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#REDIRECT [[Medieval Mode/ko]] {{R lang|ko}}
{{featured article tag}}
[[File:Medieval mode tf2.png|right|475px|Promotional art for the Medieval mode.]]
{{Quotation|'''The Sniper'''|God save the queen!|sound=Sniper_battlecry05.wav}}
'''중세 모드''' 는 {{Patch name|12|17|2010}} [[호주의 크리스마스]]업데이트 때 추가된''팀 포트리스 2'' 의 게임 모드입니다.
현재는 중세모드를 지원하는  공식[[맵]]은 [[DeGroot Keep]] 한개입니다. 이 게임모드에서는 근접무기를 주로 한 사용 가능한 무기만 사용 가능합니다. 이 게임모드의 목표는 점령 지점과 비슷합니다. in that there are a number of [[control point (objective)|control points]] which the attacking team must capture and the defending team must defend. In the only currently official map, 공격팀은 첫번째 있는 점령지점 두개를 장악해야만 마지막 점령지점을 장악 가능할수 있게 됩니다만, 일정 시간안에 점령하지 못하면 문이 닫히고 장악했던 지점을 빼앗기게 됩니다.
== 게임플레이 ==
* 플레이어는 사망시 [[Health#Health Kits|치료제]]를 떨어뜨립니다. [[death]]
** [[스카웃]]의 [[지팡이 사탕]] 아이템은 평소와 같이 처치시 치료제 2개를 떨어뜨립니다.
* [[우버톱]]을 이용한 공격을 하여도[[메딕의]] [[ÜberCharge]] 게이지는 차오르지 않습니다.
* Players are restricted to melee weapons, with a set of exceptions based on graphical style and vitality to the class' mechanics.
* {{code|tf_medieval_thirdperson 1}}를 사용하면 [[cheats|sv_cheats]] 없이도 [[Cheats#thirdperson|Third-person]] 사용이 가능합니다.
** 이런 형태의 3인칭은 좀 독특한데, 조준점이 플레이어의 머리 위 대신 플레이어의 어깨에 위치합니다.
== {{anchor|weapons}}사용 가능한 무기 목록 ==
{{see also|Category:Medieval weapons}}
* 모든[[Melee|근접]]무기 및 아래 목록에 있는 무기들은 사용이 가능합니다.
{{List of medieval weapons}}
== 맵 ==
현재 중세모드 맵은DeGroot Keep 한개밖에 없습니다. 중세모드는 서버에서 {{code|tf_medieval}} 설정값을 {{code|1}}로 해놓으면 중세모드로 플레이가 가능합니다.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! class="header" | Map
! class="header" | File Name
| [[File:Degroot Keep Castle.png|100px|link=DeGroot Keep]]
| '''[[DeGroot Keep]]'''
| cp_degrootkeep
== 전략 ==
* [[Basic Medieval Mode strategy|기본적인 중세모드 전략]]
* [[Community Medieval mode strategy]]
== Chat parser ==
[[Image:Gette it Onne!.png|thumb|right|200px|Promotional logo for the Medieval mode.]]
중세맵에서 플레이할때, an "auto-roleplay" [[w:Parsing|parser]] modifies all text chat between players to look like [[w:Ye Olde|Ye Olde English]] by randomly applying the following rules.
=== 단어 대체 ===
{{hatnote|For a full listing of all word replacements, see [[Media:Autorp.txt|this file]].}}
{| style="width: 100%; max-width: 800px;"
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid" 
! class="header" | 원래 단어
! class="header" | 바뀐 단어
| it is <br /> it's
| it was
| 'twas
|it would
|it will
|it were
|shall not <br /> will not
|over there
|in the
|i' the
|rowspan="4"|thank you
|many good thanks to you
|kindly thanks to you
|grammercy to you
|rowspan="3"|you <br /> u
|rowspan="9"|killed <br /> beaten
|brung low
|rowspan="15"|goodbye <br /> bye <br /> seeya <br /> goodnight
|fare thee well
|good morrow
|by your leave
|good day
|good day, sirrah
|good day, sire
|good day, master
|pleasant journey
|I bid thee good day
|I bid thee farewell
|yea verily
|rowspan="5"|hello <br /> hi
|good day
|well met
|well meteth
|tally ho
|rowspan="9"|kill <br /> gank
|bring low
| pennant
| banner
| colors
| heraldry
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid" 
! class="header" | 원래 단어
! class="header" | 바뀐 단어
| walking
| bet
| warrant
| ye
| jest
| jape
|rowspan="8"|balls <br /> groin
| leathers
| beans
| poundables
| nethers
| nadchakles
| buis
| fellahs
| coin purse
| away, fighting kobolds
| away, fruity knights
| aft, frisking knickers
| abaft, flailing knouts
| chart
| I pray you
| prithee
| pray
| as you will
| agreed
| well said
| just so
| be
| ne'er
|rowspan="16"|haha <br /> hehe <br /> heh <br /> hah
| guffaw!
| cackle!
| oh, 'tis to laugh!
| zounds!
| chuckle!
| snigger!
| snort!
| snicker!
| cachinnate!
| titter!
| and there was much tittering!
| and there was much guffawing!
| and there was much chuckling!
| and there was much snorting!
| and there was much snickering!
| and there was much mirth!
| aid
| aideth
| saveth
| assistance
| succor
| couldst
| wouldst
| shore
| mayhaps
| perchance
|rowspan="8"|girl <br /> woman
| madame
| waif
| mistress
| lass
| lady
| goodwife
| maid
| maiden
| anon
| oft
| indeed
| in truth
| yon
| here
|  hither
| enough
|  enow
| poppet
| why
| wherefore
| away
| aroint
| being
| bein'
| of
| o'
| fucker
| swiver
| shit
| nightsoil
==== Punctuation ====
{| style="width: 100%; max-width: 800px;"
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | 원래 단어
! class="header" | 바뀐 단어
|rowspan="11" style="font-size:150%;"| !
|, verily!
| , verily I say!
| , verily I sayeth!
| , I say!
| , I sayeth!
| ! Huzzah!
| ! Hear Hear!
| ! What-ho!
| ! Ho!
| ! Fie!
| , indeed!
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | 원래 단어
! class="header" | 바뀐 단어
|rowspan="12" style="font-size:150%;"| ?
| , I say?
| , I wonder?
| , wonder I?
| , what say thee?
| , what sayeth thee?
| , what say thou?
| , what sayeth thou?
| , I ponder?
| , I pondereth?
| , pray tell?
| , ho?
| , do tell?
==== Insults ====
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | 원래 단어
! class="header" | 바뀐 단어
|rowspan="3"|''<adjective>'', ''<adjective> <noun>''
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
* artless
* droning
* fawning
* warped
* paunchy
* puny
* spongy
* ruttish
* vain
* lumpish
* craven
* witless
* pustulent
* infested
* ill-bred
* blind
* scurvy
* puny
* fetid
* vile
* gibbering
* mewling
* rank
* fawning
* moonish
* brutish
* malapert
* curst
* lack-linen
* bottle-ailed
* lyingest
* embossed
* cheating
* crook-pated
* base-court
* hasty-witted
* two-faced
* pox-marked
* toad-brained
* errant
* idle-headed
* quailing
* flap-mouthed
* puking
* fly-bitten
* surly
* tottering
* villainous
* rump-fed
* bootless
* churlish
* tickle-brained
* froward
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
* mongrel
* codpiece
* jackanape
* ape
* coxcomb
* harlot
* hussy
* strumpet
* cur
* clot
* fool
* barnacle
* harpy
* wench
* churl
* pleb
* taffer
* scoundrel
* scalliwag
* mooncalf
* rapscallion
* doxy
* bawd
* tosspot
* cupshot
* recreant
* fustalarion
* scullion
* rampallion
* knave
* barbermonger
* boil
* plague-sore
* carbuncle
* whoreson
* clotpole
* lout
* gudgeon
* puttock
* skainsmate
* varlet
* bladder
==== Classes ====
{| style="width: 100%; max-width: 800px;"
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | Original Text
! class="header" | Replacement
| rowspan="8" | Demoman
|blades for hire
| rowspan="10" | Engineer <br />
| rowspan="4" | Heavy
| bouncer
|rowspan="11" | Medic
|medicine man
| style="vertical-align:top;"|
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | Original Text
! class="header" | Replacement
|rowspan="7" | Pyro
|fire mage
|fire magus
|Masked Salamander
|rowspan="7" | Scout
|advance guard
|rowspan="4" | Soldier <br />
|rowspan="9" | Sniper
|rowspan="10" | Spy
=== Added to beginning of chat messages ===
{| style="width: 90%;"
* Forsooth,
* I say,
* I sayeth,
* Forsooth, I say,
* Forsooth, say I,
* Forsooth, sayeth I,
* Hark!
* Harketh!
* By ''<god>'',
* By the Will of ''<god adjective>'' ''<god>'',
* By the ''<body part adjective>'' ''<body part>'' of the ''<god adjective>'' ''<god>'',
* By ''<god adjective>'' ''<god>'''s ''<body part adjective>'' ''<body part>'',
* Avast,
* Zounds,
* Perchance,
* Pray tell,
* Prithee,
* What hey,
* What ho,
* Pray,
* Surely
* Pray pardon,
* Alas,
* In short,
* My Lord,
* My Lady,
* By my faith,
* If it pleases you,
* I pray you,
* In truth,
* By my trowth,
* In sooth,
* By my word,
* S'wounds,
* Z'wounds,
* ''<god>'''s wounds,
* ''<god>'''s ''<body part>'',
* Heigh-ho,
* Ah,
* Quoth I,
* Listen,
* Listen thee,
* Hear me,
* Now hear me,
* I warrant
* Come,
* Kind sire,
* Sire,
* There is much in what you say, and yet,
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
* Odin
* Bob
* Zeus
* Hera
* Thor
* Crom
* Mad-poet Navarth
* Cugel
* Wotsit
* Baron Boddisey
* Poseidon
* Saint Mary
* Pallus Athena
* Loki
* Erlik
* Shoggoth
* Omm
* Vishnu
* Azazoth
* Father Odin
* Allfather Odin
* Cthulhu
* Buddha
* Aphrodite
* Isis
* Kali
* Dionysus
* Zarathustra
* Croesus
* Hermes
* Venus
* Montezuma
* Popacatapetl
* Hephaestus
* Bubastes
* Bacchus
* Nebuchadnezzar
* Assurbanipal
* Sargon
* Xerxes
* Mulwatallish
* Labarna
* Hammurabi
* Rameses
* Minos
* Tilgath-Pileser
* Vercingetorix
* Mithradites
* Pericles
* Belasarius
* Archaemides
* Heraclius
* Imhotep
* Artemis
* Orthia
* Phoebe
* Hestia
* Eros
* Persephone
* Minerva
* Mercury
* Aesculapius
* Discordia
* Hecate
* Hespera
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
!colspan="4"|God adjectives
* Almighty
* Unthinkable
* Unknowable
* All-knowing
* All-seeing
* Lecherous
* Scandalous
* Merciful
* Ravaging
* Thunderous
* Wrathful
* Distant
* Vengeful
* Supreme
* Wise
* Warlike
* Jealous
* Vindictive
* Powerful
* Adulterous
* Licentious
* Crafty
* Benefical
* Virtuous
* Protective
* Prophetic
* Bloodthirsty
* Murderous
* Ruinous
* Militant
* Invisible
* Omnipotent
* Forgotten
* Enlightened
* Tempestuous
* Destructive
* Grim
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
!colspan="4"|Body parts
* Beard
* Third Leg
* Scalp
* Eye
* Thigh
* Arm
* Sword
* Heel
* Gaze
* Tongue
* Hammer
* Toenail
* Nether Regions
* Liver
* Lights
* Spleen
* Gall
* Liver and Lights
{| style="width:600px;"  class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
!colspan="4"|Body part adjectives
* Unknowable
* Unescapable
* Unfathomable
* Unthinkable
* Righteous
* Hairy
* Hairless
* Wandering
* Blistered
* Awe-inspiring
* Toothy
* Ravaged
* Aged
* Endless
* Wondrous
* Unavoidable
* Pestilent
* Forgotten
* Beautiful
* Fertile
* Prophetic
* Musical
* Helpful
* Virginal
* Curative
* Bleak
* Incessant
* Sagely
* Unfashionable
* Unfaltering
* Unfamiliar
* Abysmal
* Boundless
* Eternal
* Immeasurable
* Infinite
* Unending
* Soundless
* Incomprehensible
* Inexplicable
* Profound
* unintelligible
* Unbelievable
* Impenetrable
* Indecipherable
* Esoteric
* Enigmatic
* Ancient
* Venerable
* Baneful
* Contagious
* Corrupting
* Deadly
* Deleterious
* Evil
* Noxious
* Diseased
* Pernicious
* Pestiferous
* Pestilential
* Tainted
* Contaminated
* Pulchritudinous
* Odoriferous
* Misbegotten
* Sacriligious
=== Added to end of chat messages===
* Anon!
* Hum.
* Good sir!
* Good sire!
* Milady!
* My Liege!
* Guvnor!
=== Notes ===
* Server operators can disable this behavior by setting {{code|tf_medieval_autorp}} to {{code|0}}.
* Text beginning with '!' or '/' is ignored to avoid modifying [[SourceMod]] commands.
* The rules for chat modification are defined in [[media:Autorp.txt|autorp.txt]].
* Unlike most of the text in ''Team Fortress 2'', the chat parser has not been translated into languages other than English.
== 업데이트 역사 ==
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2010}}''' ([[Australian Christmas]])
* Added Medieval Mode to the game.
'''{{Patch name|12|22|2010}}'''
* Medieval Mode's auto-roleplay now ignores text beginning with '!' or '/' (so SourceMod commands aren't modified).
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2011}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Fixed players getting set bonuses applied on Medieval maps for items that are not allowed in Medieval mode.  This is presumably a side-effect of the item_whitelist set bonus fix.
'''{{Patch name|5|25|2011}}'''
* Added Concheror and Fishcake to the list of weapons allowed in Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|6|27|2011}}'''
* Added Splendid Screen, Ali Baba's Wee Booties, and Mantreads to the whitelist for Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|11|7|2011}}'''
* {{undocumented}} Added Bootlegger to the whitelist for Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|3|22|2012}}'''
* Updated Cozy Camper to allow it to be used in Medieval Mode.
'''{{Patch name|8|3|2012}}'''
* Flying Guillotine is now available in Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|1|16|2013}}'''
* Added Robo-Sandvich, Festive Sandvich, Festive Buff Banner, and Festive Huntsman to the list of items allowed in Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|1|9|2014}}'''
* Fixed not being able to use Festive Crusader's Crossbow in Medieval mode.
'''{{Patch name|4|1|2014}}
* Gunboats are now available in Medieval mode.
== Trivia ==
* In the [http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas/ release page], the presence of ''Team Fortress 2'' characters in a medieval setting is explained by stating the [[Soldier]] "[Simply] angered a magician."  This is a play on the familiar trope [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AWizardDidIt "A wizard did it"], which is commonly used by authors to wave away any plot holes found by their most detail oriented fans.
** It was later revealed in the [[Very Scary Halloween Special]] that the magician in question is [[Merasmus the Magician]], the [[RED]] Soldier's roommate.
== See also ==
* [[Basic Medieval Mode strategy]]
* [[Community Medieval Mode strategy]]
[[Category:Game modes]]

Latest revision as of 20:07, 25 September 2015

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