Difference between revisions of "Team Fortress Wiki:Reports/Untranslated categories/en"

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(520 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE: 538 categories which are probably non-article categories}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: 5 categories which are probably non-article categories}}
There are <onlyinclude>538</onlyinclude> categories which are not translated into any language other than english. These categories should probably transclude {{tl|Non-article category}}. Data as of 02:14, 17 January 2022.
There are <onlyinclude>5</onlyinclude> categories which are not translated into any language other than english. These categories should probably transclude {{tl|Non-article category}}. Data as of 01:43, 21 March 2025 (GMT).
== List ==
== List ==
# [[:Category:2Fort (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Capture the Flag maps (QTF)]]
# [[:Category:2Fort Desert images]]
# [[:Category:Craft items]]
# [[:Category:2Fort Invasion images]]
# [[:Category:Grade collections]]
# [[:Category:2Fort5 images]]
# [[:Category:Maps (QTF)]]
# [[:Category:3D model images]]
# [[:Category:Protected pages]]
# [[:Category:3D viewer templates]]
# [[:Category:5Gorge images]]
# [[:Category:ARG images]]
# [[:Category:Accessory images]]
# [[:Category:Achievement Idle images]]
# [[:Category:Achievement images]]
# [[:Category:Achievement insertion templates]]
# [[:Category:Administrator images]]
# [[:Category:Advanced Weaponiser kill icons]]
# [[:Category:Alerts]]
# [[:Category:Alpen images]]
# [[:Category:Altitude images]]
# [[:Category:Animated images]]
# [[:Category:Animus images]]
# [[:Category:Anthem images]]
# [[:Category:Antiquity images]]
# [[:Category:Apparel images]]
# [[:Category:Arctic images]]
# [[:Category:Area 52 images]]
# [[:Category:Art Pass Contest images]]
# [[:Category:Asteroid images]]
# [[:Category:Astro-chievement icons]]
# [[:Category:Avanti (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Avatar images]]
# [[:Category:Background images]]
# [[:Category:Background01 images]]
# [[:Category:Backlot images]]
# [[:Category:Backpack images]]
# [[:Category:Badlands (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Bagel images]]
# [[:Category:Banana Bay images]]
# [[:Category:Bananabay images]]
# [[:Category:Barnblitz images]]
# [[:Category:Barren images]]
# [[:Category:Bayou images]]
# [[:Category:Bedrock images]]
# [[:Category:Beta Competitive Rank Images]]
# [[:Category:Bigrock images]]
# [[:Category:Bloodwater images]]
# [[:Category:Bombinomicon audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Bombinomicon images]]
# [[:Category:Boot Camp (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Borneo images]]
# [[:Category:Bounce (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Box art]]
# [[:Category:Brazil images]]
# [[:Category:Bread Space images]]
# [[:Category:Bread images]]
# [[:Category:Brickyard images]]
# [[:Category:Brugge images]]
# [[:Category:Bucket images]]
# [[:Category:Building icon images]]
# [[:Category:Bullet Crops Project icons]]
# [[:Category:Byre images]]
# [[:Category:Cactus Canyon images]]
# [[:Category:Canalzone 2 (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Carnival of Carnage images]]
# [[:Category:Carrier Tank images]]
# [[:Category:Casbah (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Cascade images]]
# [[:Category:Cashworks images]]
# [[:Category:Casino City images]]
# [[:Category:Casual Rank Images]]
# [[:Category:Casual Tier Images]]
# [[:Category:Cauldron images]]
# [[:Category:Censored gib images]]
# [[:Category:Censored images]]
# [[:Category:Censored weapon images]]
# [[:Category:Character images]]
# [[:Category:Charity Medal images]]
# [[:Category:Cheat images]]
# [[:Category:Chilly images]]
# [[:Category:Christmas cards (2009)]]
# [[:Category:Class emblems]]
# [[:Category:Class icons]]
# [[:Category:Class target images]]
# [[:Category:Cloak (Test)]]
# [[:Category:Cloak images]]
# [[:Category:Coal Town images]]
# [[:Category:Coalplant images]]
# [[:Category:Coaltown event images]]
# [[:Category:Coastrock images]]
# [[:Category:Comic previews]]
# [[:Category:Competitive rank images]]
# [[:Category:Concept art]]
# [[:Category:Concept art buildings and landscapes]]
# [[:Category:Concept art icons]]
# [[:Category:Congo images]]
# [[:Category:Conifer images]]
# [[:Category:Console scripts]]
# [[:Category:Construction Theme icons]]
# [[:Category:Cosmetic Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Crafting icons]]
# [[:Category:Cranetop images]]
# [[:Category:Crocodile images]]
# [[:Category:Croissant images]]
# [[:Category:Crossfire (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Crosshair icons]]
# [[:Category:Crossover 2 (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Cursed Cove images]]
# [[:Category:Custom Mann vs. Machine missions media]]
# [[:Category:Custom Robot Icons]]
# [[:Category:Custom paint colors]]
# [[:Category:Custom texture template images]]
# [[:Category:Cyberia images]]
# [[:Category:Datacore (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Davy Jones audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Decoy images]]
# [[:Category:Demoman Robot]]
# [[:Category:Demoman Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Demoman pack images]]
# [[:Category:Derelict images]]
# [[:Category:Devtest images]]
# [[:Category:District images]]
# [[:Category:Dockyard images]]
# [[:Category:Domination medal images]]
# [[:Category:Doomsday images]]
# [[:Category:Doppler images]]
# [[:Category:Doublefrost images]]
# [[:Category:Dove images]]
# [[:Category:Downpour images]]
# [[:Category:Downtown images]]
# [[:Category:Drogentote images]]
# [[:Category:Dropdown images]]
# [[:Category:Dueling medal images]]
# [[:Category:Dusk images]]
# [[:Category:Dustbowl (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Eclipse images]]
# [[:Category:Enclosure images]]
# [[:Category:End of the Line Update Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Enemy Territory Fortress images]]
# [[:Category:Engineer Robot]]
# [[:Category:Engineer Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Engineer pack images]]
# [[:Category:Environmental death images]]
# [[:Category:Epicenter (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Erebus images]]
# [[:Category:Example images]]
# [[:Category:Eyeaduct images]]
# [[:Category:Eyelander audio responses]]
# [[:Category:FAL images]]
# [[:Category:Fair use images]]
# [[:Category:Fan game images]]
# [[:Category:Farmageddon images]]
# [[:Category:Farmer audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Fate Card images]]
# [[:Category:Fifthcurve Event images]]
# [[:Category:Fifthcurve images]]
# [[:Category:Final Destination 2015 images]]
# [[:Category:Flag icons]]
# [[:Category:Flag images]]
# [[:Category:Flagrun (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Font images]]
# [[:Category:Fortress Forever images]]
# [[:Category:Foundry achievement images]]
# [[:Category:Foundry images]]
# [[:Category:Free2Fort images]]
# [[:Category:Frenzy (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Frontier images]]
# [[:Category:Frontline Supply Drop]]
# [[:Category:Frostfell images]]
# [[:Category:Frostwynd images]]
# [[:Category:Frozen class images]]
# [[:Category:Full Moon images]]
# [[:Category:Furnace images]]
# [[:Category:GFDL images]]
# [[:Category:GPL images]]
# [[:Category:Game mechanics]]
# [[:Category:Gamemode illustrations]]
# [[:Category:Gametype images]]
# [[:Category:Gang Garrison images]]
# [[:Category:Gasworks (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:General achievement images]]
# [[:Category:Generator images]]
# [[:Category:Ghost Fort images]]
# [[:Category:Ghost audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Ghostchievement pack images]]
# [[:Category:Gibson images]]
# [[:Category:Glacier images]]
# [[:Category:Glassworks images]]
# [[:Category:Glitch images]]
# [[:Category:Gold class images]]
# [[:Category:Goldpit images]]
# [[:Category:Goldrush Images]]
# [[:Category:Gorge Event images]]
# [[:Category:Gravestone images]]
# [[:Category:Graveyard images]]
# [[:Category:Gray Mann images]]
# [[:Category:Grizzled Veteran images]]
# [[:Category:Grizzled veteran images]]
# [[:Category:Grocket images]]
# [[:Category:Guard Dog icons]]
# [[:Category:Guard Dog images]]
# [[:Category:Gun Mettle Update Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Halloween artwork images]]
# [[:Category:Halloween mask images]]
# [[:Category:Hassle Castle images]]
# [[:Category:Heavy Robot]]
# [[:Category:Heavy Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Heavy pack images]]
# [[:Category:Hellfire images]]
# [[:Category:Hellstone images]]
# [[:Category:Helltower images]]
# [[:Category:Hideout images]]
# [[:Category:Highpass images]]
# [[:Category:Hoovy Dam images]]
# [[:Category:Horseless Headless Horsemann audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Humiliation pose images]]
# [[:Category:Hunted (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Hunted images]]
# [[:Category:Hybrid images]]
# [[:Category:Hydro images]]
# [[:Category:Icon images]]
# [[:Category:Intelligence images]]
# [[:Category:Interface images]]
# [[:Category:Invasion Community Update Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Isolation images]]
# [[:Category:Item skin images]]
# [[:Category:Japan Content Pack icons]]
# [[:Category:Jeff Ballinger]]
# [[:Category:Kelly images]]
# [[:Category:Kill icons]]
# [[:Category:Kill icons (Classic)]]
# [[:Category:Killstreak images]]
# [[:Category:Kong King images]]
# [[:Category:LGPL images]]
# [[:Category:Lambda bunker (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Languages]]
# [[:Category:Laughter images]]
# [[:Category:Lazarus images]]
# [[:Category:Left 4 Dead images]]
# [[:Category:Leyen skin images]]
# [[:Category:Li'l Chew Chew images]]
# [[:Category:Loading screen photos]]
# [[:Category:Localization files]]
# [[:Category:Los Muertos images]]
# [[:Category:Love & War Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Love & War pack images]]
# [[:Category:MONOCULUS audio responses]]
# [[:Category:MONOCULUS images]]
# [[:Category:MVM Script files]]
# [[:Category:Magic: The Gathering images]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Halloween]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Halloween 2013]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Halloween 2014]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Manniversary]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Robots]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Stock]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits XMas 2011]]
# [[:Category:Main Menu Class Portraits Zombie]]
# [[:Category:Main page button images]]
# [[:Category:Main page portrait images]]
# [[:Category:Mann Brothers audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Mann Co. Supply Crate contents]]
# [[:Category:Mann vs Machine responses]]
# [[:Category:Mann vs. Machievement images]]
# [[:Category:Mann vs. Machine mission templates]]
# [[:Category:Mannhattan images]]
# [[:Category:Mannpower powerup icons]]
# [[:Category:Mannworks images]]
# [[:Category:Maple Ridge Event images]]
# [[:Category:Marketing pose images]]
# [[:Category:Mars images]]
# [[:Category:Material files]]
# [[:Category:Mayann Project images]]
# [[:Category:Medal images]]
# [[:Category:Medic Robot]]
# [[:Category:Medic Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Medic pack images]]
# [[:Category:Meet The Sandvich Outtakes]]
# [[:Category:Meet the demoman images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the engineer images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the medic images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the pyro images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the sandvich images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the scout images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the sniper images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the soldier images]]
# [[:Category:Meet the spy images]]
# [[:Category:Megalo images]]
# [[:Category:Melee weapon icons]]
# [[:Category:Menu backgrounds]]
# [[:Category:Merasmachievement pack images]]
# [[:Category:Merasmus audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Merasmus images]]
# [[:Category:Mercenary Park images]]
# [[:Category:Mercenary images]]
# [[:Category:Meridian images]]
# [[:Category:Metalworks images]]
# [[:Category:Metro images]]
# [[:Category:Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask images]]
# [[:Category:Millstone images]]
# [[:Category:Miss Pauling audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Moby Francke]]
# [[:Category:Mod images]]
# [[:Category:Model textures]]
# [[:Category:Moldergrove images]]
# [[:Category:Monster Bash images]]
# [[:Category:Moonshine Event images]]
# [[:Category:Morice audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Morrigan Alley images]]
# [[:Category:Mossrock images]]
# [[:Category:Neyel skin images]]
# [[:Category:Noise Maker icons]]
# [[:Category:Notifications]]
# [[:Category:Npire images]]
# [[:Category:Obscure images]]
# [[:Category:Operation Hexadecimal Horrors]]
# [[:Category:Operation Hexadecimal Horrors missions]]
# [[:Category:Operation Madness vs Machines mission templates]]
# [[:Category:Operation Mashed Mediocrity Sounds]]
# [[:Category:Orange X images]]
# [[:Category:Orange images]]
# [[:Category:Oxidize images]]
# [[:Category:Paint images]]
# [[:Category:Particle effect images]]
# [[:Category:Pickup images]]
# [[:Category:Pictogram images]]
# [[:Category:Pier images]]
# [[:Category:Pit of Death images]]
# [[:Category:PlayStation 3 controls]]
# [[:Category:Polar images]]
# [[:Category:Pony icons]]
# [[:Category:Poopy joe images]]
# [[:Category:Possession icons]]
# [[:Category:Poster images]]
# [[:Category:Powerhouse achievement images]]
# [[:Category:Powerhouse images]]
# [[:Category:Powerplant images]]
# [[:Category:Pre-release artwork]]
# [[:Category:Precipice images]]
# [[:Category:Premuda images]]
# [[:Category:Primeval warrior images]]
# [[:Category:Probed images]]
# [[:Category:Process images]]
# [[:Category:Production images]]
# [[:Category:Projectile images]]
# [[:Category:Prop images]]
# [[:Category:Propaganda Contest images]]
# [[:Category:Public Domain images]]
# [[:Category:Pumpkin bomb audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Push (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Pyro Robot]]
# [[:Category:Pyro Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Pyro pack images]]
# [[:Category:Pyro voice commands]]
# [[:Category:Pyroland images]]
# [[:Category:Quetzal images]]
# [[:Category:Quotations needing translating]]
# [[:Category:Rapidcore (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Ravelin (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Replay pack images]]
# [[:Category:Robot images]]
# [[:Category:Robotic Boogaloo Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Rock 2 (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Rottenburg images]]
# [[:Category:Rumble images]]
# [[:Category:SVG source files]]
# [[:Category:Saucer images]]
# [[:Category:Saxton Hale images]]
# [[:Category:Scarechievement pack images]]
# [[:Category:Scout Robot]]
# [[:Category:Scout Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Scout pack images]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress V Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress VI Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress VII Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress VIII Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress X Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress XI Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress XII Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Scream Fortress XIII Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Screenshot images]]
# [[:Category:Sequoia images]]
# [[:Category:Series 1 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Series 2 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Series 3 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Shadows images]]
# [[:Category:Sinshine images]]
# [[:Category:Sinthetic images]]
# [[:Category:Skybox images]]
# [[:Category:Slasher images]]
# [[:Category:Slaughter images]]
# [[:Category:Sludgepit images]]
# [[:Category:Smissmas 2019 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Smissmas 2020 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Smissmas 2021 Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Snakewater images]]
# [[:Category:Snark pit (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Sniper Robot]]
# [[:Category:Sniper Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Sniper pack images]]
# [[:Category:SnowVille images]]
# [[:Category:Snowfall images]]
# [[:Category:Snowplow images]]
# [[:Category:Snowycoast images]]
# [[:Category:Soldier Robot]]
# [[:Category:Soldier Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Soldier of Fortune images]]
# [[:Category:Soldier of fortune images]]
# [[:Category:Soldier pack images]]
# [[:Category:Soldier statue images]]
# [[:Category:Sound cues]]
# [[:Category:SpaceChem images]]
# [[:Category:Spacepost images]]
# [[:Category:Spectral Halloween Special Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Spectre images]]
# [[:Category:Speech bubble images]]
# [[:Category:Spell Screenshots]]
# [[:Category:Spell icons]]
# [[:Category:Spellbook images]]
# [[:Category:Spy Robot]]
# [[:Category:Spy Robot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Spy pack images]]
# [[:Category:Stalkyard (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Standard icons]]
# [[:Category:Standin images]]
# [[:Category:Starched Silliness Sound]]
# [[:Category:Steam Community images]]
# [[:Category:Steam Sale Item]]
# [[:Category:Steam Workshop images]]
# [[:Category:Steam game icons]]
# [[:Category:Steep images]]
# [[:Category:Stoneyridge images]]
# [[:Category:Store bundle images]]
# [[:Category:Strata images]]
# [[:Category:Stun images]]
# [[:Category:Subtransit (Classic) Images]]
# [[:Category:Suijin images]]
# [[:Category:Summer 2020 Pack Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Summer 2021 Pack Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Sunshine images]]
# [[:Category:Swamp Theme Icons]]
# [[:Category:Target images]]
# [[:Category:Taunt Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Taunt images]]
# [[:Category:Team Fortress 2 Classic images]]
# [[:Category:Team Fortress Classic images]]
# [[:Category:Team Fortress images]]
# [[:Category:Team-colored Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Team-colored cosmetic Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Team-colored taunt Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Teien images]]
# [[:Category:Terror images]]
# [[:Category:Text files]]
# [[:Category:The London Pack]]
# [[:Category:Timbertown images]]
# [[:Category:Tinybot audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Toastmaster audio responses]]
# [[:Category:Tool images]]
# [[:Category:Tough Break Update Images]]
# [[:Category:Tournament Medal images]]
# [[:Category:Trade Plaza images]]
# [[:Category:Trademark images]]
# [[:Category:Traingrid images]]
# [[:Category:Trainsawlaser images]]
# [[:Category:Trainyard images]]
# [[:Category:Translating into]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Arabic]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Chinese (Simplified)]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Chinese (Traditional)]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Czech]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Danish]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Dutch]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Finnish]]
# [[:Category:Translating into French]]
# [[:Category:Translating into German]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Hungarian]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Italian]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Japanese]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Korean]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Norwegian]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Polish]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Portuguese]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Portuguese (Brazil)]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Romanian]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Russian]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Spanish]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Swedish]]
# [[:Category:Translating into Turkish]]
# [[:Category:Translation progress]]
# [[:Category:Translations needing updating]]
# [[:Category:Treehouse images]]
# [[:Category:Trenchfoot images]]
# [[:Category:Turbo images]]
# [[:Category:Underground images]]
# [[:Category:Undergrove images]]
# [[:Category:Undertow (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Unused Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Unused building images]]
# [[:Category:Unused content images]]
# [[:Category:Unused hat images]]
# [[:Category:Unused kill icons]]
# [[:Category:Unused projectile images]]
# [[:Category:Unused real company images]]
# [[:Category:Unused weapon images]]
# [[:Category:Unusual Owners]]
# [[:Category:Unusual item images]]
# [[:Category:Upgrade station icons]]
# [[:Category:Upland images]]
# [[:Category:User Arrran Weeviling]]
# [[:Category:User Mikado282]]
# [[:Category:User Mikado282's Nostalgia Tour]]
# [[:Category:Userbox achievement templates]]
# [[:Category:VS Saxton Hale images]]
# [[:Category:Vanguard images]]
# [[:Category:Vector background images]]
# [[:Category:Vector skin images]]
# [[:Category:Very Scary Halloween Special Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Volcanic images]]
# [[:Category:Walkway images]]
# [[:Category:Wallpapers]]
# [[:Category:War Paint stickers]]
# [[:Category:Warmfront images]]
# [[:Category:Warpath (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Waste images]]
# [[:Category:Waterfront images]]
# [[:Category:Watergate images]]
# [[:Category:Weapon 1st person images]]
# [[:Category:Weapon Unusuals]]
# [[:Category:Well (Classic) images]]
# [[:Category:Well6 images]]
# [[:Category:Wheatley Responses]]
# [[:Category:Wiretap images]]
# [[:Category:Wubwubwub images]]
# [[:Category:Wutville images]]
# [[:Category:Xbox 360 controls]]
# [[:Category:Yeti images]]
# [[:Category:Zinkenite Valley images]]
# [[:Category:Zombified class images]]
# [[:Category:ÜberCharge images]]
# [[:Category:ÜberCharged avatars]]

Latest revision as of 01:43, 21 March 2025

There are 5 categories which are not translated into any language other than english. These categories should probably transclude {{Non-article category}}. Data as of 01:43, 21 March 2025 (GMT).


  1. Category:Capture the Flag maps (QTF)
  2. Category:Craft items
  3. Category:Grade collections
  4. Category:Maps (QTF)
  5. Category:Protected pages