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<table class="transparent" width="99%">
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<th colspan="2" class="header" width="33%">Basic class strategies</th>
<th colspan="2" class="header" width="33%">Basic class strategies</th>
<th colspan="2" class="header" width="33%">Weapons</th>
<th colspan="2" class="header" width="34%">Weapons</th>
<th colspan="2" class="header" width="33%">Hats</th>
<th colspan="2" class="header" width="33%">Hats</th>
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<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">{{P|want}}</td>
<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">{{P|yes}}</td>
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;">[[Basic Sniper strategy/de|Basic Sniper strategy]]</td>
<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;">[[Basic Sniper strategy/de|Basic Sniper strategy]]</td>
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Der [[Medic/de|Medic]] ist die wahrscheinlich wichtigste Klasse im Spiel. Obwohl er nur durchschnittliche [[Health/de|Gesundheit]] und eine geringe Feuerkraft hat, machen die Fähigkeits seiner [[Medi Gun/de|Medigun]] des [[Healing/de|Heilens]] and des [[Healing/de#.C3.9Cberheilung|Überheilens]] ihn im Team unentbehrlich. Hinzu kommt, dass der [[Medic/de|Medic]] kontinuirlich eine [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] aufbaut, wenn er andere [[Healing/de|heilt]]. Wenn diese einmal aufgefüllt ist, kann sie Unverwundbarkeit mit der [[Medi Gun/de|Medigun]] oder mit dem [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkrieg]] einen [[Critical hits/de|Kritboost]] für einen Teamkameraden bereithalten. Das geschickte auslösen einer [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] kann leicht den Unterschied zwischen Sieg und Niederlage definieren. In jeglichem Gefecht ist es unglaubluch wichtig, dass der [[Medic/de|Medic]] überlebt. Teamkollegen mögen fallen, [[Glossary of player terms#P 2|Pockets]] mögen sterben, [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] mögen denutzt werden, aber solange der [[Medic/de|Medic]] am Leben ist und für eine neue [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] arbeitet, hat das Team einen Vortel. Als [[Medic/de|Medic]] muss man sich auf gute Teamkollegen verlassen können; solange wie er beschützt wird, hat er die Möglichkeit zu [[Healing/de|Heilen]] und sein Team am Leben zu erhalten.
The [[Spy/de|Spy]] specializes in deception and excels at punishing mistakes made by the enemy team. Although he is fragile and possesses some of the weakest weapons in the game, he can [[Backstab/de|in den Rücken stechen]] enemies and [[Sapper/de|sappen]] [[Engineer/de|Engineer]] [[Buildings/de|Gebäude]]. The [[Spy/de|Spy]] will almost always operate behind enemy lines. To aid in this, he can use [[Cloak/de|Tarnung]] and [[Disguise/de|Verkleidungen]] to move about undetected. The ability to see enemy names and [[Health/de|Gesundheit]] allows him to pick off weakened foes with his [[Revolver/de|Revolver]]. Because of the threat he poses, enemies will frequently [[Spy check/de|Spy-Check]] their teammates. The [[Pyro/de|Pyro]]'s flames nullify both [[Cloak/de|Tarnung]] and [[Disguise/de|Verkleidungen]], making him the most dangerous counter-class to the [[Spy/de|Spy]]. A good [[Spy/de|Spy]] will use both his [[#PDA_2|Uhr]] and [[Disguise Kit/de|Verkleidungs-Set]] to avoid drawing enemy attention.
== Waffenabhängige Tipps ==
== Waffenabhängige Tipps ==
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=== Primärwaffen ===
=== Primärwaffen ===
Ihre Fähigkeit andere zu [[Healing/de|heilen]] wird Sie oft zum ersten Ziel Ihrer Gegner machen. Sein Sie schwer zu treffen; springen Sie, ducken Sie sich und [[Strafing/de|weichen]] Sie [[Strafing/de|aus]], um Schaden zu vermeiden. Verlassen Sie sich auf ihre Teamkameraden Sie zu beschützen. Ihre natürliche [[Health/de|Gesungheits]]regenaration wird oft nicht genug sein, um Sie am Leben zu erhalten, also bitten Sie ihre Teamkollegen [[Health/de|Medikits]] für Sie zurückzulassen. Wenn diese Sterben und Sie zum Kampf gezwungen werden, sollten Sie nachgeben.
==== [[Revolver/de|Revolver]] / [[Big Kill/de|Big Kill]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Revolver|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Big Kill|icon-size=100x100px}}
Use the [[Revolver/de|Revolver]] when your [[Backstab/de|Rückenstich]] fails or when you cannot safely approach a target. It is an extremely accurate weapon, so you can use it to pick off weakened enemies from a distance.
==== [[Ambassador/de|Ambassador]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Ambassador|icon-size=100x100px}}
==== [[Syringe Gun/de|Spritzen-MG]] ====
Use the Ambassador if you are confident about your aim. The ability to [[Headshot/de|Kopfschuss]] allows you to deal great damage at range, which pairs well with your ability to see enemy [[Health/de|Gesundheit]].
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Syringe Gun|icon-size=100x100px}}
Obwohl die [[Syringe Gun/de|Spritzen-MG]] schnell feuert und fairen Schaden verteilt, solltest du es dennoch deinen Teamkameraden überlassen dich zu vertiedigen. Die Nadel der [[Syringe Gun/de|Spritzen-MG]] sind langsam und haben eine gebogene Flugbahn. Über eine Distanz feuernd sollte man leicht nach oben zielen, um seine Ziele weiterhin zu treffen.
==== [[L'Etranger/de|L'Etranger]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=L'Etranger|icon-size=100x100px}}
==== [[Blutsauger/de|Blutsauger]] ====
[[L'Etranger/de|L'Etranger]] converts firepower into potential fleeing power. It pairs well with the [[Cloak and Dagger/de|Cloak and Dagger]] or [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]], watches that have their recharge methods restricted. You can use it to refill your Cloak from a distance.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Blutsauger|icon-size=100x100px}}
Der [[Blutsauger/de|Blutsauger]] ist am besten geeigent, wenn Sie sich oft in der unmittlebaren Nähe des Kampfgeschehens befinden. Wenn man ein guter Schütze mit dieser Waffe ist, kann man mehr Schaden heilen als es die Standardselbstheilung vermag. Wenn Sie [[Fire/de|brennen]] oder [[Bleeding/de|bluten]], können Sie das [[Healing/de|Heilen]] unterbrechen und mit dem [[Blutsauger/de|Blutsauger]] angreifen, um etwas [[Health/de|Gesungheit]] wiederherzustellen.  Man sollte nicht aktiv den Kampf suchen, da sie weiterhin die Hauptquelle für [[Healing/de|Heilung]] in ihrem Team sind.
=== Sekundärwaffen ===
==== [[Crusader's Crossbow/de|Kreuzritters Armbrust]] ====
==== [[Electro Sapper/de|Elektro Sapper]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Crusader's Crossbow|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Electro Sapper|icon-size=100x100px}}
Des [[Crusader's Crossbow/de|Kreuzritters Armbrust]] erlaubt es ihnen Teamkameraden über eine große Distanz zu [[Healing/de|heilen]]. Auf kurze Distanz kann sie einen [[Healing/de|Heilungs]]boost für einen schwer verletzten Teamkameraden verursachen. In den meisten Fällen sollten Sie dennoch bei ihrer [[Medi Gun/de|Medigun]] bleiben, da die [[Crusader's Crossbow/de|Armbrust]] bei Ihnen keine [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] erzeugen wird. Das [[Healing/de|Heilen]] ist nicht für den Eingriff im direkten Kampf gedacht und nicht für das Gefecht; zu der langsamen Nachladezeit kommt auch noch, dass die Bolzen über die Strecke nach unten fallen, was das Zielen erschwert. Werten Sie die Möglichkeit des Schadenverursachens als eine Art Bonus und lassen Sie Ihre Teamkollegen kämpfen.
The [[Electro Sapper/de|Elektro Sapper]] will instantly disable an [[Engineer/de|Engineers]] [[Building/de|Gebäude]] and can only be removed by the [[Engineer/de|Engineer]] or the [[Pyro/de|Pyros]] [[Homewrecker]]. You have an unlimited supply and can place them rapidly on any [[Building/de|Building]] within melee range. Typically, you'll first [[Backstab/de|Backstab]] an [[Engineer/de|Engineer]], then quickly sap any nearby [[Building/de|Gebäude]] to prevent them from firing at you. Your weapons deal reduced damage to any [[Buildings/de|Gebäuden]] that has an [[Electro Sapper/de|Sapper]] on it.
=== Sekundärwaffen ===
=== Nahkampfwaffen ===
==== [[Knife/de|Messer]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Knife|icon-size=100x100px}}
The [[Knife/de|Messer]] deals pitiful damage. Unless you can [[Backstab/de|Backstab]] an enemy, you're probably better off using your [[Revolver/de|Revolver]] in fights, especially after you've been discovered. However, if only a little more damage is required to kill your target, the [[Knife/de|Messer]] makes a reliable finisher.
Your healing beam will stay locked onto a patient no matter what direction you face, so turn around frequently to watch for [[Spy/de|Spies]] and other [[Ambush/de|Hinterhalten]]. The beam can bend around corners, allowing you to heal teammates from behind cover. Don't make the common mistake of only [[Healing/de|heilen]] one player. Your [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] will fill up more quickly if you are healing wounded allies, so spread your [[Healing/de|Heilung]] evenly during moments of downtime. Generally speaking, you first want to [[Healing/de|heilen]] other [[Medic/de|Medics]], then combat classes, then support classes. Whenever it comes time to unleash a [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]], inform your team.  You'll want as much support as possible following behind you and your patient.
==== [[Your Eternal Reward/de|Your Eternal Reward]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Your Eternal Reward|icon-size=100x100px}}
==== [[Medi Gun/de|Medigun]] ====
The inability to initially [[Disguise/de|verkleiden]] will make you rely more on your [[Cloak/de|Tarnung]] and ability to find good hiding places. Once you obtain a [[Disguise/de|Verkleidung]], you are free to approach your enemies from behind. Do not rely on the "silent killer" aspect of the weapon; dead enemies will still be able to communicate using text or voice chat. If you're stuck with a slow [[Disguise/de|Verkleidung]], you can [[Cloak/de|tarnen]] at any time to move at normal walking speed.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Medi Gun|icon-size=100x100px}}
Most of the time, you will equip the Medi Gun for the standard [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]]. While your [[Medic buddy/de|Partner]] will differ from time to time, an [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] will help your team make a push into almost any defensive encampment, particularly those with [[Sentry Gun]]s. Invincibility is useful on defense, too; you can counter an enemy [[Medic/de|Medic]] [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] by deploying your own, preferably just after his finishes. If you are in danger of being killed, activate your [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] in self-defense; it's better to survive then to die with a full meter. You can keep two targets [[ÜberCharge/de|überladen]] at once by quickly switching between them. Although your charge drains faster, you will generally make the team push stronger.
==== [[Conniver's Kunai/de|Verschwörer-Kunai]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Conniver's Kunai|icon-size=100x100px}}
==== [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkrieg]] ====
The [[Conniver's Kunai/de|Verschwörer-Kunai]] [[Health/de|Lebensverringerung]] will make you very, very frail. Unless you are under the effects of its [[Overheal/de|Überheilung]], you can be killed by just one stray projectile. When using the [[Conniver's Kunai/de|Verschwörer-Kunai]], play aggressively and try to land continuous backstabs to maintain your health. Using the [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]] in conjunction with the [[Conniver's Kunai/de|Verschwörer-Kunai]] will allow you to quickly navigate behind enemy lines without dying to a random shot.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Kritzkrieg|icon-size=100x100px}}
The best candidates for the [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkriegs]] [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] are the [[Soldier/de|Soldier]], the [[Demoman/de|Demoman]], and the [[Heavy/de|Heavy]]. These classes can deal damage over a wide area and use the [[Critical hits/de|kritische Treffer]] to eliminate entire groups of enemies. Deploying the [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkriegs]] does not protect you, so you're relying completely on the skill level of your patient. You cannot use the [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkriegs]] to counter a standard [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]]. Because your meter charges faster, it is best to deploy the [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkriegs]] as soon as possible, before the enemy [[Medic/de|Medics]] are fully charged. [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry-Guns]] are not affected by [[Critical hits/de|kritische Treffer]], so do not use the [[Kritzkrieg/de|Kritzkriegs]] when trying to destroy [[Engineer/de|Engineer]] nests.
=== PDA 1 ===
=== Nahkampfwaffen ===
==== [[Disguise Kit/de|Verkleidungs-Set]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Disguise Kit|icon-size=100x100px}}
==== [[Bonesaw/de|Knochensäge]] ====
The [[Disguise Kit/de|Verkleidungs-Set]] is one of your major infiltration tools. Do not linger in front of enemies too long; you might be disguised, but you are still vulnerable to [[Spy check/de|Spy-Checks]]. Don't behave like a [[Spy/de|Spy]]; for example, reloading your [[Revolver/de|Revolver]] while [[Disguise/de|verkleidet]] will mimic your disguise's reload animation, allowing you to better blend into an enemy crowd. You can safely change your [[Disguise/de|Verkleidung]] while [[Cloak/de|unsichtbar]] to throw off enemy suspicion. A [[Disguise/de|Verkleidung]] takes one second to become effective, so avoid the common mistake of approaching an enemy before the change is complete. Once you have successfully navigated behind enemy lines, it is easiest to [[Backstab/de|in den Rücken zu stechen]] foes while they are distracted by your teammates.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bonesaw|icon-size=100x100px}}
The [[Bonesaw/de|Knochensäge]] is useful for getting the first strike on a distracted opponent but still loses to the [[Syringe Gun/de|Spritzen-MG]] in damage over time. There is no reason to use the [[Bonesaw/de|Knochensäge]], because [[Medic/de|Medics]] generally don't fight, all of your other melee weapons are usually seen as straight upgrades.
=== PDA 2 ===
==== [[Übersaw/de|Übersäge]] ====
==== [[Invisibility Watch/de|Unsichtbarkeitsuhr]] / [[Enthusiast's Timepiece/de|Enthusiast's Timepiece]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Übersaw|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Invisibility Watch|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Enthusiast's Timepiece|icon-size=100x100px}}
Use your [[Übersaw/de|Übersäge]] when cornered by the enemy to rapidly fill your [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] meter. Don't be zealous; once your meter is filled, escape back to your teammates, deploying the [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] if you need to.
Out of all your watches, the [[Invisibility Watch/de|Unsichtbarkeitsuhr]] has the smallest margin of error but allows you to cover the furthest distance while [[Cloak/de|invisible]]. Keep moving to decrease the chances of you being detected or cornered and grab Munitions[[Pickups/de|pickups]] to keep your [[Cloak/de|Cloak]] filled. While observant enemies may see the ammo box disappear, they probably won't be able to track you down.
==== [[Vita-Saw/de|Vital-Säge]] ====
==== [[Cloak and Dagger/de|Cloak and Dagger]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Vita-Saw|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Cloak and Dagger|icon-size=100x100px}}
Equip the [[Vita-Saw/de|Vital-Säge]] if you are dying often enough that the 20% saved charge can make a difference. If targeted by a competent enemy, the [[Health/de|Gesungheit]] penalty won't make a difference. It is useless in [[Arena/de|Arena]] or in [[Sudden death/de|Endkampf]].
The [[Cloak and Dagger/de|Cloak and Dagger]] is best used on maps with few Munitions[[Pickups/de|pickups]]. You can use it to camp an area to pick off important targets, such as enemy [[Medic/de|Medics]]. Over the same amount of time, moving to a location slowly or in quick bursts will drain the same amount of [[Cloak/de|Cloak]]. Continue to be mobile; enemies will be encouraged to [[Spy check/de|Spy-Check]] if you stay in the same area too long. Likewise, don't just use the [[Cloak and Dagger/de|Cloak and Dagger]] to stay out of harm's way; being alive does not necessarily mean being useful.
==== [[Amputator/de|Amputator]] ====
==== [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]] ====
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Amputator|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Dead Ringer|icon-size=100x100px}}
The Amputator is a straight upgrade to the [[Bonesaw/de|Knochensäge]]. Its taunt cannot build your [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladung]] meter, so you should still be using the [[Medi Gun/de|Medigun]] for most of your healing. Only use its taunt-heal when your team is clustered up and there are no enemies in sight. Taunting in the midst of combat will get you killed, no matter how much healing you provide.
To make your [[Dead Ringer/de|feign death]] more convincing, consider letting the enemy damage you for a bit before taking out the [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]]. Simply "dying" from [[Fall damage/de|Fallschaden]] is a sure sign that you're a [[Spy/de|Spy]]. While enemies will not see you if you bump into them, you are still vulnerable to revealing effects such as [[Fire/de|Feuer]], [[Bleeding/de|Bluten]], and [[Jarate/de|Jarate]]. The reduced damage you take will aid in crossing firefights and finding safe hiding spots to decloak in. Know where Munitions[[Pickups/de|pickups]] are so that you can quickly refill your [[Cloak/de|tarnen]] for emergencies.
=== [[Item_sets/de#Medic|Der Mittelalterliche Medic]] ===
=== [[Item sets/de#Spy|Sahara Spy]] ===
[[File:Backpack Medic Bundle.png|100px|Der Mittelalterliche Medic]]
[[File:Backpack Soldier Bundle.png|100px|Sahara Spy]]
The increased health regeneration can significantly increase your survivability. However, only using the [[Crusader's Crossbow/de|Kreuzritters Armbrust]] to fight off enemies will be very difficult. As the name implies, this is your item set of choice in [[Medieval mode/de|Medieval Mode]].
The [[Item sets/de#Spy|Sahara Spy]] item set pairs best with the [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]]. The set reduces the loud decloak volume significantly, making it easier to find suitable hiding places. Because your [[Cloak/de|Tarnung]] never shimmers when using the [[Dead Ringer/de|Scheintoduhr]], the increased [[Cloak/de|Tarnungs]]blinken is nullified.
{{Class strategy}}
{{Class strategy}}
{{Medic Nav/de}}
{{Spy Nav}}

Latest revision as of 20:10, 2 June 2011

Work in progress
Basic class strategies Weapons Hats
Do Not Want Basic Scout strategy Have Jag Have Humanitarian's Hachimaki
Have Basic Soldier strategy Have Crusader's Crossbow Have Benefactor's Kanmuri
Do Not Have Basic Pyro strategy Have Back Scratcher
Have Basic Demoman strategy Have Loch-n-Load
Have Basic Heavy strategy Have Ullapool Caber
Have Basic Engineer strategy
Have Basic Medic strategy
Have Basic Sniper strategy
Want Basic Spy strategy

The Spy specializes in deception and excels at punishing mistakes made by the enemy team. Although he is fragile and possesses some of the weakest weapons in the game, he can in den Rücken stechen enemies and sappen Engineer Gebäude. The Spy will almost always operate behind enemy lines. To aid in this, he can use Tarnung and Verkleidungen to move about undetected. The ability to see enemy names and Gesundheit allows him to pick off weakened foes with his Revolver. Because of the threat he poses, enemies will frequently Spy-Check their teammates. The Pyro's flames nullify both Tarnung and Verkleidungen, making him the most dangerous counter-class to the Spy. A good Spy will use both his Uhr and Verkleidungs-Set to avoid drawing enemy attention.

Waffenabhängige Tipps


Revolver / Big Kill

Item icon Revolver.png Item icon Big Kill.png

Use the Revolver when your Rückenstich fails or when you cannot safely approach a target. It is an extremely accurate weapon, so you can use it to pick off weakened enemies from a distance.


Item icon Ambassador.png

Use the Ambassador if you are confident about your aim. The ability to Kopfschuss allows you to deal great damage at range, which pairs well with your ability to see enemy Gesundheit.


Item icon L'Etranger.png

L'Etranger converts firepower into potential fleeing power. It pairs well with the Cloak and Dagger or Scheintoduhr, watches that have their recharge methods restricted. You can use it to refill your Cloak from a distance.


Elektro Sapper

Item icon Electro Sapper.png

The Elektro Sapper will instantly disable an Engineers Gebäude and can only be removed by the Engineer or the Pyros Homewrecker. You have an unlimited supply and can place them rapidly on any Building within melee range. Typically, you'll first Backstab an Engineer, then quickly sap any nearby Gebäude to prevent them from firing at you. Your weapons deal reduced damage to any Gebäuden that has an Sapper on it.



Item icon Knife.png

The Messer deals pitiful damage. Unless you can Backstab an enemy, you're probably better off using your Revolver in fights, especially after you've been discovered. However, if only a little more damage is required to kill your target, the Messer makes a reliable finisher.

Your Eternal Reward

Item icon Your Eternal Reward.png

The inability to initially verkleiden will make you rely more on your Tarnung and ability to find good hiding places. Once you obtain a Verkleidung, you are free to approach your enemies from behind. Do not rely on the "silent killer" aspect of the weapon; dead enemies will still be able to communicate using text or voice chat. If you're stuck with a slow Verkleidung, you can tarnen at any time to move at normal walking speed.


Item icon Conniver's Kunai.png

The Verschwörer-Kunai Lebensverringerung will make you very, very frail. Unless you are under the effects of its Überheilung, you can be killed by just one stray projectile. When using the Verschwörer-Kunai, play aggressively and try to land continuous backstabs to maintain your health. Using the Scheintoduhr in conjunction with the Verschwörer-Kunai will allow you to quickly navigate behind enemy lines without dying to a random shot.



Item icon Disguise Kit.png

The Verkleidungs-Set is one of your major infiltration tools. Do not linger in front of enemies too long; you might be disguised, but you are still vulnerable to Spy-Checks. Don't behave like a Spy; for example, reloading your Revolver while verkleidet will mimic your disguise's reload animation, allowing you to better blend into an enemy crowd. You can safely change your Verkleidung while unsichtbar to throw off enemy suspicion. A Verkleidung takes one second to become effective, so avoid the common mistake of approaching an enemy before the change is complete. Once you have successfully navigated behind enemy lines, it is easiest to in den Rücken zu stechen foes while they are distracted by your teammates.


Unsichtbarkeitsuhr / Enthusiast's Timepiece

Item icon Invisibility Watch.png Item icon Enthusiast's Timepiece.png

Out of all your watches, the Unsichtbarkeitsuhr has the smallest margin of error but allows you to cover the furthest distance while invisible. Keep moving to decrease the chances of you being detected or cornered and grab Munitionspickups to keep your Cloak filled. While observant enemies may see the ammo box disappear, they probably won't be able to track you down.

Cloak and Dagger

Item icon Cloak and Dagger.png

The Cloak and Dagger is best used on maps with few Munitionspickups. You can use it to camp an area to pick off important targets, such as enemy Medics. Over the same amount of time, moving to a location slowly or in quick bursts will drain the same amount of Cloak. Continue to be mobile; enemies will be encouraged to Spy-Check if you stay in the same area too long. Likewise, don't just use the Cloak and Dagger to stay out of harm's way; being alive does not necessarily mean being useful.


Item icon Dead Ringer.png

To make your feign death more convincing, consider letting the enemy damage you for a bit before taking out the Scheintoduhr. Simply "dying" from Fallschaden is a sure sign that you're a Spy. While enemies will not see you if you bump into them, you are still vulnerable to revealing effects such as Feuer, Bluten, and Jarate. The reduced damage you take will aid in crossing firefights and finding safe hiding spots to decloak in. Know where Munitionspickups are so that you can quickly refill your tarnen for emergencies.

Sahara Spy

Sahara Spy

The Sahara Spy item set pairs best with the Scheintoduhr. The set reduces the loud decloak volume significantly, making it easier to find suitable hiding places. Because your Tarnung never shimmers when using the Scheintoduhr, the increased Tarnungsblinken is nullified.