Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements/balls-e-desc"
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements for string "balls-e-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements for string "balls-e-desc".) |
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) | |||
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Destroy the [[Tank Robot|tank]] during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.|en=Destroy the [[Tank Robot|tank]] during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.|cs=Znič [[Tank Robot/cs|tank]] během posledních sekund před výbuchem bomby.|da=Ødelæg en [[Tank Robot/da|tank]] få sekunder før dens bombe udløses.|de=Zerstören Sie den [[Tank Robot/de|Panzer]] in den letzten Sekunden der Bombenplatzierung.|es=Destruye el [[Tank Robot/es|tanque]] en los últimos segundos de la colocación de la bomba.|fi=Tuhoa [[Tank Robot/fi|tankki]] viimeisillä sekunneilla ennen pommin putoamista.|fr=Détruisez le [[Tank Robot/fr|tank]] pendant les ultimes secondes du déploiement de la bombe.|hu=Pusztítsd el a [[Tank Robot/hu|tankot]] a bomba telepítésének utolsó másodperceiben.|ko=[[Tank Robot/ko|전차]]가 폭탄을 떨어트리려는 순간에 파괴하십시오.|pl=Zniszcz [[Tank Robot/pl|czołg]] w ostatnich sekundach odliczania do detonacji.|pt-br=Destrua o [[Tank Robot/pt-br|tanque]] nos segundos finais da implantação da bomba.|ru=Уничтожьте [[Tank Robot/ru|танк]] в те последние секунды, когда он устанавливает бомбу.|zh-hant=在坦克設置炸彈完成前的最後幾秒摧毀[[Tank Robot/zh-hant|坦克]]。}} | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Destroy the [[Tank Robot|tank]] during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.|en=Destroy the [[Tank Robot|tank]] during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.|cs=Znič [[Tank Robot/cs|tank]] během posledních sekund před výbuchem bomby.|da=Ødelæg en [[Tank Robot/da|tank]] få sekunder før dens bombe udløses.|de=Zerstören Sie den [[Tank Robot/de|Panzer]] in den letzten Sekunden der Bombenplatzierung.|es=Destruye el [[Tank Robot/es|tanque]] en los últimos segundos de la colocación de la bomba.|fi=Tuhoa [[Tank Robot/fi|tankki]] viimeisillä sekunneilla ennen pommin putoamista.|fr=Détruisez le [[Tank Robot/fr|tank]] pendant les ultimes secondes du déploiement de la bombe.|hu=Pusztítsd el a [[Tank Robot/hu|tankot]] a bomba telepítésének utolsó másodperceiben.|it=Distruggi il [[Tank Robot/it|carro armato]] poco prima che riesca a detonare la bomba.|ja=爆弾が配置される最後の瞬間に戦車を破壊する。|ko=[[Tank Robot/ko|전차]]가 폭탄을 떨어트리려는 순간에 파괴하십시오.|nl=Vernietig de [[Tank Robot/nl|tank]] tijdens de laatste paar seconden dat de bom geplaatst wordt.|no=Ødelegg [[Tank Robot/no|panservognen]] i løpet av de siste sekundene før bomben blir armert.|pl=Zniszcz [[Tank Robot/pl|czołg]] w ostatnich sekundach odliczania do detonacji.|pt=Destrói um [[Tank Robot/pt|tanque]] durante os últimos segundos antes da sua bomba ser ativada.|pt-br=Destrua o [[Tank Robot/pt-br|tanque]] nos segundos finais da implantação da bomba.|ro=Distruge [[Tank Robot/ro|tancul]] în ultimele secunde în timp ce bomba este lansată.|ru=Уничтожьте [[Tank Robot/ru|танк]] в те последние секунды, когда он устанавливает бомбу.|sv=Förstör [[Tank Robot/sv|pansarvagnen]] under de sista sekundera då bomben håller på att utplaceras.|tr=Bir [[Tank Robot/tr|tankı]] bomba bırakmak üzere olduğu son saniyeler içerisinde yok et.|zh-hans=在[[Tank Robot/zh-hans|坦克]]即将完成炸弹部署时将其摧毁。|zh-hant=在坦克設置炸彈完成前的最後幾秒摧毀[[Tank Robot/zh-hant|坦克]]。}} |
Latest revision as of 14:30, 1 July 2024
Destroy the tank during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.