Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier/bombs away!-desc"
< Template:Dictionary | achievements | soldier
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier for string "bombs away!-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier for string "bombs away!-desc".) |
(15 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill 3 people with the [[Air Strike]] during a single rocket jump|en=Kill 3 people with the [[Air Strike]] during a single rocket jump|de=Töten Sie mit dem [[Air Strike/de|Luftangriff]] 3 Gegner während eines einzelnen Raketensprungs.|es=Mata a 3 personas con el Ataque Aéreo durante un solo salto con cohete.|zh-hant=於單次火箭跳躍中以[[Air Strike/zh-hant|空襲火箭]]殺死三名敵人。}} | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill 3 people with the [[Air Strike]] during a single rocket jump.|en=Kill 3 people with the [[Air Strike]] during a single rocket jump.|da=Dræb 3 spillere med [[Air Strike/da|Air Strike]] i løbet af ét rakethop.|de=Töten Sie mit dem [[Air Strike/de|Luftangriff]] 3 Gegner während eines einzelnen Raketensprungs.|es=Mata a 3 personas con el Ataque Aéreo durante un solo salto con cohete.|fi=Tapa 3 vihollista [[Air Strike/fi|Ilmatuella]] yhden rakettihypyn aikana.|fr=Tuez 3 ennemis avec la frappe aérienne durant un seul saut propulsé.|it=Uccidi tre nemici con il {{item link|Air Strike}} durante un singolo salto-razzo.|ko=한 번의 로켓 점프 도중에 [[Air Strike/ko|공중 폭격포]]를 사용하여 3명의 적을 죽이십시오.|pl=Przy pomocy [[Air Strike/pl|Ataku Powietrznego]] zabij 3 ludzi podczas jednego skoku na rakiecie.|pt=Mata 3 pessoas com o [[Air Strike/pt|Ataque Aéreo]] durante um único salto com rocket.|pt-br=Mate 3 pessoas com o [[Air Strike/pt-br|Ataque Aéreo]] em um único salto com foguete.|ru=Убейте из [[Air Strike/ru|Авиаудара]] троих игроков во время одного прыжка на ракете.|sv=Döda 3 personer med [[Air Strike/sv|Luftangreppet]] under ett enda rakethopp.|tr=Tek bir roket zıplamasında 3 kişiyi [[Air Strike/tr|Hava Saldırısı]] ile öldür.|zh-hans=使用[[Air Strike/zh-hans|空袭火箭筒]],在一次火箭跳之内,杀死 3 名敌人。|zh-hant=於單次火箭跳躍中以[[Air Strike/zh-hant|空襲火箭]]殺死三名敵人。}} |
Latest revision as of 13:30, 26 June 2024
Kill 3 people with the Air Strike during a single rocket jump.