Difference between revisions of "User:Tturbo"

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(This gamer:)
m (This user is no longer an active staff member and has since been retired. Thanks for your service o7)
(64 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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| type    = content
| image    = Tf medic bonesaw spy callers.png
| style    = font-family: Georgia, serif;
| contents = This ex-localization moderator is now ''not actively editing'' the wiki anymore. After 2 years of loyal services and numerous edits, I'm going to let someone else take my place for the greater good of the french community. I'll always be available through steam and my talk page which I'll keep watching, if you ever need me, your best bet is to contact me this way. I'm still going to be a STS moderator, if the wiki ever needs one, you know where to look.
<div class="plainlinks">
<div class="plainlinks">
{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:0px; text-align:center"
{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:0px; text-align:center"
|style="width:20%" |[[Image:Steam_tray.png|46px|link=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019913871|Steam profile]]
|style="width:16%" |[[Image:Steam_tray.png|46px|link=http://steamcommunity.com/id/tturbo|Steam profile]]
|style="width:20%" |[[Image:Speech voice.png|46px|link=User talk:Tturbo|Talk page]]
|style="width:16%" |[[Image:Speech voice.png|46px|link=User talk:Tturbo|Talk page]]
|style="width:20%" |[[File:Have.png|46px|link=User:Tturbo/Translation]]
|style="width:16%" |[[File:Have.png|46px|link=User:Tturbo/Translation]]
|style="width:20%" |[[Image:Youtube_fail.png‎|46px|link=http://www.youtube.com/user/Tturb0|YouTube channel]]
|style="width:16%" |[[Image:Youtube_fail.png‎|46px|link=http://www.youtube.com/user/Tturb0|YouTube channel]]
|style="width:22%" |[[Image:Backpack_Disguise_Kit.png‎|100px|link=http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/76561198019913871 TF2 stats]]
|style="width:16%" |[[Image:Backpack_Disguise_Kit.png‎|100px|link=http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/76561198019913871|TF2 stats]]
|style="width:20%" |[[Image:Buff_Banner_Buffpack.png|46px|link=http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561198019913871 TF2 backpack]]
|style="width:16%" |[[Image:Buff_Banner_Buffpack.png|46px|link=http://optf2.com/user/tturbo|TF2 backpack]]
|style="width:20%" |[http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019913871|Steam profile]
|style="width:16%" |[http://steamcommunity.com/id/tturbo Steam profile]
|style="width:20%" |[[User talk:Tturbo|Talk page]]
|style="width:16%" |[[User talk:Tturbo|Talk page]]
|style="width:20%" |[[User:Tturbo/Translation|Translations]]
|style="width:16%" |[[User:Tturbo/Translation|Translations]]
|style="width:20%" |[http://www.youtube.com/user/Tturb0 YouTube channel]
|style="width:16%" |[http://www.youtube.com/user/Tturb0 YouTube channel]
|style="width:20%" |[http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/76561198019913871 TF2 stats]
|style="width:16%" |[http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/76561198019913871 TF2 stats]
|style="width:20%" |[http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561198019913871 TF2 backpack]
|style="width:16%" |[http://optf2.com/user/tturbo TF2 backpack]
Line 24: Line 32:
== About me ==
== About me ==
This is it, I'm finally thinking about updating that description. It wasn't touched since September 2010, so it was really getting old. <br> I'm a TF Wiki [[Help:Group_rights|Moderator]] and an (officially important) French translator, I'm working on the [http://translation.steampowered.com/ STS] too, I now know the way the wiki works and if I fail I can always find help and advice on  [[Team_Fortress_Wiki:IRC|IRC]] (and so should you). I'm sadly still a complete noob in-game, but you should watch your back better, before you're [[Spy#Bio|express mailed to Mystery, Alaska]].<br>
I'm French (Yes a real [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=frenchie frenchie]. From France!), living in Canada, born in 1990 and I play mainly the spy, some Medic and Pyro, or occasionally some Soldier.<br>
To know more about me, I'm always open to playing a game with anyone, and then perhaps adding you to my friend list (but not the other way around, because I've been diagnosed as a [http://kotaku.com/5536039/the-personality-disorders-of-team-fortress-2 Paranoid schizophrenic and Compulsive Liar]). Seriously, I'm paranoid, I don't add people I don't know.
{{Kill notice|extend=yes|killer=Tturbo|victim=Community Honored Friend|weapon=backstab|width=35%}}
{{Kill notice|extend=yes|killer=Jealousy|victim=Stoopid|weapon=frontier justice|width=30%}}
{| padding=0.5em align=center
| <center> FTW Name ! </center>
| {{Backpack item
| item-name = Wiki Cap
| custom-name = The Editor's Elegance
| quality = Community
| item-level = Level 20 Hat
| width = 250px;
| <center> The first autograph ever </center>
| <center><sub><sub><sub>(lots of people have did it too, but it was my idea !)</sub></sub></sub></center>
| {{Backpack item
| width = 250px
| item-name = Dalokohs Bar
| custom-name = Vintage Autographed Dalokohs Bar
| quality = Vintage
| item-level = Level 1 Lunch Box
| att-1-neutral = Date Recieved: February 4, 2011 (15:16:43 GMT)
| att-2-positive = Gift from: {Benjamoose} The ThunderMoose
This is it, now I'm not completely new to the TF Wiki's underworld anymore , I have achieved things, mainly french translation and some talk, so I'm not a complete newbie anymore. Eventhough I still make a lot of mistakes and need help regularly, I know the basics, and I can still call for help on the Wiki IRC. Still it doesn't mean I'm a noob in-game, so you better watch your back before you're [[Spy#Bio|express mailed to Mystery, Alaska]].<br>
== Wikichievements ==
I'm from France, living in Quebec, born in 1990 and I play mainly the spy, that's all you can know about me on this page.<br>
{| style="width: 100%; float: left;" class="wikitable"
To know more about me, I'm always open to playing a game with you then perhaps adding you to my friend list (but not the other way around, because I've been diagnosis:[http://kotaku.com/5536039/the-personality-disorders-of-team-fortress-2 Paranoid schizophrenic and Compulsive Liar]). Seriously, I'm paranoid, I don't add people I don't know, so I need to have played at least once with you, or know you in any other way.<br>
! class="header" width="50%" | Wikichievement
! class="header" width="25%" | Awarded By
! class="header" width="25%" | Date
| {{Achievement notification
| img  = Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png
| title = Show Me Your War Face!
| text  = Create a damn fine user page.}}
| [[User:Ravecrib9t4|Ravecrib9t4]]
| July 19th 2011
{| style="width: 100%; float: left;" class="wikitable"
! class="header" width="50%" | Wikichievement
! class="header" width="25%" | Awarded By
! class="header" width="25%" | Date
| {{Achievement notification
| img  = Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png
| title = Sentry-assisted wiki sapper
| text  = With the help of a [[User:WindBOT|<span style="color:#C8B996; font-weight; bold;">Sentry Gun</span>]], <span class="plainlinks">[http://upload.gaiatools.com/files/tturbo_takes_the_wiki_down_0.png <span style="color:#C8B996; font-weight; bold;">take down the entire wiki with a single edit</span>]</span>.}}
| [[User:WindPower|WindPower]]
| February 28th 2012
== Userbox ==
===This user:===
== Userboxes ==
=== This user : ===
| {{User French}}
| {{User French}}
| {{User Spy}}
| {{User Spy}}
| {{User Retired wiki staff}}
| {{User adlessness}}
| {{User guilty as charged}}
| {{User wiki translator}}
| {{User wiki translator}}
| {{User Game translator|fr}}
| {{User STS|French}}
| {{User Babel|fr|N}}
| {{User Babel|fr|N}}
| {{User Babel|en|4}}
| {{User Babel|en|4}}
| {{User Babel|es|2}}
| {{User Babel|es|1}}
| {{User adlessness}}
| {{User guilty as charged}}
| {{User Wiki age|day=10|month=08|year=2010}}
| {{User Edits|7,200}}
| {{User OPTF2|Tturbo}}
===This gamer:===
=== This gamer : ===
| {{User Wiki Highlander Participant}}
| {{User IRC regular}}
| {{User Backstabber}}
| {{User Backstabber}}
| {{User Knife}}
| {{User:Tturbo/User Old Spy}}
| {{User Spysappinmahsentry}}
=== This... else ===
|{{User:Lhavelund/User Wiki Cap}}
| <center>''And Yet''</center>
| {{User Wiki Cap}}
| {{User:Firestorm/Template:User Takeover}}
| {{User Orange Box}}
| {{User HL2}}
| {{User Portal}}
| {{User Portal2}}
| {{User Highlander Participant}}
| {{Template:User_Christmas_Song}}
| {{User TF2 junky}}
| {{User TF2 total time|310}}
| {{User TF2 total achievements|300}}
== Translations ==
== Creations ==
It's that way: <b>[[User:Tturbo/Translation|Tturbo's Translation]]</b>
{{Columns | colwidth = 50%
| col1 =
* '''[[User:Tturbo/Translation|Tturbo's Translation]]'''
* '''[[User:Tturbo/Signature|Signature]]'''
| col2 =
* [[User:Tturbo/User_Old_Spy| User Spy the Old Way]]
* [[User:Tturbo/User Backburned| User Backburned]]
* [[User:Tturbo/User_Veneration| User Veneration]] <small>(Heavy jokes for [[User:Firestorm|Firestorm]])</small>
* [[User:Tturbo/Spamming Hammer| User Spamming Hammer]] <small>(Hammered promise to [[User:Lagg|Lagg]])</small>
* [[Template:User_Steam%2BIndie|Template:User Steam+Indie]] <small>(Everyone use this!)</small>
* [[Template:User_Sapping_Wiki|Template:User Sapping Wiki]]
* [[Template:User_Christmas_Song|Template:User Christmas Song]] <small>(For anyone that [[User:Benjamuffin|Benjamuffin]] named in his song)</small>
== In other News ==
== Where Tturbo shamelessly copycats [[User:Lagg|Lagg]] ==
<small>(All dates will be dd/mm/yyyy format)</small><br>
*<b>(28/08/2010)</b> <br>This is it, my profile is finished! I'd like to thank everybody I <del>stole</del>, <del>borrowed</del> used ideas from, to make it (mainly this means [[User:WindPower|Windpower]] and [[User:Picard|Picard]] and [[User:Daff|Daff]] too a bit).  <br>If you went to watch that my YouTube channel, I know I don't have any TF2 videos, but the very first one will be uploaded REALLY soon (it's ready, I just have to add the annotations).<br>
*<b>(29/08/2010)</b> <br> I'm starting to translate Wiki pages from english into french! TF Wiki's backworld welcome me in!<br>
*<b>(30/08/2010)</b> <br> Just finished translating the Minigun page... I know it has strictly no interest but I'm proud I finaly did something. Well I can add the translator userbox at least now? :D (And I'll calm down on news like these)
*<b>(01/09/2010)</b> <br> Just uploaded my first TF2 video on Youtube, you may take a look at this complete Upward round in my channel.
*<b>(29/09/2010)</b> <br> Uploaded my second TF2 video on Youtube (after multiple Youtube problems and video editing), you can give it a look using the link on this page. This time it's just a short on doing the [[demoman_achievements|Tam O'Shatter achievement]].
*<b>(02/10/2010)</b> <br> The trading system as gorgeous side effects. With another nice player I achieved my biggest esthetic/classy/hatmania dream: The [[Fancy Fedora]]! Gentlemen, the new (elegant) me as arrived!
*<b>(10/10/2010)</b> <br> Well for the binary day, let's post a new TF2 video! You can access this [[Medic]] Walkthrough on [[Coldfront|CP_Coldfront]] in my YouTube Channel (link at the top of this page as always).
==Hat Mania==
<div style="width: 45%; float: left; margin: 10px auto 0 10px;">
<div class="lagg-box">
| bonk helm = Yes
| baker boy = want
| milkman = want
| stash = want
| tyrant = want
| kabuto = yes
| drill hat = want
| lumbricus = want
| medal = want
| pyro beanie = want
| brigade helmet = yes
| rubber glove = want
| brain slug=want
| whiskered gentleman=had
| attendant = want
| stovepipe = want
| hallmark = want
| capotain = yes
| ushanka = want
| hound dog = want
| ten gallon = want
| pickelhaube = had
| tyrolean = yes
| mirror = had
| procedure mask = had
| trophy belt = want
| panama = want
| yellow belt = want
| snaggletooth = want
| fedora = yes
| spy mullet = want
| frenchmans beret = want
| camera beard = had
| fez = want
| halo = want
| gibus = yes
| halloween = want
| towering = want
| earbuds = yes
| parasite = yes
| ellis = yes
| wikicap = want
| badge = mercenary
== Weapons Mania ==
<div class="title-bar">
| lugermorph=no
< [[User:Picard|Picard]]> * Mademoiselle Tturbo, Braaaaaaaains
| black box=want
| battalion's backup=want
| big kill=no
< [[User:WindPower|WindPower]]> It was in your wishlist, I thought of buying it for you without asking beforehand, knowing your french connection...
< [[User:WindPower|WindPower]]> Happy b'day, version 2 (online)
|55230|>25H (with Offline)}}
< [[User:General_coolio|GenCoolio]]> I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Here they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some a big as your head! Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wr-
|102600|15 min (so far)}}
< [[User:AdvanS3b|AdvanS3b]]> A present for you, little bad girl *Ta Da* Uncrafting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... oO a Turbhonauts.
< [[User:WindPower|WindPower]]> Lack of originality, etc.
|110800|None yet}}
< [[User:Seb26|_seb]]> Now is le sebbers turn to gift le gud game to yew also french. also Y U READ GIFT NOTE, hurry up and play game :3
|7670|18H (Mostly offline)}}

Latest revision as of 18:27, 11 July 2020

Right behind you, Gentlemen.
Tturbo on his help to the Wiki

About me

This is it, I'm finally thinking about updating that description. It wasn't touched since September 2010, so it was really getting old.
I'm a TF Wiki Moderator and an (officially important) French translator, I'm working on the STS too, I now know the way the wiki works and if I fail I can always find help and advice on IRC (and so should you). I'm sadly still a complete noob in-game, but you should watch your back better, before you're express mailed to Mystery, Alaska.
I'm French (Yes a real frenchie. From France!), living in Canada, born in 1990 and I play mainly the spy, some Medic and Pyro, or occasionally some Soldier.
To know more about me, I'm always open to playing a game with anyone, and then perhaps adding you to my friend list (but not the other way around, because I've been diagnosed as a Paranoid schizophrenic and Compulsive Liar). Seriously, I'm paranoid, I don't add people I don't know.

Killicon backstab.png
 Community Honored Friend
Killicon frontier justice.png

FTW Name !
Backpack Wiki Cap.png

"The Editor's Elegance"
Level 20 Hat

The first autograph ever
(lots of people have did it too, but it was my idea !)
Backpack Dalokohs Bar.png

"Vintage Autographed Dalokohs Bar"
Level 1 Lunch Box
Date Recieved: February 4, 2011 (15:16:43 GMT)
Gift from: {Benjamoose} The ThunderMoose


Wikichievement Awarded By Date
Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png

Show Me Your War Face!
Create a damn fine user page.

Ravecrib9t4 July 19th 2011
Wikichievement Awarded By Date
Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png

Sentry-assisted wiki sapper
With the help of a Sentry Gun, take down the entire wiki with a single edit.

WindPower February 28th 2012


This user :

Flag France.png This user is French, Gentlemen.
User Spy.png This user is a Spy.
“You know, hiding won’t save you.”
S This user is a retired Team Fortress Wiki staff member.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to French.

Userbox STS.gif This user contributed to the French translations of Steam and Valve games.

fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Heavy Industry.png This user hates adverts and loves Team Fortress Wiki's adlessness.
Tf play game everyclass.png This user can't think of fun things to do with his userpage, so he steals them from others!
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 7 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 6 months, 28 days (since 10 August, 2010).

Tf medic heal under fire.png This user has made over 7,200 edits to the Team Fortress Wiki!
OPTF2 USERBOXIMAGE.png This user prefers to use OPTF2 over other backpack viewing sites.

This gamer :

ETF2L Highlander Tournament Participant Medal.png This user participated in the ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge for the glory of the Wiki!
# This user is a regular on the Team Fortress Wiki IRC channel
Knife ready to Backstab 1st person red.png This user is a Backstabber!
User Tturbo Old Way Spy.png This user still spies the Old Way , and Top-Rating is his only Eternal Reward!

This... else

RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.
And Yet
RED Wiki Cap.png This user owns a Wiki Cap.
World.jpg This user has taken over the Recent changes log
User Tturbo Christmas Wiki.png This user was featured in Benjamuffin's song: "Christmas At the Wiki"!



Where Tturbo shamelessly copycats Lagg

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part I

< Picard> * Mademoiselle Tturbo, Braaaaaaaains

Time consumed : 32.7H

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part II

< WindPower> It was in your wishlist, I thought of buying it for you without asking beforehand, knowing your french connection...

Time consumed : 1H

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part III

< WindPower> Happy b'day, version 2 (online)

Time consumed : >25H (with Offline)

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part IV

< GenCoolio> I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Here they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some a big as your head! Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wr-

Time consumed : 15 min (so far)

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part V

< AdvanS3b> A present for you, little bad girl *Ta Da* Uncrafting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... oO a Turbhonauts.

Time consumed : 15H

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part VI

< WindPower> Lack of originality, etc.

Time consumed : None yet

TF2/Translating Time theft : Part VII

< _seb> Now is le sebbers turn to gift le gud game to yew also french. also Y U READ GIFT NOTE, hurry up and play game :3

Time consumed : 18H (Mostly offline)