Difference between revisions of "Template:Class health table/Heavy"

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(Added Quick-Fix overheal. Note I need to do a real test for the buff food / half overheal to see how it interacts)
m (Added to the "Class stat tables" category.)
(13 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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{{Class health table/top row
{{Class health pack and overheal table|overheal|heavy=yes}}
|{{Class link|Heavy}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Class stat tables]]</noinclude>
{{Class health table/mid row
  | en = Under the effects of the [[Dalokohs Bar]] or [[Fishcake]]
  | de = Mit Effekten des [[Dalokohs Bar/de|Dalokohs-Riegel]] oder dem [[Fishcake/de|Fischkuchen]]
  | hu = A [[Dalokohs Bar/hu|A Dalokohs Szelet]] vagy [[Fishcake/hu|Halpogácsa]] hatása alatt
  | ja = {{Item link|Dalokohs Bar}}、{{Item link|Fishcake}}摂取効果中
  | zh-hant = 處於[[Dalokohs Bar/zh-hant|美味巧克力]]或[[Fishcake/zh-hant|太空魚酥餅]]的效果下
{{Class health table/mid row
  | en = With the [[Warrior's Spirit]] equipped
  | de = Mit dem [[Warrior's Spirit/de|Des Kriegers Geist]] ausgerüstet
  | hu = A [[Warrior's Spirit/hu|Harci Szellem]]et viselve
  | ja = {{Item link|Warrior's Spirit}}装備時
  | zh-hant = 裝備[[Warrior's Spirit/zh-hant|戰士之魂]]時
|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|M=warrior's spirit}}
|{{Math/Overheal|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|M=warrior's spirit}}}}
|{{Math/Overheal|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|M=warrior's spirit}}|factor=1.25}}}}
{{Class health table/bot row
  | en = With the Warrior's Spirit equipped and under the effects of the Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake
  | de = Mit ausgerüstetem Des Kriegers Geist und unter den Effekten des Dalokohs-Riegels oder dem Fischkuchen
  | hu = A Harci Szellemet viselve és egyidejűleg a Dalokohs Szelet vagy Halpogácsa hatása alatt
  | ja = {{Item name|Warrior's Spirit}}装備 + {{Item link|Dalokohs Bar}}、{{Item link|Fishcake}}効果
  | zh-hant = 裝備[[Warrior's Spirit/zh-hant|戰士之魂]]且處於[[Dalokohs Bar/zh-hant|美味巧克力]]或[[Fishcake/zh-hant|太空魚酥餅]]的效果下
|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|S=fishcake|M=warrior's spirit}}
|{{Math/Overheal|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|M=warrior's spirit}}}}
|{{Math/Overheal|{{Metrics/Health|C=Heavy|M=warrior's spirit}}|factor=1.25}}}}<noinclude>
{{translation switching|en, de, hu, ja, zh-hant}}

Latest revision as of 18:24, 3 July 2021

Class Health Overheal Quick-Fix Overheal
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy 300 450 376
Under the effects of the Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake 350 500 426
With the Fists of Steel equipped 300 390 346
With the Fists of Steel equipped and while under the effects of the Dalokohs Bar or Fishcake 350 440 396

Theoretical value. Overheal does not exceed 150% of the classes' maximum health.