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{{Map infobox
| game-type=Capture the Flag
| file-name=ctf_2fort
| map-image=Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png
| map-multiple-stages =
| map-environment = Teren de fermă
| map-setting = Ziuă, însorit
| map-deep-water = Yes
| map-health-pickups-small = 2
| map-health-pickups-medium = 4
| map-health-pickups-large =
| map-ammo-pickups-small = 2
| map-ammo-pickups-medium = 4
| map-ammo-pickups-large =
'''2Fort''' este o hartă de tip [[Capture the Flag/ro|Capturează Steagul]] și este o refacere a hărții cu același nume din [[Team Fortress Classic/ro|Team Fortress Classic]], aceste hărți sunt ambele bazate pe harta [[Team Fortress/ro|Team Fortress]] "2fort5." 2Fort a fost prima hartă [[CTF/ro|CTF]] oficială pentru [[Team Fortress 2/ro|Team Fortress 2]]. A fost lansată ca una din cele șase hărți inițiale incluse la lansarea jocului.
Această hartă constă în două forturi similare opuse unul de altul, care sunt separate de un bazin umplut cu [[water/ro|apă]]. Un pod acoperit trece peste bazin și locurile de bătălie de pe fiecare fort conțin poziții excelente pentru a ataca jucătorii care vin din sens opus, particular pentru [[Sniper/ro|Sniper]].
Sunt câte trei intrări în fiecare fort, oricum nu toate sunt accesibile de fiecare clasă. Intrările primare se află la nivelul solui. Sunt rămpi scurte care duc către fiecare intrare, și intrările se strâng sub o poartă deschisă. Aceste rămpi le dau voie apărătorilor să atace intrușii de sus. A doua intrare este prin canalizările de sub bază. Intrările dintre canal și bază au niște scări și o baltă mare de apă; această zonă este un punct bun pentru atac. A treia intrare sunt zonele de bătălii de la fiecare bază, care pot fi accesate doar folosind tehnici speciale de [[Jumping/ro|sărire]] precum cele pentru [[Scout/ro|Scout]], [[Soldier/ro|Soldier]], [[Demoman/ro|Demoman]], sau [[Engineer/ro|Engineer]].
Bazele 2fort sunt celem ia ușor de apărat din toate hărțil oficiale CTF mulțumită pasagelor lungi și ușor de blocat către camera steagului echipei. Fiecare captură necesită coordonare în echipă substanțială, mai ales când sunt mulți jucători.
Pentru a câștiga, echipa ta trebuie să captureze [[Intelligence/ro|Inteligența]] echipei inamice continuu până la limita jocului de capturări (3 în mod normal), în timp ce preveniți echipa opusă în realizarea aceleiași misiuni.
== Film introducător ==
== Locații ==
=== Outside Locations ===
*'''Bridge:''' Produl care conectează cele două forturi. În încarnarea TF2, diferit de celelalte versiuni, podul este acoperit, dându-le voie jucătorilor [[Scout/ro|Scout]] să facă o săritură dublă din battlement, să alerge peste acoperiș și să sară pe battlement-ul opus. Acoperișul de asemenea oferă acoperire jucătorilor care avansează și în general mută acțiunea hărții către baze.
:În mod comun, [[Scout/ro|Scout]] nu are nicio problemă să sară pe pod, dar ar putea cădea la a doua săritură către fortul opus aterizând scurt în fața unei uși. Marginea adoperișului podului are probleme; dacă un Scout încearcă să sară chiar pe margine, în termenii mecanici ai jocului aceștia vor cădea și vor avea doar o săritură de folosit. Săritul cu o secundă mai repede este destul pentru a remedia această problemă.
:Scout de pe acoperișul podului sunt expuși focului unui [[Sniper/ro|Sniper]], care limitează disanța săriturilor, acesta fiind un alt obstacol al unui Scout ofensiv.
*'''Entrance:'''  After crossing the bridge, there are two ground floor entrances into the base.  The "Entrance" extends from those two doorways into the base a short distance.  From here, the layout of the entrance is a T-shape. Turning left brings the player to the stairs that lead down to the sewers, as well as the narrow corridor linking the Battlement Resupply room to both the entrance and the Courtyard (there is a trapdoor in the ceiling allowing players to drop down from the Resupply room). Turning right leads you into a medium-sized room with a door at the opposite end which also provides access to the courtyard. This room is heavily trafficked by both teams, as it is the most direct way to reach the courtyard from the main entrance. [[Engineer]]s can set up small camps in here if the enemy is attempting to push through the entrance. In addition, because the room is large, it is often a hiding place for [[Spy|Spies]]. In most other parts of 2Fort, corridors are too narrow to provide much cover for an invisible Spy, but this room is an exception, allowing them to move past battles occurring in the entrance undetected.
*'''Battlements:''' The Battlements are on the front of the second floor of each base and have a center "bunker" section. This section has large glass-less windows and is a roofed structure. The windows allow almost unbroken line of sight into the area. In TF2, the battlements are also referred to as the "balcony," as well as the "Sniper ledge," or "Sniper deck," due to their main purpose as a platform for [[Sniper]]s. Snipers generally camp the ledges, which give them an excellent view of most of the exterior of 2Fort, with the exception of the bridge and under the water beneath it.
<gallery widths=150px heights=80px>
File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|Exteriorul bazei [[RED/ro|RED]].
File:CTF 2Fort BLU base.png|Baza BLU, văzută din zona de bătălii.
File:CTF 2Fort BluBase.png|Exteriorul bazei [[BLU/ro|BLU]], incluzând apa și podul.
File:CTF 2Fort Water.png|Apa de sub pod, incluzând intrările în canale.
File:CTF RED battlements.png|Zona de bătălii RED, asemenea celei BLU.
=== Fort Locations ===
*'''The Sewers:''' The tunnels under each base, leading from the [[water]] beneath the bridge to the "Entrance", are generally referred to as "the sewers". They are severely dog-legged, creating numerous extra blind corners around which to fight, giving [[Pyro]]s a defensive edge. In each sewer, there is a room recessed into a corner in such a way that it is impossible to gain line of sight to 100% of the room from inside the tunnels. On the water-side of the room, the tunnel has two 90 degree bends, but on the base-side of the room there is one long unbroken stretch of tunnel. The long tunnel makes a long-range line of sight between the room and the sewer exit. The rooms in the sewers are often camped by Engineers, who use [[Teleporter exit|Teleporters]] to allow their team quick access to the enemy base. Otherwise, the sewers are generally used as a way of entering the enemy base free from the attention of the Snipers above. The narrowness of the sewers makes it difficult for [[Spy|Spies]] to sneak past enemies also using the tunnels.
*'''Courtyard:''' The Courtyard is the main means of transition between the ground floor and the second floor in each base. It is an enclosed, roofless space inside each base, next to the main spawn room and on the player's right when they come through the entrance. It is bounded on three sides by high ledges, and there are doors connecting to the spawn room, a staircase leading down to the Intelligence room on the second floor, and a door from the entrance and from the balcony spawn corridor on the ground floor. A pair of stair cases allow access from below to the upper level. [[Engineer]]s often use the space as a major defensive point, as it provides the only means of access to the Intelligence for most classes. By setting up a [[Sentry Gun]], an Engineer can successfully provide effective defense against assaults on the intelligence, particularly if positioned so as to cover the Battlements doorway.
*'''Grate:''' This is the small room with the grated floor right above the entrance of each base. It is connected directly to the upstairs area, and as a result is often used by players to gain quick access to battles in the entrance. [[Demoman|Demomen]], [[Soldier]]s and [[Scout]]s can jump up to the second story through this, providing another means of access to the second floor. Classes such as the [[Engineer]] and [[Demoman]] can also camp above the grate, limiting enemy access through the front entrance. Splash damage is dealt through the grate.
*'''Upstairs:''' The large room on the second floor, adjacent to the main resupply room. The upstairs area has an exit to the Battlements, the "grate", the "top of the spiral", and the "courtyard". This room is heavily trafficked as it is a major crossroads in the map, connecting practically every area of the base. It is often used by Scouts who have jumped to the balcony, as it provides a direct route to the Intelligence via the spiral ramp. The Upstairs area is also commonly referred to as the "hay room" or "hayloft" (due to the large piles of hay on the floor,) or the "upstairs lobby".
<gallery widths=150px heights=80px perrow=4>
File:CTF 2Fort OutsideRedSpawn.png|Scări din afara zonei de venire.
File:CTF 2Fort Courtyard.png|Curte.
File:CTF 2Fort LongHall.png|Downstairs, long hallway.
File:CTF 2Fort RedEntrance.png|[[RED]] base entrance.
File:CTF 2Fort Sewers.png|Sewers, below ground level.
=== Main Base Locations ===
*'''Spiral:''' The spiral ramp that leads from the basement up and out of the base is one of only two access points to the Intelligence room. Like the sewers, the spiral is a narrow corridor with frequent right-angles. This tends to result in close-quarters fighting, and due to the confined space it is fairly easy to block enemy access with a [[Dispenser]], [[Sentry Gun]] or a [[Heavy]]. At the top, the spiral connects to the upstairs area via a small room, in which there is a small [[Health|Health Pack]] and [[Ammo|Ammo Pack]], as well as two small corners in which [[Spy|Spies]] often hide. A direct line of sight can be drawn from the upstairs area along the top length of the spiral, allowing [[Sniper]]s to eliminate enemies with the Intelligence as they climb the spiral.
*'''L-Shaft:''' This room is a long ramp running from the back of the ramp room into the basement. It is the other egress point for a stolen Intelligence. It is named the "L-Shaft" because it contained an elevator in previous incarnations of the 2Fort map. It is often called the "back stairs", "long stairs", "straight stairs", "stairs", or simply "straight".
*'''Basement:''' The space downstairs between the spiral ramp and the L-shaft is the "Basement".  It leads to the Intelligence room.  There is a resupply point at the end nearest to the L-shaft. There is a Health pack and an Ammo box in the middle of the basement - added in [[April 29, 2008 Patch]]. The addition of these pickups has made camping the Intelligence harder, and attacking the Intelligence slightly easier.
[[Image:TF2 2fort intel.png|164px|right|thumb|BLU intel room]]
*'''Intelligence room:''' This is the room that has the Intelligence. It has two entrances from the basement. This is the primary defensive point of 2Fort, and as such it is frequently camped by [[Engineer]]s, [[Demoman|Demomen]], and other classes. To successfully capture your opposition's Intelligence, you must return it to the Intelligence room in your own base. The Intelligence is on top of a desk in the opposite corner to both entrances. The way the room is laid out makes it very simple for campers to entrench themselves, and successfully removing them can be almost impossible without an [[ÜberCharge]].
<gallery widths=150px heights=80px perrow=4>
File:CTF BLU respawn 1.png|BLU main respawn, same as RED.
File:CTF 2Fort SpiralEntrance.png|Spiral entrance to Intelligence.
File:CTF 2Fort Downstairs.png|Basement, hub directly outside intel.
File:CTF 2Fort Staircase.png|Straight stairs entrance to Intelligence.
File:CTF 2fort REDIntelRoom.png|The RED Intelligence room.
File:2fortDemomanDefenseTrap1.png|A [[Demoman]] [[camping]] in RED's basement.
== Strategy ==
{{hatnote|See [[2Fort (strategy)]]}}
== Related Achievements ==
=== [[Image:Achieved.png|20px|link=Achievements{{if lang}}]] [[achievements|General]] ===
{{Achievement table
| {{Show achievement|General|Powerhouse Offense}}
| {{Show achievement|General|World Traveler}}
== Update history ==
'''[[April 29, 2008 Patch]]'''
*Added medium ammo and health to basement hallways.
*Added small ammo and health to top of spiral.
*Fixed a clip brush exploit outside blue Sniper deck.
*Fixed number "2" overlay on front of red base not being assigned to the brush face.
'''[[February 23, 2010 Patch]]'''
*Fixed BLU players being able to block the BLU spawn room doors to lock in teammates.
*Moved the BLU team Sniper wall down to match the RED team Sniper wall.
== Bugs ==
*Currently, a Dispenser placed in the doorway to the Spiral Ramp will only completely block enemy players and the owning Engineer on the BLU side of the map.  A Dispenser placed in a similar position on the RED side of the map can always be bypassed by crouch-jumping over it.
*Due to the ankle-depth water in the sewers, players using them can be heard walking from almost anywhere inside the base, even the Battlements.
*Players can jump in and out of the Sniper battlement window frames when playing 2Fort on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version; however, in the PC version of 2Fort this is not possible.
*On the corner of the top of the building near spawn near the BLU battlements there is an invisible clipping that allows [[Soldiers]] and [[Demomen]] to jump up to and see through the map.
*In GameInformer's March 2010 issue, 2Fort was named #6 in their list of Top 10 FPS Multiplayer Maps, with Dust from Counter-Strike taking #1 (Issue 203, page 31)
*''"The Teufort Times"'' is the title of the newspaper seen in [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/part3/ Crafting, Saxton Hale] part of the [[WAR! Update]]. "Teufort" is obviously a play on words with 2Fort.
**Teufort is, however, shown to be the real locational name of the map, as suggested by the [[:File:Mannslandmap.png|Mann's land]] map, and can be seen near the bottom of the [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ Engineer Update].
*According to the map of Mann's Land, 2Fort (again called Teufort) is north of [[Dustbowl]] and eastward from [[Badwater Basin]].
*A Beta version of 2Fort can be seen in the [[Trailer 2|second ''Team Fortress 2'' trailer]].
== References ==
<references />
== See also ==
* [[List of maps]]
* [[:Category:2Fort images|Images of 2Fort]]
* [[Capture the Flag]]
* [[2Fort (Classic)]]
{{Maps nav}}
{{Map infobox
| game-type=Control Point
| file-name=cp_junction_final
| map-image=Junct 01.jpg
| developer=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| map-stamp-link=http://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/leaderboards/30384
| map-environment = Spytech
| map-setting = Indoor
| map-health-pickups-small = 8
| map-health-pickups-medium = 1
| map-health-pickups-large =
| map-ammo-pickups-small =
| map-ammo-pickups-medium = 7
| map-ammo-pickups-large =
{{Quotation|[http://www.teamfortress.com/scoutupdate/watchtower_and_junction.htm Scout Update page for Junction]| A Gravel Pit style map. Junction is a sharp contrast to [[Watchtower]]. It’s full of tight spaces and short sight lines, which create combat opportunities dominated by ambushes and explosive weaponry.}}
'''Junction''' este o hartă în stil Atac/Defensivă cu [[Control Point/ro|Puncte de Control]]. A fost inclusă împreună cu [[The Scout Update/ro|Actualizarea Scout]] ca o hartă oficială dezvoltată de comunitate mulțumită calității acesteia. Design-ul este similar cu cel de pe [[Gravel Pit/ro|Gravel Pit]].
Scopul echipei BLU este de a ataca și trebuie să captureze toate cele trei puncte de control pentru a câștiga jocul. A și B trebuie capturate înainte ca C să se poată captura. Pentru ca echipa RED să câștige, ei trebuie să prevină echipa BLU să captureze ultimul punct de control C. Dacă echipa BLU captureaza ori punctul A ori B se adaugă timp pentru a câștiga mai mult timp în capturarea ultimului punct.
[[Image:Junction overview.jpg|thumb|top|Privire în ansamblu a hărți.(fișier mare)]]
Junction este o hartă strâmtă, cu multe holuri și pasaje care duc către cele trei puncte de control. Folosirea claselor Demoman și Soldier duce la rezultate optime atât în defensivă cât și în ofensivă.
===Punctul de Control A===
Punctul A se află într-o cameră mică pe o platformă ridicată cu două seturi de scări care duc sus. Scările sunt sub punct, unul în față, alăturată de camera de spawn a echipei BLU și una pe lateral.
*'''A Lobby:''' A Lobby este o zonă mică imediat după ieșirea din camera de spawn a echipei BLU, sub punct. Aceasta face conexiunea cu holurile A/B, scări și holurile A/C.
*'''Stairs:''' Dedesubtul punctului se află un set mic de scări care duc direct în spatele punctului.
*'''Platform:''' Platforma e zona ridicată de la capătul scărilor, cea pe care se află punctul de control.
*'''A/B Flank:''' Flancul A/B este conectat către Lobby. Acesta este un hol care duce direct către punctul de control B. De asemenea conectează flancul A/C.
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_01.png|Cap Point A
Image:junction_cp_04.png|Cap Point A
File:junctionA01.png| Stairwell
File:junctionA02.png| A/C & A/B Flank
===Control Point B===
Punctul B se află într-o cameră mai mare cu un balcon care acoperă doi pereți între el. B este in colțul unde cele două balcoane se întâlnesc, și e accesibil doar prin cele două holuri de pe lateral. Punctul în sine este acoperit de o fereastră indestructibilă, prevenind focul inamic să lovească direct punctul. Două scări înconjoară și duc către punct.
*'''B Lobby:''' B Lobby este un alt hol aflat la ieșirea din locul de spawn al echipei BLU. Este mai mare decât lobby-ul A, și are cutii împrăștiate în jur. Se conectează cu flancul A/B și duce către balcoane.
*'''Balconies:''' Balcoanele se află la scările din lobby și merg de-a lungul pereților. Amândouă duc către camera cu punctul de control. Balconul mai îndepărtat duce către flancul B/C.
*'''Point Room:''' Camera punctului este locată la sfârșitul balcoanelor și adăpostește punctul de control. Este sigilată de niște ferestre cu vedere la balcoane.
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_02.png|Cap Point B
Image:junction_cp_05.png|Cap Point B
File:junctionB01.png| A/B Flank
File:junctionB02.png| Balcony
===Control Point C===
P is located on a platform that rests on an elevated area that is, again, only accessible by stairs. The point itself has a small balcony surrounding it's front side and two side doors. Stairs lead from the point down to the elevated area. The elevated area also has stairs leading down to ground level. There are three entrances to C, two from A and one from B. The entrance from B is at the bottom of a flight of stairs, and the two from A are small doorways.
*'''A/C Flank:''' From Point A is a hallway which forks into two entrances to C. Both of these are located near each other at the bottom of the stairwell.
*'''B/C Flank:''' From Point B is another hallway which leads to an entrance at the other end of the stairwell. Next to the hallway is a room with two open windows viewing the area around the point.
*'''Balcony:''' Surrounding the point room, at the top of the stairs is a balcony from which the entire stairwell area can be seen. This area gives height advantage against any attackers.
*'''Battlements:''' Next to the point near the A/C flank is a small hallway and set of stairs. At the end of them is a tight area with a window all along the wall facing the point. This spot overlooks most of the area and is very useful as a [[Sentry Gun]] placement spot.
*'''Point Room:''' The point room is located in the center of the area, right outside the spawn, and on top of the stairs. It is shaped like a box with two entrances on each side of the balcony. Each side also has large windows along the walls.
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_06.png|Cap Point C
Image:junction_cp_03.png|Cap Point C
File:junctionC01.png| A/C Flank
File:junctionC02.png| Battlements
{{hatnote|Vezi [[Community Junction strategy/ro]]}}
== Timp Punct Control ==
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map}}
== Istorie actualizări ==
'''[[March 5, 2009 Patch]]'''
* Fixed an exploit where Engineers could build a teleporter exit in an invalid area.
* Fixed a few bad overlay assignments and other minor issues.
'''[[April 20, 2009 Patch]]'''
* Updated Junction to score per-capture instead of per-round. This fixes the map not working correctly with Tournament mode and the stopwatch.
== Trivia ==
*Junction's control points have the same name as the control points from Gravel Pit (i.e. Point C is still called "The Laser Gun")
== External links ==
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/scoutupdate/watchtower_and_junction.htm ''The Scout Update'': Maps - Watchtower + Junction]
<br />
{{Maps nav}}

Latest revision as of 22:43, 28 December 2023