Topic on Talk:Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms

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Line 15: Line 15: (seen on one Valve's Team Fortress screenshot) (seen on one Valve's Team Fortress screenshot)
Flickr pic of Brotherhood of Arms console during E3 1999 (What Tyler McVicker posted on Twitter. I'm sad to see I don't have a lot of these bookmarked, so strange. Did I forget or were they wiped? Sometimes I like to screenshot links, a bad idea on my move. I reverse searched the image he posted on Tineye I think, but Tineye links die after some time. I hate browsing Twitter.)
Flickr pic of Brotherhood of Arms console during E3 1999 (What Tyler McVicker posted on Twitter. I'm sad to see I don't have a lot of these bookmarked, so strange. Did I forget or were they wiped? Sometimes I like to screenshot links, a bad idea on my move. I reverse searched the image he posted on Tineye I think, but Tineye links die after some time. I hate browsing Twitter. Flickr search is garbage, I'll have to do categories probably as I think it was just called E3 1999.)
Moddb Brotherhood of Arms (seem to include a lot of stuff from online, don't know where. Also E3 1998 pics presentation of Half-Life, which is when Gabe Newell announced buying TF Software, connected to Business Wire. Also files to download of archives.)
Moddb Brotherhood of Arms (seem to include a lot of stuff from online, don't know where. Also E3 1998 pics presentation of Half-Life, which is when Gabe Newell announced buying TF Software, connected to Business Wire. Also files to download of archives.) (whatever that is that keeps being mentioned, it's watermarked on some Soldier concept art I think as well) (whatever that is that keeps being mentioned, it's watermarked on some Soldier concept art I think as well)