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(MousseBOT uploaded a new version of File:Tf quests koreana.txt)
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Revision as of 03:37, 1 March 2016

Recent changes

January 20, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

10501050"[english]quest25016name1632016" "Kill Merasmus Quest"
10511051"quest25016objectivedesc1" "메라즈무스 처치: %s1"
10521052"[english]quest25016objectivedesc1" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
N/A1053"quest25017desc1" "내가 이 계약의 세부 사항들을 소리쳐 말한다면, 너희들이 아는 작은 세상은 산산조각날 것이다! 악몽에 온 걸 환영한다! 필멸자여! 읽어라!"
N/A1054"[english]quest25017desc1" "Were I to utter the details of this contract aloud, the tiny world you know would be rend asunder! Welcome to your nightmare, mortal! READING!"
10531055"quest25017name1" "모노큘러스"
10541056"[english]quest25017name1" "Monoculus"
10551057"quest25017name1632016" "모노큘러스 처치"
10561058"[english]quest25017name1632016" "Kill Monoculus"
10571059"quest25017objectivedesc1" "Eyeaduct에서 모노큘러스 처치: %s1"
10581060"[english]quest25017objectivedesc1" "Kill Monoculus on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1061"quest25018desc1" "오늘 밤, 너희들은 지난 핼러윈의 영역을 찾아가게 될 것이다! 내 연줄을 동원해 말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병을 불러 너희들을 죽일 때를 기억하느냐? 너무 부러워 질투가 날 정도다! 나도 반쯤은 오늘 밤 살해당하길 바라고 있거든!"
N/A1062"[english]quest25018desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember that time I used my connections and got the Horseless Headless Horsemann to show up and kill you? I'm jealous of you! Half of me wishes I could be getting murdered tonight!"
10591063"quest25018name1" "말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병"
10601064"[english]quest25018name1" "Horseless Headless Horsemann"
10611065"quest25018name1632016" "기만병 임무"
10621066"[english]quest25018name1632016" "HHH quest"
10631067"quest25018objectivedesc1" "Mann Manor에서 말도 없고 머리도 없는 기만병 처치: %s1"
10641068"[english]quest25018objectivedesc1" "Kill the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1069"quest25019desc1" "오늘 밤, 너희들은 지난 핼러윈의 영역을 찾아가게 될 것이다! 데모맨의 눈알로 너희들을 공격했던 때를 기억하느냐? 무척 악랄했지! 메라즈무스는 더 큰 진열대가 필요하다. 그 일로 받을 악행상을 전시해야 하니까."
N/A1070"[english]quest25019desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember when I got Demo's eyeball to attack you all? That was pretty evil! Merasmus might have to build a bigger shelf for the evil awards that will doubtlessly be coming his way for that one."
N/A1071"quest25019desc2" "오늘 밤, 너희들은 지난 핼러윈의 영역을 찾아가게 될 것이다! 내 악의 성채를 미국너구리 보호소로 만들었던 때처럼 말이지! 모두들 그걸 기억하느냐? 그 날은... 메라즈무스에게 끔찍한 날이었다. 남자답게 그 일을 털어버리는 데는 꽤 시간이 걸렸지."
N/A1072"[english]quest25019desc2" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Like that time Soldier turned my evil castle into a raccoon sanctuary! Everyone remember that? That was... a bad day for Merasmus. It took a while to walk that one off."
10651073"quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
10661074"[english]quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
10671075"quest25019name1632016" "Eyeaduct 임무"
10921100"[english]quest25020objectivedesc3" "Find Merasmus's hiding place: %s1"
10931101"quest25020objectivedesc4" "Ghost Fort에서 영혼 수집하기: %s1"
10941102"[english]quest25020objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1103"quest25021desc2" "이 계약은 그저 사악하기만 한 게 아니다! 이 계약은 모든 주에서 법적 구속력이 있다! 하와이만 빼고! 아하하하! 알로하! 필멸자여!"
N/A1104"[english]quest25021desc2" "This contract isn't just evil! It's LEGALLY BINDING in every state but Hawaii! Ahaha! ALOHA, mortal!"
10951105"quest25021name1" "Helltower"
10961106"[english]quest25021name1" "Helltower"
10971107"quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
11061116"[english]quest25021objectivedesc4" "Enter the clocktower during the witching hour: %s1"
11071117"quest25021objectivedesc5" "Helltower에서 영혼 수집하기: %s1"
11081118"[english]quest25021objectivedesc5" "Collect souls on Helltower: %s1"
N/A1119"quest25022desc1" "참 멋진 영혼을 가졌네요. 이 임무에서 실패해서 마법사가 그 영혼을 가져간다면 참 유감이겠군요! 하하하하! 그래, 메라즈무스! 멋졌어. 티도 안나지. 저들은 무슨 일이 일어났는지 알지 못할 걸. 살짝 끼워 넣은 거니까."
N/A1120"[english]quest25022desc1" "That's a nice soul you have there. It would be a shame if a wizard were to CLAIM it when you fail this mission! Hahahaha! Yes, Merasmus, nice. Subtle. They probably didn't even get it. You just slipped it in there."
11091121"quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
11101122"[english]quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
11111123"quest25022name1632016" "Canival of Carnage"
11221134"[english]quest25022objectivedesc5" "Kill an enemy while cursed: %s1"
11231135"quest25022objectivedesc6" "Carnival of Carnage에서 영혼 수집하기: %s1"
11241136"[english]quest25022objectivedesc6" "Collect souls on Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A1137"quest25023desc1" "오, 안녕, 사우론. 무슨 일이야? 그래, 메라즈무스는 최근 바쁘게 살고 있었어. 알아주니 고맙네. 난-- 잠깐, 저 멍청한 용병들과 계약을 맺어야 하거든."
N/A1138"[english]quest25023desc1" "Oh, hello, Sauron. What's that? Yes, Merasmus HAS been working out. It's flattering you noticed, I -- hold on, I need to give some idiot mercenary a contract."
11251139"quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
11261140"[english]quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
11271141"quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
11321146"[english]quest25023objectivedesc2" "Collect souls on Mann Manor: %s1"
11331147"quest25023objectivedesc3" "Mann Manor에서 목표를 장악 또는 방어하기: %s1"
11341148"[english]quest25023objectivedesc3" "Capture or Defend an objective on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1149"quest25024desc1" "필멸자여! 너희들이 사랑하는 모든 것들은 새벽이 오기 전 다 죽을 것이다! 메라즈무스 보냄. 추신: 난 살아있을 거야, 왜냐하면 난 너희들이 싫으니까!"
N/A1150"[english]quest25024desc1" "Dear Mortal! Everything you love will be dead by dawn! Signed, Merasmus! Postscript: I'll still be alive, because I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU!"
11351151"quest25024name1" "Harvest"
11361152"[english]quest25024name1" "Harvest"
11371153"quest25024name1632016" "Harvest"
11641180"[english]quest25026objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
11651181"quest25026objectivedesc3" "호박폭탄으로 처치: %s1"
11661182"[english]quest25026objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A1183"quest25027desc1" "필멸자여, 발등이 따끈하지 않느냐? 그럴 테다! 이 계약 때문에 발등에 불이 떨어진 셈이니까!"
N/A1184"[english]quest25027desc1" "Does your backside feel WARM, mortal? It should! Because this contract just put you in the hot seat!"
11671185"quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
11681186"[english]quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
11691187"quest25027name1" "Hellstone"
11841202"[english]quest25028objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
11851203"quest25028objectivedesc3" "호박폭탄으로 처치: %s1"
11861204"[english]quest25028objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A1205"quest25029desc1" " "
N/A1206"[english]quest25029desc1" ""
N/A1207"quest25029name0" "수레 밀기 임무"
N/A1208"[english]quest25029name0" "Payload quest"
N/A1209"quest25029objectivedesc1" "수레 밀기 맵에서 점수 획득: %s1"
N/A1210"[english]quest25029objectivedesc1" "Score points on a Payload map: %s1"
N/A1211"quest25029objectivedesc2" "수레 밀기: %s1"
N/A1212"[english]quest25029objectivedesc2" "Push the Payload Cart: %s1"
N/A1213"quest25029objectivedesc3" "수레를 밀고 있는 적군 처치: %s1"
N/A1214"[english]quest25029objectivedesc3" "Kill an enemy pushing the Cart: %s1"
N/A1215"quest25029objectivedesc4" "수레 밀기에서 승리: %s1"
N/A1216"[english]quest25029objectivedesc4" "Win a round of Payload: %s1"
N/A1217"quest25030name0" "점령 지점 임무"
N/A1218"[english]quest25030name0" "CP Quest"
N/A1219"quest25030objectivedesc1" "점령 지점 맵에서 점수 획득: %s1"
N/A1220"[english]quest25030objectivedesc1" "Score points on a CP map: %s1"
N/A1221"quest25030objectivedesc2" "점령 지점 맵에서 지점 장악: %s1"
N/A1222"[english]quest25030objectivedesc2" "Capture a Control Point on a CP map: %s1"
N/A1223"quest25030objectivedesc3" "점령 지점 맵에서 지점 장악 방어: %s1"
N/A1224"[english]quest25030objectivedesc3" "Defend a Control Point on a CP map: %s1"
N/A1225"quest25030objectivedesc4" "점령 지점 맵에서 승리: %s1"
N/A1226"[english]quest25030objectivedesc4" "Win a round on a CP map: %s1"
N/A1227"quest25031objectivedesc1" "스카웃으로 점수 획득: %s1"
N/A1228"[english]quest25031objectivedesc1" "Score points as Scout: %s1"
N/A1229"quest25031objectivedesc2" "스카웃으로 처치: %s1"
N/A1230"[english]quest25031objectivedesc2" "Kill as Scout: %s1"
N/A1231"quest25031objectivedesc3" "스카웃으로 점프 도중 처치: %s1"
N/A1232"[english]quest25031objectivedesc3" "Kill while jumping as Scout: %s1"
N/A1233"quest25031objectivedesc4" "스카웃으로 삼단 점프 도중 처치: %s1"
N/A1234"[english]quest25031objectivedesc4" "Kill while triple jumping as Scout: %s1"
N/A1235"quest25032objectivedesc1" "스카웃으로 점수 획득: %s1"
N/A1236"[english]quest25032objectivedesc1" "Score points as Scout: %s1"
N/A1237"quest25032objectivedesc2" "스카웃으로 처치: %s1"
N/A1238"[english]quest25032objectivedesc2" "Kill as Scout: %s1"
N/A1239"quest25032objectivedesc3" "기절한 적군 처치: %s1"
N/A1240"[english]quest25032objectivedesc3" "Kill a stunned enemy: %s1"
N/A1241"quest25032objectivedesc4" "스카웃으로 목표 달성: %s1"
N/A1242"[english]quest25032objectivedesc4" "Capture an objective as Scout: %s1"
N/A1243"quest25035objectivedesc1" "파이로로 점수 획득: %s1"
N/A1244"[english]quest25035objectivedesc1" "Score points as Pyro: %s1"
N/A1245"quest25044name0" "메딕 - 크리츠크리크"
N/A1246"[english]quest25044name0" "Medic - Kritzkrieg"
N/A1247"quest25044name1" "크리츠크리크"
N/A1248"[english]quest25044name1" "Kritzkrieg"
N/A1249"quest25045name0" "스나이퍼 - 병수도"
N/A1250"[english]quest25045name0" "Sniper - Jarate"
N/A1251"quest25045name1" "병수도"
N/A1252"[english]quest25045name1" "Jarate"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
00:41, 22 April 2016 (70 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for April 11, 2016 Patch.
03:37, 1 March 2016 (70 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for February 29, 2016 Patch.
06:55, 21 January 2016 (52 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for January 20, 2016 Patch.
06:55, 21 January 2016 (52 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for January 20, 2016 Patch.
02:40, 23 December 2015 (45 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for December 22, 2015 Patch.
04:38, 18 December 2015 (45 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for December 17, 2015 Patch.
03:17, 8 December 2015 (45 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for December 7, 2015 Patch.
03:47, 18 November 2015 (30 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for November 17, 2015 Patch.
10:18, 30 October 2015 (30 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for October 29, 2015 Patch.
02:17, 25 September 2015 (30 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_koreana.txt for September 24, 2015 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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