Difference between revisions of "User:Frika"

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m (status update)
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[[File:Steam tray.png|50px|link=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032528023]]
<div style="background:#C0C0C0;border: solid brown 5px;padding:2em;-moz-border-radius:70px;-webkit-border-radius:70px;-o-border-radius:70px;z-index:-10">
{{User banner
| steamid=MissFrikaTheNinjaMedic
| color=maroon
Hello there! Welcome to my completely original page! Because I totally did NOT steal the page design from anyone...*chough*
== About Me ==
I'm a Swedish translator contributing to the Wiki in hope to one day see that every page has a Swedish translation.
I appreciate all the suggestions and help I can get; also, feel free to contact or invite me via my Steam profile. :)
{{User infobox
| title = Miss Frika
| infoboxcolour = #A52A2A
| image = Vintage_Tyrolean.png
| type = Translator
| gender = Female
| age =  Born the 21st of August, 1992
| favclass = [[File:Leaderboard class medic.png|48px]] Tied with [[File:Leaderboard class sniper.png|48px]]
| favhat = [[File:RED_Wiki_Cap.png|48px]]
| steampage = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/MissFrikaTheNinjaMedic Miss Frika]
== Current Tasks ==
== Current Tasks ==
* Translating the most wanted pages
* Updating and cleaning up old pages.
* Keeping a close eye on the recent changes log.
Going through the already existing Swedish pages correcting errors and updating content. Will be translating English pages into Swedish as soon as I've finished correcting. I'm quite a busy person so I may not be able to translate a new page everyday, but I'll try. Critisism and suggestions are most appreciated; feel free to contact me on my Steam profile.
== User Boxes ==
== Translations ==
| {{User Wiki age|year=2011|month=01|day=03}}
=== Weapons ===
| {{User Swedish}}
{| class="wikitable grid" style="text-align: left" width="75%"
| {{User Coffee addict}}
! class="header" | Weapons
| {{User Large Edit}}
! class="header" | Vapen
| {{User Wiki translator}}
! class="header" |
| {{User Wiki Cap}}
| [[Candy Cane]]
| {{User Photoshop}}
| [[Candy_Cane/sv|Candy Cane]]
| {{User Spy}}
| {{c|Done}}
| {{User Medic}}
| [[Boston Basher]]
| [[Boston_Basher/sv|Boston Basher]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]]
| [[Scotsman's Skullcutter/sv|Skottens Skallskärare]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Buff Banner]]
| [[Buff_Banner/sv|Buffbaneret]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Battalion's Backup]]
| [[Battalion's_Backup/sv|Bataljonens Förstärkning]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Frying Pan]]
| [[Frying_Pan/sv|Stekpannan]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Flare Gun]]
| [[Flare_Gun/sv|Signalpistolen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Fire Axe]]
| [[Fire_Axe/sv|Brandyxa]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Axtinguisher]]
| [[Axtinguisher/sv|Brandslaktaren]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Homewrecker]]
| [[Homewrecker/sv|Hemrivaren]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Powerjack]]
| [[Powerjack/sv|Eldomkraften]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Back Scratcher]]
| [[Back_Scratcher/sv|Back Scratcher]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Loch-n-Load]]
| [[Loch-n-Load/sv|Loch-n-Load]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Stickybomb Launcher]]
| [[Stickybomb_Launcher/sv|Klisterbombskastare]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Chargin' Targe]]
| [[Chargin'_Targe/sv|Chargin' Targe]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Scottish Resistance]]
| [[Scottish_Resistance/sv|Skotska Motståndet]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Sticky Jumper]]
| [[Sticky_Jumper/sv|Klisterbombshopparen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Bottle]]
| [[Bottle/sv| Flaska]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Eyelander]]
| [[Eyelander/sv|Eyelander]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]]
| [[Horseless_Headless_Horsemann's_Headtaker/sv|Hästlöse Huvudlöse Horsemanns Halshuggare]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Ullapool Caber]]
| [[Ullapool_Caber/sv|Ullapool Caber]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Claidheamh Mòr]]
| [[Claidheamh_Mòr/sv|Claidheamh Mòr]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Sandvich]]
| [[Sandvich/sv|Smörgosen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Dalokohs Bar]]
| [[Dalokohs_Bar/sv|Dalokohs-Kakan]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
| [[Buffalo_Steak_Sandvich/sv|Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Fists]]
| [[Fists/sv|Knytnävar]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Killing Gloves of Boxing]]
| [[Killing_Gloves_of_Boxing/sv|Kalinins Grymma Boxningshandskar]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Gloves of Running Urgently]]
| [[Gloves_of_Running_Urgently/sv|Handskar av Brådskande Löpning]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Warrior's Spirit]]
| [[Warrior's_Spirit/sv|Warrior's Spirit]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Fists of Steel]]
| [[Fists_of_Steel/sv|Fists of Steel]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Frontier Justice]]
| [[Frontier_Justice/sv|Den Laglöses Rättvisa]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Wrench]]
| [[Wrench/sv|Skiftnyckel]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Jag]]
| [[Jag/sv|Jag]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[PDA]]
| [[PDA/sv|PDA]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Syringe Gun]]
| [[Syringe_Gun/sv|Sprutgevär]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Blutsauger]]
| [[Blutsauger/sv|Blutsaugern]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Crusader's Crossbow]]
| [[Crusader's_Crossbow/sv|Crusader's Crossbow]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Medi Gun]]
| [[Medi_Gun/sv|Hälsovapen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Bonesaw]]
| [[Bonesaw/sv|Bensåg]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Übersaw]]
| [[Übersaw/sv|Übersågen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Vita-Saw]]
| [[Vita-Saw/sv|Vita-Sågen]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Amputator]]
| [[Amputator/sv|Amputator]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Huntsman]]
| [[Huntsman/sv|Huntsman]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Sydney Sleeper]]
| [[Sydney_Sleeper/sv|Sydney-Sövaren]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Jarate]]
| [[Jarate/sv|Jarate]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Kukri]]
| [[Kukri/sv|Kukri]]
| {{c|Done}}
| [[Tribalman's Shiv]]
| [[Tribalman's_Shiv/sv|Stamherrens Hemgjorda Kniv]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Bushwacka]]
| [[Bushwacka/sv|Bushwacka]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Revolver]]
| [[Revolver/sv|Revolver]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Big Kill]]
| [[Big_Kill/sv|Big Kill]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[L'Etranger]]
| [[L'Etranger/sv|L'Etranger]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Electro Sapper]]
| [[Electro_Sapper/sv|Electro Sapper]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Knife]]
| [[Knife/sv|Kniv]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Your Eternal Reward]]
| [[Your_Eternal_Reward/sv|Din Eviga Belöning]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Disguise Kit]]
| [[Disguise_Kit/sv|Disguise Kit]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Invisibility Watch]]
| [[Invisibility_Watch/sv|Osynlighetsklocka]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Cloak and Dagger]]
| [[Cloak_and_Dagger/sv|Dolken och Manteln]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Dead Ringer]]
| [[Dead_Ringer/sv|Dödsringaren]]
| {{c|Not done}}
| [[Enthusiast's Timepiece]]
| [[Enthusiast's_Timepiece/sv|Enthusiast's Timepiece]]
| {{c|Done}}
| {{User Sniper}}
| {{User Pyro}}
| {{User Soldier}}
== User Boxes ==
{{User Swedish}}
{{User Photoshop}}
{{User Amd}}
{{User Large Edit}}
{{User Coffee addict}}
{{User Bonk addict}}
{{User Credit to Wiki}}
{{User Spy}}
{{User Medic}}
{{User Pyro}}
{{User Sniper}}
{{User Soldier}}

Latest revision as of 14:31, 7 March 2012

Hello there! Welcome to my completely original page! Because I totally did NOT steal the page design from anyone...*chough*

About Me

I'm a Swedish translator contributing to the Wiki in hope to one day see that every page has a Swedish translation.

I appreciate all the suggestions and help I can get; also, feel free to contact or invite me via my Steam profile. :)

Miss Frika
Basic information
Type: Translator
Gender: Female
Age: Born the 21st of August, 1992
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class medic.png Tied with Leaderboard class sniper.png
Favourite hats: RED Wiki Cap.png
Contact information
Steam page: Miss Frika

Current Tasks

  • Translating the most wanted pages
  • Updating and cleaning up old pages.
  • Keeping a close eye on the recent changes log.

User Boxes

Dead Heat Icon.png As of 13 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 2 months, 10 days (since 03 January, 2011).

Flag Sweden.png This user is Swedish. Hej på dig!
Coffee Icon.png This user drinks far too much coffee.
LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
RED Wiki Cap.png This user owns a Wiki Cap.
Photoshop icon.png This user knows her way around Photoshop.
User Spy.png This user is a Spy.
“You know, hiding won’t save you.”
User Medic.png This user is a Medic.
“Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
User Sniper.png This user is a Sniper.
“Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
User Pyro.png This user is a Pyro.
“Mhmmh... mmmmm-hmm!”
User Soldier.png This user is a Soldier.