Difference between revisions of "File:Tf russian.txt"

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(uploaded a new version of "File:Tf russian.txt": October 13, 2011 Patch)
(Updated diff for October 13, 2011 Patch.)
Line 1: Line 1:
<!-- This page is updated by a bot. Changes made to it will likely be lost the next time it edits. -->
<!-- This page is updated by a bot. Changes made to it will likely be lost the next time it edits. -->
== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=September 15, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=October 13, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -313,7 +313,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -397,4 +397,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Enemy: %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Можно использовать только на Хеллоуин"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_playerid_object" "%s1 - построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Можно использовать только на Хеллоуин"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_playerid_object" "%s1 — построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object" "%s1 built by %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Bat" "Бита"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_playerid_object_level" "( Уровень %s1 )"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -605,3 +605,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_level" "( Level %s1 )"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "finished off"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -321,7 +321,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=DeathMsg_Fall" "умирает мучительной смертью"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Upgrade Progress: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=DeathMsg_Fall" "совершает роковой полет"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Уровень %s1 ) Модернизация: %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]DeathMsg_Fall" "fell to a clumsy, painful death"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Level %s1 ) Upgrade Progress: %s2"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -893,3 +893,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Вражеский объект %s1 - построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_BlueWins" "BLU TEAM WINS!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Вражеский объект %s1 — построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "СИНИЕ ЗАХВАТИЛИ МЕСТНОСТЬ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Enemy %s1 built by %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "СИНИЕ ВЗЯЛИ ТЕРРИТОРИЮ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Перезарядка: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "BLU TEAM SEIZES AREA"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Recharging: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -899,3 +899,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -401,7 +401,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_RedWins" "RED TEAM WINS!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Bat" "Bat"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Winpanel_RedAdvances" "КРАСНЫЕ ЗАХВАТИЛИ МЕСТНОСТЬ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Бутылка"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Winpanel_RedAdvances" "КРАСНЫЕ ВЗЯЛИ ТЕРРИТОРИЮ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Bottle"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_RedAdvances" "RED TEAM SEIZES AREA"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Пожарный топорик"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -907,3 +907,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Пожарный топор"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s1 %s2 LOST!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Fire Axe"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 ЗАХВАТИЛИ МЕСТНОСТЬ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Club" "Кукри"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 ВЗЯЛИ ТЕРРИТОРИЮ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 %s2 SEIZES AREA"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -451,7 +451,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -985,3 +985,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 LOST!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Flag" "Флаг"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 ЗАХВАТИЛИ МЕСТНОСТЬ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flag"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 ВЗЯЛИ ТЕРРИТОРИЮ"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Гвоздомет"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 SEIZES AREA"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Гвоздемет"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1139,5 +1139,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Nail Gun"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Лечебная пушка"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Вас убил покойный"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medi Gun"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Вас убил ныне покойный"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2059,13 +2059,13 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_suddendeath_timer" "You've run out of time. Watch your back and finish 'em off. No more spawning."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Ваш убийца и злодей"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_suddendeath_limit" "Достигнуто ограничение по времени. Воскрешений больше не будет. Не упустите свой шанс."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Вас опять убил"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_suddendeath_limit" "Map time limit reached. No more spawning, so make this count."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) – это карта режима \"Захват флага\""}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1147,3 +1147,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) — это карта режима \"Захват флага\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_Intro" "Well (CTF) is a Capture the Flag map"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "Вас убила %objectkiller% уже погибшего игрока"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "Чтобы получать очки, крадите вражеские разведданные и относите их на свою базу"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "Вас убила %objectkiller% покойного"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your capture point"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% of the late"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Если дипломат уронили, он вернется на свою базу через 60 секунд"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1157,3 +1157,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_WellCTF_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their base in 60 seconds"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_Callout3" "More bits!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort – это карта режима \"Захват флага\""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=FreezePanel_Item" "У %killername% есть:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort — это карта режима \"Захват флага\""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% использует:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_2Fort_Intro" "2Fort is a Capture the Flag map"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% is carrying:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "Чтобы получать очки, крадите вражеские разведданные и относите их на свою базу"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1515,9 +1515,9 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_2Fort_ToWin" "To win a point, steal the enemies intelligence briefcase and return it to your basement"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_Count" "13"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_1" "Чем дольше снайпер смотрит в прицел, тем больший урон нанесет его выстрел."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelStatus" "The status and location of both intelligence briefcases can be found at the base of your screen"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_1" "Чем дольше прицеливается снайпер, тем больший урон нанесет его выстрел."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Если дипломат уронили, он вернется на свою базу через 60 секунд"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed in the scope, the more damage the shot will do."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_2Fort_IntelDrop" "Dropped briefcases will return to their basement in 60 seconds"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_2" "Играя за снайпера, цельтесь в голову для нанесения критического урона."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit – это карта режима \"Захват/удержание точек\""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_2" "Играя за снайпера, цельтесь в голову, чтобы нанести критический урон."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit — это карта режима \"Захват/удержание точек\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_2" "As a Sniper, aim for the head to do critical damage."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_Intro" "Gravel Pit is an Attack/Defend Control Point map"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_3" "Играя за снайпера, прицеливайтесь из снайперской винтовки, нажимая %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Чтобы победить, Красным надо защитить свои контрольные точки"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_3" "Чтобы прицелиться из снайперской винтовки, нажмите %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Gravelpit_RedWin" "Team RED wins by defending their Control Points"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_3" "As a Sniper, zoom with the sniper rifle by hitting %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_4" "Играя за снайпера, пользуйтесь ППМ на ближней дистанции."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_ToWin" "Team BLU must advance through three stages to win"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_4" "ППМ снайпера может пригодиться, чтобы разделаться с врагами на ближней дистанции."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "На каждом этапе есть две контрольные точки"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_4" "As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Dustbowl_Stages" "Each stage contains two Control Points"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1539,3 +1539,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro – это карта режима \"Контроль территории\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_4_2" "As a Demoman, the longer you hold down the fire button, the farther the shot will go."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro — это карта режима \"Контроль территории\""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_4_3" "Подрывник может совершить высокий прыжок, кинув бомбу-липучку себе под ноги и взорвав её."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Intro" "Hydro is a Territorial Control Point map"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_4_3" "Подрывник может совершить высокий прыжок, запустив бомбу-липучку себе под ноги и взорвав ее."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "Одна из команд должна завладеть всеми шестью контрольными точками"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_4_3" "As a Demoman, set off sticky bombs beneath your feet to pipe bomb jump up to great heights."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Hydro_ToWin" "A team must control all six territories to win"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1575,3 +1575,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2095,9 +2095,9 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_7_4" "As a Pyro, switch to your shotgun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your flamethrower."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Hydro_Stages" "Stages will be played with two Control points at a time"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_7_5" "Поджигатель может поджечь противника и уйти, оставив его умирать от огня."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "Чтобы занять территорию, захватите контрольную точку врага"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_7_5" "Поджигатель может поджечь противника и отступить, оставив его умирать от огня."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Hydro_CP" "Capture the enemy Control Point in a stage to win the territory"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_7_5" "As a Pyro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) – это карта режима \"Захват контрольных точек\""}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -1605,3 +1605,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) — это карта режима \"Захват контрольных точек\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_9_3" "As an Engineer, hit your sentry gun with your wrench to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Well_Intro" "Well (CP) is a Control Point map"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_9_4" "Играя за инженера, стройте раздатчики, чтобы ваши союзники могли восполнять у них здоровье и боеприпасы. Кроме того, они являются источником металла."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary – это карта режима \"Захват контрольных точек\""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_9_4" "Играя за инженера, стройте раздатчики, чтобы ваши союзники могли восполнять свои здоровье и боеприпасы. Кроме того, они являются источником металла."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary — это карта режима \"Захват контрольных точек\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_9_4" "As an Engineer, build dispensers to provide your teammates with health and ammo. They also generate metal for you to use."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary is a Control Point map"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2265,3 +2265,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands — это карта режима \"Захват контрольных точек\""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MEDIC_SYRINGE_SCOUTS_DESC" "Kill 50 Scouts with your syringe gun."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands is a Control Point map"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Отзыв коллеги"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4373,7 +4373,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Экспертная оценка"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Teams_Full" "Teams\nAre Full"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MEDIC_BONESAW_MEDICS_NAME" "Peer Review"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_EnergyDrink" "НАПИТОК"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2579,3 +2579,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_EnergyDrink" "DRINK"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_NAME" "0wn the Means of Production"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s3 %s1а - построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Уничтожьте 20 бомб-липучек, убив подрывника, который их установил."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s3 %s1а — построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Уничтожьте 20 бомб-липучек, убивая подрывников, которые их установили."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_mode" "%s1 %s3 built by %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_CLEAR_STICKYBOMBS_DESC" "Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "Нет другого конца телепорта!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2667,3 +2667,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_teleporter_entrance_nomatch" "No matching teleporter!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_NAME" "Borscht Belt"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5057,7 +5057,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Убейте 10 пулеметчиков, используя ФСБ."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Revenge" "REVENGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Убейте 10 пулеметчиков, используя КГБ."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Sandwich" "ЕДА"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HEAVY_KILL_HEAVIES_GLOVES_DESC" "Kill 10 Heavies with The K.G.B."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Sandwich" "FOOD"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3031,3 +3031,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_playerid_object_mini" "Мини-%s1 - построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_NAME" "Spies Like Us"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_playerid_object_mini" "Мини-%s1 — построил %s2"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Будучи под плащом, убейте невидимого вражеского шпиона."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_playerid_object_mini" "Mini-%s1 built by %s2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "Будучи невидимым, натолкнитесь на невидимого вражеского шпиона."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Лазерный указатель"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SPY_BUMP_CLOAKED_SPY_DESC" "While cloaked, bump into an enemy cloaked Spy."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_Laser_Pointer" "Laser Pointer"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3545,5 +3545,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5487,7 +5487,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]NewItemAcquired" "NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_EngineerEarmuffs_Desc" "It gets difficult trying to calculate the total external applied torque to a body's rotational motion through its moment of momentum vector while the distracting sounds of gunfire and death are all around you. Build a better, safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'sound!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=NewItemsCrafted" "СОЗДАНО %numitems% НОВЫХ ПРЕДМЕТОВ!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DemomanTricorne_Desc" "Три острых угла и вот вам острая шляпа.\nОсторожно, не выколите себе глаз."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=NewItemsCrafted" "СКОВАНО %numitems% НОВЫХ ПРЕДМЕТОВ!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DemomanTricorne_Desc" "Three sharp corners mean one sharp hat.\nDon't poke your eye out."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]NewItemsCrafted" "%numitems% NEW ITEMS CRAFTED!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SpyBeret_Desc" "Настоящий шпионаж - это искусство."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=NewItemCrafted" "СОЗДАН НОВЫЙ ПРЕДМЕТ!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SpyBeret_Desc" "Настоящий шпионаж — это искусство."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=NewItemCrafted" "СКОВАН НОВЫЙ ПРЕДМЕТ!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SpyBeret_Desc" "Because real espionage is an artform."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]NewItemCrafted" "NEW ITEM CRAFTED!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SniperFishingHat_Desc" "Ушел пострелять."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3569,4 +3569,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SniperFishingHat_Desc" "Gone Snipin'."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]SelectClassLoadout" "SELECT A CLASS TO MODIFY LOADOUT"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5927,15 +5927,15 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]MMenu_Tooltip_Armory" "MANN CO. CATALOG"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=MMenu_BuyNow" "Купить сейчас"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]MMenu_BuyNow" "Buy Now"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=MMenu_Notifications_Show" "ЗАПРОСЫ (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=MMenu_Notifications_Show" "УВЕДОМЛЕНИЯ (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3896,3 +3896,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]MMenu_Notifications_Show" "ALERTS (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "Сверхлечение: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=MMenu_Notifications_Hide" "X"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "+%s1% more max overheal"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]MMenu_Notifications_Hide" "X"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive" "%s1% more overheal"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=MMenu_Notifications_Empty" "Нет запросов, которые нужно рассмотреть."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled" "Бонус сверхлечения не убывает"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=MMenu_Notifications_Empty" "У вас нет непрочитанных уведомлений."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4011,10 +4011,10 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]MMenu_Notifications_Empty" "You have no pending alerts."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_HealthFromHealers_Increased" "+%s1% health from healers on wearer"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ArmoryExplanation_Title" "Каталог Манн Ко"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "Урон огнем: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ArmoryExplanation_Title" "Mann Co. Catalog"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage bonus"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=ArmoryExplanation_Text" "Здесь вы можете увидеть все оружие и вещи TF2, любезно предоставленные Сакстоном Хейлом, генеральным директором Манн Ко в Австралии."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "Урон огнем: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ArmoryExplanation_Text" "Здесь вы увидите всё оружие и вещи TF2, предоставленные Сакстоном Хейлом, генеральным директором Манн Ко в Австралии."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage penalty"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ArmoryExplanation_Text" "Here you can browse all of TF2's weapons and tools, handily supplied by Saxton Hale, Mann Co.'s rugged Australian CEO."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "Длительность горения: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TradingExplanation_Title" "Обмен"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% burn duration"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TradingExplanation_Title" "Trading"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "Длительность горения: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6002,11 +6002,11 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "%s1% burn duration"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Headgear" "Шляпы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "Урон от догорания: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Store_Headgear" "Hats"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% afterburn damage bonus"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "Урон от догорания: -%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% afterburn damage penalty"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "Длительность догорания: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% afterburn duration"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "Длительность догорания: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Reduced" "%s1% afterburn duration"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Increased" "Скорость передвижения при раскрутке: +%s1%"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4091,4 +4091,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_RocketLauncherSeeker" "Fires laser guided rockets"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Урон и скорость передвижения увеличивается\nпри получении урона\nБлокирует лечение при использовании"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage and move speed increase\nas the user becomes injured\nBlocks healing when in use"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Урон увеличивается при получении повреждений"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_ShovelDamageBoost" "Damage increases as the user becomes injured"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Decreased" "Урон от падения: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4149,3 +4149,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun" "Natascha"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Феноменальная Сила Боксера"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "Кулаки Грозного Боксера"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists" "The Killing Gloves of Boxing"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4154,3 +4154,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Неумолимая сила"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "The Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double" "Force-A-Nature"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink" "Бонк! Атомный залп"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4231,3 +4231,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Item_Found" "%s1 has found:: %s2 %s3"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Item_Crafted" "%s1 создал:: %s2 %s3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Item_Crafted" "%s1 сковал:: %s2 %s3"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Item_Crafted" "%s1 has crafted:: %s2 %s3"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4505,11 +4505,11 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged sniper rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_6" "Играя за снайпера, пользуйтесь ППМ, чтобы разобраться с врагами на ближней дистанции."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_6" "ППМ снайпера может пригодиться, чтобы разделаться с врагами на ближней дистанции."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_6" "As a Sniper, use your secondary submachine gun to deal with nearby enemies."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_7" "Стрела снайпера, выпущенная из Охотника не будет лететь точно в цель, если натягивать тетиву более 5-и секунд. Попробуйте прицелиться еще раз, нажав %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_7" "Стрела снайпера, выпущенная из Охотника, полетит мимо, если держать тетиву натянутой дольше 5 секунд. Натяните ее заново, нажав %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_7" "As a Sniper, your shot will miss if the Huntsman is pulled back longer than 5 seconds. Reset it by hitting %attack2%."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_8" "Банкате снайпера может разоблачить невидимых шпионов."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_8" "Банкате снайпера может помочь раскусить шпионов."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_8" "As a Sniper, Jarate can reveal hidden Spies."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_9" "Бронепанцирь снайпера разрушается после удара в спину. Возьмите новый у шкафчика с боеприпасами."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_9" "Бронепанцирь снайпера ломается после удара в спину. Возьмите новый в шкафчике с боеприпасами."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_9" "As a Sniper, the Razorback breaks after being stabbed. Grab a new one from a resupply locker."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_10" "Бронепанцирь снайпера издает громкий электрический звук, когда шпион пытается убить вас со спины. Не пропустите его!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_10" "Бронепанцирь снайпера издает громкий электрический звук, когда шпион пытается вонзить вам нож в спину. Не пропустите его мимо ушей!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_10" "As a Sniper, your Razorback emits a loud electric sound when a Spy attempts to backstab you. Listen for it!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4517,3 +4517,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_11" "As a Sniper, use Jarate to douse flames on yourself and on teammates."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_2_12" "Все попадания по врагам, облитым Банкате снайпера, будут усиливаться мини-критами."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_2_12" "Все попадания по врагам, облитым Банкате снайпера, будут мини-критами."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_2_12" "As a Sniper, all hits on enemies who have been doused with Jarate are minicrits."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4523,19 +4523,19 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_5" "Damaging yourself during Setup time does not increase your Medic's ÜberCharge rate."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_6" "Приседание во время прыжка на ракете увеличит его высоту!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_6" "Прыжок вприсядку увеличит высоту прыжка на ракете!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_6" "As a Soldier, a crouch-jump will increase your rocket jump height!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_7" "Играя за солдата, на близком расстоянии лучше пользуйтесь дробовиком, чтобы не погибнуть от взрыва вашей же ракеты."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_7" "Играя за солдата, пользуйтесь дробовиком на ближней дистанции, чтобы избежать получения урона от выпущенных в упор ракет."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_7" "As a Soldier, switch to shotgun for enemies at extremely close range to avoid damaging yourself."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_8" "Играя за солдата, если вас лечит медик и в данный момент вам ничего не угрожает, то наносите урон самому себе, чтобы быстрее накопить убер-заряд!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_8" "Если вас лечит медик и в данный момент вам обоим ничто не угрожает, вы можете наносить урон самому себе, чтобы ускорить накопление убер-заряда!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_8" "As a Soldier, if you're paired with a Medic take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself to build ÜberCharge faster!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_9" "Солдат может подбрасывать врагов в воздух своими ракетами."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_9" "Солдат может подбрасывать врагов в воздух взрывом своих ракет."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_9" "As a Soldier, you can use your rockets to pop enemies into the air."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_10" "Дробовик солдата может оказаться полезным в бою, если у ракетомета закончились снаряды или его надо перезарядить."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_10" "Дробовик солдата может выручить в бою, если ракетомет требует перезарядки."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_10" "As a Soldier, your shotgun can be useful in combat if you need to reload your rocket launcher."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_11" "Играя за солдата, стреляйте ракетами чуть позади себя, чтобы ускорить передвижение!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_11" "Играя за солдата, вы можете выстрелить ракетой чуть позади себя, чтобы ускориться ударом взрывной волны!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_11" "As a Soldier, angle your rockets slightly behind you to propel yourself forward faster!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_12" "Оружие солдата Прямое попадание имеет малый радиус поражения. Цельтесь точнее, чтобы нанести максимальный урон."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_12" "Ракетомет солдата «Прямое попадание» имеет меньший радиус взрыва. Цельтесь точнее, чтобы нанести максимальный урон."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Direct Hit rockets have a very small blast radius.  Aim directly at your enemies to maximize damage."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_13" "Солдат лишится ярости Вдохновляющего знамени, если погибнет. Лучше воспользуйтесь ей для помощи в продвижении вагонетки или для того, чтобы убежать из опасного места!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_13" "Шкала ярости Вдохновляющего знамени обнулится, если вы умрете. Не бойтесь использовать его в одиночку, чтобы пойти на штурм или выбраться целым из вражеской засады!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, the Buff Banner's rage meter will reset if you die. Don't be afraid to use it for yourself to make a push or escape!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_3_14" "Под действием Вдохновляющего знамени, солдат и его союзники, находящиеся неподалеку, наносят мини-криты."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_3_14" "Полностью заряженное и развернутое Вдохновляющее знамя обеспечивает мини-криты вам и всем союзникам рядом с вами."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, the Buff Banner, once charged and then activated, provides mini-crits for you and all teammates nearby."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4581,3 +4581,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_5_8" "As a Medic, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of rounds so they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_5_9" "Медик может воспользоваться убер-зарядом, чтобы спастись в опасной ситуации."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_5_9" "Медик может воспользоваться убер-зарядом без пациента, чтобы спастись в опасной ситуации."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_5_9" "As a Medic, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target to save yourself in dire situations."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4589,3 +4589,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_5_12" "As a Medic, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_5_13" "Играя за медика, помните, что шприцы летят по кривой траектории. Чтобы попасть во врага, цельтесь немного выше него."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_5_13" "Играя за медика, помните, что шприцы летят по дуге. Чтобы попасть во врага, цельтесь немного выше его."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_5_13" "As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs. Aim higher than your intended target to land successful hits."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4613,3 +4613,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_6_7" "As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_6_8" "Кулаки пулеметчика бьют быстрее, чем Феноменальная Сила Боксера. Используйте их вместе с бутербродом, чтобы быстро избавиться от нарушителей вашего спокойствия."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_6_8" "Кулаки пулеметчика бьют быстрее, чем КГБ. Используйте их вместе с бутербродом, чтобы быстро избавиться от нарушителей вашего спокойствия."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_6_8" "As a Heavy, your fists swing faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4619,3 +4619,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_6_10" "As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_6_11" "Раскручивая пулемет, вы можете растратить 5-секундный бонус 100%% критов Феноменальной Силы Боксера. Носите с собой дробовик, чтобы критический заряд не пропадал зазря!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_6_11" "Раскручивая пулемет, вы можете растратить 5-секундный бонус 100%% критов КГБ. Носите с собой дробовик, чтобы критический заряд не пропадал зазря!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_6_11" "As a Heavy, your minigun's spin-up can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's 5-second critical buff. Carry your shotgun with the K.G.B. to maximize the critical boost!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4629,3 +4629,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_7_9" "As a Pyro, help protect an Engineer's sentries by pushing away sticky bombs and checking for Spies."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_7_10" "Поджигатель может свести на нет всю пользу от убер-заряда, отталкивая медика подальше от его пациента сжатым воздухом, нажимая %attack2%!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_7_10" "Поджигатель может нейтрализовать убер-заряд, отталкивая медика или его пациента подальше друг от друга сжатым воздухом, нажимая %attack2%!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_7_10" "As a Pyro, you can neutralize an ÜberCharge by pushing the Medic or his heal target out of range of each other using the Flame Thrower's compression blast with %attack2%!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4673,3 +4673,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_8_18" "As a Spy, disguise as your own team by hitting the %disguiseteam% key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer to hide your presence from the enemy."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_8_19" "Играя за шпиона, нажмите %lastdisguise%, когда вы замаскированы, чтобы сменить маскировочное оружие на аналогичное тому, что вы сейчас держите."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_8_19" "Играя за шпиона, нажмите %lastdisguise%, когда вы замаскированы, чтобы сменить оружие, которое держит ваша маскировка."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_8_19" "As a Spy, hit %lastdisguise% while already disguised to change what weapon your disguise is holding."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4691,5 +4691,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_8_27" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage; it will give away your location!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_8_28" "Жучки шпиона разрушают и вход, и выход телепорта. Постарайтесь поставить жучок на том конце, на каком инженер не успеет его сбить."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_8_28" "Жучки шпиона разрушают и вход, и выход телепорта. Постарайтесь поставить жучок на том конце, на котором нет инженера."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_8_28" "As a Spy, your sappers sap both ends of a teleporter. Try sapping the end the Engineer isn't at."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_8_29" "Звон смерти шпиона имитирует его смерть. Используйте его, когда у вас немного здоровья, иначе все поймут, что вы — живы."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_8_29" "Звон смерти шпиона имитирует его смерть. Используйте его, когда у вас немного здоровья, иначе вы потратите его впустую или будет очевидно, что вы живы."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_8_29" "As a Spy, your Dead Ringer can fake a death. Try to use it when you're weak, or else it will be wasted or too obvious."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4701,3 +4701,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_9_8" "As an Engineer, hit your buildings with your wrench while they are constructing to make them build faster."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Tip_9_9" "Перенося свои постройки вперед, инженер сильно помогает своей команде."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tip_9_9" "Играя за инженера, бывает полезным переносить свои постройки вперед по мере продвижения команды."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tip_9_9" "As an Engineer, it can be useful to move your buildings forward with your team."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4991,3 +4991,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Dust_Hint_SetupGate" "Setup Gate"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TR_Target_EndDialog" "Хорошая работа! Вы завершили курс тренировки солдата, и разблокировали основной курс обучения! Вернитесь в главное меню, нажав кнопку \"Готово\", и выберите пункт \"Основное обучение\", чтобы поиграть в раунд в Team Fortress 2."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TR_Target_EndDialog" "Хорошая работа! Вы завершили курс тренировки солдата, и разблокировали основной курс обучения! Вернитесь в главное меню, нажав кнопку \"Продолжить\", и выберите пункт \"Основное обучение\", чтобы поиграть в раунд в Team Fortress 2."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TR_Target_EndDialog" "Good job!  You've completed Soldier training and unlocked Basic Training!  Return to the main menu by pressing DONE and select Basic Training to explore a round of Team Fortress 2."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5251,3 +5251,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]RI_Nd" "Named"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=RI_c" ","}}
{{tf diff|+|2=RI_c" ", "}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]RI_c" ", "}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5451,3 +5451,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Hatless_Engineer_Desc" "Sometimes you just need a little less hat."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HonestyHalo_Desc" "Возможно, кому-то эта шляпа и не нужна, но вы продемонстрировали решительность и несгибаемую волю в погоне за этим украшением, за что и будете вознаграждены."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HonestyHalo_Desc" "Хотя некоторые не пренебрегали никакими средствами в погоне за шляпами, вы продемонстрировали решительность и неподкупность в поиске головных уборов. За это вы и вознаграждены."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HonestyHalo_Desc" "Though some would stop at nothing to achieve hats, you remained resolute and incorruptible in your quest for head decorations. For that, you have been rewarded."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5479,3 +5479,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SniperPithHelmet_Desc" "Perfect for exploring the outback and the inside of people's heads."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_ScoutWhoopee_Desc" "Нужно быть совсем тупоголовым, чтобы не понимать, что это - последний писк молодежной моды."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ScoutWhoopee_Desc" "Нужно быть совсем тупоголовым, чтобы не понимать, что это — последний писк молодежной моды."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoutWhoopee_Desc" "You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5555,4 +5555,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Seuss" "Dr's Dapper Topper"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Seuss_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Seuss_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_PyroBeanie" "Удобная шапка для сна"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5563,8 +5561,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HeavyPugilistProtector" "Pugilist's Protector"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HeavyPugilistProtector_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_HeavyPugilistProtector_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer" "Испытание вождя"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer" "Chieftain's Challenge"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_SoldierChiefRocketeer_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_WikiCap" "Фуражка Вики"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5725,6 +5719,6 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_14" "A Distinctive Lack of Hue"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Revolving_Loot_List" "В этом ящике лежит один из следующих предметов:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Revolving_Loot_List" "This crate contains one of the following items:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "или необычайно редкий, особый предмет!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "В этом ящике лежит один из следующих предметов:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "This crate contains one of the following items:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "или необычайно редкий, особый предмет!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Rare_Item" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Set_Polycount_Pyro" "Снаряжение заправщика"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5874,3 +5868,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TheBlackBox" "Черный ящик"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TheBlackBox" "Black Box"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TheBlackBox" "The Black Box"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SydneySleeper" "Сиднейский соня"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5889,3 +5883,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_FryingPan" "The Frying Pan"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Unique_Gloves_of_Running_Urgently" "Кулаки Грозного Бегуна"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Unique_Gloves_of_Running_Urgently" "Горящие Рукавицы Ускорения"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_Gloves_of_Running_Urgently" "The Gloves of Running Urgently"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6004,3 +5998,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Weapons" "Оружие"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Weapons" "Оружие"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_Weapons" "Weapons"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_Weapons" "Guns"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Weapons" "Guns"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Weapons" "Weapons"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Misc" "Разное"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Misc" "Разное"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Store_Misc" "Misc"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6299,4 +6293,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Store_Tokens" "Жетоны"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TradeWindow_Trading" "Waiting for other party"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_Tokens" "Tokens"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis1" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Tools" "Инструменты"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis1" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Tools" "Tools"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TradeWindow_Ellipsis2" "."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Crafting" "Ковка"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6413,9 +6405,10 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Store_Crafting" "Crafting"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_ClassToken" "This item is a Class Token. It's used in crafting recipes to specify which class's items should be crafted. For example: putting a Soldier class token into a recipe will ensure only Soldier items will be produced by the craft."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Special_Items" "Инструменты"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "Это — Жетон слота. Он применяется во время ковки предметов, чтобы указать слот, для которого предназначен предмет. Например, если при ковке включить в чертеж 'Жетон слота - Осн. оружие', то получится одно из основных оружий."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6183,7 +6183,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "Это жетон слота. Он применяется во время ковки предметов, чтобы указать слот, для которого будет скован предмет. Например, если при ковке включить в чертеж 'Жетон слота — Основное оружие', то будет сковано основное оружие."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Notifications_Accept" "Accept"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_SlotToken" "This item is a Slot Token. It's used in crafting recipes to specify which loadout slot's items should be crafted. For example: putting a Primary slot token into a recipe will ensure only items equipped in the Primary loadout slot will be produced by the craft."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Notifications_Decline" "Отклонить"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_CraftItem" "Это — Предмет для ковки. Он применяется во время ковки новых предметов, и его можно комбинировать с другими предметами, чтобы получить ценное снаряжение."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Notifications_Decline" "Decline"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_CraftItem" "Это предмет для ковки. Он применяется только в рецептах ковки, где его можно комбинировать с другими предметами, чтобы получить более ценные предметы."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Notifications_Present" "У вас есть нерассмотренные запросы! Откройте главное меню, чтобы их увидеть."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_CraftItem" "This item is a Craft Item. It's only used inside crafting recipes, where it can be combined with other items to create more valuable items."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Notifications_Present" "У вас есть непрочитанные уведомления! Откройте главное меню, чтобы просмотреть их."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_Tool" "Это — Инструмент. Его можно применить к другому предмету в вашем рюкзаке. Количество применений ограничено. Нажмите в рюкзаке на кнопку 'Использовать' или 'Использ. с', чтобы совершить действие."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Notifications_Present" "You have pending alerts! Go to the Main Menu to view them."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_Tool" "Это инструмент. Его можно либо использовать отдельно, либо применить к другому предмету в вашем рюкзаке. }}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Notification_Trigger" "Просмотреть/Принять последний запрос."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=  .      ''  '. ',   ."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Notification_Trigger" "View/Accept the topmost alert."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_Tool" "This item is a Tool. It can be used on its own or be applied to another item in your backpack, and is consumed in the process. Click the 'Use' or 'Use With...' button in the backpack to start the process of applying it."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6228,7 +6228,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_StockItem" "Это — Стандартный предмет. Такие предметы используются игровыми классами по умолчанию и относятся к категории 'особых' предметов, которые нельзя уничтожить, и которые не занимают места в вашем рюкзаке. Вы можете изменить стандартный предмет с помощью инструмента, и тогда в рюкзаке появится его измененная копия."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB_Named" "%other_player% не ответил на ваше предложение."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_StockItem" "Это стандартный предмет. Такие предметы используются игровыми классами по умолчанию и считаются 'особыми' в том плане, что их нельзя уничтожить и они не занимают места в вашем рюкзаке. Вы можете изменить стандартный предмет с помощью инструмента, после чего в рюкзаке появится его измененная копия."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trading_TimeoutPartyB_Named" "There was no response from %other_player%."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_StockItem" "This item is a Stock Item. Stock items are the default weapons for a player class, and are considered 'special' items in that they cannot be destroyed, and take up no space in your backpack. You can still customize them with tools, and doing so will create a customized clone of the Stock Item."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB" "Ожидание ответа другого игрока.."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6448,7 +6441,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB" "Waiting for the other player to respond.."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_Key" "С помощью этого ключа можно открыть один ящик Манн Ко. Вы получите один из предметов, перечисленных в описании к ящику."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB" "Waiting for the other player to respond."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Key" "This key can be used to open one Mann Co. Supply Crate. When opened, you will receive one of the items on the Supply Crate's item list."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB_Named" "Ожидание ответа от %s1."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "Этот предмет может переименовывать остальные предметы. Игроки будут видеть новое, выбранное вами название."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trading_WaitingForPartyB_Named" "Waiting for %s1 to respond."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "This item can be used to permanently modify the name of a single item. Other players will see the name you choose instead of the original name."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trading_WaitingForServer" "Ждем ответа от сервера."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "С помощью этого предмета можно изменить цвет другого. Не все предметы можно перекрашивать, поэтому, если вы покупаете предмет, чтобы покрасить его, проверьте, указана ли в его описании 'банка краски' в качестве инструмента, который к нему применим."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6543,7 +6543,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "This item can be used to permanently change the color of a single item. Not all items are paintable, so if you're purchasing an item to paint it, ensure the details of that item lists 'Paint Cans' as tools that can be used on it."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Key" "This Key can be used to open one Mann Co. Supply Crate. When opened, you will receive one of the items on the Supply Crate's item list."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "Этот ярлык может переименовывать любой другой предмет. Игроки будут видеть новое, выбранное вами название."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "This Name Tag can be used to permanently modify the name of a single item. Other players will see the name you choose instead of the original name."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "С помощью этой банки с краской можно изменить цвет одного предмета. Не все предметы можно перекрашивать, поэтому, если вы покупаете предмет, чтобы покрасить его, проверьте, указана ли в его описании 'банка краски' в качестве инструмента, который к нему применим."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_PaintCan" "This Paint Can can be used to permanently change the color of a single item. Not all items are paintable, so if you're purchasing an item to paint it, ensure the details of that item lists 'Paint Cans' as tools that can be used on it."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift1" "Этот Используемый предмет позволяет подарить одному из игроков на вашем сервере случайный предмет."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6535,4 +6528,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Tool_Gift" "A Carefully Wrapped Gift"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Set_Bonus" "Бонус набора:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Set_Bonus" "Item Set Bonus:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Set_Bonus" "Бонус набора:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Set_Bonus" "Item Set Bonus:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_InUse" "Сейчас используется"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6543,6 +6536,6 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_ReferencedItem" "Contains: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "В эту подарочную упаковку можно завернуть какой-нибудь предмет и отправить другому игроку. Подарок дойдет до получателя, даже если он не в сети. Предметы, которыми обычно нельзя обмениваться, тоже можно завернуть и подарить другому игроку."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "В эту подарочную упаковку можно завернуть какой-нибудь предмет и отправить другому игроку. Подарок дойдет до получателя, даже если он не в сети. Предметы, которыми обычно нельзя обмениваться, тоже можно завернуть и подарить другому игроку."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This gift wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This gift wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Это - упакованный подарок. Человек, запаковавший подарок, может отправить его другому игроку. Получатель может распаковать подарок и достать из него предмет."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Это упакованный подарок. Человек, запаковавший подарок, может отправить его другому игроку. Получатель может распаковать подарок и достать из него предмет."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a wrapped gift. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "В эту подарочную упаковку можно завернуть какой-нибудь предмет и отправить другому игроку. Подарок дойдет до получателя, даже если он не в сети. Предметы, которыми обычно нельзя обмениваться, тоже можно завернуть и подарить другому игроку."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This Gift Wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Это — упакованный подарок. Человек, запаковавший подарок, может отправить его другому игроку. Получатель может распаковать подарок и достать из него предмет."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "Это — упакованный подарок. Человек, запаковавший подарок, может отправить его другому игроку. Получатель может распаковать подарок и достать из него предмет."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a wrapped gift. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a Wrapped Gift. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_HasNewItems" "Вы получили новые предметы!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_HasNewItems" "Вы получили новые предметы!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HasNewItems" "You have new items!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6599,18 +6592,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6889,7 +6889,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Domination_Hat_2010_Desc" "Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_LarrikinRobin" "Larrikin Robin"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Worms_Gear_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_BlightedBeak" "Прокаженный клюв"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Worms_Gear_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BlightedBeak" "Blighted Beak"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TheAttendant_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_PyromancersMask" "Маска пиромана"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TheAttendant_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PyromancersMask" "Маска пироманта"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TheMilkman_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_PyromancersMask" "Pyromancer's Mask"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TheMilkman_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_PrancersPride" "Гордость стаи"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TheFamiliarFez_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_PrancersPride" "Prancer's Pride"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TheFamiliarFez_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7073,7 +7073,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_GestureSpeed_Increase" "+%s1% faster taunt speed on wearer"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TheGrenadiersSoftcap_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "Скорость передвижения при раскрутке: %s1%"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_OlSnaggletooth_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_AimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed while deployed"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_OlSnaggletooth_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 - %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump_Desc" "Специальный липучкомет, не наносящий урон,\nпоможет вам научиться прыгать на липучках и не только."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 — %s2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump_Desc" "A special no-damage stickybomb launcher for learning stickybomb jump tricks and patterns."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MapDonation" "%s1 - %s2"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MannCoCap_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "Стреляет зарядами, лечащими союзников и калечащими врагов в зависимости от дальности полета"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MannCoCap_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_FiresHealingBolts" "Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deal damage based on distance traveled"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Cadavers_Cranium" "Череп мертвеца"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7101,8 +7101,8 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6661,3 +6640,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Unique_MediGun_QuickFix_Desc" "Can't overheal.\nMove at the speed of any faster heal target."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_NAME" "Sackston Hale"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "При использовании, наносимый\nи получаемый урон становится мини-критами.\nВы также будете перемещаться значительно быстрее."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_DESC" "Создайте маску Сакстона Хейла."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SacredMedicine_Desc" "While under the effects, damage done\nand damage taken will be mini-crits.\nYou will also move much faster."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_DESC" "Скуйте маску Сакстона Хейла."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Store_Maps" "Поддержите создателей карт!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_HALLOWEEN_CRAFT_SAXTON_MASK_DESC" "Craft the Saxton Hale Mask."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_Maps" "Support Map Makers!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6722,3 +6701,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Maps" "Карты"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "Секира Пешего всадника без головы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Maps" "Maps"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Price_New" "НОВОЕ!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe" "The Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Store_Price_New" "NEW!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_HalloweenBoss_Axe_Desc" "Проклят темными духами, подобным тем,\nчто обитают в Одноглазом горце."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_Price_Sale" "СКИДКА!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6732,3 +6711,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7133,7 +7133,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_DescTag" "Этот ярлык вы можете использовать для изменения описания одного предмета. Другие игроки так же как и вы будут видеть измененное описание. Вы можете изменить описание только у тех предметов, описание которых еще не было изменено (иначе вам сперва придется удалить измененное описание)."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Text" "Your backpack has already been expanded to maximum capacity."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_DescTag" "This item can be used to permanently modify the description of a single item. Other players will see the description you choose instead of the original description. A custom description can be added to items that don't normally have one."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Коллекционные марки"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_DescTag" "This Description Tag can be used to permanently modify the description of a single item. Other players will see the description you choose instead of the original description. A custom description can be added to items that don't normally have one."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Map Stamp Items"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "Этот предмет доступен для покупки на ограниченный срок! Он не выпадает во время игры и его невозможно найти в ящиках."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "Это - Расширитель рюкзака. Сразу после его использования вы получите расширенный рюкзак, готовый к хранению новых предметов. Нажмите кнопку 'Использ.', чтобы приступить к расширению."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6859,4 +6838,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "Это — Расширитель рюкзака. Сразу после его использования вы получите расширенный рюкзак, готовый к хранению новых предметов. Нажмите кнопку 'Использ.', чтобы приступить к расширению."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens" "Map Stamps Collection"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "This item is a Backpack Expander. When used, it will expand the size of your backpack and be consumed in the process. Click the 'Use' button in the backpack to start the process of applying it."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Включает в себя по одной марке с каждой пользовательской картой."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "При покупке этого предмета весь доход (минуя всевозможные сборы) пойдет напрямую создателям карты.\n\nУровень вкладчика для карты будет расти через каждые 25 марок.\n\nЗа первую купленную коллекционную марку вы получите Шляпу первопроходца."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Includes a stamp for each community made map."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "When this item is purchased, all the proceeds (net of any applicable tax) will go directly to the community members who made the map.\n\nMembership level for a map will increase for every 25 map stamps.\n\nA World Traveler's Hat will also be given out the first time any map stamp has been purchased."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Включает в себя по одной марке каждой пользовательской карты."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8891,7 +8891,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Bundle_MapTokens_Desc" "Includes one a stamp for each community made map."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_ScoutBeanie_Style3" "Oldest School"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_FlippedTrilby" "Перевернутая шляпа"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_NAME" "К бою готов"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6897,4 +6876,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_NAME" "Ready for Duty"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BerlinersBucketHelm" "Berliner's Bucket Helm"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_DESC" "Завершите тренировочный курс за каждый класс, чтобы разблокировать следующий."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_BerlinersBucketHelm_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_DESC" "Пройдите тренировку за каждый класс, чтобы открыть следующий курс."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_BerlinersBucketHelm_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_COMPLETE_TRAINING_DESC" "Complete each class to unlock the next."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_ScotchBonnet" "Полицейский шлем"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=NoSteamNoItems_Refresh" "Рюкзак недоступен. Подключение к серверу предметов."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6937,3 +6914,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]NoSteamNoItems_Refresh" "Loadout not available. Contacting Item Server."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MapAuthors_Community_Title" "A Community Map Made By"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9789,13 +9789,13 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MapDonators_Title" "Поддержавшие (Таких %s1 человек!)"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank1" "Unremarkable"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_MapDonators_Title" "Поддержавшие (таких %s1!)"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank2" "без признаков опасности"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MapDonators_Title" "Supporters (%s1 Worldwide!)"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank2" "Scarcely Lethal"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7122,3 +7099,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=KillEaterRank3" "с небольшими признаками опасности"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Store_IntroText_Winter3" "Возможно, это последняя распродажа десятилетия, а это означает, что мы распродаем вещи, которые мы приберегали от распродаж по... НЕЛЕПЫМ ЦЕНАМ! Всё верно — соглашение Европейского Союза по продажам краски 2001-го года истекло, и похоже, что соглашение 2011-го будет ратифицировано.\n\nСкорей покупай все эти вещи, пока брюссельские толстосумы не пронюхали обо всем этом!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterRank3" "с малыми признаками опасности"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_IntroText_Winter3" "It's the final sale of the decade, possibly, and that means we're selling all the stuff we were prevented from selling… at LUDICROUS PRICES! That's right – the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2001 has finally expired, and the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2011 has yet to be ratified.\n\nGrab these items now, before the fat cats in Brussels get wind of it!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank3" "Mildly Menacing"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_IntroText_Winter3" "It's the final sale of the decade, possibly, and that means we're selling all the stuff we were prevented from selling... at LUDICROUS PRICES! That's right – the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2001 has finally expired, and the European Union Paint Sale Treaty of 2011 has yet to be ratified.\n\nGrab these items now, before the fat cats in Brussels get wind of it!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank4" "слегка угрожающего типа"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Notification_System_Message" "Системное сообщение: %message%"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank4" "Somewhat Threatening"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7269,4 +7246,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank5" "без пощады"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BigChief" "The Big Chief"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank5" "Uncharitable"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_BigChief_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=KillEaterRank6" "с отчетливыми признаками опасности"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_BigChief_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterRank6" "с явными признаками опасности"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Tool_ChristmasKey2010" "Рождественский ключ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank6" "Notably Dangerous"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7339,4 +7314,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterRank7" "довольно смертельного типа"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Homefront_Blindfold" "Hero's Hachimaki"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]KillEaterRank7" "Sufficiently Lethal"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Homefront_Blindfold_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10023,7 +10023,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Homefront_Blindfold_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Title" "Premium Account"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MNC_Hat" "Поддержка атлета"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Ваша бесплатная версия игры была обновлена до полной версии!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7347,8 +7320,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Your account has been upgraded to premium status!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat" "The Superfan"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Trial_UpgradeItem" "Team Fortress 2 - Повысить статус"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Trial_UpgradeItem" "Team Fortress 2 — Повысить статус"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_UpgradeItem" "Team Fortress 2 - Upgrade to Premium"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit" "Необходимые аксессуары"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trial_Upgrade" "Обновление!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit" "The Essential Accessories"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_Upgrade" "Upgrade!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10213,26 +10213,26 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_MNC_Mascot_Outfit_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_3rd" "Third Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournament"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=plr_nightfall_authors" "Аарон 'Psy' Гарча\nПол Гуд"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_4th" "Участник турнира ETF2L Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7475,4 +7444,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2LHL_4th" "Participant - ETF2L Highlander Tournament"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "Первое место в первом дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander Tournament"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_Sanguisuge" "Удар в спину: крадет здоровье жертвы."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "First Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Attrib_Sanguisuge" "On backstab: absorbs the health from your victim."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "Второе место в первом дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_Sanguisuge" "При ударе в спину: крадет здоровье жертвы."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "Second Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_Sanguisuge" "On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "Третье место в первом дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Honorbound" "Оружие чести: достав из ножен, вы не сможете зачехлить его, не убив врага."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "Third Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 1"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7689,4 +7658,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "Первое место во втором дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Replay_PrevX" "Previous %s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "First Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 2"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Replay_Stat_Label_0" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "Второе место во втором дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Replay_Stat_Label_0" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "Second Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_Stat_Label_0" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "Третье место во втором дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_Stat_Label_0" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "Third Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 2"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Replay_Stat_Label_1" "ПОПАДАНИЙ"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "Первое место в третьем дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8857,3 +8826,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "First Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 3"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_GrimmHatte_Desc" "Ye hae ne'er glympsed a hatte whych be\nas grimm as yonder hatte ye glympse upon."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "Второе место в третьем дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Значок помощника в возвращении"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "Second Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Значок помощника в воскрешении"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "Третье место в третьем дивизионе турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Resurrection_Associate_Pin" "Resurrection Associate Pin"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "Third Place - UGC Highlander Tournament Div 3"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8863,4 +8832,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "Первое место в платиновом турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_PotatoHat_Desc" "Produce-powered personal illumination and cranial safety apparatus.\n\nNOT FOR USE OUTSIDE OFFICIAL APERTURE FACILITIES."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_1st" "UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Style_Desc" "Стиль: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "Второе место в платиновом турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_2nd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Style_Desc" "Стиль: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "Третье место в платиновом турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv1_3rd" "UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_StovePipe_Style0" "Галантный и изысканный"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "Первое место в серебряном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8935,3 +8904,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_1st" "UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Vote_notification_view" "View"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "Второе место в серебряном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Слиток Усатия"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_2nd" "UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Слиток усатия"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "Третье место в серебряном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Moustachium Bar"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv2_3rd" "UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8967,3 +8936,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "Первое место в железном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "The first standing army to wear uniforms wanted to make damn sure everyone else knew it."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_1st" "UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_BucketHat" "Ведро с мозгами"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "Второе место в железном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_BucketHat" "Защитное ведро"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_2nd" "UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_BucketHat" "Brain Bucket"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "Третье место в железном турнире UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9187,3 +9156,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHLDiv3_3rd" "UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TauntEnabler" "Special Taunt"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant" "Участник турнира UGC Highlander"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Attrib_MakersMark" "Скован: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant" "Participant - UGC Highlander Tournament"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_MakersMark" "Сковал: %s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Participant" "UGC Highlander Participant"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TournamentMedal_Winners_Desc" "Выдается победителям!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9551,3 +9520,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Winners_Desc" "Given to the winners!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Training_SelectMode" "GET STARTED"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_TournamentMedal_2nd_Desc" "Выдана команде, занявшей второе место!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Training_Title" "ВЫБРАТЬ РЕЖИМ ТРЕНИРОВКИ"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10355,7 +10355,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Training_Title" "ВЫБОР РЕЖИМА ТРЕНИРОВКИ"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Training_Title" "SELECT A TRAINING MODE"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9921,3 +9890,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SolemnVow" "The Solemn Vow"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "\"Не навреди.\""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "«Не навреди.»"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9979,4 +9948,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Vote_Column_Name" "Vote Target"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Vote_Column_Properties" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Vote_Column_Properties" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Trial_PlayTraining_Title" "Необходима тренировка!"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10005,3 +9972,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Sniper" "Why not go on walkabout to the Mann Co. Store? Take a gander at those beaut items, mate!  "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Engineer" "Слушай! Это правда отличная вещь! Я тебе тут не рассказываю сказки. Поэтому – давай, ноги в руки и вперед, покупать вещи в магазине Манн Ко. Поверь мне, ты не пожалеешь!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Engineer" "Слушай! Это правда отличная вещь! Я тебе тут не сказки рассказываю. Поэтому – давай, ноги в руки и вперед, покупать вещи в магазине Манн Ко. Поверь мне, ты не пожалеешь!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Engineer" "I ain't gonna buffalo ya, this here's the real deal. Cowboy up and go buy somethin' at the Mann Co. Store. Son, you will not regret it."}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10257,4 +10224,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DotaGamescom2011_Hat_Desc" "DOTA 2 International Championship\nGamescom 2011"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "\n(%s2: %s1)"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "\n(%s2: %s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "(%s2: %s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "(%s2: %s1)"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=KillEaterEventType_Kills" "Убийств"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10309,36 +10276,20 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_Particle36" "Steaming"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "THE" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "THE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "The" [$ENGLISH]}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "The"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Helmet" "Нанобалаклава"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Helmet" "The Nanobalaclava"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Helmet_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Helmet_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Glasses" "Деус-очки"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Glasses" "Deus Specs"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Glasses_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Glasses_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Hat" "Преданный сотрудник"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Hat" "The Company Man"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Hat_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Arm" "Кулак непорочности"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Arm" "The Purity Fist"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Arm_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Arm_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Revolver" "Алмазный змей"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Revolver" "The Diamondback"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Revolver_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Revolver_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Rifle" "Машина"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Rifle" "The Machina"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Rifle_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Rifle_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Shotgun" "Овдовитель"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Shotgun" "The Widowmaker"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Shotgun_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Shotgun_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_DEX_Pistol" "Короткое замыкание"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_DEX_Pistol" "The Short Circuit"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_DEX_Pistol_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_DEX_Pistol_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=completed" "завершенного типа"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10346,6 +10297,6 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s2%s3"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s2%s3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s1%s2%s3"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s2%s3 %s1"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s2%s3 (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" "#%s1"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s1 %s2%s3"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10355,4 +10306,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_sniperbell" "If set, the Sniper rifle will automatically play a sound when fully charged."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_sniperbell" "If set, the Sniper rifle will automatically play a sound when fully charged."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Можно использовать только на День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Можно использовать только на День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Holiday Restriction: TF Birthday"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Holiday Restriction: TF Birthday"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Шумелка - День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Можно использовать только на День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Шумелка — День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_birthday" "Holiday Restriction: TF Birthday"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Noise Maker - TF Birthday"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_NoiseMaker_TFBirthday" "Шумелка — День рождения TF"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=TF_Birthday2011_Hat" "Праздничный колпак"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10361,4 +10312,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat" "Party Hat"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat" "Party Hat"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10363,5 +10363,33 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Birthday2011_Hat_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Birthday2011_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Unlimited" "Неограниченное использование"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Attrib_Unlimited" "Неограниченное использование"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Attrib_Unlimited" "Unlimited use"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10367,4 +10316,2 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Tropico4_Hat" "Эль Хефе"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat" "El Jefe"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat" "El Jefe"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" " "}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Tropico4_Hat_Desc" ""}}
{{tf diff|c|2=BackpackShowRarities" "Показывать цвета качеств"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=BackpackShowRarities" "Показывать цвета качеств"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10373,9 +10320,7 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]BackpackShowRarities" "Show Quality Colors"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_FreezeCamHide" "Скрывать интерфейс при съемке посмертного кадра."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Store_Popular" "Популярное"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots."}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_Popular" "Hot Items"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Popular" "Популярное"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Store_CGTradingSale" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Popular" "Hot Items"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=[english]Store_CGTradingSale" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_CGTradingSale" " "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Popular" "Лидеры продаж"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_CGTradingSale" ""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Popular" "Top Sellers"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "Если включено, интерфейс будет скрыт на время съемки посмертного кадра."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "Если включено, интерфейс будет скрыт на время съемки посмертного кадра."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "If set, the HUD will be hidden during freezecam screenshots."}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "If set, the HUD will be hidden during freezecam screenshots."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_MostPopular" "Популярные предметы на сегодня:"}}
{{tf diff|-|2=Store_MostPopular" "Популярные предметы на сегодня:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_MostPopular" "Today's Most Popular Items:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_MostPopular" "Популярное сегодня:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]Store_MostPopular" "Today's Most Popular Items:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -10393,2 +10338,251 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_KillerExclusive" "Убийственный репортаж"}}
{{tf diff|c|2=[english]TF_Luchadore_Style2" "El Picante Grande"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_KillerExclusive" "The Killer Exclusive"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterEventType_BackstabsAbsorbed" "ударенных током шпионов"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_KillerExclusive_Desc" "Ломай стереотипы, души и черепа."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]KillEaterEventType_BackstabsAbsorbed" "Spies Shocked"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_KillerExclusive_Desc" "Break news, spirits and heads."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=KillEaterEventType_HeadsTaken" "срубленных голов"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Luchadore_Style0" "Эль мачо"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]KillEaterEventType_HeadsTaken" "Heads Taken"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Luchadore_Style0" "El Macho"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_Bundle_Separator" ", "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Luchadore_Style1" "Эль амор ардьенте"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_Bundle_Separator" ", "}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Luchadore_Style1" "El Amor Ardiente"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Gametype_Specialty" "Специальность"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Luchadore_Style2" "Эль пиканте гранде"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Gametype_Specialty" "Specialty"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Luchadore_Style2" "El Picante Grande"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]NoSteamNoItems" "LOADOUT NOT AVAILABLE - NO CONNECTION TO STEAM"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_PresetsTitle" "НАБОРЫ:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_PresetsTitle" "PRESETS:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ItemPresetName0" "А"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_ItemPresetName0" "A"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ItemPresetName1" "Б"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_ItemPresetName1" "B"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ItemPresetName2" "В"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_ItemPresetName2" "C"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_ItemPresetName3" "Г"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_ItemPresetName3" "D"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_SavePreset" "СОХРАНИТЬ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_SavePreset" "SAVE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_CancelSavePreset" "ОТМЕНА"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_CancelSavePreset" "CANCEL"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_DateFormat" "%day% %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_DateFormat" "%day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%day% %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) по Гринвичу"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Нельзя обменять или использовать при ковке"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_NoSelection" "Ничего не выбрано"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_NoSelection" "Nothing Selected"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_Team0" "КРС"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_Team0" "RED"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Replay_Team1" "СИН"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Replay_Team1" "BLU"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_LoadPreset0" "Выбрать набор А"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_LoadPreset0" "Load item preset A"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_LoadPreset1" "Выбрать набор Б"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_LoadPreset1" "Load item preset B"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_LoadPreset2" "Выбрать набор В"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_LoadPreset2" "Load item preset C"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_LoadPreset3" "Выбрать набор Г"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_LoadPreset3" "Load item preset D"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Предустановленные наборы снаряжения!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Presets!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ClassLoadoutItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Используя эти кнопки, каждый класс теперь может запоминать четыре \"предустановленных набора снаряжения\". Если выбран один из наборов, то любые изменения в снаряжении персонажа автоматически сохраняются в наборе и могут быть оперативно вызваны путем повторного нажатия на кнопку."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ClassLoadoutItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Each class now remembers four \"presets,\" represented by these buttons. Any changes to your character's loadout while a button is selected will be automatically stored there, and instantly restored when that button is selected again."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=ClassSelectionItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Можно загрузить сохраненные вами предустановленные наборы снаряжения, нажав на одну их этих кнопок. Чтобы создать предустановленный набор снаряжения, нажмите \"ИЗМЕНИТЬ СНАРЯЖЕНИЕ\" и выберите класс."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]ClassSelectionItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "You can load your saved presets by clicking on one of these buttons.  To set up your presets, click \"EDIT LOADOUT\" below, and select a class to get started."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_New" "Новые поступления"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_New" "New Releases"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_OnSale" "Распродажа"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_OnSale" "On Sale"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Items" "Предметы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Items" "Items"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Items_Unowned" "Бесхозные предметы (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Items_Unowned" "Unowned Items  (%s1)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Классы:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ClassFilterLabel" "Classes:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Тип предмета:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemTypeFilterLabel" "Item Type:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortByLabel" "Сортировать по:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortByLabel" "Sort By:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ViewMore" "ЕЩЕ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ViewMore" "VIEW MORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_BrowseTheStore" "МАГАЗИН"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_BrowseTheStore" "BROWSE THE STORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "А также"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_FreeTrial_Plus" "Plus!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Усовершенствуйте свой аккаунт до премиум-аккаунта, совершив свою первую покупку в магазине!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_FreeTrial_UpgradeCalloutHeader" "Upgrade to a Premium account with your first store purchase!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "А также получите кепку Манн Ко.\nв подарок!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift2" "Plus!  Get a free Mann Co. hat\nwith your first purchase!"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "имени"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "высшей цене"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_HighestPrice" "Highest price"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "низшей цене"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_LowestPrice" "Lowest price"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_SortType_DateNewest" "дате"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_SortType_DateNewest" "Date"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Используется:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_UsedBy" "Used by:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Ячейка:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot" "Slot:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Можно обменивать:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Tradable" "Tradable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Можно дарить:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Giftable" "Giftable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Можно переименовывать:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Nameable" "Nameable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Можно ковать:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Craftable" "Craftable:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Да"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_Yes" "Yes"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_No" "Нет"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_No" "No"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Страница предмета в вики..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_ItemWikiPage" "Item Wiki Page..."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "Для всех классов"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Store_ItemDesc_AllClasses" "All Classes"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Primary" "Основное"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Primary" "Primary"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Secondary" "Дополнительное"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Secondary" "Secondary"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Building" "Постройка"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Building" "Building"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Melee" "Ближнего боя"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Melee" "Melee"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Head" "Голова"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Head" "Head"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Pda2" "КПК2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Pda2" "Pda2"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Pda" "КПК"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Pda" "Pda"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Misc" "Разное"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Misc" "Misc"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Slot_Action" "Действие"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Slot_Action" "Action"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BlastDamage" "УРОН ОТ ВЫЗРЫВА"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BlastDamage" "BLAST DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_DamageTaken" "ПОЛУЧЕННЫЙ УРОН"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_DamageTaken" "DAMAGE TAKEN"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Crits" "КРИТЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Crits" "CRITS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_ShotsHit" "ПОПАДАНИЯ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_ShotsHit" "SHOTS HIT"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_ShotsFired" "ВЫСТРЕЛЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_ShotsFired" "SHOTS FIRED"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Damage" "УРОН"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Damage" "DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Captures" "ЗАХВАТЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Captures" "CAPTURES"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Defenses" "ЗАЩИТЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Defenses" "DEFENSES"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Revenge" "МЕСТИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Revenge" "REVENGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_PointsScored" "ОЧКИ}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_PointsScored" "SCORE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "РАЗРУШЕНИЯ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BuildingsDestroyed" "DESTRUCTION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Headshots" "В ГОЛОВУ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Headshots" "HEADSHOTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_PlayTime" "ВРЕМЯ ИГРЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_PlayTime" "PLAYTIME"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Healing" "ЛЕЧЕНИЕ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Healing" "HEALING"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Invulns" "НЕУЯЗВИМОСТИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Invulns" "INVULNS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_KillAssists" "ПОМОЩИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_KillAssists" "KILL ASSISTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BackStabs" "В СПИНУ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BackStabs" "BACKSTABS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_HealthLeached" "УКРАДЕНО ЗДОРОВЬЯ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_HealthLeached" "HEALTH LEACHED"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "ПОСТРОЙКИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BuildingsBuilt" "CONSTRUCTION"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_MaxSentryKills" "УНИЧТОЖЕННЫЕ ТУРЕЛИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_MaxSentryKills" "SENTRY KILLS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_Teleports" "ТЕЛЕПОРТЫ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_Teleports" "TELEPORTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_FiredDamage" "УРОН ОТ ОГНЯ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_FiredDamage" "FIRE DAMAGE"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=Stat_BonusPoints" "БОНУСНЫЕ ОЧКИ"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]Stat_BonusPoints" "BONUS POINTS"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Нажмите [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ], чтобы ОТПРАВИТЬ СЕЙЧАС.\nНажмите [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ], чтобы ОТПРАВИТЬ ПОЗЖЕ."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Notification_Help" "Press [ %cl_trigger_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT NOW.\nPress [ %cl_decline_first_notification% ] to SUBMIT LATER."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=TF_Package_Type" "Комплект"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]TF_Package_Type" "Package"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_QueueCommandName" "Жалоба: сбор данных для жалобы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_QueueCommandName" "Capture abuse report data"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_DialogTitle" "Отправить жалобу в Steam"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_DialogTitle" "Submit Steam Abuse Report"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_PlayerLabel" "Игрок:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_PlayerLabel" "Player:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentLabel" "Оскорбительный контент:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentLabel" "Abusive content:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_CategoryLabel" "Категория нарушения:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_CategoryLabel" "Abuse category:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_NoAvatar" "(У игрока отсутствует аватар)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_NoAvatar" "(Player does not have an avatar image)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_NoCustomTextures" "(У игрока отсутствуют предметы с пользовательской графикой)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_NoCustomTextures" "(Player does not have any items with decals)"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_DescriptionLabel" "Описание:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_DescriptionLabel" "Description:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Submit" "Подтвердить"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Submit" "Submit"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Discard" "Отклонить"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Discard" "Discard"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Завершить позднее"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_SaveForLater" "Finish Later"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- выбрать --"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_SelectOne" "-- select --"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Notification" "Жалоба готова к отправке"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Notification" "Abuse Report Ready to Submit"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentAvatarImage" "Аватар"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentAvatarImage" "Avatar image"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentPlayerName" "Имя игрока"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentPlayerName" "Player name"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentItemDecal" "Предмет с пользовательской графикой"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentItemDecal" "Item decal"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentChatText" "Текст чата"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentChatText" "Chat text"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentCheating" "Читерство"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentCheating" "Cheating"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_ContentOther" "Другое"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_ContentOther" "Other"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeSpam" "Спам"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeSpam" "Spam"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeAdvertisement" "Рассылка рекламы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeAdvertisement" "Advertisement"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeLanguage" "Язык"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeLanguage" "Language"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeAdultContent" "Контент \"только для взрослых\""}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeAdultContent" "Adult Content"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeHarassment" "Оскорбление"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeHarassment" "Harassment"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeProhibited" "Неподобающее поведение"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeProhibited" "Prohibited"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeSpoofing" "Спуфинг"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeSpoofing" "Spoofing"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeCheating" "Читерство"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeCheating" "Cheating"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeInappropriate" "Неприемлемый контент"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeInappropriate" "Inappropriate"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TypeOther" "Другое"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TypeOther" "Other"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_Busy" "Выполняется отправка жалобы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_Busy" "Submitting abuse report"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_NoSteamTitle" "Жалоба"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_NoSteamTitle" "Abuse report"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_NoSteamMessage" "Для отправки жалобы необходимо войти в Steam."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_NoSteamMessage" "You must be logged into Steam to process an abuse report."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "Жалоба успешно отправлена"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_SucceededTitle" "Abuse report submitted successfully"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "Жалоба успешно отправлена"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_SucceededMessage" "Abuse report submitted successfully"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "Ошибка при отправке жалобы"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_GenericFailureTitle" "Error sending report"}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_GenericFailureMessage" "Не удалось отправить жалобу."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_GenericFailureMessage" "Abuse report submission failed."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedTitle" "Жалоба не обработана."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedTitle" "Report not processed."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "Вы либо уже подавали жалобу на этого игрока, либо подали несколько жалоб за короткий промежуток времени."}}
{{tf diff|+|2=[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this player, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period."}}
* [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action=history}} '''Previous changelogs''']
* [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action=history}} '''Previous changelogs''']

Revision as of 22:54, 13 October 2011

Recent changes

October 13, 2011 Patch (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).

[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

No changes (or diff is missing).


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.94 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.94 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
22:28, 19 July 2024 (1.9 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for July 19, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.9 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:07, 20 December 2023 (1.88 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.87 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.82 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.79 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.79 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.79 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_russian.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
  • You cannot overwrite this file.