Difference between revisions of "Template:Weapons bodygroup"

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(Added /fr and a couple of missing {{lang}}.)
(26 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:
! colspan="6" style="background:#F3A957;" | {{navbar float|Weapons bodygroup}}{{lang
! colspan="6" style="background:#F3A957;" | {{navbar float|Weapons bodygroup}}{{lang
  | en = List of weapons with bodygroup
  | en = List of weapons with bodygroup
| da = Liste over våben med kropgrupper
| de = Liste der Waffen mit Körpergruppen
| es = Lista de armas con secciones
  | fr = Liste des armes avec bodygroup
  | fr = Liste des armes avec bodygroup
| ja = ボディグループが設定された武器の一覧
| ko = 바디그룹이 적용된 무기 목록
| nl = Lijst van wapens met lichaamsgroep
| no = Liste over våpen med kroppgrupper
| pl = Lista części modelu broni
| pt-br =  Lista de armas com bodygroup
| ru = Список расположения оружия
| sv = Lista med vapen med en kroppsgrupp
| zh-hans = 武器模型的身体区域列表
Line 9: Line 21:
! width=60px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
! width=60px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
  | en = Slot
  | en = Slot
| da = Placering
| de = Slot
| es = Espacio
  | fr = Emplacement
  | fr = Emplacement
| ja = スロット
| ko = 칸
| nl = Positie
| no = Slot
| pl = Slot
| pt-br = Slot
| ru = Слот
| sv = Slot
| zh-hans = 武器栏位
! colspan=2 style="background:#F3A957;" | {{item name|weapon}}
! colspan=2 style="background:#F3A957;" | {{common string|Weapon}}
! width=100px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
! width=100px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
  | en = Group name
  | en = Group name
| da = Gruppenavn
| de = Gruppenname
| es = Nombre de sección
  | fr = Nom du groupe
  | fr = Nom du groupe
| ja = グループ名
| ko = 그룹 이름
| nl = Groepsnaam
| no = Gruppenavn
| pl = Nazwa części
| pt-br = Nome do Grupo
| ru = Название группы
| sv = Gruppnamn
| zh-hans = 区域名称
! width=100px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
! width=100px style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
  | en = Use
  | en = Use
| da = Brug
| de = Nutzung
| es = Uso
  | fr = Utilisation
  | fr = Utilisation
| ja = 用途
| ko = 사용
| nl = Gebruik
| no = Bruk
| pl = Użycie
| pt-br = Uso
| ru = Использует
| sv = Använding
| zh-hans = 应用对象
|- <!-- Pyro -->
|- <!-- Pyro -->
Line 25: Line 73:
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Flare Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Flare Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Detonator|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Detonator|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | Shell
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| en = Shell
| da = Skalden
| de = Hülse
| es = Cartucho
| fr = Fusée
| ja = 薬莢
| ko = 탄환
| nl = Lichtkogel
| no = Skall
| pl = Nabój
| pt-br = Bala
| ru = Патроны
| sv = Skott
| zh-hans = 弹药
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = The projectile
  | en = The projectile
| da = Projektilet
| de = Das Projektil
| es = El proyectil
  | fr = Le projectile
  | fr = Le projectile
| ja = 投射物
| ko = 투사체
| nl = Het projectiel
| no = Prosjektilen
| pl = Pocisk
| pt-br = O projétil
| ru = Снаряд
| sv = Projektilen
| zh-hans = 飞行物
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Flare Gun}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Flare Gun}}
Line 38: Line 113:
| colspan=2 width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Scorch Shot}}
| colspan=2 width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Scorch Shot}}
|- <!-- Demoman -->
|- <!-- Demoman -->
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | '''{{class link|demoman|br=yes}}'''
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{class link|demoman|br=yes}}'''
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|primary}}
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|primary}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Grenade Launcher|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Grenade Launcher|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Loch-n-Load|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Loch-n-Load|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | Reload
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| en = Reload
| da = Genladning
| de = Nachladen
| es = Recarga
| fr = Rechargement
| ja = リロード
| ko = 재장전
| nl = Herladen
| no = Gjenladning
| pl = Przeładowanie
| pt-br = Recarregamento
| ru = Перезарядка
| sv = Omladdning
| zh-hans = 装填
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = The projectile
  | en = The projectile
| da = Projektilet
| de = Das Projektil
| es = El proyectil
  | fr = Le projectile
  | fr = Le projectile
| ja = 投射物
| ko = 투사체
| nl = Het projectiel
| no = Prosjektilen
| pl = Pocisk
| pt-br = O projétil
| ru = Снаряд
| sv = Projektilen
| zh-hans = 飞行物
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Grenade Launcher}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Grenade Launcher}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Loch-n-Load}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Loch-n-Load}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Loose Cannon|63px}}
| width=128px class="gold" | {{icon item|Loose Cannon|63px}}
| width=128px class="gold" | {{icon item|Iron Bomber|63px}}
| colspan=2 width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Loose Cannon}}
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|melee}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Loose Cannon}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Bottle|63px}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Iron Bomber}}
| rowspan=2 | Fragment
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| en = When it breaks
| fr = Lorsqu'elle se casse
| colspan=2 width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Bottle}}
|- <!-- Heavy -->
|- <!-- Heavy -->
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{class link|heavy|br=yes}}'''
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{class link|heavy|br=yes}}'''
Line 69: Line 164:
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Sandvich|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Sandvich|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Dalokohs Bar|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Dalokohs Bar|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | Bite
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| en = Bite
| da = Bid
| de = Biss
| es = Mordida
| fr = Morsure
| ja = かじった跡
| ko = 베어먹은 자국
| no = Bit
| pl = Ugryzienie
| pt-br = Mordida
| ru = Укус
| sv = Bit
| zh-hans = 咬痕
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = To add a bite mark
  | en = To add a bite mark
| da = For at tilføje et bidemærke
| de = Anzeige des Bisses
| es = Para añadir una marca de mordisco
  | fr = Pour ajouter une marque de morsure
  | fr = Pour ajouter une marque de morsure
| ja = かじった跡をつけるため
| ko = 베어먹은 자국을 추가하기 위해
| nl = Om een hap uit het eten te laten zien
| no = For å legge til et bitemerke
| pl = Pozostawia ślad ugryzienia
| pt-br = Para adicionar uma marca de mordida
| ru = Оставляет след от укуса
| sv = Lägger till ett bitmärke
| zh-hans = 添加咬痕
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Sandvich}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Sandvich}}
Line 88: Line 209:
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Medi Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Medi Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | Hose
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| en = Hose
| da = Slange
| de = Schlauch
| es = Manguera
| fr = Tuyau
| ja = ホース
| ko = 호스
| nl = Slang
| no = Slange
| pl = Wąż
| pt-br = Mangueira
| ru = Шланг
| sv = Slang
| zh-hans = 软管
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = To remove the hose on death
  | en = To remove the hose on death
| da = For at fjerne slangen ved død
| de = Entfernung des Schlauchs beim Tod
| es = Para remover la manguera al morir
  | fr = Pour supprimer le tube lors de la mort
  | fr = Pour supprimer le tube lors de la mort
| ja = 死亡時にホースを削除するため
| ko = 죽었을 때 호스를 제거하기 위해
| nl = Om bij het sterven de slang te doen verdwijnen
| no = For å fjerne slangen ved død
| pl = Usuwa wąż w przypadku śmierci
| pt-br = Para remover a mangueira após a morte
| ru = Убирает шланг в случае смерти игрока
| sv = Att ta bort slangen vid död
| zh-hans = 于死亡时移除软管
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Medi Gun}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Medi Gun}}
Line 105: Line 253:
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | '''{{class link|sniper|br=yes}}'''
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | '''{{class link|sniper|br=yes}}'''
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|primary}}
| width=80px style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|primary}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Huntsman|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Huntsman|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | Arrow
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Fortified Compound|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| en = Arrow
| da = Pil
| de = Pfeil
| es = Flecha
| fr = Flèche
| ja = 矢
| ko = 활
| nl = Pijl
| no = Pil
| pl = Strzała
| pt-br = Flexa
| ru = Стрела
| sv = Pil
| zh-hans = 箭矢
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = The projectile
  | en = The projectile
| da = Projektilet
| de = Das Projektil
| es = El proyectil
  | fr = Le projectile
  | fr = Le projectile
| ja = 投射物
| ko = 투사체
| nl = Het projectiel
| no = Prosjektilen
| pl = Pocisk
| pt-br = O projétil
| ru = Снаряд
| sv = Projektilen
| zh-hans = 飞行物
| colspan=2 width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Huntsman}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Huntsman}}
| width=128px class="nameplate" | {{item link|Fortified Compound}}
| width=40px style="background:#ffbd7e;" colspan=2 | '''{{lang
| width=40px style="background:#ffbd7e;" colspan=2 | '''{{common string|itt note}}'''
  | en = Note
  | ar = ملاحظات
  | cs = Poznámka
  | da = Bemærk
  | de = Notiz
  | es = Nota
  | fi = Huomautus
  | fr = Note
  | it = Nota
  | ko = 주석
  | nl = Opmerkingen
  | pl = Uwagi
  | pt= Nota
  | pt-br = Nota
  | ru = Примечание
  | sv = Noteringar
  | zh-hant = 備註
| colspan=4 style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |  
| colspan=4 style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |  
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = Includes [[Festive weapons|Festive]] and [[Botkiller weapons|Botkiller]] variants.
  | en = Includes [[Festive weapons|Festive]], [[Botkiller weapons|Botkiller]] and [[Australium weapons|Australium]] variants.
  | fr = Inclut les variantes [[Festive weapon/fr|Festive]] et [[Botkiller weapons/fr|Tueuse de robots]].
| da = Inkluderer [[Festive weapons/da|Festlige]], [[Botkiller weapons/da|Botkiller]] og [[Australium weapons/da|Australium]] varianter.
| de = Beinhaltet [[Festive weapons/de|Festliche]] und [[Botkiller weapons/de|Botkiller]]-Varianten.
| es = Incluye variantes [[Festive weapons/es|Festivas]] y [[Botkiller weapons/es|Matabots]].
  | fr = Inclut les variantes [[Festive weapons/fr|Festive]] et [[Botkiller weapons/fr|Tueuse de robots]].
| ja =  [[Festive weapons/ja|フェスティブ]]版および[[Botkiller weapons/ja|ボットキラー]]版、[[Australium weapons/ja|オーストラリウム]]版を含む
| ko = [[Festive weapons/ko|축제장식]], [[Botkiller weapons/ko|봇 파괴용]]과 [[Australium weapons/ko|오스트레일륨]] 버전도 포함합니다.
| nl = Inclusief [[Festive weapons/nl|Feestelijke]]- en [[Botkiller weapons/nl|Botkiller]]varianten.
| no = Inkluderer [[Festive weapons/no|Festive]], [[Botkiller weapons/no|Botkiller]] og [[Australium weapons/no|Australium]] varianter.
| pl = Dotyczy również wariantów [[Festive weapons/pl|świątecznych]], [[Botkiller weapons/pl|robobójcy]] i [[Australium weapons/pl|australium]].
| pt-br = Inclúi variantes [[Festive weapons/pt-br|Festivas]] e [[Botkiller weapons/pt-br|Anti-Robôs]]
| ru = Включает в себя варианты [[Festive weapons/ru|Фестивального]] оружия и оружия [[Botkiller weapons/ru|Ботоубийцы]].
| sv = Inkluderar [[Festive weapons/sv|Festiva]] och [[Botkiller weapons/sv|botkiller]] varianter.
| zh-hans = 包括以上物品的[[Festive weapons/zh-hans|节日版本]],[[Botkiller weapons/zh-hans|机器人毁灭者版本]]与[[Australium weapons/zh-hans|澳元素版本]]。
{{translation switching|en, fr}}
{{translation switching|en, da, de, es, fr, ja, ko, no, pl, pt-br, ru, sv, zh-hans}}

Latest revision as of 10:54, 23 July 2023

List of weapons with bodygroup
Class Slot Weapon Group name Use
Secondary Flare Gun Detonator Shell The projectile
Flare Gun Detonator
Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
Primary Grenade Launcher Loch-n-Load Reload The projectile
Grenade Launcher Loch-n-Load
Loose Cannon Iron Bomber
Loose Cannon Iron Bomber
Secondary Sandvich Dalokohs Bar Bite To add a bite mark
Sandvich Dalokohs Bar
Buffalo Steak Sandvich Robo-Sandvich
Buffalo Steak Sandvich Robo-Sandvich
Secondary Medi Gun Kritzkrieg Hose To remove the hose on death
Medi Gun Kritzkrieg
Quick-Fix Vaccinator
Quick-Fix Vaccinator
Primary Huntsman Fortified Compound Arrow The projectile
Huntsman Fortified Compound