "Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2_desc" "Used to Open an Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Slip Bæstet Løs-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Jungle Inferno-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3CosmeticKey2_AdText" "-Used to open an Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat" "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1" "Junglejackpot-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1" "Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case" "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1_desc" "Tag aldrig et umalet våben med til en malet kamp." "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1_desc" "Never bring an unpainted gun to a painted gunfight." "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Junglejackpot-krigsmalingssamlingen" "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase1_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Jungle Jackpot War Paint Collection" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1" "Junglejackpot-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1" "Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Junglejackpot-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1_desc" "Used to Open a Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Junglejackpot-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey1_AdText" "-Used to Open a Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case" "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2" "Infernalsk Belønning-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2" "Infernal Reward War Paint Case" "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Infernalsk Belønning-krigsmalingssamlingen" "[english]TF_Campaign3PaintkitCase2_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Infernal Reward War Paint Collection" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2" "Infernalsk Belønning-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2" "Infernal Reward War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Infernalsk Belønning-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2_desc" "Used to Open an Infernal Reward War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Infernalsk Belønning-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Campaign3PaintkitKey2_AdText" "-Used to Open an Infernal Reward War Paint Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier1_Name" "\"Dekoreret Krigshelt\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Civilkvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier1_Name" "'Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nCivilian Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier2_Name" "\"Dekoreret Krigshelt\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Freelance-kvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier2_Name" "'Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nFreelance Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier3_Name" "\"Dekoreret Krigshelt\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Lejesoldatkvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier3_Name" "'Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nMercenary Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier1_Name" "\"Kontraktforkæmper\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Civilkvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier1_Name" "'Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nCivilian Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier2_Name" "\"Kontraktforkæmper\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Freelance-kvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier2_Name" "'Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nFreelance Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier3_Name" "\"Kontraktforkæmper\"-krigsmaling\nNøgleløs Kasse af Lejesoldatkvalitet" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier3_Name" "'Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nMercenary Grade Keyless Case" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier1_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Civilkvalitet eller bedre fra Dekoreret Krigshelt-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier1_Desc" "A Civilian Grade or better War Paint from the Decorated War Hero Collection" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier2_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Freelance-kvalitet eller bedre fra Dekoreret Krigshelt-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier2_Desc" "A Freelance Grade or better War Paint from the Decorated War Hero Collection" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier3_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Lejesoldatkvalitet eller bedre fra Dekoreret Krigshelt-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection1_Tier3_Desc" "A Mercenary Grade or better War Paint from the Decorated War Hero Collection" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier1_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Civilkvalitet eller bedre fra Kontraktforkæmper-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier1_Desc" "A Civilian Grade or better War Paint from the Contract Campaigner Collection" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier2_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Freelance-kvalitet eller bedre fra Kontraktforkæmper-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier2_Desc" "A Freelance Grade or better War Paint from the Contract Campaigner Collection" "TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier3_Desc" "En krigsmaling af Lejesoldatkvalitet eller bedre fra Kontraktforkæmper-samlingen" "[english]TF_KeylessPaintkitBundle_Campaign3_Collection2_Tier3_Desc" "A Mercenary Grade or better War Paint from the Contract Campaigner Collection" "TF_Tracker" "Sporer" "[english]TF_Tracker" "Tracker" "TF_PaintKitTool" "Krigsmaling" "[english]TF_PaintKitTool" "War Paint" "TF_PaintKitTool_desc" "Kan indløses for en genstand med det samme mønster." "[english]TF_PaintKitTool_desc" "Can be redeemed for an item with the same pattern." "Econ_KeylessCase_Header" "Denne nøgleløse kasse indeholder én af følgende genstande:" "[english]Econ_KeylessCase_Header" "This keyless case contains one of the following items:" "TF_Set_Monster_Mash_up" "Monstermiks-pakken" "[english]TF_Set_Monster_Mash_up" "The Monster Mash-Up Pack" "Attrib_UntradableFreeContractReward" "Gratis kontraktbelønning: Kan ikke byttes eller sælges" "[english]Attrib_UntradableFreeContractReward" "Free Contract Reward: Not Tradable or Marketable" "Attrib_CritsBecomeMinicrits" "Skader mini-kritisk, når det normalt ville gøre kritisk skade" "[english]Attrib_CritsBecomeMinicrits" "Minicrits whenever it would normally crit" "Attrib_AirControlBlastJump" "%s1% øget luftkontrol under eksplosionshop" "[english]Attrib_AirControlBlastJump" "%s1% increased air control when blast jumping" "Attrib_PatientOverheal_Penalty" "%s1% maksimal overheling på bæreren" "[english]Attrib_PatientOverheal_Penalty" "%s1% maximum overheal on wearer" "Attrib_AddHeadOnKill" "Indsaml dine fjenders organer" "[english]Attrib_AddHeadOnKill" "Collect the organs of your victims" "Attrib_UberchargeSavedOnHit" "Indsaml organerne fra de folk, du rammer" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeSavedOnHit" "Collect the organs of people you hit" "Attrib_SpreadPenaltyScalesCons" "Skud hurtigt i træk bliver mindre nøjagtige" "[english]Attrib_SpreadPenaltyScalesCons" "Successive shots become less accurate" "Attrib_FixedShotPattern" "Skyder i et bredt, fast mønster" "[english]Attrib_FixedShotPattern" "Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern" "Attrib_SpunUpPushForceResist" "Immun over for skub fra skade og luftstød, når der spinnes op" "[english]Attrib_SpunUpPushForceResist" "Immune to push force from damage and airblast when spun up" "Attrib_DisguiseConsumesCloak" "Almindelige forklædninger kræver (og opbruger) et fuldt usynlighedsmeter" "[english]Attrib_DisguiseConsumesCloak" "Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter" "Attrib_MaxHealthDrain" "Maksimalt helbred drænes, mens denne genstand er aktiv" "[english]Attrib_MaxHealthDrain" "Maximum health is drained while item is active" "Attrib_ImpactPushback" "Skub fjender tilbage, når du lander (kraft og radius er baseret på hastighed)" "[english]Attrib_ImpactPushback" "Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity)" "Attrib_ImpactStun" "Lam fjender når du lander" "[english]Attrib_ImpactStun" "Stun enemies when you land" "Attrib_ThermalThrusterAirLaunch" "Kan affyres igen, mens man befinder sig i luften" "[english]Attrib_ThermalThrusterAirLaunch" "Able to re-launch while already in-flight" "Attrib_ChargeMeterRateMult" "%s1% hurtigere genopladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_ChargeMeterRateMult" "%s1% faster recharge rate" "Attrib_ChargeMeterRateMult_shortdesc" "%s1% genopladningshastighed" "[english]Attrib_ChargeMeterRateMult_shortdesc" "%s1% Recharge Rate" "Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite" "Antændte fjender eksploderer" "[english]Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite" "Ignited enemies explode" "Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite_shortdesc" "Eksploder ved antænding" "[english]Attrib_ExplodeOnIgnite_shortdesc" "Explode On Ignite" "Attrib_SpeedBoostEnemy" "Få en hastighedsforøgelse, når du rammer en fjendtlig spiller" "[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostEnemy" "Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player" "Attrib_Dmg_Crit_Falloff" "Kritisk skade påvirkes af rækkevidde" "[english]Attrib_Dmg_Crit_Falloff" "Critical damage is affected by range" "TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Banana" "Den Anden Banan" "[english]TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Banana" "The Second Banana" "TF_Lunchbox_Banana_desc" "Spis for at regenerere helbred.\nAlt-skyd: Del bananen med en ven (lille helbredspakke)" "[english]TF_Lunchbox_Banana_desc" "Eat to gain health.\nAlt-fire: Share banana with a friend (Small Health Kit)" "TF_GasPasser" "Benzindunken" "[english]TF_GasPasser" "The Gas Passer" "TF_GasPasser_Desc" "Skaber frygtindgydende, synlige benzindampe, som væder fjender i brandbart materiale, som derefter sætter ild i dem (selv fjendtlige Pyroer!), hvis de tager skade." "[english]TF_GasPasser_Desc" "Creates a horrific visible gas cloud that coats enemies with a flammable material, which then ignites into afterburn if they take damage (even enemy Pyros!)" "TF_Gas" "Benzin" "[english]TF_Gas" "Gas" "TF_Pressure" "Tryk" "[english]TF_Pressure" "Pressure" "Item_CYOABloodMoneyPurchase" "%s1 har brugt blodpenge på:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_CYOABloodMoneyPurchase" "%s1 has spent Blood Money for:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Painkit" "%s1 har indløst:: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Painkit" "%s1 has redeemed:: %s2 %s3" "MMenu_Tooltip_Options" "Indstillinger" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Options" "Options" "MMenu_Tooltip_AdvOptions" "Avancerede indstillinger" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_AdvOptions" "Advanced Options" "MMenu_PromptQuit_Title" "Afslut" "[english]MMenu_PromptQuit_Title" "Quit" "MMenu_PromptQuit_Body" "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at afslutte?" "[english]MMenu_PromptQuit_Body" "Are you sure you want to quit?" "WeaponPatternsExplanation_Title" "Krigsmalinger" "[english]WeaponPatternsExplanation_Title" "War Paints" "WeaponPatternsExplanation_Text" "Krigsmalinger er designs, der kan anvendes til forskellige våben. Her kan du gennemse forskellige kombinationer af våben og krigsmalinger." "[english]WeaponPatternsExplanation_Text" "War Paints are designs that can be applied to various weapons. Here you're able to browse through all of the different combinations of weapons and War Paints." "TF_UsePaintkit_Title" "Indløs for dette?" "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Title" "Redeem for this?" "TF_UsePaintkit_Text" "Din %item_name% vil blive opbrugt i processen." "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Text" "Your %item_name% will be consumed in the process." "TF_UsePaintkit_Working" "Indløser din krigsmaling..." "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Working" "Redeeming your War Paint..." "TF_UsePaintkit_Failed" "Kunne ikke indløse krigsmaling. Prøv igen senere." "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Failed" "Failed to redeem your War Paint. Try again later." "TF_UsePaintkit_Panel_Title" "Krigsmaling-indløsning" "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Panel_Title" "War Paint Redemption" "TF_UsePaintkit_Panel_Desc" "Vælg hvilken genstand du ønsker at indløse denne krigsmaling til." "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Panel_Desc" "Select which item you'd like to redeem this War Paint for." "TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Title" "Bruger krigsmaling" "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Title" "Using War Paint" "TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Body" "Her kan du vælge og forhåndsvise hvilken genstand, du vil indløse din krigsmaling til. Forhåndsvisningen viser præcist hvordan genstanden, du modtager, kommer til at se ud." "[english]TF_UsePaintkit_Explanation_Body" "Here you can select and preview which item you'd like to redeem your War Paint for. The preview represents exactly what the item you'll receive will look like." "TF_CollectionCrafting_Paintkit_NotCraftableYet" "Malingssæt kan i øjeblikket ikke bruges i samlingssmedning" "[english]TF_CollectionCrafting_Paintkit_NotCraftableYet" "Paintkits are not currently usable for collection crafting" "TF_MM_Abandon_Quests" "At forlade dit hold vil resultere i en udelukkelse fra matchmaking i et væsentligt stykke tid, og du mister ethvert fremskridt, du har gjort på dine kontrakter." "[english]TF_MM_Abandon_Quests" "Abandoning your team will result in a matchmaking ban for a significant period of time, and you will lose any progress you've made on your Contracts." "TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty_Quests" "Du vil ikke være i stand til at tilslutte denne kamp igen, og du mister ethvert fremskridt, du har gjort på dine kontrakter." "[english]TF_MM_Abandon_NoPenalty_Quests" "You will not be able to rejoin this match and you will lose any progress you've made on your Contracts." "TF_MM_QueueState_Format" "I kø til %s1" "[english]TF_MM_QueueState_Format" "Queued for %s1" "TF_MM_QueueState_Standby" "I kø til din gruppes kamp" "[english]TF_MM_QueueState_Standby" "Queued for your party's match" "TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Prompt" "Din gruppe er i en kamp" "[english]TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Prompt" "Your party is in a match" "TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Join" "Tilslut" "[english]TF_MM_JoinPartyLobby_Join" "Join" "TF_MM_OpenSettings" "Matchmaking-indstillinger" "[english]TF_MM_OpenSettings" "Matchmaking Settings" "TF_MM_InviteMode" "Gruppeinvitationstilstand" "[english]TF_MM_InviteMode" "Party invite mode" "TF_MM_InviteMode_Open" "Venner kan frit tilslutte sig gruppen" "[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Open" "Friends can freely join" "TF_MM_InviteMode_Invite" "Venner kan anmode om en invitation" "[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Invite" "Friends can request an invite" "TF_MM_InviteMode_Closed" "Venner skal inviteres" "[english]TF_MM_InviteMode_Closed" "Friends must be invited" "TF_MM_PingSetting" "Ping-grænse: %s1" "[english]TF_MM_PingSetting" "Ping Limit: %s1" "TF_MM_PingSetting_Auto" "Ping-grænse: Auto" "[english]TF_MM_PingSetting_Auto" "Ping Limit: Auto" "TF_MM_IgnoreInvites" "Ignorer gruppeinvitationer" "[english]TF_MM_IgnoreInvites" "Ignore invites to parties" "TF_MM_PartySameTeam" "Behold gruppemedlemmer på samme hold." "[english]TF_MM_PartySameTeam" "Keep party members on the same team" "TF_MM_KickFromParty" "Fjern fra gruppe" "[english]TF_MM_KickFromParty" "Kick from party" "TF_MM_PromoteToLeader" "Forfrem til gruppeleder" "[english]TF_MM_PromoteToLeader" "Promote to Party Leader" "TF_MM_AcceptJoinRequest" "Accepter tilslutningsanmodning" "[english]TF_MM_AcceptJoinRequest" "Accept join request" "TF_MM_RejectInvite" "Afslå tilslutningsanmodning" "[english]TF_MM_RejectInvite" "Reject join request" "TF_MM_CancelInvite" "Annuller invitation" "[english]TF_MM_CancelInvite" "Cancel invite" "TF_MM_ComingSoon" "Kommer snart!" "[english]TF_MM_ComingSoon" "Coming soon!" "TF_Friends_InviteParty" "Inviter til gruppe" "[english]TF_Friends_InviteParty" "Invite to party" "TF_Friends_JoinParty" "Tilslut gruppe" "[english]TF_Friends_JoinParty" "Join party" "TF_Friends_JoinServer" "Tilslut spil" "[english]TF_Friends_JoinServer" "Join game" "TF_Friends_SendMessage" "Send besked" "[english]TF_Friends_SendMessage" "Send message" "TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Incoming" "%other% ønsker at tilslutte sig din gruppe." "[english]TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Incoming" "%other% would like to join your party." "TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Incoming" "%other% har inviteret dig til sin gruppe." "[english]TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Incoming" "%other% has invited you to their party." "TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Outgoing" "Anmoder om at tilslutte %other%'s gruppe." "[english]TF_Friends_JoinRequest_Outgoing" "Requesting to join %other%'s party." "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderModeSelect" "Tilstandsvalg" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderModeSelect" "Mode Selection" "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_Ban" "Du er på nuværende tidspunkt udelukket fra matchmaking." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_Ban" "You are currently Banned from Matchmaking." "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_BanParty" "%s1 på nuværende tidspunkt udelukket fra matchmaking." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_BanParty" "%s1 currently Banned from Matchmaking." "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbSingle" "%s1 er" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbSingle" "%s1 is" "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbPlural" "%s1 er" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_VerbPlural" "%s1 are" "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoTicket" "Alle gruppemedlemmer skal have en Tour of Duty-billet for at komme i kø." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoTicket" "All party members must have a Tour of Duty Ticket in order to queue." "TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanChange" "Du er ikke holdlederen og kan ikke ændre denne indstilling." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanChange" "You are not the party leader and cannot change this setting." "TF_Matchmaking_ViewLeader" "Du er ikke holdlederen. Klik på knappen nedenunder for at se de nuværende kampindstillinger." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_ViewLeader" "You are not the party leader. Click the button below to see the current match settings." "TF_Matchmaking_NoMatchSelected" "Din gruppeleder har ikke valgt en kamptype endnu." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_NoMatchSelected" "Your party leader has not selected a match type yet." "TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CasualBanned" "Udelukket fra Casual-matchmaking" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CasualBanned" "Banned from Casual Matchmaking" "TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CompetitiveBanned" "Udelukket fra Competitive-matchmaking" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_CompetitiveBanned" "Banned from Competitive Matchmaking" "TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_Leader" "Gruppeleder" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_Leader" "Party Leader" "TF_Competitive_LevelTier1" "Niveau: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_LevelTier1" "Level: %s1" "TF_XPSource_Prestige_Bonus" "Prestigebonus" "[english]TF_XPSource_Prestige_Bonus" "Prestige Bonus" "TF_Casual_Explanation_SaveMaps_Title" "Gemmer dine valg" "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_SaveMaps_Title" "Saving Your Selection" "TF_Casual_Explanation_SaveMaps_Body" "Du kan bruge disse knapper til at gemme og gendanne hvilke baner, du har valgt." "[english]TF_Casual_Explanation_SaveMaps_Body" "You can use these buttons to save and restore what maps you have selected." "TF_PartyMemberState_Singular" "%s1" "[english]TF_PartyMemberState_Singular" "%s1 does" "TF_PartyMemberState_Plural" "%s1" "[english]TF_PartyMemberState_Plural" "%s1 do" "TF_PartyMemberState_LastTwo" "%s1 og %s2" "[english]TF_PartyMemberState_LastTwo" "%s1 and %s2" "TF_Competitive_Requirements_Party" "%s1 opfylder ikke kravene for at få adgang til denne funktion.\n\nKlik for at få mere information." "[english]TF_Competitive_Requirements_Party" "%s1 not meet the requirements needed to access this feature.\n\nClick for more information." "QuestTracker_Pending" "Gennemfør runden for at gennemføre denne kontrakt" "[english]QuestTracker_Pending" "Finish the round to complete this contract" "QuestTracker_NoContract" "Kontrakter tilgængelige" "[english]QuestTracker_NoContract" "Contracts Available" "QuestTracker_ReadyForTurnIn" "Kontrakter klar til indsendelse" "[english]QuestTracker_ReadyForTurnIn" "Contract ready to turn in" "TF_QuestInvalid_MatchType" "Kontrakter kan kun arbejdes på i Casual-kampe." "[english]TF_QuestInvalid_MatchType" "Contracts can only be worked on in Casual matches." "QuestPoints_Primary" "Primær:" "[english]QuestPoints_Primary" "Primary:" "QuestPoints_Transmitting" "Indsender resultater %s1%" "[english]QuestPoints_Transmitting" "Transmitting results %s1%" "QuestPoints_ReadyTurnIn" "Klar til at indsende" "[english]QuestPoints_ReadyTurnIn" "Ready to turn in" "QuestPoints_Complete" "Gennemfør" "[english]QuestPoints_Complete" "Complete" "QuestPoints0_ObjectiveText" "%s1 KP" "[english]QuestPoints0_ObjectiveText" "%s1 CP" "QuestPoints1_ObjectiveText" "%s2 %s1 KP" "[english]QuestPoints1_ObjectiveText" "%s2 %s1 CP" "QuestPoints2_ObjectiveText" "%s2 %s1 KP" "[english]QuestPoints2_ObjectiveText" "%s2 %s1 CP" "QuestPoints_BonusRatio_InGame" "Bonus %s1:" "[english]QuestPoints_BonusRatio_InGame" "Bonus %s1:" "QuestPoints_BonusRatio_InMap" "%s1" "[english]QuestPoints_BonusRatio_InMap" "%s1" "QuestPoints0_BarText" "%s1/%s2 KP" "[english]QuestPoints0_BarText" "%s1/%s2 CP" "QuestPoints1_BarText" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 KP" "[english]QuestPoints1_BarText" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 CP" "QuestPoints2_BarText" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 KP" "[english]QuestPoints2_BarText" "Bonus: %s1/%s2 CP" "QuestPoints0_Complete" "Begynder - Gennemført" "[english]QuestPoints0_Complete" "Novice Complete" "QuestPoints1_Complete" "Avanceret - Gennemført" "[english]QuestPoints1_Complete" "Advanced Complete" "QuestPoints2_Complete" "Ekspert - Gennemført" "[english]QuestPoints2_Complete" "Expert Complete" "QuestReport_ContractComplete" "Kontrakt gennemført" "[english]QuestReport_ContractComplete" "Contract Complete" "QuestReport_ContractProgress" "Kontraktfremskridt" "[english]QuestReport_ContractProgress" "Contract Progress" "QuestReport_CreditsEarned" "+%s1 blodpenge" "[english]QuestReport_CreditsEarned" "+%s1 Blood Money" "QuestReport_Points0Scored" "%s1 begynderpoint optjent" "[english]QuestReport_Points0Scored" "%s1 Novice points scored" "QuestReport_Points1Scored" "%s1 avancerede point optjent" "[english]QuestReport_Points1Scored" "%s1 Advanced points scored" "QuestReport_Points2Scored" "%s1 ekspertpoint optjent" "[english]QuestReport_Points2Scored" "%s1 Expert points scored" "QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Primary" "%s1 har fuldført et primært mål på sin kontrakt %s2!" "[english]QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Primary" "%s1 has completed a primary objective for their %s2 contract!" "QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Bonus" "%s1 har gennemført et umuligt svært bonusmål på sin kontrakt %s2!" "[english]QuestReport_ChatNotification_ObjectiveCompleted_Bonus" "%s1 has completed an impossibly difficult bonus objective for their %s2 contract!" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_OK" "Start!" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_OK" "Start!" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_Title" "KonSporeren" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Title" "The ConTracker" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_Desc" "Velkommen til KonSporeren, din genvej til de bedste Mann Co.-kontrakter.\n\nHold musen over knapperne nedenfor for at lære mere om, hvordan du bruger din KonSporer" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Desc" "Welcome to the ConTracker, your gateway to the finest Mann Co. Contracts.\n\nMouse over the buttons below to learn more about how to use your ConTracker" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_1" "KonSporeren viser knudepunkter, som tilbyder et udvalg af kontrakter. Klik på et knudepunkt for at se hvilke kontrakter, det tilbyder. Klik på \"Aktiver\" for at påtage dig kontrakten." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_1" "The ConTracker display shows nodes that offer various Contracts. Click on a node to see what Contracts it offers. Click \"Activate\" to take on the Contract. You can have one Contract active at a time." "TF_QuestMap_Intro_2" "Du kan arbejde på dine kontrakter i Casual-kampe. At gennemføre et mål belønner dig med kontraktpoint (KP). Du skal gennemføre en kamp, før dit fremskridt gemmes! Når du har gennemført et primært eller bonusmål, kan du indsende kontrakten for at modtage dens belønning. Du kan til enhver til genaktivere kontrakter, du kun delvist har gennemført." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_2" "You can make progress on your Contracts in Casual matches. Doing an objective will earn you Contract Points (CP). You must finish a match for your progress to be saved! Once you've completed a Primary or Bonus objective, you can turn-in the Contract to get its rewards. You can reactivate Contracts you've only partially completed at any time." "TF_QuestMap_Intro_3" "At indsende primære og bonusmål belønner dig med genstande og stjerner. Brug dine stjerner til at aktivere flere kontrakter.\n\nPremium-kontrakter kan også belønne dig med blodpenge, som kan bruges i Mercenary Parks Souvenirbutik." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_3" "Turning in Primary and Bonus objectives earns you items and Stars. Use your Stars to activate more Contracts.\n\nPremium Contracts can also reward Blood Money, which can be spent in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop." "TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step1Button" "Vælg din kontrakt" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step1Button" "Choose your contract" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step2Button" "Indsend" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step2Button" "Turn-In" "TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step3Button" "Få udbytte" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Intro_Step3Button" "Get Loot" "TF_QuestMap_NoGC" "Etablerer forbindelse til TF-spilkoordinator..." "[english]TF_QuestMap_NoGC" "Establishing connection to TF Game Coordinator..." "TF_QuestMap_Region_ReturnHint" "Højreklik på kortet for at vende tilbage til %s1" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Region_ReturnHint" "Right-Click the map to return to %s1" "TF_QuestMap_Region_Completed" "Gennemført: %s1" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Region_Completed" "Completed: %s1" "TF_QuestMap_Region_Available" "Tilgængelig: %s1" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Region_Available" "Available: %s1" "TF_QuestMap_RewardCredits" "Penge: %s1" "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardCredits" "Cash: %s1" "TF_QuestMap_StarsAvailable" "Stjerner: %s1" "[english]TF_QuestMap_StarsAvailable" "Stars: %s1" "TF_QuestMap_StarsGained" "+%s1 stjerner" "[english]TF_QuestMap_StarsGained" "+%s1 Stars" "TF_QuestMap_BloodMoneyGained" "+%s1 blodpenge" "[english]TF_QuestMap_BloodMoneyGained" "+%s1 Blood Money" "TF_QuestMap_BronzeMedals" "Begyndergennemførsler: %s1/%s2" "[english]TF_QuestMap_BronzeMedals" "Novice Completions: %s1/%s2" "TF_QuestMap_SilverMedals" "Avancerede gennemførsler: %s1/%s2" "[english]TF_QuestMap_SilverMedals" "Advanced Completions: %s1/%s2" "TF_QuestMap_GoldMedals" "Ekspertgennemførsler: %s1/%s2" "[english]TF_QuestMap_GoldMedals" "Expert Completions: %s1/%s2" "TF_QuestMap_Node_Locked" "Låst" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Node_Locked" "Locked" "TF_QuestMap_Node_Available" "Tilgængelig" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Node_Available" "Available" "TF_QuestMap_Node_Active" "I gang" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Node_Active" "In Progress" "TF_QuestMap_Node_PartiallyCompleted" "Gennemført" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Node_PartiallyCompleted" "Completed" "TF_QuestMap_Node_FullyCompleted" "Helt\ngennemført" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Node_FullyCompleted" "Fully\nCompleted" "TF_QuestMap_Legend_Title" "Legende" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Legend_Title" "Legend" "TF_QuestMap_Credit_Received" "Du har modtaget en Afkodningsnøgle." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Credit_Received" "You've received a Decoder Key." "TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_Title" "Mercenary Parks Souvenirbutik" "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_Title" "Mercenary Park Gift Shop" "TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_Desc" "Brug dine hårdtjente blodpenge her. Du kan skaffe blodpenge ved at gennemføre kontrakter." "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_Desc" "Spend your hard earned Blood Money here. You earn Blood Money by completing Contracts." "TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_ConfirmPurchase_Title" "Køb?" "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_ConfirmPurchase_Title" "Purchase?" "TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_ConfirmPurchase_Body" "Er du sikker på, at du vil bruge %s1 blodpenge for: %s2?" "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_ConfirmPurchase_Body" "Are you sure you want to spend %s1 Blood Money for a %s2?" "TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_LimitedQuantity" "Begrænset antal! %s1 tilbage." "[english]TF_QuestMap_RewardStore_LimitedQuantity" "Limited supply! %s1 remaining." "TF_QuestMap_Map_Title" "Bane" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Map_Title" "Map" "TF_QuestMap_Power" "Strøm" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Power" "Power" "TF_QuestMap_StarsTotalTooltip" "Stjerner i alt" "[english]TF_QuestMap_StarsTotalTooltip" "Total stars" "TF_QuestMap_StarsAvailableTooltip" "Tilgængelige stjerner. Bruges til at oplåse knudepunkter" "[english]TF_QuestMap_StarsAvailableTooltip" "Available stars. Used to unlock nodes" "TF_QuestMap_BloodMoney" "Blodpenge. Bruges til at købe genstande i Mercenary Parks Souvenirbutik" "[english]TF_QuestMap_BloodMoney" "Blood Money. Used to buy items in the Mercenary Park Gift Shop" "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_QuestSelect" "At vælge denne kontrakt vil gøre de andre utilgængelige." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_QuestSelect" "Choosing this Contract will make the others become unavailable." "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_TurnIn" "Du skal først gennemføre den næste pointkategori helt, før du kan indløse dine belønninger." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_TurnIn" "You must completely fill the next point category before you can redeem your rewards." "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_Redeem" "Du skal gennemføre mindst én KP-kategori, før du kan indløse dit bytte." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_Redeem" "You must complete ate least one CP Category before you can redeem your loot." "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_NotEnoughCredits" "Du har ikke nok Afkodningsnøgler til at aktivere denne kontrakt. Du modtager automatisk én Afkodningsnøgle per dag." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_NotEnoughCredits" "You don't have enough Decoder Keys to activate this Contract. You automatically are given one Decoder Key per day." "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_NotYetUnlocked" "Du opfylder ikke kravene for at oplåse denne kontrakt." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_NotYetUnlocked" "You haven't met the requirements to unlock this Contract." "TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_RequirePass" "Du skal anskaffe og aktivere et kampagnepas for at oplåse denne kontrakt." "[english]TF_QuestMap_Tooltip_RequirePass" "You must acquire and activate a campaign pass to unlock this Contract." "TF_QuestMap_Back" "<<" "[english]TF_QuestMap_Back" "<< back" "TF_QuestView_Unlock" "Oplås" "[english]TF_QuestView_Unlock" "Unlock" "TF_QuestView_ConfirmSelect_Title" "Oplås?" "[english]TF_QuestView_ConfirmSelect_Title" "Unlock?" "TF_QuestView_ConfirmSelect_Multiple" "At aktivere denne kontakt vil gøre alle andre kontrakter utilgængelige permanent.\n\nEr du sikker på, at du ønsker at vælge denne kontrakt?" "[english]TF_QuestView_ConfirmSelect_Multiple" "Activating this Contract will make the other Contracts permanently unavailable.\n\nAre you sure you want to choose this Contract?" "TF_QuestView_FindMatch" "Find en kamp" "[english]TF_QuestView_FindMatch" "Find a match" "TF_QuestView_Choose" "Klik for at aktivere denne kontrakt" "[english]TF_QuestView_Choose" "Click to activate this Contract" "TF_QuestView_Objectives" "Mål" "[english]TF_QuestView_Objectives" "Objectives" "TF_QuestView_Rewards" "Belønninger" "[english]TF_QuestView_Rewards" "Rewards" "TF_QuestView_Reward_Claimed" "INDLØST" "[english]TF_QuestView_Reward_Claimed" "CLAIMED" "TF_QuestView_Deactivate" "Deaktiver" "[english]TF_QuestView_Deactivate" "Deactivate" "TF_QuestView_Accept" "Aktiver" "[english]TF_QuestView_Accept" "Activate" "TF_QuestView_ReAccept" "Genaktiver" "[english]TF_QuestView_ReAccept" "Reactivate" "TF_QuestView_Reward" "Fyld KP-baren for denne kontrakt for at modtage:" "[english]TF_QuestView_Reward" "Fill the CP bar on this Contract to receive:" "TF_QuestView_RedeemReward" "Indløs" "[english]TF_QuestView_RedeemReward" "Redeem" "TF_QuestView_RewardRedeemed" "Du modtog tidligere fra denne kontrakt:" "[english]TF_QuestView_RewardRedeemed" "You previously earned from this Contract:" "TF_QuestView_Requirements" "Du opfylder ikke kravene til at aktivere dette knudepunkt." "[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements" "You have not met the requirements to activate this node." "TF_QuestView_Requirement_NodeState" "Alle knudepunkter, der fører til dette knudepunkt, skal først have deres primære mål opfyldt." "[english]TF_QuestView_Requirement_NodeState" "All nodes that lead into this node must first have their Primary Objectives completed." "TF_QuestView_Requirements_Or" ", eller %s1" "[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_Or" ", or %s1" "TF_QuestView_Requirements_And" " og %s1" "[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_And" " and %s1" "TF_QuestView_Requirements_StarCount" "Dette knudepunkt kræver %s1 eller flere stjerner for at kunne oplåses, men du har kun %s2. Gennemfør flere primære og bonusmål for at få flere stjerner." "[english]TF_QuestView_Requirements_StarCount" "This node requires %s1 or more stars to unlock, but you only have %s2. Complete more Primary and Bonus Objectives to get more stars." "TF_QuestView_CreditCost" "Det koster 1 Afkodningsnøgle at aktivere denne kontrakt" "[english]TF_QuestView_CreditCost" "It costs 1 Decoder Key to activate this Contract" "TF_QuestView_RewardsInfo" "Når du har gennemført det primære mål, kan du indsende denne kontrakt og modtage belønningen angivet her." "[english]TF_QuestView_RewardsInfo" "Once you've completed the Primary Objective you can turn in this Contract to earn the rewards listed here." "TF_QuestView_ContractChosenInfo" "Klik på knappen \"Find en kamp\" for at finde en kamp, så du kan arbejde på din kontrakt." "[english]TF_QuestView_ContractChosenInfo" "Click the \"Find a Match\" button to find a match to work on your Contract." "TF_QuestView_SingleContractsInfo" "Hold musen over kontrakten nedenfor for at lære mere om den. Klik på \"Aktiver\" for at aktivere den." "[english]TF_QuestView_SingleContractsInfo" "Mouse over the Contract below to learn more about it. Click on it to \"Activate\" to activate it." "TF_QuestView_MultipleContractsInfo" "Dette knudepunkt har adskillige kontrakter tilgængelige, og du kan frit vælge, hvilken kontrakt, du vil arbejde på. Når du har valgt en kontrakt, bliver de andre utilgængelige.\n\nHold musen over hver kontrakt for at se deres mål. Klik på en kontrakt for at aktivere den." "[english]TF_QuestView_MultipleContractsInfo" "This node has multiple Contracts available, and you get to choose which Contract you want to work on. Once you've chosen a Contract, the others will become unavailable.\n\nMouse over each Contract to view its objectives. Click on a Contract to activate it." "TF_QuestView_ActiveContractInfo" "Når en kontrakt er aktiv, kan du opnå fremskridt i den.\n\nDu kan skifte, hvilken kontrakt der er aktiv, ved at vælge kontrakten og klikke på knappen \"Aktiver\"." "[english]TF_QuestView_ActiveContractInfo" "When a Contract is Active, you can make progress on it.\n\nYou can change which Contract you have activated by selecting the Contract and clicking the \"Activate\" button." "TF_QuestView_ObjectivesInfo" "Dette er denne kontrakts opgaver. Ved at gennemføre den primære opgave, kan du indsende denne kontrakt og modtage belønninger samt låse op for nærliggende kontrakter." "[english]TF_QuestView_ObjectivesInfo" "These are the objectives for this Contract. Completing the Primary Objective allows you to turn in this Contract in order to earn rewards and unlock neighboring Contracts." "TF_QuestView_TurnInSuccess" "ACCEPTERET" "[english]TF_QuestView_TurnInSuccess" "ACCEPTED" "TF_QuestView_TurnInFailure" "FEJL" "[english]TF_QuestView_TurnInFailure" "ERROR" "TF_YetiPunch" "Hån: Yeti-slag" "[english]TF_YetiPunch" "Taunt: Yeti Punch" "TF_YetiPunch_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser\nIfølge hellig tibetansk folkevisdom bor den ædle yeti i Himalaya-regionen i Nepal. Nu kan dens dumme ansigt bo i kæberasle-regionen på din knytnæve." "[english]TF_YetiPunch_Desc" "All Class Taunt\nAccording to sacred Tibetan folklore, the noble yeti inhabits the Himalayan region of Nepal. Now its stupid face can inhabit the knuckle sandwich region of your fist." "TF_YetiPunch_AdText" "-Hån til alle klasser\n-Ifølge hellig tibetansk folkevisdom bor den ædle yeti i Himalaya-regionen i Nepal. Nu kan dens dumme ansigt bo i kæberasle-regionen på din knytnæve." "[english]TF_YetiPunch_AdText" "-All Class Taunt\n-According to sacred Tibetan folklore, the noble yeti inhabits the Himalayan region of Nepal. Now its stupid face can inhabit the knuckle sandwich region of your fist." "TF_YetiSmash" "Hån: Yeti-brag" "[english]TF_YetiSmash" "Taunt: Yeti Smash" "TF_YetiSmash_Desc" "Hån til alle klasser\nForskræk dine fjender, imponer dine venner og nar sherpaer til at date dig med dette yeti-transformeringssæt." "[english]TF_YetiSmash_Desc" "All Class Taunt\nScare your enemies, impress your friends and trick sherpas into dating you with this yeti transformation kit." "TF_YetiSmash_AdText" "-Hån til alle klasser\n-Forskræk dine fjender, imponer dine venner og nar sherpaer til at date dig med dette yeti-transformeringssæt." "[english]TF_YetiSmash_AdText" "-All Class Taunt\n-Scare your enemies, impress your friends and trick sherpas into dating you with this yeti transformation kit." "TF_taunt_dueling_banjo" "Hån: Den Duellerende Banjo" "[english]TF_taunt_dueling_banjo" "Taunt: The Dueling Banjo" "TF_taunt_dueling_banjo_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån\nFejr én af de to ting, alle kan huske fra Burt Reynolds klassiker fra 1972, Udflugt med døden." "[english]TF_taunt_dueling_banjo_Desc" "Community Created Engineer Taunt\nCelebrate one of the two things everyone remembers from the 1972 Burt Reynolds classic, Deliverance." "TF_taunt_dueling_banjo_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån\n-Fejr én af de to ting, alle kan huske fra Burt Reynolds klassiker fra 1972, Udflugt med døden." "[english]TF_taunt_dueling_banjo_AdText" "-Community Created Engineer Taunt\n-Celebrate one of the two things everyone remembers from the 1972 Burt Reynolds classic, Deliverance." "TF_taunt_russian_arms_race" "Hån: Den Russiske Armering" "[english]TF_taunt_russian_arms_race" "Taunt: The Russian Arms Race" "TF_taunt_russian_arms_race_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\nBliv ved, kammerat! Ej midlerne til mælkesyreproduktion!" "[english]TF_taunt_russian_arms_race_Desc" "Community Created Heavy Taunt\nGet Pushkin, comrade! Own the means of lactic acid production!" "TF_taunt_russian_arms_race_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\n-Bliv ved, kammerat! Ej midlerne til mælkesyreproduktion!" "[english]TF_taunt_russian_arms_race_AdText" "-Community Created Heavy Taunt\n-Get Pushkin, comrade! Own the means of lactic acid production!" "TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm" "Hån: Den Sovjetiske Styrke" "[english]TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm" "Taunt: The Soviet Strongarm" "TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\nSpring ben-dag over for evigt med denne uendeligt loopende bicepsfrembringer." "[english]TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm_Desc" "Community Created Heavy Taunt\nSkip leg day forever with this infinitely-loopable bicep blaster." "TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån\n-Spring ben-dag over for evigt med denne uendeligt loopende bicepsfrembringer." "[english]TF_taunt_soviet_strongarm_AdText" "-Community Created Heavy Taunt\n-Skip leg day forever with this infinitely-loopable bicep blaster." "TF_taunt_jumping_jack" "Hån: Trykluftstransporten" "[english]TF_taunt_jumping_jack" "Taunt: The Jumping Jack" "TF_taunt_jumping_jack_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån\nPulveriser jorden, samt enhver befrugtningsevne du måtte have, med dette skridtmosende hån." "[english]TF_taunt_jumping_jack_Desc" "Community Created Engineer Taunt\nPound the ground and your ability to have children into submission with this groin-liquefying taunt." "TF_taunt_jumping_jack_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån\n-Pulveriser jorden, samt enhver befrugtningsevne du måtte have, med dette skridtmosende hån." "[english]TF_taunt_jumping_jack_AdText" "-Community Created Engineer Taunt\n-Pound the ground and your ability to have children into submission with this groin-liquefying taunt." "TF_taunt_the_headcase" "Hån: Galskabens Gourmetmiddag" "[english]TF_taunt_the_headcase" "Taunt: The Headcase" "TF_taunt_the_headcase_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån\nLad os være seriøse et øjeblik folkens, med denne inderlige hyldest til kannibalisme." "[english]TF_taunt_the_headcase_Desc" "Community Created Pyro Taunt\nLet's get serious for a second, folks, with this heartfelt tribute to cannibalism." "TF_taunt_the_headcase_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån\n-Lad os være seriøse et øjeblik folkens, med denne inderlige hyldest til kannibalisme." "[english]TF_taunt_the_headcase_AdText" "-Community Created Pyro Taunt\n-Let's get serious for a second, folks, with this heartfelt tribute to cannibalism." "TF_fall17_hunter_in_darkness" "Jægeren i Mørket" "[english]TF_fall17_hunter_in_darkness" "The Hunter in Darkness" "TF_fall17_hunter_in_darkness_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_hunter_in_darkness_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_quizzical_quetzal" "Farverig Fugl" "[english]TF_fall17_quizzical_quetzal" "Quizzical Quetzal" "TF_fall17_quizzical_quetzal_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_quizzical_quetzal_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_aztec_warrior" "Aztekerkrigeren" "[english]TF_fall17_aztec_warrior" "The Aztec Warrior" "TF_fall17_aztec_warrior_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_aztec_warrior_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_pocket_saxton" "Lomme-Saxton" "[english]TF_fall17_pocket_saxton" "Pocket Saxton" "TF_fall17_pocket_saxton_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_pocket_saxton_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_croaking_hazard" "Kvækningsfaren" "[english]TF_fall17_croaking_hazard" "The Croaking Hazard" "TF_fall17_croaking_hazard_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_croaking_hazard_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_jungle_wreath" "Junglekrans" "[english]TF_fall17_jungle_wreath" "Jungle Wreath" "TF_fall17_jungle_wreath_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_jungle_wreath_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_slithering_scarf" "Det Krybende Klæde" "[english]TF_fall17_slithering_scarf" "The Slithering Scarf" "TF_fall17_slithering_scarf_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_slithering_scarf_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_aloha_apparel" "Aloha-antræk" "[english]TF_fall17_aloha_apparel" "Aloha Apparel" "TF_fall17_aloha_apparel_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_aloha_apparel_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_nuke" "Nuke'en" "[english]TF_fall17_nuke" "The Nuke" "TF_fall17_nuke_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_nuke_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_bananades" "Banater" "[english]TF_fall17_bananades" "Bananades" "TF_fall17_bananades_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_bananades_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_war_eagle" "Krigsørnen" "[english]TF_fall17_war_eagle" "The War Eagle" "TF_fall17_war_eagle_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_war_eagle_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_jungle_jersey" "Junglejersey" "[english]TF_fall17_jungle_jersey" "Jungle Jersey" "TF_fall17_jungle_jersey_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_jungle_jersey_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_transparent_trousers" "Baggrundsbukser" "[english]TF_fall17_transparent_trousers" "Transparent Trousers" "TF_fall17_transparent_trousers_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_transparent_trousers_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_forest_footwear" "Skovstøvler" "[english]TF_fall17_forest_footwear" "Forest Footwear" "TF_fall17_forest_footwear_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_forest_footwear_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_cammy_jammies" "Camocargobukserne" "[english]TF_fall17_cammy_jammies" "The Cammy Jammies" "TF_fall17_cammy_jammies_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_cammy_jammies_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage" "Den Fremtrædende Forklædning" "[english]TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage" "The Conspicuous Camouflage" "TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_style0" "Ikke lynet" "[english]TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_style0" "Unzipped" "TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_style1" "Lynet" "[english]TF_fall17_conspicuous_camouflage_style1" "Zipped" "TF_fall17_classy_capper" "Den Højborgerlige Hovedbeklædning" "[english]TF_fall17_classy_capper" "The Classy Capper" "TF_fall17_classy_capper_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_classy_capper_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_most_dangerous_mane" "Den Farligste Manke" "[english]TF_fall17_most_dangerous_mane" "The Most Dangerous Mane" "TF_fall17_most_dangerous_mane_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_most_dangerous_mane_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_riflemans_regalia" "Riffelmandens Regalier" "[english]TF_fall17_riflemans_regalia" "Rifleman's Regalia" "TF_fall17_riflemans_regalia_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_riflemans_regalia_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_attack_packs" "Angrebspakker" "[english]TF_fall17_attack_packs" "Attack Packs" "TF_fall17_attack_packs_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_attack_packs_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_shellmet" "Patronhjelmen" "[english]TF_fall17_shellmet" "The Shellmet" "TF_fall17_shellmet_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_shellmet_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_chest_pain" "Skarp Brystsmerte" "[english]TF_fall17_chest_pain" "Sharp Chest Pain" "TF_fall17_chest_pain_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_chest_pain_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_crit_cloak" "Den Afgørende Afdækning" "[english]TF_fall17_crit_cloak" "The Crit Cloak" "TF_fall17_crit_cloak_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_crit_cloak_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_firemans_essentials" "Brandmandens Nødvendigheder" "[english]TF_fall17_firemans_essentials" "Fireman's Essentials" "TF_fall17_firemans_essentials_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_firemans_essentials_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_deyemonds" "Brillante Briller" "[english]TF_fall17_deyemonds" "D-eye-monds" "TF_fall17_deyemonds_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_deyemonds_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_deitys_dress" "Guddommelig Garderobe" "[english]TF_fall17_deitys_dress" "Deity's Dress" "TF_fall17_deitys_dress_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_deitys_dress_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_feathered_fiend" "Fjerklædt Fjende" "[english]TF_fall17_feathered_fiend" "Feathered Fiend" "TF_fall17_feathered_fiend_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_feathered_fiend_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_sacrificial_stone" "Offersten" "[english]TF_fall17_sacrificial_stone" "Sacrificial Stone" "TF_fall17_sacrificial_stone_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_sacrificial_stone_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_hot_huaraches" "De Hotte Huaracher" "[english]TF_fall17_hot_huaraches" "The Hot Huaraches" "TF_fall17_hot_huaraches_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_hot_huaraches_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_vitals_vest" "Den Vitale Vest" "[english]TF_fall17_vitals_vest" "Vitals Vest" "TF_fall17_vitals_vest_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_vitals_vest_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_battle_boonie" "Bragende Boonie" "[english]TF_fall17_battle_boonie" "Battle Boonie" "TF_fall17_battle_boonie_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_battle_boonie_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_conaghers_utility_idol" "Conaghers' Hjælpeidol" "[english]TF_fall17_conaghers_utility_idol" "Conaghers' Utility Idol" "TF_fall17_conaghers_utility_idol_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_conaghers_utility_idol_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_tropical_toad" "Tropisk Tudse" "[english]TF_fall17_tropical_toad" "Tropical Toad" "TF_fall17_tropical_toad_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_tropical_toad_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_heavy_harness" "Heavys Seler" "[english]TF_fall17_heavy_harness" "Heavy Harness" "TF_fall17_heavy_harness_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_heavy_harness_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_fat_mans_field_cap" "Den Fedes Felthue" "[english]TF_fall17_fat_mans_field_cap" "Fat Man's Field Cap" "TF_fall17_fat_mans_field_cap_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_fat_mans_field_cap_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_commando_elite" "Kommandoelite" "[english]TF_fall17_commando_elite" "Commando Elite" "TF_fall17_commando_elite_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_commando_elite_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_siberian_tigerstripe" "Sibirisk Tigerstribe" "[english]TF_fall17_siberian_tigerstripe" "Siberian Tigerstripe" "TF_fall17_siberian_tigerstripe_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_siberian_tigerstripe_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_aztec_aggressor" "Den Aztekiske Aggressor" "[english]TF_fall17_aztec_aggressor" "The Aztec Aggressor" "TF_fall17_aztec_aggressor_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_aztec_aggressor_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_pithy_pro" "Den Fyndige Fagmand" "[english]TF_fall17_pithy_pro" "The Pithy Professional" "TF_fall17_pithy_pro_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_pithy_pro_Desc" "" "TF_fall17_bait_and_bite" "Madding og Måltid" "[english]TF_fall17_bait_and_bite" "Bait and Bite" "TF_fall17_bait_and_bite_Desc" " " "[english]TF_fall17_bait_and_bite_Desc" "" "TF_KathmanHairdo" "Kathman-hårstilen" "[english]TF_KathmanHairdo" "The Kathman-Hairdo" "TF_KathmanHairdo_Desc" "Denne forhistoriske frisure blev først set af Sir Edmund Hillary på Everests skrænter, hvorefter Hillary øjeblikkeligt så sig selv skide i bukserne." "[english]TF_KathmanHairdo_Desc" "This prehistoric pompadour was first spotted by Sir Edmund Hillary on the slopes of Everest, followed immediately by Hillary spotting himself crapping his own pants." "TF_HimalayanHairShirt" "Den Himalayiske Hårtrøje" "[english]TF_HimalayanHairShirt" "The Himalayan Hair Shirt" "TF_HimalayanHairShirt_Desc" "Alle elsker skæg, men hvorfor lade ansigtet have al morskaben? Denne behårede hårdragt er som et skæg til dine arme og dit bryst." "[english]TF_HimalayanHairShirt_Desc" "Everybody loves beards, but why let your face have all the fun? This hirsute hair suit is like a beard for your arms and torso." "TF_AbominableSnowPants" "De Afskyelige Snebukser" "[english]TF_AbominableSnowPants" "The Abominable Snow Pants" "TF_AbominableSnowPants_Desc" "Yetien har sit navn fra det tibetanske yeh-teh, som kan oversættes til \"frygtindgydende monster, der lever i bjergene og bærer små, korte bukser.\"" "[english]TF_AbominableSnowPants_Desc" "The yeti derives its name from the Tibetan yeh-teh, which translates to \"terrifying monster who lives in mountains and wears tiny short pants.\"" "TF_MonstrousMemento" "Det Monstrøse Memento" "[english]TF_MonstrousMemento" "The Monstrous Memento" "TF_MonstrousMemento_Desc" "Du var i Yeti-park, og alt du fik var denne dumme hat! Og dysenteri. Udstil dette smukke rejseminde i dit nye hjem: Hospitalets badeværelse." "[english]TF_MonstrousMemento_Desc" "You went to Yeti Park, and all you got was this stupid hat! And dysentery. Display this handsome travel memento in your new home: The bathroom at the hospital." "TF_MercenaryPark" "Mercenary Park" "[english]TF_MercenaryPark" "The Mercenary Park" "TF_MercenaryPark_Desc" "Du var i Mercenary Park, og alt du fik var denne dumme hat! Og dysenteri. Udstil dette smukke rejseminde i dit nye hjem: Hospitalets badeværelse." "[english]TF_MercenaryPark_Desc" "You went to Mercenary Park, and all you got was this stupid hat! And dysentery. Display this handsome travel memento in your new home: The bathroom at the hospital." "TF_MannanasHat" "Mannanas-hatten" "[english]TF_MannanasHat" "The Mannanas Hat" "TF_MannanasHat_Desc" "Mannanas-logohat" "[english]TF_MannanasHat_Desc" "Mannanas Logo Hat" "TF_NeverForgetHat" "Forglemmigej-hatten" "[english]TF_NeverForgetHat" "The Never Forget Hat" "TF_NeverForgetHat_Desc" "Husk Mannanas' originale talsabe." "[english]TF_NeverForgetHat_Desc" "Remember the original Mannanas spokesmonkey." "TF_YetiParkHardhat" "Yeti-parkens Sikkerhedshjelm" "[english]TF_YetiParkHardhat" "The Yeti Park Hardhat" "TF_YetiParkHardhat_Desc" "Sikkerhedshjelmen fra Yeti-parken" "[english]TF_YetiParkHardhat_Desc" "Yeti Park Hardhat" "TF_SaxtonHat" "Saxtonen" "[english]TF_SaxtonHat" "The Saxton" "TF_SaxtonHat_Desc" "Nu kan du ligne Mann Co.'s ejer og CEO! Med specifik fokus på hoveddelen, ikke så meget den utrolig velbyggede under-hovedet-del." "[english]TF_SaxtonHat_Desc" "Now you too can look like Mann Co.'s owner and CEO! Specifically the head part, not the marvelously well-muscled below-the-head part." "ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Giver" "Gave sendt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Giver" "Gift sent" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove_WithPartner" "Gave sendt til %partner%" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove_WithPartner" "Gift sent to %partner%" "ItemHistory_Action__QuestComplete_Remove" "Kontrakt gennemført" "[english]ItemHistory_Action__QuestComplete_Remove" "Contract completed" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangeCountTransfer_Remove" "Sære tal overført til en anden genstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_StrangeCountTransfer_Remove" "Strange scores transferred to another item" "ItemHistory_Action_CraftCollectionUpgrade_Remove" "Brugt til at bytte op" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CraftCollectionUpgrade_Remove" "Used to trade up" "ItemHistory_Action_CraftHalloweenOffering_Remove" "Brugt i Halloween-transmutation" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CraftHalloweenOffering_Remove" "Used in Halloween transmute" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemGiftedBy_Remove" "Fjernede gavegiverens navn" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemGiftedBy_Remove" "Removed gifter's name" "ItemHistory_Action_AddParticleVerticalAttr_Remove" "Usædvanlige effekter justeret" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AddParticleVerticalAttr_Remove" "Unusual effects adjusted" "ItemHistory_Action_AddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Remove" "Usædvanlige effekter justeret" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Remove" "Unusual effects adjusted" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemDynamicAttr_Remove" "Festliggører fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemDynamicAttr_Remove" "Festivizer removed" "ItemHistory_Action_CraftStatClockTradeUp_Remove" "Brugt til at bytte op" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CraftStatClockTradeUp_Remove" "Used to trade up" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeleteAttribute_Remove" "Ændret af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeleteAttribute_Remove" "Modified by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_GSCreate" "Tildelt af spilserveren, du spillede på" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GSCreate" "Granted by the game server you were playing on" "ItemHistory_Action_AwardAchievement" "Opnået ved at oplåse en præstation" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardAchievement" "Earned from unlocking an achievement" "ItemHistory_Action_QuantityChanged" "Brugt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_QuantityChanged" "Used" "ItemHistory_Action_AwardTime" "Fundet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardTime" "Found" "ItemHistory_Action_ManualCreate" "Oprettet af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ManualCreate" "Created by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_Purchase" "Købt fra butikken" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Purchase" "Purchased from the store" "ItemHistory_Action_AutoGrantItem" "Optjent" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AutoGrantItem" "Earned" "ItemHistory_Action_CrossGameAchievement" "Opnået ved at oplåse en præstation i et andet spil" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CrossGameAchievement" "Earned from unlocking an achievement in a different game" "ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Receiver" "Modtog en gave" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Receiver" "Received a gift" "ItemHistory_Action_AwardStorePromotionItem" "Købte fra butikken" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardStorePromotionItem" "Purchased from the store" "ItemHistory_Action_EarnedItem" "Optjent" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_EarnedItem" "Earned" "ItemHistory_Action_AwardThirdPartyPromo" "Optjente en promoveringsgenstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_AwardThirdPartyPromo" "Earned a promotional item" "ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenDrop" "Optjent ved at deltage i Halloween-begivenheden" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_HalloweenDrop" "Earned by participating in the Halloween event" "ItemHistory_Action_SteamWorkshopContributor" "Optjent ved at være bidragyder til Steam-værkstedet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_SteamWorkshopContributor" "Earned by being a Steam Workshop contributor" "ItemHistory_Action_ManualOwnershipChange" "Ejerskab ændret af Steam Support" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ManualOwnershipChange" "Ownership changed by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add" "Modtog en gave" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add" "Received a gift" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add_WithPartner" "Modtog en gave fra %partner%" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add_WithPartner" "Received a gift from %partner%" "ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem" "Optjente en promoveringsgenstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem" "Earned a promotional item" "ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyGrant" "Modtaget ved at indtaste en produktkode" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyGrant" "Received by entering product code" "ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Add" "Accepterede et frieri" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Add" "Accepted a proposal" "ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_AddPartner" "Dit frieri blev accepteret" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_AddPartner" "Your proposal was accepted" "ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_BeginPreviewPeriod" "Begyndte at afprøve en genstand fra butikken" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PreviewItem_BeginPreviewPeriod" "Started testing an item from the store" "ItemHistory_Action_PeriodicScoreReward_Add" "Periodisk score-system belønning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_PeriodicScoreReward_Add" "Periodic score system reward" "ItemHistory_Action__QuestDrop" "Fundet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action__QuestDrop" "Found" "ItemHistory_Action_Market_Add" "Modtaget fra Steam-fællesskabsmarkedet" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_Market_Add" "Received from the Steam Community Market" "ItemHistory_Action__QuestLoaner_Add" "Lånt til en kontrakt" "[english]ItemHistory_Action__QuestLoaner_Add" "Borrowed for a Contract" "ItemHistory_Action_ViralCompetitiveBetaPass_Drop" "Genereret af Competitive-betapas" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_ViralCompetitiveBetaPass_Drop" "Generated by Competitive Beta Pass" "ItemHistory_Action_CYOABloodMoneyPurchase" "Købt med blodpenge" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_CYOABloodMoneyPurchase" "Purchased with Blood Money" "ItemHistory_Transaction_Delete" "Du slettede" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Delete" "You deleted" "ItemHistory_Transaction_Craft" "Smedet" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Craft" "Crafted" "ItemHistory_Transaction_UnlockCrate" "Åbnede en kasse" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_UnlockCrate" "Unlocked a crate" "ItemHistory_Transaction_SupportUndo" "Steam Support annullerede én eller flere af dine tidligere handlinger" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_SupportUndo" "Steam Support undid one or more of your prior actions" "ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangePart" "Påførte en Sær del" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangePart" "Applied a Strange Part" "ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangePartRemove" "Fjernede en Sær del" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangePartRemove" "Removed a Strange Part" "ItemHistory_Transaction_UpgradeCard" "Kort opgraderet" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_UpgradeCard" "Card upgraded" "ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangeRestriction" "Påførte et Sært filter" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangeRestriction" "Applied a Strange Filter" "ItemHistory_Transaction_Transmogrify" "Transmograferet" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Transmogrify" "Transmogrified" "ItemHistory_Transaction_SpellPageAdd" "Tilføjede en trylleformularside" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_SpellPageAdd" "Added a Spell Page" "ItemHistory_Transaction_Strangify" "Særgjorde en genstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Strangify" "Strangified an item" "ItemHistory_Transaction_ConsumeItem_Complete" "Opskrift gennemført" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_ConsumeItem_Complete" "Recipe completed" "ItemHistory_Transaction_Recharge" "Genopladet" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_Recharge" "Recharged" "ItemHistory_Transaction_RemoveItemCraftIndex" "Smedningsindeks fjernet" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_RemoveItemCraftIndex" "Removed craft index" "ItemHistory_Transaction_MvM_ChallengeCompleted" "Spillede MvM Mann Up-tilstand" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_MvM_ChallengeCompleted" "Played MvM Mann Up Mode" "ItemHistory_Transaction_SquadSurplus" "Bonus fra Gruppeoverskudskupon i MvM" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_SquadSurplus" "MvM Squad Surplus bonus" "ItemHistory_Transaction_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel" "Niveau opgraderet ved at besejre Merasmus" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel" "Level upgraded by defeating Merasmus" "ItemHistory_Transaction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel" "Andejournal-niveau øget" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel" "Duck Journal level increased" "ItemHistory_Transaction_QuestComplete" "Gennemførte en kontrakt" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_QuestComplete" "Completed a Contract" "ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangeCountTransfer" "Tog de Sære tal fra én genstand og tilføjede dem til en anden" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangeCountTransfer" "Took the Strange scores from one item and added them on to another" "ItemHistory_Transaction_CraftCollectionUpgrade" "Opbyttede" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_CraftCollectionUpgrade" "Traded up" "ItemHistory_Transaction_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween-transmutationer udført" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_HalloweenOffering" "Halloween transmute performed" "ItemHistory_Transaction_CraftStatClockTradeUp" "Opbyttede" "[english]ItemHistory_Transaction_CraftStatClockTradeUp" "Traded up" "TF_CaseExclusiveBonusItems" "Eksklusive bonusgenstande fra kasser:" "[english]TF_CaseExclusiveBonusItems" "Case Exclusive Bonus Item(s):" "TF_CaseGlobalUnusualEffects" "Globale, usædvanlige effekter fra kasser" "[english]TF_CaseGlobalUnusualEffects" "Case Global Unusual Effect(s)" "TF_CaseGlobalBonusItems" "Globale bonusgenstande fra kasser" "[english]TF_CaseGlobalBonusItems" "Case Global Bonus Item(s)" "TF_CaseGlobalBonusItemsDesc" "Malerbøtter!\nHån-usædvanliggørere!\nMvM-billetter!\nOg TF2-værktøj!" "[english]TF_CaseGlobalBonusItemsDesc" "Paint Cans!\nTaunt Unusualifiers!\nMvM Tickets!\nAnd TF2 Tools!" "Context_ConTracker" "Vis kontrakter" "[english]Context_ConTracker" "View Contracts" "TF_Friends_PlayingTF2" "Spiller TF2" "[english]TF_Friends_PlayingTF2" "Playing TF2" "TF_Friends_Offline" "Offline" "[english]TF_Friends_Offline" "Offline" "TF_Friends_Online" "Online" "[english]TF_Friends_Online" "Online" "TF_Friends_Away" "Ikke til stede" "[english]TF_Friends_Away" "Away" "TF_Friends_Snooze" "Slumre" "[english]TF_Friends_Snooze" "Snooze" "TF_Friends_Busy" "Optaget" "[english]TF_Friends_Busy" "Busy" "TF_FindMatchTip_Title" "Klar til at spille?" "[english]TF_FindMatchTip_Title" "Ready to play?" "TF_FindMatchTip_Body" "Klik her for at starte med at spille!" "[english]TF_FindMatchTip_Body" "Click here to start playing!" "TF_Competitive_PartyMatchRunning" "Et medlem af din gruppe er allerede fastlåst i en kamp, som de ikke kan forlade uden at modtage en straf. Vent, til deres kamp er overstået." "[english]TF_Competitive_PartyMatchRunning" "A member of your party is already assigned to a match that they cannot abandon without penalty. Please wait for their match to finish." "TF_ItemPreview_ItemPaintkit" "Krigsmaling" "[english]TF_ItemPreview_ItemPaintkit" "War Paint" "TF_HalloweenContractPackage" "Halloween-pakke" "[english]TF_HalloweenContractPackage" "Halloween Package" "TF_HalloweenContractPackage_Desc" "Denne pakke indeholder én gratis Halloween-genstand! Du kan åbne den fra din rygsæk." "[english]TF_HalloweenContractPackage_Desc" "This package contains one free Halloween item! You can open it from your backpack!" "Attrib_MeterResupplyDenied" "At vende tilbage eller genforsyne påvirker ikke benzinmeteret" "[english]Attrib_MeterResupplyDenied" "Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter" "Attrib_MeterStartsEmpty" "Benzinmeteret starter tomt" "[english]Attrib_MeterStartsEmpty" "Gas meter starts empty" "Attrib_MeterChargeType3" "Benzinmeteret opbygges med skade gjort og/eller tid" "[english]Attrib_MeterChargeType3" "Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time" "TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_WarPaint" "Krigsmaling" "[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_WarPaint" "War Paint" "TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Outgoing" "Inviterer %other% til din gruppe." "[english]TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Outgoing" "Inviting %other% to your party." "TF_Unusualifier_UnusualEffects" "Nuværende usædvanlig(e) effekt(er)" "[english]TF_Unusualifier_UnusualEffects" "Current Unusual Effect(s)" "TF_InspectForDetails" "Inspicer for fuld liste over usædvanlige effekter og flere oplysninger" "[english]TF_InspectForDetails" "Inspect for full list of unusual effects and more details" "TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2017" "Titanium Tank-deltagermedalje 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2017" "Titanium Tank Participant Medal 2017" "TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2017_Desc" "Dette emblem er bevis på, at du har gjort dig fortjent til din evne til at holde ud mod en rasende horde af robotter! Godt arbejde, makker! Tildelt alle deltagere i fællesskabets MvM-begivenheder på Potatos MvM-server!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2017_Desc" "This badge is proof that you have earned your mettle against a raging horde of robots! Good job, sport! Awarded to all participants of Potato's MvM Server's community MvM events!" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Mandrew" "Mandrews Milde Maske" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Mandrew" "Mandrew's Munificent Mug" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Mandrew_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 (Mandrew-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Mandrew_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 (Mandrew edition)" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Israphel" "Israphels Imødekommende Individ" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Israphel" "Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression" "TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Israphel_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 (Israphel-udgaven)" "[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2017_Israphel_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 (Israphel edition)" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2017_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017-promo" "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2017_Promo" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 Promo" "TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2017_Promo_Desc" " " "[english]TF_JingleJam_Community_Event_2017_Promo_Desc" "" "TF_UseItem_CannotUseWhileUntradable" "Denne genstand kan ikke bruges, så længe den ikke kan byttes." "[english]TF_UseItem_CannotUseWhileUntradable" "This item cannot be used while it is untradable." "TF_UseItem_RecipientCannotRecieve" "Én eller flere modtagere kan ikke acceptere gaver. Din gave er ikke blevet afsendt." "[english]TF_UseItem_RecipientCannotRecieve" "One or more recipients are not allowed to accept gifts. Your gift has not been given." "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_WinnerS3" "Friturefinalist" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_WinnerS3" "Finalist Fryer" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_WinnerS3_Desc" "En polet til at advare andre: Hvis de ser dig tage Stegepanden frem - så må de hellere tage benene på nakken. Tillykke med at placere blandt de top tre bedste hold i Ready Steady Pan's tredje sæson." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_WinnerS3_Desc" "A token to warn others: if they see you pulling out a Frying Pan, they better start running. Congratulations on placing top three in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3" "Deltager i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3" "Ready Steady Pan Panticipant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3_Desc" "Du samlede seks mennesker sammen bare for at slå på andre med stegepander, og vi sætter pris på det. Tak for at deltage i Ready Steady Pan sæson 3!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3_Desc" "You gathered six people together for the sole purpose of hitting others with Frying Pans, and we appreciate you for it. Thanks for participating in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantastisk Slutspilsmester" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantastic Playoff Champ" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "At nå til slutspillene i den konkurrenceprægede stegepandeturnering er et rimeligt prestigefyldt bedrift! Tillykke med din præstation i Ready Steady Pan's tredje sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "Getting into the playoffs of a competitive Frying Pan tournament is a rather prestigious accomplishment. Congratulations on your performance in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Desc" "Tak for alt det hårde arbejde og dedikation, der sørgede for, at Ready Steady Pan blev en realitet! Selvom du brugte det meste af tiden bag rampelyset - så er du den rigtige MVP." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Desc" "Thanks for your hard work and dedication put into making Ready Steady Pan a reality! Regardless of you being mostly behind the scenes - you're the real MVP." "TF_reddit_random_acts2" "Filantropens Forkælelse" "[english]TF_reddit_random_acts2" "Philanthropist's Indulgence" "TF_reddit_random_acts2_Desc" "En medalje til at genkende de generøse gavesendere fra Random Acts of TF2-gruppen" "[english]TF_reddit_random_acts2_Desc" "A medal to recognize the generous gifters of the Random Acts of TF2 group" "TF_spectral_snowflake" "Spektralt Snefnug" "[english]TF_spectral_snowflake" "Spectral Snowflake" "TF_spectral_snowflake_Desc" "Åh, nu stormer det noget så fryggeligt. Tildelt til deltagerne af Nightmare Before Smissmas 2017-fællesskabsfremvisningen!" "[english]TF_spectral_snowflake_Desc" "Oh, the weather outside is frightful. Awarded to the participants of the Nightmare Before Smissmas 2017 community showcase!" "TF_heals4reals_gold" "1.-plads ved Heals for Reals-begivenheden" "[english]TF_heals4reals_gold" "Heals for Reals Event 1st Place" "TF_heals4reals_silver" "2.-plads ved Heals for Reals-begivenheden" "[english]TF_heals4reals_silver" "Heals for Reals Event 2nd Place" "TF_heals4reals_bronze" "3.-plads ved Heals for Reals-begivenheden" "[english]TF_heals4reals_bronze" "Heals for Reals Event 3rd Place" "TF_heals4reals_participant" "Deltager i Heals for Reals-begivenheden" "[english]TF_heals4reals_participant" "Heals for Reals Event Participant" "TF_heals4reals_donor" "Heals for Reals-doneringsmedalje" "[english]TF_heals4reals_donor" "Heals for Reals Donor" "TF_Wearable_Bagpipes" "Sækkepiber" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bagpipes" "Bagpipes" "TF_Wearable_Hood" "Hætte" "[english]TF_Wearable_Hood" "Hood" "TF_StockingStuffer_2017" "Gaveproppet Strømpe 2017" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2017" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2017" "TF_StockingStuffer_Desc" "Indeholder et sortiment af godbidder til artige små lejesoldater." "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_Desc" "Contains an assortment of goodies for good little Mercenaries." "UniqueFreeSkins_collection" "Mann Co.-begivenhedssamling" "[english]UniqueFreeSkins_collection" "Mann Co. Events Collection" "UniqueFreeSkins_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Mann Co.-begivenhedssamlingen:" "[english]UniqueFreeSkins_collection_desc" "Items from the Mann Co. Events Collection:" "Winter2017Paintkits_collection" "Vinter 2017-samling" "[english]Winter2017Paintkits_collection" "Winter 2017 Collection" "Winter2017Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2017-samlingen:" "[english]Winter2017Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2017 Collection:" "Winter2017Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2017-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2017Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2017 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2017Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2017-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2017Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2017 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Winter2017Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2017-hat" "[english]Footer_Winter2017Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2017 Hat" "TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase" "Vinter 2017-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase" "Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nVinter 2017-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Vinter 2017-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2017 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2017 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Vinter 2017-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2017-hat" "[english]TF_Winter2017CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2017 Hat" "TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey" "Vinter 2017-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey" "Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2017-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2017-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2017-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2017 Hat" "TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase" "Vinter 2017-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase" "Winter 2017 War Paint Case" "TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Vinter 2017-samlingen" "[english]TF_Winter2017WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Winter 2017 Collection" "TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey" "Vinter 2017-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey" "Winter 2017 War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2017-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Winter 2017 War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2017-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2017WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Winter 2017 War Paint Case" "TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher" "Hån: Den Svitsende Skøjteløber" "[english]TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher" "Taunt: The Skating Scorcher" "TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån\n\\Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher_Desc" "Community Created Pyro Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån\n-Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_skating_scorcher_AdText" "-Community Created Pyro Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper" "Hån: Kæk Kængurustylte" "[english]TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper" "Taunt: The Bunnyhopper" "TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n\\Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n-Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_bunnyhopper_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_runners_rhythm" "Haan: Racerens Rytme" "[english]TF_taunt_runners_rhythm" "Taunt: Runner's Rhythm" "TF_taunt_runners_rhythm_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_runners_rhythm_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_taunt_runners_rhythm_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_runners_rhythm_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_taunt_luxury_lounge" "Hån: Luksuriøs Lænestol" "[english]TF_taunt_luxury_lounge" "Taunt: Luxury Lounge" "TF_taunt_luxury_lounge_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Spy-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_luxury_lounge_Desc" "Community Created Spy Taunt" "TF_taunt_luxury_lounge_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Spy-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_luxury_lounge_AdText" "-Community Created Spy Taunt" "TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox" "Hån: Kirurgens Klemmekasse" "[english]TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox" "Taunt: Surgeon's Squeezebox" "TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox_Desc" "Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_surgeons_squeezebox_AdText" "-Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown" "Hån: Atletens Angreb" "[english]TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown" "Taunt: The Trackman's Touchdown" "TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_trackmans_touchdown_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_dec17_sledders_sidekick" "Kælkerens Kompagnon" "[english]TF_dec17_sledders_sidekick" "Sledder's Sidekick" "TF_dec17_balloonihoodie" "Balloonihætte" "[english]TF_dec17_balloonihoodie" "Balloonihoodie" "TF_dec17_pocket_yeti" "Lomme-Yeti" "[english]TF_dec17_pocket_yeti" "Pocket Yeti" "TF_dec17_truckers_topper" "Truckerens Tophat" "[english]TF_dec17_truckers_topper" "Trucker's Topper" "TF_dec17_burning_beanie" "Brændende Hue" "[english]TF_dec17_burning_beanie" "Burning Beanie" "TF_dec17_cats_pajamas" "Kattens Pyjamas" "[english]TF_dec17_cats_pajamas" "Cat's Pajamas" "TF_dec17_coldfront_commander" "Koldfrontskommandør" "[english]TF_dec17_coldfront_commander" "Coldfront Commander" "TF_dec17_coldfront_carapace" "Koldfrontsklædning" "[english]TF_dec17_coldfront_carapace" "Coldfront Carapace" "TF_dec17_blast_blocker" "Bombe-blokkeren" "[english]TF_dec17_blast_blocker" "Blast Blocker" "TF_dec17_hungover_hero" "Tømmermand" "[english]TF_dec17_hungover_hero" "Hungover Hero" "TF_dec17_handsome_hitman" "Lækker Lejemorder" "[english]TF_dec17_handsome_hitman" "Handsome Hitman" "TF_dec17_puffy_polar_cap" "Puffet Polarkasket" "[english]TF_dec17_puffy_polar_cap" "Puffy Polar Cap" "TF_dec17_sinners_shade" "Synderens Skygge" "[english]TF_dec17_sinners_shade" "Sinner's Shade" "TF_dec17_wild_west_whiskers" "Det Vilde Vestens Barkenbarter" "[english]TF_dec17_wild_west_whiskers" "Wild West Whiskers" "TF_dec17_polar_bear" "Isbjørn" "[english]TF_dec17_polar_bear" "Polar Bear" "TF_dec17_brass_bucket" "Jernhjelm" "[english]TF_dec17_brass_bucket" "Brass Bucket" "TF_dec17_down_tundra_coat" "Tundra-dynejakke" "[english]TF_dec17_down_tundra_coat" "Down Tundra Coat" "TF_dec17_pocket_santa" "Lomme-Julemand" "[english]TF_dec17_pocket_santa" "Pocket Santa" "TF_dec17_melody_of_misery" "Melankolsk Melodi" "[english]TF_dec17_melody_of_misery" "Melody of Misery" "TF_dec17_caribou_companion" "Rensdyrrejsefælle" "[english]TF_dec17_caribou_companion" "Caribou Companion" "TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass" "Jungle Inferno-kontraktpas" "[english]TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass" "Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass" "TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass_Desc" "Jungle Inferno-kampagnen er overstået, men du kan stadig tilgå kontrakterne! Ved at aktivere Jungle Inferno-kontraktpasset modtager du en Jungle Inferno-KonSporer, som giver dig adgang til Jungle Inferno-kontrakter, og som holder øje med dit fremskridt og kan udstyres i spillet!\n\nDu behøver ikke dette pas, hvis du allerede har adgang til Jungle Inferno-kontrakter." "[english]TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass_Desc" "The Jungle Inferno Campaign might be over, but you can still access the contracts! Activating the Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker that gives access to Jungle Inferno contracts, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game!\n\nYou do not need this pass if you already have access to the Jungle Inferno contracts." "TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass_AdText" "-Adgang til kontrakter der giver eksklusive genstande når gennemført!\n\nDu behøver ikke dette pas, hvis du allerede har adgang til Jungle Inferno-kontrakter." "[english]TF_JungleInfernoContractsPass_AdText" "-Access to contracts that reward exclusive items when completed!\n\n-You do not need this pass if you already have access to the Jungle Inferno contracts." "TF_spr18_robin_walkers" "Robins Hjemmesko" "[english]TF_spr18_robin_walkers" "Robin Walkers" "TF_spr18_tundra_top" "Den Kolde Top" "[english]TF_spr18_tundra_top" "Tundra Top" "TF_spr18_antarctic_eyewear" "Isbryderens Briller" "[english]TF_spr18_antarctic_eyewear" "Antarctic Eyewear" "TF_spr18_head_hedge" "Hækkehoved" "[english]TF_spr18_head_hedge" "Head Hedge" "TF_spr18_frag_proof_fragger" "Beskærmet Bombardering" "[english]TF_spr18_frag_proof_fragger" "Frag Proof Fragger" "TF_spr18_tsar_platinum" "Tsar Platin" "[english]TF_spr18_tsar_platinum" "Tsar Platinum" "TF_spr18_starboard_crusader" "Havkrydsende Korsfarer" "[english]TF_spr18_starboard_crusader" "Starboard Crusader" "TF_spr18_scourge_of_the_sky" "Luftsvøbet" "[english]TF_spr18_scourge_of_the_sky" "Scourge of the Sky" "TF_spr18_veterans_attire" "Krigsmærket Klædning" "[english]TF_spr18_veterans_attire" "Veteran's Attire" "TF_spr18_sky_high_fly_guy" "Skybrydende Svæver" "[english]TF_spr18_sky_high_fly_guy" "Sky High Fly Guy" "TF_spr18_private_maggot_muncher" "Menig Mideæder" "[english]TF_spr18_private_maggot_muncher" "Private Maggot Muncher" "TF_spr18_hot_case" "Varm Sag" "[english]TF_spr18_hot_case" "Hot Case" "TF_spr18_burning_question" "Brændende Spørgsmål" "[english]TF_spr18_burning_question" "Burning Question" "TF_spr18_aristotle" "Aristoteles" "[english]TF_spr18_aristotle" "Aristotle" "TF_spr18_assassins_attire" "Selskabelig Seriemorder" "[english]TF_spr18_assassins_attire" "Assassin's Attire" "TF_spr18_wipe_out_wraps" "Svedig Sportsjakke" "[english]TF_spr18_wipe_out_wraps" "Wipe Out Wraps" "TF_spr18_blizzard_britches" "Snebygebukser" "[english]TF_spr18_blizzard_britches" "Blizzard Britches" "TF_spr18_cold_case" "Koldt Kabinet" "[english]TF_spr18_cold_case" "Cold Case" "TF_spr18_punks_pomp" "Punket Pompadour" "[english]TF_spr18_punks_pomp" "Punk's Pomp" "TF_spr18_starboard_crusader_style1" "Afslappet" "[english]TF_spr18_starboard_crusader_style1" "Casual" "TF_spr18_starboard_crusader_style2" "Professionel" "[english]TF_spr18_starboard_crusader_style2" "Professional" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_FC" "1.-plads TFCL frag_club" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_FC" "TFCL frag_club 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_FC_Desc" "En særlig placeringsmedalje til frag_club-medlemmerne" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_FC_Desc" "A special placement medal for the members of frag_club" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_RK" "2.-plads TFCL RoyalKeys" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_RK" "TFCL RoyalKeys 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_RK_Desc" "En særlig placeringsmedalje til RoyalKeys-medlemmerne" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Alpha_RK_Desc" "A special placement medal for the members of RoyalKeys" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Rust" "Canteen Crasher - Rusten Begyndermedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Rust" "Canteen Crasher Rust Starter Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Rust_Desc" "Som belønning for at møde op tildeler vi dig noget, vi fandt i vores redskabsskur! Givet til deltagere af Potato's MvM Servers MvM-hybridkonkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Rust_Desc" "As a reward for showing up, we present to you something we found in our tool shed! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Gold" "Copenhagen Games Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Silver" "Copenhagen Games Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Bronze" "Copenhagen Games Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Iron" "Jernmedalje fra Copenhagen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Iron" "Copenhagen Games Iron Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Staff" "Personalemedalje fra Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Staff" "Copenhagen Games Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Champion" "Gette it Onne!-vinder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Champion" "Gette it Onne! Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Playoffs" "Gette it Onne!-slutspilsdeltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Playoffs" "Gette it Onne! Playoffs Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Participant" "Gette it Onne!-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Participant" "Gette it Onne! Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Helper" "Hjælper i Gette it Onne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GIO_Helper" "Gette it Onne! Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Gold" "1.-plads i HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Gold" "HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Silver" "2.-plads i HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Silver" "HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Bronze" "3.-plads i HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Bronze" "HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Participant" "Deltager i HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Participant" "HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Contributor" "Bidragyder til HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLPugs_Contributor" "HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS3_Desc" "Tak for alt det hårde arbejde, du har udført, som har gjort den tredje sæson af Ready Steady Pan til en succes! Du er den sande MVP (Mest Værdifulde Pandebruger)." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS3_Desc" "Thanks for the hard work and dedication you've put into making Ready Steady Pan Season 3 a reality! You're the real MVP (Most Valuable Panner)." "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_2019" "2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2019" "2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_2020" "2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2020" "2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2018" "Vinter 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2018" "Winter 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season1" "Den Første Vinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season1" "NHBL 1st Sasha Cup Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season1_Desc" "Dr. Splints" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season1_Desc" "Dr. Splints" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season2" "Den Anden Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season2" "NHBL 2nd Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season2_Desc" "White Russian Bear" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season2_Desc" "White Russian Bear" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season3" "Den Tredje Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season3" "NHBL 3rd Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season3_Desc" "WHOO! gotta be sneaky" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season3_Desc" "WHOO! gotta be sneaky" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season4" "Den Fjerde Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season4" "NHBL 4th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season4_Desc" "Leires" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season4_Desc" "Leires" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season5" "Den Femte Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season5" "NHBL 5th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season5_Desc" "Some Porcupine" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season5_Desc" "Some Porcupine" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season6" "Den Sjette Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season6" "NHBL 6th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season6_Desc" "White Russian Bear" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season6_Desc" "White Russian Bear" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season7" "Den Første Sværvægtsvinder af Natascha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season7" "NHBL 1st Natascha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season7_Desc" "Retro" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season7_Desc" "Retro" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Participant" "Finaledeltager fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Participant" "NHBL Finals Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_SecondPlace" "Andenpladsen ved NHBL-finalen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_SecondPlace" "NHBL Finals 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_ThirdPlace" "Tredjepladsen ved NHBL-finalen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_ThirdPlace" "NHBL Finals 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_FourthPlace" "Fjerdepladsen ved NHBL-finalen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_FourthPlace" "NHBL Finals 4th Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_First" "Førsteplads i Ultimate Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_First" "Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Second" "Andenplads i Ultimate Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Second" "Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Third" "Tredjeplads i Ultimate Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Third" "Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Participant" "Deltager i Ultimate Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Participant" "Ultimate Ultiduo Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Helper" "Hjælper i Ultimate Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UltimateUltiduo_Helper" "Ultimate Ultiduo Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Champion" "Vinder af Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Champion" "Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Champion_Desc" "Det kan godt være, visse mennesker har en bedre sans for, hvordan spillet spilles, men du har bevist, du ikke behøver det for at være den bedste. (Sæson 1)" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Champion_Desc" "Sure, some people may have better game sense, but you've proven that you don't need it to be the best. (Season 1)" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_RunnerUp" "Nummer to ved Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_RunnerUp" "Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Runner-Up" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_RunnerUp_Desc" "Sig det ikke til din holdkammerat, men det er ikke din skyld, at I ikke fik førstepladsen. (Sæson 1)" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_RunnerUp_Desc" "Don't tell your teammate this, but they are the reason you guys didn't come first. (Season 1)" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Contestant" "Deltager i Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Contestant" "Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Contestant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Contestant_Desc" "Ja da! Jeg ER rent faktisk en kompetent spiller! (Sæson 1)" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Contestant_Desc" "Why yes! I DO play this game competently! (Season 1)" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_gold" "Journey to the East-førstepladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_gold" "Journey to the East 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_silver" "Journey to the East-andenpladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_silver" "Journey to the East 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_bronze" "Journey to the East-tredjepladsmedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_bronze" "Journey to the East 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_participant" "Journey to the East-deltagermedalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_participant" "Journey to the East Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_winner_desc" "Givet til vinderne af Journey to the East-konkurrencen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_winner_desc" "Awarded to winners of the Journey to the East contest" "TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_participant_desc" "Givet til deltagerne i Journey to the East-konkurrencen" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_jtte_participant_desc" "Awarded to participants of the Journey to the East contest" "TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_gold" "Guldmedalje fra Newbie Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_gold" "Newbie Prolander Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Newbie Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_silver" "Newbie Prolander Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Newbie Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_bronze" "Newbie Prolander Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_participant" "Deltager i Newbie Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NPC_participant" "Newbie Prolander Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Donator_2018" "Doneringsmedalje fra Florida LAN 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Donator_2018" "Florida LAN 2018 Donator Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Donator_2018_Desc" "Givet til dem, der donerede til begivenhedsprojektet Florida LAN 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Donator_2018_Desc" "Awarded to people who donated to the Florida LAN 2018 event project." "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Participant_2018" "Deltagermedalje fra Florida LAN 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Participant_2018" "Florida LAN 2018 Participant Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Participant_2018_Desc" "Givet til dem, der deltog i Florida LAN 2018-begivenheden." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Participant_2018_Desc" "Awarded to people who participated in the Florida LAN 2018 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Contributor_2018" "Bidragsmedalje fra Florida LAN 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Contributor_2018" "Florida LAN 2018 Contributor Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Contributor_2018_Desc" "Givet til dem, der arbejdede bag kulisserne for at gøre det muligt." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FLAN_Contributor_2018_Desc" "Awarded to people who worked behind the scenes to make it happen." "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Nordamerika" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - North America" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_Europe" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Europa" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_Europe" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Europe" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT1" "Rang 1 Donormedalje fra ESA Rewind II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT1" "ESA Rewind II Tier 1 Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT2" "Rang 2 Donormedalje fra ESA Rewind II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT2" "ESA Rewind II Tier 2 Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT3" "Rang 3 Donormedalje fra ESA Rewind II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_DonorT3" "ESA Rewind II Tier 3 Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Donor_Desc" "Givet til dem, der donerede til præmiepuljen til ESA Rewind II LAN 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Donor_Desc" "Awarded to those who donated to the ESA Rewind II LAN 2018 prize pool." "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Top8" "Top 8 ved ESA Rewind II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Top8" "ESA Rewind II Top 8" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Top8_Desc" "Givet til de 8 bedste hold i invite-gruppen fra ESA Rewind II 2018 LAN-turneringen." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Top8_Desc" "Awarded to those who placed in the Top 8 of the invite bracket for the ESA Rewind II 2018 LAN tournament." "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Participant" "Deltagermedalje fra ESA Rewind II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Participant" "ESA Rewind II Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Participant_Desc" "Givet til dem, der deltog i eller bidrog til ESA Rewind II 2018 LAN-turneringen." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RewindII_Participant_Desc" "Awarded to those who participated or contributed to the ESA Rewind II 2018 LAN tournament." "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Platinum" "Canteen Crasher - Platineret Kritmedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Platinum" "Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Platinum_Desc" "Det har vist sig, at du er knaldgod til øjeblikkelig problemløsning! Godt klaret, kammerat! Givet til deltagerne af Potato's MvM Server's hybride MvM-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Platinum_Desc" "You've proven yourself to excel at instantaneous problem-solving! Great work, merc! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Gold" "Canteen Crasher - Forgyldt Ubermedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Gold" "Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Gold_Desc" "Når det bliver tid til at sætte hårdt mod hårdt, kan du søge udødelighed i den nærmeste butik! Givet til deltagere i Potato's MvM Servers MvM-hybridkonkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Gold_Desc" "When the going gets tough, call for immortality from your nearest retailer! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Silver" "Canteen Crasher - Sølvbelagt Bygningsmedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Silver" "Canteen Crasher Silver Building Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Silver_Desc" "Denne skruenøglekasse har en timer- og rystefunktion, som garanterer de bedste Sentry Buster-oplevelser! Givet til deltagerne af Potato's MvM Server's hybride MvM-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Silver_Desc" "This wrench box has a timer and rumble feature for the best Sentry Buster experience! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Bronze" "Canteen Crasher - Bronzeret Ammunitionsmedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Bronze" "Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Bronze_Desc" "Her er et er godt spørgsmål: Hvordan bruger du noget indkapslet i bronze? Givet til deltagerne af Potato's MvM Server's hybride MvM-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Bronze_Desc" "Now here's a question for the ages: How do you use something encased in bronze? Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Iron" "Canteen Crasher - Jernbeslået Tilbagevendingsmedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Iron" "Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Iron_Desc" "Tryk på denne knap for at vende tilbage til basen, og få en gratis omgang stivkrampe eller dødelig strømstigning! Givet til deltagerne af Potato's MvM Server's hybride MvM-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Iron_Desc" "Press this button to return to base and get free tetanus or a deadly power surge! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Wood" "Canteen Crasher - Træbeklædt Begyndermedalje 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Wood" "Canteen Crasher Wood Starter Medal 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Wood_Desc" "Som en belønning for at møde op, tildeler vi dig noget vi fandt i vores brændeskur! Givet til deltagerne af Potato's MvM Server's hybride MvM-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Canteen_Crasher_Wood_Desc" "As a reward for showing up, we present to you something we found in our woodshed! Awarded to participants of Potato's MvM Server's hybrid MvM contest!" "TF_Wearable_Slippers" "Tøfler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Slippers" "Slippers" "TF_Autobalance_Next" "Ingen frivillige fundet. En af de valgte kandidater vil skifte hold, når kandidaten vender tilbage næste gang." "[english]TF_Autobalance_Next" "No volunteers found. Will switch one of the selected candidates on their next respawn." "TF_Autobalance_Final" "Balancerer holdene igen ved brug af de udvalgte kandidater." "[english]TF_Autobalance_Final" "Rebalancing teams now using players from the selected candidates." "TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone" "Du er blevet skiftet til hold %s1." "[english]TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone" "You have been switched to team %s1." "TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone_Match" "Du har skiftet til hold %s1 og vil modtage %s2 erfaringspoint ved rundens afslutning for at have skiftet hold." "[english]TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone_Match" "You have switched to team %s1 and will receive %s2 experience points at the end of the round for changing teams." "TF_Autobalance_TeamChangePending" "Du vil blive flyttet til hold %s1 om %s2 sekunder,\nhvis holdene stadig er ubalancerede." "[english]TF_Autobalance_TeamChangePending" "You will be moved to team %s1 in %s2 seconds\nif the teams are still not balanced." "BlueMoonCosmetics_collection" "Blå Måne-kosmetiksamling" "[english]BlueMoonCosmetics_collection" "Blue Moon Cosmetics Collection" "BlueMoonCosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Blå Måne-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]BlueMoonCosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Blue Moon Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_BlueMoonCosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Blå Måne-hat" "[english]Footer_BlueMoonCosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Blue Moon Hat" "TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase" "Blå Måne-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase" "Blue Moon Cosmetic Case" "TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nBlå Måne-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand \nfra Blå Måne-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nBlue Moon Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Blue Moon Cosmetic Collection." "TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Blå Måne-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Blå Måne-hat" "[english]TF_BlueMoonCosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Blue Moon Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Blue Moon Hat" "TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey" "Blå Måne-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey" "Blue Moon Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Blå Måne-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Blue Moon Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Blå Måne-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Blå Måne-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_BlueMoonCosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Blue Moon Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Blue Moon Hat" "Attrib_ConsumesBurning" "Giver mini-kritisk skade til brændende fjender og slukker dem.\nSkade forøges baseret på resterende mængde af brændetid\nDræbende slag på brændende spillere giver en hastighedsforøgelse." "[english]Attrib_ConsumesBurning" "Mini-crits burning targets and extinguishes them.\nDamage increases based on remaining duration of afterburn\nKilling blows on burning players grant a speed boost." "Attrib_RepairHealthToMetalRatio" "%s1-til-1 helbred-til-metalratio, når man reparerer bygninger" "[english]Attrib_RepairHealthToMetalRatio" "%s1-to-1 health-to-metal ratio when repairing buildings" "TF_UseMatchHUD" "Brug holdstatusskærmen på HUD'en" "[english]TF_UseMatchHUD" "Use the team status display in the HUD" "Notification_Accept_Help" "Tryk på [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] for at ACCEPTERE." "[english]Notification_Accept_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to ACCEPT." "TF_MM_NoGC_Rank" "Du er ikke forbundet til TF-spilkoordinatoren i øjeblikket.\n\nDin rang er utilgængelig." "[english]TF_MM_NoGC_Rank" "Not currently connected to the TF game coordinator service.\n\nYour rank is unavailable." "TF_MM_QueueState_Multiple" "I flere køer" "[english]TF_MM_QueueState_Multiple" "In multiple queues" "TF_MM_QueueState_LeaveQueue" "Forlad %s1 kø" "[english]TF_MM_QueueState_LeaveQueue" "Leave %s1 queue" "TF_MM_RankUpMatch" "Rangeringskamp!\nDu vil få en højere rang, hvis dit hold vinder!" "[english]TF_MM_RankUpMatch" "Rank Match!\nYou will rank up if your team wins!" "TF_MM_PlacementMatch" "Rangeringskamp!\nDu vil optjene din rang, hvis dit hold vinder!" "[english]TF_MM_PlacementMatch" "Rank Match!\nYou will earn your rank if your team wins!" "TF_MM_AlreadyQueued" "Du står allerede i kø til denne tilstand." "[english]TF_MM_AlreadyQueued" "You are already queued for this mode." "Tooltip_CombatTextColors" "Skift farven på den tekst, der fremkommer over din modstanders hoved." "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextColors" "Change the color of text that appears over your target's head." "Tooltip_CombatTextRed" "Rød Kanal for Kamptekst (Standard: 255)" "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextRed" "Combat Text Red Channel (Default: 255)" "Tooltip_CombatTextGreen" "Grøn Kanal for Kamptekst (Standard: 0)" "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextGreen" "Combat Text Green Channel (Default: 0)" "Tooltip_CombatTextBlue" "Blå Kanal for Kamptekst (Standard: 0)" "[english]Tooltip_CombatTextBlue" "Combat Text Blue Channel (Default: 0)" "TF_SurveyQuestion_RandomCrit" "Vurder venligst tilstedeværelsen af tilfældige kritiske slag i spillet:" "[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_RandomCrit" "Please rate the presence of random critical hits in the game: " "TF_Friends_PlayingOther" "Spiller andet spil" "[english]TF_Friends_PlayingOther" "Playing other game" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewTypedMatchReady" "Din %matchtype%-kamp er klar" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_NewTypedMatchReady" "Your %matchtype% match is ready" "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchReadyInGame" "Din %matchtype%-kamp er klar.\n\nTilslutter om %time%." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchReadyInGame" "Your %matchtype% match is ready.\n\nJoining in %time%." "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchReadyJoining" "Tilslutter..." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchReadyJoining" "Joining..." "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderSpecialEvent" "Særlig begivenhed" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderSpecialEvent" "Special Event" "TF_Matchmaking_HeaderSpecialEventDesc" "Prøv en eksperimentel spiltilstand i en begrænset periode." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderSpecialEventDesc" "For a limited time, try an experimental game mode." "TF_Matchmaking_SpecialEvent_ExpireLong" "Udløber om %s1 dage" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SpecialEvent_ExpireLong" "Expires in %s1 days" "TF_Matchmaking_SpecialEvent_ExpireShort" "Udløber om %02d:%02d:%02d" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SpecialEvent_ExpireShort" "Expires in %02d:%02d:%02d" "TF_Matchmaking_AbandonQueuePrompt" "Du skal til at stå i kø til en kamp, der vil straffe dig med en matchmaking-nedkøling, hvis du forlader den!\n\n Vær sikker på, at du kan spille hele kampen til ende – den kan vare op til en time eller mere." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_AbandonQueuePrompt" "You are about to queue for a match that will penalize you with a matchmaking cooldown if you abandon!\n\nPlease be sure that you can commit to playing the entire match, which could last up to an hour or more." "TF_Matchmaking_PlayerOnlinePartyChat" "%s1 er gået online" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayerOnlinePartyChat" "%s1 has come online" "TF_Matchmaking_PlayerOfflinePartyChat" "%s1 er gået offline" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayerOfflinePartyChat" "%s1 has gone offline" "TF_Matchmaking_SendFailedPartyChat" "Levering af gruppechatbesked mislykkedes" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_SendFailedPartyChat" "Party chat message delivery failed" "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_PlacementExhausted" "Du kan i øjeblikket ikke stå i kø til denne tilstand, fordi du allerede har spillet det maksimalt antal tilladte placeringskampe i dag. Kom tilbage i morgen." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_PlacementExhausted" "You cannot queue for this mode at this time because you have played the maximum number of allowed placement matches for the day. Come back tomorrow." "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_PlacementExhaustedParty" "Du kan i øjeblikket ikke stå i kø til denne tilstand, fordi et af dine gruppemedlemmer allerede har spillet det maksimalt tilladte antal placeringskampe i dag." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_PlacementExhaustedParty" "You cannot queue for this mode at this time because a member of your party has played the maximum number of allowed placement matches for the day." "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoMvMCriteria" "Vælg mindst én mission for at komme i kø." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoMvMCriteria" "Select at least one Mission in order to queue." "TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoCasualCriteria" "Vælg mindst én bane, før du kan stille dig i kø." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_CantQueue_NoCasualCriteria" "Select at least one map in order to queue." "TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanQueue" "Du er ikke gruppeleder og kan ikke påbegynde søgning efter en kamp." "[english]TF_Matchmaking_OnlyLeaderCanQueue" "You are not the party leader and cannot initiate searching for a match." "TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_Offline" "Offline på nuværende tidspunkt" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_Offline" "Currently offline" "TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_OutOfDate" "Skal opdateres ved at genstarte TF2" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_PartyMember_OutOfDate" "Needs to update by restarting TF2" "TF_Competitive_Rating" "%s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rating" "%s1" "TF_Competitive_Rating_Current" "Nuværende: %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_Rating_Current" "Current: %s1" "TF_Units_XP" "xp" "[english]TF_Units_XP" "xp" "TF_Units_MMR" "MMR" "[english]TF_Units_MMR" "MMR" "TF_Competitive_Placements_Multiple" "Vind %s1 yderligere kampe for at opnå en rang!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Placements_Multiple" "Win %s1 more matches to earn a rank!" "TF_Competitive_Placements_Singular" "Vind %s1 yderligere kamp for at opnå en rang!" "[english]TF_Competitive_Placements_Singular" "Win %s1 more match to earn a rank!" "TF_SpecialEvent_Title" "Særlige begivenheder" "[english]TF_SpecialEvent_Title" "Special Events" "TF_SpecialEvent_Body" "En særlig begivenhed er aktiv! Klik her for at lære om denne unikke spiltilstand." "[english]TF_SpecialEvent_Body" "A special event is active! Click here to learn more about this unique game mode." "TF_SpecialEventExpiration_Title" "Begrænset periode" "[english]TF_SpecialEventExpiration_Title" "Limited Time" "TF_SpecialEventExpiration_Body" "Særlige begivenheder er ikke altid tilgængelige, så deltag før de forsvinder!" "[english]TF_SpecialEventExpiration_Body" "Special events aren't always available, so make sure to participate before it's gone!" "TF_Competitive_PartyMemberOffline" "Et medlem i din gruppe er offline." "[english]TF_Competitive_PartyMemberOffline" "A member of your party is offline." "TF_Competitive_PartyMemberOutOfDate" "Et medlem af din gruppe skal genstarte TF2 for at modtage den seneste opdatering." "[english]TF_Competitive_PartyMemberOutOfDate" "A member of your party needs to restart TF2 to receive the latest update." "TF_Competitive_MatchTypeDisabled" "Denne spiltilstand er midlertidigt slået fra af vedligeholdelsesårsager." "[english]TF_Competitive_MatchTypeDisabled" "This game mode has been temporarily disabled for maintenance." "TF_Competitive_RankNumber" "Rang %s1" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankNumber" "Rank %s1" "TF_Competitive_RankTooltipTitle" "Competitive-rang" "[english]TF_Competitive_RankTooltipTitle" "Competitive Ranks" "TF_Competitive_RankTooltipDesc" "Spillere kan opnå emblemer ved at spille konkurrencemæssige kampe. Disse emblemer er en refleksion af din nuværende Competitive-rang. Emblemer er kun synlige for spillere ved afslutningen af konkurrencemæssige kampe." "[english]TF_Competitive_RankTooltipDesc" "Players earn badges by playing Competitive matches. These badges are a reflection of your current Competitive rank. Badges are only visible to players at the end of Competitive matches." "TF_RichPresence_State_MainMenu" "Hovedmenu" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_MainMenu" "Main Menu" "TF_RichPresence_State_SearchingGeneric" "Søger efter en kamp" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_SearchingGeneric" "Searching for a Match" "TF_RichPresence_State_SearchingMatchGroup" "Søger - %matchgrouploc_token%" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_SearchingMatchGroup" "Searching - %matchgrouploc_token%" "TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingGeneric" "I kamp - %currentmap%" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingGeneric" "In Match - %currentmap%" "TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingGeneric" "Tilslutter kamp" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingGeneric" "Joining Match" "TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingMatchGroup" "%matchgrouploc_token% - %currentmap%" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingMatchGroup" "%matchgrouploc_token% - %currentmap%" "TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingMatchGroup" "Tilslutter %matchgrouploc_token%" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingMatchGroup" "Joining %matchgrouploc_token%" "TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingCommunity" "Fællesskab - %currentmap%" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_PlayingCommunity" "Community - %currentmap%" "TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingCommunity" "Tilslutter fællesskabsserver" "[english]TF_RichPresence_State_LoadingCommunity" "Joining Community Server" "TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_Competitive6v6" "Competitive" "[english]TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_Competitive6v6" "Competitive" "TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_Casual" "Casual" "[english]TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_Casual" "Casual" "TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_SpecialEvent" "Særlig begivenhed" "[english]TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_SpecialEvent" "Special Event" "TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_MannUp" "MvM Mann Up" "[english]TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_MannUp" "MvM Mann Up" "TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_BootCamp" "MvM-træning" "[english]TF_RichPresence_MatchGroup_BootCamp" "MvM Boot Camp" "Tip_3_26" "Som Soldier kan Den Retskafne Bison ramme den samme fjende mange gange, og vil ramme de fjender som bevæger sig væk fra projektilet mest. Brug den til at straffe fjender der er på tilbagetog." "[english]Tip_3_26" "As a Soldier, the Righteous Bison can hit the same enemy multiple times, and will hit the most times on enemies who are moving away from the projectile. Use it to punish retreating enemies!" "TF_Medal_HugsTF_2018" "Kærlig Kriger" "[english]TF_Medal_HugsTF_2018" "Heartfelt Hero" "TF_Medal_HugsTF_2018_Desc" "Tildelt til dem, som bidrog til eller deltog i velgørenhedsbegivenheden Hugs.tf 2018." "[english]TF_Medal_HugsTF_2018_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Hugs.tf 2018 charity event" "TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_Title" "Nulstil alle præstationer" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_Title" "Reset All Achievements" "TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_Message" "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille alle 520 Team Fortress 2-præstationer i spillet og på Steam?\n\nNår først de er blevet fjernet, kan de ikke gendannes!" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_Message" "Are you sure you want to reset all 520 Team Fortress 2 achievements in-game and on Steam?\n\nOnce reset your old achievements cannot be recovered!" "TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_OK" "Nulstil" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetAchievements_OK" "Reset" "TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2018" "Forår 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2018" "Spring 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Andenplads i Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Tredjeplads i Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div1 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - Andenplads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - Tredjeplads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div1-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Rec_Participant" "RGL.gg - Rec-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Rec_Participant" "RGL.gg - Rec Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Vinderne af Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Invite Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Invite-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Invite_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div2-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Gold" "1.-plads i 6v6 ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Gold" "Copenhagen Games 6v6 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Silver" "2.-plads i 6v6 ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Silver" "Copenhagen Games 6v6 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Bronze" "3.-plads i 6v6 ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Bronze" "Copenhagen Games 6v6 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Iron" "Deltager ved Copenhagen Games 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_6v6_Iron" "Copenhagen Games 6v6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Gold" "1.-plads i Highlander ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Gold" "Copenhagen Games Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Silver" "2.-plads i Highlander ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Silver" "Copenhagen Games Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Bronze" "3.-plads i Highlander ved Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Bronze" "Copenhagen Games Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Iron" "Deltager i Copenhagen Games Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Highlander_Iron" "Copenhagen Games Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_First" "1.-plads i PURE League Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_First" "PURE League Premier Division 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Second" "2.-plads i PURE League Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Second" "PURE League Premier Division 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Third" "3.-plads i PURE League Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Third" "PURE League Premier Division 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i PURE League Premier Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Premier_Participant" "PURE League Premier Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_First" "1.-plads i PURE League Intermediate Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_First" "PURE League Intermediate Division 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Second" "2.-plads i PURE League Intermediate Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Second" "PURE League Intermediate Division 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Third" "3.-plads i PURE League Intermediate Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Third" "PURE League Intermediate Division 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Participant" "Deltager i PURE League Intermediate Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Intermediate_Participant" "PURE League Intermediate Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_First" "1.-plads i PURE League Open Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_First" "PURE League Open Division 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Second" "2.-plads i PURE League Open Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Second" "PURE League Open Division 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Third" "3.-plads i PURE League Open Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Third" "PURE League Open Division 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Participant" "Deltager i PURE League Open Division" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Pure_Open_Participant" "PURE League Open Division Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_First" "1.-plads i Beginnings 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_First" "Beginnings 5 First Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_First_Desc" "Givet til dem, der fik førstepladsen i TF2RJweeklys femte hoppekonkurrence." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_First_Desc" "Awarded to those who placed 1st in TF2RJweekly's 5th jumping competition." "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Second" "2.-plads i Beginnings 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Second" "Beginnings 5 Second Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Second_Desc" "Givet til dem, der fik andenpladsen i TF2RJweeklys femte hoppekonkurrence." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Second_Desc" "Awarded to those who placed 2nd in TF2RJweekly's 5th jumping competition." "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Third" "3.-plads i Beginnings 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Third" "Beginnings 5 Third Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Third_Desc" "Givet til dem, der fik tredjepladsen i TF2RJweeklys femte hoppekonkurrence." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Third_Desc" "Awarded to those who placed 3rd in TF2RJweekly's 5th jumping competition." "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant" "Deltager i Beginnings 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant" "Beginnings 5 Participant Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant_Desc" "Givet til dem, der deltog i TF2RJweeklys femte hoppekonkurrence." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant_Desc" "Awarded to those who participated in TF2RJweekly's 5th jumping competition." "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Helper" "Hjælper i Beginnings 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Helper" "Beginnings 5 Helper Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Helper_Desc" "Givet til dem, der hjalp med TF2RJweeklys femte hoppekonkurrence." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Helper_Desc" "Awarded to those who helped out with TF2RJweekly's 5th jumping competition." "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4" "Kogepladekonge" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4" "Finalist Fry Hard" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4_Desc" "Denne sæson har været det rene barnemad. At udfordre en af disse spillere vil uden tvivl piske en stemning op: den står på bankekød med dig som hovedingrediens. Tillykke med den firestjernede præstation i Ready Steady Pan's fjerde sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4_Desc" "This season you have ruled with an iron feast. Challenging one of these players is a great whisk, and is a recipe for disaster. Congratulations on your supper performance in the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4" "Andenpladsanretter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4" "Second Seasonal Stomper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4_Desc" "Denne medalje er ikke nogen ordinær medalje: Den er også teflonbehandlet! På grund af dine evner med pander i det muntre køkken har du opnået den appetitlige titel som Andenpladsanretter i Ready Steady Pan's fjerde sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4_Desc" "This medal is no ordinary medal, it's non-stick too! Due to your hard efforts in cooking ware and pan-handling you earned the a-peeling title of The Second Seasonal Stomper in the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4" "Tredjepladstjener" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4" "Third Thyme Champ" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4_Desc" "Det kan godt være, du står nederst på indkøbslisten blandt de andre hovedingredienser, men du er stadig en af vores mest eftertragtede og efterspurgte appetizers. Du klarede det godt i Ready Steady Pan's fjerde sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4_Desc" "You might have come in yeast place along our winners, but you are still one of our e-steamed and crock-pot players. Well done in the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4" "Ready Steady Pan-tastisk Slutspil" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4" "Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4_Desc" "Når der er røg i køkkenet, tager nogen det hårdt, andre tarteletter, men du tog det til det næste niveau med din pompøse pande! Det kan endda siges, at det gik som smurt i solsikkeolie!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4_Desc" "Look at how far you got with your trusty pan, you beeted all those weaker stick pans with a pretty decent non-stick pan! I have to say not just rare but well done!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4" "Fourth Seasoning Pan-ticipant" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4" "Fourth Seasoning Pan-ticipant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4_Desc" "Tillykke med at have gået i kødet på folk med køkkenudstyr under Ready Steady Pan's fjerde sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4_Desc" "Congrats to your achievement of a-salting people with cooking ware during the Fourth Seasoning of Ready Steady Pan!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4" "Æg-semplarisk Hjælper" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4" "Eggcellent Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4_Desc" "Vi er helt æg-statiske over din præstation! Tak, fordi du var med os i køkkenet, så vi kunne diske op med Ready Steady Pans fjerde sæson! Du er den sande MVP (Mest Værdifulde Pandebruger)." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4_Desc" "You were quite the helpful egg! Thanks for scrambling around and making the fourth seasoning of Ready Steady Pan into reality! You're the real MVP (Most Valuable Panner)." "TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_First" "1.-plads fra HLMixes Showdown" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_First" "HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_Finalist" "Finalistmedalje fra HLMixes Showdown" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_Finalist" "HLMixes Showdown Finalist Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_Participant" "Deltager i HLMixes Showdown" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HLMixes_Participant" "HLMixes Showdown Participant Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Participant" "Deltager i Hydro.tf" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Participant" "Hydro.tf Participant Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Allstar" "Hydro.tf – All-Star-medalje" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_HydroTF_Allstar" "Hydro.tf All-Star Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1" "Fan af Blapature Co." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1" "Blapature Co. Backer" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1_Desc" "Det vigtigste at huske, når du laver marmelade, er at skifte alting ud med avocadoer. Tak for din støtte til Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier1_Desc" "The most important thing when making jam is to replace literally everything with avocados. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier2" "Supporter af Blapature Co." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier2" "Blapature Co. Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier2_Desc" "En avocado om dagen holder lægen fra bagen: Du skal bare ramme dem mellem øjnene. Tak for din støtte til Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier2_Desc" "An avocado a day keeps the doctor away: you just have to hit them between the eyes. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3" "Sponsor af Blapature Co." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3" "Blapature Co. Benefactor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3_Desc" "Adskil dig selv fra generation Y ved at proklamere din kærlighed for avocado på toast. Tak for din støtte til Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2018_Tier3_Desc" "Distinguish yourself from Millennials by proudly proclaiming you eat avocado toast. Thank you for supporting the Blapature Co. Charity Bash 2018!" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItem" "(forhåndsvis genstandsopgradering)" "[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItem" "(Preview Item Upgrade)" "ItemHistory_Action_DeletedAccountTerminated" "Slettet med kontolukning" "[english]ItemHistory_Action_DeletedAccountTerminated" "Deleted by Account Termination" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_Participant" "Legatus-deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Legatus_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2018_Whale" "Rally Call - Hval" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2018_Whale" "Rally Call - Whale" "TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2018_WhaleDonor" "Rally Call - Hvaldonor" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RallyCall_Charity_2018_WhaleDonor" "Rally Call - Whale Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season7" "Den Syvende Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season7" "NHBL 7th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season7_Desc" "Eiss" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season7_Desc" "Eiss" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_gold" "Guldmedalje fra Newbie Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_gold" "Newbie Highlander Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Newbie Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_silver" "Newbie Highlander Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Newbie Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_bronze" "Newbie Highlander Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_participant" "Deltager i Newbie Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHC_participant" "Newbie Highlander Cup Participant" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2018" "TF2Maps Solskinsstråle 2018" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2018" "TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2018" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2018_Desc" "Skaf nogen penge, så du kan ligge i solen længe! Tildelt bidragsyderne under TF2 Summer Jam 2018!" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2018_Desc" "Praise the sun and raise some funds! Awarded to donors during the TF2 Summer Jam 2018!" "ToolContainerRestrictedTitle" "Ikke tilladt at åbne" "[english]ToolContainerRestrictedTitle" "Opening Not Allowed" "ToolContainerRestricted" "Åbningen af denne beholder er ikke tilladt i dit land." "[english]ToolContainerRestricted" "Opening this container is not allowed in your country." "Store_ConfirmDecoderRestrictionCheckoutText" "Beholdere og kasser kan muligvis ikke åbnes i dit land. Alle købte kasser, beholdere eller nøglegenstande vil ikke kunne bruges." "[english]Store_ConfirmDecoderRestrictionCheckoutText" "Cases and crates may not be opened in your country. Any purchased cases, crates, or key items will not be usable." "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2018" "Sommer 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2018" "Summer 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2018" "Efterår 2018" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2018" "Autumn 2018" "TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Essentials.TF's månedlig turnering" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Gold" "Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Essentials.TF's månedlig turnering" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Silver" "Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Essentials.TF's månedlig turnering" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Bronze" "Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Participant" "Deltager i Essentials.TF's månedlig turnering" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Participant" "Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Contributor" "Bidragyder til Essentials.TF's månedlige turnering" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Essentials_Monthly_Contributor" "Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Gold" "1.-plads insomnia 63" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Gold" "Insomnia 63 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Silver" "2.-plads ved Insomnia 63" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Silver" "Insomnia 63 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Bronze" "3.-plads ved Insomnia 63" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Bronze" "Insomnia 63 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Participant" "Deltager ved Insomnia 63" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Participant" "Insomnia 63 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Contributor" "Bidragyder til Insomnia 63" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia63_Contributor" "Insomnia 63 Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_Aus" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Australien" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_Aus" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Australia" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div2 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - Andenplads i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - Tredjeplads i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Helper" "Hjælper i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Helper" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Participant" "Deltager i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Participant" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_1st" "Førsteplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_1st" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_2nd" "Andenplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_2nd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_3rd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_1st" "Førsteplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Amatør" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_1st" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_2nd" "Andenplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Amatør" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_2nd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Amatør" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Amateur_3rd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_1st" "Førsteplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_1st" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_2nd" "Andenplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_2nd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Fresh Meat Prolander Cup - Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Fresh_Meat_Prolander_Elite_3rd" "Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_1st" "Førsteplads i NewbiDuo Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_1st" "NewbiDuo Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_2nd" "Andenplads i NewbiDuo Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_2nd" "NewbiDuo Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_3rd" "Tredjeplads i NewbiDuo Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_3rd" "NewbiDuo Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_Participant" "Deltager i NewbiDuo Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_Participant" "NewbiDuo Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_Helper" "Hjælper i NewbiDuo Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NewbiDuo_Cup_Helper" "NewbiDuo Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_1st" "1.-pladsmedalje fra PASS Time Federation" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_1st" "PASS Time Federation 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_2nd" "2.-pladsmedalje fra PASS Time Federation" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_2nd" "PASS Time Federation 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_3rd" "3.-pladsmedalje fra PASS Time Federation" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_3rd" "PASS Time Federation 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_Participant" "Deltager i PASS Time Federation" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_Participant" "PASS Time Federation Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_Helper" "Hjælper fra PASS Time Federation" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PASSTime_Federation_Helper" "PASS Time Federation Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_1st" "Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_2nd" "Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_3rd" "Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Gladiator_Participant" "Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria Highlander Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_1st" "Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria Highlander Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_2nd" "Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria Highlander Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_3rd" "Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Highlander Legatus" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Legatus_Participant" "Chapelaria Highlander Legatus Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Season1" "Chapelaria SA Highlander League - Sæson 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Highlander_Season1" "Chapelaria SA Highlander League - Season 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_1st" "Førsteplads i Respawn League Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_1st" "Respawn League Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_2nd" "Andenplads i Respawn League Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_2nd" "Respawn League Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Respawn League Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_3rd" "Respawn League Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_Participant" "Respawn League Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_Founder" "Grundlægger af Respawn League Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Highlander_Founder" "Respawn League Highlander Founder" "TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_1st" "1.-plads ved Moscow LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_1st" "Moscow LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_2nd" "2.-plads ved Moscow LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_2nd" "Moscow LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_3rd" "3.-plads ved Moscow LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_3rd" "Moscow LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_Participant" "Deltager ved Moscow LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_Participant" "Moscow LAN Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_Helper" "Moscow LAN - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Moscow_LAN_Helper" "Moscow LAN Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Gold" "Førstepladsen ved RGB 3 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Gold" "RGB 3 LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Silver" "Andenpladsen ved RGB 3 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Silver" "RGB 3 LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Bronze" "Tredjepladsen ved RGB 3 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Bronze" "RGB 3 LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Participant" "Deltager i RGB 3 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB3_LAN_Participant" "RGB 3 LAN Participant" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2018" "Stilfuld Udforsker" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2018" "Jaunty Explorer" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2018" "Stilfuld Beskytter" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2018" "Jaunty Ranger" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2018" "Stilfuld Bjergbestiger" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2018" "Jaunty Mountaineer" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2018_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats 2018-velgørenhedsbegivenheden" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2018_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2018 charity event" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Gold" "Førstepladsen i TFNew Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Gold" "TFNew Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Gold_Desc" "Tildelt de spillere og trænere, hvis hold fik førstepladsen i et TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Gold_Desc" "Awarded to players or coaches whose team achieved 1st place in a TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Silver" "Andenpladsen i TFNew Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Silver" "TFNew Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Silver_Desc" "Tildelt de spillere og trænere, hvis hold fik andenpladsen i et TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Silver_Desc" "Awarded to players or coaches whose team achieved 2nd place in a TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Bronze" "Tredjepladsen i TFNew Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Bronze" "TFNew Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Bronze_Desc" "Tildelt de spillere og trænere, hvis hold fik tredjepladsen i et TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Bronze_Desc" "Awarded to players or coaches whose team achieved 3rd place in a TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Participant" "Deltager i TFNew Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Participant" "TFNew Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Participant_Desc" "Tildelt de spillere og trænere, som deltog i et TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFNew_Participant_Desc" "Awarded to players or coaches who participated in a TFNew 6v6 newbie cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold" "United Dodgeball League Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver" "United Dodgeball League Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze" "United Dodgeball League Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant" "Deltager i United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant" "United Dodgeball League Participant" "TF_Wearable_Headphones" "Hovedtelefoner" "[english]TF_Wearable_Headphones" "Headphones" "koth_bagel_event_authors" "Lauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\nZach \"Exactol\" Matuson\nSebastian \"Seba\" Grus\nRebecca \"Phi\" Ailes\nFreyja" "[english]koth_bagel_event_authors" "Lauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nSebastian 'Seba' Grus\nRebecca 'Phi' Ailes\nFreyja" "pl_rumble_event_authors" "Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen\nRiley \"Sheltr\" Aanestad\nMichał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko\nZach \"Exactol\" Matuson\nLiam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt" "[english]pl_rumble_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\nRiley 'Sheltr' Aanestad\nMichał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt" "pd_monster_bash_authors" "Aeon \"Void\" Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nPEAR\ndonhonk\nHarlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke\nTim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees\nLiam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt\nJennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett\nErik Coltey" "[english]pd_monster_bash_authors" "Aeon 'Void' Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nPEAR\ndonhonk\nHarlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nJennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett\nErik 'Colteh' Coltey" "koth_slasher_authors" "Aeon \"Void\" Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees\nKillohurtz\nMartin \"Chaofanatic\" Ellis\nLauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey\nAndrew \"Rogue13\" Risch" "[english]koth_slasher_authors" "Aeon 'Void' Bollig\nFuzzymellow\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nKillohurtz\nMartin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis\nLauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey\nAndrew 'Rogue13' Risch" "pd_cursed_cove_event_authors" "Louie \"bakscratch\" Turner\nJuha \"Jusa\" Kuoppala\nSean \"boomsta\" Troehler\nJordan \"Hex\" LeBlanc\nEmNudge\nZach \"Exactol\" Matuson\nNick \"Bobby BodyOdor\" Baker\nDuncan \"Magnus\" Welch\nNathan \"Yacan1\" Dadey\nRoniña \"Py-Bun\" Rodriguez\nStiffy360\nDeacon" "[english]pd_cursed_cove_event_authors" "Louie 'bakscratch' Turner\nJuha 'Jusa' Kuoppala\nSean 'boomsta' Troehler\nJordan 'Hex' LeBlanc\nEmNudge\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nNick 'Bobby BodyOdor' Baker\nDuncan 'Magnus' Welch\nNathan 'Yacan1' Dadey\nRoniña 'Py-Bun' Rodriguez\nStiffy360\nDeacon" "TF_Map_BagelEvent" "Cauldron" "[english]TF_Map_BagelEvent" "Cauldron" "TF_MapToken_BagelEvent" "Banefrimærke - Cauldron" "[english]TF_MapToken_BagelEvent" "Map Stamp - Cauldron" "TF_MapToken_BagelEvent_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Lauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey, Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke, Zach \"Exactol\" Matuson, Sebastian \"Seba\" Grus, Rebecca \"Phi\" Ailes og Freyja\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Cauldron-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_BagelEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Lauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Sebastian 'Seba' Grus, Rebecca 'Phi' Ailes, and Freyja\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cauldron community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_BagelEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Cauldron-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_BagelEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cauldron community map." "TF_Map_RumbleEvent" "Gravestone" "[english]TF_Map_RumbleEvent" "Gravestone" "TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent" "Banefrimærke - Gravestone" "[english]TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent" "Map Stamp - Gravestone" "TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Tomi \"ICS\" Uurainen, Riley \"Sheltr\" Aanestad, Michał \"AsG_Alligator\" Byczko, Zach \"Exactol\" Matuson og Liam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Gravestone-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen, Riley 'Sheltr' Aanestad, Michał 'AsG_Alligator' Byczko, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, and Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Gravestone community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Gravestone-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_RumbleEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Gravestone community map." "TF_Map_MonsterBash" "Monster Bash" "[english]TF_Map_MonsterBash" "Monster Bash" "TF_MapToken_MonsterBash" "Banefrimærke - Monster Bash" "[english]TF_MapToken_MonsterBash" "Map Stamp - Monster Bash" "TF_MapToken_MonsterBash_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Fuzzymellow, PEAR, donhonk, Harlen \"UEAKCrash\" Linke, Tim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees, Liam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt, Jennifer \"NeoDement\" Burnett og Erik \"Colteh\" Coltey\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Monster Bash-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_MonsterBash_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Fuzzymellow, PEAR, Donhonk, Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Jennifer 'NeoDement' Burnett, and Erik 'Colteh' Coltey\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Monster Bash community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_MonsterBash_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Monster Bash-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_MonsterBash_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Monster Bash community map." "TF_Map_Slasher" "Slasher" "[english]TF_Map_Slasher" "Slasher" "TF_MapToken_Slasher" "Banefrimærke - Slasher" "[english]TF_MapToken_Slasher" "Map Stamp - Slasher" "TF_MapToken_Slasher_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Fuzzymellow, Tim \"SediSocks\" Brown Lees, Killohurtz, Martin \"Chaofanatic\" Ellis, Lauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey og Andrew \"Rogue13\" Risch\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Slasher-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Slasher_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Fuzzymellow, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Killohurtz, Martin 'Chaofanatic' Ellis, Lauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey, and Andrew 'Rogue13' Risch\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Slasher community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Slasher_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Slasher-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Slasher_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Slasher community map." "TF_Map_CursedCove" "Cursed Cove" "[english]TF_Map_CursedCove" "Cursed Cove" "TF_MapToken_CursedCove" "Banefrimærke - Cursed Cove" "[english]TF_MapToken_CursedCove" "Map Stamp - Cursed Cove" "TF_MapToken_CursedCove_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Louie \"bakscratch\" Turner, Juha \"Jusa\" Kuoppala, Sean \"boomsta\" Troehler, Jordan \"Hex\" LeBlanc, EmNudge, Zach \"Exactol\" Matuson, Nick \"Bobby BodyOdor\" Baker, Duncan \"Magnus\" Welch, Nathan \"Yacan1\" Dadey, Roniña \"Py-Bun\" Rodriguez, Stiffy360 og Deacon\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Cursed Cove-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_CursedCove_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Louie 'bakscratch' Turner, Juha 'Jusa' Kuoppala, Sean 'boomsta' Troehler, Jordan 'Hex' LeBlanc, EmNudge, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Nick 'Bobby BodyOdor' Baker, Duncan 'Magnus' Welch, Nathan 'Yacan1' Dadey, Roniña 'Py-Bun' Rodriguez, Stiffy360, and Deacon\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cursed Cove community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_CursedCove_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Cursed Cove-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_CursedCove_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cursed Cove community map." "TF_Map_BagelEvent_StrangePrefix" " Skoldende" "[english]TF_Map_BagelEvent_StrangePrefix" " Scalding" "TF_Map_RumbleEvent_StrangePrefix" " Hjemsøgt" "[english]TF_Map_RumbleEvent_StrangePrefix" " Haunted" "TF_Map_MonsterBash_StrangePrefix" " Eksperimentel" "[english]TF_Map_MonsterBash_StrangePrefix" " Experimental" "TF_Map_Slasher_StrangePrefix" "Flængende" "[english]TF_Map_Slasher_StrangePrefix" " Slashing" "TF_Map_CursedCove_StrangePrefix" " Forbandet" "[english]TF_Map_CursedCove_StrangePrefix" " Cursed" "Gametype_HalloweenFeatured" "Halloween (Fremhævede)" "[english]Gametype_HalloweenFeatured" "Halloween (Featured)" "Gametype_HalloweenFeatured_Desc" "Spil de fremhævede Halloween-baner." "[english]Gametype_HalloweenFeatured_Desc" "Tour the featured Halloween maps." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBagelEvent" "Sært filter: Cauldron (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBagelEvent" "Strange Filter: Cauldron (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBagelEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Cauldron." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBagelEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Cauldron." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapRumbleEvent" "Sært filter: Gravestone (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapRumbleEvent" "Strange Filter: Gravestone (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapRumbleEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Gravestone." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapRumbleEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Gravestone." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMonsterBash" "Sært filter: Monster Bash (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMonsterBash" "Strange Filter: Monster Bash (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMonsterBash_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Monster Bash." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMonsterBash_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Monster Bash." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSlasher" "Sært filter: Slasher (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSlasher" "Strange Filter: Slasher (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSlasher_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Slasher." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSlasher_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Slasher." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCursedCove" "Sært filter: Cursed Cove (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCursedCove" "Strange Filter: Cursed Cove (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCursedCove_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Cursed Cove." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCursedCove_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Cursed Cove." "TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress X-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress X War Paint Case" "TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Scream Fortress X-krigsmalingssamlingen" "[english]TF_Halloween2018WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Scream Fortress X Paint Collection" "TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress X-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress X War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress X-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Scream Fortress X War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress X-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2018WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Scream Fortress X War Paint Case" "halloween2018_collection_name" "Violet Væver-samling" "[english]halloween2018_collection_name" "Violet Vermin Collection" "halloween2018_collection_case" "Violet Væver-kasse" "[english]halloween2018_collection_case" "Violet Vermin Case" "halloween2018_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nViolet Væver-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Violet Væver-samlingen." "[english]halloween2018_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nViolet Vermin Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Violet Vermin Collection." "halloween2018_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik fra Violet Væver-samlingen\n-Kræver en Violet Væver-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2018_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Violet Vermin Collection\n-Requires a Violet Vermin Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2018_collection_key" "Violet Væver-nøgle" "[english]halloween2018_collection_key" "Violet Vermin Key" "halloween2018_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne Violet Væver-kassen" "[english]halloween2018_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Violet Vermin Case" "halloween2018_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne Violet Væver-kassen\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2018_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Violet Vermin Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2018_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt med en halloween 2018-effekt" "[english]halloween2018_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2018 effect" "halloween2018_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2018-effekt." "[english]halloween2018_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2018 effect" "Halloween2018Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress X-samling" "[english]Halloween2018Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress X Collection" "Halloween2018Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Scream Fortress X-samlingen:" "[english]Halloween2018Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Scream Fortress X Collection:" "Attrib_Particle111" "Hjernevrider" "[english]Attrib_Particle111" "Brain Drain" "Attrib_Particle112" "Åbent Sind" "[english]Attrib_Particle112" "Open Mind" "Attrib_Particle113" "Damphoved" "[english]Attrib_Particle113" "Head of Steam" "Attrib_Particle114" "Galaktisk Port" "[english]Attrib_Particle114" "Galactic Gateway" "Attrib_Particle115" "Den Uhyggelige Åbning" "[english]Attrib_Particle115" "The Eldritch Opening" "Attrib_Particle116" "Den Dunkle Døråbning" "[english]Attrib_Particle116" "The Dark Doorway" "Attrib_Particle117" "Ring af Ild" "[english]Attrib_Particle117" "Ring of Fire" "Attrib_Particle118" "Ondartet Cirkel" "[english]Attrib_Particle118" "Vicious Circle" "Attrib_Particle119" "Hvide Lyn" "[english]Attrib_Particle119" "White Lightning" "Attrib_Particle120" "Altseende Krystalkugle" "[english]Attrib_Particle120" "Omniscient Orb" "Attrib_Particle121" "Clairvoyance" "[english]Attrib_Particle121" "Clairvoyance" "Attrib_Particle3017" "Jalousiens Syrebobler" "[english]Attrib_Particle3017" "Acidic Bubbles of Envy" "Attrib_Particle3018" "Attraktive Brandbobler" "[english]Attrib_Particle3018" "Flammable Bubbles of Attraction" "Attrib_Particle3019" "Fortrydelsens Giftbobler" "[english]Attrib_Particle3019" "Poisonous Bubbles of Regret" "Attrib_Particle3020" "Rumsterende Raketter" "[english]Attrib_Particle3020" "Roaring Rockets" "Attrib_Particle3021" "Uhyggelig Nat" "[english]Attrib_Particle3021" "Spooky Night" "Attrib_Particle3022" "Ildevarslende Nat" "[english]Attrib_Particle3022" "Ominous Night" "TF_Taunt_Tank" "Hån: Pansret Personbil" "[english]TF_Taunt_Tank" "Taunt: Panzer Pants" "TF_Taunt_Tank_Desc" "Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_Taunt_Tank_Desc" "Soldier Taunt" "TF_Taunt_Tank_AdText" "-Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_Taunt_Tank_AdText" "-Soldier Taunt" "TF_Taunt_Moped" "Hån: Kikset Knallert" "[english]TF_Taunt_Moped" "Taunt: The Scooty Scoot" "TF_Taunt_Moped_Desc" "Scout-hån" "[english]TF_Taunt_Moped_Desc" "Scout Taunt" "TF_Taunt_Moped_AdText" "-Scout-hån" "[english]TF_Taunt_Moped_AdText" "-Scout Taunt" "TF_hwn2018_shell_of_a_mann" "En Hård Nørd at Knække" "[english]TF_hwn2018_shell_of_a_mann" "A Shell of a Mann" "TF_hwn2018_dell_in_the_shell" "Stærkstrømssvømmeren" "[english]TF_hwn2018_dell_in_the_shell" "Dell in the Shell" "TF_hwn2018_terror_antula" "Elegant Edderkop" "[english]TF_hwn2018_terror_antula" "Terror-antula" "TF_hwn2018_deadbeats" "Levende Dødsmusik" "[english]TF_hwn2018_deadbeats" "Deadbeats" "TF_hwn2018_lucky_cat_hat" "Heldig Kattehue" "[english]TF_hwn2018_lucky_cat_hat" "Lucky Cat Hat" "TF_hwn2018_olympic_leapers" "Olympiske Springere" "[english]TF_hwn2018_olympic_leapers" "Olympic Leapers" "TF_hwn2018_hephaistos_handcraft" "Hefaistos' Håndværk" "[english]TF_hwn2018_hephaistos_handcraft" "Hephaistos' Handcraft" "TF_hwn2018_athenian_attire" "Tjekket Tunika" "[english]TF_hwn2018_athenian_attire" "Athenian Attire" "TF_hwn2018_tank_top" "Tanktop" "[english]TF_hwn2018_tank_top" "Tank Top" "TF_hwn2018_vampire_vanquisher" "Vampyrbekæmper" "[english]TF_hwn2018_vampire_vanquisher" "Vampire Vanquisher" "TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown" "Pyro i Chinatown" "[english]TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown" "Pyro in Chinatown" "TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown_style1" "Fuld" "[english]TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown_style1" "Full" "TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown_style2" "Kompakt" "[english]TF_hwn2018_pyro_in_chinatown_style2" "Compact" "TF_hwn2018_scopers_scales" "Sigterens Skæl" "[english]TF_hwn2018_scopers_scales" "Scoper's Scales" "TF_hwn2018_mr_quackers" "Hr. Kvæker" "[english]TF_hwn2018_mr_quackers" "Mr. Quackers" "TF_hwn2018_arachno_arsonist" "Arakno-pyroman" "[english]TF_hwn2018_arachno_arsonist" "Arachno-Arsonist" "TF_hwn2018_mann_o_war" "Krigsmann" "[english]TF_hwn2018_mann_o_war" "Mann-O-War" "TF_hwn2018_crocodile_mun_dee" "Crocodile Mun-Dee" "[english]TF_hwn2018_crocodile_mun_dee" "Crocodile Mun-Dee" "TF_hwn2018_highway_star" "Overhalingens Overhoved" "[english]TF_hwn2018_highway_star" "Highway Star" "TF_hwn2018_defragmenting_hat" "Defragmenterer Sikkerhedshjelm 17%" "[english]TF_hwn2018_defragmenting_hat" "Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%" "TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant" "Sidesigtet" "[english]TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant" "Aim Assistant" "TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant_style1" "Normal" "TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant_style2" "Mini" "[english]TF_hwn2018_aimbot_assistant_style2" "Mini" "TF_hwn2018_mini_engy" "Lille Hjælper" "[english]TF_hwn2018_mini_engy" "Mini-Engy" "TF_hwn2018_dressperado" "Dresseperado" "[english]TF_hwn2018_dressperado" "Dressperado" "TF_hwn2018_bandits_boots" "Svindlerens Støvler" "[english]TF_hwn2018_bandits_boots" "Bandit's Boots" "TF_hwn2018_murderers_motif" "Morderens Motiv" "[english]TF_hwn2018_murderers_motif" "Murderer's Motif" "TF_hwn2018_gaelic_glutton" "Gælisk Grådighed" "[english]TF_hwn2018_gaelic_glutton" "Gaelic Glutton" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season31" "Sæson 31" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season31" "Season 31" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season32" "Sæson 32" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season32" "Season 32" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season33" "Sæson 33" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season33" "Season 33" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season34" "Sæson 34" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season34" "Season 34" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season35" "Sæson 35" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season35" "Season 35" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season36" "Sæson 36" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season36" "Season 36" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_first" "1.-plads i ESEA 6s Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_first" "ESEA 6s Invite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_second" "2.-plads i ESEA 6s Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_second" "ESEA 6s Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_third" "3.-plads i ESEA 6s Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_third" "ESEA 6s Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_participant" "Deltager i ESEA 6s Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESEA_6s_participant" "ESEA 6s Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_1st" "1.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_1st" "AsiaFortress LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_2nd" "2.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_2nd" "AsiaFortress LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_3rd" "3.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_3rd" "AsiaFortress LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Participant" "Deltager ved AsiaFortress LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Participant" "AsiaFortress LAN Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Attendee" "Tilskuer ved AsiaFortress LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Attendee" "AsiaFortress LAN Attendee" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Sacred Scouts 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Gold" "Sacred Scouts 6v6 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Sacred Scouts 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Silver" "Sacred Scouts 6v6 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Sacred Scouts 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Bronze" "Sacred Scouts 6v6 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Participant" "Deltagermedalje fra Sacred Scouts 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SacredScouts_6v6_Participant" "Sacred Scouts 6v6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_1st" "1.-plads ved LAN Downunder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_1st" "LAN Downunder 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_2nd" "2.-plads ved LAN Downunder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_2nd" "LAN Downunder 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_3rd" "3.-plads ved LAN Downunder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_3rd" "LAN Downunder 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_Participant" "Deltager ved LAN Downunder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LAN_Downunder_Participant" "LAN Downunder Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_1st" "1.-plads i Russian Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_1st" "Russian Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_2nd" "2.-plads i Russian Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_2nd" "Russian Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_3rd" "3.-plads i Russian Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_3rd" "Russian Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_Participant" "Deltager i Russian Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_Participant" "Russian Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_Staff" "Russian Highlander - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RussianHighlander_Staff" "Russian Highlander Staff" "TF_Wearable_FlowerPot" "Potteplante" "[english]TF_Wearable_FlowerPot" "Flower Pot" "TF_Wearable_Bell" "Klokke" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bell" "Bell" "TF_StockingStuffer_2018" "Gaveproppet Strømpe 2018" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2018" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2018" "Winter2018Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2018-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2018Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2018 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2018Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2018-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2018Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2018 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Winter2018Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2018-hat" "[english]Footer_Winter2018Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2018 Hat" "TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase" "Vinter 2018-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase" "Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nVinter 2018-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Vinter 2018-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2018 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2018 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Vinter 2018-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2018-hat" "[english]TF_Winter2018CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2018 Hat" "TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey" "Vinter 2018-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey" "Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2018-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2018-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2018-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2018CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2018 Hat" "TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style0" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style0" "Hat" "TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style1" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2018_deadbeats_Style1" "No Hat" "TF_dec18_polar_pal" "Polar Vennekreds" "[english]TF_dec18_polar_pal" "Polar Pal" "TF_dec18_polar_pal_style0" "Polar" "[english]TF_dec18_polar_pal_style0" "Polar" "TF_dec18_polar_pal_style1" "Bambusæder" "[english]TF_dec18_polar_pal_style1" "Bamboo Muncher" "TF_dec18_polar_pal_style2" "Frihedsudgave" "[english]TF_dec18_polar_pal_style2" "Liberty Edition" "TF_dec18_pocket_admin" "Lomme-admin" "[english]TF_dec18_pocket_admin" "Pocket Admin" "TF_dec18_bread_heads" "Brødhoveder" "[english]TF_dec18_bread_heads" "Bread Heads" "TF_dec18_catchers_companion" "Fangerens Følgesvend" "[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion" "Catcher's Companion" "TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style0" "Standard" "[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style0" "Default" "TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style1" "Hat" "[english]TF_dec18_catchers_companion_style1" "Hat" "TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper" "Ungdommelig Uldtrøje" "[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper" "Juvenile's Jumper" "TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style0" "Grim" "[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style0" "Ugly" "TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style1" "Moderne" "[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style1" "Modern" "TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style2" "Almindelig" "[english]TF_dec18_juveniles_jumper_style2" "Plain" "TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary" "Morderisk Millennial" "[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary" "Millennial Mercenary" "TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style0" "2Much2Fort!" "[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style0" "2Much2Fort!" "TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style1" "Streamer 2Fort" "[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style1" "Streaming 2Fort" "TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style2" "2Much2Fort! (Mal briller)" "[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style2" "2Much2Fort! (paint glasses)" "TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style3" "Spiller 2Fort" "[english]TF_dec18_millennial_mercenary_style3" "Playing 2Fort" "TF_dec18_crack_pot" "Krukket Kriger" "[english]TF_dec18_crack_pot" "Crack Pot" "TF_dec18_climbing_commander" "Den Klatrende Kommandant" "[english]TF_dec18_climbing_commander" "Climbing Commander" "TF_dec18_pocket_pardner" "Lommepartner" "[english]TF_dec18_pocket_pardner" "Pocket Pardner" "TF_dec18_pocket_pardner_style0" "Standard" "[english]TF_dec18_pocket_pardner_style0" "Default" "TF_dec18_pocket_pardner_style1" "Minelampe" "[english]TF_dec18_pocket_pardner_style1" "Mining Light" "TF_dec18_misers_muttonchops" "Karrig Kindvækst" "[english]TF_dec18_misers_muttonchops" "Miser's Muttonchops" "TF_dec18_snowcapped" "Snedækket" "[english]TF_dec18_snowcapped" "Snowcapped" "TF_dec18_cool_capuchon" "Mønstret Munkehætte" "[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon" "Cool Capuchon" "TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style0" "Farvede Dekorationer" "[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style0" "Paint Decorations" "TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style1" "Farvet Halstørklæde" "[english]TF_dec18_cool_capuchon_style1" "Paint Scarf" "TF_dec18_paka_parka" "Alpakaparka" "[english]TF_dec18_paka_parka" "Paka Parka" "TF_dec18_wise_whiskers" "Visdomsvedhænget" "[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers" "Wise Whiskers" "TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_Hat" "Hat" "[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_Hat" "Hat" "TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_NoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_dec18_wise_whiskers_NoHat" "No Hat" "TF_dec18_puggyback" "Vov-eligt Våbenskjold" "[english]TF_dec18_puggyback" "Puggyback" "TF_dec18_harry" "Hårfin" "[english]TF_dec18_harry" "Harry" "TF_dec18_harry_style0" "Standard" "[english]TF_dec18_harry_style0" "Default" "TF_dec18_harry_style1" "Sovende" "[english]TF_dec18_harry_style1" "Sleeping" "TF_dec18_harry_style2" "Skurkagtig" "[english]TF_dec18_harry_style2" "Villainous" "TF_dec18_mighty_mitre" "Mægtig Mitra" "[english]TF_dec18_mighty_mitre" "Mighty Mitre" "TF_dec18_dumb_bell" "Klokket Klokker" "[english]TF_dec18_dumb_bell" "Dumb Bell" "TF_TournamentMedal_2021" "2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2021" "2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2019" "Vinter 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2019" "Winter 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2019" "Forår 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2019" "Spring 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2019" "Sommer 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2019" "Summer 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2019" "Efterår 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2019" "Autumn 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Streamer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Gold" "Streamer Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Streamer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Silver" "Streamer Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Streamer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Bronze" "Streamer Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Participant" "Deltager i Streamer Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Participant" "Streamer Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Staff" "Streamer Cup - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Streamer_Staff" "Streamer Cup Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_Cup1" "Turnering 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Cup1" "Cup 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_Cup2" "Turnering 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Cup2" "Cup 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_Cup3" "Turnering 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Cup3" "Cup 3" "TF_TournamentMedal_Cup4" "Turnering 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Cup4" "Cup 4" "TF_TournamentMedal_Cup5" "Turnering 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Cup5" "Cup 5" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_4v4_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League ASIA 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_1st" "Respawn League ASIA 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League ASIA 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_2nd" "Respawn League ASIA 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League ASIA 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_3rd" "Respawn League ASIA 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League ASIA 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_4v4_Participant" "Respawn League ASIA 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League ASIA Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_1st" "Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League ASIA Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_2nd" "Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League ASIA Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_3rd" "Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League ASIA Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_Highlander_Participant" "Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_1st" "1.-plads i Eu Mixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_1st" "Eu Mixes 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_2nd" "2.-plads i Eu Mixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_2nd" "Eu Mixes 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_3rd" "3.-plads i Eu Mixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_3rd" "Eu Mixes 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Playoff" "Eu Mixes-slutspil" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Playoff" "Eu Mixes Playoff" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Participant" "Eu Mixes – Deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Participant" "Eu Mixes Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Staff" "Eu Mixes – Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuMixes_Staff" "Eu Mixes Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra KnightComp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Gold" "KnightComp Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra KnightComp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Silver" "KnightComp Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra KnightComp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Bronze" "KnightComp Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Participant" "Deltager i KnightComp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Participant" "KnightComp Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Helper" "Hjælper i KnightComp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_KnightComp_Helper" "KnightComp Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Playoff" "Slutspilsmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander Low Playoff Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal" "TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Ultiduo_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Newbie_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_ArenaRespawn_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Highlander_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Highlander_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Highlander_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Highlander_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Highlander_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Highlander_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_RSP_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_RSP_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_RSP_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_RSP_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_RSP_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_RSP_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Winner" "Vinder af RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Winner" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Winner Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Finalist" "Finalist i RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Finalist" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Finalist Season 2" "TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Participant" "Deltager i RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_6v6Senior_Participant" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Participant Season 2" "TF_RETF2_Contributor" "Bidragyder til RETF2 Retrospective 2 Sæson 2" "[english]TF_RETF2_Contributor" "RETF2 Retrospective 2 Contributor Season 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Tester" "TFCL 2.0-tester" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Tester" "TFCL 2.0 Tester" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Tester_Desc" "En særlig medalje til dem, der hjalp med at teste den anden generation af TFCL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFCL_Tester_Desc" "A special medal for those that helped test the second generation of TFCL" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season8" "Den Anden Sværvægtsvinder af Natascha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season8" "NHBL 2nd Natascha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season8_Desc" "Retro" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season8_Desc" "Retro" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Invite - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Invite - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Invite - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Invite - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Advanced - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Advanced - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Advanced - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Advanced - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Main - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Main - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Main - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Main - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Intermediate - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Intermediate - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Intermediate - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Detager i Intermediate - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Open - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Vinderne i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div1 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Deltager i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Vinderne i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Champions_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_2nd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - 3.-plads Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_3rd_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Deltager i Div2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div2_Participant_AU" "AU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Staff_AU" "RGL.gg - Personale AU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Staff_AU" "RGL.gg - Staff AU" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_1" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_1" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_2" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_2" "RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #2" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_1_Staff" "RGL.gg Personale - One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_1_Staff" "RGL.gg Staff - One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_2_Staff" "RGL.gg Personale - One Day Prolander Cup - NA #2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_OneDayCup_NA_2_Staff" "RGL.gg Staff - One Day Prolander Cup - NA #2" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_HighlanderCup_Exp" "RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_HighlanderCup_Exp" "RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_1st" "1.-plads i United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_1st" "United Dodgeball League 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_2nd" "2.-plads i United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_2nd" "United Dodgeball League 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_3rd" "3.-plads i United Dodgeball League" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_3rd" "United Dodgeball League 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Staff" "UDL – Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Staff" "UDL Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Helper" "Hjælper i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Helper" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Iron_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Bruneret Beryl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Iron_2019" "Madness vs Machines Burnished Beryl 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Iron_2019_Desc" "Hvis den lille sten havde været større, kunne den have været et fantastisk bæltespænde! Det ville have været ubehageligt at gå rundt med, men det er prisen, man betaler for mode. Tildelt Potato's MvM Servers co-op-kampagnedeltagere." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Iron_2019_Desc" "Had this little rock been larger, it would've made one amazing belt buckle. Walking would be unpleasant, but that's the price of fashion. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's co-op campaign!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Bronze_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Grandios Granat" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Bronze_2019" "Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Bronze_2019_Desc" "Før bolden var opfundet, blev denne sten skåret til en sekshjørnet figur for at reducere vindmodstand og brugt af minearbejdere til diverse fritidsaktiviteter. Tildelt deltagere i Potato's MvM Servers co-op-kampagne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Bronze_2019_Desc" "Originally cut into its six-corner shape to reduce air resistance, workers used it as recreational equipment. Then the ball was invented. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's co-op campaign!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Silver_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Tæsket Turmalin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Silver_2019" "Madness vs Machines Tempered Tourmaline 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Silver_2019_Desc" "Denne glimtende sten skylder sin yndefulde glans til en dybdegående oppolering, der virkelig får den til at skinne igennem. Man kunne næsten bruge den som et spejl – dog intet større end et håndspejl. Tildelt deltagere i Potato's MvM Server's co-op-kampagne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Silver_2019_Desc" "Polished to a deep luster, this glimmering gem shines like no other. You could almost use it as a mirror, albeit a tiny hand-sized one. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's co-op campaign!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Gold_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Royal Rodonit" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Gold_2019" "Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Gold_2019_Desc" "Denne er kendt som \"Dommens Sten\" og er notorisk for at have givet dybe rifter til de uværdige på grund af dens genkendelige skarphed. Godt det ikke er dig, der holder den! Tildelt deltagere i Potato's MvM Servers co-op-kampagne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Gold_2019_Desc" "Known as the Judgment Stone, the unworthy often receive deep lacerations due to its distinct sharpness. Good thing you're not holding it! Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's co-op campaign!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Platinum_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Kaotisk Krystal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Platinum_2019" "Madness vs Machines Chaotic Crystal 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Platinum_2019_Desc" "Styrke udover din vildeste fantasi, presset ind i en lille diamantskal. Blot at fæstne den til dit bryst vil fylde din sjæl med ubegrænset potentiale. Tildelt deltagere i Potato's MvM Servers co-op-kampagne!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Platinum_2019_Desc" "Power beyond your imagination, compressed into a diamond shell. Simply holding it to your chest fills your soul with unlimited potential. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's co-op campaign!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Håbefuldt Hjerte" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2019" "Madness vs Machines Hopeful Heart 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2019_Desc" "Hvordan vil velgørenhedsdonationer hjælpe med at stoppe en robothær? En soldat uden hjerte er blot en anden robot, så tak, fordi du blev på vores side! Tildelt Potato's MvM Servers co-op-velgørenhedsdonorer!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2019_Desc" "How does donating to charity help stop the robot menace? A soldier with no heart is just another robot, so thank you for not becoming one! Awarded to donors of Potato's MvM Server's co-op charity!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Grænseløst Hjerte" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2019" "Madness vs Machines Boundless Heart 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2019_Desc" "Hele det synlige spektrum, der stammer fra denne juvel, symboliserer en hærdet balance af venskab og vildskab, som ingen grænser kender! Tildelt Potato's MvM Servers co-op-velgørenhedsdonorer!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2019_Desc" "The entire visible light spectrum emanating from the jewel symbolizes a tempered balance of kindness and ferocity that knows no bounds! Awarded to donors of Potato's MvM Server's co-op charity!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Creator_2019" "Madness vs Machines 2019 - Topmålet af Opfindsomhed" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Creator_2019" "Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Creator_2019_Desc" "At lave noget fikst og færdigt har aldrig været nemt. Dog vidste du, hvordan du kunne gøre det tilfredsstillende, udfordrende og, vigtigst af alt, sjovt. Tak, fordi du skabte kampagnen til Potato's MvM Servers co-op-konkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Creator_2019_Desc" "Making something top-notch was never easy. Yet you knew how to make it satisfying, challenging and, above all, enjoyable. Thank you for creating the campaign for Potato's MvM Server's co-op contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_style0" "Normal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_style0" "Normal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_style1" "Kun ædelsten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_style1" "Gem Only" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Staff" "Fruit Mixes Highlander - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Staff" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_1st" "1.-plads i New Caps Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_1st" "New Caps Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_2nd" "2.-plads i New Caps Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_2nd" "New Caps Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_3rd" "3.-plads i New Caps Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_3rd" "New Caps Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_Participant" "Deltager i New Caps Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NCC_Participant" "New Caps Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_1st" "1.-plads i Rasslabyxa Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_1st" "Rasslabyxa Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_2nd" "2.-plads i Rasslabyxa Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_2nd" "Rasslabyxa Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_3rd" "3.-plads i Rasslabyxa Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_3rd" "Rasslabyxa Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_Participant" "Deltager i Rasslabyxa Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_Participant" "Rasslabyxa Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_Helper" "Hjælper i Rasslabyxa Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Rlx_Helper" "Rasslabyxa Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Champion" "Vinder af Australian Hightower Highjinx" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Champion" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant" "Deltager i Australian Hightower Highjinx" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor" "Donor til Australian Hightower Highjinx" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper" "Hjælper i Australian Hightower Highjinx" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Invite_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Intermediate Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Open_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_6v6_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_1st" "1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_1st" "Asia BBall Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_2nd" "2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_2nd" "Asia BBall Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_3rd" "3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_3rd" "Asia BBall Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Participant" "Deltager i Asia BBall Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Participant" "Asia BBall Cup Participant" "ToolTip_TF_Contract_Progress" "Specificer, hvor meget kontraktfremskridt du vil se" "[english]ToolTip_TF_Contract_Progress" "Specify how much Contract progress to show" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF 4v4 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_1st" "FBTF 4v4 Elite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_2nd" "2.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_2nd" "FBTF 4v4 Elite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_3rd" "3.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_3rd" "FBTF 4v4 Elite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF 4v4 Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Elite_Participant" "FBTF 4v4 Elite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF 4v4 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_1st" "FBTF 4v4 Access 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_2nd" "2.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_2nd" "FBTF 4v4 Access 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_3rd" "3.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_3rd" "FBTF 4v4 Access 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_Participant" "Detager i FBTF 4v4 Access" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Access_Participant" "FBTF 4v4 Access Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF 4v4 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_1st" "FBTF 4v4 Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_2nd" "2.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_2nd" "FBTF 4v4 Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_3rd" "3.-pladsen i FBTF 4v4 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_3rd" "FBTF 4v4 Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF 4v4 Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF2_4v4_Open_Participant" "FBTF 4v4 Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Champion" "Vinder af Palaise Limitless 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Champion" "Palaise Limitless 6v6 Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Champion_Desc" "Det kan godt være, at andre har berømmelse, rigdom og et godt helbred, men du har en førstepladsmedalje, og det kan INGEN tage fra dig." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Champion_Desc" "Others may have fame, fortune and health, but you have a 1st place badge and NO ONE can take that from you." "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_RunnerUp" "Nummer to i Palaise Limitless 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_RunnerUp" "Palaise Limitless 6v6 Runner-Up" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_RunnerUp_Desc" "Ikke sejren, du ønskede, men et symbol på dine præstationer op til dette punkt og på velkendte forhindringer, du endnu ikke har overkommet." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_RunnerUp_Desc" "Not the victory you wanted, but a proud mark of your achievements so far, and defined obstacles yet to conquer." "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Participant" "Deltager i Palaise Limitless 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Participant" "Palaise Limitless 6v6 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Participant_Desc" "Det tog blod, sved og tårer at lave denne medalje. Vask med klorin før brug." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Palaise_Limitless_Participant_Desc" "Blood, sweat and tears went into this medal. Wash with bleach before use." "TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Participant" "Deltager i Copenhagen Games" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Copenhagen_Participant" "Copenhagen Games Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold_Spring2019" "Tildelt vinderne af United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold_Spring2019" "Awarded to the winners of the United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver_Spring2019" "Tildelt spillerne, der fik andenpladsen i United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver_Spring2019" "Awarded to the players that placed second in the United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze_Spring2019" "Tildelt spillerne, der fik tredjepladsen i United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze_Spring2019" "Awarded to the players that placed third in the United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant_Spring2019" "Tildelt deltagerne i United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant_Spring2019" "Awarded to participants of the United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter" "United Dodgeball League-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter" "United Dodgeball League Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter_Spring2019" "Tildelt United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019's mest værdifulde bidragsydere" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter_Spring2019" "Awarded to valuable contributors of the United Dodgeball League Spring Cup 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_First" "Første Forskrækkelse" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_First" "First Scary" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_First_Desc" "De rigtige vindere af denne hjemsøgte konkurrence. De bedste og mest uhyggelige i den første sæson af Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_First_Desc" "The true champions of this haunted competition. Scarier than ever, the best during the 1st season of Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Second" "Anden Besværgelse" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Second" "Second Spell" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Second_Desc" "Kraftfulde besværgelser blev brugt i nattens mulm og mørke til at eliminere monstre og opnå denne bemærkelsesværdige placering i Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Second_Desc" "In the dark of the night, powerful spells were used to eliminate monsters and reach this remarkable place in Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Third" "Tredje Traume" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Third" "Third Monstrosity" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Third_Desc" "Revet fra hinanden, men bragt til live igen. Du gjorde din skaber stolt med al den vold og de mange drab under Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Third_Desc" "Ripped apart but brought back to life, you made your creator proud with all this killing in Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Playoffs" "Fredagens Slutspil" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Playoffs" "Friday's Playoff" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Playoffs_Desc" "Du gjorde alt, hvad du kunne: Du myrdede dem, én efter én, men din båd kæntrede, og dine drømme druknede under Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Playoffs_Desc" "Murdering them, one by one, you tried hard and got far, but your boat flipped and your dreams were drowned in Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Participant" "Vampyrisk Deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Participant" "Vampiric Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Participant_Desc" "Du var med, og der var en masse blod over det hele takket være din tilstedeværelse under Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Participant_Desc" "You didn't suck nor starved, and lots of blood were spilled thanks to your presence in Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018." "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Assistant" "Forbandet Assistent" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Assistant" "Cursed Assistant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Assistant_Desc" "Under indflydelse af efterlivets hvisken – stemmer, der holdt dig vågen om natten – gjorde du Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018 til virkelighed. De vil ikke gøre dig fortræd, men deres forbandelse vil aldrig lade dig hvile i fred." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Assistant_Desc" "Hearing voices from the beyond all night long, you made Brasil Fortress Halloween 2018 happen. They won't touch you, but their curse won't let you rest in peace." "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra CLTF2 Prolander Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Gold" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra CLTF2 Prolander Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Silver" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra CLTF2 Prolander Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Bronze" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Participant" "Deltager i CLTF2 Prolander Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Participant" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Supporter" "CLTF2 Tournament-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Supporter" "CLTF2 Tournament Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Supporter_Desc" "Medalje til dem, som har hjulpet med at støtte CLTF2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Supporter_Desc" "Medal for those who have helped support CLTF2" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_OneDayCup" "One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_OneDayCup" "One Day Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player" "Memes vs. Machines 2019 - Bagt Kartoffel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player" "Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_Desc" "En kartoffel er den perfekte måde at glemme alt om de begivenheder, du lige var vidne til. Bare prop én i munden, og lad de forstummede skrig bære psykosen med sig. Tildelt dem, der spillede Potato's MvM Server's Aprilsnartur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_Desc" "A potato is a great way to help forget the terrible events you witnessed. Just shove one in your mouth and silently scream your insanity away. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's April Fools tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator" "Memes vs. Machines 2019 - Kartoff-el-ektronik" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator" "Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_Desc" "Dit bryst er det perfekte sted at installere ekstra bootleg-servere. Frygt ikke, du brugte alligevel aldrig det værdifulde opbevaringsrum til noget. Tildelt deltagerne af Potato's MvM Servers Aprilsnarskonkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_Desc" "Your chest is the perfect place to install additional bootleg servers. Don't worry, you rarely used that valuable storage space anyway. Awarded to creators of Potato's MvM Server's April Fools contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra TFArena" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold" "TFArena Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra TFArena" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver" "TFArena Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra TFArena" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze" "TFArena Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant" "Deltagermedalje fra TFArena" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant" "TFArena Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper" "Hjælpermedalje fra TFArena" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper" "TFArena Helper Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Open_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Main_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_style0" "Style 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Player_style1" "Style 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_style0" "Style 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Memes_Creator_style1" "Style 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Desc" "1.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Desc" "2.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Desc" "3.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Desc" "Deltager i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Desc" "Bidragyder til TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_1st" "1.-plads i Cap that Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_1st" "Cap that Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_1st_Desc" "Mange har 12 års erfaring i at stjæle kufferter med klassificeret information, madopskrifter og billeder af din mor, men du har bevist, at du er den bedste til det." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_1st_Desc" "The 12-year-old profession of stealing briefcases containing classified information, food recipes, and pictures of your mother has been done by many, but you have proven to be the best at it." "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_2nd" "2.-plads i Cap that Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_2nd" "Cap that Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_2nd_Desc" "Du kæmpede hårdt og bravt og gjorde dit bedste. Du var næsten toppen af poppen! Selvom der var visse, som gjorde det bedre, er dine præstationer skam intet at kimse ad!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_2nd_Desc" "You fought hard, gave it your all and did your job well - you almost made it to the top! Although there were some that did it better, you still did one hell of a job!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_3rd" "3.-plads i Cap that Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_3rd" "Cap that Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_3rd_Desc" "Selvom andre var bedre til dit arbejde end dig, fik du alligevel givet nogle af de største firmaer en masse værdifuld information, som de kunne bruge til deres smædekampagner, og for disse anstrengelser er du blevet belønnet!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_3rd_Desc" "While some have been better at this job than you, you gave some of the biggest corporations lots of valuable information to smear their enemies with, and for that, your efforts have been rewarded!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Participant" "Deltager i Cap that Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Participant" "Cap that Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Participant_Desc" "Der er ikke så meget at sige her – du blev instrueret i at stjæle kufferten, og det var præcist, hvad du gjorde." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Participant_Desc" "Not much can be said here - you were instructed to steal the briefcase, and you did what you were told to do." "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Staff" "Cap that Cup – Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Staff" "Cap that Cup Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Staff_Desc" "Hvad ville arbejde være, hvis det ikke blev overværet af ledere? Det er nemlig rigtigt: En slagmark – og det var det også, men i det mindste var det en slagmark, som blev styret af nogen fra de højere kredse." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Staff_Desc" "What would work be without it being overseen by higher-ups? That's right, a battlefield - and that's what it was, but at least that battlefield was managed by someone from above." "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra EuroLander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Gold" "EuroLander Premier Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra EuroLander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Silver" "EuroLander Premier Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra EuroLander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Bronze" "EuroLander Premier Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i EuroLander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Premier_Participant" "EuroLander Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra EuroLander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Gold" "EuroLander Main Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra EuroLander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Silver" "EuroLander Main Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra EuroLander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Bronze" "EuroLander Main Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Participant" "Deltager i EuroLander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Main_Participant" "EuroLander Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra EuroLander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Gold" "EuroLander Open Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra EuroLander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Silver" "EuroLander Open Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra EuroLander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Bronze" "EuroLander Open Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Participant" "Deltager i EuroLander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Open_Participant" "EuroLander Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Supporter" "EuroLander-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Supporter" "EuroLander Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Supporter_Desc" "Tildelt dem, som har hjulpet og støttet EuroLander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EuroLander_Supporter_Desc" "Awarded to those who have helped support EuroLander" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Gold" "1.-plads i Classic MGE Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Gold" "Classic MGE Cup 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Silver" "2.-plads i Classic MGE Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Silver" "Classic MGE Cup 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Bronze" "3.-plads i Classic MGE Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Bronze" "Classic MGE Cup 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Participant" "Deltager i Classic MGE Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Participant" "Classic MGE Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Helper" "Hjælper i Classic MGE Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Helper" "Classic MGE Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Late Night TF2 Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Gold" "Late Night TF2 Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Late Night TF2 Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Silver" "Late Night TF2 Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Late Night TF2 Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Bronze" "Late Night TF2 Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Participant" "Deltager i Late Night TF2 Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Participant" "Late Night TF2 Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Helper" "Hjælper i Late Night TF2 Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Helper" "Late Night TF2 Cup Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_1st" "1.-pladsmedalje fra EBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_1st" "EBL 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_2nd" "2.-pladsmedalje fra EBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_2nd" "EBL 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_3rd" "3.-pladsmedalje fra EBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_3rd" "EBL 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Participant" "Deltager i EBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Participant" "EBL Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Staff" "EBL – Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Staff" "EBL Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2017" "Vinter 2017" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2017" "Winter 2017" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div3 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_2nd" "RGL.gg - Andenplads i Div3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div3 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_3rd" "RGL.gg - Tredjeplads i Div3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div3 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div3-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Champions_EU" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div3 EU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_2nd_EU" "RGL.gg - Andenplads i Div3 EU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div3 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_3rd_EU" "RGL.gg - Tredjeplads i Div3 EU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div3 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Participant_EU" "RGL.gg - Div3-deltager EU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div3_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Open_Participant_EU" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Open EU" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Open_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Prolander_Supporter" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Prolander_Supporter" "CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Gold" "CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament Gold" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Silver" "CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Bronze" "CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament Bronze" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Participant" "Deltager i CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_High_Participant" "CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Gold" "CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament Gold" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Silver" "CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Bronze" "CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament Bronze" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Participant" "Deltager i CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Mid_Participant" "CLTF2 6v6 Mid - No Restrictions Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Gold" "CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament Gold" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Silver" "CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament Silver" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Bronze" "CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament Bronze" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "Deltager i CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Open_Participant" "CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_First" "1.-plads i BBall One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_First" "BBall One Day Cup First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Second" "2.-plads i BBall One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Second" "BBall One Day Cup Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Third" "3.-plads i BBall One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Third" "BBall One Day Cup Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Participant" "Deltager i BBall One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Participant" "BBall One Day Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Staff" "BBall One Day Cup - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Staff" "BBall One Day Cup Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Desc" "One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Desc" "One Day Cup" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_First" "1.-plads i Pugiklander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_First" "Pugiklander 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Second" "2.-plads i Pugiklander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Second" "Pugiklander 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Third" "3.-plads i Pugiklander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Third" "Pugiklander 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Participant" "Deltager i Pugiklander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Participant" "Pugiklander Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Staff" "Pugiklander - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Staff" "Pugiklander Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Gold" "1.-plads i MidNight Moon" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Gold" "MidNight Moon 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Silver" "2.-plads i MidNight Moon" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Silver" "MidNight Moon 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Bronze" "3.-plads i MidNight Moon" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Bronze" "MidNight Moon 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Participant" "Deltager i MidNight Moon" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Participant" "MidNight Moon Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Staff" "MidNight Moon - Personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MidNight_Staff" "MidNight Moon Staff" "Attrib_Particle85" "Spøgelsesagtige Spøgelser Jr." "[english]Attrib_Particle85" "Ghastly Ghosts Jr" "TF_CYOA_PDA_Taunting" "Du kan ikke åbne KonSporer-menuen, mens du håner" "[english]TF_CYOA_PDA_Taunting" "You cannot open the ConTracker menu while taunting" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_1st" "UGC Highlander Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_2nd" "UGC Highlander Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_3rd" "UGC Highlander Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_Participant" "UGC Highlander Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Premium_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Highlander Premium" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Premium_Participant" "UGC Highlander Premium Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Admin" "UGC League - Bidragsyder og Admin" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Admin" "UGC League Contributor and Admin" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_1st" "UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_2nd" "UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_3rd" "UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_1st" "UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_2nd" "UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 6vs6 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_3rd" "UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_1st" "UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_2nd" "UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Silver" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_3rd" "UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_1st" "1.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_1st" "UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_2nd" "UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC 4vs4 Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_3rd" "UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_1st" "1.-plads i ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_1st" "ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_2nd" "2.-plads i ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_2nd" "ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_3rd" "3.-plads i ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_3rd" "ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_First_Place" "ozfortress Main First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Second_Place" "ozfortress Main Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Third_Place" "ozfortress Main Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Participant" "ozfortress Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Gold" "1.-plads i RGB 4 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Gold" "RGB 4 LAN 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Silver" "2.-plads i RGB 4 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Silver" "RGB 4 LAN 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Bronze" "3.-plads i RGB 4 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Bronze" "RGB 4 LAN 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Participant" "Deltager i RGB 4 LAN" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB4_LAN_Participant" "RGB 4 LAN Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_April2019" "April 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_April2019" "April 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season8" "Den Ottende Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season8" "NHBL 8th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season8_Desc" "Eiss" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season8_Desc" "Eiss" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2019" "TF2Maps Solskinsstråle 2019" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2019" "TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2019" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2019_Desc" "Vær en lille solskinsstråle i en andens liv. Tildelt dem, som donerede til Trevor-projektet under TF2 72hr Jam 2019!" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2019_Desc" "Shine a little love on someone's life. Awarded to donors to the Trevor Project during the TF2 72hr Jam 2019!" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Invite - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Invite - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Invite - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Invite - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne i Div-1 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div-1 Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div-1 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div-1 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div-1 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div-1 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div-1 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div-1 Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne i Div-2 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div-2 Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div-2 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div-2 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div-2 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div-2 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div-2 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div-2 Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne i Div-3 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div-3 Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div-3 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div-3 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div-3 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div-3 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div-3 - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Div3_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div-3 Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Open - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Open Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier1" "Fan af BlapBash 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier1" "BlapBash Backer 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier1_Desc" "Det vigtigste at huske, når du laver marmelade, er at ødelægge avocadoerne og ikke boligmarkedet. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2019!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier1_Desc" "The most important thing when making jam is to crush the avocados and not the housing market. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier2" "Tilhænger af BlapBash 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier2" "BlapBash Supporter 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier2_Desc" "En avocado om dagen holder lægen fra bagen: Du har bare ikke råd til begge. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2019!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier2_Desc" "An avocado a day keeps the doctor away: You just can't afford both. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier3" "Sponsor af BlapBash 2019" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier3" "BlapBash Benefactor 2019" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier3_Desc" "Hvis avocadotoast vil resultere i urimelige boligpriser, så har du i det mindste noget fornuftig morgenmad. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2019!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2019_Tier3_Desc" "If avocado toast will result in unaffordable housing, then at least you'll have a splendid breakfast. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2019!" "TF_Wearable_ShoulderPads" "Skulderbeskyttere" "[english]TF_Wearable_ShoulderPads" "Shoulder Pads" "TF_Wearable_Scar" "Ar" "[english]TF_Wearable_Scar" "Scar" "TF_Wearable_IceCreamCone" "Isvaffel" "[english]TF_Wearable_IceCreamCone" "Ice Cream Cone" "TF_Wearable_Toaster" "Rister" "[english]TF_Wearable_Toaster" "Toaster" "TF_CTF_Cannot_Capture" "Kan ikke erobres - dit flag er ikke ved basen!" "[english]TF_CTF_Cannot_Capture" "Cannot capture - your flag is not at base!" "Summer2019Cosmetics_collection" "Sommer 2019-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Summer2019Cosmetics_collection" "Summer 2019 Cosmetics Collection" "Summer2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Sommer 2019-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Summer2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Summer 2019 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Summer2019Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2019-hat" "[english]Footer_Summer2019Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2019 Hat" "TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase" "Sommer 2019-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase" "Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nSommer 2019-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Sommer 2019-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nSummer 2019 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Summer 2019 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Sommer 2019-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2019-hat" "[english]TF_Summer2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2019 Hat" "TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey" "Sommer 2019-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey" "Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2019-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2019-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2019-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2019 Hat" "TF_SpellBook_Equip" "Du skal have en tryllebog i din handlingsposition for at kunne samle dette op" "[english]TF_SpellBook_Equip" "Equip a spellbook in your Action slot to pick this up" "MMenu_News" "Nyheder" "[english]MMenu_News" "News" "MMenu_Smissmas" "Glædelig Smissmas" "[english]MMenu_Smissmas" "Merry Smissmas" "MMenu_Halloween" "Glædelig Halloween" "[english]MMenu_Halloween" "Happy Halloween" "Store_Featured" "Fremhævet" "[english]Store_Featured" "Featured" "TF_Matchmaking_Exit_Competitive_Mode" "Går ud af Competitive-tilstand!" "[english]TF_Matchmaking_Exit_Competitive_Mode" "Exiting Competitive Mode!" "TF_sum19_staplers_specs" "Bureaukratiske Briller" "[english]TF_sum19_staplers_specs" "Stapler's Specs" "TF_sum19_bobby_bonnet" "Hårgrænsekontrollen" "[english]TF_sum19_bobby_bonnet" "Bobby Bonnet" "TF_sum19_dynamite_abs" "Sprængfarlige Mavemuskler" "[english]TF_sum19_dynamite_abs" "Dynamite Abs" "TF_sum19_dynamite_abs_style1" "Granater" "[english]TF_sum19_dynamite_abs_style1" "Grenades" "TF_sum19_dynamite_abs_style2" "Ingen Granater" "[english]TF_sum19_dynamite_abs_style2" "No Grenades" "TF_sum19_backbreakers_skullcracker" "Rygbrækkerens Kranieknuser" "[english]TF_sum19_backbreakers_skullcracker" "Backbreaker's Skullcracker" "TF_sum19_backbreakers_guards" "Rygbrækkerens Beskyttelse" "[english]TF_sum19_backbreakers_guards" "Backbreaker's Guards" "TF_sum19_unforgiven_glory" "Svunden Storhedstid" "[english]TF_sum19_unforgiven_glory" "Unforgiven Glory" "TF_sum19_melted_mop" "Smeltet Sommerhat" "[english]TF_sum19_melted_mop" "Melted Mop" "TF_sum19_bottle_cap" "Kampagneklar Kasket" "[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap" "Bottle Cap" "TF_sum19_pompous_privateer" "Kæphøj Kaper" "[english]TF_sum19_pompous_privateer" "Pompous Privateer" "TF_sum19_peacebreaker" "Krigserklæring" "[english]TF_sum19_peacebreaker" "Peacebreaker" "TF_sum19_dancing_doe" "Dansende Doe" "[english]TF_sum19_dancing_doe" "Dancing Doe" "TF_sum19_texas_toast" "Texansk Toast" "[english]TF_sum19_texas_toast" "Texas Toast" "TF_sum19_fiery_phoenix" "Fyrig Føniks" "[english]TF_sum19_fiery_phoenix" "Fiery Phoenix" "TF_sum19_camera_hat" "Kamerakrybet" "[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat" "Shutterbug" "TF_sum19_brain_interface" "Den Ydre Skærm" "[english]TF_sum19_brain_interface" "Brain Interface" "TF_sum19_spawn_camper_backpack" "Spawn-campist" "[english]TF_sum19_spawn_camper_backpack" "Spawn Camper" "TF_sum19_spawn_camper_jacket" "Vandrerens Værn" "[english]TF_sum19_spawn_camper_jacket" "Wanderer's Wear" "TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary" "Saltvandssoldaten" "[english]TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary" "Mediterranean Mercenary" "TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary_style1" "Normal" "TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary_style2" "Trodsig Dej" "[english]TF_sum19_mediterranean_mercenary_style2" "Defiant Dey" "TF_sum19_kapitans_kaftan" "Kaptajnens Kaftan" "[english]TF_sum19_kapitans_kaftan" "Kapitan's Kaftan" "TF_sum19_bare_necessities" "Det Skært Nødvendige" "[english]TF_sum19_bare_necessities" "Bare Necessities" "TF_sum19_wagga_wagga_wear" "Australsk Antræk" "[english]TF_sum19_wagga_wagga_wear" "Wagga Wagga Wear" "TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel" "Smidig Sørøver" "[english]TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel" "Speedy Scoundrel" "TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style1" "Strandet" "[english]TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style1" "Marooned" "TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style2" "Landkrabbe" "[english]TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style2" "Landlubber" "TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style3" "Havløve" "[english]TF_sum19_speedy_scoundrel_style3" "Lion of the Seas" "TF_Powerup_No_Building_Pickup" "Du kan ikke samle bygninger op, mens du holder KNOCKOUT-poweruppen!" "[english]TF_Powerup_No_Building_Pickup" "You can't pickup buildings while holding the KNOCKOUT powerup" "TF_Not_Enough_Resources" "Ikke nok ressourcer" "[english]TF_Not_Enough_Resources" "Not enough resources" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_S5" "Kogepladekriger" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_S5" "Hotplate Hero" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_S5_Desc" "Tillykke med den ovnklare sejr i Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5. Folk, der kommer for at piske en stemning op, skal forvente at blive svitset, når de stiller sig i dit køkken. For du bliver ikke sur, du bliver bisque." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_S5_Desc" "Congratulations on winning Ready Steady Pan Season 5 with your soup-er panformance. Challenging the wielder is not something one does ingest. Players that do should prepare to wok with god. Because you don't get mad, you get oven." "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_S5" "Souschef" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_S5" "Sous-Chef" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_S5_Desc" "At komme på andenpladsen er ret fedt. Når det kommer til (kage)stykket, er du god nok på bunden. Spillere, som vil have en bid af dig, kan forvente at blive brændt af. Tyg lidt på den her andenpladsmedalje fra Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_S5_Desc" "Second place isn't as bad is it steams. When poach comes to shove, you don't stick around. Players that want a pizza you should prepare to get burned. Feast your eyes on the second place medal for Ready Steady Pan Season 5!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5" "Trestjernet Tjener" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5" "Three Star Tipper" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5_Desc" "Selvom du må bide i det sure æble og indse, at du kun fik en tredjeplads i Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5, kan du tage det sure med det søde på slagmarken, hvor dine pandemanøvrer uden tvivl vil kunne tilfredsstille alle søde tænder, hvis ikke du har slået dem ud først." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5_Desc" "While you placed third in Ready Steady Pan Season 5, the com-pan-ion of this medal is a feast-ful opponent. Fight with them and prepare to smell the flours." "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5" "Deltager i Ready Steady Pan" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5" "Ready Steady Pan Panticipant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5_Desc" "Folk, som tør udfordre denne medalje, burde klappe karry, da denne spiller deltog i Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5_Desc" "Challengers of this medal should run as fast as their legs can curry them as this player was a participant of Ready Steady Pan Season 5!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5" "Ready Steady Pan-tastisk Slutspil" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5" "Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5_Desc" "Selvom tingene ikke gik som smurt i olie, så er du stadig dagens helt i skysovs. Tillykke med at nå til slutspillet i Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5 og bedre held næste sæson!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5_Desc" "Even though things didn't pan out as you hoped, you're still our crockpot hero. Congratulations on making it to playoffs in Ready Steady Pan Season 5 and butter luck next season!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier1_Donor_S5" "Ready Steady Pan – Donor I" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier1_Donor_S5" "Ready Steady Pan Tier I Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier1_Donor_S5_Desc" "Udseende er ikke malt. Vi beundrer dig for dit bidrag i en god smags tjeneste i Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier1_Donor_S5_Desc" "A-pear-ances aren't always what they steam. We adough you for your donation towards a good cause during Ready Steady Pan Season 5!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier2_Donor_S5" "Ready Steady Pan – Donor II" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier2_Donor_S5" "Ready Steady Pan Tier II Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier2_Donor_S5_Desc" "Kun en knivskarp person donerer til et godt formål. Eller også er de en Spy main. Hvis du falder under den første kategori, så tak for din hjælp under Ready Steady Pan Sæson 5! Hvis du falder under den anden kategori, så gå ud og spil highlander." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier2_Donor_S5_Desc" "Donating to a good cause makes you a knife person. Or a Spy main. If you're the former, thanks for your help during Ready Steady Pan Season 5! If you're the later, go play highlander." "TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2020" "Forår 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2020" "Spring 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2020" "Sommer 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2020" "Summer 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2020" "Efterår 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2020" "Autumn 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2020" "Vinter 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2020" "Winter 2020" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2019" "Stilfuld Drikkepengegiver" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1_2019" "Jaunty Tipper" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2019" "Stilfuld Velgører" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2_2019" "Jaunty Benefactor" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2019" "Stilfuld Filantrop" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3_2019" "Jaunty Philanthropist" "TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2019_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Tip of the Hats 2019-velgørenhedsbegivenheden" "[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2019_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2019 charity event" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Gold" "1.-plads ved Insomnia 65" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Gold" "Insomnia 65 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Silver" "2.-plads ved Insomnia 65" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Silver" "Insomnia 65 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Bronze" "3.-plads ved Insomnia 65" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Bronze" "Insomnia 65 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Participant" "Deltager ved Insomnia 65" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Participant" "Insomnia 65 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Contributor" "Bidragyder til Insomnia 65" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Insomnia65_Contributor" "Insomnia 65 Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "1.-plads i Cap that Charity" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "Cap that Charity 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "I har nu lavet så meget røg i det internationale køkken, at I er mestre, når det kommer til at diske op med lækre statslige hemmeligheder og piske en konflikt i vejret. Glem alt om 'Cambrigde Five', I har gjort jer fortjent til titlen som 2Fort Six.\n\nVi endte med at indsamle £1,749.22 til kampen mod brystkræft. Endnu en gang tak for støtten!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "You have now stirred the international pot so many times that you are practically a connoisseur when it comes to juicy world agendas and reserved governmental tidbits. Forget the Cambridge Five, you guys have acquired the title of the 2Fort Six.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "2.-plads i Cap that Charity" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "Cap that Charity 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "Sejrherrerne tror nok, de har slået jer ud, men hvad de ikke ved er, at I har fulgt børsen nøje, og én af jeres kilder fortalte jer for nylig, at guldpriserne var på vej ned i kulkælderen, mens sølv var på vej ud i rampelyset. Selvom de faktisk vandt, så får I stadig lov til at have det sidste, velstående grin.\n\nVi endte med at indsamle £1,749.22 til kampen mod brystkræft. Endnu en gang tak for støtten!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "The guys at the top might think they got you beat, but what they don't realize is that you keep your gloved fingers on the pulse of the stock market and one of your insiders recently informed you that gold prices are going to crash while silver is going to be the new black. So while they actually won, you still get to have the last, wealthy laugh.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "3.-plads i Cap that Charity" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "Cap that Charity 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Man skulle være et hundehoved eller en hængerøv for at være utilfreds med denne placering. Selvom I ikke fik det sidste stik, og aldrig fik lavet det store kup, I ønskede, var jeres sidste bedrift stadig skidegodt. Nå, men før politiet kommer, og I flygter over plankeværket med den russiske juvel, I fik som betaling, vil vi bare sige, at I burde fortsætte det gode arbejde på de bonede gulve og aldrig overgive jer!\n\nVi endte med at indsamle £1,749.22 til kampen mod brystkræft. Endnu en gang tak for støtten!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Being upset about this position is a big Dr. No-No. Don't forget that the Majesty's Secret Service paid you in advance and that your license to kill still is validated. Even if you feel that the world isn't enough, diamonds are forever and you are free to wake up to the living daylights and die another day in peace.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Deltager i Cap that Charity" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Cap that Charity Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "De store kanoner ringer nok ikke til dig som den første, når de vil have fingrene i internationale hemmeligheder, men du kan være sikker på, at din lokale burgerkæde vil give dig et opkald, når de gerne vil finde ud af, hvilken chilisovs deres konkurrenter bruger. Så vær ikke for skuffet over resultatet – du kan stadig gøre en forskel for de små fyre.\n\nVi endte med at indsamle £1,749.22 til kampen mod brystkræft. Endnu en gang tak for støtten!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "You might not be called-up when the big shots require concealed information on international affairs, but you can be sure your local burger joint will give you a call when they want to find out what hot sauce the rival fast food chain is using. So don't be too disappointed in yourself; you can still make a change for the small fries.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Donor til Cap that Charity" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Cap that Charity Donor" "TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Mange år med bedrageri, forfalskninger og hemmelige opdagelser kan gøre, at man sidder tilbage med en masse, man bare vil have ud af systemet. Med denne forståelse, og en masse generøsitet, har du banet vejen, så mange andre kan få noget ud af deres system også. Så tak, fordi du deltog i denne lille velgørenhedsbegivenhed!\n\nVi endte med at indsamle £1,749.22 til kampen mod brystkræft. Endnu en gang tak for støtten!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Years of deceit, falsification and secret discoveries can leave you with a lot you just want to get off your chest. With this understanding, and a lot of generosity, you have paved the way for a lot of other people to get a burden off their chest too. So thank you for taking part in this little charity event!\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!" "TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Bonk" "[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Bonk" "TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style2" "Krit-a-Cola" "[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style2" "Crit-a-Cola" "TF_sum19_camera_hat_style1" "Mal: Hattebånd" "[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style1" "Paint: Rim" "TF_sum19_camera_hat_style2" "Mal: Det hele" "[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style2" "Paint: Full" "TF_sum19_camera_hat_style3" "Mal: Linse" "[english]TF_sum19_camera_hat_style3" "Paint: Lens" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League APAC 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_1st" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League APAC 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_2nd" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League APAC 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_3rd" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League APAC 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_APAC_4v4_Participant" "Respawn League APAC 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_first" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_first" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_second" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_second" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_third" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_third" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_participant" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Qualified_Stage_Champions" "Kvalificerede Mestre af Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Qualified_Stage_Champions" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Helper" "Hjælper i Brazil Fortress 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Helper" "Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Participant" "TF_Wearable_Eyes" "Øjne" "[english]TF_Wearable_Eyes" "Eyes" "TF_Wearable_Bread" "Brød" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bread" "Bread" "TF_Wearable_Muzzle" "Mundkurv" "[english]TF_Wearable_Muzzle" "Muzzle" "koth_slaughter_event_authors" "Aeon \"Void\" Bollig\nLiam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt\nFuzzymellow\nZoey Smith" "[english]koth_slaughter_event_authors" "Aeon 'Void' Bollig\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nFuzzymellow\nZoey Smith" "pl_precipice_event_final_authors" "TheHorseStrangler\nTanookiSuit3" "[english]pl_precipice_event_final_authors" "TheHorseStrangler\nTanookiSuit3" "TF_Map_Laughter" "Laughter" "[english]TF_Map_Laughter" "Laughter" "TF_MapToken_Laughter" "Banefrimærke - Laughter" "[english]TF_MapToken_Laughter" "Map Stamp - Laughter" "TF_MapToken_Laughter_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Liam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt, Fuzzymellow og Zoey Smith\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Laughter-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Laughter_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Fuzzymellow, and Zoey 'Sexy Robot' Smith\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Laughter community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Laughter_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Laughter-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Laughter_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Laughter community map." "TF_Map_Precipice" "Precipice" "[english]TF_Map_Precipice" "Precipice" "TF_MapToken_Precipice" "Banefrimærke - Precipice" "[english]TF_MapToken_Precipice" "Map Stamp - Precipice" "TF_MapToken_Precipice_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af TheHorseStrangler og TanookiSuit3\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Precipice-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Precipice_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by TheHorseStrangler and TanookiSuit3\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Precipice community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Precipice_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Precipice-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Precipice_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Precipice community map." "TF_Map_Laughter_StrangePrefix" " Grinende" "[english]TF_Map_Laughter_StrangePrefix" " Laughing" "TF_Map_Precipice_StrangePrefix" " Truende" "[english]TF_Map_Precipice_StrangePrefix" " Threatening" "koth_bagel_event_cauldron" "Cauldron" "[english]koth_bagel_event_cauldron" "the Cauldron" "pl_millstone_event_road" "VEJEN TIL HELVEDE" "[english]pl_millstone_event_road" "ROAD TO HELL" "pl_millstone_event_hellpit" "HELVEDESHULLET" "[english]pl_millstone_event_hellpit" "THE HELL PIT" "pl_millstone_event_hellsbells" "HELVEDES KLOKKER" "[english]pl_millstone_event_hellsbells" "HELLS BELLS" "pl_millstone_event_monoculusmos" "MONOCULUSMOS MONSTERINUS" "[english]pl_millstone_event_monoculusmos" "MONOCULUSMOS MONSTERINUS" "pl_millstone_event_horsemanns" "HESTEMANNS HUS" "[english]pl_millstone_event_horsemanns" "HORSEMANNS HOUSE" "pl_millstone_event_blu_objective" "Hjælp det venlige spøgelse med at komme til Helvede!" "[english]pl_millstone_event_blu_objective" "Help the friendly ghost travel to Hell!" "pl_millstone_event_red_objective" "Stop spøgelset fra at komme til Helvede!" "[english]pl_millstone_event_red_objective" "Stop the ghost from getting into Hell!" "cp_sunshine_event_blu_clock" "BLU's Klokketårn" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_blu_clock" "The BLU Clocktower" "cp_sunshine_event_red_clock" "RED's Klokketårn" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_red_clock" "The RED Clocktower" "cp_sunshine_event_blu_volcano" "BLU's Vulkan" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_blu_volcano" "The BLU Volcano" "cp_sunshine_event_red_volcano" "RED's Vulkan" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_red_volcano" "The RED Volcano" "cp_sunshine_event_church" "Kirken" "[english]cp_sunshine_event_church" "The Church" "pl_fifthcurve_event_tumidum" "Tumidum" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_tumidum" "Tumidum" "pl_fifthcurve_event_audere" "Audere" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_audere" "Audere" "pl_fifthcurve_event_gratanter" "Gratanter" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_gratanter" "Gratanter" "pl_fifthcurve_event_congeriae" "Congeriae" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_congeriae" "Congeriae" "pl_fifthcurve_event_veteris" "Veteris" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_veteris" "Veteris" "pl_fifthcurve_event_blu_objective" "Få Redmond Mann til RED-basen sammen med trotylbomben, som er gemt indeni!" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_blu_objective" "Return Redmond Mann to the RED base along with the TNT hidden inside!" "pl_fifthcurve_event_red_objective" "Blutarch er stadig i Helvede, men vi er nødt til at redde Redmond fra det skrækkelige BLU-hold!" "[english]pl_fifthcurve_event_red_objective" "Blutarch is still in Hell but we need to save Redmond from the ghastly BLU team!" "koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "Maple Ridge" "[english]koth_maple_ridge_event_maple" "Maple Ridge" "pd_watergate_objective" "Indsaml og deponer øl ind i ufoens stråle for at score point!" "[english]pd_watergate_objective" "Collect and deposit beer into the UFO beam to score points!" "pd_monster_bash_objective" "Indsaml kropsdele, og bring dem til reanimatoren for at score point!" "[english]pd_monster_bash_objective" "Collect fallen body parts and bring them to the reanimator to score points!" "pd_monster_bash_message" "Skjoldet er nede - gå hen og deponer dine point!" "[english]pd_monster_bash_message" "The shield is down - go deposit your points!" "pd_pit_of_death_event_objective" "Indsaml og aflever hjemsøgte sjæle til Underverdenen for at score point!" "[english]pd_pit_of_death_event_objective" "Collect and deliver haunted souls to the Underworld to score points!" "pd_cursed_cove_objective" "Indsaml og aflever sjæle til Kisten" "[english]pd_cursed_cove_objective" "Collect and deliver souls to the Locker" "pd_cursed_cove_message1" "Zonen bliver mindre!" "[english]pd_cursed_cove_message1" "The Zone Is Shrinking!" "pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Gå ud af Kisten!" "[english]pd_cursed_cove_message2" "Get Out of The Locker!" "koth_slasher_objective" "Erobr, og fasthold kontrolpunktet for at vinde! Pas på truslerne fra Bosskamp-rouletten!" "[english]koth_slasher_objective" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win! Beware the threats from the Boss Battle Roulette!" "koth_slasher_campground" "Campingpladsen" "[english]koth_slasher_campground" "The Campground" "plr_nightfall_final_objective" "Flyt din vogn for at destruere den neutrale fjende, før det andet hold gør det først!" "[english]plr_nightfall_final_objective" "Move your cart to destroy the neutral enemy before the other team destroys them first!" "pl_rumble_event_red_objective" "Stop hold BLU fra at ødelægge vores lækre suppe med deres alkohol!" "[english]pl_rumble_event_red_objective" "Stop the BLU team from ruining our tasty soup with their booze!" "pl_rumble_event_blu_objective" "Skub ciderflaskevognen ned i hold RED's kedel og ødelæg deres madlavning!" "[english]pl_rumble_event_blu_objective" "Push the scrumpy bottle cart into the RED team's cauldron and ruin their cooking!" "pl_rumble_event_message" "Ræs til toppen af huset for at vinde!" "[english]pl_rumble_event_message" "Race to the top of the mansion to win!" "pl_rumble_event_clock_hill" "A - TIK-TAK-KLOKKEBAKKEN" "[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_hill" "A - TICK TOCK CLOCK HILL" "pl_rumble_event_clock_sawblades" "B - HJEMSØGTE SAVKLINGER" "[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_sawblades" "B - HAUNTED SAWBLADES" "pl_rumble_event_clock_patch" "C - GRÆSKARMARKEN" "[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_patch" "C - PUMPKIN PATCH" "pl_rumble_event_clock_cauldron" "MAGISK KEDEL" "[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_cauldron" "MAGICAL CAULDRON" "pl_rumble_event_clock_finale" "FINALE" "[english]pl_rumble_event_clock_finale" "FINALE" "cp_manor_event_first_cp" "Første erobringspunkt" "[english]cp_manor_event_first_cp" "First Capture Point" "cp_manor_event_second_cp" "Andet erobringspunkt" "[english]cp_manor_event_second_cp" "Second Capture Point" "cp_manor_event_third_cp" "Tredje erobringspunkt" "[english]cp_manor_event_third_cp" "Third Capture Point" "koth_slaughter_event_slaughterhouse" "Slagteriet" "[english]koth_slaughter_event_slaughterhouse" "the Slaughterhouse" "koth_slaughter_event_pier" "Molen" "[english]koth_slaughter_event_pier" "the Pier" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLaughter" "Sært filter: Laughter (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLaughter" "Strange Filter: Laughter (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLaughter_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Laughter." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLaughter_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Laughter." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice" "Sært filter: Precipice (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice" "Strange Filter: Precipice (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Precipice." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPrecipice_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Precipice." "halloween2019_collection_name" "Befængt Bytte-samlingen" "[english]halloween2019_collection_name" "Spooky Spoils Collection" "halloween2019_collection_case" "Befængt Bytte-kasse" "[english]halloween2019_collection_case" "Spooky Spoils Case" "halloween2019_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nBefængt Bytte-nøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Befængt Bytte-samlingen." "[english]halloween2019_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nSpooky Spoils Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Spooky Spoils Collection." "halloween2019_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik fra Befængt Bytte-samlingen\n-Kræver en Befængt Bytte-nøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2019_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Spooky Spoils Collection\n-Requires a Spooky Spoils Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2019_collection_key" "Befængt Bytte-nøgle" "[english]halloween2019_collection_key" "Spooky Spoils Key" "halloween2019_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne Befængt Bytte-kassen" "[english]halloween2019_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Spooky Spoils Case" "halloween2019_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne Befængt Bytte-kassen\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2019_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Spooky Spoils Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2019_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt med en halloween 2019-effekt" "[english]halloween2019_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2019 effect" "halloween2019_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2019-effekt." "[english]halloween2019_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2019 effect" "Attrib_Particle122" "Femte Dimension" "[english]Attrib_Particle122" "Fifth Dimension" "Attrib_Particle123" "Voldelig Hvirvel" "[english]Attrib_Particle123" "Vicious Vortex" "Attrib_Particle124" "Modbydelig Miasma" "[english]Attrib_Particle124" "Menacing Miasma" "Attrib_Particle125" "Afgrundens Aura" "[english]Attrib_Particle125" "Abyssal Aura" "Attrib_Particle126" "Spøgende Skov" "[english]Attrib_Particle126" "Wicked Wood" "Attrib_Particle127" "Lumsk Lund" "[english]Attrib_Particle127" "Ghastly Grove" "Attrib_Particle128" "Mystisk Miks" "[english]Attrib_Particle128" "Mystical Medley" "Attrib_Particle129" "Æterisk Essens" "[english]Attrib_Particle129" "Ethereal Essence" "Attrib_Particle130" "Underlig Udstråling" "[english]Attrib_Particle130" "Twisted Radiance" "Attrib_Particle131" "Violet Hvirvel" "[english]Attrib_Particle131" "Violet Vortex" "Attrib_Particle132" "Grønvasket Hvirvel" "[english]Attrib_Particle132" "Verdant Vortex" "Attrib_Particle133" "Heroisk Hvirvel" "[english]Attrib_Particle133" "Valiant Vortex" "Attrib_Particle3023" "Forhekset" "[english]Attrib_Particle3023" "Bewitched" "Attrib_Particle3024" "Forbandet" "[english]Attrib_Particle3024" "Accursed" "Attrib_Particle3025" "Fortryllet" "[english]Attrib_Particle3025" "Enchanted" "Attrib_Particle3026" "Statisk Tåge" "[english]Attrib_Particle3026" "Static Mist" "Attrib_Particle3027" "Nervepirrende Nedslag" "[english]Attrib_Particle3027" "Eerie Lightning" "Attrib_Particle3028" "Traumatisk Torden" "[english]Attrib_Particle3028" "Terrifying Thunder" "Attrib_Particle3029" "Jarate-chok" "[english]Attrib_Particle3029" "Jarate Shock" "Attrib_Particle3030" "Underverdens Tomhed" "[english]Attrib_Particle3030" "Nether Void" "TF_hwn2019_bat_hat" "Flagermusfanatiker" "[english]TF_hwn2019_bat_hat" "Bat Hat" "TF_hwn2019_mister_bones" "Hr. skind og ben" "[english]TF_hwn2019_mister_bones" "Mister Bones" "TF_hwn2019_binoculus" "BINOCULUS!" "[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus" "BINOCULUS!" "TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style0" "Mal Øjenlåg" "[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style0" "Paint Eyelid" "TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style1" "Mal Iris" "[english]TF_hwn2019_binoculus_style1" "Paint Iris" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss" "Lomme-Halloweenboss" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss" "Pocket Halloween Boss" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_Desc" "Fire bosser at vælge imellem!" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_Desc" "Four bosses to choose from!" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style0" "Lomme-Merasmus" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style0" "Pocket Merasmus" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style1" "Lomme-Zepheniah" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style1" "Pocket Zepheniah" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style2" "Lomme-Monoculus" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style2" "Pocket Monoculus" "TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style3" "Lomme-Skeletkonge" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pocket_hwn_boss_style3" "Pocket Skeleton King" "TF_hwn2019_bread_biter" "Brødbidderen" "[english]TF_hwn2019_bread_biter" "Bread Biter" "TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns" "Hæslige Horn" "[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns" "Horrible Horns" "TF_hwn2019_trick_stabber" "Fupstikker" "[english]TF_hwn2019_trick_stabber" "Trick Stabber" "TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead" "De Dødes Hoved" "[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead" "Head of the Dead" "TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style0" "Dekoreret" "[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style0" "Decorated" "TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_hwn2019_head_of_the_dead_style1" "Plain" "TF_hwn2019_skullbrero" "Dødens Skygge" "[english]TF_hwn2019_skullbrero" "Skullbrero" "TF_hwn2019_candycranium" "Karamelkranie" "[english]TF_hwn2019_candycranium" "Candy Cranium" "TF_hwn2019_pyro_shark" "Pyrohaj" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pyro_shark" "Pyro Shark" "TF_hwn2019_el_zapateador" "El Zapateador" "[english]TF_hwn2019_el_zapateador" "El Zapateador" "TF_hwn2019_party_poncho" "Festlig Poncho" "[english]TF_hwn2019_party_poncho" "Party Poncho" "TF_hwn2019_racc_mann" "Skraldemann" "[english]TF_hwn2019_racc_mann" "Racc Mann" "TF_hwn2019_voodoo_vizier" "Voodoovisir" "[english]TF_hwn2019_voodoo_vizier" "Voodoo Vizier" "TF_hwn2019_avian_amante" "Fransk Fjerpragt" "[english]TF_hwn2019_avian_amante" "Avian Amante" "TF_hwn2019_el_mostacho" "El Mostacho" "[english]TF_hwn2019_el_mostacho" "El Mostacho" "TF_hwn2019_eingineer" "Eingineer" "[english]TF_hwn2019_eingineer" "Eingineer" "TF_hwn2019_pyro_lantern" "Letantændelig Lanterne" "[english]TF_hwn2019_pyro_lantern" "Pyr'o Lantern" "TF_hwn2019_madmanns_muzzle" "Manisk Mundkurv" "[english]TF_hwn2019_madmanns_muzzle" "Madmann's Muzzle" "TF_hwn2019_derangement_garment" "Sindsforvirret Spændetrøje" "[english]TF_hwn2019_derangement_garment" "Derangement Garment" "TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann" "Bomstærk Bandit" "[english]TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann" "Soviet Strongmann" "TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style0" "Bar" "[english]TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style0" "Bare" "TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style1" "Pigtråd" "[english]TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style1" "Barbed Wire" "TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style2" "Anker" "[english]TF_hwn2019_soviet_strongmann_style2" "Anchor" "TF_hwn2019_convict_cap" "Forbryderens Fangehat" "[english]TF_hwn2019_convict_cap" "Convict Cap" "TF_hwn2019_convict_cap_style0" "Arrig" "[english]TF_hwn2019_convict_cap_style0" "Scars" "TF_hwn2019_convict_cap_style1" "Ingen ar" "[english]TF_hwn2019_convict_cap_style1" "No Scars" "TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector" "Energikilde" "[english]TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector" "Fuel Injector" "TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style0" "Siderør" "[english]TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style0" "Side-Valve" "TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style1" "Løbet Tør" "[english]TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style1" "Outta Gas" "TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style2" "Optankningsklar" "[english]TF_hwn2019_fuel_injector_style2" "Runnin On Fumes" "TF_hwn2019_remorseless_raptor" "Dødsensfarlig Dinosaur" "[english]TF_hwn2019_remorseless_raptor" "Remorseless Raptor" "TF_hwn2019_wild_whip" "Forhistorisk Bagparti" "[english]TF_hwn2019_wild_whip" "Wild Whip" "TF_hwn2019_elizabeth_the_third" "Elizabeth den Tredje" "[english]TF_hwn2019_elizabeth_the_third" "Elizabeth the Third" "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Gold_Desc_Autumn2019" "Med ren og skær færdighed, eller held, ligger du nu på toppen. Tillykke. Tildelt under efterårsbegivenheden 2019." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Gold_Desc_Autumn2019" "With sheer skill, or luck, you've found yourself on top. Congratulations. Awarded during the Autumn 2019 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Silver_Desc_Autumn2019" "Selvom mange er faldet før dig, kan du sove trygt, velvidende at ingen vil gøre det efter dig. Tildelt under efterårsbegivenheden 2019." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Silver_Desc_Autumn2019" "Although many have fallen before you, sleep tight knowing that no one will do so after you. Awarded during the Autumn 2019 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Bronze_Desc_Autumn2019" "Hvad er bedst: At være den værste af de bedste eller den bedste af de værste? I det mindste kom du på førstepladsen i det spørgsmål. Tildelt under efterårsbegivenheden 2019." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Bronze_Desc_Autumn2019" "What is better: Being the worst of the best or best of the worst? You came first place in that question at least. Awarded during the Autumn 2019 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Participant_Desc_Autumn2019" "Det kan godt være, at der er mange medaljer, som ligner den her, men den her er din. Tildelt under efterårsbegivenheden 2019." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Participant_Desc_Autumn2019" "There may be many medals that look the same, but this one is yours. Awarded during the Autumn 2019 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Helper_Desc_Autumn2019" "Kan en slagmark fungere, uden at nogen allerøverst oppe giver ordrer? Nej, det kan den ikke, og derfor har du denne her skinnende medalje til at minde dig om det. Tildelt under efterårsbegivenheden 2019." "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Late_Night_Helper_Desc_Autumn2019" "Can a battlefield function without someone on the top giving orders? It can't, and that's why you have this shiny medal as a reminder of that. Awarded during the Autumn 2019 event." "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_1st" "1.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_1st" "EBL Invite 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_1st" "1.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_1st" "EBL Main 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_1st" "1.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_1st" "EBL Open 1st Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_2nd" "2.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_2nd" "EBL Invite 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_2nd" "2.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_2nd" "EBL Main 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_2nd" "2.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_2nd" "EBL Open 2nd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_3rd" "3.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_3rd" "EBL Invite 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_3rd" "3.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_3rd" "EBL Main 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_3rd" "3.-pladsmedalje fra EBL Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_3rd" "EBL Open 3rd Place Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_Participant" "Deltager i EBL Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Invite_Participant" "EBL Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_Participant" "Deltager i EBL Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Main_Participant" "EBL Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_Participant" "Deltager i EBL Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Open_Participant" "EBL Open Participant" "Enclosure_Loading" "Aflæsningsområde" "[english]Enclosure_Loading" "Loading Area" "arena_byre_barn_a" "Lade A" "[english]arena_byre_barn_a" "Barn A" "arena_byre_barn_b" "Lade B" "[english]arena_byre_barn_b" "Barn B" "cp_mossrock_trestle" "Bukken" "[english]cp_mossrock_trestle" "The Trestle" "cp_mossrock_bridge" "Broen" "[english]cp_mossrock_bridge" "The Bridge" "cp_snowplow_log_trap" "TRÆSTAMMEFÆLDEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_log_trap" "THE LOG TRAP" "cp_snowplow_van_trap" "SVÆRDBILSFÆLDEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_van_trap" "THE SWORD VAN TRAP" "cp_snowplow_piano_trap" "KLAVERFÆLDEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_piano_trap" "THE PIANO TRAP" "cp_snowplow_refrigerator_trap" "KØLESKABSFÆLDEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_refrigerator_trap" "THE REFRIGERATOR TRAP" "cp_snowplow_end_line" "ENDESTATIONEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_end_line" "THE END OF THE LINE" "cp_snowplow_anvil_trap" "AMBOLTFÆLDEN" "[english]cp_snowplow_anvil_trap" "THE ANVIL TRAP" "cp_vanguard_red_forward" "RED's ydre forsvarspunkt" "[english]cp_vanguard_red_forward" "the RED Forward Point" "cp_vanguard_blu_forward" "BLU's ydre forsvarspunkt" "[english]cp_vanguard_blu_forward" "the BLU Forward Point" "cp_vanguard_the_point" "Punktet" "[english]cp_vanguard_the_point" "The Point" "koth_brazil_pillar" "Tårnet" "[english]koth_brazil_pillar" "Pillar" "koth_lazarus_fountain" "Ungdommens Kilde" "[english]koth_lazarus_fountain" "the Fountain of Youth" "koth_suijin_pagoda" "Pagoden" "[english]koth_suijin_pagoda" "The Pagoda" "pl_borneo_cp1" "Borneo erobringspunkt 1" "[english]pl_borneo_cp1" "Borneo Capture Point 1" "pl_borneo_cp2" "Borneo erobringspunkt 2" "[english]pl_borneo_cp2" "Borneo Capture Point 2" "pl_borneo_cp3" "Borneo erobringspunkt 3" "[english]pl_borneo_cp3" "Borneo Capture Point 3" "pl_borneo_cp4" "Borneo erobringspunkt 4" "[english]pl_borneo_cp4" "Borneo Capture Point 4" "pl_snowycoast_radio" "Radiotårn" "[english]pl_snowycoast_radio" "Radio Tower" "pl_snowycoast_kennel" "Kennelporte" "[english]pl_snowycoast_kennel" "Kennel Gates" "pl_snowycoast_mines" "Minerne" "[english]pl_snowycoast_mines" "The Mines" "pl_snowycoast_vessel" "Det Frosne Fartøj" "[english]pl_snowycoast_vessel" "The Frozen Vessel" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a2" "Erobringspunkt A 2" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a2" "Capture Point A 2" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_b1" "Erobringspunkt B 1" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_b1" "Capture Point B 1" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_b2" "Erobringspunkt B 2" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_b2" "Capture Point B 2" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_c1" "Erobringspunkt C 1" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_c1" "Capture Point C 1" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_c2" "Erobringspunkt C 2" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_c2" "Capture Point C 2" "pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a1" "Erobringspunkt A 1" "[english]pl_hoodoo_final_cp_a1" "Capture Point A 1" "pl_swiftwater_final1_supply" "RED's Kemikalieforsyning" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_supply" "Red Chemical Supply Base" "pl_swiftwater_final1_meadow" "Eng" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_meadow" "Meadow" "pl_swiftwater_final1_catwalks" "Gangbroer" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_catwalks" "Catwalks" "pl_swiftwater_final1_silos" "Siloer" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_silos" "Silos" "pl_swiftwater_final1_base" "Indgang til RED's base" "[english]pl_swiftwater_final1_base" "Red Base Entrance" "cp_metalworks_red_courtyard" "RED's Sidste Plads" "[english]cp_metalworks_red_courtyard" "RED Final Courtyard" "cp_metalworks_red_warehouse" "RED lagerhal" "[english]cp_metalworks_red_warehouse" "RED Warehouse" "cp_metalworks_central_courtyard" "Central Plads" "[english]cp_metalworks_central_courtyard" "Central Courtyard" "cp_metalworks_blu_warehouse" "BLU lagerhal" "[english]cp_metalworks_blu_warehouse" "BLU Warehouse" "cp_metalworks_blu_courtyard" "BLU's Sidste Plads" "[english]cp_metalworks_blu_courtyard" "BLU Final Courtyard" "cp_sunshine_church" "Kirken" "[english]cp_sunshine_church" "The Church" "cp_sunshine_blu_lighthouse" "BLU's fyrtårn" "[english]cp_sunshine_blu_lighthouse" "the BLU Lighthouse" "cp_sunshine_red_lighthouse" "RED's fyrtårn" "[english]cp_sunshine_red_lighthouse" "the RED Lighthouse" "cp_sunshine_red_base" "RED's Base" "[english]cp_sunshine_red_base" "The RED Base" "cp_sunshine_blu_base" "BLU's Base" "[english]cp_sunshine_blu_base" "The BLU Base" "TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2019_horrible_horns_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season37" "Sæson 37" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season37" "Season 37" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season38" "Sæson 38" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season38" "Season 38" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season39" "Sæson 39" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season39" "Season 39" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season40" "Sæson 40" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season40" "Season 40" "TF_TournamentMedal_2022" "2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2022" "2022" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Invite_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Open_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Supporter" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Supporter" "TF_Wearable_Garland" "Guirlande" "[english]TF_Wearable_Garland" "Garland" "TF_Wearable_Speaker" "Højtaler" "[english]TF_Wearable_Speaker" "Speaker" "TF_StockingStuffer_2019" "Gaveproppet Strømpe 2019" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2019" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2019" "Winter2019Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2019-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2019Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2019 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2019-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2019Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2019 Cosmetics Collection:" "Winter2019Paintkits_collection" "Vinter 2019-samlingen" "[english]Winter2019Paintkits_collection" "Winter 2019 Collection" "Winter2019Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2019-samlingen:" "[english]Winter2019Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2019 Collection:" "Footer_Winter2019Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2019-hat" "[english]Footer_Winter2019Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat" "TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase" "Vinter 2019-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase" "Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nVinter 2019-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Vinter 2019-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2019 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2019 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Vinter 2019-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2019-hat" "[english]TF_Winter2019CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat" "TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey" "Vinter 2019-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey" "Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2019-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2019-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2019-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2019 Hat" "TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase" "Vinter 2019-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase" "Winter 2019 War Paint Case" "TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Vinter 2019-samlingen" "[english]TF_Winter2019WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Winter 2019 Collection" "TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey" "Vinter 2019-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey" "Winter 2019 War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2019-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Winter 2019 War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2019-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2019WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Winter 2019 War Paint Case" "Attrib_Particle134" "Glimtende Lys" "[english]Attrib_Particle134" "Sparkling Lights" "Attrib_Particle135" "Frossent Isfald" "[english]Attrib_Particle135" "Frozen Icefall" "Attrib_Particle136" "Fragmenterede Gluoner" "[english]Attrib_Particle136" "Fragmented Gluons" "Attrib_Particle137" "Fragmenterede Kvarks" "[english]Attrib_Particle137" "Fragmented Quarks" "Attrib_Particle138" "Fragmenterede Fotoner" "[english]Attrib_Particle138" "Fragmented Photons" "Attrib_Particle139" "Defragmenteret Virkelighed" "[english]Attrib_Particle139" "Defragmenting Reality" "Attrib_Particle141" "Fragmenteret Virkelighed" "[english]Attrib_Particle141" "Fragmenting Reality" "Attrib_Particle142" "Genfragmenteret Virkelighed" "[english]Attrib_Particle142" "Refragmenting Reality" "Attrib_Particle143" "Nyfalden" "[english]Attrib_Particle143" "Snowfallen" "Attrib_Particle144" "Sneblind" "[english]Attrib_Particle144" "Snowblinded" "Attrib_Particle145" "Dagdrømme i Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_Particle145" "Pyroland Daydream" "Attrib_Particle3031" "Godhjertet Godter" "[english]Attrib_Particle3031" "Good-Hearted Goodies" "Attrib_Particle3032" "Vinterslør" "[english]Attrib_Particle3032" "Wintery Wisp" "Attrib_Particle3033" "Arktisk Polarlys" "[english]Attrib_Particle3033" "Arctic Aurora" "Attrib_Particle3034" "Vinterånd" "[english]Attrib_Particle3034" "Winter Spirit" "Attrib_Particle3035" "Festlig Ånd" "[english]Attrib_Particle3035" "Festive Spirit" "Attrib_Particle3036" "Magisk Ånd" "[english]Attrib_Particle3036" "Magical Spirit" "TF_dec19_bumble_beenie" "Humlehue" "[english]TF_dec19_bumble_beenie" "Bumble Beenie" "TF_dec19_pebbles_the_penguin" "Pelle Pingvin" "[english]TF_dec19_pebbles_the_penguin" "Pebbles the Penguin" "TF_dec19_yule_hog" "Ovnklar Overdel" "[english]TF_dec19_yule_hog" "Yule Hog" "TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann" "Brunkagemann" "[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann" "Gingerbread Mann" "TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style0" "Knasgodt udseende" "[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style0" "Candied Resemblance" "TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style1" "Sukker-Saxton" "[english]TF_dec19_gingerbread_mann_style1" "Sugar Saxton" "TF_dec19_smissmas_saxton" "Smissmas-hue" "[english]TF_dec19_smissmas_saxton" "Smissmas Saxton" "TF_dec19_globetrotter" "Hjerneryster" "[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter" "Globetrotter" "TF_dec19_globetrotter_style0" "Snedækket" "[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter_style0" "Snow" "TF_dec19_globetrotter_style1" "Støvet" "[english]TF_dec19_globetrotter_style1" "Dust" "TF_dec19_citizen_cane" "Sukkertop" "[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane" "Citizen Cane" "TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style0" "Briller" "[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style0" "Glasses" "TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1" "Ingen briller" "[english]TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1" "No Glasses" "TF_dec19_candy_crown" "Godtekrone" "[english]TF_dec19_candy_crown" "Candy Crown" "TF_dec19_glittering_garland" "Glitrende Guirlande" "[english]TF_dec19_glittering_garland" "Glittering Garland" "TF_dec19_winter_wrap_up" "Vinterdækket" "[english]TF_dec19_winter_wrap_up" "Winter Wrap Up" "TF_dec19_public_speaker" "Højtaleren" "[english]TF_dec19_public_speaker" "Public Speaker" "TF_dec19_discovision" "Diskofilter" "[english]TF_dec19_discovision" "Discovision" "TF_dec19_provisions_cap" "Skyggedispenserende Kasket" "[english]TF_dec19_provisions_cap" "Provisions Cap" "TF_dec19_telefragger_toque" "Telefraggerens Tophue" "[english]TF_dec19_telefragger_toque" "Telefragger Toque" "TF_dec19_pocketmedes" "Lommelærke" "[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes" "Pocket-Medes" "TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style0" "Lomme" "[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style0" "Pocket" "TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style1" "Strop" "[english]TF_dec19_pocketmedes_style1" "Strap" "TF_dec19_spiky_viking" "Knud den Klistrede" "[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking" "Spiky Viking" "TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style0" "Klæbende stil" "[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style0" "Ye Sticketh Style" "TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style1" "Gammeldags" "[english]TF_dec19_spiky_viking_style1" "Ye Olde Style" "TF_dec19_missing_piece" "Det Manglende Stykke" "[english]TF_dec19_missing_piece" "Missing Piece" "TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Forlagt Fleecetrøje" "[english]TF_dec19_mislaid_sweater" "Mislaid Sweater" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af IM" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Champions" "RGL.gg - IM Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i IM" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_2nd" "RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i IM" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_3rd" "RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i IM" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_IM_Participant" "RGL.gg - IM Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_EU" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Champions_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Champions" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_EU" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_2nd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_EU" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_3rd_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_EU" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Div1_Participant_EU" "EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Invite - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Champions" "RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Invite - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_2nd" "RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Invite - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_3rd" "RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Invite - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Invite_Participant" "RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Advanced - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Advanced - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Advanced - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Advanced - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Main - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Main - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Main - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg -Deltager i Main - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Intermediate - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Intermediate - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Intermediate - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Intermediate - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Open - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Open_Participant" "RGL.gg - Open Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_OpenDayCup_Participant" "Deltager i EBL One Day Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_OpenDayCup_Participant" "EBL One Day Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Cup1" "Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_EBL_Cup1" "Cup 1" "TF_Welcome_soldier" "Velkommen" "[english]TF_Welcome_soldier" "Welcome" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Gold" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Silver" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L 6v6 Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Bronze" "ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Participation Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season9" "Den Tredje Sværvægtsvinder af Natascha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season9" "NHBL 3rd Natascha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season9_Desc" "Comfy Len" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season9_Desc" "Comfy Len" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold_Summer2020" "Tildelt vinderne af UDL Summer Cup 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Gold_Summer2020" "Awarded to the winners of the United Dodgeball League Summer Cup 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver_Summer2020" "Tildelt spillerne, der fik andenpladsen i UDL Summer Cup 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Silver_Summer2020" "Awarded to the players that placed second in the United Dodgeball League Summer Cup 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze_Summer2020" "Tildelt spillerne, der fik tredjepladsen i UDL Spring Cup 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Bronze_Summer2020" "Awarded to the players that placed third in the United Dodgeball League Summer Cup 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant_Summer2020" "Tildelt deltagerne i UDL Summer Cup 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Participant_Summer2020" "Awarded to participants of the United Dodgeball League Summer Cup 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter_Summer2020" "Tildelt UDL Summer Cup 2020's mest værdifulde bidragsydere" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UDL_Supporter_Summer2020" "Awarded to valuable contributors of the United Dodgeball League Summer Cup 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_First" "Skræmmende Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_First" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Second" "Skræmmende Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Second" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Third" "Skræmmende Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Third" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Participant" "Skræmmende Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Winner" "Hjemsøgt Gruppe Vinder - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Winner" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Participant" "Hjemsøgt Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Winner" "Gyselig Gruppe Vinder - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Winner" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Winner" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Participant" "Gyselig Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Helper" "Hjælper i Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Helper" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Helper" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Player" "Mashed Mediocrity - Kartoffel 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Player" "Mashed Mediocrity Potato 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Player_Desc" "Denne årgamle kartoffel kan måske ikke spises, men den virker vidunderligt som en sprød broche! Tildelt dem, der spillede Potato's MvM Server's Aprilsnartur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Player_Desc" "This year-old potato may not be edible, but it sure makes for a snazzy chest accessory! Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's April Fools tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Creator" "Mashed Mediocrity - Superkartoffel 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Creator" "Mashed Mediocrity Super Potato 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Creator_Desc" "I 1845 led Irland under Den Store Hungersnød. Gør dem gal i skralden ved at stikke et bundkort i en kartoffel og bær den, som var det en medalje! Tildelt deltagerne af Potato's MvM Servers Aprilsnarskonkurrence!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Creator_Desc" "In 1845, Ireland went through the Great Potato Famine. Rouse their ire by sticking some computer parts into a potato and wearing it as a medal! Awarded to creators of Potato's MvM Server's April Fools contest!" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Helper" "Mashed Mediocrity - Bagt Bundkort 2020" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Helper" "Mashed Mediocrity Memer Motherboard 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Helper_Desc" "Manisk menneske, der manifesterer modbydelige, mekaniske massakrer meriterer mystisk meme-medalje. Mageløst mesterværk, mester! Tildelt hjælpere af Potato's MvM Servers Aprilsnarbegivenhed!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MvM_Mashed_Helper_Desc" "Maniacal mind manifesting menacing mechanical massacres merits mythical meme medal. Marvelous masterpiece, maker! Awarded to helpers of Potato's MvM Server's April Fools event!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Main_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Highlander_Premier_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_1st" "1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_1st" "Asia BBall Cup Invite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_2nd" "2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_2nd" "Asia BBall Cup Invite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_3rd" "3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_3rd" "Asia BBall Cup Invite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_Participant" "Deltager i Asia BBall Cup Invite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_Participant" "Asia BBall Cup Invite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_1st" "1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_1st" "Asia BBall Cup Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_2nd" "Asia BBall Cup Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_3rd" "Asia BBall Cup Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_Participant" "Deltager i Asia BBall Cup Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_Participant" "Asia BBall Cup Main Participant" "TF_EnableVoiceChat" "Slå stemmechat til" "[english]TF_EnableVoiceChat" "Enable voice chat" "TF_EnableTextChat" "Slå tekstchat til" "[english]TF_EnableTextChat" "Enable text chat" "Tooltip_EnableVoiceChat" "Aktiverer kommunikation via. mikrofon i spillet" "[english]Tooltip_EnableVoiceChat" "If set, allow in-game voice communication" "Tooltip_EnableTextChat" "Aktiverer kommunikation via. tekst i spillet" "[english]Tooltip_EnableTextChat" "If set, allow in-game text communication" "TF_OptionCategory_Communication" "Kommunikationsindstillinger" "[english]TF_OptionCategory_Communication" "Communication Options" "TF_TF2VRH_Style0" "Slukket" "[english]TF_TF2VRH_Style0" "Off" "TF_TF2VRH_Style1" "Tændt" "[english]TF_TF2VRH_Style1" "On" "TF_Text_Chat_Disabled" "Tekstchatten er slået fra. Du kan ændre dette ved at bruge de avancerede indstillinger." "[english]TF_Text_Chat_Disabled" "Text chat is currently disabled. You can toggle this setting using the Advanced Options dialog." "TF_Connected" "Tilsluttet" "[english]TF_Connected" "Connected" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_First_Place" "ozfortress High First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Second_Place" "ozfortress High Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Third_Place" "ozfortress High Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress High" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Participant" "ozfortress High Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_First" "1.-plads i Pugiklander Experienced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_First" "Pugiklander Experienced 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Second" "2.-plads i Pugiklander Erfaren" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Second" "Pugiklander Experienced 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Third" "3.-plads i Pugiklander Erfaren" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Third" "Pugiklander Experienced 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Participant" "Deltager i Pugiklander Erfaren" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Experienced_Participant" "Pugiklander Experienced Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_First" "1.-plads i Pugiklander Beginner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_First" "Pugiklander Beginner 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Second" "2.-plads i Pugiklander Nybegynder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Second" "Pugiklander Beginner 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Third" "3.-plads i Pugiklander Nybegynder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Third" "Pugiklander Beginner 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Participant" "Deltager i Pugiklander Nybegynder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Beginner_Participant" "Pugiklander Beginner Participant" "TF_Weapon_Award" "Pris" "[english]TF_Weapon_Award" "Award" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season9" "Den Niende Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season9" "NHBL 9th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season9_Desc" "Comfy Len" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season9_Desc" "Comfy Len" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_First" "1.-plads i Pugiklander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_First" "Pugiklander Premier 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Second" "2.-plads i Pugiklander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Second" "Pugiklander Premier 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Third" "3.-plads i Pugiklander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Third" "Pugiklander Premier 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i Pugiklander Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Premier_Participant" "Pugiklander Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Helper" "Hjælper i Pugiklander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_PUG_HL_Helper" "Pugiklander Helper" "TF_Chat_Disabled" "Tekstchatten er slået fra. Du kan ændre dette ved at bruge de avancerede indstillinger." "[english]TF_Chat_Disabled" "Text chat is currently disabled. You can toggle this setting using the Advanced Options dialog." "TF_MutePlayerCaps" "DÆMP SPILLER" "[english]TF_MutePlayerCaps" "MUTE PLAYER" "TF_Disconnected" "Afbrudt" "[english]TF_Disconnected" "Disconnected" "TF_Muted" "Dæmpet" "[english]TF_Muted" "Muted" "TF_Chat_Unavailable" "Tekstkommunikation er ikke tilgængeligt på denne konto." "[english]TF_Chat_Unavailable" "Text communication is not available for this account." "TF_Voice_Unavailable" "Stemmekommunikation er ikke tilgængeligt på denne konto." "[english]TF_Voice_Unavailable" "Voice communication is not available for this account." "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_League_Admin" "UGC League - Admin og Bidragsyder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_League_Admin" "UGC League Admin and Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam" "Deltager i TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam" "TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2020" "TF2Maps Solskinsstråle 2020" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2020" "TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2020" "TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2020_Desc" "Gør dem glade, når himlen er grå. Tildelt bidragsyderne under TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam 2020!" "[english]TF2MapsRayOfSunshine2020_Desc" "Make 'em happy when skies are gray. Awarded to donors during the TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam 2020!" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_1st" "1.-plads i cpTV Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_1st" "cpTV Summer Brawl 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_2nd" "2.-plads i cpTV Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_2nd" "cpTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_3rd" "3.-plads i cpTV Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_3rd" "cpTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_Participant" "Deltager i cpTV Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_Participant" "cpTV Summer Brawl Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_1st" "1.-plads i cpTV PASS Time Championship" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_1st" "cpTV PASS Time Championship 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_2nd" "2.-plads i cpTV PASS Time Championship" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_2nd" "cpTV PASS Time Championship 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_3rd" "3.-plads i cpTV PASS Time Championship" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_3rd" "cpTV PASS Time Championship 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_Participant" "Detager i cpTV PASS Time Championship" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_PASS_Time_Participant" "cpTV PASS Time Championship Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Amateur" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Amateur Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Newcomer" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Amateur - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Newcomer - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Advanced - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_Champions" "RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Advanced - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_2nd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Advanced - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_3rd" "RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Advanced - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Advanced_Participant" "RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Main - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_Champions" "RGL.gg - Main Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Main - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_2nd" "RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Main - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_3rd" "RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Main - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Main_Participant" "RGL.gg - Main Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Intermediate - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_Champions" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Intermediate - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_2nd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Intermediate - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_3rd" "RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Intermediate - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Intermediate_Participant" "RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Amateur - No Restriction Sixes" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Sixes_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - No Restriction Sixes" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div-1 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div-1 Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div-1 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div-1 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div-1 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div-1 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div-1 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div1_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div-1 Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Div-2 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_Champions" "RGL.gg - Div-2 Champions - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Div-2 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_2nd" "RGL.gg - Div-2 2nd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Div-2 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_3rd" "RGL.gg - Div-2 3rd Place - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Div-2 - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Div2_Participant" "RGL.gg - Div-2 Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Amateur - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Amateur_Participant" "RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Newcomer - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Newcomer_Participant" "RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Newcomer_Cup" "RGL.gg - Newcomer Cup - 6v6" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_6v6_Newcomer_Cup" "RGL.gg - Newcomer Cup - 6v6" "TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2020" "Titanium Tank 2020 - Replika" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2020" "Replica Titanium Tank 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2020_Desc" "Vi tændte op for medaljepresserne og smedede nogle kopier af denne tidsløse klassiker bare for din skyld. Papirnusserne fortalte os, at vi ikke havde råd, men vi vil hellere gå ruin i møde end at lade dig fortsætte uden belønning. Tildelt spillerne af Potato's MvM Servers velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TitaniumTankParticipant2020_Desc" "We fired up the medal presses and forged some replicas of this timeless classic just for you. The eggheads told us we couldn't afford it, but we'll be damned if we let you go unrewarded. Awarded to players of Potato's MvM Server's charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2020" "Titanium Tank 2020 - Forgyldt Filantrop" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2020" "Titanium Tank Gilded Giver 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2020_Desc" "Det tager et hjerte af guld at bryde sin karantæne for at bekæmpe en horde af morderiske robotter midt under en coronaviruspandemi. For dine heroiske gerninger har du endelig tilegnet dig rettigheden til at forlade dit hus. Tildelt donerne af Potato's MvM Servers velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_2020_Desc" "It takes a golden heart to breach quarantine and fight off hordes of killer robots in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic. For your heroic deeds, you've earned the right to finally leave your house. Awarded to donors of Potato's MvM Server's charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2020" "Titanium Tank 2020 - Kromatisk Kardioid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2020" "Titanium Tank Chromatic Cardioid 2020" "TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2020_Desc" "Takket være det fulde spektrum af spillere som dig, vil vi besejre denne pandemi, præcist ligesom du besejrede de uendelige runder af mordlystne robotter. Tildelt donerne af Potato's MvM Servers velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Madness_Donator_Rainbow_2020_Desc" "Thanks to the full spectrum of players like you, we'll conquer this pandemic, just like you conquered endless waves of murderous robots. Awarded to donors of Potato's MvM Server's charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_1st" "1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_1st" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_2nd" "2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_2nd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_3rd" "3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_3rd" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_Participant" "Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_Participant" "Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_High_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander Low" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Low_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Open_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Gold" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Silver" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Bronze" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Participant" "Deltager i CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Participant" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Supporter" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament-supporter" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_6v6_Supporter" "CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Supporter" "TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Cup2" "Cup #2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CLTF2_Cup2" "Cup #2" "TF_Wearable_Jars" "Krukker" "[english]TF_Wearable_Jars" "Jars" "TF_Wearable_NeckBrace" "Halskrave" "[english]TF_Wearable_NeckBrace" "Neck Brace" "Summer2020Cosmetics_collection" "Sommer 2020-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Summer2020Cosmetics_collection" "Summer 2020 Cosmetics Collection" "Summer2020Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Sommer 2020-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Summer2020Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Summer 2020 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Summer2020Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2020-hat" "[english]Footer_Summer2020Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2020 Hat" "TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase" "Sommer 2020-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase" "Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nSommer 2020-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Sommer 2020-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nSummer 2020 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Summer 2020 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Sommer 2020-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2020-hat" "[english]TF_Summer2020CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2020 Hat" "TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey" "Sommer 2020-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey" "Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2020-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2020-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2020-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2020CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2020 Hat" "Attrib_Particle147" "Verdatisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle147" "Verdatica" "Attrib_Particle148" "Aromatisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle148" "Aromatica" "Attrib_Particle149" "Kromatisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle149" "Chromatica" "Attrib_Particle150" "Prismatisk" "[english]Attrib_Particle150" "Prismatica" "Attrib_Particle151" "Bisværm" "[english]Attrib_Particle151" "Bee Swarm" "Attrib_Particle152" "Ildne Ildfluer" "[english]Attrib_Particle152" "Frisky Fireflies" "Attrib_Particle153" "Ulmende Ånder" "[english]Attrib_Particle153" "Smoldering Spirits" "Attrib_Particle154" "Vildfarende Flammer" "[english]Attrib_Particle154" "Wandering Wisps" "Attrib_Particle155" "Kalejdoskop" "[english]Attrib_Particle155" "Kaleidoscope" "TF_sum20_spectre_cles" "Hyperopisk Hypnotisør" "[english]TF_sum20_spectre_cles" "Hypno-eyes" "TF_sum20_breadcrab" "Brødflov Bundskraber" "[english]TF_sum20_breadcrab" "Breadcrab" "TF_sum20_loaf_loafers" "Brødkrummere" "[english]TF_sum20_loaf_loafers" "Loaf Loafers" "TF_sum20_loaf_loafers_style1" "Friskbagte" "[english]TF_sum20_loaf_loafers_style1" "Freshly Baked" "TF_sum20_loaf_loafers_style2" "Direkte fra teleporteren" "[english]TF_sum20_loaf_loafers_style2" "Freshly Teleported" "TF_sum20_sophisticated_smoker" "Sofistikeret Smøgsuger" "[english]TF_sum20_sophisticated_smoker" "Sophisticated Smoker" "TF_sum20_flamehawk" "Svitset Strithår" "[english]TF_sum20_flamehawk" "Flamehawk" "TF_sum20_fire_fighter" "Brandfaren" "[english]TF_sum20_fire_fighter" "Fire Fighter" "TF_sum20_fire_fighter_style1" "Ultra" "[english]TF_sum20_fire_fighter_style1" "Ultra" "TF_sum20_fire_fighter_style2" "Arkade" "[english]TF_sum20_fire_fighter_style2" "Arcade" "TF_sum20_crabe_de_chapeau" "Crabe de Chapeau" "[english]TF_sum20_crabe_de_chapeau" "Crabe de Chapeau" "TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer" "Fugleperspektiv" "[english]TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer" "Bird's Eye Viewer" "TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer_style1" "Civil" "[english]TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer_style1" "Civilian" "TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer_style2" "Smil til kameraet" "[english]TF_sum20_birds_eye_viewer_style2" "Informant" "TF_sum20_hawk_warrior" "Ørneissen" "[english]TF_sum20_hawk_warrior" "Hawk Warrior" "TF_sum20_bazaar_bauble" "Den Standhaftige Hovedbeklædning" "[english]TF_sum20_bazaar_bauble" "Bazaar Bauble" "TF_sum20_breach_and_bomb" "Bryd og Bombardér" "[english]TF_sum20_breach_and_bomb" "Breach and Bomb" "TF_sum20_head_of_defense" "Hovedforsvar" "[english]TF_sum20_head_of_defense" "Head of Defense" "TF_sum20_head_of_defense_style1" "Håndhæver" "[english]TF_sum20_head_of_defense_style1" "Enforcer" "TF_sum20_head_of_defense_style2" "Beskytter" "[english]TF_sum20_head_of_defense_style2" "Protector" "TF_sum20_hazard_headgear" "Alarmberedskabet" "[english]TF_sum20_hazard_headgear" "Hazard Headgear" "TF_sum20_soda_specs" "Syrede Solbriller" "[english]TF_sum20_soda_specs" "Soda Specs" "TF_sum20_soda_specs_style1" "Bonk" "[english]TF_sum20_soda_specs_style1" "Bonk" "TF_sum20_soda_specs_style2" "Krit-a-Cola" "[english]TF_sum20_soda_specs_style2" "Crit-a-Cola" "TF_sum20_california_cap" "Strandskygger" "[english]TF_sum20_california_cap" "California Cap" "TF_sum20_poolside_polo" "Poolpolo" "[english]TF_sum20_poolside_polo" "Poolside Polo" "TF_sum20_tools_tourist" "Den Rejseglades Godtepose" "[english]TF_sum20_tools_tourist" "Tools of the Tourist" "TF_sum20_jarmaments" "Krukket Kampvest" "[english]TF_sum20_jarmaments" "Jarmaments" "TF_sum20_flatliner" "Hjerteflimmer" "[english]TF_sum20_flatliner" "Flatliner" "TF_sum20_self_care" "Offentlig Lidelse" "[english]TF_sum20_self_care" "Self-Care" "TF_sum20_momma_kiev" "Hønemor" "[english]TF_sum20_momma_kiev" "Momma Kiev" "TF_sum20_momma_kiev_style1" "Puttehøne" "[english]TF_sum20_momma_kiev_style1" "Casual" "TF_sum20_momma_kiev_style2" "Kammerat" "[english]TF_sum20_momma_kiev_style2" "Comrade" "TF_sum20_smoking_jacket" "Rygerens Rejsekluns" "[english]TF_sum20_smoking_jacket" "Smoking Jacket" "TF_sum20_spectre_cles_style1" "Et skær i øjnene" "[english]TF_sum20_spectre_cles_style1" "Shining" "TF_sum20_spectre_cles_style2" "Rundtosset" "[english]TF_sum20_spectre_cles_style2" "Spinning" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Cup1_Desc" "1.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Cup1_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Cup2_Desc" "1.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Gold_Cup2_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Cup1_Desc" "2.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Cup1_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Cup2_Desc" "2.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Silver_Cup2_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Cup1_Desc" "3.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Cup1_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Cup2_Desc" "3.-plads i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Bronze_Cup2_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Cup1_Desc" "Deltager i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Cup1_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Cup2_Desc" "Deltager i TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Participant_Cup2_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Cup1_Desc" "Bidragyder til TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Cup1_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 1 Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Cup2_Desc" "Bidragyder til TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TFArena_6v6_Helper_Cup2_Desc" "TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup 2 Contributor" "TF_Wearable_Ears" "Ører" "[english]TF_Wearable_Ears" "Ears" "TF_Wearable_HandsomeHand" "Henrivende Hånd" "[english]TF_Wearable_HandsomeHand" "Handsome Hand" "TF_Wearable_TornPants" "Revnet Bukser" "[english]TF_Wearable_TornPants" "Torn Pants" "TF_Wearable_DogHead" "Hundehoved" "[english]TF_Wearable_DogHead" "Dog Head" "TF_Wearable_Cauldron" "Gryde" "[english]TF_Wearable_Cauldron" "Cauldron" "koth_megalo_authors" "Sammy 'Berry' Bunting\nChris 'Another Bad Pun' Williams\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nChristoph 'Gadget' Manschitz\nIvan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nTheo 'TheoF114' Fletcher" "[english]koth_megalo_authors" "Sammy 'Berry' Bunting\nChris 'Another Bad Pun' Williams\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nChristoph 'Gadget' Manschitz\nIvan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nTheo 'TheoF114' Fletcher" "pl_hasslecastle_authors" "Smiley The Smile" "[english]pl_hasslecastle_authors" "Smiley The Smile" "pl_bloodwater_authors" "Ryan 'Chill' Foy\nElián 'iron' Rodríguez" "[english]pl_bloodwater_authors" "Ryan 'Chill' Foy\nElián 'iron' Rodríguez" "koth_undergrove_event_authors" "Patrick 'Sweepertank' Preston\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nE-Arkham\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nJuniper\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nIvan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\nAlex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar\nEm" "[english]koth_undergrove_event_authors" "Patrick 'Sweepertank' Preston\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nE-Arkham\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nJuniper\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nIvan 'Crowbar' Sokolov\nAlex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar\nEm" "TF_Map_Megalo" "Megalo" "[english]TF_Map_Megalo" "Megalo" "TF_MapToken_Megalo" "Banefrimærke - Megalo" "[english]TF_MapToken_Megalo" "Map Stamp - Megalo" "TF_MapToken_Megalo_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Sammy \"Berry\" Bunting, Chris \"Another Bad Pun\" Williams, Liam \"Diva Dan\" Moffitt, Zach \"Exactol\" Matuson, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Christoph \"Gadget\" Manschitz, Ivan \"Crowbar\" Sokolov, Kevin \"Ravidge\" Brook og Theo \"TheoF114\" Fletcher\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Megalo-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Megalo_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Sammy 'Berry' Bunting, Chris 'Another Bad Pun' Williams, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Christoph 'Gadget' Manschitz, Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, and Theo 'TheoF114' Fletcher\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Megalo community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Megalo_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Megalo-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Megalo_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Megalo community map." "TF_Map_HassleCastle" "Hassle Castle" "[english]TF_Map_HassleCastle" "Hassle Castle" "TF_MapToken_HassleCastle" "Banefrimærke - Hassle Castle" "[english]TF_MapToken_HassleCastle" "Map Stamp - Hassle Castle" "TF_MapToken_HassleCastle_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Smiley The Smile\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Hassle Castle-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_HassleCastle_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Smiley The Smile\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Hassle Castle community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_HassleCastle_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Hassle Castle-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_HassleCastle_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Hassle Castle community map." "TF_Map_Bloodwater" "Bloodwater" "[english]TF_Map_Bloodwater" "Bloodwater" "TF_MapToken_Bloodwater" "Banefrimærke - Bloodwater" "[english]TF_MapToken_Bloodwater" "Map Stamp - Bloodwater" "TF_MapToken_Bloodwater_Desc" "En Payload-Bane\n\nSkabt af Ryan 'Chill' Foy og Elián 'iron' Rodríguez\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Bloodwater-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Bloodwater_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Ryan 'Chill' Foy and Elián 'iron' Rodríguez\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Bloodwater community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Bloodwater_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Bloodwater-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Bloodwater_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Bloodwater community map." "TF_Map_UndergroveEvent" "Moldergrove" "[english]TF_Map_UndergroveEvent" "Moldergrove" "TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent" "Banefrimærke - Moldergrove" "[english]TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent" "Map Stamp - Moldergrove" "TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent_Desc" "En King of the Hill-Bane\n\nSkabt af Patrick 'Sweepertank' Preston, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, E-Arkham, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, juniper, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov, Alex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar og Em\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Moldergrove-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Patrick 'Sweepertank' Preston, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, E-Arkham, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, juniper, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Ivan 'Crowbar' Sokolov, Alex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar, and Em\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Moldergrove community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Moldergrove-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_UndergroveEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Moldergrove community map." "TF_Map_Megalo_StrangePrefix" "Monstrøs" "[english]TF_Map_Megalo_StrangePrefix" " Monstrous" "TF_Map_HassleCastle_StrangePrefix" "Chikanerende" "[english]TF_Map_HassleCastle_StrangePrefix" " Harassing" "TF_Map_Bloodwater_StrangePrefix" "Blodtørstig" "[english]TF_Map_Bloodwater_StrangePrefix" " Bloodthirsty" "TF_Map_UndergroveEvent_StrangePrefix" "Forrådnet" "[english]TF_Map_UndergroveEvent_StrangePrefix" " Decomposing" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMegalo" "Sært filter: Megalo (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMegalo" "Strange Filter: Megalo (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMegalo_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Megalo." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapMegalo_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Megalo." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHassleCastle" "Sært filter: Hassle Castle (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHassleCastle" "Strange Filter: Hassle Castle (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHassleCastle_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Hassle Castle." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapHassleCastle_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Hassle Castle." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBloodwater" "Sært filter: Bloodwater (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBloodwater" "Strange Filter: Bloodwater (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBloodwater_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Bloodwater." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBloodwater_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Bloodwater." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapUndergroveEvent" "Sært filter: Moldergrove (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapUndergroveEvent" "Strange Filter: Moldergrove (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapUndergroveEvent_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Moldergrove." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapUndergroveEvent_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Moldergrove." "TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress XII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case" "TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Scream Fortress XII-krigsmalingssamlingen" "[english]TF_Halloween2020WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Scream Fortress XII Paint Collection" "TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress XII-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress XII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress XII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2020WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case" "halloween2020_collection_name" "Edderspændt Efterårssamlingen" "[english]halloween2020_collection_name" "Wicked Windfall Collection" "halloween2020_collection_case" "Edderspændt Efterårskasse" "[english]halloween2020_collection_case" "Wicked Windfall Case" "halloween2020_collection_case_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en Edderspændt Efterårsnøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Edderspændt Efterårssamlingen." "[english]halloween2020_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nWicked Windfall Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Wicked Windfall Collection." "halloween2020_collection_case_adtext" "-Indeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand fra Edderspændt Efterårssamlingen\n-Kræver en Edderspændt Efterårsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2020_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Wicked Windfall Collection\n-Requires a Wicked Windfall Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2020_collection_key" "Edderspændt Efterårsnøgle" "[english]halloween2020_collection_key" "Wicked Windfall Key" "halloween2020_collection_key_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Edderspændt Efterårskasse" "[english]halloween2020_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Wicked Windfall Case" "halloween2020_collection_key_adtext" "-Bruges til at åbne en Edderspændt Efterårskasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært og hatte usædvanlige." "[english]halloween2020_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Wicked Windfall Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual." "halloween2020_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt med en halloween 2020-effekt" "[english]halloween2020_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2020 effect" "halloween2020_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2020-effekt." "[english]halloween2020_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2020 effect" "Halloween2020Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress XII-samlingen" "[english]Halloween2020Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress XII Collection" "Halloween2020Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Scream Fortress XII-samlingen:" "[english]Halloween2020Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Scream Fortress XII Collection:" "Attrib_Particle156" "Grøn Grinebider" "[english]Attrib_Particle156" "Green Giggler" "Attrib_Particle157" "Grinende Græskar" "[english]Attrib_Particle157" "Laugh-O-Lantern" "Attrib_Particle158" "Lilla Lømmel" "[english]Attrib_Particle158" "Plum Prankster" "Attrib_Particle159" "Mareridt i Pyroland" "[english]Attrib_Particle159" "Pyroland Nightmare" "Attrib_Particle160" "Gruset Genfærd" "[english]Attrib_Particle160" "Gravelly Ghoul" "Attrib_Particle161" "Vred Vulkanisme" "[english]Attrib_Particle161" "Vexed Volcanics" "Attrib_Particle162" "Glukosegræskar" "[english]Attrib_Particle162" "Gourdian Angel" "Attrib_Particle163" "Græskargilde" "[english]Attrib_Particle163" "Pumpkin Party" "Attrib_Particle3037" "Spektral Eskorte" "[english]Attrib_Particle3037" "Spectral Escort" "Attrib_Particle3038" "Levende Stjernebilleder" "[english]Attrib_Particle3038" "Astral Presence" "Attrib_Particle3039" "Almægtig Assistance" "[english]Attrib_Particle3039" "Arcane Assistance" "Attrib_Particle3040" "Almægtig Assistance" "[english]Attrib_Particle3040" "Arcane Assistance" "Attrib_Particle3041" "Smaragdskær" "[english]Attrib_Particle3041" "Emerald Allurement" "Attrib_Particle3042" "Pyroforisk Personlighed" "[english]Attrib_Particle3042" "Pyrophoric Personality" "Attrib_Particle3043" "Tryllebundet Tiltrækning" "[english]Attrib_Particle3043" "Spellbound Aspect" "Attrib_Particle3044" "Statisk Chok" "[english]Attrib_Particle3044" "Static Shock" "Attrib_Particle3045" "Giftchok" "[english]Attrib_Particle3045" "Veno Shock" "Attrib_Particle3046" "Giftige Gysere" "[english]Attrib_Particle3046" "Toxic Terrors" "Attrib_Particle3047" "Sporadiske Spindlere" "[english]Attrib_Particle3047" "Arachnid Assault" "Attrib_Particle3048" "Kravlende Krybere" "[english]Attrib_Particle3048" "Creepy Crawlies" "TF_ChatFilterSettings" "Ændr indstillingerne for chatfilteret" "[english]TF_ChatFilterSettings" "Change chat filtering settings" "Tooltip_ChatFilterSettings" "Åben indstillinger for Steam-chat og tekstfilter" "[english]Tooltip_ChatFilterSettings" "Open Steam chat and text filter settings" "TF_hwn2020_impish_ears" "Spidse Øre" "[english]TF_hwn2020_impish_ears" "Impish Ears" "TF_hwn2020_balloonicorpse" "Balloonicorpse" "[english]TF_hwn2020_balloonicorpse" "Balloonicorpse" "TF_hwn2020_gourd_grin" "Græskar Grimaske" "[english]TF_hwn2020_gourd_grin" "Gourd Grin" "TF_hwn2020_hollowed_helm" "Udhulet Hovedbeskytter" "[english]TF_hwn2020_hollowed_helm" "Hollowed Helm" "TF_hwn2020_handy_thing" "En Hjælpende Hånd" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handy_thing" "A Handsome Handy Thing" "TF_hwn2020_handy_thing_style1" "Frisk" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handy_thing_style1" "Fresh" "TF_hwn2020_handy_thing_style2" "Over salgsdato" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handy_thing_style2" "Expired" "TF_hwn2020_king_cardbeard" "Kong Kartonskæg" "[english]TF_hwn2020_king_cardbeard" "King Cardbeard" "TF_hwn2020_sir_pumpkinton" "Hr. Pumpkinton" "[english]TF_hwn2020_sir_pumpkinton" "Sir Pumpkinton" "TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon" "Bandagesvøbt Bowlerhat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon" "Wrap-A-Khamon" "TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon_style1" "Prangende" "[english]TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon_style1" "Showy" "TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon_style2" "Sky" "[english]TF_hwn2020_wrap_a_khamon_style2" "Shy" "TF_hwn2020_boom_boxers" "Blottet Bagdel" "[english]TF_hwn2020_boom_boxers" "Boom Boxers" "TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you" "Øjne på Stilke" "[english]TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you" "Eye-See-You" "TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you_Style_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_eye_see_you_Style_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil" "Dødlækker Djævel" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil" "Handsome Devil" "TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil_Style_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil_Style_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_handsome_devil_Style_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_hwn2020_misfortune_fedora" "Sandsigerens Skyggehvisker" "[english]TF_hwn2020_misfortune_fedora" "Misfortune Fedora" "TF_hwn2020_war_blunder" "Kamikazekrigeren" "[english]TF_hwn2020_war_blunder" "War Blunder" "TF_hwn2020_grounded_flyboy" "Jordforbundet Jetflyver" "[english]TF_hwn2020_grounded_flyboy" "Grounded Flyboy" "TF_hwn2020_rolfe_copter" "Helingkopteren" "[english]TF_hwn2020_rolfe_copter" "Rolfe Copter" "TF_hwn2020_pug_mug" "Mopset Udseende" "[english]TF_hwn2020_pug_mug" "Pug Mug" "TF_hwn2020_pug_mug_style1" "Mal: Halsbånd" "[english]TF_hwn2020_pug_mug_style1" "Paint: Collar" "TF_hwn2020_pug_mug_style2" "Mal: Linse" "[english]TF_hwn2020_pug_mug_style2" "Paint: Lense" "TF_hwn2020_treehugger" "Trækrammer" "[english]TF_hwn2020_treehugger" "Treehugger" "TF_hwn2020_mannvich" "Mannvich" "[english]TF_hwn2020_mannvich" "Mannvich" "TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer" "Mørkets Magiker" "[english]TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer" "Seared Sorcerer" "TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer_style1" "Normal" "TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer_style2" "Kun Hat og Kappe" "[english]TF_hwn2020_seared_sorcerer_style2" "Hat and Cape Only" "TF_hwn2020_fire_tooth" "Ildtand" "[english]TF_hwn2020_fire_tooth" "Fire Tooth" "TF_hwn2020_flavorful_baggies" "Maniske Mamelukker" "[english]TF_hwn2020_flavorful_baggies" "Flavorful Baggies" "TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron" "Uheldig Heksebryg" "[english]TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron" "Calamitous Cauldron" "TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron_style1" "Med Slim" "[english]TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron_style1" "Slime" "TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron_style2" "Uden Slim" "[english]TF_hwn2020_calamitous_cauldron_style2" "No Slime" "TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat" "Veldresseret Vaskebjørnshue" "[english]TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat" "Semi-tame Trapper's Hat" "TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat_style1" "Mal: Øjne" "[english]TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat_style1" "Paint: Eyes" "TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat_style2" "Mal: Frakke" "[english]TF_hwn2020_trappers_hat_style2" "Paint: Coat" "TF_hwn2020_wavefinder" "Med på Bølgen" "[english]TF_hwn2020_wavefinder" "Wavefinder" "TF_hwn2020_glow_below" "Dybhavsgløden" "[english]TF_hwn2020_glow_below" "Glow from Below" "TF_hwn2020_glow_below_style1" "Mal: Finner" "[english]TF_hwn2020_glow_below_style1" "Paint: Fins" "TF_hwn2020_glow_below_style2" "Mal: Krop" "[english]TF_hwn2020_glow_below_style2" "Paint: Body" "TF_hwn2020_goblineer" "Teknisk Trold" "[english]TF_hwn2020_goblineer" "Goblineer" "TF_hwn2020_goblineer_style1" "Normal" "[english]TF_hwn2020_goblineer_style1" "Normal" "TF_hwn2020_goblineer_style2" "Zombie" "[english]TF_hwn2020_goblineer_style2" "Zombie" "TF_hwn2020_ghoul_box" "Tentakelspektakel" "[english]TF_hwn2020_ghoul_box" "Ghoul Box" "TF_hwn2020_hallows_hatte" "Allehelgenshatten" "[english]TF_hwn2020_hallows_hatte" "All Hallows' Hatte" "TF_Powerup_Dominant" "Dit morderiske raseri dominerer det andet hold!\nDu er blevet svækket for at give dem en chance" "[english]TF_Powerup_Dominant" "Your murderous rampage is dominating the other team!\nThe playing field has been levelled in their favor" "TF_Powerup_Dominant_Continue" "Du bliver ved med at dominere det andet hold!\nDu vil fortsat være svækket til deres fordel" "[english]TF_Powerup_Dominant_Continue" "You continue to dominate the other team!\nThe playing field will remain levelled in their favor" "TF_Powerup_Dominant_StillIn" "Du er stadig en dominerende faktor.\nPowerups er mindre effektive, og du er dødsmærket" "[english]TF_Powerup_Dominant_StillIn" "You're still in dominant status.\nPowerups are less effective and you're marked for death" "TF_Powerup_Dominant_Other_Team" "En modstander dominerer spillet.\nDe er blevet svækket for at give dit hold en chance" "[english]TF_Powerup_Dominant_Other_Team" "An enemy player is dominating the game.\nThe playing field has been levelled in your favor" "TF_Powerup_OutOfDominant" "Du er ikke længere en dominerende faktor!" "[english]TF_Powerup_OutOfDominant" "You're no longer in dominant status!" "TF_hwn2020_impish_ears_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_impish_ears_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_hwn2020_impish_ears_WithNoHat" "Ingen Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2020_impish_ears_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerGold" "1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerGold" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerSilver" "2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerSilver" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBronze" "3.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerParticipant" "Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerParticipant" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Gold" "DreamHack Community Clash 1.-plads" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Gold" "DreamHack Community Clash 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Silver" "DreamHack Community Clash 2.-plads" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Silver" "DreamHack Community Clash 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Bronze" "DreamHack Community Clash 3.-plads" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Bronze" "DreamHack Community Clash 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Participant" "DreamHack Community Clash-deltager" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Participant" "DreamHack Community Clash Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Contributor" "DreamHack Community Clash-bidragsyder" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Contributor" "DreamHack Community Clash Contributor" "TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2021" "Forår 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2021" "Spring 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2021" "Sommer 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2021" "Summer 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2021" "Efterår 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2021" "Autumn 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2021" "Vinter 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2021" "Winter 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_First" "1.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_First" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Second" "2.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Second" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Third" "3.-plads i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Third" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Participant" "Deltager i South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_SA_Vanilla_Highlander_Intermediate_Participant" "South American Vanilla Fortress Highlander Intermediate Participant" "TF_Wearable_PorkProduct" "Svinekødsprodukt" "[english]TF_Wearable_PorkProduct" "Pork Product" "TF_Wearable_Headband" "Pandebånd" "[english]TF_Wearable_Headband" "Headband" "TF_Wearable_Antlers" "Gevir" "[english]TF_Wearable_Antlers" "Antlers" "TF_Wearable_PantsSlippers" "Bukser og sutsko" "[english]TF_Wearable_PantsSlippers" "Pants and Slippers" "pl_pier_authors" "Neal 'Blade x64' Smart\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nErik 'Colteh' Coltey\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\ndonhonk\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey\nJuniper\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nDamian 'Populus' Błaszczyk\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nSky\nAl 'Square' Rodgers\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nZoey Smith" "[english]pl_pier_authors" "Neal 'Blade x64' Smart\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nErik 'Colteh' Coltey\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\ndonhonk\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey\nJuniper\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nDamian 'Populus' Błaszczyk\nKevin 'Ravidge' Brook\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nSky\nAl 'Square' Rodgers\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nZoey Smith" "pd_snowville_event_authors" "Maxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nVincent 'Vel0city' Swart\nJoe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak" "[english]pd_snowville_event_authors" "Maxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nVincent 'Vel0city' Swart\nJoe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak" "ctf_snowfall_final_authors" "Nickolas \"Krazy\" Fenech\nAndrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson\nFay L. \"Nineaxis\" Fabry\nMark \"Shmitz\" Major\nZoey Smith\nTumby\nE-Arkham\ndonhonk\nLouie \"bakscratch\" Turner\nNassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun\nThijs \"Evil_Knevil\" Van\nAeon \"Void\" Bollig\nLauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey\nZach \"Exactol\" Matuson\nAlex \"Rexy\" Kreeger\nTyler \"Yyler\" King" "[english]ctf_snowfall_final_authors" "Nickolas 'Krazy' Fenech\nAndrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson\nFay L. 'Nineaxis' Fabry\nMark 'Shmitz' Major\nZoey Smith\nTumby\nE-Arkham\ndonhonk\nLouie 'bakscratch' Turner\nNassim 'NassimO' Sadoun\nThijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nLauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey\nZach 'Exactol' Matuson\nAlex 'Rexy' Kreeger\nTyler 'Yyler' King" "pl_wutville_event_authors" "Andrew 'Rogue13' Risch" "[english]pl_wutville_event_authors" "Andrew 'Rogue13' Risch" "TF_Map_Pier" "Pier" "[english]TF_Map_Pier" "Pier" "TF_MapToken_Pier" "Banefrimærke - Pier" "[english]TF_MapToken_Pier" "Map Stamp - Pier" "TF_MapToken_Pier_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Erik 'Colteh' Coltey, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, donhonk, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Thijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey, Juniper, Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun, Damian 'Populus' Błaszczyk, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Sky, Al 'Square' Rodgers, Aeon 'Void' Bollig og Zoey Smith\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Pier-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Pier_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Neal 'Blade x64' Smart, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Erik 'Colteh' Coltey, Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, donhonk, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Thijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van Gerrewey, Juniper, Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun, Damian 'Populus' Błaszczyk, Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Sky, Al 'Square' Rodgers, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, and Zoey Smith\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pier community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Pier_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Pier-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Pier_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pier community map." "TF_Map_SnowVille" "SnowVille" "[english]TF_Map_SnowVille" "SnowVille" "TF_MapToken_SnowVille" "Banefrimærke - SnowVille" "[english]TF_MapToken_SnowVille" "Map Stamp - SnowVille" "TF_MapToken_SnowVille_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Maxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Vincent 'Vel0city' Swart og Joe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af SnowVille-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_SnowVille_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Maxime 'Mimas Torres' Dupuis, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Vincent 'Vel0city' Swart, and Joe 'Fr0z3nR' Radak\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the SnowVille community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_SnowVille_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af SnowVille-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_SnowVille_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the SnowVille community map." "TF_Map_Snowfall" "Snowfall" "[english]TF_Map_Snowfall" "Snowfall" "TF_MapToken_Snowfall" "Banefrimærke - Snowfall" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowfall" "Map Stamp - Snowfall" "TF_MapToken_Snowfall_Desc" "En Capture the Flag-bane\n\nLavet af Nickolas \"Krazy\" Fenech, Andrew \"Dr. Spud\" Thompson, Fay L. \"Nineaxis\" Fabry, Mark \"Shmitz\" Major, Zoey Smith, Tumby, E-Arkham, donhonk, Louie \"bakscratch\" Turner, Nassim \"NassimO\" Sadoun, Thijs \"Evil_Knevil\" Van, Aeon \"Void\" Bollig, Lauren \"Yrrzy\" Godfrey, Zach \"Exactol\" Matuson, Alex \"Rexy\" Kreeger og Tyler \"Yyler\" King\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Snowfall-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowfall_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Nickolas 'Krazy' Fenech, Andrew 'Dr. Spud' Thompson, Fay L. 'Nineaxis' Fabry, Mark 'Shmitz' Major, Zoey Smith, Tumby, E-Arkham, donhonk, Louie 'bakscratch' Turner, Nassim 'NassimO' Sadoun, Thijs 'Evil_Knevil' Van, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Lauren 'Yrrzy' Godfrey, Zach 'Exactol' Matuson, Alex 'Rexy' Kreeger, and Tyler 'Yyler' King\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowfall community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Snowfall_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Snowfall-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Snowfall_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Snowfall community map." "TF_Map_Wutville" "Wutville" "[english]TF_Map_Wutville" "Wutville" "TF_MapToken_Wutville" "Banefrimærke - Wutville" "[english]TF_MapToken_Wutville" "Map Stamp - Wutville" "TF_MapToken_Wutville_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Andrew 'Rogue13' Risch\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Wutville-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Wutville_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Andrew 'Rogue13' Risch\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Wutville community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Wutville_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Wutville-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Wutville_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Wutville community map." "TF_Map_Pier_StrangePrefix" " Underholdende" "[english]TF_Map_Pier_StrangePrefix" " Entertaining" "TF_Map_SnowVille_StrangePrefix" " Forfrossen" "[english]TF_Map_SnowVille_StrangePrefix" " Frostbitten" "TF_Map_Snowfall_StrangePrefix" " Snedækket" "[english]TF_Map_Snowfall_StrangePrefix" " Snowy" "TF_Map_Wutville_StrangePrefix" " Iøjnefaldende" "[english]TF_Map_Wutville_StrangePrefix" " Vibrant" "Gametype_SmissmasFeatured" "Smissmas (Fremhævede)" "[english]Gametype_SmissmasFeatured" "Smissmas (Featured)" "Gametype_SmissmasFeatured_Desc" "Spil de fremhævede Smissmas-baner." "[english]Gametype_SmissmasFeatured_Desc" "Tour the featured Smissmas maps." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPier" "Sært filter: Pier (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPier" "Strange Filter: Pier (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPier_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Pier." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPier_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Pier." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowVille" "Sært filter: SnowVille (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowVille" "Strange Filter: SnowVille (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowVille_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben, og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i SnowVille." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowVille_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on SnowVille." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowfall" "Sært filter: Snowfall (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowfall" "Strange Filter: Snowfall (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowfall_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Snowfall." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSnowfall_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Snowfall." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWutville" "Sært filter: Wutville (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWutville" "Strange Filter: Wutville (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWutville_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Wutville." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapWutville_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Wutville." "TF_StockingStuffer_2020" "Gaveproppet Strømpe 2020" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2020" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2020" "Winter2020Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2020-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2020Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2020 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2020Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2020-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2020Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2020 Cosmetics Collection:" "Winter2020Paintkits_collection" "Vinter 2020-samlingen" "[english]Winter2020Paintkits_collection" "Winter 2020 Collection" "Winter2020Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2020-samlingen:" "[english]Winter2020Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2020 Collection:" "Footer_Winter2020Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2020-hat" "[english]Footer_Winter2020Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2020 Hat" "TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase" "Vinter 2020-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase" "Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nVinter 2020-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Vinter 2020-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2020 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2020 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Vinter 2020-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2020-hat" "[english]TF_Winter2020CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2020 Hat" "TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey" "Vinter 2020-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey" "Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2020-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2020-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2020-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2020 Hat" "TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase" "Vinter 2020-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase" "Winter 2020 War Paint Case" "TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Vinter 2020-samlingen" "[english]TF_Winter2020WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Winter 2020 Collection" "TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey" "Vinter 2020-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey" "Winter 2020 War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2020-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Winter 2020 War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2020-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2020WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Winter 2020 War Paint Case" "Attrib_Particle164" "Frosne Fraktaler" "[english]Attrib_Particle164" "Frozen Fractals" "Attrib_Particle165" "Lilla Lavine" "[english]Attrib_Particle165" "Lavender Landfall" "Attrib_Particle166" "Særpræget Snefald" "[english]Attrib_Particle166" "Special Snowfall" "Attrib_Particle167" "Blændende Begær" "[english]Attrib_Particle167" "Divine Desire" "Attrib_Particle168" "Fjern Drøm" "[english]Attrib_Particle168" "Distant Dream" "Attrib_Particle169" "Voldelig Vintertid" "[english]Attrib_Particle169" "Violent Wintertide" "Attrib_Particle170" "Sneblændende Storm" "[english]Attrib_Particle170" "Blighted Snowstorm" "Attrib_Particle171" "Pale Nimbus" "[english]Attrib_Particle171" "Pale Nimbus" "Attrib_Particle172" "Genus Plasmos" "[english]Attrib_Particle172" "Genus Plasmos" "Attrib_Particle173" "Serenus Lumen" "[english]Attrib_Particle173" "Serenus Lumen" "Attrib_Particle174" "Ventum Maris" "[english]Attrib_Particle174" "Ventum Maris" "Attrib_Particle175" "Munter Mistelten" "[english]Attrib_Particle175" "Mirthful Mistletoe" "Attrib_Particle3049" "Stemningsfyldt Stjerne" "[english]Attrib_Particle3049" "Delightful Star" "Attrib_Particle3050" "Stivfrossen Stjerne" "[english]Attrib_Particle3050" "Frosted Star" "Attrib_Particle3051" "Apoteose" "[english]Attrib_Particle3051" "Apotheosis" "Attrib_Particle3052" "Himmelfart" "[english]Attrib_Particle3052" "Ascension" "Attrib_Particle3053" "Julemannens Rensdyr" "[english]Attrib_Particle3053" "Reindoonicorn Rancher" "Attrib_Particle3054" "Julemannens Rensdyr" "[english]Attrib_Particle3054" "Reindoonicorn Rancher" "Attrib_Particle3055" "Glimtende Lys" "[english]Attrib_Particle3055" "Twinkling Lights" "Attrib_Particle3056" "Flimrende Lys" "[english]Attrib_Particle3056" "Shimmering Lights" "TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck" "Hån: Bagbordsbrandert" "[english]TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck" "Taunt: The Pooped Deck" "TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån\n\\Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck_Desc" "Community Created Demoman Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån\n-Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_pooped_deck_AdText" "-Community Created Demoman Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_time_out_therapy" "Hån: Freudiansk Fordragelighed" "[english]TF_taunt_time_out_therapy" "Taunt: Time Out Therapy" "TF_taunt_time_out_therapy_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_time_out_therapy_Desc" "Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_time_out_therapy_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_time_out_therapy_AdText" "-Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_rocket_jockey" "Hån: Krudt i Røven" "[english]TF_taunt_rocket_jockey" "Taunt: Rocket Jockey" "TF_taunt_rocket_jockey_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_rocket_jockey_Desc" "Community Created Soldier Taunt" "TF_taunt_rocket_jockey_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_rocket_jockey_AdText" "-Community Created Soldier Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder" "Hån: Karismatisk Kickflipper" "[english]TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder" "Taunt: The Boston Boarder" "TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n\\Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n-Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_boston_boarder_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_scorchers_solo" "Hån: Svitsende Solo" "[english]TF_taunt_scorchers_solo" "Taunt: Scorcher's Solo" "TF_taunt_scorchers_solo_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_scorchers_solo_Desc" "Community Created Pyro Taunt" "TF_taunt_scorchers_solo_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_scorchers_solo_AdText" "-Community Created Pyro Taunt" "TF_taunt_texas_truckin" "Hån: Texansk Traktortræk" "[english]TF_taunt_texas_truckin" "Taunt: Texas Truckin'" "TF_taunt_texas_truckin_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_texas_truckin_Desc" "Community Created Engineer Taunt" "TF_taunt_texas_truckin_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Engineer-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_texas_truckin_AdText" "-Community Created Engineer Taunt" "TF_taunt_spintowin" "Hån: Drejer-til-Sejr" "[english]TF_taunt_spintowin" "Taunt: Spin-to-Win" "TF_taunt_spintowin_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n\\Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_spintowin_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_spintowin_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån\n-Brug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_taunt_spintowin_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_fist_bump" "Hån: Rundhåndet Hilsen" "[english]TF_taunt_the_fist_bump" "Taunt: The Fist Bump" "TF_taunt_the_fist_bump_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt hån til alle klasser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_fist_bump_Desc" "Community Created All Class Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_fist_bump_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt hån til alle klasser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_fist_bump_AdText" "-Community Created All Class Taunt" "TF_dec20_particulate_protector" "Mageligt Mundbind" "[english]TF_dec20_particulate_protector" "Particulate Protector" "TF_dec20_particulate_protector_style0" "Hat" "[english]TF_dec20_particulate_protector_style0" "Hat" "TF_dec20_particulate_protector_style1" "Ingen hat" "[english]TF_dec20_particulate_protector_style1" "No Hat" "TF_dec20_candy_cantlers" "Glukosegevir" "[english]TF_dec20_candy_cantlers" "Candy Cantlers" "TF_dec20_jolly_jingler" "Klokkeklar Julehue" "[english]TF_dec20_jolly_jingler" "Jolly Jingler" "TF_dec20_smissmas_sorcerer" "Smissmas-troldmand" "[english]TF_dec20_smissmas_sorcerer" "Smissmas Sorcerer" "TF_dec20_flip_thwomps" "De Ekstrabløde Pakker" "[english]TF_dec20_flip_thwomps" "Festive Flip-thwomps" "TF_dec20_pillar_of_beanies" "Tårnende Huesøjle" "[english]TF_dec20_pillar_of_beanies" "Towering Pillar of Beanies" "TF_dec20_shoestring_santa" "Luset Loftnisse" "[english]TF_dec20_shoestring_santa" "Shoestring Santa" "TF_dec20_professionals_pom_pom" "Den Professionelles Pompom" "[english]TF_dec20_professionals_pom_pom" "Professional's Pom-Pom" "TF_dec20_reindoonibeanie" "Reindooni-hue" "[english]TF_dec20_reindoonibeanie" "Reindoonibeanie" "TF_dec20_festive_fascinator" "Festlig Fascinator" "[english]TF_dec20_festive_fascinator" "Festive Fascinator" "TF_dec20_festive_fascinator_style0" "Munter" "[english]TF_dec20_festive_fascinator_style0" "Merry" "TF_dec20_festive_fascinator_style1" "Glad" "[english]TF_dec20_festive_fascinator_style1" "Happy" "TF_dec20_pile_of_presents" "Tårnende Gavestak" "[english]TF_dec20_pile_of_presents" "Towering Pile of Presents" "TF_dec20_round_a_bout" "Snurretop" "[english]TF_dec20_round_a_bout" "Round-A-Bout" "TF_dec20_blitzen_bowl" "Julemandens Vejleder" "[english]TF_dec20_blitzen_bowl" "Blitzen Bowl" "TF_dec20_elf_care_provider" "Klinisk Vatnisse" "[english]TF_dec20_elf_care_provider" "Elf Care Provider" "TF_dec20_night_ward" "Nattevagt" "[english]TF_dec20_night_ward" "Night Ward" "TF_dec20_night_ward_style0" "Kors" "[english]TF_dec20_night_ward_style0" "Crosses" "TF_dec20_night_ward_style1" "Stribet" "[english]TF_dec20_night_ward_style1" "Stripes" "TF_dec20_sandmanns_brush" "Syvsoverens Strikhue" "[english]TF_dec20_sandmanns_brush" "SandMann's Brush" "TF_dec20_bedbug_protection" "Væggelusvæggen" "[english]TF_dec20_bedbug_protection" "BedBug Protection" "TF_dec20_bear_walker" "Varlige Sutsko" "[english]TF_dec20_bear_walker" "Bear Walker" "TF_dec20_killing_tree" "Det Festligste Træ i Skoven" "[english]TF_dec20_killing_tree" "Killing Tree" "TF_dec20_helm_helm" "Overstyrmand" "[english]TF_dec20_helm_helm" "Helm Helm" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_LowMid_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Gold" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Silver" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Bronze" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Participant" "Deltager i Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FruitMixes_Mid_Participant" "Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Gold" "1.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Gold" "Classic MGE Cup Advanced 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Silver" "2.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Silver" "Classic MGE Cup Advanced 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Bronze" "3.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Bronze" "Classic MGE Cup Advanced 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Participant" "Deltager i Classic MGE Cup Advanced" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Advanced_Participant" "Classic MGE Cup Advanced Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Gold" "1.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Gold" "Classic MGE Cup Open 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Silver" "2.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Silver" "Classic MGE Cup Open 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Bronze" "3.-plads i Classic MGE Cup Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Bronze" "Classic MGE Cup Open 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Participant" "Deltager i Classic MGE Cup Open" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_MGE_Cup_Open_Participant" "Classic MGE Cup Open Participant" "TF_dec20_candy_cantlers_WithHat" "Hat" "[english]TF_dec20_candy_cantlers_WithHat" "Hat" "TF_dec20_candy_cantlers_WithNoHat" "Ingen hat" "[english]TF_dec20_candy_cantlers_WithNoHat" "No Hat" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_First_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Second_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Third_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Participant" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_First_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Second_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Third_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Participant" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_First_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Second_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Third_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Participant" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_First_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Second_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Third_Place" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Participant" "ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_Quadlander4v4_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander 4v4 Participant" "Gametype_Smissmas" "Smissmas" "[english]Gametype_Smissmas" "Smissmas" "Gametype_Smissmas_Desc" "Spil alle Smissmas-banerne fra fortiden og nutiden." "[english]Gametype_Smissmas_Desc" "Tour all of the past Smissmas maps." "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season10" "Den Fjerde Sværvægtsvinder af Natascha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season10" "NHBL 4th Natascha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season10_Desc" "BrightBoy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Natasha_Season10_Desc" "BrightBoy" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season10" "Den Tiende Sværvægtsvinder af Sasha-turneringen fra NHBL" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season10" "NHBL 10th Sasha Heavyweight Champion" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_1st" "UGC Ultiduo Platinum 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_2nd" "UGC Ultiduo Platinum 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_3rd" "UGC Ultiduo Platinum 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Ultiduo Platinum" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_Participant" "UGC Ultiduo Platinum Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_1st" "1.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_1st" "UGC Ultiduo Steel 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_2nd" "2.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_2nd" "UGC Ultiduo Steel 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_3rd" "3.-plads i UGC Ultiduo Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_3rd" "UGC Ultiduo Steel 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_Participant" "Deltager i UGC Ultiduo Steel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_Participant" "UGC Ultiduo Steel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Central 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Central 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Central 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Central" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Central_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Central Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_1st" "LBTF2 Highlander Elite 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_2nd" "LBTF2 Highlander Elite 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 Highlander Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_3rd" "LBTF2 Highlander Elite 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 Highlander Elite" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Elite_Participant" "LBTF2 Highlander Elite Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_2nd" "2.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_3rd" "3.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Ghosten_Tuchel_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_1st" "1.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_1st" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_2nd" "2.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_2nd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_3rd" "3.-plads i FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_3rd" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_Participant" "Deltager i FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Joten_Klopp_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Staff" "DreamHack Community Clash-personale" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_DreamHack_Clash_Staff" "DreamHack Community Clash Staff" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_Champions" "RGL.gg - Vinderne af Challenger - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_Champions" "RGL.gg - Challenger Champions - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_2nd" "RGL.gg - 2.-plads i Challenger - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_2nd" "RGL.gg - Challenger 2nd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_3rd" "RGL.gg - 3.-plads i Challenger - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_3rd" "RGL.gg - Challenger 3rd Place - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_Participant" "RGL.gg - Deltager i Challenger - Highlander" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGLgg_Highlander_Challenger_Participant" "RGL.gg - Challenger Participant - Highlander" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderMain4v4_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_QuadlanderPremier4v4_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier 4v4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player" "Starched Silliness 2021 - Kopikartoffel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player" "Starched Silliness Potato Lookalike 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_Desc" "Nogle gange er en kartoffel bare en kartoffel. Dog er det her rent faktisk ikke en kartoffel, men snarere en sten hentet fra en nærliggende søbred, som er blevet malet beige. Tildelt dem, der spillede Tindall Berry's 2021 MvM Aprilsnar- og velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_Desc" "Sometimes, a potato is just a potato. However, this is actually not a potato, but rather a stone fetched from a nearby river that has been painted beige. Awarded to players of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_style0" "Style 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Player_style1" "Style 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator" "Starched Silliness 2021 - Kraftfuld Kartoffel" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator" "Starched Silliness Super Spud 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_Desc" "Så sandelig, sommetider skal storslåede supplementer, som samler simple sjæle, stadig skinne. Sådan stjålne stivelses-sten skulle såmænd sprede stolthed som selskabsskaber. Tildelt dem, der bidrog til Tindall Berry's 2021 MvM Aprilsnar- og velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_Desc" "Strictly speaking, sometimes superfluously silly submissions surprising simple souls still shine. Some stolen starch-styled stones shall sufficiently show service. Awarded to creators of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_style0" "Style 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Creator_style1" "Style 2" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor" "Starched Silliness 2021 - Koldsindig Karbon" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor" "Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_Desc" "Nogen gav dig denne skinnende sten, som de påstår, at de fandt, imens de udgravede jordens bund, da de fandt ud af, at du donerede penge til at stoppe en ustyrlig virus. Du styrer for vildt! Tildelt dem, der donerede til Tindall Berry's 2021 MvM Aprilsnar- og velgørenhedstur!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_Desc" "Someone gave you this shiny rock that they claim to have found while mining to the bottom of the world when they learned that you gave away money to help stop a rampaging virus. You rock! Awarded to donors of Tindall Berry's 2021 April Fools MvM charity tour!" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_style0" "Stil 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_style0" "Style 1" "TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_style1" "Stil 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_StarchedSilliness_Donor_style1" "Style 2" "Summer2021Cosmetics_collection" "Sommer 2021-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Summer2021Cosmetics_collection" "Summer 2021 Cosmetics Collection" "Summer2021Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Sommer 2021-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Summer2021Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Summer 2021 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Summer2021Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2021-hat" "[english]Footer_Summer2021Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2021 Hat" "TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase" "Sommer 2021-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase" "Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nSommer 2021-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Sommer 2021-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nSummer 2021 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Summer 2021 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Sommer 2021-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2021-hat" "[english]TF_Summer2021CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2021 Hat" "TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey" "Sommer 2021-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey" "Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2021-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey_AdText" "Bruges til at åbne en Sommer 2021-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Sommer 2021-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Summer2021CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Summer 2021 Hat" "Attrib_Particle177" "Resonans" "[english]Attrib_Particle177" "Resonation" "Attrib_Particle178" "Lysskælv" "[english]Attrib_Particle178" "Aggradation" "Attrib_Particle179" "Oplysende" "[english]Attrib_Particle179" "Lucidation" "Attrib_Particle180" "Lamslående" "[english]Attrib_Particle180" "Stunning" "Attrib_Particle181" "Ardentum Saturnalis" "[english]Attrib_Particle181" "Ardentum Saturnalis" "Attrib_Particle182" "Fragrancium Elementalis" "[english]Attrib_Particle182" "Fragrancium Elementalis" "Attrib_Particle183" "Reverium Irregularis" "[english]Attrib_Particle183" "Reverium Irregularis" "Attrib_Particle185" "Flerårig Flor" "[english]Attrib_Particle185" "Perennial Petals" "Attrib_Particle186" "Smagfuld Solnedgang" "[english]Attrib_Particle186" "Flavorsome Sunset" "Attrib_Particle187" "Hindbærblomstring" "[english]Attrib_Particle187" "Raspberry Bloom" "Attrib_Particle188" "Regnbueglans" "[english]Attrib_Particle188" "Iridescence" "TF_sum21_ballooniphones" "Balloonibøffer" "[english]TF_sum21_ballooniphones" "Ballooniphones" "TF_sum21_manndatory_attire" "Påkrævet Påklædning" "[english]TF_sum21_manndatory_attire" "Manndatory Attire" "TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style1" "Specialist" "[english]TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style1" "Specialist" "TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style2" "Hobbyist" "[english]TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style2" "Hobbyist" "TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style3" "Generalist" "[english]TF_sum21_manndatory_attire_style3" "Generalist" "TF_sum21_brim_of_fire" "Præriens Pyroman" "[english]TF_sum21_brim_of_fire" "Brim of Fire" "TF_sum21_reel_fly_hat" "Smil og Blink" "[english]TF_sum21_reel_fly_hat" "Reel Fly Hat" "TF_sum21_hook_line_cinder" "Frisk som en Havørred" "[english]TF_sum21_hook_line_cinder" "Hook, Line, and Cinder" "TF_sum21_water_waders" "Vandvadere" "[english]TF_sum21_water_waders" "Water Waders" "TF_sum21_sightliner" "Ansigtsvisér" "[english]TF_sum21_sightliner" "Sightliner" "TF_sum21_snack_stack" "Hovedmåltidet" "[english]TF_sum21_snack_stack" "Snack Stack" "TF_sum21_punchmann" "Dunkende Hovedbeklædning" "[english]TF_sum21_punchmann" "Two Punch Mann" "TF_sum21_punchmann_style1" "KGB" "[english]TF_sum21_punchmann_style1" "KGB" "TF_sum21_punchmann_style2" "GRU" "[english]TF_sum21_punchmann_style2" "GRU" "TF_sum21_wild_brim_slouch" "Tandmærket Mode" "[english]TF_sum21_wild_brim_slouch" "Wild Brim Slouch" "TF_sum21_crocodile_dandy" "Kroko-dillen" "[english]TF_sum21_crocodile_dandy" "Crocodile Dandy" "TF_sum21_crustaceous_cowl" "Krabbekutten" "[english]TF_sum21_crustaceous_cowl" "Crustaceous Cowl" "TF_sum21_fast_food" "Hurtigmad" "[english]TF_sum21_fast_food" "Fast Food" "TF_sum21_meal_dealer" "Madglad Mundering" "[english]TF_sum21_meal_dealer" "Meal Dealer" "TF_sum21_fried_batter" "Friturefrisure" "[english]TF_sum21_fried_batter" "Fried Batter" "TF_sum21_roaming_roman" "Rundtrejsende Romer" "[english]TF_sum21_roaming_roman" "Roaming Roman" "TF_sum21_panisher" "Fladpande" "[english]TF_sum21_panisher" "Panisher" "TF_sum21_thousand_yard" "Limet til Uniformen" "[english]TF_sum21_thousand_yard" "Thousand-Yard Stare" "TF_sum21_thousand_yard_style1" "Chokeret" "[english]TF_sum21_thousand_yard_style1" "Shocked" "TF_sum21_thousand_yard_style2" "Forarget" "[english]TF_sum21_thousand_yard_style2" "Awed" "TF_DataCenter_fra" "Frankfurt, Tyskland" "[english]TF_DataCenter_fra" "Frankfurt, Germany" "TF_Invalid_Inspect_Target" "Ugyldigt Inspiceringsmål" "[english]TF_Invalid_Inspect_Target" "Invalid Inspect Target" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Division 5" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_First_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 1 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Second_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Third_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Winter League Division 1" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Participant" "ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_First_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 2 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Second_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Third_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Winter League Division 2" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Participant" "ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_First_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 3 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Second_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Third_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Winter League Division 3" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Participant" "ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_First_Place" "1.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_First_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 4 First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Second_Place" "2.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Second_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Third_Place" "3.-plads i ozfortress Winter League Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Third_Place" "ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Participant" "Deltager i ozfortress Winter League Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Participant" "ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season41" "Sæson 41" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season41" "Season 41" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season42" "Sæson 42" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season42" "Season 42" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season43" "Sæson 43" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season43" "Season 43" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season44" "Sæson 44" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season44" "Season 44" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season45" "Sæson 45" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season45" "Season 45" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season46" "Sæson 46" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season46" "Season 46" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season47" "Sæson 47" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season47" "Season 47" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season48" "Sæson 48" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season48" "Season 48" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season49" "Sæson 49" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season49" "Season 49" "TF_TournamentMedal_Season50" "Sæson 50" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Season50" "Season 50" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_1st" "1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_1st" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_2nd" "2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_2nd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_3rd" "3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_3rd" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_Participant" "Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_Participant" "AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season10_Desc" "BrightBoy" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_NHBL_Sasha_Season10_Desc" "BrightBoy" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2014" "Florida LAN 2014" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2014" "Florida LAN 2014" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2014_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Florida LAN 2014-begivenheden" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2014_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Florida LAN 2014 event" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2015" "Florida LAN 2015" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2015" "Florida LAN 2015" "TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2015_Desc" "Tildelt dem, der bidragede til eller deltog i Florida LAN 2015-begivenheden" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2015_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Florida LAN 2015 event" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier1" "Fan af BlapBash 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier1" "BlapBash Backer 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier1_Desc" "Det vigtigste, når man laver marmelade er ikke, hvordan du gør det, men at du husker de billige mærkevareavokadoer. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2021!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier1_Desc" "The most important part of making jam isn't the way you make it, but to remember the totally inexpensive on-brand avocados. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2021!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier2" "Tilhænger af BlapBash 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier2" "BlapBash Supporter 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier2_Desc" "En avocado om dagen holder dig sund og nysgerrig på, hvor Blap-Chan er blevet af. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2021!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier2_Desc" "An avocado a day keeps you healthy and curious as to where Blap-Chan went. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2021!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier3" "Sponsor af BlapBash 2021" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier3" "BlapBash Benefactor 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier3_Desc" "Du medbragte ikke bare avokadotoast til hele forsamlingen, men du sikrede også, at alle, som ville tage del i morskaben, fik lov. Tak for din støtte til BlapBash 2021!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Blapature2021_Tier3_Desc" "Not only did you bring fresh avocado toast to the table, you also brought happiness to those who want to join in on the fun. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2021!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_Rainbow_2021" "Hexadecimal Horrors 2021 - Makaber Mindesten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_Rainbow_2021" "Hexadecimal Horrors Macabre Memento 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_Rainbow_2021_Desc" "Ikke engang de mørkeste og mest fordærvede robotzombier kan dæmpe det dystre skær fra dette hjerte, som vi stjal fra et af deres lig. Tildelt donerne af Potato MvM's velgørenhedsindsamling til The Trevor Project!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_Rainbow_2021_Desc" "Not even the darkest and most corrupt zombie-robot forces can dull the somber shine of this heart that we stole off of one of their corpses. Awarded to donors of Potato MvM's charity drive for The Trevor Project!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_2021" "Hexadecimal Horrors 2021 - Måneskinsmagnat" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_2021" "Hexadecimal Horrors Moonlit Magnate 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_2021_Desc" "Et lysende klart eksempel på håb og generøsitet i den dunkle og dommedagsprægede nat. Og den endeløse hær af robotter, som udgiver sig for at være zombier, selvfølgelig! Tildelt donerne af Potato MvM's velgørenhedsindsamling til The Trevor Project!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_Donator_2021_Desc" "A beacon of hope and generosity amidst the doom and gloom of the night. And endless hordes of killer robots masquerading as zombies, of course! Awarded to donors of Potato MvM's charity drive for The Trevor Project!" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_style0" "Normal" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_style0" "Normal" "TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_style1" "Kun ædelsten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Hexadecimal_style1" "Gem Only" "TF_Wearable_Tie" "Slips" "[english]TF_Wearable_Tie" "Tie" "TF_Wearable_Waders" "Waders" "[english]TF_Wearable_Waders" "Waders" "TF_Wearable_Snack" "Mellemmåltid" "[english]TF_Wearable_Snack" "Snack" "TF_Wearable_DentedPan" "Bulet Pande" "[english]TF_Wearable_DentedPan" "Dented Pan" "TF_Wearable_Infestation" "Skadedyr" "[english]TF_Wearable_Infestation" "Infestation" "TF_Wearable_Goggles" "Beskyttelsesbriller" "[english]TF_Wearable_Goggles" "Goggles" "TF_Wearable_Treats" "Slik" "[english]TF_Wearable_Treats" "Treats" "pd_farmageddon_authors" "Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons\nPatrick 'Zeus' Hennessy\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nAl 'Square' Rodgers\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nJuniper\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nLiran 'Ducksink' Ohana" "[english]pd_farmageddon_authors" "Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons\nPatrick 'Zeus' Hennessy\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nAl 'Square' Rodgers\nTim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees\nJuniper\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nLiran 'Ducksink' Ohana" "koth_synthetic_event_authors" "Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nAse 'Pont' Kirkham\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nNick 'Frying Dutchman' Post\nLawrence 'hutty' Granroth" "[english]koth_synthetic_event_authors" "Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nAse 'Pont' Kirkham\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nNick 'Frying Dutchman' Post\nLawrence 'hutty' Granroth" "koth_los_muertos_authors" "Elián 'iron' Rodríguez\nRyan 'Chill' Foy\nMatthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller" "[english]koth_los_muertos_authors" "Elián 'iron' Rodríguez\nRyan 'Chill' Foy\nMatthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller" "cp_ambush_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\nTony 'Hakk1tus' Hakala" "[english]cp_ambush_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\nTony 'Hakk1tus' Hakala" "pl_terror_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen" "[english]pl_terror_event_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen" "arena_lumberyard_event_authors" "Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nErik 'Colteh' Coltey\nJuniper" "[english]arena_lumberyard_event_authors" "Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\nBenjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nSeb 'Tianes' Necula\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nErik 'Colteh' Coltey\nJuniper" "TF_Map_Farmageddon" "Farmageddon" "[english]TF_Map_Farmageddon" "Farmageddon" "TF_MapToken_Farmageddon" "Banefrimærke - Farmageddon" "[english]TF_MapToken_Farmageddon" "Map Stamp - Farmageddon" "TF_MapToken_Farmageddon_Desc" "En Player Destruction-bane\n\nSkabt af Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons, Patrick 'Zeus' Hennessy, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Al 'Square' Rodgers, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Juniper, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Seb 'Tianes' Necula og Liran 'Ducksink' Ohana\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Farmageddon-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Farmageddon_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons, Patrick 'Zeus' Hennessy, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Al 'Square' Rodgers, Tim 'SediSocks' Brown Lees, Juniper, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Seb 'Tianes' Necula, and Liran 'Ducksink' Ohana\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Farmageddon community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Farmageddon_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Farmageddon-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Farmageddon_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Farmageddon community map." "TF_Map_Sinthetic" "Sinthetic" "[english]TF_Map_Sinthetic" "Sinthetic" "TF_MapToken_Sinthetic" "Banefrimærke - Sinthetic" "[english]TF_MapToken_Sinthetic" "Map Stamp - Sinthetic" "TF_MapToken_Sinthetic_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nSkabt af Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Seb 'Tianes' Necula, Ase 'Pont' Kirkham, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Nick 'Frying Dutchman' Post og Lawrence 'hutty' Granroth\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Sinthetic-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Sinthetic_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Matthew 'MegapiemanPHD' Simmons, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Seb 'Tianes' Necula, Ase 'Pont' Kirkham, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Nick 'Frying Dutchman' Post, and Lawrence 'hutty' Granroth\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sinthetic community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Sinthetic_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Sinthetic-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Sinthetic_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Sinthetic community map." "TF_Map_LosMuertos" "Los Muertos" "[english]TF_Map_LosMuertos" "Los Muertos" "TF_MapToken_LosMuertos" "Banefrimærke - Los Muertos" "[english]TF_MapToken_LosMuertos" "Map Stamp - Los Muertos" "TF_MapToken_LosMuertos_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Los Muertos-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_LosMuertos_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Los Muertos community map." "TF_Map_Erebus" "Erebus" "[english]TF_Map_Erebus" "Erebus" "TF_MapToken_Erebus" "Banefrimærke - Erebus" "[english]TF_MapToken_Erebus" "Map Stamp - Erebus" "TF_MapToken_Erebus_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\\Lavet af Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen og Tony 'Hakk1tus' Hakala\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Erebus-fællesskabsbanen direkte. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Erebus_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen and Tony 'Hakk1tus' Hakala\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Erebus community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Erebus_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Erebus-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Erebus_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Erebus community map." "TF_Map_Terror" "Terror" "[english]TF_Map_Terror" "Terror" "TF_MapToken_Terror" "Banefrimærke - Terror" "[english]TF_MapToken_Terror" "Map Stamp - Terror" "TF_MapToken_Terror_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nSkabt af Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Terror-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Terror_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Terror community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Terror_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Terror-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Terror_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Terror community map." "TF_Map_Graveyard" "Graveyard" "[english]TF_Map_Graveyard" "Graveyard" "TF_MapToken_Graveyard" "Banefrimærke - Graveyard" "[english]TF_MapToken_Graveyard" "Map Stamp - Graveyard" "TF_MapToken_Graveyard_Desc" "En Arena-bane\n\nLavet af Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Seb 'Tianes' Necula, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Erik 'Colteh' Coltey og Juniper\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberen af Offblast-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Graveyard_Desc" "An Arena Map\n\nMade by Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt, Benjamin 'blaholtzen' Blåholtz, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, Seb 'Tianes' Necula, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Erik 'Colteh' Coltey, and Juniper\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Graveyard community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Graveyard_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Graveyard-fællesskabsbanen." "[english]TF_MapToken_Graveyard_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Graveyard community map." "TF_Map_Farmageddon_StrangePrefix" "Pløjet" "[english]TF_Map_Farmageddon_StrangePrefix" " Agrarian" "TF_Map_Sinthetic_StrangePrefix" " Ondsindet" "[english]TF_Map_Sinthetic_StrangePrefix" " Malicious" "TF_Map_LosMuertos_StrangePrefix" " Kranieprydet" "[english]TF_Map_LosMuertos_StrangePrefix" " Calavera" "TF_Map_Erebus_StrangePrefix" "Helvedesnær" "[english]TF_Map_Erebus_StrangePrefix" " Underworldly" "TF_Map_Terror_StrangePrefix" "Frygtindgydende" "[english]TF_Map_Terror_StrangePrefix" " Terrifying" "TF_Map_Graveyard_StrangePrefix" "Gravrøvet" "[english]TF_Map_Graveyard_StrangePrefix" " Grave-Robbed" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFarmageddon" "Sært filter: Farmageddon (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFarmageddon" "Strange Filter: Farmageddon (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFarmageddon_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Farmageddon." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapFarmageddon_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Farmageddon." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSinthetic" "Sært filter: Sinthetic (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSinthetic" "Strange Filter: Sinthetic (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSinthetic_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Sinthetic." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapSinthetic_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Sinthetic." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLosMuertos" "Sært filter: Los Muertos (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLosMuertos" "Strange Filter: Los Muertos (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLosMuertos_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Los Muertos." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapLosMuertos_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Los Muertos." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapErebus" "Sært filter: Erebus (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapErebus" "Strange Filter: Erebus (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapErebus_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Erebus." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapErebus_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Erebus." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTerror" "Sært filter: Terror (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTerror" "Strange Filter: Terror (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTerror_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Terror." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapTerror_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Terror." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGraveyard" "Sært filter: Graveyard (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGraveyard" "Strange Filter: Graveyard (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGraveyard_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Graveyard." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapGraveyard_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Graveyard." "TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress XIII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase" "Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case" "TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase_desc" "Mal dit mesterværk med en af disse fællesskabsskabte Krigsmalinger." "[english]TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase_desc" "Paint your master piece with one of these community-made War Paints." "TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Indeholder en Krigsmaling fra Scream Fortress XIII-krigsmalingssamlingen" "[english]TF_Halloween2021WarPaintCase_AdText" "-Contains a War Paint from the Scream Fortress XIII Paint Collection" "TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress XIII-krigsmalingsnøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey" "Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key" "TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress XIII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey_desc" "Used to Open a Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case" "TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Scream Fortress XIII-krigsmalingskasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Halloween2021WarPaintKey_AdText" "-Used to Open a Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case" "halloween2021_collection_name" "Karmoisinrød Kasse-samlingen" "[english]halloween2021_collection_name" "Crimson Cache Collection" "halloween2021_collection_case" "Karmoisinrød Kasse" "[english]halloween2021_collection_case" "Crimson Cache Case" "halloween2021_collection_key" "Karmoisinrød Kasse-nøgle" "[english]halloween2021_collection_key" "Crimson Cache Key" "halloween2021_collection_case_footer" "Indholdet er muligvis usædvanligt med en halloween 2021-effekt" "[english]halloween2021_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2021 effect" "halloween2021_event_footer" "Under Scream Fortress-begivenheden kommer alle usædvanlige genstande med en halloween 2021-effekt." "[english]halloween2021_event_footer" "During the Scream Fortress event, all Unusual items will come with a Halloween 2021 effect" "Halloween2021Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress XIII-samlingen" "[english]Halloween2021Paintkits_collection" "Scream Fortress XIII Collection" "Halloween2021Paintkits_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Scream Fortress XIII-samlingen:" "[english]Halloween2021Paintkits_collection_desc" "Items from the Scream Fortress XIII Collection:" "Attrib_Particle189" "Hærdede Horn" "[english]Attrib_Particle189" "Tempered Thorns" "Attrib_Particle190" "Djævlehorn" "[english]Attrib_Particle190" "Devilish Diablo" "Attrib_Particle191" "Tandem Torne" "[english]Attrib_Particle191" "Severed Serration" "Attrib_Particle192" "Skrigende Skygger" "[english]Attrib_Particle192" "Shrieking Shades" "Attrib_Particle193" "Hvileløse Væsner" "[english]Attrib_Particle193" "Restless Wraiths" "Attrib_Particle194" "Hylende Hoveder" "[english]Attrib_Particle194" "Restless Wraiths" "Attrib_Particle195" "Snurrende Skærsild" "[english]Attrib_Particle195" "Infernal Wraith" "Attrib_Particle196" "Spøgelseskrone" "[english]Attrib_Particle196" "Phantom Crown" "Attrib_Particle197" "Oldtidsånder" "[english]Attrib_Particle197" "Ancient Specter" "Attrib_Particle198" "Grønlig Glugger" "[english]Attrib_Particle198" "Viridescent Peeper" "Attrib_Particle199" "Ildhu Øjne" "[english]Attrib_Particle199" "Eyes of Molten" "Attrib_Particle200" "Stirrende Skygge" "[english]Attrib_Particle200" "Ominous Stare" "Attrib_Particle201" "Græskarmåne" "[english]Attrib_Particle201" "Pumpkin Moon" "Attrib_Particle202" "Spændt Spøger" "[english]Attrib_Particle202" "Frantic Spooker" "Attrib_Particle203" "Gulligt Gespenst" "[english]Attrib_Particle203" "Frightened Poltergeist" "Attrib_Particle204" "Energisk Hjemsøger" "[english]Attrib_Particle204" "Energetic Haunter" "Attrib_Particle3059" "Hinsides Lænkning" "[english]Attrib_Particle3059" "Spectral Shackles" "Attrib_Particle3060" "Forbandet Forbindelse" "[english]Attrib_Particle3060" "Cursed Confinement" "Attrib_Particle3061" "Cavalier de Carte" "[english]Attrib_Particle3061" "Cavalier de Carte" "Attrib_Particle3062" "Æterisk Kabale" "[english]Attrib_Particle3062" "Cavalier de Carte" "Attrib_Particle3063" "Djævelsk Kortblanding" "[english]Attrib_Particle3063" "Hollow Flourish" "Attrib_Particle3064" "Magisk Kortblander" "[english]Attrib_Particle3064" "Magic Shuffle" "Attrib_Particle3065" "Pulserende Energi" "[english]Attrib_Particle3065" "Vigorous Pulse" "Attrib_Particle3066" "Tordende Lynild" "[english]Attrib_Particle3066" "Thundering Spirit" "Attrib_Particle3067" "Stiktosset Strømleder" "[english]Attrib_Particle3067" "Galvanic Defiance" "Attrib_Particle3068" "Gyselige Glorier" "[english]Attrib_Particle3068" "Wispy Halos" "Attrib_Particle3069" "Nederdrægtige Nymfer" "[english]Attrib_Particle3069" "Nether Wisps" "Attrib_Particle3070" "Aurora Borealis" "[english]Attrib_Particle3070" "Aurora Borealis" "Attrib_Particle3071" "Aurora Australis" "[english]Attrib_Particle3071" "Aurora Australis" "Attrib_Particle3072" "Aurora Polaris" "[english]Attrib_Particle3072" "Aurora Polaris" "TF_delete_temp_files" "Slet midlertidige filer ved nedlukning" "[english]TF_delete_temp_files" "Delete temporary files during shutdown" "Tooltip_delete_temp_files" "Hvis valgt, vil brugerspecificerede spraybilleder og andre midlertidige filer blive slettet under nedlukning." "[english]Tooltip_delete_temp_files" "If set, custom player sprays and other temp files will be deleted during shutdown." "TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies" "Krible Krable Kryb" "[english]TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies" "Creepy Crawlers" "TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies_style0" "Rødrygget" "[english]TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies_style0" "Redback" "TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies_style1" "Falsk Enke" "[english]TF_hwn2021_creepy_crawlies_style1" "False Widow" "TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers" "Allehelgens-Hårbånd" "[english]TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers" "Spooky Head-Bouncers" "TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style0" "Monoculus" "[english]TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style0" "Monoculus" "TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style1" "Pyntegræskar" "[english]TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style1" "Pumpkin Pouncers" "TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style2" "Svævende Spøgelser" "[english]TF_hwn2021_spooky_head_bouncers_style2" "Floating Phantoms" "TF_hwn2021_towering_patch" "Tårnende Græskarlygte-pæl" "[english]TF_hwn2021_towering_patch" "Towering Patch of Pumpkins" "TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper" "Galskabsguvernør" "[english]TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper" "Twisted Topper" "TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper_style0" "Butterfly" "[english]TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper_style0" "Bow Tie" "TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper_style1" "Ingen Butterfly" "[english]TF_hwn2021_twisted_topper_style1" "No Bow Tie" "TF_hwn2021_beanie_all_gnawing" "Alt-Bidende Beanie" "[english]TF_hwn2021_beanie_all_gnawing" "Beanie The All-Gnawing" "TF_hwn2021_eyequarium" "Syltet Syn" "[english]TF_hwn2021_eyequarium" "Eyequarium" "TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style0" "Kildevand" "[english]TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style0" "Spring Water" "TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style1" "Saftevand" "[english]TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style1" "Soda Pop" "TF_hwn2021_second_headwear" "Toppen af Knoppen" "[english]TF_hwn2021_second_headwear" "Second-head Headwear" "TF_hwn2021_second_headwear_style0" "Bowler" "[english]TF_hwn2021_second_headwear_style0" "Bowler" "TF_hwn2021_second_headwear_style1" "Høj Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2021_second_headwear_style1" "Top Hat" "TF_hwn2021_alakablamicon" "Hokus Eksplodus" "[english]TF_hwn2021_alakablamicon" "Alakablamicon" "TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell" "Hat Fra Helvedet" "[english]TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell" "Hat Outta Hell" "TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style0" "Diabolsk" "[english]TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style0" "Damned" "TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style1" "Dæmon" "[english]TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style1" "Demon" "TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style2" "Djævelsk" "[english]TF_hwn2021_hat_outta_hell_style2" "Devil" "TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper" "Målvogteren" "[english]TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper" "Goalkeeper" "TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper_style0" "Slasher" "[english]TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper_style0" "Slasher" "TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper_style1" "Slagskud" "[english]TF_hwn2021_goalkeeper_style1" "Slapshot" "TF_hwn2021_bone_cone" "Knoglehat" "[english]TF_hwn2021_bone_cone" "Bone Cone" "TF_hwn2021_bone_cone_style0" "Knogle Klaprende" "[english]TF_hwn2021_bone_cone_style0" "Bone Chilling" "TF_hwn2021_bone_cone_style1" "Hud Hærget" "[english]TF_hwn2021_bone_cone_style1" "Skin Aching" "TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask" "Den Mest Uhyggelige Maske NOGENSINDE" "[english]TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask" "Scariest Mask EVER" "TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats" "Ballademagerens Slik" "[english]TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats" "Trickster's Treats" "TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats_style0" "Slem" "[english]TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats_style0" "Naughty" "TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats_style1" "Artig" "[english]TF_hwn2021_tricksters_treats_style1" "Nice" "TF_hwn2021_wandering_wraith" "Hvileløs Vandrer" "[english]TF_hwn2021_wandering_wraith" "Wandering Wraith" "TF_hwn2021_smiling_somen" "Smilende Somen" "[english]TF_hwn2021_smiling_somen" "Smiling Somen" "TF_hwn2021_hook_line_thinker" "Kroge Åge" "[english]TF_hwn2021_hook_line_thinker" "Hook, Line, and Thinker" "TF_hwn2021_optic_nerve" "Optikerens Øjenåbner" "[english]TF_hwn2021_optic_nerve" "Optic Nerve" "TF_hwn2021_death_stare" "Gravalvorlig Glugger" "[english]TF_hwn2021_death_stare" "Death Stare" "TF_hwn2021_corpse_carrier" "Løbende Ligmand" "[english]TF_hwn2021_corpse_carrier" "Corpse Carrier" "TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd" "Grusomt Græskar" "[english]TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd" "Gruesome Gourd" "TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd_style0" "Mal: Hud" "[english]TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd_style0" "Paint: Flesh" "TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd_style1" "Mal: Glød" "[english]TF_hwn2021_gruesome_gourd_style1" "Paint: Glow" "TF_hwn2021_computron" "Komputron 5000" "[english]TF_hwn2021_computron" "Computron 5000" "TF_hwn2021_poopy_doe" "Abekat Alibi" "[english]TF_hwn2021_poopy_doe" "Poopy Doe" "TF_hwn2021_batters_beak" "Fartdjævlens Fuglenæb" "[english]TF_hwn2021_batters_beak" "Batter's Beak" "TF_hwn2021_war_dog" "Krigshund" "[english]TF_hwn2021_war_dog" "War Dog" "TF_hwn2021_war_dog_style0" "Ingen hjelm" "[english]TF_hwn2021_war_dog_style0" "No Helmet" "TF_hwn2021_war_dog_style1" "Hjelm" "[english]TF_hwn2021_war_dog_style1" "Helmet" "TF_hwn2021_miami_rooster" "Grillkylling" "[english]TF_hwn2021_miami_rooster" "Miami Rooster" "TF_taunt_shipwheel" "Hån: Den Fulde Sømand" "[english]TF_taunt_shipwheel" "Taunt: The Drunken Sailor" "TF_Taunt_shipwheel_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån \n\nBrug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_Taunt_shipwheel_Desc" "Community Created Demoman Taunt\n\nPrimary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_Taunt_shipwheel_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån \n\nBrug den primære og alternative skydefunktion til at udføre forskellige bevægelser" "[english]TF_Taunt_shipwheel_AdText" "-Community Created Demoman Taunt\n-Primary and Alt Fire show off different flair moves" "TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer" "Hån: Bidsk Bugtaler" "[english]TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer" "Taunt: The Profane Puppeteer" "TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer_Desc" "Community Created Soldier Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Soldier-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_profane_puppeteer_AdText" "-Community Created Soldier Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_mannbulance" "Hån: Underbudgetteret Udrykning" "[english]TF_taunt_the_mannbulance" "Taunt: The Mannbulance!" "TF_taunt_the_mannbulance_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_mannbulance_Desc" "Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_mannbulance_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_mannbulance_AdText" "-Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown" "Hån: Knokæmperen" "[english]TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown" "Taunt: Bare Knuckle Beatdown" "TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown_Desc" "Community Created Heavy Taunt" "TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Heavy-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_bare_knuckle_beatdown_AdText" "-Community Created Heavy Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby" "Hån: Sløserens Sækkestol" "[english]TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby" "Taunt: The Homerunner's Hobby" "TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby_Desc" "Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Scout-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_homerunners_hobby_AdText" "-Community Created Scout Taunt" "TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style0_nohat" "Kildevand (Ingen Hat)" "[english]TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style0_nohat" "Spring Water (No Hat)" "TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style1_nohat" "Saftevand (Ingen Hat)" "[english]TF_hwn2021_eyequarium_style1_nohat" "Soda Pop (No Hat)" "TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_gold" "Guldmedalje fra Gibus Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_gold" "Gibus Prolander Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Gibus Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_silver" "Gibus Prolander Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Gibus Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_bronze" "Gibus Prolander Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_participant" "Deltager i Gibus Prolander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GPC_participant" "Gibus Prolander Cup Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_gold" "Guldmedalje fra Gibus Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_gold" "Gibus Highlander Cup Gold Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_silver" "Sølvmedalje fra Gibus Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_silver" "Gibus Highlander Cup Silver Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra Gibus Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_bronze" "Gibus Highlander Cup Bronze Medal" "TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_participant" "Deltager i Gibus Highlander Cup" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_GHC_participant" "Gibus Highlander Cup Participant" "TF_Wearable_GoodSamaritan" "God Samaritaner" "[english]TF_Wearable_GoodSamaritan" "Good Samaritan" "TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask_Hat" "Hat" "[english]TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask_Hat" "Hat" "TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask_NoHat" "Ingen hat" "[english]TF_hwn2021_scariest_mask_NoHat" "No Hat" "Rarity_Spacer" " " "[english]Rarity_Spacer" " " "Strange_Spacer" " " "[english]Strange_Spacer" " " "TF_TournamentMedal_2023" "2023" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2023" "2023" "TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2022" "Forår 2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Spring2022" "Spring 2022" "TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2022" "Sommer 2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Summer2022" "Summer 2022" "TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2022" "Efterår 2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2022" "Autumn 2022" "TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2022" "Vinter 2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winter2022" "Winter 2022" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Main_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Intermediate_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_1st" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_2nd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_3rd" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_AusNz_BBall_Premier_Participant" "Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_1st" "Respawn League Asia BBall Main 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_2nd" "Respawn League Asia BBall Main 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_3rd" "Respawn League Asia BBall Main 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League Asia BBall Main" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Main_Participant" "Respawn League Asia BBall Main Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_1st" "1.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_1st" "Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_2nd" "2.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_2nd" "Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_3rd" "3.-plads i Respawn League Asia BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_3rd" "Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_Participant" "Deltager i Respawn League Asia BBall Premier" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Respawn_Asia_BBall_Premier_Participant" "Respawn League Asia BBall Premier Participant" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_First" "Hjemsøgt Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_First" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Second" "Hjemsøgt Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Second" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Third" "Hjemsøgt Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Third" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_First" "Gyselig Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_First" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group First Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Second" "Gyselig Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Second" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Second Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Third" "Gyselig Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Third" "Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Third Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Gold" "Kokset Kredsløb 2021 - Gevaldig Guldgrube" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Gold" "Binary Blackout Golden Great 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Silver" "Kokset Kredsløb 2021 - Sølvsoldat" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Silver" "Binary Blackout Silver Soldier 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Jade" "Kokset Kredsløb 2021 - Ungdommens Øjesten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Jade" "Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Moonstone" "Kokset Kredsløb 2021 - Mageløs Månesten" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Binary_Blackout_Moonstone" "Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 2021" "TF_TournamentMedal_Auspicious_Automaton_Accolade" "Snarrådig System-Samlers Svendebrev 2022" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Auspicious_Automaton_Accolade" "Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade 2022" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed0" "Sær" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed0" "Strange" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed1" "Upåfaldende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed1" "Unremarkable" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed2" "Næppe dødelig" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed2" "Scarcely Lethal" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed3" "Mildt skræmmende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed3" "Mildly Menacing" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed4" "Nogenlunde truende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed4" "Somewhat Threatening" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed5" "Fordømmende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed5" "Uncharitable" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed6" "Bemærkelsesværdigt farlig" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed6" "Notably Dangerous" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed7" "Tilstrækkeligt dødelig" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed7" "Sufficiently Lethal" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed8" "I sandhed frygtet" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed8" "Truly Feared" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed9" "Spektakulært dødelig" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed9" "Spectacularly Lethal" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed10" "Blodindsmurt" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed10" "Gore-Spattered" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed11" "Ugudeligt ubehagelig" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed11" "Wicked Nasty" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed12" "Positivt inhuman" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed12" "Positively Inhumane" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed13" "Totalt ordinær" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed13" "Totally Ordinary" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed14" "Ansigtssmeltende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed14" "Face-Melting" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed15" "Raseri-indbydende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed15" "Rage-Inducing" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed16" "Serverryddende" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed16" "Server-Clearing" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed17" "Episk" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed17" "Epic" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed18" "Legendarisk" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed18" "Legendary" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed19" "Australsk" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed19" "Australian" "KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed20" "Hales egen" "[english]KillEater_BackstabsAbsorbed20" "Hale's Own" "TF_Wearable_CandyCane" "Slikstok" "[english]TF_Wearable_CandyCane" "Candy Cane" "TF_Wearable_Bandanna" "Bandana" "[english]TF_Wearable_Bandanna" "Bandanna" "pl_coal_event_authors" "Matthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller\nElián 'iron' Rodríguez\nPhe\nRyan 'Chill' Foy\nDenis 'xB33' Varchulik\nWilliam 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster\nOliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen" "[english]pl_coal_event_authors" "Matthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller\nElián 'iron' Rodríguez\nPhe\nRyan 'Chill' Foy\nDenis 'xB33' Varchulik\nWilliam 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster\nOliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen" "pl_breadspace_authors" "Bailey 'Glitch' Hodges\nJesse 'Custard1' Budd\nAlberto 'Petachepas' Zarzuela\nJonas 'Grambee' Carson\nDylan 'doggoh' Lee\nOliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen\nChristoph 'Gadget' Manschitz\nPeter 'Tabby' Bryant\nWilliam 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster\nKirill 'Le Bruhe?' Ruzanov\nHugh 'HueZee_' Madoc Schneider\nBrandon 'Brantopias' Sinkovich\nhuman1" "[english]pl_breadspace_authors" "Bailey 'Glitch' Hodges\nJesse 'Custard1' Budd\nAlberto 'Petachepas' Zarzuela\nJonas 'Grambee' Carson\nDylan 'doggoh' Lee\nOliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen\nChristoph 'Gadget' Manschitz\nPeter 'Tabby' Bryant\nWilliam 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster\nKirill 'Le Bruhe?' Ruzanov\nHugh 'HueZee_' Madoc Schneider\nBrandon 'Brantopias' Sinkovich\nhuman1" "pl_chilly_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\nTyler 'Yyler' King\nAlex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar" "[english]pl_chilly_authors" "Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\nTyler 'Yyler' King\nAlex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar" "koth_cascade_authors" "Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt" "[english]koth_cascade_authors" "Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt" "cp_altitude_authors" "Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt" "[english]cp_altitude_authors" "Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc\nAlex 'FGD5' Stewart\nLiam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt" "ctf_doublecross_snowy_authors" "Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nJuniper\nFreyja\nZoey Smith" "[english]ctf_doublecross_snowy_authors" "Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke\nAeon 'Void' Bollig\nJuniper\nFreyja\nZoey Smith" "TF_Map_Polar" "Polar" "[english]TF_Map_Polar" "Polar" "TF_MapToken_Polar" "Banefrimærke - Polar" "[english]TF_MapToken_Polar" "Map Stamp - Polar" "TF_MapToken_Polar_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Matthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller, Elián 'iron' Rodríguez, Phe, Ryan 'Chill' Foy, Denis 'xB33' Varchulik, William 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster og Oliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Polar-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Polar_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Matthew 'Panckakebro' Hiller, Elián 'iron' Rodríguez, Phe, Ryan 'Chill' Foy, Denis 'xB33' Varchulik, William 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster, and Oliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Polar community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Polar_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Polar-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Polar_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Polar community map." "TF_Map_BreadSpace" "Bread Space" "[english]TF_Map_BreadSpace" "Bread Space" "TF_MapToken_BreadSpace" "Banefrimærke - Bread Space" "[english]TF_MapToken_BreadSpace" "Map Stamp - Bread Space" "TF_MapToken_BreadSpace_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Bailey 'Glitch' Hodges, Jesse 'Custard1' Budd, Alberto 'Petachepas' Zarzuela, Jonas 'Grambee' Carson, Dylan 'doggoh' Lee, Oliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen, Christoph 'Gadget' Manschitz, Peter 'Tabby' Bryant, William 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster, Kirill 'Le Bruhe?' Ruzanov, Hugh 'HueZee_' Madoc Schneider, Brandon 'Brantopias' Sinkovich og human1\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Bread Space-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_BreadSpace_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Bailey 'Glitch' Hodges, Jesse 'Custard1' Budd, Alberto 'Petachepas' Zarzuela, Jonas 'Grambee' Carson, Dylan 'doggoh' Lee, Oliver 'OverPovered' Pennanen, Christoph 'Gadget' Manschitz, Peter 'Tabby' Bryant, William 'Cheesypuff' Bartley-Bolster, Kirill 'Le Bruhe?' Ruzanov, Hugh 'HueZee_' Madoc Schneider, Brandon 'Brantopias' Sinkovich, and human1\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Bread Space community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_BreadSpace_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Bread Space-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_BreadSpace_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Bread Space community map." "TF_Map_Chilly" "Chilly" "[english]TF_Map_Chilly" "Chilly" "TF_MapToken_Chilly" "Banefrimærke - Chilly" "[english]TF_MapToken_Chilly" "Map Stamp - Chilly" "TF_MapToken_Chilly_Desc" "En Payload-bane\n\nLavet af Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen, Tyler 'Yyler' King og Alex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Chilly-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Chilly_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen, Tyler 'Yyler' King, and Alex 'MaccyF' MacFarquhar\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Chilly community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Chilly_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Chilly-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Chilly_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Chilly community map." "TF_Map_Cascade" "Cascade" "[english]TF_Map_Cascade" "Cascade" "TF_MapToken_Cascade" "Banefrimærke - Cascade" "[english]TF_MapToken_Cascade" "Map Stamp - Cascade" "TF_MapToken_Cascade_Desc" "En King of the Hill-bane\n\nLavet af Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart og Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Cascade-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Cascade_Desc" "A King of the Hill Map\n\nMade by Made by Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, and Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cascade community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Cascade_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Cascade-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Cascade_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Cascade community map." "TF_Map_Altitude" "Altitude" "[english]TF_Map_Altitude" "Altitude" "TF_MapToken_Altitude" "Banefrimærke - Altitude" "[english]TF_MapToken_Altitude" "Map Stamp - Altitude" "TF_MapToken_Altitude_Desc" "En Attack/Defend Control Point-bane\n\nLavet af Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart og Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Altitude-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Altitude_Desc" "An Attack/Defend Control Point Map\n\nMade by Evan 'Defcon' LeBlanc, Alex 'FGD5' Stewart, and Liam 'Diva Dan' Moffitt\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Altitude community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Altitude_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Altitude-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Altitude_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Altitude community map." "TF_Map_Doublefrost" "Doublefrost" "[english]TF_Map_Doublefrost" "Doublefrost" "TF_MapToken_Doublefrost" "Banefrimærke - Doublefrost" "[english]TF_MapToken_Doublefrost" "Map Stamp - Doublefrost" "TF_MapToken_Doublefrost_Desc" "En Capture the Flag-bane\n\nLavet af Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Juniper, Freyja og Zoey Smith\n\nKøb af denne genstand støtter direkte skaberne af Doublefrost-fællesskabsbanen. Vis din støtte i dag!" "[english]TF_MapToken_Doublefrost_Desc" "A Capture the Flag Map\n\nMade by Made by Harlen 'UEAKCrash' Linke, Aeon 'Void' Bollig, Juniper, Freyja and Zoey Smith\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Doublefrost community map. Show your support today!" "TF_MapToken_Doublefrost_AdText" "-Køb af denne genstand støtter skaberne af Doublefrost-fællesskabsbanen direkte." "[english]TF_MapToken_Doublefrost_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Doublefrost community map." "TF_Map_Polar_StrangePrefix" " Arctic" "[english]TF_Map_Polar_StrangePrefix" " Arctic" "TF_Map_BreadSpace_StrangePrefix" " Måneskinnende" "[english]TF_Map_BreadSpace_StrangePrefix" " Lunar" "TF_Map_Chilly_StrangePrefix" " Festlig" "[english]TF_Map_Chilly_StrangePrefix" " Festive" "TF_Map_Cascade_StrangePrefix" " Bjergbestigende" "[english]TF_Map_Cascade_StrangePrefix" " Mountaineering" "TF_Map_Altitude_StrangePrefix" "Alpetoppende" "[english]TF_Map_Altitude_StrangePrefix" " Alpine" "TF_Map_Doublefrost_StrangePrefix" "Frostpatineret" "[english]TF_Map_Doublefrost_StrangePrefix" " Frosted" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPolar" "Sært filter: Polar (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPolar" "Strange Filter: Polar (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPolar_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Polar." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapPolar_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Polar." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBreadSpace" "Sært filter: Bread Space (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBreadSpace" "Strange Filter: Bread Space (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBreadSpace_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Bread Space." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapBreadSpace_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Bread Space." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapChilly" "Sært filter: Chilly (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapChilly" "Strange Filter: Chilly (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapChilly_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Chilly." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapChilly_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Chilly." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCascade" "Sært filter: Cascade (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCascade" "Strange Filter: Cascade (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCascade_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Cascade." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapCascade_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Cascade." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapAltitude" "Sært filter: Altitude (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapAltitude" "Strange Filter: Altitude (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapAltitude_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Altitude." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapAltitude_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Altitude." "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapDoublefrost" "Sært filter: Doublefrost (fællesskab)" "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapDoublefrost" "Strange Filter: Doublefrost (Community)" "TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapDoublefrost_Desc" "Ved at sætte dette Sære filter på et Sær-kvalitetsvåben og vælge én af statistikkerne, det holder regnskab over, vil det begrænse den statistik til kun at tælle hændelser i Doublefrost." "[english]TF_StrangeFilter_CommunityMapDoublefrost_Desc" "Adding this Strange Filter to a Strange-quality item and selecting one of the stats that it tracks will restrict that stat to only counting events on Doublefrost." "TF_StockingStuffer_2021" "Gaveproppet Strømpe 2021" "[english]TF_StockingStuffer_2021" "Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2021" "Winter2021Cosmetics_collection" "Vinter 2021-kosmetiksamling" "[english]Winter2021Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2021 Cosmetics Collection" "Winter2021Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Genstande fra Vinter 2021-kosmetiksamlingen:" "[english]Winter2021Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2021 Cosmetics Collection:" "Footer_Winter2021Cosmetics" "Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2021-hat" "[english]Footer_Winter2021Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2021 Hat" "TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase" "Vinter 2021-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase" "Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase_desc" "Denne kasse er låst og kræver en\nVinter 2021-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne.\n\nIndeholder en fællesskabsskabt genstand\nfra Vinter 2021-kosmetiksamlingen." "[english]TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase_desc" "This case is locked and requires a\nWinter 2021 Cosmetic Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2021 Cosmetic Collection." "TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Indeholder fællesskabskosmetik\n-Kræver en Vinter 2021-kosmetiknøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2021-hat" "[english]TF_Winter2021CosmeticCase_AdText" "-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Requires a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2021 Hat" "TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey" "Vinter 2021-kosmetiknøgle" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey" "Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key" "TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey_desc" "Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2021-kosmetikkasse" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey_desc" "Used to open a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case" "TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Bruges til at åbne en Vinter 2021-kosmetikkasse\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært eller en usædvanlig Vinter 2021-hat" "[english]TF_Tool_Winter2021CosmeticKey_AdText" "-Used to open a Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Winter 2021 Hat" "Attrib_HealthDrainMedic" "%s1 liv regenereret per sekund for bæreren" "[english]Attrib_HealthDrainMedic" "%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer" "Attrib_Particle205" "Smissmas-træ" "[english]Attrib_Particle205" "Smissmas Tree" "Attrib_Particle206" "Festlig Gæstfrihed" "[english]Attrib_Particle206" "Hospitable Festivity" "Attrib_Particle207" "Overlegen Omfavnelse" "[english]Attrib_Particle207" "Condescending Embrace" "Attrib_Particle208" "Overlegen Omfavnelse" "[english]Attrib_Particle208" "Condescending Embrace" "Attrib_Particle209" "Gylden Grantop" "[english]Attrib_Particle209" "Sparkling Spruce" "Attrib_Particle210" "Sølvklædt Stjerne" "[english]Attrib_Particle210" "Glittering Juniper" "Attrib_Particle211" "Livstræets Krone" "[english]Attrib_Particle211" "Prismatic Pine" "Attrib_Particle212" "Levende Lyskæde" "[english]Attrib_Particle212" "Spiraling Lights" "Attrib_Particle213" "Lystig Ledning" "[english]Attrib_Particle213" "Twisting Lights" "Attrib_Particle214" "Stjerneskudssti" "[english]Attrib_Particle214" "Stardust Pathway" "Attrib_Particle215" "Hvidvaskning" "[english]Attrib_Particle215" "Flurry Rush" "Attrib_Particle216" "Smissmass Krudt" "[english]Attrib_Particle216" "Spark of Smissmas" "Attrib_Particle217" "Smissmass Krudt" "[english]Attrib_Particle217" "Spark of Smissmas" "Attrib_Particle218" "Polar Vejrudsigt" "[english]Attrib_Particle218" "Polar Forecast" "Attrib_Particle219" "Gyldent Gevir" "[english]Attrib_Particle219" "Shining Stag" "Attrib_Particle220" "Helligdagshorn" "[english]Attrib_Particle220" "Holiday Horns" "Attrib_Particle221" "Glitrende Gevir" "[english]Attrib_Particle221" "Ardent Antlers" "Attrib_Particle222" "Glitrende Gevir" "[english]Attrib_Particle222" "Ardent Antlers" "Attrib_Particle223" "Festlige Lys" "[english]Attrib_Particle223" "Festive Lights" "Attrib_Particle3073" "Ametystvinde" "[english]Attrib_Particle3073" "Amethyst Winds" "Attrib_Particle3074" "Jule Kuling" "[english]Attrib_Particle3074" "Golden Gusts" "Attrib_Particle3075" "Hvirvlende Smissmas-vind" "[english]Attrib_Particle3075" "Smissmas Swirls" "Attrib_Particle3076" "Hvirvlende Smissmas-vind" "[english]Attrib_Particle3076" "Smissmas Swirls" "Attrib_Particle3077" "Farverigt Fyrretræ" "[english]Attrib_Particle3077" "Minty Cypress" "Attrib_Particle3078" "Prægtigt Pynt" "[english]Attrib_Particle3078" "Pristine Pine" "Attrib_Particle3079" "Grangivelig Glæde" "[english]Attrib_Particle3079" "Sparkly Spruce" "Attrib_Particle3080" "Grangivelig Glæde" "[english]Attrib_Particle3080" "Sparkly Spruce" "Attrib_Particle3081" "Festlig Feber" "[english]Attrib_Particle3081" "Festive Fever" "Attrib_Particle3082" "Festlig Feber" "[english]Attrib_Particle3082" "Festive Fever" "Attrib_Particle3083" "Gylden Glimmer" "[english]Attrib_Particle3083" "Golden Glimmer" "Attrib_Particle3084" "Rimfrost" "[english]Attrib_Particle3084" "Frosty Silver" "Attrib_Particle3085" "Imponerende Iskrystaller" "[english]Attrib_Particle3085" "Glamorous Dazzle" "Attrib_Particle3086" "Imponerende Iskrystaller" "[english]Attrib_Particle3086" "Glamorous Dazzle" "Attrib_Particle3087" "Sublim Snestorm" "[english]Attrib_Particle3087" "Sublime Snowstorm" "TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators" "Hån: Doktorens Defibrillator" "[english]TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators" "Taunt: Doctor's Defibrillators" "TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators_Desc" "Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Medic-hån" "[english]TF_tauntdoctors_defibrillators_AdText" "-Community Created Medic Taunt" "TF_tauntshooters_stakeout" "Hån: Skarpskyderens Domicil" "[english]TF_tauntshooters_stakeout" "Taunt: Shooter's Stakeout" "TF_tauntshooters_stakeout_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_tauntshooters_stakeout_Desc" "Community Created Sniper Taunt" "TF_tauntshooters_stakeout_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Sniper-hån" "[english]TF_tauntshooters_stakeout_AdText" "-Community Created Sniper Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler" "Hån: Flammende Fræser" "[english]TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler" "Taunt: The Hot Wheeler" "TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler_Desc" "Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler_Desc" "Community Created Pyro Taunt" "TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Pyro-hån" "[english]TF_taunt_the_hot_wheeler_AdText" "-Community Created Pyro Taunt" "TF_dec21_el_fiestibrero" "El Fiestibrero" "[english]TF_dec21_el_fiestibrero" "El Fiestibrero" "TF_dec21_gnome_dome" "Papnisse" "[english]TF_dec21_gnome_dome" "Gnome Dome" "TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style0" "Smissmas" "[english]TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style0" "Smissmas" "TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style1" "Have" "[english]TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style1" "Yard" "TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style2" "Klassisk" "[english]TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style2" "Classic" "TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style3" "Nisse" "[english]TF_dec21_gnome_dome_style3" "Elf" "TF_dec21_jolly_jester" "Højtidlig Hofnar" "[english]TF_dec21_jolly_jester" "Jolly Jester" "TF_dec21_seasonal_spring" "Festlig Fjeder" "[english]TF_dec21_seasonal_spring" "Seasonal Spring" "TF_dec21_oh_deer" "Reserve Rudolf" "[english]TF_dec21_oh_deer" "Oh Deer!" "TF_dec21_oh_deer_style0" "Næse" "[english]TF_dec21_oh_deer_style0" "Nose" "TF_dec21_oh_deer_style1" "Næseløs" "[english]TF_dec21_oh_deer_style1" "Noseless" "TF_dec21_giftcrafter" "Legetøjsmager" "[english]TF_dec21_giftcrafter" "Giftcrafter" "TF_dec21_merry_cone" "Nissespids" "[english]TF_dec21_merry_cone" "Merry Cone" "TF_dec21_brain_cane" "Sukkerknold" "[english]TF_dec21_brain_cane" "Brain Cane" "TF_dec21_reindoonihorns" "Reindoonihorn" "[english]TF_dec21_reindoonihorns" "Reindoonihorns" "TF_dec21_cozy_catchers" "Luffeværnet" "[english]TF_dec21_cozy_catchers" "Cozy Catchers" "TF_dec21_ominous_offering" "Mystisk Mandelgave" "[english]TF_dec21_ominous_offering" "Ominous Offering" "TF_dec21_festive_frames" "Julelys i Øjnene" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames" "Festive Frames" "TF_dec21_festive_frames_style0" "Festlig (ingen hat)" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style0" "Festive (No Hat)" "TF_dec21_festive_frames_style1" "Festliggjort (ingen hat)" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style1" "Festivized (No Hat)" "TF_dec21_elf_ignition" "Hætteklædt Hyggespreder" "[english]TF_dec21_elf_ignition" "Elf Ignition" "TF_dec21_elf_ignition_style0" "Løsthængende" "[english]TF_dec21_elf_ignition_style0" "Untucked" "TF_dec21_elf_ignition_style1" "Pakket Væk" "[english]TF_dec21_elf_ignition_style1" "Tucked" "TF_dec21_train_of_thought" "Hovedkonduktør" "[english]TF_dec21_train_of_thought" "Train Of Thought" "TF_dec21_train_of_thought_style0" "Nordpol" "[english]TF_dec21_train_of_thought_style0" "North Pole" "TF_dec21_train_of_thought_style1" "Sydlig" "[english]TF_dec21_train_of_thought_style1" "Southern" "TF_dec21_mooshanka" "Muhshanka" "[english]TF_dec21_mooshanka" "Mooshanka" "TF_dec21_elf_defence" "Feltnisse" "[english]TF_dec21_elf_defence" "Elf Defense" "TF_dec21_festive_cover_up" "Festligt Dække" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_cover_up" "Festive Cover-Up" "TF_dec21_seasonal_employee" "Sæsonarbejder" "[english]TF_dec21_seasonal_employee" "Seasonal Employee" "TF_dec21_seasonal_employee_style0" "Nordpol" "[english]TF_dec21_seasonal_employee_style0" "North Pole" "TF_dec21_seasonal_employee_style1" "Sydpol" "[english]TF_dec21_seasonal_employee_style1" "South Pole" "TF_dec21_hat_chocolate" "Lækker Kophat" "[english]TF_dec21_hat_chocolate" "Hat Chocolate" "TF_dec21_elf_made_bandanna" "Juleprydet Partisan" "[english]TF_dec21_elf_made_bandanna" "Elf-Made Bandanna" "TF_dec21_festive_frames_style2" "Festlig (Hat)" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style2" "Festive (Hat)" "TF_dec21_festive_frames_style3" "Festliggjort (Hat)" "[english]TF_dec21_festive_frames_style3" "Festivized (Hat)" "TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021" "TF2Maps Velgørenhedshjerte 2021" "[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021" "TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2021" "TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021_Desc" "Tildelt til vinter 2021 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jams bidragydere!" "[english]TF2MapsCharitableHeart2021_Desc" "Awarded to donors during the Winter 2021 TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam!" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty" "Kongelig i Australian Hightower Highjinx" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Royalty" "Australian Hightower Highjinx Royalty" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant2022" "Du og 8 andre har fundet en måde at spille Hightower på, der understreger alle de skøre og sindssyge narrestreger I har kunne slippe afsted med. Tak for at være en del af AHH i 2022!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Participant2022" "You and 8 others found the will to play Hightower for the sake of pursuing in mad Highjinx, turmoil and maybe to simply have fun. Thank you for being a part of AHH in 2022!" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor2022" "Om du kom for at donere til velgørenhed, eller for at vise din forkærlighed for Hightower, så har du bevist at du er den bedste af de bedste. Tillykke med at være en del af AHH i 2022!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Donor2022" "Whether you came to donate for a cause or show your love for Hightower you proved that you are the best of the best. Congrats on being a part of AHH in 2022!" "TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper2022" "Denne medalje anerkender dem som holdt narrestregerne under kontrol, sikrede sig at dødstallende var i bund og fik tandhjulende i tårnet til at køre som smurt, igennem alt det skøre ståhej i 2022!" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_AHH_Helper2022" "This medal recognizes those that kept the Highjinx under control, made sure casualties were set to a minimum, and made the cogs in the tower run smoothly through all the Highjinx in 2022!" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_1st" "1.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Beginner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_1st" "LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 1st Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_2nd" "2.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Beginner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_2nd" "LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 2nd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_3rd" "3.-plads i LBTF2 6v6 Beginner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_3rd" "LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 3rd Place" "TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_Participant" "Deltager i LBTF2 6v6 Beginner" "[english]TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_Participant" "LBTF2 6v6 Beginner Participant" } }