Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table medic secondary"

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m (add vaccinator/ko)
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{{Info}} Übercharge provides 75% resistance to a selected damage type.<br/>  
{{Info}} Übercharge provides 75% resistance to a selected damage type.<br/>  
{{Info}} You are healed for 25% of the matched incoming damage on your heal target.<br/>
{{Info}} You are healed for 25% of the matched incoming damage on your heal target.<br/>
  | ko =
{{Info}} 특수 능력: 피해 저항 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다.<br/>
:치료하는 동안 치료자와 치료대상은 선택된 저항 유형에 해당하는 피해에 10%만큼의 저항력을 얻습니다.<br/>
{{Pro}} 우버 충전율 +50% 향상<br/>
{{Con}} 과치료율 -66% 저하<br/>
{{Info}} 우버차지는 선택된 유형의 피해에 75% 만큼의 저항력을 부여합니다.<br/>
{{Info}} 치료대상이 입는 피해의 25%만큼 당신의 체력이 회복됩니다.<br/>
   | ru =  
   | ru =  
{{Info}} Особая атака: переключение типа урона.<br/>
{{Info}} Особая атака: переключение типа урона.<br/>

Revision as of 07:54, 4 January 2013


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Medi Gun
Medi Gun
N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram info.png ÜberCharge grants Medic and patient 8 seconds of guaranteed invulnerability.
N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram info.png ÜberCharge grants patient 8 seconds of guaranteed critical damage.

Pictogram plus.png Has 25% faster charge rate.

N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram info.png Über effect: Megaheal
Heal rate increased 3x on heal target and Medic
Heal target and Medic immune to stun and damage forces

Pictogram plus.png Heal rate increased 40%.
Pictogram plus.png ÜberCharge rate increased 25%.
Pictogram plus.png Match the speed of any faster heal target.
Pictogram plus.png Medic mirrors blast jump of their heal target
Pictogram minus.png Not able to overheal (attempting to overheal will still build ÜberCharge).

N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram info.png  Special-Attack: Cycle through resist types.
While healing, provides you and your target with constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type.

Pictogram plus.png  +50% Übercharge rate
Pictogram minus.png  -66% Overheal build rate
Pictogram info.png  Übercharge provides 75% resistance to a selected damage type.
Pictogram info.png  You are healed for 25% of the matched incoming damage on your heal target.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Medic article, replacing current weapon table.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.