Difference between revisions of "Template:Second annual saxxy winners"

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m (add zh-hans)
(21 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
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! class="header" | {{lang
! class="header" | {{lang
  | en = Category
  | en = Category
| de = Kategorie
| es = Categoría
| fi = Kategoria
| fr = Catégorie
| ko = 분야
| nl = Categorie
| no = Kategori
| pl = Kategoria
| pt = Categoria
| pt-br = Categoria
| ro = Categoria
| ru = Категория
| sv = Kattegori
| zh-hans = 类别
! class="header" | {{lang
! class="header" | {{lang
  | en = Winning Video
  | en = Winning Video
| de = Gewinnervideo
| es = Vídeo Ganador
| fi = Voittava video
| fr = Vidéo gagnante
| ko = 우승한 동영상
| nl = Winnende video
| no = Vinnende Video
| pt = Vídeo vencedor
| pt-br = Vídeo Vencedor
| ro = Videoclipul câștigător
| ru = Победное видео
| sv = Vinnande Video
| zh-hans = 获奖影片
! class="header" width=400 | {{lang
! class="header" width=400 | {{lang
  | en = Winning Filmmaker(s)
  | en = Winning Filmmaker(s)
| de = Urheber des Gewinnervideos
| es = Cineastas ganador(es)
| fi = Voittava(t) videontekijä(t)
| fr = Cinéaste(s) gagnant(s)
| ko = 우승한 제작자(들)
| nl = Winnende Filmmaker(s)
| no = Vinnende Filmskaper(e)
| pl = Zwycięski film
| pt = Cineasta(s) vencedor(es)
| pt-br = Cineasta(s) Vencedores
| ro = Directorii câștigători
| ru = Режиссер(ы)
| sv = Vinnande Filmskaparen(er)
| zh-hans = 获奖制片人
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Action}}
| en = Best Action
| {{youtube|BNX3NvImiy8|width=400}}
| {{youtube|BNX3NvImiy8|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Populus89 Populus], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/kristoph1989 Hassan] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073935772 Comm{{common string|and}}er Hairgel]
| {{steamid|76561198000373363}}, {{steamid|76561198018795512}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198073935772}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Replay}}
| en = Best Replay
| ''{{lang
| ''{{lang
  | en = The video is no longer available
  | en = This video is no longer available
| de = Dieses Video ist nicht verfügbar
| es = Este vídeo ya no está disponible
| fi = Tämä video ei ole enää saatavilla
| fr = Cette vidéo n'est plus disponible
| ko = 이 동영상은 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다
| nl = Deze video is niet langer beschikbaar
| no = Denne videoen er ikke lenger tiljengelig
| pl = Twórca/twórcy
| pt = Este vídeo não se encontra disponível
| pt-br = Este vídeo não está mais disponível
| ro = Acest videoclip nu mai este disponibil
| ru = Это видео больше не доступно
| sv = Denna video är inte längre tillgänglig
| zh-hans = 此视频目前已无法播放。
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/brokenarrownl I1P - Simon]
| {{steamid|76561198018795512}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Comedy}}
| en = Best Comedy
| {{youtube|d5dBHk8-Dfc|width=400}}
| {{youtube|d5dBHk8-Dfc|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/MaxOfS2D MaxOfS2D], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/raikujo Raikujo], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Druox DRUOX], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/rebbacus Rebbacus] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Intero Sir Intero]
| {{steamid|76561197999825207}}, {{steamid|76561197972778707}}, {{steamid|76561197993428169}}, {{steamid|76561198003848405}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198005523666}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Drama}}
| en = Best Drama
| {{youtube|L1dJvrqN_5Q|width=400}}
| {{youtube|L1dJvrqN_5Q|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zachariah Zachariah], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968695412 LIVING LARS], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/jimbomcb jimbomcb], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/VADNSputnik (VADN) Sputnik], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sarcasmosaur Sarcomancer] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/id/benjamuffin {Benjamoose} The ThunderMoose]
| {{steamid|76561197983627467}}, {{steamid|76561197968695412}}, {{steamid|76561197987799766}}, {{steamid|76561198009019391}}, {{steamid|76561198031393724}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198014717105}}
| {{lang
  | en = Best Original Universe (Unlisted)
  | en = Best Original Universe (Unlisted)
| de = Bestes originales Universum (Nicht aufgelistet)
| es = Mejor Universo Original (Sin listar)
| fi = Paras alkuperäisuniversumi (Listaamaton)
| fr = Meilleur univers original (Non listé)
| ko = 최고의 독창적 세계관 (목록에 오르지 않음)
| nl = Beste originele universum (Niet opgelijst)
| no = Beste Originale Univers (Ikke Oppført)
| pl = Najlepsze oryginalne uniwersum (Nie wymienione)
| pt = Melhor Universo Original (Não listado)
| pt-br = Melhor Universo Original (Não listado)
| ro = Cel mai bun univers original (nelistat)
| ru = Самая уникальная вселенная (Вне списка)
| sv = Bästa Original Universum (Olistad)
| zh-hans = 最佳原创世界观(未列入)
| {{youtube|cZVm-Rb-WRo|width=400}}
| {{youtube|cZVm-Rb-WRo|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheMike360 TheMike], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/brookesy Black_Stormy], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Alfrednt Crazyb2000], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/gammerman Gamerman12], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/oggvorbis Oggnog], [http://steamcommunity.com/id/NarryGewman (NLR) Narry Gewman] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025005508 Anton]
| {{steamid|76561197982096631}}, {{steamid|76561197988102670}}, {{steamid|76561197995791533}}, {{steamid|76561197996567233}}, {{steamid|76561198004313985}}, {{steamid|76561198007979103}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198025005508}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Overall}}
| en = Best Overall
| {{youtube|4NCERdh_-j4|width=400}}
| {{youtube|4NCERdh_-j4|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/id/soimon soimon]
| {{steamid|76561198009144608}}
{{translation switching|en}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fi, fr, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ro, ru, sv, zh-hans}}

Latest revision as of 13:04, 21 November 2023