Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items/circling tf logo"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "circling tf logo".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "circling tf logo".)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Circling TF Logo|en=Circling TF Logo|bg=Въртящо се лого на TF|cs=Circling TF Logo|da=Cirklende TF-logo|de=Kreisendes TF-Logo|es=Logotipo de TF giratorio|fi=Kiertävä TF-logo|fr=Logo TF tournant|hu=Keringő TF logó|it=Logo di TF rotante|ja=回転する TF ロゴ|ko=회전하는 TF 로고|nl=Rondwentelend TF-logo|no=Kretsende TF-logo|pl=Wirujące logo TF|pt=Logo do TF Rotativo|pt-br=Logo do TF circulante|ro=Circling TF Logo|ru=Кружащийся логотип TF|sv=Cirklande TF-Logga|th=Circling TF Logo|tr=Daireler çizen TF Logosu|uk=Кружляючий логотип TF|zh-hans=旋转TF徽标(Circling TF Logo)|zh-hant=絕地要塞圖示}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Circling TF Logo|en=Circling TF Logo|da=Cirklende TF-logo|de=Kreisendes TF-Logo|es=Logotipo de TF giratorio|fi=Kiertävä TF-logo|fr=Logo TF tournant|hu=Keringő TF logó|it=Logo di TF rotante|ja=回転する TF ロゴ|ko=회전하는 TF 로고|nl=Rondwentelend TF-logo|no=Kretsende TF-logo|pl=Wirujące logo TF|pt=Logo do TF Rotativo|pt-br=Logo do TF circulante|ru=Кружащийся логотип TF|sv=Cirklande TF-Logga|tr=Daireler çizen TF Logosu|zh-hans=旋转TF徽标(Circling TF Logo)|zh-hant=絕地要塞圖示}}

Revision as of 01:33, 20 October 2023

Circling TF Logo