Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items/australian hightower highjinx helper"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "australian hightower highjinx helper".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "australian hightower highjinx helper".)
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|en=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|de=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helfer|fr=Contributeur - Australian Hightower Highjinx|pl=Australian Hightower Highjinx - pomocnik|pt=Ajudante - Australian Hightower Highjinx|pt-br=Ajudante - Australian Hightower Highjinx}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|en=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|cs=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|da=Hjælper i Australian Hightower Highjinx|de=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helfer|es=Ayudante de Australian Hightower Highjinx|fi=Avustaja – Australian Hightower Highjinx|fr=Médaille de contribution - Australian Hightower Highjinx|hu=Australian Hightower Highjinx segítő|it=Australian Hightower Highjinx - Aiutante|nl=Australian Hightower Highjinx - Helper|no=Australian Hightower Highjinx – Medhjelper|pl=Australian Hightower Highjinx pomocnik|pt=Ajudante - Australian Hightower Highjinx|pt-br=Ajudante - Australian Hightower Highjinx|ro=Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper|ru=Помощник Australian Hightower Highjinx|sv=Australian Hightower Highjinx – Medhjälpare|tr=Australian Hightower Highjinx Yardımcısı|zh-hans=Australian Hightower Highjinx 帮手|zh-hant=Australian Hightower Highjinx 協助者}}

Latest revision as of 01:30, 19 October 2023

Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper