"lang" { "Language" "french" "Tokens" { "TF_AutoAssign" "&1 ATTRIBUTION AUTO" "[english]TF_AutoAssign" "&1 AUTO ASSIGN" "TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "TF_Observer" "SPECTATEUR" "[english]TF_Observer" "OBSERVER" "TF_Random" "ALEATOIRE" "[english]TF_Random" "RANDOM" "TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "TF_Scout" "SCOUT" "[english]TF_Scout" "SCOUT" "TF_Sniper" "SNIPER" "[english]TF_Sniper" "SNIPER" "TF_Soldier" "SOLDIER" "[english]TF_Soldier" "SOLDIER" "TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "[english]TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "TF_Medic" "MEDIC" "[english]TF_Medic" "MEDIC" "TF_HWGuy" "HEAVY" "[english]TF_HWGuy" "HEAVY" "TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "[english]TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "TF_Spy" "SPY" "[english]TF_Spy" "SPY" "TF_Engineer" "ENGINEER" "[english]TF_Engineer" "ENGINEER" "TF_Class_Name_Undefined" " " "[english]TF_Class_Name_Undefined" " " "TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Scout" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Scout" "TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Sniper" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Sniper" "TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "Soldier" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "Soldier" "TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medic" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medic" "TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Heavy" "[english]TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Heavy" "TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Spy" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Spy" "TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Engineer" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Engineer" "TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED" "TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 joueur" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 player" "TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 joueurs" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 players" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectateur : %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectateurs : %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "MORT" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "DEAD" "TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Nom" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Name" "TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 point" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 point" "TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 points" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 points" "TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Victimes :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Kills:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Morts :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Deaths:" "TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Coopérations :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Assists:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Destructions :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Destruction:" "TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Captures :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Captures:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Défenses :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Defenses:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Dominations :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Domination:" "TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Vengeances :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Revenge:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Soins :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Healing:" "TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Invulnérable :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Invulns:" "TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Téléports :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Teleports:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "En pleine tête :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "Headshots:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Poignardages :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Backstabs:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Dégâts :" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Damage:" "TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Mitrailleuse:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Sentry Kills:" "Scoreboard_Server" "Serveur : %s1" "[english]Scoreboard_Server" "Server: %s1" "Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Temps de serveur restant pour la carte : %s1:%s2:%s3" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2:%s3" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Temps de serveur restant pour la carte : %s1:%s2" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2" "Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Temps de serveur restant pour la carte : illimité" "[english]Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Server map time left: No time limit" "Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Changement de carte à la fin du round...) Temps de serveur restant pour la carte : 00:00" "[english]Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Map change on round end...) Server map time left: 00:00" "TF_SteamRequired" "Steam requis" "[english]TF_SteamRequired" "Steam Required" "TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "Une connexion à Steam est requise afin de réinitialiser vos statistiques." "[english]TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "A connection to Steam is required in order to reset your statistics." "TF_Nemesis" "BETE NOIRE" "[english]TF_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "TF_Dominated" "DOMINE" "[english]TF_Dominated" "DOMINATED" "TF_Nemesis_lodef" "BETE" "[english]TF_Nemesis_lodef" "NEM" "TF_Dominated_lodef" "DOM" "[english]TF_Dominated_lodef" "DOM" "TF_NewNemesis" "Nouvelle bête noire !" "[english]TF_NewNemesis" "New Nemesis!" "TF_GotRevenge" "Vengeance !" "[english]TF_GotRevenge" "Revenge!" "TF_FreezeNemesis" "Bête noire" "[english]TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "TF_Taunt" "Raillerie" "[english]TF_Taunt" "Taunt" "TF_FeignArmed" "-ACTIVEE-" "[english]TF_FeignArmed" "-ARMED-" "classinfo_scout" "Vous êtes le plus rapide pour capturer les points. Double saut en l'air !" "[english]classinfo_scout" "You capture points faster than other classes! double jump while in the air!" "classinfo_sniper" "La lunette du fusil de sniper décuple votre puissance de tir. Visez la tête pour effectuer un tir critique." "[english]classinfo_sniper" "Your sniper rifle will power up to do more damage while you are zoomed in! aim for the head to do critical hits!" "classinfo_soldier" "Braquez le lance-roquettes sur les pieds ennemis. Utilisez le lance-roquettes pour faire un saut propulsé." "[english]classinfo_soldier" "Shoot your rocket launcher at enemy's feet! Use your rocket launcher to rocket jump!" "classinfo_demo" "Faites sauter vos bombes collantes (et vos ennemis) à distance. Pour un saut explosif, montez sur la bombe collante et sautez à l'explosion." "[english]classinfo_demo" "Remote detonate your stickybombs when enemies are near them! Stickybomb jump by standing on a stickybomb and jumping as you detonate it!" "classinfo_medic" "Remplissez la jauge d'ÜberCharge en soignant vos coéquipiers. La jauge pleine, déclenchez l'ÜberCharge pour que vous et votre cible soyez invulnérables." "[english]classinfo_medic" "Fill your ÜberCharge by healing your team mates! Use a full ÜberCharge to gain invulnerability for you and your medi gun target!" "classinfo_heavy" "Faites tourner les canons du minigun pour être prêt à faire feu !" "[english]classinfo_heavy" "Spin your minigun without firing to be ready for approaching enemies!" "classinfo_pyro" "Chaque coin de rue peut permettre de surprendre vos ennemis. Le lance-flammes est redoutable quand vous êtes proche de la cible." "[english]classinfo_pyro" "Ambush enemies at corners! Your flamethrower is more effective the closer you are to your target!" "classinfo_spy" "Déguisez-vous pour infiltrer la base ennemie. Rendez-vous invisible. Poignardez vos ennemis dans le dos pour une mort instantanée. Sabotez les mitrailleuses ennemies pour les détruire." "[english]classinfo_spy" "Disguise yourself as a enemy and infiltrate the enemy base! cloak yourself to avoid being seen! Backstab your enemies with your knife for an instant kill! Plant sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them!" "classinfo_engineer" "« Recyclez » le métal des armes abandonnées. Montez des mitrailleuses pour défendre la base. Optimisez-les vers le niveau 3. Montez des distributeurs pour soigner et armer vos équipiers. Montez des téléporteurs pour expédier vos équipiers en première ligne." "[english]classinfo_engineer" "Collect metal from fallen weapons to build with! Build sentry guns to defend your base! Upgrade them to level 3! Build dispensers to supply your teammates with health & ammo! Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!" "classinfo_random" "Laisser le jeu choisir un mode de manière aléatoire." "[english]classinfo_random" "Let the game randomly choose a class for you." "TF_Welcome" "Bienvenue" "[english]TF_Welcome" "Welcome" "TF_Welcome_birthday" "Bienvenue et bon anniversaire tf2 !" "[english]TF_Welcome_birthday" "Welcome and Happy Birthday TF2!" "TF_Welcome_halloween" "Bienvenue et joyeux Halloween !" "[english]TF_Welcome_halloween" "Welcome and Happy Halloween!" "TF_Cancel" "ANNULER (&0)" "[english]TF_Cancel" "CANCEL (&0)" "TF_Back" "&RETOUR" "[english]TF_Back" "&BACK" "TF_WatchIntro" "&VOIR LA VIDEO" "[english]TF_WatchIntro" "&WATCH MOVIE" "Button_SkipIntro" "&PASSER LA VIDEO" "[english]Button_SkipIntro" "&SKIP MOVIE" "TF_Continue" "&CONTINUER" "[english]TF_Continue" "&CONTINUE" "TF_SelectATeam" "SELECTIONNEZ UNE EQUIPE" "[english]TF_SelectATeam" "SELECT A TEAM" "TF_SelectAClass" "CHOISIR UNE CLASSE" "[english]TF_SelectAClass" "SELECT A CLASS" "TF_AutoTeamSelect" "AUTO" "[english]TF_AutoTeamSelect" "AUTO SELECT" "TF_Spectate" "OBSERVER" "[english]TF_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "TF_Play" "JOUER" "[english]TF_Play" "PLAY!" "TF_Close" "&FERMER" "[english]TF_Close" "&CLOSE" "TF_ResetStats" "&REINITIALISER STATS" "[english]TF_ResetStats" "&RESET STATS" "TF_NextTip" "&ASTUCE SUIVANTE" "[english]TF_NextTip" "NEXT &TIP" "TF_NextTip_360" "Astuce suivante" "[english]TF_NextTip_360" "Next Tip" "TF_Confirm" "Confirmer" "[english]TF_Confirm" "Confirm" "TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser vos statistiques ? Une fois que vous les aurez réinitialisées, vous ne pourrez plus récupérer vos anciennes statistiques !" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Are you sure you want to reset your player stats? Once reset your old stats cannot be recovered!" "TF_TeamsSwitched" "Les équipes ont été inversées." "[english]TF_TeamsSwitched" "Teams have been switched." "TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "REINITIALISER" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "RESET" "TF_WatchIntro_360" "Voir la vidéo" "[english]TF_WatchIntro_360" "Watch Movie" "Button_SkipIntro_360" "Passer la vidéo" "[english]Button_SkipIntro_360" "Skip Movie" "TF_Continue_360" "Continuer" "[english]TF_Continue_360" "Continue" "TF_Offense" "ATTAQUE" "[english]TF_Offense" "OFFENSE" "TF_Defense" "DEFENSE" "[english]TF_Defense" "DEFENSE" "TF_Support" "SUPPORT" "[english]TF_Support" "SUPPORT" "TF_Next" "Suivant" "[english]TF_Next" "Next" "TF_Prev" "Précédent" "[english]TF_Prev" "Previous" "TF_NextPrev" "Suivant / Précédent" "[english]TF_NextPrev" "Next / Previous" "TF_timeleft" "Temps restant : %s1 :%s2" "[english]TF_timeleft" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* Illimité *" "[english]TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* No Time Limit *" "TF_nextmap" "Prochaine carte : %s1" "[english]TF_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "TF_PlayingTo" "Partie en : %rounds%" "[english]TF_PlayingTo" "Playing to: %rounds%" "TF_Cloak" "INVIS" "[english]TF_Cloak" "CLOAK" "TF_Metal" "METAL" "[english]TF_Metal" "METAL" "TF_Phase" "BALLE AU" "[english]TF_Phase" "DODGE" "TF_Ball" "BALLE" "[english]TF_Ball" "BALL" "TF_Jar" "BOCAL" "[english]TF_Jar" "JAR" "TF_Rage" "FUREUR" "[english]TF_Rage" "RAGE" "TF_Berzerk" "TÊTES" "[english]TF_Berzerk" "HEADS" "TF_Charge" "CHARGE" "[english]TF_Charge" "CHARGE" "TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "MUNITIONS EPUISEES" "[english]TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "OUT OF AMMO" "Game_connected" "%s1 s'est connecté" "[english]Game_connected" "%s1 connected" "game_spawn_as" "* Vous commencerez en tant que %s1" "[english]game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "* Vous réapparaîtrez en tant que %s1" "[english]game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "* Vous commencerez dans une classe aléatoire" "[english]game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "* Vous réapparaîtrez dans une classe aléatoire" "[english]game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "round_restart_in_sec" "Le round reprendra dans %s1 seconde" "[english]round_restart_in_sec" "The round will restart in %s1 second" "round_restart_in_secs" "Le round reprendra dans %s1 secondes" "[english]round_restart_in_secs" "The round will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_restart_in_sec" "La partie reprendra dans %s1 seconde" "[english]game_restart_in_sec" "The game will restart in %s1 second" "game_restart_in_secs" "La partie reprendra dans %s1 secondes" "[english]game_restart_in_secs" "The game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_switch_in_sec" "Changement d'équipes ! La partie reprendra dans %s1 seconde" "[english]game_switch_in_sec" "Switching teams! The game will restart in %s1 second" "game_switch_in_secs" "Changement d'équipes ! La partie reprendra dans %s1 secondes" "[english]game_switch_in_secs" "Switching teams! The game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_scramble_in_sec" "Rassemblez vos troupes ! La partie reprendra dans %s1 seconde" "[english]game_scramble_in_sec" "Scrambling the teams! The game will restart in %s1 second" "game_scramble_in_secs" "Rassemblez vos troupes ! La partie reprendra dans %s1 secondes" "[english]game_scramble_in_secs" "Scrambling the teams! The game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_now" "Préparez-vous à réapparaître" "[english]game_respawntime_now" "Prepare to respawn" "game_respawntime_in_sec" "Réapparition dans : 1 seconde" "[english]game_respawntime_in_sec" "Respawn in: 1 second" "game_respawntime_in_secs" "Réapparition dans : %s1 secondes" "[english]game_respawntime_in_secs" "Respawn in: %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_stalemate" "Pas de réapparition en Mort Subite" "[english]game_respawntime_stalemate" "No respawning in Sudden Death" "game_respawntime_next_round" "Réapparition dans : Le prochain round" "[english]game_respawntime_next_round" "Respawn in: Wait for next round" "game_auto_team_balance_in" "Equilibrage automatique des équipes dans %s1 secondes." "[english]game_auto_team_balance_in" "Teams will be auto-balanced in %s1 seconds." "game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 est passé dans l'autre équipe pour équilibrer la partie" "[english]game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 was moved to the other team for game balance" "game_idle_kick" "%s1 est resté inactif trop longtemps, il est expulsé" "[english]game_idle_kick" "%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kicked" "TF_MOTD_Title" "MESSAGE DU JOUR" "[english]TF_MOTD_Title" "MESSAGE OF THE DAY" "TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "[english]TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Ennemi : %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Enemy: %s2" "TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "[english]TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "TF_playerid_object" "%s1 monté(e) par %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object" "%s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_level" "( niveau %s1 )" "[english]TF_playerid_object_level" "( Level %s1 )" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Progression de l'optimisation : %s1" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Upgrade Progress: %s1" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( niveau %s1 ) Progression de l'optimisation : %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Level %s1 ) Upgrade Progress: %s2" "TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "%s1 de l'ennemi monté(e) par %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Enemy %s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Rechargement : %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Recharging: %s1%" "TF_playerid_healer" "Soigneur : " "[english]TF_playerid_healer" "Healer: " "TF_playerid_healtarget" "Soins : " "[english]TF_playerid_healtarget" "Healing: " "TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Déguisé en %s1 %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Disguised as %s1 %s2" "TF_playerid_mediccharge" "ÜberCharge : %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge" "ÜberCharge: %s1%" "TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "ÜberCharge : %s1% (%s2)" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "ÜberCharge: %s1% (%s2)" "TF_playerid_noheal" "L'Equalizer empêche toute guérison !" "[english]TF_playerid_noheal" "Equalizer blocks healing!" "TF_friendly" "ami" "[english]TF_friendly" "friendly" "TF_enemy" "ennemi" "[english]TF_enemy" "enemy" "TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "[english]TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "COMPETENCE DE CLASSE" "[english]TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "CLASS SPECIFIC SKILL" "TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDIC : prodiguer l'ÜberCharge" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDIC: Deploy ÜberCharge" "TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY : faire tourner les canons du minigun" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel" "TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER :fusil à lunette" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY : se rendre invisible/visible" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Cloak / Uncloak" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY : dernier déguisement" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Last Disguise" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SPY : changer couleur déguisement" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SPY: Toggle Disguise Team" "TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN : faire sauter des bombes collantes" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN: Detonate Stickybombs" "TF_Call_For_Medic" "Demander des soins" "[english]TF_Call_For_Medic" "Call for a Medic" "TF_DropFlag" "Lâcher la mallette" "[english]TF_DropFlag" "Drop the briefcase" "TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Changer de classes immédiatement" "[english]TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Switch classes immediately" "TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Faire pivoter la carte d'infos" "[english]TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Toggle Round Info Map" "TF_MapInfo" "Afficher les informations de la carte" "[english]TF_MapInfo" "Show Map Information" "TF_Inspect" "Inspecter la cible" "[english]TF_Inspect" "Inspect Target" "TF_voice_menu_A" "Menu vocal 1" "[english]TF_voice_menu_A" "Voice Menu 1" "TF_voice_menu_B" "Menu vocal 2" "[english]TF_voice_menu_B" "Voice Menu 2" "TF_voice_menu_C" "Menu vocal 3" "[english]TF_voice_menu_C" "Voice Menu 3" "TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Enregistrer cet instant !" "[english]TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment!" "TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(EQUIPE) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(TEAM) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team" "(EQUIPE) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team" "(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*MORT*(EQUIPE) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Spec" "(spectateur) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllDead" "*MORT* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 a changé son nom en %s2" "[english]TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "TF_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Restriction de fête : Halloween" "[english]TF_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween" "TF_Weapon_Bat" "Matraque" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bat" "Bat" "TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Bouteille" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Bottle" "TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Hache" "[english]TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Fire Axe" "TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri" "[english]TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri" "TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "Pied de biche" "[english]TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "Crowbar" "TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Scie à amputation" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Bonesaw" "TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Lance-flammes" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Lance-grenades" "[english]TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Grenade Launcher" "TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Lanceur de bombes collantes" "[english]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Knife" "Couteau" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife" "Knife" "TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Trousse de secours" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Medikit" "TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Minigun" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistolet" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistol" "TF_Weapon_Fists" "Poings" "[english]TF_Weapon_Fists" "Fists" "TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Revolver" "[english]TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Revolver" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Lance-roquettes" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Fusil à pompe" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Shotgun" "TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Pelle" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Shovel" "TF_Weapon_SMG" "Mitrailleuse." "[english]TF_Weapon_SMG" "SMG" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Fusil de sniper" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Super pistolet mitrailleur" "[english]TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Super SMG" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Lanceur de bombes collantes" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Pistolet tranquillisant" "[english]TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Tranquilizer Gun" "TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Clé" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Wrench" "TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Monter" "[english]TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Build" "TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "TF_Weapon_Flag" "Drapeau" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flag" "TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Pistolet à clous" "[english]TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Nail Gun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medigun" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Fusil à dispersion" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Pistolet à seringues" "[english]TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Syringe Gun" "TF_Weapon_Watch" "Montre d'invisibilité" "[english]TF_Weapon_Watch" "Invis Watch" "TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Pistolet de détresse" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Flare Gun" "TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Panier déjeuner" "[english]TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Lunch Box" "TF_Wearable_Shield" "Bouclier" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shield" "Shield" "TF_Weapon_Jar" "Karaté à base de bocaux" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar" "Jar Based Karate" "TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "Arc" "[english]TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "Bow" "TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Etendard de bataille" "[english]TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Battle Banner" "TF_Weapon_Sword" "Epée" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sword" "Sword" "TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Pioche" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Pickaxe" "TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Marteau de forgeron" "[english]TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Sledgehammer" "TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Gourdin Improvisé" "[english]TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Makeshift Club" "TF_Wearable_Boots" "Bottes" "[english]TF_Wearable_Boots" "Boots" "TF_Wearable_Medal" "Médaille" "[english]TF_Wearable_Medal" "Medal" "TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "Chapeau de fête" "[english]TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "Holiday Hat" "TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura d'incorruptibilité" "[english]TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura of Incorruptibility" "TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Casque de batteur" "[english]TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Batter's Helmet" "TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Ceinture trophée" "[english]TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Trophy Belt" "TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Planque du Soldier" "[english]TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Soldier's Stash" "TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Coupe afro du Demoman" "[english]TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Demoman's Fro" "TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Casque à pointe prussien" "[english]TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Prussian Pickelhaube" "TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Bonnet du Pyro" "[english]TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Pyro's Beanie" "TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Casque de football" "[english]TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Football Helmet" "TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Lampe de mineur" "[english]TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Mining Light" "TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Chapeau de feutre" "[english]TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora" "TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Chapeau de cowboy" "[english]TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texas Ten Gallon" "TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Casquette de l'Engineer" "[english]TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap" "TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Ouchanka d'officier" "[english]TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officer's Ushanka" "TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Tuque de gros dur" "[english]TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Tough Guy's Toque" "TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Casserole en acier" "[english]TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Stainless Pot" "TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Casque de viking" "[english]TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Tyrant's Helm" "TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Chapeau Glengarry" "[english]TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Glengarry Bonnet" "TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Chapeau tyrolien" "[english]TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Vintage Tyrolean" "TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Gant en caoutchouc ridicule" "[english]TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Respectless Rubber Glove" "TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Barbe avec caméra" "[english]TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Camera Beard" "TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Miroir d'oto-rhino-laryngologiste" "[english]TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Otolaryngologist's Mirror" "TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Casque de pompier" "[english]TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Brigade Helm" "TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Casque de chantier" "[english]TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Bonk Helm" "TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Casquette de gavroche" "[english]TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Ye Olde Baker Boy" "TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Chapeau melon" "[english]TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Backbiter's Billycock" "TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Véritable panama" "[english]TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Professional's Panama" "TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "Ceinture jaune du maître" "[english]TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "Master's Yellow Belt" "TF_Hatless_Scout" "Cheveux gominés" "[english]TF_Hatless_Scout" "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" "TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Coupe parfaite, fixation extrême" "[english]TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative" "TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Crâne chauve et luisant" "[english]TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Texas Slim's Dome Shine" "TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Chapeau haut de forme" "[english]TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Scotsman's Stove Pipe" "TF_HonestyHalo" "Auréole" "[english]TF_HonestyHalo" "Cheater's Lament" "TF_Halloween_Hat" "Masque d'Halloween un peu dérangeant" "[english]TF_Halloween_Hat" "Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask" "TF_Domination_Hat" "Horrible Gibus" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat" "Ghastly Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Initiales brodées : « Z.M. »" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Embroidered initials say 'Z.M.'" "TF_L4DHat" "Chapeau de Bill" "[english]TF_L4DHat" "Bill's Hat" "TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Béret de vétéran" "[english]TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Veteran's Beret" "TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "Gagnant (Première Place), Concours de Propagande" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "First Place Winner, Propaganda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "Deuxième Place, Concours de Propagande" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "First Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Oncle Sam" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Uncle Sam" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "Troisième Place, Concours de Propagande" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "Second Runner-Up, Propaganda Contest" "TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Modique pile de chapeau" "[english]TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Modest Pile of Hat" "TF_MedicMask" "Masque de chirurgien" "[english]TF_MedicMask" "Physician's Procedure Mask" "TF_ScoutBeanie" "Bonnet de Fauteur de troubles" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie" "Troublemaker's Tossle Cap" "TF_SoldierSamurai" "Kabuto de tueur" "[english]TF_SoldierSamurai" "Killer's Kabuto" "TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Tête coupée de Max" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Max's Severed Head" "DeathMsg_Suicide" "Adieu, monde cruel !" "[english]DeathMsg_Suicide" "bid farewell, cruel world!" "DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "achevé" "[english]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "finished off" "DeathMsg_Fall" "mort bêtement dans d'atroces souffrances" "[english]DeathMsg_Fall" "fell to a clumsy, painful death" "Msg_Captured" "capturé" "[english]Msg_Captured" "captured" "Msg_Defended" "défendu" "[english]Msg_Defended" "defended" "Msg_Dominating" "DOMINE" "[english]Msg_Dominating" "is DOMINATING" "Msg_Revenge" "s'est VENGE de" "[english]Msg_Revenge" "got REVENGE on" "Msg_PickedUpFlag" "a récupéré les documents." "[english]Msg_PickedUpFlag" "picked up the intelligence!" "Msg_CapturedFlag" "a volé les documents." "[english]Msg_CapturedFlag" "captured the intelligence!" "Msg_DefendedFlag" "a défendu les documents." "[english]Msg_DefendedFlag" "defended the intelligence!" "TF_OK" "OK" "[english]TF_OK" "OK" "TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Votre déguisement vous a été enlevé." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Your disguise has been removed." "TF_Spy_Disguising" "Déguisé en %s1 %s2..." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguising" "Disguising as %s1 %s2..." "TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "Vous êtes déguisé en %s1 %s2." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "You are disguised as a %s1 %s2." "TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Arme du déguisement : %s1." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Disguise Weapon: %s1." "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "TF_Object_Sentry" "Mitrailleuse" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry" "Sentry Gun" "TF_Object_Dispenser" "Distributeur" "[english]TF_Object_Dispenser" "Dispenser" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Sortie du téléporteur" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Teleporter Exit" "TF_object_sapper" "Saboteur" "[english]TF_object_sapper" "Sapper" "TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Mitrailleuse" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Sentry" "TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Entrée" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Entrance" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Quitter" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Exit" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Montage mitrailleuse... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Sentry Gun Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Mitrailleuse ( Niveau %s1 ) Intégrité %s2 Cartouches %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Sentry Gun ( Level %s1 ) Health %s2 Shells %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Mitrailleuse ( Niveau 3 ) Intégrité %s1 Cartouches %s2 Roquettes %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Sentry Gun ( Level 3 ) Health %s1 Shells %s2 Rockets %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Montage distributeur... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Dispenser Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Distributeur ( niveau %s1 ) Santé %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Dispenser ( Level %s1 ) Health %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Montage saboteur... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Sapper Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Saboteur Intégrité %s1 Intégrité de la cible %s2" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Sapper Health %s1 Target Health %s2" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Disponible" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Ready" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "Chargement" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "Charging" "CP5_red_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]CP5_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "CP_setup_30sec" "Début de la partie dans 30 secondes." "[english]CP_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "CP_setup_10sec" "Début de la partie dans 10 secondes." "[english]CP_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "CP_cap_cp3" "le point de contrôle central" "[english]CP_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "CP_cap_red_cp1" "la base des RED" "[english]CP_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "CP_cap_blue_cp1" "la base des BLU" "[english]CP_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Défendez les points de contrôle contre les BLU." "[english]Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Defend the Control points against team BLU!" "Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez les deux points de contrôle pour gagner le round et avancer." "[english]Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Capture both Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Défendez les deux derniers points de contrôle pour éviter la défaite." "[english]Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Defend the final two Control Points or the enemy will win the game!" "Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Prenez les deux derniers points de contrôle pour gagner la partie." "[english]Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Capture the final two Control Points to win the game!" "Dustbowl_team1" "Attaquants" "[english]Dustbowl_team1" "Attackers" "Dustbowl_team2" "Défenseurs" "[english]Dustbowl_team2" "Defenders" "Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "Vous avez pris le point de commandement UN !" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "You secured Command Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "Vous avez pris le point de commandement DEUX !" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "You secured Command Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Protégez votre QG contre l'équipe en attaque !" "[english]Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Protect your HQ from the attacking team !!" "Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Rapportez le drapeau au QG !" "[english]Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Bring your flag to the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Emmenez le drapeau au point de commandement UN." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Take the flag to Command Point ONE." "Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Emmenez le drapeau au point de commandement DEUX." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Take the flag to Command Point TWO." "Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Emmenez le drapeau au QG !" "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Take the flag to the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "L'équipe BLU a pris le point de commandement UN !" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "Team BLU Secures Command Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "L'équipe BLU a pris le point de commandement DEUX !" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "Team BLU Secures Command Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Le drapeau a été ramené à la base." "[english]Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Flag has returned to base." "Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_gates_open" "Les portes sont ouvertes !" "[english]Dustbowl_gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Temps restant : cinq minutes" "[english]Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Time remaining: Five minutes" "Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Temps restant : quatre minutes" "[english]Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Time remaining: Four minutes" "Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Temps restant : trois minutes" "[english]Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Time remaining: Three minutes" "Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Temps restant : deux minutes" "[english]Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Time remaining: Two minutes" "Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Temps restant : soixante secondes" "[english]Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Time remaining: Sixty seconds" "Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Temps restant : trente secondes" "[english]Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Time remaining: Thirty seconds" "Dustbowl_attackers_win" "Le QG a été capturé !" "[english]Dustbowl_attackers_win" "The Headquarters has been captured !!" "Dustbowl_defenders_win" "Le QG a été défendu !" "[english]Dustbowl_defenders_win" "The Headquarters has been successfully defended !!" "Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "Première capture, Phase 1" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Deuxième capture, Phase 1" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "Première capture, Phase 2" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Deuxième capture, Phase 2" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "Première capture, Phase 3" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "le lance-roquettes, dernière capture" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "the Rocket, Final Cap" "Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Empêchez l'équipe ennemie de faire pénétrer le wagon dans votre base !" "[english]Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Prevent the enemy team from moving the cart to your base!" "Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Déplacez le wagon vers les points de contrôle pour gagner le round et progresser !" "[english]Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Move the cart to the Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Empêchez le wagon de rentrer dans votre base, sinon l'ennemi remportera la partie !" "[english]Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Prevent the cart from moving to your base or the enemy will win the game!" "Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Faites pénétrer le wagon dans la base ennemie pour la détruire et remporter la partie !" "[english]Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Move the cart to the enemy base to destroy it and win the game!" "Goldrush_team1" "Attaquants" "[english]Goldrush_team1" "Attackers" "Goldrush_team2" "Défenseurs" "[english]Goldrush_team2" "Defenders" "Goldrush_cap_1_A" "Première capture, Phase 1" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Deuxième capture, Phase 1" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_2_A" "Première capture, Phase 2" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Deuxième capture, Phase 2" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_3_A" "Première capture, Phase 3" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Deuxième capture, Phase 3" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Second Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Silo atomique, dernière capture" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Atomic pit, Final Cap" "Badwater_cap_1" "Premier point de capture" "[english]Badwater_cap_1" "First Capture point" "Badwater_cap_2" "Second point de capture" "[english]Badwater_cap_2" "Second Capture point" "Badwater_cap_3" "Troisième point de capture" "[english]Badwater_cap_3" "Third Capture point" "Badwater_cap_4" "Dernier point de capture" "[english]Badwater_cap_4" "Final Capture point" "2fort_red_setup_goal" "Volez les documents dans la base souterraine de l'ennemi ! Regagnez votre base souterraine pour gagner !" "[english]2fort_red_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Volez les documents dans la base souterraine de l'ennemi ! Regagnez votre base souterraine pour gagner !" "[english]2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "Granary_red_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Granary_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Granary_cap_cp3" "le point de contrôle central" "[english]Granary_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Granary_cap_red_cp2" "le hangar des RED" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Warehouse" "Granary_cap_red_cp1" "la base des RED" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "le hangar des BLU" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Warehouse" "Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "la base des BLU" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Défendez les trois points de contrôle contre les BLU pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Defend all three Control Points against team BLU to win the game!" "Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez les trois points de contrôle pour gagner ! Prenez d'abord A et B, puis passez à C." "[english]Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all three Controls Points to win! First capture A and B, then move on to C." "Gravelpit_cap_A" "capture A, le pylône radio" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_A" "cap A, the Radio Tower" "Gravelpit_cap_B" "capture B, le radar" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_B" "cap B, the Radar" "Gravelpit_cap_C" "capture C, le fusil laser" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_C" "cap C, the Laser Gun" "Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Prenez le point de contrôle des BLU pour gagner le round. Empêchez-les de faire de même !" "[english]Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Capture BLU's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez le point de contrôle des RED pour gagner le round. Empêchez-les de faire de même !" "[english]Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Capture RED's single Control Point to win the round. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_red_base_attack" "Prenez le dernier point de contrôle des BLU pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Hydro_red_base_attack" "Capture team BLU's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_red_base_defend" "Défendez votre dernier point de contrôle contre les BLU pour les empêcher de gagner !" "[english]Hydro_red_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against BLU or they will win!" "Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Prenez le dernier point de contrôle des RED pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Capture team RED's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Défendez votre dernier point de contrôle contre les RED pour les empêcher de gagner !" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against RED or they will win!" "Hydro_cap_red_base" "la base des RED" "[english]Hydro_cap_red_base" "the RED Base" "Hydro_cap_blue_base" "la base des BLU" "[english]Hydro_cap_blue_base" "the BLU Base" "Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "la parabole du radar" "[english]Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "the Radar Dish" "Hydro_cap_dam" "le barrage" "[english]Hydro_cap_dam" "the Dam" "Hydro_cap_power_plant" "la centrale électrique" "[english]Hydro_cap_power_plant" "the Power Plant" "Hydro_cap_warehouse" "le hangar" "[english]Hydro_cap_warehouse" "the Warehouse" "Well_red_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Well_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "Well_blue_setup_goal" "Prenez les cinq points de contrôle pour gagner la partie !" "[english]Well_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win the game!" "Well_setup_30sec" "Début de la partie dans 30 secondes." "[english]Well_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "Well_setup_10sec" "Début de la partie dans 10 secondes." "[english]Well_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "Well_cap_center" "Point de contrôle central" "[english]Well_cap_center" "Central Control Point" "Well_cap_red_two" "le hangar des RED" "[english]Well_cap_red_two" "the RED Warehouse" "Well_cap_red_rocket" "la base des RED" "[english]Well_cap_red_rocket" "the RED Base" "Well_cap_blue_two" "le hangar des BLU" "[english]Well_cap_blue_two" "the BLU Warehouse" "Well_cap_blue_rocket" "la base des BLU" "[english]Well_cap_blue_rocket" "the BLU Base" "Pipeline_setup_goal" "Soyez le premier à amener votre chariot au point de capture pour remporter la manche !" "[english]Pipeline_setup_goal" "Move your cart to the capture point first to win this heat!" "Pipeline_final_goal" "Utilisez votre chariot pour détruire la base ennemie avant que vos adversaires ne fassent de même !" "[english]Pipeline_final_goal" "Move your cart to destroy the enemy base before they destroy yours!" "Pipeline_cap_1_red" "Premier point de capture RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_red" "Red's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "Premier point de capture BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "Blue's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_red" "Second point de capture RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_red" "Red's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "Second point de capture BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "Blue's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_red" "Dernier point de capture RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_red" "Red's final capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "Dernier point de capture BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "Blue's final capture point" "Badlands_cap_cp3" "le point de contrôle central" "[english]Badlands_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "la pointe des RED" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Spire" "Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "la base des RED" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "la pointe des BLU" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Spire" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "la base des BLU" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "koth_setup_goal" "Prenez le point de contrôle et gardez-le pour gagner la partie !" "[english]koth_setup_goal" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win the game!" "koth_viaduct_cap" "le point de contrôle" "[english]koth_viaduct_cap" "the Control Point" "Arena_cap" "le point de contrôle" "[english]Arena_cap" "the Control Point" "Winpanel_Team1" "EQUIPE" "[english]Winpanel_Team1" "TEAM" "Winpanel_Team2" "Equipe" "[english]Winpanel_Team2" "Team" "Winpanel_BlueWins" "LES BLU GAGNENT !" "[english]Winpanel_BlueWins" "BLU TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "LES BLU PRENNENT LA ZONE" "[english]Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "BLU TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_BlueDefends" "LES BLU DEFENDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_BlueDefends" "BLU TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_RedWins" "LES RED GAGNENT !" "[english]Winpanel_RedWins" "RED TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_RedAdvances" "LES RED PRENNENT LA ZONE" "[english]Winpanel_RedAdvances" "RED TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_RedDefends" "LES RED DEFENDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_RedDefends" "RED TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TeamWins" "Les %s1 GAGNENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TeamWins" "%s1 %s2 WINS!" "Winpanel_TeamLost" "LES %s1 PERDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s1 %s2 LOST!" "Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "Les %s1 PRENNENT LA ZONE" "[english]Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 %s2 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TeamDefends" "Les %s1 DEFENDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TeamDefends" "%s1 %s2 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "Meilleurs joueurs BLU :" "[english]Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "BLU Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_RedMVPs" "Meilleurs joueurs RED :" "[english]Winpanel_RedMVPs" "RED Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Meilleurs joueurs :" "[english]Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Top Players:" "Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Points dans ce round :" "[english]Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Points this round:" "Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "%s1 zones à prendre" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "%s1 more areas to win" "Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 zone à prendre" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 more area to win" "Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Captures gagnantes : %s1" "[english]Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Winning capture: %s1" "Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "%s1 a pris tous les points de contrôle" "[english]Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "%s1 captured all control points" "Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "%s1 a volé les documents de l'ennemi %s2 fois" "[english]Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 times" "Winreason_OpponentsDead" "%s1 a tué tous ses adversaires pendant la mort subite" "[english]Winreason_OpponentsDead" "%s1 killed all opponents during sudden death" "Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "%s1 a assuré la défense jusqu'à la fin du round" "[english]Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "%s1 successfully defended until time ran out" "Winreason_TimeLimit" "Les %s1 avaient plus de points lorsque la limite de temps a été atteinte" "[english]Winreason_TimeLimit" "%s1 had more points when the time limit was reached" "Winreason_WinLimit" "Les %s1 avaient plus de points lorsque la limite de la partie a été atteinte" "[english]Winreason_WinLimit" "%s1 had more points when the win limit was reached" "Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "%s1 avait l'avantage pour gagner" "[english]Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "%s1 was ahead by the required difference to win" "Winreason_Stalemate" "Pauvres nuls" "[english]Winreason_Stalemate" "You're all losers" "Winreason_Arena" "Les %s1 ont tué tous leurs adversaires" "[english]Winreason_Arena" "%s1 killed all opponents" "Winreason_PayloadRace" "%s1 a gagné la course à la charge utile" "[english]Winreason_PayloadRace" "%s1 won the payload race" "Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Attente de l'organisation des équipes" "[english]Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Waiting for teams to organize" "Tournament_Countdown" "Début dans %s1 secondes... Appuyez sur F4 pour annuler" "[english]Tournament_Countdown" "Starting in %s1 seconds... Press 'F4' to cancel" "Tournament_TeamReady" "Disponible" "[english]Tournament_TeamReady" "Ready" "Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Pas prête" "[english]Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Not Ready" "Tournament_WinConditions" "Conditions pour gagner : " "[english]Tournament_WinConditions" "Win Conditions: " "Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minute" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minute" "Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "round" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "round" "Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "victoire" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "win" "Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "minutes" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "minutes" "Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "rounds" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "rounds" "Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "victoires" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "wins" "Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "Aucun" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "None" "Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "seconde" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "second" "Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "secondes" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "seconds" "Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Equipe pas prête" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Team Not Ready" "Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Equipe prête" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Team Ready" "Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = changer nom/statut équipe" "[english]Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = change team name/status" "Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Nom de l'équipe" "[english]Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Team Name" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "Les %s1 GAGNENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 WINS!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "LES %s1 PERDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 LOST!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "Les %s1 PRENNENT LA ZONE" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "Les %s1 DEFENDENT !" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "%s1 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "Meilleurs joueurs %s1 :" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "%s1 MVPs:" "Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 a changé le nom de l'équipe en %s2" "[english]Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 changed team name to %s2" "Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 a changé le statut de l'équipe en %s2" "[english]Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 changed team state to %s2" "Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Temps de capture pas encore défini" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Capture time not yet set" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Capturez %s1 %s2 pour gagner !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Capture %s1 %s2 to win!" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Défendez %s1 %s2 pour gagner !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Defend %s1 %s2 to win!" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Les attaquants ont besoin de %s1 %s2 pour gagner" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Attackers need %s1 %s2 to win" "Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "point" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "point" "Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "points" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "points" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Battez le temps des %s1 pour gagner !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Beat %s1's time to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "Temps des %s1" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "%s1's time" "Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Arrêtez l'avancée des %s1 !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Stop %s1's advance!" "Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Battez le score des %s1 pour gagner !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Beat %s1's score to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "Les %s1 ont obtenu %s2 en seulement %s3. Si les %s4 obtiennent %s5 plus vite, ils gagnent !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 got %s2 in just %s3. If %s4 gets %s5 faster, they win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "Si les %s1 ne battent pas le temps des %s2, ils pourront quand même gagner s'ils prennent plus de points. Pour gagner, les %s3 doivent prendre %s4 avant la fin du round !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "If %s1 doesn't beat %s2's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to capture %s4 before the round ends!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "Les %s1 n'ont pris aucun point lors du dernier round. Si les %s2 prennent 1 point, ils gagnent !" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 didn't capture any points last round. If %s2 captures 1 point, they win!" "TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 secondes avant ouverture des portes." "[english]TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_open" "Les portes sont ouvertes !" "[english]TF_Gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Temps restant : cinq minutes" "[english]TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Time remaining: Five minutes" "TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Temps restant : quatre minutes" "[english]TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Time remaining: Four minutes" "TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Temps restant : trois minutes" "[english]TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Time remaining: Three minutes" "TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Temps restant : deux minutes" "[english]TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Time remaining: Two minutes" "TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Temps restant : soixante secondes" "[english]TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining: Sixty seconds" "TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Temps restant : trente secondes" "[english]TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining: Thirty seconds" "TF_Time_attackers_win" "Victoire des attaquants ! Tous les points de commandement ont été pris !" "[english]TF_Time_attackers_win" "Attackers win !! The command points have all been captured !!" "TF_Time_defenders_win" "Victoire des défenseurs ! Tous les points de commandement ont été défendus !" "[english]TF_Time_defenders_win" "Defenders win !! The command points have been successfully defended !!" "TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Emmenez le drapeau au point de commandement." "[english]TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Take the flag to the Command Point." "TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "Vous avez pris le point de commandement %s1 !" "[english]TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "You secured Command Point %s1 !!" "TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Les attaquants ont pris le point de commandement %s1 !" "[english]TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Attackers Secured Command Point %s1 !!" "TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Le drapeau a été ramené à la base." "[english]TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flag has returned to base." "TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "Vous avez RECUPERE les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI. Regagnez la BASE." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE! Return to BASE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Votre équipe a RECUPERE les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Vos DOCUMENTS ont été VOLES." "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!" "TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "Vous avez VOLE les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Votre équipe a VOLE les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Vos documents ont été VOLES." "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Your INTELLIGENCE was CAPTURED!" "TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "Vous avez lâché les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "You dropped the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "Les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI ont été perdus." "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Vos DOCUMENTS ont été perdus." "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Vos DOCUMENTS ont été récupérés" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "L'ENNEMI a récupéré ses DOCUMENTS." "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!" "TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Ramenez les DOCUMENTS à la BASE." "[english]TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE." "TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "Vous ne pouvez pas être INVULNERABLE quand vous avez les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_No_Tele" "Vous ne pouvez pas vous TELEPORTER quand vous avez les DOCUMENTS de l'ENNEMI." "[english]TF_CTF_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "Team_Capture_Linear" "Point précédent non occupé." "[english]Team_Capture_Linear" "Preceding point not owned!" "Team_Capture_Blocked" "Prise empêchée par l'ennemi." "[english]Team_Capture_Blocked" "Capture blocked by enemy" "Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blocage de la prise de l'ennemi." "[english]Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blocking enemy capture!" "Team_Reverting_Capture" "Annulation de la prise." "[english]Team_Reverting_Capture" "Reverting capture!" "Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Attente de coéquipier" "[english]Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Waiting for teammate" "Team_Cannot_Capture" "Votre équipe ne peut pas prendre ce point." "[english]Team_Cannot_Capture" "Your team can't capture this!" "Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Défendez ce point." "[english]Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Defend this point." "Team_Capture_NotNow" "Pas de prise pour l'instant." "[english]Team_Capture_NotNow" "No capturing at this time." "Team_Capture_Owned" "Point de contrôle déjà occupé." "[english]Team_Capture_Owned" "Capture Point already owned." "Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progression stoppée par l'ennemi" "[english]Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progress blocked by enemy" "Cant_cap_stealthed" "Impossible de prendre le point furtivement." "[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point while stealthed." "Cant_cap_disguised" "Impossible de prendre le point en étant déguisé." "[english]Cant_cap_disguised" "Cannot capture point while disguised." "Cant_cap_invuln" "Impossible de prendre le point en étant invulnérable." "[english]Cant_cap_invuln" "Cannot capture point while invulnerable." "Cant_cap_stunned" "Impossible de prendre le point en étant étourdi." "[english]Cant_cap_stunned" "Cannot capture point while stunned." "TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "Le drapeau a été RAMENE." "[english]TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "The FLAG has returned!" "TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "Vous avez RECUPERE le DRAPEAU. Emmenez-le à la BASE ENNEMIE." "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the FLAG! Take it to the ENEMY BASE!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Votre équipe a RECUPERE le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "L'ENNEMI A RECUPERE le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "The ENEMY has PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "Vous avez CAPTURE le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Votre équipe a CAPTURE le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "L'ENNEMI a CAPTURE le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "The ENEMY CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "Vous avez lâché le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "You dropped the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "Le DRAPEAU a été perdu." "[english]TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "The FLAG was dropped!" "TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Emmenez le drapeau à la BASE ENNEMIE." "[english]TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Take the flag to the ENEMY BASE." "TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "Le DRAPEAU est devenu NEUTRE. Récupérez le DRAPEAU." "[english]TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "The FLAG has become NEUTRAL! Get the FLAG!" "TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Appuyez sur TIR SECONDAIRE pour lâcher le drapeau." "[english]TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Press ALT-FIRE to drop the flag." "FreezePanel_NoKiller" "Vous avez été tué" "[english]FreezePanel_NoKiller" "You were killed" "FreezePanel_Killer" "Vous avez été tué par" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by" "FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Vous avez été tué par feu" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late" "FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Vous avez encore été tué par" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by" "FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "Vous avez encore été tué par feu" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "You were killed again by the late" "FreezePanel_KillerObject" "Vous avez été tué à coup de %objectkiller% par" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of" "FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "Vous avez été tué à coup de %objectkiller% par feu" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of the late" "FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Santé restante : %s1" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Health left: %s1" "FreezePanel_Callout" "Un morceau de vous !" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout" "A bit of you!" "FreezePanel_Callout2" "Et un autre !" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout2" "Another bit!" "FreezePanel_Callout3" "Et encore d'autres !" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout3" "More bits!" "FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% transporte :" "[english]FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% is carrying:" "Callout_Ragdoll" "Toi !" "[english]Callout_Ragdoll" "You!" "Callout_Head" "Votre tête !" "[english]Callout_Head" "Your head!" "Callout_Foot" "Votre pied !" "[english]Callout_Foot" "Your foot!" "Callout_Hand" "Votre main !" "[english]Callout_Hand" "Your hand!" "Callout_Torso" "Votre torse !" "[english]Callout_Torso" "Your torso!" "Callout_Organ1" "Votre rate !" "[english]Callout_Organ1" "Your spleen!" "Callout_Organ2" "Vos poumons !" "[english]Callout_Organ2" "Your lungs!" "Callout_Organ3" "Votre foie !" "[english]Callout_Organ3" "Your liver!" "Callout_Organ4" "Votre pancréas !" "[english]Callout_Organ4" "Your pancreas!" "Callout_Organ5" "Votre rein !" "[english]Callout_Organ5" "Your kidney!" "Callout_Organ6" "Votre appendice !" "[english]Callout_Organ6" "Your appendix!" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "En attente d'autres joueurs" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "Waiting for other players" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Début de la partie" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Starting Game" "ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "[english]ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "game_WaitingForPlayers" "En attente d'autres joueurs" "[english]game_WaitingForPlayers" "Waiting For Players" "game_Overtime" "Temps supplémentaire" "[english]game_Overtime" "Overtime" "game_Setup" "Configuration" "[english]game_Setup" "Setup" "EnterStalemate" "Mode Mort Subite ! Plus de réapparitions !" "[english]EnterStalemate" "Sudden Death Mode! No more respawning!" "game_SuddenDeath" "Mort Subite" "[english]game_SuddenDeath" "Sudden Death" "game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "%s1 secondes se sont écoulées. Impossible de changer de classe pour l'instant en mode Mort Subite !" "[english]game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "%s1 seconds have passed. You can't change class in Sudden Death Mode now!" "TF_CantChangeClassNow" "Impossible de changer de classe pour l'instant." "[english]TF_CantChangeClassNow" "You can't change class at this time." "TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "Impossible de changer d'équipe pour l'instant." "[english]TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "You can't change team at this time." "Gametype_CTF" "Capturer le drapeau" "[english]Gametype_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "Gametype_CP" "Points de contrôle" "[english]Gametype_CP" "Control Points" "Gametype_Escort" "Charge utile" "[english]Gametype_Escort" "Payload" "Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "[english]Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "Gametype_EscortRace" "Course à la charge utile" "[english]Gametype_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "Gametype_Koth" "Roi de la colline" "[english]Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill" "Intro_Title" "Introduction au mode : %gamemode%" "[english]Intro_Title" "Game Mode Introduction: %gamemode%" "Intro_CaptureIntro" "Bienvenue dans l'introduction du mode Capturer les points." "[english]Intro_CaptureIntro" "Welcome to the Capture Point game mode introduction." "Intro_capturepoints" "Pour gagner, votre équipe doit occuper 5 points. Le HUD indique quelle équipe occupe les différents points." "[english]Intro_capturepoints" "Your team must own 5 Capture Points to win. The HUD shows which team owns each capture point." "Intro_fakecapture" "Tenez-vous près du point à occuper pour le prendre. Le HUD montre votre progression." "[english]Intro_fakecapture" "Stand near the Capture Point to capture it. The HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_multcapture" "La capture est plus rapide à plusieurs. Aidez votre équipe !" "[english]Intro_multcapture" "Multiple team members capture points faster! Help your team out!" "Intro_yourpoint" "Ne laissez pas l'ennemi prendre votre dernier point. Défendez-le ou vous serez battu." "[english]Intro_yourpoint" "Don't let the enemy capture your last point! Defend it or you lose!" "Intro_ctf_intro" "Introduction au mode : chaque équipe doit récupérer les dossiers secrets de l'autre, tout en défendant les siens." "[english]Intro_ctf_intro" "Game Mode Introduction: Each team must capture the enemy's secret files, while defending their own." "Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Attaquez la base ennemie pour voler leurs dossiers secrets." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files." "Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Volez la mallette dans la base souterraine ennemie." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Rapportez la mallette au bureau dans la base souterraine de votre équipe pour la capturer et marquer des points." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_red_defend" "N'oubliez pas de défendre la mallette de votre équipe !" "[english]Intro_ctf_red_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!" "Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Attaquez la base ennemie pour voler leurs dossiers secrets." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their secret files." "Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Volez la mallette dans la base souterraine ennemie." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement of the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Rapportez la mallette au bureau dans la base souterraine de votre équipe pour la capturer et marquer des points." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the desk in your team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "N'oubliez pas de défendre la mallette de votre équipe !" "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!" "Intro_attack_defense_intro" "Voici une carte d'attaque-défense, les BLU essaient d'occuper des zones tandis que les RED tentent de les en empêcher." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_intro" "This is an attack defense map, BLU tries to capture areas while RED tries to stop them." "Intro_attack_defense_capping" "Pour capturer le point, les BLU doivent se tenir à proximité. Le HUD montre votre progression." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_capping" "BLU must stand near the Capture Point to capture it. The HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "Les BLU doivent prendre le point A..." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "BLU must capture both Capture point A ..." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "et le point B. Les BLU peuvent prendre les points dans n'importe quel ordre." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "and also Capture point B. BLU can capture the points in any order." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "Une fois les points A et B occupés par les BLU, le point de capture final est accessible" "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "After BLU owns capture point A and capture point B the final Capture point unlocks" "Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "Chaque point pris rapporte 3 minutes aux BLU. Les RED ne peuvent pas reprendre les points aux BLU." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the timer for each succesful captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them." "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Vous avez repéré un équipier !" "[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Vous avez repéré un ennemi !" "[english]Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "Vous avez tué un soldat ennemi !" "[english]Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You killed an enemy!" "Hint_out_of_ammo" "Vous n'avez plus de munitions pour cette arme !" "[english]Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_turn_off_hints" "Vous pouvez désactiver les astuces dans le menu options, en allant sous Options -> Multijoueur -> Avancé... -> Aide automatique et en décochant cette case." "[english]Hint_turn_off_hints" "You can turn off hints in the options menu, under Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'" "Hint_pickup_ammo" "Récupérez les munitions des armes abandonnées." "[english]Hint_pickup_ammo" "Pick up ammo from fallen weapons!" "Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "Vous ne pouvez pas vous téléporter quand vous avez la mallette." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "You cannot teleport when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "Vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre invisible quand vous avez la mallette." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "You cannot cloak when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "Vous ne pouvez pas vous déguiser quand vous avez la mallette." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "You cannot disguise when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer en étant invisible." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "You cannot attack while cloaked." "Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "Vous ne pouvez pas devenir invulnérable quand vous avez la mallette." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "You cannot go invulnerable when you have the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer lorsque la mort feinte est activée." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "You cannot attack while feign death is armed." "Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "Pour activer la mort feinte, votre barre d'invisibilité doit être pleine." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "You need a full cloak meter to arm feign death." "Hint_ClassMenu" "Appuyez sur '%changeclass%' pour changer de classe de joueur." "[english]Hint_ClassMenu" "Press '%changeclass%' to change your player class." "Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "Appuyez sur '%attack2%' pour utiliser la lunette du fusil de sniper." "[english]Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with your sniper rifle." "Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "Appuyez sur '%attack2%' pour faire sauter des bombes collantes tout en utilisant le lance-grenades." "[english]Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs even while using your grenade launcher." "Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "Appuyez sur '%attack2%' pour faire sauter les bombes lancées avec le lanceur de bombes collantes." "[english]Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate stickybombs launched with your stickybomb launcher." "Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "Appuyez sur '%attack2%' pour faire pivoter les constructions avant de les positionner." "[english]Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "You can hit '%attack2%' to rotate buildings before you place them." "Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Appuyez sur '%reload%' pour recharger le lance-roquettes. Rechargez-le entre les combats." "[english]Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Hit '%reload%' to reload your rocket launcher. Reload it whenever you're out of combat!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Donnez aux objets en cours de montage un coup de clé pour qu'ils soient prêts plus vite." "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Hit constructing objects with your wrench to make them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Donnez aux objets que votre coéquipier monte un coup de clé pour qu'ils soient prêts plus vite." "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Hit your teammate's constructing objects with your wrench to help them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Montez des mitrailleuses pour défendre votre base. Le quatrième emplacement d'arme contient les armes à monter." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Build sentry guns to defend your team's base. The fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Montez des distributeurs pour réapprovisionner vos coéquipiers. Le quatrième emplacement d'arme contient les armes à monter." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Build Dispensers to help your teammates to resupply. The fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Montez des téléporteurs pour aider la défense des zones avancées. Le quatrième emplacement d'arme contient les armes à monter." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Build Teleporters to help your team defend forward areas. The fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Récupérez le métal des armes abandonnées pour monter d'autres objets." "[english]Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Pick up metal from fallen weapons to use in building objects!" "Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Donnez aux objets endommagés un coup de clé pour les réparer." "[english]Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Hit damaged objects with your wrench to repair them!" "Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "Il vous faut plus de métal pour optimiser votre mitrailleuse." "[english]Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "You need more metal to upgrade your sentry gun!" "Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Optimisez vos mitrailleuses en leur donnant un coup de clé. Elles peuvent être optimisées jusqu'au niveau 3." "[english]Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Upgrade sentry guns by hitting them with your wrench. They can be upgraded all the way to level 3!" "Hint_object_has_sapper" "Un saboteur est en train de détruire cette construction. Tirez sur le saboteur pour le détruire." "[english]Hint_object_has_sapper" "This building is being destroyed by a sapper! Shoot the sapper to destroy it!" "Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "Une de vos constructions est en train d'être détruite." "[english]Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "One of your buildings is being destroyed!" "Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "Un ennemi utilise votre distributeur." "[english]Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "An enemy is using your dispenser!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "Un ennemi est proche de l'entrée de votre téléporteur." "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "An enemy is near your teleporter entrance!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "Un ennemi est proche de la sortie de votre téléporteur." "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "An enemy is near your teleporter exit!" "WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "Victoire des RED" "[english]WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "RED Team Wins" "WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "Victoire des BLU" "[english]WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "BLU Team Wins" "WinPanel_Stalemate" "MATCH NUL !" "[english]WinPanel_Stalemate" "STALEMATE!" "StatPanel_Title_Dead" "La vie du bon côté..." "[english]StatPanel_Title_Dead" "On the bright side..." "StatPanel_Title_Alive" "Eh, pas mal du tout ! Dernier round :" "[english]StatPanel_Title_Alive" "Well, that was impressive! Last round:" "StatPanel_Format_Close" "Ce round : %s1 Record : %s2" "[english]StatPanel_Format_Close" "That round: %s1 Your best: %s2" "StatPanel_Kills_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de victimes en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Best" "You had more kills as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Captures_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de captures en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Best" "You had more captures as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de points défendus en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "You defended more points as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de dégâts en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "You've caused more damage as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de survie en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "You stayed alive as %s1 longer that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Healing_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de soin en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Best" "You healed more as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record d'invulnérabilité pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "You went invulnerable more that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de coopérations en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "You had more kill assists that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de poignardages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "You had more backstabs that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de vols de médicaments et de distributeurs pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "You stole more health from enemy Medics and dispensers that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de montages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "You built more buildings that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de destructions en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "You destroyed more buildings that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de tirs en pleine tête pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "You had more headshots that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de victimes à la mitrailleuse pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "Your sentry gun had more kills that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record d'utilisation du téléporteur pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "Your teleporter was used more that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record d'ennemis dominés en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "You dominated more new opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de vengeances en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "You got revenge on more opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "Vous avez battu votre record de points en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "You scored more points that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de victimes en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de captures en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "You tied your record for captures as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de défenses en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "You tied your record for defenses as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de dégâts en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "You tied your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de survie en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "You tied your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de soins en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record d'invulnérabilité pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "You tied your record for invulns that round." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de coopérations en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "You tied your record for kill assists as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de poignardages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "You tied your record for backstabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de vols de santé à l'ennemi pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "You tied your record for health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de montages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings built that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de destructions en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de tirs en pleine tête pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "You tied your record for headshots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de victimes à la mitrailleuse pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de téléportations pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "You tied your record for teleports that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record d'ennemis dominés en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "You tied your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de vengeances en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "You tied your record for revenge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "Vous avez égalé votre record de points marqués en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "You tied your record for points scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Kills_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de victimes en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Captures_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de captures en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Close" "You came close to your record for captures as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de défenses en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "You came close to your record for defenses as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de dégâts en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "You came close to your record for damage dealt as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de survie en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "You came close to your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de soins en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Close" "You came close to your record for healing as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record d'invulnérabilité pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "You came close to your record for invulns that round." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de coopérations en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "You came close to your record for kill assists as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de poignardages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "You came close to your record for backstabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de vol de santé à l'ennemi pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "You came close to your record for health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de montages pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings built that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de destructions en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "You came close to your record for buildings destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de tirs en pleine tête pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "You came close to your record for headshots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de victimes à la mitrailleuse pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de téléportations pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "You came close to your record for teleports that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record d'ennemis dominés en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "You came close to your record for opponents dominated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de vengeances en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "You came close to your record for revenge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "Vous avez frôlé votre record de points marqués en tant que %s1 pendant ce round." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "You came close to your record for points scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Label_Kills" "Nb de victimes : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# Kills: " "StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Dégâts infligés : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Damage dealt: " "StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Temps de jeu : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Play time: " "StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Points de santé récupérés : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Health points healed: " "StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Activations de l'invulnérabilité : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Invulnerable activated: " "StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "Nb de poignardages : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# Backstabs: " "StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Dégâts de santé : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Health leached: " "StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "Nb de montages : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Buildings built: " "StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "Nb de victimes à la mitrailleuse : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Kills by sentry: " "StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "Nb de téléportations : " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# uses of teleport: " "StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "RAPPORT DE VOS PERFORMANCES" "[english]StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "YOUR PERFORMANCE REPORT" "StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "VOS MEILLEURS MOMENTS" "[english]StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "YOUR BEST MOMENTS" "StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "Toutes classes confondues :" "[english]StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "As any class:" "StatSummary_Label_TIP" "ASTUCE" "[english]StatSummary_Label_TIP" "TIP" "StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (%s2)" "[english]StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (as %s2)" "StatSummary_Records" "RECORDS :" "[english]StatSummary_Records" "RECORDS:" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Record de points" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Most points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "Moyenne de points" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "Avg points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Record de victimes" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Most kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "Moyenne de victimes" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "Avg kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Record de captures" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Most captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "Moyenne de captures" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "Avg captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Record de coopérations" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Most assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Moyenne de coopérations" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Avg assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Record de dégâts" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Most damage" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "Moyenne de dégâts" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "Avg damage" "StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "Temps de jeu total" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "Total playtime" "StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Record de survie" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Longest life" "Tip_Fmt" "Astuce : %s1" "[english]Tip_Fmt" "Tip: %s1" "Tip_1_Count" "16" "[english]Tip_1_Count" "16" "Tip_1_1" "En tant que Scout, faites un second saut pendant que vous êtes en l'air pour éviter les tirs." "[english]Tip_1_1" "As a Scout, jump again in mid-air to change direction, and avoid enemy fire." "Tip_1_2" "En tant que Scout, vous capturez les points deux fois plus vite que les autres classes." "[english]Tip_1_2" "As a Scout, you capture control points twice as fast as other classes." "Tip_1_3" "En tant que Scout, vous avez intérêt à rester en mouvement et à exploiter votre vitesse." "[english]Tip_1_3" "As a Scout, you're most effective when you stay moving and use your speed to your advantage." "Tip_1_4" "En tant que Scout, votre fusil à dispersion est mortel si vous tirez à bout portant." "[english]Tip_1_4" "As a Scout, your scattergun is lethal at point blank range." "Tip_1_5" "En tant que Scout, utilisez votre pistolet pour vous débarrasser d'ennemis en gardant vos distances." "[english]Tip_1_5" "As a Scout, your pistol is great for picking off enemies at a distance." "Tip_2_Count" "13" "[english]Tip_2_Count" "13" "Tip_2_1" "En tant que Sniper, plus vous utilisez la lunette, plus vos tirs sont puissants." "[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed in the scope, the more damage the shot will do." "Tip_2_2" "En tant que Sniper, visez la tête pour une efficacité maximale." "[english]Tip_2_2" "As a Sniper, aim for the head to do critical damage." "Tip_2_3" "En tant que Sniper, appuyez sur %attack2% pour utiliser la lunette du fusil." "[english]Tip_2_3" "As a Sniper, zoom with the sniper rifle by hitting %attack2%." "Tip_2_4" "En tant que Sniper, utilisez votre mitraillette pour vous débarrasser des ennemis proches." "[english]Tip_2_4" "As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies." "Tip_3_Count" "17" "[english]Tip_3_Count" "17" "Tip_3_1" "En tant que Soldier, vous pouvez faire des sauts propulsés particulièrement hauts en tirant une roquette vers le sol au moment où vous sautez." "[english]Tip_3_1" "As a Soldier, you can rocket jump to great heights by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket at the ground." "Tip_3_2" "En tant que Soldier, tirez les roquettes aux pieds de vos ennemis pour être sûr qu'ils n'échappent pas aux dégâts." "[english]Tip_3_2" "As a Soldier, aim rockets at enemies feet to ensure they can't avoid the explosion damage." "Tip_3_3" "En tant que Soldier, veillez à ce que votre lance-roquettes soit toujours chargé. Appuyez sur %reload% pour le recharger à tout moment." "[english]Tip_3_3" "As a Soldier, make sure you keep your rocket launcher loaded. Hit %reload% to reload it at any time." "Tip_3_4" "Si vous êtes touché, appuyez sur %voicemenu 0 0% pour demander des soins. Les Medics les plus proches seront avertis." "[english]Tip_3_4" "Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need." "Tip_4_Count" "18" "[english]Tip_4_Count" "18" "Tip_4_1" "En tant que Demoman, appuyez sur %attack% pour lancer des bombes collantes, puis sur %attack2% pour les faire sauter." "[english]Tip_4_1" "As a Demoman, hit %attack% to fire sticky bombs and then use %attack2% to detonate them later." "Tip_4_2" "En tant que Demoman, maintenez le bouton de tir enfoncé pour donner plus de puissance au tir." "[english]Tip_4_2" "As a Demoman, the longer you hold down the fire button, the farther the shot will go." "Tip_4_3" "En tant que Demoman, placez des bombes collantes sous vos pieds pour vous propulser à l'aide d'un saut explosif." "[english]Tip_4_3" "As a Demoman, set off sticky bombs beneath your feet to pipe bomb jump up to great heights." "Tip_4_4" "En tant que Demoman, placez astucieusement vos bombes collantes sur les murs et les plafonds." "[english]Tip_4_4" "As a Demoman, shoot sticky bombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot." "Tip_5_Count" "22" "[english]Tip_5_Count" "22" "Tip_5_1" "En tant que Medic, utilisez votre medigun pour soigner vos coéquipiers et dopez les à 150 %% de leur santé normale." "[english]Tip_5_1" "As a Medic, use your medigun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150%% of their normal health." "Tip_5_2" "En tant que Medic, remplissez votre jauge d'ÜberCharge en soignant vos coéquipiers, puis appuyez sur %attack2% pour devenir invulnérable." "[english]Tip_5_2" "As a Medic, fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates. Then hit %attack2% to go invulnerable." "Tip_5_3" "En tant que Medic, votre jauge d'ÜberCharge vous confère, ainsi qu'au coéquipier visé par le medigun, quelques instants d'invulnérabilité." "[english]Tip_5_3" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge makes both you and your medigun target invulnerable for a short time." "Tip_5_4" "En tant que Medic, plus les soins dispensés à vos coéquipiers sont importants, plus vite vous remplissez la jauge d'ÜberCharge." "[english]Tip_5_4" "As a Medic, you fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more hurt." "Tip_5_5" "En tant que Medic, soyez attentifs aux appels de vos coéquipiers. Utilisez les flèches à l'écran pour les trouver." "[english]Tip_5_5" "As a Medic, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them." "Tip_6_Count" "13" "[english]Tip_6_Count" "13" "Tip_6_1" "En tant que Heavy, maintenez %attack2% enfoncé pour faire tourner les canons du minigun et accueillir chaleureusement vos ennemis." "[english]Tip_6_1" "As a Heavy, hold %attack2% to keep your minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies." "Tip_6_2" "En tant que Heavy, vous êtes le grand pote du Medic. Le champ doit être libre entre le Medic et vous pour qu'il puisse vous soigner." "[english]Tip_6_2" "As a Heavy, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medigun on you." "Tip_6_3" "Si vous êtes touché, appuyez sur %voicemenu 0 0% pour demander des soins. Les Medics les plus proches seront avertis." "[english]Tip_6_3" "Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need." "Tip_6_4" "En tant que Heavy, votre minigun est très gourmand. Récupérez les munitions des armes abandonnées." "[english]Tip_6_4" "As a Heavy, your minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply." "Tip_7_Count" "21" "[english]Tip_7_Count" "21" "Tip_7_1" "En tant que Pyro, votre lance-flammes est particulièrement efficace si vous êtes tout près de l'ennemi." "[english]Tip_7_1" "As a Pyro, your flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy." "Tip_7_2" "En tant que Pyro, piégez vos ennemis pour les cueillir au lance-flammes. Exploitez les coins de rue ou de bâtiment." "[english]Tip_7_2" "As a Pyro, ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage." "Tip_7_3" "En tant que Pyro, votre lance-flammes est très gourmand. Récupérez les munitions des armes abandonnées." "[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply." "Tip_7_4" "En tant que Pyro, utilisez votre fusil quand la portée du lance-flammes n'est pas suffisante." "[english]Tip_7_4" "As a Pyro, switch to your shotgun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your flamethrower." "Tip_7_5" "En tant que Pyro, inutile d'achever vos victimes, elles se consumeront toutes seules." "[english]Tip_7_5" "As a Pyro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning." "Tip_7_6" "Si vous êtes touché, appuyez sur %voicemenu 0 0% pour demander des soins. Les Medics les plus proches seront avertis." "[english]Tip_7_6" "Hit %voicemenu 0 0% to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need." "Tip_8_Count" "31" "[english]Tip_8_Count" "31" "Tip_8_1" "En tant que Spy, poignardez vos ennemis dans le dos pour une mort immédiate." "[english]Tip_8_1" "As a Spy, use your knife to backstab enemies from behind, killing them instantly." "Tip_8_2" "En tant que Spy, déguisez-vous en ennemi grâce au kit de déguisement. Attention, votre déguisement disparaît quand vous attaquez." "[english]Tip_8_2" "As a Spy, disguise yourself as an enemy with your disguise kit. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise." "Tip_8_3" "En tant que Spy, appuyez sur %attack2% pour profiter de quelques instants d'invisibilité." "[english]Tip_8_3" "As a Spy, hit %attack2% to cloak and become fully invisible for a short period of time." "Tip_8_4" "En tant que Spy, rendez-vous invisible pour entrer chez l'ennemi et déguisez-vous pour vous faire oublier." "[english]Tip_8_4" "As a Spy, use your cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them." "Tip_8_5" "En tant que Spy, agissez comme un ennemi lorsque vous êtes déguisé. Localisez l'équipe ennemie et déguisez-vous comme l'un de ses membres." "[english]Tip_8_5" "As a Spy, try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them." "Tip_8_6" "En tant que Spy, détruisez les mitrailleuses ennemies avec vos saboteurs électroniques. Vous restez déguisé pendant que vous placez les saboteurs." "[english]Tip_8_6" "As a Spy, place your electro sappers on enemy sentry guns to destroy them. Disguises aren't lost when placing sappers." "Tip_8_7" "En tant que Spy, vos saboteurs électroniques désactivent les mitrailleuses avant de les détruire. Sabotez une mitrailleuse avant d'attaquer l'Engineer." "[english]Tip_8_7" "As a Spy, your electro sappers disable sentry guns before destroying them. Sap a sentry gun before attacking the Engineer." "Tip_8_8" "En tant que Spy, déguisez-vous et appelez les Medics ennemis en appuyant sur %voicemenu 0 0%." "[english]Tip_8_8" "As a Spy, call for enemy Medics by hitting %voicemenu 0 0% while disguised." "Tip_9_Count" "17" "[english]Tip_9_Count" "17" "Tip_9_1" "En tant qu'Engineer, utilisez votre clé pour monter des mitrailleuses, des distributeurs et des téléporteurs." "[english]Tip_9_1" "As an Engineer, use the build tool to place sentry guns, dispensers, and teleporters." "Tip_9_2" "En tant qu'Engineer, il vous faut du métal pour monter, réparer et optimiser vos constructions. Récupérez le métal des armes abandonnées." "[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to get more metal." "Tip_9_3" "En tant qu'Engineer, donnez à la mitrailleuse un coup de clé pour l'optimiser à l'aide de métal. Chaque niveau augmente l'intégrité et la puissance." "[english]Tip_9_3" "As an Engineer, hit your sentry gun with your wrench to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower." "Tip_9_4" "En tant qu'Engineer, montez des distributeurs pour approvisionner votre équipe. Ils vous fourniront aussi du métal." "[english]Tip_9_4" "As an Engineer, build dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use." "Tip_9_5" "En tant qu'Engineer, montez des téléporteurs pour accélérer l'offensive de votre équipe." "[english]Tip_9_5" "As an Engineer, build teleporters to help your team reach the front line faster." "Tip_9_6" "En tant qu'Engineer, vérifiez qu'aucun Spy ennemi n'a fixé de saboteur à vos constructions. Utilisez la clé pour les éliminer." "[english]Tip_9_6" "As an Engineer, keep an eye out for enemy Spies attaching sappers to your buildings. Use your wrench to remove sappers." "Tip_HLTV" "Vous regardez SourceTV." "[english]Tip_HLTV" "You are watching SourceTV." "Tip_arena_Count" "7" "[english]Tip_arena_Count" "7" "Tip_arena_1" "Gardez un oeil sur le compte des joueurs en haut de l'écran pour savoir quand votre équipe a l'avantage." "[english]Tip_arena_1" "Keep an eye on the player count at the top of the screen to tell when your team has an advantage." "Tip_arena_2" "Etant donné qu'il n'y a aucune trousse de soins dans le niveau, les Medics sont extrêmement utiles sur Arena. Protégez-les à tout prix." "[english]Tip_arena_2" "With no healthkits in the level, Medics are very valuable in Arena, protect them at all costs." "Tip_arena_3" "Le point de contrôle au centre de la carte sera actif au bout de 60 secondes." "[english]Tip_arena_3" "The capture point in the middle of the map will be active after 60 seconds." "Tip_arena_4" "Il n'y a pas de réapparition sur Arena, alors évitez de mourir !" "[english]Tip_arena_4" "You don’t respawn in Arena, so don’t die!" "Tip_arena_5" "Aucune classe seule ne prédomine sur Arena. Tentez d'éliminer toute l'équipe adverse en tenant compte de sa composition." "[english]Tip_arena_5" "No single class is most important in Arena, focus on countering the other team's entire composition." "Tip_arena_6" "Vous pouvez changer de classe au début d'un combat Arena, avant l'ouverture des portes." "[english]Tip_arena_6" "You can change your class at the start of an Arena match before the gates open." "Tip_arena_7" "En tant qu'Engineer, montez des distributeurs pour que vos coéquipiers puissent se soigner." "[english]Tip_arena_7" "As an Engineer, make sure you’re building dispensers to heal your teammates." "TF_ClassRecord_MostPoints" "Points :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostPoints" "Most points:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostKills" "Victimes :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostKills" "Most kills:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostAssists" "Coopérations :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostAssists" "Most assists:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures" "Captures :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures" "Most captures:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Défenses :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Most defenses:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Dommages :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Most damage:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Destructions :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Most destruction:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostDominations" "Dominations :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDominations" "Most dominations:" "TF_ClassRecord_LongestLife" "Survie :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_LongestLife" "Longest life:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing" "Soins :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostHealing" "Most healing:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Invulnérabilité :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostInvulns" "Most invulns:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostSentryKills" "Victimes à la mitrailleuse :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostSentryKills" "Most kills by sentry:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostTeleports" "Téléports :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostTeleports" "Most teleports:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostHeadshots" "Tirs en pleine tête :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostHeadshots" "Most headshots:" "TF_ClassRecord_MostBackstabs" "Poignardages :" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostBackstabs" "Most backstabs:" "TF_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Changement de nom refusé (maximum dépassé)." "[english]TF_Name_change_limit_exceeded" "Name change denied (rate exceeded)." "Building_hud_building" "Montage..." "[english]Building_hud_building" "Building..." "Building_hud_sentry_shells" "Cartouches" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_shells" "Shells:" "Building_hud_sentry_rockets" "Roquettes" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_rockets" "Rockets:" "Building_hud_sentry_upgrade" "Optimisation" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_upgrade" "Upgrade:" "Building_hud_sentry_numkills" "Victimes : %numkills%" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_numkills" "Kills: %numkills%" "Building_hud_dispenser_ammo" "Métal :" "[english]Building_hud_dispenser_ammo" "Metal:" "Building_hud_tele_charging" "Chargement" "[english]Building_hud_tele_charging" "Charging..." "Building_hud_tele_times_used" "Nb d'utilisations : %timesused%" "[english]Building_hud_tele_times_used" "Times Used: %timesused%" "Building_hud_tele_times_used_360" "Utilisations : %timesused%" "[english]Building_hud_tele_times_used_360" "Used: %timesused%" "Building_hud_sentry_not_built" "Mitrailleuse non montée" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_not_built" "Sentry Gun Not Built" "Building_hud_dispenser_not_built" "Distributeur non monté" "[english]Building_hud_dispenser_not_built" "Dispenser Not Built" "Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built" "Entrée Non montée" "[english]Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built" "Entrance Not Built" "Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built" "Sortie Non montée" "[english]Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built" "Exit Not Built" "Building_hud_sentry_not_built_360" "Mitrailleuse non montée" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_not_built_360" "Sentry Not Built" "Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built_360" "Entrée non montée" "[english]Building_hud_tele_enter_not_built_360" "Entrance Not Built" "Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built_360" "Sortie non montée" "[english]Building_hud_tele_exit_not_built_360" "Exit Not Built" "Hud_Menu_Demolish_Title" "Démolir" "[english]Hud_Menu_Demolish_Title" "Demolish" "Hud_Menu_Build_Title" "Monter" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Title" "Build" "Hud_Menu_Disguise_Title" "Se déguiser" "[english]Hud_Menu_Disguise_Title" "Disguise" "Hud_Menu_Build_Cant_Afford" "Pas assez de métal" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Cant_Afford" "Not Enough Metal" "Hud_Menu_Build_Already_Built" "Déjà monté" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Already_Built" "Already Built" "Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "Appuyez sur '%lastinv%' pour annuler" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Cancel" "Hit '%lastinv%' to Cancel" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Appuyez sur « e » pour changer d'équipe" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Minus_Toggle" "Hit 'e' to Toggle Team" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "RED / BLU" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Toggle" "Toggle Teams" "Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise" "Sélectionner" "[english]Hud_Menu_Spy_Select_Disguise" "Select Disguise" "Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Demolish" "Démolir" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Demolish" "Demolish" "Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Build" "Monter" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Action_Build" "Build" "Voice" "Voix" "[english]Voice" "Voice" "Cancel" "Annuler" "[english]Cancel" "Cancel" "LoadingMap" "En route pour :" "[english]LoadingMap" "You're on your way to:" "TF_Ubercharge" "ÜBERCHARGE : %charge%%%" "[english]TF_Ubercharge" "ÜBERCHARGE: %charge%%%" "TF_UberchargeMinHUD" "%charge%%%" "[english]TF_UberchargeMinHUD" "%charge%%%" "TF_NotBuilt" "non monté(e)" "[english]TF_NotBuilt" "Not Built" "Voice_Menu_Medic" "MEDIC !" "[english]Voice_Menu_Medic" "MEDIC!" "Voice_Menu_Go" "Allez, Allez, Allez," "[english]Voice_Menu_Go" "Go! Go! Go!" "Voice_Menu_Help" "A l'aide !" "[english]Voice_Menu_Help" "Help!" "Voice_Menu_Yes" "Oui." "[english]Voice_Menu_Yes" "Yes" "Voice_Menu_No" "Non." "[english]Voice_Menu_No" "No" "Voice_Menu_MoveUp" "Bougez !" "[english]Voice_Menu_MoveUp" "Move Up!" "Voice_Menu_Left" "A gauche" "[english]Voice_Menu_Left" "Go Left" "Voice_Menu_Right" "A droite" "[english]Voice_Menu_Right" "Go Right" "Voice_Menu_Incoming" "Ils s'amènent !" "[english]Voice_Menu_Incoming" "Incoming" "Voice_Menu_CloakedSpy" "Spy !" "[english]Voice_Menu_CloakedSpy" "Spy!" "Voice_Menu_SentryAhead" "Mitrailleuse droit devant !" "[english]Voice_Menu_SentryAhead" "Sentry Ahead!" "Voice_Menu_TeleporterHere" "Téléporteur ici" "[english]Voice_Menu_TeleporterHere" "Teleporter Here" "Voice_Menu_DispenserHere" "Distributeur ici" "[english]Voice_Menu_DispenserHere" "Dispenser Here" "Voice_Menu_SentryHere" "Mitrailleuse ici" "[english]Voice_Menu_SentryHere" "Sentry Here" "Voice_Menu_ActivateCharge" "Active la charge !" "[english]Voice_Menu_ActivateCharge" "Activate Charge!" "Voice_Menu_ChargeReady" "MEDIC : ÜberCharge prête" "[english]Voice_Menu_ChargeReady" "MEDIC: ÜberCharge Ready" "Voice_Menu_Cheers" "Applaudissements" "[english]Voice_Menu_Cheers" "Cheers" "Voice_Menu_Jeers" "Huées" "[english]Voice_Menu_Jeers" "Jeers" "Voice_Menu_Positive" "Affirmatif" "[english]Voice_Menu_Positive" "Positive" "Voice_Menu_Negative" "Négatif" "[english]Voice_Menu_Negative" "Negative" "Voice_Menu_NiceShot" "Joli tir" "[english]Voice_Menu_NiceShot" "Nice Shot" "Voice_Menu_GoodJob" "Bien joué" "[english]Voice_Menu_GoodJob" "Good Job" "Voice_Menu_BattleCry" "Cri de bataille" "[english]Voice_Menu_BattleCry" "Battle Cry" "Voice_Menu_Thanks" "Merci !" "[english]Voice_Menu_Thanks" "Thanks!" "TF_classautokill" "Suicide après avoir choisi une classe de joueur" "[english]TF_classautokill" "Suicide after choosing a player class" "TF_CurrentPlayers" "Joueurs actuels" "[english]TF_CurrentPlayers" "Current Players" "TF_PlayerMatch_Title" "Matchmaking d'amis sur Xbox LIVE" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE Player Match" "TF_PlayerMatch_Desc" "Sur Xbox LIVE, participer à des parties où les statistiques ne sont pas enregistrées." "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Desc" "Play on Xbox LIVE in games where statistics are not tracked." "TF_RankedMatch_Title" "Partie avec classement sur Xbox LIVE" "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Title" "Xbox LIVE Ranked Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Desc" "Sur Xbox LIVE, participer à des parties avec classement où les statistiques sont enregistrées." "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Desc" "Play on Xbox LIVE in ranked games where statistics are tracked." "TF_SystemLink_Title" "Partie avec liaison multiconsole" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Title" "System Link Match" "TF_LoadCommentary" "Commentaires des développeurs" "[english]TF_LoadCommentary" "Developer Commentary" "TF_Achievements_Title" "Mes succès" "[english]TF_Achievements_Title" "My Achievements" "TF_Rankings_Title" "Classement" "[english]TF_Rankings_Title" "Ranking" "TF_Controller_Title" "Manette" "[english]TF_Controller_Title" "Controller" "TF_Options_Title" "Options" "[english]TF_Options_Title" "Options" "TF_Quit_Title" "Quitter" "[english]TF_Quit_Title" "Quit" "TF_Paused_Title" "Option de Team Fortress" "[english]TF_Paused_Title" "Team Fortress Options" "TF_ModifyMatch_Title" "Modifier la session" "[english]TF_ModifyMatch_Title" "Modify Session" "TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Stats personnelles" "[english]TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Personal Stats" "TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Statistiques des tableaux des leaders" "[english]TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Stats Leaderboards" "TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Classement des tableaux des leaders" "[english]TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Ranked Leaderboards" "TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Rejoindre une partie rapide" "[english]TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Join a Quick Match" "TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Commencez directement une partie contre des adversaires de même niveau." "[english]TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Jump straight into a game against similarly matched opponents." "TF_HostMatch_Title" "Héberger une partie" "[english]TF_HostMatch_Title" "Host a Match" "TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Créez une nouvelle partie sur mesure." "[english]TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Create a new game session exactly as you want." "TF_CustomMatch_Title" "Rechercher une partie personnalisée" "[english]TF_CustomMatch_Title" "Find a Custom Match" "TF_CustomMatch_Desc" "Recherchez des parties en fonction de vos critères préférés." "[english]TF_CustomMatch_Desc" "Search for game sessions based on your preferred match criteria." "TF_SystemLink_Host_Title" "Héberger une partie" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Title" "Host a Match" "TF_SystemLink_Host_Desc" "Créez une partie sur votre LAN." "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Desc" "Create a match on your Local Area Network." "TF_SystemLink_Join_Title" "Rejoindre une partie" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Join_Title" "Join a Match" "TF_SystemLink_Join_Desc" "Recherchez une autre partie sur votre LAN." "[english]TF_SystemLink_Join_Desc" "Find another match to join on your Local Area Network." "TF_PlayerMatch_Host_Title" "Créer un matchmaking d'amis personnalisé" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Host_Title" "Create a Custom Player Match" "TF_PlayerMatch_Client_Title" "Rechercher un matchmaking d'amis" "[english]TF_PlayerMatch_Client_Title" "Find a Player Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Host_Title" "Créer une partie avec classement personnalisée" "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Host_Title" "Create a Custom Ranked Match" "TF_RankedMatch_Client_Title" "Rechercher une partie avec classement" "[english]TF_RankedMatch_Client_Title" "Find a Ranked Match" "TF_SystemLink_Host_Dialog" "Héberger une partie avec liaison multiconsole" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Host_Dialog" "Host a System Link Match" "TF_SystemLink_Client_Dialog" "Sélectionner une partie" "[english]TF_SystemLink_Client_Dialog" "Select a game to join" "TF_Achievements_Dialog_Title" "Mes succès à Team Fortress 2" "[english]TF_Achievements_Dialog_Title" "My Team Fortress 2 Achievements" "TF_Achievement_Locked" "Verrouillé" "[english]TF_Achievement_Locked" "Locked" "TF_Achievement_Unlocked" "Déverrouillé" "[english]TF_Achievement_Unlocked" "Unlocked" "TF_Achievement_NumberingFmt" "%s1 - %s2 sur %s3" "[english]TF_Achievement_NumberingFmt" "%s1 - %s2 of %s3" "Achievement_Group_All" "Tous (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_All" "All (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_0" "Généraux (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_0" "General (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1000" "Pack Scout (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1000" "Scout Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1100" "Pack Sniper (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1100" "Sniper Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1200" "Pack Soldier (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1200" "Soldier Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1300" "Pack Demoman (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1300" "Demoman Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1400" "Pack Medic (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1400" "Medic Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1500" "Pack Heavy (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1500" "Heavy Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1600" "Pack Pyro (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1600" "Pyro Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1700" "Pack Spy (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1700" "Spy Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1800" "Pack Engineer (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1800" "Engineer Pack (%s1 of %s2)" "Achievement_Group_1900" "Evénement Halloween (%s1 sur %s2)" "[english]Achievement_Group_1900" "Halloween Event (%s1 of %s2)" "TF_MatchOption_Scenario" "Scénario" "[english]TF_MatchOption_Scenario" "Scenario" "TF_MatchOption_FlagCapLimit" "Limite de capture de drapeau" "[english]TF_MatchOption_FlagCapLimit" "Flag Capture Limit" "TF_MatchOption_Rounds" "Nombre de rounds" "[english]TF_MatchOption_Rounds" "Number of Rounds" "TF_MatchOption_GameSize" "Taille de la partie" "[english]TF_MatchOption_GameSize" "Game Size" "TF_MatchOption_AutoBalance" "Auto-équilibrage" "[english]TF_MatchOption_AutoBalance" "Team Auto Balance" "TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots" "Places réservées" "[english]TF_MatchOption_PrivateSlots" "Private Slots" "TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Durée maximale" "[english]TF_MatchOption_MaxTime" "Max Game Time" "TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Limite des victoires" "[english]TF_MatchOption_WinLimit" "Round Win Limit" "TF_GameTime" "Durée de la partie" "[english]TF_GameTime" "Game Time" "TF_Ranked" "Partie avec classement" "[english]TF_Ranked" "Ranked Match" "TF_Unranked" "Matchmaking d'amis" "[english]TF_Unranked" "Player Match" "TF_PressStart" "START: Commencer" "[english]TF_PressStart" "Press START to play" "TF_StartingInSecs" "Partie dans : %s1 secondes" "[english]TF_StartingInSecs" "Starting in: %s1 seconds" "TF_StartingInSec" "Partie dans : %s1 seconde" "[english]TF_StartingInSec" "Starting in: %s1 second" "TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt" "En attente de %s1 joueurs" "[english]TF_WaitingForPlayersFmt" "Waiting for %s1 players" "TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt" "En attente de %s1 joueur" "[english]TF_WaitingForPlayerFmt" "Waiting for %s1 player" "TF_WaitingForHost" "En attente de l'hôte" "[english]TF_WaitingForHost" "Waiting for the host" "TF_Lobby_Title" "Accueil du jeu" "[english]TF_Lobby_Title" "Game Lobby" "TF_Lobby_Host" "Hébergé par :" "[english]TF_Lobby_Host" "Hosted by:" "TF_On" "Activé" "[english]TF_On" "On" "TF_Off" "Désactivé" "[english]TF_Off" "Off" "TF_Any" "Indifférent" "[english]TF_Any" "Any" "TF_MaxTimeNoLimit" "Illimité" "[english]TF_MaxTimeNoLimit" "No Limit" "TF_NoTimeLimit" "Temps illimité" "[english]TF_NoTimeLimit" "No Time Limit" "TF_MaxTimeFmt" "%s1 minutes" "[english]TF_MaxTimeFmt" "%s1 Minutes" "TF_GameSizeFmt" "%s1 joueurs" "[english]TF_GameSizeFmt" "%s1 Players" "TF_ViewGamercard" "Carte du joueur" "[english]TF_ViewGamercard" "View Gamercard" "TF_KickPlayer" "Interdire joueur" "[english]TF_KickPlayer" "Kick Player" "TF_AttackDefend" "Attaque / Défense" "[english]TF_AttackDefend" "Attack / Defend" "TF_TerritoryControl" "Contrôle territorial" "[english]TF_TerritoryControl" "Territorial Control" "TF_GameState_InLobby" "Statut : Salle d'attente" "[english]TF_GameState_InLobby" "Status: In Lobby" "TF_GameState_InLobby_lodef" "Statut : Salle d'attente" "[english]TF_GameState_InLobby_lodef" "Status: In Lobby" "TF_GameState_GameInProgress" "Statut : Partie en cours" "[english]TF_GameState_GameInProgress" "Status: In Game" "TF_GameState_GameInProgress_lodef" "Statut : en jeu" "[english]TF_GameState_GameInProgress_lodef" "Status: In Game" "TF_Recommended_Players" "Il est possible que la bande passante soit insuffisante pour le nombre de joueurs sélectionnés." "[english]TF_Recommended_Players" "Available bandwidth might be insufficient for selected number of players." "TF_Rank" "Classement" "[english]TF_Rank" "Rank" "TF_Gamertag" "Gamertag" "[english]TF_Gamertag" "Gamertag" "TF_HostName" "Nom de l'hôte" "[english]TF_HostName" "Host Name" "TF_Players" "Joueurs" "[english]TF_Players" "Players" "TF_Top" "Première position" "[english]TF_Top" "Top Rank" "TF_YourRank" "Votre position" "[english]TF_YourRank" "Your Rank" "TF_YourBest" "Record :" "[english]TF_YourBest" "Your Best:" "TF_Icon_Ping_Red" "M" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Red" "M" "TF_Icon_Ping_Yellow" "N" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Yellow" "N" "TF_Icon_Ping_Green" "O" "[english]TF_Icon_Ping_Green" "O" "TF_Icon_Voice" "V" "[english]TF_Icon_Voice" "V" "TF_Icon_Voice_Idle" "W" "[english]TF_Icon_Voice_Idle" "W" "TF_Icon_Alert" "!" "[english]TF_Icon_Alert" "!" "TF_Icon_NotReady" "," "[english]TF_Icon_NotReady" "," "TF_Icon_Ready" "." "[english]TF_Icon_Ready" "." "TF_Icon_Start" "s" "[english]TF_Icon_Start" "s" "TF_ChangeTeam" "Changer d'équipe" "[english]TF_ChangeTeam" "Change Team" "TF_ChangeClass" "Changer de classe" "[english]TF_ChangeClass" "Change Class" "TF_Attacking" "En attaque" "[english]TF_Attacking" "Attacking" "TF_Defending" "En défense" "[english]TF_Defending" "Defending" "TF_Dlg_NotOnlineEnabled" "Vous devez être membre Xbox LIVE Gold pour accéder à cette fonction. Souhaitez-vous sélectionner un profil différent ?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NotOnlineEnabled" "You need an Xbox LIVE Gold Membership to access this feature. Would you like to select a different profile?" "TF_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "Vous devez vous connecter à Xbox LIVE pour accéder à cette fonction. Souhaitez-vous vous connecter maintenant ?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NotOnlineSignedIn" "You need to sign in to Xbox LIVE to access this feature. Would you like to sign in now?" "TF_Dlg_SearchingForGames" "Recherche de parties..." "[english]TF_Dlg_SearchingForGames" "Searching for games..." "TF_Dlg_CreatingGame" "Création de la partie..." "[english]TF_Dlg_CreatingGame" "Creating the game..." "TF_Dlg_ExitSessionText" "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter la partie ?" "[english]TF_Dlg_ExitSessionText" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?" "TF_Dlg_NoGamesFound" "Impossible de trouver une partie correspondant à vos critères. Souhaitez-vous héberger une partie ?" "[english]TF_Dlg_NoGamesFound" "No games were found matching your criteria. Would you like to host a game?" "TF_Dlg_CreateFailed" "Echec de création de la partie" "[english]TF_Dlg_CreateFailed" "Failed to create a game." "TF_Dlg_JoinRefused" "Cette partie n'accepte plus denouveaux joueurs." "[english]TF_Dlg_JoinRefused" "This game is no longer accepting players." "TF_Dlg_GameFull" "Cette partie est complète." "[english]TF_Dlg_GameFull" "This game is full." "TF_Dlg_JoinFailed" "Impossible de rejoindre la partie." "[english]TF_Dlg_JoinFailed" "Failed to join to the game." "TF_Dlg_ConfirmKick" "Supprimer ce joueur de la partie ?" "[english]TF_Dlg_ConfirmKick" "Remove this player from the game?" "TF_Dlg_ClientKicked" "Vous avez été expulsé de cette partie." "[english]TF_Dlg_ClientKicked" "You have been kicked from this game." "TF_Dlg_LostHost" "La connexion au serveur hôte a été perdue." "[english]TF_Dlg_LostHost" "Connection to the host was lost." "TF_Dlg_LostServer" "La connexion au serveur de jeu a été perdue." "[english]TF_Dlg_LostServer" "Connection to the game server was lost." "TF_Dlg_Connecting" "Connexion..." "[english]TF_Dlg_Connecting" "Connecting..." "TF_Dlg_ModifyingSession" "Modification de la session..." "[english]TF_Dlg_ModifyingSession" "Modifying session..." "TF_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Vérification de l'unité de stockage" "[english]TF_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Checking storage device..." "TF_Spectator_ChangeClass" "Appuyez sur [ %changeclass% ] pour changer de classe" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeClass" "Press [ %changeclass% ] to Change Class" "TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam" "Appuyez sur [%changeteam%] pour changer d'équipe" "[english]TF_Spectator_ChangeTeam" "Press [ %changeteam% ] to Change Team" "TF_Spectator_AutoDirector" "Appuyez sur [ %strafe% ] pour activer le mode Directeur auto" "[english]TF_Spectator_AutoDirector" "Press [ %strafe% ] for Auto Director" "TF_Spectator_SwitchCamModeKey" "[%jump%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_SwitchCamModeKey" "[%jump%]" "TF_Spectator_SwitchCamMode" "Changer de mode de caméra" "[english]TF_Spectator_SwitchCamMode" "Switch Camera Mode" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwdKey" "[%attack%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwdKey" "[%attack%]" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwd" "Défilement des cibles (avant)" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetFwd" "Cycle Targets (fwd)" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRevKey" "[%attack2%]" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRevKey" "[%attack2%]" "TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRev" "Défilement des cibles (arrière)" "[english]TF_Spectator_CycleTargetRev" "Cycle Targets (rev)" "TF_Spectator_Spectating" "Observation :" "[english]TF_Spectator_Spectating" "Spectating:" "TF_teambalanced" "Les équipes ont été auto-équilibrées" "[english]TF_teambalanced" "The teams have been auto-balanced" "TF_teamswitch" "Les équipes sont inversées" "[english]TF_teamswitch" "The teams have been switched" "TF_teamswitch_attackers" "Vous êtes en attaque !" "[english]TF_teamswitch_attackers" "You are now Attacking!" "TF_teamswitch_defenders" "Vous êtes en défense !" "[english]TF_teamswitch_defenders" "You are now Defending!" "TF_teamswitch_red" "Vous faites maintenant partie des RED !" "[english]TF_teamswitch_red" "You are now on RED!" "TF_teamswitch_blue" "Vous faites maintenant partie des BLU !" "[english]TF_teamswitch_blue" "You are now on BLU!" "TF_suddendeath" "MORT SUBITE !" "[english]TF_suddendeath" "SUDDEN DEATH!" "TF_suddendeath_mode" "MODE MORT SUBITE" "[english]TF_suddendeath_mode" "SUDDEN DEATH MODE!" "TF_suddendeath_join" "Asseyez-vous et détendez-vous en attendant la fin de cette guéguerre." "[english]TF_suddendeath_join" "Sit back and relax while you wait for this petty conflict to end." "TF_suddendeath_timer" "Vous n'avez plus de temps. Surveillez vos arrières et achevez-les. Plus de réapparitions." "[english]TF_suddendeath_timer" "You've run out of time. Watch your back and finish 'em off. No more spawning." "TF_suddendeath_limit" "Limite de temps pour la carte atteinte. Plus de réapparitions, c'est le moment d'assurer." "[english]TF_suddendeath_limit" "Map time limit reached. No more spawning, so make this count." "TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) est une carte de capture de drapeau" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) is a Capture the Flag map" "TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "Pour marquer un point, volez la mallette contenant les documents de l'ennemi et rapportez-la à votre point de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your capture point" "TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Si vous lâchez la mallette, elle retourne à sa base au bout de 60 secondes" "[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their base in 60 seconds" "TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort est une carte de capture de drapeau" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort is a Capture the Flag map" "TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "Pour marquer un point, volez la mallette contenant les documents et rapportez-la dans votre base" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your basement" "TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus" "L'état et la position des deux mallettes sont indiqués en bas de l'écran" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus" "The status and location of both intelligence briefcases can be found at the base of your screen" "TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Si vous lâchez la mallette, elle retourne au point de départ au bout de 60 secondes" "[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their basement in 60 seconds" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit est une carte d'attaque-défense de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit is an Attack/Defend Control Point map" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Pour gagner, les RED doivent défendre leurs points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Team RED wins by defending their Control Points" "TF_IM_Gravelpit_BlueWin" "tandis que les BLU doivent les conquérir dans le délai imparti." "[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_BlueWin" "Team BLU wins by capturing all control points before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_Intro" "Dustbowl est une carte d'attaque-défense de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_Intro" "Dustbowl is an Attack/Defend Control Point map" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin" "Pour gagner, les BLU doivent passer trois phases." "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin" "Team BLU must advance through three stages to win" "TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "Chacune compte deux points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "Each stage contains two Control Points" "TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro est une carte territoriale de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro is a Territorial Control Point map" "TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "Pour gagner, il faut occuper les six territoires," "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "A team must control all six territories to win" "TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin2" "chacun en ayant trois au départ" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin2" "Each team starts with three territories" "TF_IM_Hydro_Stages" "Les phases portent toujours sur deux points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Stages" "Stages will be played with two Control points at a time" "TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "En prenant le point de contrôle lors d'une phase, vous gagnez le territoire" "[english]TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "Capture the enemy Control Point in a stage to win the territory" "TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) est une carte de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary est une carte de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands est une carte de points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands is a Control Point map" "TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "Pour gagner, l'équipe doit prendre les cinq points de contrôle" "[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all five Control Points" "TF_IM_CP_Capture" "Pour prendre un point de contrôle, restez dans la zone de capture jusqu'à ce que le point vous appartienne" "[english]TF_IM_CP_Capture" "To capture a Control Point, stand within the Capture Zone boundaries until you own the Control Point" "TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "Vous gagnez du temps à chaque point pris" "[english]TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when a Control Point is captured" "TF_IM_CP_Locked" "Les points de contrôle verrouillés ne peuvent pas être pris" "[english]TF_IM_CP_Locked" "Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked" "TF_IM_Goldrush_Intro" "Gold Rush est une carte de charge utile en trois phases" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_Intro" "Gold Rush is a Payload map with three stages" "TF_IM_Goldrush_BlueWin" "Les BLU doivent escorter le wagon jusqu'au dernier point des RED dans le délai imparti" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_BlueWin" "BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Goldrush_RedWin" "Les RED doivent empêcher le wagon d'atteindre leur dernier point" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_RedWin" "RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point" "TF_IM_Goldrush_MoveCart" "Le wagon avance lorsque des BLU sont à proximité" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_MoveCart" "The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it" "TF_IM_Goldrush_CartHeals" "Le wagon fournit des points de santé et des munitions aux BLU" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_CartHeals" "The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team" "TF_IM_Goldrush_RollsBack" "Si le wagon cesse d'avancer pendant 30 secondes, il se met à reculer" "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_RollsBack" "If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards" "TF_IM_Goldrush_TimeAdd" "Du temps est ajouté chaque fois que le wagon atteint un point-repère." "[english]TF_IM_Goldrush_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point" "TF_IM_Basin_Intro" "Badwater Basin est une carte de charge utile en une phase seulement" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_Intro" "Badwater Basin is a Payload map with just one stage" "TF_IM_Basin_BlueWin" "Les BLU doivent escorter le wagon jusqu'au dernier point des RED dans le délai imparti" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_BlueWin" "BLU team wins by escorting the cart to RED team's final point before the time runs out" "TF_IM_Basin_RedWin" "Les RED doivent empêcher le wagon d'atteindre leur dernier point" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_RedWin" "RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching their final point" "TF_IM_Basin_MoveCart" "Le wagon avance lorsque des BLU sont à proximité" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_MoveCart" "The cart moves along the track when BLU players are near it" "TF_IM_Basin_CartHeals" "Le wagon fournit des points de santé et des munitions aux BLU" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_CartHeals" "The cart dispenses health and ammo to the BLU team" "TF_IM_Basin_RollsBack" "Si le wagon cesse d'avancer pendant 30 secondes, il se met à reculer" "[english]TF_IM_Basin_RollsBack" "If the cart doesn't move for 30 seconds it will start to roll backwards" "TF_IM_Basin_TimeAdd" "Du temps est ajouté chaque fois que le wagon atteint un point-repère." "[english]TF_IM_Basin_TimeAdd" "Time is added to the clock when the cart reaches each check point" "TF_IM_Arena_Intro" "Bienvenue dans Team Fortress Arena" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Intro" "Welcome to Team Fortress Arena" "TF_IM_Arena_RandomTeam" "En mode Arena, vous êtes affecté aléatoirement à une équipe." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_RandomTeam" "In Arena mode you will be randomly assigned to a team" "TF_IM_Arena_ToWin" "Pour gagner, votre équipe doit éliminer tous les joueurs de l'équipe adverse..." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_ToWin" "To win, your team must either eliminate all players on the opposing team..." "TF_IM_Arena_OrCapture" "... ou capturer le point de contrôle qui sera activé au cours du round." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_OrCapture" "...or capture the control point that will be activated during the round" "TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" "Il n'y a pas de réapparition en mode Arena, alors ne mourez pas !" "[english]TF_IM_Arena_NoDie" "There is no respawning in Arena mode, so don't die!" "TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Les joueurs de l'équipe perdante devront passer le round suivant si d'autres joueurs attendent pour jouer." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Losing" "Players on the losing team may have to sit out the next round if other players are waiting to play" "TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "Les équipes sont mélangées une fois qu'une d'entre elles a atteint la limite des victoires." "[english]TF_IM_Arena_Scramble" "The teams will be scrambled after one team reaches the win limit" "TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Mitrailleuse" "[english]TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_NAME" "Sentry Gunner" "TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_DESC" "Abattez 10 ennemis avec une seule mitrailleuse." "[english]TF_GET_TURRETKILLS_DESC" "Accumulate 10 sentry gun kills with a single sentry." "TF_KILL_NEMESIS_NAME" "Bête noire" "[english]TF_KILL_NEMESIS_NAME" "Nemesis" "TF_KILL_NEMESIS_DESC" "Vengez-vous sur cinq ennemis." "[english]TF_KILL_NEMESIS_DESC" "Get five revenge kills." "TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_NAME" "Indestructible" "[english]TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_NAME" "Hard to Kill" "TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_DESC" "Tuez cinq ennemis à la suite sans mourir." "[english]TF_GET_CONSECUTIVEKILLS_NODEATHS_DESC" "Get five kills in a row without dying." "TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_NAME" "L'art du camouflage" "[english]TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_NAME" "Master of Disguise" "TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_DESC" "Faites-vous soigner par un infirmier ennemi." "[english]TF_GET_HEALED_BYENEMY_DESC" "Trick an opposing Medic into healing you." "TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Matière grise" "[english]TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_NAME" "Grey Matter" "TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Faites 25 tirs en pleine tête en tant que Sniper." "[english]TF_GET_HEADSHOTS_DESC" "Get 25 headshots as a Sniper." "TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_NAME" "Avec des amis comme ça..." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_NAME" "With Friends Like these..." "TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_DESC" "Faites une partie avec au moins 7 joueurs de votre liste d'amis." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDSONLY_DESC" "Play in a game with 7 or more players from your friends list." "TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_NAME" "Dynasty" "[english]TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_NAME" "Dynasty" "TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_DESC" "Gagnez 20 parties." "[english]TF_WIN_MULTIPLEGAMES_DESC" "Win 20 games." "TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_NAME" "Boucherie" "[english]TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_NAME" "Hardcore" "TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_DESC" "Accumulez un total de 1 000 victimes." "[english]TF_GET_MULTIPLEKILLS_DESC" "Accumulate 1000 total kills." "TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Infraction centrale électrique" "[english]TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Powerhouse Offense" "TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Remportez une victoire écrasante dans 2Fort." "[english]TF_WIN_2FORT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Win 2Fort with a shutout." "TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Infraction éclair" "[english]TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Lightning Offense" "TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Emparez-vous du puits en 5 minutes maximum." "[english]TF_WIN_WELL_MINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Win Well in 5 minutes or less." "TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Infraction imparable" "[english]TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Relentless Offense" "TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Emparez-vous de l'hydro sans perdre une capture." "[english]TF_WIN_HYDRO_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Win Hydro without giving up a capture." "TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Défense impénétrable" "[english]TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Impenetrable Defense" "TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Défendez avec succès la carrière sans perdre une capture." "[english]TF_WIN_DUSTBOWL_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture." "TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Défense impossible" "[english]TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_NAME" "Impossible Defense" "TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Défendez avec succès la fosse sans perdre une capture." "[english]TF_WIN_GRAVELPIT_NOENEMYCAPS_DESC" "Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture." "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_NAME" "Tête de classe" "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_NAME" "Head of the Class" "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_DESC" "Jouez un round entier avec chaque classe." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYCLASS_DESC" "Play a complete round with every class." "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_NAME" "Globe-trotter" "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_NAME" "World Traveler" "TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_DESC" "Jouez une partie complète sur 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro et Well (CP)." "[english]TF_PLAY_GAME_EVERYMAP_DESC" "Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP)." "TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_NAME" "Super Doc" "[english]TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_NAME" "Team Doctor" "TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_DESC" "Accumulez 25 000 points santé en tant que Medic." "[english]TF_GET_HEALPOINTS_DESC" "Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic." "TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Lance-flammes" "[english]TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_NAME" "Flamethrower" "TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Embrasez cinq ennemis en 30 secondes." "[english]TF_BURN_PLAYERSINMINIMUMTIME_DESC" "Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds." "TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_NAME" "Pacifiste" "[english]TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_NAME" "First Do No Harm" "TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_DESC" "Jouez un round entier sans tuer aucun ennemi et obtenez le meilleur score au sein d'une équipe d'au moins 6 joueurs." "[english]TF_MEDIC_TOP_SCOREBOARD_DESC" "Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_NAME" "Quadruple pontage" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_NAME" "Quadruple Bypass" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_DESC" "Soignez un coéquipier subissant les tirs simultanés de 4 ennemis." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_UNDER_FIRE_DESC" "Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once." "TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_NAME" "Cure collective" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_NAME" "Group Health" "TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_DESC" "Associez-vous à 2 autres Medics pour prodiguer 3 ÜberCharge simultanées." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SIMUL_CHARGE_DESC" "Work with 2 other Medics to deploy 3 simultaneous ÜberCharges." "TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_NAME" "Préparation chirurgicale" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_NAME" "Surgical Prep" "TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_DESC" "Préparez une ÜberCharge avant la fin de la phase de mise en place." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SETUP_CHARGE_DESC" "Have an ÜberCharge ready before the Setup phase ends." "TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_NAME" "Traumatisme" "[english]TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_NAME" "Trauma Queen" "TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_DESC" "Prodiguez 3 ÜberCharges et coopérez pour faire 5 victimes en moins de 5 minutes." "[english]TF_MEDIC_RAPID_CHARGE_DESC" "Deploy 3 ÜberCharges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time." "TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_NAME" "Réflexe immunitaire" "[english]TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_NAME" "Double Blind Trial" "TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_DESC" "Prodiguez une ÜberCharge dans les 8 secondes suivant le lancement d'une ÜberCharge ennemie à proximité." "[english]TF_MEDIC_COUNTER_CHARGE_DESC" "Deploy an ÜberCharge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy Medic deploying his." "TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_NAME" "Jouez au docteur" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_NAME" "Play Doctor" "TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_DESC" "Au sein d'une équipe sans Medic, soyez le premier joueur à devenir Medic après qu'un coéquipier en réclame un, puis prodiguez 500 points en soins." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SWITCH_TO_MEDIC_DESC" "In a team with no Medics, be the first person to switch to Medic after a teammate calls for 'Medic!', and then heal 500 health." "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Triage" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Triage" "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Prodiguez une ÜberCharge à un coéquipier moins d'une seconde avant qu'il soit touché par un explosif mortel." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_NAME" "Médecine préventive" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_NAME" "Preventive Medicine" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_DESC" "Empêchez l'ennemi de prendre un point de contrôle en coopérant avec un coéquipier immunisé." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_BLOCKER_DESC" "Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an ÜberCharged teammate." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Consultation" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Consultation" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Coopérez avec un coéquipier Medic pour tuer 5 ennemis avec une seule vie." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Assist a fellow Medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_NAME" "Vous avez mal, là ?" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_NAME" "Does It Hurt When I Do This?" "TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC" "Tuez 50 Scouts avec votre pistolet à seringues." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Aime tes pairs" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Peer Review" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_DESC" "Tuez 50 Medics avec votre scie à amputation." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_DESC" "Kill 50 Medics with your bone saw." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_NAME" "Pharmacie lourde" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_NAME" "Big Pharma" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_DESC" "Aidez un Heavy à tuer 20 ennemis sans mourir ni l'un ni l'autre." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_LONG_DESC" "Assist a Heavy in killing 10 enemies, where neither of you die." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_NAME" "Comme un picotement" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_NAME" "You'll Feel a Little Prick" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_DESC" "Aidez un Scout à tuer 3 ennemis en lui prodiguant une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SCOUT_DESC" "Assist in killing 3 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Scout." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_NAME" "Autoclave" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_NAME" "Autoclave" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_DESC" "Aidez un Pyro à tuer 5 ennemis en lui prodiguant une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_PYRO_DESC" "Assist in burning 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Pyro." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_NAME" "Lobotomie" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_NAME" "Blunt Trauma" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_DESC" "Aidez un Heavy avec une seule ÜberCharge à tuer 2 ennemis." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_HEAVY_DESC" "Assist in punching 2 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Heavy." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Percée médicale" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Medical Breakthrough" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Aidez un Demoman à détruire 5 montages ennemis en lui prodiguant une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_NAME" "Médecine militaire" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_NAME" "Blast Assist" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_DESC" "Aidez un Soldier à tuer 5 ennemis en lui prodiguant une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_SOLDIER_DESC" "Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge on a Soldier." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_NAME" "L'homme et la machine" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_NAME" "Midwife Crisis" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_DESC" "Soignez un Engineer en train de réparer une mitrailleuse sous le feu de l'ennemi." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ENGINEER_DESC" "Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_NAME" "L'union fait la force" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_NAME" "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_DESC" "Coopérez pour tuer 5 ennemis sur un point de contrôle ennemi sans mourir une seule fois." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_CAPTURER_DESC" "Assist in killing 3 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_NAME" "Réactivité" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_NAME" "Grand Rounds" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_DESC" "Soignez 200 coéquipiers ayant réclamé des soins." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_CALLERS_DESC" "Heal 200 teammates after they've called for 'Medic!'." "TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Médecine infernale" "[english]TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Infernal Medicine" "TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Eteignez 100 coéquipiers en train de brûler." "[english]TF_MEDIC_EXTINGUISH_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Extinguish 100 burning teammates." "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_NAME" "Euthanasie" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_NAME" "Doctor Assisted Homicide" "TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_DESC" "Coopérez pour tuer 20 bêtes noires." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ASSIST_VS_NEMESES_DESC" "Assist in killing 20 nemeses." "TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_NAME" "Effet placebo" "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_NAME" "Placebo Effect" "TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_DESC" "Tuez 5 ennemis avec une seule vie, tout en ayant une ÜberCharge prête, mais non prodiguée." "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_WHILE_CHARGED_DESC" "Kill 5 enemies in a single life, while having your ÜberCharge ready, but undeployed." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_NAME" "Amputations" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_NAME" "Sawbones" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_DESC" "Blessez 5 ennemis d'affilée au moyen de votre scie à amputation sans mourir ni rater votre cible." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_NOMISSES_DESC" "Hit enemies with your bonesaw 5 times in a row without dying or missing." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_NAME" "Interne" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_NAME" "Intern" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_DESC" "Accumulez 7 000 points santé en une seule vie." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_LARGE_DESC" "Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_NAME" "Spécialiste" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_NAME" "Specialist" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_DESC" "Accumulez 10 000 points santé en une seule vie." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_HUGE_DESC" "Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Chef de service" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Chief of Staff" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Accumulez un total de 1 million de points santé." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Accumulate 1 million total heal points." "TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_NAME" "Serment d'hypocrite" "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_NAME" "Hypocritical Oath" "TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_DESC" "Tuez un Spy ennemi que vous avez soigné." "[english]TF_MEDIC_KILL_HEALED_SPY_DESC" "Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing." "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Intervention médicale" "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Medical Intervention" "TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Sauvez un coéquipier d'une chute mortelle." "[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_FALLING_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Save a falling teammate from dying on impact." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_NAME" "Second diagnostic" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_NAME" "Second Opinion" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_DESC" "Immunisez 2 coéquipiers simultanément." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_JUGGLE_DESC" "ÜberCharge 2 teammates at once." "TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_NAME" "Rapport d'autopsie" "[english]TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_NAME" "Autopsy Report" "TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_DESC" "Immortalisez la défaite d'un ennemi en posant triomphalement sur son cadavre." "[english]TF_MEDIC_FREEZECAM_RAGDOLL_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll." "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_NAME" "Pour info, je suis Medic" "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_NAME" "FYI I am A Medic" "TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_DESC" "Utilisez votre scie à amputation pour tuer 5 Spys ayant demandé des soins." "[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_SPY_CALLERS_DESC" "Use your bonesaw to kill 5 Spies who have been calling for 'Medic!'." "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_NAME" "Pratique familiale" "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_NAME" "Family Practice" "TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_DESC" "Immunisez dix de vos amis de la Communauté Steam." "[english]TF_MEDIC_CHARGE_FRIENDS_DESC" "ÜberCharge ten of your Steam Community Friends." "TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_NAME" "Visite à domicile" "[english]TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_NAME" "House Call" "TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_DESC" "Rejoignez une partie à laquelle participe l'un de vos amis, puis immunisez-le." "[english]TF_MEDIC_INVITE_JOIN_CHARGE_DESC" "Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him." "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_NAME" "Accompagnement des malades" "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_NAME" "Bedside Manner" "TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_DESC" "Soignez un coéquipier tandis qu'il remporte un de ses propres succès." "[english]TF_MEDIC_HEAL_ACHIEVER_DESC" "Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Medic, étape 1" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Medic Milestone 1" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 10 des succès du Medic." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Medic, étape 2" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Medic Milestone 2" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 16 des succès du Medic." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Medic, étape 3" "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Medic Milestone 3" "TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 22 des succès du Medic." "[english]TF_MEDIC_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Medic pack." "TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_NAME" "Feu nourri" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_NAME" "Combined Fire" "TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_DESC" "Utilisez votre fusil pour achever 20 joueurs en flammes." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_MULTIWEAPONS_DESC" "Use your shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited." "TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_NAME" "Rôti de lavettes" "[english]TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_NAME" "Weenie Roast" "TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_DESC" "Incendiez simultanément 2 Scouts ennemis." "[english]TF_PYRO_SIMULBURN_SCOUTS_DESC" "Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time." "TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Baptême du feu" "[english]TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Baptism by Fire" "TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Forcez 10 ennemis en feu à se jeter dans l'eau." "[english]TF_PYRO_FORCE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Force 10 burning enemies to jump into water." "TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_NAME" "Fire and Forget" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_NAME" "Fire and Forget" "TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_DESC" "Tuez 15 joueurs alors que vous êtes mort." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_POSTDEATH_DESC" "Kill 15 players while you're dead." "TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_NAME" "Pare-feu" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_NAME" "Firewall" "TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_DESC" "Incendiez 5 Spys ayant un saboteur sur un bâtiment de votre équipe." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_SPIES_DESC" "Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building." "TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Brûlez les livres" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_NAME" "Cooking the Books" "TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Incendiez 5 ennemis transportant vos documents secrets." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Ignite 5 enemies carrying your intelligence." "TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_NAME" "Combustion spontanée" "[english]TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_NAME" "Spontaneous Combustion" "TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_DESC" "Faites brûler 10 Spys invisibles." "[english]TF_PYRO_REVEAL_SPIES_DESC" "Ignite 10 cloaked Spies." "TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Pionnier" "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Trailblazer" "TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Incendiez 10 ennemis ayant récemment utilisé un téléporteur." "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter." "TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Feu de camp" "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Camp Fire" "TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Tuez à la suite 3 ennemis situés dans la même zone." "[english]TF_PYRO_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies in a row, all within the same area." "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_NAME" "Bûcheron" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_NAME" "Lumberjack" "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_DESC" "Tuez 3 personnes avec votre hache avec une seule vie." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_SMALL_DESC" "Kill 3 people with your axe in one life." "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_NAME" "Elagueur" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_NAME" "Clearcutter" "TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_DESC" "Tuez 6 personnes avec votre hache avec une seule vie." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_AXE_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 6 people with your axe in one life." "TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Sur vos talons" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Hot on Your Heels" "TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis par derrière au lance-flammes." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_NAME" "Friture" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_NAME" "I Fry" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_DESC" "Incendiez 10 Spys déguisés." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPIES_AS_YOU_DESC" "Ignite 10 disguised Spies." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_NAME" "Feu rapproché" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_NAME" "Firewatch" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_DESC" "Incendiez 10 Snipers pendant qu'ils utilisent leur lunette de fusil." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SNIPERS_ZOOMED_DESC" "Ignite 10 Snipers while they are zoomed in." "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "En service" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_NAME" "Burn Ward" "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Incendiez 3 Medics prêt à lancer une ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICS_CHARGED_DESC" "Ignite 3 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_NAME" "Patate chaude" "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_NAME" "Hot Potato" "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_DESC" "Renvoyez 100 projectiles avec un tir d'air comprimé." "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_PROJECTILES_DESC" "Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast." "TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_NAME" "Je prépare le casse-croûte" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_NAME" "Makin' Bacon" "TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_DESC" "Tuez 50 Heavys au lance-flammes." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_HEAVIES_DESC" "Kill 50 Heavies with your flamethrower." "TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Plan B" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Plan B" "TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis pendant que vous êtes sous l'eau en même temps qu'eux." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater." "TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_NAME" "Pyrotechnique" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_NAME" "Pyrotechnics" "TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis en une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_UBERCHARGE_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies in a single ÜberCharge." "TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Pyromane" "[english]TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Arsonist" "TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Détruisez 50 bâtiments d'Engineers." "[english]TF_PYRO_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Destroy 50 Engineer buildings." "TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_NAME" "Feu maîtrisé" "[english]TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_NAME" "Controlled Burn" "TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_DESC" "Incendiez 50 ennemis en train de capturer l'un de vos points de contrôle." "[english]TF_PYRO_DEFEND_POINTS_DESC" "Ignite 50 enemies capturing one of your control points." "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Guerrier du feu" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Firefighter" "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemies." "TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Pyromancien" "[english]TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Pyromancer" "TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Réalisez un total d'un million de points de dégâts par le feu." "[english]TF_PYRO_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Do 1 million points of total fire damage." "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_NAME" "Petit bois" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_NAME" "Next of Kindling" "TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_DESC" "Incendiez un ennemi et le Medic qui le soigne." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_MEDICPAIR_DESC" "Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "OMGWTFBBQ" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "OMGWTFBBQ" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi avec une raillerie." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a taunt." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Brûlure au second degré" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Second Degree Burn" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi en feu qui a été incendié par un autre Pyro." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro." "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_NAME" "Vous avez du feu ?" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_NAME" "Got A Light?" "TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_DESC" "Incendiez un Spy ennemi alors qu'il jette sa cigarette." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_SPY_TAUNT_DESC" "Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette." "TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_NAME" "Barbecue" "[english]TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_NAME" "BarbeQueQ" "TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_DESC" "Faites en sorte qu'un joueur dominé quitte le serveur." "[english]TF_PYRO_DOMINATE_LEAVESVR_DESC" "Cause a dominated player to leave the server." "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_NAME" "Chaud devant" "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_NAME" "Hotshot" "TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un Soldier en lui renvoyant un tir de roquette critique." "[english]TF_PYRO_REFLECT_CROCKET_KILL_DESC" "Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket." "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_NAME" "Danse de l'immolation" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_NAME" "Dance Dance Immolation" "TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis alors qu'ils vous raillent." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_TAUNTERS_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting." "TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_NAME" "Ex-aequo" "[english]TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_NAME" "Dead Heat" "TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi à l'instant même où il vous tue." "[english]TF_PYRO_DOUBLE_KO_DESC" "Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you." "TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_NAME" "Lampe témoin" "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_NAME" "Pilot Light" "TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_DESC" "Incendiez un Soldier en train de faire un saut propulsé." "[english]TF_PYRO_BURN_RJ_SOLDIER_DESC" "Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair." "TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_NAME" "Brûlure de congélation" "[english]TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_NAME" "Freezer Burn" "TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_DESC" "Fournissez à vos ennemis des arrêts sur image de chacune de vos railleries." "[english]TF_PYRO_FREEZECAM_TAUNTS_DESC" "Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts." "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_NAME" "Pompier en chef" "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_NAME" "Fire Chief" "TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_DESC" "Tuez 1 000 ennemis." "[english]TF_PYRO_KILL_GRIND_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 1000 enemies." "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_NAME" "Angle d'approche" "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_NAME" "Attention Getter" "TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_DESC" "Incendiez 100 ennemis avec le pistolet de détresse." "[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_FLAREGUN_DESC" "Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Pyro, étape 1" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 1" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 10 des succès du Pyro." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Pyro, étape 2" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 2" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 16 des succès du Pyro." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Pyro, étape 3" "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Pyro Milestone 3" "TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 22 des succès du Pyro." "[english]TF_PYRO_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Pyro pack." "TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_NAME" "Rideau de fer" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_NAME" "Iron Kurtain" "TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_DESC" "Encaissez 1 000 points de dégâts en une seule vie." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DAMAGE_TAKEN_DESC" "Take 1000 points of damage in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Garde du corps médical" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Party Loyalty" "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis moins de 3 secondes après qu'ils aient attaqué votre Medic." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies within 3 seconds of them attacking your Medic." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_NAME" "Partage du travail" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_NAME" "Division of Labor" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis avec l'aide d'un Medic. Aucun de vous deux ne doit mourir." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_MEDIC_LARGE_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you die." "TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_NAME" "Red Oktoberfest" "[english]TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_NAME" "Red Oktoberfest" "TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_DESC" "Obtenez une domination pour un Medic qui vous soigne." "[english]TF_HEAVY_EARN_MEDIC_DOMINATION_DESC" "Earn a domination for a Medic who's healing you." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Bravade" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Show Trial" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi avec une raillerie." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a taunt." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Crime et châtiment" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Crime and Punishment" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis transportant vos documents." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Lutte des classes" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Class Struggle" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Travaillez avec un Medic allié pour détruire un duo Heavy et Medic." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair." "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Bloc soviétique" "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_NAME" "Soviet Block" "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_DESC" "Arrêtez la progression d'un Heavy ennemi invulnérable en étant invulnérable et en défense." "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_INVULN_HEAVY_DESC" "While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement." "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_NAME" "Halte au wagon" "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_NAME" "Stalin the Kart" "TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_DESC" "Empêchez l'ennemi de déplacer le wagon 25 fois." "[english]TF_HEAVY_BLOCK_CART_DESC" "Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times." "TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_NAME" "Soviet suprême" "[english]TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_NAME" "Supreme Soviet" "TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_DESC" "Faites-vous übercharger 50 fois." "[english]TF_HEAVY_RECEIVE_UBER_GRIND_DESC" "Get ÜberCharged 50 times." "TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_NAME" "Support logistique" "[english]TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_NAME" "Factory Worker" "TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis en vous faisant recharger par un distributeur." "[english]TF_HEAVY_STAND_NEAR_DISPENSER_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_NAME" "Union soviétique" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_NAME" "Soviet Union" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 25 ennemis en assistant ou en étant assisté par un autre Heavy." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_HEAVY_GRIND_DESC" "Get 25 enemy kills where you either assist or are assisted by another Heavy." "TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Destruction des moyens de production" "[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "0wn the Means of Production" "TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Supprimez 20 bombes collantes en tuant les Demoman qui les ont produites." "[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Krazy Ivan" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_NAME" "Krazy Ivan" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Tuez 100 ennemis alors que vous et votre victime êtes sous l'eau." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_UNDERWATER_DESC" "Kill 100 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater." "TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_NAME" "Raspoutine" "[english]TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_NAME" "Rasputin" "TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_DESC" "Faites-vous tirer dessus, incendier, bastonner et subissez des dégâts d'explosion en une seule vie." "[english]TF_HEAVY_TAKE_MULTI_DAMAGE_DESC" "In a single life, get shot, burned, bludgeoned, and receive explosive damage." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_NAME" "Cerise sur le gâteau" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_NAME" "Icing on the Cake" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_DESC" "Tuez 20 joueurs que vous dominez." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_DOMINATED_DESC" "Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating." "TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_NAME" "Résistance" "[english]TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_NAME" "Crock Block" "TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_DESC" "Survivez à un tir direct de roquette critique." "[english]TF_HEAVY_SURVIVE_CROCKET_DESC" "Survive a direct hit from a critical rocket." "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_NAME" "Union des forces de travail" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_NAME" "Kollectivization" "TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_DESC" "Réalisez 1 000 coopérations." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ASSIST_GRIND_DESC" "Get 1000 assists." "TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_NAME" "Chasse aux espions" "[english]TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_NAME" "Spyalectical Materialism" "TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_DESC" "Tuez 10 Spys invisibles seul ou en coopération." "[english]TF_HEAVY_UNCOVER_SPIES_DESC" "Kill or assist in killing 10 cloaked Spies." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_NAME" "Révolution permanente" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_NAME" "Permanent Revolution" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_DESC" "Tuez 5 ennemis sans que les canons de votre minigun s'arrêtent de tourner." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_WHILE_SPUNUP_DESC" "Kill 5 enemies without spinning down your gun." "TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_NAME" "Industrie lourde" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_NAME" "Heavy Industry" "TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_DESC" "Tirez l'équivalent de 200 000 $ de munitions de minigun en une seule vie." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRE_LOTS_DESC" "Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_NAME" "Force de frappe communiste" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_NAME" "Communist Mani-Fisto" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi d'un coup de poing critique." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CRIT_PUNCH_DESC" "Kill an enemy with a critical punch." "TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_NAME" "Redistribution de la santé" "[english]TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_NAME" "Redistribution of Health" "TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_DESC" "Soignez 1 000 points de dégâts avec des trousses de soins en une seule vie." "[english]TF_HEAVY_HEAL_MEDIKITS_DESC" "Heal 1000 damage with med-kits in a single life." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Rationnement" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_NAME" "Rationing" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi avec le fusil à pompe quand vous êtes à court de munitions de minigun." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo." "TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_NAME" "Avant-garde" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_NAME" "Vanguard Party" "TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_DESC" "Soyez le premier de votre équipe à capturer un point de contrôle dans un round." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FIRST_TO_CAP_DESC" "Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round." "TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Le roi du wagon" "[english]TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Pushkin the Kart" "TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Obtenez 50 points sur des cartes de charge utile." "[english]TF_HEAVY_PAYLOAD_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Get 50 caps on payload maps." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_NAME" "Marx la Menace" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_NAME" "Marxman" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis dans les airs avec le minigun." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_MIDAIR_MINIGUN_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies in mid-air with the minigun." "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_NAME" "L'enclume" "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_NAME" "Gorky Parked" "TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_DESC" "Tuez 25 ennemis en restant sur un point de contrôle que vous possédez." "[english]TF_HEAVY_DEFEND_CONTROL_POINT_DESC" "Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Purge" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Purge" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Tuez 15 ennemis en train de capturer un point de contrôle que vous possédez." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies capturing a control point you own." "TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_NAME" "Coup de main" "[english]TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_NAME" "Lenin A Hand" "TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_DESC" "Aidez 5 coéquipiers à prendre leur revanche sur leur bête noire." "[english]TF_HEAVY_REVENGE_ASSIST_DESC" "Help 5 teammates get revenge on their nemeses." "TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_NAME" "Cinq secondes pour tuer" "[english]TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_NAME" "Five Second Plan" "TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi moins de 5 secondes après avoir quitté un téléporteur." "[english]TF_HEAVY_TELEPORT_FAST_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter." "TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Photostroika" "[english]TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Photostroika" "TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Immortalisez la défaite d'un ennemi en posant triomphalement lorsque vous êtes invulnérable." "[english]TF_HEAVY_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable." "TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME" "Consommation ostentatoire" "[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_NAME" "Konspicuous Konsumption" "TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "Mangez 100 Sandvichs." "[english]TF_HEAVY_EAT_SANDWICHES_DESC" "Eat 100 sandviches." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Pas touche Sandvich" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_NAME" "Don't Touch Sandvich" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Tuez 50 Scouts avec Natascha." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts using Natascha." "TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Gros plein de bortch" "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Borscht Belt" "TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Tuez 10 Heavys avec le K.G.B." "[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Kill 10 Heavies with The K.G.B." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Heavy, étape 1" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 1" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 10 des succès du Heavy." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Heavy, étape 2" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 2" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 16 des succès du Heavy." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Heavy, étape 3" "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Heavy Milestone 3" "TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 22 des succès du Heavy." "[english]TF_HEAVY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Heavy pack." "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_NAME" "Première victime" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_NAME" "First Blood" "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_DESC" "Soyez le premier à tuer un ennemi dans un combat Arena." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_DESC" "Get the first kill in an Arena match." "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_NAME" "Premières victimes" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_NAME" "First Blood, Part 2" "TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_DESC" "Tuez 5 ennemis avec le buff Première victime." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FIRST_BLOOD_KILL_DESC" "Kill 5 enemies with the First Blood crit buff." "TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_NAME" "Plus vite que son ombre" "[english]TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_NAME" "Quick Hook" "TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un joueur dans Well avant le début du round." "[english]TF_SCOUT_WELL_EARLY_KILL_DESC" "Kill a player in Well before the round starts." "TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_NAME" "Grand millésime" "[english]TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_NAME" "A Year to Remember" "TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_DESC" "Tuez 2 004 ennemis." "[english]TF_SCOUT_LIFETIME_KILLS_DESC" "Get 2004 lifetime kills." "TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_NAME" "Elémentaire" "[english]TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_NAME" "The Cycle" "TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_DESC" "En une seule vie, tuez un ennemi en vous trouvant au sol, dans les airs et dans l'eau." "[english]TF_SCOUT_IRON_MAN_KILLS_DESC" "In a single life, kill an enemy while you are on the ground, in the air, and in the water." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Fermé pour travaux" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_NAME" "Closer" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Détruisez 3 entrées de téléporteurs." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_TELEPORTERS_DESC" "Destroy 3 teleporter entrances." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_NAME" "Démolition" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_NAME" "If You Build It" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_DESC" "Détruisez 3 bâtiments ennemis avant que leur construction ne soit achevée." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_BEING_BUILT_DESC" "Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction." "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_NAME" "Problème mécanique" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_NAME" "Gun Down" "TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_DESC" "Détruisez une mitrailleuse active à l'aide de votre pistolet." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DESTROY_SENTRY_WITH_PISTOL_DESC" "Destroy an active sentry gun using your pistol." "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_NAME" "Mollets d'acier" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_NAME" "Batter Up" "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_DESC" "Effectuez 1 000 doubles sauts." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLE_JUMPS_DESC" "Perform 1000 double jumps." "TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Berserker" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_NAME" "Doctoring the Ball" "TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis en étant sous les effets d'une ÜberCharge de Medic." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ASSIST_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies while under the effects of a Medic's ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_NAME" "Dodgers 1, Giants 0" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_NAME" "Dodgers 1, Giants 0" "TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_DESC" "Tuez un Heavy ennemi et récupérez son Sandvich." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STEAL_SANDWICH_DESC" "Kill an enemy Heavy and take his Sandvich." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Scout, étape 1" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Scout Milestone 1" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 10 des succès du Scout." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Scout, étape 2" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Scout Milestone 2" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 16 des succès du Scout." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Scout, étape 3" "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Scout Milestone 3" "TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 22 des succès du Scout." "[english]TF_SCOUT_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Scout pack." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_NAME" "Vite, un médecin !" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_NAME" "Batting the Doctor" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC" "Tuez un Medic qui s'apprête à lancer une ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_CHARGED_MEDICS_DESC" "Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Appelez-moi Batte-Man" "[english]TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_NAME" "I'm Bat Man" "TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Survivez à 500 dégâts en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SCOUT_SURVIVE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Survive 500 damage in one life." "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_NAME" "Détente mortelle" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_NAME" "Pop Fly" "TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis en effectuant des doubles sauts." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DOUBLEJUMP_KILL_DESC" "Kill 20 players while double-jumping." "TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Informateur d'élite" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_NAME" "Round-Tripper" "TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Capturez les documents ennemis 25 fois." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FLAG_CAP_GRIND_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 25 times." "TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_NAME" "Triplette" "[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_NAME" "Triple Steal" "TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Capturez les documents ennemis 3 fois au cours d'un même round CTF." "[english]TF_SCOUT_THREE_FLAGCAPS_DESC" "Capture the enemy intelligence 3 times in a single CTF round." "TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Belle esquive" "[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_NAME" "Artful Dodger" "TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Evitez 1 000 dégâts en une seule vie en utilisant votre Bonk ! Atomic Punch." "[english]TF_SCOUT_DODGE_DAMAGE_DESC" "Dodge 1000 damage in a single life using your Bonk! Atomic Punch." "TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Tragique accident" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Fall Classic" "TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Provoquez une mort ou un suicide lié à l'environnement en utilisant le contrecoup de l'Eradicateur." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KNOCK_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_NAME" "Zone de frappe" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_NAME" "Strike Zone" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis alors qu'ils sont étourdis." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_STUNNED_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies while they are stunned." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Pollution" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_NAME" "Foul Territory" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Provoquez une mort liée à l'environnement en étourdissant un ennemi." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_INTO_TRAIN_DESC" "Cause an environmental death by stunning an enemy." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_NAME" "Ca fait mal !" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_NAME" "The Big Hurt" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_DESC" "Etourdissez 2 Medics prêts à lancer une ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_UBER_ENEMIES_DESC" "Stun 2 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Représailles" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Brushback" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Etourdissez 50 ennemis pendant qu'ils prennent un point ou qu'ils poussent le chariot." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Stun 50 enemies while they are capturing a point or pushing the cart." "TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_NAME" "Bobo la tête" "[english]TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_NAME" "Moon Shot" "TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_DESC" "Etourdissez un ennemi pendant le temps maximal possible en les touchant avec une balle longue." "[english]TF_SCOUT_MAX_STUNS_DESC" "Stun an enemy for the maximum possible duration by hitting them with a long-range ball." "TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_NAME" "Ricochet" "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_NAME" "Beanball" "TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Etourdissez un Scout avec sa propre balle." "[english]TF_SCOUT_STUN_SCOUT_WITH_THEIR_BALL_DESC" "Stun a Scout with their own ball." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "On ne bouge plus (du tout) !" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_NAME" "Retire the Runner" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Tuez un Scout pendant qu'il est sous l'effet du Crit-a-Cola." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_IN_DODGE_COOLDOWN_DESC" "Kill a Scout while they are under the effect of Crit-a-Cola." "TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Surpriiiiise !" "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_NAME" "Caught Napping" "TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis avec l'Eradicateur en les prenant à revers." "[english]TF_SCOUT_KILL_FROM_BEHIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies from behind with the Force-A-Nature." "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_NAME" "Point final" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_NAME" "Side Retired" "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_DESC" "Capturez le dernier point sur une carte de points de contrôle." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_LAST_POINT_DESC" "Capture the last point in a CP map." "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_NAME" "Coup triple" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_NAME" "Triple Play" "TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_DESC" "Prenez trois points de capture à la suite en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAPTURE_THREE_POINTS_DESC" "Capture three capture points in a row in one life." "TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_NAME" "Vif comme l'éclair" "[english]TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_NAME" "Stealing Home" "TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Lancez la prise d'un point de capture dans la seconde qui suit le moment où il devient disponible." "[english]TF_SCOUT_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available." "TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_NAME" "Essai transformé" "[english]TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_NAME" "Set the Table" "TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_DESC" "Lancez 10 prises de point se concluant par des captures." "[english]TF_SCOUT_START_AND_FINISH_CAP_DESC" "Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed." "TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_NAME" "Haute protection" "[english]TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_NAME" "Block the Plate" "TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_DESC" "Empêchez 50 prises de point." "[english]TF_SCOUT_BLOCK_CAPS_DESC" "Block 50 point captures." "TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_NAME" "Concurrence loyale" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_NAME" "Belittled Beleaguer" "TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi porteur de vos documents alors que vous portez vous-même des documents de l'équipe adverse." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CARRIER_KILL_CARRIER_DESC" "Kill an opposing player that has your intelligence while holding theirs." "TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_NAME" "Non-violent" "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_NAME" "No-Hitter" "TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_DESC" "Volez et capturez les documents de l'ennemi sans tirer une seule fois." "[english]TF_SCOUT_CAP_FLAG_WITHOUT_ATTACKING_DESC" "Steal and then capture the enemy intelligence without firing a shot." "TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_NAME" "Marathonien" "[english]TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_NAME" "Race for the Pennant" "TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_DESC" "Parcourez 25 kilomètres en courant." "[english]TF_SCOUT_LONG_DISTANCE_RUNNER_DESC" "Run 25 kilometers." "TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Homerun" "[english]TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Out of the Park" "TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Expédiez un ennemi à 25 mètres avec votre batte." "[english]TF_SCOUT_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Bat an enemy 25 meters." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_NAME" "Ardeurs refroidies" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_NAME" "Rode Hard, Put Away Wet" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_DESC" "Utilisez le jaraté contre un ennemi que vous dominez." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_DOMINATED_DESC" "Jarate an enemy that you're dominating." "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_NAME" "Restons poli" "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_NAME" "Be Polite" "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_DESC" "Fournissez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de vous en train de retirer votre chapeau." "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_HAT_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you doffing your hat." "TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_NAME" "L'efficacité avant tout" "[english]TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_NAME" "Be Efficient" "TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis en autant de tirs à l'aide du fusil de sniper." "[english]TF_SNIPER_RIFLE_NO_MISSING_DESC" "Get 3 kills with the Sniper Rifle without missing a shot." "TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_NAME" "De l'importance d'avoir un plan" "[english]TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_NAME" "Have a Plan" "TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_DESC" "Capturez le drapeau en mode CTF." "[english]TF_SNIPER_CAPTURE_FLAG_DESC" "Capture the flag in CTF." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Folie meurtrière" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_NAME" "Kill Everyone You Meet" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 1 000 ennemis." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 1000 enemies." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_NAME" "Trois fois proie" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_NAME" "Triple Prey" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_DESC" "Dans un même round, tuez un ennemi à l'aide de 3 armes différentes." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_WEAPONS_DESC" "In a single round, get a kill with 3 different weapons." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_NAME" "Séquence d'auto-destruction" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_NAME" "Self-destruct Sequence" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_DESC" "Tuez 10 Snipers ennemis d'une balle en pleine tête." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_SNIPERS_DESC" "Headshot 10 enemy Snipers." "TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_NAME" "Le plaisir de détruire" "[english]TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_NAME" "De-sentry-lized" "TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_DESC" "Détruisez 3 mitrailleuses d'Engineers." "[english]TF_SNIPER_DESTROY_SENTRYGUNS_DESC" "Destroy 3 Engineer sentry guns." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_NAME" "Tir à l'aveugle" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_NAME" "Shoot the Breeze" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_DESC" "Tuez un Spy totalement invisible en un seul tir." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_INVIS_SPY_DESC" "Kill a fully invisible Spy in a single hit." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_NAME" "Tombé raide mort" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_NAME" "Dropped Dead" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_DESC" "Tuez un Scout qui se trouve en l'air à l'aide de votre fusil de sniper ou du Huntsman." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_MIDAIR_SCOUT_DESC" "Kill a Scout in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman." "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_NAME" "Signe insigne" "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_NAME" "The Last Wave" "TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_DESC" "Fournissez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de vous en train de le saluer de la main." "[english]TF_SNIPER_FREEZECAM_WAVE_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you waving to them." "TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "Fratricide" "[english]TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "Australian Rules" "TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominez un Sniper ennemi." "[english]TF_SNIPER_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominate an enemy Sniper." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_NAME" "A corps et à kri" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_NAME" "Kook the Spook" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_DESC" "Tuez 10 Spys à l'aide de votre Kukri." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_SPIES_MELEE_DESC" "Kill 10 Spies with your Kukri." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Lettre d'amour" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_NAME" "Socket to Him" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Tuez un Demoman ennemi d'un tir en pleine tête." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_DEMOMAN_DESC" "Headshot an enemy Demoman." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_NAME" "Mort dans les airs" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_NAME" "Jumper Stumper" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi en train de faire un saut propulsé à l'aide de votre fusil de sniper ou du Huntsman." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_RJER_DESC" "Kill a rocket or grenade-jumping enemy in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_NAME" "Si près du but" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_NAME" "Not a Crazed Gunman, Dad" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_DESC" "En une seule vie, tuez 3 ennemis sur le point d'atteindre un objectif." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_OBJECTIVES_DESC" "In a single life, kill 3 enemies while they are achieving an objective." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_NAME" "L'instinct vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_NAME" "Trust Your Feelings" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_DESC" "Tuez 5 ennemis à l'aide du fusil de sniper sans utiliser la lunette." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_UNSCOPED_DESC" "Get 5 kills with the Sniper Rifle without your scope." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_NAME" "Überectomie" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_NAME" "Überectomy" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_DESC" "Tuez un Medic qui s'apprête à lancer une ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_CHARGED_MEDIC_DESC" "Kill a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_NAME" "Lot de consolation" "[english]TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_NAME" "Consolation Prize" "TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_DESC" "Faites-vous poignarder dans le dos 50 fois." "[english]TF_SNIPER_GET_BACKSTABBED_DESC" "Get backstabbed 50 times." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_NAME" "Mort éclair" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_NAME" "Enemy at the Gate" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_DESC" "Tuez un adversaire dans la première seconde d'un round." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_AT_ROUNDSTART_DESC" "Kill an opponent within the first second of a round." "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_NAME" "Question de timing" "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_NAME" "Parting Shot" "TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_DESC" "Tuez un joueur ennemi d'un tir en pleine tête au moment où son invulnérabilité disparaît." "[english]TF_SNIPER_HEADSHOT_POST_INVULN_DESC" "Headshot an enemy player the moment his invulnerability wears off." "TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_NAME" "Une carrière brillante" "[english]TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_NAME" "My Brilliant Career" "TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_DESC" "Prenez la première place du classement 10 fois au sein d'équipes d'au moins 6 joueurs." "[english]TF_SNIPER_TOP_SCOREBOARD_GRIND_DESC" "Top the scoreboard 10 times on teams of 6 or more players." "TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_NAME" "Traitement de choc" "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_NAME" "Shock Treatment" "TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Tuez un Spy dont la tentative de coup de poignard dans le dos a été bloquée par votre Razorback." "[english]TF_SNIPER_KILL_FAILED_SPY_DESC" "Kill a spy whose backstab attempt was blocked by your Razorback." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_NAME" "Tapissé partout" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_NAME" "Saturation Bombing" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC" "Touchez 4 joueurs ennemis en un seul lancer de jaraté." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC" "Jarate 4 enemy players with a single throw." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Espoirs douchés" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Rain on Their Parade" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Touchez un ennemi et le Medic qui le soigne à l'aide du jaraté." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Jarate an enemy and the Medic healing him." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_NAME" "Le pouvoir des bocaux" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_NAME" "Jarring Transition" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "Révélez un Spy invisible à l'aide du jaraté." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "Use Jarate to reveal a cloaked Spy." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Peace and love" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Friendship is Golden" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Eteignez un coéquipier en train de brûler en utilisant le jaraté." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Extinguish a burning teammate with your Jarate." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_NAME" "Guillaume Tell" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_NAME" "William Tell Overkill" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_DESC" "Clouez un Heavy au mur en lui transperçant la tête." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PIN_HEAVY_DESC" "Pin an enemy Heavy to the wall via his head." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "De deux flèches deux coups" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Beaux and Arrows" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Tuez un duo Heavy et Medic à l'aide de l'arc." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Kill a Heavy & Medic pair with the bow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_NAME" "Robin des bois" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_NAME" "Robbin’ Hood" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_DESC" "Descendez un ennemi transportant des documents à l'aide d'une seule flèche." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_FLAGCARRIER_DESC" "Take down an intelligence carrier with a single arrow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_NAME" "Porc-épic" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_NAME" "Pincushion" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_DESC" "Touchez un ennemi à l'aide de 3 flèches, sans le tuer." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_PINCUSHION_DESC" "Hit an enemy with 3 arrows, without killing them." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_NAME" "Petite commission pour l'assistant" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_NAME" "Number One Assistant" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_DESC" "Réalisez 5 coopérations en un seul round à l'aide du jaraté." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_ASSISTS_DESC" "Score 5 assists with the Jarate in a single round." "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Jaraté kid" "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_NAME" "Jarate Chop" "TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Touchez 3 ennemis à l'aide du jaraté, puis tuez-les en utilisant votre Kukri." "[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_KILL_MELEE_DESC" "Jarate and then kill 3 enemies with your Kukri." "TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Embroché" "[english]TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Shafted" "TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Poignardez un ennemi à l'aide d'une flèche." "[english]TF_SNIPER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stab an enemy with an arrow." "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_NAME" "Vengeance macabre" "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_NAME" "Dead Reckoning" "TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi à l'aide d'une flèche alors que vous êtes mort." "[english]TF_SNIPER_BOW_KILL_WHILEDEAD_DESC" "Kill an enemy with an arrow while you're dead." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Sniper, étape 1" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 1" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 5 des succès du Sniper." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Sniper, étape 2" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 2" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 11 des succès du Sniper." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Sniper, étape 3" "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Sniper Milestone 3" "TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 17 des succès du Sniper." "[english]TF_SNIPER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Sniper pack." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_NAME" "Triple meurtre" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_NAME" "Triplecrossed" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_DESC" "Poignardez 3 Snipers dans le dos en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_SNIPERS_DESC" "Backstab 3 Snipers in a single life." "TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_NAME" "Rien que pour vos yeux" "[english]TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_NAME" "For Your Eyes Only" "TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_DESC" "Fournissez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de vous jetant une cigarette sur son cadavre." "[english]TF_SPY_FREEZECAM_FLICK_DESC" "Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you flicking a cigarette onto their corpse." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "Contre-espionnage" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "Counter Espionage" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Poignardez un Spy déguisé dans le dos." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Backstab a disguised Spy." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_NAME" "Vol d'identité" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_NAME" "Identity Theft" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_DESC" "Poignardez l'ennemi en lequel vous êtes actuellement déguisé." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DISGUISE_TARGET_DESC" "Backstab the enemy that you're currently disguised as." "TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "En garde" "[english]TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "The Man from P.U.N.C.T.U.R.E." "TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Poignardez un ennemi en vous battant comme à l'escrime." "[english]TF_SPY_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Stab an enemy while fencing." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_NAME" "Pour info, je suis un Spy" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_NAME" "FYI I am a Spy" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_DESC" "Poignardez dans le dos un Medic qui vous a guéri dans les 5 dernières secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_HEALING_YOU_DESC" "Backstab a Medic who has healed you in the last 5 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_NAME" "L'homme aux armes cassées" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_NAME" "The Man with the Broken Guns" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_DESC" "Poignardez un Engineer dans le dos, puis sabotez 3 de ses bâtiments dans un délai de 10 secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENGY_SAP_BUILDING_DESC" "Backstab an Engineer, then sap 3 of his buildings within 10 seconds." "TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_NAME" "Sabotage" "[english]TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_NAME" "Sapsucker" "TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_DESC" "Sabotez un bâtiment ennemi, puis poignardez l'Engineer qui l'a construit dans un délai de 5 secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_SAP_BUILDING_BACKSTAB_ENGY_DESC" "Sap an enemy building, then backstab the Engineer who built it within 5 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Ca va couper" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "May I Cut In?" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Poignardez dans le dos un ennemi et le Medic qui le soigne dans un intervalle de 10 secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Backstab an enemy and the Medic healing him within 10 seconds of each other." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_NAME" "Agent provocateur" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_NAME" "Agent Provocateur" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_DESC" "Poignardez des amis de la Communauté Steam 10 fois." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_FRIENDS_DESC" "Backstab your Steam Community friends 10 times." "TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "La mort dans la peau" "[english]TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_NAME" "The Melbourne Supremacy" "TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominez un Sniper." "[english]TF_SPY_DOMINATE_SNIPER_DESC" "Dominate a Sniper." "TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Drôles d'espions" "[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Spies Like Us" "TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "En étant invisible, rentrez dans un Spy invisible ennemi." "[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "While cloaked, bump into an enemy cloaked Spy." "TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "Un cran au-dessus" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_NAME" "A Cut Above" "TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Tuez un Spy armé d'une arme à feu à l'aide de votre couteau." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_SPY_WITH_KNIFE_DESC" "Kill a gun-wielding Spy with your knife." "TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_NAME" "Burn Notice" "[english]TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_NAME" "Burn Notice" "TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_DESC" "Survivez 30 secondes après avoir été incendié en étant invisible." "[english]TF_SPY_SURVIVE_BURNING_DESC" "Survive 30 seconds after being ignited while cloaked." "TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_NAME" "Meurs d'une autre manière" "[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_NAME" "Die Another Way" "TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Tuez un Sniper après avoir cassé son Razorback en le poignardant dans le dos." "[english]TF_SPY_BREAK_SHIELD_KILL_SNIPER_DESC" "Kill a Sniper after your backstab breaks his Razorback." "TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_NAME" "Constructus Interruptus" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_NAME" "Constructus Interruptus" "TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_DESC" "Tuez un Engineer qui travaille sur une mitrailleuse." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_WORKING_ENGY_DESC" "Kill an Engineer who is working on a sentry gun." "TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_NAME" "Qui va à la chasse perd sa place" "[english]TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_NAME" "On Her Majesty’s Secret Surface" "TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Lancez la prise d'un point de capture dans la seconde qui suit le moment où il devient disponible." "[english]TF_SPY_FAST_CAP_DESC" "Start capping a capture point within a second of it becoming available." "TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_NAME" "Fraude à l'assurance" "[english]TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_NAME" "Insurance Fraud" "TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi pendant que vous vous faites soigner par un Medic ennemi." "[english]TF_SPY_MEDIC_HEALING_KILL_ENEMY_DESC" "Kill an enemy while you're being healed by an enemy Medic." "TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_NAME" "Vainqueur aux points" "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_NAME" "Point Breaker" "TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_DESC" "Tuez 15 ennemis qui restent sur un point de contrôle qu'ils possèdent." "[english]TF_SPY_KILL_CP_DEFENDERS_DESC" "Kill 15 enemies who are standing on a control point they own." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_NAME" "Cible majeure" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_NAME" "High Value Target" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_DESC" "Poignardez dans le dos un ennemi qui domine 3 de vos coéquipiers ou plus." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_DOMINATING_ENEMY_DESC" "Backstab an enemy who is dominating 3 or more of your teammates." "TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_NAME" "Vengeance surprise" "[english]TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_NAME" "Come in From the Cold" "TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_DESC" "Vengez-vous d'un ennemi en le poignardant dans le dos." "[english]TF_SPY_REVENGE_WITH_BACKSTAB_DESC" "Get a Revenge kill with a backstab." "TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_NAME" "Mort humide" "[english]TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_NAME" "Wetwork" "TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_DESC" "Poignardez à mort un ennemi qui se trouve sous l'influence du jaraté." "[english]TF_SPY_KNIFE_KILL_WHILE_JARATED_DESC" "Stab an enemy to death while under the influence of Jarate." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "On ne meurt que trois fois" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_NAME" "You Only Shiv Thrice" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Poignardez 3 ennemis dans le dos en l'espace de 10 secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_QUICK_KILLS_DESC" "Backstab 3 enemies within 10 seconds." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_NAME" "Le roi des Spys" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_NAME" "Spymaster" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_DESC" "Poignardez 1 000 ennemis dans le dos." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_GRIND_DESC" "Backstab 1000 enemies." "TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_NAME" "Travail de sape" "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_NAME" "Sap Auteur" "TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_DESC" "Détruisez 1 000 constructions d'Engineers à l'aide de saboteurs." "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 1000 Engineer buildings with sappers." "TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Coopération" "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_NAME" "Joint Operation" "TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Sabotez une mitrailleuse ennemie moins de 3 secondes après qu'un coéquipier en ait saboté une autre." "[english]TF_SPY_SAPPER_TEAMWORK_DESC" "Sap an enemy sentry gun within 3 seconds of a teammate sapping another." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_NAME" "Dr. Nooooo" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_NAME" "Dr. Nooooo" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_DESC" "Poignardez dans le dos un Medic qui s'apprête à lancer une ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_MEDIC_CHARGED_DESC" "Backstab a Medic that is ready to deploy an ÜberCharge." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Mesures de sécurité" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_NAME" "Is It Safe?" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis en train de capturer des points de contrôle." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_CAPPING_ENEMIES_DESC" "Backstab 50 enemies who are capturing control points." "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_NAME" "Pyro malgré lui" "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_NAME" "Slash and Burn" "TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_DESC" "Poignardez dans le dos un ennemi, qui se réincarne alors en Pyro avant de réapparaître." "[english]TF_SPY_BACKSTAB_ENEMY_SWITCH_PYRO_DESC" "Backstab an enemy, who then switches to Pyro before they respawn." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_NAME" "Diplomatie" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_NAME" "Diplomacy" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis avec l'Ambassador." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with the Ambassador." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_NAME" "Chasseur de têtes" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_NAME" "Skullpluggery" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 20 Snipers d'un tir en pleine tête avec l'Ambassador." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "Headshot 20 Snipers with the Ambassador." "TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_NAME" "Agent dormant" "[english]TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_NAME" "Sleeper Agent" "TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi qui a activé votre mort feinte dans les 20 dernières secondes." "[english]TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC" "Kill an enemy who triggered your feign death in the last 20 seconds." "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_NAME" "Qui c'est le patron ?" "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_NAME" "Who's Your Daddy?" "TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 3 Scouts d'un tir en pleine tête avec l'Ambassador." "[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_GRIND_DESC" "Headshot 3 Scouts with the Ambassador." "TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Agent très secret" "[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_NAME" "Deep Undercover" "TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "En utilisant la Cloak and Dagger, tuez le même ennemi 3 fois dans la même zone en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SPY_CAMP_POSITION_DESC" "While using the Cloak and Dagger, kill the same enemy 3 times, all within the same area in a single life." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Spy, étape 1" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Spy Milestone 1" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 5 des succès du Spy." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Spy, étape 2" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Spy Milestone 2" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 11 des succès du Spy." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Spy, étape 3" "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Spy Milestone 3" "TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 17 des succès du Spy." "[english]TF_SPY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Spy pack." "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_NAME" "Ramasseur de bonbons" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_NAME" "Candy Coroner" "TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_DESC" "Récoltez 20 citrouilles d'Halloween auprès de joueurs morts pour débloquer un chapeau." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_COLLECT_PUMPKINS_DESC" "Collect 20 Halloween pumpkins from dead players to unlock a hat." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_NAME" "Attaque de l'horrible Gibus" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_NAME" "Ghastly Gibus Grab" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_DESC" "Dominez un joueur portant l'horrible Gibus pour remporter le vôtre." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DOMINATE_FOR_HAT_DESC" "Dominate a player wearing the Ghastly Gibus to earn your own." "TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_NAME" "Mort de peur" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_NAME" "Scared Stiff" "TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_DESC" "Tuez un joueur effrayé par le fantôme qui hante la carte KOTH Harvest." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_KILL_SCARED_PLAYER_DESC" "Kill a player scared by the ghost haunting KOTH Harvest." "TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_NAME" "Attaque de lampions" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_NAME" "Attack o' Lantern" "TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_DESC" "Tuez 5 joueurs en faisant exploser des bombes citrouilles." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_PUMPKIN_KILL_DESC" "Cause the deaths of 5 players by exploding nearby pumpkin bombs." "TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Concours de costumes" "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Costume Contest" "TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un Spy déguisé en joueur de votre classe." "[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_DISGUISED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Kill a Spy disguised as your current class." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Soldier, étape 1" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 1" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 5 des succès du Soldier." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Soldier, étape 2" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 2" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 11 des succès du Soldier." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Soldier, étape 3" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Soldier Milestone 3" "TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 17 des succès du Soldier." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Soldier pack." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_NAME" "Dommages trilatéraux" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_NAME" "Tri-Splatteral Damage" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis en un seul tir de roquette critique." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_GROUP_WITH_CROCKET_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies with a single critical rocket." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Epée de Damoclès" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Death from Above" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Effectuez un saut propulsé et tuez 2 ennemis avant de toucher de nouveau le sol." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWO_DURING_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Rocket jump and kill 2 enemies before you land." "TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Dominateur" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_NAME" "Dominator" "TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Obtenez 3 dominations en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_THREE_DOMINATIONS_DESC" "Get 3 dominations in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "Châtiment pour crime de guerre" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_NAME" "War Crime and Punishment" "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "En une seule vie, tuez 3 ennemis ayant blessé un Medic alors qu'il vous soignait." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_MEDIC_DESC" "In a single life, kill 3 enemies who have damaged a Medic that is healing you." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Vent de défaite" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_NAME" "Spray of Defeat" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Utilisez une grenade pour mettre un joueur en pièces." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TAUNT_DESC" "Use a grenade to gib a player." "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_NAME" "Tonton flingueur" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_NAME" "Guns of the Navar0wned" "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC" "Tuez 5 Engineers manipulant une mitrailleuse alors que vous êtes hors de portée de leurs tirs." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_SENTRY_OUT_OF_RANGE_DESC" "Kill 5 Engineer sentries while you are standing outside of their range." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_NAME" "Destruction mutuelle" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_NAME" "Mutually Assured Destruction" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_DESC" "Tuez un sniper ennemi avec une roquette après qu'il vous a lui-même tué." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SNIPER_WHILE_DEAD_DESC" "Kill an enemy sniper with a rocket after he kills you." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_NAME" "Les Chevaliers du ciel" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_NAME" "Wings of Glory" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_DESC" "Tuez un Soldier ennemi alors que vous vous trouvez tous les deux en l'air." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_TARGET_WHILE_AIRBORNE_DESC" "Kill an enemy soldier while both you and the target are airborne." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_NAME" "Engineer devant l'Eternel" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_NAME" "Engineer to Eternity" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_DESC" "Tuez un Engineer en train de réparer une mitrailleuse sous le feu de l'ennemi." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ENGY_DESC" "Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire." "TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_NAME" "Guerre des tranchées" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_NAME" "Trench Warfare" "TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_DESC" "Tuez votre bête noire avec une pelle." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_NEMESIS_SHOVEL_KILL_DESC" "Kill your nemesis with a shovel." "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "Démineur" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "Bomb Squaddie" "TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Détruisez 10 bombes collantes avec votre fusil en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Destroy 10 sticky bombs with the shotgun in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Quand les aigles attaquent" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_NAME" "Where Eagles Dare" "TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Effectuez le saut propulsé le plus haut possible à partir de la position accroupie." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_CROUCH_ROCKET_JUMP_DESC" "Get the highest possible rocket jump using jump and crouch." "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_NAME" "Frères d'armes" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_NAME" "Banner of Brothers" "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_DESC" "Dopez 5 amis de la Communauté Steam en une seule fois à l'aide du Buff drapeau." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_FRIENDS_DESC" "Buff 5 steam friends at once with the Buff Banner." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_NAME" "Piqué du faucon" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_NAME" "Screamin' Eagle" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis à partir d'une position surélevée." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_TWENTY_FROM_ABOVE_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies from above." "TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_NAME" "Trop nazes, les critiques..." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_NAME" "Crockets Are Such B.S." "TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_DESC" "Tirez d'affilée deux roquettes critiques sans amélioration." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_SHOOT_MULT_CRITS_DESC" "Shoot two non-boosted crit rockets in a row." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_NAME" "Subversion de Genève" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_NAME" "Geneva Contravention" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "Tuez 5 joueurs sans défense après la fin d'une partie unique." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEFENSELESS_DESC" "Kill 5 defenseless players after a single match has ended." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "Troufion ardent" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_NAME" "Semper Fry" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis pendant que vous êtes en feu." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_ON_FIRE_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies while you are on fire." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_NAME" "Manège infernal" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_NAME" "The Longest Daze" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_DESC" "Tuez 5 joueurs étourdis." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_FIVE_STUNNED_DESC" "Kill 5 stunned players." "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_NAME" "En-gore ! En-gore !" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_NAME" "Gore-a! Gore-a! Gore-a!" "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_DESC" "Immortalisez la défaite d'un ennemi en posant triomphalement avec 3 membres de son corps." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_GIBS_DESC" "Provide the enemy with a freezecam of you taunting over 3 of their body parts." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_NAME" "Un Spy m'a tuer" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_NAME" "War Crime Spybunal" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_DESC" "Tuez un Spy venant de poignarder un coéquipier." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_SPY_KILLER_DESC" "Kill a Spy who just backstabbed a teammate." "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_NAME" "Fort Alamo" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_NAME" "Hamburger Hill" "TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_DESC" "Défendez 30 fois un même point." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DEFEND_CAP_THIRTY_TIMES_DESC" "Defend a cap point 30 times." "TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Le dépeçage du siècle" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_NAME" "Frags of our Fathers" "TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Mettez en pièces 1 000 personnes." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_GIB_GRIND_DESC" "Gib 1000 people." "TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_NAME" "Gravité fatale" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_NAME" "Duty Bound" "TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_DESC" "Tout en effectuant un saut propulsé, tuez un ennemi à l'aide de l'Equalizer avant de toucher le sol." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RJ_EQUALIZER_KILL_DESC" "While rocket jumping kill an enemy with the Equalizer before you land." "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_NAME" "Elan de patriotisme" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_NAME" "The Boostie Boys" "TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Dopez 15 coéquipiers grâce au Buff drapeau en une seule vie." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BUFF_TEAMMATES_DESC" "Buff 15 teammates with the Buff Banner in a single life." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_NAME" "Génocide écossais" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_NAME" "Out, Damned Scot!" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 500 Demoman ennemis." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_DEMOMAN_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Demomen" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "Retour de flammes" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_NAME" "Backdraft Dodger" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "Tuez un Pyro ayant fait exploser en l'air l'une de vos roquettes dans les 10 dernières secondes." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_PYRO_DESC" "Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds." "TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_NAME" "La mort attendra" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_NAME" "Ain't Got Time to Bleed" "TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_DESC" "Tuez 3 joueurs à l'aide de l'Equalizer en une seule vie et sans bénéficier de soins." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_STREAK_DESC" "Kill 3 players with the Equalizer in a single life without being healed." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_NAME" "Au seuil de la mort" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_NAME" "Near Death Experience" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_DESC" "Tuez 20 ennemis à l'aide de l'Equalizer alors qu'il vous reste moins de 25 points de santé." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_WITH_EQUALIZER_WHILE_HURT_DESC" "Kill 20 enemies with your Equalizer while you have less than 25 health." "TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_NAME" "A la volée" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_NAME" "For Whom the Shell Trolls" "TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Envoyez un adversaire dans les airs à l'aide d'une roquette, puis finissez-le avec votre fusil avant qu'il ne touche le sol." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_BOUNCE_THEN_SHOTGUN_DESC" "Bounce an opponent into the air with a rocket and then kill them with the shotgun before they land." "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Châtiment céleste" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Death From Below" "TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Tuez 10 adversaires se trouvant dans les airs à l'aide du Direct Hit." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_KILL_AIRBORNE_WITH_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Kill 10 opponents who are airborne with the Direct Hit." "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Le choc des photos" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Worth a Thousand Words" "TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Fournissez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de votre salut d'honneur." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide the enemy with a freezecam of your 21 gun salute." "TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_NAME" "Frère de sang" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_NAME" "Brothers in Harms" "TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis en portant secours à un autre Soldier ou en étant secouru à votre tour." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_DUO_SOLDIER_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Soldier." "TF_SOLDIER_MVP_NAME" "Légion d'honneur" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_MVP_NAME" "Medals of Honor" "TF_SOLDIER_MVP_DESC" "Finissez 10 fois un round en tant que meilleur joueur." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_MVP_DESC" "Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times." "TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME" "Chevauchée infernale" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_NAME" "Ride of the Valkartie" "TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "Roulez en chariot pendant 30 secondes." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_RIDE_THE_CART_DESC" "Ride the cart for 30 seconds." "TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_NAME" "M*A*S*...sacre" "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_NAME" "S*M*A*S*H" "TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "Coopérez avec un Medic pour mettre en pièces 5 ennemis à l'aide d'une seule ÜberCharge." "[english]TF_SOLDIER_ASSIST_MEDIC_UBER_DESC" "Assist a Medic in exploding 5 enemies with a single ÜberCharge." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_NAME" "Exterminator" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_NAME" "Kilt in Action" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "Tuez 500 Soldiers ennemis." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_SOLDIER_GRIND_DESC" "Kill 500 enemy Soldiers" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_NAME" "Le Saboteur" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_NAME" "Tam O'Shatter" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_DESC" "Détruisez 5 constructions d'Engineers ennemis pendant une ÜberCharge lancée par un Medic." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_WITH_MEDIC_DESC" "Destroy 5 enemy Engineer buildings during a single ÜberCharge from a Medic." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Coupe-gorge" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Shorn Connery" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Décapitez un Spy invisible." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Decapitate a cloaked Spy." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_NAME" "L'Eradicateur" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_NAME" "Laddy Macdeth" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_DESC" "Tuez 50 ennemis par tir direct à l'aide du lance-grenades." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_WITH_DIRECTPIPE_DESC" "Kill 50 enemies with direct hits from the Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_NAME" "Lancer de tronc" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_NAME" "Caber Toss" "TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_DESC" "Envoyez un ennemi dans les airs puis finissez-le avant qu'il ne touche le sol." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_BOUNCE_AND_KILL_DESC" "Bounce an enemy into the air and kill them before they land." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_NAME" "Le Décérébreur" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_NAME" "Brainspotting" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_DESC" "Décapitez 50 joueurs ennemis." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_DESC" "Decapitate 50 enemy players." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_NAME" "Left 4 Têtes" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_NAME" "Left 4 Heads" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_DESC" "Décapitez 4 joueurs à moins de 10 secondes d'intervalle." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_PLAYERS_FAST_DESC" "Decapitate 4 players with only 10 seconds between each kill." "TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_NAME" "Coop mortelle" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_NAME" "Well Plaid!" "TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis en portant secours à un autre Demoman ou en étant secouru à votre tour." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DUO_DEMOMAN_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Demoman." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_NAME" "Double scotch" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_NAME" "Double Mauled Scotch" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_DESC" "Tuez 2 personnes en un seul saut explosif." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_TWO_DURING_STICKYJUMP_DESC" "Kill 2 people in a single sticky jump." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_NAME" "Le Rustre du Loch Ness" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_NAME" "Loch Ness Bombster" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_DESC" "Tuez un joueur ennemi à l'aide de bombes collantes moins de 5 secondes après qu'il s'est téléporté." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_PLAYER_AFTER_TP_DESC" "Kill an enemy player with sticky bombs within 5 seconds of them teleporting." "TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_NAME" "Jamais deux sans trois" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_NAME" "Three Times a Laddy" "TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_DESC" "Dominez 3 Engineers." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DOMINATE_THREE_ENGINEERS_DESC" "Dominate 3 Engineers." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "A l'aveuglette" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_NAME" "Blind Fire" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Détruisez une construction d'Engineer que vous ne voyez pas à l'aide d'un tir direct de votre lance-grenades." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_BUILDING_DIRECT_HIT_DESC" "Destroy an Engineer building that you can't see with a direct hit from your Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_NAME" "Saut à l'écossaise" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_NAME" "The Scottish Play" "TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi au corps à corps tout en réalisant un saut explosif." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_MELEE_KILL_WHILE_STICKYJUMPING_DESC" "Get a melee kill while sticky jumping." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_NAME" "Total Annihilation" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_NAME" "The Argyle Sap" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_DESC" "Tuez un Engineer et détruisez sa mitrailleuse et son distributeur en faisant exploser une seule bombe collante." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_ENGI_SENTRY_DISPENSER_DESC" "Blow up an Engineer, his sentry gun, and his dispenser with a single Sticky bomb detonation." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_NAME" "Fallait pas me chercher" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_NAME" "Slammy Slayvis Woundya" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_DESC" "Décapitez un Soldier ennemi en train de brandir son Equalizer." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_EQUALIZER_DESC" "Decapitate an enemy Soldier who is brandishing the Equalizer." "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_NAME" "Il n'en restera qu'un" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_NAME" "There Can Be Only One" "TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_DESC" "Décapitez votre bête noire." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DECAPITATE_NEMESIS_DESC" "Decapitate your nemesis." "TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Expert ès explosion" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_NAME" "Tartan Spartan" "TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Réalisez un total d'un million de points de dégâts par explosion." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DAMAGE_GRIND_DESC" "Do 1 million points of total blast damage." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_NAME" "Pas de pitié" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_NAME" "Scotch Guard" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis en train de prendre un point ou de pousser un chariot à l'aide d'une seule bombe collante, et ce trois fois." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_CAPPING_ONEDET_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies capping or pushing a cart in a single Stickybomb detonation 3 separate times." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_NAME" "Le cauchemar des braves" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_NAME" "Bravehurt" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_DESC" "Tuez 25 joueurs en train de défendre un point ou un chariot." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_DEFENDING_DESC" "Kill 25 players defending a capture point or cart." "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_NAME" "Démontage en règle" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_NAME" "Cry Some Moor!" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_DESC" "Détruisez 50 constructions." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_BUILDINGS_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 50 buildings." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_NAME" "Table rase" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_NAME" "The Stickening" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_DESC" "Tuez 5 Heavies avec un niveau de santé au maximum à l'aide d'une seule bombe collante." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_HEAVIES_FULLHP_ONEDET_DESC" "Kill 5 Heavies from full health with a single sticky bomb detonation." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_NAME" "Glasg... au revoir !" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_NAME" "Glasg0wned" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_DESC" "Tuez 25 Scouts ou Pyros à l'aide du lance-grenades." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL_X_SCOUTS_PYROS_DESC" "Kill 25 Scouts and Pyros with the Grenade Launcher." "TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Highlander" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Scotch Tap" "TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Jouissez du plaisir simple de massacrer vos ennemis à l'aide de l'Eyelander." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Glory in the slaughter of your enemies using the Eyelander." "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_NAME" "Bouclier bélier" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_NAME" "The Targe Charge" "TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi en le chargeant avec votre bouclier." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CHARGE_KILL_DESC" "Charge and kill someone with your shield bash." "TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_NAME" "La Faucheuse" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_NAME" "Beat Me Up, Scotty" "TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_DESC" "En un grand coup critique d'Eyelander, tuez 5 joueurs ennemis en même temps." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_CRIT_SWORD_KILL_DESC" "Use a critical swing with the Eyelander to kill 5 enemy players." "TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_NAME" "Volée collante" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_NAME" "Something Stickied This Way Comes" "TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_DESC" "Tuez 30 joueurs à l'aide de bombes collantes aériennes." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_AIR_BURST_KILLS_DESC" "Kill 30 players with air burst sticky bombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_NAME" "Dans le mille" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_NAME" "The High Road" "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_DESC" "Atteignez un point de capture en effectuant un saut explosif, puis capturez-le." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKYJUMP_CAP_DESC" "Sticky jump onto a cap point and capture it." "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_NAME" "Sourire macabre" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_NAME" "Bloody Merry" "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_DESC" "Adressez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de votre visage souriant." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_SMILE_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your smiling face." "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_NAME" "C'est pas du poulet" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_NAME" "Second Eye" "TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_DESC" "Adressez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de vous en train de remuer votre popotin." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_FREEZECAM_RUMP_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you shaking your rump." "TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_NAME" "Dans le décor" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_NAME" "He Who Celt It" "TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "Tuez un joueur ennemi par dommages collatéraux en visant l'environnement extérieur avec votre lanceur de bombes collantes." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ENVIRONMENTAL_KILL_DESC" "Use the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage." "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Raclée royale" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "Robbed Royal" "TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Détruisez 100 bombes collantes ennemies à l'aide de la Scottish Resistance." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_DESTROY_X_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Destroy 100 enemy sticky bombs with the Scottish Resistance." "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_NAME" "Bottes de sept lieues" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_NAME" "Highland Fling" "TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_DESC" "Effectuez un saut explosif sur une très longue distance." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_STICKJUMP_DISTANCE_DESC" "Sticky jump a really long way..." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_NAME" "Artiflot expert" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_NAME" "Pipebagger" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_DESC" "Tuez au moins 3 joueurs avec une seule bombe collante." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_DETONATION_DESC" "Kill at least three players with a single detonation of sticky bombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_NAME" "Saboteur buté" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_NAME" "Spynal Tap" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_DESC" "Tuez 20 Spys moins de 5 secondes après qu'ils ont saboté une construction de votre équipe." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILLXSAPPINGSPIES_DESC" "Kill 20 spies within 5 seconds of them sapping a friendly building." "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_NAME" "Tirs détonants" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_NAME" "Sticky Thump" "TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_DESC" "A l'aide de la Scottish Resistance, tuez 3 joueurs en 3 explosions distinctes sans poser de nouvelles bombes collantes." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_KILL3_WITH_PIPE_SETUPS_DESC" "Using the Scottish Resistance, kill 3 players in separate explosions without placing new sticky bombs." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Demoman, étape 1" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 1" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 5 des succès du Demoman." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Demoman, étape 2" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 2" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 11 des succès du Demoman." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Demoman, étape 3" "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Demoman Milestone 3" "TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 17 des succès du Demoman." "[english]TF_DEMOMAN_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Demoman pack." "round_info_header" "Carte de contrôle territorial" "[english]round_info_header" "Territorial Control Map" "Hydro_BLU_captured_Dam" "Les BLU ont pris le barrage" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_Dam" "BLU has captured the Dam" "Hydro_BLU_captured_RadarDish" "Les BLU ont pris la parabole du radar" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_RadarDish" "BLU has captured the Radar Dish" "Hydro_BLU_captured_PowerPlant" "Les BLU ont pris la centrale électrique" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_PowerPlant" "BLU has captured the Power Plant" "Hydro_BLU_captured_Warehouse" "Les BLU ont pris le hangar" "[english]Hydro_BLU_captured_Warehouse" "BLU has captured the Warehouse" "Hydro_RED_captured_Dam" "Les RED ont pris le barrage" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_Dam" "RED has captured the Dam" "Hydro_RED_captured_RadarDish" "Les RED ont pris la parabole du radar" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_RadarDish" "RED has captured the Radar Dish" "Hydro_RED_captured_PowerPlant" "Les RED ont pris la centrale électrique" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_PowerPlant" "RED has captured the Power Plant" "Hydro_RED_captured_Warehouse" "Les RED ont pris le hangar" "[english]Hydro_RED_captured_Warehouse" "RED has captured the Warehouse" "Hydro_attack_Dam" "Préparez-vous à attaquer le barrage !" "[english]Hydro_attack_Dam" "Prepare to attack the Dam!" "Hydro_attack_RadarDish" "Préparez-vous à attaquer la parabole du radar !" "[english]Hydro_attack_RadarDish" "Prepare to attack the Radar Dish!" "Hydro_attack_PowerPlant" "Préparez-vous à attaquer la centrale électrique !" "[english]Hydro_attack_PowerPlant" "Prepare to attack the Power Plant!" "Hydro_attack_Warehouse" "Préparez-vous à attaquer le hangar !" "[english]Hydro_attack_Warehouse" "Prepare to attack the Warehouse!" "Hydro_attack_BLU_base" "Préparez-vous à attaquer la base des BLU !" "[english]Hydro_attack_BLU_base" "Prepare to attack the BLU Base!" "Hydro_attack_RED_base" "Préparez-vous à attaquer la base des RED !" "[english]Hydro_attack_RED_base" "Prepare to attack the RED Base!" "Hydro_defend_BLU_base" "Préparez-vous à défendre la base des BLU !" "[english]Hydro_defend_BLU_base" "Prepare to defend the BLU Base!" "Hydro_defend_RED_base" "Préparez-vous à défendre la base des RED !" "[english]Hydro_defend_RED_base" "Prepare to defend the RED Base!" "GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation" "Les « Commentaires » sont les commentaires de l'équipe de développement de Valve. Pour écouter ou arrêter un commentaire, placez le viseur sur l'une des icônes en forme de ballon, puis appuyez sur la touche d'attaque principale." "[english]GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation" "'Commentary nodes' contain commentary by the Valve development team. To start or stop a node, aim at any balloon icon and press your PRIMARY FIRE button." "tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro" "[english]tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro" "tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit" "[english]tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit" "tf_Chapter3_Title" "Puits" "[english]tf_Chapter3_Title" "Well" "tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary" "[english]tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary" "tf_Chapter5_Title" "2Fort" "[english]tf_Chapter5_Title" "2Fort" "tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl" "[english]tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl" "TF_Battlements" "Remparts" "[english]TF_Battlements" "Battlements" "TF_ControlPoint" "Point de contrôle" "[english]TF_ControlPoint" "Control Point" "TF_CapturePoint" "Point de contrôle" "[english]TF_CapturePoint" "Capture Point" "TF_CaptureZone" "Zone de capture" "[english]TF_CaptureZone" "Capture Zone" "TF_Resupply" "Réapprovisionnement" "[english]TF_Resupply" "Resupply" "TF_Intelligence" "Documents" "[english]TF_Intelligence" "Intelligence" "TF_Exit" "Quitter" "[english]TF_Exit" "Exit" "Leaderboard_BestMoments" "MEILLEURS MOMENTS" "[english]Leaderboard_BestMoments" "BEST MOMENTS" "TF_Timelimit" "Temps par carte (minutes)" "[english]TF_Timelimit" "Time per map (minutes)" "TF_WinLimit" "Limite de la partie (en score)" "[english]TF_WinLimit" "Win limit (score)" "TF_MaxRounds" "Limite du round (en rounds)" "[english]TF_MaxRounds" "Round limit (rounds)" "TF_TeamCount" "Autres joueurs dans votre équipe" "[english]TF_TeamCount" "Other players on your team" "Cannot_Be_Spectator" "Le mode Spectateur n'est pas disponible sur ce serveur" "[english]Cannot_Be_Spectator" "This server does not allow spectating" "TF_Open_Charinfo" "Ouvrir équipement perso" "[english]TF_Open_Charinfo" "Open Character Loadout" "TF_Open_Charinfo_Backpack" "Ouvrir sac à dos" "[english]TF_Open_Charinfo_Backpack" "Open Backpack" "TF_Quickswitch" "Changer rapidement d'équipement" "[english]TF_Quickswitch" "Loadout Quickswitch" "Item" "Article" "[english]Item" "Item" "SelectedItemNumber" "#%selecteditem%" "[english]SelectedItemNumber" "#%selecteditem%" "NewItemsAcquired" "%numitems% NOUVEAUX OBJETS ACQUIS !" "[english]NewItemsAcquired" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS ACQUIRED!" "NewItemAcquired" "NOUVEL OBJET ACQUIS !" "[english]NewItemAcquired" "NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!" "NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NOUVEAUX OBJETS FABRIQUES !" "[english]NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS CRAFTED!" "NewItemCrafted" "NOUVEL OBJET FABRIQUE !" "[english]NewItemCrafted" "NEW ITEM CRAFTED!" "NextItem" "AFFICHER SUIV >" "[english]NextItem" "VIEW NEXT >" "PreviousItem" "AFFICHER < PREC" "[english]PreviousItem" "VIEW < PREV" "CloseItemPanel" "OK, REPRENDRE LA PARTIE" "[english]CloseItemPanel" "OK, RESUME GAME" "ChangeLoadout" "UTILISER MAINTENANT CET OBJET..." "[english]ChangeLoadout" "EQUIP THIS ITEM NOW..." "CharInfoAndSetup" "INFO ET CONFIGURATION PERSO" "[english]CharInfoAndSetup" "CHARACTER INFO AND SETUP" "Loadout" "EQUIPEMENT" "[english]Loadout" "LOADOUT" "Stats" "STATS" "[english]Stats" "STATS" "Achievements" "SUCCES" "[english]Achievements" "ACHIEVEMENTS" "CharacterLoadout" "EQUIPEMENT PERSO" "[english]CharacterLoadout" "CHARACTER LOADOUT" "EditLoadout" "MODIFIER INVENTAIRE" "[english]EditLoadout" "EDIT LOADOUT" "SelectClassLoadout" "SELECTIONNEZ UNE CLASSE POUR MODIFIER L'EQUIPEMENT" "[english]SelectClassLoadout" "SELECT A CLASS TO MODIFY LOADOUT" "NoSteamNoItems" "EQUIPEMENT NON DISPONIBLE - CONNEXION A STEAM IMPOSSIBLE" "[english]NoSteamNoItems" "LOADOUT NOT AVAILABLE - COULD NOT CONNECT TO STEAM" "LoadoutChangesUpdate" "REMARQUE : LES MODIFICATIONS DE L'EQUIPEMENT PRENDRONT EFFET A LA REAPPARITION." "[english]LoadoutChangesUpdate" "NOTE: LOADOUT CHANGES WILL TAKE EFFECT ON RESPAWN." "EquipYourClass" "EQUIPEZ VOTRE %loadoutclass%" "[english]EquipYourClass" "EQUIP YOUR %loadoutclass%" "Equip" "EQUIPER" "[english]Equip" "EQUIP" "Keep" "GARDER" "[english]Keep" "KEEP" "ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%" "[english]ClassBeingEquipped" "%loadoutclass%" "ChangeButton" "CHANGER..." "[english]ChangeButton" "CHANGE..." "DoneButton" "TERMINE !" "[english]DoneButton" "DONE!" "EquipSelectedWeapon" "UTILISER l'ARME SELECTIONNEE" "[english]EquipSelectedWeapon" "EQUIP SELECTED WEAPON" "ItemSel_PRIMARY" "- ARME PRINCIPALE" "[english]ItemSel_PRIMARY" "- PRIMARY WEAPON" "ItemSel_SECONDARY" "- ARME SECONDAIRE" "[english]ItemSel_SECONDARY" "- SECONDARY WEAPON" "ItemSel_MELEE" "- ARME CORPS A CORPS" "[english]ItemSel_MELEE" "- MELEE WEAPON" "ItemSel_PDA" "- PDA" "[english]ItemSel_PDA" "- PDA" "ItemSel_ITEM1" "- ACCESSOIRE" "[english]ItemSel_ITEM1" "- ACCESSORY" "ItemSel_PRIMARY_MOD" "- MOD. ARME PRINCIPALE" "[english]ItemSel_PRIMARY_MOD" "- PRIMARY WEAPON MOD" "ItemSel_HEAD" "- COUVRE-CHEFS" "[english]ItemSel_HEAD" "- HEADWEAR" "ItemSel_MISC" "- DIVERS" "[english]ItemSel_MISC" "- MISC" "TF_BackCarat" "<< PRECEDENT" "[english]TF_BackCarat" "<< BACK" "TF_CancelCarat" "<< ANNULER" "[english]TF_CancelCarat" "<< CANCEL" "TF_BackToMainMenu" "<< RETOUR AU MENU PRINCIPAL" "[english]TF_BackToMainMenu" "<< BACK TO MAIN MENU" "TF_ResumeGame" "<< REPRENDRE LA PARTIE" "[english]TF_ResumeGame" "<< RESUME GAME" "InventoryCountOne" "(1 AUTRE DANS L'INVENTAIRE)" "[english]InventoryCountOne" "(1 OTHER IN INVENTORY)" "InventoryCountMany" "(%s1 AUTRES DANS L'INVENTAIRE)" "[english]InventoryCountMany" "(%s1 OTHERS IN INVENTORY)" "CurrentlyEquipped" "ACTUELLEMENT EQUIPE :" "[english]CurrentlyEquipped" "CURRENTLY EQUIPPED:" "CurrentlyEquippedCarat" "ACTUELLEMENT EQUIPE >" "[english]CurrentlyEquippedCarat" "CURRENTLY EQUIPPED >" "ItemsFoundShort" "(%s1 OBJETS DANS L'INVENTAIRE)" "[english]ItemsFoundShort" "(%s1 ITEMS IN INVENTORY)" "ItemsFoundShortOne" "(UN OBJET DANS L'INVENTAIRE)" "[english]ItemsFoundShortOne" "(ONE ITEM IN INVENTORY)" "NoItemsExistShort" "(PAS ENCORE D'OBJETS)" "[english]NoItemsExistShort" "(NO ITEMS EXIST YET)" "NoItemsExistLong" "(PAS ENCORE D'OBJETS SPECIAUX POUR %loadoutclass%.)" "[english]NoItemsExistLong" "(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% EXIST YET.)" "NoItemsFoundShort" "(PAS ENCORE D'OBJETS TROUVES)" "[english]NoItemsFoundShort" "(NO ITEMS FOUND YET)" "NoItemsFoundLong" "(PAS ENCORE D'OBJETS SPECIAUX ACQUIS POUR %loadoutclass%.)" "[english]NoItemsFoundLong" "(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED YET.)" "NoItemsAvailableTitle" "DISPONIBLE :" "[english]NoItemsAvailableTitle" "AVAILABLE:" "NoItemsAvailableTitle2" "INVENTAIRE DE BASE UNIQUEMENT." "[english]NoItemsAvailableTitle2" "BASE INVENTORY ONLY." "ItemAcquireReason_Achievement" "SUCCES REMPORTE" "[english]ItemAcquireReason_Achievement" "ACHIEVEMENT EARNED" "NoItemsToEquip" "IL N'Y A AUCUN OBJET DANS CET EMPLACEMENT D'EQUIPEMENT" "[english]NoItemsToEquip" "YOU HAVE NO ITEMS FOR THIS LOADOUT SLOT" "QuickSwitchEquipped" "(équipé)" "[english]QuickSwitchEquipped" "(equipped)" "SelectNoItemSlot" "Vide" "[english]SelectNoItemSlot" "Empty" "BackpackTitle" "SAC A DOS" "[english]BackpackTitle" "BACKPACK" "X_DeleteItem" "X SUPPRIMER" "[english]X_DeleteItem" "X DELETE" "X_Delete" "X SUPPRIMER" "[english]X_Delete" "X DELETE" "X_DiscardItem" "X JETER" "[english]X_DiscardItem" "X DISCARD" "DeleteConfirmTitle" "ETES-VOUS SUR ?" "[english]DeleteConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "DeleteItemConfirmText" "Si vous supprimez cet objet, il sera détruit de façon définitive. Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action." "[english]DeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone." "MultiDeleteItemConfirmText" "Si vous supprimez ces objets, ils seront détruits de façon définitive. Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action." "[english]MultiDeleteItemConfirmText" "Deleting these items will permanently destroy all of them. This cannot be undone." "X_DeleteConfirmButton" "X OUAIS, SUPPRIMEZ-LE" "[english]X_DeleteConfirmButton" "X YEAH, DELETE IT" "Backpack_Delete_Item" "SAC A DOS - PLUS DE PLACE" "[english]Backpack_Delete_Item" "BACKPACK - OUT OF ROOM" "DiscardExplanation" "Vous avez reçu cet objet mais vous n'avez plus de place dans votre sac à dos." "[english]DiscardExplanation" "You've received this item, but you don't have room for it in your backpack." "DiscardExplanation2" "Supprimez un objet ci-dessous pour libérer de la place ou appuyez sur Jeter pour jeter le nouvel objet." "[english]DiscardExplanation2" "Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away." "DeleteConfirmDefault" "Supprimer ?" "[english]DeleteConfirmDefault" "Delete?" "Discarded" "JETE !" "[english]Discarded" "DISCARDED!" "ItemPanelEquipped" "Equipé" "[english]ItemPanelEquipped" "Equipped" "LoadoutSlot_Primary" "Arme principale" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Primary" "Primary weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "Arme secondaire" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "Secondary weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Melee" "Arme corps à corps" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Melee" "Melee weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "Grenade" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Grenade" "Grenade" "LoadoutSlot_Building" "Bâtiment" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Building" "Building" "LoadoutSlot_pda" "PDA principal" "[english]LoadoutSlot_pda" "Primary PDA" "LoadoutSlot_pda2" "PDA secondaire" "[english]LoadoutSlot_pda2" "Secondary PDA" "LoadoutSlot_PrimaryMod" "Munitions" "[english]LoadoutSlot_PrimaryMod" "Ammo" "LoadoutSlot_Head" "Tête" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Head" "Head" "LoadoutSlot_Misc" "Divers" "[english]LoadoutSlot_Misc" "Misc" "Backpack_SortBy_Header" "Trier les sacs à dos" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Header" "Sort Backpack" "Backpack_SortBy_Type" "Trier par type" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Type" "Sort by Type" "Backpack_SortBy_Class" "Trier par classe" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Class" "Sort by Class" "Backpack_SortBy_Slot" "Trier par emplacement d'équipement" "[english]Backpack_SortBy_Slot" "Sort by Loadout Slot" "ItemTypeDesc" "%s2 niveau %s1" "[english]ItemTypeDesc" "Level %s1 %s2" "of" "sur" "[english]of" "of" "CraftPack" "Zone de fabrication" "[english]CraftPack" "Crafting Area" "CraftBegin" "Fabriquer..." "[english]CraftBegin" "Craft..." "CraftConfirm" "Fabriquer ça !" "[english]CraftConfirm" "Craft It!" "CraftRecipe" "Plans connus" "[english]CraftRecipe" "Known Blueprints" "CraftStep1" "Sélectionnez des éléments à utiliser." "[english]CraftStep1" "Select items to craft" "CraftStep2" "Double-cliquez sur des éléments ou faites-les glisser ici." "[english]CraftStep2" "Double-click or drag items here" "CraftStep3" "Cliquez sur Fabriquer pour utiliser ce plan." "[english]CraftStep3" "Hit Craft to use this blueprint." "CraftStep3B" "Sélectionnez le plan à utiliser." "[english]CraftStep3B" "Select the blueprint you want to use." "CraftStep4" "Cliquez ici lorsque vous êtes prêt." "[english]CraftStep4" "Click when ready to craft" "CraftViewRecipes" "Afficher tous les plans connus" "[english]CraftViewRecipes" "View all known blueprints" "CraftNoMatch" "Aucun plan correspondant" "[english]CraftNoMatch" "No matching blueprint" "CraftNoknownRecipes" "Aucun plan connu" "[english]CraftNoknownRecipes" "No blueprints known." "CraftTryYourLuck" "Cliquez sur Fabriquer pour tenter votre chance." "[english]CraftTryYourLuck" "Hit Craft to try your luck." "CraftReady" "Vous disposez de tous les éléments nécessaires à la fabrication de cet objet. Activez la case à cocher pour déplacer tous ces éléments vers la zone de fabrication." "[english]CraftReady" "You have the items needed for this blueprint. Click the check to move the items into the craft area." "CraftUpdate_Start" "Fabrication en cours..." "[english]CraftUpdate_Start" "Crafting" "CraftUpdate_Success" "Fabrication réussie !" "[english]CraftUpdate_Success" "Crafting Succeeded!" "CraftUpdate_NoMatch" "Fabrication impossible : Aucun plan correspondant" "[english]CraftUpdate_NoMatch" "Crafting failed: No matching blueprint." "CraftUpdate_Failed" "Fabrication impossible : Serveur de fabrication indisponible" "[english]CraftUpdate_Failed" "Crafting failed: Craft server is unavailable." "NewRecipeFound" "Nouveau plan découvert !" "[english]NewRecipeFound" "New Blueprint Found!" "RT_MP_A" "Fusionner %s1" "[english]RT_MP_A" "Smelt %s1" "RT_C_A" "Combiner %s1" "[english]RT_C_A" "Combine %s1" "RT_F_A" "Fabriquer %s1" "[english]RT_F_A" "Fabricate %s1" "RT_R_A" "Refaçonner %s1" "[english]RT_R_A" "Rebuild %s1" "RDI_AB" "Nécessite : %s1 %s2" "[english]RDI_AB" "Requires: %s1 %s2" "RDI_ABC" "Nécessite : %s1 %s2 %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC" "Requires: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RDO_AB" "Permet de fabriquer : %s1 %s2" "[english]RDO_AB" "Produces: %s1 %s2" "RDO_ABC" "Permet de fabriquer : %s1 %s2 %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC" "Produces: %s1 %s2 %s3" "RI_Pi" "armes principales identiques" "[english]RI_Pi" "of the same primary weapon" "RI_Pp" "armes principales" "[english]RI_Pp" "primary weapons" "RI_P" "arme principale" "[english]RI_P" "primary weapon" "RI_Ic" "objets utilisés par la même classe" "[english]RI_Ic" "items used by the same class" "RI_Wc" "armes utilisées par la même classe" "[english]RI_Wc" "weapons used by the same class" "RI_Is" "éléments équipés dans le même emplacement d'équipement" "[english]RI_Is" "items equipped in the same loadout slot" "RI_Ws" "armes équipées dans le même emplacement d'équipement" "[english]RI_Ws" "weapons equipped in the same loadout slot" "RI_Si" "armes secondaires identiques" "[english]RI_Si" "of the same secondary weapon" "RI_Sp" "armes secondaires" "[english]RI_Sp" "secondary weapons" "RI_S" "arme secondaire" "[english]RI_S" "secondary weapon" "RI_Mi" "armes de corps à corps identiques" "[english]RI_Mi" "of the same melee weapon" "RI_Mp" "armes de corps à corps" "[english]RI_Mp" "melee weapons" "RI_M" "arme de corps à corps" "[english]RI_M" "melee weapon" "RI_Hi" "couvre-chefs identiques" "[english]RI_Hi" "of the same piece of headwear" "RI_Hp" "couvre-chefs" "[english]RI_Hp" "pieces of headwear" "RI_H" "couvre-chef" "[english]RI_H" "piece of headwear" "RD_RND" "aléatoire" "[english]RD_RND" "random" "RI_Cw" "armes de classe" "[english]RI_Cw" "class weapons" "RI_Ch" "couvre-chef de classe" "[english]RI_Ch" "class headgear" "RI_Aw" "arme principale, secondaire et de corps à corps" "[english]RI_Aw" "primary, secondary, and melee weapon" "RI_FAC" "d'une classe" "[english]RI_FAC" "of a class" "RI_Hg" "couvre-chef" "[english]RI_Hg" "headgear" "RI_Cs" "réservé à une classe spécifique" "[english]RI_Cs" "class specific" "RI_CTc" ", 1 jeton de classe" "[english]RI_CTc" ", 1 Class Token" "RI_STc" ", 1 jeton d'emplacement" "[english]RI_STc" ", 1 Slot Token" "RI_W" "arme" "[english]RI_W" "weapon" "RI_Mcp" "objets divers" "[english]RI_Mcp" "miscellaneous items" "RI_Mci" "objets divers identiques" "[english]RI_Mci" "of the same misc items" "RI_CTp" "Jetons de Classe" "[english]RI_CTp" "Class Tokens" "RI_STp" "Jetons d'Emplacement" "[english]RI_STp" "Slot Tokens" "RI_Tp" "Jetons" "[english]RI_Tp" "Tokens" "CI_Bar_A" "Ferraille" "[english]CI_Bar_A" "Scrap Metal" "CI_Bar_B" "Métal recyclé" "[english]CI_Bar_B" "Reclaimed Metal" "CI_Bar_C" "Métal affiné" "[english]CI_Bar_C" "Refined Metal" "CI_Bar_Ap" "Ferraille" "[english]CI_Bar_Ap" "Scrap Metal" "CI_Bar_Bp" "Métal recyclé" "[english]CI_Bar_Bp" "Reclaimed Metal" "CI_Bar_Cp" "Métal affiné" "[english]CI_Bar_Cp" "Refined Metal" "TF_CraftItem" "Fabriquer un objet" "[english]TF_CraftItem" "Craft Item" "CI_T_C" "Jeton de classe" "[english]CI_T_C" "Class Token" "CI_T_S" "Jeton d'emplacement" "[english]CI_T_S" "Slot Token" "CI_T_C_1" "Jeton de classe - Scout" "[english]CI_T_C_1" "Class Token - Scout" "CI_T_C_2" "Jeton de classe - Sniper" "[english]CI_T_C_2" "Class Token - Sniper" "CI_T_C_3" "Jeton de classe - Soldier" "[english]CI_T_C_3" "Class Token - Soldier" "CI_T_C_4" "Jeton de classe - Demoman" "[english]CI_T_C_4" "Class Token - Demoman" "CI_T_C_5" "Jeton de classe - Heavy" "[english]CI_T_C_5" "Class Token - Heavy" "CI_T_C_6" "Jeton de classe - Medic" "[english]CI_T_C_6" "Class Token - Medic" "CI_T_C_7" "Jeton de classe - Pyro" "[english]CI_T_C_7" "Class Token - Pyro" "CI_T_C_8" "Jeton de classe - Spy" "[english]CI_T_C_8" "Class Token - Spy" "CI_T_C_9" "Jeton de classe - Engineer" "[english]CI_T_C_9" "Class Token - Engineer" "CI_T_S_1" "Jeton d'emplacement - Principale" "[english]CI_T_S_1" "Slot Token - Primary" "CI_T_S_2" "Jeton d'emplacement - Secondaire" "[english]CI_T_S_2" "Slot Token - Secondary" "CI_T_S_3" "Jeton d'emplacement - Corps à corps" "[english]CI_T_S_3" "Slot Token - Melee" "CI_T_S_4" "Jeton d'emplacement - Grenade" "[english]CI_T_S_4" "Slot Token - Grenade" "CI_T_S_5" "Jeton d'emplacement - Montage" "[english]CI_T_S_5" "Slot Token - Building" "CI_T_S_6" "Jeton d'emplacement - PDA" "[english]CI_T_S_6" "Slot Token - PDA" "CI_T_S_7" "Jeton d'emplacement - PDA2" "[english]CI_T_S_7" "Slot Token - PDA2" "CI_T_S_8" "Jeton d'emplacement - Tête" "[english]CI_T_S_8" "Slot Token - Head" "TF_CraftItem_Token_C_Desc" "Utilisé pour définir une classe lors de l'utilisation de plans" "[english]TF_CraftItem_Token_C_Desc" "Used to specify a class in blueprints" "TF_CraftItem_Token_S_Desc" "Utilisé pour définir un emplacement d'équipement lors de l'utilisation de plans" "[english]TF_CraftItem_Token_S_Desc" "Used to specify a loadout slot in blueprints" "Attrib_ClipSize_Positive" "Capacité chargeur +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Positive" "+%s1% clip size" "Attrib_ClipSize_Negative" "Capacité chargeur %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ClipSize_Negative" "%s1% clip size" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive" "Taux ÜberCharge +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive" "+%s1% ÜberCharge rate" "Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative" "Taux ÜberCharge %s1%" "[english]Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative" "%s1% ÜberCharge rate" "Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "Dégâts causés +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage done" "Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "Dégâts causés %s1%" "[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage done" "Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "Taux de soins +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "+%s1% heal rate" "Attrib_HealRate_Negative" "Taux de soins %s1%" "[english]Attrib_HealRate_Negative" "%s1% heal rate" "Attrib_FireRate_Positive" "Tirs +%s1% plus rapides" "[english]Attrib_FireRate_Positive" "+%s1% faster firing speed" "Attrib_FireRate_Negative" "Tirs %s1% plus lents" "[english]Attrib_FireRate_Negative" "%s1% slower firing speed" "Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "Bonus d'extra santé max. +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "+%s1% more max overheal" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled" "Le bonus d'extra santé ne redescend pas" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled" "Overheal bonus doesn't decay" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive" "Durée du bonus d'extra santé +%s1% plus long" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive" "+%s1% longer overheal time" "Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "Durée du bonus d'extra santé %s1% plus court" "[english]Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative" "%s1% shorter overheal time" "Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "Lorsque vous touchez : +%s1 pts santé" "[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive" "On Hit: +%s1 health" "Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "Lorsque vous touchez : %s1 pts santé" "[english]Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative" "On Hit: %s1 health" "Attrib_CritChance_Positive" "Probabilité tir critique +%s1" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Positive" "+%s1 critical hit chance" "Attrib_CritChance_Negative" "Probabilité tir critique %s1" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Negative" "%s1 critical hit chance" "Attrib_CritChance_Disabled" "Aucun tir critique aléatoire" "[english]Attrib_CritChance_Disabled" "No random critical hits" "Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive" "Lorsque vous touchez : ajoute %s1% d'ÜberCharge" "[english]Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive" "On Hit: %s1% ÜberCharge added" "Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost" "L'ÜberCharge accorde 100 % de proba tir critique" "[english]Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost" "ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance" "Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive" "Lorsque vous touchez : +%s1% de bonus de dégâts" "[english]Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive" "On Hit: +%s1% damage bonus" "Attrib_CritVsBurning" "Tir critique 100 % contre joueurs en feu" "[english]Attrib_CritVsBurning" "100% critical hit vs burning players" "Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning" "Dégâts causés %s1% contre joueurs pas en feu" "[english]Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning" "%s1% damage vs non-burning players" "Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning" "Aucun tir critique contre joueurs pas en feu" "[english]Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning" "No critical hits vs non-burning players" "Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush" "Aucun tir d'air comprimé" "[english]Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush" "No compression blast" "Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits" "Tirs critiques 100 % par derrière" "[english]Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits" "100% critical hits from behind" "Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive" "Santé max. +%s1 pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive" "+%s1 max health on wearer" "Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "Santé max. %s1 pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxHealth_Negative" "%s1 max health on wearer" "Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "Lorsque vous tuez : santé +50 pour les coéquipiers à proximité Lorsque vous tuez : +10 % de proba tir critique pour les coéquipiers à proximité" "[english]Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff" "On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates On Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates" "Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "Lorsque vous tuez : %s1 seconde(s) de proba tir critique à 100 %" "[english]Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill" "On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance" "Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "Lorsque vous touchez : %s1% de probabilité de le ralentir" "[english]Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit" "On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target" "Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate" "Taux utilisation invis. +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakMeterConsumeRate" "+%s1% cloak drain rate" "Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate" "Taux régén. invis. +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakMeterRegenRate" "+%s1% cloak regen rate" "Attrib_Spread_Negative" "%s1% moins précis" "[english]Attrib_Spread_Negative" "%s1% less accurate" "Attrib_Spread_Positive" "%s1% plus précis" "[english]Attrib_Spread_Positive" "%s1% more accurate" "Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Cette batte permet de tirer de redoutables balles étourdissantes" "[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "This bat knocks out a mean stun ball" "Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "Occasionne %s1% dégâts contre joueurs pas étourdis" "[english]Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "%s1% damage vs non-stunned players" "Attrib_ZoomSpeedMod_Disabled" "Pas de pénalité de vitesse de déplacement en vue lunette" "[english]Attrib_ZoomSpeedMod_Disabled" "No move speed penalty from zoom" "Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec" "Taux charge +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec" "+%s1% charge rate" "Attrib_SniperNoHeadshots" "Pas de tirs à la tête" "[english]Attrib_SniperNoHeadshots" "No headshots" "Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback" "Contrecoup affectant la cible et le tireur" "[english]Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback" "Knockback on the target and shooter" "Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus" "+%s1% balles par tir" "[english]Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus" "+%s1% bullets per shot" "Attrib_SniperZoom_Penalty" "%s1% réduction zoom" "[english]Attrib_SniperZoom_Penalty" "%s1% zoom reduction" "Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "Pas de charge de zoom ou de dégâts" "[english]Attrib_SniperNoCharge" "No zoom or damage charge" "Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Type invis. : Mort feinte" "[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death" "Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Type invis. : Détection de mouvements" "[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive" "Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Désactive le double saut pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump on wearer" "Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorbe %s1% dégâts lorsque vous êtes invisible" "[english]Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorbs %s1% damage while cloaked" "Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Tir critique sur un tir en pleine tête" "[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on an accurate headshot" "Attrib_BackstabShield" "Bloque une tentative de coup de poignard dans le dos" "[english]Attrib_BackstabShield" "Blocks a single backstab attempt" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "Vitesse de déplacement %s1% plus lente pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% slower move speed on wearer" "Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Les ennemis recouverts de cette substance reçoivent des mini tirs critiques Egalement utile pour éteindre un feu" "[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits Also handy for putting out a fire" "Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 pts santé récupérés par seconde pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer" "Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 pts santé utilisés par seconde pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 health drained per second on wearer" "Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "Niveau d'auto-dégâts +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Increased" "+%s1% self damage force" "Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "Niveau d'auto-dégâts %s1%" "[english]Attrib_SelfDmgPush_Decreased" "%s1% self damage force" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "Résistance aux dégâts par le feu +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Reduced" "+%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Increased" "Vulnérabilité aux dégâts par le feu %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Fire_Increased" "%s1% fire damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced" "Résistance aux dégâts de tir critique +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced" "+%s1% critical hit damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Increased" "Vulnérabilité aux dégâts de tir critique %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Increased" "%s1% critical hit damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced" "Résistance aux dégâts d'explosion +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Reduced" "+%s1% explosive damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Increased" "Vulnérabilité aux dégâts d'explosion %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Blast_Increased" "%s1% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced" "Résistance aux dégâts par balle +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Reduced" "+%s1% bullet damage resistance on wearer" "Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased" "Vulnérabilité aux dégâts par balle %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Bullets_Increased" "%s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer" "Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased" "Vitesse de capture +%s1 pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_CaptureValue_Increased" "+%s1 capture rate on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Reduced" "Soins reçus par des soigneurs %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Reduced" "%s1% health from healers on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased" "Soins reçus par des soigneurs +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased" "+%s1% health from healers on wearer" "Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "Dégâts par brûlure +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage" "Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "Dégâts par brûlure %s1%" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage" "Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "Durée d'embrasement +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% burn duration" "Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "Durée d'embrasement %s1%" "[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "%s1% burn duration" "Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased" "Vitesse de déplacement avec arme déployée +%s1% plus rapide pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% faster deployed movespeed on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased" "Munitions principales max. +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased" "+%s1% max primary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Reduced" "Munitions principales max. %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Reduced" "%s1% max primary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased" "Munitions secondaires max. +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased" "+%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Reduced" "Munitions secondaires max. %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Reduced" "%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased" "Métal max. +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Increased" "+%s1% max metal on wearer" "Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Reduced" "Métal max. %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MaxammoMetal_Reduced" "%s1% max metal on wearer" "Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Increased" "Durée invisibilité -%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Increased" "-%s1% cloak duration" "Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Decreased" "Durée invisibilité +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakConsumeRate_Decreased" "+%s1% cloak duration" "Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Increased" "Vitesse régénération invisibilité +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Increased" "+%s1% cloak regeneration rate" "Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Decreased" "Vitesse régénération invisibilité %s1%" "[english]Attrib_CloakRegenRate_Decreased" "%s1% cloak regeneration rate" "Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Increased" "Temps de chargement de l'arme %s1% plus lent" "[english]Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Increased" "%s1% slower spin up time" "Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Decreased" "Temps de chargement de l'arme %s1% plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_MinigunSpinup_Decreased" "%s1% faster spin up time" "Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased" "Nombre max. de bombes artisanales lancées +%s1" "[english]Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Increased" "+%s1 max pipebombs out" "Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Decreased" "Nombre max. de bombes artisanales lancées %s1" "[english]Attrib_MaxPipebombs_Decreased" "%s1 max pipebombs out" "Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased" "Charge %s1% plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Increased" "%s1% faster power charge" "Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "Charge %s1% plus lente" "[english]Attrib_SRifleChargeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower power charge" "Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "Vitesse de construction %s1% plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Increased" "%s1% faster construction rate" "Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "Vitesse de construction %s1% plus lente" "[english]Attrib_ConstructionRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower construction rate" "Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "Vitesse de réparation %s1% plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Increased" "%s1% faster repair rate" "Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased" "Vitesse de réparation %s1% plus lente" "[english]Attrib_RepairRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower repair rate" "Attrib_ReloadTime_Increased" "Temps de rechargement %s1% plus lent" "[english]Attrib_ReloadTime_Increased" "%s1% slower reload time" "Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased" "Temps de rechargement %s1% plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_ReloadTime_Decreased" "%s1% faster reload time" "Attrib_BlastRadius_Increased" "Rayon de l'explosion +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_BlastRadius_Increased" "+%s1% explosion radius" "Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased" "Rayon de l'explosion %s1%" "[english]Attrib_BlastRadius_Decreased" "%s1% explosion radius" "Attrib_ProjectileRange_Increased" "Portée des projectiles +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileRange_Increased" "+%s1% projectile range" "Attrib_ProjectileRange_Decreased" "Portée des projectiles %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileRange_Decreased" "%s1% projectile range" "Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased" "Vitesse des projectiles +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Increased" "+%s1% projectile speed" "Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Decreased" "Vitesse des projectiles %s1%" "[english]Attrib_ProjectileSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% projectile speed" "Attrib_OverhealAmount_Negative" "Bonus d'extra santé max. en moins %s1%" "[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Negative" "%s1% less max overheal" "Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus" "Vitesse de déplacement +%s1% plus rapide pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus" "+%s1% faster move speed on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Increased" "Soins reçus avec trousses +%s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Increased" "+%s1% health from packs on wearer" "Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Decreased" "Soins reçus avec trousses %s1% pour le porteur" "[english]Attrib_HealthFromPacks_Decreased" "%s1% health from packs on wearer" "Attrib_AmmoRegen" "Munitions régénérées toutes les 5 secondes pour le porteur +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_AmmoRegen" "+%s1% ammo regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer" "Attrib_MetalRegen" "Métal régénéré toutes les 5 secondes pour le porteur +%s1" "[english]Attrib_MetalRegen" "+%s1 metal regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer" "Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker" "Lance des roquettes à guidée laser" "[english]Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker" "Fires laser guided rockets" "Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Les dégâts et la vitesse de déplacement augmentent lorsque le joueur est blessé" "[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage and move speed increase as the user becomes injured Blocks healing when in use" "Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "Diminution des dégâts d'explosion %s1%" "[english]Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "%s1% splash damage fall off" "Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increase" "Diminution des dégâts d'explosion +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increase" "+%s1% splash damage fall off" "Attrib_StickyDetonateMode" "Fait sauter des bombes collantes à proximité du viseur" "[english]Attrib_StickyDetonateMode" "Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair" "Attrib_StickyAirBurstMode" "Les bombes lancées explosent sur les surfaces" "[english]Attrib_StickyAirBurstMode" "Launched bombs shatter on surfaces" "Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty" "Temps d'activation de la bombe %s1 s moins rapide" "[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimePenalty" "%s1 sec slower bomb arm time" "Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "Temps d'activation de la bombe %s1 s plus rapide" "[english]Attrib_StickyArmTimeBonus" "%s1 sec faster bomb arm time" "Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Mini tirs critiques sur cibles aériennes" "[english]Attrib_MiniCritAirborneEnemies" "Mini-crits airborne targets" "Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "Capable de détruire les bombes collantes ennemies" "[english]Attrib_StickiesDetonateStickies" "Able to destroy enemy stickybombs" "Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive" "Augmentation de la vitesse %s1% avec arme active" "[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostWhenActive" "%s1% speed boost while active weapon" "Attrib_ProvideOnActive" "Avec une arme active :" "[english]Attrib_ProvideOnActive" "When weapon is active:" "Attrib_MedicRegenBonus" "Vitesse régén. naturelle +%s1%" "[english]Attrib_MedicRegenBonus" "+%s1% natural regen rate" "Attrib_MedicRegenPenalty" "Vitesse régén. naturelle -%s1%" "[english]Attrib_MedicRegenPenalty" "-%s1% natural regen rate" "Attrib_Community_Description" "Donné(s) aux précieux donateurs de la Communauté" "[english]Attrib_Community_Description" "Given to valuable Community Contributors" "Attrib_MedalIndex_Description" "Médaille n° %s1" "[english]Attrib_MedalIndex_Description" "Medal no. %s1" "Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% dégâts de déflagration des sauts propulsés" "[english]Attrib_RocketJumpDmgReduction" "%s1% blast damage from rocket jumps" "Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "C'est moi qui l'ai fait !" "[english]Attrib_Selfmade_Description" "I made this!" "Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "%s1% de dégâts contre les constructions" "[english]Attrib_DmgVsBuilding_Increased" "%s1% damage vs buildings" "Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "%s1% de dégâts contre les joueurs" "[english]Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Decreased" "%s1% damage vs players" "Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth" "Ajoute +50 points de vie à votre santé maximale pour 30 secondes" "[english]Attrib_LunchboxAddsMaxHealth" "Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds" "TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "Le" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The" "TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "Un" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "A" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "Kritzkrieg" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "Kritzkrieg" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "Blutsauger" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "Blutsauger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "Ubersaw" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "Ubersaw" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "Hachtincteur" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "Axtinguisher" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "Pistolet de détresse" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "Flare Gun" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "Brûleur arrière" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "Backburner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "Sandvich" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "Sandvich" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Gants de Boxe de la Mort" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Killing Gloves of Boxing" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "Marchand de sable" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "Sandman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Éradicateur" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Force-A-Nature" "TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Bonk! Atomic Punch" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "Walkabout" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SniperRifle" "Walkabout" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "Cloak and Dagger" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "Cloak and Dagger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "Dead Ringer" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "Dead Ringer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "Ambassadeur" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "Ambassador" "TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Razorback" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Razorback" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jarate" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jarate" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "Huntsman" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "Huntsman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "Buff drapeau" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "Buff Banner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "Equalizer" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "Equalizer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "Direct Hit" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "Direct Hit" "TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "Scottish Resistance" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "Scottish Resistance" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "Bouclier bélier" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "Chargin' Targe" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "Eyelander" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "Eyelander" "TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "Bottes de sûreté" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "Gunboats" "TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "Destructeur de Maison" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "Homewrecker" "TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "Pain Train" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Makeshiftclub" "Pain Train" "TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "Barre de Dalokohs" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "Dalokohs Bar" "TF_TTG_MaxGun" "Lugermorph" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun" "Lugermorph" "TF_TTG_SamRevolver" "Big Kill" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_TTG_SamRevolver" "Big Kill" "TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper" "(%s1)" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper" "(%s1)" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "Le Kritzkrieg" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "The Kritzkrieg" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "Le Blutsauger" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1" "The Blutsauger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "L'Ubersaw" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1" "The Ubersaw" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "L'Hachtincteur" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1" "The Axtinguisher" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "Le pistolet de détresse" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun" "The Flare Gun" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "Le brûleur arrière" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower" "The Backburner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "Le Sandvich" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox" "The Sandvich" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Les gants de boxe de la mort" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "Le Marchand de sable" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat" "The Sandman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "L'Eradicateur" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "La Cloak and Dagger" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CloakWatch" "The Cloak and Dagger" "TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "La Dead Ringer" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_FeignWatch" "The Dead Ringer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "L'Ambassadeur" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Revolver" "The Ambassador" "TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "Le Razorback" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Backstab_Shield" "The Razorback" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jaraté" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Jar" "Jarate" "TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "Le Huntsman" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_CompoundBow" "The Huntsman" "TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "Le Buff drapeau" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_SoldierBuff" "The Buff Banner" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "L'Equalizer" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Pickaxe" "The Equalizer" "TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "Le Direct Hit" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_RocketLauncher" "The Direct Hit" "TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "La Scottish Resistance" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_StickyLauncher" "The Scottish Resistance" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "Le Bouclier bélier" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield" "The Chargin' Targe" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "L'Eyelander" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword" "The Eyelander" "TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "Les Bottes de sûreté" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Blast_Boots" "The Gunboats" "TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "Le Destructeur de Maison" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_SledgeHammer" "The Homewrecker" "TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "La Barre de Dalokohs" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Lunchbox_Chocolate" "The Dalokohs Bar" "TF_TTG_MaxGun" "Le Lugermorph" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun" "The Lugermorph" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "Arme de corps à corps à longue portée. Améliore votre vitesse et votre santé à mesure que vous décapitez vos ennemis." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Sword_Desc" "This weapon has a large melee range. Gives increased speed and health with every head you take." "TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "TIR SECONDAIRE : améliore votre puissance d'attaque en chargeant votre ennemi." "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Shield_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Gain increased attack power by charging toward your enemies." "TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "Le nec plus ultra dans la catégorie des armes discrètes. La question n'est pas de savoir si vous en avez besoin, mais plutôt : où le rangerez-vous ?" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxGun_Desc" "The ultimate in semi-concealed weaponry. There’s no question you need this gun, the only question is: where will you keep it?" "TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "Concilie l'élégance avec la puissance d'attaque. Longtemps réservé à la Police Freelance, il est maintenant accessible à d'autres mercenaires assoiffés de sang" "[english]TF_TTG_SamRevolver_Desc" "Combines style with stopping power. Long exclusive to Freelance Police, now available for other blood-thirsty mercenaries." "TF_Wearable_Headgear" "Couvre-chefs" "[english]TF_Wearable_Headgear" "Headgear" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout" "Casque de batteur" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout" "Batter's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper" "Ceinture de dents" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper" "Tooth Belt" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier" "Casque du Soldier" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier" "Soldier's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman" "Coupe afro" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman" "Fro" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic" "Casque du Medic" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic" "Medic's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro" "Casque du Pyro" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro" "Pyro's Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy" "Casque de football" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy" "Football Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer" "Casque de mineur" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer" "Mining Helmet" "TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy" "Casque du Spy" "[english]TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy" "Spy's Helmet" "TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth" "Médaille de service pour les braves" "[english]TF_Soldier_Medal_Web_Sleuth" "Gentle Manne's Service Medal" "Item_Giveaway_NoItem" "En attente de l'objet..." "[english]Item_Giveaway_NoItem" "Waiting for item..." "Item_Found" "%s1 a trouvé :: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Found" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3" "Item_Crafted" "%s1 a fabriqué :: %s2 %s3" "[english]Item_Crafted" "%s1 has crafted:: %s2 %s3" "Item_BlacklistedInMatch" "L'objet « %s1 » a été désactivé pour ce match de tournoi par la liste blanche du serveur." "[english]Item_BlacklistedInMatch" "Item '%s1' has been disabled in this tournament match by the server whitelist." "community" "Communauté" "[english]community" "Community" "developer" "Valve" "[english]developer" "Valve" "selfmade" "Fait soi-même" "[english]selfmade" "Self-Made" "TF_CheatDetected_Title" "AVERTISSEMENT" "[english]TF_CheatDetected_Title" "WARNING" "TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Nous avons remarqué un contournement du système de distribution d'objets sur votre compte. Les objets illégalement obtenus ont été supprimés. Toute prochaine violation entraînera la perte de tous vos objets." "[english]TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed the items that were illegally obtained. Future violations will result in the loss of all your items." "TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Nous avons remarqué un contournement du système de distribution d'objets sur votre compte. Tous les objets de votre inventaire ont été supprimés. Toute prochaine violation entraînera la désactivation de votre compte." "[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory. Future violations may result in your account being disabled." "TF_HonestyReward" "Félicitations ! Vous êtes récompensé pour votre honnêteté : voici un nouveau chapeau ! (D'autres joueurs ont eu moins de scrupules et n'ont pas eu autant de chances)" "[english]TF_HonestyReward" "Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat! (Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)" "TF_medigun_autoheal" "Le Medigun continue de soigner sans maintenir la touche de tir enfoncée." "[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button." "TF_autozoom" "Le fusil de sniper rezoome après un tir avec lunette." "[english]TF_autozoom" "Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot." "TF_autoreload" "Recharge automatique les armes lorsque vous ne tirez pas." "[english]TF_autoreload" "Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing." "TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Dessiner modèle de vue." "[english]TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Draw viewmodels." "TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Retourner modèle de vue." "[english]TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Flip viewmodels." "TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Champ de vision modèle de vue" "[english]TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Viewmodel field of view" "TF_ClassLimitUnder" "%s1 (%s2 max)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitUnder" "%s1 (Max %s2)" "TF_ClassLimitHit" "%s1 (plein)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitHit" "%s1 (Full)" "TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(plein)" "[english]TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Full)" "TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Commencer chaque nouvelle vie avec l'arme active de la vie précédente." "[english]TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Remember the active weapon between lives." "TF_rememberlastweapon" "Commencer chaque nouvelle vie avec la dernière arme de la vie précédente." "[english]TF_rememberlastweapon" "Remember the 'last weapon' between lives." "TF_colorblindassist" "Activer le mode daltonisme." "[english]TF_colorblindassist" "Turn on colorblind mode." "TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Afficher les objets non standard du joueur en mode spectateur." "[english]TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Show non-standard items on spectated player." "TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Utiliser le HUD de spectateur avancé dans le mode Tournoi." "[english]TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode." "TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Désactiver les effets météo." "[english]TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects." "TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "Activer le menu de camouflage simple" "[english]TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "Enable Simple Disguise Menu" "TF_CombatText" "Afficher les dommages infligés au-dessus des cibles" "[english]TF_CombatText" "Display damage done as text over your target" "TF_HealTargetMarker" "MEDIC : afficher un marqueur au-dessus du joueur que vous soignez" "[english]TF_HealTargetMarker" "MEDIC: Display a marker over the player you are healing" "TF_AutoMedicCallers" "MEDIC : autoriser les coéquipiers à vous appeler automatiquement en cas de besoin" "[english]TF_AutoMedicCallers" "MEDIC: Injured teammates automatically call out" "TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC : pourcentage de santé limite pour l'appel automatique" "[english]TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC: Auto-call Health percentage" "TF_Hitbeeps" "Jouer un son chaque fois que vous blessez un ennemi." "[english]TF_Hitbeeps" "Play a hit sound everytime you injure an enemy." "TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Votre équipe" "[english]TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Your Team" "TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass" "Appuyez sur F4 pour réinitialiser votre classe !" "[english]TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass" "Press 'F4' to re-roll your class!" "TF_Arena_ClientDisconnect" "%s1 rejoint l'équipe %s2 pour remplacer %s3" "[english]TF_Arena_ClientDisconnect" "%s1 is joining team %s2 to replace %s3" "TF_Arena_ProTip" "Astuce : les équipes gagnantes jouent tout le temps" "[english]TF_Arena_ProTip" "Tip: Winning teams never have to sit out" "TF_Arena_Careful" "Attention ! Si vous perdez ce round il se peut que vous ne jouiez pas le prochain !" "[english]TF_Arena_Careful" "Careful! If you lose this round you might have to sit out the next!" "TF_Arena_SitOut" "Votre équipe a perdu. Vous ne participez pas à ce round car d'autres joueurs attendent pour jouer." "[english]TF_Arena_SitOut" "Your team lost. You're sitting out this round because other people were waiting to play." "TF_Arena_Welcome" "Team Fortress 2 Arena" "[english]TF_Arena_Welcome" "Team Fortress 2 Arena" "TF_Arena_NoPlayers" "En attente d'un joueur supplémentaire pour commencer le round." "[english]TF_Arena_NoPlayers" "Waiting for 1 more player before the round starts." "TF_Arena_TeamSizeIncreased" "La taille de l'équipe passe à %s1 pour s'adapter au nombre de joueurs actuel." "[english]TF_Arena_TeamSizeIncreased" "Team size is increasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count." "TF_Arena_TeamSizeDecreased" "La taille de l'équipe passe à %s1 pour s'adapter au nombre de joueurs actuel." "[english]TF_Arena_TeamSizeDecreased" "Team size is decreasing to %s1 to accommodate the current player count." "TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanel" "Mode Arena !" "[english]TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanel" "Arena Mode!" "TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanelReason" "Installez-vous confortablement. Vous aurez votre chance quand ce tour sera terminé." "[english]TF_Arena_SuddenDeathPanelReason" "Sit back and relax. You will get your chance as soon as this round ends." "TF_Arena_NoRespawning" "Pas de réapparition en mode Arena" "[english]TF_Arena_NoRespawning" "No respawning in Arena Mode" "TF_Arena_PlayingTo" "Combat pour %s1 victoires d'affilée" "[english]TF_Arena_PlayingTo" "Playing to %s1 wins in a row" "TF_Arena_MaxStreak" "L'équipe %s1 a obtenu %s2 victoires ! Les équipes sont mélangées." "[english]TF_Arena_MaxStreak" "Team %s1 reached %s2 wins! Teams are now being scrambled." "TF_Arena_FlawlessVictory" "Victoire parfaite !" "[english]TF_Arena_FlawlessVictory" "Flawless Victory!" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_DamageThisRound" "Dégâts :" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_DamageThisRound" "Damage:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_HealingThisRound" "Soins :" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_HealingThisRound" "Healing:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_TimeAliveThisRound" "Durée de vie :" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_TimeAliveThisRound" "Lifetime:" "TF_Arena_Winpanel_KillingBlows" "Victimes :" "[english]TF_Arena_Winpanel_KillingBlows" "Kills:" "TF_Arena_Menu_Fight" "C'est parti !" "[english]TF_Arena_Menu_Fight" "Fight!" "TF_Arena_NoClassChange" "Vous ne pouvez pas changer de classe une fois que le round a commencé." "[english]TF_Arena_NoClassChange" "You can't change classes after the round has started." "TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 joueur attendant de jouer : %s2" "[english]TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 player waiting to play: %s2" "TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 joueurs attendant de jouer : %s2" "[english]TF_Arena_ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 players waiting to play: %s2" "TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Title" "AVERTISSEMENT !" "[english]TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Title" "WARNING!" "TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Explanation" "Le serveur sur lequel vous êtes en train de jouer a perdu la connexion à Steam. Votre équipement ne sera par conséquent pas disponible sur ce serveur." "[english]TF_ServerNoSteamConn_Explanation" "The server you are playing on has lost connection to Steam. As a result, your loadout will not be available on this server." "TF_MMO_LFG" "Recherche du groupe" "[english]TF_MMO_LFG" "Looking For Group" "TF_MMO_Quest1" "Vous devez tuer %s1 %s2 pour terminer cette quête." "[english]TF_MMO_Quest1" "You must kill %s1 %s2 to complete this quest." "TF_MMO_Monster1" "Sangliers" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster1" "Boars" "TF_MMO_Monster2" "Rats" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster2" "Rats" "TF_MMO_Monster3" "Chauves-souris" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster3" "Bats" "TF_MMO_Monster4" "Loups" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster4" "Wolves" "TF_MMO_Monster5" "Araignées" "[english]TF_MMO_Monster5" "Spiders" "TF_WarContribution" "Effort de guerre" "[english]TF_WarContribution" "War Contribution" "TF_WarCountUpdate_Soldier" "%s1 a contribué à hauteur de %s2 Soldiers morts au combat !" "[english]TF_WarCountUpdate_Soldier" "%s1 has contributed %s2 Soldier kills to The War!" "TF_WarCountUpdate_Demoman" "%s1 a contribué à hauteur de %s2 Demoman morts au combat !" "[english]TF_WarCountUpdate_Demoman" "%s1 has contributed %s2 Demoman kills to The War!" "ViewBlog" "Consulter le blog TF2" "[english]ViewBlog" "View TF2 Blog" "ViewUpdate" "Afficher les dernières informations de mise à jour" "[english]ViewUpdate" "View Latest Update News" "ReadAllAboutIt" "Lire pour en savoir plus !" "[english]ReadAllAboutIt" "Read all about it!" "TF_Highlander_Mode" "Mode Highlander" "[english]TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander Mode" "TF_Teams_Full" "Les équipes sont complètes" "[english]TF_Teams_Full" "Teams Are Full" "TF_EnergyDrink" "BOISSON" "[english]TF_EnergyDrink" "DRINK" "TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s1 %s3 construit par %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s1 %s3 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "Aucun téléporteur correspondant !" "[english]TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "No matching teleporter!" "TF_Weapon_Axe" "Hache" "[english]TF_Weapon_Axe" "Axe" "TF_Wearable_Badge" "Badge" "[english]TF_Wearable_Badge" "Badge" "TF_ScoutWhoopee" "Toque de Fanfaron" "[english]TF_ScoutWhoopee" "Whoopee Cap" "TF_PyroMonocle" "Gentilhomme Barbu" "[english]TF_PyroMonocle" "Whiskered Gentleman" "TF_MedicGoggles" "Les bézicles" "[english]TF_MedicGoggles" "Ze Goggles" "TF_MedicGoggles_Desc" "Rien" "[english]TF_MedicGoggles_Desc" "Nothing" "TF_EngineerEarmuffs" "Sain et sauf" "[english]TF_EngineerEarmuffs" "Safe'n'Sound" "TF_DemomanTricorne" "Tricorne de l'ivrogne" "[english]TF_DemomanTricorne" "Tippler's Tricorne" "TF_SpyBeret" "Béret du Français" "[english]TF_SpyBeret" "Frenchman's Beret" "TF_HeavyDorag" "Bandeau des lourdes obligations" "[english]TF_HeavyDorag" "Heavy Duty Rag" "TF_Object_Tele" "Téléporteur" "[english]TF_Object_Tele" "Teleporter" "TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Entrée" "[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Entrance" "TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Sortie" "[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Exit" "TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Téléporteur en construction... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Teleporter Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter" "Téléporteur (Niveau %s1 ) Santé %s1 Statut - %s2" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter" "Teleporter (Level %s1 ) Health %s1 Status - %s2" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Idle" "Recherche d'un Téléporteur associé" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Idle" "Looking for Matching Teleporter" "Teleporter_idle" "Ce téléporteur n'a pas de correspondance." "[english]Teleporter_idle" "This teleporter does not have a match." "Building_hud_tele_not_built" "Entrée du Téléporteur Non construite" "[english]Building_hud_tele_not_built" "Teleporter Entrance Not Built" "Loadout_OpenBackpack" "Ouvrir votre Sac à dos" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpack" "Open your Backpack" "Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc" "(CONTIENT %s1 OBJETS)" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc" "(%s1 ITEMS INSIDE)" "Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc1" "(CONTIENT 1 OBJET)" "[english]Loadout_OpenBackpackDesc1" "(1 ITEM INSIDE)" "Loadout_OpenCrafting" "Ouvrir l'écran de Fabrication" "[english]Loadout_OpenCrafting" "Open the Crafting screen" "Loadout_OpenCraftingDesc" "FABRIQUEZ DE NOUVEAUX OBJETS EN COMBINANT DES OBJETS DE VOTRE SAC À DOS" "[english]Loadout_OpenCraftingDesc" "CONSTRUCT NEW ITEMS BY COMBINING ITEMS IN YOUR BACKPACK" "RDI_AB1" "Nécessite : %s1, %s2" "[english]RDI_AB1" "Requires: %s1, %s2" "RDI_ABC1" "Nécessite : %s1 %s2, %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC1" "Requires: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDI_ABC2" "Nécessite : %s1, %s2, %s3" "[english]RDI_ABC2" "Requires: %s1, %s2, %s3" "RDO_AB1" "Permet de fabriquer : %s1, %s2" "[english]RDO_AB1" "Produces: %s1, %s2" "RDO_ABC1" "Permet de fabriquer : %s1 %s2, %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC1" "Produces: %s1 %s2, %s3" "RDO_ABC2" "Permet de fabriquer : %s1, %s2, %s3" "[english]RDO_ABC2" "Produces: %s1, %s2, %s3" "Attrib_EmployeeNumber" "Date d'embauche : %s1" "[english]Attrib_EmployeeNumber" "Hire Date: %s1" "Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers" "Les dégâts détruisent les Saboteurs" "[english]Attrib_DmgAppliesToSappers" "Damage removes Sappers" "Attrib_BleedingDuration" "Lorsque vous touchez : Saigne pendant %s1 secondes" "[english]Attrib_BleedingDuration" "On Hit: Bleed for %s1 seconds" "TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola" "Crit-a-Cola" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola" "Crit-a-Cola" "TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "Couteau Aborigène" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "Tribalman's Shiv" "TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "Fendeuse de Crâne Écossaise" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "Scotsman's Skullcutter" "TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "Le Couteau Aborigène" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_TribalmanKukri" "The Tribalman's Shiv" "TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "La Fendeuse de Crâne Écossaise" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_BattleAxe" "The Scotsman's Skullcutter" "TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "Lorsqu'il est utilisé, les dégâts reçus et les dégâts causés seront des mini-crits." "[english]TF_Unique_EnergyDrink_CritCola_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done and damage taken will be mini-crits." "TF_Employee_Badge_A" "Vétéran Grisonnant" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_A" "Grizzled Veteran" "TF_Employee_Badge_B" "Soldat de fortune" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_B" "Soldier of Fortune" "TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Mercenaire" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Mercenary" "TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Guerrier Primitif" "[english]TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Primeval Warrior" "TF_ReplayIntro" "&REJOUER FILM" "[english]TF_ReplayIntro" "&REPLAY MOVIE" "TF_Bot_Title_Enemy" "Ennemi" "[english]TF_Bot_Title_Enemy" "Enemy " "TF_Bot_Title_Friendly" "Allié" "[english]TF_Bot_Title_Friendly" "Friendly " "TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName" "Joueur" "[english]TF_Bot_Generic_ClassName" "Player" "TF_OSXItem" "Écouteurs" "[english]TF_OSXItem" "Earbuds" "TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX en force !" "[english]TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX represent!" "Gametype_Training" "Mode Entraînement" "[english]Gametype_Training" "Training Mode" "Tip_1_6" "En tant que Scout, votre fusil à dispersion peut tuer la plupart des classes en deux coups." "[english]Tip_1_6" "As a Scout, your scattergun can kill most classes with two hits." "Tip_1_7" "En tant que Scout, vous pouvez utiliser l'Éradicateur pour vous donner plus de hauteur lorsque vous sautez." "[english]Tip_1_7" "As a Scout, you can use the Force-A-Nature to give yourself an extra boost up while jumping." "Tip_1_8" "En tant que Scout, vous êtes plus dangereux lorsque vous attaquez par le côté ou par derrière. Utilisez d'autres chemins pour prendre l'ennemi à revers." "[english]Tip_1_8" "As a Scout, you are most dangerous when you attack from the side or behind. Use alternate routes to flank the enemy." "Tip_1_9" "En tant que Scout, utilisez l'attaque secondaire du Marchand de Sable pour assommer un ennemi." "[english]Tip_1_9" "As a Scout, use your Sandman's alt-fire to stun an enemy." "Tip_1_10" "En tant que Scout, votre batte vous donne 15 points de vie de plus que le Marchand de Sable. Utilisez donc votre batte si survivre est votre priorité numéro un." "[english]Tip_1_10" "As a Scout, your bat provides 15 extra health compared to the Sandman. Use your bat if survival is a top priority." "Tip_1_11" "En tant que Scout, l'Éradicateur repousse les ennemis en arrière quand vous les attaquez de près." "[english]Tip_1_11" "As a Scout, the Force-A-Nature causes enemies at close range to be knocked back." "Tip_1_12" "En tant que Scout, plus la distance parcourue par la balle de votre Marchand de Sable est grande, plus l'ennemi restera étourdi longtemps." "[english]Tip_1_12" "As a Scout, the Sandman's stun ball will stun longer the further it flies." "Tip_1_13" "En tant que Scout, la balle du Marchand de Sable immobilisera totalement votre cible si vous l'atteignez à la distance maximale de lancé." "[english]Tip_1_13" "As a Scout, the Sandman's stun ball will render the target immobile if hit at maximum range." "Tip_1_14" "En tant que Scout, utilisez la balle du Marchand de Sable pour contrer l'ÜberCharge d'un Medic ennemi." "[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, remember that the Sandman's stun ball doesn't stun at close range but still does slight damage to the target." "Tip_1_15" "En tant que Scout, gardez en tête que la balle du Marchand de Sable n'étourdit pas à courte portée mais fait quand même perdre 15 points de vie à votre cible." "[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to distract a sentry and allow other teammates to destroy it." "Tip_1_16" "En tant que Scout, utilisez la Boisson Energétique Bonk! pour distraire une mitrailleuse et permettre à vos coéquipiers de la détruire." "[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, use the Bonk! Energy Drink to avoid sentries and other damage." "Tip_2_5" "En tant que Sniper, un tir complètement chargé en pleine tête peut tuer instantanément la plupart des classes." "[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged sniper rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly." "Tip_2_6" "En tant que Sniper, utilisez votre mitraillette pour vous débarrasser des ennemis proches." "[english]Tip_2_6" "As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies." "Tip_2_7" "En tant que Sniper, vos tirs manqueront leurs cibles si vous maintenez la corde tendue pendant plus de 5 secondes. Détendez la en appuyant sur %attack2%." "[english]Tip_2_7" "As a Sniper, your shot will miss if the Huntsman is pulled back longer than 5 seconds. Reset it by hitting %attack2%." "Tip_2_8" "En tant que Sniper, votre Jarate peut révéler la présence de Spy cachés. Soyez prudent car les Spy utilisant la Dead Ringer ne seront plus visibles s'ils activent leur invisibilité après avoir été trempé." "[english]Tip_2_8" "As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies. Be wary, as Spies using the Dead Ringer won't be visible if they cloak after being soaked." "Tip_2_9" "En tant que Sniper, le Razorback se casse après un poignardage. Récupérez-en un nouveau dans un casier de réapprovisionnement." "[english]Tip_2_9" "As a Sniper, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker." "Tip_2_10" "En tant que Sniper, votre Razorback émet un grand bruit électrique lorsqu'un Spy essaie de vous poignarder. Prêtez-y donc l'oreille !" "[english]Tip_2_10" "As a Sniper, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!" "Tip_2_11" "En tant que Sniper, utilisez votre Jarate pour éteindre les flammes sur vous et sur vos coéquipiers." "[english]Tip_2_11" "As a Sniper, use Jarate to douse flames on yourself and on teammates." "Tip_2_12" "En tant que Sniper, tous les coups que vous porterez à un ennemi trempé par une Jarate seront des minicrits." "[english]Tip_2_12" "As a Sniper, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are minicrits." "Tip_2_13" "En tant que Sniper, une attaque avec le Couteau Aborigène fait saigner vos ennemis. Cela peut vous être utile pour suivre les Spy à la trace." "[english]Tip_2_13" "As a Sniper, the Tribalman's Shiv causes a bleed on hit. This can be useful for tracking down Spies." "Tip_3_5" "Le fait de vous infliger des dégâts pendant le temps de préparation n'augmente pas le taux de chargement de l'ÜberCharge du Medic qui vous soigne." "[english]Tip_3_5" "Damaging yourself during Setup time does not increase your Medic's ÜberCharge rate." "Tip_3_6" "En tant que Soldier, un saut \"accroupi\" augmentera la hauteur de vos sauts avec vos roquettes !" "[english]Tip_3_6" "As a Soldier, a crouch-jump will increase your rocket jump height!" "Tip_3_7" "En tant que Soldier, utilisez votre fusil pour vous occuper des ennemis à très courte portée afin d'éviter de vous infliger des dégâts." "[english]Tip_3_7" "As a Soldier, switch to shotgun for enemies at extremely close range to avoid damaging yourself." "Tip_3_8" "En tant que Soldier, si vous avez un Medic avec vous, ne manquez pas une opportunité de vous infliger des dégâts pour obtenir une ÜberCharge plus rapidement !" "[english]Tip_3_8" "As a Soldier, if you're paired with a Medic take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself to build ÜberCharge faster!" "Tip_3_9" "En tant que Soldier, utilisez vos roquettes pour faire voler les cibles qui vous foncent dessus." "[english]Tip_3_9" "As a Soldier, you can use your rockets to pop enemies into the air." "Tip_3_10" "En tant que Soldier, votre fusil peut vous être utile en combat si vous devez recharger votre lance-roquette." "[english]Tip_3_10" "As a Soldier, your shotgun can be useful in combat if you need to reload your rocket launcher." "Tip_3_11" "En tant que Soldier, orientez vos roquettes légèrement derrière vous pour vous propulser en avant plus rapidement !" "[english]Tip_3_11" "As a Soldier, angle your rockets slightly behind you to propel yourself forward faster!" "Tip_3_12" "En tant que Soldier, les roquettes du Direct Hit ont un rayon de dégâts très faible. Visez directement vos ennemis pour une efficacité maximale." "[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Direct Hit rockets have a very small blast radius. Aim directly at your enemies to maximize damage." "Tip_3_13" "En tant que Soldier, l'indicateur de rage du Buff Drapeau est remis à zéro si vous mourrez. N'ayez pas peur de l'utiliser pour faire une percée ou pour vous échapper !" "[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, the Buff Banner's rage meter will reset if you die. Don't be afraid to use it for yourself to make a push or escape!" "Tip_3_14" "En tant que Soldier, le Buff Drapeau - lorsqu'il est chargé puis activé - donne des mini-crits à vous ainsi qu'à vos coéquipiers les plus proches." "[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, the Buff Banner, once charged and then activated, provides mini-crits for you and all teammates nearby." "Tip_3_15" "En tant que Soldier, le bonus de vitesse de l'Equalizer lorsque vous n'avez plus beaucoup de vie peut aussi être utilisé pour s'enfuir rapidement." "[english]Tip_3_15" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer's speed bonus when at low health can also be used to quickly escape." "Tip_3_16" "En tant que Soldier, l'Equalizer fait beaucoup de dégâts lorsque vous n'avez presque plus de vie." "[english]Tip_3_16" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you are at very low health." "Tip_3_17" "En tant que Soldier, les Medics ne peuvent pas vous soigner ou vous faire profiter d'une ÜberCharge tant que vous tenez l'Equalizer." "[english]Tip_3_17" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot heal you or activate ÜberCharge on you if you have the Equalizer out." "Tip_4_5" "En tant que Demoman, vous pouvez toujours faire exploser vos bombes collantes, quelque soit l'arme que vous utilisez." "[english]Tip_4_5" "As a Demoman, detonate sticky bombs at any time regardless of which weapon you're currently using." "Tip_4_6" "En tant que Demoman, accroupissez vous dans les airs lorsque vous sautez avec vos bombes collantes afin d'atteindre une altitude optimale." "[english]Tip_4_6" "As a Demoman, crouch in the air when jumping for a sticky bomb jump to achieve maximum height." "Tip_4_7" "En tant que Demoman, sautez avec vos bombes collantes sous un certain angle pour vous propulser dans une direction particulière au lieu d'un saut seulement vertical." "[english]Tip_4_7" "As a Demoman, sticky bomb jump at an angle to propel yourself in a certain direction rather than just up." "Tip_4_8" "En tant que Demoman, utilisez votre lance grenade pour le combat direct. Les grenades explosent au contact d'un ennemi sauf si elles touchent d'abord le sol." "[english]Tip_4_8" "As a Demoman, use your grenade launcher for direct combat. Grenades detonate upon impact with an enemy unless they touch the ground first." "Tip_4_9" "En tant que Demoman, votre bouteille inflige exactement les mêmes dégâts, qu'elle soit cassée ou non." "[english]Tip_4_9" "As a Demoman, your bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not." "Tip_4_10" "Les bombes collantes peuvent êtres détruites en leur tirant dessus avec n'importe quelle arme qui utilise des balles. Une explosion ne les détruira pas, mais les écartera de votre chemin." "[english]Tip_4_10" "Sticky bombs can be destroyed by shooting at them with any weapon that uses bullets. Explosions won't destroy them, but will knock them out of the way." "Tip_4_11" "Chaque reste d'une bombe collante détruite peut être ramassé pour obtenir +1 munition ou métal." "[english]Tip_4_11" "As a Demoman, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense. Place multiple sticky bomb groups to defend a lot of territory. Your sticky bombs also destroy enemy sticky bombs!" "Tip_4_12" "En tant que Demoman, le Scottish Resistance est super pour la défense. Placez plusieurs groupes de bombes collantes pour couvrir le plus d'espace possible. Vos bombes collantes détruisent aussi les bombes collantes ennemies !" "[english]Tip_4_12" "As a Demoman with the Scottish Resistance, keep a line of sight to your sticky bombs so you can detonate them when needed." "Tip_4_13" "En tant que Demoman avec le Scottish Resistance, gardez vos bombes collantes bien en vu afin de pouvoir les détruire s'il le faut." "[english]Tip_4_13" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability compliment the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random critical hits." "Tip_4_14" "En tant que Demoman, la résistance du Bouclier Bélier face aux explosions et aux flammes ainsi que sa capacité de charge compensent la restriction de santé de l'Eyelander et son impossibilité de causer des coups critiques aléatoires." "[english]Tip_4_14" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a critical hit until near the end of the charge. Your weapon will glow when the time is right!" "Tip_4_15" "En tant que Demoman, la charge du Bouclier Bélier ne vous donne un coup critique qu'en fin de course. Votre arme brillera pour vous indiquer le bon moment !" "[english]Tip_4_15" "As a Demoman with the Chargin' Targe, you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is." "Tip_4_16" "En tant que Demoman, la capacité de charge du Bouclier Bélier est parfaite pour s'enfuir rapidement!" "[english]Tip_4_16" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!" "Tip_4_17" "En tant que Demoman, la charge du Bouclier Bélier est aussi parfaite pour une fuite rapide !" "[english]Tip_4_17" "As a Demoman, your Bottle has no negative attributes compared to the minus 25 health on the Eyelander. Use your Bottle if survival is a priority." "Tip_4_18" "En tant que Demoman, collectez des têtes en tuant vos ennemis avec l'Eyelander. Chaque tête coupée augmente votre vie maximum et vous donne également un bonus de rapidité !" "[english]Tip_4_18" "As a Demoman, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander. Each head increases your maximum health as well as gives you a speed boost!" "Tip_5_6" "En tant que Medic, le taux de chargement de votre ÜberCharge est maximal pendant le temps de préparation." "[english]Tip_5_6" "As a Medic, you build ÜberCharge at the maximum rate during setup time." "Tip_5_7" "En tant que Medic, vous ne pouvez pas capturer un Point de Contrôle tant que vous êtes invulnérable." "[english]Tip_5_7" "As a Medic, you cannot capture a Control Point while invulnerable." "Tip_5_8" "En tant que Medic, soignez les Soldiers et les Demoman en début de round afin qu'ils puissent utiliser leur bonus de santé pour sauter jusqu'à l'autre bout de la carte grâce à une roquette ou à des bombes collantes." "[english]Tip_5_8" "As a Medic, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of rounds so they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map." "Tip_5_9" "En tant que Medic, vous pouvez utiliser une ÜberCharge sur vous-même sans devoir la partager avec un autre joueur, pour pouvoir vous échapper de certaines situations désespérées." "[english]Tip_5_9" "As a Medic, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target to save yourself in dire situations." "Tip_5_10" "En tant que Medic, mieux vaut activer votre ÜberCharge trop tôt que de la perdre en vous faisant tuer." "[english]Tip_5_10" "As a Medic, it's better to use an ÜberCharge too early than lose it by being killed." "Tip_5_11" "En tant que Medic, faites peur à vos ennemis en leur faisant croire que votre ÜberCharge est prête grâce à la commande vocale \"ÜberCharge prête !\"." "[english]Tip_5_11" "As a Medic, mess with the enemy by using the \"ÜberCharge ready!\" voice command to pretend you have an ÜberCharge prepared." "Tip_5_12" "En tant que Medic, vous pouvez donner à plusieurs joueurs en même temps un bonus d'extra santé, et ainsi leur permettre d'absorber plus de dégâts." "[english]Tip_5_12" "As a Medic, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage." "Tip_5_13" "En tant que Medic, l'attaque de votre Scie à amputation est 20%% plus rapide que celle de l'Übersaw. Utilisez donc la Scie à amputation dans des situations défensives pour lesquelles une ÜberCharge n'est pas importante." "[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, your bonesaw swings 20%% faster than the Übersaw. Use the bonesaw in defensive situations where ÜberCharge isn't as important." "Tip_5_14" "En tant que Medic, gardez en tête que la trajectoire des seringues forme un arc. Visez plus haut que votre cible pour ne pas la manquer." "[english]Tip_5_14" "As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs. Aim higher than your intended target to land successful hits." "Tip_5_15" "En tant que Medic, n'oubliez pas que les coups critiques n'ont pas d'effet sur les mitrailleuses. Utilisez plutôt votre Kritzkrieg si vous êtes entourés par des ennemis." "[english]Tip_5_15" "As a Medic, remember that critical hits have no effect on sentry guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead." "Tip_5_16" "En tant que Medic, l'Übersaw fera augmenter votre jauge d'ÜberCharge même lorsque le joueur que vous avez touché est un Scout sous l'effet du Bonk! Atomic Punch." "[english]Tip_5_16" "As a Medic, the Übersaw will still gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch." "Tip_5_17" "En tant que Medic, l'utilisation d'une ÜberCharge pour devenir invulnérable aux dégâts ne signifie pas que vous êtes entièrement invincible. Faites attention aux tirs d'air comprimé des Pyros et aux explosions qui pourraient vous repousser vers l'arrière." "[english]Tip_5_17" "As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for Pyro air blasts and explosive knock back." "Tip_5_18" "En tant que Medic, lorsque vous attaquez avec votre ÜberCharge, essayez de vous rapprocher le plus possible des mitrailleuses afin de permettre à vos coéquipiers de les détruire plus facilement." "[english]Tip_5_18" "As a Medic, when attacking with an ÜberCharge try to get as close to sentries as possible so your teammates can get close enough to destroy them." "Tip_5_19" "En tant que Medic, votre pistolet à seringues original vous soigne automatiquement en vous donnant 3 points de vie par seconde, alors que votre Blutsauger ne vous en donne qu'un seul." "[english]Tip_5_19" "As a Medic, your default syringe gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second." "Tip_5_20" "En tant que Medic, l'Ubersaw ne fera pas progresser votre jauge d'Übercharge si l'ennemi touché est un Spy déguisé." "[english]Tip_5_20" "As a Medic, the Ubersaw will not gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy." "Tip_5_21" "En tant que Medic, la raillerie du Kritzkrieg vous redonne 10 points de vie. Utilisez-la lorsqu'il n'y a plus de kits de soin ou si aucun autre Medic n'est dans les environs." "[english]Tip_5_21" "As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby." "Tip_5_22" "En tant que Medic, faites attention aux autres Medics de votre équipe. Si plusieurs Medics restent en vie, ils pourront à leur tour garder le reste de l'équipe en vie." "[english]Tip_5_22" "As a Medic, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive too." "Tip_6_5" "En tant que Heavy, votre Sandvich peut vous sauver la vie. Essayez de trouver un coin sûr avant de commencer à le manger, sans quoi vous serez rudement interrompu." "[english]Tip_6_5" "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a life saver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted." "Tip_6_6" "En tant que Heavy, vous êtes le joueur de votre équipe qui a le plus de vie." "[english]Tip_6_6" "As a Heavy, you have the most health on your team." "Tip_6_7" "En tant que Heavy, vous ne perdez pas de vitesse lorsque vous faites tourner le canon de votre Minigun. Servez-vous de cet avantage pour surprendre les ennemis dans les angles." "[english]Tip_6_7" "As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners." "Tip_6_8" "En tant que Heavy, utilisez votre Sandvich pour soigner les autres ! Appuyez sur %attack2% pour le lancer par terre afin qu'un coéquipier puisse le ramasser. Ne vous inquiétez pas pour l'hygiène, une petite assiette est fournie !" "[english]Tip_6_8" "As a Heavy, use your Sandvich to heal up! Use %attack2% to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health. Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean." "Tip_6_9" "En tant que Heavy, vos poings frappent 20%% plus rapidement que les Killing Gloves of Boxing. Équipez les, en complément du Sandvich, pour vous occuper rapidement de ceux qui voudraient tenter de gâcher votre déjeuner." "[english]Tip_6_9" "As a Heavy, your fists swing 20%% faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers." "Tip_6_10" "En tant que Heavy, utilisez Natascha contre les classes se déplaçant rapidement afin de les garder à portée de tirs de vos coéquipiers ou des mitrailleuses." "[english]Tip_6_10" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2%. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate 50%% of their maximum health." "Tip_6_11" "En tant que Heavy, vous pouvez laisser tomber votre Sandvich par terre en appuyant sur. Un Sandvich au sol redonnera au coéquipier qui marche dessus 50% de sa vie maximale." "[english]Tip_6_11" "As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full." "Tip_6_12" "En tant que Heavy, pensez à récupérer un autre Sandvich si vous avez fait tomber le votre. Vous pouvez en récupérer un nouveau grâce à un kit de soin, uniquement si vous n'êtes pas blessé." "[english]Tip_6_12" "As a Heavy, your minigun's spin-up can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's 5-second critical buff. Carry your shotgun with the K.G.B. to maximize the critical boost!" "Tip_6_13" "En tant que Heavy, vous pouvez jeter votre Sandvich par terre en appuyant sur %attack2% afin d'éteindre les coéquipiers en train de brûler. Utilisez cette technique pour sauver votre Medic." "[english]Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2% and can extinguish burning teammates. Use this to save your Medic." "Tip_7_7" "En tant que Pyro, votre lance-flammes peut incendier les Spy ennemis déguisés en membres de votre équipe. Contrôlez chaque coéquipier qui se conduit de manière louche !" "[english]Tip_7_7" "As a Pyro, your flame thrower can ignite enemy Spies disguised as your team. Spy check teammates that act suspicious!" "Tip_7_8" "En tant que Pyro, utilisez le bonus de dégâts de votre Hachtincteur en incendiant d'abord vos ennemis." "[english]Tip_7_8" "As a Pyro, utilize the bonus damage on the Axtinguisher by igniting your foes." "Tip_7_9" "En tant que Pyro, aidez les Engineers de votre équipe à protéger leurs mitrailleuses en repoussant les bombes collantes et en contrôlant la présence de Spies." "[english]Tip_7_9" "As a Pyro, help protect an Engineer's sentries by pushing away sticky bombs and checking for Spies." "Tip_7_10" "En tant que Pyro, vous pouvez neutraliser une ÜberCharge avec le tir d'air comprimé de votre lance-flammes et la touche %attack2%, en repoussant le Medic ou le joueur qu'il soigne, afin qu'ils soient hors de portée l'un de l'autre." "[english]Tip_7_10" "As a Pyro, you can neutralize an ÜberCharge by pushing the Medic or his heal target out of range of each other using the Flame Thrower's compression blast with %attack2%!" "Tip_7_11" "En tant que Pyro, poussez les ennemis hors de votre chemin en utilisant le tir d'air comprimé de votre lance-flammes avec la touche %attack2%." "[english]Tip_7_11" "As a Pyro, push enemies out of your way using the flame thrower's compression blast with %attack2%." "Tip_7_12" "En tant que Pyro, le tir d'air comprimé de votre lance-flammes (touche %attack2%) peut éteindre les coéquipiers en train de brûler." "[english]Tip_7_12" "As a Pyro, the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% can extinguish burning teammates." "Tip_7_13" "En tant que Pyro, vous ne brûlez pas lorsque vous êtes attaqué par des flammes. Utilisez votre fusil à pompe ou votre Hache contre les Pyros ennemis pour palier à ce problème." "[english]Tip_7_13" "As a Pyro, you do not ignite from fire. Use your shotgun or fire axe against enemy Pyros to counter this." "Tip_7_14" "En tant que Pyro, le Brûleur arrière est plus utile pour tendre des embuscades à l'ennemi, car il présente un bonus de dégâts lorsque vous attaquez un joueur adverse par derrière." "[english]Tip_7_14" "As a Pyro, the Backburner is more useful for ambushing the enemy as it gets bonus damage when attacking from behind!" "Tip_7_15" "En tant que Pyro, le Pistolet de détresse peut faire des mini-crits si vous touchez un ennemi déjà en train de brûler et qui se tient à une moyenne ou longue portée de votre arme." "[english]Tip_7_15" "As a Pyro, the Flare Gun can do mini-crits if fired at enemies who are already burning if hit at medium to long range." "Tip_7_16" "En tant que Pyro, votre lance-flammes et votre Pistolet de détresse ne fonctionnent pas sous l'eau." "[english]Tip_7_16" "As a Pyro, your flame thrower or Flare Gun will not work underwater." "Tip_7_17" "En tant que Pyro, appuyez sur %attack2% avec votre lance-flammes standard pour envoyer un tir d'air comprimé. Utilisez le pour renvoyer les projectiles, éteindre les coéquipiers en train de brûler ou repousser les ennemis en arrière !" "[english]Tip_7_17" "As a Pyro, hit %attack2% with your default flame thrower to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, and push enemies back!" "Tip_7_18" "En tant que Pyro, utilisez votre lance-flammes sur les Snipers de votre équipe pour allumer la flèche de leur Huntsman. Les flèches allumées peuvent incendier l'ennemi." "[english]Tip_7_18" "As a Pyro, use your flame thrower on friendly Snipers to light their Huntsman arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy." "Tip_7_19" "En tant que Pyro, appuyez sur %attack2% pour réfléchir les projectiles envoyés par l'équipe ennemie ! Vous pouvez renvoyer les roquettes, les grenades, le Jaraté, ainsi que d'autres projectiles !" "[english]Tip_7_19" "As a Pyro, use %attack2% to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team! This includes rockets, grenades, Jarate, and more!" "Tip_7_20" "En tant que Pyro, gardez à l'esprit que le tir d'air comprimé de votre lance-flammes (%attack2%) consomme beaucoup de munitions. Utilisez-le uniquement lorsque la situation l'exige !" "[english]Tip_7_20" "As a Pyro, remember, the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% can use up a lot of ammo. Use it when you need to!" "Tip_7_21" "En tant que Pyro, utilisez le tir d'air comprimé de votre lance-flammes (%attack2%) pour déplacer les bombes collantes hors de votre chemin. Utilisez cette technique pour aider les Engineers ou nettoyer un Point de Contrôle !" "[english]Tip_7_21" "As a Pyro, utilize the flame thrower's compression blast %attack2% to push sticky bombs out of the way. Help out your Engineers or clear a Control Point!" "Tip_8_9" "En tant que Spy, soyez prudent lorsque vous utilisez les commandes vocales alors que vous êtes déguisé. L'équipe ennemie les verra dans la zone de chat, dites par la personne en qui vous êtes déguisé." "[english]Tip_8_9" "As a Spy, be careful when using voice commands while disguised. The enemy team will see them said in the text chat by whoever you're disguised as." "Tip_8_10" "En tant que Spy, l'Ambassadeur ne fait pas de coup critique pour les tirs en pleine tête lorsqu'il refroidit. Soyez précis dans vos tirs et espacez les pour causer un maximum de dégâts." "[english]Tip_8_10" "As a Spy, the Ambassador does not do critical headshots when cooling down. Make each shot precise and timed to maximize damage." "Tip_8_11" "En tant que Spy, essayez d'éviter les flammes lorsque vous activez votre Dead Ringer, sans quoi vous continuerez de brûler et votre position sera connue." "[english]Tip_8_11" "As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location." "Tip_8_12" "En tant que Spy, lorsque vous êtes invisible grâce au Dead Ringer, votre silhouette n'apparaîtra pas si vous rentrez dans un ennemi." "[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy while cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies." "Tip_8_13" "En tant que Spy, la barre d'invisibilité du Cloak and Dagger peut se régénérer lorsque vous vous déplacez, à condition que vous ne soyez pas invisible." "[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger can regenerate cloak while moving around so long as you are uncloaked when doing so." "Tip_8_14" "En tant que Spy, ramassez les munitions et les armes tombées au sol pour recharger la barre d'invisibilité de votre montre standard ou du Dead Ringer." "[english]Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge cloak when using your invis watch or the Dead Ringer." "Tip_8_15" "En tant que Spy, la barre d'invisibilité du Cloak and Dagger ne diminue que lorsque vous êtes en mouvement. Restez immobile ou redevenez visible pour la recharger." "[english]Tip_8_15" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak to regain lost charge." "Tip_8_16" "En tant que Spy, votre silhouette sera visible si vous vous déplacez avec le Cloak and Dagger sur une grande distance. Trouvez un coin sûr pour vous arrêter et recharger votre montre." "[english]Tip_8_16" "As a Spy, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge." "Tip_8_17" "En tant que Spy, le Dead Ringer émet un bruit très fort lorsque vous réapparaissez. Trouvez une zone sûre loin de vos ennemis avant de réapparaître." "[english]Tip_8_17" "As a Spy, the Dead Ringer makes a very loud noise when uncloaking. Find a safe place away from enemies to uncloak." "Tip_8_18" "En tant que Spy, déguisez vous en joueur de votre propre équipe en utilisant la touche %disguiseteam%. Utilisez cette technique dans les zones contrôlées par votre équipe, ou en complément du Dead Ringer afin de dissimuler votre présence à l'ennemi." "[english]Tip_8_18" "As a Spy, disguise as your own team by hitting the %disguiseteam% key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer to hide your presence from the enemy." "Tip_8_19" "En tant que Spy, appuyez sur %lastdisguise% lorsque vous êtes déguisé pour modifier l'arme que vous portez sur votre déguisement." "[english]Tip_8_19" "As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% while already disguised to change what weapon your disguise is holding." "Tip_8_20" "En tant que Spy, appuyez sur %lastdisguise% pour reprendre le dernier déguisement que vous avez utilisé." "[english]Tip_8_20" "As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% to automatically disguise as the last disguise you previously had." "Tip_8_21" "En tant que Spy, vous pouvez prendre les téléporteurs ennemis en étant déguisé. Surprise !" "[english]Tip_8_21" "As a Spy, you can take enemy teleporters while disguised. Surprise!" "Tip_8_22" "En tant que Spy, si vous rentrez dans un ennemi en étant invisible, vous deviendrez très brièvement visible par tous." "[english]Tip_8_22" "As a Spy, bumping into enemies while cloaked makes you slightly visible to everyone." "Tip_8_23" "En tant que Spy, si vous êtes incendié alors que vous étiez invisible, l'ennemi vous verra et vous ne pourrez pas redevenir invisible !" "[english]Tip_8_23" "As a Spy, if you're set on fire while cloaked, the enemy can see you and you cannot recloak!" "Tip_8_24" "En tant que Spy, utilisez votre revolver pour éliminer les cibles qui n'ont plus beaucoup de vie, ou bien pour vous occuper des classes dont il est dangereux de s'approcher, comme les Pyros." "[english]Tip_8_24" "As a Spy, use your revolver to pick off targets that are low on health, or to deal with classes that are dangerous to get near, such as Pyros." "Tip_8_25" "En tant que Spy, si vous êtes rapide, vous pouvez poignarder un Engineer pour ensuite saboter sa mitrailleuse avant qu'elle ne tourne pour vous attaquer." "[english]Tip_8_25" "As a Spy, if you are quick, you can stab an Engineer and then sap his gun before it turns around and shoots you." "Tip_8_26" "En tant que Spy, le Dead Ringer absorbe une grande partie des dégâts que vous recevez pendant que vous êtes invisible." "[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, The Dead Ringer makes you take significantly less damage from all attacks while you are invisible." "Tip_8_27" "En tant que Spy, évitez à tout prix de vous blesser en tombant ; cela avertirait l'ennemi de votre présence !" "[english]Tip_8_27" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage; it will give away your location!" "Tip_8_28" "En tant que Spy, vos saboteurs sabotent les deux côtés d'un téléporteur. Essayez de placer votre saboteur du côté où l'Engineer ne se trouve pas." "[english]Tip_8_28" "As a Spy, your sappers sap both ends of a teleporter. Try sapping the end the Engineer isn't at." "Tip_8_29" "En tant que Spy, votre Dead Ringer peut simuler votre mort. Essayez de l'utiliser lorsque vous n'avez plus beaucoup de vie, sinon vous aurez gâché son utilisation et l'ennemi se doutera que vous utilisez cette montre." "[english]Tip_8_29" "As a Spy, your Dead Ringer can fake a death. Try to use it when you're weak, or else it will be wasted or too obvious." "Tip_8_30" "En tant que Spy, lorsque vous rechargez votre revolver, le personnage de votre déguisement rechargera aussi l'arme qu'il tient." "[english]Tip_8_30" "As a Spy, reloading your revolver will mimic the reload action of your current disguise." "Tip_8_31" "En tant que Spy, utilisez le Dead Ringer lorsque vous brûlez pour éteindre les flammes." "[english]Tip_8_31" "As a Spy, use the Dead Ringer after being burned to extinguish the flames." "Tip_9_7" "En tant qu'Engineer, aidez vos autres collègues Engineers ! Votre clé peut améliorer ou réparer leurs constructions." "[english]Tip_9_7" "As an Engineer, help your fellow Engineers! Your wrench can upgrade or repair their buildings." "Tip_9_8" "En tant qu'Engineer, tapez sur vos constructions avec votre clé pendant qu'elles sont en train de se monter afin d'augmenter la vitesse de montage." "[english]Tip_9_8" "As an Engineer, hit your buildings with your wrench while they are constructing to make them build faster." "Tip_9_9" "En tant qu'Engineer, il peut être utile de faire avancer vos constructions avec votre équipe." "[english]Tip_9_9" "As an Engineer, it can be useful to move your buildings forward with your team." "Tip_9_10" "En tant qu'Engineer, n'oubliez pas d'améliorer vos constructions. Les téléporteurs niveau 3 se rechargent beaucoup plus rapidement et permettent à votre équipe de garder la pression sur l'ennemi." "[english]Tip_9_10" "As an Engineer, remember to upgrade your buildings. Level 3 teleporters recharge much faster allowing your team to keep the pressure on." "Tip_9_11" "En tant qu'Engineer, tapez sur l'entrée ou la sortie de votre téléporteur avec votre clé pour réparer et améliorer les deux côtés." "[english]Tip_9_11" "As an Engineer, hit either the entrance or the exit of your teleporter with your wrench to repair and upgrade both sides." "Tip_9_12" "En tant qu'Engineer, appuyez sur %attack2% pour faire tourner les plans de construction des bâtiments avant d'appuyer sur %attack% pour les construire. Utilisez cette technique pour que vos coéquipiers ne réapparaissent pas face à un mur après avoir utilisé votre téléporteur." "[english]Tip_9_12" "As an Engineer, hit %attack2% to rotate building blueprints before you hit %attack% to build. Use this to face teleporters away from walls." "Tip_9_13" "En tant qu'Engineer, vous pouvez faire bien plus que de vous occuper de vos constructions. Utilisez votre fusil à pompe et votre pistolet pour aider vos amis au combat et pour défendre." "[english]Tip_9_13" "As an Engineer, you can do more than just maintain your buildings. Use your shotgun and your pistol to assist in fights and to defend." "Tip_9_14" "En tant qu'Engineer, les mitrailleuses peuvent être utilisées dans un autre but que celui de défendre. Installez-les rapidement dans des endroits cachés pour faciliter les offensives de votre équipe." "[english]Tip_9_14" "As an Engineer, sentry guns aren't restricted to just defensive measures. Deploy them quickly in hidden locations to aid in an offensive push." "Tip_9_15" "En tant qu'Engineer, gardez à l'esprit que les Spies déguisés peuvent utiliser votre téléporteur. Évitez de vous tenir sur la sortie de votre téléporteur." "[english]Tip_9_15" "As an Engineer, remember that disguised Spies can take your teleporter. Try not to stand on top of your teleporter exit." "Tip_9_16" "En tant qu'Engineer, contrôlez la présence d'un Spy avec vos armes si un joueur suspect se rapproche." "[english]Tip_9_16" "As an Engineer, check for Spies with your weapons if someone suspicious approaches." "Tip_9_17" "En tant qu'Engineer, utilisez vos fusil à pompe et votre pistolet détruire les bombes collantes ennemies placées près de vos constructions." "[english]Tip_9_17" "As an Engineer, use your shotgun and pistol to destroy enemy sticky bombs placed near your buildings." "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostPoints" "point(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostPoints" "point(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostKills" "victime(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostKills" "kill(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostAssists" "coopération(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostAssists" "assist(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostCaptures" "capture(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostCaptures" "capture(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDefenses" "défense(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDefenses" "defense(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDamage" "dégâts" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDamage" "damage" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDestruction" "destruction(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDestruction" "building(s) destroyed" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDominations" "domination(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostDominations" "domination(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_LongestLife" "survie" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_LongestLife" "life time" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHealing" "soins" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHealing" "healing" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostInvulns" "übercharge(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostInvulns" "uber charge(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostSentryKills" "victime(s) à la mitrailleuse" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostSentryKills" "kill(s) by sentry" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostTeleports" "téléport(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostTeleports" "teleport use(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHeadshots" "tir(s) en pleine tête" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostHeadshots" "headshot(s)" "TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostBackstabs" "poignardage(s)" "[english]TF_ClassRecord_Alt_MostBackstabs" "backstab(s)" "ConfirmTitle" "ÊTES-VOUS SÛR ?" "[english]ConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?" "ConfirmButtonText" "CONTINUER" "[english]ConfirmButtonText" "CONTINUE" "WelcomeBack" "Bienvenue, %playername%" "[english]WelcomeBack" "Welcome back, %playername%" "ChallengeTitle" "%challengeclass%" "[english]ChallengeTitle" "%challengeclass%" "ChallengeSubText" "Pourquoi ne pas jouer avec lui ?" "[english]ChallengeSubText" "Why don't you give him a shot?" "ChallengeSubTextB" "Pourquoi ne pas jouer avec elle ?" "[english]ChallengeSubTextB" "Why don't you give her a shot?" "ChallengeRecord" "Battez ça :" "[english]ChallengeRecord" "Beat this:" "ChallengeDetails" "%s1 en tant que %s2" "[english]ChallengeDetails" "%s1 as a %s2" "FriendsList" "Voir les %friendsplaying% amis qui jouent" "[english]FriendsList" "See all %friendsplaying% friends playing" "MMenu_StartPlaying" "Jouer Maintenant" "[english]MMenu_StartPlaying" "Start Playing" "MMenu_ChangeServer" "Changer de Serveur" "[english]MMenu_ChangeServer" "Change Server" "MMenu_CharacterSetup" "Personnalisation" "[english]MMenu_CharacterSetup" "Character Setup" "MMenu_Achievements" "Succès & Statistiques" "[english]MMenu_Achievements" "Achievements & Stats" "MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "Vous avez réussi %currentachievements% succès sur %totalachievements%." "[english]MMenu_NoRecentAchievements" "You've earned %currentachievements% of %totalachievements% achievements." "MMenu_RecentAchievements" "Vos succès récents :" "[english]MMenu_RecentAchievements" "Your recent achievements:" "MMenu_ViewAll" "Tout voir" "[english]MMenu_ViewAll" "View All" "MMenu_Tooltip_Training" "Entraînement" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Training" "Training" "MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum" "Forum des Nouveaux" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_NewUserForum" "New User Forum" "MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug" "Signaler un Bug" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_ReportBug" "Report a Bug" "MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers" "Activer Mode Muet pour les joueurs" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_MutePlayers" "Mute Players" "MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary" "Commentaires des Développeurs" "[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Commentary" "Developer Commentary" "MMenu_MOTD_URL" "EN SAVOIR PLUS" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_URL" "READ MORE" "MMenu_MOTD_Show" "MESSAGES" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_Show" "MESSAGES" "MMenu_MOTD_Hide" "X" "[english]MMenu_MOTD_Hide" "X" "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title" "On dirait que c'est la première fois que vous jouez à TF2..." "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title" "Looks like it's your first time playing TF2..." "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2" "Depuis votre dernière partie, nous avons ajouté un mode entraînement..." "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Title2" "Since you last played, we've added training..." "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text" "Pourquoi ne pas prendre quelques minutes pour" "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Text" "Why not take a minute and" "MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button" "JOUER LE DIDACTICIEL" "[english]MMenu_TutorialHighlight_Button" "PLAY THE TUTORIAL" "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title" "Si vous avez terminé le didacticiel..." "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Title" "If you're done with the tutorial..." "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text" "Pourquoi ne pas essayer" "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Text" "Why not try some" "MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button" "ENTRAINEMENT HORS-LIGNE" "[english]MMenu_PracticeHighlight_Button" "OFFLINE PRACTICE" "MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "Voir le forum des nouveaux" "[english]MMenu_ViewNewUserForums" "View new user forums" "MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "Forum des Nouveaux" "[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Title" "New User Forum" "MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "Nous avons ouvert des forums pour que les nouveaux utilisateurs puissent discuter (en anglais). Si vous avez des questions, c'est l'endroit parfait pour les poser !" "[english]MMenu_NewUserForumHighlight_Text" "We've setup some forums for new users to talk. If you've got questions, here's a great place to ask them." "LoadoutExplanation_Title" "Inventaires" "[english]LoadoutExplanation_Title" "Loadouts" "LoadoutExplanation_Text" "En jouant à TF2, vous trouverez des nouveaux types d'objets. Vous pouvez les utiliser en les équipant depuis l'inventaire de la classe correspondante. Pour ouvrir l'inventaire d'une classe, cliquez sur l'image de celle-ci." "[english]LoadoutExplanation_Text" "As you play TF2, you'll find new kinds of items. You use these items by equipping them in a class loadout. To open a class's loadout, click on its image." "BackpackExplanation_Title" "Sac à dos" "[english]BackpackExplanation_Title" "Backpack" "BackpackExplanation_Text" "Cliquez ici pour ouvrir votre sac à dos. Votre sac à dos contient tous les objets que vous avez trouvé en jouant." "[english]BackpackExplanation_Text" "Click here to open your backpack. Your backpack contains all the items you've found while playing." "CraftingExplanation_Title" "Fabrication" "[english]CraftingExplanation_Title" "Crafting" "CraftingExplanation_Text" "Cliquez ici pour ouvrir l'interface de fabrication. Celle-ci vous permet de construire de nouveaux objets à partir de ceux dont vous disposez dans votre sac à dos." "[english]CraftingExplanation_Text" "Click here to open the crafting interface. Here you're able to construct new items out of the items in your backpack." "ExplanationExplanation_Title" "Vous avez manqué quelque chose ?" "[english]ExplanationExplanation_Title" "Missed something?" "ExplanationExplanation_Text" "Un clic sur ce bouton fera revenir ces bulles d'information." "[english]ExplanationExplanation_Text" "Clicking this button will show these popups again." "BackpackItemsExplanation_Title" "Sac à dos" "[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Title" "Backpack" "BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "C'est ici que se trouvent tous vos objets. Vous pouvez cliquer dessus et les faire glisser afin de les organiser à votre guise. Les objets qui sont équipés dans l'inventaire d'une classe seront étiquetés 'équipé'." "[english]BackpackItemsExplanation_Text" "Here you'll find all your items. You can click and drag them to rearrange to your liking. Items that are equipped in a class's loadout with be marked as 'equipped'." "BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Pages du Sac à dos" "[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Title" "Backpack Pages" "BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Votre sac à dos possède plusieurs pages : utilisez ces boutons pour passer d'une page à une autre." "[english]BackpackPagesExplanation_Text" "Your backpack has multiple pages of items. Use these buttons to flip between them." "BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Suppression d'Objets" "[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items" "BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text" "Si vous n'avez plus de place dans votre sac à dos, vous devrez supprimer un objet pour faire de la place (ou encore mieux, vous pouvez fabriquer une série d'objets pour faire de la place). Sélectionnez un objet et cliquez sur ce bouton pour le supprimer de manière permanente. Vous pouvez sélectionner plusieurs objets en gardant la touche CTRL enfoncée." "[english]BackpackDeleteExplanation_Text" "If you run out of room in your backpack, you'll need to delete an item to make room (or better yet, craft a set of items to make room). Select an item and click this button to permanently delete it. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key." "CraftingStartExplanation_Title" "Fabrication" "[english]CraftingStartExplanation_Title" "Crafting" "CraftingStartExplanation_Text" "C'est ici que vous pouvez fabriquer de nouveaux objets en associant des objets de votre sac à dos. Pour que la fabrication fonctionne, les objets que vous associez doivent correspondre à un plan." "[english]CraftingStartExplanation_Text" "Here you can construct new items by combining items in your backpack. To successfully craft, the items you combine must match a blueprint." "CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title" "Plans" "[english]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Title" "Blueprints" "CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text" "Les plans définissent un ensemble d'objets à associer, ainsi qu'un ou plusieurs objets qui seront produits. Cliquez sur ce bouton pour afficher la liste des plans que vous avez trouvé jusqu'à présent. Pour trouver des plans supplémentaires, essayez d'autres combinaisons d'objets. Lorsque vous trouvez un nouveau plan, celui-ci est ajouté de manière permanente à votre liste de plans connus." "[english]CraftingRecipesExplanation_Text" "Blueprints specify a set of items to combine, and one or more items to produce. Click on this button to see the list of blueprints you've found so far. To find additional blueprints, try crafting other combinations of items. Once you find a new blueprint, it'll be permanently added to your Known list." "CraftingStep1Explanation_Title" "Fabriquer un objet" "[english]CraftingStep1Explanation_Title" "Starting a craft" "CraftingStep1Explanation_Text" "Sélectionner les objets de votre sac à dos que vous voulez combiner (deux ou plus). Double cliquez sur chacun d'eux ou faites les glisser vers la zone de fabrication." "[english]CraftingStep1Explanation_Text" "Select two or more items from your pack to combine. Double click or drag them into the crafting area." "CraftingStep2Explanation_Title" "Zone de Fabrication" "[english]CraftingStep2Explanation_Title" "Crafting Area" "CraftingStep2Explanation_Text" "Ces objets seront définitivement détruits si la fabrication fonctionne. Vous recevrez alors le ou les objet(s) produit(s). Si l'association d'objets ne correspond à aucun plan, les objets ne seront pas détruits." "[english]CraftingStep2Explanation_Text" "These items will be permanently destroyed if the craft succeeds, after which you'll receive the item(s) you produced. If the craft fails to match a blueprint, the items will not be destroyed." "CraftingStep3Explanation_Title" "Plans Connus" "[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Title" "Known Blueprints" "CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "Si les objets placés dans la zone de fabrication correspondent aux objets nécessaires pour un plan que vous avez déjà découvert, le nom de ce plan sera affiché ici. Placez le curseur de votre souris au-dessus de celui-ci pour voir quel(s) objet(s) seront produits. Si les objets dans la zone de fabrication correspondent à plusieurs plans, vous devrez sélectionner le plan à utiliser ici." "[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "If the items in the crafting area match the required items for a blueprint you already know, the name of the blueprint will be listed here. Hold your mouse over it for a description of what item(s) the blueprint will produce. If the items in the crafting area match multiple blueprints, select the blueprint to use here." "DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Jeter un objet" "[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Discarding" "DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "Vous avez trouvé un nouvel objet, mais vous n'avez plus de place dans votre sac à dos pour l'y placer. Vous devez choisir entre jeter ce nouvel objet, ou supprimer un des objets de votre sac à dos." "[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "You've found a new item, but don't have any room in your backpack to store it. You must choose between discarding the new item, or deleting one of the items in your backpack." "DiscardButtonExplanation_Title" "Jeter le Nouvel Objet" "[english]DiscardButtonExplanation_Title" "Discard New Item" "DiscardButtonExplanation_Text" "Pour jeter le nouvel objet que vous avez reçu, cliquez sur ce bouton. Cet objet sera alors détruit définitivement." "[english]DiscardButtonExplanation_Text" "To discard the new item you've received, click this button. The item will be permanently destroyed." "DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title" "Suppression d'Objets" "[english]DiscardDeleteExplanation_Title" "Deleting Items" "DiscardDeleteExplanation_Text" "Pour supprimer un objet de votre sac à dos, sélectionnez un objet et cliquez sur ce bouton pour le supprimer définitivement. Vous pouvez sélectionner plusieurs objets en maintenant la touche CTRL enfoncée." "[english]DiscardDeleteExplanation_Text" "To delete an item in your backpack, select an item and click this button to permanently delete it. You can select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key." "TR_TargetPractice_Goal" "Utilisation des Armes" "[english]TR_TargetPractice_Goal" "Weapons Practice" "TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle" "Tirer avec vos Armes" "[english]TR_Generic_WeaponFireTitle" "Firing Weapons" "TR_Generic_WeaponFire" "Appuyez sur %attack% pour attaquer avec l'arme sélectionnée." "[english]TR_Generic_WeaponFire" "Press %attack% to attack with your current weapon." "TR_Generic_ReloadTitle" "Rechargez !" "[english]TR_Generic_ReloadTitle" "Reload!" "TR_Generic_Reload" "Rechargez en appuyant sur %reload% entre chaque cible, et dès que vous avez un moment de libre." "[english]TR_Generic_Reload" "Reload using %reload% between targets, and whenever you have a spare moment." "TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle" "Exercice pratique avec vos Armes !" "[english]TR_Generic_BotIntroTitle" "Weapon Application!" "TR_Generic_BotIntro" "Essayez vos armes sur quelques cibles en mouvement ! Vos adversaires se déplaceront dans la zone de tir. Vous savez ce que vous avez à faire." "[english]TR_Generic_BotIntro" "Try out your weapons on a few moving targets! Opponents will move around the target range. You know what to do." "TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Certains ennemis possèdent plus de vie que d'autres. Vous devrez utiliser plus de munitions pour leur faire mordre la poussière !" "[english]TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Some enemies have more health than others. You'll have to use more ammo to take them down!" "TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "Le Soldier" "[english]TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "The Soldier" "TR_Soldier_Intro" "Bienvenue au cours de tir du Soldier !" "[english]TR_Soldier_Intro" "Welcome to the Soldier weapons course!" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle" "Changement d'Arme" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitchTitle" "Switching Weapons" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1" "Passez en revue vos armes en utilisant %invnext% et %invprev%. Confirmez votre sélection en utilisant %attack%. Pour continuer, changez d'arme." "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch1" "Cycle through weapons using %invnext% and %invprev%. Confirm selection using %attack%. Choose a different weapon to continue." "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2" "Les armes peuvent aussi être directement sélectionnées : Appuyez sur %slot1% pour le LANCE-ROQUETTES Appuyez sur %slot2% pour le FUSIL À POMPE Appuyez sur %slot3% pour la PELLE" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch2" "Weapons can also be directly selected: Press %slot1% for ROCKET LAUNCHER Press %slot2% for SHOTGUN Press %slot3% for SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3" "Appuyez sur %slot1% pour le LANCE-ROQUETTES Appuyez sur %slot2% pour le FUSIL À POMPE Appuyez sur %slot3% pour la PELLE Appuyez sur %reload% pour RECHARGER" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotSwitch3" "Press %slot1% for ROCKET LAUNCHER Press %slot2% for SHOTGUN Press %slot3% for SHOVEL Press %reload% to RELOAD" "TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle" "Changement Rapide" "[english]TR_Generic_QuickSwitchTitle" "Quick Switch" "TR_Generic_QuickSwitch" "Changer d'armes prend trop de temps ? Utilisez %lastinv% pour revenir à la dernière arme que vous avez utilisé !" "[english]TR_Generic_QuickSwitch" "Taking too long to switch weapons? Use %lastinv% to swap to your previously selected weapon!" "TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle" "Sélection d'une Arme" "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotPracticeTitle" "Weapon Selection" "TR_Soldier_SlotPractice" "Utilisez l'arme demandée pour chaque cible afin de les détruire à des distances différentes." "[english]TR_Soldier_SlotPractice" "Use the weapon called out for each target to destroy them at various distances." "TR_Soldier_RocketTitle" "Prenez votre LANCE ROQUETTE" "[english]TR_Soldier_RocketTitle" "Switch to ROCKET LAUNCHER" "TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle" "Prenez votre FUSIL" "[english]TR_Soldier_ShotgunTitle" "Switch to SHOTGUN" "TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle" "Prenez votre PELLE" "[english]TR_Soldier_ShovelTitle" "Switch to SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket" "Utilisez votre LANCE ROQUETTE" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Rocket" "Use ROCKET LAUNCHER" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun" "Utilisez votre FUSIL" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shotgun" "Use SHOTGUN" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel" "Utilisez votre PELLE" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Shovel" "Use SHOVEL" "TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle" "Dégâts de Zone" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashTitle" "Splash Damage" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash" "Les explosions de vos roquettes peuvent blesser plusieurs cibles en même temps. Essayez de toucher deux cibles avec une seule roquette." "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Splash" "Rocket explosions can damage multiple targets. Try hitting two targets with a single rocket." "TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim" "Visez ici" "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_SplashAim" "Aim here" "TR_Soldier_Hint_Range" "Sortez votre FUSIL A POMPE pour achever les ennemis à courte distance." "[english]TR_Soldier_Hint_Range" "Switch to SHOTGUN to finish injured enemies at close range." "TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle" "Entraînement de Tir !" "[english]TR_Soldier_PracticeTitle" "Target Practice!" "TR_Soldier_Practice" "Des cibles vont apparaître à divers endroits. Attaquez-les avec la bonne arme pour continuer." "[english]TR_Soldier_Practice" "Targets will appear at various locations. Hit these targets with the appropriate weapon to continue." "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle1" "Dustbowl" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle1" "Dustbowl" "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2" "Points de Contrôle" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTitle2" "Control Points" "TR_DustGeneric_Intro1" "Bienvenue sur Dustbowl, une carte du mode Points de Contrôle. Lorsque le compteur de préparation atteindra zéro, la partie commencera." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro1" "Welcome to Dustbowl, a Control Point map. When the setup timer reaches zero, the round begins." "TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle" "Les Rouges contre les Bleus" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroTeamTitle" "Red versus Blue" "TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup" "Le temps de préparation permet à l'équipe RED de préparer ses défenses pour empêcher l'équipe BLU de capturer les Points de Contrôle." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_IntroSetup" "Setup time allows the RED team to prepare defenses to prevent the BLU team from capturing Control Points." "TR_DustGeneric_Intro2" "Vous êtes dans l'équipe BLU ! Pour gagner, vous devrez capturer les deux Points de Contrôle. Pour capturer un Point de Contrôle, tenez-vous simplement dessus jusqu'à ce que l'indicateur de capture soit rempli." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro2" "You are on BLU team! To win, capture both Control Points. To capture a Control Point, stand on it until the capture bar is full." "TR_DustGeneric_Intro3" "La couleur de l'indicateur de chaque Point de Contrôle représente l'équipe qui en a le contrôle." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro3" "Control Point ownership is represented at the bottom of the screen as that team's color." "TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Vie et Munitions" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Health and Ammo" "TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "L'Engineer" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "The Engineer" "TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "Les Engineers peuvent augmenter l'efficacité de leurs bâtiments via 3 actions : la construction, la réparation, et l'amélioration." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "Engineers can increase the effectiveness of their buildings through construction, repair, and upgrading." "TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle" "Mitrailleuses" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngRedTitle" "Sentry Guns" "TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2" "Les mitrailleuses ont une portée limitée. Utilisez cela à votre avantage ! Détruisez cette mitrailleuse avec votre LANCE-ROQUETTE." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngRed2" "Sentry guns have limited range. Use this to your advantage! Destroy this sentry gun with your ROCKET LAUNCHER." "TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle" "Le Medic" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_MedTitle" "The Medic" "TR_DustGeneric_Med1" "Les Medics peuvent soigner leurs coéquipiers. Pendant qu'ils soignent un joueur, ils préparent aussi une \"ÜberCharge\"." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med1" "Medics can heal friendly players. While healing, they also build up an \"ÜberCharge\"." "TR_DustGeneric_Med2" "Lorsque l'ÜberCharge est activée par le Medic, lui et le joueur qu'il soigne deviennent invulnérables pendant quelques instants." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med2" "When the ÜberCharge is activated by the Medic, he and his heal target become invulnerable for a short time." "TR_DustGeneric_Med3" "Blessé ? En train de brûler ? Appuyez sur %voicemenu 0 0% pour alerter le Medic afin qu'il puisse vous aider !" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Med3" "Injured? On fire? Press %voicemenu 0 0% to alert the Medic so he can help you!" "TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle" "Round Final !" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_RoundTitle" "Final Round!" "TR_DustGeneric_Round" "Une partie sur Dustbowl est divisée en trois rounds. La capture des deux Points de Contrôle permet de passer au round suivant." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_Round" "Dustbowl consists of three rounds. Capturing both Control Points advances the game to the next round." "TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle" "Tir Fraternel" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_FFTitle" "Friendly Fire" "TR_DustGeneric_FF" "Pas d'inquiétudes à avoir, vous ne pouvez pas blesser vos coéquipiers !" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_FF" "Don't worry, you cannot hurt your teammates at any time!" "TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "Oups !" "[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissedTitle" "Oops!" "TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Il semble que vous ne vous êtes pas arrêté sur le Point de Contrôle. Le point de contrôle final restera verrouillé tant que vous n'aurez pas capturé le premier." "[english]TR_DustGeneric_CapMissed" "Looks like you ran past the Control Point. The last point is locked until you capture the first one." "TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint" "Point de Contrôle !" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_ControlPoint" "Control Point!" "TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply" "Ravitaillement en Vie et en Munitions" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Resupply" "Health and Ammo Resupply" "TR_Dust_Hint_Medic" "Le Medic !" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Medic" "The Medic!" "TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer" "L'Engineer !" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_Engineer" "The Engineer!" "TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Grille de Préparation" "[english]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Setup Gate" "TR_Target_EndDialog" "Bravo ! Vous avez terminé l'entrainement de tir du Soldier ! Mettez donc vos compétences à l'épreuve et jouez sur %s2 en cliquant sur le bouton SUIVANT." "[english]TR_Target_EndDialog" "Good job! You've completed the Soldier's weapons training! Put your skills to work and move on to %s2 by pressing the NEXT button." "TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Bravo ! Vous avez remporté une partie sur %s1 et terminé l'entraînement. Vous voulez essayer d'autres classes, comme l'Engineer ou le Medic ? Pourquoi ne pas participer à une session d'ENTRAÎNEMENT HORS-LIGNE ? Prêt à jouer en ligne contre d'autres joueurs ? Cliquez sur JOUER MAINTENANT depuis le menu principal." "[english]TR_Dustbowl_EndDialog" "Well done! You've won a game in %s1 and completed the training. Want to try out other classes like the Engineer or Medic? Why not hop into an OFFLINE PRACTICE session? Ready to play online against other players? Select START PLAYING at the main menu." "TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Entraînement de tir et de choix des armes !" "[english]TF_IM_Target_Welcome" "Weapon selection and target practice!" "TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "Sortez l'arme demandée et visez les cibles" "[english]TF_IM_Target_WeaponSwitch" "Switch to the weapon called for and hit the targets" "TF_IM_Target_Reload" "Rechargez souvent ! Utilisez les temps morts pour recharger entièrement vos armes" "[english]TF_IM_Target_Reload" "Reload often! Use lulls to completely reload weapons" "TF_Training_SpaceToContinue" "Appuyez sur la barre espace pour continuer" "[english]TF_Training_SpaceToContinue" "Press Spacebar to continue" "TF_Training_Success" "Félicitations !" "[english]TF_Training_Success" "Success!" "TF_Training_Completed" "Vous avez terminé l'entraînement !" "[english]TF_Training_Completed" "You've Completed Training!" "Button_ReplayTraining" "&REJOUER" "[english]Button_ReplayTraining" "&REPLAY" "Button_NextTraining" "&SUIVANT" "[english]Button_NextTraining" "&NEXT" "Button_QuitTraining" "&TERMINÉ" "[english]Button_QuitTraining" "&DONE" "TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable" "Entraînement non disponible pour cette classe" "[english]TF_Training_ClassNotAvailable" "Not Available for Training" "TF_Training_Prompt_Title" "Commencer l'entraînement ?" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_Title" "Start Training?" "TF_Training_Prompt" "Voulez-vous vraiment quitter votre partie actuelle et commencer l'entraînement ?" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt" "Are you sure you want to quit your current game and start training?" "TF_Training_Restart_Title" "Relancer l'entraînement ?" "[english]TF_Training_Restart_Title" "Restart Training?" "TF_Training_Restart_Text" "Voulez-vous vraiment relancer l'entraînement ?" "[english]TF_Training_Restart_Text" "Are you sure you want to restart training?" "TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton" "Oui Merci !" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_ConfirmButton" "Yes Please!" "TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton" "Non merci" "[english]TF_Training_Prompt_CancelButton" "No Thanks" "TF_OfflinePractice" "ENTRAINEMENT HORS-LIGNE" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice" "OFFLINE PRACTICE" "TF_OfflinePractice_Settings" "Paramètres" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice_Settings" "Settings" "TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers" "%s1-%s2 Conseillés" "[english]TF_OfflinePractice_NumPlayers" "%s1-%s2 Suggested" "TF_Bot_Difficulty" "Difficulté :" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty" "Difficulty:" "TF_Bot_Difficulty0" "Facile" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty0" "Easy" "TF_Bot_Difficulty1" "Normale" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty1" "Normal" "TF_Bot_Difficulty2" "Difficile" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty2" "Hard" "TF_Bot_Difficulty3" "Élite" "[english]TF_Bot_Difficulty3" "Expert" "TF_Bot_NumberOfBots" "Nombre de Joueurs :" "[english]TF_Bot_NumberOfBots" "Number of Players:" "Attrib_WrenchNumber" "Clé n° %s1" "[english]Attrib_WrenchNumber" "Wrench no. %s1" "Attrib_TurnToGold" "Imprégnée d'un pouvoir immémorial" "[english]Attrib_TurnToGold" "Imbued with an ancient power" "TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "Clé Dorée" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "Golden Wrench" "TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "La Clé Dorée" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Golden_Wrench" "The Golden Wrench" "TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C" "%s1 a trouvé la Clé Dorée n° %s2 !" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_C" "%s1 has found Golden Wrench no. %s2!" "TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D" "%s1 a détruit la Clé Dorée n° %s2 !" "[english]TF_HUD_Event_GoldenWrench_D" "%s1 has destroyed Golden Wrench no. %s2!" "TF_Revenge" "VENGEANCE" "[english]TF_Revenge" "REVENGE" "TF_Sandwich" "NOURRITURE" "[english]TF_Sandwich" "FOOD" "TF_playerid_object_mini" "Mini-%s1 monté(e) par %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_mini" "Mini-%s1 built by %s2" "TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Pointeur laser" "[english]TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Laser Pointer" "TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "Bras de robot" "[english]TF_Weapon_Robot_Arm" "Robot Arm" "TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Prenez le contrôle manuel de votre mitrailleuse" "[english]TF_Wrangler_Desc" "Take manual control of your Sentry Gun" "Thunderm_cap_1_B" "Plateforme principale, Étape une" "[english]Thunderm_cap_1_B" "Main Platform, Stage One" "Thunderm_cap_3_C" "Tour, Point Final" "[english]Thunderm_cap_3_C" "Tower, Final Cap" "hightower_setup_goal" "Faites progresser votre chariot jusqu'au sommet de votre Tour pour gagner" "[english]hightower_setup_goal" "Move your cart to the top of your HighTower to win" "hightower_cap_red" "Tour des Reds" "[english]hightower_cap_red" "Red's HighTower" "hightower_cap_blue" "Tour des Blues" "[english]hightower_cap_blue" "Blue's HighTower" "Building_hud_sentry_numassists" "Coopérations : %numassists%" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_numassists" "Assists: %numassists%" "Building_hud_sentry_kills_assists" "%numkills% (%numassists%)" "[english]Building_hud_sentry_kills_assists" "%numkills% (%numassists%)" "Hud_Menu_Build_Unavailable" "Non disponible" "[english]Hud_Menu_Build_Unavailable" "Not Available" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Engineer, étape 1" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 1" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Remportez 5 des succès de l'Engineer." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 5 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Engineer, étape 2" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 2" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Remportez 11 des succès de l'Engineer." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS2_DESC" "Achieve 11 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Engineer, étape 3" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_NAME" "Engineer Milestone 3" "TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Remportez 17 des succès de l'Engineer." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS3_DESC" "Achieve 17 of the achievements in the Engineer pack." "TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_NAME" "Téléportation, Scotty" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_NAME" "Battle Rustler" "TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_DESC" "Téléportez 100 membres de votre équipe au cœur de la bataille." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TELEPORT_GRIND_DESC" "Teleport 100 team members into battle." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Extinction des feux" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "The Extinguished Gentleman" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Faites en sorte que des distributeurs que vous avez construits soient utilisés pour éteindre 20 joueurs en train de brûler." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_EXTINGUISH_DESC" "Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players." "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_NAME" "Un plat qui se mange chaud" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_NAME" "Revengineering" "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_DESC" "Tuez le joueur ennemi qui a détruit votre mitrailleuse à l'aide d'un tir critique de vengeance." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_SENTRY_KILLER_DESC" "Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Avide de recherche" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_NAME" "Search Engine" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Tuez 3 Spy invisibles à l'aide d'une mitrailleuse sous le contrôle de votre Wrangler." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_CLOAKED_SPY_KILL_DESC" "Kill 3 cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_NAME" "Mort de portée" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_NAME" "Pownd on the Range" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_DESC" "Tuez 10 ennemis se trouvant hors de la portée normale de la mitrailleuse à l'aide du Wrangler." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_KILLS_BEYOND_RANGE_DESC" "Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_NAME" "Bloc de construction" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_NAME" "Building Block" "TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_DESC" "Faites en sorte qu'une mitrailleuse protégée par le Wrangler subisse 500 points de dégâts sans être détruite." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MANUAL_SENTRY_ABSORB_DMG_DESC" "Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed." "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_NAME" "Impitoyable" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_NAME" "Unforgiven" "TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_DESC" "Tuez 3 ennemis à l'aide de tirs critiques de vengeance sans mourir." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REVENGE_CRIT_LIFE_DESC" "Kill 3 enemies with revenge crits without dying." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_NAME" "Deux temps trois mouvements" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_NAME" "Quick Draw" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_DESC" "Tuez un Spy et éliminez deux saboteurs en l'espace de 10 secondes." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SPY_TWO_SAPPERS_DESC" "Kill a spy and two sappers within 10 seconds." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "La clé du paradis" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_NAME" "The Wrench Connection" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Tuez un Spy déguisé à l'aide de votre clé." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_DISGUISED_SPY_DESC" "Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench." "TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Partenaire particulier" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_NAME" "Silent Pardner" "TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Optimisez 50 constructions d'autres membres de votre équipe." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_UPGRADE_BUILDINGS_DESC" "Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members." "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_NAME" "Pour une poignée de saboteurs" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_NAME" "Fistful of Sappers" "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_DESC" "Détruisez 25 saboteurs sur des constructions d'autres membres de votre équipe." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_SAPPERS_DESC" "Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members." "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_NAME" "Tatata soin soin" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_NAME" "Doc, Stock, and Barrel" "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_DESC" "Réparez une mitrailleuse sous le feu de l'ennemi pendant que vous vous faites soigner par un Medic." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_SENTRY_W_MEDIC_DESC" "Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_NAME" "Abattoir texan" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_NAME" "Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_DESC" "Faites 5 000 victimes avec vos mitrailleuses." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_LIFETIME_GRIND_DESC" "Rack up 5000 kills with your sentry guns." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_NAME" "Que justice soit faite" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_NAME" "Frontier Justice" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_DESC" "Faites en sorte que votre mitrailleuse tue l'ennemi qui vient de vous tuer dans un délai de 10 secondes." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_AVENGES_YOU_DESC" "Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds." "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Guitar Hero" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_NAME" "Six-String Stinger" "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Adressez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de votre dextérité à la guitare." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_TAUNT_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of your guitar playing skills." "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_NAME" "Ingénieur incivil" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_NAME" "Uncivil Engineer" "TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_DESC" "Adressez à un ennemi un arrêt sur image de vous et de la mitrailleuse qui vient de le tuer." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_FREEZECAM_SENTRY_DESC" "Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them." "TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_NAME" "Estocade" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_NAME" "Texas Two-Step" "TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_DESC" "A l'aide de votre fusil, achevez un ennemi récemment blessé par votre mitrailleuse." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SHOTGUN_KILL_PREV_SENTRY_TARGET_DESC" "Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_NAME" "Doc doc doc" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_NAME" "Doc Holiday" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_DESC" "Faites en sorte qu'un distributeur soit utilisé pour soigner 3 coéquipiers en même temps." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GROUP_DESC" "Have a dispenser heal 3 teammates at the same time." "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_NAME" "No Man's Land" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_NAME" "No Man's Land" "TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_DESC" "A l'aide d'une mitrailleuse, tuez 25 joueurs ennemis en train de capturer un point." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_SENTRY_KILL_CAPS_DESC" "Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players that are capturing a point." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Pas de secrets entre nous" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_NAME" "Trade Secrets" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Tuez 20 joueurs en possession des documents." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_FLAG_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 20 players carrying the intelligence." "TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_NAME" "Death Metal" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_NAME" "Death Metal" "TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_DESC" "Récupérez 10 000 bouts de métal sur des constructions détruites." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_WASTE_METAL_GRIND_DESC" "Pick up 10,000 waste metal from pieces of destroyed buildings." "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_NAME" "Les deux font la paire" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_NAME" "Land Grab" "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_DESC" "Aidez un coéquipier à monter une construction." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_BUILD_STRUCTURE_DESC" "Help a teammate construct a building." "TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_NAME" "Sabotage en règle" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_NAME" "Get Along!" "TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_DESC" "Faites en sorte qu'un saboteur soit placé sur votre construction, puis détruisez-le alors que vous vous trouvez à plusieurs mètres de distance." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REMOVE_SAPPER_LONG_DIST_DESC" "Manage to get to and then remove a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away." "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "C'est de la bombe" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_NAME" "How the Pests Was Gunned" "TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Détruisez 50 bombes collantes ennemies se trouvant à portée de constructions de votre équipe." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DESTROY_STICKIES_DESC" "Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings." "TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Honkytonk Man" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_NAME" "Honky Tonk Man" "TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Explosez la tête d'un joueur ennemi à l'aide de votre guitare." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TAUNT_KILL_DESC" "Smash an enemy player's head in with your guitar." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_NAME" "Héros ou salopard" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_NAME" "Breaking Morant" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_DESC" "Tuez 10 Snipers à l'aide d'une mitrailleuse sous le contrôle de votre Wrangler." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SNIPERS_SENTRY_DESC" "Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_NAME" "Ingénieur de génie" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_NAME" "Rio Grind" "TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_DESC" "Réparez et/ou rechargez 50 fois une mitrailleuse sous le contrôle du Wrangler d'un autre Engineer." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HELP_MANUAL_SENTRY_DESC" "Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_NAME" "C'est qui le plus fort ?" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_NAME" "Patent Protection" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_DESC" "Détruisez la mitrailleuse d'un Engineer ennemi à l'aide d'une mitrailleuse sous le contrôle de votre Wrangler." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_SENTRY_WITH_SENTRY_DESC" "Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler." "TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_NAME" "Construction mortelle" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_NAME" "If You Build It, They Will Die" "TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_DESC" "Déplacez une mitrailleuse de niveau 3 dans une position où elle fait une victime peu de temps après avoir été redéployée." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_MOVE_SENTRY_GET_KILL_DESC" "Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position where it achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed." "TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_NAME" "Texas Ranger" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_NAME" "Texas Ranger" "TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_DESC" "Tirez des constructions sur 1 km au cours de votre carrière." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_BUILDING_CARRY_DESC" "Haul buildings 1 km over your career." "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_NAME" "Fine équipe" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_NAME" "Deputized" "TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_DESC" "Réalisez 10 coopérations avec un autre Engineer, une mitrailleuse étant impliquée dans la tuerie." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_KILL_ASSIST_DESC" "Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill." "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Drugstore Cowboy" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_NAME" "Drugstore Cowboy" "TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Les distributeurs que vous avez créés fournissent un total de 100 000 points de santé au cours de votre carrière." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_DISPENSER_HEAL_GRIND_DESC" "Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career." "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_NAME" "SOS dépannage" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_NAME" "Circle the Wagons" "TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_DESC" "Réparez 50 000 points de dégâts sur les constructions d'autres joueurs de votre équipe." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_REPAIR_TEAM_GRIND_DESC" "Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players." "TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Construit pour durer" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_NAME" "Built to Last" "TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Faites en sorte qu'une construction subisse plus de 2 000 points de dégâts sans être détruite." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_TANK_DAMAGE_DESC" "Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed." "TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_NAME" "(Pas si) Seuls sont les indomptés" "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_NAME" "(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave" "TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_DESC" "Maintenez un Heavy en vie à l'aide de votre distributeur pendant qu'il fait 5 victimes." "[english]TF_ENGINEER_HEAVY_ASSIST_DESC" "Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains 5 kills." "ItemSel_MISC2" "- DIVERS 2" "[english]ItemSel_MISC2" "- MISC 2" "RI_Ii" "objet" "[english]RI_Ii" "item" "RI_I" "Objet" "[english]RI_I" "Item" "RI_Nd" "Nommé" "[english]RI_Nd" "Named" "RI_c" "," "[english]RI_c" ", " "Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Remplace la mitrailleuse par une mini-mitrailleuse à construction rapide" "[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a fast building Mini-Sentry" "Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Lorsque votre mitrailleuse est détruite, vous obtenez des tirs critiques de vengeance pour chaque victime faite avec votre mitrailleuse" "[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "When your sentry is destroyed you gain revenge crits for every sentry kill" "Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 réduction du métal dans les coûts de construction" "[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost" "TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "Justice Frontalière" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "Frontier Justice" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "Dompteur" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "Wrangler" "TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "Flingueur" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "Gunslinger" "TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "Hospitalité du Sud" [$ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "Southern Hospitality" "TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "La Justice Frontalière" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "The Frontier Justice" "TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "Le Dompteur" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Laser_Pointer" "The Wrangler" "TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "Le Flingueur" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "The Gunslinger" "TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "L'Hospitalité du Sud" [$!ENGLISH] "[english]TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "The Southern Hospitality" "TF_UseGlowEffect" "Utilisez l'effet de lueur diffuse pour les objectifs de carte de charge utile et CTF." "[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effect for Payload objectives." "TF_Training_Title" "ENTRAÎNEMENT" "[english]TF_Training_Title" "TRAINING" } }