Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/spy/you only shiv thrice-title"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/spy for string "you only shiv thrice-title".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/spy for string "you only shiv thrice-title".)
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=You Only Shiv Thrice|ar=يو اونلي ليف تريص|cs=You Only Shiv Thrice|de=Dreistichigkeit|es=Sólo se agoniza tres veces|fr=On ne meurt que trois fois|ja=あいつは知らんが俺は 3 度刺す|ko=세 번의 칼질|nl=De klok tikt|pl=Dźga Się Tylko Trzy Razy|pt=Só se morre três vezes|pt-br=You Only Shiv Thrice|ro=Șindești numai de trei ori|ru=Тройной удар|sv=Man Hugger Bara Tre Gånger|zh-hant=連續背刺|#default=You Only Shiv Thrice}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/spy|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: da, fi, hu, it, no, tr, zh-hans[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/spy/you only shiv thrice-title]]</noinclude>
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=You Only Shiv Thrice|en=You Only Shiv Thrice|ar=يو اونلي ليف تريص|cs=You Only Shiv Thrice|da=Du Stikker Kun Tre Gange|de=Dreistichigkeit|es=Sólo se agoniza tres veces|fi=Viillät vain kolmesti|fr=On ne meurt que trois fois|hu=Hármasban szép a halál|it=Una Pioggia Di Pugnalate|ja=あいつは知らんが俺は 3 度刺す|ko=세번 찌른다|nl=De klok tikt|pl=Dźga Się Tylko Trzy Razy|pt=Só Se Morre Três Vezes|pt-br=Só Se Corta Três Vezes|ro=Șindești numai de trei ori|ru=Убиваешь только трижды|sv=Man Hugger Bara Tre Gånger|tr=Sıraya Dizme|zh-hans=连续背刺|zh-hant=連續背刺}}

Latest revision as of 19:30, 6 November 2022

You Only Shiv Thrice