Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper/beaux and arrows-desc"
< Template:Dictionary | achievements | sniper
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "beaux and arrows-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "beaux and arrows-desc".) |
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|ar=قتل الهيفي والميديك مع [[الهونتسمان]].|de=Töten Sie einen Heavy und dessen verbündeten Medic mit dem Bogen. |es=Mata a una pareja de Heavy y Medic con el arco.|fi=Tapa [[Heavy/fi|Heavy]]- ja [[Medic/fi|Medic]]-pari [[Huntsman/fi|jousella]].|fr=Tuez un duo Heavy et Medic à l'aide de l'arc. |it=Uccidi una coppia Grosso+Medico con l'[[Huntsman/it|arco]].|ja=[[Huntsman/ | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Kill a [[Heavy]] & [[Medic]] pair with the [[Huntsman|bow]]. |ar=قتل الهيفي والميديك مع [[الهونتسمان]].|de=Töten Sie einen Heavy und dessen verbündeten Medic mit dem Bogen. |es=Mata a una pareja de Heavy y Medic con el arco.|fi=Tapa [[Heavy/fi|Heavy]]- ja [[Medic/fi|Medic]]-pari [[Huntsman/fi|jousella]].|fr=Tuez un duo Heavy et Medic à l'aide de l'arc. |it=Uccidi una coppia Grosso+Medico con l'[[Huntsman/it|arco]].|ja=[[Huntsman/ja|Bow]] を使ってヘビーとメディックのペアを倒す。|ko=적 헤비 머리를 맞춰 벽에 꽂으십시오.|nl=Dood een koppel van Heavy en Medic met de boog.|pl=Zabij parę Gruby i Medyk za pomocą [[Huntsman/pl|łuku]]. |pt=Mate um par de Heavy e Medic com o arco.|pt-br=Mate um par de [[Heavy/pt-br|Heavy]] & [[Medic/pt-br|Medic]] com o [[Huntsman/pt-br|arco]]. |ro=Omoară o pereche Heavy și Medic folosind [[Huntsman/ro|arcul]].|ru=С помощью лука убейте пару пулемётчика и медика.|zh-hant=使用弓箭殺死一對重裝兵與醫護兵搭檔。|#default=Kill a [[Heavy]] & [[Medic]] pair with the [[Huntsman|bow]]. }}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;"> |
:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|the master page]]''' instead. | :[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|the master page]]''' instead. | ||
− | :'''Languages missing''': | + | :'''Languages missing''': cs, da, hu, no, sv, zh-hans</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/sniper/beaux and arrows-desc]]</noinclude> |
Revision as of 22:51, 28 May 2011
Kill a Heavy & Medic pair with the bow.
Note: Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit the master page instead.
- Languages missing: cs, da, hu, no, sv, zh-hans