Difference between revisions of "User:JohnnyTK7"

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Line 76: Line 76:
|{{User Black Rose}}
|{{User Black Rose}}
|quality = strange
|item = Scattergun
|quality = strange
|quality = strange
Line 88: Line 92:
|item = Homewrecker
|item = Homewrecker
|quality = strange
|quality = strange
|item = Stickybomb Launcher
|item = Stickybomb Launcher
|quality = strange
|quality = strange
Line 105: Line 109:
|item = Tomislav
|item = Tomislav
|quality = strange
|quality = strange
Line 110: Line 115:
===== Headwear =====
===== Headwear =====

Revision as of 12:46, 22 December 2012

Basic information
Gender: Male
Health: 100%
Speed: 100%
Birth place: Athens, Greece
Native language: Greek
Age: 15
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Demoman emblem RED.png Engineer emblem RED.png Sniper emblem RED.png Spy emblem RED.png
Favourite maps: 2Fort.png Backpack Stamp Turbine.png
Backpack Stamp Mountain Lab.png Backpack Stamp Egypt.png
Favourite weapons: Backpack Stickybomb Launcher.png Backpack Persian Persuader.png Backpack Huntsman.png
Backpack Jarate.png Backpack Black Rose.png
Favourite hats: Backpack Pencil Pusher.png Backpack Ol' Snaggletooth.png Backpack Executioner.png
Favourite miscellaneous items: Backpack Bonedolier.png Backpack Rogue's Col Roule.png
Contact information
Steam page: JohnnyTK

About me

I am 15-year-old male originated from Template:W. I speak Greek and English (as you can see) and I also have a mediocre knowledge of French.

Spending a huge amount of time in front of my computer monitor, I have taken up playing several computer games, with Template:W, Template:W and Template:W being the ones I like the most.

As far as my work on Team Fortress Wiki is concerned, so far, I have edited several articles which mostly included pages about in-game items. However, as Greek is my native language, I am planning to translate some main articles to Greek as a central purpose.


Life-Related Facts

Flag Greece.png This user is Greek, and happy! Γειά σας!
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Gentlemen.png This user is a Gentleman!

Computer-Related Facts

YouTube Icon.png This user's YouTube channel is: JohnnyTK7.

Wiki Facts

Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 4481 days.

User edikkisin Overuses user boxes.png This user overuses user boxes.
Kollectivization.png This user page is 7,422 bytes large.

Gaming Facts

L4D2.png This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
Team Fortress 2
User Demoman.png This user is a Demoman.
“Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
User Engineer.png This user is an Engineer.
“I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
User Sniper.png This user is a Sniper.
“Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
User Spy.png This user is a Spy.
“You know, hiding won’t save you.”
Tf demoman decapitate equalizer.png This user is a Demoknight.
"There can be only one! Aye!"
RED Übersaw Bloodless.png This user is a combat medic.
"The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting."
DaniVoiceMenu.png This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.

My Inventory

Poker Night Icon.png This user has obtained several promotional items that are exclusively tied to achievements in other games and events.
Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head.png This user likes to collect items that were exclusively available in previous Halloween updates.
Frying Pan.png This user owns the Frying Pan.
Backpack Black Rose.png This user owns the Black Rose.
Backpack Scattergun.png This user owns a Strange Scattergun.

Backpack Shovel.png This user owns a Strange Shovel.

Backpack Flame Thrower.png This user owns a Strange Flamethrower.

Backpack Homewrecker.png This user owns a Strange Homewrecker.

Backpack Stickybomb Launcher.png This user owns a Strange Stickybomb Launcher.

Backpack Persian Persuader.png This user owns a Strange Persian Persuader.

Backpack Scotsman's Skullcutter.png This user owns a Strange Scotsman's Skullcutter.

Backpack Tomislav.png This user owns a Strange Tomislav.

Backpack Razorback.png This user owns a Strange Razorback.

Gentle Manne Crop.png This user owns 23 hats! (Probably 22 more than you do, you poor, Irish bastard.)
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.
Backpack Mann Co. Cap.png This user owns the Mann Co. Cap.
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Item icon Spiral Sallet.png This user owns the Spiral Sallet.
Traveller Blank.png This user has attained the level of bronze on his World Traveler's Hat!
Backpack Ghastly Gibus.png This user owns the Ghastly Gibus.
Backpack Saxton Hale Mask.png This user owns the Saxton Hale Mask.
Scout Mask.png This user owns the Scout Mask.
Backpack Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png This user owns the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.
Backpack MONOCULUS!.png This user owns the MONOCULUS!.
Spy Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.
Hire Date: November 22, 2011 (19:40:17)

Dueling Medal Bronze.png This user owns a Bronze Dueling Badge which is Level 1, requiring roughly 240 more duel wins to upgrade it.
Item Sets
ClinicalTrial.png This user is a Clinical Trial Medic.
Sniper with croc set.png This user is a Croc-o-Style Sniper.