Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper/shoot the breeze-desc"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "shoot the breeze-desc".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "shoot the breeze-desc".)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Kill a fully [[Cloak|invisible]] [[Spy]] in a single hit.|ar=قتل [[السباي]] غير مرئية تماما في ضربة واحدة.|de=Töten Sie einen unsichtbaren Spy mit einem einzigen Treffer.|es=Mata a un Spy totalmente invisible con un solo ataque.|fi=Tapa täysin [[Cloak/fi|näkymätön]] [[Spy/fi|Spy]] yhdellä osumalla.|fr=Tuez un Spy totalement invisible en un seul tir. |it=Uccidi con un solo colpo una Spia completamente invisibile.|ja=完全に透明な状態のスパイを一発でしとめる。|ko=전혀 보이지 않는 스파이를 한방에 킬하십시오.|nl=Dood een volledig onzichtbare Spy met één schot.|pl=Zabij całkowicie niewidzialnego Szpiega jednym strzałem.|pt=Mate um Spy totalmente invisível com um único tiro.|pt-br=Mate um [[Spy/pt-br|Spy]] completamente [[Cloak/pt-br|invisível]] com um único acerto.|ro=Omoară un Spion complet invizibil dintr-o singură lovitură.|ru=Убейте с одного выстрела полностью невидимого шпиона.|zh-hant=單發射殺一名完全隱形的間諜。|#default=Kill a fully [[Cloak|invisible]] [[Spy]] in a single hit.}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: cs, da, hu, no, sv, tr, zh-hans[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/sniper/shoot the breeze-desc]]</noinclude>
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Kill a fully [[Cloak|invisible]] [[Spy]] in a single hit.|ar=قتل [[السباي]] غير مرئية تماما في ضربة واحدة.|de=Töten Sie einen unsichtbaren Spy mit einem einzigen Treffer.|es=Mata a un Spy totalmente invisible con un solo ataque.|fi=Tapa täysin [[Cloak/fi|näkymätön]] [[Spy/fi|Spy]] yhdellä osumalla.|fr=Tuez un Spy totalement invisible en un seul tir. |it=Uccidi con un solo colpo una Spia completamente invisibile.|ja=完全に透明な状態のスパイを一発でしとめる。|ko=전혀 보이지 않는 스파이를 한방에 킬하십시오.|nl=Dood een volledig onzichtbare Spy met één schot.|pl=Zabij całkowicie niewidzialnego Szpiega jednym strzałem.|pt=Mate um Spy totalmente invisível com um único tiro.|pt-br=Mate um [[Spy/pt-br|Spy]] completamente [[Cloak/pt-br|invisível]] com um único acerto.|ro=Omoară un Spion complet invizibil dintr-o singură lovitură.|ru=Убейте с одного выстрела полностью невидимого шпиона.|sv=Döda en helt osynlig Spion med en enda träff.|zh-hant=單發射殺一名完全隱形的間諜。|#default=Kill a fully [[Cloak|invisible]] [[Spy]] in a single hit.}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: cs, da, hu, no, tr, zh-hans[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/sniper/shoot the breeze-desc]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 21:46, 4 July 2011

Kill a fully invisible Spy in a single hit.—Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit the master page instead. Languages missing: cs, da, hu, no, tr, zh-hans