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− | <small>[http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/pt-br/To-do&action=watch Clique aqui] para vigiar esta lista e verificar mudanças rapidamente!</small>
| + | #REDIRECT [[Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/pt-br#to-do]] |
− | {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
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− | ! class="header" | Páginas marcadas para revisão:
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− | |As páginas destas listas já foram feitas, porém precisam ser revisadas (dependendo dos casos, com frequência).
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− | |{{Columns-list|2|
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− | * [[Anti-Soldier strategy/pt-br]]
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− | * [[Arena/pt-br]] - Verificar "Estratégias"
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− | * [[Movies/pt-br]] - Atualizar págs. individuais do vídeos
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− | * Páginas de [[Main Page (Classic)/pt-br|TFC]]
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− | * [[Weapons/pt-br]]
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− | }}
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− | |}
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− | {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
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− | ! class="header" | Artigos ainda pendentes:
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− | |As [[:Category:Translating into Portuguese (Brazil)|4 páginas]] destas listas foram parcialmente feitas, portanto precisam ser finalizadas.
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− | |{{Columns-list|1|
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− | *[[Badlands (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | *[[Community Engineer strategy/pt-br]]
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− | *[[Saxton Hale/pt-br]]
| |
− | *[[Sniper responses/pt-br]]
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− | }}
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− | |}
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− | ! class="header" | Páginas não feitas ainda:
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− | | Há aproximadamente [[Team Fortress Wiki:Reports/Missing translations/pt-br|{{Team Fortress Wiki:Reports/Missing translations/pt-br}} artigos]] que ainda devem ser traduzidos para Português do Brasil.
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− | | Páginas em '''negrito''' são as páginas com maior prioridade para tradução.
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− | |{{Columns-list|3|
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− | *'''Estratégias:'''
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− | **'''[[Community Sniper strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **'''[[Community Spy strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **'''[[Anti-Heavy strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **'''[[Community 2Fort strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **'''[[Community Badlands (CP) strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **[[Community Badwater Basin strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **'''[[Community Coldfront strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **[[Community DeGroot Keep strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Dustbowl strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **'''[[Community Egypt strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **'''[[Community Fastlane strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **[[Community Freight strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Gold Rush strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Gorge strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Granary (CP) strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Gravel Pit strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Hightower strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Hydro strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Junction strategy/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Community Nucleus (King of the Hill) strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **'''[[Community Pipeline strategy/pt-br]]'''
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− | **[[Community Steel strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Thunder Mountain strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Turbine strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Well (CP) strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Yukon strategy/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Community Arena strategy/pt-br]]
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− | *'''Competições:'''
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− | **[[Scout weapons (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Demoman weapons (competitive)/pt-br]] {{n}} {{c|In progress|R.}} - [[User:GianAwesome|GianAwesome]]
| |
− | **[[Engineer weapons (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Medic weapons (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Granary (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Gravel Pit (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Gullywash (competitive)/pt-br]]
| |
− | **[[Mid fight (competitive)/pt-br]]
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− | **[[Utility (competitive)/pt-br]]
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− | }}
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− | |}
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− | {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
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− | ! class="header" | Outras tarefas:
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− | |Aqui há outras tarefas que tradutores interessados podem realizar:
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− | |{{Columns-list|1|
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− | *Criar versões brasileiras das imagens de [[:Category:Images]] para [[:Category:Images/pt-br]] (com foco especial de [[:Category:GUI images]], [[:Category:HUD images]] e [[:Category:Diagrams]] para [[:Category:GUI images/pt-br]], [[:Category:HUD images/pt-br]] e [[:Category:Diagrams/pt-br]]) para colocar nas páginas em PT-BR. Veja a seção "File links" da imagem em inglês para ver em quais páginas a imagem deve ser adicionada.
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− | *Adicionar a predefinição {{tl|lang icon}} na frente de links, internos ou externos, em inglês ou outras línguas (com exceção de português, claro).
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− | *Traduzir textos dentro de predefinições {{tl|Quotation}} e colocar <code><nowiki>|en-sound=yes</nowiki></code> no final do código se o áudio correspondente tiver uma fala em inglês. Ex.: {{tlx|Quotation|<nowiki>'''O Demoman''' para o Pyro|Vá para o inferno e diga ao diabo que ele é o próximo!|sound=Demoman_dominationpyro03.wav|en-sound=yes</nowiki>}}
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− | *Colocar {{tl|item name}}, {{tl|item link}}, {{tl|patch name}} e {{tl|common string}} em nomes de itens ou construções sem link, nomes de itens ou construções com link, atualizações com ou sem link e nomes de atualizações principais, respectivamente, para evitar problemas futuros causados por traduções ainda não aceitas.
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− | }}
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− | |}
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− | Se quiser reservar uma página, coloque "<tt><nowiki>{{n}} {{c|In progress|R.}} - [[User:SEUNOMEDEUSUÁRIO|SEUNOMEDEUSUÁRIO]]</nowiki></tt>" depois do nome da(s) página(s)<noinclude> nesta lista</noinclude><includeonly> na lista localizada [[Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/pt-br/to-do|aqui]]</includeonly>.
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