Difference between revisions of "Template:Surviving fire table"

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(Template + NL)
(Translated to zh-hans.)
(12 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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! class="header" width="20%" | {{lang
! class="header" width="20%" | {{lang
  | en = Instant extinguish
  | en = Instant extinguish
| cs = Okamžité uhašení
| es = Apagan las llamas al instante
| fr = Extinction instantanée
  | nl = Onmiddelijk geblust
  | nl = Onmiddelijk geblust
| pt-br = Extinção instantânea
| zh-hans = 立刻灭火
! class="header" | {{Common string|Notes}}
! class="header" | {{navbar float|Surviving fire table|right}}{{Common string|Notes}}
| [[File:Pickups.png|100px|link=Pickups{{if lang}}]]<br>{{lang
| [[File:Pickups.png|100px|link=Pickups{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Pickups{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en = [[Pickups]]
  | en = Pickups
  | nl = [[Pickups/nl|Grondvoorwerpen]]
| cs = Předměty, které lze sebrat
| es = Recolectables
| fr = Recharges
  | nl = Grondvoorwerpen
| pt-br = Coletáveis
| zh-hans = 拾取物
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Picking up a [[health]] pack, thrown lunchbox item,<br>or a dropped ammo pack from a dead Heavy that was holding a lunchbox item before death.
  | en = Picking up a [[health]] pack, thrown lunchbox item, <br>or a dropped ammo pack from a dead Heavy that was holding a lunchbox item before death.
| cs = Sebrání balíčku [[health/cs|zdraví]], hozeného jídelního předmětu, <br>nebo krabice s municí z mrtvého Heavyho který před smrtí držel jídelní předmět.
| es = Al recoger un [[Health/es|botiquín]], fiambrera o cualquier munición de un Heavy<br>mientras llevaba una fiambrera antes de morir.
| fr = Récupérer un pack de [[Health/fr|santé]], un panier-repas lancé, <br>ou un pack de munitions d'un Heavy mort ayant tenu un panier-repas avant de mourir.
  | nl = Door een [[health/nl|medikit]], een op de grond gegooide broodtrommelvoorwerp,<br> of een munitiedoos van een dode Heavy die een broodtrommelvoorwerp vasthield toen hij stierf op te pakken.
  | nl = Door een [[health/nl|medikit]], een op de grond gegooide broodtrommelvoorwerp,<br> of een munitiedoos van een dode Heavy die een broodtrommelvoorwerp vasthield toen hij stierf op te pakken.
| pt-br = Coletar um [[Health/pt-br|kit médico]], item de lanche jogado <br>ou uma caixa de munição caída de um Heavy morto que estava segurando um item de lanche antes de morrer.
| zh-hans = 捡起[[health/zh-hans|医疗]]包、扔出的午餐盒物品<br>或死亡时手持午餐盒物品的机枪手掉落的弹药箱。
| [[File:Resupply locker open.png|100px]]<br>{{lang
| [[File:Resupply locker open.png|100px]]<br>{{lang
  | en = [[Respawn#Resupply|Resupply locker]]
  | en = [[Respawn#Resupply|Resupply locker]]
| cs = [[Respawn/cs#Resupply|Zásobovací skříňka]]
| es = [[Respawn/es#Reabastecimiento|Armario de reabastecimiento]]
| fr = [[Respawn/fr#Réapprovisionnement|Armoire de réapprovisionnement]]
  | nl = [[Respawn/nl#Voorraad|Voorraadskasten]]
  | nl = [[Respawn/nl#Voorraad|Voorraadskasten]]
| pt-br = [[Respawn/pt-br#Reabastecimento|Armário de reabastecimento]]
| zh-hans = [[Respawn/zh-hans#Resupply|补给柜]]
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Touching a [[Respawn#Resupply|Resupply locker]], switching [[Classes|class]] in the spawn room, or switching [[Customize items#Loadout and Taunt slots|Loadout]] while in the spawn room.
  | en = Touching a [[Respawn#Resupply|Resupply locker]], switching [[Classes|class]] in the spawn room, or switching [[Customize items#Loadout and Taunt slots|Loadout]] while in the spawn room.
| cs = Dotknutím [[Respawn/cs#Resupply|Zásobovací skříňky]], přepnutím [[Classes/cs|třídy]] v základně, nebo přepnutím [[Customize items/cs#Loadout and Taunt slots|vybavení]] v základě.
| es = Al tocar un [[armario de reabastecimiento]], cambiar de [[Classes/es|clase]] en la base o cambiar el [[Customize items/es#Equipamiento y burlas|equiapmiento]] en la base.
| fr = Toucher une [[Respawn/fr#Réapprovisionnement|armoire de réapprovisionnement]], changer de [[Classes/fr|classe]] dans la zone de réapparition, ou change d'[[Customize items/fr#Équipement|équipement]] en étant dans la zone de réapparition.
  | nl = Het aanraken van een [[Respawn/nl#Voorraad|voorraadskast]], het veranderen van [[Classes/nl|klasse]] in de spawnkamer, of het veranderen van [[Customize items/nl#Uitrustings- en Bespottingsvakken|uitrusting]] terwijl je in de spawnkamer bent.
  | nl = Het aanraken van een [[Respawn/nl#Voorraad|voorraadskast]], het veranderen van [[Classes/nl|klasse]] in de spawnkamer, of het veranderen van [[Customize items/nl#Uitrustings- en Bespottingsvakken|uitrusting]] terwijl je in de spawnkamer bent.
| pt-br = Usar um [[Respawn/pt-br#Reabastecimento|armário de reabastecimento]], trocar de [[Classes/pt-br|classe]] na sala da base ou trocar de [[Customize items/pt-br#Compartimentos_de_equipamento_e_provocações|equipamento]] na sala da base.
| zh-hans = 接触[[Respawn/zh-hans#Resupply|补给柜]]、在重生室切换[[Classes/zh-hans|兵种]]或在重生室切换[[Customize items/zh-hans#Loadout and Taunt slots|配置]]。
| [[File:Water image.jpg|150px|link=Water{{if lang}}]]<br>{{lang
| [[File:Water image.jpg|150px|link=Water{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Water{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en = [[Water]]
  | en = Water
  | nl = [[Water/nl|Water]]
| cs = Voda
| es = Agua
| fr = Eau
  | nl = Water
| pt-br = Água
| zh-hans = 水
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Entering [[water]] below eye level. Puddles and low-level water (such as in the sewer tunnels in [[2Fort]]) do not extinguish a burning player.
  | en = Entering [[water]] below eye level. Puddles and low-level water (such as in the sewer tunnels in [[2Fort]]) do not extinguish a burning player.
| cs = Vstoupením do [[water/cs|vody]] pod úroveň očí. Louže a nízká voda (například stoky na mapě [[2Fort/cs|2Fort]]) neuhasí hořícího hráče.
| es = Al sumergirse en el [[water/es|agua]]. Los charcos o aguas poco profundas (como los alcantarillados de [[2Fort/es|2Fort]]) no apagarán las llamas.
| fr = Entrer dans l’[[Water/fr|eau]] sous le niveau des yeux. Les flaques d’eau et l’eau de faible niveau (comme dans les tunnel d’égout sur {{map link|2Fort}}) n’éteignent pas un joueur en feu.
  | nl = Door tot aan de ogen in [[water/nl|water]] te lopen. Plasjes en laag water (zoals de riooltunnels op [[2Fort/nl|2Fort]]) blussen een in de brand staande speler niet.
  | nl = Door tot aan de ogen in [[water/nl|water]] te lopen. Plasjes en laag water (zoals de riooltunnels op [[2Fort/nl|2Fort]]) blussen een in de brand staande speler niet.
| pt-br = Submergir em [[Water/pt-br|água]] abaixo do nível dos olhos. Poças e águas rasas (como os esgotos de {{map link|2Fort}}) não extinguem jogadores em chamas.
| zh-hans = 进入没过眼睛的[[water/zh-hans|水]]。水坑和较浅的水(例如{{map link|2Fort}}下水道里的水)不能熄灭着火。
| [[File:TF2DISLVL3.png|50px|link=Dispenser{{if lang}}]] [[File:RED Bombcart.png|50px|link=Payload{{if lang}}]]<br>{{Item icon|Medi Gun|50px}} {{Item icon|Kritzkrieg|50px}} {{Item icon|Quick-Fix|50px}} {{Item icon|Vaccinator|50px}}<br>{{lang
| [[File:TF2DISLVL3.png|50px|link=Dispenser{{if lang}}]] [[File:RED Bombcart.png|50px|link=Payload{{if lang}}]]<br>{{Item icon|Medi Gun|50px}} {{Item icon|Kritzkrieg|50px}} {{Item icon|Quick-Fix|50px}} {{Item icon|Vaccinator|50px}}<br>[[Healing{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en = [[Healing]]
  | en = Healing
  | nl = [[Healing/nl|Genezing]]
| cs = Léčení
| es = Curación
| fr = Soin
  | nl = Genezing
| pt-br = Cura
| zh-hans = 治疗
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being healed by a [[Medic]], [[Dispenser]], or [[Payload#Cart|Payload cart]] for a full second.
  | en = Being healed by a [[Medic]], [[Dispenser]], or [[Payload#Carts|Payload cart]] for a full second.
| cs = Být léčen [[Medic/cs|Medicem]], [[Dispenser/cs|Dispenserem]], nebo [[Payload/cs#Carts|Vozíkem]] na celou sekundu.
| es = Recibir curación de un {{cl|Medic}}, [[Dispenser/es|dispensador]] o [[Payload/es#Vagoneta|vagoneta]] durante un segundo completo.
| fr = Être soigné par un {{cl|Medic}}, un [[Dispenser/fr|distributeur]] ou un [[Payload/fr#Wagons|wagon de Charge Utile]] pendant une seconde.
  | nl = Genezing door een {{cl|Medic}}, [[Dispenser/nl|Dispenser]], of een [[Payload/nl#Karren|Springladingskar]] voor één volle seconde.
  | nl = Genezing door een {{cl|Medic}}, [[Dispenser/nl|Dispenser]], of een [[Payload/nl#Karren|Springladingskar]] voor één volle seconde.
| pt-br = Ser curado por um {{cl|Medic}}, {{item link|Dispenser}} ou [[Payload/pt-br#Carrinhos|carrinho de Carga Explosiva]] por 1 segundo.
| zh-hans = 被{{cl|Medic}}、[[Dispenser/zh-hans|补给器]]或[[Payload/zh-hans#Carts|战车]]完整治疗 1 秒钟。
Line 45: Line 90:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being the recipient of a stock [[ÜberCharge]].<br>Being ÜberCharged by a [[Kritzkrieg]], [[Quick-Fix]], or [[Vaccinator]] does not affect the rate at which fire is extinguished by healing.
  | en = Being the recipient of a stock [[ÜberCharge]].<br>Being ÜberCharged by a [[Kritzkrieg]], [[Quick-Fix]], or [[Vaccinator]] does not affect the rate at which fire is extinguished by healing.
| cs = Být příjemce [[ÜberCharge/cs|ÜberCharge]].<br>Být ÜberChargenutý zbraní {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, {{item link|Quick-Fix}}, nebo {{item link|Vaccinator}} neovlivňuje rychlost, jakou je oheň uhašen léčením.
| es = Recibir una [[ÜberCharge/es|Supercarga]].<br>Las Supercargas de {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, {{item link|Quick-Fix}} o {{item link|Vaccinator}} no afectan a la velocidad con la que se apaga el fuego.
| fr = Être le receveur d'une [[ÜberCharge/fr|ÜberCharge]] standard.<br>Être ÜberChargé par un {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, un {{item link|Quick-Fix}} ou un {{item link|Vaccinator}} n’affecte pas le taux auquel le feu s’éteint.
  | nl = Door een [[ÜberCharge/nl|Überlading]] van de standaard {{item link|Medi Gun}} te ontvangen.<br>Een Überlading door de {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, {{item link|Quick-Fix}}, of {{item link|Vaccinator}} heeft geen invloed op hoe snel vuur geblust word door genezing.
  | nl = Door een [[ÜberCharge/nl|Überlading]] van de standaard {{item link|Medi Gun}} te ontvangen.<br>Een Überlading door de {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, {{item link|Quick-Fix}}, of {{item link|Vaccinator}} heeft geen invloed op hoe snel vuur geblust word door genezing.
| pt-br = Receber uma [[ÜberCharge/pt-br|ÜberCarga]] padrão.<br>As ÜberCargas da {{item link|Kritzkrieg}}, {{item link|Quick-Fix}} e {{item link|Vaccinator}} não afetam a taxa em que o fogo é extinguido pela cura.
| zh-hans = 接受默认医疗枪的[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|ÜberCharge]]。<br>接受{{item link|Kritzkrieg}}、{{item link|Quick-Fix}}或{{item link|Vaccinator}}的ÜberCharge不影响灭火的速度。
| {{Item icon|Mad Milk|50px}} {{Item icon|Mutated Milk|50px}}<br>{{Item icon|Gas Passer|50px}} {{Item icon|Jarate|50px}} {{Item icon|Self-Aware Beauty Mark|50px}}<br>{{lang
| {{Item icon|Mad Milk|50px}} {{Item icon|Mutated Milk|50px}}<br>{{Item icon|Gas Passer|50px}} {{Item icon|Jarate|50px}} {{Item icon|Self-Aware Beauty Mark|50px}}<br>[[Soaked{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en  = [[Soaked|Container-based liquids]]
  | en  = Container-based liquids
  | nl = [[Soaked/nl|Vloeistoffen in een potje]]
| cs = Kapaliny v nádobách
| es  = Líquidos arrojadizos
| fr = Liquides en récipients
  | nl = Vloeistoffen in een potje
| pt-br = Líquidos de contêineres
| zh-hans = 罐装液体
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being splashed with [[Mad Milk]], [[Mutated Milk]], [[Gas Passer]], [[Jarate]], or [[Self-Aware Beauty Mark]] from a teammate or after being [[Compression blast|airblasted]].<br>These items can also extinguish the wielder themselves by throwing their respective containers at their feet.
  | en = Being splashed with [[Mad Milk]], [[Mutated Milk]], [[Gas Passer]], [[Jarate]], or [[Self-Aware Beauty Mark]] from a teammate or after being [[Compression blast|airblasted]].<br>These items can also extinguish the wielder themselves by throwing their respective containers at their feet.
| cs = Být politý předmětem {{item link|Mad Milk}}, {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, {{item link|Gas Passer}}, {{item link|Jarate}}, nebo {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} který hodil spoluhráč nebo který byl [[Compression blast/cs|odfouknut]].<br>Hráči co tyto předměty nosí se mohou sami uhasit hozením těchto určitých předmětů na vlastní nohy.
| es = Recibir un impacto de {{item link|Mad Milk}}, {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, {{item link|Gas Passer}}, {{item link|Jarate}} o {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} de un aliado o [[Compression blast|de rebote]].<br>Estos objetos también pueden apagar las llamas del propio portador si se los tira a los pies.
| fr = Être aspergé de {{item link|Mad Milk}}, de {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, de {{item link|Gas Passer}}, de {{item link|Jarate}}, ou d’un {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} par un allié ou après avoir reçu de l'[[Compression blast/fr|air comprimé]].<br>Ces objets peuvent également éteindre le porteur lui-même en jetant leurs récipients respectifs à ses pieds.
  | nl = Geraakt worden door de {{item link|Mad Milk}}, {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, {{item link|Gas Passer}}, {{item link|Jarate}}, of {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} van een teamgenoot of nadat het projectiel weerkaatst is door een [[Compression blast/nl|luchtstoot]].<br>Deze wapens kunnen ook de drager blussen door zichzelf er mee te raken.
  | nl = Geraakt worden door de {{item link|Mad Milk}}, {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, {{item link|Gas Passer}}, {{item link|Jarate}}, of {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} van een teamgenoot of nadat het projectiel weerkaatst is door een [[Compression blast/nl|luchtstoot]].<br>Deze wapens kunnen ook de drager blussen door zichzelf er mee te raken.
| pt-br = Ser encharcado de {{item link|Mad Milk}}, {{item link|Mutated Milk}}, {{item link|Gas Passer}}, {{item link|Jarate}} ou {{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}} de um aliado ou receber uma [[Compression blast/pt-br|rajada de ar]].<br>Esses itens também são capazes de extinguir seus próprios usuários ao arremessar os contêineres respectivos em seus próprios pés.
| zh-hans = 受到队友扔来的{{item link|Mad Milk}}、{{item link|Mutated Milk}}、{{item link|Gas Passer}}、{{item link|Jarate}}或{{item link|Self-Aware Beauty Mark}}影响,或被使用[[Compression blast/zh-hans|压缩空气]]后。<br>将这些物品扔在脚下也可以为持有者灭火。
| [[File:Airblast.png|50px|link=Compression blast{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Compression blast{{if lang}}|{{lang
| [[File:Airblast.png|50px|link=Compression blast{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Compression blast{{if lang}}|{{common string|Compression blast}}]]
| en = Airblast
| nl = Luchtstoot
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being airblasted by a friendly Pyro.
  | en = Being airblasted by a friendly Pyro.
| cs = Být odfouknut přátelským Pyrem.
| es = Recibir una explosión de aire comprimido de un Pyro aliado.
| fr = Être éteint par un Pyro allié ''via'' l’air comprimé.
  | nl = Door een luchtstoot van een vriendelijke Pyro geraakt te worden.
  | nl = Door een luchtstoot van een vriendelijke Pyro geraakt te worden.
| pt-br = Receber uma rajada de ar de Pyro da equipe.
| zh-hans = 被友方火焰兵使用压缩空气。
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| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being near a friendly Pyro when they land with the [[Thermal Thruster]].
  | en = Being near a friendly Pyro when they land with the [[Thermal Thruster]].
| cs = Být blízko přátelského Pyra když dopadne na zem a při tom používá {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
| es = Estar cerca de un Pyro aliado que aterrice con el {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
| fr = Être près d'un Pyro allié quand il atterrit avec le {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
  | nl = Door bij een vriendelijke Pyro te staan wanneer die land met de {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
  | nl = Door bij een vriendelijke Pyro te staan wanneer die land met de {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
| pt-br = Estar perto de Pyro da equipe aterrissando com o {{item link|Thermal Thruster}}.
| zh-hans = 位于友方火焰兵使用{{item link|Thermal Thruster}}落地位置的附近。
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| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Activating the [[Dead Ringer]] as a [[Spy]].
  | en = Activating the [[Dead Ringer]] as a [[Spy]].
| cs = Aktivací předmětu {{item link|Dead Ringer}} při hraní za [[Spy/cs|Spye]].
| es = Activar el {{item link|Dead Ringer}} como {{cl|Spy}}.
| fr = Activer la {{item link|Dead Ringer}} en tant que {{cl|Spy}}.
  | nl = Door de {{item link|Dead Ringer}} te activeren als {{cl|Spy}}.
  | nl = Door de {{item link|Dead Ringer}} te activeren als {{cl|Spy}}.
| pt-br = Ativar a {{item link|Dead Ringer}} como um {{cl|Spy}}.
| zh-hans = 作为{{cl|Spy}}激活{{item link|Dead Ringer}}。
| {{Item icon|Spy-cicle|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Spy-cicle}}
| {{Item icon|Spy-cicle|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Spy-cicle}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Having the [[Spy-cicle]] as your active weapon while burning.
  | en = Having the [[Spy-cicle]] as the active weapon while burning.
| cs = Mít {{item link|Spy-cicle}} jako aktivní zbraň při hoření.
| es = Empuñar un {{item link|Spy-cicle}}.
| fr = Avoir la {{item link|Spy-cicle}} comme arme active en étant en train de brûler.
  | nl = Door de {{item link|Spy-cicle}} in je hand te hebben terwijl je in de brand staat.
  | nl = Door de {{item link|Spy-cicle}} in je hand te hebben terwijl je in de brand staat.
| pt-br = Ter a {{item link|Spy-cicle}} empunhada enquanto queima.
| zh-hans = 着火时手持{{item link|Spy-cicle}}。
| {{Item icon|Manmelter|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Manmelter}}
| {{Item icon|Manmelter|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Manmelter}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being extinguished by the alternate fire of a friendly Pyro's [[Manmelter]].
  | en = Being extinguished by the alt-fire of a friendly Pyro's [[Manmelter]].
  | nl = Geblust worden door de secundaire vuuroptie van een vriendelijke Pyro's {{item link|Manmelter}}
| cs = Být uhašen alternativní střelbou přátelského Pyra nesoucího zbraň {{item link|Manmelter}}.
| es = El disparo alternativo de un Pyro aliado con el {{item link|Manmelter}}.
| fr = Être éteint par un tir secondaire du {{item link|Manmelter}} d'un Pyro allié.
  | nl = Geblust worden door de secundaire vuuroptie van een vriendelijke Pyro's {{item link|Manmelter}}.
| pt-br = Ser extinguido pelo disparo-alt da {{item link|Manmelter}} de Pyro da equipe.
| zh-hans = 被友方火焰兵使用{{item link|Manmelter}}的辅助能力灭火。
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| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = [[Backstab]]bing someone with the [[Conniver's Kunai]].
  | en = [[Backstab]]bing someone with the [[Conniver's Kunai]].
  | nl = Een [[Backstab/nl|rugsteek]] met de {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}
| cs = [[Backstap/cs|Backstabnutím]] nepřítele pomocí zbraně {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}
| es = Al [[Backstab/es|apuñalar]] a alguien con el {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}.
| fr = [[Backstab/fr|Poignarder]] quelqu'un avec le {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}.
  | nl = Een [[Backstab/nl|rugsteek]] met de {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}.
| pt-br = [[Backstab/pt-br|Esfaquear as costas]] de alguém com a {{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}.
| zh-hans = 使用{{item link|Conniver's Kunai}}[[Backstab/zh-hans|背刺]]敌人。
| [[File:Charging.png|80px|link=Charging{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Charging{{if lang}}|{{lang
| [[File:Charging.png|80px|link=Charging{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Charging{{if lang}}|{{common string|Charging}}]]
| en = Charging
| nl = Schildaanval
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = [[Charging]] with any [[Demoman shield]]. Only the start of the charge will extinguish the Demoman, if set on fire during the charge it will not extinguish.
  | en = [[Charging]] with any [[Demoman shield]]. Only the start of the charge extinguishes the Demoman; if set on fire during the charge, the Demoman is not extinguished.
| cs = [[charging/cs|Naběhnutím]] s jakýmkoli [[Demoman shield/cs|Demomanovým štítem]]. Jen začátek běhu Demomana uhasí; Neuhasí ho pokud je zapálen v průběhu běhu.
| es = [[Charging/es|Embestir]] con cualquier [[Demoman shield/es|escudo del Demoman]]. Solo el inicio de la embestida apagará las llamas del Demoman; si se vuelve a quemar durante la embestida, no se apagarán esas llamas.
| fr = [[Charging/fr|Charger]] avec n’importe quel [[Demoman shield/fr|bouclier de Demoman]]. Seul le début de la charge éteint le Demoman ; s’il est mis en feu pendant la charge, le Demoman ne sera pas éteint.
  | nl = Door een [[Charging/nl|schildaanval]] te doen met een [[Demoman shield/nl|schild van de Demoman]]. Alleen het begin van de schildaanval zal de Demoman blussen, wanneer hij tijdens een schildaanval in de brand word gezet zal hij niet geblust worden.
  | nl = Door een [[Charging/nl|schildaanval]] te doen met een [[Demoman shield/nl|schild van de Demoman]]. Alleen het begin van de schildaanval zal de Demoman blussen, wanneer hij tijdens een schildaanval in de brand word gezet zal hij niet geblust worden.
| pt-br = [[Charging/pt-br|Investir]] com qualquer [[Demoman shield/pt-br|escudo do Demoman]]. Apenas o início da investida extingue o Demoman; se incendiado durante a investida, o Demoman não é extinguido.
| zh-hans = 使用任何[[Demoman shield/zh-hans|爆破手的盾牌]][[Charging/zh-hans|冲刺]]。仅在开始冲锋时可以灭火,若在冲锋时着火则不能灭火。
Line 108: Line 197:
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being hit by a friendly Sniper's [[Sydney Sleeper]].
  | en = Being hit by a friendly Sniper's [[Sydney Sleeper]].
| cs = Být trefen přátelským Sniperem pomocí {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}
| es = Recibir un impacto de {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}} de un Sniper aliado.
| fr = Être touché par un {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}} d'un Sniper allié.
  | nl = Geraakt te worden door de {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}} van een vriendelijke Sniper.
  | nl = Geraakt te worden door de {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}} van een vriendelijke Sniper.
| pt-br = Ser atingido pelo {{item link|Sydney Sleeper}} de um Sniper da equipe.
| zh-hans = 被友方狙击手使用{{item link|Sydney Sleeper}}打中
| {{Item icon|Darwin's Danger Shield|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
| {{Item icon|Darwin's Danger Shield|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Wearing the Darwin's Danger Shield prevents afterburn entirely as well as reducing direct flame damage.
  | en = Wearing the Darwin's Danger Shield prevents afterburn entirely, as well as reducing direct flame damage.
| cs = Nošením {{item link|Darwin's Danger Shield}} který zabraňuje dohořívání, a také zmenšuje přímé poškození ohněm.
| es = Al llevar el {{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}} se evitan las quemaduras, además de reducir el daño directo por fuego.
| fr = Porter le {{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}} empêche la brûlure postcombustion, ainsi que la réduction des dégâts du feu.
  | nl = Door de {{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}} te dragen is er helemaal geen naverbranding. Dit voorwerp verminderd ook directe vlammenschade.
  | nl = Door de {{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}} te dragen is er helemaal geen naverbranding. Dit voorwerp verminderd ook directe vlammenschade.
| pt-br = Usar o {{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}} impede queimadura completamente, além de reduzir o dano direto de chamas.
| zh-hans = 装备{{item name|Darwin's Danger Shield}}可避免后续燃烧伤害,也可降低直击火焰伤害。
Line 120: Line 219:
! class="header" width="20%" | {{lang
! class="header" width="20%" | {{lang
  | en = Mitigating fire damage
  | en = Mitigating fire damage
| cs = Zmírnění poškození ohněm
| es = Mitigar el daño por fuego
| fr = Atténuer les dégâts du feu.
  | nl = Het verhelpen van vuurschade
  | nl = Het verhelpen van vuurschade
| pt-br = Mitigação de dano de fogo.
| zh-hans = 减缓火焰伤害
! class="header" | {{Common string|Notes}}
! class="header" | {{Common string|Notes}}
| [[File:Health particle red.png|100px|link=Healing{{if lang}}]]<br>{{lang
| [[File:Health particle red.png|100px|link=Healing{{if lang}}]]<br>{{common string|Healing}}
| en = Healing
| nl = Genezing
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being healed by a Medi Gun, Dispenser, or Payload cart for less than a second.<br>Any kind of passive or on-hit/kill healing such as the [[Blutsauger]] or the [[Concheror]].
  | en = Being healed by a Medi Gun, Dispenser, or Payload cart for less than a second.<br>Any kind of passive or on-hit/kill healing, such as the [[Blutsauger]] or the [[Concheror]].
  | nl = Genezing door een {{item name|Medi Gun}}, Dispenser, of Springladingskar voor minder dan één seconde.<br>Enige vorm van passieve of per treffer/kill genezing zoals de {{item link|Blutsauger}} of de {{item link|Concheror}}.
| cs = Být léčen pomocí Medi Guny, Dispenseru, nebo vozíku na méně než jednu sekundu. Jakýkoli pasivní healing nebo healing po zabití/trefení nepřítele. Například pomocí zbraně {{item link|Blutsauger}} nebo {{item link|Concheror}}.
| es = Recibir curación de una Pistola Médica, un dispensador o una vagoneta durante menos de un segundo.<br>Cualquier curación pasiva o por impacto, como la {{item link|Blutsauger}} o el {{item link|Concheror}}.
| fr = Être soigné par un Medigun, un [[Dispenser/fr|distributeur]] ou un [[Payload/fr#Wagons|wagon de Charge Utile]] pendant une seconde.<br>Tout type de guérison passive ou lors de touche/élimination, comme le {{item link|Blutsauger}} ou le {{item link|Concheror}}.
  | nl = Genezing door een {{item name|Medi Gun}}, Dispenser, of Springladingskar voor minder dan één seconde.<br>Enige vorm van passieve of per treffer/kill genezing, zoals de {{item link|Blutsauger}} of de {{item link|Concheror}}.
| pt-br = Ser curado por uma {{item name|Medi Gun}}, Fornecedor ou carrinho de Carga Explosiva por menos de 1 segundo.<br>Qualquer tipo de cura passiva, ao acertar ou ao matar, tais como a {{item link|Blutsauger}} e o {{item link|Concheror}}.
| zh-hans = 被医疗枪、补给器或战车治疗不足 1 秒钟。<br>任意形式的被动回血或伤害/击杀回血,例如{{item link|Blutsauger}}或{{item link|Concheror}}。
| {{Item icon|Bonk! Atomic Punch|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}
| {{Item icon|Bonk! Atomic Punch|100px}}<br>{{Item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Drinking the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] stops any afterburn damage, but does not extinguish the fire.<br>Additionally, the damage taken from the [[fire]] will cause a [[slowdown]] effect after the Bonk! effect wears off.
  | en = Drinking the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] stops any afterburn damage, but does not extinguish the fire.<br>Additionally, the damage taken from the [[fire]] causes a [[slowdown]] effect after the Bonk! effect wears off.
| cs = Vypitím {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} který zastaví jakékoli poškození dohoříváním, ale neuhasí oheň. Poškození udělené [[fire/cs|ohněm]] je po skončení Bonk! efektu konvertováno na efekt [[slowdown/cs|zpomalení]].
| es = Beber el {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} detiene el daño por fuego, pero no lo apaga.<br>Además, el daño recibido del [[fire/es|fuego]] causa [[slowdown/es|ralentización]] al pasar los efectos del ¡Bonk!.
| fr = Boire du {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} cesse les dégâts des brûlures postcombustion, mais n’éteint pas le feu.<br>De plus, les dégâts pris du [[Fire/fr|feu]] causent un effet de [[Slowdown/fr|ralentissement]] une fois les effets du {{item name|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} dissipés.
  | nl = Door het drinken van de {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} stopt de schade van naverbranding.<br>De schade van het [[fire/nl|vuur]] zorgt voor een [[slowdown/nl|vertragings]]effect nadat het effect van de {{item name|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} uitgewerkt heeft.
  | nl = Door het drinken van de {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} stopt de schade van naverbranding.<br>De schade van het [[fire/nl|vuur]] zorgt voor een [[slowdown/nl|vertragings]]effect nadat het effect van de {{item name|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} uitgewerkt heeft.
| pt-br = Beber {{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}} para qualquer dano de queimadura, porém não extingue o fogo.<br>Adicionalmente, o dano de [[Fire/pt-br|fogo]] sofrido causa um efeito de [[Slowdown/pt-br|desaceleração]] após o efeito da Bonk! acabar.
| zh-hans = 喝下{{item link|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}不会受到后续燃烧伤害,但不会灭火。<br>[[fire/zh-hans|火]]造成的伤害还会在饮料效果结束后造成[[slowdown/zh-hans|减速]]效果。
| [[File:Healthico.png|100px|link=Health{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Health{{if lang}}|{{common string|Health}}]]
| [[File:Healthico.png|100px|link=Health{{if lang}}]]<br>[[Health{{if lang}}|{{common string|Health}}]]
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Equipping weapons that increase the player's maximum health, such as the [[Bootlegger]] or [[Batallion's Backup]].
  | en = Equipping weapons that increase the player's maximum health, such as the [[Bootlegger]] or [[Battalion's Backup]].
  | nl = Het uitrusten van wapens die de maximale gezondheid van de speler verhogen, zoals de {{item link|Bootlegger}} of de {{item link|Batallion's Backup}}
| cs = Vybavením zbraní které zvyšují maximální zdraví hráče, například {{item link|Bootlegger}} nebo {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}.
| es = Equipar armas que aumentan la salud máxima del jugador, como el {{item link|Bootlegger}} o el {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}.
| fr = Équiper les armes augmentant la santé maximale du joueur, comme le {{item link|Bootlegger}} ou le {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}.
  | nl = Het uitrusten van wapens die de maximale gezondheid van de speler verhogen, zoals de {{item link|Bootlegger}} of de {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}.
| pt-br = Equipar armas que aumentam a vida máxima do jogador, tais como a {{item link|Bootlegger}} e o {{item link|Battalion's Backup}}.
| zh-hans = 装备可增加最大生命值的武器,如{{item link|Bootlegger}}或{{item link|Battalion's Backup}}
| [[File:Mannpower Mode Powerup Resistance Icon.png|100px]]<br>{{lang
| [[File:Mannpower Mode Powerup Resistance Icon.png|100px]]<br>{{lang
  | en = [[Damage#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|Damage resistance]]
  | en = [[Damage#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|Damage resistance]]
| cs = [[Damage/cs#Typy poškození|Ochrana proti poškození]]
| es = [[Damage/es#Modificadores de resistencia/vulnerabilidad|Resistencia al daño]]
| fr = [[Damage/fr#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|Résistance aux dégâts]]
  | nl = [[Damage/nl#Weerstand/kwetsbaarheid effecten|Schadeweerstand]]
  | nl = [[Damage/nl#Weerstand/kwetsbaarheid effecten|Schadeweerstand]]
| pt-br = [[Damage/pt-br#Modificadores_de_resistência_e_vulnerabilidade|Resistência a dano]]
| zh-hans = [[Damage/zh-hans#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|伤害抗性]]
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Being under the effects of a [[Damage#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|damage resistance]], such as [[Cloak|cloaking]] or the [[Sun-on-a-Stick]].
  | en = Being under the effects of a [[Damage#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|damage resistance]], such as [[Cloak|cloaking]] or the [[Sun-on-a-Stick]].
| cs = Mít efekty [[Damage/cs#Typy poškození|Ochran proti poškození]], například [[Cloak/cs|neviditelnost]] nebo {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}
| es = Estar bajo los efectos de [[Damage/es#Modificadores de resistencia/vulnerabilidad|resistencia al daño]], como [[Cloak/es|invisibilidad]] o el {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}.
| fr = Être sous les effets d’une [[Damage/fr#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|résistance aux dégâts]] comme l’[[Cloak/fr|invisibilité]] ou le {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}.
  | nl = Onder de invloed van een [[Damage/nl|Weerstand/kwetsbaarheid effecten|schadeweerstand]] te zijn, zoals [[Cloak/nl|verhulling]] of de {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}.
  | nl = Onder de invloed van een [[Damage/nl|Weerstand/kwetsbaarheid effecten|schadeweerstand]] te zijn, zoals [[Cloak/nl|verhulling]] of de {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}.
| pt-br = Estar sob os efeitos de uma [[Damage/pt-br#Modificadores_de_resistência_e_vulnerabilidade|resistência a dano]], tal como a [[Cloak/pt-br|camuflagem]] e o {{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}.
| zh-hans = 受到[[Damage/zh-hans#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|伤害抗性]]效果,如[[Cloak/zh-hans|隐形]]或{{item link|Sun-on-a-Stick}}。
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
{{Translation switching|en, nl}}
{{Translation switching|en, cs, es, fr, nl, pt-br, zh-hans}}

Latest revision as of 07:24, 9 February 2025

Instant extinguish Notes
Picking up a health pack, thrown lunchbox item,
or a dropped ammo pack from a dead Heavy that was holding a lunchbox item before death.
Resupply locker open.png
Resupply locker
Touching a Resupply locker, switching class in the spawn room, or switching Loadout while in the spawn room.
Water image.jpg
Entering water below eye level. Puddles and low-level water (such as in the sewer tunnels in 2Fort) do not extinguish a burning player.
TF2DISLVL3.png RED Bombcart.png
Medi Gun Kritzkrieg Quick-Fix Vaccinator
Being healed by a Medic, Dispenser, or Payload cart for a full second.
Being the recipient of a stock ÜberCharge.
Being ÜberCharged by a Kritzkrieg, Quick-Fix, or Vaccinator does not affect the rate at which fire is extinguished by healing.
Mad Milk Mutated Milk
Gas Passer Jarate Self-Aware Beauty Mark
Container-based liquids
Being splashed with Mad Milk, Mutated Milk, Gas Passer, Jarate, or Self-Aware Beauty Mark from a teammate or after being airblasted.
These items can also extinguish the wielder themselves by throwing their respective containers at their feet.
Compression blast
Being airblasted by a friendly Pyro.
Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster
Being near a friendly Pyro when they land with the Thermal Thruster.
Dead Ringer
Dead Ringer
Activating the Dead Ringer as a Spy.
Having the Spy-cicle as the active weapon while burning.
Being extinguished by the alt-fire of a friendly Pyro's Manmelter.
Conniver's Kunai
Conniver's Kunai
Backstabbing someone with the Conniver's Kunai.
Charging with any Demoman shield. Only the start of the charge extinguishes the Demoman; if set on fire during the charge, the Demoman is not extinguished.
Sydney Sleeper
Sydney Sleeper
Being hit by a friendly Sniper's Sydney Sleeper.
Darwin's Danger Shield
Darwin's Danger Shield
Wearing the Darwin's Danger Shield prevents afterburn entirely, as well as reducing direct flame damage.

Mitigating fire damage Notes
Health particle red.png
Being healed by a Medi Gun, Dispenser, or Payload cart for less than a second.
Any kind of passive or on-hit/kill healing, such as the Blutsauger or the Concheror.
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Drinking the Bonk! Atomic Punch stops any afterburn damage, but does not extinguish the fire.
Additionally, the damage taken from the fire causes a slowdown effect after the Bonk! effect wears off.
Equipping weapons that increase the player's maximum health, such as the Bootlegger or Battalion's Backup.
Mannpower Mode Powerup Resistance Icon.png
Damage resistance
Being under the effects of a damage resistance, such as cloaking or the Sun-on-a-Stick.

Documentation for Surviving fire table