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{{DISPLAYTITLE: Los Gorszy od Szachów}}
{{Comic infobox
{{Infobox comics
| name            = Los Gorszy od Szachów
| preview        = AFateWorseThanChess1.jpg
| preview        = AFateWorseThanChess1.jpg
| release-date    = 13 sierpnia 2012
| release-date    = August 13, 2012
| number-of-pages = 33
| number-of-pages = 33
| artist          = [[Heather Campbell|Heather "makani" Campbell]]<br>[[Jim Murray]] (cover)
| writer          = [[Jay Pinkerton]] & [[Erik Wolpaw]]
| colorist        = [[Nick Filardi]]
'''Los Gorszy od Szachów''' jest [[Comics/pl|komiksem]] wydanym 13 sierpnia 2012 roku. Jest on kontynuacją wcześniejszego komiksu, [[Blood Brothers/pl|Bracia Krwi]]. Wydarzenia opisują szczegóły inwazji na [[Mann Co./pl|Mann Co.]] przez [[Gray Mann/pl|Gray Mann'a]] i jego armię robotów. [[Saxton Hale/pl|Saxton Hale]] rekrutuje Najemników z Team Fortress 2 aby zniszczyli oni nadchodzącą inwazję robotów. Saxton także walczy z Yeti.
{{Quotation|'''Saxton Hale'''|Listen to my words, Bidwell. These are truth words. '''I am going to fight that @#$%ing monkey.'''}}
Komiks został wydany jako część Aktualizacji [[Mann vs. Machine/pl|Mann vs. Machine]].
'''A Fate Worse Than Chess''' is a [[comic]] released August 13, 2012, as part of the [[Mann vs. Machine (update)|Mann vs. Machine update]]. It is a continuation of the earlier comic, [[Blood Brothers]]. The events introduce the invasion of [[Mann Co.]] by [[Gray Mann]] and his army of robots. [[Saxton Hale]] enlists the help of the Team Fortress Mercenaries to destroy the incoming robot invasion. Hale also fights a [[Non-player characters‎#Yeti|Yeti]].
''Los Gorszy od Szachów'' rozpoczyna się sceną, w której dwóch naukowców dyskutuje na temat, jak kosmici mogą oddychać za pomocą Ziemskiego tlenu. Saxton Hale przeszkadza w dalszym ciągu komiksu i przedstawia jego "nowy sposób" do opowiadania historii: Eksplozycja. Scena jest ukazana ponownie, tym razem w formie "eksplozycji", naukowcy są teraz dwoma kobietami uzbrojonymi w miecze. Pierwsza domaga osę wiedzy na temat, jak kosmici porafią oddychać tlenem, co skutkuje walką na miecze nad kraterem wulkanu. Saxton ponownie przerywa komiks, tym razem przedstawiając"eksplozycję" w "eksplozycyjnej historii", ''A Fate Worse Than Chess''.
Komiks przechodzi do Dzielnicy Samdrup Jongkha w Królestwie Bhutanu, gdzie Saxton Hale, przebrany jako specjalista od przemocy wobec naczelnych, "Doctor Joanbaez", poprosił o spotkanie z ostatnim yeti, kiedy to przebrany Mr. Bidwell zostaje poinformowany o ataku na wszystkie siedziby Mann Co.. Bidwell upiera się, aby opuścili miejsce, lecz Hale domaga się walki z Yeti. Bidwell decyduje się na nagranie walki Hale'a z yeti, podczas gdy on informuje [[Classes/pl|najemników]] o nadchodzącej bitwie z armią robotów Gray Mann'a.
== Synopsis ==
''A Fate Worse Than Chess'' opens with a scene of a comic, in which two scientists are discussing how aliens can breathe Earth's oxygen. Saxton Hale interrupts the comic, announcing his "new way" to tell stories: Explosition®. The scene is shown again in the form of "explosition," this time the scientists being two women armed with swords. The first demands to know how the aliens can breathe oxygen, leading to a sword-fight above a volcanic crater. Saxton interrupts once more, once more demonstrating "explosition" in the "explository tale," ''A Fate Worse Than Chess''.
Komiks następnie przechodzi do Pani Pauling, która pokazuje najemnikom taśmę w Hale'm, który informuje ich o tym, że razem ze śmiercią braci Mann zostali oni zwolnieni ze swojej pracy. Jednakże, dzięki atakowi robotów na siedziby Mann Co., zostali oni ponownie zatrudnieni aby walczyli z armią. Pomimo faktu, że nie otrzymują żadnej zapłaty za tą pracę, ku ich przerażeniu, Pani Pauling ujawnia, że roboty zą zasilane plikami pieniędzy, więc po zniszczeniu wroga wszystkie pieniądze, które wypadną z resztek mogą zostać zabrane przed najemników. Komiks kończy się, kiedy Pani Pauling mówi najemnikom, że nadchodząca walka nie jest tylko walką o Mann Co., lecz także walką o ich pracę.
The comic cuts to the [[w:Samdrup Jongkhar District|Samdrup Jongkhar District]] in the Kingdom of Bhutan, where Saxton Hale, disguised as a primate violence specialist named "Doctor Joanbaez," has requested to see a yeti, the last of its species, while a disguised Mr. Bidwell is informed of an attack on all of Mann Co.'s facilities in the background. Bidwell insists that they leave, but Hale insists that he fight the Yeti. Bidwell decides to videotape Hale fighting the Yeti whilst also briefing the [[Classes|mercenaries]] of the oncoming fight with Gray Mann's army of robots.
The comic cuts to Miss Pauling, who shows them the tape of Hale, who informs the mercenaries that, with the death of the Mann brothers, they are now unemployed. However, with attack of the robots on Mann Co.'s headquarters, they have been re-hired to fight them. Although they are not being paid for their work, to their dismay, Pauling reveals that the robots somehow run on [[Credits|piles of money]], so once destroyed, the money that would come out belonged to the mercenaries. The comic closes with Pauling telling them that it is not just a fight for Mann Co. or Saxton Hale, but a fight for their jobs.
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== Ciekawostki ==
== Notes ==
* Tytuł komiksu jest grą słów oparta na "los gorszy od śmierci", oznaczającą jakiekolwiek nieszczęście, które zmieniło by życie na gorsze.
; Page 28
* Jest to pierwsze pojawienie się Medyka w komiksach, nie licząc jego zdjęcia z ostatniej strony komiksu Poznajcie Reżysera.
* The Spy's suit was seen with lines running down it on Page 27; however, they disappear on this page.
* The Heavy appeared without his gloves on Page 27; however, they reappear on this page.
* The Soldier is dressed in red fatigues but is wearing the helmet of his BLU counterpart.
; Page 32
* The Engineer has a T-Shirt on rather than his regular team-colored work shirt seen in pages 28 and 29.
* What appears to be orange hair is barely visible under the Engineer's helmet, despite the fact that the Engineer was [[Loose Canon|previously shown]] to be bald.
* The [[Demoman]] is putting on [[Prince Tavish's Crown]], and the [[Engineer]] is equipping the [[Gunslinger]]. Also, an [[Officer's Ushanka]], a [[Medic Mech-bag]], a [[Killer Exclusive]], and a [[Glengarry Bonnet]] are seen on the shelf above them.
== Trivia ==
; Cover
* The title of the comic is a play on the phrase "a fate worse than death", meaning any misfortune that would make life ultimately worse.
<!-- not really * In the comic, Mr. Bidwell seems to look very much like John Lennon. -->
; Page 2
* <!-- YMMV as this being relevant Trivia, but the text on this page transported Mikado282 back to 1974, reading the Ben Bova article. -->[[w:Ben Bova|Ben Bova]] and [[w:A. E. van Vogt|A. E. van Vogt]] have speculated about fluorine-breathing life.
=== Strona 8 ===
; Page 8
* Notka odsyłająca, "See Team Fortress #2", jest odniesieniem do [[Team Fortress 2/pl|nazwy]] komiksu i gry.
* The reference notice, "See Team Fortress #2", aside from a play on the game title ''Team Fortress 2'', is a reference to the murder of Blutarch and Redmond Mann by Gray Mann in the ''second'' of two preceding ''TF2'' [[Storyline#Gravel War|Gravel War Storyline]] comics, [[Loose Canon]] and [[Blood Brothers]], which were summarized in the [[Catch-Up|Catch-Up Comic]] tie-in to the [http://www.teamfortress.com/comics.php TF Comic] series.
=== Strona 27 ===
; Page 9
* Na początku Skaut nosi ubranie koloru czerwonego, lecz w pozostałości komiksu jego koszula jest niebieska.
* Hale's alias is a reference to [[w:Joan Baez#Social and political involvement|Joan Baez]], a folk singer known for her anti-violence activism.
* Siedząca poza Pyro jest odniesieniem do mema "Sitting Pyro" (Siedzący Pyro), który po raz pierwszy pokazał się w Śniątecznym komiksie.
=== Strona 30 ===
; Page 17
* Odpowiedź Pani Pauling do Skauta jest odniesieniem do jego podejścia do niej w komiksie [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=5 ''Poznajcie Reżysera''].
* Bidwell's disguise is similar to the outfit worn by The Beatles, a very popular 1960s band, in their album [[w:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band|''Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'']].
=== Strona32 ===
== See also ==
* [[Demoman/pl|Demoman]] zakłada [[Prince Tavish's Crown/pl|Koronę Księcia Tavisha]] oraz [[Engineer/pl|Inżynier]] zakłada [[Gunslinger/pl|Jednorękiego Bandytę]]. Na połce nad nimi można zobaczyć [[Glengarry Bonnet/pl|Furażerkę z Glengarry]] oraz Uszankę.
* [[Comics]]
* Inżynier ma założony T-Shirt zamiast jego zwykłego ubrania roboczego.
* [[Storyline]]
* [[Non-player characters]]
* [[Mann vs. Machine (update)|Mann vs. Machine]]
== Zobacz też ==
== External links ==
*[[Mann vs. Machine/pl|Mann vs. Machine]]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/fateworsethanchess/ ''A Fate Worse Than Chess''] on the [[TF2 Official Website]].
*[http://imgur.com/a/7Ue3V ''Blood Brothers'' and ''A Fate Worse Than Chess''] textless pages
== Linki zewnętrzne ==
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/fateworsethanchess/ ''Los Gorszy od Szachów''] na [[TF2 Official Website/pl|Oficjalnej Stronie TF2]] {{Lang icon|en}}.
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Latest revision as of 20:09, 25 May 2024

A Fate Worse Than Chess
Comic Strip Info
Released: August 13, 2012
Number of pages: 33
Artist: Heather "makani" Campbell
Jim Murray (cover)
Writer: Jay Pinkerton & Erik Wolpaw
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Listen to my words, Bidwell. These are truth words. I am going to fight that @#$%ing monkey.
Saxton Hale

A Fate Worse Than Chess is a comic released August 13, 2012, as part of the Mann vs. Machine update. It is a continuation of the earlier comic, Blood Brothers. The events introduce the invasion of Mann Co. by Gray Mann and his army of robots. Saxton Hale enlists the help of the Team Fortress Mercenaries to destroy the incoming robot invasion. Hale also fights a Yeti.


A Fate Worse Than Chess opens with a scene of a comic, in which two scientists are discussing how aliens can breathe Earth's oxygen. Saxton Hale interrupts the comic, announcing his "new way" to tell stories: Explosition®. The scene is shown again in the form of "explosition," this time the scientists being two women armed with swords. The first demands to know how the aliens can breathe oxygen, leading to a sword-fight above a volcanic crater. Saxton interrupts once more, once more demonstrating "explosition" in the "explository tale," A Fate Worse Than Chess.

The comic cuts to the Samdrup Jongkhar District in the Kingdom of Bhutan, where Saxton Hale, disguised as a primate violence specialist named "Doctor Joanbaez," has requested to see a yeti, the last of its species, while a disguised Mr. Bidwell is informed of an attack on all of Mann Co.'s facilities in the background. Bidwell insists that they leave, but Hale insists that he fight the Yeti. Bidwell decides to videotape Hale fighting the Yeti whilst also briefing the mercenaries of the oncoming fight with Gray Mann's army of robots.

The comic cuts to Miss Pauling, who shows them the tape of Hale, who informs the mercenaries that, with the death of the Mann brothers, they are now unemployed. However, with attack of the robots on Mann Co.'s headquarters, they have been re-hired to fight them. Although they are not being paid for their work, to their dismay, Pauling reveals that the robots somehow run on piles of money, so once destroyed, the money that would come out belonged to the mercenaries. The comic closes with Pauling telling them that it is not just a fight for Mann Co. or Saxton Hale, but a fight for their jobs.



Page 28
  • The Spy's suit was seen with lines running down it on Page 27; however, they disappear on this page.
  • The Heavy appeared without his gloves on Page 27; however, they reappear on this page.
  • The Soldier is dressed in red fatigues but is wearing the helmet of his BLU counterpart.
Page 32


  • The title of the comic is a play on the phrase "a fate worse than death", meaning any misfortune that would make life ultimately worse.
Page 2
Page 8
  • The reference notice, "See Team Fortress #2", aside from a play on the game title Team Fortress 2, is a reference to the murder of Blutarch and Redmond Mann by Gray Mann in the second of two preceding TF2 Gravel War Storyline comics, Loose Canon and Blood Brothers, which were summarized in the Catch-Up Comic tie-in to the TF Comic series.
Page 9
  • Hale's alias is a reference to Joan Baez, a folk singer known for her anti-violence activism.
Page 17

See also

External links