Difference between revisions of "Hideout Intermediate (custom mission)"

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(Created page with "{| class="infobox" width="300px" ! colspan="2" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Ultra Uplink |- ! colspan="2" | {{lang | en = Basic Information | de = Grundinformationen...")
(Blanked the page)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="infobox" width="300px"
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Ultra Uplink
! colspan="2" | {{lang
| en = Basic Information
| de = Grundinformationen
| da = grundlæggende informationer
| es = Información básica
| fi = Perustiedot
| fr = Informations de base
| ja = 基本情報
| pl = Podstawowe informacje
| pt-br = Informações básicas
| ru = Основная информация
| zh-hant = 任務基本資訊
| ko = 기본 정보
| {{lang
| en = Name
| de = Name
| da = Navn
| fi = Nimi
| es = Nombre
| fr = Nom
| ja = ミッション名
| pl = Nazwa misji
| pt-br = Nome
| ru = Название
| zh-hant = 名稱
| ko = 임무명
| Intermediate
| {{lang
| en = File Name
| da = Filnavn
| es = Nombre del Archivo
| fi = Tiedostonimi
| fr = Nom du Fichier
| ja = ファイル名
| pl = Nazwa pliku
| pt-br = Nome do arquivo
| ru = Имя файла
| zh-hant = 檔案名稱
| <code>mvm_hideout_b3_int_intermediate</code>
| {{lang
| en = Map
| de = Karte
| da = Bane
| es = Mapa
| fi = Kartta
| fr = Carte
| ja = マップ
| pl = Mapa
| pt-br = Mapa
| ru = Карта
| zh-hant = 地圖
| ko = 맵
| [[Hideout]]
| Mission type
| {{common string|invasion}}
| {{lang
| en = Waves
| de = Wellen
| da = Runder
| es = Oleadas
| fi = Aallot
| fr = Vagues
| ja = ウェーブ数
| pl = Ilość fal
| pt-br = Ondas
| ru = Ко-во волн
| zh-hant = 波數
| ko = 공격
| 6
| {{lang
| en = Difficulty
| de = Schwierigkeit
| da = Sværhedsgrad
| es = Dificultad
| fi = Vaikeustaso
| fr = Difficulté
| ja = 難易度
| pl = Poziom trudności
| pt-br = Dificuldade
| ru = Сложность
| zh-hant = 難度
| ko = 난이도
| {{common string|mission intermediate}}
| {{lang
| en = Starting money
| de = Startgeld
| da = Penge til start
| es = Dinero inicial
| fi = Aloitusrahat
| fr = Crédits de départ
| ja = 開始時の所持金
| pl = Ilość kredytów na starcie
| pt-br = Dinheiro inicial
| ru = Начальное кол-во кредитов
| zh-hant = 起始資金
| ko = 시작시 금액
| 850
| Total Dropped {{common string|mt credits}}
| 3775
| Respawn Duration
| 5 - 15
| Fixed Respawn Times
| No
| Creator(s)
| Mikroscopic
'''Intermediate''' is an intermediate invasion mission made by <i>Mikroscopic</i>. It is available on the custom [[Hideout]] map. This is a custom mission, meaning that this mission is not made by Valve, but from the MvM custom content creation community.

Revision as of 08:22, 21 December 2018