Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper/pincushion-desc"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "pincushion-desc".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper for string "pincushion-desc".)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Hit an enemy with 3 [[Huntsman|arrows]], without killing them.|ar=ضرب العدو مع 3 سهم ، دون قتلهم.|cs=Zasáhni nepřítele třemi šípy aniž by jsi ho zabil.|de=Treffen Sie einen Feind mit 3 Pfeilen, ohne ihn dabei zu töten.|es=Impacta a un enemigo con 3 flechas sin matarlo.|fi=Ammu viholliseen 3 [[arrow/fi|nuolta]] tappamatta häntä.|fr=Touchez un ennemi à l'aide de 3 flèches, sans le tuer.|it=Colpisci un nemico con 3 frecce senza ucciderlo.|ja=敵 1 人に、倒さずに矢を 3 本命中させる。|ko=적을 죽이지 않고 화살 3개를 적에게 맞추십시오.|nl=Raak een vijand met 3 pijlen zonder hem te doden.|pl=Traf przeciwnika 3 strzałami z łuku, nie zabijając go.|pt=Atinja um inimigo com 3 setas sem o matar.|pt-br=Acerte um inimigo com 3 [[Huntsman/pt-br|flechas]], sem matá-lo.|ro=Nimerește un oponent cu 3 săgeți, fără a-l omorî.|ru=Поразите противника 3-мя стрелами, при этом не убив его.|sv=Träffa en fiende med 3 pilar utan att döda honom.|zh-hant=使用3枝箭擊中敵人,但不殺死敵人。|#default=Hit an enemy with 3 [[Huntsman|arrows]], without killing them.}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, tr, zh-hans[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/sniper/pincushion-desc]]</noinclude>
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=Hit an enemy with 3 [[Huntsman|arrows]], without killing them.|ar=ضرب العدو مع 3 سهم ، دون قتلهم.|cs=Zasáhni nepřítele třemi šípy, aniž by jsi ho zabil.|de=Treffen Sie einen Feind mit 3 Pfeilen, ohne ihn dabei zu töten.|es=Impacta a un enemigo con 3 flechas sin matarlo.|fi=Ammu viholliseen 3 [[arrow/fi|nuolta]] tappamatta häntä.|fr=Touchez un ennemi à l'aide de 3 flèches, sans le tuer.|it=Colpisci un nemico con 3 frecce senza ucciderlo.|ja=敵 1 人に、倒さずに矢を 3 本命中させる。|ko=적을 죽이지 않고 화살 3개를 적에게 맞추십시오.|nl=Raak een vijand met 3 pijlen zonder hem te doden.|pl=Traf przeciwnika 3 strzałami z łuku, nie zabijając go.|pt=Atinja um inimigo com 3 setas sem o matar.|pt-br=Acerte um inimigo com 3 [[Huntsman/pt-br|flechas]], sem matá-lo.|ro=Nimerește un oponent cu 3 săgeți, fără a-l omorî.|ru=Поразите противника 3-мя стрелами, при этом не убив его.|sv=Träffa en fiende med 3 pilar utan att döda honom.|zh-hant=使用3枝箭擊中敵人,但不殺死敵人。|#default=Hit an enemy with 3 [[Huntsman|arrows]], without killing them.}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/sniper|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, tr, zh-hans[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/sniper/pincushion-desc]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 11:21, 27 July 2011

Hit an enemy with 3 arrows, without killing them.—Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit the master page instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, tr, zh-hans