Difference between revisions of "Template:List of weapon styles"

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(Undo edit by Snuffleupagus (Talk) (472771) (someone is already working on this))
(152 intermediate revisions by 57 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" width="85%"
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="100%" cellpadding="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
| style="background:#F3A957; width:10%;" rowspan="2" | '''{{Class link|Pyro|br=yes}}'''
! colspan="6" style="background:#F3A957;" | {{Navbar float|List of weapon styles}} {{lang
| rowspan="2" width="20%" | '''[[Pyromancer's Mask{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Pyromancer's Mask}}]]'''
| en = Weapons styles list
| style="height:90px;" | [[File:Painted Pyromancer's Mask 729E42.png|60px|link=Pyromancer's Mask{{if lang}}]]
| cs = Styly zbraní
| [[File:Painted Pyromancer's Mask 729E42 Full Color Paint.png|60px|link=Pyromancer's Mask{{if lang}}]]
| da = Liste over våbenstile
| [[File:Painted Pyromancer's Mask 729E42 Stylish Paint.png|60px|link=Pyromancer's Mask{{if lang}}]]
| de = Liste der Waffenstile
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| es = Lista de estilos de las armas
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{item name|Original}}
| fi = Lista aseiden tyyleistä
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{item name|Full Color Paint}}
| fr = Liste des styles des armes
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{item name|Stylish Paint}}
| ja = スタイルの変更が可能な武器の一覧
| ko = 무기 양식 목록
| nl = Lijst van wapenstijlen
| pl = Lista stylów broni
| pt = Lista de estilos de armas
| pt-br = Lista de estilos de armas
| ru = Список стилей оружия
| sv = Lista med vapenstilar
| tr = Silah tarzları listesi
| zh-hans = 武器式样列表
| zh-hant = 武器樣式
| style="background:#F3A957;" rowspan="2" | '''{{Class link|Demoman|br=yes}}'''
<!-- Scout -->
| rowspan="2" | '''[[Scotsman's Stove Pipe{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Scotsman's Stove Pipe}}]]'''
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFBD7E;" | {{class link|Scout|br=yes}}
| style="height:90px;" | [[File:Painted Scotsman's Stove Pipe E7B53B.png|60px|link=Scotsman's Stove Pipe{{if lang}}]]
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | '''{{item link|Flying Guillotine}}'''
| [[File:Painted Scotsman's Stove Pipe E7B53B Garish and Overbearing.png|60px|link=Scotsman's Stove Pipe{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:Flying Guillotine Thirsty.png|60px|link=Flying Guillotine{{if lang}}]]
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| [[File:Flying Guillotine Thirstier.png|60px|link=Flying Guillotine{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#F9D483;" | {{item name|Tasteful and Refined}}
| style="background:#F9D483;" | {{item name|Garish and Overbearing}}
| style="background:#F3A957;" rowspan="2" | '''{{Class link|Engineer|br=yes}}'''
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Thirsty - Flying Guillotine}}
| rowspan="2" | '''[[Googly Gazer{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Googly Gazer}}]]'''
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Thirstier}}
| style="height:90px;" | [[File:RED Googly Gazer.png|70px|link=Googly Gazer{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:RED Googly Gazer Machine in the Man.png|70px|link=Googly Gazer{{if lang}}]]
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | {{item name|Mad Science}}
| style="background:#F9D483;" | {{item name|Machine in the Man}}
| style="background:#F3A957;" rowspan="2" | '''[[Hats{{if lang}}|{{class name|All classes}}]]'''
<!-- Demoman -->
| rowspan="2" | '''[[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect}}]]'''
! rowspan="4" style="background-color:#FFBd7E;" | {{class link|Demoman|br=yes}}
| style="height:90px;" | {{Icon item|Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect|90px}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | '''{{item link|Splendid Screen}}'''
| {{Icon item|Treasure Hat|90px}}
| [[File:Splendid Screen Classic.png|60px|link=Splendid Screen{{if lang}}]]
| {{Icon item|Bounty Hat|90px}}
| [[File:Splendid Screen Spike.png|60px|link=Splendid Screen{{if lang}}]]
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| [[File:Splendid Screen Arrow.png|110px|link=Splendid Screen{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect}}]]"
| [[File:Splendid Screen Spike and Arrow.png|110px|link=Splendid Screen{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Treasure Hat{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Treasure Hat}}]]"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Bounty Hat{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Bounty Hat}}]]"
| style="background:#F3A957;" rowspan="2" | '''[[Hats{{if lang}}|{{class name|All classes}}]]'''
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Classic - Splendid Screen}}
| rowspan="2" | '''[[Treasure Hat{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Treasure Hat}}]]'''
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Spike}}
| style="height:90px;" | {{Icon item|Treasure Hat|90px}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Arrow}}
| {{Icon item|Bounty Hat|90px}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Spike and Arrow}}
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Treasure Hat{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Treasure Hat}}]]"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Bounty Hat{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Bounty Hat}}]]"
| style="background:#F3A957;" rowspan="2" | '''[[Hats{{if lang}}|{{class name|All classes}}]]'''
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | '''{{item link|Festive Stickybomb Launcher}}'''
| rowspan="2" | '''[[Ghastlier Gibus{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Ghastlier Gibus}}]]'''
| [[File:Festive Stickybomb Launcher Festive.png|90px|link=Stickybomb Launcher{{if lang}}]]
| style="height:90px;" | {{Icon item|Ghastlier Gibus|90px}}
| [[File:Festive Stickybomb Launcher Festivest.png|90px|link=Stickybomb Launcher{{if lang}}]]
| {{Icon item|Ghastly Gibus|90px}}
|- style="font-size:95%;"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Ghastlier Gibus{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Ghastlier Gibus}}]]"
| style="background:#F9D483;" | "[[Ghastly Gibus{{if lang}}|{{hat name|Ghastly Gibus}}]]"
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Festive}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Festivest}}
<!-- Spy -->
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFBD7E;" | {{class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | '''{{item link|Black Rose}}'''
| [[File:Black Rose Mystery and True Love.png|60px|link=Black Rose{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:Black Rose Baccara.png|60px|link=Black Rose{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Mystery and True Love}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Baccara}}
<!-- All classes-->
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFBD7E;" | {{class link|All classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | '''{{item link|Bat Outta Hell}}'''<sup>†</sup>
| [[File:Bat Outta Hell Universal.png|60px|link=Bat Outta Hell{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:Bat Outta Hell Scout.png|60px|link=Bat Outta Hell{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:Bat Outta Hell Demoman.png|60px|link=Bat Outta Hell{{if lang}}]]
| [[File:Bat Outta Hell Soldier.png|60px|link=Bat Outta Hell{{if lang}}]]
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Universal}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Scout - Bat Outta Hell}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Demoman - Bat Outta Hell}}
| style="background:#F9D483; width:20%;" | {{style name|Soldier - Bat Outta Hell}}
! colspan="2" style="background:#FFBD7E;" | {{common string|Notes}}
| colspan="4" style="background:#FEF5E0; text-align:left;" |
* <sup>†</sup>{{used by|all-except|Engineer|Spy}}
{{Translation switching|en, cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, sv, tr, zh-hans, zh-hant}}

Latest revision as of 00:21, 4 March 2025

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To be used on the styles page.