(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown) |
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Line 1: |
− | <!-- | + | <div class="plainlinks plainlinks2" style="text-align:center;"> |
| + | <strong style="font-size: 1.5em;">Template test page</strong> |
| | | |
− | //
| + | [[File:Unknownweapon.png|256px|link=]] |
− | // NOTE:
| |
− | //
| |
− | // The coding of this template is quite complicated and may be difficult to comprehend unless
| |
− | // you have an advanced understanding of template and ParserFunctions syntax. As it is also
| |
− | // used on ~5,500 pages (around 40% of all articles), it is advised that you take care when editing it. Please do not make
| |
− | // significant changes without discussing it first on the talk page.
| |
− | //
| |
− | // If you need help editing this template, please post on the talk page.
| |
− | //
| |
| | | |
− | --><div id="right-sidebar"><table class="infobox item-infobox {{{type|item}}}-{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{game|}}}}}|tfc|tfc-}}infobox" style="width:256px; max-width:256px; {{lang|ar=float:left; margin: 0.5em 1 0.5em 0em;}}">
| + | <strong> |
− | <tr>
| + | I use this page for testing global changes in high-use templates.<br/> |
− | <th class="infobox-header" id="top-header" colspan="2" style="background:#F3A957;">{{{name-override|{{{NAME|{{{name|{{if lang | non-en = {{{title|{{item name|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}} [[Category:Automatically titled pages|{{BASEPAGENAME}} {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]| en = {{{title|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}</th>
| + | This page is currently empty. '''[[User:Aperture AI|Go back]]'''.<br/> |
− | </tr><!--
| + | </strong> |
− | | + | <center> |
− | -->{{#if:{{{beta|}}}
| + | <div style="width: 300px; margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #dddddd; border-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius: 7px"> |
− | | <tr>
| + | <div style="padding: 3px; background-color: #dddddd; border-radius: 7px 7px 0 0; font-weight: 700;">Previously tested templates:</div> |
− | <th class="infobox-header" colspan="2">[[Team Fortress 2 Beta{{if lang}}|{{lang
| + | <small> |
− | | en = Team Fortress 2 Beta
| + | * [[Template:Backpack item|Backpack item]] - custom icon |
− | | pt-br = Team Fortress 2 Beta
| + | * [[Template:Item infobox|Item infobox]] - custom icon |
− | | fr = Bêta Team Fortress 2
| + | * [[Template:Item infobox|Item infobox]] - new team color box |
− | | ru= Team Fortress 2 Бета
| + | </small> |
− | }}]]
| + | </div> |
− | </th>
| + | </center> |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // IMAGES
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#if:{{{image|}}}
| |
− | | <tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="padding:0em;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:{{{image|Screenshot needed.png}}}|{{{imagewidth|250px}}}|center]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Team-colored images
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#if:{{{team-colors|{{{two-models|}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{{type|}}}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Grid (used only on hats & misc)
| |
− | // Uses a nested table due to issues with column widths present in the rest of the table.
| |
− | | |
− | -->
| |
− | | hat
| |
− | | misc. item
| |
− | | misc item
| |
− | | misc =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="padding:none;">
| |
− | <table style="width:100%; background:none; border:none; padding:none; margin:none;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td style="width:50%; background:#B8383B; text-align:center; border-right:1px solid #fff;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[RED{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Please only add to this list if your language uses different words for 'RED' and 'BLU'. -->
| |
− | | ar = ريد
| |
− | | cs = Červený
| |
− | | da = RØD
| |
− | | en = RED
| |
− | | nl = RED (rood)
| |
− | | ko = 레드
| |
− | | ru = КРС
| |
− | | sv = RÖD
| |
− | | zh-hans = 红队
| |
− | | zh-hant = 紅隊
| |
− | }}</span>]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | <td style="width:50%; background:#5885A2; text-align:center; border-left:1px solid #fff;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[BLU{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Please only add to this list if your language uses different words for 'RED' and 'BLU'. -->
| |
− | | ar = بلو
| |
− | | cs = Modrý
| |
− | | da = BLÅ
| |
− | | en = BLU
| |
− | | nl = BLU (blauw)
| |
− | | ru = СИН
| |
− | | sv = BLÅ
| |
− | | ko = 블루
| |
− | | zh-hans = 蓝队
| |
− | | zh-hant = 藍隊
| |
− | }}</span>]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="padding:none;">
| |
− | <table style="width:100%; background:none; border:none; padding:none; margin:none;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
| |
− | <td style="width:100%; background:#f9d48a; text-align:center; border-right:1px solid #fff;">{{class link|Soldier}}</td>
| |
− | </table>
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td style="text-align:center; margin:0em auto;">[[File:{{{skin-image-red|RED {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png}}}|95px]]</td>
| |
− | <td style="text-align:center; margin:0em auto;">[[File:{{{skin-image-blu|BLU {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png}}}|95px]]</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="padding:none;">
| |
− | <table style="width:100%; background:none; border:none; padding:none; margin:none;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
| |
− | <td style="width:100%; background:#f9d48a; text-align:center; border-right:1px solid #fff;">{{class link|Medic}}</td>
| |
− | </table>
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td style="text-align:center; margin:0em auto;">[[File:{{{skin-image-red|RED {{BASEPAGENAME}} Medic.png}}}|95px]]</td>
| |
− | <td style="text-align:center; margin:0em auto;">[[File:{{{skin-image-blu|BLU {{BASEPAGENAME}} Medic.png}}}|95px]]</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | </table>
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Stacked landscape views (used only on weapons)
| |
− |
| |
− | -->
| |
− | | weapon = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{game|}}}}}
| |
− | | #default =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="width:100%; background:#B8383B; text-align:{{lang|ar = right|en = left}};"><!--
| |
− | -->[[RED{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang<!--
| |
− | // Please only add to this list if your language uses different words for 'RED' and 'BLU'. -->
| |
− | | ar = ريد
| |
− | | cs = Červený
| |
− | | da = RØD
| |
− | | en = RED
| |
− | | nl = RED (rood)
| |
− | | ko = 레드
| |
− | | ru = КРС
| |
− | | sv = RÖD
| |
− | | zh-hans = 红队
| |
− | | zh-hant = 紅隊
| |
− | }}</span>]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="margin:0em auto;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:{{{skin-image-red|RED {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png}}}|250px|center]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // RED ends.
| |
− | // BLU begins.
| |
− | | |
− | --><tr><!--
| |
− | --><td colspan="2" style="width:100%; background:#5885A2; text-align:{{lang|ar = right|en = left}};"><!--
| |
− | -->[[BLU{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang<!--
| |
− | // Please only add to this list if your language uses different words for 'RED' and 'BLU'. -->
| |
− | | ar = بلو
| |
− | | cs = Modrý
| |
− | | da = BLÅ
| |
− | | en = BLU
| |
− | | nl = BLU (blauw)
| |
− | | ru = СИН
| |
− | | sv = BLÅ
| |
− | | ko = 블루
| |
− | | zh-hans = 蓝队
| |
− | | zh-hant = 藍隊
| |
− | }}</span>]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="margin:0em auto;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:{{{skin-image-blu|BLU {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png}}}|250px|center]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | | tfc
| |
− | | classic = <!--
| |
− | | |
− | // QTF & TFC landscape images.
| |
− | | |
− | --><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="width:100%; background:#C7A900; text-align:{{lang|ar = right|en = left}};"><!--
| |
− | --><span style="white-space:nowrap; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:Classic Icon.png|20px|Team Fortress Classic|link=Team Fortress Classic{{if lang}}]]<!--
| |
− | --> [[Team Fortress Classic{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang
| |
− | | en = Team Fortress Classic
| |
− | }}</span>]]<!--
| |
− | --></span>
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="margin:0em auto;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:{{{TFC-model|Screenshot needed.png}}}|250px|center]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // TFC ends.
| |
− | // QTF begins.
| |
− | | |
− | --><tr><!--
| |
− | --><td colspan="2" style="width:100%; background:#C77700; text-align:{{lang|ar = right|en = left}};"><!--
| |
− | --><span style="white-space:nowrap; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:Quake Icon.png|22px|Quake Team Fortress|link=Quake Team Fortress{{if lang}}]]<!--
| |
− | --> [[Quake Team Fortress{{if lang}}|<span style="color:#fff;">{{lang
| |
− | | en = Quake Team Fortress
| |
− | }}</span>]]<!--
| |
− | --></span>
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="margin:0em auto;"><!--
| |
− | -->[[File:{{{QTF-model|Screenshot needed.png}}}|250px|center]]
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!-- End 'game' switch -->
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // End team-colored images switch
| |
− | | |
− | // Begin kill icons
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#ifeq:{{Icon killicon|weapon = {{lc:{{{kill-icon-1|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}}}|NONE|{{ns:0}}|
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <th class="infobox-header" colspan="2">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = كيل أيكون{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | cs = {{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|Ikony|Ikona}} při zabití
| |
− | | da = Drabsikon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|er}}
| |
− | | de = {{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|Bilder|Bild}}
| |
− | | es = Icono{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}} de Muerte
| |
− | | en = Kill Icon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | fi = Tappoikoni{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|t}}
| |
− | | fr = Icône{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}} de Frag
| |
− | | hu = Ölés ikon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | it = {{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|Icone|Icona}} di morte
| |
− | | ja = キルアイコン
| |
− | | ko = 사살 표시{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | nl = Moord icoon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | no = Draps Ikon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | pl = Ikon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|y|a}} zabicia
| |
− | | pt = Ícone de Morte{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | pt-br = Ícone de Morte{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | ro = Pictogram{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|e|ă}}
| |
− | | ru = {{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|Иконки убийств|Иконка убийства}}
| |
− | | sv = Dödsikon{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}|s}}
| |
− | | zh-hans = 杀人图标{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}}}
| |
− | | zh-hant = 殺人圖示{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | </th>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-1|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-1|}}}}}</td><!--
| |
− | --></tr>
| |
− | }}<!-- End of #ifeq 'none' from above.
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{kill-icon-2|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-2|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-2|}}}}}</td></tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{kill-icon-3|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-3|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-3|}}}}}</td></tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{kill-icon-4|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-4|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-4|}}}}}</td></tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{kill-icon-5|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-5|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-5|}}}}}</td></tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{kill-icon-6|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><td colspan="2">{{kill notice|weapon={{lc:{{{kill-icon-6|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}}|kill-text={{{kill-text-6|}}}}}</td></tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− |
| |
− | // Basic Information
| |
− | | |
− | --><tr>
| |
− | <th class="infobox-header" colspan="2">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = معلومات أساسية
| |
− | | cs = Základní informace
| |
− | | da = Information
| |
− | | de = Informationen
| |
− | | en = Basic Information
| |
− | | es = Información básica
| |
− | | fi = Perustiedot
| |
− | | fr = Informations de base
| |
− | | hu = Alapvető információk
| |
− | | it = Informazioni di base
| |
− | | ja = インフォメーション
| |
− | | ko = 기본 정보
| |
− | | nl = Basis informatie
| |
− | | no = Grunnleggende informasjon
| |
− | | pl = Podstawowe informacje
| |
− | | pt = Informações Básicas
| |
− | | pt-br = Informação Básica
| |
− | | ro = Informaţii de bază
| |
− | | ru = Информация
| |
− | | sv = Grundläggande Information
| |
− | | zh-hans = 基本信息
| |
− | | zh-hant = 資訊
| |
− | }}
| |
− | </th>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'used-by'
| |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | tool | tools | action item | action = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: don't have 'use-by' on tools or action items. -->
| |
− | | #default =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapons | weapon
| |
− | | taunt | tauntkill | taunt-kill
| |
− | | #default = {{lang
| |
− | | ar = يستعملها:
| |
− | | cs = Používá:
| |
− | | da = Brugt af:
| |
− | | de = Benutzt von:
| |
− | | en = Used by:
| |
− | | es = Utilizado por:
| |
− | | fi = Käyttää:
| |
− | | fr = Utilisé par :
| |
− | | hu = Használja:
| |
− | | it = Usato da:
| |
− | | ja = 使用クラス:
| |
− | | ko = 사용 클래스
| |
− | | nl = Gebruikt door:
| |
− | | no = Brukt av:
| |
− | | pl = Klasa:
| |
− | | pt = Utilizado por:
| |
− | | pt-br = Utilizado por:
| |
− | | ro = Folosit de:
| |
− | | ru = Используется:
| |
− | | sv = Använt av:
| |
− | | zh-hans = 使用的兵种:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 使用的兵種:
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | hats | head | headwear | hat
| |
− | | misc item | misc. item | misc. | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item = {{lang
| |
− | | ar = يلبسها:
| |
− | | cs = Používá:
| |
− | | da = Båret af:
| |
− | | de = Getragen von:
| |
− | | en = Worn by:
| |
− | | es = Usado por:
| |
− | | fr = Porté par :
| |
− | | fi = Käyttää:
| |
− | | it = Indossato da:
| |
− | | ja = 装備:
| |
− | | ko = 착용 클래스:
| |
− | | nl = Gedragen door:
| |
− | | no = Båret av:
| |
− | | pl = Klasa:
| |
− | | pt = Usado por:
| |
− | | pt-br = Usado por:
| |
− | | ro = Purtată de:
| |
− | | ru = Используется:
| |
− | | sv = Buren av:
| |
− | | zh-hans = 装备的兵种:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 裝備:
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}</td><td>{{{used-by}}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'slot'
| |
− | // For most weapons, the parameter will be defined as simply 'slot 1' or 'secondary'. Pages that do use these values
| |
− | // will also be categorized accordingly. Other pages that have complicated slots or slot confusion will be excluded
| |
− | // from categorization (and will need to be manually added to the category).
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | tool | tools = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: tools have no 'slot' as they cannot be carried by players. -->
| |
− | | #default = <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = وضع
| |
− | | cs = Slot:
| |
− | | da = Position:
| |
− | | de = Position:
| |
− | | en = Slot:
| |
− | | es = Espacio:
| |
− | | fr = Emplacement :
| |
− | | fi = Paikka:
| |
− | | hu = Slot
| |
− | | ja = スロット:
| |
− | | ko = 슬롯
| |
− | | nl = Slot:
| |
− | | no = Spalte:
| |
− | | pt = Ranhura:
| |
− | | pt-br = Posição:
| |
− | | ru = Слот:
| |
− | | sv = Position:
| |
− | | zh-hans = 类型:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 類型:
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | taunt
| |
− | | weapon = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{slot|}}}}}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // The text for these weapon slots are stored at:
| |
− | // http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Template:Weapon_name
| |
− | | |
− | -->
| |
− | | slot1 | slot 1 | 1 | primary = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Primary}}]]
| |
− | | slot2 | slot 2 | 2 | secondary = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Secondary}}]]
| |
− | | slot3 | slot 3 | 3 | melee = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Melee}}]]
| |
− | | pda1 | pda 1 | disguise kit = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|pda1}}]]
| |
− | | pda2 | pda 2 | watch | cloak = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|pda2}}]]
| |
− | | #default = {{#if:{{{unused|}}}
| |
− | | {{lang
| |
− | | ar = غير معروف
| |
− | | cs = Neznámé
| |
− | | de = Unbekannt
| |
− | | en = Unknown
| |
− | | es = Desconocido
| |
− | | it = Sconosciuto
| |
− | | fr = Inconnu
| |
− | | pl = Nieznany
| |
− | | pt-br = Desconhecido
| |
− | | ru = Неизвестно
| |
− | | zh-hans = 未知
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | {{{slot|{{{custom-slot|}}}}}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{custom-slot|}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Skip crafting slot if some other slot is defined. -->
| |
− | | {{#if:{{{crafting-slot|}}}
| |
− | | <br />{{#switch:{{lc:{{{crafting-slot|}}}}}
| |
− | | slot1 | slot 1 | 1 | primary = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Primary}}]]
| |
− | | slot2 | slot 2 | 2 | secondary = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Secondary}}]]
| |
− | | slot3 | slot 3 | 3 | melee = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Melee}}]]
| |
− | | pda1 | pda 1 | disguise kit = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|pda1}}]]
| |
− | | pda2 | pda 2 | watch | cloak = [[Weapons{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|pda2}}]]
| |
− | }} <small>{{lang
| |
− | | en = (Crafting)
| |
− | | es = (Fabricación)
| |
− | | fr = (Fabrication)
| |
− | | pl = (Wytwarzanie)
| |
− | | pt-br = (Fabricação)
| |
− | | ru = (Ковка)
| |
− | | zh-hans = (合成)
| |
− | }}</small>
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | taunt | tauntkill | taunt-kill = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{slot|}}}}}
| |
− | | slot1 | slot2 | slot3 | slot 1 | slot 2 | slot 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | primary | secondary | melee = <!--
| |
− | // The above row ^ is necessary to stop placing '(Taunt)' on the end of non-standard slot values.
| |
− | -->([[Taunt{{if lang}}|{{weapon name|Taunt}}]])
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: slot test failed. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: not a taunt. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear = [[Hats{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = رأس
| |
− | | cs = Klobouk
| |
− | | da = Hoved
| |
− | | de = Kopf
| |
− | | en = Head
| |
− | | es = Sombrero
| |
− | | fi = Päähine
| |
− | | fr = Tête
| |
− | | hu = Fej
| |
− | | it = Testa
| |
− | | ja = 帽子
| |
− | | ko = 모자
| |
− | | nl = Hoofd
| |
− | | no = Hode
| |
− | | pl = Głowa
| |
− | | pt = Cabeça
| |
− | | pt-br = Chapéu
| |
− | | ro = Cap
| |
− | | ru = Головa
| |
− | | sv = Huvud
| |
− | | zh-hans = 帽子
| |
− | | zh-hant = 帽子
| |
− | }}]]
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item = [[Miscellaneous items{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = أشياء متنوع
| |
− | | cs = Postranní
| |
− | | da = Diverse
| |
− | | de = Diverse
| |
− | | en = Misc
| |
− | | es = Misceláneo
| |
− | | fi = Sekalainen
| |
− | | fr = Objets divers
| |
− | | it = Vario
| |
− | | ja = その他の装飾品
| |
− | | ko = 기타
| |
− | | nl = Diversen
| |
− | | no = Diverse
| |
− | | pl = Różne
| |
− | | pt = Diversos
| |
− | | pt-br = Miscelâneo
| |
− | | ro = Divers
| |
− | | ru = Разное
| |
− | | sv = Diverse
| |
− | | zh-hans = 其他物品
| |
− | | zh-hant = 其他物品
| |
− | }}]]
| |
− | | action | action item = [[Action items{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = الأكشن
| |
− | | cs = Použitelný
| |
− | | da = Handlings
| |
− | | en = Action
| |
− | | es = Acción
| |
− | | fi = Toiminto
| |
− | | it = Azione
| |
− | | ja = アクション
| |
− | | nl = Actie
| |
− | | no = Kamp
| |
− | | pl = Działanie
| |
− | | pt = Acção
| |
− | | pt-br = Ação
| |
− | | ru = Предмет действия
| |
− | | sv = Aktion
| |
− | | zh-hans = 动作
| |
− | | zh-hant = 動作
| |
− | }}]]
| |
− | | #default = {{{slot|{{{custom-slot|{{ucfirst:{{{type|}}}}}}}}}}}<!-- If all else fails, just display 'slot'. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{contributed-by|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'contributed-by' (optional)
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = ساهم بها:
| |
− | | cs = Přispěl:
| |
− | | da = Bidraget af:
| |
− | | de = Eingesendet von:
| |
− | | en = Contributed by:
| |
− | | es = Creado por:
| |
− | | fi = Tekijä:
| |
− | | fr = Contribution de :
| |
− | | hu = Készítette:
| |
− | | it = Creato da:
| |
− | | ja = 作者:
| |
− | | ko = 제작자 :
| |
− | | nl = Gemaakt door:
| |
− | | no = Bidratt av:
| |
− | | pl = Autor:
| |
− | | pt = Criado por:
| |
− | | pt-br = Criado por:
| |
− | | ro = Autor:
| |
− | | ru = Создатель:
| |
− | | sv = Skapad av:
| |
− | | zh-hans = 贡献者:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 投稿作者:
| |
− | }}</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{{contributed-by}}}</td><!--
| |
− | --><includeonly>{{lang cat|Community-contributed items|sort={{ucfirst:{{{type|-}}}}} {{BASEPAGENAME}}}}</includeonly><!-- ## CATEGORY INLINE HOOK ## -->
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{released|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'released' (optional)
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = أصدرت
| |
− | | cs = Vydáno v:
| |
− | | da = Udgivet:
| |
− | | de = Erschienen:
| |
− | | en = Released:
| |
− | | es = Lanzamiento:
| |
− | | fi = Julkaistu:
| |
− | | fr = Date de sortie :
| |
− | | hu = Kiadták:
| |
− | | it = Rilasciato:
| |
− | | ja = リリース日:
| |
− | | ko = 발매일자
| |
− | | nl = Uitgebracht:
| |
− | | no = Utgitt:
| |
− | | pl = Wydanie:
| |
− | | pt = Data de lançamento:
| |
− | | pt-br = Publicado em:
| |
− | | ro = Lansat:
| |
− | | ru = Выпущено:
| |
− | | sv = Släppt
| |
− | | zh-hans = 发布时间:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 釋出時間:
| |
− | }}</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{{released}}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Hide the following on TFC pages, pages marked as 'unused', 'beta' and taunt pages:
| |
− | // 'availability', 'price', 'trade', 'gift', 'craft', 'paint', 'rename', 'medieval':
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#if:{{{unused|{{{beta|}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Hide because unused is defined. -->
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{game|}}}}}
| |
− | | tfc = {{ns:0}}
| |
− | | #default = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | taunt | tauntkill | taunt-kill = {{ns:0}}
| |
− | | #default = <!--
| |
− | | |
− | --><tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'availability' (optional)
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = تواجدها:
| |
− | | cs = Dostupnost:
| |
− | | da = Tilgængelighed:
| |
− | | de = Verfügbarkeit:
| |
− | | en = Availability:
| |
− | | es = Obtención:
| |
− | | fi = Saatavuus:
| |
− | | fr = Disponibilité :
| |
− | | hu = Elérhető:
| |
− | | it = Disponibilità:
| |
− | | ja = 入手方法:
| |
− | | ko = 획득방법
| |
− | | nl = Verkrijgbaarheid:
| |
− | | no = Tilgjengelighet:
| |
− | | pl = Dostępność:
| |
− | | pt = Disponibilidade:
| |
− | | pt-br = Disponibilidade:
| |
− | | ro = Disponibilitate:
| |
− | | ru = Доступность:
| |
− | | sv = Tillgänglighet
| |
− | | zh-hans = 获得方式:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 入手方法:
| |
− | }}</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item
| |
− | | #default = {{#if:{{{availability|}}}|{{{availability}}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = نزول
| |
− | | cs = Náhodně najít
| |
− | | da = Findes
| |
− | | de = Zufallsfund
| |
− | | en = Drop
| |
− | | es = Aleatoria
| |
− | | fi = Löydettävissä
| |
− | | hu = Találni lehet
| |
− | | it = Casuale
| |
− | | ja = ドロップ
| |
− | | ko = 드랍
| |
− | | nl = Drop
| |
− | | no = Dropp
| |
− | | pl = Losowa
| |
− | | pt = Distribuição
| |
− | | pt-br = Distribuição
| |
− | | ro = Drop
| |
− | | ru = Выпадение
| |
− | | sv = Hitta
| |
− | | zh-hans = 掉落
| |
− | | zh-hant = 隨機掉落
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Item pricing.
| |
− | | |
− | // Check if the {{item price}} template displays an error.
| |
− | // If it does, hide the price row altogether.
| |
− | // Also hide price row if 'price' or 'show-price' is defined directly on the page.
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{{price|{{{item price|{{{show-price|¬}}}}}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬ = {{#ifexist:Template:Dictionary/price/{{lc:{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}
| |
− | | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label"><!--
| |
− | -->[[Mann Co. Store{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|سعر|سعر الأيتم في المان كو. سطور}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Cena|Cena předmětu v Mann Co. Obchodě.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Pris|Tingens pris i Mann Co. Butikken.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Preis|Der Preis des Items im Mann Co. Store.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Price|The item's price in the Mann Co. Store.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Precio|El precio de este objeto en la Tienda Mann Co.}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Hinta|Esineen hinta Mann Co. -kaupassa.}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Prix|Le prix de cet objet dans le Magasin Mann Co.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Prezzo|Il prezzo dell'oggetto nel Negozio Mann Co.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|価格|Mann Co. Store/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|가격|만사 스토어 가격}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Prijs|Prijs van het item in de Mann Co. Store.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Pris|Gjenstandens pris i Mann Co. Butikken.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Cena|Cena przedmiotu w Sklepie Mann Co.}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Preço|O preço deste item na Mann Co. Store}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Preço|O preço deste item na Mann Co. Store}}:
| |
− | | ro = {{tooltip|Preţ|Preţul obiectului în Magazinul Mann Co.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Цена|Цена предмета в магазине Манн Ко.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{Tooltip|Pris|Föremålets pris i Mann Co.-butiken}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|价格|曼恩公司商店的价格}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|價格|在曼恩企業商店的價格}}:
| |
− | }}]]
| |
− | </td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{item price|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}{{#if:{{{item-price+|}}}|<small><br/>{{{item-price+|}}}</small>}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- Avoid the #ifexist: above if the infobox says no -->
| |
− | }}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{quality|}}}}} | normal
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!--
| |
− | // Little workaround to hide 'Tradable?' and 'Giftable?' on stock item pages because
| |
− | // they aren't tradable/giftable unless they are renamed.
| |
− | -->
| |
− | | {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}|taunt|{{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: can't trade taunts -->
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'trade'
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">[[Trading{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|يمكن تبادلها|إذا كان يمكن تبادل الأيتم.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Obchodování|Možnost výměny s jiným hráčem.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Kan Byttes|Om tingen kan byttes i handel.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Tauschbar|Ob es möglich ist das Item zu tauschen.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Tradable|If the item is usable in Trading.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Intercambiable|Si el objeto puede ser intercambiado.}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Vaihdettava|Voiko esineen vaihtaa?}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Échangeable|S'il est possible d'échanger cet objet.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Scambiabile|Se l'oggetto può essere utilizzato nello Scambio.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|交換|Trading/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|교환 여부|아이템이 교환 가능할 시}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Ruilbaar|Of je het item kan Ruilen.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Byttbar|Om gjenstanden kan brukes i bytting.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Wymiana|Czy przedmiot jest wymienialny?}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Trocar|Se este item pode ser trocado.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Trocar|Se este item pode ser trocado.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Обмен|Предмет можно использовать при обмене.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{Tooltip|Kan bytas|Om objektet kan bytas med en annan spelare.}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|交換|如果该项目能够交易}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|交換|該項目是否能夠交換}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{trade|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}<includeonly>{{lang cat|Untradeable items}}</includeonly><!-- ## CATEGORY INLINE HOOK ## -->
| |
− | | #default = {{{trade|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}|taunt|{{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: can't gift taunts either -->
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'gift'
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">[[Gift Wrap{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|يمكن إهدائه|إذا كان بإلمكان تغليف الأتيم.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Darování|Možnost zabalení pomocí Gift Wrapu.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Gives som Gave|Om tingen kan blive pakket ind ved brug af Indpaknings Papir.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Verschenkbar|Ob das Item mit dem Geschenkpapiers verschenkt werden kann.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Giftable|If the item can be wrapped using the Gift Wrap.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Como regalo|Si el objeto puede ser regalado usando el Papel de Regalo.}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Lahjoitettava|Voiko esineen kääriä lahjapaperilla?}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Emballable|Si cet objet peut être emballé en utilisant du Papier Cadeau.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Regalabile|Se l'oggetto può essere incartato con la Confezione Regalo.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|ギフト|Gift Wrap/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|선물 여부|선물 포장이 가능할 시}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Schenkbaar|Of je dit item kunt inpakken met Geschenk Papier.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Pakkbar|Om gjenstanden kan bli pakket in med gavepapir.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Prezent|Czy przedmiot może zostać spakowany jako prezent?}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Presente|Se este item pode ser embrulhado utilizando o Papel de Embrulho.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Presente|Se este item pode ser embrulhado utilizando o Papel de Embrulho.}}:
| |
− | | ro = {{tooltip|Împachetabil|Acest produs se poate împacheta.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Упаковка|Предмет может быть завернут в подарочную упаковку.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{Tooltip|Kan ges bort|Om objektet slås in med hjälp av Presentpapper och skänkas bort.}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|礼物包装|如果该项目是能够使用包装礼盒包装。}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|禮品包裝|該項目是否能夠使用禮品包裝道具包裝。}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{gift|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}
| |
− | | #default = {{{gift|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'craft'
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | action item | action
| |
− | | taunt = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: can't craft these -->
| |
− | | #default = {{#if:{{{craft|}}}
| |
− | | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">[[Crafting{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|يمكن كرافته|إذا كان الأتيم يمكن عمل كرافتينج له.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Craftování|Možnost použít předmět při Kraftování.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Omsmeltes|Om tingen kan bruges i omsmeltning.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Schmiedbar|Ob das Item zum Schmieden verwendet werden kann.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Craftable|If the item is usable in Crafting.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Manufacturable|Si el objeto es útil en la fabricación de objetos.}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Luotava|Voiko esinettä käyttää luomisessa?}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Craftable|Si cet objet est utilisable en Fabrication.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Creabile|Se l'oggetto può essere usato nella Creazione.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|作成|Crafting/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|제작 여부|아이템이 제작 가능할 시.}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Smeedbaar|Of je het item kunt Smeden.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Konstruerbar|Om gjenstanden kan brukes i konstruering.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Wytwarzanie|Czy przedmiot można używać w wytwarzaniu?}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Ingrediente|Se este item pode ser utilizado em Criações.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Ingrediente|Se este item pode ser utilizado em Criações.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Ковка|Предмет может быть использован при ковке.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{tooltip|Tillverkbar|Om objektet kan användas i Tillverkning.}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|合成|如果该项目是能够合成}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|合成|該項目是否能夠進行合成}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{craft|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}
| |
− | | #default = {{{craft|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item = <tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'paint'
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">[[Paint Can{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|يمكن طليه|إذا كان الأيتم يمكن طلائه.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Nabarvení|Možnost zbarvit pomocí Paint Can.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Males|Om tingen kan males ved brug af Maling.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Einfärbbar|Ob das Item mit einer Farbdose eingefärbt weden kann.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Paintable|If the item can be painted using the Paint Can.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Coloreable|Si el objeto puede pintarse con el bote de pintura.}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Maalattava|Voiko esineen väriä vaihtaa maalipurkilla?}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Peignable|S'il est possible de peindre cet objet avec un Bidon de Peinture.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Verniciabile|Se l'oggetto può essere verniciato con la Latta di Vernice.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|ペイント缶|Paint Can/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|색칠 여부|아이템이 페인트 사용이 가능할 시}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Verfbaar|Of je het item kunt verven met Verf.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Malbar|Om gjenstanden kan bli malt med et malingsspann.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Kolorowanie|Czy przedmiot może być przemalowany?}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Pintar|Se este item pode ser pintado utilizando uma Lata de tinta.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Pintar|Se este item pode ser pintado utilizando uma Lata de tinta.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Покраска|Предмет может быть покрашен.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{Tooltip|Kan målas|Om objektet kan målas med hjälp av en Färgburk.}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|可涂色|如果该项目是能够使用油漆桶涂色。}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|可塗色|該項目是否能夠使用油漆罐染色。}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data"><!--
| |
− | -->{{#switch:<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Hats default to 'Yes', Misc items default to 'No'.
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{paint|}}}
| |
− | | {{lc:{{{paint|}}}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item = no
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear | #default = ¬
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}<includeonly>{{lang cat|Paintable items}}</includeonly>
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}<includeonly>{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear = {{lang cat|Unpaintable items}}
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- Exclude misc items from 'unpaintable' category. -->
| |
− | }}</includeonly><!-- ## CATEGORY INLINE HOOK ## -->
| |
− | | #default = {{{paint|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: paint only for hats for now. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!-- <<< This closes the #ifeq 'quality' from above.
| |
− | | |
− | // 'rename'
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item
| |
− | | weapon | weapons =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">[[Name Tag{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|يمكن تسميته|إذا كان هناك إمكانية في تسمية الأيتم.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Pojmenování|Možnost změny názvu pomocí Name Tagu.}}:
| |
− | | da = {{tooltip|Navngives|Om tingen kan navngives ved brug af et Navneskilt.}}:
| |
− | | de = {{tooltip|Umbenennbar|Ob das Item mit einem Namensschild umbenannt werden kann.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Nameable|If the item can be renamed using the Name Tag.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Renombrable|Si el objeto puede cambiarse usando la "Etiqueta de Nombre".}}:
| |
− | | fi = {{tooltip|Nimettävä|Voiko esineen nimen vaihtaa nimitunnisteella?}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Renommable|Si cet objet peut être renommé en utilisant une Étiquette.}} :
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Rinominabile|Se l'oggetto può essere rinominato con l'Etichetta Nome.}}:
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|名前タグ|Nametag/ja}}:
| |
− | | ko = {{tooltip|작명 여부|아이템에 이름표 사용이 가능할 시}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Benoembaar|Of je het item ene naam kan geven met het Naam Label.}}:
| |
− | | no = {{tooltip|Navnbar|Om gjenstanden kan bli omkalt med en navnelapp.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Nazywanie|Czy przedmiot może mieć zmienioną nazwę?}}:
| |
− | | pt = {{tooltip|Mudar o nome|Se o nome deste item pode ser alterado utilizando a Etiqueta de nome.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Mudar o nome|Se o nome deste item pode ser alterado utilizando a Name Tag.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Переименование|Предмет может быть переименован.}}:
| |
− | | sv = {{Tooltip|Namnbyte|Om objektet kan döpas om med en Namnlapp.}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|可命名|如果该项目是能够使用命名标签命名。}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|改名稱|該項目是否能夠使用命名標籤改名稱。}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{rename|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}
| |
− | | #default = {{{rename|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'numbered'
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#if:{{{numbered|}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hat | hats | head | headwear
| |
− | | misc item | misc. | misc. item | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item = <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">[[Crafting#Crafting_Numbers{{if lang}}|{{lang
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Craft No.?|If the item can have a Crafting number.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Numeración|Si el objeto se fabricó tiene un número de fabricación.}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Numeração|Se o item fabricado tem um número de Fabricação.}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{lc:{{{numbered|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}
| |
− | | #default = {{{numbered|}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− |
| |
− | // 'medieval'
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapon | weapons =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">[[Medieval mode{{if lang}}#{{lang
| |
− | | en = Allowed weapons
| |
− | | pl = Dozwolone bronie
| |
− | | ru = Допускается оружие
| |
− | }}|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = {{tooltip|ميديفال|أذا كان يمكن إستخدام هذا البند في ميديفال مود.}}:
| |
− | | cs = {{tooltip|Středověk|Možnost používání ve Středověkém módu.}}:
| |
− | | en = {{tooltip|Medieval|If the item can be used during Medieval Mode.}}:
| |
− | | es = {{tooltip|Medieval|Si el objeto puede ser usado en el Modo Medieval.}}:
| |
− | | it = {{tooltip|Medievale|Se l'oggetto può essere usato durante la Modalità Medievale.}}:
| |
− | | fr = {{tooltip|Médiéval|Si l'objet peut être utilisé durant le mode Médiéval.}} :
| |
− | | ja = {{tooltip|Medieval|メディーバル・モードで使えるかどうか}}:
| |
− | | nl = {{tooltip|Middeleeuws|Of je het item kunt gebruiken in de Middeleeuwse modus.}}:
| |
− | | pl = {{tooltip|Średniowiecze|Czy przedmiot może być używany w Trybie Średniowiecznym?}}:
| |
− | | pt-br = {{tooltip|Medieval|Se o item pode ser utilizado no Modo Medieval.}}:
| |
− | | ro = {{tooltip|Medieval|Acest produs se poate folosi în modul Medieval.}}:
| |
− | | ru = {{tooltip|Средневековье|Предмет может быть использован в режиме «Средневековье».}}:
| |
− | | zh-hans = {{tooltip|中世纪|该物品可在中世纪模式下使用。}}:
| |
− | | zh-hant = {{tooltip|中世紀|該物品可在中世紀模式下使用。}}:
| |
− | }}]]</td>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-data">{{#switch:{{#if:{{{medieval|}}}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // This section sets melee weapons to "yes", and all other weapons to "no".
| |
− | // It also allows for the default setting to be overridden by setting 'medieval' to yes.
| |
− | | |
− | -->
| |
− | | {{lc:{{{medieval}}}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{slot|}}}}}
| |
− | | slot3 | slot 3 | 3 | melee = ¬
| |
− | | #default = no
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | ¬
| |
− | | yes = {{yesno|yes}}<includeonly>{{lang cat|Medieval weapons}}</includeonly>
| |
− | | no = {{yesno|no}}
| |
− | | #default = {{{medieval|{{yesno|yes}}}}}
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- Hats/Misc items/Tools etc cannot be medieval -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− |
| |
− | }}<!-- // This closes the taunt check from above. -->
| |
− | }}<!-- // This closes the TFC switch from above. -->
| |
− | }}<!-- // This closes the 'unused' #if from above.
| |
− |
| |
− | // Ammunition
| |
− | // First level of checking. If both params are N/A or similar, hide the whole thing.
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#if:{{{unused|{{{beta|}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Hide ammunition section on unused weapons. -->
| |
− | | {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}} | weapon
| |
− | | {{#switch:<!--
| |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{slot|}}}}}<!-- // Disable ammunition section for melee & PDA weapons. -->
| |
− | | slot3 | slot 3 | 3 | melee
| |
− | | pda1 | pda 1 | disguise kit
| |
− | | pda2 | pda 2 | watch | cloak = ¬
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | }}{{{show-ammo|{{{ammo-loaded|}}}{{{ammo-carried|}}}}}}
| |
− | | ¬ | ¬N/AN/A | ¬N/A | ¬∞∞ | ¬∞ | ∞∞ | ∞ | N/AN/A | N/A | none | off | hide = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | | #default =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <th class="infobox-header" colspan="2">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = ذخيرة
| |
− | | cs = Munice
| |
− | | de = Munition
| |
− | | en = Ammunition
| |
− | | es = Munición
| |
− | | fi = Ammukset
| |
− | | fr = Munitions
| |
− | | ja = 弾薬
| |
− | | ko = 탄약
| |
− | | hu = Lőszer
| |
− | | it = Munizioni
| |
− | | nl = Munitie
| |
− | | no = Ammunisjon
| |
− | | pl = Amunicja
| |
− | | pt = Munição
| |
− | | pt-br = Munição
| |
− | | ro = Muniţie
| |
− | | ru = Боеприпасы
| |
− | | sv = Ammunition
| |
− | | zh-hans = 弹药信息
| |
− | | zh-hant = 彈藥資訊
| |
− | }}</th>
| |
− | </tr><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'ammo-loaded'
| |
− | // Second level of checking. Check if the value is N/A, ∞, etc, if it is don't display it.
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{{show-ammo|{{{ammo-loaded|}}}}}}
| |
− | | N/A
| |
− | | ∞
| |
− | | -
| |
− | | hide
| |
− | | off
| |
− | | none = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | | #default =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = الذخائر المخزنة:
| |
− | | cs = Nábojů v zásobníku:
| |
− | | da = Ammo ladt:
| |
− | | de = Clipgröße:
| |
− | | en = Ammo loaded:
| |
− | | es = Munición cargada:
| |
− | | fi = Lipaskoko:
| |
− | | fr = Munitions chargées :
| |
− | | ja = 装弾数:
| |
− | | ko = 일회 탄환 수 :
| |
− | | hu = Tárkapacitás:
| |
− | | it = Munizioni in canna:
| |
− | | nl = Munitie Geladen:
| |
− | | no = Ammo ladet:
| |
− | | pl = Magazynek:
| |
− | | pt = Munição carregada:
| |
− | | pt-br = Munição carregada:
| |
− | | ro = Muniţie încărcată:
| |
− | | ru = Наготове:
| |
− | | sv = Ammunition laddad
| |
− | | zh-hans = 装弹数量:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 彈藥上膛數量:
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-data">{{{ammo-loaded}}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'ammo-carried'
| |
− | // Second level of checking. Check if the value is N/A, ∞, etc, if it is don't display it.
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{{show-ammo|{{{ammo-carried|}}}}}}
| |
− | | N/A
| |
− | | ∞
| |
− | | -
| |
− | | hide
| |
− | | off
| |
− | | none = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | | #default =
| |
− | <tr>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = الذخائر المحملة
| |
− | | cs = Nábojů neseno:
| |
− | | da = Ammo båret:
| |
− | | de = Gesamtmunition:
| |
− | | en = Ammo carried:
| |
− | | es = Munición llevada:
| |
− | | fi = Kannossa:
| |
− | | fr = Munitions portées :
| |
− | | ja = 弾薬数:
| |
− | | ko = 전체 탄환 수 :
| |
− | | hu = Lőszer
| |
− | | it = Munizioni trasportate:
| |
− | | nl = Munitie Gehouden:
| |
− | | no = Ammo holdt:
| |
− | | pl = Amunicja zapasowa:
| |
− | | pt = Munição transportada:
| |
− | | pt-br = Munição transportada:
| |
− | | ro = Muniţie în dotare:
| |
− | | ru = В запасе:
| |
− | | sv = Ammunition buren
| |
− | | zh-hans = 携弹数量:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 彈藥攜帶數量:
| |
− | }}</td>
| |
− | <td class="infobox-data">{{{ammo-carried}}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{ammo-type|}}}
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− |
| |
− | // 'ammo-type'
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = نوع الذخيرة:
| |
− | | cs = Typ munice:
| |
− | | da = Ammunitions type:
| |
− | | de = Munitionsart:
| |
− | | en = Ammo type:
| |
− | | es = Tipo de munición:
| |
− | | fi = Ammustyyppi:
| |
− | | fr = Type de munition :
| |
− | | ja = 弾薬タイプ:
| |
− | | ko = 탄환 종류 :
| |
− | | hu = Lőszertípus:
| |
− | | it = Tipo di munizioni:
| |
− | | nl = Munitie type:
| |
− | | no = Type ammunisjon:
| |
− | | pl = Rodzaj amunicji:
| |
− | | pt = Tipo de munição:
| |
− | | pt-br = Tipo de munição:
| |
− | | ru = Тип боеприпасов:
| |
− | | ro = Tipul muniţiei:
| |
− | | sv = Ammunitionstyp
| |
− | | zh-hans = 子弹类型:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 子彈類型:
| |
− | }}</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{{ammo-type}}}</td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{reload-type|{{{reload|}}}}}}
| |
− | | <tr><!--
| |
− |
| |
− | // 'reload-type'
| |
− | | |
− | --><td class="infobox-label">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = نوع الريلود :
| |
− | | cs = Typ nabíjení:
| |
− | | da = Ladnings type:
| |
− | | de = Nachladetyp:
| |
− | | en = Reload type:
| |
− | | fi = Lataustapa:
| |
− | | fr = Type de rechargement :
| |
− | | ja = リロードタイプ:
| |
− | | ko = 장전 방법 :
| |
− | | es = Tipo de recarga:
| |
− | | hu = Újratöltés Típusa
| |
− | | it = Tipo di ricarica:
| |
− | | nl = Type lading:
| |
− | | no = Type lading:
| |
− | | pl = Przeładowywanie:
| |
− | | pt = Tipo de Recarga:
| |
− | | pt-br = Tipo de Recarga:
| |
− | | ro = Tip de reîncărcare:
| |
− | | ru = Тип перезарядки:
| |
− | | sv = Laddningstyp
| |
− | | zh-hans = 填充类型:
| |
− | | zh-hant = 填充類型:
| |
− | }}</td><!--
| |
− | --><td class="infobox-data">{{{reload-type|{{{reload}}}}}}
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!-- End 'reload-type' -->
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: hide ammunition for all types excluding weapons. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!-- End ammunition switch.
| |
− |
| |
− | // Loadout Stats
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{loadout|¬}}}}}
| |
− | | no
| |
− | | ¬ = {{ns:0}}<!-- Hide loadout by default, and if loadout is set to 'no' -->
| |
− | | #default = <tr>
| |
− | <th class="infobox-header" colspan="2">{{lang
| |
− | | ar = حالة لودأوت
| |
− | | cs = Vlastnosti ve výbavě
| |
− | | da = Udrustnings Statestik
| |
− | | de = Inventar
| |
− | | en = Loadout Stats
| |
− | | es = Estadísticas
| |
− | | fi = Varustelastiominaisuudet
| |
− | | fr = Statistiques
| |
− | | ja = バックパック内表示
| |
− | | ko = 로드아웃 상태
| |
− | | hu = Statisztikái
| |
− | | it = Statistiche
| |
− | | nl = Uitrustings Statistieken:
| |
− | | no = Inventar Statistikk
| |
− | | pl = Statystyki
| |
− | | pt = Estatísticas
| |
− | | pt-br = Atributos
| |
− | | ro = Statistici
| |
− | | ru = Снаряжение
| |
− | | sv = Statistik
| |
− | | zh-hans = 选单显示
| |
− | | zh-hant = 選單顯示
| |
− | }}</th>
| |
− | </tr><tr>
| |
− | <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // The following relies on functionality provided by the {{Backpack item}} template.
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{Backpack item
| |
− | | file-link = yes
| |
− | | custom-icon = {{{custom-icon|}}}
| |
− | | quality = {{{quality|Unique}}}
| |
− | | item-name = {{BASEPAGENAME}}
| |
− | | item-name-local = {{#if:{{{loadout-name|}}}
| |
− | | {{{loadout-name}}}
| |
− | | {{#if:{{{name|{{{NAME|{{{title|{{{item-name-override|}}}}}}}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{{name|{{{NAME|{{{title|{{{item-name-override|}}}}}}}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{#if:{{{loadout-prefix|}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Set loadout-prefix to anything to skip this. -->
| |
− | | {{if lang
| |
− | | en = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{loadout-prefix|{{{quality|{{{type|}}}}}}}}}}}
| |
− | | normal <!-- For if 'quality' is set to 'normal' -->
| |
− | | hats | head | headwear | hat | misc item | misc. item | misc. | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item
| |
− | | tools | tool | action item | action = {{ns:0}}<!-- Hats, misc and tools usually don't have "The". -->
| |
− | | yes | #default = The {{BASEPAGENAME}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | non-en = {{item name|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}<!-- Ignore this for non-English pages. -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | item-level = {{{level|{{lang
| |
− | | ar = مستوى
| |
− | | cs = Level
| |
− | | da = Niveau
| |
− | | en = Level
| |
− | | es = Nivel
| |
− | | fi = Taso
| |
− | | fr = Niveau
| |
− | | hu = Szint
| |
− | | it = Livello
| |
− | | ja = レベル
| |
− | | ko = 레벨
| |
− | | nl = Niveau
| |
− | | no = Nivå
| |
− | | pl = Poziom
| |
− | | pt = Nível
| |
− | | pt-br = Nível
| |
− | | ro = Nivel
| |
− | | ru = Уровень
| |
− | | sv = Nivå
| |
− | | zh-hans = 等级
| |
− | | zh-hant = 等級
| |
− | }} 1–100}}}
| |
− | | null = <!--
| |
− |
| |
− | // Ideally, 'positive-attributes', 'negative-attributes', etc, would no longer be used.
| |
− | // When all pages are swept over all instances of these parameters should be changed.
| |
− | // All hat descriptions should also use 'item-description' over 'neutral-attributes'.
| |
− | | |
− | -->
| |
− | | att-1-positive = {{{att-1-positive|}}}
| |
− | | att-1-negative = {{{att-1-negative|}}}
| |
− | | att-1-neutral = {{#if:{{{att-1-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | {{{att-1-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapon
| |
− | | weapons = {{{neutral-attributes|}}}
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | |
− | | att-2-positive = {{{att-2-positive|{{{positive-attributes|}}}}}}
| |
− | | att-2-negative = {{{att-2-negative|}}}
| |
− | | att-2-neutral = {{{att-2-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | |
− | | att-3-positive = {{{att-3-positive|}}}
| |
− | | att-3-negative = {{{att-3-negative|{{{negative-attributes|}}}}}}
| |
− | | att-3-neutral = {{{att-3-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | |
− | | att-4-positive = {{{att-4-positive|}}}
| |
− | | att-4-negative = {{{att-4-negative|}}}
| |
− | | att-4-neutral = {{{att-4-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | |
− | | att-5-positive = {{{att-5-positive|}}}
| |
− | | att-5-negative = {{{att-5-negative|}}}
| |
− | | att-5-neutral = {{{att-5-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | |
− | | att-6-positive = {{{att-6-positive|}}}
| |
− | | att-6-negative = {{{att-6-negative|}}}
| |
− | | att-6-neutral = {{{att-6-neutral|}}}
| |
− | | |
− | | item-description = {{#if:{{{item-description|}}}
| |
− | | {{{item-description|}}}
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | hats
| |
− | | head
| |
− | | hat
| |
− | | headwear = {{{neutral-attributes|}}}
| |
− | | #default = {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | item-expiration = {{{item-expiration|}}}
| |
− | | item-uses = {{{item-uses|}}}
| |
− | | item-flags = {{{item-flags|}}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | </td>
| |
− | </tr>
| |
− | }}<!-- Close 'loadout' #if -->
| |
− | | |
− | </table></div><!-- End table --><!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Automatic display title.
| |
− | // Its value comes from the "name" parameter (so the same name is shown for the title of the infobox, displayed title of the page
| |
− | // and the item name in the loadout stats).
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#ifeq:{{{DISPLAYTITLE|{{{displaytitle|}}}}}} | off
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Ignore if 'displaytitle' has been set to 'off'. -->
| |
− | | {{#if:{{{name|}}}
| |
− | | {{DISPLAYTITLE:{{{displaytitle|{{{DISPLAYTITLE|{{{name|}}}}}}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{if lang| non-en = {{DISPLAYTITLE:{{item name|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}}}| en = {{ns:0}}}}<!-- Ignore if 'name' isn't defined (majority of English pages). -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Begin categorization.
| |
− | | |
− | --><includeonly>{{#if:{{{cat|}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- NULL: if 'cat' is defined. -->
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{game|}}}}}
| |
− | | tfc = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapon | weapons = {{lang cat|Weapons (Classic)}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | #default = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapons
| |
− | | weapon = {{#if:{{{unused|{{{beta|}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Only real weapons should be placed in Category:Weapons -->
| |
− | | {{lang cat|Weapons}}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Categorize by slot (excluding taunt kills)
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{unused|{{{beta|}}}}}}
| |
− | | {{ns:0}}<!-- Remove slot categorization for unused items. -->
| |
− | | {{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | taunt
| |
− | | tauntkill
| |
− | | taunt-kill = {{ns:0}}<!-- Don't place these slot categories on taunt pages. -->
| |
− | | #default = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{slot|}}}}}
| |
− | | slot1 | slot 1 | 1 | primary = {{lang cat|Primary weapons}}
| |
− | | slot2 | slot 2 | 2 | secondary = {{lang cat|Secondary weapons}}
| |
− | | slot3 | slot 3 | 3 | melee = {{lang cat|Melee weapons}}
| |
− | | pda1 | pda 1 | disguise kit = {{lang cat|PDA1 weapons}}
| |
− | | pda2 | pda 2 | watch | cloak = {{lang cat|PDA2 weapons}}
| |
− | | #default = [[Category:Item infobox ERROR 03: non-standard slot type]]<!--
| |
− | // If 'slot' doesn't match any of the above, the page is not categorized, sans this maintenance category
| |
− | // for tracking purposes.
| |
− | -->
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | | hats
| |
− | | head
| |
− | | headwear
| |
− | | hat = {{lang cat|Hats}}
| |
− | | misc item
| |
− | | misc.
| |
− | | misc
| |
− | | misc. item
| |
− | | miscellaneous
| |
− | | miscellaneous item = {{lang cat|Miscellaneous items}}
| |
− | | taunt = {{lang cat|Taunts}}
| |
− | | tools
| |
− | | tool = {{lang cat|Tools}}
| |
− | | action item
| |
− | | action = {{lang cat|Action items}}
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | // Language-tracking categories: -->{{ {{#if:{{NAMESPACE}}|ns:0|auto lang cat}} }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Deprecated parameter tracking.
| |
− | // This places pages that use old parameters into dedicated categories where they can be located & fixed.
| |
− | // See [[Category:Tracking categories]].
| |
− | | |
− | // NONE
| |
− | | |
− | // Error tracking.
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{type|}}}||<!--
| |
− | --><span class="error mid">ERROR {{tl|Item infobox}} missing 'type' parameter ([[Template:Item infobox#error001|Error001]]).<!--
| |
− | --></span><!--
| |
− | -->[[Category:Item infobox ERROR 01: missing type parameter]]<!--
| |
− | -->}}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| |
− | | weapons | weapon | taunt | tauntkill | taunt-kill
| |
− | | hats | head | headwear | hat | misc item | misc. item | misc. | misc | miscellaneous | miscellaneous item
| |
− | | tools | tool | action item | action = {{ns:0}}<!-- Accepted values for 'type'. -->
| |
− | | blank | none | {{ns:0}} | #default = [[Category:Item infobox ERROR 05: non-standard type]]
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // From WindBOT.
| |
− | -->{{#ifeq:{{{slot|}}}|invalid|<!--
| |
− | -->[[Category:Item infobox ERROR 02: slot value 'invalid'|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]<!--
| |
− | -->|}}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // 'loadout-name' and 'loadout-prefix' usage.
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{loadout-name|}}}
| |
− | | [[Category:Item infobox using 'loadout-name'|{{BASEPAGENAME}} {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
| |
− | }}{{#if:{{{loadout-prefix|}}}
| |
− | | [[Category:Item infobox using 'loadout-prefix'|{{BASEPAGENAME}} {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Most weapons don't have item descriptions and should be using 'att-1-neutral'
| |
− | -->{{#if:{{{item-description|}}}
| |
− | | {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}} | weapon
| |
− | | [[Category:Item infobox weapon using 'item-description|{{BASEPAGENAME}} {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
| |
− | }}
| |
− | }}<!--
| |
− | | |
− | // Maintenance tracking.
| |
− | -->[[Category:Item infobox usage|{{if lang|en= {{BASEPAGENAME}}|non-en={{SUBPAGENAME}} {{BASEPAGENAME}}}}]]<!--
| |
− | | |
− | --></includeonly><!--
| |
− |
| |
| |