Difference between revisions of "User:Alexelgeco"

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(About me)
(20 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== About me ==
<div style="width: 95%; position:relative; margin: 15px auto 15px auto; border: 3px solid orange; text-align:center; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px">
<div style=" padding: 3px; background-color: #dddddd; font-weight: bold; border-top-left-radius:10px">
Welcome to my Wikipage!
<span style="padding:10px">
{{User infobox
| title =alexelgeco
| infoboxcolour = #8650AC
| image = User_Alexelgeco_Alex_De_Large_Awesome_Face.png
| type = Translator
| gender = Male
| health = 9001
| speed = 300%
| language = Spanish
| favmap = plr_hightower, cp_badlands, tc_hydro
| favclass = Medic, Demoman, Demoknight, Sniper
| favweap = Medigun, Loose Cannon, Sydney Sleeper
| favhat = Burning Team Captain (not owned, yet)
| steampage = https://steamcommunity.com/id/alexelgeco
| email = alexdxd@hotmail.es
== ''<big>About me</big>''==
Hi! I'm a Spanish guy who wants to translate, fix, and update some articles, to help and contribute the TF2 wiki (and just for fun), I edit the wiki on my free time.
In this page you can find a bunch of userboxes, and this bit of info about me.
I'm a TF2 (and CS:GO) addict, been active on Steam since 2011.
<div align=center>
[[File:User_EpicEric_Normal-ASCII_Logo.png|link=http://stats.wiki.tf/user/tf/Alexelgeco |My progress...]]</div><br><br>
<div align=center>
== ''<big>Userboxes</big>''==
{| class="plainlinks" align="center" style="background:none; border:none; margin:none; padding:none;"
{| class="plainlinks" align="center" style="background:none; border:none; margin:none; padding:none;"
  | {{User Spanish}}
  | {{User Spanish}}
  | {{User Credit to Wiki}}  
  | {{User Credit to Wiki}}  
  | {{User Sniper}}
  | {{User Medic}}
  | {{Userbox|id-c=#8C8B8B|info-c=#000000|id=[[File:Steam_tray.png|36px]]|info=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/alexelgeco Alexelgeco's account.]}}
  | {{Userbox|id-c=#8C8B8B|info-c=#000000|id=[[File:Steam_tray.png|36px]]|info=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/alexelgeco alexelgeco's account.]}}
  | {{User Acer}}
  | {{User Acer}}
Line 10: Line 61:
  | {{User Babel|en|3}}
  | {{User Babel|en|3}}
  | {{User Melee only}}
  | {{User Melee only}}
{| class="plainlinks" align="center" style="background:none; border:none; margin:none; padding:none;"
  | {{User Nyan}}
  | {{User Nyan}}
  | {{User Coca Cola addict}}
  | {{User Coca Cola addict}}
Line 22: Line 72:
  | {{User Original Gibus owner}}
  | {{User Original Gibus owner}}
  | {{User Parasite Hat}}
  | {{User Babel|es|N}}
  | {{User Bill Hat}}
  | {{User Photoshop}}
  | {{User Mann Co Cap}}
  | {{User Mann Co Cap}}
  | {{User Portal}}
  | {{User Portal}}
| {{User Edits}}
| {{User Red Links Afraid}}
| {{User GreenWiki}}
| {{User hatwearer}}
| {{User Grordbort Victory}}
| {{User Croc-o-Style}}
| {{User HeavyHater}}
| {{User Responsible Ubers}}
| {{User Medieval Medic}}
| {{User Special Delivery}}
| {{User overuses userboxes}}
| {{User shootfirst}}
  | {{User Frying Pan}}
  | {{User Frying Pan}}
Line 49: Line 114:
  | {{User Wiki age|year=2011|month=08|day=09}}
  | {{User Wiki age|year=2011|month=08|day=09}}
  | {{User Coffee addict}}
  | {{User Coffee addict}}
| {{User Photoshop}}
  | {{User Small Edit}}
  | {{User Small Edit}}
| {{User Large Edit}}
  | {{User Adlessness}}
  | {{User Adlessness}}
Line 67: Line 132:
  | {{User paint addict}}
  | {{User paint addict}}
  | {{User crate addict}}
  | {{User MarcusBL2}}
  | {{User 2f2f}}
  | {{User 2f2f}}
  | {{User Buildin}}
  | {{User Buildin}}
Line 84: Line 149:
  | {{User Left 4 Dead 2}}
  | {{User Left 4 Dead 2}}
  | {{User Minecraft}}
  | {{User Minecraft}}
  | {{User NVIDIA}}
  | {{User ATI}}
  | {{User Intel}}
  | {{User Amd}}
  | {{User Input method}}
  | {{User Input method}}
  | {{User Logitech}}
  | {{User Fallout New Vegas}}
  | {{User chrome}}
  | {{User chrome}}
  | {{User Windows}}
  | {{User Windows}}
Line 96: Line 161:
  | {{User Want Wiki Cap}}
  | {{User Want Wiki Cap}}
  | {{User Hate Admins}}  
  | {{User Hate Admins}}  
|{{User TF2 total achievements|477}}
|{{User trading addict}}
|{{User TF2 1000}}
|{{User TF2 junky}}
==Backpack listing==
== ''<big>Wikichievements</big>'' ==
{{Award Wikichievement
| all = yes
| wikichievement = parlez-vous francais
| big kill = no
| from          = [[User:Eels|Eels]]
| three-rune blade = no
| reason        = You've been active for quite a while now. Keep up the good work!
| maul = yes
| postal pummeler = yes
| nessie's nine iron = yes
| golden wrench = no
| saxxy = no
| fishcake = yes
| conscientious objector = yes
| unarmed combat = no
| wanga prick = no
| apoco-fists = no
| sharp dresser = no
| holiday punch = no
| cozy camper = had
<div style="position:fixed;bottom:0px;right:0px;z-index:1000">[[File:Medi_Gun_1st_person_red.png|469px|link=]]</div>
| essential accessories=want
| ghastly gibus=yes
| ghastlier gibus=yes
| ghastlierest gibus = yes
| alien swarm parasite=yes
| badge=mercenary
| mining light=no
| mann co. cap = yes
| napper's respite = had
| whiskered gentleman = no
| ellis' cap = no
| old guadalajara = no
| horseless headless horsemann's head = yes
| mildly disturbing halloween mask = yes
| saxton hale mask = no
| engineer mask = had
| sniper mask = had
| pyro mask = had
| soldier mask = had
| medic mask = had
| scout mask = had
| demoman mask = had
| spy mask = had
| heavy mask = had
| halloween masks = had
| dangeresque, too? = yes
| dealer's visor = no
| license to maim= yes
| ze goggles = had
| bounty hat = had
| foster's facade = yes
| stockbroker's scarf = yes
| physician's procedure mask = want
| stainless pot = yes
| tyrant's helm = had
| german gonzila = had
| flipped trilby = had
| demoman's fro = had
| engineer's cap = yes
| otolaryngologist's mirror = no
| team captain = want
| bloke's bucket hat = had
| familiar fez = had
| proof of purchase = yes
| officer's ushanka = no
| summer shades = want
| bonk helm = had
| shooter's sola topi = no
| big chief = no
| camera beard = yes
| armored authority = had
| pip-boy = yes
| party hat = yes
| batter's helmet = had
| grenadier's softcap = no
| master's yellow belt = had
| vintage merryweather = no
| manniversary paper hat = had
| brain bucket = no
| seal mask = yes
| monoculus! = yes
| bombinomicon = yes
| spiral sallet = want
| villain's veil = yes
| intangible ascot = yes
| under cover = want
| prussian pickelhaube = yes
| spirit of giving = yes
| full head of steam = yes
| backbiter's billycock = had
| spine-chilling skull = want
| voodoo juju = want
| stately steel toe = had
| fancy fedora = had
| sergeant's drill hat = had
| milkman = had
| ol' snaggletooth = want
| glengarry bonnet = had
| football helmet = yes
| prince tavish's crown = had
| wiki cap = want
| l'Inspecteur = had
| griffin's gog= yes
| rogue's col roule = had
| attendant = had
| baseball bill's sports shine = yes
| boston boom-bringer=want
| Flair! = want
| bill's hat = yes
| earbuds = want
| modest pile of hat = yes
| ellis' cap = had
| world traveler's hat = yes
| professor speks = yes
| spacechem pin = yes
| max's severed head = want
| company man = had
| something special for someone special = want
| frontline field recorder = yes
| your worst nightmare = yes
| profesional panama = had
| anger = had
| made man = had
| trophy belt = had
| scrap pack = yes
| planeswalker helm = yes
| grimm hatte = had
| western wear = yes
| googly gazer = yes
| mining light = had
| texas ten gallon = had
| hetman's headpiece = had
| one-man army = yes
| heavy duty rag = had
| sandvich safe = yes
| copper's hard top = had
| snapped pupil = yes
| mask of the shaman = had
| tippler's tricorne = had
| sober stuntman = yes
| connoisseur's cap = had
| pyro's beanie = had
| soldier's stash = had
| lumbricus lid = had
| chieftain's challenge = had
| infernal impaler = had
| sharp dresser = had
| deus specs = yes
| large luchadore = had
| pyromancer's mask = yes
| sight for sore eyes = want

Latest revision as of 15:25, 5 January 2016

Welcome to my Wikipage!

Basic information
Type: Translator
Gender: Male
Health: 9001
Speed: 300%
Native language: Spanish
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Medic, Demoman, Demoknight, Sniper
Favourite maps: plr_hightower, cp_badlands, tc_hydro
Favourite weapons: Medigun, Loose Cannon, Sydney Sleeper
Favourite hats: Burning Team Captain (not owned, yet)
Contact information
Steam page: https://steamcommunity.com/id/alexelgeco

About me

Hi! I'm a Spanish guy who wants to translate, fix, and update some articles, to help and contribute the TF2 wiki (and just for fun), I edit the wiki on my free time.

In this page you can find a bunch of userboxes, and this bit of info about me.

I'm a TF2 (and CS:GO) addict, been active on Steam since 2011.

My progress...



Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

Eels Wikichievement unlocked!
You've been active for quite a while now. Keep up the good work!
Medi Gun 1st person red.png