Difference between revisions of "User:WindBOT/Item checklists/Takamoto"

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m (Updated Item checklist User:WindBOT/Item checklists/Takamoto)
m (Updated Item checklist User:WindBOT/Item checklists/Takamoto)
Line 208: Line 208:
| mildly disturbing halloween mask              = yes
| mildly disturbing halloween mask              = yes
| huntsman                                      = yes
| huntsman                                      = yes
| sticky jumper                                  = yes
| sticky jumper                                  = 2
| backburner                                    = yes
| backburner                                    = yes
| milkman                                        = had
| milkman                                        = had
Line 408: Line 408:
| mark of the saint                              = no
| mark of the saint                              = no
| top notch                                      = no
| top notch                                      = no
| point and shoot                                = yes
| point and shoot                                = had
| dashin' hashshashin                            = no
| dashin' hashshashin                            = no
| itsy bitsy spyer                              = yes
| itsy bitsy spyer                              = yes
Line 832: Line 832:
| essential accessories                          = yes
| essential accessories                          = yes
| error                                          = Cannot find profile: Profile not found / Server took too long to respond
| error                                          = Cannot find profile: Profile not found / Server took too long to respond
| fortified compound                            = no
| fortified compound                            = yes
| golden frying pan                              = no
| golden frying pan                              = no

Revision as of 14:31, 22 April 2014