Difference between revisions of "Template:Scream Fortress 2021 Unusual effects"

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(going through all effect templates and ordering unusual effects as they are actually ordered in the game files, to help people find effects more easily at a glance)
m (Added Romanian translation)
(7 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable collapsible" width="100%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
{| class="wikitable collapsible" width="100%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding="2"
! class="header" colspan="7"|{{lang
! class="header" colspan="7"|{{lang
  | en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} Unusual effects
  | en = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} Unusual effects
| de = Ungewöhnliche {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} Effekte
  | es = Lista de efectos inusuales del {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | es = Lista de efectos inusuales del {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | pl = Lista nietypowych efektów aktualizacji {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | fr = Liste des effets inhabituels de {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| it = Lista di effetti insoliti di {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| ja = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}アンユージュアルエフェクトの一覧
| ko = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} 범상찮은 효과 목록
| pl = Lista nietypowych efektów aktualizacji Scream Fortress 2021
  | pt = Efeitos Inusuais do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | pt = Efeitos Inusuais do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
| ro = Efecte Neobișnuite din {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | ru = Список эффектов необычного типа, добавленных в обновлении {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | ru = Список эффектов необычного типа, добавленных в обновлении {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}}
  | zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} 稀有特效列表
  | zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2021}} 稀有特效列表
Line 11: Line 17:
| rowspan="6" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic effects}}
| rowspan="7" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e" | {{common string|Cosmetic effects}}
| [[File:Unusual Tempered Thorns.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Tempered Thorns.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Devilish Diablo.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Devilish Diablo.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Severed Serration.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Severed Serration.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Shrieking Shades.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Shrieking Shades.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Restless Wraiths_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Restless Wraiths RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Restless Wraiths_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Restless Wraiths BLU.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Tempered Thorns}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Tempered Thorns}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Devilish Diablo}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Devilish Diablo}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Severed Serration}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Severed Serration}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Shrieking Shades}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Shrieking Shades}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Restless Wraiths}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| {{common strings|RED}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Restless Wraiths}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| {{common strings|BLU}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Restless Wraiths}}
| [[File:Unusual Infernal Wraith.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Infernal Wraith.png|128px|center]]
Line 33: Line 41:
| [[File:Unusual Ominous Stare.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Ominous Stare.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Wraith}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Infernal Wraith}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Phantom Crown}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Phantom Crown}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Specter}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Ancient Specter}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Viridescent Peeper}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Viridescent Peeper}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eyes of Molten}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Eyes of Molten}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ominous Stare}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Ominous Stare}}
| [[File:Unusual Pumpkin Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Pumpkin Moon.png|128px|center]]
Line 45: Line 53:
| [[File:Unusual Energetic Haunter.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Energetic Haunter.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Pumpkin Moon}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Pumpkin Moon}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frantic Spooker}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Frantic Spooker}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frightened Poltergeist}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Frightened Poltergeist}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Energetic Haunter}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Energetic Haunter}}
| rowspan="6" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunt effects}}
| rowspan="7" width="10%" style="background-color:#ffbd7e" | {{common string|Taunt effects}}
| [[File:Unusual Spectral Shackles.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Spectral Shackles.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Cursed Confinement.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Cursed Confinement.png|128px|center]]
Line 58: Line 66:
| [[File:Unusual Magic Shuffle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Magic Shuffle.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Spectral Shackles}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Spectral Shackles}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cursed Confinement}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Cursed Confinement}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cavalier de Carte}} ({{common strings|RED}})
| {{common string|RED}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cavalier de Carte}} ({{common strings|BLU}})
| {{common string|BLU}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hollow Flourish}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Hollow Flourish}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magic Shuffle}}
| width="128px" rowspan="2" | {{item name|Magic Shuffle}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Cavalier de Carte}}
| [[File:Unusual Vigorous Pulse.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Vigorous Pulse.png|128px|center]]
Line 72: Line 82:
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Borealis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Borealis.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Vigorous Pulse}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Vigorous Pulse}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Thundering Spirit}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Thundering Spirit}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Galvanic Defiance}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Galvanic Defiance}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wispy Halos}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Wispy Halos}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Wisps}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Nether Wisps}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Borealis}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Aurora Borealis}}
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Australis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Australis.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Polaris.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual Aurora Polaris.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Australis}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Aurora Australis}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Aurora Polaris}}
| width="128px" | {{item name|Aurora Polaris}}
{{translation switching|en, es, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pl, pt, pt-br, ro, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}

Revision as of 12:22, 25 September 2023

Scream Fortress XIII Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Tempered Thorns.png
Unusual Devilish Diablo.png
Unusual Severed Serration.png
Unusual Shrieking Shades.png
Unusual Restless Wraiths RED.png
Unusual Restless Wraiths BLU.png
Tempered Thorns Devilish Diablo Severed Serration Shrieking Shades RED BLU
Restless Wraiths
Unusual Infernal Wraith.png
Unusual Phantom Crown.png
Unusual Ancient Specter.png
Unusual Viridescent Peeper.png
Unusual Eyes of Molten.png
Unusual Ominous Stare.png
Infernal Wraith Phantom Crown Ancient Specter Viridescent Peeper Eyes of Molten Ominous Stare
Unusual Pumpkin Moon.png
Unusual Frantic Spooker.png
Unusual Frightened Poltergeist.png
Unusual Energetic Haunter.png
Pumpkin Moon Frantic Spooker Frightened Poltergeist Energetic Haunter
Taunt effects
Unusual Spectral Shackles.png
Unusual Cursed Confinement.png
Unusual Cavalier de Carte RED.png
Unusual Cavalier de Carte BLU.png
Unusual Hollow Flourish.png
Unusual Magic Shuffle.png
Spectral Shackles Cursed Confinement RED BLU Hollow Flourish Magic Shuffle
Cavalier de Carte
Unusual Vigorous Pulse.png
Unusual Thundering Spirit.png
Unusual Galvanic Defiance.png
Unusual Wispy Halos.png
Unusual Nether Wisps.png
Unusual Aurora Borealis.png
Vigorous Pulse Thundering Spirit Galvanic Defiance Wispy Halos Nether Wisps Aurora Borealis
Unusual Aurora Australis.png
Unusual Aurora Polaris.png
Aurora Australis Aurora Polaris