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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Tabelul cronologic al obiectelor}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Cronologia obiectelor}}
Nu toate obiectele din Team Fortress 2 erau disponibile la lansare. De alungul timpului, Valve a le-au adaugat odata cu actualizarile majore. Aici este un tabel cronologic, incluzand link-uri wiki si link-uri de catre blog, al originilor obiectelor din TF2 in ordine cronologica.
De la arme la mănuși, de la pești la pălării, nu toate [[Items/ro|obiecte]] din ''Team Fortress 2'' au făcut parte din joc de la bun început. Majoritatea au fost adăugate în joc prin intermediul [[Patches/ro#MU|actualizărilor majore]] sau [[Patches/ro#CP|pachetelor de conținut]], lansate pe durata istoriei jocului.
== 2008 ==
Această pagină ce crește anual documentează '''cronologic obiectele''' din ''Team Fortress 2''.
{| class="wikitable grid plainlinks" style="text-align: center;" width="100%"
{{Item timeline by year}}
!class="header" style="width: 10%" | Grup
!class="header" style="width: 15%" | Icoana Obiectului
!class="header" style="width: 35%" | Numele Obiectului
!class="header"                    | Note
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Gold Rush Update|29 Aprilie 2008]]''' &mdash; ''[http://steamgames.com/tf2/goldrush The Gold Rush Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Medic|link=Medic}}<br/>[[Medic]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Blutsauger}}
| '''[[Blutsauger/ro|Blutsauger]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Un nou [[list of game modes|tip de joc]] ([[Payload/ro|Încărcătura]])
* O [[map/ro|harta]] noua ([[Gold Rush/ro|Gold Rush/ro]])
* [[Medic achievements/ro|Realizările Medicului]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Kritzkrieg}}
| '''[[Kritzkrieg/ro|Kritzkrieg]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Übersaw}}
| '''[[Übersaw/ro|Über Fierastraul]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Pyro Update|19 Iunie 2008]]''' &mdash; ''[http://steamgames.com/tf2/pyro The Pyro Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Pyro|link=Pyro}}<br/>[[Pyro]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Backburner}}
| '''[[Backburner/ro|Arzătorul de Spate]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Abilitatea de a folosi [[Compression blast/ro|Aerul comprimat]] pentru [[Flamethrower/ro|Aruncatorul de Flacari]]
* 2 harti noi([[Fastlane/ro|Fastlane]], [[Turbine/ro|Turbine]])
* [[Pyro achievements/ro|Realizările Pyro-ului]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Flare Gun}}
| '''[[Flare Gun/ro|Pistolul de Semnalizare]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Axtinguisher}}
| '''[[Axtinguisher/ro|Extinctoporul]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[A Heavy Update|19 August 2008]]''' &mdash; ''[http://steamgames.com/tf2/heavy A Heavy Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Heavy|link=Heavy}}<br/>[[Heavy]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Natascha}}
| '''[[Natascha/ro|Nataşa]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 1 nou tip de joc ([[Arena/ro|Arena]])
* 2 harti noi ([[Steel/ro|Steel]], [[Badwater Basin/ro|Badwater Basin]])
* [[Heavy achievements/ro|Realizările Heavy-ului]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sandvich}}
| '''[[Sandvich/ro|Sandvich-ul]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Killing Gloves of Boxing}}
| '''[[Killing Gloves of Boxing/ro|Manuşile Mortale de Box]]'''
== {{common string|See also}} ==
* [[Items/ro|Obiecte]]
* [[Cosmetic items/ro|Accesorii]]
* [[Reskins/ro|Reskins]]
== 2009 ==
{| class="wikitable grid plainlinks" style="text-align: center;" width="100%"
!class="header" style="width: 10%" | Grup
!class="header" style="width: 15%" | Icoana Obiectului
!class="header" style="width: 35%" | Numele Obiectului
!class="header"                    | Note
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Scout Update|24 Februarie 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/scoutupdate The Scout Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Scout|link=Scout}}<br/>[[Scout]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Force-A-Nature}}
| '''[[Force-A-Nature/ro|Forţ-A-Naturii]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 3 harti noi ([[Watchtower/ro|Watchtower]], [[Junction/ro|Junction]], [[Egypt/ro|Egypt]])
* [[Scout achievements/ro|Realizările Scout-ului]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bonk! Atomic Punch}}
| '''[[Bonk! Atomic Punch/ro|Bonk! Energizantul Atomic]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sandman}}
| '''[[Sandman/ro|Moş Ene]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Sniper vs. Spy Update|21 Mai 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy The Sniper vs. Spy Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Sniper|link=Sniper}}<br/>[[Sniper]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Huntsman}}
| '''[[Huntsman/ro|Vânătorul de Oameni]]'''
| rowspan="15" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* [[Item drop system/ro|Sistemul de Drop]]
* 1 nou tip de joc ([[Payload Race/ro|Cursa de Încărcături]])
* 4 harti noi ([[Pipeline/ro|Pipeline]], [[Sawmill/ro|Sawmill]] (Arena), [[Nucleus/ro|Nucleus]] (Arena), [[Hoodoo/ro|Hoodoo]])
* [[Sniper achievements/ro|Realizările Sniperului]]
* [[Spy achievements/ro|Realizările Spionului]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Razorback}}
| '''[[Razorback/ro|Razorback]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Jarate}}
| '''[[Jarate/ro|Şuşu]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Spy|link=Spy}}<br/>[[Spy]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ambassador}}
| '''[[Ambassador/ro|Ambasadorul]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dead Ringer}}
| '''[[Dead Ringer/ro|Ceasul Morţii]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Cloak and Dagger}}
| '''[[Cloak and Dagger/ro|Pelerina şi Pumnalul]]'''
| rowspan="9" | [[Hats/ro|Palarii]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Batter's Helmet}}
| '''[[Batter's Helmet/ro|Casca Bătăuşului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Trophy Belt}}
| '''[[Trophy Belt/ro|Centura Campionului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Soldier's Stash}}
| '''[[Soldier's Stash/ro|Taina Soldatului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Demoman's Fro}}
| '''[[Demoman's Fro/ro|Afro-Frizura Demomanului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Prussian Pickelhaube}}
| '''[[Prussian Pickelhaube/ro|Boneta Prusacă]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Football Helmet}}
| '''[[Football Helmet/ro|Casca de Fotbal]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Pyro's Beanie}}
| '''[[Pyro's Beanie/ro|Şepcuţa Pyro-ului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Fancy Fedora}}
| '''[[Fancy Fedora/ro|Fedora Aristocrată]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mining Light}}
| '''[[Mining Light/ro|Casca de Miner]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[Classless Update|13 August 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/classless Classless Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gentle Manne's Service Medal}}
| '''[[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/ro|Medalia Gentle Manne]]'''
| rowspan="22" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 1 nou tip de joc ([[King of the Hill/ro|Regele Dealului]])
* 5 harti noi ([[Offblast/ro|Offblast]], [[Viaduct/ro|Viaduct]], Sawmill (KOTH), Nucleus (KOTH), Sawmill ([[CTF/ro|CTF]])).
* [[Camera Beard/ro|Camera Beard/ro]] mutata sa foloseasca slot-ul [[Hats|Cap]].
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Camera Beard}}
| '''[[Camera Beard/ro|Camera din Barbă]]'''
| rowspan="20" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Baseball Bill's Sports Shine}}
| '''[[Baseball Bill's Sports Shine/ro|Cariera Strălucită a Capului Descoperit]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ye Olde Baker Boy}}
| '''[[Ye Olde Baker Boy/ro|Pălăria de Livrări]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bonk Helm}}
| '''[[Bonk Helm/ro|Casca cu Bonk]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Professional's Panama}}
| '''[[Professional's Panama/ro|Pălăria de Paie Profesională]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Master's Yellow Belt}}
| '''[[Master's Yellow Belt/ro|Centura Galbenă a Maestrului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative}}
| '''[[Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative/ro|Fixativul de Păr al lui Ritzy Rick]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Tyrant's Helm}}
| '''[[Tyrant's Helm/ro|Casca Tiranului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Stainless Pot}}
| '''[[Stainless Pot/ro|Oala de la Popotă]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Glengarry Bonnet}}
| '''[[Glengarry Bonnet/ro|Boneta Glengarry]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Scotsman's Stove Pipe}}
| '''[[Scotsman's Stove Pipe/ro|Burlanul Scoţianului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Vintage Tyrolean}}
| '''[[Vintage Tyrolean/ro|Pălăria Bavareză]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Otolaryngologist's Mirror}}
| '''[[Otolaryngologist's Mirror/ro|Oglinda Otolaringologistului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Officer's Ushanka}}
| '''[[Officer's Ushanka/ro|Căciula Sovietului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Tough Guy's Toque}}
| '''[[Tough Guy's Toque/ro|Fesul Durului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Brigade Helm}}
| '''[[Brigade Helm/ro|Casca de Pompier]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Respectless Rubber Glove}}
| '''[[Respectless Rubber Glove/ro|Mănuşa de Plastic]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Backbiter's Billycock}}
| '''[[Backbiter's Billycock/ro|Pălăria Mafiotului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Texas Ten Gallon}}
| '''[[Texas Ten Gallon/ro|Pălăria Texanului]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Texas Slim's Dome Shine}}
| '''[[Texas Slim's Dome Shine/ro|Domul Strălucitor din Texas]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Engineer's Cap}}
| '''[[Engineer's Cap/ro|Şapca CFR-istului]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[September 2, 2009 Patch|2 Septembrie 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2787 Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Cheater's Lament}}
| '''[[Cheater's Lament/ro|Coroana Sfântă]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Coroana Sfântă oferita jucatorilor care nu au folosit aplicatii externe de idle (vezi [[Idling/ro|Idling]]) pentru a obtine obiecte mai repede.
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[Hallowe'en Special|29 Octombrie 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch Hallowe'en Special]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ghastly Gibus}}
| '''[[Ghastly Gibus/ro|Îngrozitorul Gibus]]'''
| rowspan="2" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 2 harti noi ([[Harvest/ro|Harvest]], [[Harvest Event/ro|Harvest Event]])
* [[Scarechievements/ro|Speriachievementuri]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask}}
| '''[[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask/ro|Punga Înspăimântătoare de Halloween]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[November 2, 2009 Patch|2 Noiembrie 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3045 Left 4 Dead 2 promotion]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items|Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bill's Hat}}
| '''[[Bill's Hat/ro|Pălăria lui Bill]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* S-a adaugat Pălăria lui Bill pentru jucatorii care au pre-comandat [[Left 4 Dead 2/ro|Left 4 Dead 2]].
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[WAR! Update|17 Decembrie 2009]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/war WAR! Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon class|class=Demo|link=Demoman}}<br/>[[Demoman]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Scottish Resistance}}
| '''[[Scottish Resistance/ro|Rezistenţa Scoţiană]]'''
| rowspan="12" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Sistemul de [[Crafting/ro|Fabricarea]].
* 2 harti noi ([[Double Cross/ro|Double Cross]], [[Gorge/ro|Gorge]])
* [[Soldier achievements/ro|Realizările Soldier-ului]]
* [[Demoman achievements/ro|Realizările Demoman-ului]]
* [[Camera Beard/ro|Camera din Barbă]] a fost mutata inapoi in slot-ul [[misc/ro|obiecte diverse]].
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Chargin' Targe}}
| '''[[Chargin' Targe/ro|Scutul Şarjator]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Eyelander}}
| '''[[Eyelander/ro|Ochiolander]]'''
| rowspan="4" | {{Icon class|class=Soldier|link=Soldier}}<br/>[[Soldier]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Direct Hit}}
| '''[[Direct Hit/ro|Lovitura Directă]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Buff Banner}}
| '''[[Buff Banner/ro|Steguleţul]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gunboats}}
| '''[[Gunboats/ro|Cizmele Blindate]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Equalizer}}
| '''[[Equalizer/ro|Egalizatorul]]'''
| rowspan="5" | [[Crafting]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Refined Metal}}
| '''[[Refined Metal/ro|Fier Rafinat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Reclaimed Metal}}
| '''[[Reclaimed Metal/ro|Fier Prelucrat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Scrap Metal}}
| '''[[Scrap Metal/ro|Fier Vechi]]'''
| [[File:Token_blank_class.png|76px|link=Tokens]]
| '''[[Tokens/ro|Jetoane Clasă]]'''
| [[File:Token_blank_slot.png|76px|link=Tokens]]
| '''[[Tokens/ro|Jetoane Slot]]'''
== 2010 ==
{| class="wikitable grid plainlinks" style="text-align: center;" width="100%"
!class="header" style="width: 10%" | Grup
!class="header" style="width: 15%" | Icoana Obiectului
!class="header" style="width: 35%" | Numele Obiectului
!class="header"                    | Note
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[January 27, 2010 Patch|January 27, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/3380 Propaganda Contest]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Modest Pile of Hat}}
| '''[[Modest Pile of Hat]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | [[Propaganda Contest]] winners were awarded a unique version of the new hats.
* 1st place: "J. Axer's Dapper Topper"
* 2nd place: "Amber's Rad as Hell Hat"
* 3rd place: "Uncle Sam"
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Noble Amassment of Hats}}
| '''[[Noble Amassment of Hats]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Towering Pillar of Hats}}
| '''[[Towering Pillar of Hats]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[March 18, 2010 Patch|March 18, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3618 First Contribution Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Weapons]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Pain Train}}
| '''[[Pain Train]]'''
| rowspan="12" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added items submitted to the [[Contribution page|Contribute! site]] by members of the community
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dalokohs Bar}}
| '''[[Dalokohs Bar]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Homewrecker}}
| '''[[Homewrecker]]'''
| rowspan="8" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Troublemaker's Tossle Cap}}
| '''[[Troublemaker's Tossle Cap]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Shooter's Sola Topi}}
| '''[[Shooter's Sola Topi]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Killer's Kabuto}}
| '''[[Killer's Kabuto]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hustler's Hallmark}}
| '''[[Hustler's Hallmark]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hound Dog}}
| '''[[Hound Dog]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Triboniophorus Tyrannus}}
| '''[[Triboniophorus Tyrannus]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Magistrate's Mullet}}
| '''[[Magistrate's Mullet]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hotrod}}
| '''[[Hotrod]]'''
| [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Physician's Procedure Mask}}
| '''[[Physician's Procedure Mask]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[April 15, 2010 Patch|April 15, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3698 Sam & Max promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Max's Severed Head}}
| '''[[Max's Severed Head]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added Sam & Max items for players who pre-purchase [[Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse]].
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Lugermorph}}
| '''[[Lugermorph]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Big Kill}}
| '''[[Big Kill]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[April 28, 2010 Patch|April 28, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/3765 Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| {{Icon class|class=Scout|link=Scout}}<br/>[[Scout]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Crit-a-Cola}}
| '''[[Crit-a-Cola]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 1 new map ([[Freight]])
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[119th Update|April 29, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/119 119th Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mercenary}}
| '''[[Mercenary]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Medals awarded to all current players based on when they started playing TF2.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Soldier of Fortune}}
| '''[[Soldier of Fortune]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Grizzled Veteran}}
| '''[[Grizzled Veteran]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[May 5, 2010 Patch|May 5, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3788 Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Primeval Warrior}}
| '''[[Primeval Warrior]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Additional medal added for players who started in the Beta, previous medal requirements adjusted accordingly.
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[May 20, 2010 Patch|May 20, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/3850 Second Contribution Update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Weapons]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Tribalman's Shiv}}
| '''[[Tribalman's Shiv]]'''
| rowspan="13" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* [[Whiskered Gentleman]] is released as a [[hats|headgear]] item. The next day's patch on [[May 21, 2010 Patch|May 21, 2010]] moved the item to the [[Misc]] slot.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Scotsman's Skullcutter}}
| '''[[Scotsman's Skullcutter]]'''
| rowspan="10" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Whoopee Cap}}
| '''[[Whoopee Cap]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bloke's Bucket Hat}}
| '''[[Bloke's Bucket Hat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sergeant's Drill Hat}}
| '''[[Sergeant's Drill Hat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Tippler's Tricorne}}
| '''[[Tippler's Tricorne]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ze Goggles}}
| '''[[Ze Goggles]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gentleman's Gatsby}}
| '''[[Gentleman's Gatsby]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Heavy Duty Rag}}
| '''[[Heavy Duty Rag]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Vintage Merryweather}}
| '''[[Vintage Merryweather]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Frenchman's Beret}}
| '''[[Frenchman's Beret]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Safe'n'Sound}}
| '''[[Safe'n'Sound]]'''
| [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Whiskered Gentleman}}
| '''[[Whiskered Gentleman]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Mac Update|June 10, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate The Mac Update]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items|Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Earbuds}}
| '''[[Earbuds]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*[[Training]] mode
* 2 new training maps:
**A specific map for the [[Soldier]] class
**A special, guided version of [[Dustbowl]]
*Offline practice
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[The Engineer Update|July 08, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate The Engineer Update]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items|Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Golden Wrench}}
| '''[[Golden Wrench]]'''
| rowspan="5" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 4 harti noi ([[Upward]], [[Hightower]], [[Thunder Mountain]], [[Coldfront]])
* [[Engineer achievements]] pack.
* Hauling ability added for Engineers
| rowspan="4" | {{Icon class|class=Engineer|link=Engineer}}<br/>[[Engineer]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Wrangler}}
| '''[[Wrangler]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gunslinger}}
| '''[[Gunslinger]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Frontier Justice}}
| '''[[Frontier Justice]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Southern Hospitality}}
| '''[[Southern Hospitality]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[July 19, 2010 Patch|July 19, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4093 Alien Swarm Parasite promotion]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Alien Swarm Parasite}}
| '''[[Alien Swarm Parasite]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added Parasite hat to celebrate the release of [[Alien Swarm]].
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[August 25, 2010 Patch|August 25, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4245 Worms: Reloaded promotion]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Lumbricus Lid}}
| '''[[Lumbricus Lid]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added Lumbricus Lid for players who pre-purchase [[Worms: Reloaded]].
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[Mann-Conomy Update|September 30, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/mannconomy Mann-Conomy Update]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mann Co. Cap}}
| '''[[Mann Co. Cap]]'''
| rowspan="45" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* [[Trading]] system
* [[Vintage]] item [[quality]]
* Mann Co. in-game [[store]]
* Action items
* Item customization (through the [[Name Tag]] and [[Paint Can]])
[[Paint Can]]s available:
* A Deep Commitment to Purple
* Aged Moustache Grey
* Australium Gold
* Color No. 216-190-216
* Indubitably Green
* Mann Co. Orange
* Muskelmannbraun
* Noble Hatter's Violet
* Peculiarly Drab Tincture
* Radigan Conagher Brown
* Ye Olde Rustic Colour
* Zephaniah's Greed
* An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge
* A Distinctive Lack of Hue
| rowspan="3" | [[Weapons]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Vita-Saw}}
| '''[[Vita-Saw]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
| '''[[Gloves of Running Urgently]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Rocket Jumper}}
| '''[[Rocket Jumper]]'''
| rowspan="12" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bombing Run}}
| '''[[Bombing Run]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Chieftain's Challenge}}
| '''[[Chieftain's Challenge]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dr's Dapper Topper}}
| '''[[Dr's Dapper Topper]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Stout Shako}}
| '''[[Stout Shako]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sober Stuntman}}
| '''[[Sober Stuntman]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Carouser's Capotain}}
| '''[[Carouser's Capotain]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Pugilist's Protector}}
| '''[[Pugilist's Protector]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hard Counter}}
| '''[[Hard Counter]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Old Guadalajara}}
| '''[[Old Guadalajara]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Napper's Respite}}
| '''[[Napper's Respite]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Handyman's Handle}}
| '''[[Handyman's Handle]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Wiki Cap}}
| '''[[Wiki Cap]]'''
| rowspan="5" | [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bronze Dueling Badge}}
| '''[[Bronze Dueling Badge]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Silver Dueling Badge}}
| '''[[Silver Dueling Badge]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gold Dueling Badge}}
| '''[[Gold Dueling Badge]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Platinum Dueling Badge}}
| '''[[Platinum Dueling Badge]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Polycount Pin}}
| '''[[Polycount Pin]]'''
| rowspan="4" | {{Icon item|The Special Delivery|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Scout|The Special Delivery]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Milkman}}
| '''[[Milkman]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Shortstop}}
| '''[[Shortstop]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mad Milk}}
| '''[[Mad Milk]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Holy Mackerel}}
| '''[[Holy Mackerel]]'''
| rowspan="4" | {{Icon item|The Croc-o-Style Kit|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Sniper|The Croc-o-Style Kit]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ol' Snaggletooth}}
| '''[[Ol' Snaggletooth]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sydney Sleeper}}
| '''[[Sydney Sleeper]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Darwin's Danger Shield}}
| '''[[Darwin's Danger Shield]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bushwacka}}
| '''[[Bushwacka]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon item|The Tank Buster|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Soldier|The Tank Buster]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Grenadier's Softcap}}
| '''[[Grenadier's Softcap]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Black Box}}
| '''[[Black Box]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Battalion's Backup}}
| '''[[Battalion's Backup]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon item|The Gas Jockey's Gear|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Pyro|The Gas Jockey's Gear]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Attendant}}
| '''[[Attendant]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Degreaser}}
| '''[[Degreaser]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Powerjack}}
| '''[[Powerjack]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon item|The Saharan Spy|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Spy|The Saharan Spy]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Familiar Fez}}
| '''[[Familiar Fez]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|L'Etranger}}
| '''[[L'Etranger]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Your Eternal Reward}}
| '''[[Your Eternal Reward]]'''
| rowspan="4" | [[Tools]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Name Tag}}
| '''[[Name Tag]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Paint Can}}
| '''[[Paint Can]]s'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mann Co. Supply Crate Key}}
| '''[[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Mann Co. Supply Crate}}
| '''[[Mann Co. Supply Crate]]'''
| [[Dueling]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dueling Mini-Game}}
| '''[[Dueling Mini-Game]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[action items|Gifts]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Secret Saxton}}
| '''[[Secret Saxton]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Pile o' Gifts}}
| '''[[Pile o' Gifts]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[October 6, 2010 Patch|October 06, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4441 Left 4 Dead 2 promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ellis' Cap}}
| '''[[Ellis' Cap]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added Remove [[Name Tag|Name]] and Remove [[Paint Can|Paint]] features
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Frying Pan}}
| '''[[Frying Pan]]'''
| [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Rimmed Raincatcher}}
| '''[[Rimmed Raincatcher]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[October 18, 2010 Patch|October 18, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4506 Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[action items|Gifts]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Gift Wrap}}
| '''[[Gift Wrap]]'''
| rowspan="2" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added ability to send gifts.
| [[File:Carefully_Wrapped_Gift.png|76px|link=Carefully Wrapped Gift]]
| '''[[Carefully Wrapped Gift]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[Scream Fortress|October 27, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress Scream Fortress update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Weapons]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sticky Jumper}}
| '''[[Sticky Jumper]]'''
| rowspan="13" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* 2 harti noi ([[Mann Manor]], [[Mountain Lab]]).
* [[Ghostchievements]] pack.
* All currently-existing [[Ghastly Gibus]]es were changed to a [[Ghastlier Gibus]].
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker}}
| '''[[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]]'''
| rowspan="6" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ghastlier Gibus}}
| '''[[Ghastlier Gibus]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head}}
| '''[[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Voodoo Juju}}
| '''[[Voodoo Juju]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Spine-Chilling Skull}}
| '''[[Spine-Chilling Skull]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Cadaver's Cranium}}
| '''[[Cadaver's Cranium]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Horrific Headsplitter}}
| '''[[Horrific Headsplitter]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[Halloween Masks|Masks]]
| [[File:Item icon Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask.png|76px|link=Halloween Masks]]
| '''[[Halloween Masks]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Saxton Hale Mask}}
| '''[[Saxton Hale Mask]]'''
| [[Crafting]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Haunted Metal Scrap}}
| '''[[Haunted Metal Scrap]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[Tools]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Description Tag}}
| '''[[Description Tag]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Noise Maker Bundle}}
| '''[[Noise Maker]]s'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[November 3, 2010 Patch|November 03, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4608 Poker Night at the Inventory promotion]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items|Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dealer's Visor}}
| '''[[Dealer's Visor]]'''
| align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added Dealer's Visor for players who pre-purchase [[Poker Night at the Inventory]].
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[November 19, 2010 Patch|November 19, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4669 Poker Night at the Inventory update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="5" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Enthusiast's Timepiece}}
| '''[[Enthusiast's Timepiece]]'''
| rowspan="6" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added awards for [[Poker Night at the Inventory]] achievements.
* Updated some item capabilities:
** [[Employee badges]] can now have [[Name Tag|custom names]].
** The [[Stickybomb Jumper]] can now be [[Gift Wrap|giftwrapped]].
** The [[Spine-Chilling Skull]] and [[Voodoo Juju]] hats are now paintable.
** Improved the Spine-Chilling Skull and Voodoo Juju hat positions on the Sniper.
** Added the original [[Übersaw]] taunt to the [[Vita-Saw]].
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Iron Curtain}}
| '''[[Iron Curtain]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|License to Maim}}
| '''[[License to Maim]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dangeresque, Too?}}
| '''[[Dangeresque, Too?]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Companion Cube Pin}}
| '''[[Companion Cube Pin]]'''
| [[Tool]]
| [[File:Item icon Paint Can TeamSpirit.png|76px|link=Paint Can]]
| '''[[Paint Can|Team Spirit Paint Can]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[December 7, 2010 Patch|December 07, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4751 Treasure Hunt update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Bounty Hat}}
| '''[[Bounty Hat]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added awards for completing objectives in [[The Great Steam Treasure Hunt]].
* Fixed a bug that enabled players to weapon switch away from the [[Iron Curtain]] during spin down.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Treasure Hat}}
| '''[[Treasure Hat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect}}
| '''[[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[December 10, 2010 Patch|December 10, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4774 Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Tools]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Festive Winter Crate}}
| '''[[Festive Winter Crate]]'''
| rowspan="2" align="left" | [[Paint Can]]s available:
* A Color Similar to Slate
* Dark Salmon Injustice
* Drably Olive
* Pink as Hell
* The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime
* The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants 
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Paint Can}}
| '''[[Paint Can]]s'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[December 13, 2010 Patch|December 13, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4779 Killing Floor promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="2" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Foster's Facade}}
| '''[[Foster's Facade]]'''
| rowspan="2" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* Added [[Killing Floor]] promotional items. [[Vintage]] versions given to players who purchased it before December 14, 2010. Normal versions given to player who purchased between then and January 4, 2011.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Stockbroker's Scarf}}
| '''[[Stockbroker's Scarf]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[Australian Christmas|December 17, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas Australian Christmas]''</span> ===
| [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|World Traveler's Hat}}
| '''[[World Traveler's Hat]]'''
| rowspan="36" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* The [[backpack]]'s storage capability was increased to 300.
* Added [[Medieval Mode]], a game mode where players are restricted to using olde weapons.
* One new map, [[Degroot Keep]], was added.
* Added a prototype [[Item Test|item test]]ing map, and associated functionality, for contributors to test their work.
| rowspan="6" | [[Weapons]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Back Scratcher}}
| '''[[Back Scratcher]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Boston Basher}}
| '''[[Boston Basher]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Candy Cane}}
| '''[[Candy Cane]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Claidheamohmor}}
| '''[[Claidheamh Mòr]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Fists of Steel}}
| '''[[Fists of Steel]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Jag}}
| '''[[Jag]]'''
| rowspan="15" | [[Hats]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Defiant Spartan}}
| '''[[Defiant Spartan]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Magnificent Mongolian}}
| '''[[Magnificent Mongolian]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Prince Tavish's Crown}}
| '''[[Prince Tavish's Crown]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Larrikin Robin}}
| '''[[Larrikin Robin]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Coupe D'isaster}}
| '''[[Coupe D'isaster]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Detective Noir}}
| '''[[Detective Noir]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Buckaroos Hat}}
| '''[[Buckaroos Hat]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Flipped Trilby}}
| '''[[Flipped Trilby]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|German Gonzila}}
| '''[[German Gonzila]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Madame Dixie}}
| '''[[Madame Dixie]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Pyromancer's Mask}}
| '''[[Pyromancer's Mask]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|A Rather Festive Tree}}
| '''[[A Rather Festive Tree]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Prancer's Pride}}
| '''[[Prancer's Pride]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Industrial Festivizer}}
| '''[[Industrial Festivizer]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Exquisite Rack}}
| '''[[Exquisite Rack]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[Misc]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Blighted Beak}}
| '''[[Blighted Beak]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Le Party Phantom}}
| '''[[Le Party Phantom]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon item|The Expert's Ordnance|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Demoman|The Expert's Ordnance]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Scotch Bonnet}}
| '''[[Scotch Bonnet]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Loch-n-Load}}
| '''[[Loch-n-Load]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Ullapool Caber}}
| '''[[Ullapool Caber]]'''
| rowspan="4" | {{Icon item|The Hibernating Bear|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Heavy|The Hibernating Bear]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Big Chief}}
| '''[[Big Chief]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Brass Beast}}
| '''[[Brass Beast]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
| '''[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Warrior's Spirit}}
| '''[[Warrior's Spirit]]'''
| rowspan="3" | {{Icon item|The Medieval Medic|size=76px}}<br />[[Item sets#The Medic|The Medieval Medic]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Berliner's Bucket Helm}}
| '''[[Berliner's Bucket Helm]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Crusader's Crossbow}}
| '''[[Crusader's Crossbow]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Amputator}}
| '''[[Amputator]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[Tools]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Festive Winter Crate Key}}
| '''[[Festive Winter Crate Key]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Backpack Expander}}
| '''[[Backpack Expander]]'''
! class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[December 22, 2010 Patch|December 22, 2010]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4831/ Team Fortress 2 update]''</span> ===
| rowspan="1" | [[Tools]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Stocking Stuffer Key}}
| '''[[Stocking Stuffer Key]]'''
| rowspan="1" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
* The [[Blighted Beak]] was moved to use the [[misc]] slot.
* The [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]'s speed boost no longer stacks with other speed boosts.
* The [[Rocket Jumper]] and [[Sticky Jumper]] now have no max health penalty, and have damage vulnerabilities instead.
== 2011 ==
{| class="wikitable grid plainlinks" style="text-align: center;" width="100%"
!class="header" style="width: 10%" | Grup
!class="header" style="width: 15%" | Icoana Obiectului
!class="header" style="width: 35%" | Numele Obiectului
!class="header"                    | Note
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[January 24, 2011 Patch|January 24, 2011]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4911/ Monday Night Combat Promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Athletic Supporter}}
| '''[[Athletic Supporter]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*Added Monday Night Combat items for players who purchase [[Monday Night Combat]] before February 1st, 10am PST.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Essential Accessories}}
| '''[[Essential Accessories]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Superfan}}
| '''[[Superfan]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[February 3, 2011 Patch|February 3, 2011]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/4967/ RIFT Promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sharpened Volcano Fragment}}
| '''[[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]]'''
| rowspan="3" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*Added RIFT items for players who purchase [[RIFT]] before March 1st.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Sun-On-A-Stick}}
| '''[[Sun-on-a-Stick]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code}}
| '''[[RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[February 28, 2011 Patch|February 28, 2011]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/5068/ Homefront Promotion]''</span> ===
| rowspan="1" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Hero's Hachimaki}}
| '''[[Hero's Hachimaki]]'''
| rowspan="1" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*Added Hero's Hachimaki hat for players who purchase [[Homefront]] before March 15th.
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[March 10, 2011 Patch|March 10, 2011]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/5105/ The Shogun Pack]''</span> ===
| rowspan="8" | [[Promotional items| Promo]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Fan O'War}}
| '''[[Fan O'War]]'''
| rowspan="9" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*Added [[Shogun Pack|The Shogun Pack]] for players who pre-purchase ''[[Total War: Shogun 2]]'' before March 15th.
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Concheror}}
| '''[[Concheror]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Half-Zatoichi}}
| '''[[Half-Zatoichi]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Conniver's Kunai}}
| '''[[Conniver's Kunai]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Samur-Eye}}
| '''[[Samur-Eye]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Dread Knot}}
| '''[[Dread Knot]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Geisha Boy}}
| '''[[Geisha Boy]]'''
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Noh Mercy}}
| '''[[Noh Mercy]]'''
| rowspan="1" | [[Action items| Action Item]]
| {{Icon item|size=76px|Noise Maker - Koto}}
| '''[[Noise Maker - Koto]]'''
!class="subheader" colspan="4" |
=== <span style="font-size:75%;">'''[[March 23, 2011 Patch|March 23, 2011]]''' &mdash; ''[http://store.steampowered.com/news/5173/ Japan Charity Bundle]''</span> ===
| rowspan="3" | [[Hats]]
| {{item icon|size=76px|Humanitarian's Hachimaki}}
| '''[[Humanitarian's Hachimaki]]'''
| rowspan="5" align="left" | De asemenea incluse în această actualizare:
*Add [[Japan Charity Bundle]].
| {{item icon|size=76px|Benefactor's Kanmuri}}
| '''[[Benefactor's Kanmuri]]'''
| {{item icon|size=76px|Magnanimous Monarch}}
| '''[[Magnanimous Monarch]]'''
| rowspan="2" | [[Action items]]
| {{item icon|size=76px|Noise Maker - Bell}}
| '''[[Noise Maker - Bell]]'''
| {{item icon|size=76px|Noise Maker - Gong}}
| '''[[Noise Maker - Gong]]'''
== See also ==
* [[Items]]
* [[Hats]]
[[Category:Items| ]]

Latest revision as of 18:25, 21 March 2024

De la arme la mănuși, de la pești la pălării, nu toate obiecte din Team Fortress 2 au făcut parte din joc de la bun început. Majoritatea au fost adăugate în joc prin intermediul actualizărilor majore sau pachetelor de conținut, lansate pe durata istoriei jocului.

Această pagină ce crește anual documentează cronologic obiectele din Team Fortress 2.

Cronologia obiectelor, pentru fiecare an în parte

Vezi și