Difference between revisions of "User:Airborne"

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(This is my page.)
m (fixed and added favorite voice lines section)
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<!--hey, what the hell are ya doin here?-->
{{User infobox
| title          = pato
| infoboxcolour  = #FBAF0C
| image          = User Airborne SteamProfilePicture.png
| gender        = Male
| health        = ''125''
| favmap_us      = [[2fort|2fort]] [[Landfall|Landfall]] [[Turbine|Turbine]] [[Swiftwater|Swiftwater]]
| favclass_us    = '''Sniper''', Scout, Spy
| favweap_us    = {{Icon weapon|Australium Sniper Rifle|45px}}
| favhat_us      = {{Icon item|Classy Capper}}{{Icon item|Rifleman's Regalia}}
| favmisc_us    = {{Icon item|Earbuds}}
| steampage      = [https://steamcommunity.com/id/airbornepato airbornepato]
<div style="position:fixed;left:910px;bottom:-5px;z-index:1000;">[[File:Killicon_duck.png]]</div>
==About Me==
hey all, i'm pato! <small>''(aka: airborne/airborne_pato)''</small><br>
i'm a pretty new player to ''TF2''; started about July of 2021. i plan on sticking around for a lot longer, though.<br>
i enjoy playing as and main Sniper (but i can't say i'm the best by any means)<br>
if you see me contribute a random edit, and i did something wrong, lemme know. i try my best to do things correctly.<br>
<!--Always wanted to show the world my favorite lines.-->
==Favorite Voice Lines==
{{Quotation|'''The Sniper'''|One Sniper to another, mate: Give Up!|sound=Sniper DominationSniper22.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Sniper'''|Everything above your neck is going to be a fine red mist!|sound=Sniper taunts22.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Sniper'''|The bullets come outta the slim end, mate!|sound=Sniper DominationSniper18.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free.|sound=Scout_misc02.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit. C'mon, make us both happy.|sound=Scout_domination19.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|Here's a schematic for ya: my ass!|sound=Scout dominationeng04.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''The Scout'''|Hey, I'll say it. Everybody else here is too scared to say it, but I'll just say what everybody's thinkin'!|sound=Cm scout pregamefirst rare 10.mp3}}

Latest revision as of 19:26, 18 November 2024

Basic information
Gender: Male
Health: 125
Team Fortress 2
Favorite classes: Sniper, Scout, Spy
Favorite maps: 2fort Landfall Turbine Swiftwater
Favorite weapons: Australium Sniper Rifle
Favorite hats: Classy CapperRifleman's Regalia
Favorite miscellaneous items: Earbuds
Contact information
Steam page: airbornepato

Killicon duck.png

About Me

hey all, i'm pato! (aka: airborne/airborne_pato)
i'm a pretty new player to TF2; started about July of 2021. i plan on sticking around for a lot longer, though.
i enjoy playing as and main Sniper (but i can't say i'm the best by any means)
if you see me contribute a random edit, and i did something wrong, lemme know. i try my best to do things correctly.

Favorite Voice Lines

One Sniper to another, mate: Give Up!
The Sniper
The bullets come outta the slim end, mate!
The Sniper
Here's a schematic for ya: my ass!
The Scout