Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/common strings/day of wreckening"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/common strings for string "day of wreckening".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/common strings for string "day of wreckening".)
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Day of Wreckening|en=Day of Wreckening|fr=Jour d'accident|hu=Bontási nap|no=Day of Wreckening|pt-br=Dia do Juízo Final|ru=Уничтожение за день|zh-hant=破滅之日}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Day of Wreckening|en=Day of Wreckening|cs=Sběr šrotu|da=Vragdagen|de=Tag der Abwrackung|es=Día del Estropicio Final|fi=Day of Wreckening|fr=Jour d'accident|hu=Bontási nap|it=Giornata della Rottamazione|ko=철거일|no=Day of Wreckening|pl=Dzień demolki|pt=Dia da Destruição|pt-br=Dia do Juízo Final|ru=Уничтожение за день|tr=Yıkım Günü|zh-hans=毁灭之日|zh-hant=破滅之日}}

Latest revision as of 18:07, 2 May 2020

Day of Wreckening