Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/common strings/seventh annual saxxy awards"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/common strings for string "seventh annual saxxy awards".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/common strings for string "seventh annual saxxy awards".)
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|en=Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|pl=Siódme Coroczne Nagrody Saxxy|pt-br=Sétimo Saxxy Awards|ru=Седьмая ежегодная премия Сакси|tr=Yedinci Geleneksel Saxxy Ödülleri|zh-hans=萨氏金像奖}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|en=Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards|da=Syvende årlige Saxxy-prisudgivning|es=Septima entrega de los premios anuales Saxxy|fi=Seitsemäs vuosittainen Saxxy -palkintogaala|fr=Septième cérémonie annuelle des Saxxys Awards|ko=제7회 연간 Saxxy 어워드|pl=Siódme Coroczne Nagrody Saxxy|pt-br=Sétimo Saxxy Awards|ru=Седьмая ежегодная премия Сакси|tr=Yedinci Geleneksel Saxxy Ödülleri|zh-hans=第七届萨氏年度金像奖|zh-hant=第七屆薩氏金像獎}}

Latest revision as of 05:30, 30 January 2023

Seventh Annual Saxxy Awards