Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry/raze the roof-desc"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "raze the roof-desc".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/foundry for string "raze the roof-desc".)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill two people on the roof of the center [[Control point (objective)|control point]] in a single life.|en=Kill two people on the roof of the center [[Control point (objective)|control point]] in a single life.|cs=Zabij 2 nepřátele na střeše prostředního [[Control point (objective)/cs|bodu]] mapy [[Foundry/cs|cp_foundry]] během jednoho kola hry.|da=Dræb to spillere på det midterste [[Control point (objective)/da|kontrolpunkts]] tag i et enkelt liv.|de=Töten Sie zwei Personen auf dem Dach des zentralen [[Control point (objective)/de|Kontrollpunkts]] in einem einzigen Leben|es=Mata a dos personas en el tejado del [[Control point (objective)/es|punto de control]] central en una sola vida.|fi=Tapa kaksi ihmistä [[Control point (objective)/fi|keskikomentopisteen]] katolta yhden elämän aikana.|fr=Tuez deux personnes sur le toit du point [[Control point (objective)/fr|de contrôle]] central en une seule vie.|hu=Ölj meg két embert a középső [[Control point (objective)/hu|ellenőrzőpont]] tetején egyetlen élet alatt.|it=Uccidi due nemici sul tetto del [[Control point (objective)/it|punto di controllo]] centrale nella stessa vita.|ko=죽지않고 중앙의 점령 [[Control point (objective)/ko|지점]] 지붕에 있는 2명을 죽이세요.|nl=Dood twee mensen, die op het dak van de middelste [[Control point (objective)/nl|controlepost]] staan, in één leven.|no=Drep to personer på taket av det midterste [[Control point (objective)/no|kontrollpunktet]] i et enkelt liv.|pl=W jednym życiu zabij dwóch przeciwników będących na dachu nad środkowym [[Control point (objective)/pl|punktem kontrolnym]].|pt=Mata duas pessoas no telhado do [[Control point (objective)/pt|ponto de controlo]] central numa única vida.|pt-br=Mate duas pessoas que estão no telhado do [[Control point (objective)/pt-br|ponto de controle]] central em uma única vida.|ru=Убейте двух человек на крыше центральной [[Control point (objective)/ru|контрольной точки]] за одну жизнь.|sv=Döda två personer på taket över mittkontrollpunkten under ett liv.|tr=Hiç ölmeden orta [[Control point (objective)/tr|kontrol noktasının]] çatısında iki kişi öldür.|zh-hans=在一次生命内,杀死中央[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]屋顶上的两个敌人。|zh-hant=用同一條命殺死在中央[[Control point (objective)/zh-hant|控制點]]屋頂上的兩個敵人。}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Kill two people on the roof of the center [[Control point (objective)|control point]] in a single life.|en=Kill two people on the roof of the center [[Control point (objective)|control point]] in a single life.|cs=Zabij 2 nepřátele na střeše prostředního [[Control point (objective)/cs|bodu]] mapy cp_foundry během jednoho kola hry.|da=Dræb to spillere på det midterste [[Control point (objective)/da|kontrolpunkts]] tag i et enkelt liv.|de=Töten Sie zwei Personen auf dem Dach des zentralen [[Control point (objective)/de|Kontrollpunkts]] in einem einzigen Leben|es=Mata a dos personas en el tejado del [[Control point (objective)/es|punto de control]] central en una sola vida.|fi=Tapa kaksi ihmistä [[Control point (objective)/fi|keskikomentopisteen]] katolta yhden elämän aikana.|fr=Tuez deux personnes sur le toit du point [[Control point (objective)/fr|de contrôle]] central en une seule vie.|hu=Ölj meg két embert a középső [[Control point (objective)/hu|ellenőrzőpont]] tetején egyetlen élet alatt.|it=Uccidi due nemici sul tetto del [[Control point (objective)/it|punto di controllo]] centrale nella stessa vita.|ja=死なずに中央の[[Control point (objective)/ja|コントロールポイント]]の上にいる敵二人を倒す。|ko=죽지않고 중앙의 점령 [[Control point (objective)/ko|지점]] 지붕에 있는 2명을 죽이세요.|nl=Dood twee mensen, die op het dak van de middelste [[Control point (objective)/nl|controlepost]] staan, in één leven.|no=Drep to personer på taket av det midterste [[Control point (objective)/no|kontrollpunktet]] i et enkelt liv.|pl=W jednym życiu zabij dwóch przeciwników będących na dachu nad środkowym [[Control point (objective)/pl|punktem kontrolnym]].|pt=Mata duas pessoas no telhado do [[Control point (objective)/pt|ponto de controlo]] central numa única vida.|pt-br=Mate duas pessoas que estão no telhado do [[Control point (objective)/pt-br|ponto de controle]] central em uma única vida.|ro=Omoară doi oameni de pe acoperișul [[Control point (objective/ro|punctului de control]] central într-o singură viață.|ru=Убейте двух человек на крыше центральной [[Control point (objective)/ru|контрольной точки]] за одну жизнь.|sv=Döda två personer på taket över [[Control points/sv|mittkontrollpunkten]] under ett liv.|tr=Hiç ölmeden orta [[Control point (objective)/tr|kontrol noktasının]] çatısında iki kişi öldür.|zh-hans=在一次生命内,杀死中央[[Control point (objective)/zh-hans|控制点]]屋顶上的两个敌人。|zh-hant=用同一條命殺死在中央[[Control point (objective)/zh-hant|控制點]]屋頂上的兩個敵人。}}

Latest revision as of 10:30, 1 July 2024

Kill two people on the roof of the center control point in a single life.