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== 交易诈骗 == | == 交易诈骗 == | ||
− | + | 诈骗者会使用各种欺骗手段以达到他们窃取其他玩家物品财产的目的。他们通常以以下三种方式行骗: | |
− | * | + | * 说服受害者将物品交易给他们,但不会返还任何物品。 |
− | * | + | * 误导受害者某件物品的实际价值,以达成一次极不公平的交易,这种行为被称作[[#虚价|“sharking”(虚价)]]。 |
− | * | + | * 引诱受害者点击某个不安全的链接,从而盗取玩家账号信息进而窃取物品。 |
− | + | 因此,只要你永远不免费提供陌生人物品,永远不点击可疑的链接,对双方物品的价值有一定认识,你便不用为诈骗者而担惊受怕。 | |
− | + | 诈骗者行骗的具体方法有很多,以下是已经知悉的: | |
=== 移花接木诈骗 === | === 移花接木诈骗 === | ||
− | + | 这种类型的诈骗由于交易暂挂与额外防护措施的启用而已经难以得逞。<br /> | |
− | + | 诈骗者在与受害者都暂时达成一个令双方满意的交易后,诈骗者会立刻改动交易内容,并指望粗心的受害者没有发现。<br /> | |
+ | 幸运的是,额外防护措施给予了玩家再次检查交易内容的机会,但依然不排除上当受骗的可能性。 | ||
=== 假机器人诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | === 假机器人诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | ||
− | [[Image:Scam_thing.png|thumb|300px| | + | [[Image:Scam_thing.png|thumb|300px|假冒的Opskins机器人截图]] |
− | + | 这是一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。由诈骗者假冒的网站机器人会在玩家向某些网站(可能是诈骗网站)存取物品的时候,仿照网站的机器人而发送假的交易报价,而当受害者以为物品成功存取时,实际上已经被诈骗者窃取了,当然也就再也不能取出了。<br /> | |
− | + | 这种类型的诈骗通常按照以下流程进行: | |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者会请求添加一个TF2玩家为好友。 |
− | * | + | * 他们会引导玩家访问一个知名的TF2交易服务网站(如 Opskins,Marketplace.tf 等),或者一个仿冒这些知名网站的诈骗网站。 |
− | * | + | * 他们会要求玩家列出自己的物品,但通常不会直接要求玩家存取。 |
− | * | + | * 一个仿冒的假机器人会向玩家发送一份报价。 |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者会说服玩家接受交易报价。 |
− | * | + | * 一旦玩家接受交易,诈骗者便将玩家加入黑名单而屏蔽通讯,玩家被骗的物品也无从取出了。 |
=== 假中间人诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | === 假中间人诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | ||
− | + | 这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。有些交易者会在交易高价值物品的时候寻找中间人,以保证交易公平进行。然而,有信誉的中间人可能会被诈骗者冒用身份,这些诈骗者会在扮演中间人时窃取物品。<br /> | |
− | + | 大多数时候,诈骗者会选择以使用[[Glossary of player terms/zh-hans#Alt|备用账户]](也就是所谓的“小号”)来担当交易中的一方(或使用备用账户仿冒中间人)而针对某一受害者。 | |
− | * | + | 这种类型的诈骗通常按照以下流程进行: |
− | * | + | * 某个玩家希望售出一件物品。 |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者声称他们有交易意愿,但坚持要找个中间人以保证安全。 |
− | * | + | * 这个中间人与诈骗者极有可能是同伙,或者实际上就是一个人。 |
− | + | * 玩家将物品交易给中间人后,诈骗者的伎俩便成功了。 | |
− | * | + | 也有可能按照这种流程进行: |
− | * | + | * 某个玩家有意愿购买一件物品,且希望有一个中间人参与。 |
− | * | + | * 另一玩家同意了请求,且他们将物品交给了中间人。 |
− | * | + | * 然而这个中间人实则是仿冒的诈骗者,他窃取了交易的物品并屏蔽了交易者。 |
+ | * 这种情况下,希望有中间人参与的受害者甚至要受到信誉损失。 | ||
=== 钓鱼链接诈骗 === | === 钓鱼链接诈骗 === | ||
− | + | 钓鱼链接通常会将玩家导向仿冒的Steam网站或其它知名的TF2交易服务网站,并要求玩家登录这些仿冒网站,并由此盗取玩家的账号信息,进而窃取物品。而在某些情况下,仅仅访问这些网站就将自动下载恶意软件,它们将在损害玩家电脑的同时盗取玩家的信息。 | |
− | + | 有意识地检查链接,不要点击可疑的链接可以有效防止被这种诈骗所侵害。 | |
=== 好友诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | === 好友诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | ||
− | + | 这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。诈骗者会要求玩家将物品先交易给一位你信任的朋友,而在玩家告诉了诈骗者朋友的账号后,诈骗者会以备用账户或同伙的账户仿冒这名好友并向玩家发送交易报价,类似于上述的“假中间人”。<br /> | |
− | * | + | 这种类型的诈骗通常按照以下流程进行: |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者会请求添加一个TF2玩家为好友。 |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者与受害者口头上暂时达成了一笔交易。 |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者声称为了保证交易“合法正规”而要求受害者先将物品转交给一位他们自己信任的好友。 |
− | * | + | * 诈骗者的备用/同伙账户会快速仿冒成你信任的那位好友,并主动联系你进行交易。 |
− | * | + | * 受害者在未知晓实情的情况下将物品转交给了仿冒的“好友”。 |
+ | * 受害者的物品被窃取,且通常会被诈骗者和“好友”同时屏蔽通讯。 | ||
=== 假主播诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | === 假主播诈骗 === <!-- Impersonation --> | ||
− | + | 这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。诈骗者会仿冒某个知名 YouTuber/streamer 的身份,告诉你他们需要你的物品(通常是价值不菲的)以制作一个视频,并以他们的“知名度与信誉”作为保障。当受害者将物品交给他们后,他们便成功窃取物品并屏蔽玩家。<br /> | |
+ | 遭遇这种情况时,务必查询这名 YouTuber/streamer 的真实Steam主页以判断他们是否被冒用了身份,检查这些用户的库存是否是隐私的也可有所帮助 | ||
=== 黑箱子诈骗 === | === 黑箱子诈骗 === | ||
− | + | 在这种比较特殊的诈骗中,诈骗者会首先请求添加一名玩家为好友,声称他们库存中的箱子已经被“骇入”过,能够以100%的概率掉落[[Unusual/zh-hans|稀有]]品质物品,通常还会附上一些截图以迷惑玩家。<br /> | |
+ | 他们接着会向玩家出售这些箱子,但实际上这些箱子不过是普通的箱子,很多时候上当的玩家在开启后才会意识到他们被诈骗了。(尽管作为一个普通的箱子,幸运的玩家仍有机会得到一个价值不菲的物品。) | ||
=== 虚价 === | === 虚价 === | ||
− | ''' | + | '''虚价(Sharking)'''是指诈骗者利用个别玩家的无知而吹嘘个别物品的价值,或者贬低玩家所持物品的价值。<br /> |
+ | 玩家们通常可以通过在 [https://backpack.tf/ backpack.tf] 或 [[Steam Community Market/zh-hans|Steam 社区市场]] 查询物品相对稳定的价格以避免上当受骗。 | ||
=== 假的Valve雇员 === <!-- Impersonation --> | === 假的Valve雇员 === <!-- Impersonation --> | ||
− | + | 这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。诈骗者会仿冒成[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]的工作人员 (比如Robin Walker,Drunken F00l),并以各种理由要求你“上交”你的物品(一个常见的做法是声称玩家的物品有漏洞而需要上交检查)。<br /> | |
+ | 请牢记,Valve的员工永远不会为了物品事宜而私下联系任何玩家,即使物品确实出现了[[glitch/zh-hans|漏洞]]。 | ||
=== 节日/节日化 === | === 节日/节日化 === | ||
− | + | 这种类型诈骗比其它的更为常见。Valve在{{update link|Smissmas 2017}}更新中加入了[[Festivizer/zh-hans|彩灯工具]],使得包括默认武器在内的更多武器能够被节日化了,而此前的节日武器只能通过开箱产出,两者的价值是不同的。<br /> | |
− | + | 诈骗者通常会发送交易标价,声称某件物品是开箱产出的节日武器,但实际上是价值更低的节日化武器(即使用彩灯工具加工得到的武器)。 | |
− | (例如,你有一件价值12Key的物品,你以12Key的价格标记它售出,希望得到一把奇异属性的'''节日(Festive)''' | + | (例如,你有一件价值12Key的物品,你以12Key的价格标记它售出,希望得到一把奇异属性的'''节日(Festive)'''猎枪,但诈骗者可能会以'''节日化(Festivized)'''的猎枪来赚取差价。) |
注意,开箱产出的节日武器的图标与节日化武器图标是不同的,以此来区分物品属性防止上当受骗。 | 注意,开箱产出的节日武器的图标与节日化武器图标是不同的,以此来区分物品属性防止上当受骗。 | ||
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=== 物品赌博诈骗 === | === 物品赌博诈骗 === | ||
− | + | 这种类型的诈骗通常需要一个由诈骗者运营的TF2物品赌博网站作为中间环节,而有时候整个过程都是这些网站设下的骗局<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/8qlv1h/caution_theres_an_elaborate_new_scam_going_around// “Caution: There's an elaborate new scam going around”, theAverageGam3r/Reddit]</ref>。<br /> | |
− | + | 比较典型的做法是,诈骗者会请求添加一个TF2玩家为好友。当该玩家接受后,诈骗者会请求玩家为他们的物品轮盘赌博网站做宣传,并承诺会后台操作让玩家赢下几局轮盘赌以作为报酬。<br /> | |
− | + | 有时候,诈骗者也会让玩家选择一个赌博账户,并演示一次“操作”来使得该赌博账户(通常属于诈骗者或他们的机器人)赢得胜利,从而骗取玩家的信任。<br /> | |
− | + | 随后诈骗者通常会以以下三种方式(可能有更多)来骗取物品: | |
* 有时候玩家需要先付一些“费用”来参与赌博。 | * 有时候玩家需要先付一些“费用”来参与赌博。 | ||
− | * | + | * 赌博开始后,玩家的参赌物品将被诈骗者通通搜刮,而所谓的“胜出者”常常就是诈骗者自己或他们的机器人。 |
− | * | + | * 即使赌博流程本身是合法的,诈骗者暗中不公平的“操作”也会产生他们希望的胜出者,而这一过程通常也是为了吸引新的潜在受害者。 |
此外,由于这种诈骗通常要求玩家为赌博网站作宣传,很容易扩散而吸引新的潜在受害者。 | 此外,由于这种诈骗通常要求玩家为赌博网站作宣传,很容易扩散而吸引新的潜在受害者。 | ||
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这是一种新形式的诈骗。Abstractism是一款使用了军团要塞2游戏物品图标作为库存物品的游戏,它因代码侵权,恶意内容与欺骗消费者等多项指控而于2018年7月30日被[https://store.steampowered.com/ Steam 商店]下架<ref>[https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/30/steam-cryptocurrency-tf2-scam-items/ “Valve pull Abstractism from Steam after allegations of cryptocurrency mining”, Dominic Tarason/Rock Paper Shotgun]</ref>。<br /> | 这是一种新形式的诈骗。Abstractism是一款使用了军团要塞2游戏物品图标作为库存物品的游戏,它因代码侵权,恶意内容与欺骗消费者等多项指控而于2018年7月30日被[https://store.steampowered.com/ Steam 商店]下架<ref>[https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/30/steam-cryptocurrency-tf2-scam-items/ “Valve pull Abstractism from Steam after allegations of cryptocurrency mining”, Dominic Tarason/Rock Paper Shotgun]</ref>。<br /> | ||
− | + | 诈骗者会声称他们有昂贵的物品(比如[[Australium weapons/zh-hans|澳元素武器]],[[Unusual/zh-hans|稀有]]饰品等),有时候也会先展示真物品以取得信任,随后在交易中使用这类假物品进行诈骗,且这类假物品有时能以假乱真,难以分辨。<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/9315ju/steam_direct_shovelware_developers_creating_fake/ “Steam Direct shovelware developers creating fake TF2, DOTA2, and CS:GO items”, Twilight_Sniper/Reddit]</ref>。<br /> | |
然而一些假物品并没有军团要塞2的图标,你可以使用这个技巧来分辨它是不是来自另一游戏的假物品。<br />此外Valve还追加了额外防护措施,比如在交易窗口警告某件物品所属的游戏是最近才被添加到Steam商店的,或者该物品所属的游戏并不是用户常玩的,这些警告也能够帮助用户分辨物品的真假。 | 然而一些假物品并没有军团要塞2的图标,你可以使用这个技巧来分辨它是不是来自另一游戏的假物品。<br />此外Valve还追加了额外防护措施,比如在交易窗口警告某件物品所属的游戏是最近才被添加到Steam商店的,或者该物品所属的游戏并不是用户常玩的,这些警告也能够帮助用户分辨物品的真假。 | ||
Revision as of 05:15, 29 August 2019
![]() | 此页面正在被翻译成简体中文。 如果您能熟练地运用简体中文,请在讨论页上留言或与为此页面贡献的作者讨论(通过浏览页面历史)。 |
“ | 我告诉你,这比我想象的要好得多。
— Wheatley 在一次成功的交易
” |
社区交易提示 是一组给予新步入军团要塞2的Steam交易
金属是交易者们常用的货币,用于交换对应价值的物品。物品的价格单位一般叫做精炼金属,或者说是"ref"(例如 1.33 ref, 3 ref ) 。对应的每一种金属的价值如下:1残留金属=0.11ref;1再生金属(或者叫做rec)=0.33ref,1精炼金属=1ref。因为一个残留金属是从两个武器合成的,每一个独特武器可以被认为0.05ref。但是,有时候可以见到用1个残留金属交易独特武器的情况。
澳元素武器只能在PvE游戏模式曼恩vs机器中使用了使命之旅入场券进行游戏之后才能获得。这些武器有着好像黄金质地的物质澳元素作成。它们只有奇异品质来计算杀敌。从曼恩vs机器或者这些物品的几率大约为3% - 4%。它们是仅次于稀有物品之下的高价值的交易物品。想查看澳元素武器,查看澳元素武器页面。
Unusual items are considered to be the most valuable and expensive quality for trade in the game by a wide margin. As such, they are considered to be in their own separate tier of high prices (usually given in keys). In addition to the visual appeal of the Unusual Effects these items sport a 1% probability of being acquired from Crates[1] , making them extremely hard to come by, and making their base trading price extremely high. However, within its own realm of Unusual prices, the value of an Unusual item may vary wildly according to visual or thematic appeal, rarity, and general desirability.
Keep the following tips in mind while trading:
- To know how much metal is being asked for an item, keep in mind the specific values for each type of metal: 1 Scrap Metal is 0.11 refined (or simply scrap), 1 Reclaimed Metal (or rec) is 0.33 ref and 1 Refined Metal is 1 ref. Adding these values by increments will give you the exact value of metal that a trader is asking for, and lets you know which and how many items of metal are being asked of you.
- Check the person's Steam profile to see if the person is on trade probation by Valve, or has a reputation for being a scammer. Also use SteamRep.
- Use a trusted SteamRep middleman when doing cash trades.
- Always review the items being traded before finishing the trade.
- Trades should be conducted without any pressure; don't give into another player's pressure if they're urging you into a trade you do not want to be in.
- Always have an ideal price for every item you trade to prevent unfair exchanges. You can find out using price guided websites.
- If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. There are many "price guides" available online that estimate the value of items being traded (though these are often subjective).
- Inventory items appear in the order in which they are arranged in your backpack. Be sure to preview items by hovering over them in the inventory or trading boxes to make sure you are adding the correct one(s).
- Always respect the player you are trading with. Being polite, courteous and honest are very important aspects of trading, and are reflected on in real life trading too. Common courtesy is an important aspect.
- Be aware of renamed items, as a scammer can rename a common item to appear as to be an item of a higher quality. For example, a Vintage Pyro's Beanie can be renamed to appear as an Unusual Pyro's Beanie. However, the cosmetic will retain its blue lettering. The chat box will show notifications about renamed items to help avoid confusion. Hovering over the item will also show it's original name before it was renamed.
- Check if the items you receive in the trade are gifted or uncraftable, as they are generally valued lower than the non-gifted or craftable equivalent.
- Make sure the items you are receiving are not duplicated (or duped for short); you can check this by viewing a player's backpack on backpack.tf, and by checking the item history of the item. Most items (especially those of an Unusual quality) hold a lower value if it is a duplicate of the original item so be wary.
- If you are trading for a strange weapon, its current kill count will be reset to 0 once you receive the item.
- While trading, verify the trader's last alias (This user has also played as) at his profile. Scamming players often use many different aliases, so they can't be recognized after the trade.
- Some trading communities have adopted a verify system that can be very useful to the traders. If your trading spot has it, be aware of it.
There are several different types of trading:
- Scrap banking - an act where a player charges metal for weapons. Scrap bankers will usually exchange one scrap for two weapons initially, and then charge one scrap for one weapon after banking them, gaining them a small profit. This can also be performed the other way around, by trading two weapons to a scrap banker. This is referred to as reverse scrap banking.
- Weapon banking - an act where a player gives another player a weapon for another weapon.
- Cosmetic banking - an act where a player purchases Cosmetic for 1.33 refined (the general price for the majority of craftable cosmetics) or lower, then sells them for 1.33 refined or more, gaining the player a profit.
- Key Banking - an act where a player exchanges their Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys for metal, mainly refined metal.
- 1:1 trading - an act where a player exchanges a single item with another player for another item.
- Item overpay - Overpaying for an item by .11 (1 scrap) to 1 key in items compared to the required amount for the other player's item(s)
- Game trading - involves exchanging items for games and vice versa.
- Cash trading - involves exchanging items for monetary compensation outside of the Steam trade. This form of trading should always be done with a trusted middleman, if done at all; this practice is very risky, and is not supported by Valve.
- Pure trading - when a person pays the pure value for a specified item, generally in Refined or Keys.
- Quicksell trading - when a person sells an item (often with the Unusual quality) for pure currency for a value that is less than the suggested price of their item.
- Bot trading - when a player goes to a website that have steam accounts that collect items in order to trade them to real players, these websites often have the same banking as said previously, for example weapons can have: buy weapons, sell weapons, auto sell (sells all duplicate weapons for scrap), auto buy (buys all weapons it registers that you don't have), the trade sites often require you to have your inventory open so it can see your weapons and other items. Some bot sites still require a lot of work to make perfect, so if you use a bot site, always look on the trade one more time. An example on a bot site is scrap.tf.
Things that should be watched out for:
- Scamming - the act of stealing from another person, generally when a player promises another player items that they will never give.
- Phishing/Hijacking - when a user pretending to be a trader sends a phishing link (which redirects the player to a fake site that harvests their login details or other information), or asks for a player's password. Players should always check the name of the link they are clicking and check for a green bar at the top of their browser signifying security. They should never share their password with anyone.
- Sharking - the act of targeting a player (usually new or inexperienced players/traders) and offering items that are worth a significant amount less than the targeted player's item(s) while telling them that they are worth the same amount.
- Ascertain the value of the items you want to trade. Always try to figure out what your items are worth before trading them. [2] See Item Value for more information.
- Check if the person you are trading with is a legitimate trader and is who they say they are. [3]Check the person’s Steam profile yourself (do not click any links) and/or their SteamRep page. Their SteamRep profile will also display if the person has a Valve trade ban or Valve trade probation.[4] (For other ways to verify, see Reputation below.)
- Do NOT click on any links to external websites as these sites could be malicious and/or phishing sites.[5]
- If cash trades are involved, make sure that you secure a verified community middleman. [6]
- Do NOT use TeamViewer or any other software that the other user tells you to install or use. [7]
- Do NOT believe anyone who says that they are from Steam Support. Steam Support will NEVER ask you to trade items to them for any reason. [8]
- Steam Wallet Funds can not be traded. Any trades offers that state that Steam Wallet Funds will be added after the trade are scams.
- Click on the name of the other person while in the trade window to verify that is the real person and not an impersonator. [9]
- Do NOT click on any links the person sends you in the trade chat window or run any programs the person asks you to run while in the trade. [10]
- Pay close attention to the trade. Check the trade chat to ensure that no items were removed. Make certain all agreed items are visible in the window before accepting the trade. If you cannot see an item, cancel the trade. [11]
- Pay attention to the quality of the items being offered. Take your time to verify all items by hovering over them to ensure it is exactly the item you agreed to get. [12]
- Be aware of renamed items, as a scammer can rename a common item to appear as a rare item. Double-check the quality, names, and descriptions of all items. Items which are renamed or have had their description changed will have quotation marks (“) around the name and description. The chat box will also show notifications about renamed items to help avoid confusion.
- Inventory items appear in the order in which they are arranged in your backpack. [13] Be sure to preview items by hovering over them in the inventory or trading boxes to make sure you are adding the correct one(s).
- Check if the items you receive in the trade are craftable. After the October 13, 2011 patch, weapons bought from the store are uncraftable, but can be traded. After the November 29, 2012 patch, cosmetic items bought from the store are craftable.
- Common courtesy is important. Always treat other players with respect. [14]
- Do NOT rush the trade. Give yourself plenty of time to review and verify all items before completing the trade- especially after the green box is checked but before the final trade button is pressed. [15]
- You should always have a bit of control over the trade. You should never be pressured to sell your item at an discounted price. If you ever feel uncomfortable, do not hesitate to cancel the trade.
- Never be afraid to check item history. If an item is duplicated, which will appear in the item history, it is not recommended to buy that item. This is because they are much less desirable on the market, and it will be harder to sell (unless you plan on keeping that specific item for yourself).
- Do NOT trade for CD keys or games that cannot be traded through the trading window. [16]
- Do NOT trade Steam accounts. The buying, selling, sharing, or trading of Steam accounts violates the Steam Subscriber Agreement. [17]
- Do NOT trade for items in other platforms, such as for Runescape gold, Minecraft accounts, etc.[18]
Reputation is often used in the trading community especially in the realm of cash trading. Red Flags:
- New account (if the account that the person is on is relatively new, they could be using an alternate account)
- Low TF2 hours (if the person has only 100 or so hours in TF2, but they want to trade for a high value item, it could be a fishy situation)
- Low amount of games in their library, or only free to play games. People who have no attachment to their accounts (alternatives) often have almost no games in their account, or only free to play games. (This way if they lose their account they don't lose any games)
- To know how much metal is being asked for an item, keep in mind the specific values for each type of metal:
- 1 Scrap Metal is 0.11 Refined Metal (ref)
- 1 Reclaimed Metal (rec) is 0.33 ref
- 1 Refined Metal (ref) is 1 ref.
- 1 Key consistently fluctuates in price (refined, that is,) use backpack.tf if you want to check the current key:refined ratio.
Adding these values by increments will give you the exact value of metal that a trader is asking for, and lets you know which and how many items of metal are being asked of you.
- Make sure the items you are receiving are not duplicated. Duplicated items may not be legitimate and/or are worth considerably less than non-duplicated items.
- If you are trading for a strange weapon, its current kill count will be reset to 0.
- While trading, verify the trader's last alias (this user has also played as) on his profile. Scamming players often use many different aliases so they can't be recognized after the trade.
- Some trading communities have adopted a verify system that can be very useful to the traders. If your trading community has it, be aware of it.
- Also use backpack.tf to search the price of items you want and check price of your backpack. You can also check prices of marketable items on the Steam Community Market.
- 说服受害者将物品交易给他们,但不会返还任何物品。
- 误导受害者某件物品的实际价值,以达成一次极不公平的交易,这种行为被称作“sharking”(虚价)。
- 引诱受害者点击某个不安全的链接,从而盗取玩家账号信息进而窃取物品。
- 诈骗者会请求添加一个TF2玩家为好友。
- 他们会引导玩家访问一个知名的TF2交易服务网站(如 Opskins,Marketplace.tf 等),或者一个仿冒这些知名网站的诈骗网站。
- 他们会要求玩家列出自己的物品,但通常不会直接要求玩家存取。
- 一个仿冒的假机器人会向玩家发送一份报价。
- 诈骗者会说服玩家接受交易报价。
- 一旦玩家接受交易,诈骗者便将玩家加入黑名单而屏蔽通讯,玩家被骗的物品也无从取出了。
- 某个玩家希望售出一件物品。
- 诈骗者声称他们有交易意愿,但坚持要找个中间人以保证安全。
- 这个中间人与诈骗者极有可能是同伙,或者实际上就是一个人。
- 玩家将物品交易给中间人后,诈骗者的伎俩便成功了。
- 某个玩家有意愿购买一件物品,且希望有一个中间人参与。
- 另一玩家同意了请求,且他们将物品交给了中间人。
- 然而这个中间人实则是仿冒的诈骗者,他窃取了交易的物品并屏蔽了交易者。
- 这种情况下,希望有中间人参与的受害者甚至要受到信誉损失。
- 诈骗者会请求添加一个TF2玩家为好友。
- 诈骗者与受害者口头上暂时达成了一笔交易。
- 诈骗者声称为了保证交易“合法正规”而要求受害者先将物品转交给一位他们自己信任的好友。
- 诈骗者的备用/同伙账户会快速仿冒成你信任的那位好友,并主动联系你进行交易。
- 受害者在未知晓实情的情况下将物品转交给了仿冒的“好友”。
- 受害者的物品被窃取,且通常会被诈骗者和“好友”同时屏蔽通讯。
这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。诈骗者会仿冒某个知名 YouTuber/streamer 的身份,告诉你他们需要你的物品(通常是价值不菲的)以制作一个视频,并以他们的“知名度与信誉”作为保障。当受害者将物品交给他们后,他们便成功窃取物品并屏蔽玩家。
遭遇这种情况时,务必查询这名 YouTuber/streamer 的真实Steam主页以判断他们是否被冒用了身份,检查这些用户的库存是否是隐私的也可有所帮助
玩家们通常可以通过在 backpack.tf 或 Steam 社区市场 查询物品相对稳定的价格以避免上当受骗。
这是另一种假冒身份类型的诈骗。诈骗者会仿冒成Valve的工作人员 (比如Robin Walker,Drunken F00l),并以各种理由要求你“上交”你的物品(一个常见的做法是声称玩家的物品有漏洞而需要上交检查)。
这种类型诈骗比其它的更为常见。Valve在圣诞节 2017更新中加入了彩灯工具,使得包括默认武器在内的更多武器能够被节日化了,而此前的节日武器只能通过开箱产出,两者的价值是不同的。
- 有时候玩家需要先付一些“费用”来参与赌博。
- 赌博开始后,玩家的参赌物品将被诈骗者通通搜刮,而所谓的“胜出者”常常就是诈骗者自己或他们的机器人。
- 即使赌博流程本身是合法的,诈骗者暗中不公平的“操作”也会产生他们希望的胜出者,而这一过程通常也是为了吸引新的潜在受害者。
这是一种新形式的诈骗。Abstractism是一款使用了军团要塞2游戏物品图标作为库存物品的游戏,它因代码侵权,恶意内容与欺骗消费者等多项指控而于2018年7月30日被Steam 商店下架[20]。
- ↑ Article on the Probability of Unusual Unboxing
- ↑ “The Magic of Trading”, Hitman Sparky/KritzKast
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Steam Trading, Steam Knowledge Base
- ↑ Account Security Recommendations, Steam Knowledge Base
- ↑ “The Magic of Trading”, Hitman Sparky/KritzKast
- ↑ Account Security Recommendations, Steam Knowledge Base
- ↑ Account Security Recommendations, Steam Knowledge Base
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Account Security Recommendations, Steam Knowledge Base
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Steam Trading Window, Valve Steam Service
- ↑ Online Conduct, Steam Subscriber Agreement
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ Steam Subscriber Agreement, Valve
- ↑ Steam Trading Policy
- ↑ “Caution: There's an elaborate new scam going around”, theAverageGam3r/Reddit
- ↑ “Valve pull Abstractism from Steam after allegations of cryptocurrency mining”, Dominic Tarason/Rock Paper Shotgun
- ↑ “Steam Direct shovelware developers creating fake TF2, DOTA2, and CS:GO items”, Twilight_Sniper/Reddit