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== Tournament Medals ==
== Tournament medals ==
# TF_TournamentMedal_Empty
=== Asia BBall Cup ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_GWJ_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_1st
asia bball cup 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_2nd
  en: Asia BBall Cup 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_3rd
  cs: Asia BBall Cup 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_4th
  da: 1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant
  de: Asia BBall Cup – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroPlatinum
  es: Primer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroSilver
  fi: Voittaja - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroIron
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_EuroParticipant
  hu: Asia BBall Cup első helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_1st
  it: Asia BBall Cup - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_2nd
  nl: Asia BBall Cup - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_3rd
  no: Asia BBall Cup – Førsteplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Platinum_Participant
  pl: Asia BBall Cup – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_1st
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_2nd
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_3rd
  ro: Asia BBall Cup 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Gold_Participant
  ru: Первое место в Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_1st
  sv: Asia BBall Cup – Förstaplats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_2nd
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Birincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_3rd
  zh-hans: 亚洲 BBall 杯冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Main_Participant
  zh-hant: Asia BBall Cup 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_3rd
asia bball cup 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Silver_Participant
  en: Asia BBall Cup 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_1st
  cs: Asia BBall Cup 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_2nd
  da: 2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_3rd
  de: Asia BBall Cup – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Steel_Participant
  es: Segundo Puesto de Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_1st
  fi: Toinen sija - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_2nd
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_3rd
  hu: Asia BBall Cup második helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Iron_Participant
  it: Asia BBall Cup - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_1st
  nl: Asia BBall Cup - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_2nd
  no: Asia BBall Cup – Andreplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Tin_3rd
  pl: Asia BBall Cup – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_1st
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_2nd
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_3rd
  ro: Asia BBall Cup – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Premium_Participant
  ru: Второе место в Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Admin
  sv: Asia BBall Cup – Andraplats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_1st
  tr: Asia BBall Cup İkincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_2nd
  zh-hans: 亚洲 BBall 杯亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_3rd
  zh-hant: Asia BBall Cup 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Platinum_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_2nd
asia bball cup 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_3rd
  en: Asia BBall Cup 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant
  cs: Asia BBall Cup 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_1st
  da: 3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_2nd
  de: Asia BBall Cup – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_3rd
  es: Tercer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Silver_Participant
  fi: Kolmas sija - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_1st
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_2nd
  hu: Asan BBall Cup harmadik helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_3rd
  it: Asia BBall Cup - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Steel_Participant
  nl: Asia BBall Cup - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Iron_Participant
  no: Asia BBall Cup – Tredjeplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_European_Participant
  pl: Asia BBall Cup – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_1st
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_2nd
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_3rd
  ro: Asia BBall Cup – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Gold_Participant
  ru: Третье место в Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_1st
  sv: Asia BBall Cup – Tredjeplats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_2nd
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Üçüncüsü
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_3rd
  zh-hans: 亚洲 BBall 杯季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_Participant
  zh-hant: Asia BBall Cup 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_3rd
asia bball cup participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_Participant
  en: Asia BBall Cup Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Iron_Participant
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_1st
  da: Deltager i Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_2nd
  de: Asia BBall Cup – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_3rd
  es: Participante de Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Platinum_Participant
  fi: Osallistuja - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_1st
  fr: Médaille de participation - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_2nd
  hu: Asia BBall Cup résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_3rd
  it: Asia BBall Cup - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCUltiduo_Steel_Participant
  nl: Asia BBall Cup - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_League_Admin
  no: Asia BBall Cup – Deltaker
# TF_TournamentMedal_Fall2011
  pl: Asia BBall Cup – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_Autumn2011
  pt: Participante - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Platinum
  pt-br: Participante - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Platinum
  ro: Asia BBall Cup – Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Platinum
  ru: Участник Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Platinum
  sv: Asia BBall Cup – Deltagare
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Platinum
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Katılımcısı
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Platinum
  zh-hans: 亚洲 BBall 杯参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Platinum
  zh-hant: Asia BBall Cup 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Platinum
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Platinum
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Silver
asia bball cup invite 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Silver
  en: Asia BBall Cup Invite 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Silver
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Invite 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Silver
  da: 1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Silver
  de: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Silver
  es: Primer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_NA_Steel
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 1. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_NA_Steel
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_NA_Steel
  hu: Asia BBall Cup meghívásos első helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_Europe_Steel
  it: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_Europe_Steel
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_Europe_Steel
  no: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Førsteplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_1st_SA_Steel
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_2nd_SA_Steel
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_3rd_SA_Steel
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Platinum
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Locul 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Silver
  ru: Первое место в закрытой лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_UGC_Highlander_Steel
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 1:a plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_1st
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Invite Birincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_2nd
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 邀请组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Premier_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_1st
asia bball cup invite 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_2nd
  en: Asia BBall Cup Invite 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_3rd
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Invite 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div1_Participant
  da: 2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_1st
  de: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_2nd
  es: Segundo Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_3rd
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 2. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div2_Participant
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_1st
  hu: Asia BBall Cup meghívásos második helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_2nd
  it: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_3rd
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div3_Participant
  no: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Andreplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_1st
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_2nd
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_3rd
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div4_Participant
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_1st
  ru: Второе место в закрытой лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_2nd
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 2:a plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_3rd
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Invite İkincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_Participant
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 邀请组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_3rd
asia bball cup invite 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Premiership_Participant
  en: Asia BBall Cup Invite 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_1st
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Invite 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_2nd
  da: 3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div1_3rd
  de: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_1st
  es: Tercer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_2nd
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 3. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div2_Participant
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div3_Participant
  hu: Asia BBall Cup meghívásos harmadik helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_1st
  it: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_2nd
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_3rd
  no: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Tredjeplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div4_Participant
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_1st
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_2nd
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_3rd
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVII_Div5_Participant
  ru: Третье место в закрытой лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_1st
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Invite – 3:e plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_2nd
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Invite Üçüncüsü
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_MonthyChallenge_3rd
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 邀请组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Invite_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_Place
asia bball cup invite participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper
  en: Asia BBall Cup Invite Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Invite Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Winner
  da: Deltager i Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_WinnerS3
  de: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3
  es: Participante de Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Osallistuja
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_FirstS4
  fr: Médaille de participation - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_SecondS4
  hu: Asia BBall Cup meghívásos résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ThirdS4
  it: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS4
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Invite - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS4
  no: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Deltaker
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_HelperS4
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Invite – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_First_S5
  pt: Participante - Asia BBall Cup Invite
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Second_S5
  pt-br: Participante - Divisão de Convidadas - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_S5
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_S5
  ru: Участник закрытой лиги Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Playoffs_S5
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Invite – Deltagare
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier1_Donor_S5
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Invite Katılımcı
# TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Tier2_Donor_S5
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 邀请组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Gold
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Bronze
asia bball cup main 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Group_Winner
  en: Asia BBall Cup Main 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Group_Winner
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Main 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Group_Winner
  da: 1.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Group_Winner
  de: Asia BBall Cup Main – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Group_Winner
  es: Primer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Group_Winner
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Main – 1. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premier_Division_Participation
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Participation
  hu: Asia BBall Cup főosztály első helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Participation
  it: Asia BBall Cup Main - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Participation
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Main - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division4_Participation
  no: Asia BBall Cup Main – Førsteplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division5_Participation
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Main – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division6_Participation
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Gold
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Divisão Principal - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Silver
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Main – Locul 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Bronze
  ru: Первое место в основной лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Gold
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Main – 1:a plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Silver
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Main Birincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Bronze
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 主组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Gold
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Bronze
asia bball cup main 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Gold
  en: Asia BBall Cup Main 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Silver
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Main 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Bronze
  da: 2.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Gold
  de: Asia BBall Cup Main – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Silver
  es: Segundo Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Bronze
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Main – 2. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Gold
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Silver
  hu: Asia BBall Cup főosztály második helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Bronze
  it: Asia BBall Cup Main - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Group_Winner
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Main - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Group_Winner
  no: Asia BBall Cup Main – Andreplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Group_Winner
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Main – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Group_Winner
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Group_Winner
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Divisão Principal - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Group_Winner
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Main – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premier_Division_Participation
  ru: Второе место в основной лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division1_Participation
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Main – 2:a plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division2_Participation
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Main İkincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division3_Participation
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 主组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division4_Participation
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division5_Participation
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Division6_Participation
asia bball cup main 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal
  en: Asia BBall Cup Main 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Main 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal
  da: 3.-plads i Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal
  de: Asia BBall Cup Main – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal
  es: Tercer Puesto de Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Silver_Medal
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Main – 3. sija
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Bronze_Medal
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo5_Participation_Medal
  hu: Asia BBall Cup főosztály harmadik helyezett
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal
  it: Asia BBall Cup Main - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Silver_Medal
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Main - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Bronze_Medal
  no: Asia BBall Cup Main – Tredjeplass
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Participation_Medal
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Main – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo1_Gold_Medal
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo2_Gold_Medal
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Divisão Principal - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo3_Gold_Medal
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Main – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo4_Gold_Medal
  ru: Третье место в основной лиге Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo5_Gold_Medal
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Main – 3:e plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Main Üçüncüsü
# TF_TournamentMedal_ESH_Ultiduo7_Gold_Medal
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 主组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Gold
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_Asia_BBall_Main_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Bronze
asia bball cup main participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Premiership_Participation
  en: Asia BBall Cup Main Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Gold
  cs: Asia BBall Cup Main Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Silver
  da: Deltager i Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division1_Bronze
  de: Asia BBall Cup Main – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Gold
  es: Participante de Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Silver
  fi: Asia BBall Cup Main – Osallistuja
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division2_Bronze
  fr: Médaille de participation - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Gold
  hu: Asia BBall Cup főosztály résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Silver
  it: Asia BBall Cup Main - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Division3_Bronze
  nl: Asia BBall Cup Main - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Gold
  no: Asia BBall Cup Main – Deltaker
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Silver
  pl: Asia BBall Cup Main – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Bronze
  pt: Participante - Asia BBall Cup Main
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Playoff
  pt-br: Participante - Divisão Principal - Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_High_Participation
  ro: Asia BBall Cup Main – Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Gold
  ru: Участник основной лиги Asia BBall Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Silver
  sv: Asia BBall Cup Main – Deltagare
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Bronze
  tr: Asia BBall Cup Main Katılımcı
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Playoff
  zh-hans: Asia BBall Cup 主组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Mid_Participation
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Gold
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Bronze
=== AsiaFortress ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Playoff
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Open_Participation
==== AsiaFortress Cup ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Gold
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Bronze
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Playoff
asiafortress cup division 1 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_6v6_Low_Participation
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Gold
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Silver
  da: 1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Bronze
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Premiership_Participation
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Gold
  fi: Voittaja - AsiaFortress Cup, 1-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Silver
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Bronze
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup első osztály első hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Playoff
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Prima divisione - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_High_Participation
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Gold
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 1조 경기 1위
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Silver
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Bronze
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Playoff
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Participation
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Primeira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Gold
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Locul 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Silver
  ru: Первое место в премьер-дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Bronze
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1, 1:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Playoff
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 1 1'inci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Mid_Participation
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 甲组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Gold
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第一組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Silver
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Bronze
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Playoff
asiafortress cup division 1 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Low_Participation
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Gold
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Silver
  da: 2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Bronze
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Playoff
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participation
  fi: Toinen sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 1-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_1st
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_2nd
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup első osztály második hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_3rd
  it: AsiaFortress Cup  Prima divisione - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 準優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Gold
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 1조 경기 2위
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Silver
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Bronze
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Participation
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Gold
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Primeira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Silver
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Bronze
  ru: Второе место в премьер-дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open3_Participation
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1, 2:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Gold
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 1 2'nci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Silver
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 甲组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Bronze
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第一組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Meat_Challenge_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 1 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_First_Place
  da: 3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Third_Place
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division2_Participant
  fi: Kolmas sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 1-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_First_Place
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup első osztály harmadik hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Prima divisione - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division3_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 第3位
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 1조 경기 3위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division4_Participant
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_First_Place
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Primeira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Third_Place
  ru: Третье место в премьер-дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division5_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1, 3:e Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 1 3'üncü Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 甲组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第一組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL10_6v6_Division6_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div1_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 1 participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Community_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place
  da: Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Cup División 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant
  fi: Osallistuja - AsiaFortress Cup, 1-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_First_Place
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup első osztály résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division2_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 参加者
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 1조 경기 참가상
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division3_Participant
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Cup Division 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_First_Place
  pt-br: Participante - Primeira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Third_Place
  ru: Участник премьер-дивизиона AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division4_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 – Deltagare
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 1 Katılımcısı
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 甲组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第一組參加獎
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL11_6v6_Division5_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 2 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_First_Place
  da: 1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Third_Place
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division2_Participant
  fi: Voittaja - AsiaFortress Cup, 2-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_First_Place
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup másodosztály első hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Seconda divisione - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division3_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 2조 경기 1위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division4_Participant
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_First_Place
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Segunda Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Locul 1
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Third_Place
  ru: Первое место во втором дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL12_6v6_Division5_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2, 1:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 2 1'inci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 乙组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第二組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Premier_Division_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 2 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division2_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_First_Place
  da: 2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Third_Place
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division3_Participant
  fi: Toinen sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 2-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_First_Place
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup másodosztály második hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Seconda divisione - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division4_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 準優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 2조 경기 2위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL13_6v6_Division5_Participant
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_First_Place
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Segunda Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Third_Place
  ru: Второе место во втором дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Premier_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2, 2:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 2 2'nci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 乙组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第二組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division2_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 2 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division3_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_First_Place
  da: 3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Third_Place
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division4_Participant
  fi: Kolmas sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 2-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_First_Place
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup másodosztály harmadik hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Seconda divisione - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_OWL14_6v6_Division5_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 第3位
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 2조 경기 3위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Premier_Participant
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_First_Place
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Segunda Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Third_Place
  ru: Третье место во втором дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_High_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2, 3:e Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 2 3'üncü Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 乙组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第二組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Intermediate_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div2_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 2 participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Main_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_First_Place
  da: Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Third_Place
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Cup División 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Open_Participant
  fi: Osallistuja - AsiaFortress Cup, 2-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_First_Place
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup másodosztály résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Seconda divisione - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 参加者
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 2조 경기 참가상
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division1_Participant
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Cup Division 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_First_Place
  pt-br: Participante - Segunda Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Third_Place
  ru: Участник второго дивизиона AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division2_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 – Deltagare
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 2 Katılımcısı
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 乙组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第二組參加獎
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division3_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 3 1st place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Division4_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division1_First_Place
  da: 1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division1_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Erster Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division1_Third_Place
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division1_Participant
  fi: Voittaja - AsiaFortress Cup, 3-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division2_First_Place
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division2_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup haramdosztály első hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division2_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Terza divisione - Primo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division2_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division3_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 3조 경기 1위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division3_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 - Eerste plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division3_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – 1. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Sixes_Division3_Participant
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division1_First_Place
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Terceira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division1_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division1_Third_Place
  ru: Первое место в третьем дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division1_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3, 1:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division2_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 3 1'inci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division2_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丙组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division2_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第三組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division2_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division3_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_2nd
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division3_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 3 2nd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division3_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_SummerCup_Highlander_Division3_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_First_Place
  da: 2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Zweiter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Third_Place
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div1_Participant
  fi: Toinen sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 3-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_First_Place
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup haramdosztály második hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Terza divisione - Secondo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div2_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 準優勝
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_First_Place
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 3조 경기 2위
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Second_Place
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 - Tweede plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Third_Place
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – 2. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div3_Participant
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_First_Place
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Terceira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Second_Place
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Locul 2
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Third_Place
  ru: Второе место в третьем дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Winter_Div4_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3, 2:a Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Premier_First_Place
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 3 2'nci Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Premier_Second_Place
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丙组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Premier_Third_Place
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第三組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Premier_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Intermediate_First_Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_3rd
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Intermediate_Second_Place
asiafortress cup division 3 3rd place:
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Intermediate_Third_Place
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Intermediate_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Open_First_Place
  da: 3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Open_Second_Place
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Dritter Platz
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Open_Third_Place
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Open_Participant
  fi: Kolmas sija - AsiaFortress Cup, 3-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Main_First_Place
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Main_Second_Place
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup haramdosztály harmadik hely
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Main_Third_Place
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Terza divisione - Terzo posto
# TF_TournamentMedal_OzFortress_Highlander_Main_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 第3位
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_1st
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 3조 경기 3위
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_2nd
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 - Derde plaats
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_3rd
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – 3. miejsce
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Elite_Participant
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_1st
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Terceira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_2nd
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Locul 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_3rd
  ru: Третье место в третьем дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Central_Participant
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3, 3:e Plats
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_1st
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 3 3'üncü Sıra
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_2nd
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丙组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_3rd
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第三組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Access_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_1st
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div3_Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_2nd
asiafortress cup division 3 participant:
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_3rd
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Open_Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_1st
  da: Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_2nd
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Teilnehmer
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_3rd
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Cup División 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_6v6_Beginner_Participant
  fi: Osallistuja - AsiaFortress Cup, 3-divisioona
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_1st
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_2nd
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup haramdosztály résztvevő
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_3rd
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Terza divisione - Partecipante
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Participant
  ja: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 参加者
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_1st
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 3조 경기 참가상
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_2nd
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 - Deelnemer
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_3rd
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – uczestnik
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Access_Participant
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Cup Division 3
# TF_TournamentMedal_LBTF2_Highlander_Principal_1st
  pt-br: Participante - Terceira Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Participant
  ru: Участник третьего дивизиона AsiaFortress Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 – Deltagare
  tr: Asyafortress Kupası Küme 3 Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丙组参赛者
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 盃第三組參加獎
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_1st
asiafortress cup division 4 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 1st Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 4
  fi: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup negyedosztály első helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Primo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 4조 경기 1위
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Eerste plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Førsteplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Quarta Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в четвёртом дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 1:a plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Birincilik
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丁组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_2nd
asiafortress cup division 4 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 2nd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 4
  fi: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup negyedosztály második helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Secondo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 4조 경기 2위
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Tweede plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Andreplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Quarta Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в четвёртом дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 2:a plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - İkincilik
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丁组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_3rd
asiafortress cup division 4 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 3rd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Cup División 4
  fi: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup negyedosztály harmadik helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Terzo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 4조 경기 3위
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Derde plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Tredjeplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Quarta Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в четвёртом дивизионе AsiaFortress Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – 3:e plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丁组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_Div4_Participant
asiafortress cup division 4 participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Participant
  da: Deltager i AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  de: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Cup División 4
  fi: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  hu: AsiaFortress Cup negyedosztály résztvevő
  it: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Partecipante
  ko: AsiaFortress Cup 4조 경기 참가상
  nl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Deelnemer
  no: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Deltaker
  pl: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Cup Division 4
  pt-br: Participante - Quarta Divisão - AsiaFortress Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Participant
  ru: Участник четвёртого дивизиона AsiaFortress Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 – Deltagare
  tr: AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress Cup 丁组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_1st
asiafortress mercenaries cup 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  de: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fi: Voittaja - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  hu: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1. helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Primo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1위
  nl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Eerste plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Førsteplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place
  ru: Первое место в AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - 1:a plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Birincilik
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 佣兵杯冠军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 傭兵盃第一名
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_2nd
asiafortress mercenaries cup 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2nd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  de: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fi: Toinen sija - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  hu: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2. helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Secondo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2위
  nl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Tweede plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Andreplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - 2:a plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup İkincilik
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 佣兵杯亚军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 傭兵盃第二名
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_3rd
asiafortress mercenaries cup 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3rd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  de: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fi: Kolmas sija - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  hu: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3. helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Terzo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3위
  nl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Derde plaats
  no: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Tredjeplass
  pl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - 3:e plats
  tr: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 佣兵杯季军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 傭兵盃第三名
# TF_TournamentMedal_AFC_MC_Participant
asiafortress mercenaries cup participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Participant
  da: Deltager i AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  de: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fi: Osallistuja - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  hu: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup résztvevő
  it: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Partecipante
  ko: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 참가상
  nl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup - Deelnemer
  no: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Deltaker
  pl: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  pt-br: Participante - AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  ro: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Participant
  ru: Участник AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup
  sv: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup – Deltagare
  tr: AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 佣兵杯参赛者
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress 傭兵盃參加獎
==== AsiaFortress LAN ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_1st
asiafortress lan 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress LAN 1st Place
  cs: AsiaFortress LAN 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN
  de: AsiaFortress LAN – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress LAN
  fi: AsiaFortress LAN – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress LAN
  hu: AsiaFortress LAN első helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress LAN - Primo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress LAN 1위
  nl: AsiaFortress LAN - Eerste plaats
  no: AsiaFortress LAN – Førsteplass
  pl: AsiaFortress LAN – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  ro: AsiaFortress LAN 1st Place
  ru: Первое место в AsiaFortress LAN
  sv: AsiaFortress LAN – Förstaplats
  tr: AsiaFortress LAN - Birinci
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress LAN 冠军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress LAN 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_2nd
asiafortress lan 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress LAN 2nd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress LAN 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN
  de: AsiaFortress LAN – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress LAN
  fi: AsiaFortress LAN – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress LAN
  hu: AsiaFortress LAN második helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress LAN - Secondo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress LAN 2위
  nl: AsiaFortress LAN - Tweede plaats
  no: AsiaFortress LAN – Andreplass
  pl: AsiaFortress LAN – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  ro: AsiaFortress LAN – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в AsiaFortress LAN
  sv: AsiaFortress LAN – Andraplats
  tr: AsiaFortress LAN - İkinci
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress LAN 亚军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress LAN 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_3rd
asiafortress lan 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress LAN 3rd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress LAN 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads ved AsiaFortress LAN
  de: AsiaFortress LAN – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress LAN
  fi: AsiaFortress LAN – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress LAN
  hu: AsiaFortress LAN harmadik helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress LAN - Terzo posto
  ko: AsiaFortress LAN 3위
  nl: AsiaFortress LAN - Derde plaats
  no: AsiaFortress LAN – Tredjeplass
  pl: AsiaFortress LAN – 3. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress LAN
  ro: AsiaFortress LAN – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в AsiaFortress LAN
  sv: AsiaFortress LAN – Tredjeplats
  tr: AsiaFortress LAN - Üçüncü
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress LAN 季军
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress LAN 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Participant
asiafortress lan participant:
  en: AsiaFortress LAN Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress LAN Participant
  da: Deltager ved AsiaFortress LAN
  de: AsiaFortress LAN – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress LAN
  fi: Osallistuja – AsiaFortress LAN
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress LAN
  hu: AsiaFortress LAN résztvevő
  it: AsiaFortress LAN - Partecipante
  ko: AsiaFortress LAN 참가자
  nl: AsiaFortress LAN - Deelnemer
  no: AsiaFortress LAN – Deltaker
  pl: AsiaFortress LAN – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress LAN
  pt-br: Participante - AsiaFortress LAN
  ro: AsiaFortress LAN – Participant
  ru: Участник AsiaFortress LAN
  sv: AsiaFortress LAN – Deltagare
  tr: AsiaFortress LAN - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress LAN 参赛者
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress LAN 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_LAN_Attendee
asiafortress lan attendee:
  en: AsiaFortress LAN Attendee
  cs: AsiaFortress LAN Attendee
  da: Tilskuer ved AsiaFortress LAN
  de: AsiaFortress LAN – Besucher
  es: Asistente de AsiaFortress LAN
  fi: AsiaFortress LAN – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress LAN
  hu: AsiaFortress LAN látogató
  it: AsiaFortress LAN - Spettatore
  ko: AsiaFortress LAN 참석자
  nl: AsiaFortress LAN - Bezoeker
  no: AsiaFortress LAN – Tilskuer
  pl: AsiaFortress LAN - widz
  pt: Espectador - AsiaFortress LAN
  pt-br: Espectador - AsiaFortress LAN
  ro: AsiaFortress LAN Attendee
  ru: Посетитель AsiaFortress LAN
  sv: AsiaFortress LAN – Närvarande
  tr: AsiaFortress LAN - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress LAN 观众
  zh-hant: AsiaFortress LAN 出席者
==== AsiaFortress Invite ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Invite_1st
asiafortress invite 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place
  de: AsiaFortress Invite – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de AsiaFortress Invite
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - AsiaFortress Invite
  hu: AsiaFortress meghívásos első helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Invite 1° Posto
  pl: AsiaFortress Invite – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Invite
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - AsiaFortress
  ru: Первое место на AsiaFortress Invite
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 邀请赛冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Invite_2nd
asiafortress invite 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place
  de: AsiaFortress Invite – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de AsiaFortress Invite
  fr: 2ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Invite
  hu: AsiaFortress meghívásos második helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Invite 2° posto
  pl: AsiaFortress Invite – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - AsiaFortress Invite
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - AsiaFortress
  ru: Второе место на AsiaFortress Invite
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 邀请赛亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Invite_3rd
asiafortress invite 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place
  cs: AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place
  de: AsiaFortress Invite – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de AsiaFortress Invite
  fr: 3ᵉ place - AsiaFortress Invite
  hu: AsiaFortress meghívásos harmadik helyezett
  it: AsiaFortress Invite 3° posto
  pl: AsiaFortress Invite – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - AsiaFortress Invite
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Divisão de Convidadas - AsiaFortress
  ru: Третье место на AsiaFortress Invite
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 邀请赛季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Invite_Participant
asiafortress invite participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Invite Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Invite Participant
  de: AsiaFortress Invite – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de AsiaFortress Invite
  fr: Médaille de participation - AsiaFortress Invite
  hu: AsiaFortress meghívásos résztvevő
  it: AsiaFortress Invite - Partecipante
  pl: AsiaFortress Invite – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - AsiaFortress Invite
  pt-br: Participante - Divisão de Convidadas - AsiaFortress
  ru: Участник AsiaFortress Invite
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 邀请赛参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Qualifiers_Participant
asiafortress qualifiers participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant
  cs: AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant
  de: AsiaFortress Qualifiers – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de la Clasificatoria de AsiaFortress
  fr: Médaille de participation aux éliminatoires - AsiaFortress Invite
  hu: AsiaFortress selejtező résztvevő
  it: AsiaFortress Qualifiers - Partecipante
  pl: Kwalifikacje do AsiaFortress – uczestnik
  pt: Participante nas Eliminatórias - AsiaFortress
  pt-br: Participante - Eliminatórias - AsiaFortress
  ru: Участник отборов на AsiaFortress Invite
  zh-hans: AsiaFortress 邀请赛预选赛参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Open_1st
asiafortress liquid.tf open 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Open 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Open_2nd
asiafortress liquid.tf open 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Open 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Open_3rd
asiafortress liquid.tf open 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Open 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Invite_Participant
asiafortress liquid.tf invite participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Invite Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Open_Participant
asiafortress liquid.tf open participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Open Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Highlander_Open_1st
asiafortress liquid.tf highlander open 1st place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Highlander Open 1st Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Highlander_Open_2nd
asiafortress liquid.tf highlander open 2nd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Highlander Open 2nd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Highlander_Open_3rd
asiafortress liquid.tf highlander open 3rd place:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf  Highlander Open 3rd Place
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Highlander_Invite_Participant
asiafortress liquid.tf highlander invite participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Highlander Invite Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_Highlander_Open_Participant
asiafortress liquid.tf highlander open participant:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Highlander Open Participant
# TF_TournamentMedal_AF_Liquidtf_MercenaryMashup_Participant
asiafortress liquid.tf mercenary mashup:
  en: AsiaFortress Liquid.tf Mercenary Mashup
=== BBall One Day Cup ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_First
bball one day cup first place:
  en: BBall One Day Cup First Place
  cs: BBall One Day Cup First Place
  da: 1.-plads i BBall One Day Cup
  de: BBall One Day Cup – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de BBall One Day Cup
  fi: BBall One Day Cup – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - BBall One Day Cup
  hu: BBall One Day Cup első helyezett
  it: BBall One Day Cup - Primo posto
  nl: BBall One Day Cup - Eerste plaats
  no: BBall One Day Cup – Førsteplass
  pl: BBall One Day Cup – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  ro: BBall One Day Cup – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в BBall One Day Cup
  sv: BBall One Day Cup – Förstaplats
  tr: BBall One Day Cup Birincisi
  zh-hans: BBall 一日赛冠军
  zh-hant: BBall One Day Cup 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Second
bball one day cup second place:
  en: BBall One Day Cup Second Place
  cs: BBall One Day Cup Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i BBall One Day Cup
  de: BBall One Day Cup – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de BBall One Day Cup
  fi: BBall One Day Cup – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - BBall One Day Cup
  hu: BBall One Day Cup második helyezett
  it: BBall One Day Cup - Secondo posto
  nl: BBall One Day Cup - Tweede plaats
  no: BBall One Day Cup – Andreplass
  pl: BBall One Day Cup – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  ro: BBall One Day Cup – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в BBall One Day Cup
  sv: BBall One Day Cup – Andraplats
  tr: BBall One Day Cup İkincisi
  zh-hans: BBall 一日赛亚军
  zh-hant: BBall One Day Cup 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Third
bball one day cup third place:
  en: BBall One Day Cup Third Place
  cs: BBall One Day Cup Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i BBall One Day Cup
  de: BBall One Day Cup – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de BBall One Day Cup
  fi: BBall One Day Cup – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - BBall One Day Cup
  hu: BBall One Day Cup harmadik helyezett
  it: BBall One Day Cup - Terzo posto
  nl: BBall One Day Cup - Derde plaats
  no: BBall One Day Cup – Tredjeplass
  pl: BBall One Day Cup – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - BBall One Day Cup
  ro: BBall One Day Cup – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в BBall One Day Cup
  sv: BBall One Day Cup – Tredjeplats
  tr: BBall One Day Cup Üçüncüsü
  zh-hans: BBall 一日赛季军
  zh-hant: BBall One Day Cup 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Participant
bball one day cup participant:
  en: BBall One Day Cup Participant
  cs: BBall One Day Cup Participant
  da: Deltager i BBall One Day Cup
  de: BBall One Day Cup – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de BBall One Day Cup
  fi: BBall One Day Cup – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - BBall One Day Cup
  hu: BBall One Day Cup résztvevő
  it: BBall One Day Cup - Partecipante
  nl: BBall One Day Cup - Deelnemer
  no: BBall One Day Cup – Deltaker
  pl: BBall One Day Cup – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - BBall One Day Cup
  pt-br: Participante - BBall One Day Cup
  ro: BBall One Day Cup – Participant
  ru: Участник BBall One Day Cup
  sv: BBall One Day Cup – Deltagare
  tr: BBall One Day Cup Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: BBall 一日赛参赛者
  zh-hant: BBall One Day Cup 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_Bball_One_Day_Cup_Staff
bball one day cup staff:
  en: BBall One Day Cup Staff
  cs: BBall One Day Cup Staff
  da: BBall One Day Cup - Personale
  de: BBall One Day Cup – Stab
  es: Personal de BBall One Day Cup
  fi: BBall One Day Cup  – Henkilöstö
  fr: Équipe technique - BBall One Day Cup
  hu: BBall One Day Cup személyzet
  it: BBall One Day Cup - Staff
  nl: BBall One Day Cup - Staf
  no: BBall One Day Cup – Medarbeider
  pl: BBall One Day Cup – organizator
  pt: Organização - BBall One Day Cup
  pt-br: Equipe - BBall One Day Cup
  ru: Организатор BBall One Day Cup
  sv: BBall One Day Cup - Personal
  tr: BBall One Day Cup Ekip Üyesi
  zh-hans: BBall 一日赛工作人员
  zh-hant: BBall One Day Cup 工作人員
=== Beginnings 5 ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_First
beginnings 5 first place medal:
  en: Beginnings 5 First Place Medal
  cs: Beginnings 5 First Place Medal
  da: 1.-plads i Beginnings 5
  de: Beginnings 5 – Erster Platz Medaille
  es: Medalla de Primer Puesto de Beginnings 5
  fi: Ensimmäisen sijan mitali – Beginnings 5
  fr: Médaille d'or - Beginnings 5
  hu: Beginnings 5 első helyezett érem
  it: Beginnings 5 - Medaglia del primo posto
  nl: Beginnings 5 - Eerste plaats
  pl: Beginnings 5 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Beginnings 5
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Beginnings 5
  ro: Medalie Beginnings 5 – Locul 1
  ru: Медаль за первое место в Beginnings 5
  sv: Beginnings 5 – Förstaplats
  tr: Beginnings 5 Birincilik Madalyası
  zh-hans: Beginnings 5 冠军奖牌
  zh-hant: Beginnings 5 冠軍勳章
# TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Second
beginnings 5 second place medal:
  en: Beginnings 5 Second Place Medal
  cs: Beginnings 5 Second Place Medal
  da: 2.-plads i Beginnings 5
  de: Beginnings 5 – Zweiter Platz Medaille
  es: Medalla de Segundo Puesto de Beginnings 5
  fi: Toisen sijan mitali – Beginnings 5
  fr: Médaille d'argent - Beginnings 5
  hu: Beginnings 5 második helyezett érem
  it: Beginnings 5 - Medaglia del secondo posto
  nl: Beginnings 5 - Tweede plaats
  pl: Beginnings 5 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Beginnings 5
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Beginnings 5
  ro: Medalie Beginnings 5 – Locul 2
  ru: Медаль за второе место в Beginnings 5
  sv: Beginnings 5 – Andraplats
  tr: Beginnings 5 İkincilik Madalyası
  zh-hans: Beginnings 5 亚军奖牌
  zh-hant: Beginnings 5 亞軍勳章
# TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Third
beginnings 5 third place medal:
  en: Beginnings 5 Third Place Medal
  cs: Beginnings 5 Third Place Medal
  da: 3.-plads i Beginnings 5
  de: Beginnings 5 – Dritter Platz Medaille
  es: Medalla de Tercer Puesto de Beginnings 5
  fi: Kolmannen sijan mitali – Beginnings 5
  fr: Médaille de bronze - Beginnings 5
  hu: Beginnings 5 harmadik helyezett érem
  it: Beginnings 5 - Medaglia del terzo posto
  nl: Beginnings 5 - Derde plaats
  pl: Beginnings 5 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Beginnings 5
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Beginnings 5
  ro: Medalie Beginnings 5 – Locul 3
  ru: Медаль за третье место в Beginnings 5
  sv: Beginnings 5 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Beginnings 5 Üçüncülük Madalyası
  zh-hans: Beginnings 5 季军奖牌
  zh-hant: Beginnings 5 季軍勳章
# TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Participant
beginnings 5 participant medal:
  en: Beginnings 5 Participant Medal
  cs: Beginnings 5 Participant Medal
  da: Deltager i Beginnings 5
  de: Beginnings 5 – Teilnehmermedaille
  es: Medalla de Participante de Beginnings 5
  fi: Beginnings 5 – Osallistujamitali
  fr: Médaille de participation - Beginnings 5
  hu: Beginnings 5 részvételérem
  it: Beginnings 5 - Medaglia da partecipante
  nl: Beginnings 5 - Deelnemer
  pl: Beginnings 5 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Beginnings 5
  pt-br: Participante - Beginnings 5
  ro: Beginnings 5 Medal – Participant
  ru: Медаль участника Beginnings 5
  sv: Beginnings 5 – Deltagarmedalj
  tr: Beginnings 5 Katılımcı Madalyası
  zh-hans: Beginnings 5 参赛者奖牌
  zh-hant: Beginnings 5 參加者勳章
# TF_TournamentMedal_Beginnings5_Helper
beginnings 5 helper medal:
  en: Beginnings 5 Helper Medal
  cs: Beginnings 5 Helper Medal
  da: Hjælper i Beginnings 5
  de: Beginnings 5 – Helfermedaille
  es: Medalla de Colaborador de Beginnings 5
  fi: Avustaja – Beginnings 5
  fr: Médaille de contribution - Beginnings 5
  hu: Beginnings 5 segítő érem
  it: Beginnings 5 - Medaglia da aiutante
  nl: Beginnings 5 - Helper
  pl: Beginnings 5 – pomocnik
  pt: Medalha de Ajudante - Beginnings 5
  pt-br: Ajudante - Beginnings 5
  ro: Beginnings 5 Helper Medal
  ru: Медаль помощника Beginnings 5
  sv: Beginnings 5 Hjälpmedalj
  tr: Beginnings 5 Yardımcı Madalyası
  zh-hans: Beginnings 5 协助者奖牌
  zh-hant: Beginnings 5 幫助者獎牌
=== BETA LAN 2014 ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_1st
beta lan 1st place:
  en: BETA LAN 1st Place
  cs: BETA LAN 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads ved BETA LAN
  de: BETA LAN – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de la BETA LAN
  fi: Voittaja - BETA LAN
  fr: BETA LAN - 1ʳᵉ place
  hu: BETA LAN 1. helyezett
  it: BETA LAN - Primo posto
  ja: BETA LAN 1位
  ko: BETA LAN 1위
  nl: BETA LAN - Eerste plaats
  no: BETA LAN 1. plass
  pl: BETA LAN – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - BETA LAN
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - BETA LAN
  ro: BETA LAN 1st Place
  ru: 1-е место в BETA LAN
  sv: BETA LAN 1:a Plats
  tr: BETA LAN 1. Sıra
  zh-hans: BETA LAN 冠军
  zh-hant: BETA LAN 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_2nd
beta lan 2nd place:
  en: BETA LAN 2nd Place
  cs: BETA LAN 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads ved BETA LAN
  de: BETA LAN – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de la BETA LAN
  fi: Toinen sija - BETA LAN
  fr: 2ᵉ place - BETA LAN
  hu: BETA LAN 2. helyezett
  it: BETA LAN - Secondo posto
  ja: BETA LAN 準優勝
  ko: BETA LAN 2위
  nl: BETA LAN - Tweede plaats
  no: BETA LAN 2. plass
  pl: BETA LAN – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - BETA LAN
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - BETA LAN
  ro: BETA LAN – Locul 2
  ru: 2-е место в BETA LAN
  sv: BETA LAN 2:a Plats
  tr: BETA LAN 2. Sıra
  zh-hans: BETA LAN 亚军
  zh-hant: BETA LAN 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_3rd
beta lan 3rd place:
  en: BETA LAN 3rd Place
  cs: BETA LAN 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads ved BETA LAN
  de: BETA LAN – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de la BETA LAN
  fi: Kolmas sija - BETA LAN
  fr: 3ᵉ place - BETA LAN
  hu: BETA LAN 3. helyezett
  it: BETA LAN - Terzo posto
  ja: BETA LAN 第3位
  ko: BETA LAN 3위
  nl: BETA LAN - Derde plaats
  no: BETA LAN 3. plass
  pl: BETA LAN – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - BETA LAN
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - BETA LAN
  ro: BETA LAN – Locul 3
  ru: 3-е место в BETA LAN
  sv: BETA LAN 3:e Plats
  tr: BETA LAN 3. Sıra
  zh-hans: BETA LAN 季军
  zh-hant: BETA LAN 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_Participant
beta lan participant:
  en: BETA LAN Participant
  cs: BETA LAN Participant
  da: Deltager ved BETA LAN
  de: BETA LAN – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de la BETA LAN
  fi: Osallistuja - BETA LAN
  fr: Médaille de participation - BETA LAN
  hu: BETA LAN résztvevő
  it: BETA LAN - Partecipante
  ja: BETA LAN 参加者
  ko: BETA LAN 참가상
  nl: BETA LAN - Deelnemer
  pl: BETA LAN – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - BETA LAN
  pt-br: Participante - BETA LAN
  ro: BETA LAN – Participant
  ru: Участник BETA LAN
  sv: BETA LAN – Deltagare
  tr: BETA LAN Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: BETA LAN 参赛者
  zh-hant: BETA LAN 參加獎
=== Brazil Fortress ===
==== Brazil Fortress 6v6 ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_first
brazil fortress 6v6 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brasil Fortress 6v6 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 冠军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_second
brazil fortress 6v6 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 亚军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_third
brazil fortress 6v6 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 季军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 参赛者
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_first
brazil fortress 6v6 open first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Open 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 nyílt osztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Aberta - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Open – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Açık Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 公开赛冠军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 公開賽冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_second
brazil fortress 6v6 open second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Open 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 nyílt osztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Aberta - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Açık İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 公开赛亚军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 公開賽亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_third
brazil fortress 6v6 open third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Open 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 nyílt osztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Aberta - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Açık Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 公开赛季军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 公開賽季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Open_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 open participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Open 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 nyílt osztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Divisão Aberta - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Açık - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 公开赛参赛者
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 公開賽參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_first
brazil fortress 6v6 invite first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place (invitation) - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 meghívásos első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Inviti) - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão de Convidadas - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brasil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 邀请赛冠军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 邀請賽冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_second
brazil fortress 6v6 invite second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place (invitation) - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 meghívásos második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Inviti) - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão de Convidadas - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 邀请赛亚军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 邀請賽亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_third
brazil fortress 6v6 invite third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place (invitation) - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 meghívásos harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Inviti) - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão de Convidadas - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 邀请赛季军
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 邀請賽季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Invite_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 invite participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Osallistuja
  fr: Participant (invitation) - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 meghívásos résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 (Inviti) - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Divisão de Convidadas - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite - Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 邀请赛参赛者
  zh-hant: Brasil Fortress 6v6 邀請賽參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_first
brazil fortress 6v6 division 1 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 első osztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 甲组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第一組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_second
brazil fortress 6v6 division 1 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 első osztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 甲组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第一組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_third
brazil fortress 6v6 division 1 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 első osztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 甲组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第一組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div1_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 division 1 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 első osztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Participant
  ru: Участник первого дивизиона Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 甲组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第一組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_first
brazil fortress 6v6 division 2 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 másodosztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 乙组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第二組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_second
brazil fortress 6v6 division 2 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 másodosztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 乙组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第二組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_third
brazil fortress 6v6 division 2 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 másodosztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 乙组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第二組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Div2_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 division 2 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6 División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 másodosztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Participant
  ru: Участник второго дивизиона Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 乙组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 第二組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_first
brazil fortress 6v6 academy first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Academy
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Academy - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 学院组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 學園組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_second
brazil fortress 6v6 academy second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Academy
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Academy - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 学院组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 學園組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_third
brazil fortress 6v6 academy third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Academy
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - 6x6 - Divisão Academy - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 学院组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 學園組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Academy_participant
brazil fortress 6v6 academy participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Academy
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  pt-br: Participante - 6x6 - Divisão Academy - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 学院组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 學園組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Qualified_Stage_Champions
brazil fortress 6v6 qualified stage champions:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Champions
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Champions
  da: Kvalificerede Mestre af Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage – Sieger
  es: Campeones de la Fase Clasificatoria de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage -mestarit
  fr: Champions - Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 selejtezős szakasz bajnok
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Campioni delle qualificazioni
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage - Kampioenen
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage – Vinner
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage - zwycięzcy
  pt: Campeões das Eliminatórias - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Campeão das Eliminatórias - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ru: Чемпионы основного этапа Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage – Mästare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Şampiyonları
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 资格赛冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 資格賽冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_6s_Helper
brazil fortress 6v6 helper:
  en: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper
  cs: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper
  da: Hjælper i Brazil Fortress 6v6
  de: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Helfer
  es: Ayudante de Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fi: Avustaja – Brazil Fortress 6v6
  fr: Médaille de contribution - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  hu: Brazil Fortress 6v6 segítő
  it: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Aiutante
  nl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 - Helper
  no: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Medhjelper
  pl: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – pomocnik
  pt: Ajudante - Brazil Fortress 6v6
  pt-br: Ajudante - 6x6 - Brasil Fortress
  ru: Помощник Brazil Fortress 6v6
  sv: Brazil Fortress 6v6 – Medhjälpare
  tr: Brazil Fortress 6v6 Yardımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 6v6 助手
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress 6v6 協助者
==== Brazil Fortress Halloween ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_First
first scary:
  en: First Scary
  cs: First Scary
  da: Første Forskrækkelse
  de: Der Erste Schreck
  es: Primer Susto
  fi: Ensimmäinen peläytys
  fr: Première peur
  hu: Ijesztően első
  it: Il Primo Spavento
  nl: Griezelige eerste
  pl: Pierwszy straszak
  pt: Primeiro Susto
  pt-br: Primeiro Pavor - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: First Scary
  ru: Первое пугало
  tr: İlk Korkunç
  zh-hans: 吓人的第一名
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Second
second spell:
  en: Second Spell
  cs: Second Spell
  da: Anden Besværgelse
  de: Der Zweite Zauber
  es: Segundo Hechizo
  fi: Toinen loitsu
  fr: Deuxième sort
  hu: Varázsosan második
  it: Il Secondo Incantesimo
  nl: Betoverende tweede
  pl: Drugi zaklinacz
  pt: Segundo Feitiço
  pt-br: Segundo Feitiço - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Second Spell
  ru: Второй волшебник
  tr: İkinci Büyü
  zh-hans: 第二名的魔咒
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Third
third monstrosity:
  en: Third Monstrosity
  cs: Third Monstrosity
  da: Tredje Traume
  de: Die Dritte Monstrosität
  es: Tercera Monstruosidad
  fi: Kolmas rumilus
  fr: Troisième monstruosité
  hu: Szörnyen harmadik
  it: La Terza Mostruosità
  nl: Monsterlijke derde
  pl: Trzeci potworniak
  pt: Terceira Monstruosidade
  pt-br: Terceira Monstruosidade - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Third Monstrosity
  ru: Третье чудовище
  tr: Üçüncü Canavar
  zh-hans: 第三名怪物
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Playoffs
friday's playoff:
  en: Friday's Playoff
  cs: Friday's Playoff
  da: Fredagens Slutspil
  de: Freitag der 13. – Play-off
  es: Viernes de Eliminación
  fi: Perjantain pudotuspelit
  fr: Playoffs du vendredi 13
  hu: Pénteki rájátszás
  it: I Playoff di Venerdì
  nl: Friday's - Play-offs
  pl: Piątek play-offów
  pt: Playoff da Sexta-Feira
  pt-br: Mata-Mata da Sexta-Feira 13 - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Friday's Playoff
  ru: Пятничный плей-офф
  tr: Cuma'nın Elemesi
  zh-hans: 周五季后赛
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Participant
vampiric participant:
  en: Vampiric Participant
  cs: Vampiric Participant
  da: Vampyrisk Deltager
  de: Der vampirhafte Teilnehmer
  es: Participante Vampírico
  fi: Vampyyrimainen osallistuja
  fr: Participant vampirique
  hu: Vámpír résztvevő
  it: Il Partecipante Vampiro
  nl: Vampirische deelnemer
  pl: Wampiryczny uczestnik
  pt: Participante Vampírico
  pt-br: Participante Vampírico - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Vampiric – Participant
  ru: Участник-кровопийца
  sv: Vampyrisk deltagare
  tr: Vampiric Katılımcı
  zh-hans: 吸血鬼参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Assistant
cursed assistant:
  en: Cursed Assistant
  cs: Cursed Assistant
  da: Forbandet Assistent
  de: Der verfluchte Assistent
  es: Ayudante Maldito
  fi: Kirottu avustaja
  fr: Assistant maudit
  hu: Elátkozott asszisztens
  it: L'Assistente Maledetto
  nl: Vervloekte assistent
  pl: Przeklęty asystent
  pt: Assistente Amaldiçoado
  pt-br: Assistente Amaldiçoado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Cursed Assistant
  ru: Проклятый помощник
  sv: Fördömd assistent
  tr: Lanetli Yardımcı
  zh-hans: 被诅咒的助手
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_First
brazil fortress halloween - scary group first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group First Place
  da: Skræmmende Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto del Grupo Terrorífico de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ijesztő csoport első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – 1. miejsce strasznej grupy
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assustador
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Grupo Assustador - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в пугающей группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Förstaplats
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Ürkütücü Grup Birinci Sıra
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 吓人组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Second
brazil fortress halloween - scary group second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Second Place
  da: Skræmmende Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto del Grupo Terrorífico de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ijesztő csoport második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – 2. miejsce strasznej grupy
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assustador
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Grupo Assustador - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в пугающей группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Andraplats
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Ürkütücü Grup İkinci Sıra
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 吓人组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Third
brazil fortress halloween - scary group third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Third Place
  da: Skræmmende Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto del Grupo Terrorífico de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ijesztő csoport harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – 3. miejsce strasznej grupy
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assustador
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Grupo Assustador - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в пугающей группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Ürkütücü Grup Üçüncü Sıra
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 吓人组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Scary_Participant
brazil fortress halloween - scary group participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group Participant
  da: Skræmmende Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante del Grupo Terrorífico de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ijesztő csoport résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – uczestnik strasznej grupy
  pt: Participante - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assustador
  pt-br: Participante - Grupo Assustador - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group – Participant
  ru: Участник пугающей группы Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Scary Group – Deltagare
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Ürkütücü Grup Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 吓人组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Winner
brazil fortress halloween - haunted group winner:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Winner
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Winner
  da: Hjemsøgt Gruppe Vinder - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Sieger
  es: Ganador del Grupo Encantado de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Voittaja
  fr: Médaille d'or - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Kísérteties csoport győztes
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Vincitore
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Winnaar
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Vinner
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – zwycięzca nawiedzonej grupy
  pt: Vencedor - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assombrado
  pt-br: Vencedor - Grupo Assombrado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ru: Победитель проклятой группы Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Perili Grup Kazanan
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 闹鬼组优胜者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_First
brazil fortress halloween - haunted group first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group First Place
  da: Hjemsøgt Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto del Grupo Encantado de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween (groupe hanté)
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Kísértett csoport első hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assombrado
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Grupo Assombrado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в проклятой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Birincilik
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Second
brazil fortress halloween - haunted group second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Second Place
  da: Hjemsøgt Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto del Grupo Encantado de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween (groupe hanté)
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Kísértett csoport második hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assombrado
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Grupo Assombrado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в проклятой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - İkincilik
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Third
brazil fortress halloween - haunted group third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Third Place
  da: Hjemsøgt Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto del Grupo Encantado de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween (groupe hanté)
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Kísértett csoport harmadik hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assombrado
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Grupo Assombrado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в проклятой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Üçüncülük
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Haunted_Participant
brazil fortress halloween - haunted group participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group Participant
  da: Hjemsøgt Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante del Grupo Encantado de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Kísérteties csoport résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – uczestnik nawiedzonej grupy
  pt: Participante - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Assombrado
  pt-br: Participante - Grupo Assombrado - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Group – Participant
  ru: Участник проклятой группы Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Haunted Group – Deltagare
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Perili Grup Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 闹鬼组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Winner
brazil fortress halloween - ghastly group winner:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Winner
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Winner
  da: Gyselig Gruppe Vinder - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Sieger
  es: Ganador del Grupo Horripilante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Voittaja
  fr: Médaille d'or - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Cudar csoport győztes
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Vincitore
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Winnaar
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Vinner
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – zwycięzca upiornej grupy
  pt: Vencedor - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Medonho
  pt-br: Vencedor - Grupo Medonho - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ru: Победитель жуткой группы Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Korkunç Grup Kazanan
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 恐怖组优胜者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_First
brazil fortress halloween - ghastly group first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group First Place
  da: Gyselig Gruppe 1.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto del Grupo Horripilante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Cudar csoport első hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Medonho
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Grupo Medonho - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в жуткой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Birincilik
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Second
brazil fortress halloween - ghastly group second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Second Place
  da: Gyselig Gruppe 2.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto del Grupo Horripilante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Cudar csoport második hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Medonho
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Grupo Medonho - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в жуткой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - İkincilik
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Third
brazil fortress halloween - ghastly group third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Third Place
  da: Gyselig Gruppe 3.- Pladsen - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto del Grupo Horripilante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Cudar csoport harmadik hely
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Medonho
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Grupo Medonho - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в жуткой группе Brazil Fortress Halloween
  tr: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Üçüncülük
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Ghastly_Participant
brazil fortress halloween - ghastly group participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group Participant
  da: Gyselig Gruppe Deltager - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante del Grupo Horripilante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Cudar csoport résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – uczestnik upiornej grupy
  pt: Participante - Brasil Fortress Halloween - Grupo Medonho
  pt-br: Participante - Grupo Medonho - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ro: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Group – Participant
  ru: Участник жуткой группы Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Ghastly Group – Deltagare
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Korkunç Grup Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 恐怖组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Hwn_Helper
brazil fortress halloween - helper:
  en: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Helper
  cs: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Helper
  da: Hjælper i Brazil Fortress Halloween
  de: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Helfer
  es: Ayudante de Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fi: Avustaja – Brazil Fortress Halloween
  fr: Médaille de contribution - Brazil Fortress Halloween
  hu: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Segítő
  it: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Aiutante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Halloween - Helper
  no: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Medhjelper
  pl: Brazil Fortress Halloween – pomocnik
  pt: Ajudante - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  pt-br: Ajudante - Brasil Fortress Halloween
  ru: Помощник Brazil Fortress Halloween
  sv: Brazil Fortress Halloween – Medhjälpare
  tr: Brasil Fortress Cadılar Bayramı - Yardımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 万圣赛 - 助手
==== Brazil Fortress Jump Cup ====
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_1st
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 1 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona első osztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier Division 1 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵甲组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第一組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 1 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona első osztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵甲组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第一組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 1 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona első osztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵甲组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第一組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div1_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 1 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona első osztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - Jump Cup Soldier - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Participant
  ru: Участник первого дивизиона Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 1 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵甲组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第一組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_1st
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 2 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona másodosztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier Division 2 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵乙组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第二組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 2 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona másodosztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵乙组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第二組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 2 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona másodosztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Jump Cup Soldier - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵乙组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第二組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Soldier_Div2_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup soldier division 2 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Katona másodosztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - Jump Cup Soldier - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Participant
  ru: Участник второго дивизиона Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Division 2 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 士兵乙组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Soldier 第二組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_1st
brazil fortress jump cup demoman first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup demoman participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  pt-br: Participante - Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_1st
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 1 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós első osztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手甲组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第一組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 1 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós első osztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手甲组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第一組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 1 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós első osztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в первом дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手甲组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第一組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div1_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 1 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 1
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman - Division 1
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós első osztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Primeira Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - Jump Cup Demoman - Primeira Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Participant
  ru: Участник первого дивизиона Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手甲组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第一組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_1st
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 2 first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós másodosztály első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Birincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手乙组冠军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第二組冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 2 second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 1 – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós másodosztály második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 İkincilik
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手乙组亚军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第二組亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 2 third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós másodosztály harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Jump Cup Demoman - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место во втором дивизионе Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手乙组季军
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第二組季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Demoman_Div2_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup demoman division 2 participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman División 2
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman - Division 2
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Robbantós másodosztály résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman, Segunda Divisão
  pt-br: Participante - Jump Cup Demoman - Segunda Divisão - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Participant
  ru: Участник второго дивизиона Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Division 2 Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 爆破手乙组参赛者
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Demoman 第二組參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_1st
brazil fortress jump cup speed run soldier first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Katona első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Soldier - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Soldier Birinciliği
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛士兵组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup speed run soldier second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Katona második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Soldier - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Soldier İkinciliği
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛士兵组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup speed run soldier third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Katona harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Soldier - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Soldier Üçüncülüğü
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛士兵组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Soldier_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup speed run soldier participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Katona résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier - Deelnemers
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  pt-br: Participante - Speedrun Jump Cup Soldier - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldier – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Soldier Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛士兵组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_1st
brazil fortress jump cup speed run demoman first place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman First Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman First Place
  da: 1.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Robbantós első helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Primo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Eerste plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Førsteplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Förstaplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Demoman Birinciliği
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛爆破手组冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_2nd
brazil fortress jump cup speed run demoman second place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Second Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Second Place
  da: 2.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Robbantós második helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Secondo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Tweede plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Andreplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Andraplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Demoman İkinciliği
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛爆破手组亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_3rd
brazil fortress jump cup speed run demoman third place:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Third Place
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Third Place
  da: 3.-plads i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Robbantós harmadik helyezett
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Terzo posto
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Derde plaats
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Tredjeplass
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Speedrun Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Tredjeplats
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Demoman Üçüncülüğü
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛爆破手组季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_SpeedRun_Demoman_Participant
brazil fortress jump cup speed run demoman participant:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Participant
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman Participant
  da: Deltager i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  fi: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Robbantós résztvevő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Partecipante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman - Deelnemer
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Deltaker
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  pt-br: Participante - Speedrun Jump Cup Demoman - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Participant
  ru: Участник Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demoman – Deltagare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Zıplama Kupası Speed Run Demoman Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress 跳跃速通赛爆破手组参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_BrazilFortress_Jump_Helper
brazil fortress jump cup helper:
  en: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper
  cs: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper
  da: Hjælper i Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  de: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup – Helfer
  es: Ayudante de Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  fi: Avustaja – Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  fr: Médaille de contribution - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  hu: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup segítő
  it: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup - Aiutante
  nl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup - Helper
  no: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup – Medhjelper
  pl: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup – pomocnik
  pt: Ajudante - Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  pt-br: Ajudante - Jump Cup - Brasil Fortress
  ro: Brazil Fortress JumpCup Helper
  ru: Помощник Brazil Fortress Jump Cup
  sv: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup – Medhjälpare
  tr: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Yardımcı
  zh-hans: Brazil Fortress Jump Cup 帮手
  zh-hant: Brazil Fortress JumpCup 協助者
=== Cap that Cup ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_1st
cap that cup 1st place:
  en: Cap that Cup 1st Place
  cs: Cap that Cup 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i Cap that Cup
  de: Cap that Cup – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Cap that Cup
  fi: Cap that Cup – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Cap that Cup
  hu: Cap that Cup első helyezett
  it: Cap that Cup - Primo posto
  nl: Cap that Cup - Eerste plaats
  no: Cap that Cup – Førsteplass
  pl: Cap that Cup – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Cap that Cup
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Cap that Cup
  ro: Cap that Cup – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Cap that Cup
  sv: Cap that Cup – Förstaplats
  tr: Cap that Cup Birincisi
  zh-hans: Cap that Cup 冠军
  zh-hant: Cap that Cup 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_2nd
cap that cup 2nd place:
  en: Cap that Cup 2nd Place
  cs: Cap that Cup 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i Cap that Cup
  de: Cap that Cup – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Cap that Cup
  fi: Cap that Cup – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Cap that Cup
  hu: Cap that Cup második helyezett
  it: Cap that Cup - Secondo posto
  nl: Cap that Cup - Tweede plaats
  no: Cap that Cup – Andreplass
  pl: Cap that Cup – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Cap that Cup
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Cap that Cup
  ro: Cap that Cup – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Cap that Cup
  sv: Cap that Cup – Andraplats
  tr: Cap that Cup İkincisi
  zh-hans: Cap that Cup 亚军
  zh-hant: Cap that Cup 亞軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_3rd
cap that cup 3rd place:
  en: Cap that Cup 3rd Place
  cs: Cap that Cup 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i Cap that Cup
  de: Cap that Cup – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Cap that Cup
  fi: Cap that Cup – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Cap that Cup
  hu: Cap that Cup harmadik helyezett
  it: Cap that Cup - Terzo posto
  nl: Cap that Cup - Derde plaats
  no: Cap that Cup – Tredjeplass
  pl: Cap that Cup – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Cap that Cup
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Cap that Cup
  ro: Cap that Cup – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Cap that Cup
  sv: Cap that Cup – Tredjeplats
  tr: Cap that Cup Üçüncüsü
  zh-hans: Cap that Cup 季军
  zh-hant: Cap that Cup 季軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Participant
cap that cup participant:
  en: Cap that Cup Participant
  cs: Cap that Cup Participant
  da: Deltager i Cap that Cup
  de: Cap that Cup – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Cap that Cup
  fi: Cap that Cup – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Cap that Cup
  hu: Cap that Cup résztvevő
  it: Cap that Cup - Partecipante
  nl: Cap that Cup - Deelnemer
  no: Cap that Cup – Deltaker
  pl: Cap that Cup – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Cap that Cup
  pt-br: Participante - Cap that Cup
  ro: Cap that Cup – Participant
  ru: Участник Cap that Cup
  sv: Cap that Cup – Deltagare
  tr: Cap that Cup Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: Cap that Cup 参赛者
  zh-hant: Cap that Cup 參賽者
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTC_Staff
cap that cup staff:
  en: Cap that Cup Staff
  cs: Cap that Cup Staff
  da: Cap that Cup – Personale
  de: Cap that Cup – Stab
  es: Personal de Cap that Cup
  fi: Cap that Cup – Henkilöstö
  fr: Équipe technique - Cap that Cup
  hu: Cap that Cup személyzet
  it: Cap that Cup - Staff
  nl: Cap that Cup - Staf
  no: Cap that Cup – Medarbeider
  pl: Cap that Cup – organizator
  pt: Organização - Cap that Cup
  pt-br: Equipe - Cap that Cup
  ru: Организатор Cap that Cup
  sv: Cap that Cup – Personal
  tr: Cap that Cup Ekip Üyesi
  zh-hans: Cap that Cup 工作人员
  zh-hant: Cap that Cup 工作人員
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st
cap that charity 1st place:
  en: Cap that Charity 1st Place
  cs: Cap that Charity 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i Cap that Charity
  de: Cap that Charity – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de Cap that Charity
  fi: Cap that Charity – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - Cap that Charity
  hu: Cap that Charity első helyezett
  it: Cap that Charity - Primo posto
  nl: Cap that Charity - Eerste plaats
  pl: Cap that Charity – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - Cap that Charity
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Cap that Charity
  ro: Cap that Charity – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в Cap that Charity
  sv: Cap that Charity – Förstaplats
  tr: Cap that Charity Birincilik
  zh-hans: Cap that Charity 冠军
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd
cap that charity 2nd place:
  en: Cap that Charity 2nd Place
  cs: Cap that Charity 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i Cap that Charity
  de: Cap that Charity – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de Cap that Charity
  fi: Cap that Charity – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - Cap that Charity
  hu: Cap that Charity második helyezett
  it: Cap that Charity - Secondo posto
  nl: Cap that Charity - Tweede plaats
  pl: Cap that Charity – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - Cap that Charity
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Cap that Charity
  ro: Cap that Charity – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в Cap that Charity
  sv: Cap that Charity – Andraplats
  tr: Cap that Charity İkincilik
  zh-hans: Cap that Charity 亚军
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd
cap that charity 3rd place:
  en: Cap that Charity 3rd Place
  cs: Cap that Charity 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i Cap that Charity
  de: Cap that Charity – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de Cap that Charity
  fi: Cap that Charity – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - Cap that Charity
  hu: Cap that Charity harmadik helyezett
  it: Cap that Charity - Terzo posto
  nl: Cap that Charity - Derde plaats
  pl: Cap that Charity – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - Cap that Charity
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Cap that Charity
  ro: Cap that Charity – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в Cap that Charity
  sv: Cap that Charity – Tredjeplats
  tr: Cap that Charity Üçüncülük
  zh-hans: Cap that Charity 季军
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant
cap that charity participant:
  en: Cap that Charity Participant
  cs: Cap that Charity Participant
  da: Deltager i Cap that Charity
  de: Cap that Charity – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de Cap that Charity
  fi: Cap that Charity – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - Cap that Charity
  hu: Cap that Charity résztvevő
  it: Cap that Charity - Partecipante
  nl: Cap that Charity - Deelnemer
  pl: Cap that Charity – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - Cap that Charity
  pt-br: Participante - Cap that Charity
  ro: Cap that Charity – Participant
  ru: Участник Cap that Charity
  sv: Cap that Charity – Deltagare
  tr: Cap that Charity Katılımcı
  zh-hans: Cap that Charity 参赛者
# TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor
cap that charity donor:
  en: Cap that Charity Donor
  cs: Cap that Charity Donor
  da: Donor til Cap that Charity
  de: Cap that Charity – Spender
  es: Donante de Cap that Charity
  fi: Cap that Charity – lahjoittaja
  fr: Donateur - Cap that Charity
  hu: Cap that Charity adományozó
  it: Cap that Charity - Donatore
  nl: Cap that Charity - Donateur
  pl: Cap that Charity - darczyńca
  pt: Doador - Cap that Charity
  pt-br: Doador - Cap that Charity
  ru: Спонсор Cap that Charity
  sv: Cap that Charity – Donator
  tr: Cap that Charity Bağışçı
  zh-hans: Cap that Charity 捐赠者
=== CappingTV ===
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerGold
cappingtv ultiduo summer brawl 1st place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fi: 1. sija – CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl első helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Primo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Eerste plaats
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Førsteplass
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 1:a plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Birincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerSilver
cappingtv ultiduo summer brawl 2nd place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fi: 2. sija – CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fr: 2ᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl második helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Secondo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Tweede plaats
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Andreplass
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 2:a plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl İkincisi
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBronze
cappingtv ultiduo summer brawl 3rd place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fi: 3. sija – CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fr: 3ᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl harmadik helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Terzo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Derde plaats
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Tredjeplass
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 3:e plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Üçüncüsü
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerParticipant
cappingtv ultiduo summer brawl participant:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participant
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participant
  da: Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fi: Osallistuja – CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  fr: Médaille de participation - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl résztvevő
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Partecipante
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 참가자
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl - Deelnemer
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Deltaker
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Participante - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Participant
  ru: Участник CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – Deltagare
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Katılımcısı
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterGold
cappingtv ultiduo winter chalice 1st place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de la CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fi: Voittaja - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice első helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Primo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 1위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Eerste plaats
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Winter Chalice
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Place
  ru: Первое место в CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - 1:a plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Birincisi
  zh-hans: CappingTV Ultiduo 冬季杯冠军
  zh-hant: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 第一名
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterSilver
cappingtv ultiduo winter chalice 2nd place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 2nd Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de la CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fi: Toinen sija - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fr: 2ᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice második helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Secondo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 2위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Tweede plaats
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Winter Chalice
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - 2:a plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice İkincisi
  zh-hans: CappingTV Ultiduo 冬季杯亚军
  zh-hant: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 第二名
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterBronze
cappingtv ultiduo winter chalice 3rd place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 3rd Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de la CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fi: Kolmas sija - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fr: 3ᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice harmadik helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Terzo posto
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 3위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Derde plaats
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Winter Chalice
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - 3:e plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Üçüncüsü
  zh-hans: CappingTV Ultiduo 冬季杯季军
  zh-hant: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 第三名
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_WinterParticipant
cappingtv ultiduo winter chalice participant:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Participant
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Participant
  da: Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de la CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fi: Osallistuja - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  fr: Médaille de participation - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice résztvevő
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Partecipante
  ko: CappingTV Ultiduo 겨울 성배 참가상
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice - Deelnemer
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  pt-br: Participante - Ultiduo - CappingTV - Winter Chalice
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Participant
  ru: Участник CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice – Deltagare
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Katılımcısı
  zh-hans: CappingTV Ultiduo 冬季杯参赛者
  zh-hant: CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 參加獎
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_1st
cappingtv summer brawl 1st place:
  en: CappingTV Summer Brawl 1st Place
  cs: CappingTV Summer Brawl 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i CappingTV Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de CappingTV Summer Brawl
  fi: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 1. sija
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Summer Brawl első helyezett
  it: CappingTV Summer Brawl - Primo posto
  ko: CappingTV Summer Brawl 1위
  no: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Førsteplass
  pl: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Locul 1
  ru: Первое место в CappingTV Summer Brawl
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_2nd
cappingtv summer brawl 2nd place:
  en: CappingTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place
  cs: CappingTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i CappingTV Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de CappingTV Summer Brawl
  fi: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 2. sija
  fr: 2ᵉ place - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Summer Brawl második helyezett
  it: CappingTV Summer Brawl - Secondo posto
  ko: CappingTV Summer Brawl 2위
  no: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Andreplass
  pl: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Segundo Lugar - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Locul 2
  ru: Второе место в CappingTV Summer Brawl
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_3rd
cappingtv summer brawl 3rd place:
  en: CappingTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place
  cs: CappingTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place
  da: 3.-plads i CappingTV Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Dritter Platz
  es: Tercer Puesto de CappingTV Summer Brawl
  fi: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 3. sija
  fr: 3ᵉ place - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Summer Brawl harmadik helyezett
  it: CappingTV Summer Brawl - Terzo posto
  ko: CappingTV Summer Brawl 3위
  no: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Tredjeplass
  pl: CappingTV Summer Brawl – 3. miejsce
  pt: Terceiro Lugar - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Terceiro Lugar - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Locul 3
  ru: Третье место в CappingTV Summer Brawl
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_SummerBrawl_Participant
cappingtv summer brawl participant:
  en: CappingTV Summer Brawl Participant
  cs: CappingTV Summer Brawl Participant
  da: Deltager i CappingTV Summer Brawl
  de: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Teilnehmer
  es: Participante de CappingTV Summer Brawl
  fi: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Osallistuja
  fr: Médaille de participation - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  hu: CappingTV Summer Brawl résztvevő
  it: CappingTV Summer Brawl - Partecipante
  ko: CappingTV Summer Brawl 참가자
  no: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Deltaker
  pl: CappingTV Summer Brawl – uczestnik
  pt: Participante - CappingTV Summer Brawl
  pt-br: Participante - CappingTV - Summer Brawl
  ro: CappingTV Summer Brawl – Participant
  ru: Участник CappingTV Summer Brawl
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold
cappingtv ultiduo 1st place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo 1st Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo 1st Place
  da: 1.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo – Erster Platz
  es: Primer Puesto de CappingTV Ultiduo
  fi: Voittaja – CappingTV Ultiduo
  fr: 1ʳᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo első helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo - Primo posto
  ja: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 第一位
  ko: CappingTV 2 대 2 경기 여름 난투 1위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo - Eerste plaats
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo – Førsteplass
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo – 1. miejsce
  pt: Primeiro Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo
  pt-br: Primeiro Lugar - Ultiduo - CappingTV
  ro: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place
  ru: Первое место в CappingTV Ultiduo
  sv: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl – 1:a plats
  tr: CappingTV Ultiduo Birincisi
  zh-hans: CappingTV Ultiduo 夏日喧哗赛冠军
  zh-hant: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 冠軍
# TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Silver
cappingtv ultiduo 2nd place:
  en: CappingTV Ultiduo 2nd Place
  cs: CappingTV Ultiduo 2nd Place
  da: 2.-plads i CappingTV Ultiduo
  de: CappingTV Ultiduo – Zweiter Platz
  es: Segundo Puesto de CappingTV Ultiduo
  fi: 2. sija – CappingTV Ultiduo
  fr: 2ᵉ place - CappingTV Ultiduo
  hu: CappingTV Ultiduo második helyezett
  it: CappingTV Ultiduo - Secondo posto
  ja: CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 第二位
  ko: CappingTV 2 대 2 경기 여름 난투 2위
  nl: CappingTV Ultiduo - Tweede plaats
  no: CappingTV Ultiduo – Andreplass
  pl: CappingTV Ultiduo – 2. miejsce
  pt: Segundo Lugar - CappingTV Ultiduo

Latest revision as of 00:51, 19 July 2024

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Tournament medals

Asia BBall Cup


AsiaFortress Cup

AsiaFortress LAN

AsiaFortress Invite

BBall One Day Cup

Beginnings 5


Brazil Fortress

Brazil Fortress 6v6

Brazil Fortress Halloween

Brazil Fortress Jump Cup

Cap that Cup



Chapelaria 6v6

Chapelaria Highlander

Chapelaria Ultiduo

Classic MGE Cup

Copenhagen Games

CustomLander TF2


Electronic Sports League

ESA Rewind

ESEA 6s Invite

ESH Ultiduo


European Team Fortress 2 League

ETF2L 6v6

ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge

ETF2L Highlander

ETF2L Highlander Open

ETF2L Ultiduo

EU Bball League

Eu Mixes Cup



FBTF 4v4

FBTF Cup 6v6

Fresh Meat Prolander Cup

Fruit Mixes Highlander

Gamers Assembly

Gamers With Jobs

Gette it Onne!






LAN Downunder

Late Night TF2 Cup


LBTF2 6v6

LBTF2 Highlander

MidNight Moon

Moscow LAN

National Heavy Boxing League

New Caps Cup

NewbiDuo Cup

Newbie Highlander Cup

Newbie Prolander Cup

OSL.tf Cup


ozfortress Highlander

ozfortress Sixes

ozfortress Summer Cup


PASS Time Federation

PASS Time Tournament


PURE League

Rasslabyxa Cup

Ready Steady Pan

Respawn League

RETF2 Retrospective


Recharge Gaming League


RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup

RGL.gg Prolander

Russian Highlander

Sacred Scouts

Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta

South American Vanilla Fortress

Streamer Cup

Team Fortress 2 Competitive League


TFArena 6v6 Arena Mode Cup

TFNew 6v6 Newbie Cup

United Gaming Clans

UGC 4vs4

UGC 6vs6

UGC Highlander

UGC Ultiduo

Ultimate Ultiduo

United Dodgeball League
