Difference between revisions of "File:Tf spanish.txt"

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m (Updated tf_spanish.txt for January 16, 2017 Patch.)
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== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=December 21, 2016 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=January 16, 2017 Patch}}
== File info ==
== File info ==
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.
'''Note''': this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from {{code|root\tf\resource}}.

Revision as of 00:51, 17 January 2017

Recent changes

January 16, 2017 Patch (previous patches)

2587125871"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_One_Text" " When you queue up for a casual match, you will be matched into a 12v12 game based on the game modes you’ve selected. You will earn experience, levels, and badges over time based on your personal performance."
2587225872"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Abandonar partidas casuales"
2587325873"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Title" "Abandoning Casual Matches"
N/A25874"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Text" " Abandonar a tus compañeros de equipo (salir del servidor) durante una partida casual contará como derrota automática y no obtendrás experiencia. Además, recibirás una penalización que te impedirá jugar más partidas casuales durante un período de tiempo. Posteriores abandonos podrían aumentar la duración de esta penalización."
N/A25875"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Two_Text" " Abandoning your teammates (leaving the server) during a Casual match will count as an automatic loss, and you will receive no experience. Additionally, you will receive a matchmaking cooldown, preventing you from playing further Casual matches for a period of time. Subsequent abandons may increase the length of this cooldown."
N/A25876"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Title" "Incorporaciones tardías"
N/A25877"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Title" "Late joins"
N/A25878"TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Text" " Si hay plazas disponibles en un servidor, los jugadores pueden conectarse a la partida en curso. Además, si pierdes la conexión con el servidor, puedes reincorporarte a la partida casual en curso."
N/A25879"[english]TF_Casual_Welcome_Section_Three_Text" " If empty slots are available on a server, players may connect into the match in progress. Additionally, if you lose connection to the server, you may rejoin the Casual match in progress."
2587425880"TF_Competitive_Requirements" "No cumples los requisitos para acceder a esta característica.\n\nHaz clic para obtener más información."
2587525881"[english]TF_Competitive_Requirements" "You do not meet the requirements needed to access this feature.\n\nClick for more information."
2587625882"TF_Competitive_MatchRunning" "Actualmente estás asignado a una partida y debes esperar a que acabe. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
2587725883"[english]TF_Competitive_MatchRunning" "You are currently assigned to a match and must wait for it to finish. Please try again later."
2587825884"TF_Casual_CoreTitle" "Modos de juego principales"
2587925885"[english]TF_Casual_CoreTitle" "Core Game Modes"
N/A25886"TF_Casual_AltTitle" "Modos de juego alternativos"
N/A25887"[english]TF_Casual_AltTitle" "Alternative Game Modes"
2588025888"TF_War_StandingsTitle" "Resultados en directo"
2588125889"[english]TF_War_StandingsTitle" "Live \"Voting\" Results"
2588225890"TF_War_YourSide" "(Tu bando)"
2589525903"[english]TF_War_ConfirmSideSelection" "Are you sure you want to join %s1?\nYou cannot change sides after you've made your selection."
2589625904"TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_Explanation" "¡Una clase afortunada va a recibir un pack en toda regla en una futura actualización! ¡Nuevas armas! ¡Nuevos equilibrios! ¡Nuevos logros! Podría ser el Heavy. O podría ser el Pyro. ¡Pero no serán los dos!\n\nFunciona así: tienes que elegir un bando. (Hazlo con cabeza, porque solo puedes elegir una vez). Durante la guerra, cada punto que sumes contará para el bando que hayas elegido. ¿Qué clase se lo merece más? Vota con tus balas y nosotros escucharemos esas balas-voto con nuestras computadoras."
2589725905"[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_Explanation" "One lucky class is going to get a full-fledged class pack in a future update! New weapons! New balancing! New achievements! It could be Heavy. Or it could be Pyro. But it's not gonna be both!\n\nHere's how it works. You get to choose a side. (Choose wisely, because you only get to pick once.) During the war, every point you score will count towards either Team Heavy or Team Pyro. Which class deserves it more? Vote with your bullets, and we will listen to those bullet-votes with our computers."
N/A25906"TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SideHeavy" "Equipo Heavy"
N/A25907"[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SideHeavy" "Team Heavy"
N/A25908"TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SidePyro" "Equipo Pyro"
N/A25909"[english]TF_War_HeavyVsPyro_SidePyro" "Team Pyro"
N/A25910"TF_War_NoGC" "Sin conexión con el coordinador del juego.\n\nNo es posible unirse a los equipos ni ver los resultados de la votación."
N/A25911"[english]TF_War_NoGC" "No connection to game coordinator.\n\nTeam joining and voting results unavailable!"
2589825912"ShowComic" "Ver el cómic"
2589925913"[english]ShowComic" "View the comic"
2590025914"JoinHeavyButton" "Equipo Heavy"
2593725951"[english]TF_taunt_balloonibouncer" "Taunt: The Balloonibouncer"
2593825952"TF_taunt_balloonibouncer_Desc" "Burla del Pyro\nHaz que tus problemas se esfumen con el frenético balanceo de este globunicornio de fibra de vidrio."
2593925953"[english]TF_taunt_balloonibouncer_Desc" "Pyro Taunt\nTorch your troubles away with this spring-mounted fiberglass fun-frenzy."
N/A25954"TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat" "PASA-Sombrero de Grado Civil"
N/A25955"[english]TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat" "Civilian Grade JACK Hat"
2594025956"TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Prevención de conmociones y disparos en la cabeza garantizada... o casi."
2594125957"[english]TF_CivilianGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Guaranteed to prevent concussions and headshots... probably."
N/A25958"TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat" "PASA-Sombrero de Grado Militar"
N/A25959"[english]TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat" "Military Grade JACK Hat"
N/A25960"TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Prevención de conmociones y disparos en la cabeza garantizada... o casi. ¡Edición de camuflaje urbano clásica!"
N/A25961"[english]TF_MilitaryGradeJACKHat_Desc" "Guaranteed to prevent concussions and headshots... probably. Throwback Urban Camo edition!"
2594225962"TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK" "Balón en Miniatura de PASA-Tiempo"
2594325963"[english]TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK" "PASS Time Miniature Half JACK"
2594425964"TF_PASSTimeMiniatureHalfJACK_Desc" "Un regalo del Engineer al Soldier para conmemorar su amor por el modo PASA-Tiempo."
2600326023"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason3" "Harassment"
2600426024"TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "Conducta molesta"
2600526025"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Context_Report_Reason4" "Griefing"
N/A26026"TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "Has recibido un bloqueo de matchmaking por acumular demasiadas denuncias de otros jugadores. Una vez finalizado el bloqueo actual, recibir más denuncias resultará en nuevos bloqueos de mayor duración."
N/A26027"[english]TF_Notification_MM_Ban_For_Excessive_Reports" "You have received a matchmaking ban due to excessive reports from other players. After the current ban is completed, further reports will result in subsequent bans of increased duration."
N/A26028"TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "Alguien a quien denunciaste ha recibido un bloqueo de matchmaking a consecuencia de su conducta. Gracias por ayudarnos a hacer de la comunidad TF2 un lugar divertido y acogedor para todos los jugadores."
N/A26029"[english]TF_Notification_Reported_Player_Has_Been_Banned" "Someone you reported has received a matchmaking ban as a result of their behavior. Thank you for your contributions in helping to make the TF2 community a fun and welcoming place for all players."
2600626030"TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "¡El equipo Pyro ha ganado!"
2600726031"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro has won!"
2600826032"TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "¡Gracias al esfuerzo de su equipo, el Pyro recibirá un pack de clase en una futura actualización!"
2614126165"[english]TF_Map_FifthCurveEvent" "Brimstone"
2614226166"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Sello de Mapa - Brimstone"
2614326167"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent" "Map Stamp - Brimstone"
N/A26168"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "Un mapa de Carga Explosiva\n\nCreado por Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nComprando este objeto ayudas directamente al creador del mapa de la comunidad Brimstone. ¡Muestra tu apoyo ya!"
N/A26169"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_Desc" "A Payload Map\n\nMade by Tomi 'ICS' Uurainen\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map. Show your support today!"
2614426170"TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Al comprar este objeto ayudas directamente al creador del mapa de la comunidad Brimstone."
2614526171"[english]TF_MapToken_FifthCurveEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Brimstone community map."
2614626172"TF_Map_PitOfDeath" "Pit of Death"
2615126177"[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_Desc" "A Player Destruction Map\n\nMade by Christian 'Roll' Richardson, Kenny 'Flip' Wheeler, Michael Egan, FissionMetroid101, and Christian James DeRosa\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pit of Death community map. Show your support today!"
2615226178"TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Al comprar este objeto ayudas directamente a los creadores del mapa de la comunidad Pit of Death."
2615326179"[english]TF_MapToken_PitOfDeath_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Pit of Death community map."
N/A26180"TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Siniestro"
N/A26181"[english]TF_Map_MapleRidgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Sinister"
2615426182"TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Infernal"
2615526183"[english]TF_Map_Brimstone_StrangePrefix" " Infernal"
2615626184"TF_Map_PitofDeath_StrangePrefix" "Profundo"
2615726185"[english]TF_Map_PitofDeath_StrangePrefix" " Plunging"
N/A26186"Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Date una vuelta por todos los mapas de Halloween, pasados y presentes."
N/A26187"[english]Gametype_Halloween_Desc" "Tour all of the Halloween maps, past and present."
2615826188"TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Eventos especiales"
2615926189"[english]TF_MMCat_SpecialEvents" "Special Events"
2616026190"ToolUnusualifierConfirm" "¿Seguro que quieres inusualizar este objeto?"
2618126211"[english]Halloween_master_collection" "The Scream Fortress Collections"
2618226212"TF_HalloweenPass" "Gárgola de Almas"
2618326213"[english]TF_HalloweenPass" "Soul Gargoyle"
N/A26214"TF_HalloweenPass_desc" "La Gárgola de Almas te da acceso a Merasmisiones durante el evento anual de Scream Fortress.\nPuedes subirla de nivel cosechando almas, que se consiguen matando enemigos, completando Merasmisiones y encontrando Gárgolas de Almas.\nSube de nivel al llegar a las 666, 1337 y 2000 almas.\n\nDa acceso a transmutaciones de Halloween con las que puedes transmutar 3 objetos en un objeto no intercambiable de un Halloween anterior.\nSe concede una bonificación por cada 10 transmutaciones."
N/A26215"[english]TF_HalloweenPass_desc" "The Soul Gargoyle grants access to Merasmissions during the Scream Fortress event each year.\nYou can level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls can be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.\nLevels up at 666, 1337, 2000 and then every 2000 Souls.\n\nProvides access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for a non-tradable Halloween item from years past.\nA bonus is given for every 10 transmutes."
N/A26216"halloween2016_collection_name" "Colección Horripilante"
N/A26217"[english]halloween2016_collection_name" "Creepy Crawly Collection"
N/A26218"halloween2016_collection_case" "Caja Horripilante"
N/A26219"[english]halloween2016_collection_case" "Creepy Crawly Case"
N/A26220"halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "Esta caja está cerrada y se necesita una\nLlave Horripilante para abrirla.\n\nContiene un objeto creado por la comunidad \nde la Colección Horripilante."
N/A26221"[english]halloween2016_collection_case_desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nCreepy Crawly Key to open.\n\nContains a community made item \nfrom the Creepy Crawly Collection."
N/A26222"halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Contiene objetos cosméticos de la comunidad de la Colección Horripilante\n-Se necesita una Llave Horripilante para abrirla\n-El contenido puede ser de aspecto raro y los sombreros pueden ser inusuales."
N/A26223"[english]halloween2016_collection_case_adtext" "-Contains Community Cosmetics from the Creepy Crawly Collection\n-Requires a Creepy Crawly Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
N/A26224"halloween2016_collection_key" "Llave Horripilante"
N/A26225"[english]halloween2016_collection_key" "Creepy Crawly Key"
N/A26226"halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Se usa para abrir la Caja Horripilante"
N/A26227"[english]halloween2016_collection_key_desc" "Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case"
N/A26228"halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Se usa para abrir la Caja Horripilante\n-El contenido puede ser de aspecto raro y los sombreros pueden ser inusuales."
N/A26229"[english]halloween2016_collection_key_adtext" "-Used to Open the Creepy Crawly Case\n-Contents may be Strange and hats may be Unusual."
2618426230"halloween2016_collection_case_footer" "El contenido puede ser inusual con un efecto de Halloween 2016"
2618526231"[english]halloween2016_collection_case_footer" "Contents may be Unusual with a Halloween 2016 effect"
2618626232"halloween2016_event_footer" "Durante el evento de Scream Fortress, todos los objetos inusuales tendrán un efecto de Halloween 2016"
2621326259"[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Restore" "Load saved settings"
2621426260"TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Guardar la configuración actual"
2621526261"[english]TF_Casual_Tip_Save" "Save current settings"
N/A26262"TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Burla: La Vuelta de Honor"
N/A26263"[english]TF_TauntAllClassKart" "Taunt: The Victory Lap"
2621626264"TF_TauntAllClassKart_Desc" "Burla para todas las clases\nPulsa la tecla de espacio de burla para activarla\nUsa las teclas de desplazamiento lateral para girar mientras conduces"
2621726265"[english]TF_TauntAllClassKart_Desc" "All Class Taunt\nPress the taunt slot key to toggle\nUse the Strafe keys to rotate as you drive"
2621826266"TF_secondrate_sorcery" "Burla: Brujería Barata"
2622726275"[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator" "Aerobatics Demonstrator"
2622826276"TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" ""
2622926277"[english]TF_hwn2016_aerobatics_demonstrator_Desc" ""
N/A26278"TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman" "Nave de la Última Frontera"
N/A26279"[english]TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman" "Final Frontier Freighter"
2623026280"TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" ""
2623126281"[english]TF_hwn2016_final_frontiersman_Desc" ""
N/A26282"TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot" "Pyrocóptero"
N/A26283"[english]TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot" "Hovering Hotshot"
2623226284"TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" ""
2623326285"[english]TF_hwn2016_hovering_hotshot_Desc" ""
2623426286"TF_hwn2016_toadstool_topper" "El Sombrero Champiñón"
2629126343"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann" "Nasty Norsemann"
2629226344"TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" ""
2629326345"[english]TF_hwn2016_nasty_norsemann_Desc" ""
N/A26346"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Bufón de Turno"
N/A26347"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester" "Pestering Jester"
2629426348"TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" ""
2629526349"[english]TF_hwn2016_pestering_jester_Desc" ""
2629626350"TF_hwn2016_mo_horn" "La Cresta Cornuda"
2631326367"[english]TF_hwn2016_burly_beast" "Burly Beast"
2631426368"TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" ""
2631526369"[english]TF_hwn2016_burly_beast_Desc" ""
N/A26370"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank5" "Encantada"
N/A26371"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank5" "Delighted"
N/A26372"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank6" "Jovial"
N/A26373"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank6" "Cheerful"
N/A26374"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank7" "Jubilosa"
N/A26375"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank7" "Joyous"
N/A26376"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank8" "Solemne"
N/A26377"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank8" "Dignified"
N/A26378"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank9" "Orgullosa"
N/A26379"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank9" "Proud"
N/A26380"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank10" "Noble"
N/A26381"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank10" "Noble"
N/A26382"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank11" "Honrosa"
N/A26383"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank11" "Honored"
N/A26384"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank12" "Exaltada"
N/A26385"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank12" "Exalted"
N/A26386"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank13" "Imponente"
N/A26387"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank13" "Breathtaking"
N/A26388"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank14" "Escandalosa"
N/A26389"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank14" "Outrageous"
N/A26390"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank15" "Espectacular"
N/A26391"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank15" "Spectacular"
N/A26392"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank16" "Majestuosa"
N/A26393"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank16" "Majestic"
N/A26394"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank17" "Épica"
N/A26395"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank17" "Epic"
N/A26396"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank18" "Legendaria"
N/A26397"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank18" "Legendary"
N/A26398"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank19" "Australiana"
N/A26399"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank19" "Australian"
N/A26400"KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "del Propio Merasmus"
N/A26401"[english]KillEater_HalloweenSoulsRank20" "Merasmus's Own"
N/A26402"KillEaterEvent_PowerupBottlesUsed" "Cantimploras Potenciadoras utilizadas"
N/A26403"[english]KillEaterEvent_PowerupBottlesUsed" "Power Up Canteens Used"
2631626404"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_1st" "Primer Puesto de la Chapelaria 6v6"
2631726405"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 1st Place"
2631826406"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_2nd" "Segundo Puesto de la Chapelaria 6v6"
2635626444BLU: Escort Redmond Mann to the Hell pit!
2635726445RED: Stop BLU! Take back Redmond's body!"
N/A26446"pd_pit_of_death_event_description" "Objetivo:
N/A26447Para ganar un punto, recoge un alma embrujada y entrégala en el Inframundo.
N/A26449Información adicional:
N/A26450Los jugadores sueltan las almas al morir. Quien tenga más almas en cada equipo suministrará salud y munición a los aliados cercanos."
N/A26451"[english]pd_pit_of_death_event_description" "Objective:
N/A26452To win a point, collect and deliver a haunted soul to the Underworld.
N/A26454Other Notes:
N/A26455Players drop souls when they are killed.
N/A26456Whoever has the most souls on each team dispenses health and ammo to nearby teammates."
N/A26457"ctf_landfall_description" "Objetivo:
N/A26458Para ganar un punto, roba el maletín con el dosier enemigo y devuélvelo a tu base.
N/A26460Información adicional:
N/A26461Los jugadores sueltan el maletín al morir. Un maletín en el suelo vuelve a su base después de 35 segundos."
N/A26462"[english]ctf_landfall_description" "Primary Objective:
N/A26463To win a point, steal the enemy's intelligence briefcase and return it to your base.
N/A26465Other Notes:
N/A26466Players drop the intelligence when they die. Dropped intelligence returns to its Base after 35 seconds."
2635826467"pd_watergate_description" "Objetivo:
2635926468Para ganar, recoge la cerveza de los enemigos caídos y deposítala en el rayo tractor del OVNI para ganar puntos (para que el OVNI se emborrache). Quien tenga la mayor cantidad de cerveza en cada equipo suministrará salud y munición a los aliados cercanos.
2637626485Other Notes:
2637726486Shoot the alien explosive drones to take out enemies or Engineer buildings."
N/A26487"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Jungle" "Jungla"
N/A26488"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_Jungle" "Jungle"
2637826489"TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah" "Aspecto Altruista de Hannah"
2637926490"[english]TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah" "Hannah's Altruistic Aspect"
2638026491"TF_Medal_JingleJam2016_Hannah_Desc" "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 (edición Hannah)"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.46 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.45 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
19:09, 18 July 2024 (1.43 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 18, 2024 Patch.
19:07, 20 December 2023 (1.38 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
02:05, 19 December 2023 (1.38 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.38 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.34 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.33 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.33 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
21:21, 1 March 2023 (1.33 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_spanish.txt for March 1, 2023 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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