Difference between revisions of "Template:Unique Strange Rank Methods"

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(5 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
   | es = Métodos únicos de conteo de objetos de Calidad Rara
   | es = Métodos únicos de conteo de objetos de Calidad Rara
   | fi = Kummallisten esineiden erityiset laskutavat
   | fi = Kummallisten esineiden erityiset laskutavat
  | fr = Méthodes uniques de progression du rang Étrange
   | ja = 特殊なストレンジランクの上昇方法の一覧
   | ja = 特殊なストレンジランクの上昇方法の一覧
   | ko = 특별한 등급 상승 방법
   | ko = 특별한 등급 상승 방법
Line 21: Line 22:
  | es = Espacio
  | es = Espacio
  | fi = Paikka
  | fi = Paikka
| fr = Emplacement
  | ja = スロット
  | ja = スロット
  | ko = 칸
  | ko = 칸
Line 36: Line 38:
  | es = Método de conteo
  | es = Método de conteo
  | fi = Laskuri
  | fi = Laskuri
| fr = Méthode de progression
  | ja = ランクを上げる方法
  | ja = ランクを上げる方法
  | ko = 등급을 올리는 방법
  | ko = 등급을 올리는 방법
Line 48: Line 51:
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Scout|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Scout|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| class="gold" width=128px | {{icon item|Bonk! Atomic Punch|63px}}
| class="gold" width=128px | {{icon item|Crit-a-Cola|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| en = Number of times ingested.
| de = Anzahl der Benutzungen.
| es = Número de veces ingerido.
| fi = Juomakertojen määrä.
| fr = Nombre de fois où la boisson a été consommée.
| ja = 飲んだ回数
| ko = 마신 횟수로 올라갑니다.
| pl = Liczba zjedzonych produktów spożywczych.
| pt-br = Número de consumos.
| ru = Количество выпитого напитка («съедено вкусностей»).
| tr = Tüketilme sayısı
| zh-hant = 記錄飲用次數。
| zh-hans = 记录被喝下的次数。
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Crit-a-Cola}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Mad Milk|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Mad Milk|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Mutated Milk|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Mutated Milk|63px}}
Line 55: Line 79:
  | es = Número de enemigos [[Soaked/es|empapados]].
  | es = Número de enemigos [[Soaked/es|empapados]].
  | fi = [[Mad Milk/fi|Kasteltut]] viholliset (tai "Nöyryytysuhrit").
  | fi = [[Mad Milk/fi|Kasteltut]] viholliset (tai "Nöyryytysuhrit").
| fr = Nombre d’ennemis [[Coated/fr|recouverts]], ou de « victimes imbibées ».
  | ja = 敵に[[Covering/ja|浴びせた]]回数
  | ja = 敵に[[Covering/ja|浴びせた]]回数
  | ko = 우유로 적신 적의 수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 우유로 적신 적의 수로 올라갑니다.
Line 68: Line 93:
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Mutated Milk}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Mutated Milk}}
| class="gold" width=128px | {{icon item|Bonk! Atomic Punch|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch|63px}}
| class="gold" width=128px | {{icon item|Crit-a-Cola|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| en = Number of times ingested.
| de = Anzahl der Benutzungen.
| es = Número de veces ingerido.
| fi = Juomakertojen määrä.
| ja = 飲んだ回数
| ko = 마신 횟수로 올라갑니다.
| pl = Liczba zjedzonych produktów spożywczych.
| pt-br = Número de consumos.
| ru = Количество выпитого напитка («съедено вкусностей»).
| tr = Tüketilme sayısı
| zh-hant = 記錄飲用次數。
| zh-hans = 记录被喝下的次数。
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Crit-a-Cola}}
|- <!-- Soldier -->
|- <!-- Soldier -->
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Soldier|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Soldier|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Buff Banner|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Buff Banner|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Buff Banner|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Battalion's Backup|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = Number of banners deployed.
  | en = Number of banners deployed.
Line 96: Line 103:
  | es = Número de estandartes desplegados.
  | es = Número de estandartes desplegados.
  | fi = Aktivoitujen sotalippujen määrä.
  | fi = Aktivoitujen sotalippujen määrä.
| fr = Nombre de drapeaux déployés.
  | ja = 旗を掲げた回数
  | ja = 旗を掲げた回数
  | ko = 증진이 활성화된 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 증진이 활성화된 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 106: Line 114:
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Buff Banner}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Buff Banner}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Battalion's Backup|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Concheror|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Concheror|63px}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Concheror}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Concheror}}
|- <!-- Heavy -->
|- <!-- Heavy -->
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | '''{{Class link|Heavy|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | '''{{Class link|Heavy|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Sandvich|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Sandvich|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Sandvich|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Number of times eaten. Will only increase if used to heal damage.
  | en = Number of times eaten. Will only increase if used to heal damage.
  | de = Anzahl der Mahlzeiten. Wird nur erhöht, wenn tatsächlich geheilt wird.
  | de = Anzahl der Mahlzeiten. Wird nur erhöht, wenn tatsächlich geheilt wird.
  | es = Número de veces comido. Solo incrementará si se usa para regenerar salud.
  | es = Número de veces comido. Solo aumentará si se usa para regenerar salud.
  | fi = Kertoja syöty. Nousee vain, jos vahinkoa parantuu syödessä.
  | fi = Kertoja syöty. Nousee vain, jos vahinkoa parantuu syödessä.
| fr = Nombre de fois où l’en-cas a été consommé. N’augmente si utilisé pour soigner des dégâts.
  | ja = 食べて体力を回復した回数
  | ja = 食べて体力を回復した回数
  | ko = 먹은 횟수로 올라갑니다. 체력을 치료할때만 세어집니다.
  | ko = 먹은 횟수로 올라갑니다. 체력을 치료할때만 세어집니다.
Line 137: Line 145:
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Number of times eaten. Will increase if used to heal damage or not.
  | en = Number of times eaten. Will increase if used to heal damage or not.
  | es = Número de veces comido. Solo incrementará si se usa para regenerar salud.
  | es = Número de veces comido. Solo aumentará si se usa para regenerar salud.
| fr =  Nombre de fois où l’en-cas a été consommé. Augmente s'il soit utilisé pour soigner des dégâts ou non.
  | ja = 食べた回数(体力を回復しなくとも増加する)
  | ja = 食べた回数(体力を回復しなくとも増加する)
  | ko = 먹은 횟수로 올라갑니다. 체력을 치료할때만 세어집니다.
  | ko = 먹은 횟수로 올라갑니다. 체력을 치료할때만 세어집니다.
Line 153: Line 162:
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Holiday Punch|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Holiday Punch|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Number of enemies hit with [[critical hits]], or "Tickle Fights Won".
  | en = Number of enemies hit from behind, hit with [[critical hits]], or "Tickle Fights Won".
  | de = Anzahl mit [[Critical hit/de|kritischen]] Treffern getroffenen Gegnern bzw. "Kitzel-Kämpfe gewonnen".
  | de = Anzahl mit [[Critical hit/de|kritischen]] Treffern getroffenen Gegnern bzw. "Kitzel-Kämpfe gewonnen".
  | es = Número de enemigos golpeados con [[Critical hits/es|impactos directos]] o «Guerras de cosquillas ganadas»
  | es = Número de enemigos golpeados por la espalda, con [[Critical hits/es|impactos directos]] o «Guerras de cosquillas ganadas»
  | fi = Vihollisiin osuneet [[critical hit/fi|kriittiset osumat]] (tai "kutitustaisteluita voitettu").
  | fi = Vihollisiin osuneet [[critical hit/fi|kriittiset osumat]] (tai "kutitustaisteluita voitettu").
| fr = Nombre d'ennemis touchés de derrière, touchés avec des [[Critical hits/fr|coups critiques]] ou nombre de « combats de chatouilles gagnés ».
  | ja = [[critical hit/ja|クリティカルヒット]]を当てた回数(笑わせた回数)
  | ja = [[critical hit/ja|クリティカルヒット]]を当てた回数(笑わせた回数)
  | ko = 적들을 치명타로 웃게 만든 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 적들을 치명타로 웃게 만든 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 171: Line 181:
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=8 | '''{{Class link|Engineer|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=8 | '''{{Class link|Engineer|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Wrangler|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Wrangler|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Wrangler|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Giger Counter|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Giger Counter|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Wrangled [[Sentry]] kills.
  | en = Wrangled [[Sentry]] kills.
  | de = Ferngesteuerte [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry]]-Kills:  
  | de = Ferngesteuerte [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry]]-Kills:  
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|centinelas]] con Arreo.
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|armas centinela]] con Arreo.
| fr = Nombre d'ennemis tués avec une [[Sentry/fr|mitrailleuse]] contrôlée.
  | ja = 手動操縦による[[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数
  | ja = 手動操縦による[[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 조종 중인 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 조종 중인 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 191: Line 202:
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Melee}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Melee}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Wrench|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Wrench|63px}} {{icon item|Botkiller Wrench|63px}} {{icon item|Australium Wrench|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Wrench|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Gunslinger|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = [[Sentry Gun]] kills, whether Wrangled or not.<br>(Melee kills are tracked as an automatically-added strange part.)
  | en = [[Sentry Gun]] kills, whether Wrangled or not.<br>(Melee kills are tracked as an automatically-added strange part.)
  | de = [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry Gun]]-Tötungen, mit Sentry-Flüsterer oder nicht.
  | de = [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry Gun]]-Tötungen, mit Sentry-Flüsterer oder nicht.
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|centinela]], ya sea con Arreo o no.<br>(Las víctimas por arma cuerpo a cuerpo son registradas como una pieza rara automáticamente añadida.)
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|armas centinela]], ya sea con Arreo o no.<br>(Las víctimas por arma cuerpo a cuerpo se registran como una pieza rara automáticamente añadida.)
  | fi = Tapot [[Sentry Gun/fi|vartiotykeillä]], Karjapaimennettu tai ei.
  | fi = Tapot [[Sentry Gun/fi|vartiotykeillä]], Karjapaimennettu tai ei.
| fr = Nombre de frags avec la [[Sentry Gun/fr|mitrailleuse]], contrôlée ou non.<br/>(les frags de corps-à-corps sont comptabilisés comme une partie étrange automatiquement ajoutée.)
  | ja = [[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数(自動・手動どちらによるものでも可)
  | ja = [[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数(自動・手動どちらによるものでも可)
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 죽였든 안죽였든 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 죽였든 안죽였든 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 207: Line 220:
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Wrench}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Wrench}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Gunslinger}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Gunslinger|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Jag|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Jag|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Jag|63px}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Gunslinger}}
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Jag}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Jag}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|PDA}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|PDA}}
Line 220: Line 232:
  | en = [[Sentry Gun]] kills, whether Wrangled or not.<br>(Health Dispensed and Allies Teleported are also tracked as automatically-added strange parts.)
  | en = [[Sentry Gun]] kills, whether Wrangled or not.<br>(Health Dispensed and Allies Teleported are also tracked as automatically-added strange parts.)
  | de = [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry Gun]]-Tötungen, mit Sentry-Flüsterer oder nicht.
  | de = [[Sentry Gun/de|Sentry Gun]]-Tötungen, mit Sentry-Flüsterer oder nicht.
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|centinela]], ya sea con Arreo o no.<br>(La Salud dispensada y los Compañeros teleportados son registrados como piezas raras automáticamente añadidas.)
  | es = Víctimas por [[Sentry Gun/es|armas centinela]], ya sea con Arreo o no.<br>(La salud dispensada y los compañeros teleportados se registran como piezas raras automáticamente añadidas.)
  | fi = Tapot [[Sentry Gun/fi|vartiotykeillä]], Karjapaimennettu tai ei.
  | fi = Tapot [[Sentry Gun/fi|vartiotykeillä]], Karjapaimennettu tai ei.
| fr = Frags par la [[Sentry Gun/fr|mitrailleuse]], contrôlée ou non.<br>(les soins prodigués et les alliés téléportés sont également comptabilisés comme des parties étranges automatiquement ajoutées.)
  | ja = [[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数(自動・手動どちらによるものでも可)
  | ja = [[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]でのキル数(自動・手動どちらによるものでも可)
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 죽였든 안죽였든 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 원격 조련 장비로 죽였든 안죽였든 센트리 건으로 죽인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 237: Line 250:
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | '''{{Class link|Medic|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | '''{{Class link|Medic|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=6 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Medi Gun|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Medi Gun|63px}} {{icon item|Botkiller Medi Gun|63px}} {{icon item|Australium Medi Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Medi Gun|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Quick-Fix|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = [[ÜberCharge]]s on other players.<br>([[Kill assist]]s are tracked as an automatically-added strange part but do not influence rank.)<br>(The [[Vaccinator]]'s [[ÜberCharge]] number is divided by four, due to it having four [[ÜberCharge]]s and only after a multiple of four [[ÜberCharge]]s are used in a single life does it count as an [[ÜberCharge]]. (Essentially four [[Vaccinator]] [[ÜberCharge]]s are equal to one [[Stock]] strange [[ÜberCharge]].)
  | en = [[ÜberCharge]]s on other players.<br>([[Kill assist]]s are tracked as an automatically-added strange part but do not influence rank.)<br>The [[Vaccinator]]'s [[ÜberCharge]] number is divided by four, due to it having four [[ÜberCharge]]s and only after a multiple of four [[ÜberCharge]]s are used in a single life does it count as an [[ÜberCharge]]. (Essentially four [[Vaccinator]] [[ÜberCharge]]s are equal to one [[Stock]] strange [[ÜberCharge]].)
  | de = [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladungen]]
  | de = [[ÜberCharge/de|Überladungen]]
  | es = [[ÜberCharge/es|Supercargas]].<br>(Las [[Kill assist/es|asistencias]] son registradas como una pieza rara automáticamente añadida pero no influencia en el rango.)<br>(El número de Supercargas del {{item link|Vaccinator}} se divide entre cuatro, ya que tiene cuatro Supercargas, y solo después de que se use un múltiplo de cuatro Supercargas en una sola vida cuentan como una Supercarga. En pocas palabras, 4 Supercargas del {{item name|Vaccinator}} cuenta como 1 Supercarga de la {{item name|Medi Gun}}.)
  | es = [[ÜberCharge/es|Supercargas]] a jugadores.<br>(Las [[Kill assist/es|asistencias]] se registran como una pieza rara automáticamente añadida pero no influye en el rango.)<br>El número de Supercargas del {{item link|Vaccinator}} se divide entre cuatro, ya que tiene cuatro Supercargas, y solo contará después de usar un múltiplo de cuatro Supercargas en una sola vida, contando como una Supercarga. (En pocas palabras, 4 Supercargas del {{item name|Vaccinator}} cuentan como 1 Supercarga de la {{item name|Medi Gun}}).
  | fi = [[ÜberCharge/fi|Ylilataukset]].
  | fi = [[ÜberCharge/fi|Ylilataukset]].
| fr = Les [[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharge]]s sur d'autres joueurs.<br>(les [[Kill assist/fr|assists]] sont comptabilisées comme une partie étrange automatiquement ajoutée, mais n'influencent pas le rang.)<br/>Le nombre d’[[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharge]] du {{item link|Vaccinator}} sont divisés par quatre, car possédant quatre [[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharges]] dans une seule utilisation. (globalement, quatre [[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharges]] du {{item name|Vaccinator}} sont équivalentes à une [[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharge]] [[Stock/fr|normale]].)
  | ja = [[ÜberCharge/ja|ユーバーチャージ]]を発動した回数
  | ja = [[ÜberCharge/ja|ユーバーチャージ]]を発動した回数
  | ko = 우버차지 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 우버차지 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 253: Line 268:
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Medi Gun}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Medi Gun}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Quick-Fix}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Quick-Fix|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Quick-Fix|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Vaccinator|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Vaccinator|63px}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Quick-Fix}}
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Vaccinator}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Vaccinator}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Kritzkrieg|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Number of [[Kill assist]]s.
  | en = Number of [[Kill assist]]s.
  | de = Anzahl der [[Kill assist/de|Tötungshelfer]].
  | de = Anzahl der [[Kill assist/de|Tötungshelfer]].
  | es = Número de [[Kill assist/es|asistencias]]
  | es = Número de [[Kill assist/es|asistencias]].
  | fi = [[Kill assist/fi|Tappoavustukset]].
  | fi = [[Kill assist/fi|Tappoavustukset]].
| fr = Nombre d'[[Kill assist/fr|assists]].
  | ja = [[Kill assist/ja|キルアシスト]]の数
  | ja = [[Kill assist/ja|キルアシスト]]の数
  | ko =[[Kill assist/ko|처치 도움]] 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko =[[Kill assist/ko|처치 도움]] 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 281: Line 296:
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Sniper|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | '''{{Class link|Sniper|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Secondary}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Jarate|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Jarate|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Jarate|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Self-Aware Beauty Mark|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Self-Aware Beauty Mark|63px}}
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
Line 288: Line 303:
  | es = Número de enemigos empapados.
  | es = Número de enemigos empapados.
  | fi = Kasteltut viholliset (tai "Nöyryytysuhrit").
  | fi = Kasteltut viholliset (tai "Nöyryytysuhrit").
| fr = Nombre d’ennemis recouverts, ou de « victimes imbibées ».
  | ja = 敵に浴びせた回数
  | ja = 敵に浴びせた回数
  | ko = 적을 적신 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 적을 적신 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 305: Line 321:
  | en = Number of Spies shocked by backstab attempts, or "Spies Shocked".
  | en = Number of Spies shocked by backstab attempts, or "Spies Shocked".
  | de = Anzahl der "Geschockten Spys".
  | de = Anzahl der "Geschockten Spys".
  | es = Número de Spies electrocutados por intentos de puñaladas, o «Spies electrocutados».
  | es = Número de Spies electrocutados por intentos de puñaladas o «Spies electrocutados».
  | fi = Spyitä šokattu selkäänpuukotusta yritettäessä (tai "selkiä suojattu").
  | fi = Spyitä šokattu selkäänpuukotusta yritettäessä (tai "selkiä suojattu").
| fr = Nombre de Spies bloqués par des tentatives de poignardage, ou de « Spies bloqués ».
  | ja = バックスタブを行おうとしたスパイを痺れさせた回数
  | ja = バックスタブを行おうとしたスパイを痺れさせた回数
  | ko = 백스탭을 시도하는 스파이에게 전기 충격을 가한 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 백스탭을 시도하는 스파이에게 전기 충격을 가한 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 321: Line 338:
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=8 | '''{{Class link|Spy|br=yes}}'''
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=8 | '''{{Class link|Spy|br=yes}}'''
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Building}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|Building}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Sapper|63px}} {{icon item|Festive Sapper|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Sapper|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Red-Tape Recorder|63px}}
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
| rowspan=4 | {{lang
  | en = Number of [[building]]s destroyed.
  | en = Number of [[building]]s destroyed.
Line 327: Line 345:
  | es = Número de [[building/es|construcciones]] destruidas.
  | es = Número de [[building/es|construcciones]] destruidas.
  | fi = [[Buildings/fi|Rakennuksia]] tuhottu.
  | fi = [[Buildings/fi|Rakennuksia]] tuhottu.
| fr = Nombre de [[Building/fr|constructions]] détruite.
  | ja = [[building/ja|装置]]を破壊した回数
  | ja = [[building/ja|装置]]を破壊した回数
  | ko = 구조물을 파괴한 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 구조물을 파괴한 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 337: Line 356:
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Sapper}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Sapper}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Red-Tape Recorder}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Red-Tape Recorder|63px}}
| colspan=2 class="gold" | {{icon item|Snack Attack|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Snack Attack|63px}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Red-Tape Recorder}}
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Snack Attack}}
| class="nameplate" | {{item link|Snack Attack}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|PDA2}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=4 | {{item name|PDA2}}
Line 351: Line 369:
  | en = Number of seconds [[Cloak]]ed. Points are added to counter upon decloak.
  | en = Number of seconds [[Cloak]]ed. Points are added to counter upon decloak.
  | de = In der Tarnung verbrachte Sekunden.
  | de = In der Tarnung verbrachte Sekunden.
  | es = Número de segundos [[Cloak/es|invisible]]. Los puntos son añadidos al desactivar la invisibilidad.
  | es = Número de segundos [[Cloak/es|invisible]]. Los puntos se añaden al desactivar la invisibilidad.
  | fi = Verhoutuneena vietetyt sekunnit. Pisteet lisätään laskuriin Spyn epäverhoutuessa.
  | fi = Verhoutuneena vietetyt sekunnit. Pisteet lisätään laskuriin Spyn epäverhoutuessa.
| fr = Nombre de secondes [[Cloak/fr|invisible]]. Les points sont ajoutés au compteur jusqu'à la désactivation.
  | ja = [[Cloak/ja|透明]]になった秒数(透明化解除時に加算)
  | ja = [[Cloak/ja|透明]]になった秒数(透明化解除時に加算)
  | ko = 투명화된 시간으로 올라갑니다. 그 시간은 투명화가 풀렸을 때 기록됩니다.
  | ko = 투명화된 시간으로 올라갑니다. 그 시간은 투명화가 풀렸을 때 기록됩니다.
Line 372: Line 391:
  | es = Número de muertes fingidas.
  | es = Número de muertes fingidas.
  | fi = Teeskennellyt kuolemat.
  | fi = Teeskennellyt kuolemat.
| fr = Nombre de morts feintées.
  | ja = 擬死を発動した回数
  | ja = 擬死を発動した回数
  | ko = 죽음을 속인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 죽음을 속인 횟수로 올라갑니다.
Line 392: Line 412:
  | es = [[Points/es|Puntos]] obtenidos mientras se usa el objeto.
  | es = [[Points/es|Puntos]] obtenidos mientras se usa el objeto.
  | fi = [[Points/fi|Pisteitä]] ansaittu esinettä käyttäessä.
  | fi = [[Points/fi|Pisteitä]] ansaittu esinettä käyttäessä.
| fr = [[Points/fr|Points]] marqués en portant l’objet.
  | ja = アイテムを装備中に獲得した[[Points/ja|ポイント]]数
  | ja = アイテムを装備中に獲得した[[Points/ja|ポイント]]数
  | ko = 이 아이템을 착용하고 기록한 점수로 올라갑니다.
  | ko = 이 아이템을 착용하고 기록한 점수로 올라갑니다.
Line 407: Line 428:
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Kills in the [[Carnival of Carnage]] while wearing the item, or "Carnival Kills".<br>(Carnival Underworld Kills and Carnival Games Won are also tracked as automatically-added strange parts.)
  | en = Kills in the [[Carnival of Carnage]] while wearing the item, or "Carnival Kills".<br>(Carnival Underworld Kills and Carnival Games Won are also tracked as automatically-added strange parts.)
  | es = Muertes en [[Carnival of Carnage/es|Carnival of Carnage]] mientras se usa el objeto, o «Víctimas en Carnival».<br>(Las Víctimas en el inframundo de Carnival y Juegos ganados en Carnival son registrados como piezas raras automáticamente añadidas)
  | es = Muertes en [[Carnival of Carnage/es|Carnival of Carnage]] mientras se usa el objeto, o «Víctimas en Carnival».<br>(Las víctimas en el Inframundo de Carnival y los minijuegos ganados en Carnival se registran como piezas raras automáticamente añadidas).
| fr = Nombre de frags sur la carte {{map link|Carnival of Carnage}} en portant l’objet, ou « Frags du Carnival ».<br>(les frags dans les Enfers du Carnival et des jeux Carnival sont également comptabilisés comme automatiquement ajoutés dans les pièces étranges.)
  | ja = アイテムを装備中に[[Carnival of Carnage/ja|Carnival of Carnage]]で獲得したキル数
  | ja = アイテムを装備中に[[Carnival of Carnage/ja|Carnival of Carnage]]で獲得したキル数
  | pl = Zabójstwa na [[Carnival of Carnage/pl|Carnival of Carnage]] podczas noszenia tego przedmiotu.<br>(Zabójstwa w cyrku na Carnival of Carnage i Liczba wygranych gier na Carnival of Carnage są również śledzone dzięku automatycznie dodanej kuriozalnej części.)
  | pl = Zabójstwa na [[Carnival of Carnage/pl|Carnival of Carnage]] podczas noszenia tego przedmiotu.<br>(Zabójstwa w cyrku na Carnival of Carnage i Liczba wygranych gier na Carnival of Carnage są również śledzone dzięku automatycznie dodanej kuriozalnej części.)
Line 420: Line 442:
  | en = Haunted Cosmetic items
  | en = Haunted Cosmetic items
  | es = Objetos cosméticos de Calidad Embrujada
  | es = Objetos cosméticos de Calidad Embrujada
| fr = Objets cosmétiques hantés
  | ru = Предметы Призрачного вида
  | ru = Предметы Призрачного вида
  | pl = Nawiedzone Przedmioty kosmetyczne
  | pl = Nawiedzone Przedmioty kosmetyczne
Line 428: Line 451:
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|Action item}}
| style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan=2 | {{item name|Action items}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Battery Canteens|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Battery Canteens|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritz or Treat Canteen|63px}}
| class="gold" | {{icon item|Kritz or Treat Canteen|63px}}
Line 434: Line 457:
  | en = Number of Power Up Canteens used in [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)|Mann vs. Machine]].
  | en = Number of Power Up Canteens used in [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)|Mann vs. Machine]].
  | es = Número de Cantimploras Potenciadoras usadas en [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/es|Mann vs. Máquinas]].
  | es = Número de Cantimploras Potenciadoras usadas en [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/es|Mann vs. Máquinas]].
| fr = Nombre de gourdes utilisées en [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/fr|Mann vs. Machine]].
  | ru = Количество использований в режиме [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/ru|Манн против машин]].
  | ru = Количество использований в режиме [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/ru|Манн против машин]].
  | pl = Liczba użytych mannierek wzmacniających na trybie [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/pl|Mann kontra Maszyny]]
  | pl = Liczba użytych mannierek wzmacniających na trybie [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/pl|Mann kontra Maszyny]]
Line 447: Line 471:
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
| rowspan=2 | {{lang
  | en = Times performed.
  | en = Times performed.
  | es = Veces realizado.
  | es = Veces realizada.
| fr = Nombre de fois exécutée.
  | ja = 実行した回数.
  | ja = 実行した回数.
  | ru = Время использования.
  | ru = Время использования.
Line 459: Line 484:
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Burstchester‎}}
| colspan=2 class="nameplate" | {{item link|Burstchester‎}}
| colspan="2" style="background:#ffbd7e;"  | '''{{common string|itt note}}'''
| colspan="3" style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left" |
* {{lang
| en = Includes [[Festive weapons|Festive]], [[Botkiller weapons|Botkiller]] and [[Australium weapons|Australium]] variants.
| da = Inkluderer [[Festive weapons/da|Festlige]], [[Botkiller weapons/da|Robotdræbende]] og [[Australium weapons/da|Australium]] varianter.
| es = Incluye variantes [[Festive weapons/es|Festivas]] y [[Botkiller weapons/es|Matabots]].
| fr = Inclut les variantes [[Festive weapons/fr|Festives]] et [[Botkiller weapons/fr|Tueuses de robots]] et [[Australium weapons/fr|Australium]].
| ja = [[Festive weapons/ja|フェスティブ]]、[[Botkiller weapons/ja|ボットキラー]]および[[Australium weapons/ja|オーストラリウム]]バージョンの武器でも性能に違いはありません。
| ko = [[Festive weapons/ko|축제장식]], [[Botkiller weapons/ko|봇 파괴용]], [[Australium weapons/ko|오스트레일륨]] 버전 무기를 포함합니다.
| nl = Inclusief [[Festive weapons/nl|Feestelijke]]- en [[Botkiller weapons/nl|Botkiller]]varianten.
| ru = Включает в себя варианты [[Festive weapons/ru|праздничного]] оружия, оружия [[Botkiller weapons/ru|Ботоубийцы]] и [[Australium_weapons|из австралия]].
| tr = [[Festive weapons/tr|Keyifli]], [[Botkiller weapons/tr|Robot Katili]] ve[[Australium weapons/tr| Australium]] olanakları bulunmaktadır.
{{translation switching|en, es, ru, pl, tr, zh-hant, zh-hans}}
{{translation switching|en, es, fr, ru, pl, tr, zh-hant, zh-hans}}

Latest revision as of 13:10, 5 December 2024