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({{anchor|2009|Scarechievements}} 2009: Scarechievements)
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{{Show achievement|Halloween|Scared Stiff
{{Show achievement|Halloween|Scared Stiff
| obtain-level = Easy
| obtain-level = Easy
| obtain-text  = 在活動版本的[[Harvest/zh-hant]]中,玩家會遇到常常在火線徘徊的遊魂。[[Mann Manor/zh-hant|曼恩莊園]]裡的[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hant|連馬都沒有的無頭騎士]]也經常會驚嚇正積極攻擊他的玩家。在這些無助的敵人恢復前盡快殺死他們。
| obtain-text  = 在活動版本的[[Harvest/zh-hant|豐收農場]]中,玩家會遇到常常在火線徘徊的遊魂。[[Mann Manor/zh-hant|曼恩莊園]]裡的[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/zh-hant|連馬都沒有的無頭騎士]]也經常會驚嚇正積極攻擊他的玩家。在這些無助的敵人恢復前盡快殺死他們。

Revision as of 12:01, 25 June 2012



2009: Scarechievements

主條目: Halloween achievements#2009
引爆南瓜炸彈並炸死周圍的 5 名玩家。
難度: 一般
如何取得: 注意戰場附近的南瓜,並在敵人接近的時候射爆它。南瓜炸彈的重生速度很快,並且能製造大範圍的傷害,因此別猶豫,射就對啦!

從死去的玩家身上搜刮 20 個萬聖節南瓜以獲得有點噁心的萬聖節面具
獎勵: 有點噁心的萬聖節面具
難度: 容易
如何取得: 在玩家死後約有 12.5% 的機率會掉落南瓜。並不是只有兇手才可以撿起掉落的南瓜,事實上,任何人都可以。

難度: 容易
如何取得: 對任何和你兵種相同的可疑隊友進行間諜檢查

難度: 容易
如何取得: 找到一個戴著驚悚大禮帽的玩家並鎖定他。和其他萬聖節成就不一樣,在一年中的任何時間都可以達成此成就。

難度: 容易
如何取得: 在活動版本的豐收農場中,玩家會遇到常常在火線徘徊的遊魂。曼恩莊園裡的連馬都沒有的無頭騎士也經常會驚嚇正積極攻擊他的玩家。在這些無助的敵人恢復前盡快殺死他們。

2010: Ghostchievements

主條目: Halloween achievements#2010
獎勵: 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士南瓜頭
難度: 一般
如何取得: When the Horseless Headless Horsemann spawns, work with your teammates to defeat him. Consider playing as a fast class, such as the Scout, that can kite the Horseless Headless Horsemann around the map, or a class with high firepower, such as the Soldier. The last three players to damage the Horseless Headless Horsemann when he dies will be credited with this achievement.

難度: 一般~困難
如何取得: You must damage the Horseless Headless Horsemann with your melee weapon just before he dies. Move in once you see him shiver, which is the beginning of his death animation. As Soldier use the Disciplinary Action and it's extra range (it's range is longer than the Horseless Headless Horsemann's range) to kill him more easily. Upon the defeat of the Horseless Headless Horsemann, you will receive an Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap.

收集 Mann Manor 地圖中的靈魂石像鬼。
難度: 一般
如何取得: The Haunted Halloween Gift will spawn on Mann Manor or Eyeaduct when there are at least ten players on the server. When one is announced, check nooks and crannies such as the sniper perches or farmhouses, as gifts rarely spawn in the open. Move quickly and kill any nearby enemies to prevent them from grabbing the package.

難度: 一般
如何取得: Acquire all nine class masks from Haunted Halloween Gifts or other players and craft them together. Unlike the other Ghostchievements, this one can be earned during any time of the year.

2011: Eye-chievements

主條目: Halloween achievements#2011
獎勵: 畸形魔眼!
難度: 一般
如何取得: Unlike the Horseless Headless Horsemann, MONOCULUS disappears only ninety seconds after spawning. It may be necessary that both teams stop fighting each other and concentrate on killing MONOCULUS if members from either side want this achievement. MONOCULUS floats in midair, has an innate resistance to rapid-fire weapons such as the Minigun or Flamethrower, and is scarily accurate with its projectile shots. However, it is a large target and attacks against it do not suffer from damage falloff. Thus, relatively mobile classes capable of hitting airborne targets with large amounts of firepower from afar, such as the Scout or Soldier, make excellent choices for fighting MONOCULUS. When MONOCULUS teleports, it temporarily leaves behind a portal to the Underworld. Entering the portal and traversing the Underworld will grant you temporarily increased stats when you reappear on the surface world; damaging MONOCULUS when under the influence of the Underworld buff will stun it. The last three players to deal damage to MONOCULUS when it dies will be credited with the achievement. Completing this achievement will reward you with the MONOCULUS! Hat.

獎勵: 死靈炸彈魔書
難度: 容易
如何取得: When MONOCULUS is defeated, he explodes in a shower of Jarate and leaves behind a purple portal for a short period of time. Even if you didn't partake in killing it, you can enter the portal to reach Loot Island, an isolated section of the Underworld. Make your way up the stairs and into the room, wait for the cage to lower, and jump into the spooky book to earn this achievement. While anyone who makes it through the portal can earn the achievement, kill nearby enemies as a precaution. Completing this achievement will reward you with the Bombinomicon miscellaneous item.