Difference between revisions of "User:MSG Accent BABY"

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Fuck it, I was trying to help the community and provide some useful information. However, it has become clear to me that most edits by a new editor like myself, carry no weight and can be tossed aside by a so called "expert editor" who's been here longer.
So good bye TF2 wiki. I tried to help and aparently it wasn't wanted, you got enough "expert editor's" to do that for you.
*this will be the final edit by MSG_Accent_BABY*

Revision as of 04:03, 8 November 2010


Fuck it, I was trying to help the community and provide some useful information. However, it has become clear to me that most edits by a new editor like myself, carry no weight and can be tossed aside by a so called "expert editor" who's been here longer.

So good bye TF2 wiki. I tried to help and aparently it wasn't wanted, you got enough "expert editor's" to do that for you.

  • this will be the final edit by MSG_Accent_BABY*