Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy/crime and punishment-desc"
< Template:Dictionary | achievements | heavy
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy for string "crime and punishment-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/heavy for string "crime and punishment-desc".) |
(17 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill 10 enemies carrying your [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|intelligence]].|en=Kill 10 enemies carrying your [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|intelligence]].|ar=قتل 10 أعداء تحمل [[الإينتيلليجينس]].|cs=Zabij 10 nepřátel odnášejících vaši inteligenci.|de=Töten Sie 10 Gegner, die im Besitz Ihres Geheimmaterials sind.|es= | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill 10 enemies carrying your [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|intelligence]].|en=Kill 10 enemies carrying your [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|intelligence]].|ar=قتل 10 أعداء تحمل [[الإينتيلليجينس]].|cs=Zabij 10 nepřátel odnášejících vaši [[Intelligence/cs|inteligenci]].|da=Dræb 10 fjender, der bærer rundt på dit holds [[Intelligence/da|efterretninger]].|de=Töten Sie 10 Gegner, die im Besitz Ihres [[Intelligence/de|Geheimmaterials]] sind.|es=Mata a 10 enemigos que se estén llevando tu [[Intelligence/es|dosier]].|fi=Tapa 10 vihollista, jotka kuljettavat [[intelligence/fi|salkkuasi]].|fr=Tuez 10 ennemis transportant vos [[Intelligence/fr|documents]].|hu=Ölj meg 10 ellenséget, aki a [[intelligence/hu|táskátokkal]] próbálna meg eliszkolni.|it=Uccidi 10 nemici che trasportano i tuoi [[Intelligence/it|segreti]].|ja=味方の[[Intelligence/ja|機密情報]]を持っている敵を 10 人倒す。|ko=아군의 [[Intelligence/ko|기밀 서류 가방]]을 탈취한 적군 10명을 처치하십시오.|nl=Dood 10 vijanden die met jouw [[Intelligence/nl|inlichtingen]] rondlopen.|no=Drep 10 fiender som bærer på [[Intelligence/no|etterretningen]] din.|pl=Zabij 10 przeciwników niosących twoje [[intelligence/pl|tajne materiały]].|pt=Mata 10 inimigos que estejam a transportar as [[Intelligence/pt|informações secretas]] da tua equipa.|pt-br=Mate 10 inimigos carregando a sua [[intelligence/pt-br|inteligência]].|ro=Omoară 10 adversari care cară [[Intelligence/ro|inteligența]].|ru=Убейте 10 врагов, уносящих ваши [[intelligence/ru|разведданные]].|sv=Döda 10 fiender som bär på din [[Capture the Flag/sv#Intelligens|information]].|tr=[[Intelligence/tr|İstihbaratınızı]] taşıyan 10 düşmanı öldür.|zh-hans=杀死 10 个拿着你方[[Intelligence/zh-hans|情报]]的敌人。|zh-hant=殺死 10 名帶著己方[[Intelligence/zh-hant|情報]]的敵人。}} |
Latest revision as of 22:00, 3 February 2024
Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence.