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(Created page with '{{Infobox video |class=Demoman |release_date=October 9, 2007 |length=1:45 }} {{youtube|han3AfjH210}} == "拜見爆破兵" 影片注釋 == {| class="wikitable collapsible collap…')
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== "拜見爆破兵" 影片注釋 ==
== 「專訪爆破兵」影片注釋 ==
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header" | Transcript
! class="header" | 點選查看注釋
|["meet the [[Demoman]]" 大字出現"]
[''大張旗鼓的"[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxTN_KfUzBM Drunken Pipe Bomb]" 播放於爆破兵驚險的逃過爆炸然後從[[Gravel Pit]]'']的通道跳下來
'''爆破兵''': "是什麼讓我成為一個好爆破兵?"
[音樂 [[Drunken Pipe Bomb (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Drunken Pipe Bomb]] 開始播放,爆破兵驚險地逃過爆炸然後從地圖 [[Gravel Pit/zh-hant|Gravel Pit]] 的通道跳下來]
[''視角切到爆破兵, 落在充滿爆破物的房間'']
'''爆破兵''': "如果我是個差勁的爆破兵,我就不會坐在這邊,然後跟你討論我到底差不差勁?"
[''"Drunken Pipe Bomb" 開始重新播放'']
[''開始脫離[[紅隊]] 然後閃過數發[[火箭發射器|火箭]]'']
'''爆破兵''': "讓我們動手吧!"
'''爆破兵''': "就算是你也沒辦法活下來的"
[''畫面切回爆破兵所在的房間, 音樂暫停.'']
[音樂 Drunken Pipe Bomb 開始重新播放。]
'''Demoman''': "一條交叉金屬線, 加上一點氯化鉀, 還有一點小小的搖晃...然後會 '''''大爆炸!'''''"
[''爆破兵將[[榴彈發射器|榴彈]]射向一道牆 然後將榴彈[[彈回]]一個正在追逐的[[火焰兵]]'']
[爆破兵跳下通道,並且在往右走時閃過數發飛來的[[Rocket Launcher/zh-hant|火箭]].]
[爆破兵將[[Grenade Launcher/zh-hant|榴彈]]射向一道牆,榴彈反彈回去,將正在追逐他的[[Pyro/zh-hant|火焰兵]]炸個[[Gibs/zh-hant|粉碎]].]
[''當爆破兵閃過火箭的同時,[[偵查兵]]已經被步哨給殺了. 接下來爆破兵射出了兩顆榴彈,摧毀了步哨'']
[回到戰鬥畫面,一臺等級 2 的[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨防禦槍]]剛升級至等級 3]
'''爆破兵''': "我得想想辦法. 我是個獨眼的蘇格蘭黑人. 連那些該死的[''消音'']的粉絲都比我多"
'''爆破兵''': "所以...."
[''"Drunken Pipe Bomb"的結尾片段開始播放'']
'''爆破兵''': "我說你們這些自傲的公子哥兒們給我聽好"
'''爆破兵''': "給我張大你們的眼睛!然後快點來抓住我! [''爆破兵黏上[[黏性炸彈]]''] 我將在充滿琉璜味的地方等著你. 在我那殘忍的寓言故事裡面....還會有個血腥到爆的結局!"
[''重裝兵注意到了黏在邊邊的黏性炸彈,而他的表情開始變得很糟. 爆破兵給他們了一個嘲諷式的敬禮,然後啟動粘性炸彈, 轟掉了所有追逐他的人'']
'''爆破兵''':「我得想想辦法...我可是個獨眼的蘇格蘭黑人...!連那些該死的 '''[-消音-]''' 的粉絲都比我多...」
'''爆破兵''': "喔...這下他們應該會想辦法把你黏回去啦~'''''在地獄裡!!'''''"   
[音樂 Drunken Pipe Bomb 的結尾片段開始播放]
[爆破兵跑向了 Gravelpit 的最終控制點,似乎被一群神情猥褻到極點的[[BLU/zh-hant|藍隊]]隊員給嚇到。他們邪惡的看著爆破兵的臉,爆破兵跑掉而藍隊眾人緊追不捨]
'''爆破兵''':「給我張大你們的眼睛!有種快來抓住我啊! '''[爆破兵在門框黏上了許多[[Stickybomb Launcher/zh-hant|黏性炸彈]]']''' ...我會帶著一點老硫磺的味兒等著你。我是個能讓你嚇破膽... 用皆大不歡喜的結局嚇死你的傳奇故事!」
'''[絕地要塞 2 結束畫面和音樂跳出,包含蘇格蘭風笛伴奏]'''
[[Image:Sketches3.jpeg|thumb|right|Meet the Demoman Storyboard Concept Sketches]]
*The Demoman's alcohol is made by '[[Red]] Shed'. The Red Shed Distillery is the RED team's base on the map [[Well]]. Red Shed is also featured in [[Meet the Sandvich]].
*爆破兵的酒精飲料是由[[RED/zh-hant|紅色]]條紋出產。紅色條紋的釀酒廠其實是紅隊在地圖 [[Well/zh-hant|Well]] 的基地。紅色條紋的啤酒在[[Meet the Sandvich/zh-hant|專訪三明治]]也出現過。
*The Demoman's grenade bounces, then explodes on contact. The ability for grenades to detonate on contact after the first bounce was removed in a later patch for both the PC and 360.
*The Demoman's unused [[Dynamite Pack]] weapon can be seen on his desk, most prominently at 0:31 in the video.
*爆破兵在遊戲中未使用的[[Dynamite Pack|硝化炸藥]],在影片中爆破兵的桌子上約 0:31 時可以見到。
*The closing screen features the following disclaimer: "All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."
*在結束畫面(Valvelogo 的下面)寫著如此聲明:"All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."
*The music that plays during the battle sequence — "[[Drunken Pipe Bomb (Soundtrack) | Drunken Pipe Bomb]]" — did not appear on the [[soundtrack]] or in the game files in any form, similar to "Magnum Force", the track that plays during [[Meet the Sniper]]. [[Valve]], however, added the song as menu music in the [[December 17, 2009 Patch | WAR! Update]] on December 17, 2009.
**意思就是 Valve 不為爆破兵的任何行為負責。
*Valve teamed up with [[KritzKast]] and ran a contest to decipher what the Demoman said during those few censored seconds.  Winners were selected for most humorous but clean lines, most obscene lines, and lines most accurate to the original script.
*在影片中播放的音樂—「[[Drunken Pipe Bomb (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Drunken Pipe Bomb]]」—沒在[[soundtrack/zh-hant|原聲帶]]或是遊戲檔案中出現。這情況和[[Meet the Sniper/zh-hant|專訪狙擊手]]中的音樂「Magnum Force」一樣,都找不到檔案。但是 [[Valve/zh-hant|Valve]] 在之後的[[December 17, 2009 Patch/zh-hant|戰爭!更新]]中補加入了這首歌。
*The titlecard displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
*之前 Valve 和一個播客(Podcast)組織 [[KritzKast/zh-hant|KritzKast]] 舉辦了一個比賽:誰可以講出爆破兵被消音的那段話。贏家會以搞笑但不含髒話、稍微猥褻狂妄的、或是和原分鏡稿接近的台詞被選出。
*The [[RED]] team is shown to be coming out of the [[BLU]] spawn at [[Gravel Pit]] and vice versa, even though BLU is the attacking team.
*在爆破兵的看板上,可以看到上面寫著「版權:LOLOLOL」。同樣的字樣可以在其他團隊專訪裡找到(例外的是專訪重裝兵,裡面沒有版權字樣,專訪三明治的版權則寫 NOM NOM NOM)。
*At 0:56, the Demoman's hand bumps into the grenade on his desk and it becomes active; however, it does not detonate.
*During the video, the Demoman can be seen with blank badges on either shoulder. The ending shot of all nine classes shows the Demoman with his original dynamite badge, later changed to a generic bomb and finally to the current Stickybomb shoulder badge.
*在 0:5 5時,爆破兵的手揮落了一顆榴彈,榴彈發亮了但是並沒有爆炸。
*A parody of the video, named "Meet the [[Community Fads#Demopan|Demopan]]," has surfaced and become popular throughout the TF2 community.
*一個惡搞影片,叫做「專訪[[Team Fortress Wiki:April Fools' Day/Demopan/zh-hant|炒鍋男]]」,在正版釋出之後也釋出,並在 TF2 社群中廣為流傳。
*When the Demoman charges at the Sentry Gun, a Dispenser is clearly seen. In the next shot when the Demoman destroys the Sentry Gun, the Dispenser is gone.
*Capture point C those not appear to be captured even though it is owned by the Red Team untill the Blue Team captures it.
*When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun it targets them and ignores the Demoman.
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[[Category:Meet the Team|Demoman]]
[[Category:Meet the Team/zh-hant]]

Latest revision as of 04:30, 24 March 2020

Meet the Demoman Titlecard
釋出日期: 2007年10月9日
長度: 1:45



  • 爆破兵的酒精飲料是由紅色條紋出產。紅色條紋的釀酒廠其實是紅隊在地圖 Well 的基地。紅色條紋的啤酒在專訪三明治也出現過。
  • 影片中爆破兵的榴彈彈跳了一次,打到目標後就爆炸。這種跳一次就爆的能力在之後的更新中被移除掉了。
  • 爆破兵在遊戲中未使用的硝化炸藥,在影片中爆破兵的桌子上約 0:31 時可以見到。
  • 在結束畫面(Valvelogo 的下面)寫著如此聲明:"All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."。
    • 意思就是 Valve 不為爆破兵的任何行為負責。
  • 之前 Valve 和一個播客(Podcast)組織 KritzKast 舉辦了一個比賽:誰可以講出爆破兵被消音的那段話。贏家會以搞笑但不含髒話、稍微猥褻狂妄的、或是和原分鏡稿接近的台詞被選出。
  • 在爆破兵的看板上,可以看到上面寫著「版權:LOLOLOL」。同樣的字樣可以在其他團隊專訪裡找到(例外的是專訪重裝兵,裡面沒有版權字樣,專訪三明治的版權則寫 NOM NOM NOM)。
  • 紅隊在影片中似乎是從藍隊的重生點衝鋒,即使藍隊應該是攻擊的那一方。
  • 在 0:5 5時,爆破兵的手揮落了一顆榴彈,榴彈發亮了但是並沒有爆炸。
  • 一個惡搞影片,叫做「專訪炒鍋男」,在正版釋出之後也釋出,並在 TF2 社群中廣為流傳。
  • 當爆破兵衝向藍隊步哨時,步哨後方有一台補給器。當爆破兵破壞了步哨後,補給器竟然消失了(並非被破壞)。
  • 當爆破兵對步哨發射榴彈時,步哨忽略了爆破兵本人,反而對榴彈開槍。