Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry/real steal-desc"
< Template:Dictionary | achievements | foundry
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "real steal-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "real steal-desc".) |
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final [[Control point (objective)|control point]].|en=Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final [[Control point (objective)|control point]].|cs=Vyhraj kolo | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final [[Control point (objective)|control point]].|en=Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final [[Control point (objective)|control point]].|cs=Vyhraj kolo, ve kterém se nepřátelský tým pokusil zabrat tvůj poslední [[Control point (objective)/cs|kontrolní bod]].|da=Vind en runde hvor det fjendtlige hold har prøvet at erobre jeres sidste [[Control point (objective)/da|kontrolpunkt]].|de=Gewinnen Sie eine Runde, in der das gegnerische Team versucht hat, Ihren letzten [[Control point (objective)/de|Kontrollpunkt]] zu erobern.|es=Gana una ronda en la que el equipo enemigo haya intentado capturar tu [[Control point (objective)/es|punto de control]] final.|fi=Voita erä, missä vihollistiimi on yrittänyt vallata viimeisen [[Control point (objective)/fi|komentopisteesi]].|fr=Remportez une manche dans laquelle l'équipe adverse a tenté de capturer votre [[Control point (objective)/fr|point de contrôle]] final.|hu=Nyerj meg egy kört, amiben az ellenség megpróbálta elfoglalni az utolsó [[Control point (objective)/hu|ellenőrzőpontotok]].|it=Vinci un round in cui i nemici hanno provato a conquistare il vostro ultimo [[Control point (objective)/it|punto di controllo]].|ja=自チームの最後の[[Control point (objective)/ja|コントロールポイント]]が敵チームに奪われそうになった後にラウンドを勝利する。|ko=적군이 아군의 마지막 점령 지점을 장악하려한 라운드에서 승리하십시오.|nl=Win een ronde waarin het vijandelijke team geprobeerd heeft om je laatste [[Control point (objective)/nl|controlepost]] te veroveren.|no=Vinn en runde der fiendelaget har forsøkt å erobre det siste [[Control point (objective)/no|kontrollpunktet]] ditt.|pl=Wygraj rundę, w której przeciwnik próbował przejąć twój ostatni [[Control point (objective)/pl|punkt kontrolny]].|pt=Ganha uma ronda em que a equipa inimiga tenha tentado capturar o teu [[Control point (objective)/pt|ponto de controlo]] final.|pt-br=Vença uma rodada na qual a equipe inimiga tentou capturar o seu último [[Control point (objective)/pt-br|ponto de controle]].|ro=Câștigă o rundă în care echipa adversă a încercat să-ți captureze ultimul [[Control point (objective)/ro|punct de control]].|ru=Выиграйте раунд, в котором вражеская команда пыталась захватить вашу последнюю [[Control point (objective)/ru|контрольную точку]].|sv=Vinn en runda där fiendelaget har försökt erövra din sista [[Control points/sv|kontrollpunkt]].|tr=Rakip takımın son [[Control point (objective)/tr|kontrol noktanızı]] ele geçirmeye çalıştığı bir raundu kazan.|zh-hans=在敌人试图占领我方的最后一个[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]之后,仍然赢得此局。|zh-hant=在敵方試圖佔領己方最終[[Control point (objective)/zh-hant|控制點]]後贏得該回合。}} |
Latest revision as of 10:30, 1 July 2024
Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point.