Difference between revisions of "User:Zombieplasticclock"

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(Created page with '{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #507D2A; text-align:center" {{User infobox | title = ZombiePlasticClock | image = Zombieplasticclock-profile.png | gender …')
(Replaced content with "I am the creator of the Bot Dogger, and Li'l Snaggletooth, and infrequently do edits for TF2Wiki")
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid #507D2A; text-align:center"
I am the creator of the Bot Dogger, and Li'l Snaggletooth, and infrequently do edits for TF2Wiki
{{User infobox
| title = ZombiePlasticClock
| image = Zombieplasticclock-profile.png
| gender = Male
| birthplace = USA
| age = 20
| language = English
| favmap = [[dm_store]], [[cp_degrootkeep]]
| favweap = [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker ]]
| steampage = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/zombieplasticclock]
| site = n/a
{{Quotation|Demo Link, to those who laugh at his cap.|You're makin' me very cross!|sound=Demoman_taunts07.wav}}}
==={{tooltip|About Me|Introduction}}===
Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. I'm Zombieplasticclock (though frequently my username in Team Fortress is "Demo Link"). I'm fairly new on this wiki, but I joined to do what I can to help. Team Fortress 2 is one of my favorite games, for both the game itself, and it's awesome community. My hobbies include video gaming, 3D modeling, and music. For my 3D work, I use Blender.
=={{tooltip|Current Loadout|Loadout}}==
{| class="wikitable grid" align="center" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" | [[Class]]
! class="header" | [[Primary]]
! class="header" | [[Secondary]]
! class="header" | [[Melee]]
! class="header" | [[Hat]]
! class="header" | [[Strategy]]
! [[File:Demomanava.jpg|64px|link=Demoman]] <br/> '''[[Demo Link]]'''
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=Loch-n-load|icon-size=64x64px}} <br/> '''[[loch-n-load]]'''
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=Chargin' Targe|icon-size=64x64px}} <br/> '''[[Demo Link's Hylian Shield]]'''
| {{Icon weapon|weapon=Claidheamh Mòr|icon-size=64x64px}} <br/> '''[[Demo Link's Master Sword]]'''
| [[Image:Painted_Conjurer's_Cowl_729E42.png|75px|link=Conjurer's Cowl]] <br/> '''[[Demo Link's Cap]]'''
| (Sticky bombs are not one of Demo Link's strong points, so he'll instead rush the enemy, using close-quarters melee combat, and then use the [[loch-n-load]] to finish off a fleeing opponent. This strategy works best in [[Vs Saxton Hale Mode]], Arena, and [[Medieval Mode]]
== Trivia ==
*This wiki page was made solely for Zombieplasticclock to learn how to make a proper wiki page.
*The name "ZombiePlasticClock" is from  his brief time in the Clock Crew, a Flash animation group from Newgrounds, which involve various objects with clocks on them. He is no longer a part of this group, but still uses the moniker.
*He is currently working on "The Conagher's Peacemaker", an antique revolver for the [[Engineer]]. The mesh is finished, and now needs improved texturing, and animation. It is planned that this revolver will be able to shoot hats off of the heads of enemy players, a gimmick featured in "Spaghetti Western" types of films.
== External links ==
* [http://forums.tf2mods.net/showthread.php?tid=31 TF2Mods thread on "The Conagher Peacemaker"]

Latest revision as of 00:38, 11 October 2013

I am the creator of the Bot Dogger, and Li'l Snaggletooth, and infrequently do edits for TF2Wiki