Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry/dead heat-desc"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "dead heat-desc".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "dead heat-desc".)
(19 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures.|en=Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures.|fr=Jouez une partie où les points de contrôle sont capturés 15 fois.|pt-br=Jogue uma batalha vai-e-vem por 15 capturas de pontos de controle.|ru=Сыграйте раунд, в котором произойдет 15 захватов контрольных точек.|zh-hant=進行單一回合遊戲中出現十五次的成功佔點。}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 [[Control point (objective)|control point]] captures.|en=Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 [[Control point (objective)|control point]] captures.|cs=Hraj kolo na mapě cp_foundry, během kterého se zabere celkem 15 [[Control point (objective)/cs|kontrolních bodů]].|da=Spil gennem en frem-og-tilbage-kamp for 15 [[Control point (objective)/da|kontrolpunkt]]-erobringer.|de=Kämpfen Sie so lange hin und her, bis 15 [[Control point (objective)/de|Kontrollpunkte]] erobert wurden.|es=Participa en una batalla de tira y afloja en la que intervengan 15 capturas de [[Control point (objective)/es|puntos]].|fi=Suunnista edestakaisin taistelukentällä kerätäksesi yhteensä 15 pisteenvaltausta yhdessä erässä.|fr=Jouez tout le long d'une bataille de va-et-vient comportant 15 [[Control point (objective)/fr|captures de points]] de contrôle.|hu=Egy adok-kapok csata során érj el 15 [[Control point (objective)/hu|ellenőrzőpont]]-foglalást.|it=Gioca una battaglia estenuante in cui vengono catturati i [[Control point (objective)/it|punti di controllo]] per almeno 15 volte.|ja=互角の戦いで 15 の[[Control point (objective)/ja|コントロールポイント]]を奪取するまでプレイする|ko=[[Control point (objective)/ko|점령 지점을]] 15번씩 빼앗기고 되찾는 전투를 펼치십시오.|nl=Speel een schommelend gevecht met 15 [[Control point (objective)/nl|controlepostveroveringen]].|no=Spill gjennom en frem-og-tilbake-kamp for 15 erobringer av [[Control point (objective)/no|kontrollpunktet]].|pl=Rozegraj rundę, w której obie drużyny dokonają łącznie 15 przejęć [[Control point (objective)/pl|punktów kontrolnych]].|pt=Joga numa partida renhida em que foram capturados pelo menos 15 [[Control point (objective)/pt|pontos de controlo]].|pt-br=Trave uma batalha de capturas alternadas por 15 [[Control point (objective)/pt-br|capturas]].|ro=Joacă o bătălie de du-te-vino de-a lungul a 15 capturi de [[Control point (objective)/ro|puncte de control]].|ru=Сыграйте раунд, в котором произойдет 15 захватов [[Control point (objective)/ru|контрольных точек]].|sv=Spela igenom en fram-och-tillbaka-match med 15 [[Control points/sv|kontrollpunktserövringar]].|tr=15 defa [[Control point (objective)/tr|kontrol noktası]] ele geçirilen çekişmeli bir raunt oyna.|zh-hans=在一局游戏中,两方共占领[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|据点]]15次而未分胜负。|zh-hant=進行單一回合遊戲中出現十五次的成功[[Control point (objective)/zh-hant|佔點]]。}}

Latest revision as of 10:30, 1 July 2024

Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures.