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(Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶}} {{trans}} 300px|right|工程師和他可靠的吉他。 {{Quotation|'''重裝兵'''|來和我一起...")
(歌曲列表: Template)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶}}
{{Quotation|'''重裝兵'''|來和我一起唱歌吧!|sound=Heavy cheers08.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''重裝兵'''|來和我一起唱歌吧!|sound=Heavy cheers08.wav|en-sound=yes}}
'''絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶(Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack)''' is a {{w|soundtrack}} album composed by [[Valve]] sound director [http://www.discogs.com/release/1197436 Mike Morasky] and performed by the Valve Studio Orchestra. As of August 15, 2012, the soundtrack contains {{Soundtrack Songs}} original tracks, with the majority of tracks originally appearing in the [[Movies#Meet the Team|Meet the Team]] series of videos by Valve. Tracks 1 to 3 are also included in {{w|The Orange Box#Soundtrack|''The Orange Box Original Soundtrack''}}.
'''絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶(Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack)'''[[Valve/zh-hant|Valve]] 的音效監督 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1197436 Mike Morasky] 創作,Valve 管弦樂團演奏的一系列樂曲的遊戲[[w:soundtrack|原聲帶]]專輯。直到2012年8月15日為止,原聲帶中總共有 {{Navbar soundtrack|num=yes}} 原創樂曲,而大部分的樂曲都可以在[[Movies/zh-hant|團隊專訪]]影片中聽到。第一首至第三首樂曲同時也包含在[[w:The Orange Box#Soundtrack|橘盒子原聲帶]]中。
== 曲子 ==
== 歌曲列表 ==
{|class="wikitable grid" width="40%"
{{Track listing}}
!class="header" width="5%" |曲目
!class="header" width="10%" |作曲者
!class="header" width="40%" |歌曲名稱
!class="header" width="5%" |長度
| Mike Morasky
|'''[[Team Fortress 2 (Main Theme) (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|TF2 主題曲]]'''(TF2 Main Theme)
| Mike Morasky
|'''[[Playing With Danger (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|遨遊危險]]'''(Playing With Danger)
| Mike Morasky
|'''[[Rocket Jump Waltz (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|火箭跳華爾茲]]'''(Rocket Jump Waltz)
| Mike Morasky
|'''[[The Art of War (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|戰爭之藝]]'''(The Art of War)
| Mike Morasky
|[[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Faster Than a Speeding Bullet]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Right Behind You (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Right Behind You]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Petite Chou-Fleur (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Petite Chou-Fleur]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Intruder Alert (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Intruder Alert]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Drunken Pipe Bomb (Soundtrack)|Drunken Pipe Bomb]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[More Gun (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|More Gun]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Haunted Fortress 2 (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Haunted Fortress 2]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[TF2 Saxxy 2011 Theme (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|TF2 Saxxy 2011 Theme]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[A Little Heart to Heart (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|A Little Heart to Heart]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[MEDIC! (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|{{botignore|MEDIC!}}]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Archimedes (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|{{botignore|Archimedes}}]]()
|Mike Morasky
|[[Dreams of Cruelty (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Dreams of Cruelty]]
|Mike Morasky
|[[The Calm (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|The Calm]]
|Mike Morasky
|[[ROBOTS! (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|ROBOTS!]]
== 其他歌曲 ==
== 其他歌曲 ==
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006277/ Lalo Schifrin] – "[[Magnum Force (Soundtrack)|Magnum Force]]" - 1:18 (from ''[[Meet the Sniper]]'')
* [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006277/ Lalo Schifrin]-〈[[Magnum Force (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|麥格農的力量]]〉-1:18(出自[[Meet the Sniper/zh-hant|專訪狙擊手]]
* Mike Morasky – "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AM0etJ3L30 Your Team Lost]" - 0:11 (match failure theme)
* Mike Morasky-〈[https://youtu.be/6AM0etJ3L30 你的隊伍輸了]〉-0:11(戰敗時會聽到的音效)
* The Lovin' Spoonful - "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDYNuD4CwlI Do You Believe In Magic]?" - 2:07
* The Lovin' Spoonful-〈[https://youtu.be/mDYNuD4CwlI 你相信魔法嗎?]〉(Do You Believe In Magic)-2:07
* Unknown (possibly Kelly Bailey) – "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmFJf0E8sR8 Team Fortress 2 Demo]" - 1:51 (combined with game sounds)
* 未知作曲者(可能是 Kelly Bailey)-〈[https://youtu.be/PmFJf0E8sR8 Team Fortress 2 開發版]〉1:51(參雜遊戲音效)
=== 未釋出的曲子 ===
=== 未釋出的曲子 ===
Several tracks have featured in the Meet the Team videos and elsewhere, but have yet to be officially released. These include the "Magnum Force" homage in ''[[Meet the Sniper]]'' and an alternate version of "Rocket Jump Waltz" which can be heard in a developer video showcasing the creation of [[Viaduct]] on the [[TF2 Official Website]].<ref>[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2754 "This point ain't gonna cap itself!"], Corey Peters, [[TF2 Official Website]] blog post, August 21, 2009. Accessed August 17, 2011.</ref> An alternate version of "Playing With Danger" can be heard on the Valve publication page in the video [[Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2]].<ref>[http://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2007/NPAR2007_IllustrativeRenderingInTeamFortress2.wmv Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2]</ref> A short tune also appears in the [[Engineer Update (teaser)|Engineer Update teaser]], using similar drums from "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet".
有好幾首樂曲曾出現在團隊專訪影片中,但目前沒有正式釋出。這些樂曲包括了專訪狙擊手中的〈麥格農的力量〉,和〈火箭跳華爾茲〉的改編版本,後者可在介紹地圖 [[Viaduct/zh-hant|Viaduct]] [[TF2 Official Website|部落格文章]]影片中聽到。<ref>[https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2754 "This point ain't gonna cap itself!"] {{lang icon|en}}、Corey Peters、[[TF2 Official Website/zh-hant|TF2 官方部落格]]文章、2009年8月21日。</ref>〈遨遊危險〉的改編版本可在 Valve 的推廣頁面中的影片[[Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2/zh-hant|絕地要塞 2 模型顏色渲染說明]]中聽到。<ref>[https://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2007/NPAR2007_IllustrativeRenderingInTeamFortress2.wmv Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2] {{lang icon|en}}</ref>一首聽起來跟〈超越彈速〉中的鼓聲相似的的短旋律,也可以在[[Engineer Update (teaser)/zh-hant|工程師更新預告影片]]裡聽到。
== 歌曲備註 ==
== 歌曲備註 ==
* The music is generally played in E blues (standard hex, E-G-A-A#-B-D). The trumpet harmonies frequent towards tritones, and both "Team Fortress 2 (Main Theme)" and "Playing with Danger" are essentially the same song, structured differently with alternate instrumentation. However, in "Playing with Danger", the piano line (which is the same as the wind and brass lines in this song) plays major seconds that resolve to one note, the Aug4 of the scale. With the running bass line being played beneath this, this makes the piano part exceedingly dissonant.
* 大部分音樂的基調都是 E 調藍調(基本的六個音階為:E-G-A-A#-B-D)。小號合聲通常都是三全音,而〈TF2 主題曲〉和〈遨遊危險〉兩首歌的旋律基本上是一模一樣的,只是有著不一樣的編曲與樂器演奏方式。然而,在〈遨遊危險」中,鋼琴的演奏部分(和同一首歌裡的銅管部與號角部相同)則是縮成一個音符的大二度,即 E 調藍調的增四度。而這段旋律所搭配的貝斯線(Bassline)使得鋼琴部益發突兀。
The tab for the oft-repeated "dirge" (leading on guitar in "Team Fortress 2 (Main Theme)" and on piano as a bass part in "Duty Calls") is roughly:
在 TF2 主題曲和 Duty Calls 用鋼琴所彈出的貝斯線中,反覆出現的「莊嚴」旋律的 TAB 譜大略如下:
  E--0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-5-5-6-7-0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-6-6-5-5 (and back to the beginning)
  E--0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-5-5-6-7-0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-6-6-5-5 (從頭演奏)
The intro sting is:
The brass tends to be playing around the 7-6-5 notes a couple of octaves up. Orchestral brass tends to be slightly out of tune (half a semitone too high) to give it that jazzy sound, on guitar you can replicate the effect by playing really high frets, eg:
銅管部則多將 7-6-5 調部分的演奏提高幾個八度,且會稍微走音(大約高一個半音)以表現爵士樂般的效果。若想用吉他重現這個效果的話,將會用到相當高的格數,例如:
== 參考 ==
== 參考 ==
<references />
== 外部連結 ==
[http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?value=team+fortress&search_type=title List of Team Fortress soundtrack tabs available at Ultimate-Guitar.com]

Latest revision as of 14:06, 2 February 2025


絕地要塞 2 官方原聲帶(Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack)Valve 的音效監督 Mike Morasky 創作,Valve 管弦樂團演奏的一系列樂曲的遊戲原聲帶專輯。直到2012年8月15日為止,原聲帶中總共有 33 原創樂曲,而大部分的樂曲都可以在團隊專訪影片中聽到。第一首至第三首樂曲同時也包含在橘盒子原聲帶中。


曲目 作曲者 名稱 長度
1. Mike Morasky 絕地要塞 2 (主題曲) 1:11
2. Mike Morasky 遨遊危險 4:01
3. Mike Morasky 火箭跳華爾茲 0:37
4. Mike Morasky 戰爭的藝術 2:16
5. Mike Morasky 超越彈速 1:24
6. Mike Morasky 就在你身後 1:40
7. Mike Morasky 我的最愛 1:42
8. Mike Morasky 入侵警報 1:52
9. Mike Morasky 酒醉未爆彈 1:30
10. Mike Morasky 千槍萬彈 3:04
11. Mike Morasky 妖魔要塞 2 1:21
12. Mike Morasky 2011 TF2 薩氏金像獎主題曲 2:07
13. Mike Morasky 真心相談 1:34
14. Mike Morasky 醫護兵! 2:34
15. Mike Morasky 好奇白鴿 4:05
16. Mike Morasky 殘酷美夢 1:06
17. Mike Morasky 危險前的寧靜 2:35
18. Mike Morasky 機器人來襲! 3:35
19. Mike Morasky 衣冠楚楚的屍體 1:57
20. Mike Morasky 活生生的麵包之崛起 2:36
21. Mike Morasky 紅隊麵包 2:10
22. Mike Morasky 三天過活 1:55
23. Mike Morasky 勾引我! 1:19
24. Mike Morasky 臭綫 1:30
25. Mike Morasky 它非常恨我 2:09
26. Mike Morasky 說不幸者 2:36
27. Mike Morasky 哥薩克舞 1:08
28. Mike Morasky 紅隊獲勝! 1:36
29. Mike Morasky 籃隊獲勝! 1:36
30. Mike Morasky 雪怪公園 3:00
31. Mike Morasky 左右為難的薩克斯頓 1:11
32. Mike Morasky 傭兵公園 1:44
33. Mike Morasky 向逝者致敬 1:22



有好幾首樂曲曾出現在團隊專訪影片中,但目前沒有正式釋出。這些樂曲包括了專訪狙擊手中的〈麥格農的力量〉,和〈火箭跳華爾茲〉的改編版本,後者可在介紹地圖 Viaduct部落格文章影片中聽到。[1]〈遨遊危險〉的改編版本可在 Valve 的推廣頁面中的影片絕地要塞 2 模型顏色渲染說明中聽到。[2]一首聽起來跟〈超越彈速〉中的鼓聲相似的的短旋律,也可以在工程師更新預告影片裡聽到。


  • 大部分音樂的基調都是 E 調藍調(基本的六個音階為:E-G-A-A#-B-D)。小號合聲通常都是三全音,而〈TF2 主題曲〉和〈遨遊危險〉兩首歌的旋律基本上是一模一樣的,只是有著不一樣的編曲與樂器演奏方式。然而,在〈遨遊危險」中,鋼琴的演奏部分(和同一首歌裡的銅管部與號角部相同)則是縮成一個音符的大二度,即 E 調藍調的增四度。而這段旋律所搭配的貝斯線(Bassline)使得鋼琴部益發突兀。

在 TF2 主題曲和 Duty Calls 用鋼琴所彈出的貝斯線中,反覆出現的「莊嚴」旋律的 TAB 譜大略如下:

E--0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-5-5-6-7-0-0-0-3-3-3-0-0-0-7-7-7-6-6-5-5 (從頭演奏)



銅管部則多將 7-6-5 調部分的演奏提高幾個八度,且會稍微走音(大約高一個半音)以表現爵士樂般的效果。若想用吉他重現這個效果的話,將會用到相當高的格數,例如:



  1. "This point ain't gonna cap itself!" (英語)、Corey Peters、TF2 官方部落格文章、2009年8月21日。
  2. Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2 (英語)